ap world history review

Lucero Castaneda AP World History Ms.Lampley AP WORLD HISTORY REVIEW FIRST CIVILIZATION How did the following impact on the first civilizations? Slavery: All civilizations were based upon slave labor, and there is plenty of evidence to support the view that without slavery of one sort or another no great civilization could have existed or have continued to exist. Slavery and the First Civilizations emerged together and the Civilizations were created by slavery not caring if they were “Black” or Africans. The government limited the amount of land to some families and wanted to end private slaves but this was impossible to enforce due to the fact that the people wanted to have slaves so they could do their work and other things that they needed. The slaves were mainly used for labor and construction; therefore, they impacted in the development of the First Civilizations. Additionally, the slaves made it possible for the First Civilizations to arise and be created. Moreover, the slaves impacted in the reproduction of agriculture so the superior owners could use the products in their own benefit. The Females were put in large-scale semi- industrial waving enterprises and constructing buildings, while others were household servants. Agriculture: Agriculture impacted in the development of the First Civilizations because the people used it for food. The environmental impact eventually undermined its ecological foundations. Some of the civilizations practiced irrigation to 1

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A Study Guide For Advanced Placement World History. Hope It Helps


Page 1: Ap World History Review

Lucero Castaneda AP World History Ms.Lampley


FIRST CIVILIZATIONHow did the following impact on the first civilizations?

Slavery: All civilizations were based upon slave labor, and there is plenty of evidence to support

the view that without slavery of one sort or another no great civilization could have existed or

have continued to exist. Slavery and the First Civilizations emerged together and the

Civilizations were created by slavery not caring if they were “Black” or Africans. The

government limited the amount of land to some families and wanted to end private slaves but this

was impossible to enforce due to the fact that the people wanted to have slaves so they could do

their work and other things that they needed. The slaves were mainly used for labor and

construction; therefore, they impacted in the development of the First Civilizations. Additionally,

the slaves made it possible for the First Civilizations to arise and be created. Moreover, the

slaves impacted in the reproduction of agriculture so the superior owners could use the products

in their own benefit. The Females were put in large-scale semi-industrial waving enterprises and

constructing buildings, while others were household servants.

Agriculture: Agriculture impacted in the development of the First Civilizations because the

people used it for food. The environmental impact eventually undermined its ecological

foundations. Some of the civilizations practiced irrigation to increase the amount of salt in the

soil for the crops. Moreover, disforestation caused huge impact because it was used for fuel.

Furthermore, all of the First Civilizations had their root in the agricultural revolution. They were

used in agricultural technology that permitted human communities to produce sufficient surplus

to support large populations and specialized or elite minorities who did not themselves produce

food. Additionally, all of the First Civilizations had enhance towards the productivity of farming

and agricultures output. Agriculture made it possible for the distinctive features of the First

Civilizations cities.

Writing: It was important to all the Early Civilizations because that’s how people communicated

is their language by writing with symbols and words. By the second millennium BCE, various

laws codified and sought to enforce a patriarchal family life. Writing was a remarkable invention

because it was a powerful and transforming innovation that was viewed differently to people.


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Different kinds of writing arose in the First Civilizations, but most of them were “Logophonetic”

writing systems; they used symbols do designate both whole worlds and particular sounds or

syllables. Writing sustained the First Civilizations and their successors in many ways, and it also

provided a means for some commoners to join the charmed circle of literacy. Additionally,

writing was used for many things in these First Civilizations, from counting functions to writings

laws to stabilize their societies. Writing impacted in the communication of the Early

Civilizations to have a better industrialization system and life in their region.

Urban Areas: The Urban Areas in the Early Civilizations were a great impact of the hard work

of the slaves because they did all of the work by force. These areas had building, temples, and

other constructions. The Urban Areas were impacting In the First Civilizations because they

marked the future possessors of the region to know how they developed to be what they are.

They also give history to the place and lets people know what their ancestors did. Their

higher population density and vast human features in comparison to areas surrounding it made

slaves work even harder because agriculture was reproducing even more. These areas were

cities, towns or conurbations, and were created and further developed by the process

of urbanization.

Patriarchy: They had inheritance of property and social status like, king, nobility, or hereditary

priesthood that were the based on the male line. This required sexual loyalty on the part of

women, or they might give birth to another man's child, and nobody would know whose. In some

cases a woman's loyalty was protected with elaborate procedures. Often it meant that women had

to stay at home, to avoid suspicion of infidelity. This meant they couldn't participate in

legislation, commerce, leading or judging, on an equal basis with men. Alliances between

families and even nations were also formed by marrying the daughter of one family to the son of

another. The male dominance permitted the First Civilization, marking a gradual change from

the making of equal relationships of men and women within agricultural villages. Divorce was

easier for the husband than for the wife. All of the civilizations practiced patriarchy, but in Egypt

it was different, they were clearly patriarchal but they let women have greater opportunities than

the rest of the other First Civilizations. Additionally, patriarchy was impacting in the

development of the First Civilizations because it created a sexist society that let men be more

knowledgeable, powerful and it also created the societies that are now in the Modern World.


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RIVER VALLEY CIVILIZATIIONDWhere was the civilization located? Impact? Political and social structure? Early religion?

China: China's dynasties were all very different in shape. However the majority of it and still is

today, mostly took place in the huge cape that makes up most of southeastern China. China is an

East Asian country with a large territory, a huge population and an ancient history. It is

recognized as one of the four great ancient civilizations of the world. Moreover, it is the only

ancient civilization that has continued to this very day. It has impacted on the world trades

because it had commercial systems all over Asia and it grew later on with the Silk Road. Social

structure was very important in ancient China. The Chinese thought and followed a strict social

groups and people were expected to behave according to their social position. This belief was

further reinforced by the Chinese philosopher Confucius, who taught that strict social order and

discipline was the key to a successful society. Men and women in ancient China were not equal

and men were afforded far more privileges than women. The Chinese strongly believed in the

wisdom of the elders and, as such, grandparents were greatly respected. So, what they followed

was Confucianism as their early religion.

Egypt: Ancient Egypt’s civilizations were located in Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the

lower reaches of the Nile River. Ancient Egypt’s civilization had wealth and structure; the

Egyptians have heavily influenced our culture’s literature, architecture, art, film, and politics in

many regions and cultures. Egypt’s natural isolation and material self-sufficiency fostered a

unique culture that for long periods had relatively little to do with other civilizations and they

were free from invasion. The Egyptians needed no dams or weirs to raise the level of the water

and divert water into the channels. Moreover the Nile flooded at the best time for grain

agriculture. Politically ancient Egypt was a theocracy. The Pharaoh was both a king and a god in

Egypt. Egypt was run by the clergy; priests were the only governmental officials. Egyptian

citizens had practically no power over how their government was run, but accepted the Pharaoh's

decisions because they believed in his divinity. Religion guided every aspect of Egyptian life and

they were based on polytheism, or the worship of many deities, except for during the reign of

Akenaton. The Egyptians had as many gods and goddesses.

Mesopotamia: it is located in the similar area to modern-day Iraq, between the Tigris and

Euphrates rivers. Mesopotamia was a "Theocratic Socialist" society. The leaders of each city-


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state were merely stewarding the land for the god to keeps it. The cities were built around a main

temple and surrounding the temple were the 'government' buildings like storehouses and their

equivalent of city hall. Beyond that were the shops and homes of the people. The civilization in

Mesopotamia was ruled by kings and had a straightforward social structure divided into

four classes: Priests were on the top of the social structure in Mesopotamia. Mesopotamian

culture did not recognize one god but worshipped different deities, and the priests were thought

to have many supernatural powers. The Upper-class people in Mesopotamia consisted of nobility

and the rich. Some government officials and wealthy landowners and merchants were included in

this class. The upper-classes dressed in fine cloths and wore expensive jewelry, and men showed

their social status by wearing a long hair and beard. The lower class in Mesopotamia consisted of

people who got paid for their work. This included professions such as fishermen, pottery makers

and farmers. A slave in Mesopotamia was commonplace and was considered the lowest class in

social structure. Slaves, most often war prisoners or criminals, did not get paid for their work, but

received free lodging and food. With the expansion of agriculture, the need for slaves to do the

manual labor grew, and slaves were exploited as an unpaid workforce. The cultures of

Mesopotamia had a polytheistic belief system, which means that the people believed in multiple

gods instead of just one. They also believed in demons created by the gods, which could be good

or evil.

Chavin: The Chavin were a civilization that developed in the northern Andean highlands of

Peru. The Chavin’s impacts were their cultural beliefs and traditions that aided the entire Central

Andes regions to take great step headed for true Civilization. Also, the nature of Chavin religion

residues as a secret, but its great attention because some of the different features that arose

helped form the basis of all major Andean religions. The Chavin Civilization had a Theocracy,

which is a form of government in which a god or deity is recognized as the state's supreme civil

ruler. They legitimized the power through the belief that the small elite had a divine connection.

Shamans' power and authority also derived from their claim of divine link. The asymmetrical

power was a result of Shamans' manipulation of traditions to produce authority. Chavín artifacts

suggest that religion was an elaborate and significant facet of Chavín culture. Carvings found in

a large temple, Chavín de Huántar, show men in intricate headdresses, which indicates the


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involvement of religious leaders. Sacrificial burnings and ceremonies are also depicted at the

site. Small mortars were decorated in which different hallucinogens were ground for use during

religious ceremonies. Music and dancing contributed greatly to the unique ceremonial traditions

of the Chavin people.

Indus valley: This civilization was a Bronze Age civilization that was located in the

northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent, consisting of what is now mainly present-day

Pakistan and northwest India subcontinent or neighboring to the Indus River. Its surroundings

were natural borders consisted of mountains and the Arabian Sea, sheltering the civilization from

attack and disease. Water from the river fertilized and irrigated crops. Proximity to the river

allowed boats to become a viable transportation option. Their Social Structure was Caste system

with four main classes and the people born into social classes that could not be changed. They

were: Brahmins (priests and the king), Kshatriyas (warriors and aristocrats rulers), Vaishyas

(cultivators, artisans, and merchants), and Shudras (peasants and serfs). In their religion they

included Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Clay figures of the Mother Goddess as the symbol of

fertility have been found- these were worshipped by the people. A seated figure of a male god

carved on a small stone seal was also found.

Olmec: The ancient Olmec civilization is believed to have been centered on The Southern Gulf

Coast Of Mexico area in which today are states of Veracruz and Tabasco, then further south east

lays the heart of the Aztec empire. The Olmec’s carved jade, volcanic rock basalt stone that were

quarried and imported. They were considered to be one of the earliest great civilizations on

Mesoamerica. This civilization was impacting because it was considered as the “Mother of

Civilizations” because of their great achievements. The Olmec religion practiced Shamanism,

having faith in that every person had an inner animal spirit. The Shaman himself was a healing

man who would conduct religious rituals and sometimes practiced bloodletting. He was often too

called upon as a medicine man to heal the sick. In Olmec religion, it was believed that the Jaguar

was the shaman’s equivalent in the animal world and many rituals centered on the animal.

Rituals took place in huge centres, especially built by the Olmec community for these



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Norte Chico: The Norte Chico civilization was a complex pre-Columbian society that

encompassed like 30 major population centers in what is now the Norte Chico region of North-

Central Coastal Peru. Some of the impressive achievement of the civilization was its

monumental architecture, including large earthwork platform mounds and sunken circular plazas.

Their political and social structures were "almost certainly theocratic, though not brutally. For

their religion, there is leaders' ideological power was based on obvious access to deities and the


RELIOGIONS AND PHILOSOPHIESBasic beliefs? How are social and gender structures? Where was the religion founded? Impact of

founder? Why was it founded? Where and why did it spread? What empires did the religion influence? What was the impact? Difference between a religion and philosophy? Lasting impacts?

Difference between a religion and philosophy? Religion is a set of principles, morals, ethics, and rules

set up to lead one's life. Philosophy is a discipline which deals with life, metaphysics, knowledge, and

the ultimate truth. Both religion and philosophy have their own similarities and differences. One of the

major similarities between religion and philosophy is that they both deal with human life, human mind,

its existence in the universe, the meaning of life, the ultimate truth, and so on. One of the major

differences between religion and philosophy is the need for rituals. While almost all the religions have

certain set of rituals which are to be followed by the followers of the respective religions, philosophy

does not have any sort of rituals. So, while a person can be philosophical without having to do any sort

of practices or rituals, it is almost impossible for him to be religious without doing any sort of rituals or

practices stated in that particular religion. Another difference between religion and philosophy is the

concept of belief. Almost all the philosophies do not accept the concept of belief; religion tends to bring

in the belief angle quite a few times. In philosophy, something is considered true only if it is completely

proven true on a long term basis by means of various forms of reasoning. In case of religion, a lot of

things are supernatural, superstitious, and incredulous in nature that only the concept of belief can make

people stand by those things.

Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrianism is the ancient religion of Persia. It was founded by the prophet

Zarathustra. Arising out of the polytheistic traditions of ancient India and Iran, he was one of the

first monotheists in human history. Zarathustra preached that there was one God, whom he

called Ahura Mazda. Zoroastrianism is one of the most ancient religions of the world. At one


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time it was the dominant religion of Iran and adjoining regions. Its popularity declined when the

Islamic invaders occupied Iran and introduced Islam. A handful few who fled from Iran, after the

fall of the Sassanid Empire, to escape persecution in the hands of the new rules took shelter in

India. Apart from them a few people in Iran continue to practice Zoroastrianism. They enjoy a

minority status in Iran, an Islamic nation, with limited degree of freedom to practice their

religion. The following are some of the important beliefs of Zoroastrianism. Their basic beliefs

are: belief in supreme and universal god, belief in the duality of existence, belief in the divinity

of creation, belief in the spiritual nature of the world and human beings, belief in polytheism,

belief in the basic goodness of the humanity, belief in the sanctity of the elements, belief in the

tradition of prophets, belief in afterlife, belief in the judgment day, belief in the efficacy of

sacrificial rituals, belief in the efficacy of sacred chants, and belief in the importance of

righteousness. Zoroastrianism has had very little direct impact on the world. Since the advent of

Islam, the religion has dwindled to a small community represented in Iran, India and Pakistan,

with a small diaspora throughout the world. But, Zoroastrianism's main influence on the world is

its apparent influence on Jewish, Christian and Islamic beliefs. On that view, Zoroastrianism has

had a profound effect across the entire world. Zoroastrianism spread south into eastern Iran,

separated from the western Iranian nations of Persia and Media by a mountain chain. It finally

crossed into western Iran around the eighth century BCE, where it was quickly absorbed by the

Persians and Medes. The Zoroastrians of Pakistan and India are known as Parsis. A small

Zoroastrian community remains in Iran, and there is a world-wide diaspora.

Buddhism: Buddhism, like most of the great religions of the world, is divided into a number of

different traditions. Their basics beliefs are he Four Noble Truths are beliefs that underlie most

of Buddhist epistemology. They are: the nature of suffering: birth, aging, illness and death are

suffering, as is attachment and aversion, the origin of suffering: craving for things we think will

bring us pleasure, the cessation of suffering: freedom from attachment and aversion, the way

leading to the cessation of suffering: the eightfold path includes right view, right intention, right

speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.

What these mean is that we are mistaken or deluded about the true nature of reality, and we have

cravings for things we think will bring us pleasure, and aversion for those things we think won't.

Their social and gender structures are that Theravada (traditional) Buddhism are high priests in

charge, then monks, students which are like temporary monks and everybody else. Because it is


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closely held to tradition men are generally considered superior or to have more authority than

women in this system. Buddhism was founded because Lord Buddha sought the cause and cure

of human suffering. He had observed suffering during his early excursions from the palace and

was uniquely aware that it was not the way things always have been. It originated in India and it

later spread to China and other countries think that since researcher believe that long ago

Buddhism had spread southwards from its place of origin in north India to Sri Lanka, Burma,

Thailand, Indo-China, and other South East Asian countries. Buddhism also moved northwards

into the Himalayan kingdoms, Tibet, Mongolia, and other different parts of Central Asia and also

into Korea, China, and Japan. Buddhism has had a more subtle global impact than the more

aggressive religions of Christianity and Islam, or even Hinduism. Buddhism played a role in the

recent civil war in Sri Lanka, between the Hindu Tamils and the Buddhist Sinhalese, if only to

accentuate the differences between the two ethnic groups. Buddhism can impact people’s lives in

many ways. For one, understanding where suffering comes from means you can free yourself

from suffering.

Hinduism: Most Hindus believe in an immense unifying force that governs all existence and

cannot be completely known by humanity. There are three primary Hindu deities: Shiva (the

Creator and Destroyer), who destroys the old while creating the new, Vishnu (the Preserver) and

his two most popular incarnations, Krishna and Rama, and Devi (the Protecting Mother),

sometimes known simply as the Goddess, who appears in some form in every region of India.

She is often identified as the creative energy of the universe, and is considered by her followers

the equal of Vishnu and Shiva. In Hinduism, they have the Caste System to divide certain groups

from others. The role of women in Hinduism is often disputed, and positions range from equal

status with men to restrictive. Hinduism is based on numerous texts, some of which they are

varied in authority, authenticity, content and theme, with the most authoritative being the Vedas.

The position of women in Hinduism is widely dependent on the specific text and the context.

Hinduism was founded in India and then it spread out through China and other parts of the Asian

continent, but also it is practiced all over the world. Hinduism has been involved in many

religious conflicts, most notably a huge conflict with the competing religion of Islam, which has

placed the nation of India at odds with its neighboring nation of Pakistan. In the island of Sri

Lanka off the east coast of India, Hindu Tamils are in conflict with Buddhist Sinhalese.

Christians in India are being persecuted by Hindus. So there seems to be a lot of intolerance.


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Hinduism was created because is covered in the Indian Name "Sanatana Dharma", which

literally translates into "Eternal way of life". It was not only a way to attain God, but also a way

of life for the believers. The spreading of Hinduism started in the Indus Valley, and spread

throughout the rest of India, and into a few other countries, as the result of migration and cultural

exchange. In today's world, Hinduism is practiced anywhere, Hindus have migrated throughout

the world. It then spread mainly South East Asia. Hinduism gave birth to Buddhism and Taoism,

which are major religions/philosophies in China and Japan. Therefore, it was like the root that

created other religions in Asia.

Confucianism: Confucianism was founded in China by the philosopher and political leader

Confucius. Their basic beliefs are: you should respect and follow your elders, polite is very

important, which it is still followed today, is strongly emphasized, your ancestors should be

worshipped as they help provide you guidance, and that the Yin and Yang represents opposite

forces that keep balance and harmony in nature. The structure of Confucian social philosophy is

very well organized. Political system, administrative principles like policies of benevolence, light

taxes, and ruling by rites are very representative views in traditional Confucian thoughts. The

study of Confucius classics during the Han Dynasty gave birth to the social system designed in

accordance with the Confucius theories. Women were men property and stayed within the house.

A man did the farm work and generally was the bread winner. Culturally, without her husband

women had no social standing or power, which made it difficult for widows. Confucius was a

man who lived a simple life, teaching all the people he could his ideals and moral code, a code

which many people adopted years after his death known as Confucianism and wanted some kind

of order. Confucianism influenced some of the empire of China like that Han Dynasty.

Additionally, Confucianism impacted mostly in the world of china by providing ideas of having

order in the political and social structure.

Judaism: Tradition holds that Judaism was founded by Abraham in the land of Israel. Judaism

was around thousands of years before Jesus was born. Also, you cannot define a person by what

they don't believe. The Jewish belief is to love HaShem (God) with all your heart, soul and

resources. The rest is commentary, as Hillel said. This takes the form of 613 commandments, all

of them listed in the first five books of the Bible as penned by Moshe (Moses), which is called

Torah. Jews show their love and faith to HaShem by obeying Him, like children try to obey their


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Father. In their social structure they have different classes of people: Cohen - priests, Levites and

regular Israelites. In the patriarchal societies from which biblical and Talmudic culture emerged,

women and children required protection and sustenance. The Jewish laws of marriage and

divorce were in part intended to specify these basic needs and to obligate men to provide them.

Since Abraham believes in one god, Judaism was founded as a response to the polytheistic

religious practice of that time in Mesopotamia. Judaism didn’t involve in a lot of things in the

ancient times. Judaism impacted in almost the entire world because they went through many

suffering. The USA helped them in many wars and the Holocaust marked them.

Christianity: Christian beliefs vary, as there are 2 billion Christians. Most recognize A Christian

is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus and believe that Jesus is savior and the Son of

God. The Beliefs are that God is the One True God and he guides us, but lets us make our own

decisions. Jesus, God's Son, was born as an infant to humans, lived an exemplary life and died on

the cross to absolve us for our sins. Then he resurrected three days later, went back to Heaven

forty days after he was resurrected and then prepared a place for us in Heaven and is awaiting

our arrival. Most Christians believe that if you don't believe that Jesus is Savior, then you will go

to hell for all eternity. In Christianity the social structures are equal, I believe that all man are

created equal and if you want to move up in you society, you can. In the gender structure,

women are dependable of their partner and patriarchy is practiced also. But, women were created

in Art paintings and weren’t treated badly like other regions and religions. Throughout history,

the influence Jesus had on the lives of people has never been exceeded. To Christian’s believers

no other great leader has inspired so many positive changes in the lives of his followers. People

who encounter the risen Christ are totally transformed. Their outlook on life is altered forever.

Staying true to their faith, they do not hesitate to face hardship, persecution and even death.

Many consecrate their lives to serving others, minimizing their own needs and desires.

Christianity was founded because God sent Jesus to save his chosen people and teach the path to

go to heaven and have eternal life. In the 1st Century AD, Christianity began to spread

throughout the Roman Empire, Middle East, Babylon to India, North Africa, Europe and the

Isles. Eventually, it spread over the entire world and became the most practiced religion in the

world. Christianity influenced the Roman Empire by acknowledging monotheism and made them

believe in only one God. The impact of Christianity on world history is huge. Our very calendars


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were set to indicate how long it has been since Christ's birth, although the humans who

calculated it may have been mistaken. Christianity, through both the good deeds of Christ's

followers and the mistakes of those who profess to believe has affected many events throughout

the world since the time of Christ. CHRISTIANITY IS AWESOME (I think)

Daoism: Daoism/Taoism is one of China’s major religions indigenous to the country and was

founded by Li Erh (better known as Lao Tzu) that gave impact on the philosophy found and

wanted to have balance in nature. The primary belief is in learning and practicing “The Way”

(Dao) which is the ultimate truth to the universe. Daoism is a philosophical and religious

tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao or Dao. Its View toward Nature is

important not to interfere with nature in any way because this could upset the natural order of

things. Peace and harmony with nature, no selfishness, live in plain and modest ways and to not

struggle for material gain. "Wu wei" or in other words action through inaction. Yin-Yang. "The

way" doesn’t interfere with nature because it will upset the balance of nature. In their gender

roles, they had Unity that aims to unite energies and characteristics of men and women. Women

are encouraged to take on more masculine qualities, while men are taught to get in touch with

their feminine characteristics. Taoist priests typically take on feminine roles around the

household, such as cleaning and cooking. They are known for being cheerful and speaking

quietly. Balancing the energies of men and women is a part of basic Taoist practice. One way to

attempt to unite the energies was through sexual intercourse. This was not based on sexual

desire, but instead of merging the energies. Daoism spread over China, Asia, and the West; it

influenced over many Chinese dynasties like that Han, Tang, Song, Yuan and many more

dynasties. Daoism impacted in the societies and mostly China because it teaches the balance in

nature and just practice “The Way” and not have a complicated life and instead have harmony.

Sikhism: Is a monotheistic religion born in the Punjab area of South Asia, which now falls into

the present day states of India and Pakistan. The basic beliefs are that they believe in one God,

believe Guru Granth Sahib as the last and eternal Gurus of Sikhs, and believe in Karma- the law

of cause and effect, believes in Reincarnation, believes in multiple paths to salvation, and

opposes Pilgrimage, rituals practices. Their social structure is that they believe that everyone is

equal. Therefore, this means that women are considered to have the same souls as men and an

equal right to grow spiritually. Sikhism spread across the world but it was mainly in Australia,


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Europe, Asia, and North America. Sikhism released the soul of people from fantasies. Once the

human mind becomes free it endeavors to break all shackles of social domination, political

discrimination and economic exploitation. This made everyone feel equal and not be treated

badly like other religions.

CLASSICAL CIVILIZATIONSWhat characteristics do classical empires share? Where was the civilization located? How were women treated? Slaves? Describe the social structure. Describe the civilization political system.

How did the civilization influence later civilizations? What did the civilization contributed culturally and technologically?

What characteristics do classical empires share? One of the biggest similarities would be large public

works projects. Every one of these civilizations built some sort of huge building or monument. Also the

patriarchal family structures, like the river valley civilizations that preceded them, the classical

civilization valued male authority within families, as well as in most other areas of life. Agricultural

based economies, despite more sophisticated and complex job specialization, the most common

occupation in all areas was farming. Complex governments because they were so large, these three

civilizations had to invent new ways to keep their lands together politically. Their governments were

large and complex, although they each had unique ways of governing. Finally, expanding trade base in

their economic systems were complex. Although they generally operated independently, trade routes

connected them by both land and sea.

Han China: Is in north-east China, mainly in Hu Lao, which is no longer a province. The

Treatment of Women in Han Dynasty was very low and subservient. There were arranged

marriages and bearing of sons improved their status. The women were expected to be

subservient, housekeeper, child care taker, submissive and weak. While males were the head of

the households and were expected to be controlling, worker, sole provider, dominant, and strong.

The slaves were at the bottom of the social order, yet they represented only a tiny portion of the

overall population. The society of the Han Dynasty can generally was highly structured with a

clear definition of each social class. Han China was included of a three-tiered social system.

Aristocrats and bureaucrats were at the top of this hierarchy followed by skilled laborers like

farmers and iron workers. The bottom tier consisted of unskilled laborers such as servants and

slaves. The emperor was at the top of the whole hierarchy. The Han dynasty government was

largely characterized by a combination of feudal structures and central bureaucracy. The emperor


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was the head of the government and was responsible for creating laws, heading the armed forces

as its commander-in-chief and serving as the chief executive official. The state guided

production of salt and iron, coin casting, the production of iron tools and of standard weights and

measures, and the governmental task to control water ways and water supply for agriculture was

a great chance of development of technical inventions in these areas. The Chinese empire, Han

had made several censuses to count the population and to control the households in tax registers.

This was the "golden age" with prosperity from trade along the Silk Road; inventions include

water mills, paper, compasses, and pottery and silk-making; calendar with 365.5 days in China.

Rome: Rome is located in the country of Italy on the continent of Europe, near the

Mediterranean Sea and by the river and built on many hills. It had limited rich soil that wasn’t

great for agriculture reproduction. Women were treated as property to the father or head of the

household; this is not abnormal in ancient civilizations. When women married, she would change

hands to her husband. Marriage was always accompanied by a dowry. The main role of women

in ancient Rome was to produce legitimate male children for to carry on the family name and

line. When a child was born it would be the paterfamilias who decided whether the infant would

be accepted into the family. For the slaves, their treatment depends on their master. If they had a

kind master they would be treated alright, with enough food, water and shelter. But if they had an

average mean master they would be beaten or whipped, starved, they would have to sleep on the

floor or with the animals or outside. The people of ancient Rome traded with other cultures

traveling on the Mediterranean Sea. Rome was a republic, with some power shared with

assemblies; Senate most powerful, with two consuls chosen to rule, generally selected from the

military and their emperor can be non-hereditary; technically chosen by Senate, but generally

chosen by predecessor. They had a basic division between patricians (aristocrats) and plebeians

(free farmers), although a middle class of merchants grew during the empire; wealth based on

land ownership; gap between rich and poor grew with time. Rome influenced the choosing of

their government/emperor by the people to other regions. The architects of ancient Rome used

arches in the construction of their buildings that’s still are there today.

Greece: Greece is located on the continent of Europe, near the mountains and hills, surrounded

by Mediterranean Sea and limited rich soil. Women were treated differently in different regions

and city states, though always considered inferior to men. In Athens they were very limited, and


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women of dignity were basically just imprisoned in their houses. Ordinary women were allowed

to go outside to fetch water from public springs. In Sparta women were honored because they

gave birth to new soldiers for the polis, and had several rights Athenian women did not have,

they could own private property for example, and were usually managing everything because

their men folk were always off to war. SO it depends on the region and the polis. Slavery played

a major role in ancient Greek civilization. They were found everywhere and worked not only as

domestic servants, but as factory workers, shopkeepers, mineworkers, and farmworkers and as

ship's crewmembers. There may have been as many, if not more, slaves as free people in ancient

Greece. in their social structure, slavery widely practiced, men separated from women in military

barracks until age 30; women had relative freedom; women in Sparta encouraged to be

physically fit so as to have healthy babies; generally better treated and more equal to men than

women in Athens, and the social status dependent on land holdings and cultural sophistication.

In their political structure, they had no centralized government; concept of polis, or a fortified

site that formed the centers of many city states, the governing styles varied, and both Athens and

Sparta developed strong military organizations and established colonies around the

Mediterranean. Greece contributed many things to other civilizations and regions now in the

modern days like: the Olympic games of today are modeled after the games of ancient Greece,

the architects of ancient Greece used columns in the construction of their buildings.

Niger Valley: Its foundation is in the Guinea Highlands in Southeastern Guinea. It runs in a

crescent through Mali, Niger, on the border with Benin and then through Nigeria, discharging

through a massive delta, known as the Niger Delta or the Oil Rivers, into the Gulf of Guinea in

the Atlantic Ocean. The Niger Valley challenged conventional notions because they had an

absence of a corresponding state structure. Unlike the cities of Egypt, China, and the Roman

Empire, or Axum, these middle Niger urban centers were not included within some larger

imperial system. They also didn't have despotic power, widespread warfare, or deep social

dissimilarities. They had a growing network of indigenous West African commerce. They were

cities without states. The major groups shared many Muslim beliefs and practices, including

respect for Islamic scholarship in Arabic. Much imagery comes from Islam, the major official

religion. Most groups have retained elements of pre-Islamic cultural, symbolic, ritual, and

political life, such as spirit possession, bilateral descent patterns, and spirit pantheons in local


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cosmological systems. The civilizations contributed water from their river to the people and

that’s why the population increased around the river.

Bantu: The term “Bantu” is a general label for over 300 ethnic groups in Africa. They make up

a major part of the population of nearly all African countries south of the Sahara. The Bantu

speaking people was one of the most significant human migration and cultural transformation

that introduced an immense economic and cultural change to a huge region in the African

continent. It was a slow movement of people that brought to south of the Ecuador of Africa a

measure of cultural and linguistic commonality, marketing it as a distinct region on the continent.

Discrimination against the Bantu in Somalia largely prevented them from inter-marrying with the

other groups and thus receiving the protection those clan affiliations normally bring. The Bantu

was not confined to marriage alone, but engulfed every aspect of our live. As marginalized

group, the Bantu required true representation in politics and access to the Government services,

Educational opportunities, and professional positions in the private sector. This exclusion also

resulted in economic development policies and resources allocations that didn’t take into account

of Bantu wishes and priorities.

Maya: The Maya lived in the area in Central America which now consists of Yucatan,

Guatemala, Belize and southern Mexico. Mayan women would have been responsible for the

running of the household, production of foodstuffs and clothing. Crushing corn into flour to

make bread would have been an important daily task, as would look after the family livestock.

Women were responsible for textile production, and spinning and weaving were tasks that most

Mayan women would be proficient in. Women were also responsible for tending the family

shrines and some upper class women attained positions of power. The slaves were captured

people from other tribes or settlers and had them set to be sacrifices or just slaves. But most of

them were sacrifices. Their social structure was that people at the bottom of the Mayan social

ladder were the farmers and slaves. These two groups made up the base of the power pyramid of

the Mayas. Most people in Mayan civilization were farmers, but their rights in society were not

much better than those of slaves. Slaves were usually captured enemies or criminals from within

the Mayan citizenry. For centuries, their culture slowly advanced, but as of yet they had no

concept of kings or royal families. Until the middle to late pre-classic periods that evidence of

kings began to appear at certain Maya sites. The Maya Kings claimed descent from the Gods and


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planets, laying claim to a quasi-divine status, somewhere between humans and Gods. The

Mayans were very smart, and with their development of mathematics and calendars, they

provided a great example of development in a civilization. The Mayan civilization created the

highest achievements of the classical era. They adopted many ideas and practices from

Teotihuacán, built temples, palaces, observatories, overcame barren soil through irrigation and

terracing, grew squash, chili peppers, maize, produced and traded metalwork, cotton cloth,

chipped stone tools, and had a media of exchange for trade included cocoa beans, polished beads,

salt, cloth. Their development of the Mayan Calendar and mathematics was also impacting in

ancient and modern times.

TRADE ROUTESWhat key items were traded? Culture? What parts of the world did the trade routes connect?

Silk Road: Along the Silk Road, they traded silk, ivory, jade, glass, spices (black pepper, curry,

and cloves), cloths, oils (not vegetable oil), weapons, and gold. Moreover, Buddhism was one of

the religions of the Kushan kingdom that reached China. Together with merchant caravans

Buddhist monks went from India to Central Asia and China, preaching the new religion.

Buddhist monuments were discovered in numerous cities along the Silk Road. In the first

centuries of Christian era, Christianity penetrated from the Near East to Central Asia and further

to China. The first wave of Christianity is connected with the activity of Nestorians. In the 13th

century the Silk Road was the route for the new wave of Christian doctrine dissemination

connected with the activity of Catholic missions. The Silk Road was not only the source of goods

but also information on their making, like: technologies and in particular, the ways of silk,

stained glass, paper, books, gunpowder and guns production. The Silk Road was a dangerous

trading rout for China's silk that connected China with Asia, Persia, and India.

Indian Ocean Trade Network: This trading system was a cross-cultural trade in the Indian

Ocean that linked cultures, spread religions, enhances trading skills, and increase economic

growth in several different regions of the world. They traded Silk and porcelain from China;

Spices from Southeast Asia; Pepper, gems, pearls, and cotton from India Incense and horses

from Arabia and Southwest Asia; Gold, ivory, and slaves from East Africa. On the Indian Ocean

Basin specialized production was on the increase reproduction of high-quality cotton textiles

thrived and other specialized industries: sugar, leather, stone, carpets, iron and steel.


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Additionally, Chinese, Indian , And many other culture, diseases and religion were traded in the

Indian Ocean Trade Network; it was diverse since they traded almost around the whole world

because they traveled by ship instead of by land.

Trans-Saharan Roads: A series of powerful trading kingdoms emerged in West Africa. The

West African kingdoms controlled important trade routes that connected North Africa and West

Africa. In the beginning of Trans-Saharan Trade North Africa was rich in the salt that West

Africa lacked. West Africa was rich in gold. The Trans-Saharan trade led to an exchange of salt

for gold. Ghana was called the “land of gold” but it did not have gold. Instead, the trade routes

passed through Ghana and the kings of Ghana taxed all entering and exiting the kingdom. The

kings of Ghana used their wealth to build a powerful army and keep the peace within their

empire. Religious Muslims invaded and destroyed Ghana but another West African kingdom

rose to power to protect the valuable Salt for Gold Trade. After decline of Ghana, the West

African Kingdom of Mali emerged as a great trading empire that took control of Gold Trade and

extend the empire. The West African kingdom of Songhai was the largest of the three trading

kingdoms; the Muslim controlled the profitable Trans-Saharan trade and it eventually, the

kingdom of Songhai fell to invading armies from Morocco. Moreover, the Trans-Saharan Road

had was slaves and exported slaves captures in raid across the Sahara for sale, mostly as

household servants in Islamic North Africa. Most of the slaves were women, working as

domestic servants and concubines. Additionally, the Trans-Saharan Road had a big trade system

that includes salves like no other.

POST CLASSICAL CHINASong vs. Tang Dynasty. How did each dynasty treat woman?Religion? How did they treat foreign nations such as Korea, Japan and Vietnam? Innovations? Economic systems and impacts?MIDDLE AGESImpact of the Plague? How did the middle ages affect Europe? Crusade; reasons for and impact of Role of Woman?ISLAMWhat did the Middle East look like before Islam? Who are the Shia and Sunni Muslims? Difference in beliefs? Why did they form? Geographically, where are Shia and Sunni Muslims located? Basic beliefs? Social and gender hierarchy?MONGOLSHow did the Mongols come to power? What geographic regions were under their control? How did they treat conquered people? Impact in China? Impact on the Silk Road?IMPORTANT EMPIRES


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Where was the empire located? When did they thrive? Why are they important? What other civilizations were they influenced by? What later civilizations did they influence?

Songhay: Aztec: Inca: Mughal: Ottoman: Ming: Byzantine: Sui

VOCABULARY WORDSDefine each word and explain its importance

Hellenistic Era: Hellenic, properly defined, was now at an end. The fusion of cultures and

intermingling of peoples resulting from Alexander's conquests had accomplished the overthrow

of most of the ideals represented by the Greeks in their prime. Gradually a new pattern of

civilization emerged based upon a mixture of Greek and Oriental elements. To this new

civilization, which lasted until about the beginning of the Christian era, the name Hellenistic is

the one most commonly applied. While the Hellenistic Age is sometimes regarded as simply a

final chapter in the history of Greece, this is by no means correct. Hellenism made great inroads

and in monarchies governed by kings of Persian, Armenian or Thracian origin, as was the case

with Armenia, Bithynia and Cappadocia

Mandate of Heaven: For early Chinese rulers, observing the heavens and communicating the

passage of time to the people were divine obligations, which account for a preoccupation with

astronomy, astrology, and calendric science throughout Chinese history, and explains why the

ability to predict celestial events came to be seen as a barometer of a dynasty's success. The

correct orientation of any consecrated space, the scheduling of religious ceremonies and the

proper conduct of seasonal occupations all depended on the king. The ability to comprehend the

celestial patterns and to maintain conformity between astral and terrestrial realms became a

fundamental qualification for kingship. The Mandate of Heaven is important because it gives a

possible ruler mindless approval by Heaven, an important cultural aspect in the Chinese culture.

This way a likely ruler is accepted by Heaven and then by the people. Losing the Mandate of

Heaven causes the ruler to lose power, in various ways.


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Pastoralism: Pastoralism is the name given to the subsistence practice in which people care for

and domesticate animals, usually ungulates such as camels, llamas, cattle, reindeer, sheep, and

goats. Although the stereotypical pastoralists are desert nomads like the Bedouin, modern

pastoralists are found in every part of the world. Pastoralism is important because it allows a way

for people to learn to rise/ herd livestock and creates a guaranteed reliable source of food.

Tribute System: The tribute system is a system in which defeated people were forced to pay a

tax in the form of goods and labor. This forced transfer of food, cloth, and other goods

subsidized and development of large cities. An important component of the Aztec and Inca

economies or when the Chinese were taxing people and show off that they were better. It was

important because the Chinese used this system as an effective mechanism for exacting

compliance from neighboring states and peoples on important matter of political, defensive, and

diplomatic concern to China. The Tribute System was used so certain state can get profit from

the other region that they traded with to raise their economic power.

Karma: Universal 'Karma' is the reaction (response) is a universal phenomenon, not limited to

the 'Hinduism' or 'Buddhism' religious tradition. Karma is also the subject of scientific

investigation of the physical universe. The laws of karma are scientifically observable, definable,

and their application goes from the gross material universe to the subtle, including the 'afterlife'.

What goes around comes around. Karma is important because in they think there whole lives that

they need to be good or else if you do something bad to someone something will happen to you

in life or the afterlife.

Patriarchy: It was a social system in which the male (men) acts as the principal powered figure

central and social association, and where fathers grip authority above women, children, and

property. Patriarchy was important because it was something extraordinary because male lived

by and were dominant against women. It was the men who started the marriage and the divorce.

Additionally, the males were the present figures in the societies and family and this is important

because as time movement goes on, the male dominance is less practiced and now in the modern

days, females and male are considered equal, but not in the entire world, some still believe that

men are superior to women.


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Matriarchy: Matriarchy is a society in which females, especially mothers, have the central roles

of political leadership, moral authority, and control of property. Is important because in almost

all history, matriarchy wasn’t used because the societies always believed that men should have

the major role and be more dominant to any other.

Greek Philosophy: The Ancient Greek philosophers have played a pivotal role in the shaping of

the western philosophical tradition. The Ancient Greek philosophical tradition broke away from

a mythological approach to explaining the world, and it initiated an approach based on reason

and evidence. Initially concerned with explaining the entire cosmos, the Pre-Socratic

philosophers strived to identify its single underlying principle. The Greek Philosophers like

Socrates and Plato came up with ideas on life and why things are here and the modern

philosophers based their thoughts on them.

Empire: Is an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an

oligarchy, or a sovereign state. Empires were important because if the countries didn't take over

one another then they wouldn't have the things they/we have today .It also spread certain

religions and languages around the world and created a diverse world with many cultures.

Justinian: Was an emperor until he died. He was impressive and attempted to reconquer the

Mediterranean basin. Justinian was important because he wanted to reconquer the Mediterranean

and he was noted for his short-lived reconquest of much of the former Western Roman Empires

and for his codification of Roman law. In addition, he is important because he recreated the

Roman Empire in his Byzantine Empire, rebuilt Constantinople, and built aqueducts, bridges,

and more than 25 churches including the great Hagia Sophia, a church of Holy wisdom that is

known to be considered an architectural wonders of the world.

Great Wall of China: The Great Wall of China is a series of defenses made of stone, brick,

tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the

historical northern borders of China in part to protect the Chinese Empire or its prototypical

states against intrusions by various nomadic groups or military incursions by various warlike

peoples or forces. Several walls were being built as early, later joined together and made bigger,

stronger, and unified are now collectively referred to as the Great Wall. The importance of the


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Great Wall of China was to block off out siders whom aren't welcome, but also bring in new

traders or people in search for better life, much like the Silk Road Han Dynasty also created.

Food Binding: Was the most compelling expression of a tighten patriarchy on Chinese practice

of tightly wrapping girls feet to keep them small that begun in the Tang Dynasty; it was an

emphasis on small size and delicate was central to view females beauty. Foot binding was

important because it was practiced involving tight wrapping of young girl’s feet that usually

breaks the bones of the foot and intense pain. It was also associated with a new image of the

female beauty and eroticism that emphasis small size, delicate, and reticence, all of which were

necessary produced by foot binding. It was used to keep women restricted to the “Inner Quarters,

where Confucianism traditions asserted that they belonged.