apa basics

Setting up an APA paper

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Setting up an APA paper

APA FormatThe APA format is a set of rules for how your paper

should lookFind APA information in the student portal or at the

Purdue On-line Writing Lab - https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/

Cite (give the original source credit for) anything that is not common knowledge

To be safe, cite anything that you did not know before you read it

Give credit to the resources you use in a reference list

Write your paper first, THEN worry about formatting

Starting Your PaperCreate a folder on the S DriveClick on the Word icon to open a new

documentSave the document as “yourlastname_APA” in

the new folder on the S drive

APA checklist: MarginsIn the Page Layout tab -> Margins

APA checklist: Spacing<Ctrl A> to select whole

documentHome -> Paragraph Box

arrowLine spacing: dropdown APA format requires

double spacing, so choose the double spacing option

APA checklist: Fonts<Ctrl A> to select

whole documentHome tab -> Font Dropdown boxes for

Font and SizeFor APA style, choose

Time New Roman 12 pt font

APA checklist: Title pageFor fresh page at beginning of paper

Go to top of paper<Ctrl><enter>

Write:Full titleYour nameVirginia CollegeInstructor’s nameClass number

APA checklist: Title pageCenter it:

Select title page with mouseAlign on Home tab

Double spacedMove to middle

APA checklist: HeadingInsert tab Page Number dropdownChoose Top of Page -> Plain Number


APA checklist: Heading part 2Type your heading in next to the page


Hit the Tab key twice to space your title to the left

Adjust typographyCenter and bold section headingsRedo any long quotes that need to be

indentedItalicize if needed (names of books)

APA Checklist: CitationsIN THE TEXT

(Authors, date, p. #)REFERENCE SHEET

New sheet. <ctrl><enter>Alphabetical order by last name or title if

there’s no last name

Hanging indentHighlight or Select your citationsSelect Home tab -> Paragraph arrowA box opensUnder Indentation-> SpecialChoose Hanging from the dropdown .5 in the next box

APA Reference sheet: Article from webMcGhee, P. (n.d.). 25 ideas for building fun into your

work setting. Retrieved from http://www.laughterremedy.com/articles/25_ideas.html

Newton, P.J., Mulcahy, T.M., & Martin, S.E. (2008). Finding victims of human trafficking. (NCJRS Publication No. 224393). Retrieved from http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/224393.pdf

Smith, M., Kemp, G., &Segal, J. (2010, May).Laughter is the best medicine: the health benefits of humor. Retrieved from http://www.helpguide.org/life/humor_laughter_heatlh.htm

APA Reference sheet: Article from journalShahidi, M., Mojtahed, A., Modabbernia, A.,

Mojtahed, M., Shafiabady, A., Delavar, A., & Honari, H. (2011). Laughter yoga versus group exercise program in elderly depressed women: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 26(3), 322-7.

APA Reference sheet: BookAmerican Psychological Association. (2010).

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6thed). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Example of APA Reference Page

Alphabetical order by author’s last name or article title

Indent every line after the first

Citationmachine.net can help you create a reference list

Use citations to avoid plagiarismVC’s student conduct policy states:The College reserves the right to place a student on probation or exclude him/her from class or school for…Verified acts of cheating including the usage of another student’s work either verbally or in writing on class assignments, homework assignments, projects, quizzes, and examinations

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