apis rest usables con hypermedia por javier ramirez, para codemotion

APIs REST Usables Javier Ramírez @supercoco9 @aspgems

Upload: javier-ramirez

Post on 10-May-2015




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Con la adopción de REST, la proliferación de smartphones y tablets y el revival del JavaScript, exponer nuestra aplicación como un servicio es más importante que nunca. Frameworks como Rails hacen muy fácil la creación de un API (más o menos) REST, pero en muchas ocasiones estas APIs se diseñan sin pensar realmente en los desarrolladores que las va a usar. En esta charla habo sobre algunos de los puntos que pueden hacer tu API REST más amigable para desarrolladores, cubriendo áreas como el autodescubrimiento, autenticación, cabeceras, formatos, versionado, parámetros, documentación y herramientas. Aunque comparte tema (y algunas slides) con la charla de APIs usables que preparé para el grupo de Usuarios de Ruby en Londres, gran parte del material es inédito.


Page 1: APIs REST Usables con Hypermedia por Javier Ramirez, para codemotion

APIs REST Usables

Javier Ramírez


Page 2: APIs REST Usables con Hypermedia por Javier Ramirez, para codemotion

{"links":[ {"rel":"author", "uri":"http://javier-ramirez.com"}, {"rel":"work", "uri":"http://aspgems.com"}, {"rel":"twittEr", "uri":"http//twitter.com/supercoco9"} {"rel":"api-usable", "uri":"https//invoicefu.com"}]}*ningún gatico (ni ningún friki ansioso) ha sido dañado para hacer esta presentación

APIs RESTusableS*

edición codemotion.es

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Page 11: APIs REST Usables con Hypermedia por Javier Ramirez, para codemotion

La usabilidad Web es un enfoque para construir

sitios web faciles de usar para un usuario final, sin que se requiera ninguna formacion especializada'


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Hecha con RAILS

en lo que se

TARDA EN decir


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separation of concerns

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modelo de recursos

Autenticación y (NO) Estado


múltiples consumidores




Estados y gestión de erroresanalíticamonetizaciónDocumentaciónfirst class api?

…y uSaBiLidAd

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authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |login, password| User.find_by_login_and_password login, password endUser and password must be passed every time

Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( Time.now.to_s.split(//).sort_by {rand}.join ) User.find_by_login_and_api_key( params[:login], params[:api_key] ) Client can send it as a parameter or as a header

Depends on third party libraries Requires initial registration of client and more integration

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SUCCESS consistently

fail consistently

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invoicefu200 OK Success!201 Created304 Not Modified401 Unauthorized404 Not Found422 Unprocessable Entity406 Not Acceptable500 Internal Server Error

huddle200 OK 201 Created202 Accepted400 Bad Request401 Unauthorized403 Forbidden404 Not Found410 Gone

twitter200 OK Success!304 Not Modified400 Bad Request401 Unauthorized403 Forbidden404 Not Found406 Not Acceptable420 Enhance Your Calm500 Internal Server Error502 Bad Gateway503 Service Unavailable

Useful Status429 Too many requests204 No Content

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HTTP/REST StandardUnambiguousResources != RepresentationsVersion as you need it

Not everyone supports headers or custom types.Generic content types are preferred

Less obviousHarder to useNon standard content-typesSkips HTTP server logs

Accept: application/vnd.aspgems.invoicefu.v1.xml

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REST explicado por un señor que tan listo no será cuando

no usa gafasclient-server,stateless,layered,cacheable


Resource Identifiers

Resource metadata

Uniform interface



Representation metadata


Optionally: code on demand señor sin gafas

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post, put*, delete*, PATCH*

*fallbacks para clientes viejos o incompletos


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restfest 2011

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Strictly necessary

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resources are not models

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APIs descubriblesRecursos asociadosSiguientes pasosPaginación

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curl -X POST "https://invoicefu.com/api/session?

format=xml&[email protected]&password=YAY

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><user> <id>3</id> <name>javier ramir</name> <email>[email protected]</email> <locale>es</locale> <twitter-nickname>supercoco9</twitter-nickname> <facebook-uid nil="true"></facebook-uid> <facebook-nickname nil="true"></facebook-nickname> <api-key>c23e830d9b092a3a801d7f49b46</api-key> <links> <link> <rel>clients</rel> <uri>https://invoicefu.com/api/accounts/3-javier-ramirez/clients</uri> <methods>GET,POST</methods> </link> <link> <rel>new_client</rel> <uri>https://invoicefu.com/api/accounts/3-javier-ramirez/clients/new</uri> <methods>GET</methods> </link>

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Rob Eisenberg

<productions> <links> <link rel="self" href="..." /> <link rel="next" href="..." /> </links> <production> <name>RavenDB</name> <author>Oren Eini</author> <links> <link rel="self" href="..." /> <link rel="rels/episodes" href="..." /> </links> </production> <production> <name>Art of Speaking</name> <author>Scott Hanselman</author> <links> <link rel="self" href="..." /> <link rel="rels/episodes" href="..." /> </links> </production> <!--other productions elided--> </productions>

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Mike Kelly

{ "_links": { "self": { "href": "..." } }, "title": "Real World ASP.NET MVC3", "description": "In this advanced, somewhat-opinionated...", "permitted": true, "_embedded": { "episodes": [{ "_links": { "self": { "href": "..." }, "media": [{ "type": "video/webm; codecs='vp8.0, vorbis'", "href": "..." },{ "type": "video/ogg; codecs='theora, vorbis'", "href": "..." }] }, "title": "Foundations", "description": "In this episode we talk about what it is we're doing: building our startup and getting ourselves off the ground. We take..", "released": 1306972800 }

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{ "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "/user/95/allproductions" }, }, "name" : "Joe", "_embedded" : { "urn:tekpub:production" : [ { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/production/22" }, }, "allowed" : "true", "title" : "Rails runs rings round ReST resource representations" }, { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/production/74" }, }, "allowed" : "false", "title" : "Surfing the waves beats surfing an API" } ] }}

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ACTS AS API :Filtros

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URI templates

http://example.com/~{username}/ http://example.com/dictionary/{term:1}/{term} http://example.com/search{?q,lang}

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> curl "https://invoicefu.com/api/accounts/108-cole-mertz-fake/invoices/new?api_key=ddd349b30b6d9fde97b01b827e6be5ed1e4fbe72&format=xml&debug=1"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><errors> <error>extra params found: debug. Allowed params are: account_id,client_id,invoice_id,proforma_id</error></errors>

> curl "https://invoicefu.com/api/accounts/108-cole-mertz-fake/invoices/new?api_key=ddd349b30b6d9fde97b01b827e6be5ed1e4fbe72&format=xml&debug=1&strict=false"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><invoice> <number>2011/30</number> <issued-on>2011-12-11</issued-on> <proforma-id nil="true"></proforma-id> (...) <links> (...) <link> <rel>invoices</rel> <uri>https://invoicefu-localhost.com/api/accounts/108-cole-mertz-fake/invoices</uri> <methods>GET,POST</methods> </link> </links></invoice>

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for new

resources> curl "https://invoicefu.com/api/accounts/108-cole-mertz-fake/invoices/new?api_key=ddd349b30b6d9fde97b027e6be5ed1e4fbe72&format=json"

{"invoice":{"number":"2011/30","issued_on":"2011-12-12","proforma_id":null,"notes":null,"footer":null,"locale":"en","currency_code":"USD","currency_symbol":"$","ac_name":"Cole-Mertz#FAKE","ac_company_number_name":"Company number","ac_company_number":"25465828K","ac_tax_number_name":"VAT Number","ac_tax_number":"ES25464828k","ac_address":"234 brecknock road","ac_city":"london","ac_province":null,"ac_postal_code":"n18 5bq","ac_country_name":"United Kingdom","cl_email":null,"cl_name":null,"cl_company_number_name":null,"cl_company_number":null,"cl_tax_number_name":null,"cl_tax_number":null,"cl_address":null,"cl_city":null,"cl_province":null,"cl_postal_code":null,"cl_country_name":null,"invoice_lines":[],"discount_percent":null,"tax_lines":[{"name":"TVA","signed_percent":"19.6"}],"paid":"0.0","links":[{"rel":"payments","uri":"https://invoicefu.com/api/accounts/108-cole-mertz-fake/invoices//payments","methods":"POST"},{"rel":"account","uri":"https://invoicefu.com/api/accounts/108-cole-mertz-fake","methods":"GET,PUT"},{"rel":"client","uri":null,"methods":"GET,PUT,DELETE"},{"rel":"proforma","uri":null,"methods":"GET,PUT,DELETE"},{"rel":"pdf","uri":null,"methods":"GET"},{"rel":"invoices","uri":"https://invoicefu.com/api/accounts/108-cole-mertz-fake/invoices","methods":"GET,POST"}]}}j

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Multiple consumers

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All your


are belong

to us *even native formats

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javascript revival

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Cross origin

resource sharing

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use the



Permitir cabeceras del tiporeturn-asyncreturn-representationreturn-minimal

Devolver cabeceras útiles

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Respuestas parcialeshttps://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/default/uploads?fields=entry(title,gd:comments,yt:statistics)


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Implementación en invoicefu

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12 mayo 2012

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{"links":[ {"rel":"author", "uri":"http://javier-ramirez.com"}, {"rel":"work", "uri":"http://aspgems.com"}, {"rel":"blog", "uri":"http://formatinternet.com"}, {"rel":"twittEr", "uri":"http//twitter.com/supercoco9"}]}*ningún gatico (ni ningún friki ansioso) ha sido dañado para hacer esta presentación

APIs RESTusableS*

edición codemotion.es