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Deliverable 3 Presented by Robin McDaniel EME6601

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Page 1: APA Deliverable

Deliverable 3

Presented by Robin McDaniel


Page 2: APA Deliverable

HomeInstructional Outline

Table of Contents


• How to view this interactive module

• Learner Objectives

• Pre-Test

Lesson 1: APA Basics

• Introduction to APA

• Where and why APA

• Relevance: Why learn APA

Lesson 2: Citing the Author

• Adding Authors

• Single Authors

• Multiple Authors

• Practice 1

Date, Title and Periodical Basics

• Adding the Date

• Title & Periodical

• Rules and Punctuation

• Practice 2

Lesson 3: Web sources

• Web Entries

• Practice 3

Journal Specifics and Tutorials

• More Journal Specifics

• APA Video Tutorial

• Practice 4

• Post-test


Page 3: APA Deliverable

How to View this Interactive

Learning Module

• View in presentation or slideshow mode for best results.

• Click on the “Home icon” to return to the instructional objectives list.

• Click on any text that says “Click Here” to view important information.

• Click “Next” or “Back” text or arrows when indicated to move to the next


• After taking the pre-test, come back to the presentation to complete the learning module.

• When no text or arrow button is present, press enter or click to move to the next slide.

• There are practice modules throughout. The word “Practice” will follow an arrow prior to

beginning a practice section of the module.

• Click to answer questions and get feedback in practice modules.

• Click to return to this page for helpful tips. Next

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Learner Objectives for this Module

• How to cite a journal author/s correctly.

• Correct placement of the date.

• How and where to put article and periodical title.

• The difference between a DOI and URL and how to cite.

• Punctuation and spacing for journal citations.

• How to correctly reference a journal article.

• General American Psychological Association referencing information.

What will you learn?


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How much do you know about referencing journal

articles using APA?

Click Here to Access the pre-test; then come

back to finish the presentation and learn more!

Click “Next” ONLY after you have completed the pre-test! Next

Page 6: APA Deliverable

Introduction to APA

APA is a style of citation that is most often used in the social sciences. It is based on an established set of rules set by the American Psychological Association that set criteria for documenting sources inside a research paper.

The revised 6th edition, 2nd printing of the APA manual gives specific examples for the general format of APA research papers including references, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the reference page.

To learn more, please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed., 2nd printing).


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Where and Why APA?

Specific Stylistics help readers and researchers

find key points

APA is used to reference books, journals, websites

Writers can give proper credit for research and


It is widely used in higher education, especially in

the Social Sciences



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Why Learn APA to Cite Journals?


• APA is most common citation for social science research

• Often used in higher educational research settings

• Using APA will enable others to follow your research trail


• Often used for peer reviewed journals in research

• APA is usually required for in-class papers

• You appear more professional when you cite correctly


• Correct APA citation is required for journal submission

• Increased knowledge will shorten time it takes to cite

• Will help you in graduate school and professional writing


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Adding the Author/s

Single Author Multiple Authors

Click here first Click here second

Click the above links to move forward through the presentation!

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• Authors names are inverted

(last name first followed by

initials: “James, M. E.”)

• Follow the last name with a


• Spacing after each entry is

normal (ie., one space after

each entry, but not before

the comma).

• Follow each initial with a



James, R. D.


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Two Authors

1. Click for Example

Three to Seven Authors

2. Click for Example

More than Seven Authors

3. Click for Example

Author Unknown or


4. Click for Example

APA dictates different

citation rules based on

number of authors of

a journal article.

Click on the links to

find out more!

Be sure to click on all examples before moving to the next page!

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Two Authors

Last names come first and then initials. As with all author listings, spacing is normal (one space following initials, names, periods and commas).

Use an ampersand “&” in place of “and” after the comma, and before the second name. There is never a comma after the last name preceding the parentheses.

Example:Wegener, D. T., & Petty, R. E. (1994). Mood management across

affective states: The hedonic contingency hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66, 1034-1048.


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Three to Seven Authors

List last names first and then initials. There are commas between author names. Precede the last authors name with an ampersand “&”. Authors are listed as shown in the journal.


Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., Harlow, T., & Bach, J. S. (1993). There's more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The importance of stability of self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1190-1204.


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More than Seven Authors

List by last names and initials; commas separate author names. After the sixth author's name, use an ellipses (ie., three dots) Example: … in place of the author names. Then provide the final author name. There should be no more than seven names.


Miller, F. H., Choi, M. J., Angeli, L. L., Harland, A. A., Stamos, J. A., Thomas, S. T., . . . Rubin, L. H. (2009). Web site usability for the blind and low-vision user. Technical Communication, 57, 323-335.


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Author Unknown or Organization as

an Author

• Unknown Author or Organization

Use the title as a reference using the first few words in

all caps. Follow with the edition of the publication if


Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (10th

ed.).(1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.

American Psychological Association. (2003).


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More About Author Entries

• Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the

last name of the first author of each work.

• For multiple articles by the same author, or authors

listed in the same order, list the entries in

chronological order, from earliest to most recent.


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Practice Question 1

a. Brown, M. Cheliak, D. Marcuson, A. (2009). Article title. Journal Title.http://www.abc123.com

b. Saunders, A., & Gillian, D., & Belici, G. (2012). Article title. Journal Title. http://www.abc123.com

c. Angeli, E., Wagner, J., Lawrick, E., Moore, K., Anderson, M., Soderlund, L., & Brizee, A. (2010). Article title. Journal Title. http://www.abc123.com

d. Anderson, G., Marcus, D., Richards, George, Mendeci, B., and Rice, J. (1999). Article title. Journal Title. http://www.abc123.com

Question: Which entry is an example of correct APA citation for

multiple authors in a journal article?

Click the box next to the selection for answers and feedback!

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Practice Question 1

Answer a. is incorrectFeedback

Answer a:Item “a”. is incorrect because there is no

ampersand “&” symbol after the comma and

preceding the last author in the citation.

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Practice Question 1

Answer b. is incorrectFeedback

Answer b:Item “b.” is incorrect because there is an ampersand between

both the first two authors and the last two authors. The

ampersand should only go between the last two authors.

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Practice Question 1Answer c. is Correct!

Answer c:The correct answer is item “c.” As one of the most commonly used styles for citing citations,

American Psychological Association (APA) formatting follows certain specifications in order to

ensure consistency in academic publications.

All author names are inverted (last name first). Include first initial of each author.

Last names are followed by a comma and a space. The first letter of the authors name is then

listed and punctuated with a period. If there are additional authors, the period following the

initial is followed by a comma and then the last name of the next author. Add an ampersand

“&” before last name of the last author in the citation. There should be a space on either side of

the ampersand.

Continue up to six authors. For more than 6 authors, add ellipses after the 6th

author’s name for each additional author up till the last. Follow the ellipses (ie., …) with the

name of the last author.

Example: Miller, F. H., Choi, M. J., Angeli, L. L., Harland, A. A., Stamos, J. A., Thomas, S. T., . .

. Rubin, L. H. (2009). Web site usability for the blind and low-vision user. Technical Communication,

57, 323-335.


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Practice Question 1

Answer d. is incorrectFeedback

Answer d:Item “d.” is incorrect because the word “and” is spelled

out between the names of the last two authors. This

should be an ampersand “&” symbol.

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Adding the DateClick here

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Adding the Date

• Add a period after the last authors initial. Follow this a with a

space and the year of publication enclosed in parentheses.

• To cite an organization, put a period at the end of the

organization name, and then add the publication year inside of


• If the author is unknown, add the publication followed by a

period, then add parentheses and enclosed date.

• The closing parenthesis after the date is followed by a period.


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Title of Periodical or Publication

Click Here

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Title of Periodical or Publication

The title of a periodical is in “title case” (or italicized and written as shown in the journal). It is followed by a comma, then volume number, and issue number in parentheses. Follow this with page/s.

There is no space between volume number and issue number. Page numbers are written without italics and with a dash between.

Example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article.Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.

Example: 145-182


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Journal Article EntriesRules, capitalization and punctuation

RulesArticle title is in sentence case.

This means only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized (like you would write a regular sentence in a paragraph).


The journal title is presented in full (as written in the journal.

Capitalize all major words in journal titles.

Words such as of, the, a, and, etc. should not be capitalized.

Italicize and Punctuate

Maintain existing journal punctuation.

Italicize periodical and journal title entries.

End the entry with a period.


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Practice Question 2

Instructions: Choose the citation that demonstrates APA

format for citing volume number, issue number and page number.

a. Bella, B. (2002). The planet of wonders. The Vanity, (14)2. 8-10.

b. Scruton, R. (1996). The eclipse of listening. The New Criterion, 15(3), 5-13.

c. Larson, D. (2011). Labor intensive work injuries. Journal of Workmanship. Volume 1(9), 10-12.

d. Emerson, A. (2012). Is jaywalking a crime. Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 13 (6).

Click the box next to the selection for answers and feedback!

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Practice Question 2

Answer a. is incorrectFeedback

Answer a:

Answer “a.” is not correct because the volume number is inside of the parentheses. In APA

format, the issue number is inside parentheses and volume number is outside.

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Practice Question 2

Answer b. is Correct!Feedback

Answer b: Answer “b” is correct! When journals are paginated (divided) by volume they start on the first page, and the first issue, and then increase from that point onward. In this case, the issue # is listed with no parentheses.

Example: Felix, R. F. (1998). Fundamentals of the German language. Journal of German Studies, 55, 893-896.

When an article is paginated by issue, a new page starts in each new issue of the journal. In this case, you do surround the issue number with parentheses, and follow with a comma and then the page number/s. The parentheses and issue number are not italicized.

Example: Jameson, R. (1996). The art of help. The New Way, 15(3), 5-13.Next

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Practice Question 2

Answer c. is incorrectFeedback

Answer c:

Item “c.” is the incorrect choice because the

word “Volume” is written before the volume

number. This is unnecessary in APA format.

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Practice Question 2

Answer d. is incorrectFeedback

Answer d:

Item “d.” is incorrect for a three reasons including the a

comma following the journal title (it should be a period), the

“Vol” preceding the volume number (the volume number

stands alone and is not preceded by words or letters), and the

space in between the volume number and parentheses

surrounding the issue number (there is no space between

volume and issue number in APA).

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Web Entries

DOIClick Here


URLClick Here


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Citing a DOI

• A digital object identifier, or DOI, is assigned to an article as a permanent address. If an article has a DOI, you should include this after the volume, issue and page numbers.


Author, A. B., & Author, C. D. (Year). Article title.Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. doi:10:112233445566


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Citing a URL

• If you cannot find a DOI or there is none assigned and you accessed the article via a website, use the universal resource locator or URL of the website from which you are retrieving the periodical. Add the words “Retrieved from” before a URL entry.

Example: Author, A. B., & Author, C. D. (Year). Article

title.Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. http://dx.doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyyy

Do not add a period to the end of a DOI or URL entry. Remove the hyperlink from any web entries


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Practice Question 3Question: Determine which answer its correct APA

citation for a DOI.

a. Fearon, J. D., & Laitin, D. D. (2003). Ethnicity, Insurgency, and Civil War. American Political Science Review, 97(01), 75. doi: 10.1017/S0003055403000534

b.Janan, L.B. (2014). Elementary science. Industry in Education, 68(3), 88. doi, 10.1112/R00048973

c. Marchesi, R.O. (2011). Engaged to the war. Politics in Action, 73,1-12. doi;10.121873/23121

d. Jamesion, L. (2009). Marking off the days. Journal of Change, 4(8), 8-15. Retrieved from doi:10.25187/3658714.

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Practice Question 3

Answer a. is Correct!Feedback

Answer a:

• Answer “a.” is correct! A DOI (digital object identifier), is unique to an article and is considered a permanent article address whereas a URL might move or disappear completely from where it was originally retrieved.

• For this reason, it is thought that a DOI is a more trusted resources than a URL. When citing a DOI, the acronym should be all lowercase, followed with a colon and then the DOI address. You do not follow a DOI with a period.

Example: Journal of Psychophysiology, 20(4), 253-258. doi:10.1027/0269-8803.20.4.253


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Practice Question 3

Answer b. or c. is incorrectFeedback

Answers b or c:

If you chose answer “b.” or “c”. it is incorrect

because there is not a comma or semi-colon

after a DOI, but a colon.

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Practice Question 3

Answer d. is incorrectFeedback

Answer d:

Answer “d.” is incorrect because it is not APA

format to precede a “doi” with the words

“Retrieved from” as you would a website URL

(uniform resource locator).

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General APA Reference Rules

• Use 10-12 pt. Times New Roman

• References list entries are alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each journal.

• The first letter of the first word of both the title and subtitle are capitalized.

• The first word following a colon or dash in the title should be capitalized, as well as proper nouns.

• Separate the title and subtitle with a colon.

• The second word in a hyphenated compound word is not capitalized.


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Proper Punctuation and More

Punctuation &

• Period follows date, title, journal & page numbers.

• Parentheses surround date and issue #

• Capitalize first letter of title, proper nouns and journal title as written

• Add ampersand after comma & before last author name

• Add colon after the letters “doi”

APA Tips

• Italicize journal title

• Do not add a period to end DOI or URL entry

• Add commas between author last names & the period following initials.

• Add comma after vol/issue and before page numbers

• Add one space after each entry, but none between volume and issue.


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More Journal SpecificsReviewing Pagination

Paginated by Volume

Remember, journals that are paginated by volume will begin on page in the first journal entry and will continue where they left off in journal entry two. In this case, you do not need to specify issue number, but only list the volume number outside of parentheses, and italicized. This is followed by a comma and then page numbers.


Jansen, B. F. (1999). Fundamentals for jumping from planes. Journal of plane knowledge, 55, 893-896.

Paginated by Issue

A journal that is paginated by issue begins each issue with page one. In this case, you do specify issue number inside of parentheses after the volume number, which is not in parentheses. Neither the issue number or parentheses are italicized.


Hartman, R. (1996). The development of power. The New Hope, 15(3), 5-13.


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APA Video Tutorial

Please click the graphic to watch this brief tutorial to learn more about APA.

After watching, please return to complete the module.


Click Here!

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Practice Question 4Question: Choose the correctly APA formatted, web-based journal article

citation from the given information.

Information for citation: Periodical: Journal of Correctness; Article Title: Punctuation is a

good thing; URL address: http://www.abc.124.com; Issue number: 4; Volume number: 2;

Page numbers 1 to 8; Author/s: James Ramos, Sally Jansen, Martin Helm; Date: 2014

a. James Ramos, Sally Jansen & Martin Helm (2014). Punctuation is a

good thing. Journal of Correctness, 2(4), 1-8. Retrieved from


b. Ramos, J., Jansen, S., & Helm, M. (2014). Punctuation is a good thing.

Journal of Correctness, 2(4), 1-8. Retrieved from http://www.abc.124.com

c. R,J., J.S., & H.M. (2014). Punctuation is a good thing. Journal of

Correctness, 2(4), 1-8. Retrieved from http://www.abc.124.com

d. Ramos, J., Jansen, S., and Helm, M. (2014). Punctuation is a good thing.

Journal of Correctness, 2(4), 1-8. Retrieved from http://www.abc.124.com

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Practice Question 4

Answer a. is incorrectFeedback

Answer a:

Answer “a.” is incorrect because it lists all

authors by full first and then last name. APA

format dictates that names are inverted and first

names are indicated by an initial only.

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Practice Question 4

Answer b. is Correct!Feedback

If you selected “b.” you are correct! When citing journal articles in (APA) format you are to position author names first, followed by the year of publication inside of parentheses. This is followed by the title in which only the first letter of the first word is capitalized (unless there are proper nouns). The italicized journal title comes directly after the article title. Write the journal article exactly as it appears (include capital letters).

The journal title is followed by a comma, and then the volume number in italics. If there is an issue number, it should follow the volume number. The issue number is inside parentheses, and neither the issue number nor parentheses are italicized. The issue number is followed by a comma and any page numbers.

If there is no URL or DOI, end the reference with a period. If there is a URL, follow the period with “Retrieved from” and then add the URL address. Do not add a period to the end of the address. If there is a DOI, add the acronym “doi” (all lowercase) after the period following the page number/s and add a colon after “doi.” Do not add a period to the end of the DOI. These are the basic steps to identifying or writing a journal reference. Next

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Practice Question 4

Answer c. is incorrectFeedback

Answer c:

Answer “c.” is incorrect because both first and

last names are initials. The last name should not

be an initial.

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Practice Question 4

Answer d. is incorrectFeedback

Answer d:

Answer “d.” is incorrect because the word

“and” is spelled out between author names. It

should be written with the ampersand “&”

symbol instead.

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Summary and Wrap Up• Authors last names are first, followed by initials and then publication year inside of parentheses.

Initials and parentheses are followed by a period, and each author is separated by a comma after the last name and the period following initials. Authors are ordered in the citation according to how they appear in the journal.

• The title of the article is in sentence-case, meaning only the first word and proper nouns in the title are capitalized.

• Volume number is inside parentheses following journal title. Issue number and page number/s follow volume number and are separated by parentheses. There is no space between volume number and issue number.

• The periodical title is run in title case, and is followed by the volume number which, with the title, is also italicized.

• If a DOI has been assigned to the article that you are using, you should include this after the page numbers for the article.

• If no DOI has been assigned and you are accessing the periodical online, use the URL of the website from which you are retrieving the periodical. Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article.Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. http://dx.doi.org/xx.xxx/yyyyy

• References require a 12 point/Times New Roman font and are listed in alphabetical order using a hanging indent.


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Post-TestWhat did you learn about referencing journal

articles using APA?

Click Here to Access the post-test and

put your APA knowledge to the test!

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You Completed the Module!



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Instructional Objectives

•(1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0)(CN)In a web-based application, the learner will(B) write the author/s names first using last name followed by a comma and then first initials followed by a period per (CR)American Psychological Association(APA) guidelines.

•(1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0) (CN)Given a journal publication, (B) the learner will cite correctly the last authors name with a period and follow with the date of publication in parentheses followed by a period (CR)in adherence with APA citation rules. Example (2005).

•(3.0, 3.1)(CN)Given a journal article, (B) the learner will cite year of publication correctly and add the date in parenthesis (CR) in accordance with APA standards.

•(4.0, 4.1, 4.2) (CN)Using an online web or paper based instructional tool,(B) the learner will list the article title followed by a period and then only capitalize the first word of the title unless using proper nouns (CR) to align with the APA style method. Example: Random things you should know about APA.

Objectives 1-4

•(5.0, 5.1) (B) The learner will add a journal title using italicized text (CN) using an online or web based instructional tool. (B)They will then follow this text with a comma and capitalize the name of the journal article or as written to (CR) follow APA guidelines.

•(6.0, 7.0, 7.1) (B) The learner will put a comma, add volume number outside parenthesis, and then issue number inside parenthesis (CN)using a web or paper based method of instruction (CR) to align with APA instructions for journal citation.

•(8.0, 8.1, 8.2) (B) The learner will insert a comma after issue number and then add page number/s (no parenthesis) and follow with a period (CN)using a web or paper based instruction to (CR)demonstrate knowledge of APA format. Example: Random Journal, 33(4), 222-224.

•(9.0, 9.1, 9.2) (B) The learner will demonstrate how to insert doi or website address by using a doi, adding the doi or website address with the words “Retrieved from” preceding a website address without adding “Retrieved from” before the doi (CN)using web or paper instruction (CR)per APA format.

•(Termobj) The learner will demonstrate which entry is an example of the correct APA format for a periodical or journal in an APA citation?

•(Termobj) Choose the citation that demonstrates APA format for citing volume number, issue number and page number.

Objectives 5-9 & Termobj

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Purdue University (n.d.). Online writing lab. Retrieved




Williams College Libraries (n.d.). APA citation style

guide, 6th edition. Retrieved from
