application anke hilgeholt

1 Application Master Specialisation Conflict, Territories, and Identities Anke Hilgeholt Date and place of birth 13-04-1986, Enschede Nationality Dutch Address Burghardt van den Berghstraat 59 6512 DE Nijmegen Telephone 0031 614750007 Email [email protected]

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Application Master Specialisation Conflict, Territories, and Identities Anke Hilgeholt


Page 1: Application Anke Hilgeholt


Application Master Specialisation Conflict, Territories, and Identities

Application Master Specialisation Conflict,

Territories, and Identities

Anke Hilgeholt Date and place of birth 13-04-1986, Enschede Nationality Dutch Address Burghardt van den Berghstraat 59 6512 DE Nijmegen Telephone 0031 614750007 Email [email protected]

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Letter of Motivation 2

Curriculum Vitae 3

Letter of Reference Edwin de Jong 5

Letter of Reference Ron Stevens 6

Lists of Grades 7

Application Anke Hilgeholt Summery

Page 3: Application Anke Hilgeholt


Letter of Motivation

In 2006, I took my first course at CICAM and was intrigued by the enthusiasm of the lecturers. They provided me with a different perspective on the global topics that were also addressed in my bachelor Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, and I decided to make a full minor out of it.

Now, with my master in Development Studies finished, I am again looking to deepen my knowledge and broaden my view of the world. I look at the world around me with sincere amazement, trying to greet and treat everyone and everything that crosses my path like a tabula rasa. I am excited to be part of fruitful sessions and heated discussions with both lecturers and students. Therefore I am applying for your master specialisation Conflict, Territories, and Identities. A personal interest in conflict management and analysis stems from my family history. Growing up as one might say a second generation migrant from the former Dutch Indies, I have always been aware of the reaching implications of conflict, which can -deliberately or not- affect younger generations who were initially not directly involved. During my bachelor research on the embeddedness of Albanian Kosovars in the Netherlands, my interest on the consequences of conflict grew due to the many conversations with both first and second generation migrants. More recently, in Kalimantan, where I did my master research on property related wellbeing, I could sense that conflict was continuously in the air, especially in those areas that harbour scarce, but valuable, natural resources.

During both the bachelor and master programme, I have been trained in several research methods. The master programme paid special attention to qualitative methods, in particular to participatory appraisal or PA methods. In fact, when me and my research partner returned from the field, we were highly praised by lecturers of CIDIN for our extensive use of PA methodology in combination with other qualitative research methods.

The conflict related courses that I took during my bachelor programme were: Inleiding Polemologie (4 ec), Dilemma’s bij VN vredesoperaties (4 ec), Terrorisme: beeld en werkelijkheid (6 ec), and Tussen early warning en militaire interventie (6 ec). In order to get to the 24 ec required for this master specialisation, I am currently enrolled in two courses: Militaire Interventie en Wederopbouw (6 ec), and Negotiation and Peacemaking (6 ec). Both exams are scheduled at the end of June.

Since this would be my second master, there are some financial difficulties. Due to health issues, I was not able to immediately continue with a second master. Given that I am not in the position to pay the institutional tuition, I am now in contact with the University Board to see if can apply for the legal tuition fee. The fact that I have to go through the University Board, combined with my health issues and taking on extra classes, is proof of my motivation. I am looking forward to meeting you in class. Kind regards, Anke Hilgeholt

Application Anke Hilgeholt Letter of Motivation

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Curriculum Vitae I am... Curious, spontaneous, able to quickly adapt to changing situations, and creative. I thrive in stressful situations, am keen on travelling and have an open attitude towards people. Besides my interest in humanities and other cultures, I enjoy Western culture as well: a quiet afternoon in a museum or an exciting night at the theatre. From the age of 14, I have even played in several amateur theatre productions myself, ranging from Jesus Christ Superstar till the Vagina Monologues. Education 2011 – 2012 Master Anthropology and Development Studies Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Track: Development Studies Thesis: Woods Brains and Fish Heads. Property Related Wellbeing in the Middle Mahakam Wetlands, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. On local people’s material and subjective wellbeing in relation to a changing (social, natural and political) environment

2005 – 2011 Bachelor Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands Track: Development Sociology Thesis: Albanian Kosovar Migrants in the Netherlands Minor: Conflict Studies 1998 – 2004 Gymnasium Pleincollege Eckart, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (2001 – 2004)

SG Marianum, Groenlo, the Netherlands (1998 – 2001) Subjects: Dutch, English, German, French, Latin, Greek, Classic Culture, Philosophy, Arts, Math, Economics, Governance and Society

Experience abroad Jan. 2012 – April 2012 Research / Fieldwork on Property Related Wellbeing

Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands and Mulawarman University Samarinda, Indonesia Qualitative research (with attention to PA methods) in a complex, remote and at times dangerous environment. Trained and managed own research team

Aug. 2004 – Jan. 2005 Internship in Chinandega, Nicaragua

Stichting Stedenband Eindhoven Chinandega (SSEC) Main activities: project monitoring (mainly focussed on education, nutrition and healthcare), teaching English and sexual education

Extracurricular activities 2007 – Present Volunteer at Stichting Stedenband Nijmegen Masaya (SSNM)

Main activities: member of press and publication committee, editor of the two-yearly publication El Puente, occasionally presenting the work of SSNM to both public and corporate institutions

Application Anke Hilgeholt Curriculum Vitae

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2006 – 2007 Vice President Student Association Umoja Attended and occasionally chaired weekly meetings with both students and university staff members, involved in grant applications and sponsor relations, organised two yearly book sales and numerous social activities, including a study trip to Romania

2005 – 2013 Several other extracurricular activities at Radboud University

Student member of the alumni association (RVOS) and the student association advice board (URVA), speaking at information meetings for prospective students

Work experience 2007 – 2011 Receptionist and waitress

City Park Hotel | Restaurant Oporto, Nijmegen I worked in a multicultural and multilingual team, and had the chance to develop management and customer service skills

2003 – 2011 Several side jobs in retail, hospitality, and childcare Workshops and trainings February 2012 Workshop on New Indonesian Frontiers

Mulawarman University, Samarinda, Indonesia Interdisciplinary workshop on the effects of changing environments and new actors in Kalimantan on human and animal wellbeing

January 2012 Language course in official Indonesian

Alam Bahasa language school, Yoygakarta, Indonesia A crash course that helped me to speak a basis of Indonesian within two weeks

October 2008 Training Private Initiatives, Investing in Development Wilde Ganzen, Den Bosch, the Netherlands

Courses: lifecycle of a project, world around your project, and intercultural partnership


Speaking Writing Reading Understanding Dutch (native) Good Good Good Good English Good Good Good Good Spanish Good Good Good Good German Basic Basic Basic Basic French Beginner Basic Basic Basic Indonesian Beginner Beginner Beginner Basic Computer skills Windows XP, MS Office, SPSS

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Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies


Master 'Conflict, Territories and Identities'

Our reference Your reference Telephone Date

+31 24 36 13058 May 22, 2013 Subject E-mail Recommendation letter [email protected] Dear Sir/Madam, Miss Anke Hilgeholt indicated that she is applying for the Master Programme Conflict, Territories and Identities. As her former lecturer and supervisor, I would like to recommend her as an excellent student, and hope that you enable her to achieve her goal. Our paths have crossed several times over the past years during various courses and as a supervisor in the preparation of and during her field research and thesis writing process. I got to know Miss Hilgeholt as an enthusiast and motivated person who performed excellent both individually and in groups. She has shown to be able to take a critical point of view and has good analytical capabilities. She is able to perform a complex research on wellbeing in a ‘conflict zone’ and report about it in an academically valued way. In sum, I fully support Miss Hilgeholt in her application for the MA Programme ‘Conflict, Territories and Identities’. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. With kind regards,

Edwin de Jong

Faculty of Social

Sciences Th. v. Aquinostraat 4

P.O. Box 9104

6500 HE Nijmegen The Netherlands

Telephone 0031 24 36 13058

Fax 0031 24 36 15957

Application Anke Hilgeholt Letter of Reference ‘Edwin de Jong’

Page 7: Application Anke Hilgeholt


Nijmegen, 27 mei 2013 Beste heer/mevrouw, Graag wil ik gebruik maken van de mogelijkheid u te wijzen op kandidaat Anke Hilgeholt. Ik meen te kunnen stellen dat zij over de juiste kwaliteiten beschikt voor het volgen van de master specialisatie Conflict, Territories, and Identities. Ik ken Anke sinds 2007. Zij is vrijwilliger bij de SSNM, Stichting Stedenband Nijmegen-Masaya. De stichting heeft als doel de betrokkenheid en bewustwording van Nijmegenaren bij de Nicaraguaanse stad Masaya te bevorderen, in het bijzonder op het gebied van duurzame ontwikkeling, vrede en veiligheid, mensenrechten en milieu. De stedenband steunt en financiert projecten in Masaya. Binnen de stedenband is Anke voornamelijk actief in de pers- en publiciteitscommissie. Tot voor kort was de voornaamste bezigheid van deze commissie het opstellen van het vierjaarlijkse magazine El Puente, met telkens een ander, actueel thema. Het magazine is nu vervangen door een elektronische nieuwsbrief. Anke is vooral verantwoordelijk voor het benaderen van schrijvers/columnisten, het vertalen van teksten vanuit het Spaans naar het Nederlands en uiteindelijk de redactie. Ook ken ik haar als een enthousiast pleitbezorgster en lobbyiste. Op mijn netvlies staat nog altijd haar presentatie voor een groep van vijftig ondernemers op een fundraising bijeenkomst. Ik ken Anke als een flexibele, nieuwsgierige en enthousiaste vrijwilliger. Ze bezit over het vermogen om haar eigen plezier en enthousiasme over te brengen op anderen. Haar intellectuele belangstelling geeft haar de energie om op dit moment namens de stedenband de Nicaraguaanse schrijfster en activiste Gioconda Belli naar Nederland te halen. Door haar ervaringen in Nicaragua en de manier waarop ze deze ervaringen inzet in de Nijmeegse samenleving ben ik ervan overtuigd dat Anke haar plek snel zal vinden binnen het programma. Het (interculturele) samenwerken en het overleggen met verschillende partijen zijn kwaliteiten die ook in een studiesetting goed van pas zullen komen. Ik zie deze tweede master als een kans voor Anke om haar kennis en ervaring uit te breiden en zich te specialiseren op de conflictkant binnen het ontwikkelingsveld en vertrouw erop dat ze een waardevolle toevoeging aan het programma zal zijn. Vriendelijke groet, Ron Stevens Voorzitter SSNM

Application Anke Hilgeholt Letter of Reference ‘Ron Stevens’

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Application Anke Hilgeholt List of Grades, Master Development Studies 2011-2012

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Application Anke Hilgeholt List of Grades, Bachelor Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology 2005-2011

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Application Anke Hilgeholt List of Grades, Bachelor Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology 2005-2011