apha student guide to annual meeting


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Program Guide, Annual Meeting


Your Voice

Your Profession our LegacY

StudentS’ GuideMake Your Mark

APhA2013 Annual Meeting & Exposition

Friday, March 1APhA-ASP Delegates to HOD Caucus (Closed Session—Regional Officers and Standing Committee members ONLY.)

1:00 PM – 3:15 PMConvention Center, Room 309

APhA-ASP Operation Diabetes Workshop3:45 PM – 4:45 PMConvention Center, Room 502BSupported by a grant from Rite Aid.

APhA-ASP Operation Immunization Workshop3:45 PM – 4:45 PMConvention Center, Room 502ASupported by a grant from Safeway.

APhA-ASP Operation Self-Care Workshop3:45 PM – 4:45 PMConvention Center, Room 511Supported by a grant from Procter & Gamble.

Prelude to New Practitioner Life Part I4:00 PM – 6:00 PMConvention Center, Room 150B-CWith graduation around the corner, have you found yourself wondering what comes next? During this session you will gain insight on how to prepare for the NAPLEX, learn about where to go and what do with Continuing Education, and discover the re-sources available to you through the APhA New Practitioner Network.

APhA-ASP First Timers’ Guide to Annual Meeting5:00 PM – 6:15 PMConvention Center, Room 515BWant to know how to get the most out of your APhA2013? Attend this session to net-work with other first timers, hear tips from returning attendees, and find out which sessions you won’t want to miss.

APhA Political Leadership Reception: Pharmacists Driving Political Change (Ticket Required)

5:00 PM – 6:30 PMConvention Center, Room 515ANetwork with leaders both inside and out-side of APhA, and learn how your advoca-cy efforts can make a significant difference for the profession and your patients.

APhA-ASP Career Networking Roundtables6:00 PM – 7:30 PMConvention Center, Room 502BAttend this interactive roundtable session to explore the variety of options for your career path. Attendees will learn about ca-reer opportunities from leading pharmacy practitioners in diverse practice settings.

APhA-ASP Chapter Achievement Award Report Tips and Guidelines6:00 PM – 8:00 PMConvention Center, Room 502ADuring the first part of this session, the APhA–ASP Awards Standing Committee will answer your questions and provide tips for preparing a successful Chapter Achieve-ment Award Report. Members of the com-mittee will also meet with chapter represen-tatives individually to discuss successes and improvements for Chapter Achievement Award Reports. Appointment times will be scheduled via e-mail prior to APhA2013.

APhA Opening Reception in the Exposition: Hollywood Nights7:30 PM – 9:30 PMConvention Center, South Hall G-J

APhA-ASP Welcoming Social: Glitz and Gold8:30 PM – 12:00 AMJW Marriott, Diamond BallroomYour first opportunity to reunite with old friends and make new ones in the City of Angels! Don’t forget to stop for your close-up as you walk the red carpet! Come dressed as your favorite celebrity, and remember, proper ID is required for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.Supported by a grant from CVS Caremark.

Saturday, March 2APhA-ASP Chapter Advisors Workshop7:00 AM – 8:45 AMConvention Center, Room 502BEver wondered how to balance the rigors of serving as a Chapter Advisor and stay up to date on APhA-ASP programs while balancing life as a faculty member? Learn from APhA Staff and our panel of successful advisors.

APhA-ASP Becoming an Advocate for My Profession Workshop8:00 AM – 9:15 AMJW Marriott, Platinum Salon CAll student pharmacists have the oppor-tunity to influence change on a state and national level. Explore ways that you can advocate for the value of your license, your profession, and your patients.

APhA-ASP Chapter Presidents-elect Workshop8:00 AM – 9:15 AMJW Marriott, Diamond Salon 5Gain the essential information you will need to serve as chapter president.

APhA-ASP Membership Vice Presidents Workshop8:00 AM – 9:15 AMJW Marriott, Diamond Salon 3 Learn the ins and outs of the APhA member-ship process and how to run a successful membership drive.

APhA-ASP/IPSF International Opportunities Roundtable8:00 AM – 9:15 AMJW Marriott, Diamond Salon 6-7Have you ever wanted to become involved with international pharmacy but didn’t know how? Learn from your IPSF officers on how to get involved globally through participating locally.

APhA-ASP Year in the Life of New Practitioners8:00 AM – 9:15 AMJW Marriott, Platinum Salon F-GHear from residents, postgraduates, and practitioner leaders as they share their per-sonal experiences and insights for life after pharmacy school.

APhA Opening General Session 9:00 AM – 11:00 AMConvention Center, South Hall KAPhA will recognize outstanding award winners in pharmacy practice and re-search. APhA President, Jenelle Sobotka will provide her address on the state of the Association, and we will hear from our key-note speaker, Susan Dentzer, editor-in-chief of Health Affairs. Susan will offer strategic insights on current and future developments in the complex health care environment and their impact on the profession of pharmacy.

APhA-ASP Chapter Leadership Workshop9:30 AM – 11:00 AMJW Marriott, Platinum Salon D-EInterested students and chapter leaders are invited to attend this workshop focused on accountable results in volunteer orga-nizations. You will learn how to define and achieve success within your chapter through successful team communication.Supported by a grant from Target.

APhA-ASP Chapter Achievement Award Report Review Sessions (By Appointment Only)

11:00 AM – 12:30 PMJW Marriott, Platinum Salon B

Exposition 11:00 AM – 3:00 PMConvention Center, South Hall G-J

APhA New Practitioner Mentor Workshop and Luncheon (By Invitation Only)

11:30 AM – 1:00 PMConvention Center, Room 153

APhA-ASP Opening General Session1:30 PM – 3:30 PMConvention Center, South Hall KThe best and brightest of the nation’s student pharmacists gather to celebrate the achievements of our Academy. During this session, awards will be presented to the winning chapters of our patient care and community outreach projects. The recipients of the APhA Foundation Scholarships will also be presented. Keynote Speaker Judson Laipply will infuse laughter with merit, combine side-splitting bits with thought provoking-moments, and provide synergizing humor with inspiration.

Judson Laipply promises to do two things: make you laugh and make you think. And for the last seven years, his passion for both has entertained and educated audiences all over the world.The keynote speaker is supported by a grant from Cardinal Health Foundation.

Student Information Showcase: Pharmacy Residencies and Other Postgraduate Training Opportunities3:30 PM – 5:00 PMConvention Center, South Hall G-J

APhA-ASP Open Hearing on Proposed Resolutions and New Business5:00 PM – 6:30 PMConvention Center, South Hall KThis is your opportunity to share your thoughts on the proposed resolutions and new business items that will be debated in the APhA-ASP House of Delegates. Let your voice be heard by participating in this cru-cial step of the APhA-ASP Policy Process!

Sunday, March 3APhA-ASP Open Candidate Review8:00 AM – 10:00 AMJW Marriott, Platinum Salon D-ECandidates running for the offices of APhA-ASP National President-elect, National Member-at-large (2), and Speaker of the House will share their views on the profes-sion of pharmacy and answer questions from the audience. Take this opportunity to learn more about the future leaders of our profession.

APhA Second General Session9:00 AM – 11:00 AMConvention Center, South Hall K

Prelude to New Practitioner Life Part II10:00 AM – 11:00 AMJW Marriott, Platinum Salon H-IStudent pharmacists graduating in 2013 are invited to attend this session on what to expect during the transition from student to new practitioner life. Accomplished new practitioners will offer advice on taking the next steps in your career path, detail how APhA can help you enhance your PharmD, discuss the benefits of the APhA New Prac-titioner Network. Prizes will be awarded!

APhA-ASP Regional Caucuses10:15 AM – 11:15 AMJW MarriottMeet your Regional Officers, discuss the proposed resolutions and hear updates from around your Region.

Region 1: Platinum Salon CRegion 2: Diamond Salon 3 Region 3: Platinum Salon ERegion 4: Diamond Salon 4Region 5: Platinum Salon A-BRegion 6: Platinum Salon DRegion 7: Diamond Salon 1-2Region 8: Diamond Salon 5

Exposition 11:00 AM – 3:00 PMConvention Center, South Hall G-J

APhA-ASP Chapter Achievement Award Report Review Sessions (By Appointment Only)

11:30 AM – 1:30 PMJW Marriott, Platinum Salon F

APhA-ASP Implementing MTM in Your Future Practice11:30 AM – 12:45 PMJW Marriott, Diamond Salon 4 Want to learn more about MTM? This session will focus on taking your clinical knowledge and pairing it with the business skills necessary to implement MTM services as a practitioner. Learn marketing tips, ways to develop a solid business plan, and strategies to set yourself apart in your future practice.

APhA-ASP/AACP/ACPE Open Forum on the Quality of Pharmacy Education1:00 PM – 2:30 PMConvention Center, Room 515AThis forum provides an opportunity for student pharmacists, faculty, and others to share their ideas and opinions regarding the quality of pharmacy education.

APhA-ASP Generation Rx Workshop1:30 PM – 2:30 PMConvention Center, Room 511Supported by a grant from Cardinal Health Foundation.

A don’t miss session for successful career development and networking.

APhA-ASP Operation Heart Workshop1:30 PM – 2:30 PMConvention Center, Room 502B

APhA-ASP Working with Your State Association Workshop1:30 PM – 2:30 PMConvention Center, Room 150B-C

APhA-ASP House of Delegates — First Session3:00 PM – 5:30 PM Convention Center, South Hall KHelp to shape the future of our profession through the APhA–ASP House of Delegates, the policymaking body for student pharmacists. During this session, we will charter our new chapters, debate and vote on the 2013 proposed resolu-tions, and hear from APhA-ASP National President, David Steeb on the State of the Academy. Chapter Delegate registration opens at 2:15 pm.

APhA New Practitioner Network —Promoting Resiliency: Recognizing and Preventing Burnout3:00 PM – 4:30 PMConvention Center, Room 502BSo often, new practitioners come into practice with the ambition and motivation to make strides in optimizing patient care, but quickly feel overwhelmed and burn out prematurely without warning. Learn how to develop resiliency in order to mitigate burn-out and, as a result, improve your patients’ medication use and optimize care.

APhA New Practitioner Network Night on the Town10:00 PM – 1:30 AMIcon LA Ultra Lounge, 1248 South Figueroa StThe Icon LA Ultra Lounge is where “up-town meets downtown.” Directly across from the Convention Center, this upscale venue blends sophistication, style, and an energetic ambiance for the ultimate club experience. Be sure to check out the exqui-site rooftop lounge for spectacular views of downtown L.A. Supported by a grant from SUPERVALU.

Monday, March 4APhA-ASP House of Delegates — Final Session8:30 AM – 12:00 PMConvention Center, South Hall KIn this exciting final session of the APhA-ASP House of Delegates, the recipient of the APhA Good Government Student Phar-macist Award will be honored, students will debate and vote on new business items, APhA-ASP PharmFlix award winners will be selected, and the 2013–2014 APhA–ASP National Executive Committee will be elected. The session will close with APhA–ASP National President, Brandi Hamilton presenting her Inaugural Address.

Exposition — Lucky Monday 11:00 AM – 2:00 PMConvention Center, South Hall G-JVisit the Expo Hall for your chance to win Kindle Fire HD Tablets! Simply drop-off your completed ticket (included with registration) in the Lucky Monday prize drawing boxes in aisles 200, 500, and 800. Tickets must be received by 12:00 pm and prize draw-ings will begin at 12:30 pm. Attendees must be present to win.

APhA-ASP Delegates to HOD Caucus (Closed Session—Regional Officers and Standing Committee members ONLY.)

12:00 PM – 1:30 PMConvention Center, Room 309

APhA-ASP Leadership Training Series Workshop1:30 PM – 3:00 PMJW Marriott, Platinum Salon D-EEvery student pharmacist has the oppor-tunity to be a leader, and this session will provide the essentials of leadership. This workshop counts as a Leadership Training Series credit. Supported by a grant from Wal-Mart.

How to Get the Job You Never Knew You Always Wanted3:15 PM – 4:30 PMJW Marriott, Platinum Salon CEven if you already think you have a clear career path in the profession of pharmacy, this session is for you! Come to learn skills that will assist you in your career decision making and to hear about options that you may not have considered, including clinical practice careers in academia.Conducted by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP).

Navigating Career Options in the Pharmaceutical Industry3:15 PM – 4:30 PMJW Marriott, Platinum Salon F-G An industry fellowship is a unique way to expand your career options, to distinguish yourself from your peers, and provide innovative patient care to thousands of patients. PharmD fellows from across the Rutgers Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship program will be present to provide an over-view of pharmacist roles in industry.Supported by a grant from Rutgers Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship Program.

APhA-ASP Closing Celebration5:30 PM – 7:30 PMConvention Center, South Hall KJoin us in celebrating the Academy’s year as we feature how student pharmacists made their mark! We will honor the recipi-ents of the APhA-ASP Chapter Achievement, Linwood F. Tice, Dean, Chapter Advisor, and Student Leadership Awards. The results of the APhA-ASP PharmFlix Video Contest and National Patient Counseling Competition will also be announced. Don’t miss this exciting conclusion to APhA2013.The Chapter Achievement Awards program is supported by a grant from Walgreens.

APhA Closing Reception8:00 PM – 10:00 PMNokia Plaza at L.A. LIVEHome of the world famous Staples Center, Nokia Theater, and Grammy Museum, L.A. LIVE is among the hottest destinations in Los Angeles. This energized atmosphere is perfect to connect old friends and new acquaintances as we celebrate the end of APhA2013. Supported by grants from Amgen and Novartis.

Follow us on Twitter @APhA2013 and @APhAASP

National Patient Counseling CompetitionDuring the 2013 APhA-ASP National Patient Counseling Competition (NPCC), chapter representatives from every school and college of pharmacy will participate in preliminary rounds of competition on Friday and Saturday. The top 10 finalists will compete in a final round of competition on Sunday.

The 2013 NPCC winner, along with the top 10 finalists, will be recognized at the APhA-ASP Closing Celebration on Monday evening. All NPCC events take place at the JW Marriott. See the APhA2013 Final Program for a complete listing of NPCC events.

Conducted in partnership with CVS Caremark.










APhA-ASP National Officer Election Schedule of Events

Saturday, March 2APhA-ASP Meet the Candidates12:30 PM – 1:30 PMConvention Center, South Hall K Lobby Sunday, March 3APhA-ASP Open Candidate Review8:00 AM – 10:00 AMJW Marriott, Platinum Salon D-E APhA–ASP Meet the Candidates2:00 PM – 3:00 PMConvention Center, South Hall K Lobby

APhA-ASP Nominating Committee (Closed Session)6:30 PM – 9:00 PMConvention Center, Room 308B Monday, March 4APhA-ASP Meet the Candidates8:00 AM – 8:30 AMConvention Center, South Hall K Lobby APhA–ASP House of Delegates Final Session8:30 AM – 12:00 PMConvention Center, South Hall K

APhA-ASP 2013-2014 National Officer CandidatesCandidates for APhA-ASP National President-elect

Nicholas Capote, The University of Tennessee

Justin Arnall, University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill

JT Fannin, University of Florida

Ellie Huntington, Drake University

Joshua Cahill, D’Youville College

Brian Primeaux, The University of Louisiana at Monroe

Praneeta Nagraj, St. John’s University

Brian Donahue, Mercer University

Tony Olson, University of Minnesota

Tonya Smith, South Carolina College of Pharmacy

Cassandra Song, Washington State University

Candidates for APhA-ASP National Member-at-large

Candidates for APhA-ASP Speaker of the House

APhA-ASP Appreciates Our Supporters

APhA-ASP 2013 Proposed Resolutions

2013.1 – Expanding Immunization Privileges for Pharmacists and Student Pharmacists 1. APhA-ASP encourages all health care professionals who administer immunizations, to have real-

time and bi-directional access to the Immunization Information System (IIS) (formerly the vaccine/immunization registry) and patient electronic health records (EHRs). Furthermore, immunization providers should regularly and routinely update the IIS and EHRs to meet both community public health and patient-specific needs.

2. APhA-ASP encourages pharmacy stakeholders to promote legislative efforts that would enable pharmacists and student pharmacists to administer all CDC-recommended immunizations per protocol and address community-specific needs regarding patient age restrictions.

2013.2 – Development of an Effective and Financially Viable Care Transitions Model 1. APhA-ASP encourages pharmacists, student pharmacists, and other health care professionals to

develop a team-based care transitions model that enhances the coordination of care, strengthens the relationship among all health care providers, reduces hospital readmission rates, and improves patient outcomes.

2. APhA-ASP encourages pharmacists, student pharmacists, and care transitions stakeholders to work with health-systems, employers, and third party payors to develop and implement a sustainable and financially viable payment model for all members of the care transitions team.

This year, the APhA-ASP Resolutions Committee noted that several proposals from the Midyear Regional Meetings were related to topics that are already addressed in APhA-ASP’s Resolutions Book. During their deliberations, the Committee did not see a need to introduce new proposed resolutions on these topics. However, the Committee felt strongly that several topics should be given deliberate consideration by the Academy and APhA-ASP Policy Standing Committee during 2013-2014.Therefore, the APhA-ASP Resolutions Committee would like to make the following motions for the APhA-ASP House of Delegates to discuss and debate. Motion 2013.3 – CompoundingMotion 2013.4 – Pharmacists as Providers: Prescriptive Authority, Compensation,

and Behind-the-Counter ClassMotion 2013.5 – Post Graduate Training Opportunities

Please see the Final Report of the APhA-ASP Resolutions Committee for further detail on each of these motions. The report can be found on the APhA2013 Annual Meeting website.