anvar ibragimov international conference ‘eastlink: the way to knowledge economy’

Anvar Ibragimov International Conference ‘EastLink: the way to knowledge economy’. October 20-21, 2010, Lithuania, Klaipeda Technology Transfer Agency Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan TECHNOLOGY COMMERCIALIZATION IN UZBEKISTAN: experience and lessons learned

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Technology Transfer Agency Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. TECHNOLOGY COMMERCIALIZATION IN UZBEKISTAN: experience and lessons learned. Anvar Ibragimov International Conference ‘EastLink: the way to knowledge economy’. October 20-21, 2010, Lithuania, Klaipeda. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Anvar Ibragimov

International Conference ‘EastLink: the way to knowledge economy’. October 20-21, 2010, Lithuania, Klaipeda

Technology Transfer AgencyMinistry of Economy

of the Republic of Uzbekistan


experience and lessons learned


State owned commercial organization founded by former State Committee for Science & Technology of Uzbekistan in 1996

Main line of business is to assist in the industrial application of R&D results and commercial use of intellectual property.

Some projects implemented

Technology of manufacturing photovoltaic modules and PV systemsPilot fabrication of PV modules by local former military plant ‘Kompozit’ without

substantial modification of equipment. Thin film technology was obtained from US-based company Energy Conversion Devices thru’ its Russian JV “Sovlux”.

The project was implemented by TTA and Institute of Applied Physics. Sponsored by Science and Technology Center in Ukraine. First 27 PV modules were tested in Russia and Israel and proved high quality. Commercial use of the results was made by newly founded small company ‘Soleco’.

Production technology of PV modules and PV systems was then licensed by former military plant ‘Foton’

Lack of clear incentives stimulating industries and SME’s to innovate

Poor motivation of private investors. Traditional resistance of industries; Poor technical production level; Lack of qualified personnel; High monopolization level and inefficient antimonopoly

policy; Relatively low cost of manpower and natural resources; Extremely high role of Government regulation. Needs to act

in-time and adequately

Main barriers hindering innovation activeness



Scientific and technological potential of the Republic of Belarus

There are 295 research and development, drawing and designing, and other organizations, engaged in research and development, including higher education establishments – 55.

A number of employees involved in research and development amounts to 28.8 thousand people, among which 17.0 thousand people (59.3%) – research workers, 2.1 thousand people (7.2%) - engineers, 9.7 thousand people (33.5%) – other employees.


One ruble spent in favor of science of the Republic of Belarus grants

the shipped innovation products to the amount of approximately 13 rubles.


The following features of innovation infrastructure shall be effective in the Republic of Belarus:

Hi-Tech Park (specialization – IT-industry and related branches); Technology parks – 10 organizations, positioning themselves as the technology parks, 3 of which have the correspondent status, assigned by the Committee for Science and Technology;Belarusian innovation fund;Business incubators (including those specialized in support of innovation enterprises) – 9;Centers for Technology Transfer (including the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer, 5 its regional offices and 26 branches in research organizations, higher education establishments and enterprises in Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Lida, Minsk, Mogilev, Novopolotsk, and in other cities of the republic – 32);Innovation centres – 5;Scientific and production (scientific practical) centres – 56;Information and marketing centres – 10.


Rules of best practice for technology transfer 1. 1. Rendering of services to the clientRendering of services to the client ( (CustomerCustomer) ) only afteronly after:: • conclusion of the contract for rendering respective servicesconclusion of the contract for rendering respective services,,

• checking the client’s rights for R&D deliverables,

• checking that R&D deliverables transferred by the client are not limited to export, and execution of licenses for export, don’t fall within the list of technologies and dual application products, are not limited to distribution of information in other countries and don’t contain any data comprising state secret;


Rules of best practice for technology transfer

2. 2. Preparation of technologic requestsPreparation of technologic requests//propositions according to propositions according to

the the Manual Promotion of Commercialization Projects by Using the Network of the Republican Centre for Technology Transfer of the Republic of Belarus;


Rules of best practice for technology transfer 3. Systematic search for organizations and firms, which can be

interested in cooperation with the Customer by means of :

• Placement of technological requests/propositions of the Customer in technology transfer networks, national and foreign information agencies and publications,

• Representation of the Customer’s materials at the exhibitions, seminars, cooperation stock markets and other global events;


Rules of best practice for technology transfer

4. Preparation and holding meetings and negotiations of the

Customer with the educed potential partners, participation and conclusion of any contracts and agreements.


Rules on what not to do for technology transfer 1. 1. Not to render services to the clientNot to render services to the client ( (CustomerCustomer) ) withoutwithout:: • conclusion of the contract for rendering respective servicesconclusion of the contract for rendering respective services,,

• checking the client’s rights for R&D deliverables,

• checking that R&D deliverables transferred by the client are not limited to export, and execution of licenses for export, don’t fall within the list of technologies and dual application products, are not limited to distribution of information in other countries and don’t contain any data comprising state secret;


Rules on what not to do for technology transfer

2. 2. To apply the term “income” while royalty distribution instead To apply the term “income” while royalty distribution instead

of the term “profit”of the term “profit”..


Regional Technology Park of Astana

Murat Akshalov

«National Innovation Fund» JSC


Klaipeda. October 20-21, 2010

> 16> 16

The Forced Development Stage(2010-2014)CETT JSCCETT JSC

Engineering and Transfer of New Technologies

Engineering and Transfer of New Technologies

Technological business - incubation

Technological business - incubation

Administration of innovation infrastructure (Technology

parks, Constructor bureaus)

Administration of innovation infrastructure (Technology

parks, Constructor bureaus)

Technological agreement and examination

Technological agreement and examination

State program of forced industrial –innovative development on 2010-2014State program of forced industrial –innovative development on 2010-2014

Increasing of the amount of

international recognized

patents up to 30 by 2014.

Increasing of the amount of

international recognized

patents up to 30 by 2014.

Increasing of the amount of

introduced new technologies and

implemented experimental -

designed models up to 200 and 160

respective by 2014.

Increasing of the amount of

introduced new technologies and

implemented experimental -

designed models up to 200 and 160

respective by 2014.

Creation and development of

the existing innovative

infrastructure of constructor bureaus – 3;

technology parks - 4 by the year


Creation and development of

the existing innovative

infrastructure of constructor bureaus – 3;

technology parks - 4 by the year


Modernization of the industrial enterprises.

Increasing of work production

Modernization of the industrial enterprises.

Increasing of work production

Increasing of innovative activity of enterprises in the countryв up

to: 2015 - 10 %; 2020 - 20 %.

Increasing of innovative activity of enterprises in the countryв up

to: 2015 - 10 %; 2020 - 20 %.

Increasing a share of

Kazakhstan maintenance in the commodity purchase up to 60%, and in the

work and services – up to


Increasing a share of

Kazakhstan maintenance in the commodity purchase up to 60%, and in the

work and services – up to


> 17

Business-process of technological Business-incubation


Technology parksUniversities,

research institutes (new


Tasks TasksThe real sector of the economy


150 Incubation projects

150 Incubation projects

Up to 25 new productions was created(innovativ

e active enterorises)

Up to 25 new productions was created(innovativ

e active enterorises)

Manufactured production

Manufactured production

Up to 300 job places

Up to 300 job places

Innovative idea Project examination Incubation period

Innovators’ proposals,,innovation companies Universities, Research Institutes, enterprises Contact activities

Implemented by a specialized council of experts, which forms on each project. Council of experts consists of: business representatives, scientific circles, associations, MINT, MIF, CETT. Valuation of the project

Rendering offices , office equipment and laboratory complexes Making-up of a business plan, presentation and documentation Business services ( lawyer and bookeper services) Making an experimental sample Industrial examinations

Incubation of projectРОЕКТА

Projects sorting2010

BuildingTransport and infrastructurePower engineeringLight industryAgriculture-industrial complex

> 18

Business – process of technological agreement realization

Technological agreements (MINT – National companies)

Technological agreements (MINT – National companies)



Getting a constructor documentation

Adaptation and revision of constructor documentation

The owner of technologiesThe owner of technologies

Constructor bureaus

Constructor bureaus

Order accomplishmen

t monitoring

Passing of design documentation, EKW, examination and

certificationExamination and

certification centreExamination and

certification centreMechanical engineering factory

Mechanical engineering factory



Manufacture and realization of production




УВЕЛИЧЕНИЕ КАЗСОДЕРЖАНИЯRoyaltyRoyalty Taxation receiptsTaxation receipts Modernization of

productionModernization of

productionIncreasing of

domestic contentIncreasing of

domestic content

VALOR Valorisation of knowledge-intensive ideasAndrius SutinkasKlaipeda Science and Technology Park

Short facts

• Valor aims at bringing research-based inventions to the market

• Valor is financed by the Interreg South Baltic

Programme of the European Union

• 4 project partners and two associated partners.

• Total budget: 1.18 million euros

• Project duration: 28 months

Patent & Valorisation Agency – Mecklenburg-Vorpommern AG (PVA-MV)

Malmö University, MAHProject Partner

Associated PartnerKlaipeda Science andTechnology Park, KSTP

Kaliningrad Innovative-Technological Centre (KITC)

Klaipeda University


The Medical University of Gdańsk

Enterprise Europe Network: the springboard for East-West partnerships

Dr Kastytis Gečas, Lithuanian Innovation Centre

European CommissionEnterprise and Industry

The largest business support network in Europe – more than 580 organisations in 47 countries are staffed with specialised and experienced personnel (~4000) who “speak the language of business” and can understand and assess the requests, needs and potential of each company.

Enterprise Europe Network – public services for business development

Enterprise Europe Network – public services for business development and innovation support

The Enterprise Europe Network offers a comprehensive range of services for European SMEs and entrepreneurs, providing tailor-made solutions at any stage of a company’s life cycle. 'Free services for dynamic businesses’.The “one-stop shop”/“no wrong door” concept means that SMEs and other organizations seeking advice will receive expert assistance and advice. If a Network member cannot answer the request, they will send it directly to the most appropriate service provider.


Paata J. Kervalishvili

Georgian Technical University

Georgian Academy of Natural Sciences



Increase of World Energy Consumption in 2006 – 2030