ap psychology syllabus psychological concepts to their …psychology... · ap psychology syllabus...

AP Psychology Syllabus The purpose of AP Psychology is to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behaviour and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields with psychology. Course Objectives 1. Students will prepare to do acceptable work on the AP Psychology Examination. 2. Students will study the major core concepts and theories of psychology. They will be able to define key terms and use them in their everyday vocabulary. 3. Students will learn the basic skills of psychological research and be able to apply psychological concepts to their own lives. 4. Students will develop critical thinking skills. Student Resources Myers, David G. Myer’s Psychology for AP, New York: Worth, 2011. Teacher Resources Bolt, Martin. Teacher’s Resource Binder to Accompany Myers’ Psychology for AP, New York: Worth, 2011. Brink, John and Robert McEntarffer. Test Bank to accompany Myers’ Psychology for AP, New York: Worth, 2011. Fineburg, Amy C. and David G. Myers. Myers’ Psychology for AP: Teacher’s Edition, New York: Worth, 2011. Gernsbacher, Morton Ann, et al. Psychology and the Real World: Essays Illustrating Fundamental Contributions to Society, New York: Worth, 2011. Scientific American News Feed: http://www.scientificamerican.com/section.cfm?id=news In-Class Assignments and Homework Expectations An overview for in-class and homework assignments, a vocabulary list, and a pacing guide for textbook reading and review, will be given at the beginning of each unit. Students are expected to complete the assignments within the suggested pacing for each unit.

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Page 1: AP Psychology Syllabus psychological concepts to their …Psychology... · AP Psychology Syllabus ... study of the behaviour and mental processes of ... hone content and improve critical

AP Psychology Syllabus The purpose of AP Psychology is to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behaviour and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields with psychology. Course Objectives 1. Students will prepare to do acceptable work on the AP Psychology Examination. 2. Students will study the major core concepts and theories of psychology. They will be able to define key terms and use them in their everyday vocabulary. 3. Students will learn the basic skills of psychological research and be able to apply psychological concepts to their own lives. 4. Students will develop critical thinking skills. Student Resources Myers, David G. Myer’s Psychology for AP, New York: Worth, 2011. Teacher Resources Bolt, Martin. Teacher’s Resource Binder to Accompany Myers’ Psychology for AP, New York: Worth, 2011. Brink, John and Robert McEntarffer. Test Bank to accompany Myers’ Psychology for AP, New York: Worth, 2011. Fineburg, Amy C. and David G. Myers. Myers’ Psychology for AP: Teacher’s Edition, New York: Worth, 2011. Gernsbacher, Morton Ann, et al. Psychology and the Real World: Essays Illustrating Fundamental Contributions to Society, New York: Worth, 2011. Scientific American News Feed: http://www.scientificamerican.com/section.cfm?id=news In-Class Assignments and Homework Expectations An overview for in-class and homework assignments, a vocabulary list, and a pacing guide for textbook reading and review, will be given at the beginning of each unit. Students are expected to complete the assignments within the suggested pacing for each unit.

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At the conclusion of each unit, and each section of larger units, two timed multiple choice quizzes and one free-response question, simulating the AP format will be given. Testing is timed; each multiple choice question is given 0.7 minute to complete, and each free- response question is given 20 minutes. Assignments include multiple choice practice questions, close exercises, free response questions, group experiment, article review, and a PowerPoint presentation to stimulate interest in the various areas of psychology, hone content and improve critical thinking skills to write multiple choice and free response questions for the AP Exam. Course-Long Plan Unit 1: History and Approaches

Curriculum Requirement (CR)1: The course provides instruction in history and approaches

Date Pacing Standards Text Pages Sept. 8

Class 1

Introduction to Psychology and Its History �Define psychology �Explain how psychology has evolved from its pre-scientific roots to studies of modern Science �Identify major contributors and their contributions to psychology (including Calkins, Darwin, Dix, Freud, Hall, James, Pavlov, Piaget, Rogers, Skinner, Washburn, Watson, Wundt) �Differentiate among the various domains of Psychology and apply them to various situations (biological, clinical, cognitive, counseling, developmental, educational, experimental, human factors, industrial- organizational, personality, psychometric, and social)

Unit 1 1 – 7 Appendix A1 – A13 Appendix B1 – B15

Sept. 12

Class 2

Theoretical Approaches �Differentiate among the various approaches in explaining behaviour (Early years: structuralism,

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functionalism, and behaviourism; emerging Later: Gestalt, psychoanalytic/psychodynamic, and humanism; contemporary: evolutionary, biological, and cognitive) �Explain the strengths and limitations in applying theory to explain behaviour

Unit 2: Research Methods

CR 2: The course provides instruction in research methods. CR 7: The course provides instruction in cognition.

Sept. 14

Class 1

Testing: Unit 1 Progress Test #1 Research Methods Overview Descriptive Research Methods: Naturalistic Observation, Case Study, Survey �Explain the purpose, strengths, and weaknesses of these research methods Experimental Research Method �The Scientific Method �Explain the purpose, strengths, and weaknesses of this research method �Identify types of variables (independent, dependent, confounding), groupings bias, and controls

Unit 2 19 - 49

Sept. 16

Class 2

Testing: Unit 1 Progress Test #2 Correlational Study �Explain the purpose, strengths, and weaknesses of this research method �Explain what a correlation is �Identify and explain types of correlation

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�Distinguish between random assignment and random selection of participants �Explain how a scatterplot diagram can help explain correlations

Sept. 20

Class 3

Statistics �Types of data �Explain ways to organize data �Explain ways to describe data and apply statistical concepts (mean, mode, median, range, standard deviation, normal curve ) �Differentiate between the uses of Statistical and inferential statistics �Predict the validity of behavioural explanations based on the quality of research design

Sept. 22

Class 4

Ethics in Research �How do ethical and legal guidelines protect research participants and promote sound ethical practice for both animals and humans? (Incorporate those provided by the American Psychological Association, federal regulations, local institutional review boards)

Sept. 28

Class 5

Design a study using Naturalistic Observation �Discuss the value of reliance on operational definitions and measurements in behavioral research �apply the concepts hypothesis, variables, sampling of participants, data collection, constructing and interpreting graphs, and calculating simple descriptive statistics

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Unit 3: Biological Bases of Behaviour

CR 3: The course provides instruction in biological bases of behaviour. CR 5: The course provides instruction in states of consciousness. CR 7: The course provides instruction in cognition. CR 8: The course provides instruction in motivation and emotion.

Sept. 30

Class 1

Testing: Unit 2 Progress Test #1 Neural Communication �Identify the parts of a neuron and explain the process of transmission of signal between neurons �Describe how drugs influence neurotransmitters and behaviour (including the reuptake mechanism) The Nervous System �Classify the major branches of the nervous system and explain their function

Unit 3 51 - 113

Oct. 4

Class 2

Testing: Unit 2 Progress Test #2 The Nervous System (Con’t) Studying the Brain and It’s Connection to Behaviour and Mind �Recount historic and contemporary research strategies using case studies, EEG, neural imaging techniques, split brain research

Oct. 6

Class 3

Brain Structure �Identify the major regions of the brain and explain their function and their influence on behaviour �Identify the 4 lobes of the cerebral cortex and their function �Explain brain lateralization and hemispheric specialization �Identify key contributors: Broca, Gazzaniga, Sperry, Wernicke

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Oct. 12

Class 4

The Endocrine System �How do hormones and the endocrine system influence behaviour?

Oct. 14

Class 5

Behaviour Genetics: Heredity, the Environment, and Evolution �Explain how heredity, the environment, and evolution interplay to shape behaviour �Identify Darwin and his contributions

Unit 4: Sensation and Perception

CR 4: The course provides instruction in sensation and perception. CR 3: The course provides instruction in biological bases of behaviour.

Oct. 18

Class 1

Testing: Unit 3 Progress Test #1 Basic Principles of Sensing our World �Differentiate between bottom-up vs. top-down processing, selective attention vs. inattention �Explain absolute threshold, signal detection theory, difference threshold, sensory adaption, sensory transduction �Identify key contributions: Fechner, Weber Sensory Mechanisms �Draw and label the corresponding anatomical parts and pathways in the brain for each of the senses (vision/eye, hearing/ear, vestibular sense/brain, touch/skin, taste/tongue, smell/nose) �Explain common sensory disorders (including vision and hearing

Unit 4 115 – 173 Unit 3 52 – 61, 69 - 91

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Oct. 20

Class 2

Testing: Unit 3 Progress Test #2 General Principles of Perceptual Organization �Explain Gestalt organization of the senses, the Figure-ground concept, grouping �Depth Perception �Perceptual Constancy

Oct. 25

Class 3

Perceptual Interpretation �Discuss the role of attention in behaviour �Explain how culture, expectations, context, and emotion influence perception (including perceptual set and context effects) �Identify key contributors: Hubel, Wiesel Common Beliefs of Parapshological Phenomena �Challenge the ideas of ESP, and premonitions in parapsychological phenomena

Unit 5: States of Consciousness

CR 5: The course provides instruction in states of consciousness. CR 3: The course provides instruction in biological bases of behaviour.

Oct. 27

Class 1

Testing: Unit 4 Progress Test #1 States of Consciousness �Describe various states of consciousness and their influence on behaviour �Identify contributions: James

Unit 5 175 – 213 Unit 3 52 – 61, 69 - 83

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Sleep and Dreams �Explain how biological rhythms influence daily function �Describe stages of sleep �Explain sleep and dream theories �Explain symptoms and treatment of sleep disorders �Identify contributions: Freud Hypnosis �Describe hypnosis and explain the hypnotized state (post hypnotic suggestions, dissociation) �Explain historic and contemporary uses of hypnosis (including pain control, and psychotherapy) �Identify contributions: Hilgard

Oct. 31

Class 2

Testing: Unit 4 Progress Test #2 Drugs and Consciousness �Discuss psychological and social- cultural influences of drug use �Categorize major psychoactive drugs (depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens) �Discuss the psychological and physiological effects of specific drug use �Discuss drug dependence, addiction, tolerance, and withdrawal

Unit 6: Learning

CR 6: The course provides instruction in learning.

Nov. 2

Class 1

Testing: Unit 5 Progress Test #1 How We Learn �Differentiate among the principals of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning

Unit 6 215 - 253

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Classical Conditioning �Explain the processes of acquisition, higher-order learning, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination �Identify contributions: Pavlov, Watson, Rescorla, Garcia Operant Conditioning �Explain types of reinforcers and their effects on learning (positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment) �Explain how different types of reinforcement schedules affect behaviour �Describe the affects of punishment on behaviour �Describe latent learning, insight learning, and intrinsic/extrinsic motivation �Identify contributions: Tolman, Thorndike, Skinner

Nov. 4

Class 2

Testing: Unit 5 Progress Test #2 Observational Learning �Explain the function of mirror neurons in observational learning �Explain the impact of prosocial and antisocial modeling �Identify contributions: Bandura

Nov. 8

Class 3

Interpret Graphs of Statistical Experiments (line graphs, bar graphs) Apply Learning Principles to Explain Various Phenomena (emotional learning, taste aversion, superstitious behaviour, learned helplessness) Addressing Behavioural Issues (behaviour modification, biofeedback, coping strategies, self-control)

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Unit 7: Cognition

CR 7: The course provides instruction in cognition. CR 3: The course provides instruction in biological bases of behaviour. CR 8: The course provides instruction in motivation and emotion

Nov. 10

Class 1

Testing: Unit 6 Progress Test #1 Memory �Describe and differentiate the psycholological and physiological system of memory (including short-term, procedural memory) �Explain the processes of encoding and their influence on retention (automatic/ effortful processing, deep/shallow processing, focused/divided attention)

Unit 7 255 – 325 Unit 3 69 - 86

Nov. 16

Class 2

Testing: Unit 6 Progress Test #2 �Describe the principles that form the bases of effective encoding, storage and construction of memories �Identify strategies to improve memory �Identify key contributions: Miller

Nov. 18

Class 3

�Explain how misinformation, imagination, and source amnesia influence memory �Discern true and false memories, children's eyewitness recall, repressed or constructed memories of abuse �Identify key contributions: Loftus

Nov. 22

Class 4

Information Retrieval �Explain how information is retrieved from memory

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Forgetting �Explain encoding failure and storage Decay �Identify key contributions: Ebbinghaus

Nov. 24

Class 5

Thinking �Define concepts and their function �Outline strategies to assist problem solving �Explain obstacles that hinder problem solving and their impact on decision making and judgment �Identify key contributions: Kohler

Nov. 28

Class 6

Creativity �Explain creativity and the characteristics of creative thinkers �List factors that foster creative thinking �Identify problem-solving strategies, including factors that influence their effectiveness

Nov. 30

Class 7

Language �Describe the structural components of language �Explain the milestones in language development

Dec. 2 Class 8 �Explain how language is acquired, developed, and used under the influence of biological, cognitive, and cultural factors �Explain how language influences Thinking �Identify key contributions: Chomsky

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Unit 8: Motivation and Emotion

CR 8: The course provides instruction in motivation and emotion. CR 3: The course provides instruction in biological bases of behaviour. CR 7: The course provides instruction in cognition.

Dec. 6

Class 1

Testing: Unit 7 Progress Test #1 Motivational Concepts �Identify and apply basic motivational concepts (instincts, incentives, intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation) �Discuss the biological influences of motivation (needs, drives, homeostasis) �What are the strengths and weaknesses of motivational theories (drive reduction theory, optimal arousal theory, general adaptation theory, hierarchy of needs)

Unit 8 327 – 409 Unit 3 62 – 63 Unit 7 267 – 293

Dec. 8

Class 2

Testing: Unit 7 Progress Test #2 Research Findings on Specific Motivation Systems Eating �Identify the physiological, psychological, and cultural factors that influence hunger

Dec. 12

Class 3

Sex �Explain hormonal influences, as well as external and internal stimuli Social Belonging �Use evidence to show our human need to belong (survival, sustaining relationships, impact of ostracism)

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Dec. 14

Class 4

Theories of Emotion �Compare and contrast theories of emotion (James-Lange theory, Cannon- Bard theory, Schachter two-factor theory, Solomon’s opponent-process theory) �Explain how cultural influences shape emotional expression, including body language

Dec. 16

Class 5

Theories of Stress �Define stress �Identify events that provoke stress responses �Explain stress response theories (fight or flight, tend and befriend, general adaptation syndrome �Explain the influence of stress on Physical and mental health

Unit 9: Developmental Psychology

CR 9: The course provides instruction in developmental psychology. CR 3: The course provides instruction in biological bases of behaviour.

Jan. 4

Testing: 1st Mid-Term (Chapters 1 - 8)

Jan. 6

Class 1

Influence of Nature and Nurture in the Development of Behaviour Prenatal Development and the Newborn �How does life develop before birth? �What factors influence successful fetal development, including nutrition, illness, substance abuse?

Unit 9 411 – 477 Unit 3 51 - 113

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Newborn Abilities and the Maturation of Motor Skills �Discuss newborn reflexes �Explain how the brain and motor skills develop in infancy and childhood

Jan. 10

Class 2

Attachment Differences: Temperament and Parenting �Explain attachment, critical period, and Imprinting �Explain the influences of temperament in behaviour �Discuss the influences of parental neglect, family disruptions, and the care giving environment on attachment and appropriate socialization �Explain the influences of different parenting styles and cultural child- rearing practices on self concept Sex and Gender �How do nature and nurture together form our gender, socialization, and development? �Explain gender-linked behaviours using Bandura’s Social Learning Theory

Jan. 12

Class 3

Cognitive Abilities �Explain the maturation of cognitive Abilities using Piaget’s Stages of Development �Explain the influence of memory and information processing in infants Moral Development �Compare and contrast models of moral Development, including Piaget, Kohlberg and Gilligan

Jan. 16

Class 4

Maturational Challenges in Adolescence �Discuss the challenges influenced by the changes in physical, and cognitive development

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�Explain the challenges of identity formation, and their influences on family dynamics and conflicts �Explain Erickson’s conflict resolution model in each life stage �Characterize the development of decisions related to intimacy as people mature Aging �Predict the physical, cognitive, and social changes as people age �Discuss ways to maximize one’s abilities and function

Unit 10: Personality

CR 10: The course provides instruction in personality. CR 9: The course provides instruction in Developmental Psychology

Jan. 20

Class 1

Testing: Unit 9 Progress Test #1 Major Approaches to Explain Personality �Compare and contrast major theories and approaches: psychoanalytic, humanistic, cognitive, trait, social learning, and behavioral �Identify key contributors: Adler, Bandura, Freud, Jung, Maslow, Rogers Research Methods �Describe and compare research methods that psychologists use to investigate personality (case study, survey, projective tests, personality inventories, observation, experimentation)

Unit 10 479 – 472 Unit 9 411 - 477

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Jan. 24

Class 2

Testing: Unit 9 Progress Test #2 Assessment Strategies �Identify and evaluate the test quality based on reliability and validity of test instruments, such as The Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), The Big Five (Costa’s and McCrae’s CANOE), Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), and Rorschach Inkblot Test

Jan. 26

Class 3

Culture and the Self �Discuss how individualist and collectivist culture influence personality development, especially self-concept

Unit 11: Testing and Individual Differences

CR 11: The course provides instruction in testing and individual differences. CR 10: The course provides instruction in personality. CR 9: The course provides instruction in developmental psychology.

Jan. 30

Class 1

Testing: Unit 10 Progress Test #1 Intelligence �Define intelligence �List characteristics of how psychologists measure intelligence: abstract/verbal measures, and speed of processing (perceptual/neurological) �Explain how culture influences the definition of intelligence �Compare and contrast historic and Contemporary theories of intelligence, including Spearman’s g factor, Gardner’s multiple intelligences, Sternberg’s

Unit 11 523 – 559 Unit 10 479 – 521 Unit 9 411 - 477

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triarchic theory, Galton’s natural ability, Binet’s mental age concept, Terman’s Stanford-Binet test, Stern’s intelligence quotient, and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

Feb. 2 Class 2

Testing: Unit 10 Progress Test #2 Principles of Test Construction �Explain the 3 criterias that psychologists must meet when designing tests: standardization strategies, reliability and validity �Interpret the meaning of scores in terms of the normal curve Extremes of Intelligence �Describe relevant labels in intelligence testing: from cognitively disabled to gifted

Feb. 7 Class 3 Testing Practices �Debate appropriate testing practices �Explain ethnic and gender similarities and differences �Reflect on how intelligence testing may be inappropriately biased

Unit 12: Abnormal Behaviour

CR 12: The course provides instruction in Abnormal Behavior CR 9: The course provides instruction in Developmental Psychology CR 8: The course provides instruction in motivation and emotion. CR 5: The course provides instruction in states of consciousness.

Feb. 9

Class 1

Testing: Unit 11 Progress Test #1 Defining Psychological Disorders �Describe contemporary and historical conceptions of what constitutes psychological disorders

Unit 12 561 – 603

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�Recognize the use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association as the primary reference for making diagnostic judgments

Unit 9 411 – 477 Unit 8 327 – 409 Unit 3 51 - 113

Feb. 13

Class 2

Testing: Unit 11 Progress Test #2 Labeling Psychological Disorders �Discuss the major diagnostic categories and their symptoms anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and organic disturbances �Identify the positive and negative consequences of diagnostic labels, including the Rosenhan study

Feb. 15

Class 3

Understanding Psychological Disorders �Evaluate the strengths and limitations of various approaches to explaining psychological disorders: Medical Model, psychoanalytic, humanistic, cognitive, biological, and sociocultural

Feb. 16

Class 4

Psychology and the Legal System �Discuss the interaction between psychology and the legal system, include the concepts of confidentiality, and insanity defense

Unit 13: Treatment of Abnormal Behavior

CR 13: The course provides instruction in the Treatment of Abnormal Behaviour. CR 12: The course provides instruction in Abnormal Behavior.

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Feb. 20

Class 1

Testing: Unit 12 Progress Test #1 Psychotherapeutic Intervention � Describe the characteristics of psychotherapeutic intervention Major Treatments �Explain how each major treatment is used in therapy and how each influences therapeutic planning: Freud’s psychodynamic therapy, Roger’s client- centered humanistic approach, Jone’s behaviour therapy, Wolpe’s exposure therapy, Beck’s therapy for depression, Ellis’s rational-emotive therapy, and biomedical therapy �Compare and contrast different Treatment formats, such as individual versus group �Summarize the effectiveness of specific treatments used on specific problems

Unit 13 605 – 641 Unit 12 561 - 603

Feb. 22 Class 2 Testing: Unit 12 Progress Test #2 Cultural and Ethnic Influences �Describe how cultural and ethnic Context influences choice and success of treatment, include influences for early termination of treatment Prevention Strategies to Build Resilience and Promote Competence

Unit 14: Social Psychology

CR 14: The course provides instruction in social psychology. CR 8: The course provides instruction in motivation and emotion. CR 3: The course provides instruction in biological bases of behaviour. CR 7: The course provides instruction in cognition.

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Feb. 24 Class 1 Testing: Unit 13 Progress Test #1 Attributing Behaviour to Persons or Situations �Explain attribution theory and how it is applied to explain motives �Explain fundamental attribution error and self-serving bias

Unit 14 643 – 695 Unit 8 327 – 409 Unit 3 51 – 113 Unit 7 255 – 325

Feb. 28

Class 2

Testing: Unit 13 Progress Test #2 Attitudes Formation and Change �Discuss attitudes and how they change (central route of persuasion, Zimbardo’s prison role-play experiment, and Festinger’s cognitive dissonance theory)

Mar. 2

Class 3

Social Influence �Describe the structure and function of different kinds of group behaviour, including deindividuation, and group polarization �Explain how individuals respond to expectations of others, including groupthink, Asch’s conformity experiments, and Milgrim’s obedience to authority experiments

Mar. 5

Class 4

Individual Behaviour in the Presence of Others �Predict the impact of others on individual behaviour, such as in the bystander effect, social facilitation, and deindividuation

Mar. 7

Class 5

Social Relations �Describe processes that contribute to differential treatment of group members, including social inequities, us and them (ingroup/outgroup) dynamics, prejudice,

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and ethnocentrism �Describe the impact of social and cultural categorization on self-concept and relations with others, such as gender, race, and ethnicity �Predict the behavioral impact of a self- fulling prophecy

Mar. 9 Class 6 Social Relations �Describe the variables that influence aggression (biological, psychological, and social-cultural) �Describe the variables that contribute to attraction (proximity, physical attractiveness, similarity, romantic love) �Describe the variables that influence altruism (bystander effect, social exchange theory, reciprocity norm, and social responsibility norm)

Appendix A: Careers in Psychology Appendix B: Psychology at Work

CR 1: The course provides instruction in history and approaches.

Mar. 27

Class 1

Testing: Unit 14 Progress Test #1 Subfields of Psychology �Differentiate among and describe the various domains of psychology and apply them to various situations (biological, clinical, cognitive, counseling, developmental, educational, experimental, human factors, industrial- organizational, personality, psychometric, and social) �Review key contributors/contributions: Developmental psychologists (Freud, Erikson, Kohlber, and Piaget – stages

Appendix A1 – A13 Appendix B1 – B17

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of growth; Ainsworth, Bowlby – attachment of infants and children; Vygotsky – others’ influence on the cognitive development in children) Cognitive psychologists (Bandura – observational learning, self-efficacy; Sternberg – intelligence, wisdom) Neuropsychologists (Sperry, Gazzinaga – split-brain research; Davidson – f-MRI research to determine life satisfaction/positive traits) Social psychologists (Milgrim – obedience research; Asch – conformity; Zimbardo – power of role play on behaviour)

Mar. 29 Class 2 Testing: Unit 14 Progress Test #2 (Continued from last class) Preparing for a Career in Psychology

Exam Preparation

Apr. 2 Class 1 Review: Research Methods Apr. 4 Class 2 Review: Biological Bases of Behaviour Apr. 10 Class 3 Review: Cognition Apr. 12 Class 4 Review: Learning Apr. 16 Class 5 Review: Social Psychology Apr. 18 Class 6 Testing: 2nd Mid-Term: Units 9 – 14 Apr. 24 Class 7 Short Answer Practice/Rubric Correction Apr. 26 Class 8 Short Answer Practice/Rubric Correction Apr. 30 Class 9 Short Answer Practice/Rubric Correction

AP Exam: May 7, 2012