application deployment procedure

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  • 8/7/2019 Application Deployment Procedure


    GE Healthcare

    Application Deployment Procedure

    GE Healthcare

    Version 1.0

  • 8/7/2019 Application Deployment Procedure


    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure


    Version Date SectionsAffected

    Summary Author(s) Reviewer(s)

    1.0 23-Feb-09 None New Document Dilip M Chandrika SP

  • 8/7/2019 Application Deployment Procedure


    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure



    1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................1

    2 US Pole ....................................................................................................................................................2

    2.1 Deployment Procedure in Weblogic 8.x ...........................................................................................22.1.1 New Deployment ........................................................................................................................22.1.2 Redeployment ..............................................................................................................................4

    2.2 Deployment in Weblogic 10.x ...........................................................................................................52.2.1 New Deployment ........................................................................................................................52.2.2 Redeployment ...........................................................................................................................10

    2.3 Deployment Procedure in JBoss ......................................................................................................122.3.1 New Deployment ......................................................................................................................12

    2.3.2 Redeployment (In Stage and Prod) ............................................................................................132.3.3 Redeployment (In Dev) ............................................................................................................. 14

    2.4 Deployment Procedure in Coldfusion .............................................................................................152.4.1 Full Deployment ........................................................................................................................162.4.2 Partial Deployment ....................................................................................................................17

    3 EMEA Pole ...........................................................................................................................................18

    3.1 Deployment Procedure in Weblogic ............................................................................................... 183.2 Deployment Procedure in Jboss - Introduction ...............................................................................18

    4 Asia Pole ............................................................................................................................................... 25

    4.1 Deployment Procedure in JBoss ......................................................................................................25

    EMEA= Europe, Middle East, Africa

  • 8/7/2019 Application Deployment Procedure


    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    1 Overview

    We have three levels in which Applications are maintained:DevelopmentStaging


    As per the present configuration we haveIplanet web servers pointing to the WEBLOGIC app servers.Apache web servers pointing to Jboss app Servers.Iplanet web servers pointing to Coldfusion app servers.

    The application is first hosted on Development to ensure its proper functionality and is moved tostaging.

    Before an application comes to Production, it will undergo a LOADTEST in the Staging level to

    simulate the real-time performance and have the necessary tuning for better performance andstability in the production environment.

    NOTE : Provide the below information to the user before deploying a New Application.

    System.exit() and System.gc() methods are forbidden

    System.out and System.err fields are forbidden

    Only modify System properties that are uniquely prefixed by the application (

    Use of objects are forbidden outside of output for logging, instead use or Class.getResource() methods.

    Close that which is opened (use the close() method if an object has one in a try...finally block)

    Do no call external programs (no shell scripts or process spawning)

    Do not manage your own database connections, use the application server's connection pool features.

    Do not assume your application will be deployed in an exploded format

    Do not import any classes from the containing application server (use standard java interfaces)

    Handle your exceptions, do not let any (not even Runtime) exceptions bubble up into the Servletcontainer.

    Do not catch Error classes Do not hard code absolute urls. (if one must be used, externalize it to a properties file to make

    changing it easier than doing a build)

    Use relative urls. Do not assume http or https protocol.

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  • 8/7/2019 Application Deployment Procedure


    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    2 US Pole

    Here we deal with three kinds of Application servers:WEBLOGICJBOSS


    2.1 Deployment Procedure in Weblogic 8.x

    2.1.1 New Deployment

    Inputs Required

    Clarify case/Change control id.

    Location of the Application source(achieve files like war, ear) Name, Contact Details of the application Owner.

    Cross check if the application has any Customized settings or can it be deployed in the sharedEnvironment.

    .Procedure for executing the Deployment:

    Open the server in which the application should be deployed using the Inputs.

    Log in to the server using your "NIS credentials ". Switch to the respective user (here its "weblogic") by issuing the command "sudo su - weblogic". Go to "/User_projects/Domains//Applications folder Connect to the ftp server in which the user placed the application by giving in

    ftp (or) ftp - Username/Password - anonymous/anonymous.GEMSDEV12 - Username/Password - loguser/loguser.

    Go to the specific path provided by the user to ensure the application is present in the followingdirectory.

    Cross check the size of the application with the user.

    Change the mode to binary using the command "bin". Get the file to the location from where you have connected to ftp using "mget ".

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Ensurethesize ofthe

    application in the FTP and the application folders are same. Open the Admin console. Ensure that the servers Instances are in running Condition. Ensure that the Heap memory of the server instance/s on which the application is planned to be

    targeted has more than 15-20% of the heap space. Ensure that the server instances have no threads stuck before the deployment commences. Click on the "Deployments" in the left and the required from the list as per your requirement. (For

    ex: For a war file we need to go to web applications module) Based on above selection, on the right side click on the Deploy new ..

    Select the source location from where the application will be accessible.

    Select the Targets on which the application will be deployed.

    Select the Mode of Deployment: Stage/ No -Stage. Unless Specified The default method followed isby using the stage mode of deployment.

    Keep the server out log ready to monitor the deployment process by issuing "tail -f serverout.log". Click on the "Deploy" in the Admin Console. Select the targets for deployment.

    Ensure that the deployment is successful. Ensure that the application is working by going to the testing tab and testing the URL. Login to the appropriate webserver instance which points to the weblogic server on which the

    application is hosted using your "NIS credentials"Note :

    Incase of dev its on which both app and webservers are there.Incase of Stage Intranet its and act as web servers.Incase of Stage Internet its Dag005 and Dag006 which act as Web servers.Incase of Prod Intranet its fa1p and fa2p which serve as web servers.Incase of Prod Internet its Dag001 and Dag002 Which server as web servers.

    Switch to admweb user by issuing the command "sudo su - admweb"

    Go to the iplanet instance and open its respective configuration file "obj.conf".opt/iplanet/6.1//config/obj.conf

    Make an Object Entry as mentioned below specifying the details. Ensure that they are in single lines.(Say the application name is classifieds & it is to be deployed in a cluster)Service fn="wl_proxy" WebLogicCluster="," KeepAliveEnabled="false"

    (Say the application name is classifieds & it is to be deployed on a single instance)

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Service fn="wl_proxy" WebLogicHost =""WebLogicPort="7001"

    Save the changes and quit.

    Test the webserver URL and update the user with the status

    Update the same in the clarify/ cc

    2.1.2 Redeployment

    Inputs Required

    Clarify case/Change control id.

    Location of the Application source(achieve files like war, ear) Application URL.


    Procedure for executing the Deployment: Locate the appropriate web and application server by recognizing the URL.

    Log in to the server using your "NIS credentials ". Switch to the respective user (here its "weblogic") by issuing the command "sudo su - weblogic". Go to "/User_projects/Domains//Applications folder. Check

    that application is present.

    Open the Admin console.

    Click on the "Deployments" in the left and the required from the list as per your requirement. (Forex: For a war file we need to go to web applications module)

    On the right, it will display the list of deployed applications or modules. Select the one which you are trying to redeploy.

    Click on the Targets Tab and make a note as where the application is targeted to. Click on the Deploy Tab and click on STOP button. It should show the Deployment Status as

    Unavailable and Status as Success.

    Take back up of the application using .mm/dd/yyyy format and in case of a CC .cc#

    Now delete the application / module from the console. Connect to the ftp server in which the user placed the application by giving in (or) .GLOBE - Username/Password - anonymous/anonymous.GEMSDEV12 - Username/Password - loguser/loguser.

    Go to the specific path provided by the user ensure the application is present in the followingdirectory.

    Cross check the size of the application with the user.

    Change the mode to binary using the command "bin". Get the file to the location from where you have connected to ftp using "mget ". Ensure the size of the application in the FTP and the application folders are same.

    Open the Admin console.

    Ensure that the servers Instance/s are in running Condition.

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Ensure that the Heap memory of the server instance/s on application is planned to be targeted havemore than 15-20% of the heap space.

    Ensure that the server instance/s have no threads stuck before the deployment commences.

    Click on the "Deployments" in the left and the required from the list as per your requirement. (Forex: For a war file we need to go to web applications module)

    Based on above selection, on the right side click on the Deploy new .. Select the source location from where the application will be accessible.

    Select the Targets on which the application will be deployed.

    Select the Mode of Deployment: Stage/ No -Stage. Unless Specified The default method followed isby using the stage mode of deployment.

    Keep the server out log ready to monitor the deployment process by issuing "tail -f serverout.log". Click on the "Deploy" in the Admin Console. Select the targets where it was earlier deployed.

    Ensure that the deployment is successful.

    Ensure that the application is working by Going to the testing tab and testing the URL.

    Update the User with the status of the application. Update the same in the clarify/ cc.

    2.2 Deployment in Weblogic 10.x

    2.2.1 New Deployment

    Inputs Required

    Clarify case/Change control id. Location of the Application source (archive files like war, ear).

    Name, Contact Details of the application Owner.

    Cross check if the application has any Customized settings or can it be deployed in the shared


    Procedure for executing the Deployment:

    Open the server in which the application should be deployed using the Inputs.

    Log in to the server using your "NIS credentials ".

    Switch to the respective user j2ee-r/j2ee-a. (J2ee-r for restart and j2ee-a for configuration changes).

    Go to /data/egehc/Applications folder, in which you would place your application.

    Connect to the ftp server in which the user placed the application by giving inFtp (or) ftp - Username/Password - anonymous/anonymous.

    GEMSDEV12 - Username/Password - loguser/loguser.

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Go to the specific path provided by the user to ensure the application is present in the followingdirectory.

    Cross check the size of the application with the user.

    Change the mode to binary using the command "bin".

    Get the file to the location from where you have connected to ftp using "mget ".

    Ensure the size of the application in the FTP and the application folders are same.

    Open the Admin console. Ensure that the servers Instances are in running Condition.

    Ensure that the Heap memory of the server instance/s on which the application is planned to betargeted has more than 15-20% of the heap space.

    Ensure that the server instances have no threads stuck before the deployment commences. Now open the Weblogic console >> Click on Lock and Edit which will let you modify the

    configurations and perform deployments as per your need

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    Select the deployments on the left side tree of the console.

    Upon clicking the deployments you will see a new window on the right side as shown in theFigure below.

    To install a new application click on Install and you would be direct to a page similar to the one shownbelow. You must locate the war file in the system by browsing through the directories and then Clickon NEXT

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    You will be redirected to a page shown below since you are deploying an application select the Firstoption as shown and click on NEXT.

    You will be then redirected to another page in which you need to specify the targets server instances on

    which the application will be hosted.

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Now after targeting the application you will need to specify a deployment type option like stage andno-stage mode.

    Choose as per your requirement the staging or no-stage mode and then click on Finish. Once finished the application will be deployed but will be not ready to serve requests , you will need to

    activate the changes by clicking on Activate changes.

    After this you will need to start the application.

    By clicking on servicing all requests as shown in the above figure.Now the State of your application will change from Prepared to Active.

    Access the Application and test its functionality.

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    2.2.2 Redeployment

    Inputs Required

    Clarify case/Change control id.

    Location of the Application source(achieve files like war, ear)

    Application URL..Procedure for executing the Deployment:

    Locate the appropriate web and application server by recognizing the URL.

    Log in to the server using your "NIS credentials ".

    Switch to the respective user j2ee-r/j2ee-a. (J2ee-r for restart and j2ee-a for configuration changes). Go to /data/egehc/Applications folder. Check that application is present. Take back up of the existing application using .mm/dd/yyyy format and in case of a CC

    use .mm/dd/yyyy .cc# Connect to the ftp server in which the user placed the application by giving in (or) .GLOBE - Username/Password - anonymous/anonymous.GEMSDEV12 - Username/Password - loguser/loguser.

    Go to the specific path provided by the user ensure the application is present in the followingdirectory.

    Cross check the size of the application with the user.

    Change the mode to binary using the command "bin".

    Get the file to the location from where you have connected to ftp using "mget ".

    Ensure the size of the application in the FTP and the application folders are same. Now open the Weblogic console >> Click on Lock and Edit which will let you modify the

    configurations and perform deployments as per your need

    Select the deployments on the left side tree of the console.

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Select the deployments on the left side tree of the console.

    Select the Application to be redeployed.

    Click on Update as shown in the figure above.

    You will be redirected to a new window as shown in the below figure:

    If the path in which you have placed the updated war/ear file you may go ahead clicking onFinish, otherwise provide the new location and then click on Finish.

    You Will see the below window Showing that the selected deployments were updated and promptsto activate changes. And also note the state of the deployment as Deployment Initializing.

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    Once the changes are activated, the state of the application changes to active. Check the Application and inform the same to the user and update the case.

    2.3 Deployment Procedure in JBoss

    There are three nodes in jboss dev, stage and prod application servers.The hostname is of the following format: in the = dev, stage or prod

    Node number = 01, 02 or 03Similarly the webserver are with the hostname of the format:

    2.3.1 New Deployment

    Inputs Required

    Clarify case/Change control id.

    Application URL

    Location of the new war file and/or data source file (ds.xml).Procedure for executing the Deployment:

    Login into any one of the nodes depending on the deployment in dev, stage or prod. . Login to the server using your NIS Credentials

    Here give the sudo login at the prompt:/apps/sudo/bin/sudo /usr/bin/su - j2ee-r (for deployments/restarting nodes) or/apps/sudo/bin/sudo /usr/bin/su - j2ee-a (for editing configuration files)/apps/sudo/bin/sudo /usr/bin/su - j2ee-r

    Location of the application war and ds.xml files is : /data/bronze-app/nodeXX/farmXX=01 or 02 or 03 (any of the nodes can be used to deploy)

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Connect to the ftp server in which the user placed the application by giving in (or) .

    GLOBE - Username/Password - anonymous/anonymous.GEMSDEV12 - Username/Password - loguser/loguser.

    Go to the specific path provided by the user ensure the application is present in the following

    directory. Cross check the size of the application with the user.

    Change the mode to binary using the command "bin".

    Get the file to the location from where you have connected to ftp using "mget ".

    Ensure the size of the application in the FTP and the farm folder is same.

    Ensure that the application is replicated in all the nodes (Sometimes it will take some time toreplicate in the other nodes so wait for few minutes)

    Access the farm folder of the other nodes to ensure that .war and/or the .xml file has been moved. If it did not get moved it shows that either of the nodes is down. Check the logs of the nodes from the

    path: /logs/bronze-app/nodeXX.

    Check the given URL and update the status to the user. Update the same in the clarify/ cc

    2.3.2 Redeployment (In Stage and Prod)

    Inputs Required

    Clarify case/Change control id.

    Application URL

    Location of the new war file and/or data source file (ds.xml).Procedure for executing the Deployment:

    Locate the appropriate web and application server by recognizing the URL.

    Login to the server using your NIS Credentials

    Here give the sudo login at the prompt:/apps/sudo/bin/sudo /usr/bin/su - j2ee-r (for deployments/restarting nodes) or/apps/sudo/bin/sudo /usr/bin/su - j2ee-a (for editing configuration files)

    Location of the application war and ds.xml files is : /data/bronze-app/nodeXX/farmXX=01 or 02 or 03 (any of the nodes can be used to deploy)

    Move the appropriate file using the move command: mve.g., mv abc.war /tmp/abc.war.

    Connect to the ftp server in which the user placed the application by giving in (or) .GLOBE - Username/Password - anonymous/anonymous.GEMSDEV12 - Username/Password - loguser/loguser.

    Go to the specific path provided by the user ensure the application is present in the followingdirectory.

    Cross check the size of the application with the user.

    Change the mode to binary using the command "bin".

    Get the file to the location from where you have connected to ftp using "mget ".

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Ensure the size of the application in the FTP and the farm folder is same.

    Ensure that the application is replicated in all the nodes (Sometimes it will take some time toreplicate in the other nodes so wait for few minutes)

    Access the farm folder of the other nodes to ensure that .war and/or the .xml file has been moved.

    If it did not get moved it shows that either of the nodes is down. Check the logs of the nodes from the

    path: /logs/bronze-app/nodeXX. Check the given URL and update the status to the user.

    Update the same in the clarify/ cc

    2.3.3 Redeployment (In Dev)

    The user is given a self-deployment URL: SSO to be used to access this URL.

    Webservices admin would have the admin rights to this URL who would in turn give the access tothe application owner once his application is deployed.

    The Admin link should be accessed by the web services admin after which the following page isgiven.

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    After the user accesses the self-deploy url with his staging sso his name and the sso would appear inthe list above.

    Click on EDIT column icon corresponding to their sso in the above page.

    A page consisting of the list of applications (which are running on the server) with a check box next

    to each would be given. Since you have deployed the application and then asked the user to access this url that application

    would also be shown in the above said page mark the check in the box next to that application.

    This would give permissions to the user to deploy their app in development environment when everthey need even without intimating us.

    So dev re-deployments are usually not done by us unless the user has some issue accessing the self-deploy tool/url.

    In case a user faces issue in using the self-deploy URL then the Re-deployment process mentioned inSection 2.2.2 can be followed replacing the box name with:

    2.4 Deployment Procedure in Coldfusion

    Pre-requisites for Deployment Process in Stage, Prod

    Clarify/Change Control Case id.Application URLFull/Partial deploymentLocation of the zip fileLocation on the server where the zip file is to be unzipped.

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    2.4.1 Full Deployment

    Recognize the Server based on the deployment in dev/stage/prod. Development Staging Production

    Login the Server with your NIS Credentials

    Switch to root user Using Sudo su Go to the path /www/xxx/, where xxx can be prod, stage or dev depending upon the environment.

    Access the Path, the applications (if not new deployment) can be found in exploded format. If it is present, take the backup of the application in the following format:

    mv . Once the application presence in the path is confirmed access the temporary directory to get the file

    which the user placed in the remote location. At the prompt give:cd /tmp

    Connect to the ftp server in which the user placed the application by giving in (or) .

    GLOBE - Username/Password - anonymous/anonymous.GEMSDEV12 - Username/Password - loguser/loguser.

    Go to the specific path provided by the user ensure the application is present in the followingdirectory.

    Cross check the size of the application with the user.

    Change the mode to binary using the command "bin".

    Get the file to the location from where you have connected to ftp using "mget .zip ".

    The zip file is now downloaded to the location /tmp/ unzip the zip file/tar file by using the command to temporarily open to ensure the file is not

    corrupted.$ unzip -l .zip$ tar tf .tar

    It would display the list of files placed within the zip file and also those files which are there and thedirectory within the zip file.

    If it displays all the files within the folder name (i,e application name i,e lcd ), then use the belowcommand to unzip the file in the Applications folder

    $ unzip -o .zip -d /www/prod/egems/ You can check that there will be a folder now created with name lcd.

    If the unzip doesnt create a folder. Unzip using the below

    $ unzip -o .zip -d /www/prod/egems/lcd/ Make sure the ownership is the same as it was for the old application

    To change the ownership to any combinationExample:

    drwxr-sr-x 9 root www 24576 Oct 12 07:10 lcdroot and www to cfusion and www give command as :chown -R cfusion:www This would convert the above shown example file to :drwxr-sr-x 9 cfusion www 24576 Oct 12 07:10 lcd

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    2.4.2 Partial Deployment

    Recognize the Server based on the given URL Development Production Production

    Login the Server with your NIS Credentials

    Switch to root user Using Sudo su

    Go to the path /www/xxx/, where xxx can be prod, stage or dev depending upon the environment.Access the Path, the applications (if not new deployment) can be found in exploded format.

    Once the application presence in the path is confirmed access the temporary directory to get the filewhich the user placed in the remote location. At the prompt give:

    cd /tmp Connect to the ftp server in which the user placed the application by giving in (or) .GLOBE - Username/Password - anonymous/anonymous.GEMSDEV12 - Username/Password - loguser/loguser.

    Go to the specific path provided by the user ensure the application is present in the followingdirectory.

    Cross check the size of the application with the user.

    Change the mode to binary using the command "bin".

    Get the file to the location from where you have connected to ftp using"mget . ". may be htm, cfm, zip, tar, gz or compress extensions

    The file is now downloaded to the location /tmp/ If its a zip file check the zip file by using the command to unzip it by:

    $ unzip -l .zip

    Make note of the files which are to be placed of new or re-placed.

    Now unzip the file into the tmp location or into another directory created by you by using thecommand in that directory:

    $ unzip -o .zipThe files would be extracted to the current folder.

    Know the path where these files are to placed by requesting the user to provide the information.

    Access that location and take backup of the files which are to be re-placed in the format:$ mv . ..

    Access the place where the zip file was extracted or the files were downloaded. Place each file to thesaid location using the command:

    $ cp . //

    Go the location and check if they have been placed properly

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    3 EMEA Pole

    3.1 Deployment Procedure in Weblogic

    Weblogic server for Stage/Prod:

    Prod ---- ----


    Take the backup of existing ear/war file (say For Ex. isd.ear) with extension as current date stampProd --- /opt/appl/isd/backupStage --- /opt/appl/isd/bkp or same folder /opt/appl/isd/zzrcte/webapp

    Copy the war fileProd --- /opt/appl/isd/zzprod/webappStage --- /opt/appl/isd/zzrcte/webapp

    Stop the application (make sure cache must be removed)

    Using admin console stop the application and delete it.(Login to the box through putty and Check the stage and .wlnotdelete folder, if isd related folder isthere remove it manually)

    Redeploy the applicationDeploy as new Application by selecting the ear file source directoryEx: - select / optappl isd zzprod webapp

    isd.ear target to isd-server and click on deploy button. Target to virtual host

    Select each application (using admin console tree -- Deployment --- Applications --- ISD) andtarget it to Virtual Host ( isd-rcte) and deploy the each application.

    3.2 Deployment Procedure in Jboss - Introduction

    In Europe Production Environment we have to nodes that are in cluster.Node01 - -

    Both Web and Application servers are present in the same box.

    JBoss new files deployment

    The application versions are controlled using CVS. The process to deploy new files using cvs is listed


    NOTE: You need to Install Eclipse to follow the below Process.

    You will be provided with the CC # which contains the required information for you to carry out thedeployment activity.

    Inputs you will need to carry out the deployment are :a) Tag for the list of New/Old files provided.

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    b) Application URLc) Details of the locations of new files and old files.

    These details will be provided as an attachment to the CC.

    Start Eclipse and follow the below steps to copy the applications from CVS to your local system andmake necessary changes as per the cc.

    Step 1: Open Eclipse

    Step 2: Right Click on the Specified Icon and Select Other to get Open Perspective Window.

    Step 3: you will find Open Perspective Window. Select CVS Repository and Exploring andClickOK

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Step 4: You will find CVS Repositories window as shown below.

    In that window Right Click>> Select New >> Select Repository Location.

    Step 5: You would find a new Window as shown below; In this Window you will need to fill up allthe required details.

    Below are few details filled for your understanding?

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    WhereHost - address of the cvsRepository path is the path of the Prod / Dev Application placed in cvsUser/Password: CVS credentials should be provided.

    Use extssh type connection to connect to the CVS.Once the details are filled click on FINISH

    Step 6: You will find a new entry in the CVS Repository as shown below, You will have to add boththe prod and devl versions in the same manner.

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Step 7:Now to check out from the CVS Repository to your local computer.

    To Check out the devl version of the application from the repository:Click on extssh:[email protected]/cvsroot/iid-devlGo to HEAD >> iis-devl

    Right Click on iis-devl and click on Check out

    You will get a status Window as shown below with shows the status of the files beingcopied to your local system from the cvs repository.

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Once the Upload is completed you would find the directory structure of the applicationcopied to your local Computer / workspace. This is called a PROJECT EXPLORER

    Step 8: Now as per the details mentioned in the Excel sheet Copy the new files from devl to the prodand ensure the directory location of the file in devl and prod does not change.

    Step 9: After Copying all the new files to prod Then right Click on the prod version of the applicationand then click on TEAM >> click on Commit.

    Step 10: Once done Open putty and login to the sever and then go to/opt/appl/zzprod/build/jboss/

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Step 11: Take a back up of the file by using Execute

    Step 12: With the given tag for example: iis-devl-jboss-rel-1-3-0#BugFix00048Create a target tag, iis-prod-jboss-rel-1-3-0#BugFix00048, by replacing devl with Prod.

    Step 13:Now execute ant f goprod.xml. It would prompt for source tag, target tag and Usercredentials. Provide the same when prompted for.

    Step 14: After the Build is Successful then Execute ant v .

    Step 15: Once the Build is successful then test the application url and inform the user the same.

    JBoss old files deployment

    Step1: You would require Source tag as an input to perform deployment.

    Step2: Once the tag is obtained then go to the specific directory:/opt/appl/zzprod/build/jboss/

    Step3: Take back up of the file by using Execute

    Step4: With the given tag for example: iis-devl-jboss-rel-1-3-0#BugFix00048.Create a target tag, iis-prod-jboss-rel-1-3-0#BugFix00048 , by replacing devl with Prod.

    Step5: Now execute ant f goprod.xml. It would prompt for source tag, target tag and User

    credentials. Provide the same when prompted.

    Step6: After the Build is Successful then Execute ant v .

    Step7: Once the Build is successful then test the application URL and inform the user the same.

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    4 Asia Pole

    4.1 Deployment Procedure in JBoss

    Inputs required:

    You will be provided with the application URL and the path, where the Application is placed.

    Deployment Process:

    Step1: Go to the deploy folder where the specific application is present.

    The locations where the applications will be present are:Silver and bronze apps: /data/jboss//deploy/Golden Apps: /data/jboss//farm/

    Path of Application Directory for Silver and Bronze applications:

    Path of Application Directory for Golden Applications:

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    GE Healthcare Application Deployment Procedure

    Step2: Back up the Application in the backup folder as shown below.

    The locations where back has to be taken will be: /data/jboss//backup

    Step3: Get the latest Application file provided by the user to the Application Directory. Generally theapplications are kept in ftp (globe / gemsdev12.).

    For deployments in Production environment, it is required to move the applications in stageapplication directory to the one in Prod; this can be accomplished by using the scp.

    Go to the path where you want the file/directory to be copied and execute the scp command:

    Scp rp appsadm@

    Ensure that the application is copied properly.

    Step4: Tail the logs to see if there are any errors during the deployment of the application.Once the deployment is done Intimate the user.