“all of you who were baptized into christ have clothed...

IN THE CENTER RING September, 2017 COVERED! “All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” Galatians 3:27 It was mid-November. His yard looked awful. The grass was brown; it had gone dormant. But even when it was green it hadn’t been very lush. The yard had its share of bare spots. After a hard rain, those bare spots had become puddles of mud. The leaves that had been swirling around his yard for weeks were now bunched up in various piles along the fence. The same swirling wind had also taken all of the debris from the neighborhood and wedged it into the leafless branches of his dying bushes. His yard was an ugly mess; it was an embarrassing sight. Overnight, however, it snowed. Six inches of beautiful snow now covered that ugly mess. His yard was suddenly beautiful; it actually was a sight to see: picturesque, peaceful. His yard was covered with a uniform layer of glistening brilliance. Rolling mounds of white snow covered the trash in the bushes, the piles of leaves along the fence, the puddles of mud, and the dormant grass. Every tree branch popped in the sun as though someone had traced each limb with a white highlighter. Only he knew what was still underneath that snow—his ugly, brown, dead, trash-filled yard. My life isn’t beautiful. My life displays the brown grass of a love that all too often goes dormant, the bare spots of my awful failures to help a neighbor in need, and the muddy puddles of doubt and worry that I tend to wallow in. My life is littered with the trash of my hate-filled thoughts, my hurtful words, and my self-absorbed actions that swirl around and eventually pile up on my conscience. The sins I commit day in and day out truly are an embarrassing sight. I can hardly bear to look at them. I shudder to think what God must think when he looks at me. And yet, what does God see when he looks at me? Not me. Not my sin. But like a blanket of fresh, white snow, he sees only the righteousness of his Son. “All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Galatians 3:27). In Baptism Jesus covered me with his obedience. What does my heavenly Father see when he looks at me, one of his own baptized children? No stain. No wrinkle. No blemish. Despite the sins I commit, robed in Christ, I stand holy and blameless before him (Ephesians 5). With the gentle sprinkling of water in Holy Baptism, God covered all of our sins—he covered all of us—with Christ, by grace and by grace alone. Pastor Nick Maglietto

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Page 1: “All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed ...stjohnsbaraboo.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Sept-newsletter.pdfLaura Soter & Ryan Kaufman August 5, 2017 Baptism Jack

IN THE CENTER RING September, 2017


“All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.”

Galatians 3:27

It was mid-November. His yard looked awful. The grass was brown; it had gone dormant. But even when it was green it hadn’t been very lush. The yard had its share of bare spots. After a hard rain, those bare spots had become puddles of mud. The leaves that had been swirling around his yard for weeks were now bunched up in various piles along the fence. The same swirling wind had also taken all of the debris from the neighborhood and wedged it into the leafless branches of his dying bushes. His yard was an ugly mess; it was an embarrassing sight.

Overnight, however, it snowed. Six inches of beautiful snow now covered that ugly mess. His yard was suddenly beautiful; it actually was a sight to see: picturesque, peaceful. His yard was covered with a uniform layer of glistening brilliance. Rolling mounds of white snow covered the trash in the bushes, the piles of leaves along the fence, the puddles of mud, and the dormant grass. Every tree branch popped in the sun as though someone had traced each limb with a white highlighter. Only he knew what was still underneath that snow—his ugly, brown, dead, trash-filled yard.

My life isn’t beautiful. My life displays the brown grass of a love that all too often goes dormant, the bare spots of my awful failures to help a neighbor in need, and the muddy puddles of doubt and worry that I tend to wallow in. My life is littered with the trash of my hate-filled thoughts, my hurtful words, and my self-absorbed actions that swirl around and eventually pile up on my conscience. The sins I commit day in and day out truly are an embarrassing sight. I can hardly bear to look at them. I shudder to think what God must think when he looks at me.

And yet, what does God see when he looks at me? Not me. Not my sin. But like a blanket of fresh, white snow, he sees only the righteousness of his Son. “All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ” (Galatians 3:27). In Baptism Jesus covered me with his obedience. What does my heavenly Father see when he looks at me, one of his own baptized children? No stain. No wrinkle. No blemish. Despite the sins I commit, robed in Christ, I stand holy and blameless before him (Ephesians 5). With the gentle sprinkling of water in Holy Baptism, God covered all of our sins—he covered all of us—with Christ, by grace and by grace alone.

Pastor Nick Maglietto

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In the Center Ring

is a monthly publication of St. John’s Lutheran Church

Baraboo, Wisconsin

Church Office 355-3870 [email protected]

School Office 355-3860 [email protected]

Rev. Nicholas C. Maglietto Principal Craig Breitkreutz

Church office 355-3870 School office 355-3860


Wedding Laura Soter & Ryan Kaufman

August 5, 2017

Baptism Jack David Aiken

Son of Bryan Windsor and Katherine Aiken Born April 6, 2016

Baptized August 19, 2017

Funeral Nancy A. Pretsch

Born April 19, 1968 Died August 19, 2017

Funeral August 26, 2017

Statistics as of August 28, 2017

Confirmed members 882 Baptized members U 213 Total members 1,095

St. John’s Media Ministry

Balance 20-July-2017 $5,192.67 Contributions $1,977.00 Disbursements

WRPQ $1,050.00 Radio Phone Line $ 15.00

Balance 21-Aug-2017 $6,104.67

Pastor Call Letter

Dear Members of St. John’s Lutheran Church,

Yesterday I was contacted by Mr. David Grant,

your Church Council President, who informed

me that you have extended a Divine Call to me

to serve you as pastor. I consider it a great

privilege to serve our Savior as a shepherd of

souls, and am humbled by the trust which your

Call places in me.

Mr. Grant and I spoke for a little while about the

ministry of your congregation. The Lord has

blessed your congregation with many awesome

opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus with

both the members of the congregation, and the

entire community. Praise God for that!

I am grateful for the letter that I have already

received by email. Thank you for sending it out

so quickly. I have read it, and look forward to

prayerfully considering more information that is

given. I give thanks to the Lord for fellow

believers who desire to grow in God’s word,

and reach out to the lost with the saving Gospel

of Jesus.

Over the next several weeks I will prayerfully

consider where the Lord might use me to best

serve Him at this time. I am confident that the

Lord will guide me to His decision so that His

will is done. I look forward to discussing this

call and your ministry with Pastor Maglietto and

other members of your congregation. I will also

discuss this with the members of our

congregation here at St. John’s in Barre Mills.

Please pray for me and my family. Pray that the

Lord would bless this deliberation. I will also

pray for you; that the Lord would continue to

bless your sharing of the gospel.

Sincerely in Christ Jesus,

Andrew C. Schultz

Public School Confirmation

PSC begins after Worship on Sunday, September 17, for all public school students entering 7th & 8th grades.

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August 8, 2017

Present: President-Dave Grant, Secretary-Marty Brey, Outreach-Tim Kiefer, Board of Education-Martin Strobel, Principal-Craig Breitkreutz, Stewardship-Brent Bailey, Pastor- Maglietto. Treasurer-Ron Voss. Spiritual-Bruce Wilkinson, Youth-Michael Tennier by face time from Germany, Worship-Tom Tiedt, Fellowship-Gayland Leatherberry, and Education-Eric Durkee. Absent: Property-Bill Giese. Opening Prayer and Devotion - Pastor. John 9 selected verses. Financial Items – Review & Approval July Financials & Forecast: – Voss/All. Total Revenues to date are $68,232.73 this amount is $10,975.24 more than last year. Daycare income was just over $7,000 which is more than double the typical monthly income. Church Expenses are $24,276.89 which is $5,473.43 under budget. This is to be expected for having only one Pastor. School Expenses are $47,157.34 which is $2,966.12 under budget. Daycare Expenses are $4,160.80 which is $2,097.52 over budget. This can be expected with the income being more than twice the budgeted amount. After one month of the new fiscal year we have a check book balance of $18,951.40 and no transfers from GTF to operations. Old Business - Any further discussion & Action on School Board Call for Staffing 2017-2018. 4K-Underwood, 5K-Hartwig, 1-2-Durkee, 3-4-Peasall, 5-6-Otto, 7-8-Fehlauer. Breitkreutz will also be teaching. Calling of a 2nd Pastor status: – Grant. Call letter sent to Pastor Schultz for his review. Review of purchasing policies: – Voss. Reviewed Purchase order procedure from 3/8/11 council minutes. Motion to remove Financial Secretary & Church Treasurer and adjust approval limits as follows in chart below. Also contact with church secretary needs to be done prior to placing a purchase order. Motion/2nd/Carried.

Approval Limits

Purchase Order Required >$500

School Board $501 - $2,500

Church President & Council Secretary (Requires both signatures)

$2,501 - $5,000

Church Council (Requires simple majority)

$5,001 - $10,000

Congregational meetings (Requires simple majority)


Church Council Organization: – Grant. Updated chart was emailed.

Study of Pastor Office at school: After discussion with Principal Breitkreutz, Pastor will use Mr. Siegler’s classroom as a school office this coming school year. Pastor will maintain office hours at both church and school on the following schedule: Monday and Wednesday at church. Tuesday and Thursday (am) at school. The afternoons will be reserved for scheduled visits, shut-in and hospital visits.

New Business – Pastor’s Report / Membership Changes (transfers, releases, general membership matters, etc.): No changes. Ministry Works –Grant: Ministry Works is a full service payroll provider. Voss to report back on cost savings. September Congregational Meeting: Please be prepared for September 10, 2017 meeting. Elder Report Action Items – President: Met with the new owner of the radio station. They plan to continue to air our radio and TV broadcasts. Property: Requests will be made from Endowment, Eschenbach and TAC for school flooring project. Any Action Items that need Council discussion and approval – All

Adjournment – Pastor

Respectfully Yours in Christ Marty Brey Secretary

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St. John’s Lutheran School News


another school year! We are happy to start the new year with the following teachers:

3 K & Childcare Director – Mrs. Cindy Allen 4 K - Mrs. Kathy Underwood Kindergarten – Mrs. Amy Hartwig Grades 1 & 2 – Mrs. Sarah Durkee Teacher’s Aide – Mrs. Patricia Lindloff Grades 3 & 4 – Mrs. Pam Peasall Grades 5 & 6 – Mr. Bill Otto Grades 7 & 8 – Mr. Bruce Fehlauer

Please stop and say hello at school and certainly keep all the teachers in your prayers as we begin a new school year!

Thanks: A heartfelt thank you to Thrivent Advocacy Committee (TAC) for purchasing the religious books for all of the students as well as their classroom supplies of copy paper, Kleenex, and Clorox wipes.

No School: There is NO school Monday, September 4 (Labor Day).

Thank You to all the groups and individuals who donated money towards the flooring project at school. The new tile looks great.

School Pictures: Student pictures will be taken on Tuesday, Sept 19.

Scrip: Scrip is sold on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings (7:45-8:00 am) and Friday afternoons at 3:00 by the office at school. Scrip is also sold each Sunday morning at church after worship. In an attempt to cut down on our shipping costs, we are going to order the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month, so please plan accordingly! Once the order is placed, it will still be received 2-3 days later.

Tuition Assistance: Please consider contributing to the Tuition Assistance Fund. This is a supplemental fund available to St. John’s member families who seek assistance paying their children’s school tuition. If you would like to donate to Tuition Assistance, please stop at church or include a donation with your offering. The available total is now $3,734. Thanks for your continuing support or our wonderful school.

Scholarships are still available to families who would be new to our school. Please share this with friends and neighbors as we reach out to our community. Any questions, please contact Martin Strobel at 393-1580 or Craig Breitkreutz at 432-3878.

The St. John's Childcare had a fantastic summer camp with 32 great kids, 7 dedicated staff workers and numerous fun activities. For our end of the summer service project, we went to SSN - St. Clare Meadows to visit, sing to, and deliver the handmade cards and gifts (Thanks to the Thrivent Action Team Program) to the 103 residents. What a wonderful morning. At Childcare, we believe in teaching the children to love and serve one another. Check out the picture display in the downstairs church hallway.

We are busy getting ready for the school year for the 3K program and Childcare school program. Since the flood, we are revamping some including repainting. Come check out our new look!

A special thanks to the many people who helped during the June flood, including Tom Brooks for getting that plumbing fixed, John Darrow for the tedious clean up, and a special shout out to Dave Parchem and his crew for coming immediately to deal with the four inches across our floor. Although we lost quite a few things, the Lord has blessed us during that trial time and things are back on track.

Blessings--Cindy Allen, Childcare Director

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From the Church Library

The Library and You

Do you enjoy books and reading – or DVD’s and viewing – or listening to recordings? We welcome you to be part of the St. John’s Library team. Here’s a chance to offer positive and Christian literature and DVD’s to others. If you would be interested in participating in library decisions and tasks, please speak to anyone who is helping in the library area about your interest, or call Kathie at 356-5911.

Second Thoughts on Living Together

by Matthew Harrison On the subject of living together before marriage, this short pamphlet addresses many often-repeated questions. “Aren’t you making a big deal out of this? Aren’t you being judgmental? Isn’t it a good idea to live together…to see if we are compatible?” Statistics comparing the success of marriages begun as cohabitation and marriages without cohabiting are included. Find this work in St. John’s library under Christian Living.

The Christian Mom’s Idea Book by Ellen Banks Elwell

Moms—would you like a laugh, an idea, an alternate approach to a problem—from another mom? This book feels like a co-hort coming alongside… to confide, to commiserate, and to offer her own child’s reaction in a trying situation. Input from other moms is included too. Author Ellen Elwell is centered on the Bible, her “plumb-line to the truth”.

Here’s the Church / Here’s the Steeple by Jan and Mike Berenstain

The Berenstain Bears discover what goes on in church and Sunday School in this short lift-the-flap book. This is for toddlers and preschoolers who enjoy listening and doing. It’s in the children’s area of St. John’s library.


September 2017

September 1 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:17 September 2 Joshua 1 September 3 Joshua 2 September 4 Joshua 3, 4 September 5 Joshua 5, 6 September 6 Joshua 7 September 7 Joshua 8 September 8 Joshua 9 September 9 Joshua 10 September 10 Joshua 11, 12 September 11 Joshua 13:1-15:12 September 12 Joshua 15:13-17:18 September 13 Joshua 18, 19 September 14 Joshua 20, 21 September 15 Joshua 22 September 16 Joshua 23 September 17 Joshua 24 September 18 Galatians 1 September 19 Galatians 2 September 20 Galatians 3:1-18 September 21 Galatians 3:19-4:7 September 22 Galatians 4:8-5:1 September 23 Galatians 5:2-24 September 24 Galatians 5:25-6:18 September 25 Proverbs 1 September 26 Proverbs 2, 3 September 27 Proverbs 4, 5 September 28 Proverbs 6, 7 September 29 Proverbs 8 September 30 Proverbs 9

LWMS Fall Rally

Saturday, October 21 St. John’s, Baraboo

Registration begins at 9:00 am Guest Speaker Pastor Tony Schultz

Haiti Mission Work

Everyone is welcome!

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Senior Choir

If anyone is interested in joining the Senior Choir, please come to the first practice, Sunday, September 17, after worship service or talk to Kathy Underwood. Come and enjoy fellowship while singing praises to our Lord!

Luther Movie Now DVD

The new Luther movie, A Return to Grace, (DVD) will be available this fall. We can take orders now and receive the DVD’s in late October or you can order one on-line yourself from nph.net. The cost will be $14.50 plus shipping. Let us know if you want us to place an order for you. Deadline for ordering at church office is Monday, October 16.

Evangelical Heritage Version Bible

Over 90 ELS and WELS scholars continue work on the new Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV) Bible translation. The New Testament and Psalms have been completed in time for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The paperback version of the EHV New Testament and Psalms is available for purchase in the church office for $15.

Church Picnic

Special Thanks to all who helped with Ochsner Park arrangements for the church picnic, especially Wendy McNabb who organized the children’s games. Everyone’s help was greatly appreciated.

Stewardship Committee Members Needed

Help St. John’s better utilize time, talents, and treasures of our members by serving on our Stewardship Committee. If willing to help, please contact Brent Bailey, 393-9046.

Morning Doves

We invite you to join us. We need new members to help serve our church (usually taking turns with other groups for fellowship activities as well as hosting a confirmation reception for confirmands and their parents) and with projects for our school. We sponsor a Cookie Walk in December and Theme Baskets during Lent. We meet once a month on the second Friday of the month during the school year at 8:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Preschoolers are welcome to come along with mom. All ages are invited to come. We have a short devotion and we enjoy one another’s company for a one-hour meeting. Our first meeting will be September 8th. Please come.

Ladies Aid

Please attend our first meeting of the “new year” Thursday, September 7th at 1:30 pm in Fellowship Hall or contact Margaret Heitmann, 355-3991, if you are interested in joining. Ladies Aid members participate in: Visit Shut-ins: Monthly assignments for visiting, phoning, or sending notes. Sunshine: Sending greeting cards to St. John’s members & missionaries. Portals of Prayer: Purchase and make booklets available to members to use for personal devotions. LWMS: Contribute to missions and attend Fall and Spring Rallys. Scholarship: Contribute $500 to students that attend Lutheran high schools each year. Thanksgiving: Make and take baskets of goodies to shut-ins. Funeral Committees: Provide luncheon after funeral: one committee prepares & serves and other committees take turns providing food. Come join our group, help where you can and enjoy the fellowship.

September Special Envelopes

School Projects

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Bible Studies

We begin the “new year” with a variety of Bible study opportunities each week. Find one that fits your schedule and join us as we grow in our faith. Sunday Morning Bible Study – This group meets Sundays in the church sanctuary. Our new study, Reformation: Grace, Faith, Scripture, presents 12 important biblical principles that are still important to us and all Bible-believing Christians today. To be a Lutheran Christian means to base our teaching and practice on the Bible alone. Join us as we explore these important and enduring truths. Mid-Week Bible Study – Led by Pastor Maglietto, this group will study the book of 1 Thessalonians. Class will begin on Wednesday, September 6 at 10am in the Church Fellowship Hall. Men’s Bible Study – The Men’s group meets on Saturdays at 7:30 am in the church Fellowship Hall. Coffee and breakfast are served and the discussion flows freely. This fall we’ll continue to study of the new book Grace Abounds: The Splendor of Christian Doctrine written by Professor Daniel Deutschlander. Bible Book Study – We study different books of the Bible during the year, meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the church library. We’re currently studying the book of Hebrews. Join us anytime it fits your schedule whether or not you can come every time.

Oak Park Bible Study – Adult Christ Light lessons (familiar Bible stories) are taught Wednesdays at Oak Park Place at 6:00 p.m. Interactive Faith, an online Bible Study series. Beginning in October 2017. Professor Joel Otto from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary will lead a study entitled “Luther’s Lasting Impact.” The study will be streamed live twice every Wednesday night between October 4 and October 8 at 6 pm and 8 pm. If you’d like to gather with others at St. John’s to participate in this study, meet from 6:00-7:00 p.m. beginning Wednesday October 4 in St. John’s Library for this live streamed event. Luther’s Reformation led to profound developments that impacted the church and how people learn, confess, and live their faith. wels.net/interactivefaith Bible Information Class (BIC) – This 12-week study is the path to membership for anyone interested in joining St. John’s Lutheran Church. It’s also a wonderful review for anyone who hasn’t studied the key teachings of God’s Word for a while. Bring your questions! A new class will be beginning on Monday, September 11, 2017 from 6- 7:30 pm. "Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” - Acts 20:32

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New Tax-wise Way to Support the Lord’s Work

As of 2016, anyone 70.5 years or older has a new option for making gifts to the Lord’s work at church, a local WELS-affiliat ed ministry and/or a WELS area of ministry - your IRA! Typically, IRA distributions are taxable and by increasing your taxable income, they may reduce certain tax deductions and personal exemptions you might claim and may increase the tax on your Social Security income or even increase your Medicare premium. But, at the end of 2015, Congress made permanent the opportunity know as the IRA charitable rollover where direct transfers from an IRA to charity are free from federal and potentially state income tax. If you generally do not itemize your deductions, a direct transfer to a WELS ministry may be especially appealing because you will still receive tax benefits for your generosity. If you do not need the required minimum distributions that you receive from your IRA, consider directing those to WELS to save on taxes, and then use the cash you would have given to charity for other needs. Under the new law you and your spouse (assuming he or she is 70.5 years or older and has an IRA) may each make direct transfer of us to $100,000 per year to charity. Direct transfers to charity are wholly excluded from your taxable income so they do not have any adverse effect on other tax benefits you might enjoy. These transfers do not generate a charitable deduction, but the relief from tax impact is often more advantageous. How do you make a direct transfer of IRA assets? You will need to contact the investment firm that handles your IRA to request a direct transfer to a particular WELS ministry., To ensure that your IRA transfer is not taxable, the check must be made payable to the charity, not to you personally.

Dear members of St. John’s, Words cannot express the relief it has been to be removed of the heavy burden of paying for all of my college fees here at MLC. I deeply appreciate the blessing of the Congregation Partner Scholarship you have given me, and the matched portion from MLC. It has helped me considerably. Thank you so much!

Many Blessings, Abby Bartel

Forward in Christ

Subscriptions for our Synod’s official magazine publication are due and can be renewed now or a new subscription ordered at the church office. Read monthly features and informative articles. FIC provides a biblical focus on today’s issues and news, insightful editorials, and responses from readers. Cost is $11.50 per year and payable upon placing your order. Orders due by Friday, October 2nd.

Luther’s 500th Anniversary Picnic

In honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this year, a special multi-church picnic will be held Saturday, September 23, at Ochsner’s Park in Baraboo from 10 am to 5 pm. This is a chance for us all to come together as one in Christ. Potluck will start at 1 pm. Please contact Mark Bloss from St. John’s Rock Springs at (608) 393-4002 with any questions you might have. “For where two or three gather in my name there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

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Baraboo Food Pantry




Cereal, oatmeal, pop tarts, breakfast bars

College Addresses

Are you attending college or vocational school this fall and living away from home? Please give your new address to the church office so we can notify the WELS Campus Ministry and add you to our newsletter mailing list at church.

Please complete one of the forms on the bulletin board above the narthex desk and return it to the church office or call the office at 355-3870 to give us this information.

P.T.O. Apple Tree

There is an “Apple Tree” in

front of the school office

with items “wished” for by

the teachers for the school year. Feel free to

“pick an apple” from the tree if you would like to

donate an item. You can turn it in to Tana in

the office. Thanks to P.T.O. for all of your help

and great ideas throughout the year!

Help Our School “Earn” Extra Funds

Kwik Trip Nature’s Touch Eligible products:

Whole Milk (Homogenized) 2% Reduced Fat Milk 1% Low-fat Milk Fat Free Skim Milk Chocolate Flavored Milk Strawberry Flavored Milk Orange Juice, from 100% juice concentrate Nature’s Touch Drinking Water Nature’s Touch Egg Nog (Seasonal) Kwik Quencher® Iced Tea – Gallons Kwik Quencher Lemonade – Gallons *Sizes include: Bags, gallons, ½ gallons, quarts, pints and ½ pints. Sizes do vary per product, always be sure to look for the Milk Moola logo on the cap or bag top.

Box Tops for Education

Find all the brands and products listed on page 10 of this


Recycling Helps Our School

Please remember that our school is happy to take your aluminum cans and redeem them for cash, which is then directed to needy but non-budgeted areas. Bag them (crush them if you want) and drop them off in the fence next to the parking lot exit. Thanks for your support!

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BaKiNg & BaKeWaRe HoRnEaDo y pRoDuCtOs pArA hOrNeAr• Annie’s® Baking Mixes• Fiber One™ Mixes • Reynolds® Genuine Parchment Paper• Reynolds® Non-Stick Baking Pans• Reynolds® Staybright Baking Cups

cErEaL cErEaLeS• Annie’s®• Batman™ Chocolate Strawberry • Basic 4™ • Cascadian Farm™• Cascadian Farm™ Farm Stand Harvest Granola • Cheerios™ • Chex™ • Cinnamon Toast Crunch™• Cocoa Puffs™• Cookie Crisp™• Fiber One™• French Toast Crunch™• Girl Scouts Thin Mint® Cereal• Girl Scouts Caramel Crunch® Cereal• Golden Grahams™ • Kix™ • Lucky Charms™ • Nature Valley™ Oat Cereals • Nature Valley™ Protein Crunchy Granola• Oatmeal Crisp™ • Raisin Nut Bran • Reese’s Puffs®• Tiny Toast™ • Total™• Trix™• Wheaties™

fOoD sToRaGe CoNtEnEdOrEs pArA aLiMeNtOs• Ziploc® brand Big Bags XL (4 ct.)• Ziploc® brand Freezer Bags• Ziploc® brand Smart Snap Containers• Ziploc® brand Storage Bags• Ziploc® brand Twist ‘n Loc® Containers• Ziploc® brand VersaGlass® Containers• Ziploc® brand Vacuum Freezer System• Ziploc® brand Zip ‘n Steam™ Bags

fRoZeN cOnGeLaDoS• Annie’s® Frozen Snacks• Green Giant™ Vegetables• Totino’s™ Party Pizza® & Pizza Rolls® Snacks

HoUsEhOlD cLeAnInG

LiMpIeZa dEl hOgAr• Finish® Dishwashing Detergent• Lysol® Bathroom Cleaners• Lysol® Disinfectant Spray & Wipes

MeAlS & sIdEs cOmIdAs y gUaRnIcIoNeS• Annie’s® Mac & Cheese • Annie’s® Microwaveable Mac & Cheese Cups• Annie’s® Soups • Betty Crocker™ Specialty Potatoes & Potato Buds • Betty Crocker™ Suddenly Salad• Green Giant™ Canned Vegetables• Green Giant™ Veggie Blend-Ins• Hamburger Helper™ select flavors• Old El Paso™ Bold Stand n’ Stuff Shells • Old El Paso™ Dinner Kits • Old El Paso™ Rice & Beans • Old El Paso™ Shells & Seasonings• Old El Paso™ Soft Tortilla Taco Boats• Old El Paso™ Stand n’ Stuff Shells• Progresso™ Soup • Progresso™ Broths

pApEr pRoDuCtS pRoDuCtOs dE pApEl• Select Kleenex® Tissue bundles• Scott® Bath Tissue • Scott ® Paper Towels • Scott Naturals™ Flushable Cleansing Cloths

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Page 12: “All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed ...stjohnsbaraboo.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Sept-newsletter.pdfLaura Soter & Ryan Kaufman August 5, 2017 Baptism Jack