ap world history review session 4: 1750-1914 sample questions

AP World History Review Session 4: 1750- 1914 Sample Questions

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Page 1: AP World History Review Session 4: 1750-1914 Sample Questions

AP World HistoryReview Session 4: 1750-1914

Sample Questions

Page 2: AP World History Review Session 4: 1750-1914 Sample Questions

1. The factors destabilizing the balance of power in Europe in the late 1800s and early 1900s included all of the following EXCEPT:

a) The strong sense of nationalism held by many European nations.

b) European colonial rivalries in Africa and Asia.c) German aggression on the continent under von Bismarck.d) Conflict over ethnic and religious differences in some

nations.e) The rise of socialist and communist movements in

European nations

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Answer: E

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2. As a result of von Bismarck’s plan to partition Africa:

a) Germany controlled a substantial portion of Africa.b) The United States entered the scramble for Africa.c) The slave trade with Europe, North America, and South

America was halted.d) Only two African nations remained free at the

beginning of the twentieth century.e) More people organized to protest the injustices of


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Answer: D

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3. The ability of nations to industrialize required all of the following conditions EXCEPT:

a)a reliable source of fuel.b)surplus population.c) improved farming techniques.d)a money-based economic system.e)a network of colonies.

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Answer: E

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4. The movement to industrialize Russia was most dependent on

a) Emancipating serfs to provide a substantial labor pool for industry.

b) Becoming more active in colonizing other lands to obtain raw materials and develop new markets.

c) Importing coal and other fuel sources plus the equipment necessary to build manufacturing factories.

d) Developing a capitalistic system with laissez-faire and free market economic policies.

e) Raising the standard of living for average Russians so they could participate in a market economy.

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Answer: A

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5. In order to hold onto their territory, the Ottomans instituted the Tanzimat Reforms, which included:

a) Access to western education.b)Universal suffrage.c) Nationalization of private industries.d)Emancipation of slaves.e)Elimination of the civil service system.

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Answer: A

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6. Marxism found supporters in the late nineteenth century in Europe because:

a) working conditions in factories improved.b) the middle class gained additional political representation.c) improvements in farming technology increased crop yields.d) union organizing was outlawed in a majority of industries.e) economic depression caused high unemployment rates.

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Answer: A

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7. Which of these factors played the greatest role in European interest in South Africa in the late 1800s?

a) The need for additional sources of African slaves.b) The desire for new markets for European goods.c) The discovery of precious metal resources.d) Political turmoil along northern European trade routes.e) Decentralization of manufacturing plants.

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Answer: C

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8. “It is the highest impertinence and presumption, therefore, in kings and ministers, to pretend to watch over the economy of private people, and to restrain their expense, either by sumptuary laws, or by prohibiting the importation of foreign luxuries.”

The author of this quotation would most likely agree with which of the following governmental programs?

• Increased tariffs on imported items• Laissez-faire economic policies• Institution of social welfare systems• Minimum wage laws for unionized workers• User taxes on luxury items

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Answer: B

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9. Which of the following is a true statement about the French Revolution of 1789?

a) It failed to instill a sense of nationalism in France.b) Women gained suffrage as part of the revolution.c) It resulted in residence, rather than religion, becoming

the basis for citizenship.d) It officially ended with the Constitution of 1791.e) It succeeded in strengthening France’s economy.

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Answer: C

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10. Which of the following was an impact of modernization efforts in Egypt?

a) Muhammad Ali led a revolution to overthrow British rule in Egypt.b) Egypt accumulated tremendous debt to European nations such as

England and France.c) A Western-style democratic government was installed, although

voting rights were not extended to women.d) A liberalization movement among the working and middle class

began to remove Muhammad Ali from power.e) State-built infrastructure and public investment in industrialization

enabled Egypt to withstand European imperialism.

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Answer: B

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11. All of the following were impacts of the Industrial Revolution EXCEPT:

a) the rise of social and political reform movements.b) increased foreign investment in less-industrialized

nations.c) a manufacturing system based on division of labor.d) an increased demand for African slaves in North

America.e) an increase in the number of independent nations.

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Answer: E

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12. Which of the following was NOT a result of the Opium Wars?

a) Chinese port cities were open to foreign trade and Britain took possession of Hong Kong.

b) Lower tariffs were set on goods manufactured in Western nations.

c) Western citizens living in China were subject to the laws of their native lands, not Chinese laws.

d) Churches were permitted in port cities and Christian missionaries could travel freely within China.

e) China was able to successfully end the importation and sale of opium.

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Answer: E

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13. The Eastern Question concerned:

a) how European nations would fairly partition the continent of Africa.

b) the manner in which Prussia, Austria, and the Ottoman Empire would maintain the balance of power in Europe.

c) the opening of port cities in China, Japan, and Korea to foreign trade.

d) how to fill the void left by the decline of the Ottoman Empire.

e) how the entry of the United States into imperialism should be addressed.

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Answer: D

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14. The reasons for intense imperialism among European nations included all of the following EXCEPT:

a) Industrialization generated the demand for new sources of raw materials.

b) The military needs to establish strategic bases around the world.

c) There was a belief in the racial superiority of Europeans.d) There was a need to establish new markets for European-

made goods.e) Population decline in European nations required new

sources of labor.

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Answer: E

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15. Which of the following resulted from the revolutionary movements in Latin American colonies?

a) Social inequality continued to exist.b)Key industries were nationalized.c) Widespread economic reforms were instituted.d)New nations became colonizers themselves.e)Representative democracies were formed.

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Answer: A

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16. Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about British rule in India?

a) British rule led to the modernization of India’s infrastructure.

b) There was less conflict between Muslims and Hindus under British rule.

c) The Sepoy Rebellion of 1857 was successful in ousting the British from India.

d) The caste system was not eliminated with the introduction of Western culture.

e) Britain took political and economic control of India from a private trading company.

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Answer: C

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17. Which of the following is an accurate statement about the Treaty of Nanking and the Monroe Doctrine?

a) The purpose of both the treaty and the doctrine was to maintain trade relationships and prevent foreign interference in local affairs.

b) While the treaty opened Chinese trade to various nations, the doctrine protected trade relationships between the United States and Latin American countries.

c) China and Latin American nations both experienced internal rebellion and weakened central governments as a result of the treaty and the doctrine.

d) Both documents were intended to limit European interference with former colonies.

e) Although the British inhabited Hong Kong as a result of the treaty, the United States did not maintain a presence in any other nation under the doctrine.

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Answer: B

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18. Population trends in industrialized nations between 1800 and 1900 included all of the following EXCEPT:

a) increased urban population.b)higher birth rates.c) higher migration to western Europe and North

America.d)lower infant mortality rates.e)decreased death rates.

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Answer: B

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19. The primary goal of the Meiji Restoration was to:

a) diminish the power of the shogun and the samurai.

b)isolate itself from foreign influences.c) liberalize civil and criminal legal codes.d)establish a Confucian-style bureaucracy.e) increase agricultural and industrial productivity.

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Answer: E

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20. “I contend that we are the first race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race… I contend that every acre added to our territory provides for the birth of more of the English race, who otherwise would not be brought into existence.”

Cecil Rhodes’ statement is consistent with which of the following?

a) Mercantilismb) Social Darwinismc) Manifest Destinyd) Liberalisme) Mandate of Heaven

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Answer: B

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21. Which of the following was the most urbanized during the period 1750 to 1914?

a)Chinab)Indiac) Russiad)Englande)France

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Answer: D

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22. Which of the following was true of Latin American women in the nineteenth century?

a) They enjoyed the right to vote.b)They were denied the right to an education.c) They were subjected to the values of machismo.d)They could not work outside the house without

supervision.e)They could hold political office.

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Answer: C

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23. Which of the following was true of the new imperialism?

a) The Berlin Conference accommodated Africa’s ethnic diversity.

b) The United States favored economic imperialism rather than direct political control in South America.

c) France favored economic imperialism over settler colonies.d) British settlers integrated easily with Australian aboriginal

peoples.e) Dutch and British settlers promoted slavery in South Africa.

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Answer: B

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24.In the nineteenth century, both Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire:

a) Were composed of a number of nations.b) Ruled over a kingdom within their bordersc) Gained political strength during the nineteenth

century.d) Disrupted the balance of power in Europe.e) Broke up into smaller nations prior to World

War I.

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Answer: A

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25.Which of the following pairs of nations and their imperialist interests is NOT correct?

a) United States – Cubab) Great Britain – Indiac) Japan – Hawaiid) Germany – Africae) The Netherlands – South Africa

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Answer: C