application development with mapobjects and visual basic.pdf

06/03/14 Application Development with MapObjects and Visual Basic 1/9 Kristi Lombard Application Development with MapObjects and Visual Basic MapObjects will likely be the programming environment of choice for programmers wishing to build mapping capabilities into an application developed within a Windows based programming environment. While many GIS application developers may be familiar with ArcInfo and ArcView as an application development environment, they may be less familiar with MapObjects and the programming environments that MapObjects is designed to work within. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of Object Oriented Programming and to provide techniques for taking advantage of the constructs that such an environment provides. This paper then discusses specific techniques for building an application with MapObjects within a Visual Basic environment. Introduction The last several years have witnessed a significant shift toward personal computers with a Windows based environment. Complementing this shift is the advent of numerous programming environments that are designed to leverage the advantages associated with Windows. Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Delphi are examples of programming environments that enable users to quickly and efficiently create programs that are robust and easy to use. GIS programmers working in a Windows environment have several choices of programming environments. Using the NT operating system, choices include ArcInfo, ArcView or MapObjects. The Windows 95 operating system offers GIS programmers ArcView and MapObjects. Most GIS developers are familiar with ArcInfo and ArcView, but perhaps less familiar with MapObjects. MapObjects is a set of mapping and GIS components for application developers. MapObjects consists of an OLE Control and a collection of programmable OLE Automation objects. MapObjects can operate within any programming environment that supports OLE controls. MapObjects is an ideal for those wishing to work within a "visual" programming environment such as Visual C++ or Visual Basic. There are several reasons a programmer may choose to develop an application with MapObjects rather than ArcView. In some situations, MapObjects offers many benefits to developers. It provides great flexibility that allows developers to create customized applications. The smaller memory footprint, or RAM requirements, allows for streamlined applications that are quick and efficient. And, the "visual" nature enables developers to implement a RAD (Rapid Application Development) paradigm. This paper focuses on application development using MapObjects in a Visual Basic environment. First, an overview of Object Oriented Programming is provided and relevant key terms and concepts of are defined. The latter section addresses coding standards and code optimization methods for building an application with MapObjects with Visual Basic. Overview of Object Oriented Programming The theory of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) was originally formulated in the process of creating languages intended to simulate real life. The first OOP language was Simula 67, developed in the sixties to

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Kristi Lombard

Application Development with MapObjects and Visual Basic

MapObjects will likely be the programming environment of choice for programmers wishing to build mapping

capabilities into an application developed within a Windows based programming environment. While many

GIS application developers may be familiar with ArcInfo and ArcView as an application development

environment, they may be less familiar with MapObjects and the programming environments that

MapObjects is designed to work within. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of Object

Oriented Programming and to provide techniques for taking advantage of the constructs that such an

environment provides. This paper then discusses specific techniques for building an application with

MapObjects within a Visual Basic environment.


The last several years have witnessed a significant shift toward personal computers with a Windows basedenvironment. Complementing this shift is the advent of numerous programming environments that are designed

to leverage the advantages associated with Windows. Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Delphi are examples of

programming environments that enable users to quickly and efficiently create programs that are robust and

easy to use.

GIS programmers working in a Windows environment have several choices of programming environments.

Using the NT operating system, choices include ArcInfo, ArcView or MapObjects. The Windows 95

operating system offers GIS programmers ArcView and MapObjects. Most GIS developers are familiar withArcInfo and ArcView, but perhaps less familiar with MapObjects. MapObjects is a set of mapping and GIS

components for application developers. MapObjects consists of an OLE Control and a collection ofprogrammable OLE Automation objects. MapObjects can operate within any programming environment that

supports OLE controls. MapObjects is an ideal for those wishing to work within a "visual" programmingenvironment such as Visual C++ or Visual Basic.

There are several reasons a programmer may choose to develop an application with MapObjects rather than

ArcView. In some situations, MapObjects offers many benefits to developers. It provides great flexibility that

allows developers to create customized applications. The smaller memory footprint, or RAM requirements,

allows for streamlined applications that are quick and efficient. And, the "visual" nature enables developers to

implement a RAD (Rapid Application Development) paradigm.

This paper focuses on application development using MapObjects in a Visual Basic environment. First, an

overview of Object Oriented Programming is provided and relevant key terms and concepts of are defined.

The latter section addresses coding standards and code optimization methods for building an application with

MapObjects with Visual Basic.

Overview of Object Oriented Programming

The theory of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) was originally formulated in the process of creating

languages intended to simulate real life. The first OOP language was Simula 67, developed in the sixties to

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solve simulation problems. Simulation modeling, such as queuing theory and discrete event simulation, is too

complex to model in a procedural way. A classic example is the bank teller problem, which involves sets of

tellers, customers, transactions, and various events and time distributions. OOP was designed to capture the

event driven nature of simulation with the ability to capture all potential interactions in a short period of time.

The object oriented model is a set of design principles that can be implemented in any programming language.

There is no standard definition of OOP; the tools available to the programmer depend on the programming

environment. The more powerful OOP programming languages have more built in constructs. Some

languages are true OOP, such as Ada and SmallTalk. Most languages are not true OOP but hybrid OOP

languages. That is, they implement some OOP concepts, yet they also allow procedural construction in

programs. Hybrid languages vary in the degree to which they can be considered OOP. They range from

powerful languages (e.g., contain most constructs that enable OOP), such as C++ and Delphi, to less

powerful (e.g. contain fewer OOP constructs), such as Visual Basic.

There are many benefits of using an OOP approach. The basic principles of the OOP paradigm are listed


1. Reusable and maintainable. The object is designed so that it is flexible to solve many problems of thesame type, rather than just the specific problem at hand.

2. Extensible. The object can evolve with new requirements. This is helpful in simulating change andgrowth.

3. Robust. The object is free of errors and safe from errors in other objects.4. Compatible. The object is independent yet can interact with other objects when required. Each object

makes as few assumptions about other objects as possible, containing just the necessary information torelate and interact with other objects.

5. Efficient. The object performs its task quickly, using as few resources as possible. Code reuse

encourages efficiency.6. Ease of use. The object is intuitive because it is based on real world examples.

7. High integrity. The object does not contradict itself nor the environment by identifying external objectinteractions

The Basic Building Blocks of OOP

Objects and classes are the basic building blocks of OOP. Often the two concepts are (incorrectly) usedinterchangeably, however they are fundamentally different.


An object is a "black box" that receives and sends messages. The object contains code (sequences of

computer instructions) and data (information that the instructions operate on). Traditionally code and datahave been kept apart. For example, in the C programming language, units of code are called functions, while

units of data are called structures. With OOP, the code and data are merged into an object. The user of anobject should never need to peek in side the "black box."

Ideally in creating an object, it should be as functional, reusable and persistent as the everyday object that isbeing modeled. For example, a "telephone object" in the computer should look and act like a real-world

telephone, and it should be as intuitive and easy to use. The object would have to change only when the real-world phone changes. Since the object closely represents the real-world phone, it is easy to determine what

changes should be made and where these changes should be made.

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The ability to modify software is very important. As the popular adage states, "Software is not written, it isrewritten." It is also a well-documented fact that 70% of the cost of a software system is maintenance, and a

large part of maintenance is making sure that the software system is in line with changes occurring in the realworld.

Objects have properties, behaviors and relationships. Properties are the features of objects that indicate the

current state of being. For example, the Color property of the telephone object is green. Behaviors are thefeatures of objects that enable them to respond to stimuli. For example, when a phone call comes in, the

phone will ring. Relationships are the features of objects that indicate their association with other objects. Forexample, a user is related to their telephone by ownership.


Objects are defined by its class, which determines everything about an object. Classes enable objects to begrouped based on common properties, behaviors and relationships. An object is an individual instance of a

class. For example, two coworkers may each have a telephone; that is, there are two distinct telephoneobjects belonging to the same class telephone. The two telephone objects thus have properties from being an

instance of the class telephone. For example, they both have a handset for the user to speak into, and akeypad for dialing. The two telephone objects also have the behavior of ringing upon an incoming call.

It is important to remember that the class is only a concept and only objects can have values associated with

properties. For example, the value of the Color property cannot be assigned to the class telephone, becauseeach phone could have a different color. But the value of the color property can be assigned to an instance of

the class telephone.

More OOP concepts

Following is a partial list of concepts that are important to object oriented programming; encapsulation,

inheritance, polymorphism and persistence.


Encapsulation is the bundling of details of objects so that they are self contained and identifiable. In the realworld, objects are easily identified. For example, a person's hand is part of that person, but a glove is not.

The goal is to build encapsulated objects with strong internal integrity and direct flexible access between

objects (loose coupling). This coupling between objects leads to hiding implementation details, which leads to

modular, reusable and maintainable code. Objects interact with each other by calling each other's methods,setting each other's properties and sending each other messages.

As mentioned above, objects are encapsulated at the class level. The class definition, then, will contain most

of the information about an object. The key to encapsulation is defining the interface that forms the boundarybetween the object and the environment. There are four related concepts:

1. Identity. The object should be uniquely identified from other objects, especially those in the same

class.2. Modularity. To reduce redundancy, handle the object in only one place and in only one way.

3. Information hiding. Keep information contained within the object (private) unless it is required by

another object.4. Coupling. Keep objects as loosely coupled as possible, so that objects do are not dependent on other

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objects in order to function.


Inheritance is the ability to create a new class based on an existing class. The new class' events, properties

and methods are derived from the original class. In this manner, classes can be constructed hierarchically.Returning to the telephone example, the telephone class has the property of having a handset. The telephone

class can have subclasses for phones of type cordless and mobile. The cordless and mobile phone subclasses

inherit the properties of having a handset. Inheritance avoids redundancy in definition, which can lead to


A classic example is the shape class where the base type is "shape." Each shape has a size, color, and

position property. From the base shape class, specific types of shapes, such as circle and rectangle, can be

derived (inherited). Each derived shape will have the size, color and position properties. In addition thespecific shapes may have additional characteristics. For example, the rectangle shape can have a height and

width property, whereas the circle shape may have a diameter property. The type hierarchy embodies both

the similarities and differences between shapes.


Polymorphism literally means "Many Shapes." Polymorphism is related to inheritance and allows objects to

maintain the same interface and behavior across multiple classes, even when the underlying implementation is


When dealing with type hierarchies, the programmer may often want to treat an object not as the specific type

that it is but as a member of its base type. This allows the programmer to write code that does not depend on

the specific types. In the shape example, functions manipulate the generic shape without reference to whetherit is a circle or rectangle. All shapes can be drawn and erased; these functions simply send a message to a

shape object.

Given a valid message, the object will take the appropriate action. Sometimes different objects might takedifferent actions given the same message. For example, the area can be calculated for the rectangle and the

circle object, though the method for calculating the area will be different for each.


Persistence is the tendency for real world objects to remain in their place unless they are moved. In the

computer model object representation, objects are not generally persistent. For example, if a computer isturned off before a document is saved, then part or all of the work will be lost. Word processing documents

are not persistent by nature.

Ideally objects should be persistent so they model the real world. Object should save portions of itselfwithout explicitly being asked to do so. Computers, however, are more efficient with non persistent objects.

Creating persistent objects would decrease the efficiency and thus performance, so there is a trade-off to


Building an Application with Visual Basic and MapObjects

There are several coding standards that can be used to increase efficiency, organize code in a logical manner

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and increase readability. Some standards described below, such as naming conventions, can be applied to

any coding endeavor, be it an OOP or standard procedural application. Other standards, such as

modularization and the use of classes are easier to implement in an OOP environment. In addition, although

they are not hard and fast standards, the use of comments, user interface issues, and optimization techniques

will greatly enhance the quality of the resulting code.

Standard naming conventions

Using standard naming conventions is very important, especially when more than one developer is involved.Naming standards reduces the ambiguity of source code, thus reducing the number of potential bugs. Naming

standards also provide code that is easier to read and understand, thereby reducing the maintenance cost and

time, and increasing the code reusability.

Hungarian notation is a widely used and easily understood naming convention. By using Hungarian notation

for variables, one can easily ascertain the scope, data type and intended purpose of the variable. Readability

is enhanced by organizing the naming convention so that the three portions of the variable name (scope, datatype and intended purpose) are easily distinguished at first glance: A lower case prefix value at the beginning

followed by an underscore denotes the scope, additional lower case values denotes the variable type, and the

body of the variable begins with an uppercase letter. If the body is made up of more than one concatenated

word, mixed casing should be used so that each word begins with a capital letter. The following exampleillustrates this concept with the variable namem_intSelectedFeatures.

Part Description Example

scope Describes the scope of the variable m_intSelectedFeatures

type Describes the data type of the variable m_intSelectedFeatures

body Describes the variable m_intSelectedFeatures

The scope of a variable is the level at which the variable is accessible. A variable declared in a function orsubroutine is only accessible from that function or subroutine. A local variable of this sort does not require a

scope prefix. Variables can also be local to the module or form, global to the project, or passed by reference

or by value. Following is a list of the scope prefix designations.

Prefix Description

g_ Global

m_ Local to the module or form

{none} Local to the procedure

r_ Variable passed by reference

v_ Variable passed by value

Following is a partial listing of data types.

Prefix Description

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dbl Double

int Integer

obj Object

str String

var Variant

lng Long

bln Boolean

The same convention of Hungarian notation can also be applied to the naming of forms, modules, objects and

menu items. For example, form names can be prefixed with 'frm'. Module names can be prefixed as

appropriate; with 'cls' or 'bas'. Objects such as command buttons, textboxes, and map displays can be

prefixed with appropriate type prefixes, such as 'cmd', 'txt' or 'map'. For a complete listing refer to the Visual

Basic Programming Reference. Again, the body of the variable name should be mixed case for readability and

provide a description of the variable (i.e. SelectedFeatures).

Use of Comments

The importance of adding descriptive comments cannot be overstated. Comments are especially useful during

development when more than one developer may be working with a particular module or procedure. It is

recommended that each module have a comment header that describes the intended purpose of the module,

descriptions of any variables local to the module and references to any global variables that are used.

Comments should also be written for procedures, especially those that have variables passed in or values that

it returns.

The Visual Basic and MapObjects syntax, combined with using Hungarian notation provides code that is

fairly easy to understand. It is tempting to assume that the code is self explanatory. This may not always be

the case when code is being shared. It may not even be the case when returning to the code several weeks

later. Even a few well-placed comments will quickly increase the readability of code. This is especially

important when using more complex constructs, such as arrays and collections.


Modularity is a key concept in OOP. It is best realized when information is kept "private" to the module.

Thus, when possible, it is best to avoid public variables. When public variables are used, the value may be

modified during a particular subroutine, creating erroneous results when another subroutine uses the variable.

Global variables also make the code less modular and more difficult to understand.

If there is a variable that is local to a module and it is used in several subroutines, the variable is defined local

to the module in the General Declarations section. Usually associated descriptive comments would be placedwith the variable definition. When the variable is used in a subroutine, the associated comments can either be

rewritten, or the reader may have to refer to the definition to understand the variable. An alternate approach

would be to define the variable the first time it is used. If a called subroutine requires the variable, it can be

passed to the called subroutine. This produces code that is more modular and reusable. The code is easier to

understand, and the relationship between modules is expressed more clearly.

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Passing variables also aids in designing subroutines that are general; so that one subroutine can solve various

problems of the same domain. For example, a module may have one subroutine that adds a point to a

shapefile and another subroutine that adds a polygon to a shapefile. These two modules may be replaced by

one subroutine that adds a feature to a shapefile. The point or polygon shape is simply passed to the

subroutine where it is added to the specified shapefile. This approach has several benefits. First there is no

duplication of code. Second, if the code needs to be modified, it will require modification in only one place.

User Interface Issues

There are several small yet very important details that should be tended to in creating an application. Though

they may seem small and insignificant, paying attention to these details will create an application that conforms

to standards of Windows based applications that is more intuitive and easy to use. The following guidelines

are just a few examples of techniques to add polish to an application.

1. On a form with more than one control, specify the TabIndex property so that the controls are activatedin a logical order from the top to bottom and left to right. This is especially important if the user has

numerous textboxes to fill in.

2. Check for validity when text is input, and return a message to the user if the text is incorrect. Robust

error checking routines will create a more "user-friendly" environment for the user.

3. Enable controls only when using the control would be an appropriate action by the user. For example,

if a form is designed to capture text input from the user to capture a latitude and longitude coordinates

and display the point on the map, the form should have a cancel button, enabled at all times, and anOK button, enabled only when the textboxes have been properly filled in.

4. Check spelling on command buttons, menu items, message boxes and help files. Include help files. This

is easily incorporated with the Visual Basic environment and will create a professional looking


Optimization methods

Optimization techniques can be applied to both the front-end (GUI) and the back-end (code).

Front End (GUI)

Front-end optimization can be broken down into two categories: actual display speed and user-interpreted


Actual display speed is affected by the speed in which windows are loaded and painted on the screen. As a

Windows based application, Visual Basic has to load, unload, paint and repaint windows on a regular basis.

The controls on your form can affect the speed of these operations. Thus it is best to not to use too many

controls on a form. Especially for more complex controls, such as comboboxes and database controls, try to

use one control for multiple purposes. If more than one control of the same type will need to be loaded

simultaneously, place one control on the form and use a control array to create the remaining controls at runtime.

User-interpreted speed can be affected by changing the programs order of events or the methods of

execution. These techniques may not actually increase performance, but they give the illusion of faster

performance. One technique is to load the most often used forms and keep them invisible until they are

needed. This reduces the time required to load the form and its' related module. The MapObjects control can

appear slow when displaying a large dataset. Increasing the map control's RefreshCount property will give the

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impression that the features are being drawn faster.

Back End (Code Optimization)

Appropriate use of variables will increase the speed and efficiency of the program. Avoid the use of variants.

Variants require 16 bytes of memory, as opposed to a double, which requires 8 bytes and an integer, which

only requires 2 bytes. When not in use, set string variables to zero length (i.e. set strMyVar = "") to save

memory. Similarly set all other object pointers to Nothing at the end of the procedure. This also will freememory back to the system. In addition leaving pointers that do not point to anything can cause memory


There are several structural techniques that can be implemented to increase processing speed. Following is a

list of several simple guidelines for the more common structures. For a more exhaustive list of guidelines for

optimizing code, refer to any book on intermediate or advanced Visual Basic programming.

1. Avoid using a loop that must be evaluated each time through the loop, such as the following:

For I = 0 to ListBox.CountintNum = ListBox.ListItem.Index

Next I

The above loop can be changed so that the ListBox.Count value is only evaluated once

intListCount = ListBox.CountFor I = 0 to intListCount

intNum = ListBox.ListItem.IndexNext I

2. Try to combine several statements in the same line. For example, consider the following four lines of code:

x = GetValue("Toolbar") If x = TRUE Then

ToolBar.Visible = TRUEEnd If

This one line of code performs the same action:

If GetValue("ToolBar") Then ToolBar.Visible = TRUE

3. Use the With statement to set multiple properties. This enables you to reference the same control in a more

efficient manner. For example, the following code accesses the Label control three times in order to changeits properties:

Label1.Caption = "Label Caption" Label1.BackColor = BlueLabel1.Top = 1200

A With statement increases the efficiency by accessing the control once

With Label1.Caption = "Label Caption" .BackColor = Blue.Top = 1200

End With

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4. Use the For Each... Next loop when dealing with objects or collections. This method will always be at

least as fast as the normal For... Next loop, and usually faster. It is also better suited for handling objects. The

loop provides you with the current object in the collection and it is incremented automatically.

Dim objCtrl as Controldim strCtrlName as StringFor Each objCtrl in Form1.Controls

strCtrlName = objCtrl.NameNext


MapObjects is a powerful programming tool that can enable developers to incorporate mapping capabilities

in their application. As the name implies, MapObjects is built upon an Object Oriented Programming

paradigm. A basic understanding of OOP will enable programmers to realize the potential capabilities of

MapObjects as a programming tool. By implementing standard development practices, programmers can

take advantage of OOP constructs to build a robust application. In addition, standards enable teams of

programmers to work efficiently together and encourage modularity and code reuse.

The coding standards described above; naming conventions, the use of comments, modularity, user interface

issues and optimization methods are meant more as an introduction and starting point rather than an

exhaustive listing. As programmers work together, they will devise their own standards and methodologies for

their particular development goals.


Bettone, J.E, gifford, D.R., et al., "Tricks of the Visual Basic 4 Gurus", SAMS Publishing, Indianapolis, IN.


Montlick, T., "What is Object-Oriented Software?", Software Design Consultants, 1995.

Kristi Lombard

GIS Applications Programmer

TASC12100 Sunset Hills Drive

Reston, VA. 20190

Telephone: (703)834-5000

Email: [email protected]