anxiety disorders new insights dr.r.v.s.n.sarma., m.d.,, consultant physician visit :

Anxiety Disorders New Insights Dr.R.V.S.N.Sarma., M.D., M.Sc., Consultant Physician visit :

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Anxiety Disorders New Insights


Consultant Physicianvisit wwwdrsarmain

What is anxiety

10487661048766It is a mood-state with

10487661048766Marked Negative effects

10487661048766Bodily symptoms of tension

10487661048766Apprehensions about future

Its consequence is lsquoworryrsquo

What is physiological worry

1048766 Worry is a normal response to stressful

situations limited to particular situations

Should not exceed the duration of event

Should not spread to other topics

1048766 Excessive worry should not be seen

as a normal response as part of onersquos


What is pathological worry

10487661048766It is a component of anxiety

10487661048766Negative emotional thoughts images

10487661048766Uncontrollable and they occur in sequence

10487661048766Concern about future threats and danger

Their frequency and intensity are more

What do people worry about

10487661048766Real problems that could be potentially

solved but are not acted on

1048766 Real problems that probably cannot be

solved (at least not by the individual) but

can be coped with

1048766 ldquoImagined problemsrdquo that do not yet exist

and probably will never exist

1048766 Worry about worry and its consequences

Pathological vs normal anxiety

10487661048766 Autonomous responses

10487661048766 Greater intensity

10487661048766 Longer duration

10487661048766 Behavior significantly affected

Stressor may be minimal or absent

Origin of anxiety

10487661048766Protective response

10487661048766Normalprotective anxiety

Fear and pathological anxiety

Common underlying neuro-physiology

1048766 Two categories of fearanxiety

Acute and


Negative effects of worry

1Unreasonable fear

2Anxiety Disorder

3Panic Disorder

4Substance abuse


What cause Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766No single cause

1048766 Several possible causes

1048766 genetics other biological factors

physiology infection injury trauma

1048766 temperament life experiences

1048766 upbringing family school peers

society in general Doctors in particular

stress - chronic or acute

What cause Anxiety Disorders

Importance of Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx of anxiety

disorders is essential

Reduction of secondary psychiatric



Substance abuse problems

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
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  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
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  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
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  • Slide 22
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  • Slide 25
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  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
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  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
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  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

What is anxiety

10487661048766It is a mood-state with

10487661048766Marked Negative effects

10487661048766Bodily symptoms of tension

10487661048766Apprehensions about future

Its consequence is lsquoworryrsquo

What is physiological worry

1048766 Worry is a normal response to stressful

situations limited to particular situations

Should not exceed the duration of event

Should not spread to other topics

1048766 Excessive worry should not be seen

as a normal response as part of onersquos


What is pathological worry

10487661048766It is a component of anxiety

10487661048766Negative emotional thoughts images

10487661048766Uncontrollable and they occur in sequence

10487661048766Concern about future threats and danger

Their frequency and intensity are more

What do people worry about

10487661048766Real problems that could be potentially

solved but are not acted on

1048766 Real problems that probably cannot be

solved (at least not by the individual) but

can be coped with

1048766 ldquoImagined problemsrdquo that do not yet exist

and probably will never exist

1048766 Worry about worry and its consequences

Pathological vs normal anxiety

10487661048766 Autonomous responses

10487661048766 Greater intensity

10487661048766 Longer duration

10487661048766 Behavior significantly affected

Stressor may be minimal or absent

Origin of anxiety

10487661048766Protective response

10487661048766Normalprotective anxiety

Fear and pathological anxiety

Common underlying neuro-physiology

1048766 Two categories of fearanxiety

Acute and


Negative effects of worry

1Unreasonable fear

2Anxiety Disorder

3Panic Disorder

4Substance abuse


What cause Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766No single cause

1048766 Several possible causes

1048766 genetics other biological factors

physiology infection injury trauma

1048766 temperament life experiences

1048766 upbringing family school peers

society in general Doctors in particular

stress - chronic or acute

What cause Anxiety Disorders

Importance of Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx of anxiety

disorders is essential

Reduction of secondary psychiatric



Substance abuse problems

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
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  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
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  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

What is physiological worry

1048766 Worry is a normal response to stressful

situations limited to particular situations

Should not exceed the duration of event

Should not spread to other topics

1048766 Excessive worry should not be seen

as a normal response as part of onersquos


What is pathological worry

10487661048766It is a component of anxiety

10487661048766Negative emotional thoughts images

10487661048766Uncontrollable and they occur in sequence

10487661048766Concern about future threats and danger

Their frequency and intensity are more

What do people worry about

10487661048766Real problems that could be potentially

solved but are not acted on

1048766 Real problems that probably cannot be

solved (at least not by the individual) but

can be coped with

1048766 ldquoImagined problemsrdquo that do not yet exist

and probably will never exist

1048766 Worry about worry and its consequences

Pathological vs normal anxiety

10487661048766 Autonomous responses

10487661048766 Greater intensity

10487661048766 Longer duration

10487661048766 Behavior significantly affected

Stressor may be minimal or absent

Origin of anxiety

10487661048766Protective response

10487661048766Normalprotective anxiety

Fear and pathological anxiety

Common underlying neuro-physiology

1048766 Two categories of fearanxiety

Acute and


Negative effects of worry

1Unreasonable fear

2Anxiety Disorder

3Panic Disorder

4Substance abuse


What cause Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766No single cause

1048766 Several possible causes

1048766 genetics other biological factors

physiology infection injury trauma

1048766 temperament life experiences

1048766 upbringing family school peers

society in general Doctors in particular

stress - chronic or acute

What cause Anxiety Disorders

Importance of Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx of anxiety

disorders is essential

Reduction of secondary psychiatric



Substance abuse problems

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
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  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

What is pathological worry

10487661048766It is a component of anxiety

10487661048766Negative emotional thoughts images

10487661048766Uncontrollable and they occur in sequence

10487661048766Concern about future threats and danger

Their frequency and intensity are more

What do people worry about

10487661048766Real problems that could be potentially

solved but are not acted on

1048766 Real problems that probably cannot be

solved (at least not by the individual) but

can be coped with

1048766 ldquoImagined problemsrdquo that do not yet exist

and probably will never exist

1048766 Worry about worry and its consequences

Pathological vs normal anxiety

10487661048766 Autonomous responses

10487661048766 Greater intensity

10487661048766 Longer duration

10487661048766 Behavior significantly affected

Stressor may be minimal or absent

Origin of anxiety

10487661048766Protective response

10487661048766Normalprotective anxiety

Fear and pathological anxiety

Common underlying neuro-physiology

1048766 Two categories of fearanxiety

Acute and


Negative effects of worry

1Unreasonable fear

2Anxiety Disorder

3Panic Disorder

4Substance abuse


What cause Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766No single cause

1048766 Several possible causes

1048766 genetics other biological factors

physiology infection injury trauma

1048766 temperament life experiences

1048766 upbringing family school peers

society in general Doctors in particular

stress - chronic or acute

What cause Anxiety Disorders

Importance of Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx of anxiety

disorders is essential

Reduction of secondary psychiatric



Substance abuse problems

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
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  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
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  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

What do people worry about

10487661048766Real problems that could be potentially

solved but are not acted on

1048766 Real problems that probably cannot be

solved (at least not by the individual) but

can be coped with

1048766 ldquoImagined problemsrdquo that do not yet exist

and probably will never exist

1048766 Worry about worry and its consequences

Pathological vs normal anxiety

10487661048766 Autonomous responses

10487661048766 Greater intensity

10487661048766 Longer duration

10487661048766 Behavior significantly affected

Stressor may be minimal or absent

Origin of anxiety

10487661048766Protective response

10487661048766Normalprotective anxiety

Fear and pathological anxiety

Common underlying neuro-physiology

1048766 Two categories of fearanxiety

Acute and


Negative effects of worry

1Unreasonable fear

2Anxiety Disorder

3Panic Disorder

4Substance abuse


What cause Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766No single cause

1048766 Several possible causes

1048766 genetics other biological factors

physiology infection injury trauma

1048766 temperament life experiences

1048766 upbringing family school peers

society in general Doctors in particular

stress - chronic or acute

What cause Anxiety Disorders

Importance of Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx of anxiety

disorders is essential

Reduction of secondary psychiatric



Substance abuse problems

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
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  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Pathological vs normal anxiety

10487661048766 Autonomous responses

10487661048766 Greater intensity

10487661048766 Longer duration

10487661048766 Behavior significantly affected

Stressor may be minimal or absent

Origin of anxiety

10487661048766Protective response

10487661048766Normalprotective anxiety

Fear and pathological anxiety

Common underlying neuro-physiology

1048766 Two categories of fearanxiety

Acute and


Negative effects of worry

1Unreasonable fear

2Anxiety Disorder

3Panic Disorder

4Substance abuse


What cause Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766No single cause

1048766 Several possible causes

1048766 genetics other biological factors

physiology infection injury trauma

1048766 temperament life experiences

1048766 upbringing family school peers

society in general Doctors in particular

stress - chronic or acute

What cause Anxiety Disorders

Importance of Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx of anxiety

disorders is essential

Reduction of secondary psychiatric



Substance abuse problems

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Origin of anxiety

10487661048766Protective response

10487661048766Normalprotective anxiety

Fear and pathological anxiety

Common underlying neuro-physiology

1048766 Two categories of fearanxiety

Acute and


Negative effects of worry

1Unreasonable fear

2Anxiety Disorder

3Panic Disorder

4Substance abuse


What cause Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766No single cause

1048766 Several possible causes

1048766 genetics other biological factors

physiology infection injury trauma

1048766 temperament life experiences

1048766 upbringing family school peers

society in general Doctors in particular

stress - chronic or acute

What cause Anxiety Disorders

Importance of Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx of anxiety

disorders is essential

Reduction of secondary psychiatric



Substance abuse problems

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Negative effects of worry

1Unreasonable fear

2Anxiety Disorder

3Panic Disorder

4Substance abuse


What cause Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766No single cause

1048766 Several possible causes

1048766 genetics other biological factors

physiology infection injury trauma

1048766 temperament life experiences

1048766 upbringing family school peers

society in general Doctors in particular

stress - chronic or acute

What cause Anxiety Disorders

Importance of Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx of anxiety

disorders is essential

Reduction of secondary psychiatric



Substance abuse problems

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

What cause Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766No single cause

1048766 Several possible causes

1048766 genetics other biological factors

physiology infection injury trauma

1048766 temperament life experiences

1048766 upbringing family school peers

society in general Doctors in particular

stress - chronic or acute

What cause Anxiety Disorders

Importance of Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx of anxiety

disorders is essential

Reduction of secondary psychiatric



Substance abuse problems

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
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  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

What cause Anxiety Disorders

Importance of Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx of anxiety

disorders is essential

Reduction of secondary psychiatric



Substance abuse problems

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Importance of Anxiety Disorders

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx of anxiety

disorders is essential

Reduction of secondary psychiatric



Substance abuse problems

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

1 Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD)

2 Panic Disorder (PD)

with Agoraphobia (AG)

3 PD sans Agoraphobia

4 Specific Phobia (SP)

5 Social Phobia (SoP)

6 Obsessive Compulsive

Disorder (OCD)

7 Post traumatic Stress

Disorder (PTSD)

8 Acute Stress Disorder


10 Substance-Induced

Anxiety disorder (SIAD)

11 Anxiety disorder due

some medical illness

Anxiety Disorders - DSM-IV

Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders



68 57 4716











Any AnxietyDisorder


PTSD GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder












Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1995521048Kessler et al Arch Gen Psychiatry 1994518

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Sex differences in Anxiety Disorders

Are women more lsquoNuttyrsquo

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Spectrum of Anxiety Disorders

0 1 2 3 4 5










What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

What is Gen Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders are characterized by

persistent fear and anxiety that occurs too

often is too severe is triggered too easily or

lasts too long

The ldquoWhat ifrdquo disorder

Compared with others with anxiety

disorders persons with GAD have a better

ability to maintain normal work and social

relationships in spite of their distress

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Domains of anxiety





Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
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  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Physical domain

10487661048766 Anorexia

10487661048766 Butterflies in stomach

10487661048766 Chest paintightness

10487661048766 Diaphoresis

10487661048766 Dry mouth

10487661048766 Dyspnoea

10487661048766 Faintness

10487661048766 Flushing

10487661048766 Hyperventilation

10487661048766 Light-headedness

10487661048766 Muscle tension

10487661048766 Nausea Vomiting

10487661048766 Pallor

10487661048766 Palpitations

10487661048766 Paresthesias

10487661048766 Sexual dysfunction

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
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  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
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  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
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  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Physical domain contd

10487661048766 Headache

10487661048766 Shortness of breath

10487661048766 Stomach pain

10487661048766 Tachycardia

10487661048766 Tremulousness

10487661048766 Urinary frequency

10487661048766 Diarrhea

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
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  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
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  • Anxiety Disorders
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  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
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  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Affective domain

10487661048766 Edginess

10487661048766 Uneasiness

10487661048766 Terror

10487661048766 Panic

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
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  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
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  • Slide 59
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  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
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  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Behavioral domain

10487661048766 Triggers many responses

10487661048766 Behavioral in nature

10487661048766 Concerned with diminishing

10487661048766 And even avoiding the distress

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
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  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
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  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
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  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Regulation of locus ceruleus

10487661048766Alpha-noradrenergic auto receptors

10487661048766Serotonin receptors

10487661048766GABA-benzodiazepine receptors

10487661048766Opiate receptors

Dopamine receptors

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
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  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
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  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
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  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

The amygdala and locus ceruleus

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
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  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Generalized Anxiety Disorder -GADPathological anxiety which


excessive chronic and

typically interferes with their ability to function in normal daily activities

GAD is distinguished from Phobic anxiety ndash as it is not triggered by a specific object

1 Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

2 Being easily fatigued

3 Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

4 Irritability

5 Muscle tension

6 Sleep disturbance

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events The person finds it difficult to control the anxiety and worry and has associated three (or more) of the above six symptoms

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
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  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
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  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
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  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Case 1

Ms D has a chief co ldquoworrying about

everythingrdquo for the last year She also co

frequent headaches fatigue and

insomnia secondary to the anxiety

These symptoms have worsened to the

point where she has been distracted and

making mistakes at work

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Worry that is 1048766 Excessive uncontrollable 1048766 Frequent multiple topics (not only

onetime) 1048766 More than one day out of two

3 out of 6 other associated physical symptoms

1048766 Muscle tension Restlessness 1048766 Fatigued easily Irritability 1048766 Sleep disturbance Concentration


GAD ndash Mr Fisc

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Acute fear state

10487661048766Response to life-threatening danger

10487661048766Terror helplessness

Sense of impending disasterdoom

10487661048766Urgency to flee or seek safety

10487661048766SympatheticNor-adrenergic activation

10487661048766Located in locus ceruleus

1048766 Corresponds to panic attacks


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90


Anxiety in situations where escape might be

difficult (or embarrassing) or help might not be

available in the event of having a panic attack or

panic-like symptoms

Situations are avoided or endured with marked


May not leave home or may need a companion

Can occur with and without panic disorder


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90


Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Social Phobia

Marked persistent fear of social or performance

situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar

situations or people or possible scrutiny by others

The individual fears acting in an embarrassing or

humiliating way

The Person recognizes fear as excessive

Exposure causes anxiety symptoms or panic

Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Specific Phobias

Marked and persistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable

cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or

situation (eg flying heights animals receiving an injection

seeing blood)

Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an

immediate anxiety response which may take the form of a

Panic Attack

The person recognizes that hisher fear is excessive or

unreasonable The phobic situation is avoided or else is

endured with intense anxiety or distress

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Specific Phobias - Examples

Acrophobia fear of heights

Agoraphobia fear of open places

Claustrophobia fear of enclosed places

Ailurophobia fear of cats

Cynophobia fear of dogs

Pathophobia fear of disease

Mysophobia fear of dirt and germs

Arachnophobia fear of spiders

Hematophobia fear of blood

Xenophobia fear of strangers

Better-halfophobia fear of wife

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

PAN ndash The Greek God

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Panic Attack ndash DSM IV

1 1048766 Palpitations

2 Sweating

3 Trembling or shaking

4 Shortness of breath

5 Feeling of choking

6 Chest pain or discomfort

7 Nausea or abd distress

8 Feeling dizzy fainty

9 Derealization (feelings of unreality)

10 Fear of going crazy

11 Fear of dying

12 Paresthesias

13 Chills or hot flushes

10487661048766A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort in which 4 (or more) of the above 13 symptoms develop abruptly and reach a peak within 10 minutes

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Case 2

Mrs B co a long ho episodes of anxiety

SOB racing heart sweating CP and

fears that she is having a MI and will die

These last 30 minutes and are

unexpected She co anxiety while in

malls and traveling alone to new places

for fear of having another attack Despite

a negative wu she still worries about

having a MI during an attack

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
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  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
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  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia

Recurrent unexpected panic attacks anxiety

associated with at least four physical andor

cognitive symptoms cognitive symptoms

At least 1 month of worry about having additional

attacks or the consequences of an attack (losing

control having a heart attack ldquogoing crazyrdquo)


Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Panic Disorder ndash Chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of panic


22 ndash 70 of panic attacks are associated with


18 ndash 25 of all patients with chest pain have


Rates of PD higher among cardiology

outpatients with chest pain

Such patients undergo expensive cardiac

workups but their PD remains undiagnosed amp


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - OCD

Obsessions Recurrent and persistent thoughts impulses or


that are experienced during the disturbance as intrusive

and inappropriate and cause marked anxiety or distress

The thoughts impulses or images are not simply

excessive worries about real life problems

The person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action

The person recognizes that the obsessive thoughts

impulses or images are a product of his or her own mind

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD

Compulsions Repetitive behaviors (eg hand washing ordering

checking) or mental acts (eg praying counting repeating

words silently)

Heshe is driven to perform in response to an obsession

The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event

But these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent and are clearly excessive

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -OCD


Globus Pallidus

Caudate Nucleus


Orbital frontal


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Experiential requirements The person has experienced a life-threatening

event and has responded with intense fear

hopelessness or horror The personrsquos response to the event occurred


than 4 weeks after it was experienced and lasted

more than one month The traumatic event is persistently re


in several ways eg by intrusive recollections

dreams illusions hallucinations or flashbacks

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Post traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Behavioral requirements Thought avoidance related-activities

andor People-avoidance behavior Feelings of detachment Blunted affect Sense of doom Insomnia Irritability Hyper vigilance Exaggerated startle response

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

Subdivisions Acute ndash when PTSD is diagnosed between 1 and


months after the event occurs it is called acute Chronic - when PTSD continues longer than 3

months it is considered chronic and long term Delayed Onset PTSD-this term is used to


those cases where the symptoms do not occur

immediately after the experience but rather

months or years later

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Case 3

Mr A witnessed a friend die in a MVA six

weeks ago and co frequent nightmares

of the accident poor sleep fears of

driving anxiety around highways

anhedonia and decreased affection

highways towards his girlfriend His

girlfriend also notes that he has been

very irritable and startles easily since the


Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Post traumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD

10487661048766Exposure to a traumatic event

10487661048766Response involving intense fear

Helplessness and horror

10487661048766Re-experiencing of the traumatic event

Avoidance of stimulipsychological numbing

10487661048766Increased arousal

10487661048766Symptoms greater than 1 month

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Separation Anxiety Disorder - SAD

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Medical conditions causing anxiety

10487661048766Endocrine conditions

10487661048766Cardiovascular conditions

10487661048766Respiratory conditions

10487661048766Metabolic conditions

10487661048766Neurological conditions

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Substances causing anxiety

10487661048766Alcohol Alcohol








Substances that cause

anxiety (withdrawal)






Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Medications causing anxiety







Thyroid hormones

Oral contraceptives





Cardiovascular drugs


Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Anxiety Disorders

Current Management Strategies

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Management of Anxiety Disorders

1048766 Pharmacotherapy (Medications)

Psycho-analytic therapy ndash PT

Behavior Therapy - BT

Cognitive Behavior Therapy ndash CBT

Computer therapy - CT

1048766 Virtual Realty ndash VR

Mood GYM

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders


How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

How do anxiolytics act

GABA and Glycine are inhibitory neurotransmitter

Serotonin and Noradrenaline are excitatory

Anxiety is increased excitatory transmitters

BZNs increase GABA and increase inhibition

SSRI decrease the serotonin levels and darrexcitation

TCAs act by darrboth serotonin and noradrenaline

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Drug Rx of Anxiety Disorders

Disorder First Choice 2nd Choice Short (prn) Add on


CZ CDZ ALZBeta-blockers Buspirone Carbamazp

Panic Disorder






Phobias Beta-blockers SSRIsBZN-


OCD Clomipramine Fluoxetine CDZ Buspirone


Imipra Amytrp


Sertaline CPBZN MAOI

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Comparison of Benzodiazepines

BZN Sedation Anxiolytic Half life Lipid solu Dose

Diazepam +++ + 20-80 h High 5 mg od

Alprazolam + +++ 6-20 h Low 05 mg qid

Clonazapam ++ +++ 22-50 h Low 05 mg bid

Lorazepam ++ ++ 10-20 h Med 1 mg tid

Chlordiazepx + + 7-30 h Med 15 mg bid

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Different strategies of therapy

Behavior therapy


Behavior modification

Behavioral activation

Cognitive therapy

Rational-emotive therapy

Beckrsquos cognitive therapy

Newer approaches

Mindfulness meditation

Acceptance and commitment therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (BPD)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT

CBT is a method used to treat anxiety

Recognition of ldquodistorted thinkingrdquo

ldquoCognitive restructuringrdquo

It may also involve classical conditioning when used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

CBT ndash Obstacles - Restructuring



Fear of getting worse

Shame and embarrassment

Partial exposure

Blaming other people

Low motivation

Looking for complex solution

Depressing ruminations

There must be an easier way

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Computer Therapy

Pts are ashamed to seek help and may fear the consequences at work and home

Therapy is expensive and beyond the reach of many patients

Computer therapy is very cheap and available by comparison

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Computer Therapy ndash Softwares

Fearfighter - for phobiapanic

Cope - for depressionanxiety

Balance - for GAD

BTSteps - for OCD

These are PC based in a CD-Rom

or phone based or Web-based


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90


Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
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  • Slide 73
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  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Virtual Reality - VR

VR therapy via SD (Systematic Desensitization) is becoming very popular

SD is a process of gradually introducing a disturbing stimulus (eg view from a high place) in otherwise pleasant surroundings

This process gradually suppresses the anxiety response

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Advantages

Patients often have difficulty imagining the stimulus themselves

They are often afraid of experiencing it directly ndash which may also be expensive and time-consuming

VR affords patient privacy and confidentiality during treatment

Very good for phobias

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Imagination

ldquoProjection in timerdquo ndash rationally reconstructing the future

ldquoDe-catastrophizing an imagerdquo ndash modifying a disturbing image

ldquoImage modeling and substitutionrdquo ndashinterrupting a negative train of images

ldquoCovert conditioningrdquo ndash subtle conditioning using imagined rather than real stimuli

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Virtual Reality ndash VR - Hutchworld

Hutchworld is a virtual community attached to the Hutchison Cancer Research Center

Designed to provide social support for cancer patients and their families

Based on Microsoftrsquos Vworldrsquos system

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Mood GYM on the Internet

Few GPs are trained in CBT

Clinical psychologists are expensive

Young people are not easily reached

They may not want them ndash embarrassment

The web is accessible convenient and popular

with young people

Deliver CBT via internet ndash 5 modules

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Mood GYM Modules

5 Modules - analysis and results

1 Essentials of CBT with examples and interactive exercises

2 Warpy Thoughts Questionnaire Identifying dysfunctional thoughts Methods to contest such thoughts

3 Other methods for overcoming warpy thoughts

4 Life Event Stress Relaxation meditation music Pleasant Events Schedule parental style

5 Simple problem solving responses to relationship break-up

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Web stats summary


Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
  • Slide 81
  • Slide 82
  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90

Take home points

10487661048766Anxiety disorders are very common

10487661048766Just as fevers these are of different types

10487661048766Accurate Dx and Rx by GP is essential

10487661048766Depression and substance abuse potential

Minimum of six weeks to see Rx effect

Prolonged Rx is necessary 6 m or more

Drug Rx is only a small part of management

SSRI TCAs BZNs MAOIs szlig-blockers etc

CBT Computer treatment VRs Mood GYM

Thank You All Visit us at


This is sponsored by Torrent ndash

Makers of Clonotril (Clonazepam)

  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
  • Slide 34
  • Slide 35
  • Slide 36
  • Slide 37
  • Slide 38
  • Slide 39
  • Slide 40
  • Slide 41
  • Slide 42
  • Slide 43
  • Slide 44
  • Slide 45
  • Slide 46
  • Slide 47
  • Slide 48
  • Slide 49
  • Slide 50
  • Slide 51
  • Slide 52
  • Slide 53
  • Slide 54
  • Slide 55
  • Slide 56
  • Slide 57
  • Slide 58
  • Slide 59
  • Slide 60
  • Slide 61
  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
  • Slide 65
  • Slide 66
  • Slide 67
  • Slide 68
  • Slide 69
  • Slide 70
  • Slide 71
  • Slide 72
  • Slide 73
  • Slide 74
  • Slide 75
  • Slide 76
  • Slide 77
  • Slide 78
  • Slide 79
  • Slide 80
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  • Web stats summary
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  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
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  • Slide 8
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  • Slide 10
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  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
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  • Anxiety Disorders
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  • Slide 83
  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90
  • Anxiety Disorders New Insights
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
  • Slide 7
  • Slide 8
  • Slide 9
  • Slide 10
  • Slide 11
  • Slide 12
  • Slide 13
  • Slide 14
  • Slide 15
  • Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 17
  • Slide 18
  • Slide 19
  • Slide 20
  • Slide 21
  • Slide 22
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24
  • Slide 25
  • Slide 26
  • The amygdala and locus ceruleus
  • Slide 28
  • Slide 29
  • Slide 30
  • Slide 31
  • Slide 32
  • Slide 33
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  • Slide 62
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Slide 64
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  • Slide 84
  • Slide 85
  • Slide 86
  • Web stats summary
  • Slide 88
  • Thank You All Visit us at wwwdrsarmain
  • Slide 90