apollo introduction

Apollo Process Introduction Provided by Kevin Stewart

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Page 1: Apollo Introduction

Apollo Process IntroductionProvided by Kevin Stewart

Page 2: Apollo Introduction

Our success in any endeavor

is directly dependent on

our ability to solve problems


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• Root Cause Analysis is any structured process used to understand the

causes of past events for the purpose of preventing recurrence. The results

of this process must produce clear and concise documentation of all items

listed below:

What is Root Cause Analysis

• Define the problem including significance

• Clearly delineate the known causal relationships with a graphical representation

• Clearly establish all causal relationships between the root causes and the defined

problem as being necessary and sufficient

• Provide evidence to support each cause

• Identify and implement effective solutions

• Track and validate the effectiveness of the solutions

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Why Do an RCA?

• Two Basic Reasons

– Solve a problem to prevent recurrence to save dollars or eliminate an unwanted


– Investigate a problem to identify systemic underlying issues that if identified and

eliminated will save an organization, time, money or consequences

• Things like low frequency high dollar items that on the surface may not seem

like candidates

• High consequence items (death, injury, safety)

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Case Application # of


in study

Average $$



$ Cost of

analysis &




1 Operations


65 $75,000/yr $1,500 1 week

2 Maintenance


30 $17,000/yr $1,800 5 weeks

3 Product Defect 1 $1.3 Billion $40 Million 1-1/2 weeks

What Is The Value of RCA?

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• An example -

• One attendee took the class at $1595

• Was required to do a project using the skill she learned

• One Day after the class got a small group (3 – 5) together

• Spent 4 hours analyzing

• Found simple solution costing $1000 and implemented within the week

• Total cost to fix problem = $1,595 (class) + $1,000 (solution) + $1,600 (time cost)

• Cost savings = $400,000

• Simple ROI = $400,000 / $4,195 = 95.0 or 9500%!

The Value In Terms of ROI (Return on Investment)

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Effective Problem Solving


Cause & Effect Relationships


Ineffective problem solvers, often jump right from the problem, to the solution, without considering the true causes of the issue. Effective problem

solvers, know they must identify the causes of an issue to come up with truly effective solutions

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The RealityCharting® Process

1. Define the Problem

2. Create a Realitychart

a. Determine the causal relationships

b. Provide a graphical representation

c. Support causes with evidence

d. Determine if causes are sufficient and necessary

3. Identify Effective Solutions

4. Implement and Track Solutions



Cause & Effect Relationships


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Define the Problem

• To many times people skip this step

• If you don’t define what your fixing – everybody will generate their own problem

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1. Cause and Effect are the same thing

2. Each Effect has at least two causes in the form of Actions & Conditions

3. Cause and Effects are part of an infinite continuum of causes

4. An Effect exists only if its causes exist in the same space and time frame

Four Cause and Effect Principles

• The above principles are used to guide practitioners to identify the unique set of

causes that underlie each problem

• Most of the work is spent identifying the causes for each effect and then putting

them together into a graphical representation of the problem

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1. For each primary effect ask “why?”

2. Look for causes in actions and conditions

3. Connect all causes with “Caused By”

4. Support all causes with evidence

5. End each cause path with a “?” or a reason for stopping

Creating a Realitychart

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The Results of the RealityCharting® Methodology is a chart


on next slide


on next slide

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Continued from

previous slide

Continued from

previous slide


Lid Open

The Results of the RealityCharting® Methodology is a chart

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The Solution Process

• Challenge each cause by asking how we can remove, change or control it.

• Do not restrict any ideas, write down all possible ideas for each cause.

• Check each solution against the solution criteria.

• Implement the solutions that best pass the criteria.

– Use RealityCharting® to document the solutions

• After developing the chart it is used to identify possible


• This is a brainstorming and creative process that is the

driver behind the effective solutions the Apollo Method can


• The solution process is based on the following 4 steps

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Document the Results

• A Report format is built right into the software and captures most of the information


• A copy of the report and the diagram is all you need to communicate the results of

the investigation

• Everything can be printed in PDF format so everyone in the organization can view

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The Report

Includes all pertinent information that is already in the software to save time:• General investigation

info• Problem definition• Report summary• Solutions (includes

person and due date)• Team members• Notes

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