apologetics 102, wk2: does god exist?

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Page 1: Apologetics 102, WK2: Does God Exist?

Introduction toApologetics


Page 2: Apologetics 102, WK2: Does God Exist?

Apologetics is simply getting rid of peoples’ hurdles so they can consider the claims of Jesus.

Revelation 3. 20-12

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A Case for God

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From Creation: Cosmological Arguments

Argument 1 of 3

A Case for God

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cosmological argument #1


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1. What we observe in the Universe is contingent

2. A sequence of causally related contingent things cannot be infinite

3. Therefore there must be a first cause in the existence of the Universe

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cosmological argument #2

Leibnizian Cosmological


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“Why is there something rather than nothing?”

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1. Everything that exists has an explanation of its existence, either in the necessity of its own nature or in an external cause

2. If the universe has an explanation of its existence, that explanation is God

3. The universe exists

4. Therefore the explanation of the existence of the universe is GOD

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kalam Cosmological


cosmological argument #3

Middle Ages

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1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause

2. The Universe began to exist

3. Therefore the Universe has a cause

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the universe began to exist

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Further• instantaneous, not


• not governed by laws of nature

• will have no scientific explanation

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3 kinds of Causation

• uncaused

• self caused

• other caused

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A self-existent being must necessarily exist

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“What Caused God?”

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A Category Fallacy

cause is only required for what comes into existence

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GODis the uncaused cause of all

that exists

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“Is GOD personal or not?”

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two types of causes

1. Event caused

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2. Agent caused

two types of causes

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the cause of the universe is...

• powerful

• intelligent

• willful

• necessary

• immaterial

• timeless

• spaceless

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From Design Argument 2 of 3

A Case for God

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Teleological Arguments

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1. The fine-tuning of the universe is due to either physical necessity, chance, or design.

2. It is not due to physical necessity or chance.

3. Therefore, it is due to design.


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DESIGNFine tuning due to

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4 Universal ConstantsGravity


Strong Nuclear Force

Weak Nuclear Force

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“The more I examine the universe and the details of its architecture, the more evidence I find that the universe in some sense must have known we were coming.”

Disturbing the Universe, p.250

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“The overwhelming impression is one of order. The more we discover about the universe, the more we find that it is governed by rational laws…You still have the question: why does the universe bother to exist?” Stephen Hawking, There is a God, p.97

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“There is only one actual universe, with a unique set of basic materials and physical constants, and it is therefore surprising that the elements of this unique set-up are just right for life when they might easily have been wrong.” J.L. Mackie in Scaling the Secular

City by J.P. Moreland, p.55

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“There is no fine-tuning; the parameter is fixed by established physics and cosmology.” The Fallacy of Fine-Tuning, p.278-289


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“Where do the laws of physics come from? Why is it that we have these laws instead of some other set? How is it that we have a set of laws that drives featureless gases to life, consciousness and intelligence?” Paul Davies, There is a God, p.108

Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)/The Two Micron Sky Survey (2MASS)

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“The very fact that detractors of design have to resort to such a remarkable hypothesis underlines the point that cosmic fine-tuning is not explicable in terms of physical necessity alone or in terms of sheer chance . . .”

William Lane Craig, God and Design, p.171http://pustakadigitalindonesia.blogspot.ca/2013/10/apakah-alien-hantu-jin.html

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NECESSITYFine tuning due to

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CHANCEFine tuning due to

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“[O]bservation of the natural world furnishes conceptual resonance with, not deductive proof of, the Christian vision of God.”

Alister McGrath, A Fine-Tuned Universe, p.121

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From Moral Law Argument 3 of 3

A Case for God

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The Moral Argument for GOD

Version 1 C.S. Lewis

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The Moral Argument for GOD

Version 2 William Lane Craig

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Premise 1

If God does not exist, objective moral values and

duties do not exist.

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Premise 2

Objective moral values and duties exist.

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Therefore, God exists.

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‘One of my fellow former atheists insists this is THE strongest argument for the existence of God. He was haunted by the fact that if he embraced atheism, he had to release any notion of objective right and wrong. He no longer had a place to stand and say, “the holocaust is wrong” or even “rape and child abuse is wrong.” He could say he didn’t like it…but…so what! Who cares! If there is no God, there is no truth, only opinion and who are you to push your opinion on me or anyone else?’


Pastor Matt, Pastor Matt’s Blog

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A Case for God

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Which God?