apache spark for big data processing

Unless otherwise indicated, these slides are © 2013-2015 Pivotal Software, Inc. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ SPRINGONE2GX WASHINGTON, DC Spark meets Spring Ludwine Probst @nivdul Ilayaperumal Gopinathan @ilayaperumalg

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Post on 12-Jan-2017




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Spark meets Spring

Ludwine Probst @nivdul

Ilayaperumal Gopinathan@ilayaperumalg

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Agenda •  Introduction to Apache Spark •  Spark ecosystem

•  Spark streaming •  Spark SQL & DataFrame •  MLlib and others

•  More on Spark Streaming •  Spring XD integration


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Ludwine Probst Data Engineer @nivdul

Ilayaperumal Gopinathan Software Engineer at Spring Team @ilayaperumalg

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Machine Learning


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I/O overhead


Map Reduce pattern

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Apache Spark

•  big data analytics in memory / disk •  complements Hadoop •  faster and more flexible •  Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)


Java 8 (lambda) interactive shell

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Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) •  process in parallel •  controllable persistence (memory, disk…) •  high-level operations (action & transformation) •  rebuild automatically


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Access data



Hadoop Input format

text files

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cluster managers: Standalone - Apache Mesos - Hadoop YARN

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Global view


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An example: the word count

The goal is to count how much each word appears in a file. We use the MapReduce pattern.

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Entry point: the Spark context


// create the configuration for Spark and then the Spark context SparkConf conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName("Wordcount") .setMaster("local[*]"); // * means you will use as much as you have cores // it returns an RDD where each "element" is a word JavaRDD<String> words = sc.textFile("words.txt") // load the data .flatMap(line -> Arrays.asList(line.split(" ")));

code on my github account https://github.com/nivdul/spark-in-practice

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Count the words


// mapper step JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> couples = words.mapToPair(

word -> new Tuple2<String, Integer>(word, 1)); // reducer step JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> result = couples.reduceByKey((a, b) -> a + b); // persist the data in memory result.cache();

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Filter on words


// just keep the word which appear strictly more than 4 times! // here the variable couple represents (word, number) JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> filtered = wordcounts.filter(couple ->

couple._2() > 4);

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Spark streaming


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How to detect the language of a tweet?


1. Collect the data using Twitter streaming API & Spark Streaming 2. Use the DataFrames as abstraction and select the data you need 3. use the K-means algorithm provided by MLlib

code on my github account https://github.com/nivdul/tweet-language

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Twitter streaming connection


// connect to the Twitter streaming API (twitter4J) SparkConf conf = new public static OAuthAuthorization getAuth() { return new OAuthAuthorization( new ConfigurationBuilder().setOAuthConsumerKey(CONSUMER_KEY) .setOAuthConsumerSecret(CONSUMER_SECRET) .setOAuthAccessToken(ACCESS_TOKEN) .setOAuthAccessTokenSecret(ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET) .build()); }

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Starting point: Spark streaming context


// create configuration for Spark and the Spark context // create a Java streaming context and define the window of the batch JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(conf,

Durations.seconds(2)); … jssc.start(); // start the computation jssc.awaitTermination();

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName("Play with Spark Streaming") .setMaster("local[*]")

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Creating a DStream


ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); // create a DStream String[] filters = {"spring", "#s2gx", "java", "spark" , "#DC", "washington"}; JavaDStream<String> tweets = TwitterUtils.createStream(jssc, getAuth(), filters)

.map(tweetStatus -> mapper.writeValueAsString(tweetStatus));

// so you can see tweets in your console tweets.print();

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Save the data


// save the tweets in a file tweets.repartition(1).dstream().saveAsTextFiles(PATH, "stream");

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code on my github account https://github.com/nivdul/tweet-language

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Spark SQL & DataFrame


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SQL context


// create configuration for Spark and the Spark context SparkConf conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName("Dataframes") .setMaster("local[*]"); JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf); // the SQL context wraps the SparkContext and is specific to Spark SQL/Dataframe SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc); // you can also create a HiveContext

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Creating a DataFrame


// load the data (json file here) and register the data in a table DataFrame df = sqlContext.read().json("tweets.json"); // you can also read different type of files: Parquet, ORC, Web APIs… // display the content of the DataFrame to stdout df.show(5);

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DataFrames operations


// select the languages df.select("lang").show(); // count tweets by language df.groupBy("lang").count().show(); // keep tweets in english and french. Remove all the Rows that are not correct or contains null or N/A values by using na().drop() DataFrame filtered = df.filter((df.col("lang").equalTo("en")) .or(df.col("lang").equalTo("fr"))) .na().drop();

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Running SQL queries


// register the DataFrame as SQL table on which we can query // now we have a table named « tweets » df.registerTempTable("tweets"); DataFrame df = sqlContext.sql("SELECT lang, name, text FROM tweets");

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original API Machine Learning Pipeline

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Main algorithms provided MLlib


Classification & Regression •  linear models (SVMs, logistic regression, linear regression) •  decision / ensembles of trees (Random Forests & Gradient-Boosted Trees) •  naive Bayes…

Clustering •  k-means, streaming k-means •  Gaussian mixture •  latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)…

Collaborative filtering •  alternating least squares (ALS)

Dimensionality reduction •  singular value decomposition (SVD) •  principal component analysis (PCA)

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How to detect the language of a tweet?


It can be resolve using a clustering algorithms like the K-means algorithm. 1. Collect the data using Twitter streaming API & Spark Streaming 2. Use the DataFrames as abstraction and select the data you need 3. use the K-means algorithm provided by MLlib

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Clustering: K-means algorithm


Goal: •  partition the n observations into different cluster k •  minimize the within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS)

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Load the data using DataFrames


// create a sql context from the Spark context

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("K-means")


JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);

SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc);

// load the data :D from a local file

DataFrame df = sqlContext.jsonFile(pathToFile);

code on my github account https://github.com/nivdul/tweet-language

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Select only 3 languages


// create an RDD of Tweet objects and register it as a table df.registerTempTable("tweets"); // SQL statements DataFrame dfSelect = sqlContext.sql( "SELECT lang, text FROM tweets WHERE lang in ('en', 'es', ‘ja')" );

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Working on the tweet’s content


// extract the content of a tweet JavaPairRDD<String, String> pairs = dfSelect.javaRDD().mapToPair(

row -> new Tuple2(row.get(0).toString(), row.get(1).toString())); // RDD of tweet’s content JavaRDD<String> contents = pairs.map(e -> e._2());

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Features extraction and transformation


// clean the data JavaRDD<String> points = texts .map(e -> e.toLowerCase()) .map(e -> e.replaceAll("rt\\s+", "")) .map(e -> e.replaceAll("#\\w+", "")) .map(e -> e.replaceAll("(?:https?|http?)://[\\w/%.-]+", "")) .map(e -> e.replaceAll("(?:https?|http?)//[\\w/%.-]+", "")) … .filter(e -> e.length() > 80);

more about the topic on https://github.com/shuyo/language-detection

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N-gram & HashingTF


// Create feature vectors by turning each tweet into bigrams of characters JavaRDD<Iterable<String>> lists = points.map(ele -> NGram.ngrams(2, ele)); HashingTF hash = new HashingTF(1000); // then we hash each element to a length-1000 feature vector // to finish the RDD of vector can be pass to MLlib RDD<Vector> vectors = lists.map(line -> hash.transform(line)).rdd().cache();

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K-means algorithm


int clusterNumber = 3; // cluster number int iter = 20; // iterations number KMeansModel model = KMeans.train(vectors, clusterNumber, iter); // save and then load the model (Spark > 1.4) model.save(sc.sc(), "kmean-model"); KMeansModel modelLoaded = KMeansModel.load(sc.sc(), "kmean-model");

code on my github account https://github.com/nivdul/tweet-language

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code on my github account https://github.com/nivdul/tweet-language

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Feature extraction and transformation •  TF-IDF (HashingTF and IDF) •  Word2Vec •  Tokenizer •  n-gram…

Frequent pattern mining Basic Statistic Evaluation metrics Optimization

•  stochastic gradient descent •  BFGS

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Other interesting projects


R spark-cassandra connector

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Focus on Apache Spark’s 1.5 release


Spark’s performance •  Project Tungsten "Explicit Management of memory with sun.misc.unsafe to reduce Garbage collection impact" Spark Streaming •  backpressure support •  Python API’s •  Amazon Kinesis, Apache Flume, and the MQTT protocol Data science •  new algorithms •  add DataFrames & machine learning pipelines •  R language support

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Why should I care about Spark?


•  good performances •  flexible API •  compatible with Hadoop •  active community •  ecosystem

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Spark streaming •  Streaming Context – batch duration •  Discretized Stream (DStream)

•  Sequence of RDDs •  An RDD for each batch interval

•  Creation of DStream •  InputDStream (at the Spark Driver) •  ReceiverInputDStream

o  Requires Receiver at the executor node as a long running task •  DStream operations on existing DStream


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Spark streaming •  Receiver

•  Long Running Task (Reliable/Un-reliable) on executor node •  Uses a dedicated core allocated to spark streaming •  Receives data from data source and creates block

•  BlockGenerator •  Generates a block at every block interval (rate limiter for the Receiver) •  Pushes the block into BlockManager

•  JobGenerator at batch interval •  Generates a batch (of blocks) at every batch interval •  Batch (of blocks) -> BlockRDD (replicated, partitioned) •  Driver launches tasks on BlockRDD


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Spark streaming

•  A BlockRDD for every batch interval

•  BlockRDD is partitioned based on block ID

•  Tasks are mapped to each partition(block ID)


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Spark streaming •  Receiver reliability

•  Acknowledging the data source after storing in Spark storage •  Time process the BlockRDD (batch) < batch interval •  Executes tasks closer to the data (RDD operations)


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Spark streaming failure scenarios •  Driver node failure

•  Check-pointing (useful if the RDD lineage is long) •  Executor node failure

•  Receiver failure o  Receiver restarted but un-reliable receiver has data loss

•  Tasks failure o  Tasks restarted and use replicated BlockRDDs


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Spring XD •  Platform for developing and deploying data driven applications •  Data ingestion •  Transformation(s) •  Analytics •  Stream

•  Source •  Processor(s) •  Sink

•  Batch job •  Tap


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Spark integration in Spring XD •  Spark Streaming Processor •  Spark Streaming Sink •  Spark job as a Tasklet (batch job)


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Advantages when using with Spring XD •  Simplified Development experience

•  Implement/extend a single interface/trait •  Supports both Java and Scala •  Boilerplate (setup/launch) is managed within Spring XD

•  Orchestration of streaming components •  Data ingestion in XD •  Transformation (using parallelized computation) on Spark engine

•  Multiple streaming pipelines using the same data source


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Advantages… •  Reliable Receiver

•  Message-Bus receiver (Rabbit /Kafka) •  Scalability at the stream level (partitioned stream)

•  A receiver (Message-Bus receiver) for each partitioned module •  Lifecycle management •  Error handling

•  Driver failure o  Spring XD admin restarts driver upon failure

•  Receiver failure o  No need of Write Ahead Log (if appropriate Storage Level is set)


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Spark integration in Spring XD


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Spark streaming marker interface


•  trait Processor[I, O] extends SparkStreamingSupport { def process(input: ReceiverInputDStream[I]): DStream[O] }

•  public interface Processor<I extends JavaDStreamLike, O extends JavaDStreamLike> extends SparkStreamingSupport { O process(I input); }

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Spring Cloud and Spark

•  Run Spark streaming application as a boot app •  Streaming module

•  Run Spark application •  Task (batch job)


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https://github.com/nivdul/tweet-language https://github.com/nivdul/spark-in-practice https://github.com/shuyo/language-detection



