anushka she y - · ashtakavarga system is a predic:ve method of indian...


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  • Anushka She y

    $ näù´ÉÉxÉÉÆ SÉ @ñʹÉxÉÉÆ SÉ MÉÖ°ü EòÉ\SÉxÉ ºÉÊzɦɨÉ *¤ÉÖÊrù ¦ÉÖiÉÆ ÊjɱÉÉäEäò¶É¨É iÉÆ xɨÉÉ欃 ¤ÉÞ½þɺ{ÉÊiɨÉ **

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    I bow down to Lord Jupiter;The Guru, the master of Devas and sages.

    The one with high intelligence and golden complexion;The lord who controls all three worlds.

    Prepared using Astro-vision LifeS ign So ware.Licensee:Astrovision Futuretech Pvt.Ltd.

  • Name : Anushka She y

    Sex : Female

    Date of Birth : 7 November, 1981 Saturday

    Time of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 00:00:00 PM Standard Time

    Time Zone (Hrs.Mins) : 05:30 East of Greenwich

    Place of Birth : Mangalore

    Longitude & La tude (Deg.Mins) : 74.50 East , 12.54 North

    Ayanamsa : Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 35 Min. 56Sec.

    Birth Star -Star Pada (Quarter) : SatabhishaSatabhisha - 4 - 4

    Birth Rasi - Rasi Lord : Kum bhaKum bha -- Sani Sani

    Lagna (Ascendant) - Lagna Lord : Makara - Sani

    Thidhi (Lunar Day) : Dasami, Suklapaksha

    Sunrise (Hrs.Mins) : 06:26 AMStandard Time

    Sunset (Hrs.Mins) : 06:02 PM

    Dinamana (Hrs. Mins) : 11.36

    Dinamana (Nazhika.Vinazhika) : 29.0

    Local Mean Time (LMT) : Standard Time - 31 Min.

    Astrological Day of Birth : Saturday

    Kalidina Sankhya : 1856450

    Dasa System : Vimsho ari, Years = 365.25Days

    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • Star Lord : Rahu

    Ganam, Yoni, Animal : Asura, Female, Horse

    Bird, Tree : Peacock, Kadanbu tree

    Chandra Avastha : 11 / 12

    Chandra Vela : 31 / 36

    Chandra Kriya : 51 / 60

    Dagda Rasi : Simha,Vrischika

    Karanam : Gara

    Nithya Yoga : Dhruva

    Rasi of Sun - Star Posi on : Tula - Vishakha

    Posi on of Angadityan : Stomach

    Zodiac sign (Western System) : Scorpio

    Yogi Point - Yogi Star : 252:20:20 - Moola

    Yogi Planet : Ketu

    Duplicate Yogi : Guru

    Avayogi Star - Planet : Satabhisha- Rahu

    Atma Karaka (Soul)-Karakamsa : Sani - Karkata

    Amatya Karaka (Intellect/Mind) : Surya

    Lagna Aruda (Pada) / Thanu : Vrishabha

    Dhana Aruda (Pada) : Mesha

    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • The Indian system of astrology is based on the nirayana longitude planets, which is obtained bysubtrac ng the ayanamsa value from the sayana longitudes, calculated as per western system.

    There are different basis for calcula ng ayanamsa. The method selected here is : Chitra Paksha= 23Deg. 35 Min. 55 Sec.




    S a tSun

    MerJ u pG u lV en

    K e t

    L a g


    7 - November - 198100: 00: 00 PM

    R a s iLatitude 12.54

    Longitude 74.50


    Sun V en

    S a t

    RahG u l



    J u p

    K e t


    L a g

    Nav amsa

    Nirayana Longitude of Planets

    Planet Longitude Deg:Min:Sec Rasi Long. in RasiDeg:Min:Sec Star Pada

    Lagnam 278:08:13 Makara 08:08:13 U arashada 4

    Chandra 317:50:25 Kumbha 17:50:25 Satabhisha 4

    Surya 201:09:54 Tula 21:09:54 Vishakha 1

    Budha 183:15:46 Tula 03:15:46 Chitra 3

    Shukra 248:12:05 Dhanu 08:12:05 Moola 3

    Kuja 136:15:00 Simha 16:15:00 Purvaphalguni 1

    Guru 182:20:18 Tula 02:20:18 Chitra 3

    Sani 173:04:33 Kanya 23:04:33 Hasta 4

    Rahu 092:29:01 Karkata 02:29:01 Punarvasu 4

    Ketu 272:29:01 Makara 02:29:01 U arashada 2

    Maandi 210:53:54 Vrischika 00:53:54 Vishakha 4

    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • Ashtakavarga system is a predic ve method of Indian Astrology that uses a system of pointsbased upon planetary posi ons. Ashtakavarga means eigh old categoriza on. It depictseigh old strength of planets excluding the nodes of the Moon but including the ascendant. It isworked out according to certain well-established rules for measuring the planetary strength.The strength of each planet and the power and intensity of their influence depends upon theloca on of other planets and the ascendant in rela on to it. Eight full points are assigned toeach planet. They can obtain strength varying from zero to 8 points which, plo ed on differentsigns in a chart, determine the possibility of a transi ng planet in inducing auspicious or othereffects during its sojourn in a par cular sign.

    Details of Dasa Periods

    ( Years = 365.25 Days)

    Dasa balance at birth = Rahu 2 Years, 10 Months, 30 Days

    Dasa Arambha Anthya

    Rah 07-11-1981 07-10-1984

    Jup 07-10-1984 07-10-2000

    Sat 07-10-2000 08-10-2019

    Mer 08-10-2019 07-10-2036

    Ket 07-10-2036 08-10-2043

    Ven 08-10-2043 08-10-2063

    Sun 08-10-2063 07-10-2069

    Moo 07-10-2069 06-01-2077

    The bo om line in the chart does not indicate your longivity.


    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • Sarva Ashtakavarga Table

    Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Total

    MeshaMesha 6 5 4 5 2 4 3 29

    VrishabhaVrishabha 4 4 4 5 3 5 4 29

    MithunaMithuna 3 7 5 5 3 5 3 31

    KarkataKarkata 5 4 4 4 5 4 5 31

    S imhaS imha 5 4 6 5 4 7 3 34

    KanyaKanya 3 3 6 4 3 3 2 24

    TulaTula 5 3 4 3 2 6 4 27

    VrischikaVrischika 3 5 3 2 3 6 4 26

    D hanuD hanu 4 4 4 5 4 3 2 26

    MakaraMakara 4 1 2 5 1 6 4 23

    KumbhaKumbha 4 3 5 5 3 4 2 26

    MeenaMeena 3 5 7 4 6 3 3 31

    49 48 54 52 39 56 39 337

    Sarva Ashtakavarga Chart

    29 29 31








    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • The condi on of Jupiter in your birth chart is very important to analyze the result of Jupiter intransit. If Jupiter, the great benefic is placed well in birth chart, it is a posi ve indica on for yourwhole life. At the same me, in transit, the results can vary according to the rasi and the housewhich it placed. Jupiter generally supports the person to be more spiritual and to take anop mis c stand on every aspect of life.

    Jupiter is in tenth house in your birth chart. The tenth house is known as Karma Sthana. It dealswith career, social status, parents, higher authority, promo on, honor, ambi on, andgovernment. This will make you a disciplinarian. Your career may be to teach others. You willeven work with your communica on skills. You will get interested in law. Your career can behelping lower class people. This is a very crucial placement for you. You will be known as ahumanitarian. You are very tolerant of others. You will have a crucial rela onship with yourfather and bosses. They will be more caring for you. You may even travel abroad. You will evenmeet your spouse from the social front probably from your work or educa on sector.

    In your birth chart, Jupiter is in the sign of Libra ruled by Venus. This sign represents spouse,marriage, agreements, contracts, luxuries and open enemies. You will have to deal with all kindsof people in the social front for personal gains with the Jupiterian energy. You will use yourknowledge to make deals and to maintain rela onships. You may get interested only in legal kindof dealings. You may even become an advocate. The righteous way of dealings may bring yousome obstacles.

    Analysis of Jupiter in your birth Chart

    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • Transit Chart


    L a g


    G u lSun


    V en

    J u p

    S a tK e t


    T r a n s i t

    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report

  • Jupiter is the fi h planet in the solar system. It is not only the fi h planet , it is the largest planetas well. It stays in a sign for one year. This will give more stability and opportunity to se le downwith the ma ers of that house which Jupiter sits. This is will be a con nua on process. If Jupiteris in a par cular sign, one year the ma ers of that house will be the founda on for the nexthouse and you can foresee this and plan accordingly. Jupiter is the greatest benefic andul mate form of spirituality. Every transit will bring you to the awareness of the importance ofwisdom, spirituality and visions.

    Transit forecast is based on the comparison of the present posi on of planets with those in thebirth-chart. The Jupiter have a great influence on your life. Some mes the effects may beopposing, nullifying or reinforcing. The net effect is not indicated, but you should be able to getan idea of the dynamics at work by studying the impact of each par cular transit aspect. Yourimmediate future, therefore, is a blend of the following predic ons.

    Jupiter is transi ng eleventh house from your natal Moon. The eleventh house is known asLabha Sthana. This house deals with friendships, elder siblings, collec ve projects, profits,charity, gains, wishes, children, and hopes. Jupiter is the natural benefic and its duty is to makepeople wise and op mis c. You may get more friends. You will join new groups or new teamproject. There can be some charity programs as well. Jupiter in this labha sthana will brightenyou up with more hopes and wishes. Some of them will also get materialized. Your friends andteam members will be ready to support you. You may get material comforts as well. This is avery good me to get happiness from roman c pursuits as well.

    While predic ng jupiter transit, Astakavarga has an important role to play. The sum ofastakavarga points contributed by all planet in each rasi are called Sarvashtakavarga.

    Jupiter is transi ng through Sagi arius.

    In Sarva Astakavarga chart, you have less than 28 points in this sign.This indicates that you haveto be extra cau ous. You may have to plan well for the next one year. During the next transit,you will see that you have improved a lot in life. This may mean that you have to be veryprac cal in decisions. As Jupiter is the planet of expansion and op mism. This op mism canmake you less aware about the reality. If you are taking any serious decision, then you shouldtake an expert advice.

    Jupiter Transit Predic ons

    Jupiter is eleventh from Moon

  • Aspect is the technical term used in astrology . It means the influence of a planet on otherplanets and houses. All the planets aspects the seventh house from their posi on. If any planetis placed in the seventh house from any planet, then these planets are aspec ng each other.Planets including Mars, Jupiter and Saturn aspect more houses than the seventh house. Jupiteraspects the fi h, seventh and ninth houses. When Jupiter aspects any house from birth moon,it will magnify the opportuni es in those houses with the Jupiterian quali es.

    When Jupiter aspects the third house, it will magnify the ma ers allo ed to the house,including siblings, studies, short travels, short projects, communica on, media, and technology.This is the house of mental inclina ons and self-efforts as well. There are possibili es of shorttravels like from one city to another within the country. You will invest your full energy in that.Your rela onship with siblings and rela ves can become more prominent. There can be morecommunica ons as well. Increased ac vity in wri ng and communica on related projects arealso seen. You may try to buy an electronic equipment.

    The fi h house is known as the Poorva Punya Sthana. When transit Jupiter aspects this house,it will magnify the possibili es of romance, crea vity, self-promo on, specula ve businesses,hobbies, and children. You will try to get closer with children and learn more about theirbehavior pa ern. There can be some projects for children or youth groups. You may start someown ventures. You will be more popular among your friends. This is a good me to study aboutspecula ve events. You will be interested in entertainment. You will go out with your friends andenjoy more than before.

    This house is known as kalathra bhava. During this transit, Jupiter will aspect this house and thema ers of this house will get ac vated. They are a spouse, marriage, partners, agreements, andcontracts. You may get opportuni es to start new rela onships. You may get a new progressiveoffer. This can be regarding your work as well. New friends may come into your life. You maymingle more with the opposite gender. There will be freshness in the rela onships. This housealso deals with your open enemies, so you should manage everything very carefully.

    Jupiter is transi ng the twel h house from your birth lagna. This house is known as VyayaSthana. This house deals with the losses, moksha, and spirituality. Jupiter is the planet ofexpansion and op mism. It is the great benefic in astrology. You have to deal every situa onwisely. You may get more interest in spirituality. You will start learning about mys cal sciences.You may take more interest in charity. This house deals with psychological status so most of thechanges will take you to release you mind from pressures. Then you can start afresh during thenext transit in your first house.

    Aspects of Jupiter

    Jupiter aspects third house from your natal moon

    Jupiter aspects fi h house from your natal moon

    Jupiter aspects seventh house from your natal moon

    Jupiter is twel h from your birth Lagna

  • This Jupiter transit will be beneficial for you in many ways. You will spread your wings andbroaden your horizons. You will take many bold steps that resulted in good. You will start seeingthings in spiritual perspec ve. The next transit will bring you closer to the reali es of life. Youwill feel that reali es are always like a learning session. You should learn from this and try toapply these lessons into the next transit.

    The en re zodiac wheel is a perfect circle of 360 degrees. It is divided into 12 signs and they are30 degrees long. These 30 degrees are divided into 8 parts, and it is called Kakshya. These 8por ons are supposed to be ruled by 7 planets and lagna. The division starts from the slowestplanet to the fastest. In this sequence Saturn comes first because it is the slowest among allplanets. Then comes Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Moon. A er that the kakhsya forLagna starts. Kakhsya concept is used mainly in transit to funnel down how the transit resultswould be. Each planet will gain strength in each kakshya. The strength is calculated according tothe point transit planet gains in the Bhinnashtakavarga for each planet.

    from : 05-Nov-2019 to : 23-Nov-2019

    When Jupiter moves through the kakshya of Saturn, then it can bring some complexity becauseJupiter is not gaining much strength here. You are des ned to go through some delay andchallenges during this me. Saturn indicates the judge, so you should not get into any wrongdeeds. Be prac cal while dealing with finances. The slow financial growth should not make youan angry woman. You should always follow the right karma and that will help you to surviveduring this phase. This is a good me to get into some charity deeds. Long trips and pilgrimagesalso can come up. This is just a temporary phase and you will be fine a er you complete thistransit.

    from : 30-Mar-2020 to : 30-Jun-2020

    During this kakshya period, jupiter transits through Capricorn

    This is going to be a slightly challenging transit as Jupiter is not very strong here. It is not ge ngenough points here, so you need to be very watchful. This is a me to make careful moves andan cipate some delay in whatever you do. Financial ma ers can be challenging so, donât be aspendthri . This is not the me to be a reckless woman and do whatever you want. Charity andspiritual deeds can bring prosperity, even though you are going through a complex transit.Spiritual retreats and pilgrimages can also come up during this phase. The delay which you aregoing through is a gi from the universe that you can learn something and apply that in yourlife. That will help you to be more into a perfect model, which is very much required during thisphase. This is just for a few days and you will be much relaxed when Jupiter moves out from this

    Jupiter transit through variouskakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through first kakshya

  • kakshya.

    from : 23-Nov-2019 to : 10-Dec-2019

    Jupiterâs transit through own kakshya will be beneficial because Jupiter is ge ng enoughstrength here. It is moving through own kakshya, so that is a plus point. Jupiter means wisdom,educa on, and prosperity. It is also the biggest benefic in the zodiac, so you can expectbeneficial results. Prosperity and happiness are going to come up. During this transit, you willhave a lot of good things and that is going to make you a happy woman. This is a good me toget some good news from your younger genera on. This is a good me to learn a new skill. Youmay get some projects and that may bring some profits. However, you should not make anyquick decision to get into such deals. Long-distance travels, communica on with people fromdifferent cultures and an interest in spirituality are also seen.

    from : 10-Dec-2019 to : 26-Dec-2019

    When Jupiter moves through the kakshya of Mars, then you may become an aggressivewoman. This transit can be a li le complex as Jupiter is not receiving a great strength here.Mars indicates courage, sisters, and vitality. You have to control your aggression; otherwise,there can be recurrent issues with your dear and near ones. Stay away from complex females asthey may misunderstand your behavior especially when you stand as an aggressive female.Donât get into any scandalous rela onships. You are too much dependent on yourself and thatshould not be a reason for fights and arguments. Try to be a li le more selfless. Your siblingsand rela ves would like to discuss serious ma ers with you. This is not an ideal me for ownventures, do if you want to start then take expert opinion.

    from : 26-Dec-2019 to : 11-Jan-2020

    This is going to be a beneficial transit because Jupiter is ge ng enough strength in this kakshya.This strong Jupiter indicates beneficial transit. Sun indicates father, bosses, power and self -esteem. This is a me to get more power and authority. You will get in touch with people withpower and posi on. You may be known as a powerful female in social circles. There may besome opportuni es to exhibit your talents. Own ventures can also come up during this transit.The Sun also indicates spirituality, so you will be learning spiritual subjects as well. That can helpyou to guide your younger genera on. They will see you as a mentor.

    from : 11-Jan-2020 to : 28-Jan-2020

    Jupiter is moving through the kakshya of Venus. Venus is the significator of balancedrela onships, love, money, and luxury. This transit can be slightly complex as Venus is notge ng enough strength here. Your personal and professional rela onship will need more focusand a en on. Donât take any risk with such rela onship as the me is li le sensi ve. Financialissues can also come up. This is not the me to spend on whatever you want. Unexpectedexpenses also can come up during this phase. Being an elderly woman, you should have control

    Jupiter is transi ng through second kakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through third kakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through fourth kakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through fi h kakshya

  • over interac on with females. You should not have any superficial expecta ons from yourrela onships. Certain rela onships can be temporary. This is a me to enjoy life, but donâtfocus too much on that. There should not be any illegal ac vity regarding professional du es. Itwill be ideal if you control your interac ons in social media as well. Concerns regarding physicalbeauty and health can also come up during this phase.

    from : 28-Jan-2020 to : 15-Feb-2020

    Jupiter is moving through the kakshya of Mercury. Mercury is the indicator of speech,technology, media, and educa on. This transit can be complex as Jupiter is not ge ng enoughstrength in this kakshya. During this me, your analy cal capability can be low, so, donât takeany risk without expert advice. Since Mercury indicates communica on and Jupiter is notstrong here, your communica on can go weak or complex. That should not give you a tough

    me. Arguments with siblings and rela ves can come up and they should not feel that you are areckless sister. You will try to learn new skills and you have to work hard for that. Short travelscan also come up. You may buy new electronic devices.

    from : 15-Feb-2020 to : 05-Mar-2020from : 30-Jul-2020 to : 27-Oct-2020

    This can be a beneficial transit for you. Jupiter is moving through the kakshya of Moon. Jupiteris receiving good strength in this kakshya. So, you can expect good results during this transit.Happiness and prosperity will prevail during this transit. As a responsible female member, youwill happily take up more responsibili es at home. You may get more me with motherly figuresin the family. This is a good me to decorate your house as well. Some favorable real estatedeals can also come up. Family func ons are also seen. You will buy some devices to improveyour lifestyle.

    from : 05-Mar-2020 to : 30-Mar-2020from : 30-Jun-2020 to : 30-Jul-2020

    from : 27-Oct-2020 to : 20-Nov-2020

    Your lagna is Capricorn and Saturn is your lagna lord. Jupiter is strongly placed and with goodstrength. You may be a very happy woman during this transit, and you will be taking up moreresponsibili es. Your elders can be happy to see your efficiency. They will be trus ng your morethan before. Certain real estate deals can come up at home as well. However, your familyshould not feel that you have become very workaholic. Your reputa on may be increasing if youare following the righteous path. Both the planet Saturn and Jupiter indicates maturity,spirituality and wisdom and a er this transit you can find yourself as a very prac cal and grownperson. That will be surely adding value to your life in the coming days.

    The current jupiter transit through Sagitarius is from 05th Nov 2019 to

    20 Nov 2020

    Jupiter is transi ng through sixth kakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through seventh kakshya

    Jupiter is transi ng through eighth kakshya


    Note:Note:This report is based on the data provided by you and the best possible research support wehave received so far. We do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect ofany decision that may be taken on the basis of this report.

    W ith best wishes : W ith best wishes : Astro-V ision Futuretech P vt.Ltd.Astro-V ision Futuretech P vt.Ltd.F irst F loor, W hite Tower, Kuthappadi Road, Thammanam P.O - 682032F irst F loor, W hite Tower, Kuthappadi Road, Thammanam P.O - 682032


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    Astro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit ReportAstro-Vision Jupiter Transit Report