apache vs iis myths

IIS vs. Apache Myths and Reality

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IIS vs. ApacheMyths and Reality

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Apache - Overview

Free web server.Often combined with Linux, MySQL, and PHP to make the LAMP stack.First released in 1995.Modular architecture.Built using an open source development model.Commercial friendly open-source license.Current Version is 2.2.9 which was released in June of 2008

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IIS 6 Overview

IIS 6.0 – A Solid FoundationShipped with Windows Server 2003Proven Security

Significant reduction in attack surface compared to previous releasesNo security vulnerabilities since it’s release five years ago.

Proven Scalability and StabilityUsed by many major sites and companies such as MySpace.com, Match.com, US Bank, USA Today, Allstate, Continental Airlines and others.Significant increase in reliability of hosted web sites compared to IIS 5.0.

A solid trusted foundation for IIS 7.0

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IIS7 Overview


Modular and Extensible

Integrated with .NET

Improved Security

Agile Administration

Built in Request Tracing

Reduced Attack


Easier to Manage

Fast Diagnostics

Extend/Modify IIS Features

Create Streamlined


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“Which of the two platforms (IIS and Apache) is more secure?”

“Which is easier to manage?”

“Is Apache or IIS easier to manage?”

“Which web server is more reliable?”

“Which is more modular, IIS or Apache?”

“Is IIS or Apache more innovative?”

“Is IIS or Apache easier to troubleshoot?”

“Does Apache support more applications?”

“Does IIS or Apache have the lower TCO?”

“Is Apache the best platform for PHP Applications?”

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Security“Which of the two platforms, IIS and Apache, is more secure?”

IIS 7.0 SecurityMinimal Surface AreaAutomatic Site / Application SandboxingAnonymous User Account ChangesURL AuthorizationBuilt in Request FilteringIntegrated Active Directory Authorization

IIS / Security Development LifecycleAutomatic Update PatchingSecurity Tracking – Secunia

IIS 6 by comparison has only 5 advisories released to date.http://secunia.com/product/1438/?task=advisories

Apache 2.0.x on the other hand has over 35, several of which are critical rated.


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SecurityIndependent Commentary

Ad Host

• “While files are being transferred to a Web server, it’s essentially in clear text, which can pose security issues.” “Now our clients can download FTP software and create a secure FTP connection to our IIS 7.0 FTP server. Secure FTP is something our customers really want, and now we can offer it to them.”

UC Berkely

• “With Server Core, we saw a way to reduce a server’s vulnerability to attack, but also its need for patches and our administrative overhead associated with patch monitoring and installation.”

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Management“Is IIS or Apache easier to manage?”

IIS 7.0 ManageabilityCentralized Web Farm ConfigurationStreamlined and Focused Administration ToolRemote Administration ToolCommand Line AdministrationRapid Troubleshooting and Limited Downtime

AdHost- Able to Reduce Site Setup Time to a Quarter of the Previous Time with IIS 7.0

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ManagementIndependent Commentary


• “Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7.0 are absolutely cornerstone to how all this would work.” “We will no longer have to touch individual machines; we’ll have a cloud of servers that we can direct in an automated way.”


• “With IIS 7.0 we have one centralized hosting environment so we can do single-point deployment and manage the services much more effectively. This is something we simply couldn’t do before.”


• “Before, we had to have a programmer to create batch files and automate processes.” “But with IIS 7.0, anyone can do it, which makes management faster and easier.”

Ad Host

• “With Windows Server 2008 and the Shared Configuration feature of IIS 7.0, we can go from a bare bones box to a running Web server in about one hour—a four-hour savings over Windows Server 2003.” “Site setup can be done in about a quarter of the time—10 minutes to activate a site via script versus 40 minutes. And we’re expecting to cut our webmaster and administration time in half as well.”


• “Most large hosters are trying hard to lock down their systems.” “That makes it easier for them to manage their systems, but it also makes them much less flexible. Our customers want to explore all the features of a Web server. They want security, but flexibility too. With IIS 7.0 we can deliver exactly that.”

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Performance / Scalability“Does Apache have better performance /scalability than IIS?”

IIS 7.0 Performance/ScalabilityLeaner Web ServersServer CoreStatic and Dynamic CompressionOutput Caching ImprovementsEnterprise Level Performance

“Match.com runs IIS 7.0 with 30 million page views daily.”“PlentyOffFish.com gets 1.2 billion page views a month.”“WS2008 and IIS 7.0 allow www.microsoft.com to process 122 million more requests at the same CPU level – compared to IIS 6.0”“MySpace.com runs IIS 7.0 with 23 billion page views a month.”

HostMySite- Now hosting 1,100 web sites per server / Up from 500 shared applications.

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Performance / ScalabilityIndependent Commentary


• “Based on our tests, by running Windows Server 2008 and Internet Information Services 7.0 on modern multicore Intel-based servers, we’ll be able to increase our system performance several fold.”


• “We’ve been able to significantly reduce our bandwidth and have seen a cost savings of 50 percent over our previous video delivery method.”


• “Our Windows Server 2008 machine scaled quite well while it handled as many as 1,800 connections versus the 1,000 connections handled by our Windows Server 2003 systems and provided equal or better performance.”


• “Using Windows Server 2008 instantly sped up my sites by more than 40 percent. It’s like getting a code rewrite with no work.” “Everything that we create requires on-site editing, and the fact that pages load so much more quickly results in significant timesavings for us every day.”


• “Our peak period is when auctions close, which is typically between 7:00 P.M. and 11:00 P.M. central time. During that period, we may get 6,500 unique users and 200,000 page views. Bidtopia.com is our only source of revenue now, so the more auctions we can support, the better. Based on the performance and reliability we’ve seen since migrating to Windows Server 2008, we’ve just decided to accelerate the schedule for allowing new sellers onto the site.”

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Reliability“Which web server is more reliable?”

IIS 7.0 ReliabilityProven and Trusted Platform

54% of the Fortune 1000 rely on IIS 7.0Rapid diagnostics tools to troubleshoot any concerns quickly

Failed Request TracingRuntime State and Control API.

HiChina- Reduced Application downtime by 99% for applications that were moved to Windows Server 2008 and IIS.

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ReliabilityIndependent Commentary


• “There hasn’t been any downtime for customers since [our migration to IIS in] August 2007—and that’s rare.” “That’s one of the biggest benefits we can offer to our customers.”

Parking.Ru• “Even though our test hosting environment was based on a beta version of Windows Server

2008, we experienced no failures of critical services for six months—no system restarts, not even a single emergency situation.”

Ad Host• “We create a smaller footprint with IIS 7.0, which is important from both a memory point of

view and a security point of view.” “In terms of stability, we’ve been running Windows Server 2008 for two months now and have been monitoring it every three minutes from five different Web servers. So far we haven’t seen even a flicker of downtime.”

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Modularity“Which is more modular, IIS or Apache?”

IIS 7.0 ModularityServer functionality is split into 40 modules

Only 10 modules installed by defaultModules and a Generic PipelineExtensibility

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ModularityIndependent Commentary

ServiceU• The modular architecture of IIS7 and its integration with the newest version of the Microsoft

.NET Framework contribute to increased Web server performance.” “These same characteristics provide a customizable platform where specialized server components such as authentication and logging can be extended or replaced.”

TeaLeaf• "IIS7’s modularity is a good thing for us, particularly because we are writing system-

intensive applications, especially so when you start replaying sessions through a browser. On the capture side, the modularity makes it much easier for us to add our parts into our customers’ application servers. Also, it’s exciting to not have to work within the confines of an ISAPI filter.


• “We really like the ability to pick which components of IIS 7.0 we need—whether it’s using the integrated mode to run ASP.NET applications, using the classic pipeline to run ASP.NET through the ISAPI filter, or just running a streamlined HTTP Web server.”


• “We can install Windows Server 2008 at a more granular level than previous operating systems.” “By specifying the function of a particular server, we can install only what we need, which means that the servers are more stable and less open to vulnerabilities.”

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Innovation“Is IIS or Apache a more innovative platform?”

IIS 7.0 InnovationIIS 7.0 Admin Pack URL Rewrite Module (Technical Preview)PowerShell Provider for IIS Remote Manager – IIS 7 UI for Down-level ClientsWeb Playlists

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InnovationIndependent Commentary

Elima• “Microsoft really listened to the hosting community when it developed Windows Server

2008. The changes in Internet Information Services 7.0 mean that we can tailor the system to do exactly what we want.”

SpotRunner• “IIS 7.0 is a more feature-rich platform than previous Web servers. IIS 7.0 reduces the

amount of foundational technology, such as logging and auditing, that we need to develop on our own and thereby simplifies our services and, ultimately, our systems.”

TeamZoneSports• “We’re able to add functionality every month because we use integrated development

technologies from Microsoft.” “It doesn’t take much time or effort to include new features, so there’s little risk in experimenting to see how innovative we can be to add value.”


• “What we've learned from the experience is that the technology platform from Microsoft is the strongest foundation on which to build our offerings"

Continental Airlines• “With IIS 7.0 we can provide rich infrastructure right out of the box.” “That’s less code we

have to write for infrastructure and more code we can write about the business of Continental Airlines.”

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Troubleshooting“Is IIS or Apache an easier platform to troubleshoot?”

IIS 7.0 TroubleshootingDetailed Error Messages

Verbose Error MessagesSuggests Causes and SolutionsDetails include configuration sections in question, modules in use, page, etc.

Failed Request TracingAllows for custom failure criteria per URLPersist Failure Log Files beyond process lifetimeCommon Usages

Request take too longRequest Error (completes but with error code)

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TroubleshootingIndependent Commentary

Parking.Ru• "Before, a script could cause problems for any number of sites, and tracking it down was difficult and consumed a lot of IT resources. Now, with IIS 7.0, we see how the clients' scripts are running in real time. Although third-party vendors provide solutions for resolving script-related problems, now this functionality is built-in and operates at a core level. For us, as a host service provider, this feature turned out to be very important.”Continental Airlines

• “The troubleshooting features in IIS 7.0 have been enhanced by leaps and bounds, at the end of the day, what matters to us and our users is not just how well our IIS applications run, but also how fast we can troubleshoot them if they go down.”


• “Before, when a client’s Web site wasn’t performing well, the old debugging tools provided a lot of output.” “With 500 Web sites running, it was nearly impossible to find the relevant error information. Failed request tracing in Internet Information Services 7.0 makes it a lot easier to see just the requests that we’re interested in, with the status codes and other details that we need to debug the site or the application.”


• “ IIS 7.0 allows us to pinpoint which particular script is causing which particular problem.” “It helps us quickly resolve problems we deal with on a day to day basis.”


• “There’s nothing cryptic about it. If something goes wrong, we track it, repair it, and quickly finish the configuration.”

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Application Support“Does Apache support more Applications?”

IIS 7.0 Application SupportExtensible, modular architecture – add, remove or replace any built-in moduleEnhanced ASP.NET integration including unified configuration, HTTP runtime and administration toolsCaching support (kernel and user) for all types of dynamic contentBuilt-in FastCGI support for Open Source frameworks such as PHP and Ruby.Strong integration with other Enterprise Products such as SharePointExtensive Support for Streaming Media

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Application SupportIndependent Commentary

TeamZoneSports• “By adopting Microsoft technologies and services, we’ve been able to create a flexible way

for people to quickly communicate, whether it’s through the main site or through a mobile application.”


• “We can work with whatever our customers want to write,” says Thompson. “They have access to ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, and Perl as well.”

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TCO“Does IIS or Apache have the lower TCO?”

IIS 7.0 - Cost of OwnershipRapid Troubleshooting and Minimized DowntimeMinimized Surface AreaIsolation and SandboxingScalable Multi-Tenant HostingLess Expensive Administrator Resources to MaintainDelegated Control to Site OwnersStrong Microsoft Support Resources

HiChina- Reduced System Management costs by 10%- Saved nearly 20% in overall maintenance and operating costs.

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TCOIndependent Commentary

Aruba.IT• “At aruba.it, Italy’s largest hosting service provider, Microsoft found that the TCO of its existing Windows®–based shared hosted services was 16 percent lower than the TCO of its Linux–based offerings. Moreover, the contribution margin from the Windows–based services was 14 percent higher than the contribution margin from the analogous Linux–based services. Finally, the profit margin for Windows was 81 percent compared to 77 percent for Linux”.Pipex

• “From what we’ve seen so far, we think it will be possible to significantly reduce the amount of ‘tin’ in the data center. IIS7 appears to offer a great TCO benefit.”

Mosso• “We’ve reduced our hardware requirements by 16 to 25 percent,” says Odom. “We used to

have to dedicate servers to replication. With IIS 7.0, we were able to take those servers and dedicate them to serving Web traffic.”

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PHP Applications“Is Apache the best platform for PHP?”

IIS 7.0 and PHP SupportConsolidate .NET and PHP applications on a single serverConsolidate Web and Other Server Management Frameworks to a single platformBetter Web Platform ManagementHost on Minimal / Headless Server with Server CorePowerful Media ServingMicrosoft Supported Solution

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PHP ApplicationsIndependent Commentary

Ad Host

• “Being able to support peripheral components like PHP is going to be a big selling factor for us.”

Combell• “In the past, if a customer asked for PHP hosting, we offered them Linux; if they asked for ASP or ASP.NET hosting, we offered Windows Server.”

• “Now we have a bunch of test customers running PHP on Internet Information Services 7.0 and it is working very well for them. The more customer requirements we can support with one operating system, the more experts we can have developing new solutions on that operating system.”

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SummaryIIS 7.0 has:

A Modular and Extensible ArchitectureDeep integration with .NET ApplicationsImproved SecurityAgile Administration Built in Troubleshooting Tools such as Request Tracing

This leads to a Web Platform that is:StreamlinedEasy to extendTo ManageQuick to TroubleshootHighly Secure

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IIS Resources

Technical Communities, Webcasts, Blogs, Chats & User Groupshttp://www.microsoft.com/communities/default.mspx Microsoft Learning and Certificationhttp://www.microsoft.com/learning/default.mspx Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) & TechNet http://microsoft.com/msdn http://microsoft.com/technet Trial Software and Virtual Labshttp://www.microsoft.com/technet/downloads/trials/default.mspx IIS.Net

http://www.iis.net http://forums.iis.net http://blogs.iis.net http://www.iis.net/downloads

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