apex oil spill_grp learning paper

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  • 8/11/2019 Apex Oil Spill_Grp Learning Paper


    Apex Oil spill

    A. Summary of the Assignment

    The assignment centred on the learnings of the Article Breaking Roberts rules: Consensus

    building techniques for group decision. The Assignment was in essence a simulation of the

    entire procedure of process consulting. Groups of seven were made and assigned one of the

    following roles:

    1. Assistant to Chief Minister 5.Environmental Defence representative

    2. State Economic Development Director 6.Change Agent/Practitioner

    3. State Environment Director 7.Observer

    4. Petroleum Industry Representative

    Brief Overview of the case assigned

    An accident has occurred at Apex Oil Corporation where close to 4 million barrels of heavy

    crude oil have spilled into the coastal waters due to underwater oil pipeline splitting open

    and the subsequent delay by the technicians in raising an alarm The accident has had a very

    adverse effect on the 100 miles of beaches and the coastal wildlife that exists in the area

    with a large number of fishes, crabs and birds dying. Attempts to rescue these animals have

    proved to be futile so far owing to oil ingestion. The backbone of the economies in the four

    coastal areas, Fishing and Tourism have also suffered greatly with fishing activities banned

    for 2 years and tourism volumes down by 90%.Additionally,All off shore oil production units

    have been temporarily closed down adding to the burden on the economy. Apex Oil

    Corporation has taken full responsibility for the event and has in a public statement taken

    full responsibility of the cleanup operations and the financing of the animal rescue centres.

    They have however refused to pay for the incidental expenses and also refused to come to

    trial for the violation of the laws pertaining to the killing of endangered or threatened

    species as instances of accidental killing did not come under the purview of the Law. Some

    of the Locals have found employment in the cleanup operations. Various stakeholders arenow worried about the slow pace of Apexs cleanup and its alleged nefarious connections

    with the CM. Additionally the Injunction by the State Environment Director is causing a lot

    of financial loss to the state as under the terms of the injunction, the off shore Oil

    production units will have to remain closed until the preliminary investigation report is

    submitted which could take anything up to a year or longer

    The Group met as a committee and had a discussion about the issue along the following


    1. Fate of Off shore drilling operations in the state

  • 8/11/2019 Apex Oil Spill_Grp Learning Paper


    2. Future of Oil production in the state

    3. Culpability and extent of accountability of Apex Oil Corporation when it came to bearing

    all direct and indirect costs

    Group Experience

    The exercise began with all group members introducing themselves as the roles that they

    had been allocated post which the Assistant to Chief Minister put forth the agenda of the

    meeting. The meeting began with the discussion of the case facts. However as the

    discussion progressed, a strong clique appeared to emerge in the form of the Assistant to

    the CM, the State Environment Director and the Environmental Defence representative.

    Also, the State Environment Director and the Environmental Director seemed to function as

    a single team, reinforcing each others points. Despite the Change agents repeated efforts

    the refusal of these two members to arrive at a solution that would be beneficial to most ofthe stakeholders, The meeting concluded without any concrete solution arising out of the
