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Asia Pacific Weekly Price Monitor Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Issue 44, 23 December 2011

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Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Issue 44, 23 December 2011

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Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific


- Rice prices increased by 3 percent over the past week andwere 8 percent above the prices observed three months ago.

- Wheat prices increased by 3 percent from the previous week

and were about the same level of prices observed a month and

three months ago, respectively.

Country Highlights



  AFGHANISTAN, Kabul (19 December 2011 2011)Retail nominal prices

Data sources: Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock and World Food Programme (WFP).

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Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Prices of staple food remained unchanged from last week.- Rice prices are 7 percent below the prices observed a month

ago but 2 percent above from those recorded a year ago.

- Wheat flour prices are 4 percent below the prices observed a

month ago.

- Chicken prices are 13 percent above the prices recorded a

month ago but 17 percent below those observed a year ago.

- Soybean prices are 40 percent above the prices registered a

year ago.

Country Highlights

 The Government started procurement of 200,000 MT of Aman

rice at BDT 28 per kg from the domestic market to provideincentives to the farmers amid a continued fall in prices of both

rice and paddy. This drive began on 5 December and will

continue until 28 February 2012 (Fortnightly Foodgrain Outlook,

06 December 2011).


 BANGLADESH, Dhaka (19 December 2011)Retail nominal prices

Data source: Ministry of Agriculture.

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Issue 44, 23 December 2011

CAMBODIA, Phnom Penh (19 December 2011)Wholesale nominal prices

Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Over the past week, wholesale nominal prices of all staple foodcommodities remained stable in Phnom Penh.

- Rice prices (mix variety) are 29 percent above the prices

recorded a year ago.

Country Highlights



Data source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries.





























































































































































































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CHINA, Beijing (19 December 2011)Retail and wholesale nominal prices

Issue 44, 23 December 2011

Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Staple food prices in Beijing market continue to remain stablesince early 2011.

Country Highlights

According to a media report, China's government is proposing

to eliminate its value-added tax on the distribution of vegeta-bles in its latest effort to shield consumers from higher food

prices. Currently a 17 percent value-added tax applies to enter-

prises engaged in import-export, production, distribution or

retailing activities (Wall Street Journal, 20 December 2011).


Data source: Beijing Municipal Bureau of Grain.























































































































































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Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific


- Corn prices fell by 14 percent during the end of November andwere 18 percent below the prices observed a year ago.

- Cassava prices increased by 41 percent during the end of

November and are 38 percent above the prices recorded three

months ago.

- Prices of dalo tausala (taro) increased by 72 percent during the

end of December, and doubled from prices observed three

months ago.

Country Highlights

More than 15,000 people from 300 villages and schools across

the country have improved access to clean water (Radio Fiji, 20December 2011).


Fiji, National Average (28 November 2011)Retail nominal prices

Data source: Department of Agriculture.

Issue 44, 23 December 2011

























































































































































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Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- In New Delhi market, rice and wheat prices remainedunchanged from the previous week and were 4 and 7 percent,

respectively, above the prices observed a year ago.

Country Highlights

- The Union Cabinet approved the National Food Security Bill. Under

this law, a population of 700 million (which included 75 percent ruraland 50 percent urban, out of a total of 1.2 billion persons) will be

entitled to monthly food assistance (rice/wheat/millets) of 7 kg for

priority groups and 3-4kg for general groups (The Tribune, 19 Decem-

ber 2011).

- The High Court is still discussing if wages under the Mahatma Gandhi

National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) have to be fixed as

per Minimum Wages Act. A final decision is expected by 23 December

(Indian Express, 19 December 2011).


INDIA, Delhi (19 December 2011)Retail nominal prices

Data source: Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Food Distribution.

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Issue 44, 23 December 2011

INDONESIA, National Average (19 December 2011)Retail nominal prices

Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Although chicken prices have continued to drop since earlySeptember, they slightly increased by 2 percent over the past

week but still are 4 percent lower than prices observed both

three months and a year ago.


Country Highlights



Data source: Ministry of Trade.










































































































































































































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Issue 44, 23 December 2011

LAO PDR, Vientiane (05 December 2011)Retail nominal prices

Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

 -Prices of staple food commodities were stable over the firstweek of December in Vientiane market.

Country Highlights



Data source: Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
























































































































































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Issue 44, 23 December 2011

MYANMAR, Yangon and Mandalay (19 December 2011)Wholesale nominal prices

Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Maize prices increased by 6 percent from the previous weekand were 10 percent above the prices observed a month ago,

but 3 percent below the prices recorded three months ago.

Country Highlights

- Myanmar and WFP discussed about food assistance modalities

for farmers who lost poppy cultivation due to natural disaster(Government of Myanmar, 20 December 2011).

- According to the Myanmar Livestock Federation, oversupply

on poultry industry in Yangon region is depressing prices.

Discussions over possible solutions are still ongoing (Myanmar

 Times, 19 December 2011).


Data source: E-Trade Myanmar.


























































































































































































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Issue 44, 23 December 2011

Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Retail nominal prices of staple foods remained largely stableover the past week in Karachi market.

- Wheat prices are 4 percent above the prices observed a year

ago; while wheat flour prices are 4 percent below the prices

recorded the previous year.

Country Highlights

 The district administration of Peshawar has imposed ban on

poultry and eggs exports to Afghanistan for one month (TheDown, 20 December 2011).


PAKISTAN, Karachi (19 Decemberr 2011)Retail nominal prices

Data source: Federal Bureau of Statistics.






































































































































































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Issue 44, 23 December 2011

PHILIPPINES, National Average (12 December2011)Retail nominal prices

Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Overall, prices of staple food commodities remained largely

stable over the past week.

Country Highlights

 The Department of Agriculture will assist farmers affected by

 Tropical Storm Sendong via a Palit-tanim scheme. Beneficiarieswhose farms were totally damaged will be entitled to a 100-

percent seed subsidy for paddy (rice)/corn; while those whose

farms were partially damaged, will receive 50 percent subsidy

(Official Gazette, 20 December 2011).


Data source: Department of Agriculture.





















































































































































































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Issue 44, 23 December 2011

SAMOA, Fugalei (November 2011)Retail nominal prices

Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Taro prices increased by 30 percent from October to November and

were 72 percent above the prices observed a year ago.

- Taro palagi prices increased by 63.5 percent from the previous month

and were nearly 130 percent above the prices observed a year ago.

- Ta’amu prices fell by 6 percent during the past month but were nearly

a 130 percent above the prices recorded a year ago.

- Coconut prices increased by 4.2 percent and were 14 percent above

the prices observed a year ago.

Country Highlights

Farmers and consumers both are feeling the effects of the dry

season in Samoa. The majority of sellers at the market show thatmost of their staple crop has been negatively affected by the

drought. In recent months Samoa has experienced a little more

rainfall but the damage to root crops have already been done

and most farmers have shared that the quality of the crop is just

not good enough to sell at the market (Samoa Bureau of Statis-

tics, 17 December 2011).


Data source: Samoa Bureau of Statistics.

















































































































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Issue 44, 23 December 2011

SRI-LANKA, Colombo (12 December 2011)Retail nominal prices

Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Rice prices have been edging upwards since mid-September

and increased by 3 percent over the past week and were 14

percent above the prices observed three months ago.


Country Highlights



Data source: Department of Census and Statistics.

























































































































































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Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Retail nominal prices of staple foods remained largely stable

over the past week in Bangkok market.

- Pork prices remained 8 percent above the prices observed a

month ago. Pork prices had been gradually declining since

August 2011.

Country Highlights

According to a media report, Thailand’s 2011-12 second rice

crop will likely be delayed by two months because of floods.Now the harvest of the second crop is expected to start in April

next year instead of the regular February as farmers had

delayed sowing owing to the floods (Oryza, 20 December 2011).


THAILAND, Bangkok (19 December 2011)Retail nominal prices

Issue 44, 23 December 2011

Data source: Ministry of Trade.













































































































































































































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Issue 44, 23 December 2011


Asia Pacific Weekly Price MonitorRegional Office for Asia and the Pacific

- Overall, prices of staple food commodities remained stable

over the past week.

Country Highlights

National authorities are closely monitoring food additives and

food processing to ensure safety and hygiene during the

upcoming festive season (Viet Nam News, 20 December 2011).


VIET NAM, Hanoi (19 December 2011)Retail nominal prices

Data source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

















































































































































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Disclaimer and Acknowledgements


 The Asia Pacic Weekly Price Monitor is prepared by the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacic with information from official and unofficial sources.

Conditions can change rapidly and information may not always represent the current food price situation as of the present date . None of the country

reports should be regarded in any way as statements of governmental views. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this news

bulletin do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning

the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. This report has been

produced with nancial assistance from the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way

be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

 The support of FAO Country Offices, FAO's Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) and the European Union through the EC-FAO Food

Security Programme “Linking information and decision-making to improve food security in selected countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion”

are gratefully acknowledged for their contributions.

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Graphic design by Chaval Sinthusing.