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Post on 11-Mar-2016




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Information is Free


A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism.

All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance

to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and

German police-spies.

Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its

opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding

reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as

against its reactionary adversaries?

Two things result from this fact:

I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power.

II. It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world,

publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the

spectre of communism with a manifesto of the party itself.


However, a new trend is cropping up in the way this software is distributed. Many users in the digital field would have you believe that this Educational Soft-ware should be free to all citing that information is not something that can be bought, but is, and should remain, inherently free for all. These people are known as Pirates, at other times Hackers, Worms, Anon, and Hacktivists. These radicals fight against the idea of a proven capitalist system that encour-ages and protects the financial transaction for software that the public sector uses to maintain an industrious work ethic citing yet again the idea that shared and communal information creates an even more prosperous outcome than the established time tested system. However, we disagree with such arguments. What has made our nation great is the ability of creative individuals within companies to create such software that other creative types may purchase, use for produc-tion, and ultimately profit from. This symbiotic cycle maintains a perfect balance that imitates the ideal capitalist system: Those who work, rise. Those who rise, achieve.

Unfortunately, as technology progresses so do the Pirate’s methods of crack-ing software. How can one fight to keep these radical criminals away from our software, families, and most importantly our computers? Thankfully, we’ve been working hand in hand with government agencies so we can crack down on these Pirate culprits and alert our users to possible warning signs and tells. Be sure when you are purchasing software that you are aware of such Hacker signs such as:

• Not being charged for the software. (Pirates notoriously try to distribute software that has been stolen and cracked so that others may have it for free. If they aren’t making you pay for it, stay away!)

• Seeing symbols relating to radical organizations such as Anonymous, Kopimism, the Piratbyrån or Piracy Bureau. (Refer to Figure 1-1 for visual reference)

• If the Pirate has a blog or any form of social media, check for content that openly criticizes and/or questions the present state of software access and distribution.

• Any signs of highly organized digital presences that ask you to join a religion or political action movement. (If you receive any sort of invitation or pam-phlet stating a groups intention to stand up against software practices, report it immediately to your vv, Internet Service Provider.)

Figure 1-1

EducationEducational software is, obviously, for learning — and there are many ways to learn, aimed at many different age groups. There are interactive nursery rhymes, in which preschoolers try to keep Humpty Dumpty from falling off his wall; applications that teach teenagers how to dissect frogs by using electronic scissors in simulated science lab; applications that coach business people on negotiating strategies, and lots more.

A recent addition to our software line, after the massive outcry for time wasting applications similar to Chess and Solitaire, has been our Art Applications series.

Art applications are for drawing horses, making last-minute Christmas gifts for ob-scure relatives, wasting time to run out the clock at work, and for distracting your children while you deal with more important things. There are limitless activities for which you can use such software on a day to day basis.

While some users have recently advocated that said software is a powerful tool for ‘pro-fessional’ and hobbyist artists, our research has indicated this is a fading trend, a weak movement to reappropriate such tools to the whim of a disorganized, improperly motivated grassroots initiative, such as the Pirates we addressed earlier.

For art

Figure 2-9Computer as canvas

At the polite behest of our friends in government, we would like to warn you of a dangerous trend developing in digital art. Many Hacktivists have found themselves in the habit of finding federally protected copyrighted images of prominent elected officials and altering them to ends of unflattering portraits and disgusting juxtapositions. We, in addition to our bureaucratic partners, strongly believe in maintaining the status quo in regards to respect-ing our elected officials, particularly those with our interests at heart. Please note that while this software is a complimentary bundle with your machine, this does not equate to the right or privilege of altering these protected and sacrosanct images of people who were elected to represent the technological sector’s best interests.

Better Days disk

This training disks contains all the information you will need.

Your disks are the most fragile part of the computer system. You’ll learn more about disks and how to care for them in another chapter.

Keep disks dry. (Don’t water plants over them or get sloppy with your cof-fee)

Protect disks from dust. (Store them upright and covered, either in a special disk holder or in a shoe box.)

Keep disks away from magnets (and devices, like telephones, that use magnets).

into the built-in drive (see Figure 1-9).

Follow these steps to start up the training disk:

Starting Up

If there is a disk in the built-in drive, follow the instructions in “Before You Begin”.


The training disk

Figure 1-8Caring for disks

1. Put the Startup:

Figure 1-9Putting a disk in the drive


Before you begin As we have talked to you throughout this manual, we have mentioned the greatest threat to the technology industry–The Pirate, the Hacktivist, or whatever slang term can be applied to the idea of an individual creating a ruckus about rights and freedom in a digital realm. These dispersed groups and individuals find their sole purpose in life to create mayhem with machines that are made by people similar to you, people who work hard to produce something that gives back to society, in this case allowing you the user to access your machine and use it for whatever you desire. These self-proclaimed hacktivists would have you believe there are two sides to this technological scenario, that we, the Creators, do not have your best interest in mind, that you are at the whim of our will. User, you must always remember, there are always two sides to a story, but believe us when we say, there is no other side in this argument. We promise to always have the best intentions when creating and moderating technology.

To serve as a guide and reference, if you ever find yourself in a sticky situation that might put yourself at risk for Piracy, or any action linking you to a person or activity that can be labeled as such, remember these guidelines as a rule for a conscientious user:

• Copying of information is ethically wrong.• The internet is not an outlet for public opinion and should be moderated.• Copying or remixing information communicated by another person is seen as a violation

and a strong expression of deviance against digital moderation by that of the government and technological giants.

• In addition, Copymixing is an illegal kind of copying, more so than the perfect, digital copying, because it spreads and diminishes the existing wealth we receive from this information.

To those who violate these sacred technological laws, who attempt to usurp our authority, who chant ‘Copy and Seed’ in opposition of the very system we have worked so hard to control and maintain, we say:

You are few.You cannot hide.We will prevail.

Before you embark on your incredible new journey with your machine, we would like to impart on you one last piece of wisdom.