antique maps (history maps ebook)

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Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


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ANTIQUE MAPSCarl Moreland and David Bannister

Page 5: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)

Phaidon Press Limited

Regent's Wharf

All Saints Street

London NI 9PA

Third edition 1989

First paperback edition 1993

Reprinted 1994, 1995, 1998, 2000

Originally published by Longman 1983

© 1983 Carl Moreland and David Bannister

ISBN o 7148 2954 4

A CIP catalogue record for this book is

available from the British Library

All rights reserved. No part of this book

may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

system or transmitted, in any form or

by any means, electronic, mechanical,

photocopying, recording or otherwise,

without the prior permission of Phaidon

Press Limited.

Printed in Malaysia

FRONTISPIECE: Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer,

Chart of kuropt, Leyden, 1586. Chart from

the first engraved sea atlas, the Spifge/ dtr

Zetvaerdt. Originally published in 1584 in

Dutch, there were many editions of the

adas in different languages until 1615.

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CONTENTSForeword to the Third Edition. -1 cknoti'ledgementsPreface


vnvi i i


Chapter i A Brief Historical Survey 3Chapter 2 The Printing of Old Maps 11Chapter $ Hereford World Map 20Chapter 4 Nuremberg Chronicle 22Chapter ; Road Maps, Atlases and Road Books 25Chapter 6 Sea (".harts and Atlases 52Chapter 7 Town Plans 40Chapter 8 Topographical Maps and Surveys 47Chapter 9 Playing Cards 50Chapter 10 'Here be Dragons . . . "

Myths and Legends on Old Maps 5 3

Chapter 16 Scotland 183Chapter // Ireland 189Chapter 1$ Maps of the British Isles 192Chapter 19 Portugal, Spain, Scandinavia,

Switzerland, Russia and Poland 224Chapter 20 Maps of the World and the Continents 241

The World 241The Americas 242Africa 265Asia 266Australasia 275Furope 278


Chapter 21 Buying Maps and Forming aCollection 282



IntroductionChapter 11 I t a l y(.hapter 12 Germany and AustriaChapter i j Holland and BelgiumChapter ij FranceChapter if Fngland and Wales




1 4 '

Appendix A Editions of Ptolemy's Geographia 301Appendix B Blaeu/Jansson Maps of the English

and Welsh Counties 303Appendix C Historical Chart - Map Making

6ooBC-ADi8oo 306



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'The Work I have undertaken, is so difficult and obnoxiousto Doubt and Error, so slippery and obscure, that it mustbe confest, by any man of solid judgment, that I must havebeen bold, to make an Adventure upon such a Subject . . .'

WILLIAM TURNER: The compleat History of the most RemarkableProvidences . . . 1697.

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FOREWORD TO THETHIRD EDITIONIn the foreword to the second edition of this book theauthors noted the suggestions by reviewers that theexpansion of a number of chapters would give a morecomplete history of the subject. Many of the ideas putforward then have been adopted in producing thisenlarged edition, although the need to keep printingcosts at a reasonable level has imposed some limitationson the method of presentation.

Briefly, about 70 biographies have been added in aSupplement at the end of the book: an asterisk in theoriginal text indicates such an entry. Most of thesebiographies cover new material - with emphasis oncartographers of North America, Scandinavia andSwitzerland - but some are revisions or expansions ofexisting entries and, occasionally, this has led torepetition of detail for which we must be forgiven.Where dates and/or spellings differ from the originaltext, the amendments are intentional and can beaccepted as correct.

Special attention is drawn to the amended - andexpanded - biographical note in the Supplement onMartin Waldseemuller which includes detail providedby recent German researchers not readily available - asfar as the authors are aware - in the English language.

Apart from the Supplement, other additions havebeen made where space allowed within the old text.Notably, Chapter 8, which originally gave a shorthistory of the Ordnance Survey in the British Isles, hasbeen expanded to cover topographical maps generallyas well as brief details of national surveys in Europeancountries. The opportunity has been taken to give amore detailed account of the history of the BritishOrdnance Survey.

It is hoped that these considerable additions to thebook will widen still further its appeal not only to mapcollectors but also to all those interested in the historyof cartography.

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe Authors are grateful for assistance received frommany quarters in the preparation of this Handbook; inparticular they wish to express special thanks to thefollowing: Peter Baxter, Clive Burden, EdinburghUniversity, Robert Evans, Dr J. V. Garrett, LordHerstmonceux, Mr and Mrs G. Hill, Mr and MrsR. Linter, Louis Loeb-Larocque, Magna Gallery(Oxford), Dr Tony Morris, the Revd S. Salter, RodneyShirley, Mr and Mrs P. M. Walshaw, Jack Watson andSimon and Clair Bannister. They are also grateful tothe Dean and Chapter of Hereford Cathedral for theirpermission to quote from the booklet, The World Map

in Hereford Cathedral(8th edn), published by Friends ofthe Cathedral, and to reproduce an illustration of aportion of the map. Also to William Heinemann Ltdfor permission to use a quotation from Summer of theRed Wolf by Morris West.

And, finally, their especial thanks are due to AudreyGreenwell and Jenni Wilson for typing, re-typing and,dare we say, typing yet again those drafts, lists ofcartographers and map titles in half a dozen differentlanguages, with their seemingly endless amendmentsand additions - all absorbed with equal facility.

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PREFACENobody would argue that the ideal collectors' hand-book should contain every imaginable detail on itssubject and yet be small enough to fit neatly into apocket to be readily available at a moment's notice. Anideal it might be, but, at least where our subject isconcerned, unattainable, for to be useful at all a bookabout maps must provide some historical background,however brief, and include information on an im-mensely wide range of individual cartographers, en-gravers and publishers as well as illustrations ofreasonable size. Having said that and made our excusesfor producing a book of conventional size we have toconfess that, even within its present bounds, we cannotpretend that we have been able to treat the subjectexhaustively, but we hope that, especially in Part II, wehave included in readily accessible form a great deal ofinformation from many sources which collectors, oranyone interested in antique maps, may wish to find atshort notice. Indeed, we emphasize 'short notice', forover many years our experience of dealing andcataloguing has shown that in seeking informationabout a particular cartographer one often has tobrowse through maybe half a dozen different works;our constant aim, therefore, has been to set out suchdetail so that it can be found in a few moments. Wehave included notes on cartographers, publishers andengravers of many countries but fuller biographies, forobvious reasons of space, have been limited to names

prominent in the history of map making. Generallyspeaking, in listing their works, we have restricted ourdetail to complete atlases with occasional reference toindividual maps where these are of special importance,always bearing in mind that this book is addressed tothe general collector rather than to the specialist. Somemay say that we have been too brief; to that our answermust be that a definite limit has to be set to the size andscope of a book of this nature otherwise it may wellbecome as voluminous as the works it attempts tocondense. To emphasize our declared purpose ofproviding a guide for the general collector it may be ofinterest to note that all the maps illustrated, with abouthalf a dozen exceptions, are, or have been at one time oranother, in the possession of the authors.

For those who wish to pursue the subject in greaterdetail we include an extensive bibliography, althoughit must be noted that many of the works quoted arenow out of print and copies may be available only inspecialist libraries to which few of us have access.

The authors make no claim to any original researchbeyond that needed to develop the theme of the book;indeed, they can do no better than to recall yet anotherof John Speed's apt comments to his 'Gentle, wellfavoured reader' wherein he says 'It may be objectedthat I have laid my building on other men's found-ations, as indeed, who can do otherwise in a subject ofthis nature.'

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CORNELIS DE JODE Novae Guineae. From the Speculum Orbis Terrarum publishedin Antwerp in 1595 . This is one of the first printed maps to hint at a possiblecoastline of an Australian continent; the first landfall was not made until 160; 6.

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Chapter i

A BRIEF HISTORICAL SURVEYIn a general work of this kind it would be tedious andout of place to embark on a long and detailed history ofcartography; newcomers to the subject might well bebored, the knowledgeable could not be blamed forregarding it as trivial. In any case, the subject has beensplendidly covered by many writers and all we attemptto do is to provide some background which we regardas an essential part of a fascinating study, and which wehope will have some interest for all our readers.

When the first maps, in whatever form, were used itis impossible to say but, as soon as writing and the useof symbols evolved, man undoubtedly felt the need toillustrate a route by land or sea, to show a rivercrossing, to warn of a mountain barrier or simply todraw the locality in which he lived. The oldestrecorded representation of this sort is a g-ft (275 cm)-long wall-painting found in 1963 in Catal Hoyiik, aprehistoric site in Anatolia, which is dated betweenabout 6100 and 6300 BC. The painting outlines a town'plan' showing very clearly some eighty 'buildings'with a volcano, possibly erupting, in the background.Later plans sketched on papyrus by the Egyptians andon moulded clay tablets by the Assyrians and Baby-lonians have survived and it is recorded that about 600BC. Greek thought was turning to geographical prob-lems. Strabo, writing in Alexandria in the period 20—10BC, tells us that the first map of the world was compiledby Anaximander of the School of Philosophy atMiletus in the early part of the sixth century BC,followed soon afterwards by a treatise on geography,including a map showing the earth as a plane or disc byHecataeus. They and others of that school believed inthe Homeric theory of a disc-shaped world surroundedby the great river Okeanus with Delphi and the Aegeanat the centre of the habitable world. Others, however,leaned to the Pythagorean theory of a spherical world,a theme taken up by Plato, Herodotus and Aristotle,which gradually came to be accepted throughout theHellenic world.

Over the centuries, answers to the practical prob-lems of calculating the size of the earth and its habitableareas, the partitioning into climatic zones and therelative positions of different countries and places weresought by mathematicians and astronomers, especiallyin Alexandria. There, Strabo in his ly-volume Geog-raphica summarized the long story for posterity, for-tunately as it happened, for few of his original sourcessurvived the destruction of the great library. Not thathis record was always critical or accurate; his mis-interpretation of the rival calculations of the circum-ference of the world made by Eratos-thenes and Posidonius was accepted a century laterby Claudius Ptolemy who consequently presented adistorted view of the world which influenced geo-graphical thought until the fifteenth and sixteenthcenturies. Ptolemy, a Greek mathematician, astron-omer and geographer, living in Alexandria, assem-bled and codified his predecessors' cartographictheories including those of Marinus of Tyre (c. A D 120)to whom he was especially indebted. In about AD 150he published his Geographia, a work in 8 volumes,supposedly illustrated with a world map, 26 regionalmaps and a profusion of smaller maps. Although, as weshall see later, the text of the Geographia survived, nomaps older than about the twelfth century have comedown to us and, in consequence, we have no means ofknowing whether the 'Ptolemy' maps on which we setso much store were, in fact, drawn by him or were theinterpretations of later map makers using his text as abasis.

Although Ptolemy's work was compiled at the timeof Rome's greatest power it seems to have had littleinfluence on Roman ideas of mapping which werepractical rather than scientific. A map, known onlyfrom literary sources, entitled Orbis Terrarum (Surveyof the World), was made in the years round 10 BC forthe Emperor Augustus by his son-in-law VipsaniusAgrippa, but apart from this and our knowledge of a

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MARTIN WALDSEEMULLER Br///Ji6 Ww Strassburg 15 22. This very early woodcut map of the British Isles, with Scotland on anEast West axis and Ireland somewhat misplaced, was derived from the Ptolemaic map published in Rome in 1478.

stylized road map, known from a thirteenth-centurycopy as the Peutinger Table, there is little directevidence of their interest in cartography. All the same,considering their highly developed administrativeabilities, it is hard to believe that maps were not incommon use even though so few have survived.

With the fall of the Roman Empire the accumulatedwisdom of earlier civilizations was dissipated, the greatlibraries destroyed or dispersed, scientific thought andspeculation rejected in favour of religious fanaticismand, eventually, a return to belief in a flat or disc-shaped world, now with Jerusalem at the centre. Mapsof these times in their simplest diagrammatic form areknown as T-O maps, showing the world with East atthe top surrounded by a circular ocean (the letter O),the three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa, beingseparated by the arms of the T representing the

Mediterranean, the river Nile to the South and theriver Don flowing into the Black Sea to the North.

From the seventh to the fourteenth century there islittle evidence of any real development in map makingin Western Europe, although a dozen or so maps dosurvive, but in that period Ptolemy's work had apowerful influence on Islamic thought and translationsof the Geographia were certainly available to the Arabsfrom about the year 800 onwards. In turn, Arabknowledge of astronomy and mathematics influencedcartographers in Italy and Majorca and from thethirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries there aresurviving manuscript sea charts known to the Italiansas portulan charts (from the Italian portolano), whichformed the basis of many later maps. Of particularfame is the Catalan Atlas of 1375, a masterpiece of itstime, produced in Majorca, consisting of an 8-sheet

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map of the world on which Asia, for the first time, hasacquired recognizable form.

In the Middle Ages some of the finest manuscriptmaps were produced in England, reflecting the strongmonastic and religious influences then dominant. Theywere probably intended for the guidance of pilgrimsand crusaders travelling to Dover and the Continentand, although crude in execution, give a recognizablediagrammatic picture of the country. The best-knownsurviving maps are those of Matthew Paris, a monk ofSt Albans, drawn about the year 1250, the 'Gough'map of about 1360, and the Hereford Mappa Mundi ofabout 1300, preserved in Hereford Cathedral. Thisrichly decorated circular map on vellum illustrates themedieval idea of the Biblical world with Jerusalem atits centre.

In Europe the initial awakening of interest in•geography arose from the revival of knowledge ofPtolemy's Geographia soon after the year 1400. Greekmanuscript copies made in the twelfth to fourteenthcenturies were brought by scholars to Italy fromConstantinople and were subsequently translated intoLatin and widely studied. This work coincided with,and was much influenced by, the development ofprinting techniques, particularly, of course, by theinvention of movable-type printing by Gutenbergabout 1450, which made possible for the first time theproduction of printed books in quantity. Apart fromthis factor, other more far-reaching influences werecompelling the peoples of Western Europe to lookbeyond the horizon they had known for so manycenturies. With the conquest of Constantinople in 145 3the Turks effectively closed Europe's trade routes tothe East and shut off access to traditional sources ofluxuries and precious metals from Asia and, above all,denied the supply of the spices which had become soimportant in the lives of ordinary people. Other factorsoften based on long-believed myths and legends addedto the urge to break out into the unknown world.

It would be tempting at this stage to launch into achapter on the 'Age of Discovery' but we must contentourselves with only a passing reference to the influenceof Henry the Navigator and the voyages of thePortuguese southwards down the coast of Africa andsubsequently to India, to those of Columbus to theWest Indies, of Cabral to Brazil, Cabot to Labrador andto Magellan's circumnavigation of the world, and tothe long controversies over the merits and possibilitiesof the North-West and North-East passages to theOrient. Suffice it to say that in rather less than a century

knowledge of the geography of the world changedprofoundly, a change which was reflected in thegradual abandonment of the Ptolemaic ideas whichappeared in the early printed editions of the Geographiafrom 1477 onwards. Furthermore, from about the year1500, the development of improved geometricalmethods of survey and the invention of more preciseinstruments by geographers in Germany and theNetherlands enabled relatively large land areas to besurveyed more rapidly and accurately and, on a widerscale, Gerard Mercator, regarded as the greatest namein cartography since Ptolemy, produced the first mapon his new projection in 15 69. Publication of Ptolemy'smaps continued during the century under many namesincluding Waldseemiiller, Miinster and Gastaldi; suc-cessive editions contained an increasing number of'modern' maps until, in 1570, the Ortelius TheatrumOrbis Terrarum, composed entirely of contemporarymaps, was published in Antwerp. This Atlas, contain-ing at first about 70 maps, was an immediate successand publication continued through 40 or more editionsuntil 1612, but it was not the only success story of thetime. There was extraordinary activity in every facet ofmap making: Mercator's Atlas in three parts wasprinted in Amsterdam between 1585 and 1595 ; alsoprinted there in 15 84 was the first Atlas of engraved seacharts De Spiegel der Zeevaerdt by Waghenaer with anEnglish edition in London in 1588 and many editionsin other languages; in the Rhineland, there was thesuperb collection of over 500 town plans in 6 volumescompiled by Braun and Hogenberg, published be-tween 1572 and 1618; and, not least, ChristopherSaxton's survey of England and Wales was beingcarried out soon after 15 70 followed by publication ofhis Atlas in 15 79 which set a standard unsurpassed forthe best part of two centuries.

Considering the all-important role played by theSpanish and Portuguese in the events of the time it isremarkable that only a handful of early charts made bythem have survived. Understandably, fear of tradingcompetition imposed secrecy on their pilots and chartmakers until new discoveries had been exploited, andto this end the preparation and distribution of charts inboth countries was kept under official control. But thetrading monopoly to the Americas and the Far Eastheld by Spain and Portugal for so long was brokenabruptly by two events in the years 1579 and 1581.First, the Northern Provinces in the Netherlandsfinally achieved independence from Spain and, second,Philip II annexed Portugal to the Spanish crown and in

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V \ I A S I A M A I O R K \ \

1 \ \

SEBASTIAN MONSTER Tjpus Orbis Universalis, Published in the Geographia in Basle in 1540, this famous map was the standardworld map until the publication of the Ortelius Atlas in 1570.

the process granted the Portuguese exclusive rights toEuropean coastal trade, hitherto the preserve of theDutch. So far from achieving his aim of bringing theDutch to heel, Philip's action had the opposite effect; inthe twenty years to the end of the century Dutchnavigators, after false starts to find a North-EastPassage, sailed in strength round the Cape to whatsoon became a new preserve, the Dutch East Indies. In1602, to bring their numerous trading companiesunder control, the Dutch East India Company wasformed. Soon afterwards, in 1605, they discoveredAustralia and for much of the century Dutch shippingdominated the world's trade routes; as a consequence itwas hardly surprising that Amsterdam supplantedAntwerp as the great cartographic centre. Their map

makers kept pace with the growth of geographicalknowledge and from the workshops of Hondius,Blaeu, Jansson, de Wit and others the Europeanmarket was supplied with atlases, sea charts, townplans and every kind of map reflecting the expansion-ism of the age. The maps produced in this period havealways been highly esteemed as superb examples ofengraving and design, never equalled in any other age.

In England the seventeenth century opened withSaxton's atlases still in publication, but expandingtrade and the stimulation of the discovery of new landscreated an eager interest in local and national geo-graphy which was met by Camden's Britannia (a his-tory of England,) republished in 1607 containingSaxton's maps in reduced form, soon followed by John

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THOMAS JEFFERYS County oj Westmorland London 1770. Detail from the i in. to i mile map of Westmorland, one of a number ofnotable large-scale maps of English counties compiled by Jefferys.

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CESAR FRANCOIS CASstNi Department de Calais. Detail from map in the Cassini style published in accordance with a decree of theNational Assembly dated 20 January 1790. As the map bears scale bars in metres it was probably issued after the year 1800.

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Speed's famous Atlas in 1610-11 which also was part ofa History of Great Britain. Speed's maps, with theirdetailed town plans, boundaries of hundreds anddescriptive texts, were immensely popular and con-tinued in use through many editions until almost theend of the eighteenth century. About the same timeMichael Drayton's Poly-Olbion appeared, containing aseries of allegorical maps based on country legends andmyths.

For the next forty or fifty years no notable Englishnames appear. Apart from a small number of pocketatlases produced to meet the needs of the opposingarmies in the Civil Wars of the 16405 and thecontinuing editions of Speed's maps, the market inEngland, as elsewhere in Europe, was dominated bythe Dutch publishing houses of Blaeu and Jansson,although some editions of Dutch publications wereissued in London with English texts. Surprisingly,through all this period, roads, with few exceptions,were not shown on any county maps, but in 1675 JohnOgilby's Britannia broke new ground, showing thepost roads of the country in strip form, and from thenonwards roads were incorporated in practically allmaps of this country. Ogilby was followed by JohnSeller, Richard Blome, Robert Morden and HermanMoll, amongst others, all of whom produced attract-ive, if not very original, county maps. Seller was betterknown for his sea charts and about the same timeCaptain Greenvile Collins, commissioned by TrinityHouse, carried out the first complete survey of thecoasts of Britain in the years 1681 to 1688, publishingthe Great Britain's Coasting Pilot in 1693.

Despite the declining influence of Holland late in thecentury, London publishers were still dependent tosome extent on Dutch map makers, but the levy of aduty on imported maps in the early 17005 led to a greatexpansion of publishing business in London, whichcontinued throughout the century. Notable names inthis period were John Senex, Robert Sayer, EmanuelBowen, Thomas Kitchin, John Rocque, ThomasJefferys and John Gary, to whose work we referelsewhere. Notwithstanding this expansion inLondon's trade, it was to France that the initiative andleadership in map producing passed from the Dutch atthe end of the seventeenth century. Secure in royalpatronage and support, especially during the longreign of Louis XIV, French cartographers took thelead in scientific mapping by astronomical observ-

ations and by triangulation and the names of theSanson and Cassini families, Delisle, d'Anville andothers, dominated the map world. A major task was thecompletion of a survey of France, initiated by one ofthe Cassini family, Cesar Francois, which resulted inthe publication of the Atlas National'in 1789, the finestwork of its kind up to that time.

The English were slow to follow the French lead butafter the year 1759, when the Society for the encourage-ment of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (nowRoyal Society of Arts) offered rewards for the bestaccurate surveys of the English counties, many splen-did maps on the scale of i in. to i mile and even largerwere produced. The influence of Cesar FrancoisCassini in France and General William Roy in Englandled to a joint operation to link the Greenwich and Parisobservatories by the new methods of survey bytriangulation and, as a result of the experience gainedthen, the Ordnance Survey Office was set up inEngland in 1791, followed soon afterwards by theestablishment of a Hydrographic Office.

In later chapters we shall see that in most Europeancountries surveying and mapping had been carried onwith varying degrees of accuracy from the sixteenthcentury onwards. The maps produced then satisfied theneeds of the time, but towards the end of theeighteenth century the Governments of Austria, Swit-zerland, the Low Countries, the German and Italianstates and the Scandinavian countries, realizing theneed for up-to-date surveys, were quick to profit fromthe methods evolved by the Cassinis in France andGeneral William Roy and the Ordnance Survey Officein the British Isles. Inevitably, progress on suchwidespread projects covering much of the Continentwas slow and very uneven, frequently dogged by lackof funds, by political upheavals and war, and, not least,by obsessive secrecy which, in some countries,bedevilled the whole concept of mapping on a nationalscale. However, in course of time problems weresolved; indeed, there was often unexpected co-operation between nations in the preparation of baselines and the use of common triangulation points, sothat, by mid century, the re-mapping of most ofEurope was well advanced. The new style of maps, asdemanded by the modern world, was severely practicaland utilitarian, and finally brought to an end the longhistory of decorative map making which provides themain theme of this book.

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Chapter 2

THE PRINTING OF OLD MAPSIn a later chapter we pose - and attempt to answer - anumber of questions which come to mind whenconsidering the purchase of old maps. To forestall atleast some of these questions it is necessary to considervarious aspects of map making, not, we hope, tootechnically, but in sufficient detail to enable a prospect-ive buyer to have some idea of what to look for.

The main methods of printing which concern us are:(a) Relief processes (woodcuts and wood engravings)

in which the design to be printed is cut in relief on awoodblock base.

(b) Intaglio processes (line engraving, dry-point, etch-ing, stipple engraving, aquatint, mezzotint) inwhich the required design is cut on a metal plate byan engraving tool or is bitten into the plate by acid.

(c) Surface processes (lithography) in which the de-sign is drawn on a specially prepared surface.


The earliest technique for making prints and mapsinvolved transferring a design cut in relief on wood-blocks to paper, known as block prints. In this methodof printing the design was drawn on the smooth flatsurface of a plank of wood such as sycamore or beech,the unwanted background being cut away with a knifeor gouge. The 'relief portions of the block were theninked and paper applied under pressure against theblock, leaving the impression of the design. In China itwas the classical form of printing used at least as farback as the eighth century AD and possibly muchearlier, reaching its peak at the time of the Sungdynasty between the years 960 and 1280. In Europe,however, the earliest dated block prints which havesurvived were executed soon after the year 1400 in theCentral German states where there was a strongtradition of wood carving.

Woodcut prints were made on a comparatively

simple type of press using minimum pressure, andsince the impression was taken from the relief surfaceof a block which could be the same thickness as thestandard height of type, the method was particularlysuitable for book printing, enabling the printer toproduce text and illustrations in one operation. In thecase of maps, lettering was often cut separately in metaland fitted as necessary to holes in the wooden block. Ingeneral, printing from woodblocks gave a bold,simple, black and white finish which, however, couldshow little subtlety, shading or gradation of toneexcept perhaps in the hands of a master, such as Diireror Holbein. Blocks were used for many years, thoughwith use the design gradually lost its first clarity andcrispness, a fact which, in itself, can be a valuable clueto dating. Maps were often brought up to date by'infilling' parts of the woodblock and re-cutting, and ifnecessary type could easily be removed and re-set.

In the case of wood engravings the design was cutinto the hard end-grain of the wood instead of thesofter edge surfaces of a plank and this gave a finer andmore lasting base.

In the century from about 1450 to 15 50 it was to beexpected that printers in such centres of geographicalknowledge as Nuremberg, Augsburg, Basle andStrassburg, where the technique had a long andflourishing history, should turn to the use of woodcutsrather than to the newly introduced Italian method ofcopper engraving, and it followed that most of themaps in this period were included in books as part ofthe text and were not printed as separate sheets. Roundabout 1550, however, the centre of map productionmoved away from Germany to Italy where, especiallyin Rome, Venice and Florence, copper engraving hadlong been in use in the print-sellers' trade and itsgeneral adoption for printing maps was a natural step.In consequence, from the middle of the century, fewerand fewer woodcut maps appeared and engraving oncopper became general with emphasis on the produc-

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PRINTING STUDIO Engraving from Nova Reptrta & Alia by Jan van der Straet called Stradanus. An interesting print datedabout 15 50-60 showing the processes involved in printing from copper plates. On the extreme right the master engraver can beseen teaching apprentices and (lower left) an apprentice at work. On the bench in the centre, a copper plate is being heatedbefore inking and, behind, on the same bench, ink being applied. In the centre is the large flat-bed press and, behind that,completed prints are being hung up to dry.

tion of sheet maps. There was a revival of woodblockprinting in the mid nineteenth century when it provedan effective method of producing illustrations of newsitems for weekly magazines and maps for encyclo-paedias.


Engraving is a method of printing which was first usedin the fifteenth century and is still used today, notablyfor printing banknotes and some postage stamps.Starting with a metal plate - usually copper, but latterly(around 1850) steel - the engraver cuts into the metal,in mirror image, the design which is to be printed. Theinked plate is passed through two rollers rather like amangle with a piece of dampened paper on top of it; the

paper bearing the printed impression derived from theink-filled recesses of the plate is then removed. One ofthe characteristics of prints produced in this way is thatthe printed lines stand proud on the surface of thepaper; this can be felt quite plainly by lightly running afinger over the surface of a banknote. Another distinct-ive feature of old engravings is the 'plate mark'normally present on the unprinted border, caused bythe pressure of the edges of the metal plate duringprinting.

Metal plates were often kept in use for a very longtime and, in fact, some of the original plates forsporting prints by Henry Alken (ft. 1816-51) andothers are still being printed today. A few of the platesfor John Speed's maps were in use 150 years after theyfirst appeared, later engravers having updated them bybeating out the comparatively soft copper base and re-

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MARTIN WALDSEEMULLER Tabula Nova Norbegiac & Gottiae (Scandinavia). Woodcut map published in Strassburg in( 1 5 2 5 edition) based on the earlier map of Scandinavia by Claudius Clavus (c. 1425).

cutting with new detail. Alterations made in thismanner are a way of dating maps and they can make afascinating study for the collector.


Lithography is a 'planographic* process of printingfrom a surface which is neither raised nor recessed - asopposed to woodcuts where the design appears in'relief, or line engravings where the design is cut intothe surface ('intaglio'). The process, based on theantipathy of water and grease, was discovered in 1796and therefore has only been used for comparatively'modern' maps. It was found that by using greasy chalkor tallow to draw an image on the surface of a suitablytreated piece of limestone, the greasy image wouldrepel moisture, whereas the other parts of the stone'ssurface would accept it. When inked with a roller thewet surface repelled the ink but the greasy imageaccepted it. Paper applied with equal pressure to the

inked surface produced a printed image - in reverse. Inpractice the image was drawn in reverse or transferredonto the stone's surface. By the use of separate stonesfor different colours, multi-coloured prints could beobtained provided that great care was taken over theprecise colour registration of each colourstone. Thelithographic process was not used to any great extentfor quantity production until 1820, and not mech-anized until 1860. Present-day methods of lithographydo, of course, use different materials and methods,although the principle - antipathy of oil and water -remains the same.


Setting aside manuscript maps, all early maps wereprinted in black and white, although there are examplesof maps dated 1 5 1 1 on which place names were printedin red. Map makers soon discovered that colouring

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V O V A K T A C C V R V T I S S I M A T O T I V S T E K R A R V M O R B I S T A B V I. A J^, I.,,., Bn.v .

JOAN BLAEU Now </ Accuratissima totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula. This elegantly engraved twin hemisphere world map waspublished in Amsterdam in the Atlas Maior from 1662 to 1672, when the plate was lost in the fire which destroyed the Blaeuprinting establishment.

helped to sell their products and maps were advertisedfor sale as 'coloured or plain'. In consequence engravedmaps were frequently coloured by hand immediatelybefore issue, but to colour large numbers was a slowand expensive process and many were sold uncoloured.

Traditional methods used on earlier manuscriptmaps governed the way colourists worked and thebasic colours used changed very little over the cen-turies - forests, woods and estates in green, hills inbrown or black, towns in red, the sea, lakes and riversin indigo and so on. Armorial bearings were usuallycarefully painted, the colourist using a recognizedheraldic code. Cartouches, compass roses, ships, seamonsters and human figures gave the map painterample scope to use his imagination, although to someextent the colours of these, too, were governed by thefashions of the period. Nevertheless, although the

colours used over the years did not change greatly,obviously style and fashion did, reflecting the ages inwhich the maps were printed. Before about 1 5 5 0 thesea was usually represented by swirling lines, thenstippling became the vogue and later still a wash ofplain colour was used. In very early maps, towns wereshown disproportionately large and were indicated bytowered castles and house roofs but after the firstquarter of the sixteenth century the castle symbols werereplaced by church spires or towers. In most woodcutmaps hills were shown by using caterpillar-like lineswhich in the later 15005 gave way to picturesque,gently rising mounds - then towards the end of theseventeenth century the first attempts were made togive a true indication of height and slope by means ofappropriate shading.

Maps were often dominated by elaborate cartouches

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giving the title, the cartographer, the dedication andperhaps details of scale. Those on woodcuts were quiteplain and simple but on engraved maps they becamemore and more elaborate through the sixteenth andseventeenth centuries; in later years they were lessformal, passing through baroque and rococco phasesbut often incorporating many aspects of the life of thetimes, especially scenes in tropical lands.


When the fragility of maps is considered, it is remark-able that so many have survived over three or fourhundred years, and we must admire the quality of thehand-made paper on which they were produced andthe splendid bindings of the early 'Atlases'. Apart fromthose manuscript maps and charts produced on vellumor parchment, most early maps which collectors arelikely to find were printed on strong, thick hand-madepaper from France, Germany and Switzerland and thefinest of all from the Ancona area of Northern Italy. InEngland paper was made on a limited scale during thesixteenth century and, in general, French paper wasimported until about 1610 when good home-producedhandmade paper became available in quantity. Practi-cally all early paper bore a watermark which can be auseful guide in dating a map although the evidence ofsuch marks should be treated with caution. A batch ofpaper might have been used for a limited number ofprints over perhaps as long as twenty or thirty yearsbut, considered in conjunction with other clues, a dateof printing can be sometimes closely determined. Theabsence of a watermark does not necessarily imply thata map is a fake nor does it have any effect on value.

The size of paper on which maps were produced wasalmost standard and was conditioned by the size of thetrays used for making paper by hand - 28 x 24 in. - andby the size of the presses available. In the early days ofpaper-making, handmade paper was produced almostentirely from linen and rags pulped in water. Afterthorough mixing a close-meshed wire tray was dippedinto the pulp and sufficient lifted out to give therequired thickness of paper - the water was drained off,the sheet subsequently dried between layers of felt andthen hung to dry. The wire mesh of the tray, into whichthe watermark motif was also worked, produced thevertical and horizontal lines apparent on holding thepaper up to the light.


It may be useful to note here some of the technicalterms used in the map trade which, incidentally, differin some degree from those common in the book trade.Let it be said at once that there is no general agreementamong carto-bibliographers on some of these defini-tions but the authors of the present work suggest thosegiven below which they have found to be generally-acceptable.

• A PROOF, which is a print taken before engraving iscompleted.

• An IMPRESSION, which is a single print: impressionsshowing differences in the engraving on a plate aresaid to be in different 'states'.

• An EDITION, which is the term likely to concernmost of us, consists of the impressions made from adistinct state of a plate.

• A RE-ISSUE. In an endeavour to simplify matters thisterm has been used in the biographical notes in PartII of this work to cover any edition, issue, state orwhatever, printed after the first edition.

Book terms:

• INCUNABULUM/A: Latin: 'things in the cradle' - aterm applied arbitrarily to books printed up to theyear 1500.

• COLOPHON, a note, often in the form of, or accom-panied by, a device or mark, giving particulars ofthe printer and perhaps the date and place ofprinting, found on the end page of early printedbooks.

The following Latin terms are often used on mapsthemselves to indicate

(a) the cartographer or draughtsman: auctore, composuit,delineavit (del., delin.), descripsit, invenit.

(b) the engraver: caelavit, engr., fecit, (fee.), incidit,incidente, sculpsit (sec., sculp.).

(c) the printer or publishers: apud., excudit (excud., exc.),ex officina, formis, lith., sumptibus.

(d) the points of the compassOriens = the rising sun, the East;Occidens = the setting sun, the West;Meridio = the midday sun, the South;Septentrio = the seven stars of the Great Bear, the


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THOMAS MOULE Map of Oxfordshire (steel engraving) from The English Counties Delineated, first published separately in 1850and subsequently in Atlas form.

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Chapter 3

HEREFORD WORLD MAP c. ijooMaps may be regarded either as a guide to help thetraveller on his way from one point to another or as asource of information about the varied countries of theworld. The world map preserved in Hereford Cath-edral since about the year 1300 was certainly of verylimited use for the first purpose but, as to the second,no 'map' ever produced has crowded into a space 5 2 in.(1,320 mm) in diameter on a piece of vellum such anencyclopaedic amount of geographical, historical, bib-lical and mythical information. All the more extraordi-nary that such a masterpiece should have been createdby a churchman, by name Richard of Haldingham (inLincolnshire) of whom little is known but the barefacts of his movements between various livings andcathedral appointments. It seems safe to assume thatthe map was his personal work and, although it bearsno signature as such, it is inscribed with a note inNorman French which reads:

Let all who have this estoire [history], or shall hear or seeor read it, pray to Jesus in God for pity on Richard ofHaldingham and Lafford who has made and drawn it, thatjoy in heaven be granted to him.

Where it was compiled can only be conjectured; theauthor was treasurer of Lincoln Cathedral in the yearsbetween 1250 and 1260 and subsequently held anappointment at Salisbury Cathedral, apart from otherlivings, including Haldingham, before moving toHereford in 1305.

The creation of such a map in the late thirteenthcentury must have called for a quite remarkable andexceptional depth of study of classical manuscripts andit is probable that most of it was completed during hisappointment at Lincoln Cathedral. But if we lookbeyond the scholarship involved and visualize the taskof assembling the information required, the actualdrawing of the map itself and the hazards of travel onmedieval roads over thirty or forty years it is little shortof a miracle that the map survived the long period of

preparation, let alone the 700 years since itscompletion.

The map itself, roughly based on the T-O design socommonly used in medieval times, is considered to bederived, albeit by a very devious route and with manyvariants, from the Agrippa map of the Roman worldprepared in the first century AD by the order of theEmperor Caesar Augustus who is here shown en-throned in a lower corner of the map. Surrounding themap are two concentric circles subdivided into twelvesections containing descriptive details of the winds ofthe earth illustrated so frequently in the borders ofPtolemaic maps. As a map of the medieval world it isnaturally based on the three known continents, Asia,Africa and Europe, the whole encircling Jerusalem atthe hub of the 'wheel', whereas on the Agrippa mapRome was placed at the centre of the known world. Ofthe countries and oceans represented little is rec-ognizable by shape; even England, Scotland andIreland are crudely shown, much out of scale, by threeoval-shaped outlines, Scotland being drawn separatelyas an island. Numerous cities and towns appear withinturrets and castellated walls and rivers are given undueprominence with little regard to geographical position;but more important than the manuscript's geograph-ical purpose is its pictorial message. It provides us withan account of ancient legends: the Golden Fleece, theMinoan Labyrinth and St Brendan's 'blessed isles'; thecampaigns of Alexander the Great and his containmentof Gog and Magog within the confines of Asia; biblicalscenes from Adam and Eve and the Garden of Edenand the Ark to the Crucifixion. Apart from therepresentation of Caesar Augustus instructing hisofficials to survey the world there are few references toRome, but to make up for that the geographical andhistorical detail is overlaid by fantasies culled from theliterature of the times; monsters of every sort, humanand animal, recognizable or imagined, abound -imagined as far as the twentieth century is concerned

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hi «ft Cfts*urront

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HEREFORD WORLD MAP TA< British Isles and Parts of France and Spain. Britannia Insula (centre) includes Anglia, Cornubia, Scotiaand Wallia. Hibernia is adjacent. The Rhine flows from right to left (top) and the turreted city of Paris is on the Seine (centreright). Spain is at the bottom right. In the left corner the Emperor Caesar Augustus delivers a mandate to three officialsappointed to survey the world. Below this mandate, in Norman French, is the plea for prayers for the map maker, Richard ofHaldingham. (Portion of the Hereford World Map reproduced by courtesy of the Dean and Chapter of Hereford Cathedral.)

but no doubt then accepted as facts of life.We can only guess at the reasons behind the creation

of such a map; one purpose at least must have been toprovide in a simple and compact form, especially forthe illiterate, a pictorial encyclopaedia of knowledgeavailable at the time, but, as it was compiled by a

churchman within cathedral precincts, it does seemmore likely that its primary purpose was to teachbiblical history in the context of the thirteenth-centuryworld, an objective Richard of Haldingham achievedin a unique manner.

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Chapter 4

NUREMBERG CHRONICLEThe invention of printing from movable type about theyear 1450 was, without doubt, one of the major culturalmilestones in the history of Europe. At last laborioustranscription of manuscripts by hand could be dis-pensed with, and the new processes, combined with thespread of paper manufacture, made possible the repro-duction of books in almost any quantity on any subject.It was an invention which represented a revolution inthe intellectual opportunities available to ordinarypeople; apart from the Bible and sacred literature,scholars of the day compiled editions of the Greek andLatin classics, histories, dictionaries and textbooks ofevery kind, hitherto available only in church ormonastic libraries. Although for a time there wasconsiderable opposition from churchmen (who sawtheir grip on education being set aside) and from theold craft guilds (who feared the threat to theirlivelihood) it has been calculated that, by the end of thecentury, not far short of 10 million books, includingover a hundred editions of the Bible had been printed.

In the story of printing Nuremberg plays a majorpart and soon became one of the most important andinfluential publishing centres. Although not foundeduntil soon after the year 1000, the city's position at themeeting point of North-South and East-West traderoutes in Central Europe, and its designation in themiddle of the thirteenth century as an Imperial FreeCity, led to rapid growth in wealth and status.

By the fifteenth century it had become one of thegreat cultural centres of Europe, its scholars andcraftsmen exercising powerful influence throughoutthe Continent, not only on the development ofcartography but on scientific thought in general. Manyfamous scholars worked or lived there includingRegiomontanus (Johann Miiller), the astronomer;Johann Schoner, astronomer and globe maker; Hart-mann Schedel, cosmographer and entrepreneur;Anton Koberger, master printer; Martin Behaim,cosmographer and globe maker; and Ehrhard Etzlaub,

an instrument maker who produced a road map ofCentral Europe, the earliest printed map of its type.And, most important of all, Albrecht Diirer who wasborn there in 1471.

Amongst all the magnificent books printed in thefifteenth century - which are known as incunables -one stands out as being the finest illustrated topo-graphical work of the period: the Liber Chronicarum orNuremberg Chronicle. Published by HartmannSchedel and printed by Anton Koberger in July 1495 itcontained a total of 1,809 woodcuts which include aPtolemaic world map, a 'birds-eye' map of Europeand the first known printed view of an English town.These woodcuts were made by Michael Wohlgemut(Wolgemut) (1434-1519), and his son-in-law, WilhelmPleydenwurff. Wohlgemut was Diirer's tutor between1486 and 1490.

The print of 'Anglie Provincia' opposite was oncethought to be a representation of Dover or evenLondon but is now considered to be an illustration of atypically European city of the day and actually has astriking resemblance to the architecture of Nurembergin 1493. The description accompanying the view (seetranslation below) is written in medieval Latin andincludes the following: '. . . many say that the Kingsand Princes of England and the Parliament of thepeople meet to this day with the merchants there'. Thisseems a clear implication that the authors were not sureof these facts and illustrates how remote London wasfrom Nuremberg in medieval times.

Apart from its general interest as a very earlydescriptive topographical work, the NurembergChronicle is also, by virtue of its date of publication, anhistorical document of the greatest importance. Issuedseven months after Columbus landed in the NewWorld, the Chronicle presents us with a 'last' view ofthe known medieval world as seen by the peoples ofWestern Europe. Within a few years new editions werebeing issued incorporating news of the successful

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Zercuetas munoi

t»* <J ad ei nauigjnb* pn* appjret vouuerei Jg«ittJnij * bntto iri In ij pefhimi Unnov ' ef' hi 10 alote>n.i inful j q uj gigatetf fupata

_. Ljb i^bnnjnij JppiMUuit . t tbbjudniJinjuv JdmioaybJittanictiiffcrctusgjlliJti oniuuiiattfcebarMlHC a qVLij anglo potetiffinw rcge angtia in bodicmn Die appdlau eft. Ktocf mangfarwc interfcptctnonc 7 occidcte fit j. q ab oi 9tincte oabef Oiuifi. tla; agennania q (IS fcptetnoe eft inop»t.€t majgalltJ 7 bylpantj verfua oecidete .ptmdif .ft 16 folm* Mnt.fims erat o:bie ou gjlUa httiKio .mfi btttilnu mful j nomc pene «bis altm' mereref .tJn wgili*.tt penu* tow M-nlbe 0?be bJittanos. ur* aut

. 50ibusu\ tnuiffc fiUoa fcrut .1". toamu dlbanera 7 Camb.-e.fiui piiomedia mfuU RO obueni t. Ouc ab ipo locbn* polki fti 11 cognoiata.ft i ca adbuc lundinfi quit jti eware OfSrb« mereatozib* 7 negoaatonb* majfc cdetuata. Jn q adbiie angUe regcs priape% x (enat* ppft cummcrcatonb' coium're vt pfnmn rradut-fllbanew <>o a* nUo qrta uifub p.8 obuenit.q ab co albani j foit t>icta.(Ct6fci>Cunuenucup«f.f ftfict"mfii|j inqdl angltafcocia fupnug0inadlone$vcrfaHuniib9baudma0nie 7 mou fid« ab angba Oifcrcta.Cmibn veto tcrcto Mio cambju 4 nuc Xbyte w mfitla inter fepi cinonalcpU^7oeadetaUvq vlnnufiio-ateta^it' aroinania.inqefhiKjfollhciofolecr cancnficcre faa'•Me triws nor nulU.bnjniab foifhcui .pwde OK« null*.feui» mfule maria pe fruoifera c. flbudat pecoieAuro 7 argeto femxR.Cffcruftir(B er ea pellea 7 maeipu.6t eauea ad venJdu apnflimi .dfWi mfulis nee(onobilib eiroiklaf.qV bibemta ei j»jnmat magnirudierparuo ab;ift.uii6 Pifuiaafreto. ft ifulc giie Os-ehaccs appellate JBregon* btiffim'ponfej: b* noi« (ette eo miflle fliigufhno mileto 7 lobane m«ebi« 015aloe obanflime we vine, zmm anglu ad fide puerat.£t in ea can mth reges daruere miradis. Ctreuitu bnttdma patefe tngmta oao mriia p jffup repruagiu qufq; mitias pytbue? yMMM tradut .in c) (b«6•ugna 7 multj rtumuu.p.'cterca metaUov Urga varu4}copu.£onmi byftorue £vdj opninc ccfcnbu.


Anglie Provinda. Stylized illustration of a medieval town

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Atlantic voyages and the discoveries on the Americancontinent; discoveries which proved to be key factorsin the complex problems of mapping the modernworld as we know it.

The following is a translation of the Latin textaccompanying the illustration of 'England' in earlyeditions of the Chronicle:

Anglie Provincia

The island of England was originally called Albion aftercertain white mountains which were seen by those steeringtowards it; but was then named Britain perpetuating thename of a fierce son (Brutus) of Silvius, the last king of theLatins, who overcame the giants inhabiting the island. Itwas called 'Greater' (Great) Britain to distinguish it fromthe lesser Britain (Brittany) of France which adjoins it. Itspresent-day name of England is taken from a certain'Anglus' who was a powerful king. England forms atriangle between North and West and is separated from thecontinent at all points, beginning near Germany in theNorth and extending alongside France and Spain towardsthe West. Solinus regarded the French shore as the limit ofthis world and the island of Britain almost as belonging toanother. And Virgil thought of it as separated from therest of the globe. But Brutus having decided to settle inEngland, immediately founded on the banks of the RiverThames a city so well fortified that it recalled in all itsforces the memory of ancient Troy. This Brutus is said to

have had three sons; Locrinus, Albanetus and Camber andthey divided the island amonst themselves. To Locrinus,the first born, fell all of the centre of the kingdom, whichlater became known as Lochria after him, and his city ofLondon is still greatly celebrated for its merchants andtraders. And many say that the Kings and Princes ofEngland and the Parliament of the people meet to this daywith the merchants there. To the second son Albanetus fellanother part of the island and this was called 'Albania', butnowadays Scocia (Scotland). This Scotland occupies thehigher part of the island, which lies towards the Northwinds and is separated from England by some smallishrivers and a certain mountain range. The third soninherited Cambria, now called Thule, the districts to theNorth and West which were the last to be explored by theRomans and where, during the summer solstice, the sunpasses only from the star of Cancer and there is thus nonight; while during the winter there is no day. The greaterpart of the Island is fertile. It is surrounded by many otherislands of some dimensions, the largest of them Hibernia(Ireland) which is divided from Britain by a narrowchannel, and some smaller ones called the Orchades(Orkneys). The blessed Pope Gregory, second of thisname, sent to Britain the monks Augustine of Miletus andJohn with other men of outstanding character and theyfirst converted the English. Since then many of their kingshave shone forth for their miracles. The dimensions ofBritain are given by Pythies and Ysidore as 38,075 [square]miles, and in it are many fine rivers, besides large andvaried supplies of metals. Its history is to be found bestdescribed in Bede.

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Chapter 5



To the modern eye roads are as vital a part of a map asrivers, place names or mountain ranges and yet mapshad been produced for centuries before roads wereconsidered an essential feature of cartography. At sea,as we have described elsewhere, portulan charts werein common use in the thirteenth and fourteenthcenturies and had reached a high degree of sophisti-cation, but with one or two important exceptions,there was no counterpart for land maps.

In a sense, mobility on land in early times was not theessential factor it has become in the last century or so,but when one thinks of the hazards and dangers oftravelling, guidance was far more necessary than in ourown day. In fact, in spite of primitive roads andrestrictions imposed by lack of transport, movementmust have involved great numbers of people: forcenturies emissaries and armies moved across the faceof Europe and Asia, wool traders came even fromTurkey to the Cotswolds, pilgrims and crusaderscovered enormous distances. In the British Isles therewere the drovers' or drift roads along which cattle weredriven from the North and West to the fairs andmarkets near the centres of population as well as theSalt Ways used throughout the Middle Ages for thedistribution of salt from Cheshire to all parts ofEngland.

As might be expected, it was the Romans whoproduced a remarkably practical and accurate map ofthe 50,000 or more miles of roads in the Empire,probably in the third century AD. Known as thePeutinger Table, from the name of a sixteenth-centuryGerman antiquarian who possessed a thirteenth-century copy, now in Vienna, it was in the form of aroll about 22 feet long and a foot wide, showing roadsin straight lines with distances between stages. By itsnature, the shapes of most countries and land masseswere much distorted, but no doubt it served itspurpose as an efficient guide.

In Britain, as elsewhere, the Roman roads fell into

decay over the centuries and by the Middle Ages werereputedly among the worst in Europe. Indeed, moreoften than not, they were narrow winding lanes orbridle tracks between cultivated fields and, in theabsence of hedges and fences, frequently changedcourse as weather conditions or changes in landownership dictated. Perhaps these factors impelled theEnglish chronicler, Matthew Paris, and the monks ofthe Benedictine Abbey of St Albans to draw, about theyear 1250, a crude but picturesque map of the countryincluded in their History of the English. Although not aroad map as such, it was clearly intended as a guiderather than a true geographical representation ofEngland and part of Scotland. Rivers and rivercrossings are shown prominently and the positions oftowns are distorted so that they appear almost in astraight line from the North to Dover, the intentionbeing to show travellers, whether pilgrims, crusadersor traders, the shortest route to Dover and theContinent.

A century later appeared the 'Gough' map of GreatBritain (so named after its eighteenth-century dis-coverer) which can be said to be a real map, numerousroads being shown diagrammatically in red, leadingfrom town to town with staging distances. There isevidence that the 'Gough' map and copies of it were inuse 200 years later and yet, even so, roads were stillignored by Saxton and Speed in spite of their de-pendence on them for carrying out countrywidesurveys.

Although road maps were so neglected in Englandand elsewhere, there was a notable exception inGermany where, in 1492, Ehrhard Etzlaub, an instru-ment maker, compiled decorative woodblock roadmaps of the surroundings of Nuremberg and otherGerman cities, as well as a much larger map of CentralEurope known as 'The Rome Way'. This is thought tohave been prepared in time for the Holy Year cele-brations held in Rome in the vear isoo. its obvious

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purpose being to indicate routes from as far away asDenmark in the North, Paris in the West and Poland inthe East, to Rome which, incidentally, was placedtowards the top of the map with North at the bottom.Etzlaub's ideas, like those of the anonymous compilerof the 'Gough' map in England, were exceptionalinnovations, far ahead of their time, and were notfollowed up for a century or more.

In the absence of any indication of roads on theirmaps, we must assume that English travellers hadsome means of guidance in their travels and we doindeed find that in this period there were in existence'road books' which usually consisted of brief descrip-tions of the countryside through which roads passedand, of more importance, details of the main 'highWais' with distances between stopping-places. Ofthese books the earliest was the Itinerary of John Lelandwritten about 15 55-45, followed by a number of otherspublished in the last quarter of the century, notablyHolinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland,first printed in 1577, containing tables of roads andstage distances, which were frequently copied by otherpublishers.

In France, road books in similar style were publishedfrom about 1512 onwards, one of them by JeanBernard, printed in Paris in 1579, being of particularinterest. A short history of England and Scotland, itcontained a volume giving details of many main roadsin England and Wales with occasional warnings of thedangers of thieves and brigands. The earliest sheet mapproduced in France showing the post roads of thatcountry was published in 1632 by Melchior Tavernier,copies of which are extremely rare. It was also printedin later atlases by Nicolas Sanson from 1654 onwards.In Central Europe, if we ignore the very early maps byEhrhard Etzlaub (c. 1500) already mentioned, the firstroad map covering the German States, Switzerland,the Low Countries and bordering lands was publishedby Johann and Conrad Jung (1641) followed by othersby Johann Ulrich Muller (1692) and Johann Peter Nell(1709-11).

In E.ngland it was left to John Norden (1595—98)and Philip Symonson (1596), contemporaries ofSaxton, to be the first to show roads on half a dozencounty maps but few examples have survived, and theirwork was not following up by either Kip or Hole inpreparing the maps for Camden's Britannia or bySpeed in his atlases. In fact, the only works of any notein this field were Norden's An Intended Guydefor EnglishTravailers (1625), in which he demonstrated for the first

time the use of triangular distance tables much as weuse them today, and Matthew Simmons' A Direction forthe English Traviller (engraved by Jacob van Langeren),a series of very small maps published in 1635. Anedition with enlarged maps was issued in 1643 byThomas Jenner who is also known for theQuartermaster's Map of England and Wales, so calledbecause of its use in the Civil War. TheQuartermaster's Map continued in use until late in thecentury but by that time much more detailed and up-to-date guidance was required to meet travellers'demands.

From about 1668 sheet maps showing post roadsand 'cross-roads' in England and Wales appeared, ofwhich the most important were by RobertWalton/Thomas Porter (c. 1668), William Berry/Wenceslaus Hollar (c. 1669-76, 4 sheets), John Adams(c. 1677-79, I2 sheets, and 1685, i sheets) and RobertWalton (1680). John Adams also published an IndexVillaris, a gazetteer of cities and market towns withdistance tables. For practical purposes, however, therewere obvious limitations to the amount of detail whichcould be included on sheet maps and it was not longbefore these defects were remedied by the invention ofthe 'strip map' by John Ogilby.

In 1675 Ogilby published, to 'Great Applause", theBritannia - a Geographical and Historical Description of thePrincipal Roads thereof, consisting of 100 maps of theprincipal roads of England and Wales, engraved instrip form, giving details of the roads themselves anddescriptive notes of the country on either side, eachstrip having a compass rose to indicate changes ofdirection. According to advertisement his survey wassaid to have measured over 2 5,000 miles of road (infact, the maps covered 7,500 miles), all surveyed onfoot, of course, with a 'perambulator' or measuringwheel to log the distances from place to place. He usedthroughout the standard mile of 1,760 yards, whichhad been introduced by statute in 1593 but which hadnever supplanted the old long, middle and short miles,an endless source of confusion to travellers. Therewere four issues of the Britannia in 1675-76 and areprint in 1698.

As Ogilby's maps primarily indicated the post roadsof England and Wales it is, perhaps, an opportunemoment to note that, contrary to the generally ac-cepted idea that our posts started in 1840 with Hill's'Penny Post', there had, in fact, been a system of RoyalPosts ever since the time of Edward I, and in the earlypart of the sixteenth century a Master of the Posts was

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1 mwv/£ -•• v-&'%:. Si.1 ,.l .., .

WILLIAM BERRY v4 N#w Afa/>/> o/ /& Kingdome of England and Principalitit of Walts. A recently discovered large road map ofEngland and Wales engraved by Wenceslaus Hollar and dated c. 1669-76. This map may have pre-dated John Ogilby'sBritannia.

appointed by Henry VIII. This postal system wasexclusively for royal use but in 1660 a 'Letter Office ofEngland and Scotland' was established for public mailand a distribution network using the post roads soonbecame widely used. Clearly Ogilby's maps, and thosewhich soon followed, met a great and growing need. In1676 Robert Morden, inspired by Ogilby's strip maps,issued packs of playing cards giving a very fairindication of the main roads in each county and fromthen onwards practically all county maps includedroads even though the roads themselves were stillhardly recognizable as such. Only when TurnpikeTrusts were set up with the express purpose oflevelling charges to offset the costs of road improve-ments was there any real change. As a result people

began to travel for pleasure rather than of necessitywith a consequent demand for road books and atlaseswhich were issued in ever increasing quantity andvariety, usually in quarto, octavo or pocket sizevolumes; Ogilby's Britannia, splendid though it was inits original form, was far too cumbersome as atravelling companion. Among the most popular worksin the early part of the eighteenth century were thoseby John Senex, and John Owen and Emanuel Bowen,followed by Daniel Paterson, William Faden and, at theend of the century, by John Gary, the most popular ofall. Not only were their guides constantly enlarged andre-issued in numerous editions but there is evidencethat some individual editions ran to as many as5/10,000 copies.

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L O N I J O N «• * L A N D S E ND

JOHN OGILBY Afa/> of the Road from Creifkerne to Exeter and Plymouth. From the famous Britannia - a Geographical and HistoricalDescription of the Principal Roads thereof, first published in 1675.

In the same period, in France, Germany and Italy,cartographers developed their own methods of com-piling road maps, generally following the style ofTavernier's Post Road Map of France (1632), alreadymentioned, rather than Ogilby's strip maps, althoughsome examples in that form were published in Franceand Italy. Notable examples of Continental maps, oftenin many editions, were published by N. de Fer (1700),A. H. Jaillot (1711), L. Denis (1768, 1774), L. C.Desnos (1761 France and 1766 England), J. B.Homann (1714), C. Weigel (1745) and C. G. Rossi (c.1703).

The following list includes brief details of the betterknown road books and atlases of England and Walespublished from 1676 onwards.


c. 1669-76 ANewMappoftheKingdomeofEnglandand

Principlaitie of WalesLarge road map (620 x 790 mm) engravedby Wenceslaus Hollar

1679 Grand Roads of England


c. 1680 A Neif Mapp of England and Wales to whichthe roads or highways are playnly layd forth


1676 The Traveller's Pocket Book (no Maps)

PHILIP LEAc. 1687 The Traveler's Guide - A New Map of

England and Wales with the direct and crossroads

1690-92 Angliae Totius Tabula (John Adams)1695 A Travelling Mapp of England containing the

Principall Roads

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JOHN OWEN and EMANUEL BOWEN High Barnet to Bigglesvade. Road map from Britannia Depicta or Ogilby Improved,published in many editions from 1720 to about 1764.

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1719 A Pocket Guide for the 'English Traveller

JOHN SENEXI7I9~75 -d" actual survey of all the Principal Roads of

England and Wales - Ogilby's maps reducedin size.

JOHN OWEN and EMANUEL BOWEN1720—64 Britannia Depicta or Ogilby Improved


1730 The Traveller's Guide or Ogilby's RoadsEpitomised


1746 The English Traveller176) The Traveller's Assistant


1757 Roads through England Delineated


1767 Post Chaise Companion1783 Traveller's Guide through England & Wales


1771-1832 A 'New and Accurate Description of all theDirect and Principal Cross Roads in GreatBritain

1772-79 Pater son's Travelling Dictionary1785-1807 Paterson's British Itinerary


1772 Atlas of Road Maps1782 Bowles Post Chaise Companion


1775 Itinerary or Traveller's Companion


1776 An actual survey of the Great Post Roadsbetween London and Edinburgh


1776 A Survey of the Great Post Roads betweenLondon, Bath and Bristol


1781-1833 The Roads of Great Britain


1784 New British Traveller


1790-1828 Traveller's CompanionThe maps in this work, prepared at therequest of the Postmaster General, werebased on a completely new survey of theturnpike roads of England and Wales,carried out by John Gary from 1780onwards with the assistance of AaronArrowsmith. The Traveller's Companionbecame immensely popular and had aconsiderable influence on the formativework of the Ordnance Survey Office,which was established in 1791.

1798-1828 Gary's New Itinerary

LAURIE and WHITTLE1806 New Travellers' Companion


1817-22 A Survey of the High Roads of England andWales


1819 New British Traveller


18 24 New Book of Roads


1826 New Pocket Companion to the Roads ofEngland and Wales

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JOHN GARY Staffordshire London 1792. The pocket road maps in Gary's Travellers' Companion and \em Itinerary, of which theabove is an example, were issued in numerous and quite large editions from about 1790 to 1828.

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Chapter 6

SEA CHARTS & ATLASESIt requires no great effort to imagine that sea charts ofsome kind must have been in use in the Mediterraneanfrom the earliest times and Ptolemy wrote in AD 150that, half a century before that date, Marinus of Tyrewas drawing charts based on Rhodes, then the focalpoint of the Eastern Mediterranean. Beyond that, wereally have only the scantiest knowledge of methods ofnavigation, until the invention in Italy in the early yearsof the thirteenth century of the compass, at firstconsisting of an elementary iron needle and compassstone from which the magnetic compass soon evolved.The discovery was decisive in the development of seacharts, then known as portulan charts, a term based onthe word 'portolano', which was an Italian pilot bookor seaman's guide containing written sailing directionsbetween ports and indicating prominent coastal land-marks and navigational hazards. These were alsoknown to English seamen in the Middle Ages as'rutter' from the French 'routier'. Essentially, thecharts showed only the detail of coastlines with place-names written on the landward side at right angles,prominent ports and safe harbours usually beingshown in red and other names in black. In the sea areasthere were compass roses from which direction orrhumb lines extended over the chart enabling anavigator to plot his route, whilst other open spaceswere embellished with flags and coats of arms of thecoastal states and vignettes of cities and ports. By theirvery nature and usage comparatively few have sur-vived and the earliest, thought to originate in Genoa,date from the beginning of the fourteenth century. Thefinest collection, drawn on skin, known as the CatalanAtlas, was prepared for Charles V of France in 1375 byMajorcan pilots, the leading navigators of their day,whose voyaging ranged from the Baltic to the BlackSea. Their navigational skills and practical applicationof the use of sea charts were major influences on thedevelopment of Italian cartography and, in particular,on the projects of Henry the Navigator in Portugal

where, in the early years of the fifteenth century, thefirst tentative voyages down the west coast of Africawere being made.

In Venice, about 1485, the first printed book of seacharts of islands in the Mediterranean compiled byBartolommeo dalli Sonetti was published. In thisIsolario, or island book, and in others of a similar typewhich appeared in later years, islands were shown instylised outline, embellished only with compass points.Otherwise they were left plain, sometimes even with-out place names. It is thought they were printed in thismanner so that names and navigational detail could beinserted by hand. Surviving copies are frequentlyannotated in this way. No doubt these books wereuseful in their day but by the middle of the sixteenthcentury the development of commerce, especially inNorth West Europe, called for better aids to navi-gation in the seas beyond the Mediterranean. Notsurprisingly the Dutch provided the answer. Theirseamen had acquired a virtual monopoly of the coastaltrade of Western Europe, trans-shipping the wealth ofthe East and the New World from Lisbon and Spanishports to Holland, the Baltic and the British Isles. Tomeet the demands of this trade a pilot in Enkhuizen onthe Zuider Zee, Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer, compiledand had published in Leyden, in 15 84, a collection ofcharts entitled Spiegel der Zeevaerdt, which was greetedwith immediate acclaim and many editions in Dutch,English, French and German were issued in thefollowing thirty years. The English edition translatedby Sir Anthony Ashley, with entirely re-engravedcharts, was published in London in 1588, the year ofthe Armada. So great was its popularity that the name,anglicized to 'Waggoner', came into use in English as ageneric term for sea charts of all kinds.

Also in 1588 there appeared a series of charts drawnby Robert Adams showing the engagements, almostday by day, between the English and Spanish fleets andthe subsequent destruction of the Armada. Reproduc-

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dons of these charts were made about 150 years later ina book entitled The Tapestry Hangings of the House ofLords representing the several Engagements between theEnglish and Spanish Fleets in the ever memorable year ijXH.Issued in 1739 by John Pine, this was possibly the finestEnglish book of eighteenth-century engravings.

In 1569, a few years before the issue of Waghenaer'scharts, Gerard Mercator published in Germany aworld map using for the first time his new method ofprojection, which was to mark the greatest advance inmap making since Ptolemy. In fact, for ordinaryseamen of the time, Mercator's new ideas were tooadvanced and difficult to apply in practice and it wasnot until Edward Wright, an Englishman, providedthe necessary mathematical formulae in a book entitledCertaine Errors of Navigation, followed by a world chartin 1600, that the merits of the new system weregenerally recognized and appreciated by navigators.

In the early years of the seventeenth century theBlaeu family in Amsterdam published a number ofmarine atlases, now extremely rare, based largely onWaghenaer, but the first such atlas wholly based onMercator's projection was the Dell' Arcano del Mare(Secrets of the Sea) by Sir Robert Dudley. A skilledmathematician and navigator, Dudley, after exile fromEngland, had settled in Florence where the atlas waspublished in 1646. The charts, beautifully engraved byan Italian, Antonio Lucini, are now greatly valued.With this single exception, however, Dutch domin-ation of the seas for the greater part of the seventeenthcentury enabled them to maintain their position as theleading and most prolific cartographers of the time; inparticular Anthonie Jacobsz (Lootsman), Pieter Goos,de Wit, Hendrick Doncker and, above all, the vanKeulen family, are famous names in this sphere.

Although there were few printed sea charts fromEnglish sources to rival the Dutch there was noscarcity of manuscript charts by Englishmen. Fromabout 1590 onwards the demand for such charts,arising out of the seafaring developments of the lateElizabethan period, was met by a group of draughts-men who have become known as the Thames School,named from their obvious association with Londonand the river. This group, active over a long perioduntil the early years of the eighteenth century, em-braced about thirty to forty names including GabrielTatton (c. 1600), John Daniell (1614-4*), NicolasComberford (1626-70), John Burston (1638-65), JohnThornton (1667-1701) and William Hack (c.1680-1700). Of these, the most active were William

Hack, who is credited with about 1,600 charts, Nich-olas Comberford and John Thornton: the last named,of course, also published printed maps and charts.

The charts of the Thames School covered practicallyevery part of the known world and although most ofthem were not noted for originality, usually beingbased on Dutch prototypes, in total they probablyexercised an important influence on the later chartsprinted by Thornton himself and on those by JohnSeller and others associated with the preparation of thelater volumes of the English Pilot. Before that appeared,however, the English suddenly awakened to thedangers of the Dutch monopoly in map and chartmaking. In 1667 the Dutch sailed up the Thames anddestroyed a great part of the British Navy in theMedway and bombarded Chatham. Already occupiedwith the rebuilding of London after the Great Fire andwith an outbreak of plague, the Government wasshaken still further by the realization that the Dutchknew more about the coastline of England than theEnglish themselves, and their confidence was notincreased when it was found that John Seller, inproducing the first volume of his marine atlas, theEnglish Pilot, in 1671, was still using Dutch plates andoften very old ones at that. As now, government wastardy in action and it was not until 1681 that SamuelPepys, as Secretary of the Navy, instructed CaptainGreen vile Collins to carry out a survey of British coastsand harbours. In due course, after a seven-year survey,Captain Collins issued in 1693 the Great Britain'sCoasting Pilot, an outstanding work consisting of 48charts, the first complete Pilot Book in English of allthe coasts of Great Britain and the surrounding islandswith special attention, of course, to the ports. At aboutthe same time as the publication of the Coasting Pilot,Edmund Halley was preparing his thematic charts ofthe Oceans which were issued in the years 1700-02.Although it has to be agreed that England's contri-bution to marine cartography in the eighteenth centuryand much of the nineteenth was short in quantity andoften quality, there can be no doubt that Halley'scharts, linked with Edward Wright's Certaine Errors ofNavigation, published just a century earlier, and JohnHarrison's perfection of the chronometer in 1772 werethe most important scientific contributions to the art ofnavigation in the whole period.

In France during the later years of the seventeenthcentury the ambitions of Louis XIV had awakened hiscountrymen's interest in the sciences. After the es-tablishment of the Paris Observatory in 1667 a survey

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ROBERT DUDLEY Chart of the East Coast of England. From the Dell" Arcana del Mare, first published in Florence in 1646.

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by triangulation of the coasts of France was put in handand the resultant charts appeared in Le Neptune Franfoisin 1693, published by Hubert Jaillot and the elderCassini. These were beautifully produced maps, muchsuperior to those of Captain Collins, and the Frenchmaintained their lead in this field, following thefoundation of a National Hydrographic Service in1720, until well into the eighteenth century. A revisionof Le Neptune Francois was completed in 175 3 by J. N.Bellin and many charts of other parts of the world werepublished during this time.

Towards the end of the century Britain began to playa leading role in chart making, influenced by theinvention of Harrison's timepiece, which solved theproblem of calculating longitude at sea, and by thevoyages of Captain Cook and the growing supremacyof the Navy as a world force. Sea charts issued in thisperiod are too numerous to mention individually butof particular note were the charts of Cook's voyagespublished between 1773 and 1784, the North AmericanPilot and West Indian Atlas by Thomas Jefferys (i 775);the North American Atlas (1777) and General Atlas(1778) by William Faden, successor to Jefferys; theAtlantic Neptune (1784) by J. F. W. des Barres, a Swissserving with the British Army in North America; andcharts of all parts of the world by Sayer and Bennett,Laurie and Whittle and Aaron Arrowsmith over theturn of the century.

In 1795, no doubt influenced by the establishment ofthe Ordnance Survey Office four years earlier, theBritish Admiralty set up a Hydrographic Office to co-ordinate the production and issue of sea charts for theRoyal Navy, appointing as Hydrographer, AlexanderDalrymple who had held the same post with the EastIndia Company since 1779. As in the case of ordnancemaps, the charts produced under the authority of theOffice gradually superseded those printed by privateenterprise and by 1850 vast areas of the oceans of theworld had been officially surveyed and charted.


The following list includes, in chronological order,names of the best-known compilers or publishers of seacharts (ms= manuscript).


B. dalli SonettiB. Bordone

G. A. di VavassoreT. PorcacchiG. RosaccioV. M. Coronelli

Spanish & Portuguese

Diogo HomenVincente Torfino de San MiguelJose de Espinosa


L. J. WaghenaerW. Barentsz (Barentzoon)J. H. LinschotenB. LangenesBlaeu familyH. GerritszJ. JanssonJ. A. Colom & A. ColomAnthonie, Jacob & Caspar Jacobsz (Lootsman)P. GoosF. de WitH. DonckerP. van AlphenJ. van LoonA. RoggeveenVan Keulen familyJ. RobijnCovens & MortierJoh. LootsR. & J. Ottens


N. de NicolayA. H. JaillotL. RenardL Bremond & MichelotG. L. le RougeJ. B. d'Apres de MannevilletteJ. N. BellinJ. RouxR. BonneC. F. Beautemps-BeaupreJ. S. C. Dumont d'Urville


Edward WrightGabriel Tatton (ms)John Daniell (ms)Nicholas Comberford (ms)

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- \i •

CAPTAIN GREENVILE COLLINS Fovty to Mount's Bay London c. 1781. Chart of a stretch of the Cornish coastline included in theGreat Britain's Coasting Pilot, first published in 1693.

John Burston (ms)Robert DudleyJohn SellerGreenvile CollinsJohn ThorntonWilliam Hack (ms)Mount and PageEdmund HalleyJohn AdairMurdoch MackenzieJames CookThos. JefferysWilliam Herbert

Sayer and BennettJoseph SpeerAlexander DalrympleWm. FadenJ. F. W. des BarresRobert Laurie & James WhittleA. Arrowsmith (& Sons)William HeatherCapt. George VancouverMatthew FlindersJ. W. NorieJames Wyld (& Son)

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Chapter 7

TOWN PLANSFor a variety of reasons town plans were comparativelylate comers in the long history of cartography. In theMiddle Ages populations of the most notable citieswere surprisingly small and it is likely that Amsterdam,Antwerp and Nuremberg - to take a few names atrandom - had no more than about 20,000 inhabitants inthe thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and it has beenestimated that even late Elizabethan London embracedonly some 100-150,000 people which was probablyabout ten times as many as any other English city atthat time. Travellers were few and such major build-ings as existed were built over many decades, so thatthe layout of even the larger cities scarcely changedfrom generation to generation. In consequence therewas little need for planned guidance in the formexpected today.

Before printed plans became available, the compilersof early manuscript maps of the countryside made useof pictorial symbols in elevation, based on the outlineof well-known buildings, to distinguish town fromtown. Those on Matthew Paris's maps of about theyear 1250 are particularly attractive and left thetraveller in no doubt of the landmarks on his route.The 'Gough' map, too, by the use of different symbolsand colours, distinguished between cathedral cities,monastic foundations and ordinary towns and villages.Very often on manuscript maps and portulan chartsthere were picturesque vignettes of capital cities andplaces of note inset in any space available.

Not until the late fifteenth century, as a result of thewider dissemination of books and documents madepossible by movable-type printing, do we find printedtopographical works containing town views in anynumber. The first, a very rare volume called SanctorumPeregrinationum by Bernhard von Breydenbach, printedin Mainz in 1486, covering a pilgrimage to the HolyLand, contained woodcut views of Jerusalem, Veniceand other places on the route. Still rare, but morecommonly seen, is the Nuremberg Chronicle (1495)

about which we have written at greater length inChapter 4. The illustration shown there is of a townview in the style typical of the time. Thereafter, formost of the sixteenth century, German cartographersled the way in producing town plans in a more modernsense. In 1544 Sebastian Miinster issued in Basle hisCosmographia containing about sixty plans and views,some in plan form, but many still using the old type ofoutline in elevation, and still others in bird's-eye view.Very soon afterwards Frans Hogenberg, who en-graved maps for Ortelius, together with another notedengraver of the time, Georg Hoefnagel, compiled andissued in Cologne a City Atlas intended as a companionwork to the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. Entitled CivitatesOrbis Terrarum and edited by Georg Braun, the sixvolumes of this famous work were issued between theyears 15 72 and 1618 and contained in all more than 500plans including the following in the British Isles:

1572 London1575 Cambridge, Oxford/Windsor Castle1581 Norwich, Bristol, Chester, Edinburgh1588 Canterbury1598 Palace of Nonsuch1618 Exeter


The Atlas provides a fascinating sixteenth-centurypicture of the principal cities and towns in Europe,Asia, Africa and even America and records details ofpublic buildings, heraldic devices and rural and domes-tic scenes, besides many street names. Towns areusually shown in bird's-eye view, set in picturesqueand romantic backgrounds with figures of inhabitantsin local dress placed boldly in the foreground.Although some of them had been included in theearlier works already mentioned, in a great manyinstances these were the first views to appear in print.The Braun and Hogenberg plates eventually passed to

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BRAUN and HOGENBERG Town plan of Luxembourg first published in the Civitates Orbis Terrarum in 1581 in Cologne.

Jan Jansson who reissued the plans in Amsterdam in1657, having removed the costumed figures which, ofcourse, by this time were no longer of contemporaryinterest. Further issue details are given in Chapter 12.

Meanwhile, in England, a plan of Norwich had beendrawn in 15 5 9 by Wm Cunningham; of London, aboutthe same time, probably by a Flemish artist; and ofCambridge in 1574 by Richard Lyne, this being theearliest engraved town plan by an Englishman.Towards the end of the century the pace of develop-ment was quickening and plans of London by Valegio(c. 1580), Norden (1593) and Miinster (i 598) exist. It is,however, to John Speed that we owe our knowledge of

the layout of over seventy towns shown as insets on themaps in his Atlas published in 1610—11. Some of thesewere based on manuscript plans in William Smith'sDescription of England prepared in 1588, and others byNorden, but many were the result of his own travelsand surveys throughout the country.

For the next 150 years or so, the work of Braun andHogenberg and Speed formed the basis of practicallyall town plans in this country. Many of the maps issuedby Kitchin, Bowen, Jefferys and others in the 17005contained inset plans and vignettes of county townsand other places of importance but until the latter halfof that century towns, excluding London, of course,

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JOHN SPEED Town plan of the City of Gloucester shown on Speed's map of Gloucestershire first published in 1611.

were still comparatively small and plans tended to bedecorative rather than useful. Not until well into thenineteenth century were comprehensive series of townplans on a good scale published. For maps of London,which are too numerous to note here, reference shouldbe made to Printed Maps of London, Circa if}j-i#jo byDarlington and Howgego, who have covered thesubject exhaustively. The sheer size and rate of growthof London called for more frequent resurveying andmapping than elsewhere, especially after the GreatFire. Maps of particular interest are those by Wen-ceslaus Hollar (1655, 1664, 1666, c. 1675) before andafter the Fire, by John Ogilby and William Morgan(1676), William Morgan (1681-82) and John Rocque(1746 and other editions).

We note below some of the more important worksrelating to British towns published up to about 1850.


1575 La Ville de Londres: Paris


1595-1600 London, Bristol, Cambridge, Canterbury,Chester, Norwich, Edinburgh: Venice


1623 Bristol, Norwich1657 Nuremberg in Sciograpbia Cosmica

Bristol, Carlisle, Chester, Exeter, Hull,Norwich, Oxford, Windsor, Cork,Edinburgh


1642-72 Jopographia: Frankfurt-am-MainLondon*, Dover, Oxford, Edinburgh*,Londonderry (*panoramic views)

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RUTGER HERMANNIDES Dover Amsterdam 1661. Town plan included in Britannia Magna, the first book devoted entirely to plansof British towns and cities. Most of the thirty-one plans in the book were based on Speed but Dover was probably derived from aMerian plan.


1640 Hull, Oxford

SAXTON (WEB)1645 Inset plans of Berwick, Hull and York on

revised Saxton County Maps


1661 Britannia Magna: Amsterdam31 plans mostly based on Speed. This wasthe first book devoted entirely to plans ofBritish cities


1685 Description de L'Univers, Paris1685 Description de L'Univers, Frankfurt

London, Edinburgh, Dublin


1689-93 Revised editions of Saxton's maps in-corporating Speed's plans: London


1706 Teatro della Guerra, Vol. Ill Inghilterra:Venice. Maps based on Braun andHogenberg and Speed

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SOCIETY FOR DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE (SDUK) Plan oj Philadelphia London 1840. This is one of a number of plans ofAmerican towns included in the very popular collections of maps published by the SDUK between 1829 and about 1876.

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1720 Britannia IliustrataLondon, Edinburgh and many other cities


1729 Galerie Agreable du Monde: LeydenPlans based on Braun and Hogenberg andSpeed


17 5 0-66 Plans of York


1746 An exact survey of the Cities of London andWestminster (scale 26 in. to i mile)

1746 Environs of London1748, 1751 Re-issued

1750 Large-scale plan of Bristol1756 Large-scale plan of Dublin1764 A Collection of Plans of the Principal Cities of

Great Britain and Ireland


1759 Recueil ties villes, ports / Angleterre: ParisPlans of 17 towns


1792 Plans of the principal cities of the world

G. COLE and j. ROPER1804-1 o beauties of England and Wales

Includes plans of many towns and cities


1832 Plans of the cities and boroughs of England andWales

1833-50 Collection of the Plans of the most CapitalCities in every Empire


1836 The English Counties delineatedIncludes many plans

JOHN TALUS1851 Illustrated Atlas

Includes vignette views and about 26 townplans

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Chapter 8

TOPOGRAPHICAL MAPS & SURVEYSBefore looking at the development of surveying on anational scale it may be of interest to go back over thecenturies to consider some of the topographical (i.e.large-scale) maps which were the forerunners of thoseproduced today. Generally speaking, the earlier mapsmentioned in this chapter are known only from uniqueor very rare copies and they are, therefore, outside therange of our collectors' maps, but it is felt that theyrepresent another aspect of map history which mostcollectors will find worthy of note.

It is appropriate to consider first events in Italy,where more than anywhere else in Europe, a traditionof map making had taken root, especially in thenorthern cities. Portulan charts, of which we havealready written, were in use by Italian seamen through-out the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and probablyearlier; the first translations of the Ptolemy manuscriptsinto Latin were made about the year 1406 in Florenceand, above all, the intellectual and artistic atmosphereof the time provided the skills needed for drawingwhat may be best described as picture maps. For themost part those that survive depict the chief cities ofNorthern Italy - Venice, Padua, Verona, Mantua - andthe districts around them, often distinguishing betweendefended and undefended positions, no doubt intendedfor use in the wars between Venice and Milan.

It seems likely that the Italian enthusiasm for mapdrawing in this manner influenced ideas in neighbour-ing states. In Germany, for example, in 1492 EhrhardEtzlaub, noted for his later 'Rome Way' road map,produced large-scale maps of the surroundings ofNuremberg and other German cities. In the followingyear the Nuremberg Chronicle with its very largenumber of woodcut illustrations - both bird's eye viewsand prospects - of European towns was published. TheKingdom of Wurttemberg was mapped in some detailround the year 1500 and Saxony soon afterwards, butPhilipp Apian's map of Bavaria on 40 sheets was thefirst really large-scale map of a wide area: the original

is lost but a reproduction on 24 sheets was published in1 5 68. A later picture map of the Black Forest publishedin 1578 (reissued in 1603) by Johann Georg Tibianus(1541-1611) is a particularly pleasing example of itskind, so clear and self-explanatory that the use of a keyto symbols is hardly necessary.

Elsewhere we have written of large-scale maps ofSwitzerland by Aegidius Tschudi, Jos Murer andThomas Schoepf, of Austria and Hungary by WolfgangLazius, of the Netherlands by Jacobus van Deventer, ofDenmark by Mark Jorden and of Scandinavia by OlausMagnus.

In the rather less sophisticated atmosphere ofEngland, there seems to have been no tradition of mapdrawing such as had existed in Central Europe.Although surveys of estate and monastic lands weremade in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries very fewwere accompanied by 'maps' in any useful sense andonly a few dated prior to the year 1500 are known.Soon after that year, however, Continental influencesawakened interest in the technicalities of map making.A book by Gemma Frisius, A Method of Delineating Places,published in Louvain in 15 3 3 was followed in Englandby the work of William Cunningham, The Cosmographi-call Glasse, in 1 5 5 9 and by Leonard Digges, Pantometria,in 1 5 7 1 on the subject of surveying, land measurement,the use of theodolites and the principlesof triangulation. About the same time, subsequent tothe dissolution of the monasteries in the 15405, anincreasing need arose for estate mapping on a widescale and there were other projects such as maps of thecoastline and fortresses made for Henry VIII and laterfor Lord Burghley in the face of threats of Spanishinvasion. These, and no doubt many others of whichwe have no knowledge, must have been used byLaurence Nowell in compiling his 19 sheet map ofEngland and Wales in 1 5 6 3 and by Christopher Saxtonin his survey for the Atlas of England and Wales published

in 1579-

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These English maps cannot really be called large-scale and indeed, in the years ahead, perhaps only theinset town plans on maps by John Speed and othersmerit that description: they, of course, covered onlyvery small areas. Later in the century between the years1675 and 1685 the publication of the strip road mapsin Ogilby's Britannia, the work of John Adams whocontemplated a survey by triangulation of England andWales, and the general survey of Ireland by WilliamPetty all pointed the way to larger-scale mapping, butinspiration for greater projects was lacking and theseadvances were overshadowed by events in France.

In Chapter 14 we describe briefly the fundamentalwork in France of the Cassini family and Jean Picard,but the turbulent years of the i8th century were notconducive in any sense to international co-operation,certainly not in the field of cartography, and mostnations were slow to adopt the new surveyingtechniques developed by the French. The Russians werean exception: as early as 1720 Tsar Peter the Greatembraced French ideas wholeheartedly (as we havedescribed in Chapter 19), setting up an Academy ofSciences and beginning, with the help of Frenchcartographers Joseph Nicolas and Louis Delisle, theenormous task of mapping Russia. Even with everyencouragement, a real survey by triangulation was notstarted until 1816 and took many years to complete.This time scale was not unusual and the following datesgive some idea of the long periods involved beforecomplete sets of maps were published: Denmark 1762-1834, Sweden 1758-1857, Norway i773-ci85o, theAustro-Hungarian Empire c. 1762-1860 and Switzer-land i 832-1864.

In the British Isles map makers were just ascomplaisant and only the lack of accurate maps to meetmilitary requirements in Scotland following the 1745Jacobite rising stimulated official action. In the follow-ing years (1747-17 5 5) practically the whole of Scotlandwas mapped on a scale of 1000 yards to one inch, butthe maps were never printed. The actual survey wascarried out at the instigation of Colonel David Watsonby William Roy, later to become Deputy QuartermasterGeneral and Surveyor of Coastal Defence. As a resultof his practical experience in Scotland Roy became adetermined advocate of mapping the rest of the BritishIsles in the same manner, but for various political andmilitary reasons his advocacy met with no success until1783. In that year the French Government suggestedthat the Observatories of Paris and Greenwich shouldbe linked by Cassini's method of triangulation, the

French claiming that the latitude of Greenwich, aspreviously calculated, was incorrect.

The challenge was too great to be ignored and Roywas charged with the work on this side of the Channel,his first task being to measure a base-line on HounslowHeath, from which the triangulation was to be extendedto Greenwich and Dover for the purpose of linking upwith the French. This was completed in 1784, but Roywas far more interested in regarding the HounslowHeath base as the start of a general survey of the BritishIsles, and so it was to prove. Unfortunately, Roy diedin 1790 but detailed work was continued under thedirection of the Duke of Richmond, the Master Generalof Ordnance who, in 1791, formally set up a SurveyOffice in the Tower of London, then the Headquartersof the Board of Ordnance, to administer the whole taskof surveying Britain. At that time and in the followingyears under threat of Napoleonic invasion accuratemapping was regarded as a military requirement -hence the assignment of the task to the Board ofOrdnance and our use of the term today.

The first objective was to produce a map on a scaleof one inch to one mile, the scale which had been usedfor so many of the county maps in the previous thirtyor forty years. Work on the Trigonometrical Survey, asit was originally called, started in Kent and Essex usingthe data prepared by General William Roy, and by i 801a map of Kent on four sheets was ready for publ ication:this was printed by William Faden.

The early surveying carried out by officers of theRoyal Artillery and Royal Engineers under thecommand of Major (later General) William Mudge(1762-1820) and his successor Major (General) ThomasColby (c. 1784-1852) was never an easy or speedyprocess: the requirements of the British armies fightingNapoleon in Europe claimed priority until 1815 andfrequently opposition from big landowners made lifevery difficult for the surveyors. No doubt these reasonsand the time required to train staff to a sufficiently highstandard resulted in indifferent work, and there weremany inaccuracies in the earliest maps produced up toabout 1820-30. These difficulties were emphasized bythe high-quality maps which were being published atprivate expense in direct competition with the nationalsurvey.

As the accuracy and presentation of Ordnance mapsimproved, however, output from private sourcesdeclined and the official maps became the acceptedstandard. Their overall accuracy was quite remarkableand base lines 3 5 0 miles apart were found to differ by

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only 5 inches! Of course, at this stage the survey wasby no means complete and in 1825, at short notice,most of the Army teams involved in field work weremoved to Ireland to undertake a complete new surveythere for fiscal purposes to replace the old "townland"system on which Irish taxation had long been based.For this purpose maps were required in great detail andthey were drawn therefore to a scale of six inches toone mile: the resulting maps were so successful that, in1840, it was decided to use that scale for the rest of thesurvey of England, Wales and Scotland and, in spite ofmuch controversy, to extend it still further to 2 5 inchesto one mile. Soon afterwards, in 1 8 5 3 , it was agreedinternationally that the overall scale of 25 inches toone mile (and its metric equivalent) was necessary for areally adequate survey, and that remains the standardtoday.

To meet the growing demand for maps the OrdnanceOffice developed new methods of printing and, fromabout 1853 onwards, maps in the one inch seriesappeared with the words 'Printed from an Electrotype"in the bottom margin. This was a method of duplicatingthe original engraved copper plates to enable printersto produce more copies without any significant loss ofquality, besides reducing the price from around threeshillings ( i ? p ) per quarter sheet in 1831 to aboutsixpence (slightly less than 3p) in 1862.

The complete First Edition (or Old Series as it hasbecome known) of one inch to one mile maps wasfinished by 1873: the New Series on the six and 2 5 inchscales, after much revision and resurveying, was finally

completed in 1893. Printing was only in black andwhite but individual examples were sold hand-coloured,often in bound volumes, by many of the official agents.Then, late in the 18905, printed partially colouredcopies became available, followed in 1912 by full colourprinting.

The period of seventy years to complete the one inchsurvey seems a long time, and one cannot but reflect onthe extraordinary achievement of Christopher Saxtonin completing his 'perambulations', surveying thelength and breadth of England and Wales in the years

M75-I579-By contrast with the flamboyance of the engravings

made for Saxton, the first Ordnance maps, althoughstill engraved on copper plates, were plain, evenaustere; they bore no list of symbols, but the delineationof geographical features was beautifully clear. Themethods of shading and hachuring to show the heightsof hills was not considered satisfactory and, starting in1843, they were eventually replaced by the use ofcontour lines as we know them. Basically, apart fromconstant revision and refinement, the maps remain thesame today and few countries anywhere can boast of socomplete and meticulous a system of mapping.

Specialist Reference

CLOSE, Col. Sir CHARLES, The Early Years of the OrdnanceSurvey. Institution of Royal Engineers 1926; NewEdition with Introduction by J. B. Harley, Whitstable1969, Latimer Trend & Co. Ltd.

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Chapter 9

PLAYING CARDSIt seems very likely that playing cards were in use inChina and India centuries before they appeared inEurope, where the first reference to them is said tohave been in the year 1199. In Italy the earliest packswere 'Tarot' cards consisting of twenty-two cards ofallegorical designs used for fortune telling which laterwere combined with Oriental cards to make a set ofseventy-eight, on which the game of 'Tarrochi' wasbased. In England it is known that the use of cards waswell established in 1465, when an Act of Parliamentbanned their importation from the Continent.

As might be expected, engravers and printers foundgreat scope for their skills in the production of playingcards. One of the most noted, an anonymous Germanartist known as the 'Master of the Playing Cards',produced splendid sets, line engraved, in the years 1430to 1450 and, in Italy, some of the earliest copperplateengravings were used for sets of Tarrochi cards; it isquite likely that the engravers of these sets alsoprepared the plates for the Ptolemaic maps issued inRome in 1478.

In the sixteenth century the pack of fifty-two cards,introduced in France, became the accepted standardand in times when there was little or no organizedschooling they were widely used for educationalpurposes and were illustrated with texts on a greatvariety of subjects. It was natural, therefore, to findamong the beautifully illustrated cards produced in thedays of the first Queen Elizabeth sets of cards showinga map of the British Isles and the counties of Englandand Wales. The earliest surviving packs of this typewere published in 1590 and although their authorshipis not known for certain they are attributed to aWilliam Bowes. The maps depicted on them wereevidently copies from Saxton's famous Atlas of 1579and possibly were engraved by William Kip or Pietervan den Keere, noted map engravers of the period. Bya fortunate coincidence there are fifty-two counties inEngland and Wales and the maps were so arranged in

G L O C E*V 1 ER~5HfR£Hat& on tht Weft ,

t - on tht Norm,on tkc

It/ both Pltafantanl Fit k&th rti&ny Mines,


Gloccftct if the Chitf Citty,Built ly the. Romans,St&ttdby Severn*hna k&A a^ftfona Wall,T 1 1 1"} It h&tfi 2,80 . tariffifj,

1 * *

Ana mutty Rivers .w. REDMAYNE Example of playing card showing the Countyof Gloucestershire issued in 1676.

the 15 90 pack that in any suit the smallest county is No.I and the largest XIII. Each card is divided into threeparts showing the county name, the map and briefdetails. In spite of their small size each map shows theprincipal places in the county, identified by initialletters. There are only three packs of the 1590 cardsknown, with a further one dated 1605. It is thoughtthat the maps drawn for these cards formed the basisfor one of the first pocket atlases, producing in 1635 by

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.. I // S / • ff&ffi i,i7/z._Da'fhf/ter j Lattituttf _

ROBERT MORDEN Examples of playing cards issued in 1676. Published by Robert Morden and William Berry.

Matthew Simmons, a London bookseller and printerwho published many of Milton's works.

Later, in 1676, Robert Morden, who subsequentlypublished notable atlases, produced a pack of cards invery similar form, the upper portion showing the suit,stencilled by hand, the title of the map and thedesignation of the card; the centre portion consisted of

a sketch map and the lower panel, the dimensions ofthe county. Each 'King' is indicated by a portrait ofKing Charles II in a circle and the 'Queen' by the headof his Queen, Catherine of Braganza. The Northerncounties are represented by Clubs, the Eastern byHearts, the Southern by Diamonds and the Welshcounties by Spades. In spite of limitations of size these

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maps were among the first to give an indication of themain roads in each county, no doubt being inspired byJohn Ogilby's 'strip' road maps published in theprevious year. There was a second issue in 1676 andfurther issues in 1680 and 1770 showing additionaltowns and roads. Also in 1676 another pack of cardswas compiled by W. Redmayne, presumably in compe-tition with Morden, and they are now equally scarce. Inthe next century a set in similar style, probably based

on Redmayne's, was printed c. 1711 by John Lenthallwho, as a publisher and stationer, rather than anoriginal engraver, produced packs of cards of all typesbased on the work of many other designers.

All English sets and those published on the Conti-nent, of which one by Pierre Duval, Les Tables deGeographie c. 1667, is a good example, are now veryscarce indeed and will be found only by the mostdedicated collector.

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Chapter 10

'Here be Dragons . . .'MYTHS & LEGENDS ON OLD MAPSDefinitions:

MYTH: A purely fictitious narrative, magnified by tra-dition, usually involving supernatural persons orevents and expressive of primitive beliefs.

LEGEND: An unauthentic story handed down by traditionand popularly regarded as historical.

A study of cartography may well seem to many to be aweighty subject, so let us digress in lighter vein for amoment to look at some of the myths and legendswhich over the ages have intrigued our ancestors andwhich, to a surprising extent, may be claimed to haveaffected the course of historical discoveries.

Writing in 1665 John Bunyan could have conjuredup the most unlikely dragons in the awareness that hisreaders would accept them, however fearsome, asnothing more than allegorical. Chaucer, writing threehundred years earlier, would not have been so confi-dent of readers' acceptance of his dragons as mythicalbeasts and, indeed, in the setting of the time, whyshould he have done so. In the fourteenth centuryanyone looking, shall we say, at the Hereford WorldMap would not doubt the existence of the mostextraordinary creatures and, more important, couldnot be blamed for contemplating with wonder, andperhaps fear, the outside world beyond the encirclingocean, the 'Sea of Darkness'.

When we consider, then, the myths and legends ofmedieval times we should not be deceived intothinking that stories which we may now regard simplyas folklore were always accepted as such. On thecontrary, in the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenthcenturies they represented very live issues and Euro-pean thought was strongly influenced by, for example,the belief in the Kingdom of Prester John, in MarcoPolo's 7,448 Spice Islands in the Far East and in thepossibility of a second great river, a Western Nile, inAfrica. Today, with any part of the world only hoursaway, it is perhaps hard to imagine the intense

excitement and the intellectual ferment created amongscholars in general, and geographers in particular, bythe knowledge that it was possible to sail 'around theworld' and not be lost 'over the edge'. It was surely theconquest of the fear of the unknown world, rather thanthe physical prowess involved in its exploration,however great that may have been, which was the truemeasure of achievement in the Age of Discovery and inthe long period of European renaissance.

Where better to start than by looking at the mythicalisland of Hy Brazil which appeared out in the Atlanticto the west of Ireland in charts as early as 1325 , in thefamous Catalan Atlas dated 1375 and, subsequently, onnumerous maps for the next 200 years, includingWaldseemiiller's map of the British Isles issued atStrassburg in 1513 and its later editions. It was alsoshown on Toscanelli's chart dated about 1457 whichwas said to have been used by Columbus on his firstvoyage. Early Celtic legends say that the island onlyappeared at sunset in the mists of the Atlantic and theycalled it 'the blessed stormless isle, where all men aregood and all the women pure and where God retreatsfor a recreation from the rest of us'.* To add to ourconfusion these early charts depicted not only Brazil offthe coast of Ireland but also St Brendan's Island far outin the ocean half way to Zipangu (Japan). We canimagine the Irish monk, St Brendan, setting sailsometime in the sixth century on a seven-year voyagein search of this paradise and arriving, according to oneversion, in the Fortunate Isles (the Canaries), then thelimit of the known world. According to other interpre-tations he reached not only the Hebrides and the Faroesbut even America. It is hard to believe that as late as theeighteenth century seamen were still seeking theseislands, and so often had Brazil been 'sighted' thatgeographers were reluctant to abandon the possibility

*From Summer of the Red Wolf by Morris West, WilliamHeinemann Ltd (1971).

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MARTIN WALDSEEMULLER British Isles. Map originally published in Strassburg in 1522 . This extract, showing the island ofBrazil set in the Atlantic to the west of Ireland, is from an edition issued at Vienne (Dauphine) in 1541-

of its existence; in fact it was not finally removed fromBritish Admiralty charts until the 18705. The Celtswere not alone in their belief in the existence of anearthly paradise in the Western Ocean; the Greeks too,among others, imagined these 'Isles of the Blest'beyond the Pillars of Hercules which legend claimedwere 'peopled not by the dead but by mortals on whomthe Gods had conferred immortality' and where therewas perpetual summer and abundance.

In the medieval mind Brazil and St Brendan's Islandwere by no means the only islands in the Atlantic;Martin Behaim's famous globe constructed about 1492in Nuremberg shows the ocean abounding in islandsstretching as far as Zipangu, without the Americancontinent, of course. Among these, in the region of theWest Indies, was Antillia, the island of the Seven Cities,

recorded on Genoese charts about 1450. According toPortuguese tradition, following the conquest of Spainand Portugal by the Moors in the year 734, the islandwas colonized by Christian refugees led by anArchbishop of Oporto and six Bishops, each of whomfounded and ruled a Utopian city far from the turmoilof the Old World. In later years the Portuguesedispatched expeditions to search for the island and soabsolute was the belief in its existence that Columbuswas advised that the island was a principal landmarkfor measuring distances between Lisbon and Zipangu.The name itself has been perpetuated as The Antilles,the island group in the West Indies. Although theisland with its Seven Cities failed to materialize, thelegend lived on in new guise as The Seven Cities ofCibola, the site of gold and silver mines in the

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continental interior north of the Gulf of Mexico,confidently said to have been visited in the year 15 56 bySpanish explorers. The claim was soon dashed by laterexpeditions but the search nevertheless revealed greatareas of Colorado and the prairie lands.

In the vastness of South America there was amplescope for such legends. The El Dorado, somewhere inGuiana, was long sought by the Spanish and twice byRaleigh who was executed for his failure to find thepromised land. Even in Patagonia there is the story ofSebastian Cabot's pilot, Francisco Cesar, who in 1528travelled up country from the River Plate and saw yetanother city of gold. Expeditions to find it weremounted as late as the end of the eighteenth century.

On the same map in the Catalan Atlas mentionedabove, and on the tenth-century Anglo-Saxon world'map', there appear in the furthermost part of Siberiathe names of Gog and Magog. It was widely believedin medieval times that those mythical giants existedsomewhere in Asia, penned in by Alexander the Greatbehind the great mountain walls shown so prominentlyon early world maps. The source of the belief lay in theBible story that they represented the forces of evil whowould appear immediately before the end of the world.In England, Gog and Magog were supposed to be thesurvivors of a race of giants destroyed by Brutus, thelegendary founder of Britain who brought them toLondon and condemned them to act as porters at thegates of the royal palace; hence their place over theentrance to the Guildhall.

Many stories as early as the year 1122 centred onPrester John, who was thought to have been a Tartarchief converted to Christianity, ruling somewhere inthe East beyond Armenia and Persia. As a greatwarrior, all-powerful in Asia, his help was sought as anally by the Crusaders in their attempts to free Jerusalemfrom the Saracens. Stories of his existence were takenso literally that emissaries and letters were despatchedto him on a number of occasions by the Popes; thetravels of Marco Polo and others, in their search for hisKingdom, led directly to the re-establishment of linkswith China and other Eastern lands. Later legendsplaced Prester John in Abyssinia or Central Africa, anidea which influenced not a little the Kings of Portugalin their efforts to penetrate the Indian Ocean, and bylinking up with the mythical Kingdom, to outflank thepower of Islam. Ortelius's map of 1573 entitled ARepresentation of the Empire of Prester John, or of theAbyssinians, showing Africa from the Mediterranean tothe Mountains of the Moon, placed well below the

Equator, is a splendid illustration of the ideas currenteven in the sixteenth century.

The whereabouts of the Kingdom of Prester Johnwas only one of the many legends associated withAfrica. The source of the river Nile, one of the fewrivers known to the ancient world which flowed fromsouth to north, was an unsolved mystery and Ptolemywrote that he was told that the river rose in theMountains of the Moon, an idea which persisted untilthe beginning of the last century. Seamen had longbelieved that a western flowing Nile (or Niger) alsoexisted, running across or round Africa to the Atlantic,which would provide a short route to the Indies and tothose 7,448 Spice Islands spoken of so confidently byMarco Polo. Indeed, the first Portuguese voyagesplanned by Henry the Navigator in the early part of thefifteenth century were intended to find just such aroute. They failed to find a river, of course, except themouths of the Niger and the Congo, but the lure of theIndies proved strong enough to take BartholomeuDias round the Cape in 1486 and, a few years later,Vasco da Gama into the Indian Ocean and to India.

In the other direction, the idea of reaching India andthe Spice Islands by a 'short voyage' across the Atlanticwas strongly influenced by the fanciful facts and figuresquoted by Marco Polo, added to which Ptolemy'sexaggeration of the size of the land mass of Europe andAsia led Columbus and other explorers to believe thattheir landfall in America was, in fact, in the Indies. It issaid that Columbus, even after four Atlantic crossings,never reconciled himself to the fact that he had notreally landed in Asia or its islands, and in 1523 aFlorentine captain, Giovanni da Verazzano, sailingalong the coast of North America seeking a NorthWest Passage, claimed that he had seen across acomparatively narrow isthmus, probably nearChesapeake Bay or Pamlico Sound, a great stretch ofwater which, he believed, was an arm of the IndianOcean. This became known to navigators as the Marede Verazzano and for sixty years or more was regardedas a possible route to Asia. Verazzano's claims mustalways have been treated with a degree of scepticismfor we do not hear of any further exploration of his'sea', but even so it is still shown on a map by SirHumphrey Gilbert drawn about 1583 and on a numberof others of about the same time. As late as 1651Farrer's map of Virginia indicated that it was only 'tendays' march' from the Atlantic to the far coast andthroughout that century a shorter route to the Pacificwas still hoped for, if not to the south, then to the

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ABRAHAM ORTELius v4 Representation of the Empire ofPrestcrJohn, or of the Abyssinians. Published in the Theatrum Orbis Terrarumin Antwerp in 1573, this is one of the most famous maps by Ortelius.

north, through a North West Passage. To some extentwe have once again to blame Marco Polo for thesuggestion of the existence of such a route. Hementions the Kingdom of Anian in the far north off thecoast of Asia and the idea grew that adjacent to thisland was open water, the Strait of Anian, throughwhich a way could at last be found to the Pacific Oceanand the Orient. The idea was taken up by GiacomoGastaldi in A Description of the World written in 1562and the name subsequently appeared on maps of theNew World for a century or more.

The remoteness and vast extent of the Pacific Oceanitself inevitably led to confusion among explorers and

cartographers and in particular there was argument formore than a century over the outline of California.Although originally believed to be an island some-where near the Garden of Eden, Spanish charts and themaps of Mercator, Ortelius and others showed itcorrectly, but in about 1602 a Carmelite friar, followingfurther voyages up the West Coast, prepared anddispatched to Spain a chart showing it again as anisland. The chart fell into Dutch hands and it was notlong before Speed and others were showing the newisland in their atlases, a practice almost universallyfollowed until early in the eighteenth century whenexploration by Father Kino disproved the 'island'

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theory and a new generation of cartographers, especi-ally Guillaume Delisle, reverted to the peninsulaoutline.

In the sixteenth century the enormous distancesacross the Pacific proved to be far greater than the earlyexplorers had suspected. The Spaniards particularlywere intrigued by the story of Lochac, yet another ofMarco Polo's 'lands of gold and spices' (probablyMalaysia) and in 1567 an expedition sailing from Perueventually made landfall in a large group of islandsnear the Equator. These so enchanted the explorersthat they were identified in their minds as the biblicalland of Ophir, and hence were named King Solomon'sIslands.

As to the lands to the south of the Pacific, specu-lation about a hypothetical southern continent - terraincognita - had intrigued geographers from the earliesttimes. To those who believed the world was disc-shaped, it was logical to suppose that there must be agreat land mass somewhere to the south to counter-balance Europe and Asia in the north. Indeed, howelse, they argued, could the disc of the earth maintainits equilibrium? In the first century AD PomponiusMela, a Spaniard, postulated the theory of a wide oceanstretching across the world to the south of Egypt, thusdividing the 'disc' neatly into two halves, the southernportion containing the undiscovered continent. In AD150 Ptolemy, although believing the world to bespherical, visualized lap-4 "cross the base of the worldstretching from the lower parts of Africa to somewherebeyond India and embracing a landlocked IndianOcean. Ptolemy's ideas persisted well into the sixteenthcentury and as late as 1570 Ortelius's world mapshowed land spanning the globe, and his 1589 map ofthe Pacific Ocean marks it as 'Terra Australis, siveMagellanica, nondum detecta'. Even after the discov-ery of Australia by the Dutch in 1605 there seemed tobe a marked reluctance in Europe to accept thediscovery and the idea of a continent still further southlingered on. Only after Cook's return from his secondvoyage to the South Seas in 1775, during which he hadannexed, in the name of the Crown, the bleak anduninhabited land of South Georgia, was the almostfanatical belief in a vast southern continent abandoned,at least temporarily, only to be revived again whenmodern exploration proved that the conjectures of theancient geographers were right after all and that theirTerra Incognita could now be renamed Antarctica.



Collectors new to our subject may wonder about thesignificance of those figureheads symbolizing the windswhich frequently border fifteenth- and sixteenth-century maps. In seeking their origins it soon becomesapparent that here, myth, legend and historical factintermingle and, as so often happens in studies ofcartography, we have to start by going back to theearliest days of the Greek world.

In classical lore the names of the four principal winds- Boreas (north), Notos (south), Eurus (east) andZephyrus (west) - are ascribed to Homer who told ofAeolus, the son of Hippotes, the father of the winds.Aeolos, it was said, jealously guarded the winds in aremote cave in Thrace, but was prevailed upon torelease them as a gift to Odysseus who had long awaiteda favourable wind to take him on the next stage of hisAegean adventures. The adverse winds were to berestrained in a leather bag but the story in the Odysseyrelates how they were unwittingly released with direconsequences for Odysseus and his crew. The compilersof the early medieval maps followed the Homericlegend, the winds being represented by 'wind-heads',sometimes using their 'Aeolus' bags or, more often,simply by figures blowing benignly or ferociouslydepending on the nature of the wind they represent.Apart, however, from the genesis of the wind names inGreek mythology, what do we know of the morepractical aspects of the subject ?

Life for the peoples of the Mediterranean wasinseparable from the sea; Minoans, Phoenicians, Greeksand Romans all left their mark and all were dependentfor survival at sea on their knowledge of the winds.The Greeks - who deified the winds - developed andrefined the basic idea of the four principal winds byadding others adjusted to the summer and wintersunrise and sunset, roughly equivalent to the north-west, north-east, south-west and south-east. From theearliest times the 'winds' became synonymous with'direction' and chart makers must have soon found thatit was convenient to combine indications of directionwith the names of the winds: in consequence, thewindrose took shape. One of the earliest, consisting oftwelve winds, was set out by Timosthenes of Rhodes, aGreek admiral of the third century BC on whose workMarinus of Tyre is said to have relied for calculationsof distances in the eastern Mediterranean. These in turn

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were accepted by Ptolemy in compiling his Geographia.It would be too much, however, to expect to find inthose early times a 'standard' windrose acceptable to allseamen throughout the Mediterranean. Long afterTimosthenes, the Tower of the Winds, erected inAthens about the year IOOBC had only eight sidesbearing emblematic figures representing Boreas (north),Cecias (Kaikias) (north-east), Eurus (east), Apeliotes(south-east), Notos (south), Lips (south-west), Zephy-rus (west) and Skiron or Corus (north-west).

Following the Greeks, the Romans were no lessmindful of the need to propitiate the gods, or rathergoddesses, before any major undertaking at sea; whiteanimals were sacrificed to the beneficent winds, blackanimals to those regarded as malevolent. Later genera-tions of seafarers in north-west Europe and theMediterranean may not have deified the winds as theirancestors did but they were equally dependent on them.Charlemagne is said to have introduced new Prankishnames for the 12 point windrose and, centuries later,traders from the Low Countries started to use theirequivalent of the modern English terms North, South,East and West for the four principal winds.

About the end of the 13th century the discovery ofthe magnetic compass finally enabled sailors to plot amore accurate course even if they were still reliant onwind power. In the new era the windrose was combinedwith a compass card with as many as 32 directionalpoints but it seems that its use was not always welcome.Traditional knowledge of the winds gained over manycenturies was not to be discarded lightly and there wasalways suspicion of the accuracy of the compass itselfdue, no doubt, to magnetic variation, then, of course,not understood. In fact, the use of the wind names

persisted for centuries and appeared on most of the firstprinted world maps. These show a confusing array ofwind heads bearing what seem sometimes to be almosta random choice of names, Greek, Latin and medieval.During the century which spanned the printing of thefirst maps down to Mercator's elegant drawing ofPtolemy's maps in 1578, engravers conjured up everystyle of wind head ranging from those on the UlmPtolemy (1482/6)- where they look like benign citizensof Ulm rather than Greek Gods - to those on theOrtelius world map of 1564 where they seem to havebecome contemporary figures of the Low Countries. Aparticularly fascinating example is the Gregor Reisch(c. 1470-1525) map of the world (1503) embellishedwith twelve windheads bearing a variety of Greek,Latin and medieval names - in the case of'South' usingall three, while in another, 'Vulturnus' is lookingthrough a pair of spectacles, perhaps not surprisingly,as he has been placed in the north-east quadrant of themap instead of the south-east where he properlybelongs! 'Vulturnus' is similarly misplaced in a numberof other maps of the time. On occasion, as in theLaurent Fries World Map (i 522) , the wind names areincorporated in a decorative border without the benefitof windheads.

By the fourth quarter of the 16th century the classical'wind-blowers' had outlived their time and were givingway to other more abstract forms of decoration. Aboutthe same time the compass rose, which of course hadlong appeared on portulan and manuscript sea charts,finally displaced the windrose and for centuries becamean essential and highly decorative feature of printedcharts and of many other maps which included an areaof sea.

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Part II


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INTRODUCTIONIn the following chapters, a short account is given ofthe development of map making in the major coun-tries, followed by notes on the work of prominentcartographers, engravers and publishers in each coun-try. In our preface we have already stressed that maplistings in this section have generally been restricted tocomplete atlases although details of individual mapsare included where these are of special importance.Manuscript maps are frequently mentioned but as far asour 'average collector' is concerned, unless he isextraordinarily lucky, they must remain a matter ofhistorical interest and are only included for that reason.

The following notes read in conjunction with theselistings may be helpful to readers unfamiliar with thesubject.


Maps printed from woodblocks are shown as wood-cuts, otherwise it may be accepted that all maps wereprinted from engraved copper plates with the excep-tion of a few in the nineteenth century printed bylithography which are specially noted. Further detailson the printing of maps have been given in Chapter 2.


We have only to consider for a moment the vastnumbers of maps printed over the centuries to realizethe difficulty of giving more than a very general idea ofmap sizes. In any work dealing with individual mapsthere is no problem but here, short of providing acollation of every atlas - obviously impossible in asingle volume - an acceptable solution is less easy tofind. Certain terms, e.g. folio, quarto, octavo and soon, which originally referred to specific book sizes, arestill widely used but so many variations within these

main sizes occur that the terms have lost their precisemeaning. Even so, they still remain a convenientmethod of differentiating between sizes of books andhence of maps also, and in the absence of moresatisfactory terminology they are used here. Someexamples will serve to illustrate their use:

FOLIO Speed AtlasesBlaeu AtlasesJansson Atlases

SMALL FOLIO Camden - BritanniaDrayton - Poly-OlbionMorden - Britannia

LARGE FOLIO Bellin et al. - Neptune FrancoisBowen/Kitchin - Large English Atlas

QUARTO (410) Mercator/Hondius - Atlas MinorKitchin - English AtlasGary - New and Correct English Atlas


OCTAVO (8vo) Van den Keere - 'Miniature Speeds'Moll - Atlas ManualeKitchin - Pocket AtlasGary - Travellers' Companion

These small sizes are lesseasy to define and tend to

>. be used indiscriminatelyDUODECIMO (izmo)

, , ' for very small atlases orSEXTODECIMO (i6mo) \

. f maps, e.g. Bowen - AtlasVICESIMO-QUARTO (24mo) ,,.r.J Mtntmus (i6mo/24mo);

Badeslade - - ChorographiaBritannica ( i zmo/16mo)

It has to be remembered, of course, that maps in anyatlas, large or small, frequently varied considerably insize; two maps (or more) were often printed on onesheet and large individual maps were folded to fit the

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overall atlas size. It follows, therefore, that any sizequoted should be accepted only as a guide.


When referring to dates of issue of atlases and maps(especially loose maps) it is not unusual to find differentdates quoted by different authorities. This is not to saythat one writer is necessarily 'correct' and others'wrong' for in so wide a field covering a great numberof items it would indeed be surprising if differences ofopinion or interpretation were not to occur. Apartfrom differences of opinion, one has only to think ofthe unrecorded editions which are discovered, of theresearch which brings to light unsuspected inform-ation about existing editions, to realize that no record,however meticulous, can remain completely accuratefor very long.

Where reference is made to a particular map it isconventional to quote the date of its first publication inbrackets followed by the date of its actual issue, viz.'Map of the World (1615) i6z3'. If a single unbracketeddate is given it may be assumed that the map is from thefirst edition or was issued only in that year.


Throughout this work every effort has been made toavoid the need to cross refer, which can be timewasting and is often confusing, but in some cases thecomplexities of the different issues of atlases havedefeated attempts at complete simplification. Theauthors have in mind particularly the Mercator/Hondius/Jansson series of atlases, full details of whichare given under the Mercator heading with shorterreferences in the appropriate biographies of theHondius family and Jan Jansson. The Dutch chartmakers in the second half of the seventeenth centuryalso posed problems in this respect and there areoccasionally others which it is hoped will not be toodistracting.


Dictionaries define a meridian as a 'circle of constantlongitude passing through the terrestrial poles and agiven place on the earth's surface intersecting theequator at right angles: the prime, or base meridian,

dividing the hemispheres into eastern and westernportions.' The word 'meridian' itself is derived frommeridies = midday.

Some time in the third century BC Eratosthenes ofAlexandria, philosopher, mathematician and astrono-mer, set out to calculate the circumference of the worldbasing his theories on the relationship between theestimated distance from Alexandria to Syene (Aswan)in Lower Egypt and the differences in the angle of thesun at the summer solstice at the two places. His finalfigure, in spite of many false assumptions, wasremarkably accurate, but more important was hisimaginary north/south line - or meridian - joiningAlexandria and Syene which he extended to the northto link Rhodes, Byzantium and the estuary of the RiverDnieper on the Black Sea, and to the south to Meroe inthe Sudan. He placed other meridians at irregularintervals joining the positions of well-known places asthey were perceived in his day.

In the following centuries Eratosthenes' ideas andcalculations were much criticized, but the use ofmeridians was accepted and refined, especially byPtolemy who devised a grid system covering thehabitable world based on 36 meridians converging onthe North Pole: his zero meridian ran through the areaof the Fortunate Isles - the Canaries, then the limit ofthe known world.

As in so many other matters Ptolemy's concepts wereaccepted without question in the fifteenth century andfor many years ahead the prime meridian continued tobe placed through the Canaries, but as other islandsfurther west became known so the zero meridian wasadjusted. The islands of St. Mary and St. Michael in theAzores and Isla del Fuego in the Cape Verde groupwere favourites although the French chose the Isle dePer (Ferro or Hierro) in the Canaries to be used on allFrench maps until about the year 1800. Later carto-graphers, in a spirit of patriotism, placed their primemeridians through their own principal cities, stateobservatories or even through special landmarks. In theBritish Isles London was first used (by John Seller) in1676 and for the first Ordnance Survey maps it wasnarrowed down to St. Paul's Cathedral although bythen the zero meridian through Greenwich Observa-tory had become widely accepted, especially for marinecharts. In the next century the almost universal use ofBritish Admiralty charts was the main factor in theinternational acceptance in 1884 of Greenwich as theworld's prime meridian, finally ending centuries ofconfusion.

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Chapter 11

ITALYSince classical times the countries bordering theenclosed waters of the Mediterranean had been wellversed in the use of maps and sea charts and in Italy,more than anywhere else, the traditional knowledgewas kept alive during the many hundreds of yearsfollowing the collapse of the Roman Empire. By thethirteenth and fourteenth centuries the seamen ofVenice, Genoa and Amalfi traded to far countries, fromthe Black Sea ports and the coasts of Palestine andEgypt in the East to Flanders and the southern coastsof England and Ireland in the West, their voyagesguided by portulan charts and the use of the newlyinvented compass. For a time Italian supremacy incartography passed to Aragon and the Catalan mapmakers based on Majorca, but by the year 1400 thepower and wealth of the city states of Venice, Genoa,Florence and Milan surpassed any in Europe. Florence,especially, under the rule of the Medici family, becamenot only a great trading and financial centre but also thefocal point of the rediscovery of the arts and learning ofthe ancient world. In this milieu a number of manu-script world maps were produced, of which one by FraMauro (c. 145 9) is the most notable, but the event of thegreatest importance in the history of cartographyoccurred in the year 1400 when a Florentine, PallaStrozzi, brought from Constantinople a Greek manu-script copy of Claudius Ptolemy's Geographia, which,1,250 years after its compilation, came as a revelation toscholars in Western Europe. In the following fiftyyears or so manuscript copies, translated into Latin andother languages, became available in limited numbersbut the invention of movable-type printing trans-formed the scene: the first copy without maps beingprinted in 1475 followed by many with copper-engraved maps, at Bologna in 1477, Rome 1478, 1490,1507 and 1508, and Florence 1482.

About the year 1485 the first book of sea charts,compiled by Bartolommeo dalli Sonetti, was printed inVenice and in the first part of the sixteenth century a

number of world maps were published, among themone compiled in 1506 by Giovanni Contarini, engravedby Francesco Rosselli, which was the first printed mapto show the discoveries in the New World. In thefollowing years there were many attractive and unusualmaps of Islands (Isolario) by Bordone, Camocio andPorcacchi, but more important was the work ofGiacomo (Jacopo) Gastaldi, a native of Piedmont whostarted life as an engineer in the service of the VenetianRepublic before turning to cartography as a pro-fession. His maps, produced in great variety andquantity, were beautifully drawn copperplate engrav-ings and his style and techniques were widely copied byhis contemporaries. From about 15 5 o to 1580 many ofGastaldi's maps appeared in the collections of mapsknown as Lafreri 'atlases', a term applied to groups ofmaps by different cartographers brought together inone binding. As the contents of such collections variedconsiderably they were no doubt assembled at thespecial request of wealthy patrons and are now veryrare indeed.

About this time, for a variety of historical andcommercial reasons, Italy's position as the leadingtrading and financial nation rapidly declined and with ither superiority in cartography was lost to the vigorousnew states in the Low Countries. That is not to say, ofcourse, that Italian skills as map makers were lostentirely for it was not until 1620 that the first printedmaps of Italy by an Italian, Giovanni Magini, appeared,and much later in the century there were fine maps byGiacomo de Rossi and Vincenzo Coronelli, the latterleading a revival of interest in cartography at the end ofthe century. Coronelli was also famous for the cons-truction of magnificent large-size globes and for thefoundation in Venice in 1680 of the first geographicalsociety.

In the eighteenth century the best-known names areAntonio Zatta, Rizzi-Zannoni and Giovanni Cassini,examples of whose work are noted in the following

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pages.Before leaving this chapter we ought to mention the

work of Baptista Boazio who drew a series of maps inA Summarie and True Discourse of Sir Francis Drake'sWest Indian Voyage, published in 1588-89, and who isespecially noted for a very fine map of Ireland printedin 15 99 which was incorporated in the later editions ofthe Ortelius atlases. It is perhaps appropriate also torefer to two English map makers who spent many yearsin exile in Italy: the first, George Lily, famous for thesplendid map of the British Isles issued in Rome in1546, and the second, Robert Dudley, who exactly onehundred years later was responsible for the finest seaatlas of the day, Dell' Arcano del Mare, published inFlorence. Both of these are described in greater detailelsewhere in this handbook.



The early Italian editions of Ptolemy's Geographia up to1511 are set out below: later editions are shown underthe name of the appropriate cartographer or publisher.See also Appendix A for complete list of Ptolemyeditions.

c. 1477 Bologna: Latin text: 26 copperplate maps

1478 Rome: do : 27 do1490, 1507 (plus 6 modern maps), 1508(plus world map)

c. 1480-82 Florence: Italian text: 31 copperplate maps

1 5 1 1 Venice : Latin text: 27 woodcut maps plusworld map on heart-shaped projection


Sonetti, whose real name was Zamberti, was a Vene-tian sea captain who compiled and had published about148 5 an 'island-book'. These were the very first printedsea charts and were the forerunners of a number ofsimilar works which appeared during the followingcentury. The descriptive text was in verse or sonnetform, hence the name by which Zamberti becameknown.

c. 1485 Isolario (island- book) (410)49 woodcut charts of the Greek islands1 5 3 2 Re-issued with the addition of aworld map by Francesco Rosselli



The world map compiled by Contarini and engravedby Rosselli is the oldest surviving printed map show-ing any part of the American continent, the onlyknown copy of which is in the British Library. Little isknown of Contarini but Rosselli was established inFlorence as an engraver, publisher and map seller, theearliest business of that kind of which we have record.He probably engraved some of the 'new' maps in theeditions of Ptolemy's Geographia published in Florencein 1480-82.

c. 1506 World Map

PIETRO COPPO c. 1470-15 5 5Venetian geographer, of interest for a small woodcutmap of the British Isles printed in Venice and a map ofIstria.

c. 1520-25 British Isles: woodcutc. 15 24 World Map1 5 2 5 Istria: woodcut

1540 Re-issued


Born in Padua, Bordone trained as an 'illuminator' andwood-engraver, working in Venice where, in 1508, hewas given permission by the Senate to print maps ofItaly and the world. No copies of these maps seem tohave survived and he is known, therefore, only for hisIsolario, printed in Venice in 1528. Although issued asan 'Island Book' it gave prominence to discoveries inthe New World and contained three full-size woodcutmaps: the World, on an oval projection probablydevised by the Florentine engraver, Francesco Ros-selli, a map of Europe as a whole, and one of Greeceand the North-Eastern Mediterranean. The remainder,about 80 woodcuts, are small maps or 'charts' set in thetext of the book.

1528 Isolario (small folio)1534, 1547, c. 1565 Re-issued


A Venetian engraver and book printer notable forhaving produced in 1539 wnat is claimed to be the firstprinted chart intended for use at sea rather than as adecorative map. Although it was no doubt based onmanuscript portulan charts, the distortion of coastlinesand lack of scale and landmarks would have made its

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BENEDETTO BORDONE Island of Kaloytros\Caloiero. Published in Bordone's Isolario, 154?- A rocky islet in the Aegean, possibly inthe neighbourhood of Kos, surmounted by a chapel to which two Christian monks devoted their lives. In spite of their presenceit was a place of ill repute to seafarers. According to one account, their unusual method of safeguarding themselves againstpirates was circumvented by stratagem and they were carried off to bondage in nearby Turkey.

practical use hazardous in the extreme. Vavassore alsoissued a 4-sheet map of Italy which was eventually usedby Magini in compiling his Atlas of Italy. Throughouthis life Vavassore continued to use woodcut engravingfor producing maps although most of his contempor-aries followed Gastaldi in the use of copper.

c. 1532-59 Maps of Spain, France and other Europeancountries

1539 Chart of the Adriatic, Aegean and EasternMediterranean1541, 1 5 5 8 Re-issued

c. 15 50—60 Map of Italy: 4 sheets

GEORGE LILY/. 1528-59

See Chapter 15 for a biographical note and details of hismap of the British Isles.


Praised as 'that most excellent of cartographers',

Gastaldi was a native of Piedmont and worked in earlylife as an engineer in the service of the VenetianRepublic before turning in the early 15405 to cart-ography as a profession. Eventually he was appointedCosmographer to the Republic. From 1544 onwards heproduced a large number of maps beautifully engravedon copper, using a style which was widely copied by hiscontemporaries; indeed, his technique marked the finaltransition away from woodblock printing which hadbeen predominant for so long. Apart from compilingmaps of the world and the continents he was re-sponsible for the maps in an edition of Ptolemy issuedin 1548 and in a noted collection of voyages and travelscalled Delle Navigation! e Viaggi by Giovanni BattistaRamusio (148 5 -15 5 7). Many of his maps were includedin the Lafreri collections of maps in the 1560-80period.

Gastaldi is credited with popularizing the idea that aroute round the north of the American continent led toa passage which he called the Strait of Anian, named

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ANTONIO LAFRERI La Fraiicia & la Spagna & la Fiandra. This map of South-Western Europe published in Rome c. 1 5 5 4 was thefirst map of the area issued by Lafreri.

after Marco Polo's Kingdom of Anian. The nameappeared on many maps until well into the seventeenthcentury.

1546 LJniversale: the World on oval projection.Widely copied by other cartographers ofthe period.

1548-99 Ptolemy's Geographia: Venice. The firstedition in Italian, translation by PietroMattioli of Siena and the first printed'pocket atlas': 170 x 115 mm(See Appendix A for issue details.)

c. 1554—65 Maps in Ramusio's Delle Navigation! eViaggiNumerous re-issues

15 5 9-64 Maps of Africa, Asia and Europe1561 Map of Italy: 3 sheets


MICHELE TRAMEZINI (Rome) fl. 15 39-82ANTONIO SALAMANCA (Rome)y7. 1553-62

CLAUDIO DUCHETTI (Rome) fl. 1554-97

GIOVANNI FRANCESCO CAMOCio (Venice)y?. 15 58-75DONATO and FERANDO BERTELLI (Venice)/. 1559-84PAOLO FORLANI (Venice) fl. I 5 60-74

For a short time round the middle of the sixteenthcentury, in the period between the publication ofMiinster's Geographia (i 540) and Cosmographia (i 544) inBasle and the Ortelius Theatrum Orbis Terrarum inAntwerp (i 5 70), the increasing demand for sheet mapswas met by engravers and publishers in Rome andVenice, of whom the above-named were the mostactive. It became the practice in those cities to issue inone volume maps by various cartographers, the maps

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varying in shape and size but being bound in uniformstyle and usually arranged in standard 'Ptolemaic'order. The collections, of which no two are quite alike,were probably made up to individual requirements andare now exceedingly rare. They have become knowngenerically as Lafreri Atlases from Lafreri's imprint ina number of them but similar collections were issuedby other publishers.

c. 1550-75 Map collections with varying contents andwithout title until c. \ 5 70-72 when a front-ispiece showing the title 'Tavole Modernedi Geografia' and a figure of Atlas wasincluded in some issues

NICOLO ZENO/I. 1 5 5 8

In 1558 Nicolo Zeno published in Venice a book oftravels, accompanied by a map, based on manuscriptswhich he claimed gave an account of a voyage to theArctic regions by his ancestors, Nicolo and AntonioZeno, in the year 1380. Imaginary or not, the map gavea remarkably accurate picture of the lands of the farnorth and was accepted as authentic by Frobisher,Davis and other explorers and, not least, by Mercator.

1 5 5 8 Cart a da Navegar de Nicolo et Antonio Zeni:woodcut: 275 * 375 mm1561-74 Re-engraved on copper plate byG. Ruscelli and published in Venice:180 x 240 mm

G I R O L A M O RUSCELLI C. 1504-66

Ruscelli was editor of a revised and expanded editionof Ptolemy's Geographia which was issued in Veniceseveral times between 1561 and the end of the century.The newly engraved maps were based, generally, onthose compiled by Giacomo Gastaldi for the Veniceedition of 1548.

1561 Geographia

1562, 1564, 1574, 1598-99 Re-issued(See Appendix A for further detail.)


Noted for the publication in Venice of a map of NorthAmerica which was the first printed map to show theStrait of Anian as propounded a few years earlier byGiacomo Gastaldi.

c. 15 66 // D i segno del dis coper to della nova Franza


Apart from contributing many individual maps to theLafreri Atlases (q.v.), Camocio also issued in Venice anIsland Book and an important 4-sheet map of the worldcopied from a work, now lost, by Gastaldi.

15 69 Cosmograpbia Universalis (after GiacomoGastaldi)1581 Re-issued

1572-74 hole famose


Following Bordone and Camocio, Porcacchi issued inVenice another 'Island Book' incorporating laterdiscoveries and including maps of the world and thecontinents. It continued to appear in new editions forover a century.

1572 Ulsole piu Famose del Mondo (410)Miniature maps engraved by GirolamoPorro1576, 1590, 1604, 1605, 1620, 1713 Re-issued1586 Re-engraved: many reissues

GIROLAMO PORRO ft. 1567-96

A Venetian engraver and book illustrator who en-graved maps in the following works:

1572 L'lsole piu Famose del Mondo (410) byTomaso Porcacchi

1596 Ptolemy's Geographia (410) edited byGiovanni Magini(See Appendix A for further detail.)

MATTEO R I C C I 1 5 5 2 - 1 6 1 0

A Jesuit priest who spent much of his life in the FarEast and became known as 'the Apostle of China'.Ricci compiled a map of the world which was printedin China in 1584 followed by two later versions alsoprinted there.

1584 World map: Shao-King1599 Re-issued in Nanking1602 Re-issued in Peking

LIVIO SANUTO c. 15 30-^. 8615 88 Geografia dell'Africa (large folio): Venice

The first 'atlas' of Africa containing 12maps engraved by Giulio Sanuto

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FERANDO BERTELLI L'Iso/a di Corfu. Map of Corfu published in a Lafreri Atlas, Rome 1564.

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TOMASO PORCACCHI DA CASTiLiONE Jamaica. One of the many island maps included in Porcacchi's L'lsolcpiu Famose delMondo,first published in i j y z .


1591 World Map: Rome (195 x 295 mm)1596 Maps including the Continents and the

British IslesIssued in many editions in Cologne andother cities until c. 1662

BAPTISTA BOAZIOy?. 1588-1606

An Italian cartographer who spent many years work-ing in England and is particularly noted for his map ofIreland which was widely copied and was used in latereditions of the Ortelius Theatrum Orbis Terrarum.

1588-89 A chart and four maps in A Summarie andTrue Discourse of Sir Francis Drake's WestIndian Voyage by Walter Bigges, publishedin Leyden (1588) and London (1589)

15 99 IrelandEngraved by Renold Elstracke: published

by John Sudbury


1590-91 Map of Eastern and Southern Africa:

Rome1597 English edition


15 94-9 5 // Mondo: FlorenceRe-issued a number of times with differenttitles until c. 1724

15 98 Ptolemy's GeografiaRevision of edition by Girolamo Ruscelli,first published in 1561

1606 Viaggio da Venetian Constantinople Venice(410) 72 charts, maps and town plans

1615 Teatro del Cielo e della Terra (12mo): wood-cut mapsc. 1640 Re-issued

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A native of Padua, Magini was the first Italian toprepare a printed atlas of his native country although itwas only completed and published three years after hisdeath by his son, Fabio. The maps were based on thoseof Gastaldi, Vavassore and others and many wereengraved by Benjamin Wright, the noted Englishengraver who was specially commissioned to carry outthe task.

Magini also edited a new edition of Ptolemy'sGeograpbia with maps engraved by Girolamo Porro.

15 96-1621 Ptolemy's Geographia(See Appendix A for issue details.)

1620 ItaliaAtlas of Italy containing about 5 5-60 maps


Arnoldi, an engraver employed in Bologna by Magini,the noted Italian cartographer, compiled a reducedversion of the famous wall map by Petrus Plancius(i 592). All the issues of these maps are extremely rare.

1600 World Map: Siena (10 sheets). (Publishedby Matteo Florini)c. 1640, 1669 Re-issued in Siena by PietroPetrucci


See Chapter 15 for a biographical note and details of hissea charts.

1646 Dell'Arcano del Mare1661 Re-issued


A Jesuit priest who compiled remarkably accuratemaps of China and a map of Japan which werepublished in Amsterdam in 1655 and were alsoincorporated in Blaeu's Theatrum Orbis Terrarum in thatyear. The maps were used in later years by otherpublishers including Jansson and Schenk.

1 6 5 5 Novus Atlas Sinensis


c. 1664 Prima parte delta Specchio del Mare: atlasconsisting of 25 maps and charts of theMediterranean published in Genoa

1677 Maps of Asia and North Americac. 1690 Mercuric Geografico

Further editions to 1714


Ordained as a Franciscan priest, Coronelli spent mostof his life in Venice, becoming a noted theologian andbeing appointed, in 1699, Father General of his order.By that time he was already famous as a mathematician,cartographer and globe maker and his influence led to arevival of interest in these subjects in Italy at the end ofthe seventeenth century. He was certainly the greatestcartographer of his time there and became Cosmo-grapher to the Venetian Republic, taught geography inthe University and, in 1680, founded the first geo-graphical society, the 'Academia Cosmografica degliArgonauti'.

In his lifetime he compiled and engraved over 500maps including a large 2-volume work, the AtlanteVeneto, somewhat reminiscent of Robert Dudley'sDel? Arcane del Mare; he is equally well known for hisconstruction of very large terrestrial and celestialglobes even finer than those of Blaeu, including one, 15feet in diameter, made for Louis XIV of France.

1690-91 Atlante l/eneto1696-97 Isolario dell' Atlante ]/eneto1692 Cor so geografico univ er sale

1695 Re-issued1693 Epitome Cosmografica1693 Libra dei Globi

1701 Re-issued1695 World Map1696 Pacific Ocean


1701 The World and the Continents: Padua


1713 Universus terrarum orbis


1674 World map based on Sanson


Rizzi-Zannoni was a noted astronomer, surveyor andmathematician of great versatility. His achievementsincluded a large scale map of Poland, appointments asGeographer to the Venetian Republic and as Hydro-grapher to the Depot de Marine in Paris. The maps inhis various atlases were beautifully engraved, showingminute detail and embellished with elaborate car-touches. His earlier atlases were published in Paris but

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fP A H Tf, wiI. LA « R A N

A R T A R J A \jr

I I T E N T R I O t t A l f


VINCENZO CORONELLI Terre Artichc. Map of the Arctic Regions, published in the first part of Coronelli's marine atlas, AtlanteVentto, Venice, 1690-91.

his later works first appeared in Naples.1760 Etrennes geographiques: Paris

Maps compiled in association with L. A.du Caille

1762 Atlas geograpbique: Paris1763 Atlasgeographique et militaire: Paris1765 Atlas historique de la France: Paris1765 Le Petit Neptune Francois: Paris1772 Carte Generate de la Pologne (24 sheets): Paris1792 Atlante Maritime delle due Sicilie: Naples1795 Nuova carta della Lombardia: Naples


A Venetian cartographer and publisher whose atlasesinclude maps of groups of English, Scottish and Irishcounties.

c. 1775-85 Atlante novissimo: 218 maps in 4 volumesf. 1799 Nuovo atlante

p. SANTINI/. 1776-84An Italian publisher working in Venice whose majorwork, an Atlas Universe/, included a large number ofmaps by French cartographers.1776-84 Atlas Universel: z volumes1783 Atlas portatif d" Italic


1792 Nuovo atlantegeografico universa/e Vol. I/7fl7 do Vol. IIiSoi do Vol. Ill179) General Map of Italy: /; sheets

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Specialist References

BAGROW, L., History of Cartography

HOWSE, D. and SANDERSON, M., The Sea ChartGives a number of examples of early Italian sea charts

NORDENSKIOLD, A. E., Facsimile Atlas to the EarlyHistory of CartographyReproductions of Ptolemaic and other early maps

SHIRLEY, R. w., The Mapping of the WorldNumerous examples of early Italian maps with des-criptive detail


Bartolommeo (Sonetti): IsolarioBordone: IsolarioPtolemy: GeographiafCosntographia 1477, 1478, 1513,1540Sanuto: Gtografia delf AfricaMagini: ItaliaCoronelli: Libra dei GlobiReproductions of complete atlases

TOOLEY, R. v. Maps in Italian Atlases of the i6th CenturyDetailed analysis of early Italian maps

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Chapter 12

GERMANY & AUSTRIAIn the latter half of the fifteenth century Germany,though nominally still part of the Holy RomanEmpire, was a fragmented land, split into a score ofprincipalities and Imperial Cities, fiercely jealous ofeach other but having in common an extraordinarycreative urge which produced builders of greatchurches and cathedrals, workers in stone and wood,metal engravers, painters and makers of scientificinstruments, who were the envy of the world. Of alltheir achievements, the invention of movable-typeprinting was to have the most profound effect onhuman relationships. Printing industries soon grew upin many cities, including Nuremberg and Augsburgwhere wood engraving already flourished and which,with Basle and Strassburg, were also the centres ofgeographical knowledge. Not only were local andregional maps produced in considerable variety andquantity, but more particularly the geographers andmathematicians of Nuremberg are famous for theirglobes of the world, some of which are still preserved.

The most important map of the whole of Germanyproduced in this period was a manuscript dated c. 1464by Nicholas Cusanus (Khryfts), Cardinal, humanistand scholar, friend of Toscanelli, the Italian geo-grapher, and one of the most brilliant men of his day.The map covering Germany, Southern Scandinaviaand the Baltic was printed in 1491, long after theauthor's death, and it served as a model for a similarrnap in the Nuremberg Chronicle. We have written insome detail in Chapter 4 of this famous book, firstpublished in 1493, which contained a great number ofwoodcut views and maps, but as far as cartography isconcerned the printing of Ptolemy's Geographia at Ulmin 1482 (and 1486) - the first edition with woodcutmaps - was an event of the greatest importance. Themost ambitious editions of the Ptolemy maps appearedin 1515 in Strassburg, containing not only maps of theancient world but also twenty new ones, including oneof the 'New World', based on the latest contemporary

knowledge. This was produced under the guidance ofMartin Waldseemuller, a German cartographer, at StDie in Lorraine, at that time a noted centre of learning.Other editions followed in the years up to 1541,overlapping with the newer work of Sebastian Miin-ster, an eminent mathematician and linguist, whosettled in Basle and whose prolific output of atlases andmaps contained also many plans and views of the greatcities of the time. These in turn were superseded byBraun and Hogenberg's Civitates Orbis Terrarum issuedin Cologne between the years 1572 and 1618, whichwas one of the most famous publications of the period.

In the seventeenth century Dutch supremacy in mapmaking and publishing overshadowed Germany noless than England and France and there was to be norevival until the foundation in Nuremberg about theyear 1700 of the printing firm of J. B. Homann, whosebusiness acumen started a resurgence of map publish-ing. He became a member of the Berlin Academy ofSciences and was appointed Geographer to theEmperor in 1715. The business was continued by hisson, Johann Christoph, and was eventually bequeathedto the founder's son-in-law on condition that hecontinued the business under the name of HomannHeirs. Other notable publishing houses active duringthe century were run by Matthaus Seutter and TobiasLotter in the rival city of Augsburg,

At the end of the century, between 1799 and 1804,the German naturalist and traveller, Alexander vonHumboldt, made epic journeys in South America and,although not primarily a cartographer, he addedimmensely to knowledge of the northern areas of thecontinent. His travels and studies there led him toformulate new theories in the spheres of meteorology,geology and oceanography which had world-wideapplication. Indeed, after Napoleon and Wellington,he was the most famous man of his time in Europe andhis ideas made a major contribution to German andEuropean cartography in the nineteenth century. In

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particular, his assertion that maps should embrace farmore than a simple topographical view inducedGerman cartographers to publish 'physical' atlases inthe modern sense which were unsurpassed until ourown times.



The edition of Ptolemy's Geograpbia printed at Ulm in1482 was the first published outside Italy and the firstwith woodcut maps; it contained 26 maps based onPtolemy and 6 'modern' maps. Later German issues areshown under the name of the appropriate carto-grapher. See also Appendix A for a complete list ofPtolemv editions.

1482 Geographic1486 Re-issued


Waldseemiiller, born in Radolfzell, a village on what isnow the Swiss shore of Lake Constance, studied for thechurch at Freiburg and eventually settled in St Die atthe Court of the Duke of Lorraine, at that time a notedpatron of the arts. There, in the company of likemindedsavants, he devoted himself to a study of cartographyand cosmography, the outcome of which was a worldmap on 12 sheets, now famous as the map on which thename 'America' appears for the first time. Suggested byWaldseemiiller in honour of Amerigo Vespucci (lati-nised: Americus Vesputius) whom he regarded, quiteinexplicably, as the discoverer of the New World, thenew name became generally accepted by geographersbefore the error could be rectified, and its use wasendorsed by Mercator on his world map printed in1538. Although only one copy is now known ofWaldseemiiller's map and of the later Carta Marina( 1 5 1 6 ) they were extensively copied in various formsby other cartographers of the day. Waldseemiiller isbest known for his preparation from about 1507onwards of the maps for an issue of Ptolemy'sGeograpbia, now regarded as the most importantedition of that work. Published by other hands inStrassburg in 1 5 1 3 , it included 20 'modern' maps andpassed through a number of editions which are notedbelow. It remained the most authoritative work of itstime until the issue of Miinster's Geographia in 1540 andCosmographia in 1544

1507 World Map ( i2 sheets)1 5 1 3 Ptolemy's Geographia

Strassburg: 47 woodcut maps publishedby Jacobus Eszler and Georgius Ubelin(large folio)15 20 Strassburg: re-issued1522 Strassburg: 50 woodcut maps, re-duced in size, revised by Laurent Fries(Laurentius Frisius) and included the earl-iest map showing the name 'America'which is likely to be available to collectors1 5 2 5 Strassburg: re-issue of 15 22 maps1535 Lyon: re-issue of 1522 maps, editedby Michael Servetus who was subsequent-ly tried for heresy and burned at the stakein 1 5 5 3 , ostensibly because of derogatorycomments in the atlas about the Holy Land- the fact that the notes in question had noteven been written by Servetus, but werecopied from earlier editions, left hisCalvin ist persecutors unmoved1541 Vienne (Dauphine): re-issue of theLyon edition - the offensive commentsabout the Holy Land have been deleted

1516 Carta Marina: World Map on 12 sheets


1520 Tipus Orbis Universal!* (World Map):woodcut on heart-shaped projection

15 24 Cosmographia: woodcut maps (410)1533, 1534, 1545 (including World Map onheart-shaped projection by GemmaFrisius) and numerous other editions toc. 1650

1530 World Map: woodcut on heart-shapedprojection

1534 Europe: woodcut


Following the various editions of Waldseemiiller'smaps, the names of three cartographers dominate thesixteenth century: Mercator, Ortelius and Miinster,and of these three Miinster probably had the widestinfluence in spreading geographical knowledgethroughout Europe in the middle years of the century.His Cosmographia, issued in 1544, contained not onlythe latest maps and views of many well-known cities,but included an encyclopaedic amount of detail aboutthe known - and unknown - world and undoubtedlymust have been one of the most widely read books of

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oderna Gtrmatiie Strassburg 1512 (woodcut). An interesting map embracing most of Central

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Leftjcrdefte. OrientjLejle. Lefttejle.

Occident^ Weft.

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SEBASTIAN MUNSTER Kegionts Septentrionalts-Scandinavia Basle 15 88-1628. This woodcut map engraved 'in the copperplatemanner" from Miinster's Cosmosgraphia replaced that used in the early editions from 1540 to 1544.

its time, going through nearly forty editions in sixlanguages.

An eminent German mathematician and linguist,Miinster became Professor of Hebrew at Heidelbergand later at Basle, where he settled in 1529. In 1528,following his first mapping of Germany, he appealed toGerman scholars to send him 'descriptions, so that allGermany with its villages, towns, trades etc. may beseen as in a mirror', even going so far as to giveinstructions on how they should 'map' their ownlocalities. The response was far greater than expectedand much information was sent by foreigners as well asGermans so that, eventually, he was able to include

many up-to-date, if not very accurate, maps in hisatlases. He was the first to provide a separate map ofeach of the four known Continents and the firstseparately printed map of England. His maps, printedfrom woodblocks, are now greatly valued by collect-ors. His two major works, the Geographia and Cosmo-graphia were published in Basle by his step-son, HenriPetri, who continued to issue many editions afterMiinster's death of the plague in 1 5 5 2 .

1525 Map of Germany1532 Tj/pus Cosmographia Universalis

1537, ' 5 5 5 Re-issued

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1538 Maps in Miinster's editions of the Poly-histor by Solinus and De Situ Orbis ofPomponius Mela (8vo)1543 Re-issued

1540 Ptolemy's Geographia: Basle, Henri Petri:48 maps (4to)1541, 1542 Re-issued1545 Re-issued with some amendmentsand 6 new maps1551, 1 5 5 2 Re-issue of 1545 maps

1544 Cosmographia Universalis: Basle, Henri Petri(4to)1545, 1546, 1548, 1 5 5 0 (enlarged) andfurther editions, about 30 in all, to 1578:text in German, Latin, French and Italian(Italian editions printed in Venice 1571,

M75)1588 Re-issued by Sebastian Petri, fol-lowed by four further editions: 1591, i598,1614, 1628. In some cases detail fromearlier editions is omitted and it may wellbe that the maps were hastily re-engravedto prolong the life of the Cosmography inthe face of competition from Ortelius andothers. These were woodcut maps butengraved in the 'copperplate' manner.

1 5 7 1 Miinster's maps issued in an edition ofStrabo's Geographia - Strabonis noblissimi etdoctissimi philosophi acque geographi rerumgeograpbicarum: Greek and Latin text: 27separate maps and 6 in text


The world map detailed below was published in acollection of voyages by John Huttich edited byGrynaeus. Apart from the elegance of its design it isimportant as the first printed map to indicate therotation of the globe on its own axis.

1 5 3 2 Typus Cosmographicus Universalis (WorldMap): woodcut map: design attributed(doubtfully) to Hans Holbein the Younger15 37. ' 5 5 5 ar)d other re-issues


1 5 3 2 Quae intus continentur etc: Strassburg, con-taining 8 woodcut maps, i map of Scandi-navia (the first printed map to showFinland) and 7 maps of the Biblical lands1536 Re-issued


c. 1542 Kudimentorum Cosmographicorum: 13 wood-cut maps1546, 1549, 1564, 1570 Re-issued


Hungarian historian and cartographer whose workwas published in Vienna. His early maps of CentralEurope were used by Mercator and Ortelius, amongothers, in the preparation of their atlases. It can beclaimed that his Austrian atlas of 1561 was one of thefirst three national atlases, the others being by JohannStumpf (Switzerland, 1548-52) and ChristopherSaxton (1579).

1545 Austria: large-scale map1565 Reduced version: Venice

1556 Hungary: large-scale map1559 Reduced version: Rome

1561 Typi Chorographici Prouin-Austriae (Atlas ofthe Austrian Provinces): Vienna (pub-lished by Michael Zimmerman)First printed atlas of Austria covering thehereditary lands of the Austrian crown

PHILIPP APIAN 15 31-8915 5 4-61 Large-scale map of Bavaria

1568 Reduced edition on 24 sheets


1556 Typo de la Carta Cosmographica (WorldMap): woodcut


c. 1536-88In Chapter 7 on Town Plans we include a descriptionof the Civitates Orbis Terrarum and note there the datesof issue of plans of various British towns; here weconfine ourselves to the general issue details of the firstand subsequent editions.

1572 Civitates Orbis Terrarum Vol. I1575 do Vol.111581 do Vol. Illc. 1588 do Vol. IVc. 1598 do Vol. V1618 do Vol. VI

These volumes were published originally with Latintext followed by re-issues with German and Frenchtranslations. Volume VI comprised an issue of'Supple-

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mentary' plans. Sometime after 1618 the plates passedinto possession of Abraham Hogenberg who wasresponsible for a number of further re-issues and afterhis death the plates were acquired by Jan Jansson.Using them as a basis Jansson published an 8-volumeedition and this in turn was followed by further re-issues.

1652-57 Illustriorum Germania Superior (etc) urbiumtabulae (town plans): 8 volumes: Latin text:Jan Jansson1682 Re-issued by Jansson's heirs inabridged form - no text

c. 1694- Theatrum praecipuarum totius Europae urbium1700 by Frederick de Wit

1729 La Galerie Agre'able du Monde, by Pieter vander Aa, reproduced many plans fromplates formerly in F. de Wit's possession

c. 1750 Re-issued for the last time by CornellsMortier and Johannes Covens


c. 1581-85 Itinerarium - Sacrat Scripturae, includingWorld Map in clover-leaf formSeveral re-issues in various languages aslate as 1650


1590 Universalis orbis descriptio: World Map:woodcut (410)


De Bry was an engraver, bookseller and publisher,active in Frankfurt-am-Main, who is known to haveengraved a number of charts in Waghenaer's TheMariners Mirrour published in London in 1588. In thatsame year, also in London, an account was publishedby Thomas Hariot, illustrated by the artist John White,describing Raleigh's abortive attempt to found acolony in Virginia, and this was to be the inspirationfor de Bry's major work, the series of Grands Voyagesand Petits Voyages. In all, 54 parts of these two workswere issued containing very fine illustrations andbeautiful, and now very rare, maps, much sought afterby collectors.

Grands Voyages: Accounts of voyages toNorth and South America: Frankfurt-am-Main

1590 Part i by Theodore de Bry, published in

English, French, German, Latin1592-97 Parts 2-6 by Theodore de Bry, published

in German and Latin1598-1602 Parts 7-9 published by de Bry's widow and

his sons in German and Latin1619-30 Parts 10-14 published by Matthaus Merian

in German and LatinPetits Voyages: Accounts of voyages toIndia and the Far East: Frankfurt-am-Main

c. 1598- Parts 1-13 started by Theodore de Bry,1628 continued by his widow and sons and

completed by Matthaus Merian, inGerman and Latin (Part 13 in Germanonly)

MATTHEW QUAD I 5 5 7 - 1 6 1 3

A German cartographer active in Cologne at the end ofthe sixteenth century: his maps were printed byJohannes Bussemacher.1592 Europae totius orbis terrarum (small folio)

1 5 94 and 1596 Re-issuedc. 1600 Geographisch Handtbuch

1608 Maps re-issued in Fasciculus geo-graphicus (small folio)


Cliiver was born in Danzig and after studying atLeyden and Oxford, he became interested in historicalgeography; his subsequent publications made a wideand influential contribution to knowledge of thesubject.1616-) i Germania A ntiqua1619 Sicilia Antiqua

1659, c- !724 Re-issued1624 Italia Antiqua

1659, '674, 1724 Re-issued1624 Introductionis in Universam Geographicam

(4to)1667, 1676, 1683, 1711, 1729 and laterissues


1630 Nova Orbis TerrarumWorld Map to accompany the RudolphineTables (Star Catalogue) by JohannesKepler - the first printed map to showparts of the North and West coasts ofAustralia

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MATTHAUS MERIAN (son) 1621-87

Merian was a notable Swiss engraver, born in Basle,subsequently studying in Zurich and then moving toFrankfurt where he met Theodore de Bry, whosedaughter he married. In Frankfurt he spent most of hisworking life, and with Martin Zeiller (1589-1661), aGerman geographer, and later with his own son, heproduced a series of Topographia consisting of 21volumes including a very large number of town plansas well as maps of most countries and a World Map - avery popular work issued in many editions. He alsotook over and completed the later parts and editions ofthe Grand Voyages and Petits Voyages originally startedby de Bry in 1590.

c. 1640- Topographia (21 volumes)1750



1641 Deutsche Keisekarte or Totius GermaniaeNovum ItinerariumThe first comprehensive road map ofCentral Europe covering Germany, theNetherlands, Switzerland, Bohemia andneighbouring parts of France, Italy andPoland


A scientific scholar, Kircher published a number ofworks including one on compass variations, but he isbest remembered as the inventor of the magic lantern!Maps in his book Mundus Subterraneus were the first todescribe tides and ocean currents besides showing thesites of all the volcanoes known at that time. Alsoincluded was a map of the island of'Atlantis ' .

c. 1665 Tabula Geographica-Hydrographica motusoceani


1677 82 Atlas of Germany

HIOB LUDOLF 1624-1704

A German scholar who wrote a History of Ethiopiapublished in 1681. His map, based on details in anotable book of the time, A Voyage to Abyssinia, wasengraved and published by his son Christian Ludolf.

1683 Habessinia sen Abassia Presbyteri JohannisRtgft


Active as a portrait painter in Nuremberg, Sandrartalso produced a decorative map of Africa.1700 Accuratissima totius Africae Tabulae (en-

graved by J. B. Homann)

J E R I M I A S WOLFF 1663-1720

c. 1700-02 The World and the Continents: Augsburg


A professor of mathematics and cartographer inMunich, Scherer issued one of the first series ofthematic atlases (1703).

1702 Atlas Marinus

1703 Geographia politicajnaturalislhierarchia1710 Atlas Novus



Following the long period of Dutch domination, theHomann family became the most important mappublishers in Germany in the eighteenth century, thebusiness being founded by J. B. Homann in Nurem-berg about the year 1702. Soon after publishing his firstatlas in 1707 he became a member of the BerlinAcademy of Sciences and, in 1715, he was appointedGeographer to the Emperor. After the founder's deathin 1724, the firm was continued under the direction ofhis son until 1730 and was then bequeathed to his heirson condition that it traded under the name of HomannHeirs. In fact, the firm remained in being until the nextcentury and had a wide influence on map publishing inGermany. Apart from the atlases noted below, the firmpublished a very large number of individual maps.

1702-07 Atlas novus terror urn1712 Enlarged edition with re-issues to

c- 1753c. 1714 Neuer atlas

Re-issues to c. 17301719 Atlas Methodic us1730 America Septentrionali Britannorum1737 Grosser atlas

Re-issues to c. 1770

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JOHANN BAPTIST HOMANN Mississipt seu Provincial Ludovicianac Nuremberg 1719. Map of the Mississippi and Louisiana, basedon earlier maps by G. Delisle and Louis de Hennepin.

Homann Heirs (Homannische Erben)JOHANN MICHAEL FRANZ 1700-61



and othersc. 1747 Homannischer atlas

Re-issues to c. 1780c. 1750 Atlas of Germany1750 Atlas of Silesiac. 1 7 5 2 Atlas compendiarus

Re-issues to 17901754 Bequemer Hand-atlas

1759 Atlas GeographicusRe-issues to c. 1784

1769 Atlas novus republicae Helveticae1780 Atlas maior


1704 Atlas curieux (4to)


c. 1710 Mappa Geographica Delineatio (Maps of theContinents)

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CHRISTOPH WEIGEL Insulae Malta Nuremberg c. 1720. Very decorative map with a plan of Valletta.



Engravers and publishers in Nuremberg: their busi-ness was carried on in later years under the nameSchneider and Weigel.1712 A tlas Scholasticus

1740 Re-issued1720 Descriptio orbis antiqui (with J. D. Koehler)17*4 Atlas Manualis1745 Neuer Post-Reise Atlas von Deutschland

1724 Atlas Manualis


Descriptio orbis antiqui (with J. and C.Weigel)

GEORG MATTHAUS SHUTTER (the Older) 1678-1756GEORG MATTHAUS SEUTTER (the Younger) 1729-60


After serving an apprenticeship to J. B. Homann, theNuremberg map publisher, Seutter set up his own verysuccessful business in Augsburg and was appointedGeographer to the Imperial Court. With his son,Albrecht, and son-in-law, Conrad Letter, he issued inabout 1741 a large series of town plans. For much ofhislife he worked in competition with his old employerand, not surprisingly, his maps are often very similar tothose of Homann.

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c. 1720


(• ' 755c. 1741


Atlas Germanic usAtlas GtographicusAtlas Novus: Vienna and Augsburg1730, 1736 Re-issuedGrosser AtlasAtlas novus sive tabulae geographical totiusorbis (town plans)Atlas minor (410 with folded maps)


Also published maps as a member of the firm of'Homann Heirs'.1737 Africa secundum

Re-issues to 17451746 Atlantis hi star id Hasiani1746 Americae mappa generalis


c. 1740 Atlas Select us1749 Re-issued


GEORG F R I E D R I C H LOTTER fl. 1762-87


Tobias Lotter was a German publisher and engraverwho married the daughter of the elder MatthausSeutter. He engraved many of Seutter's maps andeventually succeeded to the business in 1756, becomingone of the better-known cartographers in theeighteenth-century German School. After his death thebusiness was carried on by his son, M. A. Lotter.c. 1744 Atlas Minorc. 1760-62 Atlas Gtographicus portabilisc. i770 Atlas Novusi 776 A Map of the most inhabited part of New

] England1778 A tlas Geographique1778 (M. A. Lotter) World Map showing

Cook's voyages

G E R H A R D F R I E D R I C H MULLER/. 1 7 5 4

1754 Nouvelle Carte des Decouvertes faites par desl/aisseaux Russiens1758, 1773, 1784 Re-issued

PETER ANICH 1723-661774 Atlas Tyrolensis (Blasius Hueber)

FRANZ ANTON SCHRAMBL 1 7 5 1 - 1 8 0 3

In the last decades of the eighteenth century Anton

Schrambl and Joseph von Reilly led a successfulrevival of map making in Vienna. Completion ofSchrambl's ambitious World Atlas, started in 1786,based on the best available sources of the time, wasmuch delayed and the maps were issued piecemeal yearby year until the whole atlas appeared in 1800.1786-1800 Allgemeiner Grosser Atlas


Joseph von Reilly was a Viennese art dealer who in hisearly twenties turned to map publishing, and betweenthe years 1789 and 1806 produced a total of no less than830 maps. His Schauplat^ . . . der Welt (World Atlas) infact covered only maps of Europe, whilst the GrosserDeutscher Atlas also included maps of other continentsand was, therefore, the first World Atlas produced byan Austrian.

1789-1806 Schauplat^ der fu'nf Theile der Welt1794-96 Grosser Deutscher Atlas


1789 Grand Atlas cf Allemagne


Traveller, naturalist, geologist, famous for his explor-ation in Venezuela (1799-1800) and his subsequentpublications.

1805-14 Maps in Voyage de Humboldt et Bonp/andNumerous re-issues

1811 -1 2 Atlas Geographique it Physique de R oyaume dela Nouvelle Espagne

1814 34 Atlas du Nouveau Continent

A D A M CHRISTIAN GASPARI 1 7 5 2 - 1 8 3 0

1804-11 Allgemeiner hand-atlas1821 Re-issued


1824-28 Atlas von Amerika1828-48 Allgemeiner hand-atlas

ADOLF STIELER 1775 -1836

1826-28 Hand AtlasNumerous re-issues throughout thecenturv


1829 Atlas of Europe1830 Atlas of America


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TOBIAS CONRAD LOTTER NouvtlU France OH du Canada Augsburg c. 175 5. Although Newfoundland is somewhat misshapen thisis a highly decorative and attractive map, typical of the period.

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Berghaus founded a School of Geography at Potsdamwhere he came into contact with, and was muchinfluenced by, Alexander von Humboldt, whose ideasof physical geography he incorporated in a Physikalis-cher Atlas issued in sections over the years 1837-48.This was an important and influential work on thesubject with a very wide international circulation.

1832-43 Atlas von Asia1837-48 Phjsikalischer Atlas: Gotha (published by

J. Perthes)

Specialist References

BAGROW, L., History of Cartography

GROSJEAN,G. and KINAUER, R., Kartenkunst undKartentech-ntk

KOEMAN, c., Atlantes NeerlandiciAlthough this work covers Dutch Atlases it alsoincludes a detailed account of Braun and Hogenberg'sCivitates Orbis Terrarum

NORDENSKIOLD, A. E., Facsimile Atlas to the EarlyHistory of Cartography

History and reproductions of Ptolemaic and otherearly maps

SHIRLEY, R. w., The Mapping of the WorldNumerous examples of early German maps withdescriptive detail


Braun and Hogenberg: Civitates Orbis TerrarumLazius: Austria

Ptolemy: GeographiajCosmographia 1482, 1 5 1 3 , 1540Quad: Geographisch HandtbuchReproductions of complete atlases

TOOLEY, R. v., Maps and Map Makers

The authors are indebted to the Service Documentationof the Mairie de Saint-Die-des-Vosges and the Stadtar-chiv of the Grosse Kreisstadt Radolfzell am Bodenseefor information (on pages 286-7) on tne life (anddeath) of Waldseemiiller, for details of the printing ofthe Cosmographiae Introductio and for extracts of the workof former Stadtarchivdirektor Dr Franz Laubenberger(1976), Kreisarchivar Dr Franz Gotz (1964) and AlbertRonsin in Decouverte et Bapteme de I'Amerique, Montreal,1976,0. le Pape.

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Chapter i }

HOLLAND BELGIUMIt would be hard to imagine a more inauspicious periodfor a nation's cultural development than the yearsbetween 1520 and 1600 in the Low Countries. Underthe harsh domination of the Spanish Emperors, facingfanatical religious persecution and the threat of theInquisition, the constant presence of foreign troopsand even the destruction of some of their cities, theDutch, nevertheless, in 1581 contrived to break theirsubservience to Spain and form their own federation.Belgium, being mainly Catholic, remained within theorbit of the Empire though henceforward was rec-ognized as a separate state. In such circumstances therewould seem to have been little chance for growth of anational entity in the small Northern Provinces but, onthe contrary, under the leadership of Amsterdam, theirbanking and commercial enterprise soon dominatedEurope. The attempt by Philip II to eliminate theircontrol of European coastal trade by the use ofPortuguese craft inspired the Dutch, first, to seek aNorth East passage to India and Asia and then, failingthat, to challenge Spanish and Portuguese powerdirectly, not only in European waters but also in theEast, and eventually to eclipse it. English attempts togain a foothold in the Indies were bitterly opposed andthe English turned their attention to India where only ahandful of Dutch settlements existed.

In spite of the turmoil arising out of these events,first Antwerp and then Amsterdam became centres ofthe arts and their cartographers, engravers and printersproduced magnificent maps and charts of every kindwhich many claim have never been surpassed. Later inthis chapter an account is given of Gerard Mercator,who studied at Louvain under Gemma Frisius, theDutch astronomer and mathematician, and latermoved to Duisburg in the Rhineland where most of hismajor work was carried out. There he producedglobes, maps of Europe, the British Isles and thefamous World Map using his newly invented methodof projection, all of which were widely copied by most

of the cartographers of the day. The first part of hisAtlas - the word chosen by Mercator to describe acollection of maps -was published in 1585 , the secondin 1589, and the third in 1595 , a year after his death.

Other great names of the time were AbrahamOrtelius, native of Antwerp, famous for his worldatlas, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, issued in 1570;Waghenaer, noted for his sea atlases of 15 84 and 1592,Gerard de Jode and Jodocus and Henricus Hondius,followed in the next century by W. J. Blaeu and hissons and Jan Jansson. The Blaeu and Jansson es-tablishments were noted mainly for land atlases buttheir sea atlases and pilot books were also published innumerous editions which went some way to meetingthe rising demand for aids to navigation in Europeanand Mediterranean waters. Their productions werechallenged by other, smaller publishers specializing insuch works, Jacob Colom, Anthonie Jacobsz, PieterGoos, Hendrick Doncker, to mention a few, and, later,the charts issued by the van Keulen family and theirdescendants covered practically all the seas of theknown world. As we reach the second half of theseventeenth century the details of publication of thesesea atlases and pilot books become more and moreinterwoven and complicated. Not infrequently thesame charts were issued under the imprint of differentpublishers; at death the engraved plates were sold orpassed to their successors and were re-issued, withminor alterations and often without acknowledgementto the originator, all of which adds to problems ofidentification. Although, in this period, charts of everykind must have been issued in great quantity, goodcopies are now hard to find.

By about the year 1700 Dutch sea power andinfluence was waning and although their pilot booksand charts remained much in demand for many years tocome, leadership in the production of land atlasespassed into the hands of the more scientific Frenchcartographers who, in their turn, dominated the map

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^ 0







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trade for most of the following century.


Before leaving this chapter it is worth noting a famousseries of maps known as Leo Belgicus, or the Lion ofBelgium, which was started in 1583 by MichaelAitzinger, an Austrian nobleman who had studied atthe universities of Vienna and Louvain. He travelledextensively in Europe for about thirty years beforesettling in Cologne where he published a book describ-ing the Low Countries which contained the first 'LeoBelgicus' and a further 112 plates engraved by FransHogenberg. The area covered was extensive, includingthe whole of today's Netherlands and Belgium.

The idea of a map in the shape of a lion was veryappealing and was copied by many other cart-ographers, including Jan van Doctecum, C. J.Visscher, P. van den Keere and Rombout van denHoeye. Variants on the original were issued as late as1807 and three distinct types are found: the Aitsingerform with the lion standing facing right with the rightpaw raised; the Cornelius Jansson form of 1611 withthe lion sitting facing left, and the 'Leo Hollandicus',showing only the area of Holland, which was firstpublished between 1608 and 1625.

All of these maps are rare and generally expensive;the 'commonest' is probably the one which was firstissued by Famiano Strada, a Jesuit, at Rome in 1632This appeared as the title page to a history of theLow Countries which proved very popular, manyeditions (in various formats) being published atAntwerp, Rome, Amsterdam and Lyon amongst otherplaces.

The authors have seen a number of fakes of thesemaps produced mainly by photo-lithography using oldpaper, which are very deceptive. Some are not of thecorrect size and may quickly be dismissed as notgenuine by reference to the excellent illustrated paperby R. V. Tooley in the Map Collector's Circle SeriesNo. 7 of 1964. Collectors should beware of buying raremaps of this type other than from recognized dealers.



Of German extraction, Gemma Frisius became theforemost astronomer, mathematician and surveyor of

his time. He was an influential figure, not only for histeaching of Mercator at his School of Geography atLouvain but for his scientific contributions to practicalaspects of cartography. He invented an improved formof cross-staff for astronomical use and in his book AMethod of delineating places he set out the principle oftriangulation in map making. Later, he was the first tosuggest the use. of portable clocks to determinelongitude.

1533 Published A Method of delineating places1545 World Map on heart-shaped projection,

included in an enlarged edition of PeterApian's Cosmograpbicus liber (1524) editedby Frisius


Geographer to Charles V and Philip II.

1540—60 Map of Holland and large-scale maps ofthe Dutch provinces

CORNELIS ANTHONISZ(OON) c. 1499-15 561543 Caerte van Oostlandt

Woodcut map of Scandinavia on 9 sheetsknown only from re-issues in Antwerp,Rome (1558) and Venice (1562): sub-sequently used by Mercator and Ortelius

1544 Plan of Amsterdam: 12 sheets


ARNOLD MERCATOR (son) 1537-87



GERARD MERCATOR (grandson) c. 1565-1656JOANNES MERCATOR (grandson) c. 1562-95MICHAEL MERCATOR (grandson) c. 1567-1600

For nearly sixty years, during the most important andexciting period in the story of modern map making,Gerard Mercator was the supreme cartographer, hisname, second only to Ptolemy, synonymous with theform of map projection still in use today. Although notthe inventor of this type of projection he was the first toapply it to navigational charts in such a form thatcompass bearings could be plotted on charts in straightlines, thereby providing seamen with a solution to anage-old problem of navigation at sea. His influencetransformed land surveying and his researches andcalculations led him to break away from Ptolemy'sconception of the size and outline of the Continents,drastically reducing the longitudinal length of Europe

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GERARD MERCATOR Septentnonalium Terrarum Descriptto. Map of the North Pole which is shown as a rocky 'island' with fourrivers around it. This was the first map to be devoted specifically to the Arctic, published in Amsterdam in 1 5 9 5 (this being alater issue).

and Asia and altering the shape of the Old World asvisualized in the early sixteenth century.

Mercator was born in Rupelmonde in Flanders andstudied in Louvain under Gemma Frisius, Dutchwriter, astronomer and mathematician. He establishedhimself there as a cartographer and instrument andglobe maker, and when he was twenty-five drew andengraved his first map (of Palestine) and went on toproduce a map of Flanders (154°) supervising thesurveying and completing the drafting and engraving

himself. The excellence of his work brought him thepatronage of Charles V for whom he constructed aglobe, but in spite of his favour with the Emperor hewas caught up in the persecution of Lutheran protest-ants and charged with heresy, fortunately withoutserious consequences. No doubt the fear of furtherpersecution influenced his move in 15 5 2 to Duisburg,where he continued the production of maps, globesand instruments culminating in large-scale maps ofEurope (1554), the British Isles (i 564) and the famous

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World Map on 18 sheets drawn to his new projection(i 569). All these early maps are exceedingly rare, somebeing known by only one copy.

In later life he devoted himself to his edition of themaps in Ptolemy's Geographia, reproduced in his ownengraving as nearly as possible in their original form,and to the preparation of his 3-volume collection ofmaps to which, for the first time, the word 'Atlas' wasapplied. The word was chosen, he wrote, 'to honourthe Titan, Atlas, King of Mauritania, a learned philoso-pher, mathematician and astronomer'. The first twoparts of the Atlas were published in 1585 and 1589 andthe third, with the first two making a complete edition,in 1595, the year after Mercator's death.

Mercator's sons and grandsons, named above, wereall cartographers and made their contributions invarious ways to the great atlas. Rumold, in particular,was responsible for the complete edition in 1595. Aftera second complete edition in 1602, the map plates werebought in 1604 by Jodocus Hondius who, with hissons, Jodocus II and Henricus, published enlargededitions which dominated the map market for thefollowing twenty to thirty years.

1578 Ptolemy's Geographia: 27 maps1584, 1605, 1618-19, 1695, 1698, 1704,1730 Re-issued (details of these issues areshown in Appendix A)

1585 Atlas Part I: Duisburg: Latin text51 maps: Holland, Belgium, Germany

1589 Atlas Part II: Duisburg: Latin text23 maps: Italy, Greece and Central Europe

1595 Atlas Part III: Duisburg: Latin text36 maps: The World, the Continents,British Isles, Northern Europe, Russia1595 Re-issued as a complete Atlas within maps1602 Re-issued

Mercator I HondiuslJansson AtlasBelow is a very brief summary of the various editionsof Mercator's Atlas by Jodocus and Henricus Hondiusand Jan Jansson, issued with text in Latin, Dutch,French, German and Spanish. Apart from the maineditions quoted, there were many variants too numer-ous to show here.1606-19 Jodocus Hondius

Hondius died in 1612 but editions bearinghis name were published by his widow andsons, Jocodus II and Henricus, until 1619

1607, 1609, 1611, 1613, 1619 Re-issued1623-33 Henricus Hondius

1628, 1630, 1631, 1633 Re-issued by Hen-ricus alone

1630-41 Henricus Hondius and Jan JanssonIn 1629-30, after the death of Jodocus II,the plates of about 40 maps were sold toW. J. Blaeu who used them in his AtlantisAppendix (1630). To meet this compe-tition, replacement plates were engravedfrom which maps were issued by Jansson,also in 1630, in an Atlantis Maioris Appen-dix. By 1633 new editions of the MercatorAtlas were in production and continueduntil 1641, some in the joint names ofHondius and Jansson, some in separatenames.

1636-38 English editions - title Atlas or Geo-graphicke Description of the Regions, Countriesand Kingdoms of the World

1638-66 Atlas Novus (Jan Jansson)At this stage the Mercator Atlas wasdeveloped by Jansson under the title AtlasNovus, starting with 2 volumes in 1638 andpassing through many editions and en-largements until its later editions formedthe basis of the Atlas Major publishedduring the 16505 to rival Blaeu's AtlasMotor.1638, 1639, 1641, 1642, 1644, 1645, 1646,1647, 1649, 1650, 1652, 1656, 1657, 1658,1659, '666 - editions in Latin, Dutch,French, German and Spanish

Atlas MinorThe editions of the Atlas Minor, summarized below,were issued in the main European languages, includingEnglish. There were many variants to these editionswhich are not included here.1607 Jodocus Hondius and Jan Jansson the

Elder (average size 170—190X210—230mm)Maps engraved by Jodocus Hondius andpublished in co-operation with JanJansson the Elder, bookseller and pub-lisher, the father of the better-knowncartographer of the same name, whosework on the Atlas Minor began with the1628 edition.1608, 1609, 1610 Re-issued

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1612 Jodocus Hondius II and Jan Jansson theElder (average size 170-190X2105-250mm)16:3, 1614, 1620, 1621 Re-issued

1625 William Stansby: LondonMaps included in Purchas His Pilgrimes bySamuel Purchas. Maps printed from the1607 plates

1628 Jan JanssonMaps newly engraved by Pieter van denKeere and Abraham Goos (average size180-190 x 230—245 mm)1628, 1630(2), 1631, 1634(2), 1648, 1651Re-issued

1630 Johannis CloppenburghMaps re-engraved in slightly larger format(average size 210—220 x 270—280 mm)1632, 1636 Re-issued

1635 Thomas Cotes/W. Saltonstall: LondonIssued as Historia Mundi with English text:maps printed from the 1607 plates1637, 1639 Re-issued

1673 Jansson's Heirs: Janssonius van Waesber-gen: no text1676 Re-issued

1734 Henri du Sauzet1738 Re-issued


CORNELIS DE JODE (son) 1568-1600

Gerard de Jode, born in Nijmegen, was a cartographer,engraver, printer and publisher in Antwerp, issuingmaps from 1 5 5 5 more or less in the same period asOrtelius. He was never able to offer very seriouscompetition to his more businesslike rival although,ironically, he published Ortelius's famous 8-sheetWorld Map in 1564. His major atlas, now extremelyrare, could not be published until 1578, eight yearsafter the Theatrum, Ortelius having obtained a mono-poly for that period. The enlarged re-issue by his son in1593 is more frequently found. On the death ofCornells, the copper plates passed to J. B. Vrients (whobought the Ortelius plates about the same time) andapparently no further issue of the atlas was published:however, at least one further issue of the Polar Map,f. 1618, is known.

Gerard de Jode1 5 5 5 World Map by Gastaldi1564 World Map by Ortelius (8 sheets)

1578 Speculum Or bis Terrarum1593 Re-issued by Cornelis de Jode asSpeculum Orbis Terrae (112 maps)

Cornelis de Jode15 89 World Map1592 Gallia Occidentalisc. 1595 The 4 Continentsc. 1598 Belgium


Abraham Ortel, better known as Ortelius, was born inAntwerp and after studying Greek, Latin and math-ematics set up business there with his sister, as a bookdealer and 'painter of maps'. Travelling widely, especi-ally to the great book fairs, his business prospered andhe established contacts with the literati in many lands.On one such visit to England, possibly seekingtemporary refuge from religious persecution, he metWilliam Camden whom he is said to have encouragedin the production of the Britannia.

A turning-point in his career was reached in 1564with the publication of a World Map in eight sheets ofwhich only one copy is known: other individual mapsfollowed and then - at the suggestion of a friend - hegathered together a collection of maps from contactsamong European cartographers and had them en-graved in uniform size and issued in 1570 as theTheatrum Orbis Terrarum (Atlas of the Whole World).Although Lafreri and others in Italy had publishedcollections of 'modern' maps in book form in earlieryears, the Theatrum was the first uniformly sized,systematic collection of maps and hence can be calledthe first atlas, although that term itself was not useduntil twenty years later by Mercator.

The Theatrum, with most of its maps elegantlyengraved by Frans Hogenberg, was an instant successand appeared in numerous editions in different lan-guages including addenda issued from time to timeincorporating the latest contemporary knowledge anddiscoveries. The final edition appeared in 1612. Unlikemany of his contemporaries Ortelius noted his sourcesof information and in the first edition acknowledge-ment was made to eighty-seven differentcartographers.

Apart from the modern maps in his major atlas,Ortelius himself compiled a series of historical mapsknown as the Parergon Theatri which appeared from15 79 onwards, sometimes as a separate publication andsometimes incorporated in the Theatrum.

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i5 70 Theatrum Orbis Terrarum1570-1612 Between these years the Theat-rum was re-issued in 42 editions with 5supplements with text in Latin, Dutch,German, French, Spanish, Italian andEnglish. The English edition was pub-lished in 1606 by John Norton, the mapsbeing printed in Antwerp and the textadded in London.

Three years after Ortelius died in 1598,his heirs transferred publication rights toJan Baptiste Vrients who produced thelater editions until he died in 1612

15 77-8 5 Spiegel der Werelt (8vo)Maps from the Tbeatrum, reduced in size,engraved by Philip Galle: text by PieterHeyns. 6 editions with Dutch, French andLatin text.1588-1603 Epitome theatri orbis terrarum(i2mo/8vo)11 further editions of the smaller mapswith an increasing number of maps withtext also in Italian and English (1603).1601-12 7 further editions with improvedengravings by Arsenius Brothers: text byMichel Coignet in Latin, French, German,Italian and English (1603).1598-1724 Theatre del Mondo (4to/izmo/24010)8 editions with Italian text; plates engravedin Italy.

1579-1606 Parergon Theatri

The number of maps included in theParergon increased from 4 in 1579 to 43 in1606 with text in Latin, French, Italian,German and English (1606)1624 Re-issued in Antwerp as a separatepublication by Balthasar Moretus. Thisedition included a reproduction of thePeutinger table.



(. 1590-


Theatrum terrae sanctae: 12 mapsMaps of the Holy Land much copied bylater cartographers.Numerous re-issues

increasing volume of the wealth of the New World andthe Indies was reaching Lisbon and the Spanish ports,there to be trans-shipped to Northern and WesternEurope. This trade was almost entirely in the hands ofthe Dutch so it was logical that one of their pilotsshould produce the first set of effective navigationalcharts. These were compiled under the title Spiegel derZeevaerdt, by Lucas Janszoon Waghenaer, a native ofEnkhuizen on the Zuider Zee, an experienced seamanand pilot. His magnificently produced charts embody-ing all the latest contemporary knowledge of navig-ation and position-finding set a standard which wasfollowed by others for the next century or more -indeed, some of the symbols employed are still in usetoday. The charts in the first edition, covering the coastlines from Holland to Spain and the North Sea andBaltic, were engraved by the van Doetecum brothersand printed by Plantin: those in the English edition,which was translated by Sir Anthony Ashley and issuedin 15 88 - the year of the Armada - were engraved by deBry, Hondius, Rutlinger and Ryther, who also en-graved some of Saxton's maps. The charts are extreme-ly picturesque with elaborate cartouches, ships in fullsail and the sea monsters so commonly used asdecoration in maps of the period. Place names aregiven on the coasts but comparatively few are showninland; cliffs on the coastline are drawn in elevation;navigational landmarks and hazards, anchorages,soundings and tidal details are indicated and the scaleis shown in English, Spanish and Dutch leagues.Altogether some of the most handsome maps everproduced.

The charts became so universally popular that theirname, anglicized to 'Waggoner', came into use inEnglish as a generic term for sea charts of all kinds.

Spiegel der ZeevaerdtCharts engraved by Baptist and Jan van Doetecum


By the third quarter of the sixteenth century an ever







I 5 88




Plantin, LeydenPlantin, LcydenPlantin, LeydenPlantin, LeydenPlantin, LeydenA. Ashley, London*Cornelis Claesz,

AmsterdamCornelis Claesz,














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Spiegel der Zeevatrdt (contd.)


1590 Cornelis Claesz,Amsterdam

1591 Cornelis Claesz,Amsterdam

1590 JeanBellereAntwerp

1591 Jean Bellere,Antwerp

161; Johann Walschaert,Amsterdam*5

1 Issued in London as The Mariner's Mirrour: charts en-graved by Theodore de Bry, Jodocus Hondius, Joh.Rutlinger and Augustine Ryther.

b Based on 1589 German edition.














Den nieuivm Spiegel der Zeevaerdt (contd.)






Cornells Claeszand Jean Bellere,Amsterdam/Antwerp

Cornelis Claeszand Jean Bellere,Amsterdam/Antwerp

Jodocus Hondius,Amsterdam"







Reprint of 44 plates used in The Mariner's Mirrour (i ;88)plus 5 new charts.

Thresoor der Zeevaerdt




1 60 1






Plantin, Leyden"Cornelis Claesz,

AmsterdamCornelis Claesz,

AmsterdamCornelis Claesz,


Cornelis Claesz,Amsterdam

Cornelis Claesz,Amsterdam

Cornelis Claesz,Amsterdam'

















a Plates in the first 3 editions engraved by Jan vanDoetecum.

b Plates re-engraved by Benjamin Wright and Joshua vanden Ende.

c Re-issued as Nieutve Thresoor der Zeevaerdt.

Den niemven Spiegel der Zeevaerdt





Cornells Claesz,Amsterdam

Cornelis Claesz,Amsterdam









JODOCUS HONDIUS (son) 1594-1629HENRICUS HONDIUS (son) 1587-1658

Jodocus Hondius, one of the most notable engraversof his time, is known for his work in association withmany of the cartographers and publishers prominent atthe end of the sixteenth and the beginning of theseventeenth century.

A native of Flanders, he grew up in Ghent,apprenticed as an instrument and globe maker and mapengraver. In 15 84, to escape the religious troublessweeping the Low Countries at that time, he fled toLondon where he spent some years before finallysettling in Amsterdam about 1593. In the Londonperiod he came into contact with the leading scientistsand geographers of the day and engraved maps in TheMariner's Mirrour, the English edition of Waghenaer'sSea Atlas, as well as others with Pieter van den Keere,his brother-in-law. No doubt his temporary exile inLondon stood him in good stead, earning him aninternational reputation, for it could have been noaccident that Speed chose Hondius to engrave theplates for the maps in The Theatre of the Empire of GreatBritaine in the years between 1605 and 1610.

In 1604 Hondius bought the plates of Mercator'sAtlas which, in spite of its excellence, had notcompeted successfully with the continuing demand forthe Ortelius Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. To meet thiscompetition Hondius added about 40 maps toMercator's original number and from 1606 publishedenlarged editions in many languages, still under

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Mercator's name but with his own name as publisher.These atlases have become known as the Mercator/Hondius series. The following year the maps were re-engraved in miniature form and issued as a pocketAtlas Minor. After the death of Jodocus Hondius theElder in 1612, work on the two atlases, folio andminiature, was carried on by his widow and sons,Jodocus II and Henricus, and eventually in conjunc-tion with Jan Jansson in Amsterdam. In all, from 1606onwards, nearly 50 editions with increasing numbersof maps with texts in the main European languageswere printed. Summaries of these issues are givenunder the entry for Gerard Mercator.

Jodocus Hondius the Elder

1588 Maps in The Mariner's Mirrour(Waghenaer/Ashley)

1590 World Map in two hemispheres illustrat-ing Drake's circumnavigation

c. 1591-92 Hiberniae novissima descriptio: Boazio's mapof Ireland: Engraved by Pieter van denkeere

1595 Europe (wall map): with Pieter van denKeere

1598 World and the Continents1599 Maps for Caert Thresoor (Langenes/

Cornelis Claesz), with Pieter van denKeere

1602-03 I2 English County maps for WilliamSmith ('anonymous maps')

1605 Ptolemy's Geographia (Mercator)1618-19 Re-issued

1605-10 Maps for The Theatre of the Empire of GreatEritaine (Speed)

1606 World Atlas (Mercator/Hondius series)(see under 'Gerard Mercator' for furtherdetail)

1607 Atlas Minor (Mercator/Hondius series)(see under 'Gerard Mercator' for furtherdetail)

1608 World Map on Mercator's projection

Jodocus Hondius II1612-21 (Mercator) Atlas Minor

5 editions published in co-operation withJan Jansson the Elder (see under GerardMercator (Atlas Minor) for further detail)

1613 Map of Scandinavia1616 View of London (Cl. J. Visscher)1616 Tabularum geographicarum (Petrus Bertius)

Miniature world atlas (8vo): edition (withnew maps) of the Caert Thresoor publishedin 1598-991618 Re-issued in Latin and French

1617-18 World Map: double hemisphereThe first map to show Tierra del Fuego asan island as a result of the discoveries madeon the Schouten/Le Maire voyage of1615-17.

c. 1624 World Map on Mercator's projection1629 Atlas (without title or text)

42 maps, mostly by Hondius, not includedin the Mercator/Hondius editions

Henricus Hondius(1606) Mercator's Atlas (Mercator/Hondius/

Jansson)1613, 1619 Editions published by thewidow of Jodocus Hondius the Elder, andJodocus II and Henricus.1623-33 5 editions published by Henricusalone.1633-41 5 editions in conjunction with JanJansson (for further detail see entry underGerard Mercator)


Plancius was a theologian and minister of the DutchReformed Church who fled with many of his com-patriots from religious persecution in Flanders to settlein Amsterdam in 1585. There he became interested innavigation and cartography and, being fortunateenough to have access to nautical charts recentlybrought from Portugal, he was soon recognized as anexpert on the shipping routes to India. He wasinterested, too, in the idea of a North East passage untilthe failure of Willem Barentsz's third voyage in 15 97seemed to preclude the possibility of such a route. In1602 he was appointed cartographer to the new DutchEast India Company.

Although Plancius produced no atlases his indiv-idual maps and charts, over 100 in all, exercised muchinfluence on the work of other cartographers at theturn of the century. His very large wall map of theworld dated 1592 was of particular significance.1590 World Map: issued in an edition of the

Bible by Plancius1592, 1596, 1604, 1607 Re-issued

1592 World Map: wall map in 18 sheets1600 (Arnoldo di Arnoldi)

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c. 1640, 1669 (Pietro Petrucci) (Re-issuedin Siena)

1594 World Map: twin hemisphere1607 Re-issue by Pieter van den Keere

1596 World and other maps in Linschoten'sItinerario and subsequent editions


Pieter van den Keere was one of a number of refugeeswho fled from religious persecution in the LowCountries between the years 15 70 and i 5 90. He movedto London in 1584 with his sister who married JodocusHondius, also a refugee there, and through Hondius heundoubtedly learned his skills as an engraver andcartographer. In the course of a long working life heengraved a large number of individual maps forprominent cartographers of the day but he alsoproduced an Atlas of the Netherlands (1617-22) andcounty maps of the British Isles which have becomeknown as Miniature Speeds, a misnomer which callsfor some explanation.

In about 1599 he engraved plates for 44 maps of theEnglish and Welsh counties, the regions of Scotlandand the Irish provinces. The English maps were basedon Saxton, the Scottish on Ortelius and the Irish on thefamous map by Boazio. These maps were not pub-lished at once in book form but there is evidence whichsuggests a date of issue (in Amsterdam) between 1605and 1610 although at least one authority believes theyexisted only in proof form until 1617 when WillemBlaeu issued them with a Latin edition of Camden'sBritannia. At this stage two maps were added, one ofthe British Isles and the other of Yorkshire, the latterderived from Saxton. To confuse things further thetitle page of this edition is signed 'Guilielmus nosterJanssonius', which is the Latinized form of Blaeu'sname commonly used up to 1619.

At some time after this the plates came into thepossession of Speed's publishers, George Humble,who in 1627, the year in which he published a majoredition of Speed's Atlas, also issued the Keere maps asa pocket edition. For these he used the descriptive textsof the larger Speed maps and thereafter they wereknown as Miniature Speeds. In fact, of the 63 maps inthe Atlas, 40 were from the original van den Keereplates, reworked, 16 were reduced from Speed and 7were additional. The publication was very popular andthere were further re-issues up to 1676.c. 1591-92 Hiberniae novissima descriptio: Boazio's map

of Ireland, published by Jodocus Hondius

1593 Maps for Speculum Britanniae (JohnNorden)

1595 Charts for Willem Barentsz Nieutve beschry-vinghe ende Caertboeck van de Midlandtsche Zee

1595 Europe: wall map (Jodocus Hondius)15 99 Maps in Caert Thresoor (Langenes/Cornelis

Claesz)c. 1605-10 Maps for a miniature County Atlas of the

British Isles: 44 maps probably issued inAmsterdam (no text)1617 Re-issued in Amsterdam by W. J.Blaeu to accompany a Latin edition ofCamden's Britannia: 46 maps (44 withLatin text)1627 England, Wales, Scotland and Irelanddescribed and abridged from a farr LargerVoloume done by John Speed1631-76 Various re-issues(For further detail see entry under JohnSpeed.)

1607 World Map: twin hemisphere based onPlancius (1594)

1608 Charts in Litbt der Zeevaerdt (W. J. Blaeu)1614 Americae Nova Descriptio

Map of the American Continent withdecorative borders of portraits and townviews1618 and later Re-issued

1617 Germania Inferior (Netherlands): Latin text,edited by Petrus Montanus1622 (Latin), 1622 (French) Re-issued

1620 Maps in Licht der Zeevaerdt(Jan Jansson)

1628 Maps in Atlas Minor (Jan Jansson)


Barentsz was a noted pilot who was convinced by thetheorists of the day that it was possible to reach Chinaand India via a North East passage through the Arctic.On his first voyage in 1594 accompanied by Jan vanLinschoten he reached Novaya Zemlya but was forcedback by ice: he failed again the following year. On histhird voyage in 1596-97 his ship was trapped in packice and, although many of his crew survived in openboats, Barentsz himself died on the return voyage. Heis noted for this chart book of the Mediterranean, thefirst of its kind, which was complementary toWaghenaer's charts of the Atlantic coasts, and which issometimes found bound up with the later editions of


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1595 Nieuwe beschryvinghe ende Caertboek van deMidlandtsche Zee: 10 charts engraved byPieter van den Keere1599, 1608 (Dutch) Re-issued1599, 1607, 1627 Re-issued with Frenchtext as Description de la Mer Mediterranee byGuillaume Bernard (Willem Barentsz)

15 96-97 Charts of Ireland and Norway contained inWaghenaer's Nieuwe Spiegel der Zeevaerdt


Van Linschoten, born in Haarlem, is heard of in theservice of the Portuguese Archbishop of Goa where hespent five years between 1583 and 1588. On his returnto Holland he produced a History of his travels,important for the inclusion of maps from Portuguesesources, at that time rarely available to Dutch - or anyother - cartographers. The maps (including a worldmap by Petrus Plancius) engraved by van Langren, arehighly decorative with large cartouches, the arms ofPortugal, compass roses, rhumb lines and sea mon-sters. Some are illustrated with views of prominentplaces or islands.1596 Itinerario: 4 parts: 12 maps: Dutch text:

Amsterdam (published by Cornelis Claesz)1598 (English), 1599 (Latin), 1605, 1614,1623, 1644 (Dutch), 1610, 1619, 1638(French) Re-issued with 15 maps


Vrients was the map engraver and publisher inAntwerp who, after the death of Ortelius in 1598,acquired the publication rights of the Iheatrum.Between 1601 and 1612 he issued a number of editionswhich included some of his own maps and he wasresponsible for printing the maps for the Englishedition in 1606. He also published a number ofimportant individual maps and a small atlas of theNetherlands.15 96 Orbis Terrae Compendiosa descriptio

Double hemisphere world map with insetcharts of the heavens

c. 1602 Germania Inferior19 maps of the Netherlands from theTheatrum Orbis Terrarum

exclusively with America. Although its title indicatedit to be a 'supplement to Ptolemy', Part I covered thehistory of the discovery of America and its geographyand natural history and Part II consisted entirely ofcontemporary maps of America and a world map basedon Mercator.1597 Descriptionis Ptolemaicae augmentum:

Louvain: Latin text: 19 maps1598-1615 Further editions printed inLouvain, Douai and Arnhem with Latinand French text: the French editions pub-lished under the title Histoire Universelle desIndes Occidentals et Orientales with 4 ad-ditional maps of China, Japan and the FarEast

15 98 Maps re-engraved and issued in Cologneby J. Christoffel to accompany a Descriptionof America by Jose Acosta.


Little is known of Wytfliet except that he was a nativeof Brabant, but there is no doubt about the importanceof his only atlas, which was the first one printed to deal


Langenes was a publisher in Middelburg about whomlittle is known except that he was probably the authorof the text and publisher of the first edition of a verywell known miniature atlas, the Caert Thresoor. After anuneasy start - some maps were missing from the firstedition - the atlas acquired new life in Amsterdam witha re-written text and eventually with re-engraved mapswhich prolonged its use and popularity for about half acentury.15 98 Caert Thresoor (Miniature World Atlas)

(8vo, approx. 85 x 120 mm)Maps engraved by Jodocus Hondius andPieter van den Keere1599 Re-issued by Cornelis Claesz:Amsterdam (Dutch)1600-02 do (French)1600 Re-issued by Cornelis Claesz andJan Jansson the Elder with Latin text byPetrus Bertius1603 do (Latin)1606 Re-issued by Cornelis Claesz (Latin)1609 Re-issue with revised 1598 text(Dutch)1612 Re-issue of 1600 edition in German1616 P. Bertii: Tabularum geographicarumcontractarum: re-issue by Jodocus HondiusII with newly engraved, slightly largermaps (approx. 90 x i jo mm)1618 Re-issue of 1616 edition in Latin andFrench

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1639 Re-issue by J. Blaeu (12010)1649 Re-issue of first edition by C. J.Visscher1650 Petri Bertii: Besfhreibuag der Gan^enWelt: Re-issue by Jan Jansson of 1612edition


Petrus Bertius grew up in Beveren in Flanders and as ayoung man travelled widely in Europe. In companywith so many of his compatriots he moved to Amster-dam as a refugee from religious persecution and aftercompleting his studies there he was appointed aprofessor of mathematics and librarian at LeydenUniversity. As well as being a prolific writer onmathematical, historical and theological subjects he isknown as a cartographer for his editions of Ptolemy'sGeographia (based on Mercator's edition of 15 78) andfor the miniature atlases detailed below. In 1618 hemoved to Paris and became Official Cosmographer toLouis XIII. He was related by marriage to JodocusHondius and Pieter van den Keere.

1600 Tabularum geographicarunt contractarum(Miniature World Atlas) (8vo) Latin textThis was a re-issue of the Caert Thresoor(1598) by Barent Langenes (see underBarent Langenes for detail of othereditions).

1618-19 Ptolemy's Geographia (Theatrum Geograph-iae Veteris)Edition containing 28 maps engraved byMercator for his edition of 1578 plus 14maps from Ortelius' Parergon: publishedby Jodocus Hondius II(See also Appendix A.)


JOAN BLAEU (son) 1596-1673

CORNELIS BLAEU (son) d. C. 1642

We have already written that at the beginning of theseventeenth century Amsterdam was becoming one ofthe wealthiest trading cities in Europe, the base of theDutch East India Company and a centre of bankingand the diamond trade, its people noted for theirintellectual skills and splendid craftsmanship.

At this propitious time in the history of theNorthern Provinces, Willem Janszoon Blaeu, who wasborn at Alkmaar in 1571 and trained in astronomy andthe sciences by Tycho Brahe, the celebrated Danish

astronomer, founded a business in Amsterdam in 15 99as a globe and instrument maker. It was not longbefore the business expanded, publishing maps, topo-graphical works and books of sea charts as well asconstructing globes. His most notable early work was amap of Holland (1604), a fine World Map (1605-06)and Hit Lickt der Zeevaerdt (The Light of Navigation), amarine atlas, which went through many editions indifferent languages and under a variety of titles. At thesame time Blaeu was planning a major atlas intended toinclude the most up-to-date maps of the whole of theknown world but progress on so vast a project wasslow and not until he bought between 30 and 40 platesof the Mercator Atlas from Jodocus Hondius II to addto his own collection was he able to publish, in 1630, a6o-map volume with the title Atlantis Appendix. It wasanother five years before the first two volumes of hisplanned world atlas, Atlas Novus or the Theatrum OrbisTerrarum were issued. About this time he was ap-pointed Hydrographer to the East India Company.

In 1638 Blaeu died and the business passed into thehands of his sons, Joan and Cornelis, who continuedand expanded their father's ambitious plans. After thedeath of Cornelis, Joan directed the work alone and thewhole series of 6 volumes was eventually completedabout 1655. As soon as it was finished he began thepreparation of the even larger work, the Atlas Maior,which reached publication in 1662 in 11 volumes (latereditions in 9—12 volumes) and contained nearly 600double-page maps and 3,000 pages of text. This was,and indeed remains, the most magnificent work of itskind ever produced; perhaps its geographical contentwas not as up-to-date or as accurate as its author couldhave wished, but any deficiencies in that direction weremore than compensated for by the fine engraving andcolouring, the elaborate cartouches and pictorial andheraldic detail and especially the splendid calligraphy.

In 1672 a disastrous fire destroyed Blaeu's printinghouse in the Gravenstraat and a year afterwards JoanBlaeu died. The firm's surviving stocks of plates andmaps were gradually dispersed, some of the platesbeing bought by F. de Wit and Schenk and Valck,before final closure in about 1695.

It ought to be mentioned here that there is oftenconfusion between the elder Blaeu and his rival JanJansson (Johannes Janssonius). Up to about 1619Blaeu often signed his works Guilielmus Janssonius orWillems Jans Zoon but after that time he seems to havedecided on Guilielmus or G. Blaeu.

Apart from the atlases and principal maps listed

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CLAESJANSZ. visscHER Datum Rigfli TypHM. Published in Amsterdam in 1630, this is a fine example of the maps by the Visscherfamily.

below, the Blaeu family issued a large number ofseparate sheet maps, too numerous to list individually.

1604 Map of Holland1605 Map of Spain 16171605-06 World Map and the Continents issued

separately without text1608 The Continents (Wall Map)1608 Het Licht der Zeevaerdt: 42. charts

1608-30 Re-issued in 9 editions (Dutch)1612-22 Issued as The Light of Navigation 1617(English)1619-2 5 Issued as Flambeau de la Navigation

(French)(See under Jan Jansson for editions byhim.)William Camden's Britannia: abridged ver-sion with 46 miniature maps engraved byPieter van den Keere: Latin text1639 Re-issue with 22 maps from PetrusBertius' Tabularum geographicaruat contrac-tarum: no textMaps of the Continents subsequently in-cluded in the Atlantis Appendix and thelater Atlases

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1623 Der Zeespiegel: \ 11 charts1623-52 10 re-issues (Dutch)1625-40 3 re-issues as The Sea Mirrour(English)1643-53 2 re-issues as The Sea Beacon(English)1655-66 Issued in enlarged form as DeGroote Zeespiegel

1630 Atlantis Appendix: 60 maps: no text1631 Appendix - Theatri A. Ortelii et A tlantis G.

Mercaiori2 editions in same year: 98-99 maps: Latintext

'635-5 5 Theat rum Or bis Terror urn sive Atlas NovusThe following is a brief summary of themain editions of which there are manyvariants:1635-50 Vols I and II: editions with text inLatin, Dutch, French and German1640-50 Vol. Ill doVolumes I, II and III covered maps of allparts of the world, except the Far East, thearrangement of contents varying greatly indifferent editions.1645-48 Vol. IV England and Wales(County Maps)(See Appendix B for further details.)1654 Vol. V Scotland and Ireland (CountyMaps): Latin, Dutch, French and Germantext165 5 Vol. VI Atlas Sinensis: maps of Chinaand Japan by Martino Martini: Latin,Dutch, French and German text

1648 Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula: WorldMap on 20 sheets

1649-51 Toonneel der Steden van de VereenighdeNederlanden (Town Books of the Nether-lands): 3 Latin, 3 Dutch editions with220-26 town plans

1662-72 Atlas Maior (Grand Atlas)1662 Latin text: 11 volumes1663 French text: iz volumes1667 Re-issued1664 Dutch text: 9 volumes1667 German text: 9 volumes1672 Spanish text: 10 volumesPrinted between 1658 and 1672 but nevercompleted owing to loss of plates in thefire of 1672. Some volumes made up withSpanish text pasted over sheets in other

languages.Note: The number of volumes of the AtlasMaior varied in different editions andtherefore the number of maps varied alsobut the contents of the French edition givea general indication of the arrangement:Vol. I Northern Europe, Norway,DenmarkVol. II Eastern Europe, Russia, Poland,Sweden and GreeceVol. Ill GermanyVol. IV The NetherlandsVol. V EnglandVol. VI Scotland and IrelandVol. VII France and \Vol. VIII Switzerland]"Vol. IX ItalyVol. X Spain, AfricaVol. XI AsiaVol. XII America

1663-1726 Town Books of ItalyBetween 1663 and 1726 many editionswith varying contents, text in Dutch,French and Latin, were published by J.Blaeu and his heirs (Amsterdam), A.Moetjeus (The Hague), P. Mortier(Amsterdam) and R. C. Alberts (TheHague).


Jan Janszoon, a bookseller and publisher working inArnhem, was responsible for issues of a number ofimportant atlases. His publishing interests broughthim and his son, the noted Jan Jansson, into touchwith the Hondius family, an association which lastedfor something like forty years.1607-21 Atlas Minor (Mercator/Hondius)

7 editions1615 Le Miroir du Monde (Z. Heyns)1615 Discriptionis Prolemaicae augmentum (C.

Wytfliet)1617 Ptolemy's Geographia (Magini)


Engraver, cartographer, publisher active in Leyden,Arnhem and Amsterdam in the early years of theseventeenth century. His maps, though few in number,were particularly elegant.

1610 World Map

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LEO BELGICUS The Lov Countries. An example of the numerous maps printed in this form; the above, one of the finest,was issued by Claes Jansz. Visscher in Amsterdam in 1630.

1617-18 World Map: published by Jan Jansson1632 Re-issued

1618 Switzerland: maps of Swiss Alpine regions1630, 1645 Re-issued


Gerritsz was apprenticed to W. J. Blaeu as an engraverbefore starting in business on his own account. Heworked closely with Petrus Plancius and his merit maybe judged by the fact that he was appointed Car-tographer to the Dutch East India Company in pref-erence to Blaeu and subsequently held the sameposition in a newly formed West India Company. Withthe new company he came into touch with Johannes de

Laet for whom he prepared a number of new maps ofAmerica in the latter's Nieuwe Wereldt published in1625. His most important early work was a chartshowing Henry Hudson's discoveries in his voyage of1610—11: it is the first to give an outline of Hudson'sBay and indicates Hudson's belief that he had found away to the North West Passage.

1612 Chart based on Henry Hudson'sdiscoveries

1625-40 Maps in J. de Laet's Nietave Wereldt1627-28 Charts of the South Seas showing the first

discoveries in Australia (Eendracht'sLand)

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JAN JANSSON Norfolk. A county map first published in Jansson's German Appendix to the Mercator/Hondius Atlas, 1638.

JAN JANSSON 1588-1664

Johannes Janssonius, more commonly known to us asJan Jansson, was born in Arnhem where his father wasa bookseller and publisher (Jan Janszoon the Elder). In1612 he married the daughter of the cartographer andpublisher Jodocus Hondius, and then set up inbusiness in Amsterdam as a book publisher. In 1616 hepublished his first maps of France and Italy and fromthen onwards he produced a very large number ofmaps, perhaps not quite rivalling those of the Blaeufamily but running a very close second in quantity andquality. From about 163010 1658 he was in partnershipwith his brother-in-law, Henricus Hondius, issuingfurther editions of the Mercator/Hondius atlases towhich his name was added. On the death of Henricushe took over the business, expanding the atlas stillfurther, until eventually he published an n-volume

Atlas Major on a scale similar to Blaeu's Atlas Maior.The first full edition of Jansson's English County

Maps was published in 1646 but some years earlier heissued a number of British maps in theMercator/Hondius/Jansson series of atlases (1636-44);the maps were printed from newly engraved plates andare different from the later 1646 issue and are nowrarely seen (see Appendix B for further details). Ingeneral appearance Jansson's maps are very similar tothose of Blaeu and, in fact, were often copied fromthem, but they tend to be more flamboyant and, somethink, more decorative.

After Jansson's death his heirs published a numberof maps in an Atlas Contractus in 1666 and later stillmany of the plates of his British maps were acquired byPieter Schenk and Gerard Valck, who published themagain in 1683 as separate maps.

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1616 Maps of France and Italy1620-37 Het Licht der Zeevaerdt

Charts copied from W. J. Blaeu's marineatlas of the same title issued in 16081620—34Dutch: 1620—25 English: 1620—37French editions16 5 o Le nouveau Flambeau de la Mer. re-issueof the same charts with revised text

1626 Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis: decorativeWorld Map based on earlier map by D. E.Lons1632 Re-issued

1628 Atlas Minor (Mercator/Hondius/Janssonseries)Continuing the miniature atlas first issuedby Jodocus Hondius and Jan Jansson theElder in 1607: the maps were newlyengraved by Pieter van den Keere andAbraham Goos: average size 180-190 x 230-245 mm (for further detail seeunder Gerard Mercator).1628-51 9 editions in Latin, French,German and Dutch

1630 Atlantis Maioris Appendix: 80 maps1631—32— Theatrum Universal Galliae36 Tbeatrum Imperil Germanici

Theatrum ItaliaeIn an attempt to break away from theirreliance on Mercator's maps, HenricusHondius and Jansson issued the aboveatlas in 3 parts, using entirely new maps,but the experiment met with little successand few copies were issued: the maps,therefore, are now extremely rare.

1633 Atlas (Mercator/Hondius/Jansson series)1633-41 In this period Jansson, in con-junction with Henricus Hondius, repub-lished the series of Mercator atlases, firstreprinted in 1606 by Jodocus Hondius.Apart from the English edition of 1636,there were editions in Latin, Dutch,French and German. From about 1638under Jansson's direction the work devel-oped into the Atlas Novus (see below)

16 3 8 Atlas Novus (Nieuven Atlas)1638-66 Starting with an issue of 2 vol-umes in 1638, the atlas eventually ex-panded through many editions to 6 vol-umes (Vol. IV Great Britain 1646), (Vol. VSea Atlas 1650). Finally, during the period


1650-60, the contents of the 6 volumeswere used as the basis of a new Atlas Major(see Appendix B for further detail ofVolume IV, Great Britain).

1647-62 Atlas Major: Dutch, 9 vols1647-62 German: n vols1658-66 Latin: 9 vols1680-83 English: 4 volsThis English edition was started by MosesPitt in association with Janssonius vanWaesbergen but van Waesbergen died in1681 and Pitt's hopes of issuing it completewere frustrated by financial difficulties.

1650 Petrus Bertius: Beschreibungder Gamyn Weltre-issue of the 1612 edition of the CaertThresoor (Langenes)

165 i De Lichtende Columne ofte Zee-Spiegel1654 Re-issue in English as The LightingColomnt or Sea MirrourBoth editions copied without alterationfrom the plates used by Pieter Goos/Anthonie Jacobsz

1652-57 Theatrum Praecipuarum LJrbiumA series of plans of the principal cities andtowns of Europe - about 500 in all in 8volumes - which Jansson based on Braunand Hogenberg's Civitates Orbis Terrarum,the plates of which he acquired after thedeath of Abraham Hogenberg. Each vol-ume bears a different title, depending onthe area covered. The work was re-issuedby Jansson's heirs in 1682, in abridgedform.

1652 Accuratissima orbis Antiqui Delineatio (Atlasof the Antique World)1653, '654, '660 Re-issued1677, 1684, 1700 (English) Re-issued byJanssonius van Waesbergen and hissuccessors1740, 1741 (French): 1741 (English) Re-issued by P. de Hondt

1666 Atlas Contractus: i volumes (published byJansson's heirs)



The voyage of Schouten/Le Maire in the years 1615-17was one of the most important in the seventeenthcentury; they were the first to sail round Cape Horn(named after their home town Hoorn in Holland),

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disproving the long held theory that Tierra del Fuegowas part of a southern continent.

Subsequent accounts of the voyage, with maps, werepublished by Schouten (1618) and Le Maire (posthu-mously, 1622).


Barlaeus was an historian and theologian who com-piled a small number of maps for historical works of histime. His maps of Brazil were particularly importantand were used by Joan Blaeu.

1622 Description de la Indias Occidentals (Antoniode Herrera): 17 maps

1647 Rcrum in Brasilia Gestarum Historia: 3 maps


1625 Nicuwe Wereldt (small folio): maps of theNew World including a number by HesselGerritsz1630 (Dutch), 1633 (Latin), 1640 (French)editions


An engraver and publisher active in Antwerp whoproduced a small number of maps including one of theBritish Isles based on an earlier map by N. Visscher.

1629-46 British Isles1636 Tabula Geographicarum Belgicae Liber (Maps

of the Low Countries)1644, 1652 Re-issued

1636-56 Maps of the World, Germany, Italy,France and Spain


ARNOLD COLOM (son) C. 1624-68

Jacob Colom was a printer, bookseller, chart and globemaker who set out to challenge the virtual monopolyheld by W. J. Blaeu, then the only chart maker inAmsterdam. His Pilot Guide De Vyerighe Colom pub-lished in various formats and languages (with exotictitles) to meet the demands of the time was highlysuccessful and forced Blaeu to revise and enlarge hisexisting chart books. In spite of Blaeu's efforts,Colom's Guide remained popular with seamen formany years and although the charts were issued in greatquantity, they are now extremely rare.

1632-71 De Vyerighe Colom13 editions with Dutch text

L'Ardante ou Flamboyante Colomne de laMerColom de la Mer Mediteranne'e

9 editions with French textThe Fierie Sea ColumneThe New Fierie Sea ColumneTrue and Perfect Fierie Colom

12 editions with English textParts I, II and III issued in the above 34editions in different sizes: folio, large folioand oblong. There were also editions inEnglish (1648) and Dutch (1662) with thetitle Upright Fyrie Colomne

166 3-69 Atlas of Werelts-tvater-deel (Sea Atlas)Various editions with numbers of mapsincreasing from 23 to 52: texts in Dutch,French, Latin, Portuguese, and Spanish

Arnold Colom1654-58 Zee A tlas ofte Water-wereldt

Three editions with 16-18 maps: text inLatin or Dutch

1660-61 Lighting Colom of the Midland SeeEnglish text: 19 maps of the Medi-terranean



NICOLAES VISSCHER ii (grandson) 1649-1702ELIZABETH VISSCHER (widow of N. Visscher II) d. 1726For nearly a century the members of the Visscherfamily were important art dealers and map publishersin Amsterdam. The founder of the business, C. J.Visscher, had premises near to those of Pieter van denKeere and Jodocus Hondius whose pupil he may havebeen. From about 1620 he designed a number ofindividual maps, including one of the British Isles, buthis first atlas consisted of maps printed from platesbought from van den Keere and issued as they stoodwith some additions of his own, including historicalscenes of battles and sieges for which he had a highreputation. Some maps bear the latinized form of thefamily name: Piscator. After Visscher's death his sonand grandson, both of the same name, issued aconsiderable number of atlases, constantly revised andbrought up to date but most of them lacking an indexand with varying contents. The widow of NicholaesVisscher II carried on the business until it finally passedinto the hands of Pieter Schenk.

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JOAN BLAEU Dorset. A typical county map from Volume 4 of Blaeu's Jbtatrum Orbis Terrarum, first published in Amsterdam in1645.

Claes Jans^. Visscber1634 Belgium sive Germania inferior: 43 maps

1637, c. 1645 Re-issued with additionalmaps

1649 Tabu/arum Geographicarum contractarumRe-issue of the Caert Thresoor by Langenes


Nicolaes Visscber I1656-79 Atlas Contractus Orbis Terrarum

Several editions with varying contentsc. 1677 Germania Inferior. 52 maps

Maps by the Visschers, Jansson, Blaeu andothers

Nicolaes Visscher IIc. 1684 Germania Inferior, i \ mapsc. 1683-98 Atlas Minor

In spite of its name this was a full-scaleatlas in folio size.Several editions with numbers of mapsvarying from about 60 to 150.

Elizabeth Visscberc. 1702-16 Atlas Minor

6 editions with numbers of maps varyingfrom 50 to 150, many bearing her name

c. 1702 Atlas Major: 2 volumes: 200 mapsEnlarged edition of the Atlas Minor

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PETRUS MONTANUS (Pieter van den Berg) fl. 1606-A Dutch geographer, active in Amsterdam, whoworked in association with his brother-in-law,Jodocus Hondius, for whom he prepared the text ofthe Mercator/Hondius Atlas (1606 and later editions).The map noted below, attributed to Montanus, is thefirst separately printed one of Maryland; known as'Lord Baltimore's Map" it was published by him toattract settlers to the colony.1635 Nova Terrae-Mariae Tabula (Maryland)

Published in A Relation of Maryland byLord Baltimore, London



Anthonie Jacobsz founded a printing and publishingbusiness in Amsterdam in which he specialized in theproduction of pilot books and sea atlases. As he died ata comparatively early age most of the numerouseditions of his works appeared after his death pub-lished by his sons, Jacob and Caspar, who took thename 'Lootsman' (sea pilot) to distinguish them fromanother printer of the name Jacobsz.

Following Blaeu and Colom, Anthonie Jacobsz wasthe most important compiler of sea charts in Amster-dam in the first half of the seventeenth century. In hisnew Zee-Spiegel issued in 1643 he increased the numberof charts normally included in these books andenlarged them to folio size, which evidently provedpopular. Editions in many forms appeared until 1715and they were copied or reprinted by Pieter Goos,Hendrick Doncker and Jan Jansson, sometimes incompetition with each other but usually in co-operation with the Lootsman brothers.

c. 1643- De Lichtende Columne ofte Zee-Spiegel1717 Nieutv en Groote Lootsmans Zee-Spiegel

Parts I and II Dutch text: about 23 editionsunder these and other titles1666-97 Le Grand et Nouveau Mirrour OHflambeau de la MerFrench text: 9 editions1649-92 The Lightning Colomne - or SeaMirrourEnglish text: 10 editionsThe number of charts in all these editionsvaried, from about 33 to 70 depending onwhether Parts I and II were issued togetheror separately.

1648-1704 't Nieuiv Groot Straets-boeckPart III of the Zee-Spiegel theMediterraneanDutch text: 9 editions: 14-20 charts1659-79 Le Nouveau grand livre de FEtroitFrench text: 4 editions: 20-21 charts1678—c. 1703 Lightning Colom of the Midland

SeaEnglish text: 6 editions: 20-22 charts

1652-54 'tNieutveen Vergroote Zee-boeckPilot guide in reduced format3 editions with 80—87 charts: average size300 x 380 mm with a small number about300 x 540 mm (folded)

1666-94 Nieuwe Water-warelt ofte Zee Atlas (The SeaAtlas of the Water World)UAtlas de la Mer ou Monde Aquatique4 Dutch, 8 English, i French edition: 22 toabout 40 charts

1692-1701 The English Coasting Pilot3 editions: 14-15 charts: 455 x 280 mm

ABRAHAM GOOS fl. 1614-43

PIETER GOOS (son) (. 1615-75

Abraham Goos was a noted engraver in Amsterdamwho prepared plates for many maps published in well-known atlases of his time including Speed's A Prospectof the Most famous Parts of the World (1627) and the 1632edition of Speed's Atlas. He was related to the Hondiusfamily by whom he was also employed as an engraver.In 1616 he issued a book of maps, the NieuvNederlandtsh Caertboeck (410) which was re-issued in1619 and 1625.

His son, Pieter, continued and extended his father'sbusiness and became one of the group of well-knownengravers of sea charts active in Amsterdam in themiddle years of the seventeenth century. In commonwith Colom, Doncker and Jacobsz he published a pilotguide, the Zee-Spiegel, basing it on plates obtained fromJacobsz. This went through many editions in differentlanguages under the startling titles so popular at thetime. In addition to publishing his Zee-Spiegel in theusual Parts I and II (Europe and Atlantic coasts) andPart III (Mediterranean) he broke new ground inpreparing Parts IV and V, covering charts and sailingdirections for the coasts of the West Indies and WestAfrica. The later editions of the Zee Atlas werepublished by his widow who eventually sold thepublishing rights of the Atlas and of the Zee-Spiegel toJacobus Robijn.

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1650-85 De L.ichtende Columne ofte Zee-SpiegelDe Nieuwe Groote Zee-SpiegelThe Lightning Colomne or Sea MirrourLightning Colom of the Midland SeaLe grand ei* Nouveau Miroir ou Flambeau de laMer

Parts I, II and III issued in many editionsin Dutch, English and French1675 Part V: West Indies and Americanseaboard: 33 charts compiled by ArentRoggeveen for his Het Brandende Veen (TheBurning Fen) Part Ic. 1685 Part IV: Atlantic Coasts of Africa:charts by Arent Roggeveen for Part II ofthe above work. Published by J. Robijn

1666-8 3 De Zee Atlas ofte Water- Weereld41-44 maps in about 11 editions1666-73 L'Atlas de la Mer ou MondeAquatique5 editions1667-70 Sea Atlas or the Water World5 editions1668-76 El Atlas de la Mar o Mundo de Aguaz editions


De Wit was one of the most prominent and successfulmap engravers and publishers in Amsterdam in theperiod following the decline of the Blaeu and Janssonestablishments, from which he acquired many copperplates when they were dispersed at auction. His outputcovered most aspects of map making: sea charts, worldatlases, an atlas of the Netherlands, 'town books'covering plans of towns and cities in the Netherlandsand Europe, and wall maps. His work, notable for thebeauty of the engraving and colouring, was verypopular and editions were issued many years after hisdeath by Pieter Mortier and Covens and Mortier.

c. 1654 (with Th. Jacobsz) Zee Atlas: 16 charts byde Wit and Jacobsz

c. 1670- Atlas or Atlas five descriptio Terrarum Orbis^•1707 or Atlas Maior

Between these years, many editions ofthese atlases were published, the smallestwith 17 maps, the largest under the titleAtlas Maior with about 180: some includedthe charts from the Zee Atlas (below).c. 1706-08 Re-issued in London by Chris-topher Browne as Atlas Maior (1706) and


Atlas Minor (i 708)c. 1710 Re-issued by Pieter Mortier asAtlas Maior

c. 1725 Re-issued by Covens and Mortier asAtlas Motor

c. 1675 Orbis Maritimus ofte Zee Atlas or Atlastabulae maritimae ofte Zee Kaarten: 27 chartsc. 1680 Re-issued

c. 1680—90 Germania Inferior

Maps of the Netherlands in variouseditions

c. 1694- Theatrum praecipuarum totius Europae urbium1700 About 13 2 plans of European towns based

on those of Jan Janssonc. 1698 (Theatrum ichnographicum

(Town Book of the NetherlandsAbout 128 plans based on those of Blaeu,Jansson and others

GEORG HORN 1620-70

1652 Accuratissima orbis antiqui delineatioMaps of the ancient world1660-1740 Re-issued1741 English edition - A Compleat Body ofAncient Geography


HENDRICK DONCKER II (son) C. \G6^-(. 1739

For about fifty years Hendrick Doncker ran a flourish-ing business in Amsterdam as a bookseller and pub-lisher of sea atlases and textbooks on navigation. In aperiod when so many maps and charts were simplycopied from other publishers, Doncker's charts werehis own work and were noted for their accuracy andconstant improvement. Apart from this work, he co-operated for many years with Pieter Goos andAnthonie Jacobsz in producing a pilot guide DeZeespiegel. Eventually his stock was sold to Johannesvan Keulen.

1655 De Lichtende Columne ofte Zee-Spiegel65 charts: the same as those issued by Goosand Jacobsz1664-81 Nieuv Groot Stuurmans Zee-SpiegelA number of editions containing about 64new charts by Doncker1682-93 DeNicuwe Vermeerderde StuurmansZee-SpiegelA number of editions with new title andcharts

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1659-72 De Zee-A tins of Water- WaereldThe Sea Atlas of the Water WorldL'Atlas de Merl^a Atlas del Mundo o El Mundo aguadoNumerous editions, being enlarged from19 to 50 maps: text in Dutch, French,English and Spanish

1675-1705 De Nieuwe Groote Vermeederde Zee-AtlasEditions in Dutch, French and Englishwith 50—70 enlarged charts

1685 Nieutv Nederlandtsch Caertboecka maps taken from atlas of the same nameby Abraham Goos (1616)

c. 1700 (H. Doncker II) Atlas of the River Don17 maps by Cornells Cruys


A bookseller and publisher in Rotterdam, whose chartsand maps were largely based on those of his father-in-law, Jacob Aertsz. Colom. His Nieutve Zee-Atlas of1660 was an important assembly of sea charts includingmany of South East Asia and Australia.1660 Nieutve Zee-Atlas (A New Sea Atlas)

1660 (Dutch and Spanish), 1661 (English),1682 (Dutch) Re-issued

1662 A nea> shining light or discovery of the Norther-most and Westermost Waters (Pilot Guide)

1691 Provinces of the Netherlands

JAN VAN LOON/. C. 1649-86

Van Loon was a mathematician and engraver whocontributed charts and maps to various pilot booksand sea atlases by Jacobsz, Jan Jansson, JohannesJanssonius van Waesbergen and Robijn. In 1661 hepublished a sea atlas which was popular until the end ofthe century.1661-i 706 Klaer-Lichtende Noort-Star ofte Zee-Atlas

1661 Issued with 3; charts1666, 1668, 1676, 1706 Issued byJanssonius van Waesbergen with 47-50charts

JOHANNES JANSSONIUS VAN WAESBERGEN/. I 66 I-8 I(JAN JANSSON'S HEIRS)Van Waesbergen, established as a bookseller inAmsterdam, acquired by inheritance from his father-in-law Jan Jansson many of Jansson's plates includingthose of the Atlas Minor, the Civitates Orbis Terrarumand the Atlas of the Antique World. These works were

republished by him, or after his death in 1681 by hisson, also named Johannes. For a time he was associatedwith Moses Pitt in the abortive attempt in 1680-81 topublish an English version of the major atlases byBlaeu and Jansson.1666 Atlas Contractus (Jan Jansson's Heirs)1673-1676 Atlas Minor1677—1684 Accttratissima Orbis Antiqui Delineatio

(Atlas of the Antique World)1700 English edition

1682 Tooneel der Vermaarste Koop-steden (TownBooks)Re-issue in abridged form of the CivitatesOrbis Terrarum (Braun and Hogenberg)with many plates re-engraved


Publisher, active in Amsterdam, who produced DeNieutve en Onbekende Wereld for Arnold Montanus,which was used by John Ogilby as the basis of hisComplete History of America.1670-71 De Nieutve en Onbekende Wereldc. 1677 Maps of Syria and Palestine by Dr O.



Published a notable Atlas of America which was usedby John Ogilby as the basis for his An AccurateDescription and Complete History of America. The mapswere extremely decorative and included a view of NewAmsterdam as it appeared soon after its foundation.1670-71 De Nieutve en Onbekende Wereld: Amster-

dam, published by Jacob van MeursMaps of America including Virginia andNew England, Central America and theCaribbean1673 German issue by Dr O. Dapper(1636-89)1729 Re-issued by Pieter van der Aa1761 Re-issued by Covens and Mortier

HUGH (HUYCH) ALLARD/. c. 1645-91CAREL ALLARD (son) 1648-1709

ABRAHAM ALLARD (grandson) d. c. 1730The Allard family ran an active publishing business inAmsterdam in the latter half of the seventeenthcentury. Most of their publications consisted of atlasesmade up of maps and town plans by their more famouspredecessors, Blaeu, Jansson, de Wit, Visscher andothers, but one of their most attractive and interesting

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FREDERICK DE WIT Insula Malta. De Wit produced a very large number of maps and charts of every part of the world as well astown plans. This map of Malta with inset of Valletta was published in Amsterdam about 1680.

sheet maps was of New England (Hugo Allard, 1656),based on Jansson, which included a view of NewAmsterdam by C. J. Visscher.1675 New and Exact Map of All New Net her land

1675 and later re-issues1697 Atlas Minor (folio)

Re-issued by Covens and Mortierc. 1698 Orbis Habitabilis oppida: town plans with

costumed figures1705 Atlas Major. 3 volumes: about 5 20 maps of

various sizesc. 1706 Magnum Theatrum Belli: maps and plans of

forts and fortified cities


Roggeveen was a land surveyor and mathematician byprofession, working in Middelburg where the DutchEast and West India Companies maintained collectionsof hydrographic manuscripts and charts, includingSpanish portulans of the West Indies. No doubtthrough contacts there Roggeveen became interestedin navigation and he compiled a pilot book of large-scale charts of the West Indies and parts of theAmerican coasts, with a second volume of the coasts ofWest Africa. These were the first such charts printed inHolland.

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1675 He/ Brandende Veen (The Burning Fen)Part i: West Indies and the Americanseaboard33 charts published by Pieter Goos inEnglish, French and Spanish as Part IV ofhis Zee-Spiegel.1680, 1689, c. 1698 Re-issued by J. Robijn

c. 1685 Part II: Atlantic coasts of Africa19 charts published by J. Robijn


JUSTUS DANKERTS (son) 1635-170!

THEODORUS DANKERTS (grandson) 1663-1727CORNELIS DANKERTS ii (grandson) 1664-1717The Dankerts family, of whom the above were the mostimportant, were prominent print and map sellers activein Amsterdam for nearly a century. Between the years1680 and 1700 a number of atlases were produced withmaps bearing the names Justus or TheodorusDankerts. These are now very rare and as the title pagesand maps are undated it is difficult, if not impossible, toplace any map against any particular edition. TheDankerts were also noted for production of splendidwall maps of the world and the continents.

Their stock of plates was acquired by R. and J.Ottens who used them for re-issues, having replacedthe Dankerts names with their own.

1680-1700 AtlasSeveral editions with the number of mapsvarying from 26 to about 100: no text onreverse

c. 1690 Pocket Atlas of the Southern Netherlands:map in 32 numbered sections

1703 Planisphere TerrestreA re-issue of J. B. Nolin's World Map(1696) based on J. D. Cassini's planisphere


GERARD VAN KEULEN 1678-^. 1727





As we have noted in other biographies in this chapter,the Dutch produced a remarkable number of enterpris-ing and prolific map and chart makers but not even theBlaeu and Jansson establishments could rival thevigour of the van Keulen family whose business wasfounded in 1680 and continued under their name until

1823 and in other names until 1885 when it was finallywound up and the stock dispersed at auction.Throughout the history of the family, the widows ofseveral of the van Keulens played a major part, aftertheir husbands' deaths, in maintaining the continuityof the business.

The firm was founded by Johannes van Keulen whowas registered as a bookseller in Amsterdam in 1678. In1680 he published the first part of his Zee Atlas which,over the years, was expanded to 5 volumes andcontinued in one form or another until 1734. Moreambitious and with a far longer and more complicatedlife was his book of sea charts, the Zee-Fakkel,published in 1681-82 which was still being printedround the year 1800. A major influence in the develop-ment of the firm was the acquisition in 1693 of thestock of a rival map publisher, Hendrik Doncker.

Although the firm was founded by Johannes vanKeulen, he was primarily a publisher; it was his son,Gerard, a talented engraver, mathematician, Hydrog-rapher to the East India Company, who became themainspring of the business which not only publishedcharts but also books on every aspect of geography,navigation and nautical matters.

Set out below is a very brief detail of the issues of theZee Atlas and Zee-Fakkel.

1680-1734 De Groote Nieuive Vermeerderde Zee Atlasofte Water-wereltBetween these years the Zee Atlas waspublished in about 34 editions with text inDutch, French, English and Spanish: thenumber of maps varied from as few as 25to a peak of 185 in 1707-08. Generally thesize was approximately 540-5 50 x 340-350mm although in 1706, 1710, 1718 and 1734Gerard van Keulen issued editions withmaps enlarged to about 600 x 1,000 mm

1681-1803 De Nieutve Groote Lichtende Zee- FakkelLe Nouveau & Grand llluininant Flambeau delaMerThe Lightning Columne or Sea MirrourLa Nuevay Grande Re/umbrante Antorcha dela MarDelia nuova egrande llluminante Face del MarePart I (1681) North Sea and BalticPart II (1681) North Sea, the Channel,Coasts of England, Portugal and SpainPart III (1682) MediterraneanPart IV (1684) West Indies and Eastern

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Seaboard of North AmericaPart V (1683) Atlantic coasts of Africa andBrazil (in later editions, charts of theIndian Ocean)Part VI (1753) Indian Ocean and Far EastAverage size: 500-510x580-590 mm:some editions incorporated larger charts -600 x i ,000 mmIn all there were over 120 editions of theZee-Fakkel with text in Dutch,French, English (1716, one edition ofParts I and III only), Spanish and Italian.The original charts were compiled byClaes Janszoon Vooght and frequentlyonly his name appears, even on the atlastitle pages. In later years, especially underthe direction of Gerard van Keulen and hissons, the charts were constantly revisedand increased in number. Until the found-ing of the Dutch Hydrographic Office in1856 they were regarded as the 'official'Dutch sea charts.


Not much is known of Vooght's personal life beyondhis own description of himself as a 'surveyor andteacher of mathematics and the art of navigation' onwhich he was a prolific writer. He is noted as the authorof charts in Johannes van Keulen's Zee-Fakkel; indeed,on some editions only his name appears and inconsequence the Zee-Fakkel is often catalogued underhis name.


About 1675, shortly before the van Keulen publishingbusiness was set up in Amsterdam, Robijn practisedthere as a map 'illuminator' and chart seller. After ashort association with Johannes van Keulen he ac-quired publishing rights covering the Zee-Spiegel andZee Atlas from the widow of Pieter Goos and used theplates to produce his own pilot book and sea atlas.Apart from a small number of plates prepared to hisown order, most of Robijn's work cannot be said to beoriginal: he issued Goos's charts and those ofRoggeveen with a variety of texts by J. and C. Jacobsz(Lootsman), Arent Roggeveen and even John Sellerwith the result that analysis of the various issues cannoteasily be simplified. Robijn's stock was eventuallytaken over by Johannes Loots. The brief details given


below should be read in conjunction with our notes onPieter Goos and Arent Roggeveen.

1682-96 Zee Atlas9 editions with Dutch, French, Englishand Spanish text: the number of chartsvaried from 20 to 54, some by Robijn,others by Pieter Goos

c. 1680-98 Nieutve Groote Zee-Spiegel1680-98 Part V: three editions of 32-34charts of the West Indies and the Americanseaboard compiled by Arent Roggeveenfor his Het Brandende Veen (The BurningFen) Part i, first published by Pieter Goos

(1675)c. 1685 Part IV: 19 charts of the Atlanticcoasts of Africa, compiled by ArentRoggeveen for Part II of the same work1690-94 Parts I, II and III: charts copiedfrom Pieter Goos's De Nieuwe Groote Zee-Spiegel

1688- Sea MirrourParts I, II and III: charts copied from PieterGoos with English text 'borrowed' fromGoos, Jacobsz and Seller.c. 1717 Parts IV and V: charts from TheBurning Fen (as above)Re-issued by Joh. Loots


Dutch physician and geographer whose work was usedlong after his death by Richard Blome and others.

1682-93 A Compleat System of General GeographyTranslated and published by RichardBlome in his Cosmography and Geographycontaining charts and 24 maps of theworld, the Continents and various coun-tries and about 37 maps of the Englishcounties1733 Re-issued


PIETER SCHENK (son) C. 1698-1775

PIETER SCHENK (grandson) ij2.&-(. 1784Pieter Schenk was born in Germany but settled inAmsterdam where he became a pupil of Gerard Valck,the engraver. In 1687 he married Valck's sister andthereafter the Schenk and Valck families were activeover a long period with a wide range of interests as

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print sellers, publishers of books, maps, topographicaland architectural drawings and globe makers.Although the Schenk family produced some originalmaps, most of their atlases consisted of printings fromrevised and re-worked plates originally by Jansson, theVisschers, the Sansons and others.c. 1683-94 (with Gerard Valck) Re-issue of separate

maps from the Atlas Nwus by Jan Janssonc. 1700 Atlas Contracttu or Atlas Minor

Maps by Jansson, de Wit, Visscher andothersc. 1705, 1709 Re-issued1719 Re-issued by P. Schenk II

1702 Hecatompolis100 town plans and views, about half beingtaken from Carel Allard's similarpublication1752 Re-issued

c. 1702 (with Leonard Valck) Atlantis sylloge com-pendiosa or Nova totius GeograpbiaVarious issues covering 25 to 100 maps

1706 Schouwburg van den OorlogHistorical atlas1707, 1709 Re-issuedc. 1719, c. 172.7, c. 1730 Re-issued by P.Schenk II

1715 (with Gerard Valck) Atlas Anglois 34maps: published in London by D. Mortierwith later issues by Covens and Mortier

c. 1752 (P. Schenk II) Neuer Sdchsischer Atlas

1754, 1758, 1759, I?6°, 1810 Re-issuedc. 1750 (P. Schenk II) Atlas van Zuyd Holland

GERARD VALCK C. 165 1-1726

LEONARD VALCK (son) 1675-^. 1 7 5 5

Gerard Valck and his son were printers, engravers andglobe makers in Amsterdam, closely linked by mar-riage with the Schenk family with whom they also hada long business association in map engraving andpublishing. For further detail see entry under PieterSchenk.c. 1683-94 (with Pieter Schenk) Re-issue of separate

maps from the Atlas Novus by Jan Janssonc. 1702 (with Pieter Schenk) Atlantis sylloge com-

pendiosa or Nova totius GeograpbiaVarious issues covering 25 to 100 maps

1715 (with Pieter Schenk) Atlas Anglois34 maps: published in London by D.Mortier with later issues by Covens andMortier


A Dutch missionary who was associated with theFrench explorer La Salle in searching for the course ofthe Mississippi. Although Hennepin's accounts of hisadventures were often exaggerated and highlyimaginative they were among the most widely readbooks of the time. He was the first to describe NiagaraFalls and to use the name 'Louisiane' on a publishedmap.1683 Carte de la Nome lie France et de la Louisiane1697-98 L.'Amerique Septentrionale

Map of the Great Lakes and the Missis-sippi published in Hennepin's A Ne»Discovery of a Vast Country.



(See also under Covens and Mortier)Pieter and David Mortier were brothers of Frenchextraction whose publishing interests covered a widefield embracing French and English works as well asDutch. Pieter was probably trained in the booksellingbusiness in Paris and David spent many years inEngland; in fact, he acquired British nationality anddied there in about 1728. After Pieter's death, hiswidow continued the business until their son, Cornelis,was able to take over; then, in 1721, Cornelis enteredinto partnership with his brother-in-law, JohannesCovens, to form the famous name Covens and Mortier,a firm which continued in being with slight change ofname until the middle of the nineteenth century. Fordetails of their publications see under Covens andMortier.c. 1690- Atlas Nouveau

1708 Re-issue of Sanson/Jaillot maps originallypublished in Paris

1693-1703 Lf Neptune FrancoisCharts engraved by H. van Loon in Paris(published by Jaillot) and re-engraved andpublished by Pieter Mortier in the sameyear, 1693Other editions with Dutch/English textand additional volumes issued between1693 and 1703

c. 1694 Atlas Novum (David Mortier)Maps by many different cartographers ofthe day, published in Londonc. 1708 Re-issued

c. 1700 Pocket Atlases in 6 volumes

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c. 171o Atlas MaiorRe-issue of F. de Wit's Atlas Maior origin-ally published from 1670 onwards

1715-28 Nouveau Theatre de la Grand BretagnelAtlasAnglois (David Mortier)3 volumes including 34 maps by G. Valckand P. Schenk


c. 1690 AtlasVarious issues containing 100-300 mapsby earlier publishers


A famous Dutch artist and engraver who produced anumber of magnificent maps published in variousatlases: some of the charts in Pieter Mortier's AtlasMaritime (part of Le Neptune Franfois, 1693) wereparticularly splendid. For a time de Hooghe was in theservice of King William III in England.


A book publisher who started business in Utrecht andlater moved to Amsterdam and finally settled inLeeuwarden. Included in his prolific output of histori-cal and theological work were issues of the atlasesdetailed below.1695 Ptolemy's Geographia

Re-issues at Utrecht of Mercator's 1578edition: further issues 1698 (Franeker),1704 (Utrecht)(See also Appendix A.)

1704 Geographia Sacrac. 1705-09 Description de tout I'Univers

Re-issue of Sanson's Description de /'Univers1718 Atlas of Friesland

Re-issue of work by Schotanus van Ster-ringa (1698)


A mathematical and nautical instrument maker, Lootsalso published manuals on navigation. For a time hewas in partnership with an engraver, A. de Winter, andan author of text books on charts, Claes de Vries, whohad ambitions to publish a very large sea atlas of some200 charts but this was never completed on the scalecontemplated. Some of their charts were sold toGerard van Keulen and others were used in a sea atlaspublished in 1697. Charts by Loots also appear in anumber of other pilot books and sea atlases of the time.

1697 Het Nieu en Compleet Paskaart-Boek11 charts of the North Sea and Baltic

c. 1707 AtlasThe large sea atlas mentioned above con-taining 125-150 charts

c. 1707


Records show that van der Aa, born in Ley den in 1659,made an early start in life by being apprenticed to abookseller at the age of nine and starting on his own inbusiness as a book publisher by the time he was twenty-three. During the following fifty years he published anenormous amount of material including atlases andillustrated works in every shape and size, two of themconsisting of no less than 27 and 28 volumes containingover 3,000 maps and plates. Most of his maps were notof the first quality and were certainly not original butthey are often very decorative and are collected on thataccount.

j Zee-en land-rey sen1Cartes des itineraires et voyages modernes28 volumes: average size of maps240 x 360 mm

c. 1710 Atlas Nouveau et CurieuxAverage size of maps 160 x 240 mm1714, 1728 Re-issued

1713 Le Nouveau Theatre Ju Monde (N.Gueudeville)2 maps to a page: av. size 230 x 300 mm\Nouveau petit atlas

"\Atlas Soulage9 parts: average size of maps 140 x 200 mmNouvel Atlas: average size of maps140 x 200 mmc. 1735 Re-issued by Covens and MortierLa Galerie Agre'able du Monde27 volumes: 66 parts





Bookseller and printer in Brussels whose major workwas a very large-scale map of Belgium and Luxem-bourg, much copied by other publishers.1712 Table des cartes des Pays Bas et des frontieres de

France73 maps and plans of fortifications andsieges including the large-scale 24-sheetmap of Belgium which was also publishedseparately

1744-92 A number of re-issues under the title AtlasMilitaire

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REINER OTTENS (son) 1698-1750

JOSHUA OTTENS (son) 1704-65

The family business of print and map selling wasfounded by Joachim Ottens but the active period ofmap publishing was concentrated in the years between1720 and 1750 when the brothers, Reiner and Joshua,produced enormous collections of maps, some as largeas 15 volumes. These, including copies of practically allmaps available at the time, were made up to order andwere magnificently coloured. Besides these speciallyprepared collections they also issued single-volumeatlases with varying contents as well as pocket atlases.

1720-50 Atlas MaiorSpecial collections, mentioned above, con-taining as many as 800 maps

1725-50 Atlas]Atlas MinorSingle-volume atlases: contents varyingfrom 24 to well over 100 maps

'739~45 Atlas de la Navigation et du CommerceRe-issue of work by L. Renard (1715)



(See also under fitter, David and Cornells Mortier}



trading as




Under the heading Pieter Mortier we give some detailsof the extensive publishing business which he built upin Amsterdam and which, after his death, was sub-sequently taken over by his son, the above-namedCornelis. In 1721 Cornelis married the sister ofJohannes Covens and in the same year he and Johannesentered into partnership as publishers under the nameCovens and Mortier which, with its successors, becameone of the most important firms in the Dutch mappublishing business.

Their prolific output over the years included re-issues of general atlases by Sanson, Jaillot, Delisle,Visscher, de Wit (whose stock they acquired) andothers (often with re-engraved maps), atlases of parti-cular countries including Germany, England andScotland and others in Europe, pocket atlases, town

plans and, from about 1730 onwards, a series under thetitle Nieutve Atlas, some consisting of as many as 900maps by various cartographers and publishers. Asthere is no conformity about these volumes they werepresumably made up to special order and only generaldetails of publication can be quoted in a work of thissize.

c. 1725 Atlas MaiorRe-issue of F. de Wit's Atlas (c. 1670onwards)

c. 1730— Atlas Nouveauc. 1774 Re-issue of G. Delisle's Atlas (c. 1700)1737 A Map of the British 'Empire in America

Re-issue of Henry Popple's map (1733)c. 1735 Nouvel Atlas (410)

Re-issue of Pieter van der Aa's atlas (1714)c. 1730— Nieuwe Atlas

1800 Maps by most of the noted cartographersfrom Sanson onwards made up in specialcollections: title pages not dated. Thisseries included maps of the British Isles byValck and Schenk.


1735 K/ejne en Beknopte Atlas (8vo)Maps and town plans of various Europeancountries based on the work of the LaFeuille family

ISAAC TIRION c. 1705—65A successful publisher in Amsterdam who producedextensive volumes of Dutch town plans as well as anumber of atlases with maps usually based on those of

G. Delisle.1759~57 Atlas of the Dutch Provinces: 3 -, -40 mapsc. 1740—84 Nieuive en beknopte bandatlas

Six editions with number of maps varying from

)4 to over 100



Engraver, publisher and painter, active in Amsterdam,worked for the Visscher family and eventually tookover the business. De Leth is better known as an artistand engraver than as a cartographer although hishistorical atlas of the Netherlands was a very popularwork. His son, Hendrik de Leth (the Younger),published a World Atlas in 1788.

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c. 1740-66 Nieutvt Geographische en Historische Atlas vande Zeven Vereengde NederlandSeveral editions, some of which were soldas pocket atlases with folded maps

1743 A pocket map of London, Westminsterand Southwark

1749 Nouvel Atlas geographique et historique1770 Re-issued by S. J. Baalde

Specialist References

S. J. BAALDE/. 1757-89

Publisher and bookseller in Amsterdam.

1770 Nouvel Atlas geographique & historiqueMaps of the Netherlands in 3/4 folds,based on atlas by Hendrik de Leth (1749)1778 Re-issued

c. 1788 Rets und Hand AtlasBased on maps of the Netherlands byHendrik de Leth (c. 1740)


A bookseller and publisher who reproduced a smallnumber of maps copied from his predecessors.

1785-8 Compleete Zak-Atlas (with D. M. Langev-eld /. 1785-8): 29 maps of the Dutchprovinces

1791 Reisat/as var ™beel DuitschlandPocket atlas of Germany - 37 folded maps

1792 Atlas de geheele Wereld: 37 maps


A Belgian publisher who produced one of the firstatlases printed by lithography.

1827 Atlas universe I

BAGROW, L., History of Cartography

HOWSE, D. and SANDERSON, M., The Sea ChartGives detailed examples of charts by Waghenaer,Goos, van Keulen and other Dutch chart makers

KOEMAN, D. c., At/antes NeerlandiciVirtually complete analysis of all Dutch atlases andpilot books published in the Netherlands up to 1880

SCHILDER, G., Australia UnveiledGives the most detailed account available of the earlyDutch maps of Australasia


Ortelius: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, 1570 and 1606(English edition)de Jode, G.: Speculum Orbis Terrarum, 1578Waghenaer: Spieghel der Zeevaerdt, 1585

The Mariner's Mirrour, 1588Thresoor der Zeevaerdt, 1592

Barentsz: Caertboek, 1595Wytfliet: Discriptionis Ptolemaicae augmentum, 1597Blaeu, W.: The L,ight of Navigation, 1612

The Sea Beacon, 1643-44Van den Keere: Germania Inferior, 1617Mercator/Hondius/Jansson: Atlas for a GeographickeDescription, 1636Blaeu, J.: Le Grand Atlas, 1663 editionVan Keulen: De Nieuwe Groote Zee-Fakkel, 1716-53Reproductions of complete atlases

TOOLEY, R. v., Maps and Map MakersDetailed lists of editions of Ortelius, Mercator, Blaeuand Jansson atlases and Dutch sea charts

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Chapter 14

FRANCEIn the turbulent times at the beginning of the sixteenthcentury a new king came to the throne of France,Francis I, young, ambitious and opposed at every turnto Charles V's designs to impose his will on Europeand the New World. Unable to obstruct Charles inEurope, Francis turned his attention to the New Worldand, in 1523 , dispatched a Florentine seaman, Giovan-ni da Verrazano, to attempt to find a North Westpassage, followed a few years later by Jacques Cartier,who completed three voyages to the St Lawrence(1534-41) and staked France's claim to the landsbordering the great river. These discoveries wererecorded on world maps made about 1544 by PierreDesceliers, one of the leading figures of the DieppeSchool of Cartographers which flourished in the years1530-60.

Following the death of Francis I, France wasplagued for half a century by religious wars ofsuccession and a series of weak and unstable govern-ments. Indeed, towards the end of the century Pariswas in the hands of a revolutionary council and notuntil the Edict of Nantes in 1598 was any degree ofstability achieved. In consequence, the orderly devel-opment of cartography which took place in Germanyand England bypassed France until well into the nextcentury. That is not to say, of course, that mapproduction was entirely neglected. Apart from thework of the Dieppe map and chart makers, there wereworld maps by Oronce Fine and Andre Thevet whichwere copied by many cartographers and, some yearsbefore the issue of Waghenaer's sea charts, Nicolas deNicolay, a widely travelled Frenchman, preparednavigational charts of many lands including one of thebest maps to date of Scotland (1583).

The first printed national Atlas of the Frenchprovinces, the equivalent of Saxton's Atlas of theCounties of England and Wales, was produced in Tours in1594 by Maurice Bouguereau, a printer and publisher,during the period of the Court's 'exile' there. The Atlas

was not based on a general survey in the Saxton sensebut was a collection of maps of different parts of thecountry made in earlier years and already produced byOrtelius and Mercator in their own atlases: it includedonly three maps published for the first time. Perhaps itis not surprising that this was the first national atlaspublished in France; printing there had a chequeredhistory in the sixteenth century and such was thereligious intolerance that, at one stage, it was regardedas a form of heresy to the extent that printers wereburnt at the stake. The best-known printer of the time,Christopher Plantin, a Frenchman, fled from thispersecution in the 15405 to Antwerp, where eventuallyhe set up the establishment which produced or sold somany Ortelius atlases and other maps by most of thenotable cartographers of the day.

The new century brought great political changesand under the absolutist rule of Louis XIII and XIVmap makers were granted a degree of royal supportand patronage unknown elsewhere. By the last years ofthe century Dutch maritime power was in decline andFrance became the centre of geographical science, hercartographers producing the most advanced andbeautiful maps of the time. The first great name of theperiod, Nicolas Sanson, born in the year 1600, foundeda map-publishing business which, in the hands of hissons and grandson, was to prosper for well over acentury. Their early maps are noted for the elegance oftheir engraving and in later years, when they were ableto take advantage of new scientific mapping methods,for their clarity and accuracy.

In France, map making and publishing was domi-nated by a small number of family names, Cassini,Jaillot, Delisle, as well as the Sansons. Brief biograph-ical notes and details of their more important publi-cations are given on the following pages but theCassini family deserve special mention. The first of thatname, Jean Dominique, an Italian, was an astronomerand mathematician who, having settled in France, was

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appointed in 1669 by Louis XIV as director of the ParisObservatory then recently founded. He was respon-sible for new astronomical methods of determininglongitude and with Jean Picard and others he initiated anew survey of the French coasts which was completedabout 1681. At the same time his methods enabledother cartographers to re-draw the map of the worldfar more accurately than hitherto. The projectedsurvey of France by triangulation to which all Cassini'sefforts and ambitions were directed was constantlydelayed and postponed by political and practicalproblems until long after his death but, in 173), his sonJacques was instructed by Louis XV to begin thesurvey and by 1745 a preliminary map was available.The continuation of the project, which had becomeknown as the 'Carte de Cassini' and was now in thehands of Cesar Francois Cassini de Thury, facedimmense difficulties, not least the fickleness of thegovernment in withdrawing financial support. Not tobe deflected, Cesar Frangois formed a company toprovide the necessary backing and with assistance fromlocal government in the provinces, the work continuedand was practically finished in 1784 when Cassini diedof smallpox. The 'Carte de Cassini' or the 'Carte deP Academic', as it was also known, was soon completedand, after engraving on 182 sheets, was published in1789 by yet another member of the family, JeanDominique. The most ambitious mapping projectattempted up to that time, this work of the Cassinifamily served as a model to the map makers of the restof the world and was not replaced in France until1878-89. Even before the great survey was finished,their influence was being felt in the development ofcartography in other countries, not least in England. In1783, just before he died, Cassini urged on the BritishGovernment the advantages of linking the Paris andGreenwich Observatories by his method of triangul-ation, a suggestion which, rather surprisingly, wasaccepted. In 1784, as part of the agreement, an accuratebaseline on Hounslow Heath was determined on whicha few years later a 'combined operation' across theChannel linked the two systems of triangulation, anoperation which was not without complications causedby the conversion of the different methods of groundmeasurement used in each country. The same baselineserved as the starting-point for the general survey ofthe British Isles, soon to be co-ordinated under thecontrol of the Ordnance Survey Office, of which anaccount is given in Chapter 8.

Whilst the members of the Cassini family were


concentrating on the mapping of France, other Frenchcartographers maintained and, indeed, surpassed thestandards of excellence set by Sanson and his suc-cessors in the previous century. Prominent among thenew generation of scientific cartographers were Guil-laume Delisle, whose maps of Africa and America wereespecially influential, J. B. B. d'Anville with notablemaps of Africa and the Far East, Robert de Vaugondy(Atlas Universe/, 1757) and L. Renard, J. B. d'Apres deMannevillette and J. N. Bellin, famous for their seacharts. At the end of the eighteenth century and thebeginning of the nineteenth, the explorers Comte de laPerouse (1785-88), Louis de Freycinet (f. 1812) andothers added to charts of the Pacific and the Australiancoastline and Dumont d'Urville completed threevoyages (1822-40) to New Zealand, and later issued aseries of new improved charts of that country.


ORONCE FINE 1494-I 5 5 5

Oronce Fine, a professor of mathematics in Paris, wasthe most prominent French cartographer in the six-teenth century. Apart from compiling one of the firstwoodcut maps of France, he is best known for his mapsof the world on heart-shaped projections which werefrequently copied by other cartographers, includingPeter Apian and Mercator.

1519 World Map: woodcut, single heart-shapedprojection1536, 1566 (Venice) Re-issued

1 5 2 5 France: woodcut'536, 1 5 5 7 Re-issued

1531-32 World Map: woodcut, double heart-shaped projectionf. 1535 . '54' Re-issued

1 5 5 1 Le Sphere du Monde


A widely travelled Frenchman who prepared the firstsea chart printed in France for his translation of the Artof Navigation by the Spanish navigator Pedro deMedina. He spent some years in England and, later inlife, published an outline map, or chart, of Scotlandwhich was the best available at that time. Ortelius useda map of Europe by Nicolay in his Theatrum OrbisTerrarum

'544 Chart of the Coasts of Europe

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c. 1554-69 Chart of the New World in the Art ofNavigation: Paris and Lyon15 60 Reproduced in Venice

15 70 Map of Europe used by Ortelius1583 Scotland: Navigation du Roy (fEcosse


Desceliers was one of the leading figures in the Dieppeschool of cartographers which was active in the years1530—60. He produced several world maps, now veryrare.

c. 1546 World Map with emphasis on JacquesCarder's exploration along the StLawrence and in New France


1575 World Map (woodcut) in the shape of afleur-de-lis, and maps of the Continentspublished in La Cosmographie Universelle1581 Re-issued


1575 L*z Cosmographie Universelle de tout le MondeFrench edition of Sebastian Miinster'sCosmograpbia including map of the BritishIsles and a woodcut plan of London


Little is known of Bouguereau except that he was amaster printer and publisher in Tours, for a time theseat of the French government. There, in 1594, hepublished the first national atlas of France, basing itscontents on a variety of regional maps which hadappeared during the previous half century. The atlas isextremely rare, very few copies existing in various states.It was re-issued in later years by J. le Clercand J. Boisseau.

15 94 Theatre Francois

1620-31 Re-issued by J. le Clerc as theTheatre Geographique du Rojaume de France1642 Re-issued by J. Boisseau as TheatredesGaules


One of the great French explorers, de Champlain wassent to 'New France' in 1603 to survey the areasdiscovered by Jacques Carder in his voyages between1534 and 1541 and to report on the possibilities ofcolonial expansion there. As a result of his many

expeditions as far inland as the Great Lakes heproduced splendid maps of the region which weremodels for cartographers for many years to come.

c. 1607 Description of the Coasts and Islands ofNew France

1612 Map of the St Lawrence1612-13 Carte Geographique de laNouvelle France

1632 Re-issued in Champlain's Voyages de

la Nouvelle France Occidental showing thelatest discoveries

JEAN LE CLERC 1560-162!

Engraver, bookseller and publisher in Paris and Tours,le Clerc may have been associated with MauriceBouguereau in the production of the Theatre Francois in15 94, but whether that was so or not, he subsequentlyused the plates to republish the Atlas in 1620 under anew title. In addition to the maps of France, the atlasincluded a World Map, originally engraved by JodocusHondius in 1608 copied from Mercator's twin hemi-sphere map of 1595. He also issued in 1602 maps ofAfrica, America, Asia and Europe, engraved byJodocus Hondius.

1620 Theatre Geographique du Rojaume de France1621, 1622, 1626, 1631 Re-issued


Melchior Tavernier was a member of a large familyinvolved in the publishing trade in Paris in the earlyyears of the seventeenth century. He is probably bestknown for his publication of a map of the Post Roadsof France which was copied many times until the end ofthe century. He also issued an atlas under the same titleas J. le Clerc's Theatre Geographique, using many of LeClerc's maps, but incorporating others from differentsources. Apart from the maps noted below, he pub-lished works for other cartographers, including N.Sanson, N. Tassin, and P. Bertius. He is not to beconfused with his nephew of the same name(1594-1665), who also engraved maps for NicolasSanson.

1632 Carte Geographique des Pastes qui trover sent laFrance1658 Re-issued by N. Sanson

1634 Theatre Geographique du Rojaume de France1640-42 Description de la Carte Generate de Tout le


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16 17 ig 19 lo) jii XI 23JZ4 ir 2 6 J 7 7 1 1J

o---i-S ;-~- ---sS8!f-"-" -*-"- -\J - ts<;>s -—-i>^5^^^ i-ic5r:-r;

-. -••ig/V'V-'roJCg*--'i-Zx-j-;j£<roy^O''f/»«fr/--.-------------_—_-_-_-_n-~----

FRANCOIS DE BELLEFOREST Des Isles de Bretagm, La Grand" Albion Paris 1575 . Map of the British Isles published in LaCosmographie Universellc, a French translation of Sebastian Miinster's Cosmographia; it was based on Girolamo Ruscelli's mappublished in the 1561 edition of Ptolemy's Geographia.

NICOLAS TASSINy?. 1633-55Tassin was appointed 'royal cartographer' at Dijonbefore setting up as an engraver in Paris where heissued various collections of small maps and plans ofFrance, Switzerland, Germany and Spain.1633-35 General maps of Germany and the Swiss

Cantons (410)16 3 4-44 Les Plans et profits de toutes le principals villes

. . . de France . . . du Pays des Suisses (410)1634 Cartes generates et particulieres de toutes les

castes de France1640-4 3 Cartes generates de toutes les provinces de France1655 Cartes generates de la Geographic royale

(miniature maps of the French and Spanishprovinces) (4to)


Jean Boisseau was the last publisher to issueBouguereau's Theatre Franfois using yet another title,Theatre des Gaules, and adding a number of maps ofother countries.

1637 World Map1641-43 Nouvelle France1642 Theatre des Gaules1643 Tresor des cartes geographiques

ANTOINE DE PER/. 1640-52

1648 World Map1652 Plans des Villes de France

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NICOLAS SANSON (father) 1600-67NICOLAS SANSON (son) 1626-48GUILLAUME SANSON (son) -d. 1703

ADRIEN SANSON (son) ~d. 1708

PIERRE MOULARD-SANSON (grandson) -d. 1730

Sanson was born in Abbeville where as a young man hestudied history, particularly of the ancient world, and itis said that he turned to cartography only as a means ofillustrating his historical work. For this purpose heprepared a number of beautifully drawn maps, one ofwhich, after his move to Paris, came to the attention ofLouis XIII. In due course the King appointed him'Geographe Ordinaire du Roi', one of his duties beingto tutor the King in geography.

In the preparation of his major atlas, Cartes Generatesde Toutes Its Parties du Monde, Sanson employed anumber of engravers, one of whom, M. Tavernier,engraved important maps showing the Post Roads andRiver and Waterway system of France (1632-34) and amap of the British Isles (1640). In all, Sanson producedabout 300 maps of which two of North America wereparticularly influential: Amerique Septentrionaie (1650)and Le Canada ou Nowelle France (1656), the first map toshow all the Great Lakes. After Sanson's death thebusiness was carried on by his two surviving sons andgrandson, in partnership with A. H. Jaillot.

It is generally accepted that the great age of Frenchcartography originated with the work of NicolasSanson but credit must go also to A. H. Jaillot andPierre Duval for re-engraving his maps, many stillunprinted at his death, and re-publishing them in faceof strong competition from the Dutch, who continuedto dominate the market until the end of the century.

1648-62 L'Europe, L'Asie, L'Afrique andL''Amerique en plusieurs cartes nouvelles(issues in folio, 410 and 8vo sizes)1683 and other re-issues

1654 Cartes Generates de Toutes les Parties duMonde1658, 1664-66, 1667, 1670 Re-issued withincreasing numbers of maps1676 Re-issued under title Cartes Generatesde la Geographie Anciennes et Nouvelles

France based on the famous map published byMelchior Tavernier in 1632.

c. 1650 Post Roads of France


Son-in-law of Nicolas Sanson, Duval published a widerange of atlases, individual maps of the world and thecontinents and wall maps.

1651 Tables ge'ographiques de tous les pays du monde165 3-5 5 Canada and America1658 Les acquisitions de la France par la paix

1667 re-issued1660—66 Maps of the World and the Continents1662 Cartes de Geographie (i2mo)1670 Le Monde ou la Geographie Universelle (12mo)

1682 Re-issued1672 Cartes de geographie les plus nouvelles (folio)

1677, c. 1688 Re-issued1677 La Geographie franfoise1679 Les XVII provinces en Holland et en Flandres

(i2mo)c. 1680 Le Monde Chrestien (i2mo)c. 1682 Geographie Universelle (i2mo)

1691, 1694 Re-issued


A traveller and author of books on the early voyages ofdiscovery, Thevenot produced some striking maps,perhaps not always his own work but no less interest-ing because of that. In particular, his map of Australia,the first by a Frenchman, showed the continent'suninterrupted eastern coastline and the latest inform-ation on Tasman's voyages.

1663-96 Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, (TerreAustrale decouverte fan 1644) Kingdom ofthe Great MogulIssued in Relations de divers Voyages Curieux

1681 Recueil de Voyagesincluding 3 maps, one of which was thefirst printed map to show the approximatecourse of the Mississippi and the nameMichigan (Carte de la decouverte faite Fan


A Parisian publisher and bookseller, Langlois pro-duced a number of maps around the middle of theseventeenth century including one of the Post Roads of


1667 Tresor des cartes ge'ographiques des principaux

estats de t'univers

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NICOLAS SANSON Principautc de Galles. Map of Wales published in Paris in 1658.


BERNARD JEAN JAILLOT (son) 1673-1739

BERNARD ANTOINE JAILLOT (grandson) d. 1749


After Nicolas Sanson, Hubert Jaillot and Pierre Duvalwere the most important French cartographers of theseventeenth century. Jaillot, originally a sculptor,became interested in geography after his marriage tothe daughter of Nicolas Berey (1606-6 5), a famous mapcolourist, and went into partnership in Paris withSanson's sons. There, from about 1669, he undertookthe re-engraving, enlarging and re-publishing of theSanson maps in sheet form and in atlases, sparing no

effort to fill the gap in the map trade left by thedestruction of Blaeu's printing establishment inAmsterdam in 1672. Many of his maps were printed inAmsterdam (by Pierre Mortier) as well as in Paris. Oneof his most important works was a magnificent seaatlas, Le Neptune Franfois, published in 1693 andcompiled in co-operation with J. D. Cassini. This wasre-published shortly afterwards by Pierre Mortier inAmsterdam with French, Dutch and English texts, thecharts having been re-engraved. Eventually, after halfa century, most of the plates were used again as thebasis for a revised issue published by J. N. Bellin in'755-

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16 81 A tlas Nouveau1689, 1691, 1692 and others, includingissues by Pierre Mortier and Covens andMortier

169} Le Neptune Franfois1693-1703 Re-issued by Pierre Mortier inAmsterdam with French, Dutch andEnglish texts

169 5 A tlas Francois1696, 1700 and many other editions

1711 Liste Generate des Pastes de France32 re-issues to c. 1778


1683-88 Description de f Univers1686, 1719 Re-issued with German text


1684 Le Petit Flambeau de la Mer (8vo)1694, 1742 Re-issued1801 Re-issued in English as The 'Little SeaTorch with corrections and additions byJ. T. Serres (1759-1825)


Apart from the fact stated on his map of Great Britainthat he was 'Geographe du Roi' nothing is known ofdes Granges, not even his Christian name.1688 Germany1689 Royaume a"Angleterre, cFEcossc et d"Irlande1702 Greece

JEAN BAPTISTE NOLiN (father) c. 1657-1708JEAN BAPTISTE NOLIN (son) 1686-1762

J. B. Nolin set up the family publishing business inParis in the Rue St Jacques where he engraved and solda wide variety of maps, on some of which hewrongfully used the titles 'Engraver to the King' and'Geographer to the Duke of Orleans'. On a complaintby Guillaume Delisle he was accused and convicted ofplagiarism but his business continued to flourish.Many of his maps were based on the work of VincenzoCoronelli, the Italian cartographer and of anotherFrench geographer, Sieur de Tillemon (Nicholas deTralage). His most notable work was the publication in1696 of a World Map on one sheet based on J. D.Cassini's 24-6 planisphere housed in the Paris Obser-vatory. His son continued the business for many yearsand prepared an Atlas General which was publishedposthumously in 1783.

1688-89 Maps of America and Canada1696 Planisphere terrestre (J. D. Cassini)1718 Nouvelle edition du theatre de la guerre en Italic1720-56 (son) Maps of the Continents in various

editions1783 (son) Atlas General

NICOLAS DE PER 1646-1720

Cartographer, engraver and publisher, Nicolas de Perissued altogether rather more than 600 separate maps,including atlases, sheet maps and large wall maps. Ithas been said that he aimed at quantity rather thanquality but he gained a great reputation in his lifetimeand was appointed Geographer to the King. Today hismaps are still popular, in spite of, or perhaps becauseof, their rather flamboyant decoration and even fortheir geographical errors.1690 Les Cotes France1693 La France triomphante sous le regne de Louis le

grand (6 sheets)1693—97 Les Forces de F Europe ou descriptions des

principals villesc. 1702 Re-issued by Pierre Mortierc. 1726 Re-issued by Pieter van der Aa

1695 Atlas Royal1699-1702 Re-issued

1697 Petit et Nouveau Atlas (410)1698 Plusieurs Cartes de France aves Us routes et le

plan de principals villes1726, 1730, 1756, 1760, 1763 Re-issued

1700—05 Atlas curieux: z parts: oblong folio1717 Re-issued

1700 Les Pastes de France et d"Italic1728, 1760 Re-issued

1705 Le Theatre de la guerre aux environs du Rhein1709 Atlas ou Kecueil de Cartes Geographiquesc. 1717 Introduction a la Geographic (8vo)


Of Italian parentage, Cassini studied in Genoa andgraduated there with honours in theology and law. Bychance he became interested in astrology which led himto take up astronomy and mathematics, and at the ageof twenty-five his remarkable ability in these subjectsprompted his appointment to the Chair of Astronomyat Bologna University. His fame there brought himnumerous commissions from the Papal Office andprovincial Senates to carry out surveys in various partsof Italy. Eventually his name came to the attention ofLouis XIV of France who was seeking a scholar of

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MELCHISEDECH THEVENOT Northern India Paris 1663. Map of the Kingdom of the Great Mogul included in Thevenot'sRelations de divers Voyages Curieux published in Paris, and derived from an earlier map by William Baffin, the English navigator,issued in 1619.

Cassini's eminence to direct the Paris Observatory; indue course, Cassini accepted the appointment andbecame a French citizen. There he introduced newastronomical methods of determining longitude and,in company with Jean Picard and others, established anaccurate meridian of Paris on the basis of which a newsurvey of the French coasts was put in hand andcompleted about 1681. The World Map (1696) en-graved by J. B. Nolin, based on Cassini's 24-6: diameterplanisphere housed in the Paris Observatory is re-garded as the first scientific map of the world. Hiswork was continued by his son, Jacques Cassini deThury, and grandson, Cesar Fra^ois Cassini deThury.1696 Planisphere Terrestre (J. B. Nolin)

1703 Re-issued by Cornells Danckerts

CLAUDE DELISLE (father) 1644-1720GUILLAUME DELISLE (son) 1675-1726

SIMON CLAUDE DELISLE (son) 1675-1726


LOUIS DELISLE (son)^. C. 1720-45

The Delisle (de L'Isle) family followed the Sansons as amajor influence in the development of French car-tography at the very beginning of the eighteenthcentury at a moment when Dutch publishers werefinally losing their control of the map trade. LikeNicolas Sanson, Claude Delisle was a geographer andhistorian and had four sons, all of whom made theirmark in the life of the time, but Guillaume was themost remarkable member of the family. Said to havedrawn his first map at the age of nine he was elected amember of the Academic Roy ale des Sciences by the

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time he was twenty-seven; later he was appointed to thehighest honour as 'Premier Geographe du Roi'. Hiscritical approach to the maps of his predecessors,backed by his training in mathematics and astronomyunder J. D. Cassini, earned him early recognition as the'first scientific cartographer' and the foremost geog-rapher of his age. His maps were re-published longafter his death in 1726.

Two of his brothers, Joseph Nicolas and Louis,spent many years in the service of Peter the Great inRussia where they organized a school of astronomyand carried out extensive surveys in areas hithertohardly visited.

c. 1700 (Guillaume) Atlas de Ge'ographie1707, 1708, 1718 Re-issuedc. 1730-c. 1774 Re-issued as Atlas Nouvtauby Covens and Mortier, Amsterdam1740-50 Re-issued as Atlante Novissimo inVenice

c. 170 3 (Guillaume) Carte du Mexique et de la Floride. . . et des Environs de la Riviere de MississipiThe first printed map to show in detail thecourse of the Mississippi and the routes ofits explorers

1718 (Guillaume) Carte de la Louisiane et duMississipi1730 Re-issued by Covens and Mortier

1745 (Joseph Nicolas) Atlas Russicus (largefolio): St Petersburg

'757 (Joseph Nicolas) Atlas Universe/

DANIEL DE LA FEUILLE (father) 1640-1709

JACOB DE LA FEUILLE (son) 1668-1719

PAUL DE LA FEUILLE (son) 1688-1727

Daniel de la Feuille, a Frenchman from Sedan, settledin Amsterdam about 1683 and built up a business thereas an engraver, art dealer and book and map publisher.The maps listed below were published in Amsterdam.

Daniel de la Feuille

1702 Atlas par tat if ou le theatre de la guerre enEurope

1706 and later re-issues in Dutch andGerman

1706 Oorlogs tablettenLet Tablettes GuerrieresThe Military Tablettes1707-29 Various re-issues in Dutch,French and English

Jacob de la Feuillec. 1710 Atlas (a collection of over 100 maps by

Dutch and French cartographers)


The Atlas Historique published by Chatelain was part ofa major work of its time, an encyclopaedia in sevenvolumes, including geography as one of its mainsubjects. The text was by Nicholas Gueudeville and themaps by Chatelain. The Atlas included one of the finestmaps of America (4 sheets) surrounded by vignettesand decorative insets.1705-20 Atlas Historique: Amsterdam (maps by

Chatelain based on G. Delisle)Further issues to 1739


1705-20 Atlas Historique: Amsterdam (maps byHenri Chatelain)Further issues to 1739

1713 Le Nouveau Theatre du Monde: Leyden(published by Pieter van der Aa)


1710 Hydrographia Gallia (The Sea Coasts ofFrance)

LOUIS RENARD/. 1715 -39

1715 Atlas de la Navigation et du Commerce:

Amsterdam1739, 1745 Re-issued by R. and J. Ottens:Amsterdam

LAURENT BREMOND and MICHELOT/. 1 7 1 5 - 3 0

c. 1718 Ports et Rades de la Mer Mediterrane'e1730 Re-issued1802 Re-issued in English by Wm Heatheras The New Mediterranean Pilot


1719 Nouveau Atlas Francois (8vo)c. 1719 Le Nouveau et curieux Atlas ge'ographique et



Following the death of Guillaume Delisle, D'Anvillecontinued the line of progressive French cartographerswhich had begun with Nicolas Sanson in the previouscentury. He is said to have designed his first map at theage of fifteen and in a long and active life he produced a

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R. O V A u M E i DE M A D U R E

• - G O L F E DE BE N GAL A I!*__

GUILLAUME DELISLE Carte dt Flsle de Ctylan Paris 1722. A good example of the elegant maps published by the Delisle family.

great number of elegantly engraved maps, noted for editions intheir scholarship and accuracy. If anything, he was printed byeven more critical of the work of his predecessors than others intoDelisle and his exacting standards soon brought him 1719international recognition as the finest cartographer of 1727his time. In fact, during his whole life he never 1735travelled outside Paris but he built up a vast collectionof cartographic material which eventually was passed 1737to the Bibliotheque Nationale. He was specially inter- c. 1740ested in the geography of the East and he designedmaps for a Description geograpbique de la Chine by Pere J. 1746—61B. du Halde(i735), a notable work of the day based onsurveys and reports of Jesuit missionaries. These mapswere also issued in Nouvel Atlas tie la Chine in 1737 andwere the first to give a reasonably accurate picture of 1769that remote land. From about 1740 onwards hepublished collections of maps under the title AtlasGenerate which went through numerous expanding

various languages; English editions wereRobert Sayer, Laurie and Whittle, and

the next century.FranceL'Ethiopie OrientaleMaps for Description geograpbique de la Chineby J. B. du HaldeNouvel Atlas de la ChineAtlas GenerateNumerous re-issues in various languagesMaps of the Continents and the WorldNorth America (1746), South America(1748), Africa (1749), Asia (1751), World(1761). Numerous re-issuesGeographie Ancienne et Abregee1775, 1810 Re-issues in French1775-1820 Six re-issues by Laurie andWhittle

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D. MARTINEAU DU PLESSISy?. 1 7 3 317 3 3 Nome lie Geographic


1734-38 Atlas de poche

Atlas portatief

Pocket atlases in two different versions

1739 Plans of European Cities


1735 Description geographiquc de la Chine (maps

designed by J. B. B. d'Anvillc)

1738-41 English edition

Maps re-issued in 1737 in Nouvel Atlas de la

Chine by d'Anville


Cartographer and publisher who succeeded his relat-

ive, Guillaume Delisle. He re-published many maps by

Delisle and Jaillot but his own maps were not noted for

their accuracy; in particular he let his imagination run

riot on those of Australia and the South Seas. He was

better known for his theoretical work on the physical

aspects of geography, especially relating to mapping of

the submarine world and devising methods of indicat-

ing underwater contours.

1739 Maps of Australia and the Southern


1745 (G. Delisle) Carte £ Amerique175 3~5 5 Nouvelles Decouvertes au Nord Amerique

1754 Cartes et Tables de la Geographic Physique

1762 Atlas Ge'ographique et Universe lie

1769-99 Atlas Geographiquc de Quatre Parties du



A military engineer by profession, le Rouge took up

cartography and over a long period from about 1740 to

1780 produced many attractive works covering a wide

range of subjects including plans of fortifications,

military campaigns, town plans as well as the more

usual atlases and sea charts.

1741-62 A tlas General

\ 742 RecueiJ des Cartes Nouvelles (including a re-

issue on reduced scale of Henry Popple's

map of America of 1733)

174 8 Atlas Nouveau Portatif (410)

1756, c. 1767 Re-issued

1755 Kecueil des Plans de f Amerique (8 vo)

1756 Introduction de Geographic

1758 Atlas Prussien

1759 Recuei/ des Villes, Portes d1 Angleterre (8vo)

1760 Topographic des Chemins d' Angleterre (8vo)

1760 Recueii des fortifications, forts et ports de mer de

France (8vo)

1778 Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional

1778 Pilote Americain Septentrional


1742 Nouvel Atlas gcographique et historique -

folding maps: average size 165 x 215 mm

JACQUES CASSINI DE THURY (father) 1677-1756



Elsewhere in this chapter we have set out in some detail

the leading part played by the above-named descend-

ants of the first Jean Dominique Cassini in compiling

the geometrical and topographical surveys of France

which occupied so much of the eighteenth century.

Here it will suffice to summarize their publications.

1744-45 Descriptions Ge'ometrique de la France

1789-91 Atlas National de France: also known as

'Carte de Cassini' or 'Carte de 1'Academie'

1818 Atlas topographique, mineralogique et statist-

ique de la France



Born in Le Havre of a seafaring family d'Apres de

Mannevillette had a long and distinguished career as a

navigator and one of the first French hydrographers.

After studying mathematics in Paris, he gained early

experience of the sea in a voyage at the age of nineteen

to the Caribbean. During many subsequent voyages he

assembled a collection of material for a projected

hydrographic atlas which, with the support of the

Academic des Sciences, was published in Paris in 1745

under the title Le Neptune Oriental. In spite of the

popularity of the first issue, it failed to satisfy the

author and he spent nearly thirty years, often with the

assistance of his friend, Alexander Dalrymple, the

English hydrographer, in the preparation of a revised

and enlarged edition which eventually was issued in


1745 Le Neptune Oriental

1775 Re-issued in expanded form

1781 Supplement au Neptune Oriental

1821 Re-issued

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GEORGE LOUIS LE ROUGE L'Ecossi. Map of Scotland published in the Atlas General in Paris c. 1746, a re-issue of a map byBowles (London), 1735.

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The East India Pilot (Laurie and Whittle,London)The Oriental Pilot (Laurie and Whittle,London)


Bellin spent over fifty years at the French Hydro-graphic Service where he was appointed the first'Ingenieur hydrographe de la Marine'. During his termof office there he was commissioned to carry out majorsurveys, first of the coasts of France and later of all theknown coasts of the world. These tremendous under-takings resulted in the production of a very largenumber of sea charts of the highest quality whichappeared in many editions with varying numbers ofcharts to the end of the century. He was appointed'Hydrographer to the King' and was a member of theRoyal Society in London.1747-61 Maps for Prevost's L'Histoire Generate des

Voyages1751 Atlas Maritime1753 Neptune Francois

Numerous re-issues1755 Par tie accident ale et orientate de la Nouvelle

France, ou du Canada1756-65 Hydrographie Franfoise: 2 volumes

Numerous re-issues to 18021757 Guiana1757 Essai geographique sur les Isles Britanniques1764 Petit Atlas Maritime: 5 volumes (410)1769 Corsica1771 Gulf of Venice1773 Charts of the Caribbean



The Robert de Vaugondys were descended from theNicolas Sanson family through Sanson's grandson,Pierre Moulard-Sanson; from him they inheritedmuch of Sanson's cartographic material which theycombined with maps and plates acquired after HubertJaillot's death in 1712 to form the basis for a verybeautifully produced Atlas Universel. The old materialwas much revised and corrected with the addition ofmany new place names. The elder Robert de Vaugon-dy, Gilles, is also known as Le Sieur or MonsieurRobert.1748-49 Atlas Por/a///(small 410)1756 Pacific Ocean: maps for Histoire des Navig-

ations aux Terres Australes (Charles de

Brosses)1757 Atlas Universe I

1783, 1793 Re-issued1761 (Didier) Parte de f'Amerique septentrional1762 Nouvel Atlas Portatif (small folio)

1771-1813 re-issued


c. 1750 The World and its Continents


1751 Atlas de geographic ancienne et moderne1756 L'Histoire militarie de Flandre (1690-94)1765 Carte f A llemagne

ROBERT (?JEAN) JANVIER/. 1746-76A French cartographer who worked in Paris fromabout 1746. There is some confusion about his Christ-ian name but his maps usually bore the inscription 'LeSieur Janvier". In addition to work published under hisown name by Jean Lattre in Bordeaux and C. F.Delamarche in Paris, he collaborated with othercartographers and publishers in producing a con-siderable number of maps, many of which were usedin general atlases by William Fadan, P. Santini andothers.1751 Map in Atlas de Geographic ancienne et

moderne by Jean de Beaurain1751 (with S. G. Longchamps) Map of France1754 ( do ) Map of America

1759 Les Isles Britanniqms

'779. 1791 Re-issuedc. 1760 Maps of the World, the Continents and

France and Germany1762 Re-issued on a reduced scale in AtlasModerne1763 Re-issued in Atlas abregeetportatij"byP. M. Gourne

1762 Atlas moderne ou Collection de Cartes1771 Re-issued

1772 Map of America1776-84 Maps in Atlas Universe/ by P. Santini


1751 Atlas geographique et militaire de la France1758 Atlas topographique et militaire1758 Nouveau theatre de la guerre d"' Allemagne

1768 Le Theatre du Monde including maps ofthe world and the continents by CasparBailleul

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1755 Atlas methodique1775 Re-issued

1 7 5 5 Carte des Possessions Angloises et FrancoisescfAmerique septentrionale

1769 A General Atlas of New and Current Mapspublished in London by CarringtonBowles c. 1794 Re-issued

1775-80 Bowles Universal Atlas, published inLondon by Carrington Bowles


Beyond the fact that Brion de la Tour was an engineerby profession and held the post of Ingenieur-Geographe du Roi, little is known of his career. Hepublished a wide range of statistical works and anumber of atlases, of which the following are the mostimportant:

1756 Cartes des Places Fortes et des PrincipauxPorts des Isles Britanniques

1757 Cotes Mart times de France1766 Atlas Itiaeraire Portatif (%\o)1766 Atlas General

1776, 1786 Re-issued1795 Description generate de f Europe etc (410)1803 Atlas geographique et statistique de la France



1761 Atlas methodique et ele'mentaire de geographic etfbittoirt1783 Re-issued

1762 Atlas Historique et Geographique

1776 Atlas Moderne (410)1780 Maps for Atlas de toutes lesparties connues du

globe terrestre by Guillaume Raynal (410)f. 1783 Atlas Portatif1783 (with Nicolas Desmaret) Atlas de geographic

ancienne1787-88 (with Nicolas Desmaret) Atlas

encyclopedique1827 Re-issued

LOUIS DENIS 1725-94Cartographer and engraver whose work included mapsof the post roads of France and street plans of Paris.

1764 Atlas geographique1768 Guide des vqyageurs - Post Roads of France1770 Atlas de Normandie1774 Routes de Paris1779 Theatre de la Guerre en Amcrique1781 Plan Geometral. . . de Gibraltar

JOSEPH ROUX/. 17641764 Carte de la Mer Mediterranee1764 Recueil des principaux plans des ports et rades

de la Mer Mediterranee (8vo)1779, 1804 Re-issued1817 Re-issued in expanded form by Jean-Joseph Allezard (fl. 1795-1817)


1767 Geographic Moderne1780, 1787, c. 1793 Re-issued

1776-93 Maps of the Continents


See entry under Denmark


As Royal Hydrographer, Bonne's principal interest layin the production of marine charts but he issued anumber of other works, often including maps byfellow cartographers. He also provided maps for anotable atlas by Guillaume Raynal and for an HistoricalAtlas and Encyclopaedia published in association withNicolas Desmaret (1725-1805).

1762 Atlas Maritime (folio)1778 Re-issued (8vo)

1764 Petit Tfb/eau de France


A professor of History at the Academic Royale,Angers, de Pretot published two atlases containingdecorative maps engraved by some of the most notablecraftsmen of the time.

1768 Cosmographie Universelle1787 A tlas universe I (410)


1773 Atlas portatif1775-80, 1783 Re-issued as Atlas de toutesles parties connues du globe terrestre (RigobertBonne)

1780 Atlas des Deux Indes

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A cartographer and engraver, active in London inassociation with the Bowles family and William Fadenwith whom be published a number of maps of Americaand Africa.

c. 1781-89 A Map of North America and the WestIndies

1782 Dutch Colony of the Cape of Good Hope(published by W. Faden)1795 Revised edition1825-38 Revised and published by JamesWyld

1803 Africa (published by W. Faden)1823-60 Various editions, revised andpublished by James Wyld, the Elder andthe Younger

1806 Nouvel Atlasportatif1820 Atlas element aire


1788 Atlas de la Monarchie Prussienne1790-1811 (with Pierre Gregoire Chanlaire) Atlas

National de la Francec. 1797 (with Pierre Gregoire Chanlaire) Atlas

Universe/1807 Re-issued

1798 Atlas Elementairec. 1804 Atlas des tableaux et cartes


1790-1811 (with Edme Mentelle) Atlas national de laFrance

1792 (with Dumez) Atlasportatijde la Francec. 1797 (with Edme Mentelle) Atlas Universe/

1807 Re-issued1802 Nouvel Atlas de la France


1792-93 Charts included in Neptune des Cotes Orien-tates et du Grand Archipel a"Asie

c. 1796 Atlas de la Mer Baltique1807 Atlas du Voyage de Bruny-d" Entrecasteaux1822 Pilote Franfaise (Environs de Brest)


Successor to Robert de Vaugondy family, many ofwhose maps he republished.

1794 Tableaux Ge'ographiques1795 Institutions ge'ographiques ou description gen-

erate du globe terrestre1797 Atlas d"Etude


Noted explorer whose attempted round-the-worldvoyage in 1785-88 ended in disaster in the Pacific. Thefate of the expedition was not established until 1825.1797 Voyage de la Pe'rouse autour du Monde

1798 English edition

PIERRE LAPIE 1777-1851


1811 (Alexander) French Empire1813 Re-issued

1812 (Pierre) Atlas classique et universe/1829 ()°'nt) Atlas Universe! de Ge'ographie ancienne

et moderne1837, 1841 and other re-issues

c. 1848 (Alexander) Atlas Militaire


c. 1812 Voyage de descouvertes aux Terres Australes(4to)1824 Re-issued

1824 Voyage autour du MondeFurther re-issues


c. 1813 Atlante storico, geografico: Florence1826 A tlas hi storico

Further editions in Italian, French,German and English (Le Sage's HistoricalAtlas)


1816 Grand Atlas universe Ic. 1821 Atlas de France

1826 Re-issued1826 Atlas Universe I

Re-issued to 1846c. 1826 Atlas classique de Ge'ographie ancienne et

moderne. Further editions

A. LORRAIN/. 1836

1836 La France et ses Colonies


c. 18 3 8 L'A tlas National lllustre1847 and later editions

c. 1840 Pacific Ocean

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French geographer, navigator and naturalist whocarried out three voyages of exploration to Australiaand New Zealand between 18*2 and 1840. Thefollowing accounts of the voyages included a largenumber of new maps and charts of those lands.1835 Voyage de let Corvette Astrolabe1834 Voyage pittoresque autour du monde1841-54 Voyage au Pole Sud et dans fOeeanie

Specialist References

BAGROW, L., History of Cartography

FORDHAM, SIR GEORGE, Studies in Carto-bibliographyAlthough originally issued in 1914, this is still avaluable reference book

LIBAULT, A., His/oire de la CartographieConcise history of cartography with special emphasison French mapping


Theatre FranfoisReproduction of complete atlas

TOOLEY, R. v., Maps and Map Makers

CARTES ET FIGURES DE LA TERRS, many examples ofearly world and French Maps

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Chapter 15

ENGLAND & WALESWhen considering the work of English map makers wetend, perhaps, to think too much in terms of countymaps, dominated by the names of Saxton and Speed,but we should not underrate the contribution to thesum of geographical knowledge made in other spheres,such as the sea charts of Edward Wright, RobertDudley and Greenvile Collins, the discoveries of JamesCook, the road maps of Ogilby and Gary, the meteoro-logical and magnetic charts compiled by EdmundHalley, to mention only a few among the many whosework is covered in this chapter.


We have written elsewhere of the thirteenth- andfourteenth-century maps of Matthew Paris, chroniclerand historian, of St Albans, of the Hereford CathedralMappa Mundi by Richard of Haldingham and of theGough Map in the Bodleian Library. Coming to thesixteenth century the first separately printed map of theBritish Isles was published by Sebastian Miinster in1540 and the first such map by an Englishman was thatof George Lily, a Catholic exile at the Papal Court. Thismap, first issued in Rome in 1546 (with later editionsup to 15 89) was probably based on the Gough map, onMinister's map of 1540 and no doubt on the numerousestate maps then available. Few other maps of the timecan approach it for clarity and elegance, and thecompiler's use of conventional signs and symbols toshow forests, hills, county towns, castles and episcopalsees was an innovation subsequently followed veryclosely by map makers for centuries.

In 1558 Queen Elizabeth came to the throne in themidst of a fast changing world. To a great extentEngland and Wales had been fortunate to escape theviolent upheavals which afflicted so many Europeancountries at the time. Despite the dissolution of the

monasteries and the religious persecution and doc-trinal ferment of the middle years of the century, thecountry up to about 1540 and from 1570 onwardsenjoyed long periods of comparative stability withconsequent prosperity and a widening of intellectualattainments.

The break up and redistribution of monastic lands,which passed by royal favour to a new 'landed gentry",created a need for re-surveying and mapping on almosta countrywide scale and the times, therefore, seemedpropitious for mapping the whole country in a uniformmanner. In 1565 a nineteen sheet map, copies of whichsurvive only in manuscript form, was completed byLaurence Nowell, and no doubt, the issue ofMercator's large-scale map of the British Isles in 1564had an important influence on the thought of theperiod. A few years later a national survey wascommissioned privately, although probably at theinstigation of Lord Burghley, the Lord Treasurer, butsubsequently was completed with royal encourage-ment. The outcome was Christopher Saxton's Atlas ofEngland and Wales, started about 1570 and published in15 79 - the first printed set of county maps and the firstcountrywide atlas on such a splendid scale producedanywhere. It was immediately recognized as a work ofnational and, indeed, international importance andformed the basis on which nearly all county maps ofEngland and Wales were produced until the mideighteenth century, when Bowen, Kitchin and otherscarried out large-scale surveys for their new atlases. Inlater years, in 1583, Saxton published a large-scale mapof England and Wales of which only two copies areknown, although there were many later issues withconsiderable alterations including the addition ofroads, town plans and other features.

Until the end of the century Saxton's maps facedlittle competition. In the 15 905 John Norden planned anew set of county maps on the lines of Saxton's butincluding roads, grid references and a wider range of

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information; in the event his project failed throughlack of support and only five maps were published inhis lifetime. A Welsh antiquarian, Humphrey Lhuyd,was more successful and, even before Saxton's surveywas complete, he had produced fine manuscript mapsof England and Wales and of Wales separately whichwere used by Ortelius in editions of his Atlas from 1573onwards. In the same period, in 1572, the first mapengraved on copper in England was published. Thiswas a map of Palestine by Humphrey Cole, a goldsmithand instrument maker. Town plans, also, were beingdrawn: of Norwich by William Cunningham in 1559,of London in 15 60 by a Flemish artist and ofCambridge by Richard Lyne in 1572.

In the wider sphere, the English explorers, Drake,Chancellor, Frobisher, Hawkins, Raleigh, Davis andothers were adding to the detailed knowledge of thegeography of the world in spite of the lack of anysatisfactory system of navigation. In an effort to solvetheir problems Edward Wright published in 1599 histreatise Certaine Errors of Navigation which enablednavigators to make fuller use of the charts drawn onMercator's new projection. Wright's world map,published in the following year, set a pattern for oceancharts which in essence is still used today.


The seventeenth century opened with a spate of newpublications based largely on the original work ofSaxton and Norden. Indeed, for much of the century,publishers, not least the Dutch, rather than cart-ographers, were to dominate the scene and many mapsappeared in numerous editions with comparativelyminor alterations to the maps themselves. The earliestmaps of the new century, attributed to William Smithof the College of Heralds, covered only twelve countiesbased on Saxton/Norden and were presumably inten-ded to be part of a complete new atlas. They wereprinted in the Low Countries in 1602-03 and weresoon followed by maps for the Latin edition ofCamden's Britannia dated 1607. In this series for thefirst time each county was shown on a separate sheet,being engraved by William Kip and William Hole on areduced scale measuring about 3 5 5 x 15 5 mm. There issome evidence that the maps by Pieter van den Keereproduced for a miniature atlas of the British Isles(subsequently known as 'Miniature Speeds') were firstengraved in 15 99, but more likely they were issued in

the period 1605-10. One authority, however,concludes that they were only issued in proof formuntil the issue by Blaeu in 1617. In 1610-11 the firstedition of John Speed's famous county Atlas waspublished and immediately replaced Saxton's inpopular appeal, an appeal which has remained to thepresent day. Speed, born in Cheshire in 15 5 2, the son ofa tailor, turned his life-long interest in history andantiquities to good account and soon after the year1600 began the preparation of a national History andAtlas which was published in 1611 as The Theatre of theEmpire of Great Britaine. The History left little mark butthe Atlas which formed the appendix to the workbrought him lasting fame!

Although Speed assembled much of his materialfrom the earlier works of Saxton, Norden and others, aconsiderable part of the up-to-date information, es-pecially relating to the inset town plans depicted on hismaps, was obtained first hand; as he says in the prefaceto the Theatre 'by my owne travels through everyprovince of England and Wales'. The maps un-doubtedly owed much of their popularity to thesplendid engravings of high quality made in theworkshops in Amsterdam of Jodocus Hondius towhom Speed sent his manuscripts, the plates sub-sequently being returned to London for printing.

The issue of Speed's atlases continued through manyeditions into the next century but in the period we areconsidering here there were several other interestingpublications. In 1612-13 Michael Drayton, an Eliza-bethan poet, published a book of poems with the titlePoly-Olbion or Chorographical Description of all the Tracts,Rivers, Mountains, Forests and other parts of the RenownedIsle of Great Britain, containing 18 illustrative mapswith a second part and 12 extra maps in 1622. Aminiature atlas, based on Saxton, by John Bill, entitledThe Abridgment of Camden's Britania with the Maps of theSeveral Shires of England and Wales was published in1626. The engraver is not known but the latitude andlongitude used is based on the island of St Michael's inthe Azores following Mercator's custom. Only oneedition was printed and the maps are, therefore,exceedingly rare.

In 1645, Volume IV of the famous Blaeu WorldAtlas covering the counties of England and Wales waspublished in Amsterdam, although, in fact, Janssonhad produced some earlier County maps. The maps ofboth these publishers have always been esteemed assuperb examples of engraving and design, the calli-graphy being particularly splendid, but nevertheless

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they were nearly all based on Saxton and Speed andadded little to geographical knowledge. In generalappearance Jansson's maps are very similar to those ofBlaeu and, indeed, were often copied from them butthey tend to be more flamboyant and, some argue,more decorative.

Not until the latter part of the century do we find anEnglish map maker of originality with the capacity toput new ideas into practice. John Ogilby, one of themore colourful figures associated with cartography,started life as a dancing master and finished as King'sCosmographer and Geographic Printer. After publish-ing a small number of county maps, somewhat on thelines of Norden, incorporating roads and extending theuse of explanatory symbols, he issued in 1675 theBritannia, the first practical series of detailed maps ofthe post roads of England and Wales on a standardscale of 1,760 yards to the mile. These were copiedextensively and, after Ogilby's time, roads were in-corporated in practically all county maps, although dueto the lack of detail, it is often difficult to traceaccurately precise routes. Up to the end of the centuryand beyond, reprints and revisions of Saxton's andSpeed's atlases continued to appear and the only othernoteworthy county maps were Richard Blome's Britan-nia (1673), John Overton's Atlas (c. 1670) and RobertMorden's maps for an English translation of Camden'sBritannia published in 169 5.

In Chapter 6 we have written of another notedcartographer of the day, Captain Greenvile Collins,and of his work in surveying the coasts of Great Britainculminating in the issue in 1693 of the Great Britain'sCoasting Pilot, There, too, will be found details of theearlier Delf Arcane del Mare by Robert Dudley,published in Florence, and of the numerous sea chartsof John Seller. Apart from these charts, Englishcartographers published during the century a numberof world atlases, though it must be admitted that theyfell short in quantity and quality of those coming fromthe Dutch publishing houses. Speed was the firstEnglishman to produce a world atlas with the issue in1627 of his A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of theWorld, which was combined with the edition of countymaps in that year. Other atlases appeared later in thecentury by Peter Heylin, John Seller, William Berry,Moses Pitt and Richard Blome, whilst Ogilby foundtime to issue maps of Africa, America and Asia. Farmore important, from the purely scientific point ofview, was the work of Edmund Halley, Astronomer


Royal, who compiled and issued meteorological andmagnetic charts in 1688 and 1701 respectively.


At the beginning of the eighteenth century the Dutchmap trade was finally in decline, the French in theascendant and the English to a great extent stilldominated by Saxton and Speed except, as we haveshown, in the spheres of sea charts and road maps.Plagiarism was rife and until 1734 there were no laws ofcopyright; in 1710 Herman Moll on his map Roads of theSouth Part of Great Britain could write plaintively that'this map has been copied four times very confused andscandalously'. New editions of Robert Morden's mapsappeared; there were atlases by John Senex, the Bowlesfamily, Emanuel and Thomas Bowen, ThomasBadeslade and the unique bird's-eye perspective viewsof the counties, The British Monarchy by GeorgeBickham. In 1750-60 Bowen and Kitchin's The LargeEnglish Atlas containing maps on a rather larger scalethan hitherto was published, the maps being annotatedon the face with numerous highly entertaining des-criptive notes.

About the time this atlas was issued the idea ofpreparing maps of the counties on a uniform scale of iin. to i mile was mooted, maybe inspired by HenryBeighton's splendid map of Warwickshire drawn in1728. As a result, in 1759 the Society for the encourage-ment of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce offered anaward of £100 for the best original surveys on this scaleand by the end of the century about thirty counties hadbeen re-surveyed, of which a dozen or more weregranted the award. These maps, many of whichformed, in later years, the basis for the first issues ofcounty maps by the Ordnance Survey Office, were notonly decorative but a tremendous improvement geo-graphically on earlier local maps. In fact, they weresymptomatic of the new approach to cartographyengendered by the events of the times - the rise ofBritain to naval and commercial supremacy as a worldpower, the expansion of the East India Company, thediscoveries in the Pacific by James Cook, the coloniz-ing of Canada and Australia and other parts of theworld, the sea charts by Alexander Dalrymple and J. F.W. des Barres and, not least, the invention of the newHarrison chronometers which at last solved the major

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problem of accurate navigation at sea. Just as in theearly i6oos Amsterdam had supplied the world of itstime with maps and charts, so after 1750 Londonpublishers and engravers were called on to provideevery kind of map and chart for the vast new territoriesbeing opened up overseas. As a consequence, the skillsand expertise of the new-style cartographers soonenabled them to cover the world as well as the domesticmarket. Thomas Jefferys was such a man; he wasresponsible for a number of the new i in. to i milecounty surveys and he issued an edition of Saxton'smuch battered 200-year-old plates of the county maps,but he is better known for many fine maps of NorthAmerica and the West Indies. After his death in 1771his work was continued on the same lines by WilliamFaden, trading as Faden and Jefferys. Other publisherssuch as Sayer and Bennett and their successors Laurieand Whittle published a prodigious range of maps,charts and atlases in the second half of the century. Amajor influence at this time was John Gary who, apartfrom organizing the first re-survey of post roads sinceOgilby and subsequently printing the noted Travellers'Companion, was a prolific publisher of atlases and mapsof every kind of all parts of the world. After startingwork with Gary, and taking part in the new roadsurvey, Aaron Arrowsmith set up in his own businessand went on to issue splendid large-scale maps of manyparts of the world. Both Gary's and Arrowsmith'splates were used by other publishers until far into thenext century and, in turn, their work was taken up anddeveloped by James Wyld (Elder and Younger) andTallis and Co.

We have written in another chapter of the formationof the Ordnance Survey in 1791 and of the gradualdecline during the first half of the nineteenth century inprivate map making, at least in so far as county mapswere concerned, but a number of publishers fought along rearguard action against the Board of Ordnance.The best known maps were by Henry Teesdale(1829-30), Christopher and John Greenwood, sur-veyors, who issued a very decorative atlas in 1834,Thomas Moule, a writer on heraldry and antiques(1830-36) and John Walker (1837) but by about themiddle of the century few small-scale publisherssurvived and their business passed into the hands oflarge commercial concerns such as Bartholomews ofEdinburgh and Philips of London who continue to thisday.


GEORGE LILY/. 1528-59

George Lily, a Catholic exile living in Italy in theservice of Cardinal Pole, is generally acknowledged tohave been the author of the first map of the British Islesprinted from a copperplate engraving. It was firstissued in 1546 in Rome with an edition in London in1 5 5 5 when Lily, no doubt, returned to England afterthe accession of Queen Mary. In the following years,up to 15 89, various derivatives appeared in Rome andVenice but all are extremely rare, some being knownby only one copy.

1546 Britanniae Insulae: Rome

15491 5 5 515561 5 5 8156215631589


Antwerp (woodcut)LondonVenice (woodcut)RomeVeniceVeniceRome


Goldsmith and instrument maker employed in theRoyal Mint. Humphrey Cole is credited with produc-ing the first map engraved in England, published inArchbishop Parker's Bishop's Bible, a notable edition ofthe day.

Map of Palestine


Humphrey Lhuyd graduated at Oxford and, afterstudying medicine, became private physician to LordArundel, at that time a patron of learning and the arts.This position gave Lhuyd access to geographicalpublications of the period and, apart from publishingworks on a wide range of other subjects, he undertookthe compilation of up-to-date maps of Wales and theBritish Isles. Eventually his name was brought to theattention of Ortelius in Antwerp, who used infor-mation which Lhuyd passed to him in early editions ofthe Theatrum. Lhuyd unfortunately died before com-pleting his major work but his notes and maps weresent to Ortelius who included the maps in the 1573edition of his Atlas and in subsequent editions.

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1573-1612 Cambriae Typus: the first printed map ofWalesIncluded in editions of the Ortelius Theat-rum Orbis Terrarum1606-33 Revised, slightly smaller, versionin Mercator/Hondius atlases engraved byPieter van den Keerec. 1636-41 Re-engraved version inMercator/Hondius/Jansson atlases1647 Re-issued in Jansson's Atlas Majorand later editions

1573-1606 England and WalesIncluded in editions of the Ortelius' Theat-rum Orbis Terrarum until 1606


Saxton, a Yorkshireman, was probably born in Dews-bury although he grew up in the nearby village ofDunningley to which he often makes reference.Certainly the Saxton family had a strong connectionwith Dewsbury, whose vicar, John Rudd, was anenthusiastic and skilled cartographer. At one stageRudd evidently planned to carry out a countrywidesurvey as a preliminary to the production of a map ofEngland and records show that Saxton, as a youngman, travelled with him as an assistant. Saxton isthought to have studied surveying at Cambridge but,whether that was so or not, he was fortunate enough tocome into contact with a Thomas Seckford, a wealthyand influential lawyer and Court official who washimself in the employ of Lord Burghley, the LordTreasurer.

Working under Seckford's patronage, Saxton begana survey of England and Wales sometime after 15 70and the first maps are dated 15 74. In the early stages,after running into financial difficulties, he was grantedby Queen Elizabeth a ten-year licence to make andmarket maps. The Privy Council order granting himthis privilege instructed all Mayors and Justices of thePeace to 'See him conducted into any towre castlehigher place or hill to view the country and that he maybe accompanied with one or two honest men such asdo best know the countrey". Little is known ofSaxton's methods of survey but much of the work musthave been based on earlier manuscript estate maps andprobably on larger maps, such as the Gough map, longsince lost, an,d,of course on the results of John Rudd'ssurveys, the extent of which cannot be judged as noneof his work has survived. Boundaries of 'hundreds'were not outlined, nor was there any indication of

roads, although river bridges were shown. On com-pletion of each county survey the maps were printedand sold separately (at fourpence each!), the completeatlas which eventually appeared in 15 79 being the firstprinted set of county maps and one of the first nationalatlases produced anywhere. It was soon recognized as awork of major importance and formed, for the nexttwo centuries, the basis on which practically all countymaps of England and Wales were produced until thecompletion of the individual county surveys in thesecond half of the eighteenth century.

Having completed the County Atlas in 1579 it musthave been only a short step to the publication in 15 8 3 ofthe zo-sheet wall map of England and Wales of whichonly two copies are known, although there were laterissues - details are given below. Thereafter, Saxtonseems to have devoted himself to estate mapping, ofwhich many manuscript records, but no printed maps,survive.

15 79 An Atlas of England & Walts1645 Re-issued by William WebDate altered to 1642 but issued in 1645.Royal Arms of Queen Elizabeth replacedby those of Charles I and a number of otherchanges including alterations of map titlesfrom Latin to English.c. 1689 Re-issued by Philip Lea as All theShires of England and Walesc. 1693 Re-issued by Philip Lea as TheShires of England and Walesc. 1693 Re-issued by Philip Lea as AtlasAngloisThe maps in the 1689-93 editions weremuch amended by the addition of townplans, roads, boundaries of hundreds andother lesser details. All the county titlesshown in English.c. 1730 Re-issued by George WilldeyPrinted from the plates as amended byPhilip Lea but bearing Willdey's imprintc. 1749 Re-issued by Thomas JefferysGeorge Willdey's imprint removed1770 Re-issued by Dicey and Co.

1583 Britannia: Insularem in Oceano MaximaEngland and Wales on 20 sheets1687 Re-issued by Philip LeaNew title and roads addedc. 1760 Re-issued by T. and J. Bowlesc. 1763 Re-issued by Robert Sayer

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1644-45 The Kingdome of England and Princip-ality of Wales exactly describedA reduced version on six sheets of the 1583map, known as the Quartermaster's Map,engraved by Wenceslaus Hollar, publishedby Thomas Jenner1671, 1688, 1751, 1799 Re-issued

ROBERT ADAMS ft. 1588-90

An architect and surveyor who, apart from drawing anumber of town plans, prepared famous charts show-ing the engagements day by day between the SpanishArmada and the English fleets. Subsequently the chartswere used as the basis for the design of tapestries madefor the House of Lords, but these, unhappily, weredestroyed by fire in 1834. The charts are now bestknown from a 1739 publication by John Pine.1588 Expeditionis Hispanorium in Anglian vera

descriptio1739 Charts re-engraved and published by John

Pine (1690-1756) as The Tapestry Hangingsof the House of Lords representing the severalEngagements between the English and SpanishFleets in the ever memorable year i}88

JOHN NORDEN 1548-1626About the year 15 90 Norden set out to prepare maps aspart of a series of guidebooks for each county. Hisintention was to include roads, town plans, boundariesof hundreds, a gazetteer and grid references, all ofwhich were lacking on Saxton's maps. In the event hewas unfortunate in not getting adequate backing tocover so large a project and only two volumes of hiswork were published in his lifetime. Undeterred, hewent on to draw a number of larger maps but againonly three of these were printed. Even though so fewof his maps reached publication, his techniques andmethods of presentation made a lasting impression andlater cartographers and publishers chose his work inpreference to others whenever possible. Apart frommaps Norden published a work entitled England: anIntended Guyde for English Travailtrs in which wereincluded triangular tables showing distances betweentowns in each county. These were much copied andwere used on the maps in A Direction for the EnglishTraviller published by Matthew Simmons (1635).M93~98 Speculum Britanniae

Maps of Middlesex and Hertfordshire1723 Hertfordshire re-issued by JohnSenex

1840 Map of Essexc. 1594-95 Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire: larger maps

c. 1650-60 Hampshire re-issued by PeterStent (re-engraved)c. 1665 Hampshire re-issued by JohnOverton in his Atlas (re-engraved)

1625 An intended Guyde for English Travailersc. 1728 Cornwall

Descriptive text with maps of the countyand its 9 hundreds


1596 Map of Kentc. 1650 Re-issued by Peter Stentc. 1665 Re-issued by John Overton

EDWARD WRIGHT C. 1 5 5 8 - 1 6 1 5

After studying mathematics at Cambridge EdwardWright took part in a voyage to the Azores duringwhich problems of navigation arising from the use ofthe old plane charts led him to make a study ofMercator's new method of map projection. As a result,he wrote a treatise Certaine Errors of Navigation whichprovided mathematical tables enabling comparativelyunskilled navigators to make full use of Mercator'sideas. Wright was dubious of the efficacy of his systembut on finding that Hondius and others were claiminghis formulae as their own he published his book in 1599and followed it almost immediately with a world chart.In effect, charts now in general use are drawn on theprojection laid down by Wright.

1599-1600 True Hydrographical description of the World:A Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection(with Emerie Molineux, published inHakluyt's Voyages)1610 Re-issued1657 Revised and re-issued by JosephMoxon in a new edition of Certaine Errorsof Navigation

GABRIEL TATTON fl. C. l6ocr-21

Produced important maps of America which weremagnificently engraved by Benjamin Wright, one ofthe earliest English engravers, who later worked inItaly on Giovanni Magni's Atlas of Italy. Apart fromhis printed maps, Tatton also compiled a number ofmanuscript charts in portulan form of the Mediter-ranean (c. 1600), the East Indies and the North Atlantic(c. 1602).

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c. 1600 Marts Pact/id (Pacific Ocean and westerncoasts of America)

c. 1 600— 1 6 Noua et rece Terraum et Regnorum Calif orniae. . . (California and Central America)

WILLIAM SMITH C. 1550-1618

Following the publication of Saxton's maps in the lastquarter of the sixteenth century, other cartographersplanned atlases on the same lines. Among these wasWilliam Smith, an antiquarian and Rouge Dragon atthe College of Heralds, to whom the 12 maps notedbelow are now firmly attributed. Until comparativelyrecently their authorship was in some doubt and theywere known as the 'Anonymous Maps'. The series,probably engraved in Amsterdam, was clearly intend-ed to be an improvement on Saxton and Norden butpresumably was not thought good enough to competewith Speed's maps then being prepared.

1602-03 Chester, Essex, Hertfordshire, Lancashire,Leicester, Norfolk, Northamptonshire,Staffordshire, Suffolk, Surrey, Warwick-shire, Worcesterc. 1652-60 Re-issued by Peter Stentc. 1670, 1675, 1685, 1690, 1700, 1740, 1755Re-issued by John and Henry Overton


See Chapter 1 3 .~C. 1646


Camden, historian and antiquarian, first published hisBritannia, a description and history of Britain, in 1586.Written in Latin, the book contained only a generalmap of the country but it had a wide circulation andeventually in 1607 an edition (the sixth) was publishedwith a series of county maps with Latin text on thereverse. Further editions in English were published in1610 and 1637 but without text. The maps, mostlyengraved by Wm Kip and Wm Hole, were basedmainly on those of Saxton, but six were copied fromNorden. The map of Pembroke is by George Owenand the general maps of England/Wales, Scotland andIreland were probably taken from Mercator. Althoughnot as decorative as Saxton's maps they are neverthe-less very attractive with pleasing titles and ornament,but it should be noted that they are much smaller thanSaxton's original maps.

Quite apart from containing these well-knownmaps, Camden's Britannia had a wide influence in its

day on the work of other cartographers, not least inHolland. Miniature abridged versions were issued byW. J. Blaeuin 1617 and Joan Blaeu in 1639. Joan Blaeualso used the Latin text on the maps in his Atlas ofScotland issued in 1654. Later still, fresh translationsappeared with new maps as far ahead as 1806.

1607 Britannia57 maps: Latin text: average size 280 x 370mm1610 Re-issued: no text1637 Re-issued: no textMany of the maps in this edition have aplate number in the lower left-hand cornerbut there are several exceptions

1617 Britannia: abridged version: Amsterdam(W. J. Blaeu)46 miniature maps engraved by Pieter vanden Keere: Latin text1639 Re-issued in Amsterdam (JoanBlaeu)22 maps from Petrus Bertius' Tabularumgeographicarum contractarum: no text

1626 The Abridgement of Camden's Britania52 miniature maps by John Bill

1695-1772 BritanniaEditions with maps by Robert Morden

1789-1806 BritanniaEditions with maps by John Gary

JOHN SPEED 1552-1629To all those interested in cartography the name of JohnSpeed is synonymous with early county maps of GreatBritain. The reasons why this should be so are not farto seek - his predecessors, Saxton, Norden and one ortwo lesser figures had laid the groundwork for the firstmapping of England and Wales in the expansive daysof Queen Elizabeth but by the end of the sixteenthcentury the rate of development was accelerating,increasing overseas trade was linking ports with inlandtowns, travel was becoming more commonplace and inconsequence a need arose to replace the then outdatedmaps prepared thirty or forty years before. Speed'smaps, with their detailed town plans, boundaries of'hundreds' and descriptive texts filled the needs of thetime and quickly replaced the Saxton atlases generallyin use until then. Not only were they more up to datebut undoubtedly the beauty of the engraving, the finelettering and the elaborate ornamentation appealed tothe original buyers as much as they do to us today. The

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Comita tus A. catt iFuc lams olim.


WILLIAM CAMDEN Htrtfordiat comitatus London (1607) 1610. Map of Hertfordshire, engraved by William Kip, published inCamden's Britannia. This map was one of the half dozen based on the work of John Norden; most of the remainder were takenfrom Saxton's atlas of 15 79.

popularity of the new maps was immediate and fresheditions appeared throughout the 16005 and, indeed,until about 1770 when the first moves towards ageneral 'Ordnance Survey' were being made.

John Speed was born at Farndon in Cheshire in 15 5 zand followed his father's trade as a tailor until about theage of fifty. He lived in London (probably in Moor-fields) and his wife Susanna bore him twelve sons andsix daughters! His passion in life, however, was nottailoring; from his early years he was a keen amateurhistorian and map maker, producing maps for theQueen and the Merchant Tailors Company, of which

he was a Freeman. He joined the Society of Antiquariesand his interests came to the attention of Sir FulkeGreville, who subsequently made Speed an allowanceto enable him to devote his whole attention to hisresearch. As a reward for his earlier efforts, QueenElizabeth granted him the use of a room in the CustomHouse.

Although Speed assembled much of his materialfrom the earlier works of Saxton, Norden and others, aconsiderable part of the up-to-date information especi-ally relating to the inset town plans depicted in hismaps was first-hand. He must have wasted little time in

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his preparatory work for the first individual mapsengraved for the Atlas were printed in 1605-06 andwere on sale between then and 1610—n, when theTheatre of the Umpire of Great Britaine and the Historywhich it accompanied, appeared in complete form.This seems all the more remarkable when it isremembered that all Speed's draft material was taken toAmsterdam, there to be engraved by JodocusHondius, the plates subsequently being returned toLondon for printing.

In 1627, just before he died, Speed published AProspect of the Most Famous Parts of the World which,combined with the 1627 edition of the Theatre, becamethe first World Atlas produced by an Englishman.

Editions of John Speed's Atlases


A member and subsequently leader of the first success-ful party of English settlers in New England, Capt.Smith prepared accurate and very decorative maps ofVirginia and New England which became the proto-types for numerous maps of the Colonies by Hondius,Jansson, Blaeu and others for more than half a century.1612 Virginia

Numerous re-issues in Smith's Genera//Historic of Virginia and in Purchas hisPilgrimes by Samuel Purchas (1624—26)

1616 New EnglandIssued in Smith's A Description of Neo>England and later in his Generall Historie


J. Sudbury &G. Humble

George Humble

William Humblet

Roger ReaBassett &ChiswellChristopher BrowneJohn & HenryOvertonC. Dicey & Go




1611 (ist edn)16141616 (Latin)162;16271631-5216461650-51-52-53-541662-651676

c. 1690—95c. 1710-4311

c. 1770





1627 (ist edn)1631-3216461650-52-53-541662-651676*


1627 (ist edn)1631-321646



1646 (ist edn)


Notes1. As the maps were dated '1610' for many years after the first edition, the publisher's imprint and the different settings of the

text on the reverse are a useful guide to the date of issue; at least the imprint narrows the field. But once an atlas has been splitit is often very difficult indeed to date a single map with any certainty and in cases where accuracy is important we suggestreference to a specialist work containing map collations.

2. Normally, the earlier the edition, the more brilliant the impression, although a good impression may still have been obtainedfrom an old retouched plate.

3. Minor alterations and additions to place names were made from time to time.4. The text in English, except for the 1616 edition, was frequently re-set with different decorative 'woodcut' initials, (sec

Skelton, R. A., Comity Atlases of the British Isles 1^79-170))5. Maps from the 1676 edition may be found without text and there is no text on issues after that date.6. Roads were added to the 1743 edition.

* The purist may object to showing van den Keere's 'Miniature Speed' maps in this chart but the authors feel that theirinclusion here sets them in context for those looking for all editions of Speed. A detailed history of these maps is given inChapter 13 under Pieter van den Keere.

t As late as the 1662 editions maps still bore the imprint of John Sudbury and George Humble.J Included new maps of Canaan, East Indies, Russia, Carolina, New England, Virginia, Jamaica/Barbados.II Apart from 4 editions of the Atlas published between the years c. 1710 and 1743 (all extremely rare) Henry Overton also

issued Speed's maps in other composite atlases.

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JOHN SPEED TheCotmtit Westmorland London 1611 (1676). First published in Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine. Thiscopy is from the 1676 edition by Bassctt and Chiswell.

MICHAEL DRAYTON 1 5 6 3 - 1 6 3 1

In 1612-13 Drayton, an Elizabethan poet and friend ofShakespeare, published his life's work, a book of songscalled Poly-Olbion or Chorograpbical Description of all theTracts, Rivers, Mountains, Forests and other parts of theRenowned Isle of Great Britain containing 18 illustrativemaps; a second part bringing the number up to 30followed in 1622. These regional maps, believed to beengraved by William Hole, are allegorical in nature andfew geographical features are precisely shown. Thewhole emphasis is on the rivers of Britain from whichnymphs and deities spring; in the countryside sheph-erds and huntsmen disport themselves. Here and therea few towns and cities are included symbolized byfigures crowned with castles and spires. Although theyare quite the most curious maps of the counties everissued and have little geographical value they are very

decorative and charmingly illustrate the romantic sideof the Elizabethan age.1612 Poly-Olbion or Chorographical Description of

all the Tracts, Rivers, Mountains, Forests andother parts of the Renowned Isle of GreatBritain: 18 maps (410)1613 Re-issued1622 Enlarged edition with 12 extra maps


Samuel Purchas wrote very popular accounts, accom-panied by maps, of the travels and voyages of the earlynavigators and explorers based largely on the writingsof his predecessors, Gian. Ramusio and RichardHakluyt. His Purchas hisPilgrintes contained a Treatise ofthe North West passage to the South Sea through theContinent of Virginia by Henry Briggs (ft. 162 5), a noted

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MICHAEL DRAYTON Yorkshire. This was one of the additional maps included in the 2nd edition of Drayton's Poly-Olbionpublished in 1622.

scholar of the time. This was illustrated by a map, TheNorth part of America, dated 1625, engraved by R.Elstracke which was famous as one of the first maps toshow California as an island.1613-26 Purchas his Pilgrimage or relations of the

World and the religions observedDescribed as 'a sort of religiousgeography'

1624-26 Purchas his Pi/grimesIncluded maps printed by William Stansbyfrom the Mercator/Hondius Atlas Minoras well as the Briggs map (above) andCapt. Smith's map of Virginia

churchman and chaplain to the King. His Cosmographiewas a popular work issued in several editions.1621 Geography1652 Cosmographie

Included maps of the four Continentsbearing the names of Philip Chetwind,Robert Vaughan and H. Seile1657-77 Six re-issues


Heylin was a lecturer in geography who later became a

JOHN BILL/. 1591-1630John Bill was a publisher and bookseller who workedin London from around 1591 until his death in 1630.He was apprenticed to John Norton who was threetimes Master of the Stationers Company. Born inShropshire, Bill was commissioned by Sir ThomasBodley (the founder of the Bodleian Library, Oxford)

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to travel abroad and purchase books. A frequentvisitor to the Frankfurt Book Fair, he became ashareholder in the King's Printing House in about1617, being succeeded by his son, also John Bill, at thetime of his death on 5 May 1630.

The only two publications containing maps withwhich he seems to have been associated after establish-ing himself as a publisher in 1604, were the English textversion of the Ortelius Atlas in 1606 (with JohnNorton) and The Abridgement of Camden's Britania in1626. The maps in the latter book, based on the surveysof Christopher Saxton, are the first English and Welshcounty maps to show latitude and longitude based ona prime meridian running through the island of StMichael's in the Azores following Mercator's custom.Although similar in size to the Pieter van den Keerecounty maps the engraver is not known; their scarcityis accounted for by the fact that the book was neverre-published after its first appearance in 1626.

1626 The Abridgement of Camden's Britania withthe Maps of the severall Shires of England andWales: 52 maps (8vo)


Printer and bookseller, notable for the publication ofA Direction for the English Traviller, the earliest Englishroad book with maps, which were engraved by Jacobvan Langeren. The book contained 37 thumbnailmaps, copied from the set of playing cards issued in1590, combined with triangular tables showing dis-tances between towns in each county, taken fromNorden's An Intended Guyde for English Travailers(1625). Rivers form the main feature of the maps and inthe first three editions towns were indicated only byinitial letters. There were later editions on a larger scalefrom 1643 onwards by Thomas Jenner and JohnGarrett (ft. 1667-1718)

163; A Direction for the English Traviller(small 410) (map of Yorkshire omitted)1636 Re-issued twice: map of Yorkshireadded


Born in Prague, Hollar spent some time in Frankfurt,where he was taught engraving by Matthaus Merian,before coming to England in 1636. In London, underthe patronage of the Earl of Arundel, he becamesufficiently well known to be appointed 'Iconographer'to the King and produced an enormous number of

engravings on every kind of subject. In the field ofcartography he is best known for the adaptation ofSaxton's large map of England and Wales (1583) whichhe re-engraved on 6 sheets, published by ThomasJenner in 1644 and known as the 'Quartermaster'sMap'. Apart from this, he engraved plans of Londonbefore and after the Great Fire, and many maps forBlome, Stent, Overton, Ogilby and others, a few ofwhich are detailed below.

c. 1643 Plans of Hull and Oxfordc. 1700 Re-issued

1644 The Kingdome of England and Principality ofWales exactly described in six maps, portable

for every man's pocket (the Quartermaster'sMap)Published by Thomas Jenner

'655-75 LondonPlans drawn before and after the GreatFire. The map dated 1666 showing thedestruction in the Great Fire is of partic-ular interest.

1656 Warwickshire3 miles to i in. map for Sir WilliamDugdale

1666 A New & Exact Map of Americac. 1669-76 England and Wales

Large road map, 620 x 790 mm, publishedby Wm Berry. Although it has not beenpossible to date this map precisely, it is oneof the first road maps of England andWales, possibly pre-dating Ogilby'sBritannia.

1670-71 Maps for John Ogilby's Complete History ofAmerica

THOMAS JENNER fl. 1618-73

Printer and publisher, is well known for two carto-graphic works, the re-issue of Matthew Simmons' ADirection for the English Traviller and a map of Englandand Wales known as the Quartermaster's Map. Thefirst he issued in 1643, having re-worked the platesused by Simmons in 1635-36, the maps being redrawnon double the original scale with place names shown infull. It seems likely that these maps were hurriedlyissued to meet the demands of the armies in the CivilWar: certainly the Quartermaster's Map was. This wasbased on Saxton's very large-scale map of 1583 ,reduced to six sheets, 'portable for every man'spocket', engraved by Wenceslaus Hollar.

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1643 A Direction for the English Traviller1657, 1662, 1668. Maps re-issued as part ofA Book of the Names of all the Hundredscontained in the Shires of the Kingdom ofEngland1677-80 Re-issued by John Garrett

1644 The Kingdome of England and Principality ofWales exactly described in six maps, portable

for every man's pocket (the Quartermaster'sMap)1671 Re-issued by Thomas Jenner1688 Re-issued by John Garrett1752 Re-issued by John Rocque1799 Re-issued

1645 A new booke of Mapps exactly describingEurope


> ft. 1646-1701JAMES MOXON (the Younger) J

The Moxon family were active as engravers over a longperiod and produced globes as well as maps. Josephwas known especially for his work A Tutor toAstronomy and Geography published in 1659 which wentthrough several editions.

1644 Americae Septentrionale Pars(Joseph)1657 Book of Sea Plats (charts) based on Edward(Joseph) Wright's Certaine Errors of Navigation1670 World Map(James)1671 A New Description of Carolina (for John(James) Ogilby)c. 1686 New Map of America (for Philip Lea)(Joseph)1688 Sea Coasts of Scotland (for John Adair)(James) A New Map of the Kingdom of England (do)1701 A New Sett of Maps (for Ed. Wells)(Joseph)

JOAN BLAEU 1596-167}

See Chapter 13 and Appendix B.


Even by the standards of his time, Sir Robert Dudleywas a remarkable character, whether as adventurer,scientist, mathematician, naval architect or navigator.He was the illegitimate son of one of Queen Elizabeth'sfavourites, the Earl of Leicester, who was eventually

induced to acknowledge Dudley as heir. Dudleyclaimed the titles of Duke of Northumberland and Earlof Warwick and was known by them throughout hisyears in Italy.

At the age of twenty-one he voyaged to the WestIndies with an expedition in the Earwig and the Bear,which combined harassment of Spanish shipping withexploration of the coast of Guiana. On return toEngland he took a prominent part in the Earl ofEssex's raid on Cadiz in 15 96 and received a knight-hood for his services but, soon afterwards, matri-monial problems led to loss of favour at Court and toself-imposed exile. He spent the next few years travel-ling in Italy and finally, in 1605, settled in Florencewhere his skills soon brought him fame and thepatronage of the Grand Dukes of Tuscany. In theirservice he spent the following thirty years compilinghis monumental sea atlas Delf Arcano del Mare (Secretsof the Sea), a 6-volume work including 2 volumes ofmaps and charts and 4 volumes covering the wholefield of navigation, astronomical tables, shipbuildingand kindred subjects. Although produced in Italy itwas the first sea atlas by an Englishman and the first inwhich all the charts were drawn on Mercator's projec-tion. Material for so splendid a work must have beendrawn from many sources; in addition to his ownexperience, it is known that he had at his disposal thelogs kept by his brother-in-law, Thomas Cavendish,the circumnavigator, and other information on thelatest discoveries provided by John Davis andAbraham Kendal, famous explorers of the time.

His charts were severely but beautifully engraved byAntonio Lucini who stated that he spent twelve yearson the task and used 5,000 Ib. of copper in the process.1646-47 Delf Arcano del Mare: Florence (published

by Francesco Onofri)1661 Re-issued in Florence by GuiseppeCocchini (the cartouches of all but 24charts in the 1661 edition carry the cypher•LV)

JAN JANSSON 1588-1664

See Chapter 13 and Appendix B.

PETER STENT/. 1642-65

Print and map seller, Stent made a notable contributionto map history by acquiring and preserving a con-siderable stock of old map plates including manyprepared for William Smith (the 'Anonymous' series ofcounty maps), Speed, van den Keere and others, as well

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JOHN BILL The Bishopritk of Durham. A county map published in 1626 in Bill's The Abridgement of Camden's Britania tfith theMaps of the severall Shires of England and Wales.

as Symonson's Kent, Norden's Hamshire and engrav-ings by William Hollar. Although he himself publishedcomparatively few of them, his stock passed, after hisdeath, to John Overton and formed the basis of theOverton Atlases which continued in use until themiddle of the eighteenth century.c. 1650 Hamshire by John Nordenc. 1650 Kent by Philip Symonson1652-60 12 Counties by William Smith1653 Ireland1662 Flanders


An officer in the service of the Virginia Company formany years, Farrer published a famous map of Virginiagiving much new, although not very accurate, detail.The map is especially notable for its portrait of SirFrancis Drake set against the Pacific coast and the

comment that the 'Indian Sea' could be reached 'in 10days march with 50 foote and 30 hors-men from thehead of Jeames River'.1651 A Mapp of Virginia

Engraved by John Goddard and sold byJohn Stephenson in London. Copies existin several states.c. 1667—68 Re-issued by John Overton


Printer, print and map seller, Walton was one of thefirst publishers to produce sheet maps of England andWales showing the road system, even before theappearance of Ogilby's Britannia. Although he pub-lished comparatively few maps, his stock of plates wasconsiderable and may have included those of Speed'scounty maps.1655 Africa

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ardi Cardigan

PIETER VAN DEN KEERE Lancaster: Pembrokeshire London. Examples of the small county maps known as 'Miniature Speeds',originally compiled by van den Keere and subsequently published between 1627 and 1676 in England, Wales, Scotland and Irelanddescribed and abridged from a Jarr Larger Volokme done by John Speed.

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c. 1666 Maps of the Four Continents1668 England and Wales by Thomas Porter

Road Map1676 Plan of Londonc. 1680 A New Map of England and Wales to which

the Roads or Highways are playnly layd forth(with 31 town profiles)


1712 England fully describedc. 1710-43 Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great



SAMUEL THORNTON (brother)/. 1703-39As a map engraver and hydrographer, Thornton wasone of the best-known figures of his time, beingappointed Hydrographer to the Hudson Bay Companyand to the East India Company. He worked closely formany years with John Seller, William Fisher (/?.1669—91), Richard Mount, Robert Morden and PhilipLea in preparing and publishing a number of well-known atlases and charts. In particular, when JohnSeller was beset by difficulties in completing the latervolumes of the English Pilot, Thornton took over andsubsequently published Book HI (1703) and Book IV(1689), the latter in conjunction with William Fisher.He also assisted with the issue of Seller's AtlasMaritimus (t. 1675) and later issued an atlas of his ownunder the same title.c. 1667 Charts of the East Coast of England

onwards1685 A tlas Maritimus

1700 Re-issued1689 English Pilot, Book IV

1698-1789 About 37 editionsc. 1700 Atlas (without title)1703 English Pilot, Book III

1711 Re-issued by Samuel Thornton andfurther issues to about 1761

JOHN OVERTON 1640-1713


From about 1670 John Overton published a number ofatlases without title made up from old and revisedplates of maps by William Smith (the 'AnonymousMaps'), Blaeu, Jansson and some copies of Speed'smaps. Later he acquired all the Speed plates then inexistence and from these his son, to whom the businesspassed in 1707, produced several editions betweenabout 1710 and 1743.c. 1667-68 A Mapp of Virginia (John Farrer)c. 1670 Overton Atlas

c. 1675-1755 Six re-issues


Ogilby, one of the more colourful figures associatedwith cartography, started life as a dancing master andfinished as the King's Cosmographer and GeographicPrinter. In the course of an eventful life he built atheatre in Dublin, became the Deputy Master of Revelsin Ireland, translated various Greek and Latin worksand built up a book publishing business: in the processhe twice lost all he possessed, first in a shipwreckduring the Civil Wars and then in the Great Fire. Eventhis disaster he turned to advantage by being appointedto the Commission of Survey following the fire. Finallyhe turned to printing again and in a few short yearsorganized a survey of all the main post roads in thecountry and published the first practical road Atlas, theBritannia, which was to have far-reaching effects onfuture map making (see also Chapter 5). The maps,engraved in strip form, give details of the roadsthemselves and descriptive notes of the country oneither side, each strip having a compass rose to indicatechanges in direction. He was the first to use thestandard mile of 1,760 yards.

The Britannia was to have been part of a much largerproject in 5 or 6 volumes, covering maps of all thecounties, a survey of London and various town plansas well as maps of other parts of the world, but thisproved too great a task and only the works detailedbelow were issued.1670 An Accurate Description and Complete

History of Africa1670-71 An Accurate Description and Complete

History of AmericaBased on De Nieuwe en Onbekende Were Id byArnold Montanus1673 German issue (Dr O. Dapper)

1672-73 Maps of Kent and Middlesex1673 An Accurate Description and Complete

History of Asia (Part i)1675 Britannia - a Geographical and Historical

Description of the Principal Roads thereof1675-76 2 further re-issues1675 Re-issue as Itinerarium Angliae with-out text1698 Re-issue of first edition with shortertext

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1676—77 Survey of London (with Wm Morgan fl.

1676-81)1678 Map of Essex

JOHN SELLER/. 1660-97

John Seller, appointed Hydrographer to Charles II in

1671, was a maker of mathematical instruments andglobes as well as a publisher of marine and terrestrial

atlases. His output was considerable and wide-ranging,covering individual charts and maps and complete

atlases, but throughout his life he was beset with

financial problems which limited the scope of hisbigger projects. Of these, the English Pilot, the first part

of which was published in 1671, was the most

successful, but he was able to complete only the first

volume without assistance. The details of issue of the

later volumes and their subsequent editions are too

complicated to be covered here; suffice to say that the

work was continued in one form or another for over a

century, being issued under many different names

including John and Samuel Thornton, W. Fisher, C.

Price, Richard and William Mount, Thomas Page andDavidson. Although the English Pilot was a popular

work, Seller used Dutch sources and often actualDutch copper plates which he adapted for the market

by the use of English titles and details. As many of

these plates were up to fifty years old their accuracy left

much to be desired, a fact which directly inspired thecall for a new coastal survey subsequently completed

by Captain Greenvile Collins. Later, in 1695, Seller

published an Atlas of County Maps, the Anglia


English Pilot

1671-72 Books I and II: Northern/Southern

Europe1677 Mediterranean Sea (J. Thornton and W.


1690-1805 Issued in re-arranged form

1689-1789 Book IV: West Indies (J. Thornton and

W. Fisher)

1701-80 Book V: West Coast of Africa (J. Mat-

thews /. 1701-02, Jeremiah Seller fl.

1698-1705 and C. Price)

1703-61 Book III: The Orient (J. Thornton)Numerous re-issues of each book

1672 The Coasting Pilot

1680 Re-issued

c. 1675 Atlas Maritimus

Further editions with varying contents to

1710c. 1680-82 Atlas Minimus (24010)

1680-85 Atlas Terrestris

i682-9 3 Atlas Anglicanus

Six maps only completed168 5 New System of Geography (8 vo)

1690, 1709 Re-issuedc. \ 690 Hydrographia Universalis (410)

1695 Anglia Contracta (average size 95 x 145

mm)1696, 1701, 1703 Re-issued1787 Re-issued in The Antiquities of England

and Wales by Francis Grose

RICHARD BLOME/. 1669-1705

Heraldic writer and cartographer, Blome flourished in

the latter half of the seventeenth century. He was a

prolific, but not at all an original, worker and indeed

was frequently accused of plagiarism although it must

be said for him that usually he made no attempt to hide

his sources. His maps were attractive and quaintly

designed and they still retain their charm.His first series of county maps, the Britannia, based

on the latest editions of Speed, was published in 1673

but was not a success; it was followed in 1681 by an

issue of smaller maps entitled Speed's Maps Epitomi^d.

These, mostly engraved by Wenceslaus Hollar and

Richard Palmer (fl. 1680-1700), are embellished with

dedications to county dignitaries which were amended

or sometimes erased in later editions.

1673 Britannia, or a Geographical Description of the

Kingdom of England, Scotland and Ireland

(average size 315 x 280 mm)1681 Speed's Maps Epitomised (average size

180 x 230 mm)1685 Re-issued1693 Re-issued in Cosmography and

Geography1715 Re-published by Thomas Taylor in

England Exactly described

c. 1750 Re-issued by Thomas Bakewell

(1716-64)1682 Cosmography and Geography (by Bernhard

Varen)1683-93 Re-issued

1687 Isles and Territories of America

1688 French edition

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THOMAS JENNER Huntingdonshire. Map from X Direction for the English Travillcr first published in 1645 using enlarged re-engraved maps originally issued in 1635-56 by Matthew Simmons.

ROBERT MORDENy?. 1668-1703

Morden occupied premises in New Cheapside andCornhill where he carried on business under the sign of'The Atlas' as a map and book seller and maker ofinstruments and globes. It cannot be claimed that hewas an outstanding cartographer and his work was

often much criticized but he produced interesting setsof geographical playing cards (see Chapter 9), maps ofvarious parts of the world and the county maps forCamden's Britannia, for which he is best remembered.These were issued in 1695 as part of a new translationof the Britannia by Dr Edmund Gibson and sub-

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sequently were re-issued a number of times up to 1772.

1673 A New Map of the English Plantations inAmerica (with Wm Berry)

1676 Playing cards depicting the Counties (withWm Berry)

1680 Re-issued without suitmarks as A PocketBook of All the Counties of England & Wales(8vo)c. 1750 Re-issued as A Brief Description ofEngland & Wales

1680 Geography Rectified (8vo)1688, 1700 Re-issued

1695 Camden's Britannia1715 Re-issued1722 Re-issued: some maps revisedWatermark: figure of a horse in 3 in.diameter circle1730, 1753, 1772 Re-issued(There is no general agreement on howmany editions of the Britannia were issued;some authorities quote only 4, i.e. 1695,1722, 1753 and 1772.)

1701 New Description and State of EnglandMaps similar to those in the 1695 Britanniabut in miniature (average size 165 x 203mm)

1704 Re-issued1708 Re-issued by Herman Moll as Fiftysix New and Accurate Maps of Great Britain1720-38 Re-issued as Magna Britannia etHibernia

1708 The Geographical Grammar (P. Gordon)Miniature maps (average size 120x130mm) of the Continents and Europeancountries


A publisher and seller of maps and globes who isknown to have been in business at a number of Londonaddresses between about 1671 and 1700. The son of aWarwickshire baker, his earliest known work was abook on Astronomy published in 1669 in conjunctionwith Robert Morden with whom he later publishedand sold the famous playing card maps. In his ownright he became renowned as the publisher of a seriesof two-sheet maps based on the originals by theeminent French cartographer, Nicolas Sanson. He isalso known for a very rare copy of a large road map(620 x 790 mm) of England and Wales by Wenceslaus

Hollar which has been tentatively dated between 1669and 1676.

1673 A New Map of the English Plantations inAmerica (with Robert Morden)

1676 Playing cards depicting the Counties (withRobert Morden)

c. 1679 Grand Roads of Englandc. 1680 A Mapp of All the World1689 Atlas

Collections of maps with differingcontents

JOHN ADAMS fl. 1670-96

Within two or three years of the publication ofOgilby's Britannia, John Adams compiled a 12-sheetroad map showing distances between cities and markettowns in England and Wales, which was based onSaxton's large-scale map of 1583 . This was publishedbetween 1677 and 1679 anc^ was followed by his IndexVillaris, a gazetteer providing supplementary detail.Soon afterwards, no doubt influenced by the scientificprojects of Jean Dominique Cassini and Jean Picard inFrance, Adams conceived the idea of carrying out ageodetic survey of England and Wales but, in spite ofreceiving encouragement from the Royal Society, hefailed to obtain financial backing. However, in 168 5, asa result of further surveying, he did issue a 2-sheet map,bordered with distance tables, which was much moremanageable and accurate than the original 12-sheetmap. His maps were important in their day and wereused by Henry Overton and Philip Lea among others.

1677-79 England and Wales12-sheet road map1690-92 Re-issued by Philip Lea

1680 Index Villaris, or an Alphabetical Table of allCities, Market Towns, Parishes, Villages,Private Seats in England and Wales1690, 1700 Re-issued

1685 Angliae totius Tabula2-sheet road map with distance tables


Dr Plot, an Oxford historian, planned to write ANatural History of England but only the volumes forOxfordshire and Staffordshire were completed; bothinclude very decorative maps of the counties.

1677 Oxfordshire, engraved by M. Burghers1686 Staffordshire, engraved by J. Browne

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ROBERT MORDEN MonmOHth London 169;. County map included in a new version of William Camden's Britannia published inseveral editions between 169; and 1772.

MOSES PITT/. 1654-96

A London bookseller who planned, in association withJoh. van Waesbergen, a large world atlas in 12. volumeson the basis of the Blaeu/Jansson atlases but in theevent the task proved too costly and only 4 volumeswith maps were completed; indeed, the undertakingruined him and he was imprisoned for two years fordebt. The only map by Pitt himself is of the Arcticregions, entitled A Description of Places next to the NorthPole.

1680-83 AtlasVol. I: English AtlasVol. II: World and Northern RegionsVol. HI: GermanyVol. IV: Netherlands

FRANCIS LAMB/. 1670—1700

Lamb was an engraver working in Newgate Street inthe City, employed by most of the map publishers ofhis time, including Blome,, Ogilby, Seller and Morden.His most important work, the pocket atlas of Ireland,

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published by him in conjunction with Robert Mordenand William Berry, was a straightforward reduction,with minor alterations, of Sir William Petty's atlas of168 5. It was as popular as the original work and furthereditions were issued until 1752.c. 1689 A Geographicall Description of the Kingdom of

Ireland: 39 maps (izmo)1689, c. 1695 Re-issued1720 Re-issued by Thomas Bowles withroads added1728, 1732 Re-issue of the 1720 edition byJohn Bowles

WILLIAM HACK C. 1656—1708

Following a conventional apprenticeship as a mapmaker to a member of the Drapers' Guild, WilliamHack moved to a more adventurous life and is thoughtby some to have sailed with a notorious privateer,Bartholomew Sharpe. Whether this was so or not,Hack later made manuscript copies of a Spanish bookof rutters - sailing instructions, sea charts and maps -covering South America, captured by Sharpe from theSpanish in the course of an expedition raiding the WestCoast of South America. The Atlas was presented toCharles II and was subsequently of great value toEnglish navigators. Apart from these copies, Hack alsocompiled a very large number of other manuscriptcharts and maps of America, the Indian Ocean and theFar East bound in 'atlas' form, possibly about 1,600altogether, but none was engraved or printed.c. 1682-83 Waggoner of the Great South Seas — 'the

Buccaneer's Atlas'Copied and adapted from the capturedSpanish charts. The comparatively fewsurviving copies are to be found inmuseums and the great map collections,notably in the William L. ClementsLibrary (University of Michigan), AnnArbor.

PHILIP LEA fl. 1683-1700A cartographer and map publisher with premises inCheapside, particularly well known for his re-issue ofSaxton's Atlas of England and Wales. Apart from this,Lea built up a very considerable business working inconjunction with his contemporaries, Robert Morden,John Overton, John Seller and others revising and re-engraving older maps as well as producing many newmaps of his own.

c. 16861687

c. 1689


c. 1693c. 1695

c. 1700

New maps of America, Asia and EuropeThe Traveller's Guide'A new map of England and Wales withthe direct and crossroads'All the Shires of England and Wales1693 Re-issued as Atlas Anglois (Frenchedition)1693-94 English editionThese editions of Saxton's County Mapswere completely revised with the additionof roads, town plans, boundaries ofhundreds and new coats of armsAn Atlas containing the best maps of the WorldA new map of IrelandAngliae totius Tabula (John Adams)12-sheet map based on SaxtonThe Shires of England and Wales (C. Saxton)A Travelling Mapp of England Containing thePrincipall Roads\ Hydrographia Universalis (8vo)1 Hydrographia Galliae


One of the great names in the history of astronomy andcartography. A celebrated mathematician, Fellow ofthe Royal Society, Astronomer Royal in succession toFlamsteed, his name is perpetuated in the name of thecomet, the orbit of which he calculated. As a youngman he spent two years in St Helena taking observ-ations and in the years 1698-1700 took part in voyagesin the North and South Atlantic studying meteor-ology, magnetic variations and ocean currents. Thecharts he issued as a result of his studies were widelyused and reproduced.1688 A Meteorological Chart of the Trade Winds1701 A New and Correct Chart of the Western and

Southern OceansChart of Magnetic Variations in the Atlan-tic Ocean1702 A Correct Chart of the TerraqueousGlobeNew edition to cover the whole world1710 Re-issued with amendments byPierre Mortier1744-58 Revised editionsc. 1740-45 Re-issued by R. and J. Ottens

1702 A New and Correct Chart of the Channelbetween England and France

1728 Atlas maritimus & commercialis

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Captain Collins was an officer in the Royal Navy andduring his service he took part in an expedition with SirJohn Narborough to the Straits of Magellan and alongthe Chilean coast. He was master of the frigate Charlesfrom 1676 to 1679 and saw service in the wars withAlgiers, later being promoted to Commander.Although little more is known about him he must havebeen an outstanding personality for even before hisgreat survey he was appointed 'Hydrographer to theKing' and made a Younger Brother of Trinity House.

We have written in Chapter 6 of the events in theperiod from 1660 to 1680 when it became evident that acomplete new survey of the coasts of great Britain wasrequired and consequently in 1681 Charles II issued aproclamation appointing 'Captain Collins Commanderof the Merlin Yacht to make a survey of the sea coastsof the Kingdom by measuring all the sea coasts with achain and taking all the bearings of the Headlands'.This formidable and costly project, the first systematicsurvey of British coastal waters, was completed inabout eight years and the resulting Great Britain'sCoasting Pilot containing 48 charts was published in1693 and finally replaced the old Dutch charts on whichthe English had relied for so long.1693 Great Britain' s Coasting Pilot

1723-92 21 re-issues including Frenchedition in 1757 by J. N. Bellin



The ramifications of the families and successors ofRichard Mount and Thomas Page are too involved toconcern us here; we need only say that the businessfounded by Richard Mount had a long history of chartpublishing, first under his own name and later underthe joint names of Mount and Page, continuingthrough the younger members of their families wellinto the nineteenth century. Richard Mount publishedthe early editions of the Great Britain's Coasting Pilot(Greenvile Collins) and he and his successors wereinvolved in the issue of many editions of the EnglishPilot (John Seller).1693 (Greenvile Collins) Great Britain's Coasting

PilotNumerous re-issues

c. 1692-95 (John Seller/Wm Fisher) Atlas Maritimus1698- (John Seller/John Thornton) English Pilot1789 Numerous re-issues

1702 Atlas Maritimus Novus1708, 1721, 1750, 1755 Re-issues

1705 World Map in Harris's Complete Collectionof Voyages

1737 Coasting Pilot1764 A complete set of new charts of the coasts of

Portugal and the Mediterranean Sea

EDWARD WELLS 1667-1727

A mathematician and teacher of geography, Wellsissued in 1700 A New Sett of Maps dedicated toWilliam, Duke of Gloucester, who was then a studentof geography at Oxford; unfortunately the Duke died,aged eleven, in July of the same year. The maps, highlyregarded when issued for their accuracy, were bold andcolourful but show comparatively little detail. His mapof North America was one of the last to showCalifornia as an island.

1700 A New Sett of Maps both of Antient andPresent Geography1701-38 Numerous re-issues

HERMAN MOLL/. 1678-1732

A Dutch emigre who came to London about 1680 andworked there as an engraver, later setting up his ownbusiness and becoming, after the turn of the century,the foremost map publisher in England. His prolificoutput covered a wide range of loose maps of all partsof the world, varying from miniatures to very dec-orative large maps as well as atlases. His work enjoyeda high reputation and much of it was copied by otherpublishers, a fact of which he was always veryconscious.

c. 1700 A General Atlas (no title) (large folio:maps in four folds)1730 Re-issued

1701 A System of Geography (small folio)1708 Fifty s'x New and Accurate Maps of Great

Britain (Morden)1709 Atlas manuale - A New Set of Maps of all

parts of the Earth (8vo)1723 Re-issued

1710 The south part of Great Britain called Englandand Wales

1711-17 A tlas Geographicus (410)1714 The north part of great Britain called Scotland

(Thomas BowlesJ1715 A new map of Great Britain

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1715 -^ Neiv and Exact Map of the Dominions of theKing of Great Britain on ye Continent of NorthAmerica (on 2 sheets - the 'Beaver' map)1726-40 Re-issued

c. 1719—36 A New and Complete AtlasRe-issues entitled The World Described

1721 Geograpbia Antiqua1724 A New Description of England and Wales

1724-26 Re-issued as A Set of Fifty Newand Correct Maps of England and Wales (withT. and J. Bowles)1728, 1739, !747> J 7 5 3 Re-issued underoriginal title

1727 Atlas MinorNumerous re-issues

JOHN HARRIS/. 1686-1746c. 1700 A View of the World in Divers Projections

CHARLES PRICE C. 1665-1733

Price, a land surveyor and cartographer, seems to havehad an unsettled career and he is known more by hisassociation with other cartographers and publishersthan for his own output. For a time he worked inassociation with John Senex, then in partnership withJeremiah Seller and, later, for a short period withGeorge Willdey. With all these he published a numberof very decorative, and now quite rare, maps.

c. 1705 A New and Correct Map of Great Britain &Ireland: 2 sheets

c. 1710 (with John Senex) A New Map of GreatBritain

c. 1714 A New & Correct Map of the World:published by George Willdey

GEORGE WILLDEY fl. C. 1695-1733

Map seller and publisher about whom comparativelylittle is known. Apart from publishing a number ofmaps and atlases at his premises known as 'The GreatToy Shop next to the Dogg Tavern, the corner ofLudgate Street near St Paul's', he also sold thereglobes, spectacles, snuff and 'other useful Curiosities'.For a time he was in association with Charles Price, anumber of whose maps he used in his atlases. He is bestknown for the re-issue of Saxton's Atlas of England andWales, the maps bearing his imprint. It is thought thatthis edition was intended primarily for travellingpurposes, which may account for its extreme rarity.


c. 1714 A New & Correct Map of the World (CharlesPrice)

1715 Great Britain & Irelandc. 1717 Atlas of the World1720 A New & Correct Map of jo miles round

Londonc. 1730 The Shires of England and Wales

Re-issue of Saxton's Atlas from the platesamended by Philip Lea for the 1689-93editions


1711 Map of Durham (large scale)

JOHN SENEX fl. 1690-1740

Publisher and engraver, John Senex was a contempor-ary of Herman Moll and no doubt, to some extent, arival, though his output was rather smaller. In conjunc-tion with Charles Price and James Maxwell (fl.1708-14) he produced some fine maps of the world andthe continents as well as loose maps of variouscountries. Apart from these he seems to have had aparticular interest in road maps and in 1719 he issued acorrected edition of Ogilby's Britannia in miniatureform which went through many editions.c. 1710 (with Charles Price) A New Map of Great

Britain1711 Atlas (20 maps published without title)1712 Map of Ireland1714 The English Atlas1719 An actual survey of all the principal roads of

England and Wales (8vo)Numerous re-issues upto^. 1775 includinga French edition in 1766

1719 World and the Continents1721 A new General Atlas of the World (small

folio)1723 Hertfordshire

Re-issue of John Norden's map first pub-lished in 1593—98

1710 Map of Barbados

THOMAS BOWLES fl. C. 1714—r. 1763



BOWLES and CARVER/. 1794-1832The members of the Bowles family were publishers andmap sellers rather than cartographers, their consider-able output over a century or more covering many ofthe works of their contemporaries. A completely

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comprehensive list of these is beyond the scope of thisvolume but their best-known publications are listedbelow.1714 (Thomas Bowles) The north part of Great

Britain called Scotland (H. Moll)1720 (Thomas Bowles) A Geographicall Descrip-

tion of the Kingdom of Ireland1728, 1732 Re-issue of Francis Lamb'sAtlas (c. 1689) with roads added1728, 1732 Re-issue by John Bowles

1724-26 (T. and J. Bowles) A Set of Fifty New andCorrect Maps of England and Wales (H. Moll)

1731 (T. and J. Bowles) A neu> map of Scotland orNorth Britain

1732 (T. and J. Bowles) Kingdom of Ireland1765 Re-issued

1760 (T. and J. Bowles) Re-issue of Saxton'sBritannia (1583)

1766 (Carrington Bowles) Ellis's English Atlas(John Ellis and William Palmer ft.1766-1800

1769 (Carrington Bowles) A General Atlas ofNew and Current Maps by Palairet and others1774 Re-issued

1772 (Carrington Bowles) Atlas of Road Maps177 5 -80 (Carrington Bowles) Bowles Universal Atlas

(Jean Palairet)1782 (Carrington Bowles) Bowles Post Chaise

Companion1785 (Carrington Bowles) New Medium English

Atlas (410)1785 (Carrington Bowles) Pocket Atlas1785 (Carrington Bowles) Pater son's British

Itinerary (Daniel Paterson)1794-96 (Bowles and Carver) New Traveler's Guide1794-98 (Bowles and Carver) Universal Atlas

EMANUEL BOWEN fl. 1714-67

THOMAS BOWEN fl. 1767-90

Emanuel Bowen, map and print seller, was engraver toGeorge II and to Louis XV of France and worked inLondon from about 1714 onwards producing some ofthe best and most attractive maps of the century. Hehad plans for completing a major County Atlas but,finding the task beyond his means, joined with ThomasKitchin to publish The Large English Atlas. Many of themaps were issued individually from 1749 onwards andthe whole atlas was not finally completed until 1760.With one or two exceptions they were the largest mapsof the counties to appear up to that time (690 x 510

mm) and are unusual in that the blank areas round eachmap are filled with historical and topographical detailwhich makes fascinating and amusing reading. Theatlas was re-issued later in reduced size. Apart from hiscounty maps and atlases of different parts of the worldhe also issued (with John Owen/. 1720) a book of roadmaps based, as was usual at that time, on Ogilby butagain incorporating his own style of historical andheraldic detail.

In spite of his royal appointments and apparentprosperity he died in poverty and his son, who carriedon the business, was no more fortunate and died in aClerkenwell workhouse in 1790.c. 1714 Maps of the Continents1720 (with John Owen) Britannia Depicta or

Ogilby Improved (small 410)Numerous editions to c. 1764 in varyingsizes

1744-47 A Complete System of Geography1744-48 Maps for Complete Collection of Voyages

(Harris)1752 Complete Atlas or Distinct View of the Known

World1755-60 (with Thomas Kitchin) The Large English

Atlas (average size 690 x 510 mm)1763, 1767, 1777, 1785, 1787 Furthereditions and enlargements

1758 (with John Gibson) Atlas Minimus (241110)

1774 Re-issued1762 (with Thomas Kitchin) The Royal English

Atlas (average size 215 x 3 1 5 mm)1778, 1780 Re-issued1794-1828 Re-issued as The English Atlas

c. 1763 (with Benjamin Martin fl. 1759-63) TheNatural History of England

1766 Universal History of the World1767 (with Thomas Bowen) Atlas Anglicanus

(average size 225 x 320 mm)1777 Re-issued

c. 1777 (Thomas Bowen) The World showing theDiscoveries of Capt. Cook and othercircumnavigators

c. 1784 (Thomas Bowen) Maps in Rapin's Historyof England

THOMAS TAYLOR fl. 1670-1721

1715 England Exactly DescribedMaps from Richard Blome's Speed's MapsEpitomi^'d (8vo)1716, 1718, 1731 Re-issued

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—7. T*-"«— t j 3

AV*>*^ \°^>V«J «• «. 11. ito rfi •**>

EMANUEL BOWEN Rutlandshire London 1756. County map published in the Universal Magazine.

1718 Principality of Wales Exactly DescribedThe first separate atlas of Wales


1719 Pocket Guide for the English Traveller, roadmaps (small 410)


1725-28 Compleat Sett of New Charts containing TheNorth Sea, Cattegat and Baltick

1756 Re-issued


1728 Warwickshire: i in. map1750 Re-issued

HENRY POPPLE/. 1732-33

Produced the best map up to that date (1733) of theNorth American continent, consisting of a key mapand 20 individual sheets.

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B ramp ton

Egj-emont t


Ireljy •s


THOMAS BADESLADE Cumberland. From a series of small county maps engraved by W. H. Toms issued in 1741 42 entitledChoroff-aphia Britannica, said to have been produced for an intended royal tour by George II.

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1733 -^ Map of the British Empire in A merica a/iththe French and Spanish Settlements adjacentthereto1737-47 Re-issues by Covens and Mortier,le Rouge and T. Bowen


Surveyor and engineer who prepared the maps forChorographia Britannica, a series of small county mapsproduced for George II for an intended royal tour ofEngland and Wales. Each map, engraved by W. H.Toms, has a column of historical and topical notes ofgreat local interest.1741-42 Chorographia Britannica (8 vo)

Three issues1743, 1745, 174? Re-issued

GEORGE BICKHAM (Senior) 1684-1758

GEORGE BICKHAM (Junior) 1735-67

George Bickham (Senior) was a noted author andengraver of many works on penmanship including TheUniversal Penman, claimed to be the finest English bookon calligraphy. His son was equally well known as anengraver and publisher and between them they pub-lished, in 1743, a very beautifully produced volume,The British Monarchy, consisting of descriptive text andhistorical notes illustrated with 5 rather sketchy 'maps'.The better known bird's-eye perspective views wereengraved by George Bickham (Junior) between theyears 1750 and 1754.1743- The British Monarchy: 5 maps engraved byc. 1748 George Bickham (Senior)

(The King of Great Britain's Dominionsin Europe, Africa and America; BritishIsles; Ireland; Scotland; Chart of the SeaCoasts)

c. 1754 The British Monarchy43 bird's-eye views of the English andWelsh counties engraved by GeorgeBickham (Junior)1796 Re-issued as A Curious Antique Collec-tion of Bird's eye Views


c. 1744-47 Maps of the Continentsc. 1745 Maps in Mr Tindafs Continuation ofRapin's

History of England


1745 Re-issued as New Sett of Pocket Mapsof all the Counties of England and Wales


1746 The Agreeable Historian or Compleat EnglishTraveller (miniature county maps)

JOHN ROCQUE c. 1704-62Little is known of John Rocque's early life except thathe was of Huguenot extraction and was living andworking in London as an engraver from about 1734.His early experience in preparing plans of great housesand gardens for the nobility led him to take up large-scale surveying for which he developed a distinctiveand effective style involving new ways of indicatingland use and hill contours. He is best known for a verylarge-scale plan of London published in 1746 and for apocket set of county maps, The English Traveller, issuedin the same year. He spent some years in Irelandsurveying for estate maps and in 1756 he published awell-known Exact Survey of the City of Dublin.1746 An exact survey of the Cities of London and

Westminster: 24 sheets, scale 26 in. to i mile1747, 1748, 1751, 1769 Re-issued

1746 The English Traveller (8vo)1753, 1762, 1764 Re-issued as the SmallBritish Atlas

1748 Environs of London1763, 1769 re-issued

1750 Plan of Bristol1752 The Quartermaster's Map (Thomas Jenner)1752—65 Large-scale maps of Shropshire, Middle-

sex, Berkshire, Surrey1753 Small British Atlas (8vo)

1762, 1764 Re-issued1769 Re-issued as England Displayed

1756 An Exact Survey of the City of Dublin: 4sheets

1760 County of Dublin: 4 sheets1799, 1802 Reduced versions issued byLaurie and Whittle

1761 A general map of North Americac. 1763—65 A set of Plans and Forts in America (pub-

lished by Mary A. Rocque)1764 A collection of Plans of The Principal Cities of

Great Britain and Ireland


JOHN COWLEY ft. 1733-44

1744 Geography of England


An outstanding cartographer and publisher whoseproductions ranged from i in. to i mile county maps to

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some of the finest maps of the time of North Americaand the West Indies. These are regarded as his mostimportant works although unfortunately many ofthem were only published after his death by Sayer andBennett or by his business successor, William Faden.He was appointed Geographer to the Prince of Walesand to George III but, as so often happened in theeighteenth century, Jefferys enjoyed a very highreputation for his work and yet failed to obtain muchmaterial reward and, indeed, was bailed out of bank-ruptcy at one stage during the production of hisAmerican atlases1747-79 County maps i in. to i mile

Bedfordshire, Buckingham, Cumberland,Durham, Huntingdon, Northants,Oxfordshire, Westmorland, Yorkshire

1749 The Shires of England & WalesRe-issue of Saxton's An Atlas of England& Wales from the plates amended byPhilip Lea for the 1689-93 editions withthe imprint of George Willdey (c. 1730edn) removed

1749 (with Thomas Kitchin) Small English A tlas(4to)1751, 1775, 1785 Re-issued1787 Re-issued as An English Atlas orConcise View of England & Wales

1755 A Map of the Most inhabited part of NewEngland (4 sheets)

1760 Natural and Civil History of the FrenchDominions in North and South America

1761 Description of the Maritime Parts of Francec. 1762 A general topography of North America and

the West Indies1762 Description of the Spanish Islands and Settle-

ments on the Coasts of the West Indies1765 (with Benjamin Donn/e) Devonshire: 12

sheets and key map1775-76 North American Pilot (Sayer and Bennett)

1777-84 5 re-issues1799—1807 Re-issued by Laurie andWhittle in z parts

J775 West India Atlas (Sayer and Bennett)1777 (French), 1780, 1783, 1794 Re-issued1799 Re-issued by Laurie and Whittle

1775 American Atlas (Sayer and Bennett)1776, 1778 Re-issued

as an engraver and publisher, Kitchin produced a verywide range of books on many subjects as well astopographical work. For many years he worked inconjunction with Emanuel Bowen and ThomasJefferys and apart from the atlases he published withthem, he produced maps of every sort for magazinesand books on history and the antiquities.

1747-60 Maps for The London Magazine1749 (with Thomas Jefferys) Small English Atlas

(4to)1751, 1775, 1785 Re-issued1787 Re-issued as An English Atlas orConcise View of England and Wales

1755—60 (with Emanual Bowen) The l^arge EnglishAtlas1763, 1767, 1777, 1785, 1787 Furthereditions and enlargements

1762 (with Emanuel Bowen) The Royal EnglishAtlas1778, 1780 Re-issued1794-1828 Re-issued as The English Atlas

1764 England Illustrated1768 A General Atlas

1773-1810 Numerous re-issues by Sayerand Bennett, and Laurie and Whittle

1769 Kitchin's Pocket Atlas (8vo)1770 Kitchin's English Atlas (410)1786 (with Henry Boswell/. 1786) Antiquities of

England and Walesc. 1789 A Netv Universal Atlas (Laurie and

Whittle)1796, 1799 Re-issued

T. OSBORNE/. 17481748 Geographia Magnae Eritanniae: 63 maps,

approx. 150 mm square1750 Re-issued

LEWIS MORRIS/. 1737-48

1748 Plans of harbours, bars, bays and roads in StGeorge's Channel1801 Revised and re-issued by his son,William Morris


Working at premises at The Star in London's Holborn


1752 Straits of Malacca1757 Chart of the Western Atlanticc. 1758 A Nev Directory for the East Indies

1767 Re-issued

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GoldtopRoad// liny.. ji >-/-.„ 111. F O ft J> ff^4 J" J£ * A '

A. Scale of Miles,-,

BuiVovr Jlead

^ '•*£

. XatrJre*"' ***

LEWIS MORRIS Coast near Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire. \ chart from Plans of harbours, bars, bays and roads in St George's Channelpublished in 1748. This work was revised and re-issued by Morris's son, William, in 1801.

ISAAC TAYLOR 1730-1807

1754-1800 Large-scale county maps:1754-86 Herefordshire1759 Hampshire1765-95 Dorsetshire1772-1800 Worcestershire1777-86-1800 Gloucestershire

JOHN GIBSON;?. 1750-921755 A Ne» Map of North America with the West

India Islands1756 Afiddle British Colonies1758 (with Emanuel Bo wen) Atlas Minimus

(241110)1774 Re-issued

c. 1763 A New & Complete Map of all America1772-94 Several re-issues with differingtitles


Born in Virginia, John Mitchell studied medicine atEdinburgh, later returning to his birthplace where hepractised as a physician, becoming well known notonly as a doctor but also as a botanist and surveyor.About 1746 ill health forced him to return to England,where he compiled a map of the Colonies which, withofficial support, later became the famous Map of theBritish and French Dominions in North America. The map,showing the British and French Colonies, was used inthe peace negotiations between Britain and theAmerican colonies in 1782-83 and later in discussions

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on the boundary settlement between the USA andCanada. Even as late as 1843 it was still accepted as anaccurate and reliable map.

1755 A Map of the British and French Dominions inNorth America (8 sheets)1757-91 21 re-issues


JOHN BENNETT/. 1770-84

From premises in Fleet Street, Robert Sayer traded as aprint seller and map publisher either under his ownname between the years 1751 and 1770 and 1784 and1794, or in partnership with John Bennett as Sayer andBennett in the intervening years. During his longbusiness life he published a large number of maps byhis contemporaries, Kitchin, Jefferys, Bellin, d'Anvilleand others as well as a re-issue of Saxton's Britannia of1583. On his death his stock was taken over by Laurieand Whittle who re-issued his material in many variededitions.

c. 1763 Large English Atlas (Bowen and Kitchin)c. 1763 Re-issue of Saxton's Britannia (1583)1766 Atlas Britannique1773-81 General Atlas describing the whole universe

(Thomas Kitchin)1775 West India Atlas (Thomas Jefferys)'775-76 North American Pilot (Thomas Jefferys)1775 American Atlas (Thomas Jefferys)1775-81 East India Pilot1776 American Military Pocket Atlas ('Holster

Atlas')1778 Neptune Occidental: A Pilot for the West

Indies1782 Re-issued

1781-86 Complete Channel Pilotc. 1784 Oriental Pilot

1787 An English Atlas or Concise View of Englandand Wales (410)

G. ROLLOS/. 1754-891764 (with W. Rider) Atlas of the World1769 England Displayed\ 779 Universal Traveller

w. RIDER/. 17641764 (with G. Rollos) Atlas of the World

Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufacturesand Commerce, offered an award of £100 for the bestoriginal i in. to i mile county surveys. Donn was thefirst successful applicant with a 12-sheet map ofDevonshire, engraved by Thos Jefferys, published in


1765 Devonshire: 12 sheets and key map1799 Re-issued on one sheet by WilliamFaden

1769 Eleven miles round Bristol: 4 sheets1790 do Bath

JOHN ELLIS/. 1750-96

1765 New English Atlas1766 (with William Palmer) Ellis's English Atlas

(8vo)1766 (French), 1768, 1773, 1777 Re-issued


1766 West India Pilot1771, 1773, 1785 Re-issued

1796 General Chart of the West Indies

JOHN ANDREWS/. 1766-1809

1766-73 Large-scale maps of Hertfordshire, Wilt-shire and Kent

c. 1772 A Collection of Plans of the Capital Cities ofevery Empire

1776 A map of the country 6j miles round London1786 England and Walesc. 1792 Plans of the Principal Cities of the World1797 Maps in Historical Atlas of England


In 1759 the Royal Society of Arts, then known as the


As hydrographer to the East India Company from 1779to 1795 and then to the Admiralty, Dalrymple pro-duced something like 1,000 maps and charts of thelands bordering the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. Hewas obsessed with the idea of the existence of a greatsouthern continent and many of his charts reflected hisdetermination to prove his case, even long afterCaptain Cook had shown that inhabited lands did notexist in the far south. It would not be practicable toattempt to list here all his work but the following aresome of his more important collections of charts; manyothers were bound to meet special requirements.

1767 Account of Discoveries in the South Pacificbefore 1764

1771-72 A Collection of Charts and Memoirs

Page 183: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)

I774~75 A Collection of Plans and Ports in the East


1782, 1787 Re-issued

1791 Oriental Repertory

1792 A. Collection of Charts and Plans

1792 Atlas of Charts and Plans

p. RUSSELL/. 1769

1769 (with Owen


Price fl. 1769) England

C. DICEY AND CO. fl. 1770

c. 1770 The Shires of England and Wales

Final re-issue of Saxton's An Atlas of

England & Wales from the plates amended

by Philip Lea for the 1689-93 editions and

subsequently used by George Willdey (c.

1730) and Thomas Jefferys (c. 1749)


1771-1832 Paterson's Roads

18 re-issues

1772-99 Paterson's Travelling Dictionary

1785-1807 Paterson's British Itinerary

4 re-issues

1786 Direct and Principal Cross Roads in England

& Wales

1791 Map of the Environs of London


This is not the place to enlarge on the life of the greatest

British navigator, but no list of cartographers would

be complete without including details of his Pacific


1773 Volume I: An account of a voyage round the

World in the years 1768-71

1777 Volume 11: A voyage tou/ards the South Pole

and round the world

1780 Volume 111: A voyage to the Pacific Ocean

1784 Atlas

SAMUEL DUNN/. 1774-94

1774 A Map of the British Empire in North


1774 A New Atlas of the Mundane System

1786, 1794, 1796, 1800, c. 1810 Re-issued


trading as Faden and Jefferys and producing excellent

maps well into the nineteenth century. He was parti-

cularly interested in the mapping of North America for

which he was as well known as his predecessor. In

addition to the atlases mentioned below, he issued

many special collections of large-scale and regional

maps prepared for customers' individual requirements.

All his work was of splendid quality and he was chosen

to print the four sheets of the first Ordnance Survey

map - of Kent - which was published in 1801. His

business was taken over by James Wyld who re-issued

many of his maps.17 7 5 World Mapc. 1777 North American Atlas

1777 The British Colonies in North America

Numerous re-issues to 1820, and others by

James Wyld until c. 1840

1778 General Atlas (large folio)

1781 The Roads of Great Britain

Numerous re-issues to A 1833

1785 The United States of North A merica

1793 Petit Neptune Fratifaise

1797 General Atlas

Various re-issues containing collections of

different maps

1798 Atlases minimus universalis

1799 Re-issue of map of Devonshire by Ben-

jamin Donn


Following the death of Thomas Jefferys in 1771

William Faden took over and continued the business,


As the first Surveyor General of Bengal from 1767 to

1777 Rennell directed a comprehensive survey of the

East India Company's lands and subsequently pub-

lished maps of Bengal and other provinces followed by

The Bengal Atlas in 1779. Considering the vastness of

the areas covered, the difficulties encountered, and the

speed with which it was accomplished, Rennell's

mapping in India was a remarkable achievement and

stood the test of time well into the next century.

Indeed, he should be counted among our most able

cartographers and, although ill health made it impos-

sible for him to continue his practical survey work

after 1777, he left his mark as adviser to the Indian

Survey Office for something like half a century.

1779 The Bengal Atlas

1780, 1781, 1783 Re-issued

1782 Map of Hindoustan

1785 Re-issued

1788-94 The Provinces of Delhi, Agra etc and the Indian


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Of Swiss extraction, des Barres became a Britishsubject early in life and trained as a military engineer,subsequently serving with the British Army at theSeige of Quebec where he came to the attention ofGeneral Wolfe. After the fall of Quebec he surveyedparts of the coasts of Nova Scotia and the principalharbours in Newfoundland and then, on Admiraltyorders, undertook a ten-year survey of the coasts ofNew England as well as Nova Scotia. Returning toEngland in 1773 he supervised the engraving andpublication of his work which was issued about 1784 asThe Atlantic Neptune, now recognized as one of thefinest collections of charts and coloured views everpublished. Copies vary very greatly in content fromedition to edition. In later life des Barres was appointedLieut. Governor of Cape Breton Province andGovernor of Prince Edward Island. He died at the ageof 103 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

1784 The Atlantic Neptune, Vols I-IV: tall largefolioNumerous re-issues

JOHN HARRISON fl. 1784-91

1784-89 Atlas to accompany Rapin's History ofEngland (originally by Paul de Rapin-Thoyras published c. 1730-50)

1787 Africa1791 English Counties

1792 Re-issued1815 General Atlas


1784-94 (with Alexander Hogg) The New BritishTraveller (8vo)

ALEXANDER HOGG/. 1778-1805

Published many works on antiquities which includedre-issues of maps by Thomas Kitchin, Thomas Conderand others.

1784-94 (with G. A. Walpoole) The Nen> BritishTraveller (8vo)

c. 1784 A New Map of the Southern Part of Scotland

1794 General Atlas of the Worldc. 1800, 1802, 1816 Re-issued

1820 New Holland1823 North A merica1825 East India Islands

THOMAS CONDER fl. 1775-180!

An engraver whose work is found in a number ofhistorical works, particularly Henry Boswell's Antiqui-ties of England and Wales (i 786). He also engraved mapsin Walpoole's The New British Traveller (1784).


178 5 Re-issue of Bowen and Kitchin's The LargeEnglish Atlas

JOHN GARY C. 1754-1835

Many writers regard John Gary as one of the finest ofEnglish cartographers. His maps, of course, are notdecorative in the seventeenth-century sense but hecame on the scene at a time when the large-scale countymaps had recently become available, roads were beingused as never before and accurate geographical inform-ation from distant countries was being received ingreater and greater detail. His fine craftsmanship andability as an engraver enabled him to make the fullestuse of these sources and from them he produced a widerange of maps of great accuracy and clarity. His workcovered not only county maps but world atlases, roadmaps, town and canal plans, sea charts and terrestrialand celestial globes. His business was eventually takenover by G. F. Cruchley (fl. 1822-75) who continued touse Gary's engravings throughout his life and it isbelieved that some plates were still in use in the presentcentury. In this work we can give only a summary ofhis more important publications.

1786 Actual Survey of the country fifteen miles roundLondon (8vo)

1787 New and Correct English Atlas (410)1793—1831 Numerous re-issues

1789 Camden's Britannia1806 Re-issued

1790 Gary's Travellers' Companion (8vo)1791-1828 Numerous re-issues

1794 New Maps of England and Wales with part ofScotland (410)

1798-18 2 8 Cory's New Itinerary11 Re-issues

1805 (with J. Stockdale) Ntv British Atlas1808 Gary's New Universal Atlas1809 Gary's English Atlas

1811, 1818, 1828, 1834 Re-issued1813 New Elementary Atlas

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JOHN GARY Cambridgeshire London 1787. An example of the beautifully engraved maps in Gary's Na> andCorrect English Atlaswhich was issued in many editions.

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ROBERT LAURIE C. 1755-1836



Trading as:LAURIE AND WHITTLE 1794-181 Z


R. H. LAURIE l8l8-C. 1903

Carried on business from about 1790, taking over thestock of Robert Sayer's publishing house in 1792-93.Their prolific output covered maritime atlases andcharts as well as general atlases and sheet maps,including many revisions of works by Kitchin,Jefferys, Faden, Sayer and Bennett, and others.t. 1789 A Neu> Universal Atlas (Thos Kitchin)

1796, 1799 Re-issued1794 A New and Correct map of the British Colonies

in North America1823 Re-issued (R. H. Laurie)

1795 The East India Pilot (B. d'ApresMannevillette)

1795 A complete body of Ancient Geography (]B. d'Anville)1820 Re-issued

1796 A new and elegant Imperial Sheet Atlas1798-1814 Re-issued

1797 The Oriental Pilot (B. d'ApresMannevillette)

1798 Universal Atlas1798 The Complete East India Pilot

1800, 1802, 1803, 1806, 1810 Re-issued1799 North American Pilot (Thomas Jefferys/

Sayer and Bennett)Many revisions throughout nineteenthcentury

1801 African Pilot1816 Re-issued

1801-04 New and elegant General Atlas1805 (with Nathaniel Coltman fl. 1806-86)

Welsh Atlas1806 New Traveller's companion (8vo)

1809, 1811, 1813 Re-issued1828 Re-issued (410)

1807 New and improved English Atlas (410)



AARON ARROWSMITH (son)y?. 1820—30


JOHN ARROWSMITH (nephew) 1790-1873

Aaron Arrowsmith was the founder of one of the

leading London map publishing houses in the earlypart of the nineteenth century. He came to Londonabout 1770 from Durham, his birthplace, and workedas a surveyor for John Gary for whom he carried outsome of the road surveys which subsequently appearedin Gary's Travellers' Companion in 1790. In that year heset up his own business in Long Acre and soonestablished an international reputation as a specialist incompiling maps recording the latest discoveries in allparts of the world. He produced, and constantlyrevised, a great number of large-scale maps, manyissued singly as well as in atlas form. After his death thebusiness passed to his sons, Aaron and Samuel, andlater to his nephew John who maintained his uncle'sreputation, becoming a founder member of the RoyalGeographical Society. In all, the Arrowsmiths issuedover 700 maps and it is possible, therefore, to quoteonly a few of their major works. Their maps ofAustralia and New Zealand were particularlynoteworthy.

1790 Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection(n sheets)Revisions to c. 1827

179 5 New Discoveries in the Interior Parts of NorthAmericaNumerous revisions to c. 1850

1796 Map of the United States of AmericaRevisions to c. 1819

1798 Chart of the Pacific Ocean (9 sheets)Revisions to c. 1832

1798-1802 Maps of Europe, Asia and Africa1804 America

1808, 1811 Re-issued1806 A Pilot from England to Canton1817 A new General Atlas (410)

c. 1830 Re-issued1822 Atlas of Southern India1825 (Aaron & Samuel) Outlines of the World1829-30 (Aaron & Samuel) Arrowsmitb's Compar-

ative Atlas

1834 (John) The London Atlas of UniversalGeographyNumerous re-issues

1838 (John) AustraliaNumerous revisions and re-issues of thismap and maps of the Australian States.

BENJAMIN BAKER/. 1766-1824179i ~97 Universal Magazine

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1794 The American Geography1805 (with John Gary) New British Atlas1806 Large-scale map of Scotland1809 do England


For nearly fifty years from 1765 William Heather was anoted publisher and dealer in charts at a time whenLondon had become the most important centre of mapproduction. Charles Dickens wrote in Dombey and Sonof the 'Navigation Warehouse' and 'Naval Academy",under which names Heather's business address inLeadenhall St was known. The business was eventuallytaken over by J. W. Norie and continued to prosperuntil late in the nineteenth century.1795-1801 A Pilot for the Atlantic Ocean1801 Complete Pilot for the Northern Navigation1801 New Set of Charts for harbours in the British

Channel1802 The New Mediterranean Pilot (Bremond and

Michelot)1814 Re-issued

1804-08 The Maritime Atlas or seaman's complete pilot1808 Re-issued

1805 East India Pilot1811 The New North Sea Pilot, and others

JOHN LODGE ft. 1754-96c. 1795 Atlas oj'Great Britain & Ireland

Maps originally issued in 1782 in thePolitical Magazine


1798 A Voyage of Discovery to the North PacificOcean and round the World, with Atlas


JOSIAH NEELE (son)/. 1826-45

c. 1800 The Modern Royal Atlas1813 Minor Atlas

JOHN LUFFMAN/. 1776-1820

1801 Select Plansofthe Principal Cities of the World1803 New Pocket Atlas and Geography of England

and Wales: small circular maps (8vo)1805, 1806 Re-issued

c. 1809 Huffman's Geographical and TopographicalAtlas

1815 Universal A tlas

CHARLES SMITH (and Son)/. 1800-521804 Smith's New English Atlas (folio)

1806-64 Numerous re-issues, some re-duced to 410 size

1806 England & Wales1808 New General Atlas

1816 Re-issued1826 New Pocket Companion to the Roads of

England & Wales (8vo)

G. COLE and j. ROPER/. 1801-101804-10 The Beauties of England and Wales - includ-

ing town plans181 o The British A tlas (410)

EDWARD MOGG/. 1804-48

A publisher and engraver who specialized in maps forguides of London and its surroundings. He also issuedroad maps of England and Wales.c. 1805-36 Twenty four miles round London

A circular map which was issued in anumber of editions

1817-22 A Survey of the High Roads of England andWales (4to)

1821-46 Forty five miles round London


1810 Miller's New Miniature Atlas (i2mo)1820, 1825 Re-issued by William Darton asDarton's New Miniature Atlas


1 8 10 New Pocket Edition of the English Counties

181 1



c. 1814 Re-issuedMaps for Oddy's New General Atlas of theWorld '(S. A. Oddy/. 1810-11)New and Improved County A t las f New BritishAtlas1813 Re-issued(with W. H. Reid) The Panorama orTraveller's Instructive Guide


1811 Charts of the English Channel1814 Charts of Australia and Tasmania

JOHN THOMSON (and Co.)/. 1814-691814-28 A New general atlas of the World1820-32 A tlas of Scotland

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ROBERT ROWE C. 1775-184}

j 811 -16 English A tlas1829-1842 Re-issued as Teesdale's NewBritish Atlas


In association with the explorer, George Bass (d. 1812),Flinders surveyed the coasts of New South Wales andwas the first to circumnavigate Australia. His remark-ably accurate surveys still form the basis of manyAustralian coastal charts.1814 Atlas of A ustralia

1829 and other re-issues

WILLIAM SMITH 1769-18391815 A delineation of the strata of England and

Wales with part of Scotland (14 sheets) - thefirst geological map of England and Wales

1819-24 Geological A tlas of England and Wales


Norie, the most celebrated mathematician and hydro-grapher of his day, carried on business in LeadenhallStreet, having taken over from William Heather as apublisher of naval books and dealer in maps and seacharts. The firm traded under the name of Norie andWilson until about 1830 when Norie retired but itcontinued in business until the end of the century.Norie's books on navigation, particularly his Epitomeof Practical Navigation (1805), became standard worksand went through many editions.1816 Complete East India Pilot

Numerous editions1824 Complete North Sea and Baltic Pilot

1848 Re-issued1825 Complete North America and United States

Pilot18 }o Complete British and Irish Coasting Pilot

1835, 1845 Re-issued1833 The Country trade or Free Mariners' Pilotc. 1845 Complete Mediterranean Pilotc. 1850 Brazil and South American Pilot


1817-18 Lang/ej's New County Atlas of England andWales (with William Belch ft. 1802-20)(4to)1821 Re-issued



The Greenwoods were among the notable firms ofpublishers in the period 1820-50 who attempted toproduce large-scale maps of the counties in competi-tion with the Ordnance Survey Office. In the long runtheir efforts were unsuccessful but before giving up thestruggle they published between the years 1817 and1830 a series of splendid large-scale folding maps ofmost of the counties based on their own surveys.Unfortunately, they were unable to complete the seriesand instead, in 1834, published an Atlas of the Countiesof England, a very handsome work, often handcoloured, each map having a vignette of an importantbuilding in the county.1817-30 Large-scale maps of all the counties except

Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Here-fordshire, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Ox-fordshire and Rutland

1834 Atlas of the Counties of England


1819 Atlas of England and Wales (410)

G. ELLIS fl. 18191819 New and Correct Atlas of England and Wales

(4to)c. 1823 General Atlas of the World

JAMES WYLD (the Elder) 1790-1836JAMES WYLD (the Younger) 1812-87The Wylds, father and son, were highly successful mappublishers in London for well over half a century. TheElder succeeded to William Faden's business, takingover his stock in 1825, and from then onwards he, andlater his son, issued a large number of atlases and maps,including re-issues of Faden's maps - all noted for theirexcellence. In turn they both held the appointment ofGeographer Royal, and the Elder was also a foundermember of the Royal Geographical Society.c. 1819-25 A General Atlas1820 Settlements in New South Walesc. 1824 Map of North America (6 sheets)

Revised issues to c. 18561837 Map of Australia compiled from nautical

surveys1840 Chart of New Zealandc. 1838-41 (the Younger) A New General A tlas (large


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ORDNANCE SURVEY Isle of Wight and part of Hampshire Detail from the Ordnance Survey Map issued on i June 1810 by Lt.-Col.Mudge, Tower.

1842 (the Younger) Atlas of Modern Geography1849 (the Younger) Popular Atlas of the World

WILLIAM LEWIS fl. 1819-36

1819 Lewis's New Traveller's Guide ( i zmo)1836 Re-issued

SAMUEL LEIGH/. 1820-42

1820 N«f Atlas of England and Wales (i2mo)1825-40 Numerous re-issues1842 Re-issued as New Pocket Atlas ofEngland and Wales


1820 Darton's New Miniature Atlas (maps fromRobert Miller's New Miniature Atlas, 1810)1825 Re-issued

1822 (with Thomas Dix,y?. 1799-1821) CompleteAtlas of the English Counties1830, 1833, 1848 Re-issued

w. H. REID/. 18201820 (with James Wallis) The Panorama or

Traveller's Instructive Guide

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No. IV. Price Is.plain, or 1*. 6d. coloured.









format TWO Votme, ImJKmult rrtmed to Oxirto



L O N D O N :




1830.MCRAUD TATIOI, Mi »ID IIOK roum, rttir

THOMAS MOULE Oxfordshire. Title page dated 1850 from a part of Mode's The English Countits Delineated, one of the most popularatlases of the day.

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A. BRYANT/. 1822-55

1822-35 Large-scale maps of the Counties ofBedford, Buckingham, Gloucester,Hereford, Hertfordshire, Lincoln,Norfolk, Northants, Oxford, Suffolk,Surrey, Yorkshire (East Riding)

JOHN WALKER/. 1759-1830


CHARLES WALKER //•'• '«*~- '»9°

1825-46 Maps of India and The Provinces1833 Topographical Dictionary of Wales1837 Eritish Atlas

1838-*-. 1880 Numerous re-issues1837 Royal Atlas

Re-issues to 1873

JAMES DUNCAN/. 1826-33

1826 Lothian's A tlas of Scotland1833 A Complete County Atlas of England and

Wales1837-65 6 re-issues

HENRY TEESDALE (and Co.)/. 1828-45

1829 Nn> Eritish Atlas (Robert Rowe) (410)1830-42 Various editions

1830 New Travelling Atlas (410)1842 Re-issued1848 Re-issued as Travelling Atlas ofEngland and Wales1850, 1852, 1860 Further re-issues of 1848edition

1831-35 A new general atlas of the World1856 Re-issued


1829 Eritish A tlas of the Counties of England1831-44 7 re-issues1846 Re-issued by Isaac Slater as EritishAtlas

1835 Pocket Topography and Gazetteer of England1842 Re-issued

SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE(SDUK) 1829-*-. 18761829—43 About 200 maps of all countries of the

world issued in separate parts, publishedby Baldwin and Cradock (1829-37) and theSociety (1837-42)

1844-76 World Atlas, pub. by Chapman and Hall

SYDNEY HALL /. I 8 I8~6o

1830 A new Central Atlas1833 Ne» British A tlas

1834, 1836 Re-issued1842 A Travelling County Atlas

1843-85 Numerous re-issues1847 New County Atlas

THOMAS MOULE 1784-185!

Thomas Moule was a writer on heraldry and antiquitiesborn in 1784 at St Marylebone in London. He carriedon business as a bookseller in Duke Street, GrosvenorSquare, from about 1816 until 1823, when he becameInspector of 'blind' letters in the General Post Office,his principal duties being the deciphering of suchaddresses as were illegible to the ordinary clerks. Healso held, for many years, the office of Chamber-keeperin the Lord Chamberlain's Department which entitledhim to an official residence in the Stable Yard of StJames's Palace, where he died on 14 January 1851.

The well-known series of County Maps which areknown as 'Moules' were first published in separatesections for each county in 1830-32 and they were thenpublished in collected form in a two-volume work: TheEnglish Counties Delineated: or a Topographical Descriptionof England: Illustrated by a Complete Series of County Mapsby Thomas Moule: London: Published by George Virtue1836. Further editions were brought out by Virtue(some with original hand-colouring of the maps) untilabout 1839. In 1841 the maps appeared in a publicationentitled Earclays Complete and Universal English Diction-ary with additions to the original plates showing therailways which had been constructed. Normally mapswhich come from this work are very close trimmed,often into the printed surface, as the format of thedictionary was slightly smaller than the original public-ation. They are the last series of decorative countymaps to be published and are an elegant addition to anycollection of maps.

1836 The English Counties Delineated (410)1836-39 Re-issued

1841 Re-issued as Barclays Complete and UniversalEnglish Dictionary1842, 1848, 1850, 1852 Re-issued


1835 Curiosities of Great Britain & Ireland - mapsby Cole and Roper1842-48 4 re-issues

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A. FULLARTON AND CO. fl. I 840-70

1854 Parliamentary Gazetteer of England and Wales(8vo)1843, 1849 Re-issued

1864 Royal Illustrated Atlas1870-72 Hand Atlas of the World

TALLIS AND CO./. 1838-51

London map publishers who traded under variousnames: L. Tallis, Tallis and Co., John Tallis, JohnTallis and Co. (London and New York) between 1838and 1851: after about 1850-51 their maps were pub-lished by The London Printing and Publishing Co.,London and New York.1838 London Street Views1849-5 3 Illustrated Atlas of the World

Steel-engraved maps decorated with at-tractive vignette views, issued in about 70parts and including z6 town plans


c. 1845 Travels through the 'English Counties (410)


1846 Slater's New British AtlasMaps from James Pigot and Co.'s BritishAtlas1847-62 Re-issued

Specialist References

BOOTH, }., Antique Maps of Wales

CHUBB, T., The Printed Maps in the Atlases of GreatBritain and IrelandIn spite of its age still one of the first books to turn to

for details of county maps

EVANS, i. M. and LAWRENCE, H., Christopher Saxton:Elizabethan MapmakerThe definitive work on the life of Christopher Saxton

EVANS, o. c., Maps of Wales and Welsh Cartographers

SHIRLEY, R. w., Early Printed Maps of the British Isles1477-16)0The definitive work on maps of the period

SKELTON, R. A., County Atlases of the British Isles

U79-170JThe best work available on county maps in the periodcovered


Speed: A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World,1627Ogilby: Britannia, 1675Seller, Fisher and Thornton: English Pilot, 4th book,1689Seller, Price: English Pilot, Part V, 1701Seller, Thornton: English Pilot, 3rd book, 1703Jefferys: American Atlas, 1775-76Reproduction of complete atlases

TOOLEY, R. v., Maps and Map MakersApart from descriptive text contains listings of EnglishMarine charts and county atlases issued up to about1850

TYACKE, s., 'London Mapsellers 1660-1720

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GEORGE LILY British Isles Rome ( 1 5 46) 1 5 5 6 This, the first map of the British Isles printed from a copperplateengraving, was published in Rome in 1546, followed by a number of other versions issued there and elsewhere

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Chapter 16

SCOTLANDBoth the Matthew Paris and Gough maps show anoutline of Scotland, albeit unrecognizable, but forother early maps we have to look to the work ofcontinental cartographers rather than to nationalsources; to rudimentary Italian and Catalan portulancharts of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, whichare rare indeed, and to the various editions of Ptolemyfrom 1477 onwards. Up to 1508, the Ptolemaic mapsshow Scotland on an east-west axis, and although thisis corrected in later editions, the general coastaloutlines bear little relation to reality and we must turnto George Lily's map of the British Isles published inRome in 1546 (with other editions up to 15 89) to find agenuine representation of the coasts and islands. Lily'ssources are not known with any certainty but presum-ably he used local manuscripts of some kind made,perhaps, during a voyage round Scotland by James Vabout 1540. Sebastian Miinster's map of England andWales (Basle 1540 and later editions) shows only thesouthern part of Scotland to just beyond Edinburghwith the national flag adjacent to it. Other maps,known from only one or two copies, include ananonymous one derived from Lily's map, printed inItaly about 1566, which was the earliest knownseparately printed map, and those of John Leslie,Bishop of Ross, compiled during exile in Italy andFrance in about 1578, based on the Lily and Orteliusmaps and printed in Rome or Rouen in the last quarterof the century. The best outline map, or rather chart, ofScotland produced in this period was by Nicolas deNicolay, printed in Paris in 1585. Nicolay, a muchtravelled Frenchman, claimed to have based his workon an earlier manuscript map drawn in about 1546 byAlex. Lindsay, pilot to King James V.

As might be expected, single-sheet maps wereincluded in atlases by Ortelius, Mercator, Hondius,Camden, Speed, Blaeu and Jansson among others. Ofthese the best known is Speed's highly decorative mapwhich, as well as being geographically realistic, shows

full-length portraits of the Stuart reigning family.Speed's maps were re-issued in numerous editions until1652 when the plate was re-engraved and four figuresin national costume were inserted in place of the royalportraits.

Although these general maps were splendid in theirway and often very decorative, there was no set ofindividual county maps comparable to Saxton's Atlasof England and Wales until 1654 when Part V of J.Blaeu's Atlas Novus was published in Amsterdam asthe Atlas of Scotland containing 5 5 maps. This was thefirst comprehensive atlas of Scotland and the maps in ithad a long and chequered history, having beenprepared originally by a Scottish minister, TimothyPont, who travelled widely and carried out surveys ofmuch of Scotland from about the year 1583. Pont failedto find a patron or a publisher although his map ofLothian and Linlithgow was published in theMercator/Hondius Atlas of 1630. His manuscript mapsand drawings eventually came into the hands of RobertGordon and his son James, who undertook the workof re-drawing and correcting the original maps, as wellas adding a number of their own. After long delays themaps were published in 1654 with texts in Dutch,Latin, French and German. They were also included inthe later Atlas Maior issued in the following years:1658-72 (Spanish), 1662 (Latin), 1663 (French), 1664(Dutch) and 1667 (German). As in the case of Blaeu'satlases of England and Wales, there were no issues withEnglish text. In this instance Jansson did not attemptto compete with Blaeu in producing his own atlas butfrom 1636 onwards a small number of maps ofScotland and the Islands appeared in the Mercator-Hondius-Jansson atlases and in Jansson's own atlas of1646 and its subsequent editions.

From this time onwards, maps of Scotland appearedin most atlases published by major cartographers of allnationalities. Although maps were published in greatquantity, there was still a need for more accuracy and

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between 1747 and 1755 a detailed survey of theHighlands and part of the Lowlands was carried out byWilliam Roy, who eventually became one of thefounders of the Ordnance Survey Office.


It would obviously be beyond the scope of thishandbook to attempt to include details of all the mapsprinted in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries butthe following are of particular interest:

JOHNADAIR/ . 1686-1718

A mathematician, living in Edinburgh, who embarkedon a considerable number of cartographic enterprisesbut through shortage of money and ill luck few of themcame to fruition. His maps of several Scottish counties,although completed in the 16805, were not publisheduntil long after his death.

1688-9 3 -^ true and exact bydrographical description ofthe Sea Coast and Isles of Scotland: publishedin 1703

1727 Nova Scotiae tabula, published inBuchanan's Rerum Scoticarum Historia

HERMAN MOLL/. 1678-1732

1701 Scotland, in A System of Geography1708 The north part of Great Britain1714 The north part of Great Britain called Scotland1718 A Pocket Companion of Ye Roads of ye north

part of Great Britain called Scotland1727 and later editions

1725 A set of Thirty Six New and Correct Maps ofScotland1745 Re-issued


1705 North Britain or Scotland


c. 171 o A New Map of North Britain or Scotland

THOMAS TAYLOR/. 1670-172!

1715 The North Part of Great Britain calledScotland

1720 A new Mapp of Scotland or North Britain1731-76 Re-issued


A military engineer who served with the Duke ofCumberland at Culloden in 1746. His New and CorrectMercator's Map was criticized by Thomas Jefferys for itsinaccuracies but it was generally recognized as a greatimprovement on all earlier maps of Scotland.

174 5 A New and Correct Mercator's Map of NorthBritain1746 Re-issued


1746 A new and accurate map of Scotland or NorthBritain

1747 A new and accurate map of Scotland


Apart from the maps listed below, Thomas Kitchinproduced a large number of other maps of Scotland foratlases by Wm Faden, Carrington Bowles, and Sayerand Bennett, among others.

1749 Geographia Scotiae (i 2mo)Pocket Atlas of 3 3 maps1756 Re-issued

1771 Scotland with the roads from the latest surveys1771 Scotland from the best authorities

JAMES DORRET/. 1750-61

Little is known about Dorret except that, althoughemployed as a valet by the 3rd Duke of Argyll, heclaimed to be a land surveyor, evidently not withoutreason for at the Duke's order and expense he prepareda new large-scale map of Scotland which was so greatan improvement on earlier maps that it remained thestandard for the country for something like forty years.

1750 A general map of Scotland and Islands theretobelonging - in 4 sheets1751, 1761 Re-issued on a smaller scale


A notable hydrographer who carried out the firstscientific marine survey on a measured baseline in thiscountry. After completing a survey of the Orkneysbegun in 1742 as a private venture he was commis-sioned by the Admiralty to survey the west coast ofBritain and all the coasts of Ireland, the results of whichwere published in 1776. He was succeeded as Admir-alty Surveyor by his nephew, also MurdochMacKenzie (1743-1829).

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1750 Orcades, or a Geographic and HydrographicSurvey of the Orkney and Lewis Islands

1776 A Maritime Survey of Ireland and the WestCoast of Great Britain


1771 A New and Accurate Description of all theDirect and Principal Cross Roads of Scotland


Traded with his son Mostyn Armstrong (below) asCaptain Armstrong and Son. Surveyed and published anumber of maps of Scottish and English Counties.1775 A New Map of Scotland1775 Bowles New Pocket Map of Scotland: pub-

lished in Bowles Universal Atlas


1776 An Actual Survey of the Great Post Roadsbetween London and Edinburgh

1777 A Scotch Atlas or Description of the Kingdomof Scotland1787 Re-issued by John Sayer1794 Re-issued by Laurie and Whittle

. 1772-85J '



1 776 Survey and Maps of the Roads of North Britainor Scotland

i 776 The Traveller's Pocket Book


1782 Bowles's new and accurate Map of Scotland1782 Bowles's new pocket Map of Scotland

1795, 1806 Re-issued


1782 A new Map of Scotland (road map)

JOHN AINSLIE 1745-1828

Worked with Thomas Jefferys on surveys of a numberof English counties before setting up business inEdinburgh as a bookseller and land surveyor. Hisoutput of county and coastal surveys and estate plans

was prolific: he is best known for his large-scale mapof Scotland published in 1789.1783 Ainslie's travelling Map of Scotland

1789 Re-issued1789 Scotland Drawn and Engrav'dfrom a Series of

Angles and Astronomical Observations (9sheets)Numerous re-issues to c. 1840

JOHN GARY C. 1 7 5 4 - 1 8 3 5

1789 Wm Camden's Britannia: New and correctmaps of the South and North parts of Scotland1806 Re-issued

1790 The Travellers' Companion: A Map ofScotlandNumerous re-issues

1808 Gary's New Universal Atlas: A new Map ofScotland


1807 Map of Scotland1810, 1840, 1841, 1849 Re-issued

JOHN THOMSON (AND co.)/. 1814-691 820-3 2 Atlas of Scotland (large folio)

Specialist References


Maps of Scotland to iSro with a history of Scottish MapsContains detailed listing of maps of Scotland

SHIRLEY, R. w., Early Printed Maps of the British Isles1477-16)0Although covering maps of the British Isles much ofthe detail contained in this book also covers the historyof Scottish maps

SKELTON, R. A., County Atlases of the British Isles

Includes detailed description and collations of theBlaeu/Jansson atlases of Scotland

TOOLEY, R. v., Maps and Map- MakersIncludes detail of large-scale surveys

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Chapter 17

IRELANDThe earliest maps of Ireland up to the year 1500 or soshare the shortcomings of those of the rest of theBritish Isles especially as represented on world maps. Itwas not to be expected that lands literally on the veryedge of the known world could be depicted with anyaccuracy; very often one feels that the cartographers orengravers placed the islands in the nearest availablespace consistent with their imagined position. Even inthe first printed Ptolemaic map there is still muchdistortion in Ireland's shape and geographical positionbut, on the other hand, a quite surprising number ofplace names and other details are shown, as many, infact, as in the rest of Britain put together. This detailedknowledge is not as puzzling as it might appear, for thePtolemy maps, at least the later editions from 1513onwards, were based on Italian portulan charts andthese, in turn, reflected knowledge gained during thelong commercial relationship which had existed be-tween Italy and Ireland ever since the thirteenthcentury. The distortions on land-surveyed maps re-mained uncorrected until late in the seventeenthcentury but a quite accurate coastal outline was givenin the marine atlases of Waghenaer, Dudley, Blaeu andlater Dutch chart makers.

Apart from a few manuscript maps and very raremaps printed in Rome and Venice (George Lily, 1546,and others in the period 15 60-66) Ireland is shown onMercator's large map of the British Isles (i 564), and inhis Atlas (1595) and as a separate sheet in the Orteliusatlases (from 1573). The most important map, how-ever, was compiled by an Italian, Baptista Boazio,probably in the 15 8os. This has survived in manuscriptform and may have been used by Pieter van der Keerefor a map published by Jodocus Hondius in 1591.Boazio's map was subsequently published by JohnSudbury, who later sold Speed's maps, and this versionwas included in editions of the Ortelius atlases from1602 onwards. The Boazio map is a quite splendid map,very decorative, some copies even showing an Eskimo

complete with kayak and hunting spear. Thereafter thetrend is familiar: Camden, Speed, Blaeu, Jansson,Sanson and others of the Dutch and French schools allincluded a general map or maps of the Irish provincesin their atlases. Speed's map of the whole of Irelandwas based at least partly on surveys by Robert Lythe (c.15 70) and Francis Jobson (c. 1590) and included figuresin national costume; it was for long regarded as the bestmap available and was much copied by publishers inother countries.

In 1685 the first atlas of Ireland to match Saxton'sAtlas of England and Wales was published by Sir WilliamPetty as Hiberniae Delineatio, the result of a highlyorganized and detailed survey (the 'Down' survey)carried out in the years following 1655. Re-issued inminiature form soon afterwards by Francis Lamb,Petty's Atlas was widely used as the basis for practicallyall maps of Ireland produced by English, French,Dutch and German publishers in the following cen-tury. Apart from re-issues of Petty's Atlas and its manycopyists there were maps by George Grierson, aDublin publisher, John Rocque, the Huguenot sur-veyor and engraver who spent some years in Dublin,and Bernard Scale, Rocque's brother-in-law. Details oftheir principal works are noted in the listing below.

Towards the end of the century many large-scalemaps were published but, as in England, privatemapping was gradually overtaken and eventuallyreplaced by the Ordnance Survey maps producedbetween the years 1824 and 1846.



William Petty, after studying mathematics and thesciences in France and Holland, qualified as a doctorand before the age of thirty was appointed PhysicianGeneral to the Army in Ireland. However, his interests

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lay outside medicine and he acquired the job ofsurveying a large area of Ireland for valuation anddemarcation purposes. In the event, he persuaded hissuperiors to permit him to embark on a wider surveycovering the whole country and with an organizationconsisting of over one thousand surveyors, assistantsand others, the work was completed in about five years.For various reasons the final engraving and printingwas not completed until 1685 when the Atlas consist-ing of 36 maps was published by Petty himself. Itspopularity was immediate and a version on a reducedscale was soon issued by Francis Lamb. Petty was afounder member of the Royal Society.1685 Hiberniae Delineatio: 36 maps (410)

1690, 1732 (Grierson) Re-issuedc. 1795 Re-issued by Laurie and Whittle

FRANCIS LAMB/. 1670-1700

c. 1689 A Geograpbicall Description of the Kingdom ofIreland: 39 maps1689, c. 1695 Re-issued1720 Re-issued by Thomas Bowles withroads added1728, 1732 Re-issue of the 1720 edition byJohn Bowles

PHILIP LEA/. 1683-17001689 An Epitome of Sir William Petty's Large

Survey of Ireland1690 (with Herman Moll) A New Map of Ireland

According to Sir Wm Petty (2 sheets)

HERMAN MOLL/. 1678-1732

1728 Set of Twenty New and Correct Maps ofIreland (4to)

THOMAS and JOHN BOWLES/, c. 1714-791732 Kingdom of Ireland

1765 Re-issued


A Dublin printer and publisher who, apart from hisown publications, re-issued Sir William Petty's Atlas in1752.1732 Hiberniae Delineatio (Petty)1746 The World Described or a New and Correct

Sett of Maps1749 The English Pilot: Northern Navigationc. 1772 do : Southern Navigation

JOHN ROCQUE C. 1704-62

1756 An Exact Survey of the City of Dublin: 4sheets1757 Re-issued on one sheet

1760 County of Dublin: 4 sheets1799, 1802 Re-issued by Laurie andWhittle in reduced form

1760 County Armagh: 4 sheets1764 Plans of various other towns1765 A Map of the Kingdom of Ireland: 4 sheets


1773 City and Suberbs of Dublin1776 Hibernian Atlas: Sayer and Bennett (410)

1788 Re-issued by Robert Sayer1798 do Laurie and Whittle

GEORGE TAYLOR "1 .>/. 1772-85


c. 1778 Roads of Ireland1783 Re-issued


1791 New Pocket map of the Kingdom of Ireland


1792 A new Map of Ireland Civil andEcclesiastical

ROBERT LAURIE C. 1 7 5 5 - 1 8 3 6


1794 Kingdom of Ireland (]o\m Rocque)1795 The Irish Coasting Pilot1798 Hibernian Atlas (Bernard Scale)1799-1802 County of Dublin (John Rocque)

Specialist References

ANDREWS, j. H., Irish MapsA short but very useful booklet on Irish maps

SKELTON, R. A., County Atlases of the British Isles

Includes description and collation of Sir Wm Petty'sHiberniae Delineatio and Francis Lamb's A GeographicallDescription of the Kingdom of Ireland

TOOLEY, R. v., Maps and Map MakersApart from the usual information, includes detail oflarge-scale surveys

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Chapter 18

MAPS OF THE BRITISH ISLESThe works of many British cartographers have beendescribed in other chapters without any attempt tospecify the contents of their atlases in detail; this task,however desirable, is beyond the compass of this work.It is obvious that a high proportion of the maps in theatlases of the national cartographers will be of thecounties and these are well documented elsewhere. Inrecent years, however, interest has grown in maps ofthe British Isles (as an entity) and of England andWales, and accordingly in this chapter will be foundbrief details of some of these maps, most of them stillobtainable by collectors. Some are rare but the para-meter for inclusion is that it would have been possibleto purchase each of them readily during the 19705.

In writing this chapter the surprising fact emergesthat probably more maps of the British Isles wereissued in European atlases than in those produced inthis country. It is to be expected, therefore, that thenames of many of the cartographers included will not

be familiar to collectors of English county maps. Toavoid repetition, biographical details of the Europeancartographers will not be given here - this informationwill be found in the preceding chapters - and specialemphasis will be given to the 'modern' geographiccontent. This excludes, by definition, the Ptolemaicmaps, which were known to be only of academic andhistoric interest at the time of publication, and meansthat the earliest 'modern' map of the British Isles is thatfirst published in 1513 at Strassburg by MartinWaldseemiiller, which is our starting-point.

Whilst many of the available books on cartographicsubjects include information on maps of the BritishIsles, Rodney Shirley's Early Printed Maps of the BritishIsles i47?-i6}o must be mentioned as the definitivework on this subject; it would be quite impossible towrite credibly about (or collect) these maps withoutreference to it.

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MARTIN WALDSEEMULLER Tabula Nova Hibtrnit Anglic et Scotie 1 5 1 3


Tabula Nova Hibernie Anglie et Scotie: Strassburg 1513360 x 510 mm, woodcutMartin Waldseemiiller undoubtedly used Italian por-tulans as a source for this woodblock map butapparently did not include the most recent availableinformation. The basic outline was used on manuscriptcharts of the late fourteenth century and it is difficult toidentify some of the names on the map, probably due toerrors made in copying from other maps but despitethis it may still be described as the first 'modern' map ofthe British Isles. The extensive naming of ports,especially on the Irish coastline and Eastern andSouthern England, reveals the extent of trading and

cultural connections which are known to have beenestablished by the Phoenicians as early as 200 BC andcontinued in medieval times by the Genoese, amongstothers.

Amongst the identifiable towns are Dover, Ports-mouth, Southampton, Plymouth and Bristol. Follow-ing earlier traditional marine charts Ireland is pear-shaped and the 'Purgatorium of St Patrick' is shown.The myth about the island off the west coast of Irelandcalled 'Brazil' is described in Chapter 10. Despite itsGerman origins the scale on this map is in Italian miles!There was only one further issue, again at Strassburg,in 1520.

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MARTIN WALDSEEMULLER Tabu. Hiberniae Sco. 1 5 2 2


Tabu. Hiberniae Sco.: Strassburg 1522280 x 410 mm, woodcutA re-drawn version of the 151? map which, despite the25 per cent reduction in overall size, includes all of theinformation from its predecessor with only minorchanges in the lettering and coastline. The scale is nowgiven in German miles and as less of the Europeanmainland is shown the actual printed size of the British

Isles is very little smaller than on the earlier map.There is reason to believe that the decorative

Renaissance panels enclosing the text on the back ofthis map were from designs by Albrecht Diirer, whowas known to have produced designs used elsewherein this atlas. The printer was Johannes Griininger.

Further issues, with varying titles, were made in1 5 2 5 (Strassburg), 1 5 3 5 (Lyon - illustrated) 154'(Vienne, a town on the Rhone just south of Lyon).

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Tauola fccondo moderni. A in

BENEDETTO BORDONE Inghilttrra Secodo Moderni 1 5 2 8


Ingbilterra Secodo Moderni: Venice 1528140 x 150 mm, woodcutBordone's woodcut map was published in an Isolario orBook of Islands, a very popular form of atlas, the firstof which was printed between 1477 and 1485, althoughearlier manuscript versions are known. The outlineuses the traditional curved shapes from the portolaniand the medieval cartographers' error of showing

Scotland separated from the mainland betrays themap's early origins. This is the first printed map of theBritish Isles to use the new conventional symbol of asmall towered building to represent a town but onlyDover, Southampton and London are specificallynamed.

There were three later issues of the map in 15 34,1547 and c. 1565, some of which have the Ptolemaicmap of the British Isles on the reverse.

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Anglie Triquetra Descriptio: Basle 1538135 x no mm, woodcutThe first of the five maps of the British Isles by theeminent Sebastian Miinster, this woodcut map isscarcer than the other four, due probably to the factthat there was only one other issue, in 1543, and that itwas published in Miinster's version of the works ofPomponius Mela, a classical Spanish geographer work-ing in Italy around the first century AD.

Despite its small size this is an informative map, theoutline probably being derived from the Gough mapdating from the time of Edward I. It is the first map toshow Anglesea separate from Wales and is also the firstto show the existence of the six major rivers: theTweed, Humber, Trent, Severn, Wye and Thames.

SEBASTIAN MONSTER Anglie Triquetra Descriptio 1538

SEBASTIAN MUNSTER (opposite page)Anglia II Nova Tabula: Basle 1540240 x 3 3 5 mm, woodcutThe second of Miinster's maps of the British Isles, thisimportant woodcut has North at the left-hand side ofthe page enabling a larger scale to be used than wouldhave been possible with North at the top. A veryconsiderable advance on any of the earlier maps, it hada very wide circulation, being issued in over twenty-five separate publications of Miinster's Geographia andCosmographia from 1540 until 1588, when an entirelynew block was cut for the later editions. More than fiftyrivers and some seventy or more named towns areshown, most for the first time on a printed map.

The panel in the top left corner gives 'Interpreta-tiones' of the Latin names into English whilst theScottish flag is shown firmly planted in the sea! On thefirst edition of the map the text on the verso wascontained within two pillars surmounted by a dec-orative archway. Identification of various issue dates ispractically impossible without comparing loose mapswith the complete dated atlases. In the late 19705 this

map was still easily obtainable.Surprise is often expressed that North is not always

shown at the top of the sheet on this, and various other,maps. Two reasons have been suggested for this: manyof the very early maps were drawn in religiousfoundations and it is to be expected that East would begiven prominence at the top - the Hereford WorldMap being an example of this type; latterly the moreprosaic reason that it was sometimes possible to use alarger scale on a given piece of rectangularly-shaped,handmade paper was given as the justification — theBritish Isles map by Ortelius with West at the top is anexample of this category. Navigators on ships eventoday have their charts displayed on chart tables of asize sufficient to enable the chart to be turned so thatthe ship is always going 'up' it. This avoids errors inturning 'left' or 'right' (to use the more easily under-stood terms for Port and Starboard). Conventionalusage makes us always expect to find North at the topof a map but really there is no geographic justificationfor this long-established habit.

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tT H I B E R N 1 A NO VA '

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GIROLAMO RUSCELLI Angtia tt Hibernia Nova 1561

SEBASTIAN MUNSTER (opposite page)Von Den Eritannischen Inseln Albione das ist Engelland undHibernia . . .: Basle 155080 x 130 mm, woodcutThis small Miinster map appeared set in the text ofvarious editions of the Cosmographia from 1550 on-wards. Considerably less advanced geographically thanhis two earlier maps it reverted to the Ptolemaicdistortion of Scotland and fewer names were includedthan previously, the type setting of the names beingchanged in different editions. The map illustrated isfrom an edition dated 1552 .

The inclusion of this map in some of the editions ofthe Cosmographia, which also included the double-pagemap of 1540 can, perhaps, be explained by regarding itas an aide memoire for readers, saving them the necessityof finding the other larger map which is normallybound in a totally different part of the book.


Anglia et Hibernia Nova: Venice 1561180 x 250 mm, copper engravingThis elegant copperplate map is apparently based onthe 1546 Lily map but because of the considerablyreduced size much detail has been omitted. No scale isgiven, but latitude and longitude are shown.

A number of later issues of this map are foundincluding 1562, 1564, 1574, 1598 and 1599; these lasttwo constituting State II of the map with a ship andtwo sea monsters added to the plate.

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Angliat, Scotiae et Hiberniae Sive Britannicar. InsularumDescriptio: Antwerp 15 70345 x 495 mm, copper engravingThe publication of Ortelius's atlas Theatrum OrbisTerrarum, from which this map comes, was the start ofthe epic loo-year period when the Dutch cartographerswere the supreme exponents in all aspects of carto-graphic production. Based on the famous large wallmap by his friend, Gerard Mercator, a number oferrors have occurred in this reduction, many of thecopied names being quite different from the original.More than thirty separate issues of this map were made,both coloured and plain, with the descriptive text onthe back in a variety of languages including Latin,German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian and evenEnglish (this being very scarce). It is sometimespossible to date individual examples exactly withreference to Koeman's At/antes Neerlandici but often itis difficult to be precise due to the complicated printinghistory; for example, there were four printings in theyear of publication alone! For many years it wassupposed that the various issues were printed fromonly one plate, until in 1981 it was discovered that twostates existed. (See illustrations on following pages.) Itis known that the first state was used in the first edition

of 15 70 and in a number of later editions. At the time ofwriting the earliest recorded usage of the second state isfrom 1585 onwards.

This is probably the earliest map of the British Islesstill readily available in the early 19805, and thecollector will at once see that the proportions of Irelandand Scotland compared with England and Wales arenot correct; but, nevertheless, it was an influential mapwith a very wide circulation. Many of the names betrayits ecclesiastical sources; it was issued only about thirtyyears after the Dissolution of the Monasteries and quitea number of the religious institutions shown on it nolonger existed when it was published. No roads, riversor bridges are shown, although towns where fordswould have been are indicated, but it would have beenpractically useless as a route map. It should beremembered, of course, that speeds were so muchslower when travelling in the sixteenth century thatexact directions could easily be obtained by word ofmouth provided the general route was known.

Examples of this map may be found with originalcolour or uncoloured and whilst an early colouredexample is preferable for a collection, the extra pre-mium on the price may put this beyond many collect-ors' pockets.

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Inghilterra: Venice (1572) 1620100 x 140 mm, copper engravingTaken from an 'Island' book entitled L'IsoJapiu FamosedelMondo . . . this quaint map has West at the top and isunusual in not showing London!

There is evidence to suggest that Girolamo Porro,

the engraver, copied manuscript sources and earlyLafreri maps for the outlines of this map. A number offurther issues were made, all in Venice, notably in'S?^, 1590,1604,1605,1620 and 1713. There was also acomplete re-engraving of the maps published in 15 86,of which many issues were made over a period of abouta hundred years in a wide variety of travel books.

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HUMPHREY LHUYD and ABRAHAM ORTELius Anglitu Regni Flortntissimi Nova Descnptio Auctore Hum/redo Lhuyd Denbjgiense 1 5 7 3(a later edition)


Angliae Regni Florentissimi Nova Descriptio AuctoreHum/redo Lhuyd Denbygiense ijjy. Antwerp 1573380 x 470 mm, copper engravingHumphrey Lhuyd died in 1568 and therefore theinformation on this map must have been five years oldwhen Ortelius published it in the first supplement tohis atlas. It is difficult to understand why Ortelius hadnot used information from it for his British Isles map of15 70, as it shows a considerable geographic advance on

the Mercator sources which he had used, especiallyrelating to the southern Welsh coast and the Devonand Cornwall peninsula. The names included comefrom sources unique to Lhuyd although counties arenot marked.

The map appeared in more than seventeen of thelater editions of the Ortelius Atlas from the date of itsfirst appearance until 1606, when the sole Englishversion was published in London.

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Eeschreibung Engellandts und Schottlandts: Basle 15 78250 x 170 mm, woodcutThe fourth of Miinster's representations of the BritishIsles, this map shows a considerable geographicregression compared to his first two. Scotland is againshown using the traditional Ptolemaic projection,similar to his 1550 map, although many more names oftowns and rivers are included.

A later version of a Miinster map, entitled Engellandtmil dem anstoffenden Reich Schottland (310X360 mm)publishedby Sebastian Petri in Basle in 1588 with latereditions in 1592, 1598, 1614 and 1628, is described as awoodcut 'engraved in the copper plate manner'. It maybe speculated that the blocks from the 1544 Cos-mography had worn out by this time (the world map hadbeen completely re-cut for the publication of f. 1 5 5 5 )and by producing another set of maps the market for

this very popular work would have been considerablyextended.

West is shown at the top of the map and many of therivers are shown as emanating from lakes - a geo-graphic regression compared with the important 1540map. Many of the names included on this earlierproduction are now left out and altogether this israther a poor production. It must, however, be pointedout that due to its pedigree this would have been aninfluential map with a wide distribution and is,therefore, worthy of inclusion in any collection, beingone of the more readily obtainable sixteenth-centurymaps.

It should be noted that the illustration numbers inthe written descriptions of these maps in RodneyShirley's Early Printed Maps of the British Isles areincorrect: the 1578 edition is shown on Plate 32; the1588 edition on Plate 28.

SEBASTIAN MUNSTER Qtschrtibung Engellandts und Schottlandts 1578

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Anglia: London 1579380 x 495 mm, copper-plate engravingThe first map of England and Wales published inEngland, this map is probably the most difficult (andexpensive) to find of all the maps described in thisselection and is only included because of its im-portance. Most of the known examples have originalcolouring, the magnificent engraving being the workof Augustine Ryther, the most accomplished of thethree English engravers used by Saxton.

Geographically it is a very significant advance on allprevious maps, all the place names being shown in

English; the basic outline was later used by Mercator,Speed, Blaeu and Jansson besides many other cart-ographers for nearly two hundred years.

The plate was altered for the only variant issue after1583 when indications of latitude and longitude wereadded. Later issues, all with alterations to the originalplate, were made in 1645, 1665, 1689-93, c. 1730, c.1749 and c. \ 770. No issues of this map are known withtext on the back. It has been reproduced by the BritishMuseum (along with the county maps) and the authorshave seen 'doctored' copies purporting to be genuineantique maps of both the England and Wales andcounty maps.

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! cVeKgluJ-vOcfAjfVS

GERARD MERCATOR Anglia, Scotia et Hibernia 1595


Anglia, Scotia et Hibernia: Duisburg 1595325 x 410 mm, copper engravingAlthough this map was published a year afterMercator's death (by his son Rumold) there seems littledoubt that he was personally responsible for itscompilation. Signed 'Per Gerardum Mercatorem . . .',the quality of workmanship prevented speedy public-ation. Part III of the Atlas, in which this map wasissued, was dedicated to Queen Elizabeth I of England.

The outline is a composite one, being derived fromat least three separate sources. The outline of Scotland

became the standard - although slightly improved bySpeed - until the Robert Gordon map was published inthe Blaeu atlas of Scotland in 1654.

The publishing history of the Atlas is complicatedand this map was issued in a number of editionsbetween 1595 and 1630. There is also evidence tosuggest that it appeared in the three French editions of1639, 1640 and 1641 although it was generally replacedafter 1630 by other maps. The descriptive text versowas printed only in Latin and French, but note thatexamples, including some in the first edition, wereissued with blank backs.

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GERARD MERCATOR Anglia Refftum 1595


Anglia Regnum: Duisburg 1595350 x 470 mm, copper engravingIssued in the same atlas as the last map this is on aconsiderably larger scale as a result of the smaller areashown and includes many more names copied fromChristopher Saxton's map of 15 79. County boundaries

and the Latinized names of counties are shown.Although it initially appeared in the same atlas, the

life of this map was rather longer than the previous oneand the last edition was in 1641. The descriptive text onthe verso was published in Latin, French, German,Dutch and English. The original plate was consider-ably altered for the later publications.

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B R I T A N I C A, I N S V L A E ,

r»fM.fc4>r» ••cnpaM^apHCirK.»| '»j M| 'f( '<?| *^|

GIOVANNI MAGINI Britatticae Insulae 1596


Britanieae Insulae: Venice 1596130 x 170 mm, copper engravingThis elegant map comes from one of the many editionsof Ptolemy published during the late Renaissance,containing Ptolemaic and 'modern' maps. The engrav-ing was probably by Girolamo Porro under thesupervision of Giovanni Magini, one of the mostprominent Italian cartographers of the time.

It is one of the earliest maps to show a river bridge at

London: latitude and longitude are also included. Thelettering is a fine italic script and despite geographicalshortcomings this is a good example of Italian map

production.There is a Latin text on the back of the map and

further issues were made in 1597, 1598 and 1621, all inItaly. Some almost identical maps were issued in 1597,1608 and 1617 in a German-inspired version of the

Magini Ptolemy.

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S C V T A i V L O N DI v^


WILLIAM HOLE Englalond Anglia Anglosaxonum Htptarchia 1607


Englalond Anglia Anglosaxonum Heptarchia: London1607290 x 3 3 5 mm, copper engravingThis unjustly neglected map is the earliest obtainable(at a modest price) of England and Wales, printed inEngland. It was first published in the sixth edition ofWilliam Camden's Britannia, the first book to contain acomplete series of individual maps of the English andWelsh counties.

Designed to illustrate the Anglo Saxon Kingdomfor the historical section of the Britannia - a complete

description, both historic and modern, of the BritishIsles - the names are given in a script which purports tobe 'Anglo-Saxon', a key being given in the top leftcorner. Derived from an earlier map of 1600 byWilliam Rogers, this map was issued again in 1610 and1637. The back of each issue is blank and no platechanges were made to the issue of 1610, but a platenumber 'i' was added in the lower left corner for the1637 edition. (First issues of the county maps haveLatin text on the verso, later issues are blank with platechanges including the adding of a number on most ofthe maps.)

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JOHN SPEED Tfo Kingdome of Great Britaine and Ireland 16 i t


Tfo Kingdome of Great Britaine and Ireland: London 1611380 x 510 mm, copper engravingThis famous map by Speed was engraved by JodocusHondius in Amsterdam. Although proofs from theplates are known to have been made in 1608, public-ation was delayed until 1611-12, perhaps caused byHondius's illness. Finally dated 1610, the outline of themap is based on original work by Saxton, Hondius andMercator and on the excessively rare 'Battles' map of1603 compiled by Speed himself.

Panoramas of London and Edinburgh decorate the

top of the map, whilst the skill of the engraver inincorporating a profusion of decorative detail - ships,sea monsters, putti etc. - is evident. The lettering isespecially fine and the sea is portrayed in the famousshot silk style; in later editions this fine effect is lost asdelicate engraving of this type soon wore smooth. Forsome curious reason no river bridges are shown exceptthose crossing the Thames! The map was re-issuedmany times in Speed's atlases and as a separatepublication. The text on the reverse, if present at all, isin English, except for the Latin version of 1616.

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JOHN SPEED T#« Kingdome of England 1611


77>« Kingdome of England: London 1611380 X 510 mm, copper engravingSpeed acknowledges that Saxton's maps (and theirderivatives) provided most of the information on thismap. The outline and place names came from thissource as does the panel containing 'A Catalogue of allthe Shires . . .' alongside the costume vignettes at thetop right-hand side of the map. Hondius was one of thefirst engravers to introduce vignettes on his maps andthe eight on this one show A Nobleman, A Gentleman,

A Citizen, A Countryman, and their wives, in charac-teristic costumes.

The text on the verso is normally in English, but oneissue, that of 1616, has it in Latin. Included in alleditions of Speed's atlas until (and including) 1627, thismap was replaced, as the plate was worn, by anotherengraved by Abraham Goos for later editions.Although very similar to the original, this may beidentified by the imprint 'Abraham Goos' contained ina box beneath the scale in the bottom right-handcorner.

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JOHN SPEED Britain as it if as divided in the tyme of the Englishe-Saxons especially during their Heptarchy 1611

JOHN SPEEDBritain as it was devided in the tyme of the Englishe-Saxonsespecially during their Heptarchy: London 1611}8o x 510 mm, copper engravingThis highly decorative map, often described as the'Speed Heptarchy', was the original from which boththe Blaeu and Jansson maps on the same theme werecopied. Arguably one of the masterpieces included inthe Speed Theatre, seven vignettes on the left side show

various Saxon kings, whilst the right-hand side depictsthe conversion to Christianity of seven others - theforcible nature of the tactics depicted on two of thesevignettes giving the impression that the conversionwas hardly voluntary!

Later issues were made, as for the atlas, the text onthe verso being in English except for the Latin versionof 1616.

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JOHN SPEED The Invasions of England and Ireland with al their Civill Wars since the Conquest 16*7


The Invasions of England and Ireland with al their CivillWars since the Conquest: London 1627380 x 510 mm, copper engravingThis interesting map is derived from the earliestknown printed map by Speed of which only threesections have survived. Engraved by CorneliusDankerts, it was first included in the last edition ofSpeed's Atlas to be published in his lifetime. Usually

found between the Theatre and the Prospect there arefour pages of separate text describing the battlesdepicted. The map was subsequently issued in alleditions of the Atlas until 1676 and for this last issuedescriptions of the Civil War conflicts were included inthe text, but no alterations were made to the map toshow where they had taken place. Text on the verso(and accompanying sheets) was only in English.

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WILLEM BLAEU Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniat Tabula (1631) 1662


Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Tabula: Amsterdam(1631) 1662385 x 500 mm, copper engravingThis fine production from the firm of Blaeu is believedto be printed from a cut-down plate of a map whichfirst appeared in 1630. A number of map plates whichhad previously belonged to Jodocus Hondius hadcome into Blaeu's possession and as they were ratherlarger than his standard size it is presumed that he cutthem down. On some examples of the map traces maybe seen of alterations which have been made in erasingthe figures and town panoramas of the earlier map.

The map appeared in many of the Blaeu atlasesbetween 1634 and 1672 and was included in all editionsof the Blaeu atlas of England and Wales from 1645onwards. Examples may be found with the text versoin a number of languages including Dutch, French,Latin, German and Spanish, besides issues with blankbacks. The text on the Blaeu and Jansson maps (unlikeSpeed's) is not complete in itself and collectors shouldenquire whether the remaining text sheets are availableif they wish to have the complete descriptive text whichis, incidentally, a translation of William Camden'sBritannia.

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JAN JANSSON Anglia Regnum 1656


Anglia Regnum: Amsterdam 1656385 x 500 mm, copper engravingIt is considered likely that when preparing this mapJansson copied directly from the Blaeu map ofEngland and Wales of 16 3 4, rather than from the Speedof 1611, which Willem Blaeu had utilized. It can bedistinguished at a glance from the Blaeu map as thenational crests of Scotland and Ireland are included andthere are, in addition, many other less significant

changes of detail.Many issues of Jansson's atlases included this map -

some 20 or so before 16 5 o - with the descriptive text onthe back (which is not complete in itself) in Dutch,Latin, German or French, besides issues from 1646onwards without any text. It is difficult to identify thedate of individual loose examples of the earlier issues,but some of the editions by later publishers (includingVisscher, Overton and the partners Peter Schenk andGerald Valck) can often be attributed to specific dates.

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MATTHAUS MERIAN Magnae Bntanniat et Hiberniac Tabulat. Die Britamtischtn InsM/en 1638


Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae Tabulae. Die BritannischenInsulen: Frankfurt 1638270 x 3 5 5 mm, copper engravingThis map of Great Britain was copied from the Bleaumap of 1631 by Merian himself as his signature in thelower right-hand corner shows. The studio employed anumber of prominent seventeenth-century engravers -including Wenceslaus Hollar - to produce an import-ant 21 -volume illustrated descriptive and historical textabout seventeenth-century Europe, which contained

nearly 700 maps, some 250 portraits and 34 largepanoramas of towns! A standard reference work on theEuropean mainland, it is rarely found in Great Britainand few copies can have come here at the time ofpublication.

The map is approximately one third smaller thanBlaeu's and the Stuart coat of arms has been added inthe North Sea. The map was published again in 1646and a re-engraved version, lacking Merian's signature,appeared c. 1649.

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NICOLAS SANSON Carte Generate des Rqyaume a" Angleterre Escosse et Irlande 1640


Carte Generate des Rqyaume tf Angleterre Escosse et Irlande. . . Nouvellement Dressee & Tire'e . . . par N. Sanson . . .a Paris par Melchior Tavernier 1640405 x 530 mm, copper engravingThis rather sparse map was a production of the Sansonworkshops and it is typical of their output. Lacking thevisual beauty and appeal of the Dutch maps of the sameperiod, it was engraved by Melchior Tavernier.Examples are usually found with original outlinecolouring which is often quite attractive. The distor-tion of Ireland and the condensed size of Scotland is, inpart, caused by the projection used by Sanson.

Nicolas Sanson (1600-67) was an influential cart-

ographer who is described by many authorities as thefounder of the French School of Geography. In hisearly days he was tutor to Louis XIII and after hisdeath in 1667 the business was continued by his threesons, Nicolas, Adrian and Guillaume. Latterly hisgrandson, Pierre Moulard-Sanson and then hisnephew, Gilles Robert de Vaugondy, continued thefirm until the end of the eighteenth century.

This map was much copied by other French pub-lishers around the 16405 and also by Richard Blome (inLondon) in 1669. Blome's map was engraved byFrancis Lamb and - unusually for Blome - acknowl-edged its source as being Sanson.

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JOAN BLAEU Britannia front divisafiiit temporibus Anglo-Saxomm, praesertim dttrantt illomm Heptarchia 1645


Britannia prout divisa fuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum,praesertim durante illorum Heptarchia: Amsterdam 1645425 x 530 mm, copper engravingThis is the only map of the British Isles publishedunder the aegis of Joan Blaeu, who took over thepublishing house upon the death of his father, Willem,in 1638. Arguably one of the finest maps publishedanywhere in the seventeenth century, Blaeu usedSpeed's map of 1611 for source material. It is generallyaccepted that the copy is far finer than the original.Each of the fourteen vignettes - seven on each side ofthe map - is a work of art in its own right; miniatures in

the style of renowned Dutch painters of the day. Theoriginal coloured examples of this map are oftenexceptionally beautiful, showing seven Saxon kingsdown the left-hand side and the conversion to Christ-ianity of a further seven down the right-hand side.

This map appeared on a number of occasions in eachissue of Blaeu's atlas of England and Wales until thedestruction (by fire) of the Blaeu workshops in i6yz.The text verso may be in Latin, Dutch, French, Spanishor German; issues were also made with blank backs.The text, when present, is not complete in itself and is atranslation from William Camden's Britannia.

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JAN JANSSON Britannia prout divisafuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum, pracstrtim durante illorum Htptarchia 1646


Britannia prout divisa fuit temporibus Anglo-Saxonum,praesertim durante illorum Heptarchia: Amsterdam 1646420 x 5 30 mm, copper engravingJansson copied the 1645 map by Blaeu for his versionof Anglo-Saxon Britain. It may be identified at once bynoticing the compass lines radiating through the seas.Issued in various publications for very nearly ahundred years this map is less often found than theBlaeu. It is difficult to understand why this is so and,perhaps, the fact that the paper used by Jansson for hisatlases was inferior to that used by Blaeu has somebearing on this matter. As a generalization it is harderto find fine examples of Jansson's maps than those of

almost any other of the popular seventeenth-centurycartographers; the colouring is often faded or foxedand in consequence extensive restoration and preserv-ation is needed. It is possible that the general lack ofcare in original production is responsible for this stateof affairs.

Each issue of Jansson's atlas of England and Walescontained this map until 1649 wnen it was published inthe 165 z Jansson classical atlas which had a text byGeorg Horn. The plate was then passed on to thevarious heirs and successors of Jansson until at leastthe 17405. The map may be found with the text verso inDutch, Latin, German and French; issues were alsomade with a blank back.

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Specialist References

SHIRLEY, R. w., Early Printed Maps of the British Isles

Descriptive detail of virtually every map of the BritishIsles published in the period covered


SKELTON, R. A., County Atlases of the British Isles

Although basically concerned with county maps, muchof the information in Skelton's book also applies tomaps of the British Isles

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Chapter 19

PORTUGAL, SPAIN, SCANDINAVIA,SWITZERLAND, RUSSIA & POLANDIn this chapter we record some of the more importantnames associated with the development of cartographyin Portugal, Spain, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Russiaand Poland. As a matter of historical interest details ofa number of famous manuscript maps and charts fromPortuguese and Spanish sources are included as well aslater printed maps from those countries. The rarity ofmanuscript maps needs no emphasis but early printedmaps by Portuguese and Spanish cartographers arealso scarce and although those of Scandinavia andSwitzerland are perhaps not quite so rare the ap-pearance on the market of an early edition of OlausMagnus's map of Scandinavia or of maps of Swit-zerland by Johann Stumpf is an unusual event.


Portuguese and Spanish manuscript maps

As we have already shown few of the charts and mapsdrawn by the first Portuguese and Spanish navigatorshave survived for the very good reason that, oncompletion of their voyages, pilots were obliged tohand over their manuscript notes to the Casa da India(founded 1500-04) in Lisbon or to the equivalent Casade Contratacion de las Indias (founded 1504) in Seville.The clear intention was to maintain secrecy over newdiscoveries and control over the distribution of carto-graphic material, not always successfully, as it hap-pened; pilots and navigators seem to have changedallegiance with impunity and, in consequence, many ofthe earliest and most informative charts were compiledas far away as Genoa, Venice, Florence and Ancona,presumably from sources outside the Portuguese andSpanish 'Casas'.

It will be apparent from the foregoing that fewmanuscripts reached the printing stage and, indeed, areso rare that any study of them must be regarded as a

specialist subject far beyond the scope of this work.The accompanying notes do no more than give thebriefest introduction to names which our 'generalcollector' may wish to follow up elsewhere. This shortlist of manuscript maps is followed by details of themore conventional, though still not very common,printed maps by Portuguese and Spanishcartographers.

PEDRO REINEL/. C. 1485-1522

JORGE REINEL^f. t. I j 10-40

Manuscript charts and maps of the west coast of Africa(c. 1485), the North Atlantic (c. 1504—06), the SouthAtlantic ((. 1519), World Map (c. 1522).

JUAN DE LA 1492-1 500

Manuscript map of America (c. 1500) - the first surviv-ing map of the New World.


Manuscript world map (1502) showing America.

LOPO HOMEN 1497-1572

Manuscript maps of Brazil (c. 1519), World Map (1554)-


Manuscript map (1527) recording Magellan's voyageof circumnavigation. Maps of Africa (^.1529) andAmerica (c. 153 2).

Biographies of Portuguese cartographers


c. 1560—61 Lusitania

The first modern map of Portugal, pub-lished in Rome and later used by Orteliusand de Jode.

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csssr •//» >^j/Clv^HI.CfflAMPA^lg -f1""'

LUIZ JORGE DE BARBUDA/ORTELIUS Chinae Antwerp (1584) c. 1598. Compiled by Barbuda, a Portuguese Jesuit missionary, thisfamous map remained the standard map of China for about half a century. Barbuda used the signature 'Ludovico Georgio'.

DIOGO HOMEN ft. 1530-76

Homen, one of the most important portulan chartmakers of his time, engraved the plates for what isclaimed to be the first printed sea chart (i 5 69), showingthe Mediterranean and most of Europe as far north asDenmark. Homen had an uneasy life, being exiled forpolitical reasons from his native country, from whichhe went to England where he was even less fortunate.He eventually settled in Venice where his sea chart waspublished.1569-71 La Carta del navigar dell"Europa: Venice,

published by Paolo Forlanic. 1572 Re-issued by Lafreric. 1606 Re-issued in Romec. 1648 Re-issued by Giacomo Rossi, Rome


15 68-71 Maps of the Indies including a World Map1568-80 Sea Atlas


Barbuda, for many years a Jesuit missionary in China,related his experiences there in a work, A Description ofChina, with a map of the country which was sub-sequently used by Ortelius from 1584 onwards. Themap was signed 'Ludovico Georgio'.15 84 Map of China


Ludovico Teixeira, a mathematician and map maker inthe service of Spain, was appointed cartographer to the

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Spanish crown. Apart from manuscript maps relatingto the Azores and voyages to Brazil he is rememberedfor his map of Japan (1592), used by Ortelius in 1595 .This was the first separately printed map of the countryand remained the standard map until those compiled byMartini were published in Amsterdam in 1655. Hisworld maps issued probably in 1598 and 1604 have notsurvived.1592 Japan

JOAO TEIXEJRA (. 1602-66Joao Teixeira, as Cosmographer to the King ofPortugal, compiled important manuscript maps andsea charts on which Portugal's territorial claims againstSpain were based. In spite of the terms of the Treaty ofTordesillas drawn up in 1494, argument between Spainand Portugal as to the division of the 'new world' stillcontinued after 150 years and in that context thesemaps are of historical importance.

c. 1650 Atlas (of the whole world)Maps of Brazil, India, Portugal and theworld


c. 1639 Recimento de Pilotes e roteiro de navegacem . . .(4to)Charts and sailing directions covering thecoasts and harbours of West Africa andSouth America

Biographies of Spanish cartographers

PEDRO DE MEDINA C. 1493^. 1 5 6 7

Medina, who took part in expeditions with Cortez inthe New World, was famous in his time for a treatisecalled The Art of Navigation, one of the first practicalbooks on seamanship. His work was held in highesteem and was widely read in many languagesthroughout Europe. A particularly important trans-lation was made by the French traveller, Nicolas deNicolay, who made a number of additions including anengraved sea chart of his own.

M4i Arte de Navegar: Valladolid, published inSpanish, containing woodcut illustrationsand chart showing America1549 onwards: many re-issues1554-69 Nicolas de Nicolay: Paris andLyon


Cosmographer to Charles V, Girava is known for abook published in 1 5 5 6 in Venice which contained awoodcut world map, now very rare.1556 La Cosmographiay Geographia

1570 Re-issued

DIEGO GUTIERREZ 1485-1554Gutierrez was a chart maker and pilot in the Casa de laContratacion de las Indias in Seville where he wasassociated with Sebastian Cabot. Apart from manu-script maps, his large map of America, publishedposthumously in Antwerp, showed the Spanish pos-sessions in the New World, named California for thefirst time, and gave a much exaggerated picture of thecourse of the Amazon which influenced other cart-ographers for a century or more.1562 Americae sive quartae orbis partis nova et

exactissima descriptio


Montanus, a Spanish theologian, compiled mapsissued with a Polyglot Bible published in Antwerp byPlantin in 1571-72. It included a map of the HolyLand, now very rare, and a double-hemisphere worldmap on which there is a clear indication of anAustralian Continent.

1571-72 Bib Ha Polyglotta


Herrera, a writer and official historian to the King ofSpain, compiled a history of the Indies accompanied bymaps of the West Indies and Central and SouthAmerica. This was first published in Madrid in 1601and was re-issued in several editions and languages, themost important of which were in 1622; the map ofSouth America in that edition indicated the track of theLe Maire/Schouten voyage round Cape Horn and thetitle page shows the western seaboard of NorthAmerica with California as an island, probably the firstmap to do so.

1601 Description de las Indias Occidentals: Madrid:14 mapsVarious editions including 1622 inAmsterdam in French and Latin

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Page 247: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


^UlAPONIAE INSVLAE J ^X/L^ DESCRIPTIO. A( (Jim Imfframv, fdye, ft fmSantia

I'rtvilcyia txcentuta .


LUDOVICO (LUIZ) TEIXEIRA Japan/a Insulae Dtscriptio. The first map of Japan published in a European atlas. Compiled byTeixeira, a Portuguese Jesuit in the service of the Spanish Crown, it was used by Ortelius in 1595 and in later editions of theTheat rum Or bis Terr arum.


Lopez, as Geographer to the King, compiled andpublished in Madrid a considerable number of townplans, maps and atlases, of which those noted belowwere the most important.

c. i7 5 7 A tlas geogrdfico de EspanaLater editions into nineteenth century

1758 Atlas geogrdfico de la America septentrionalymeridional

1778 Map of Portugal179 2 Atlas elementalc. 1798 Atlas (without title)

Maps dated between 1765 and 1798

c. 1771 Carta Reducida del Oce'ano AsidticoMap of the west coast of America madeduring a Spanish expedition in 1769-70

1777 Nueva Espana


VICENTE TO(R)FINO DE SAN MIGUEL c. 1732-95Spanish marine cartographer whose charts were notedfor their accuracy and excellence of engraving.c. 1786 Cart as ataritimas de la cost a de Espanac. 1789 Atlas Maritime de Espana: Madrid, 2 vols

(large folio)Vol. I Spain (Atlantic Coast), Portugal,AzoresVol. II Spain (Mediterranean Coast) andBalearics1807 Re-issued

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ANTONIO DE HERRERA South America. Map of South America first published in Madrid in 1601 showing the demarcation linebetween the Spanish and Portuguese 'spheres of influence' laid down by the Pope in the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494. On thiscopy, place names have been added in manuscript in a very early hand.

c. 1805 Atlas (without title)Maps of the West Indies and SouthAmerica

JOSE DE ESPINOSA C. 1 7 5 3 - 1 8 1 5

A Spanish traveller and hydrographer, de Espinosacompiled charts of the west coast of North Americaand the Indies. Active at a time when Spain was at last

breaking away from the secrecy imposed for so long onher map and chart makers he founded the SpanishHydrographical Survey Office (Deposito Hydrogra-fico) in 1797.1800-06 Atlas

Included the first charts (Vancouver Island1795-98) published by the new Hydro-graphical Survey Office

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Specialist references (Portugal and Spain)

BAGROW, L., History of Cartography

CRONE, G. R., Maps and their Makers

HOWSE, D. and SANDERSON, M., The Sea Chart

TOOLEY, R. v., BRICKER, c. and CRONE, G. R., Landmarksof Map MakingThroughout the chapters on the Continents containsmuch information about Portuguese and Spanishcartographers


Before the fifteenth century the peoples of SouthernEurope had little geographical knowledge of theScandinavian world except from sketchy detail shownin the Catalan Atlas (1375) and on a number of'portolani' embracing Denmark and the southern tip ofNorway. It was not until 1427 that a manuscript mapprepared about that time by Claudius Clavus (b. 1388),a Dane who had spent some time in Rome, madeavailable to scholars a tolerable outline of the northerncountries and Greenland. That was to remain the bestmap available for the rest of the century and it was usedas the basis for maps of Scandinavia in early printededitions of Ptolemy. Others by Nicolaus Cusanus(1491) and Ehrhard Etzlaub (c. 1492) followed but,needless to say, these are extremely rare; even the latermaps by Olaus Magnus and Marcus Jordan, wherethey have survived at all, are known only by very fewexamples. In fact, apart from the rare appearance of anearly Ptolemy map, the oldest of Scandinavia which acollector is likely to find are those in Miinster'sCosmography published in 1544 with many later edi-tions. In the following centuries the comparatively fewmaps and charts compiled in Scandinavia were usuallypublished in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Paris or Nurem-berg, the more important maps often being incorpor-ated in the major Dutch, French and German atlases.

Biographies of Danish cartographers


Jordan, a professor of mathematics in Copenhagen,

was an important figure in the history of Danishcartography. His original map of Denmark, said tohave been made in 15 5 2, has not survived but is knownfrom its later use by Ortelius and Mercator. There isonly one copy of a map of Holstein also made by him,but another map of Denmark (1585) was included inBraun and Hogenberg's Civitates Orbis Terrarum(1588), the only map included in that collection oftown plans.1 5 5 2 Kingdom of Denmark

Used by Ortelius from 1570 onwards (invarious states)

1559 Holstein1585 Kingdom of Denmark

With coats of arms, allegorical figures andglobes


1562 Terrarum septentrionaliumMap of Scandinavia published in Antwerp

TYCHO BRAKE 1546-1601

A mathematician, scientist and, above all, the mostnoted astronomer of his time, Tycho Brahe built anobservatory at Uraniborg on the island of Hven offElsinore, where for twenty years he carried out aprolonged series of observations of the movement ofthe sun, moon, stars and the planets. These, and hisdiscoveries of a new star Cassiopeia in 15 72, affectedprofoundly the approach to astronomy and the prevail-ing ideas of the nature of the universe,

Late in life he was exiled from Denmark and settledin Prague where he came in contact with JohannesKepler (1571-1630), the German scientist who eventu-ally, after Brahe's death, edited and published his work.

The most famous of Brahe's pupils was the youngWillem Blaeu who spent two years at Uraniborg beforesetting up in business in Amsterdam as a globe maker,later to become the most celebrated map publisher ofhis time. Blaeu's famous engravings of the Observa-tory were published in the Atlas maior in 1660.


As 'royal historian', Pontanus compiled a history ofDenmark which included maps of Denmark andSchleswig.1631 Rerum Danicarum Historia: Amsterdam,

published by Jodocus Hondius and JanJansson

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As mathematician and geographer to the Court, Mejercompiled important maps, some of which were sub-sequently used by Blaeu in the major atlases.c. 1649-52 Atlas of Schleswig Holstein, published by

Caspar Danckwerthc. 1650 Map of Denmark


1677 Atlas Danicus1684 Faroe Islands


1679 Sea charts of the BalticCopied by Jaillot and van Keulen


Pontoppidan, a noted theologian, naturalist and geo-grapher, was Bishop of Bergen before being appoint-ed to Copenhagen University in 1 7 5 5 . There, inassociation with Christian Fester (1752-1811), hecompiled a comprehensive Danish Atlas, which waspublished in 7 parts between 1763 and 1781.1730 Theatrum Daniae veteris et modernae (410):

town plans and views1763-81 Den Danske Atlas

Various re-issues

virus JOH. BERING 1680-1741A Danish seaman in the service of Peter the Great,Bering undertook arduous journeys across Siberiafollowed by voyages of exploration in the NorthernPacific, during which he proved the existence of theStrait (bearing his name) between the Asiatic mainlandand Alaska. His manuscript maps and charts were usedas the basis for maps in the Nouvel Atlas de la Chine(1737) by the French cartographer J. B. B. d'Anville.


Desnos was appointed globe maker to the King ofDenmark but he spent most of his life as a globe makerand map publisher in Paris, often in association withBrion de la Tour.1761 Atlas Me'thodique1761 Routes des Pastesc. 1764 Atlas Historique et Geographique1766 The Roads through England or Ogilby's Survey

(after Senex)1767 Nouvel Atlas d'Angleterre

1768 Atlas General Methodique (with Brion de laTour)c. 1790 Re-issued

1786 Atlas General et Element air e

THOMAS BUGGE 1740-1815

Thomas Bugge, mathematician and surveyor, com-pleted the first survey of Denmark by triangulation.c. 1780-89 Kingdom of Denmark


A noted hydrographer who founded the DanishHydrographic Office in 1784.1800 Kattegat: Sailing directions1807 Chart of the Baltic Straits1815 Charts of the coasts of Norway



A Danish geographer, Conrad Make Brun settled inParis about the year 1800 where he collaborated withthe French historian Edme Mentelle in the publicationof a Universal Atlas and other works.1804 Geographic Mathematique1812 Atlas Complet1816 Atlas de Geographic Universelle (with E.

Mentelle)Further editions by Victor Make Brun

Biography of Norwegian cartographer


Pontoppidan served for many years in the DanishArmy earning a high reputation as a skilful surveyorand cartographer. At a time when official map makingin Norway was in its infancy, his accurate and detailedmaps were used in boundary settlements when Norwaywas ceded by Denmark to Sweden in 1814.1781 Denmark, Norway and Sweden

Southern and Northern NorwaySeparate large-scale maps

Biographies of Swedish cartographers


A former Archbishop of Uppsala, exiled in Rome withhis brother, Olaus Magnus, Johannes wrote a History ofthe Swedish People, accompanied by a map of

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M A R K JORDEN Danorum marca . . . Cologne 1588. This was the only map published in Braun and Hogenberg's collection oftown plans, the Cittitates Orbis Terrarum.

Scandinavia.15 34 History of the Swedish People: Rome, with

large woodcut map of Scandinavia

OLAUS MAGNUS 1490-1558Olaus Magnus, a celebrated churchman, was born inLinkoping and studied at Uppsala, then a famouscentre of learning. As a devout Catholic he becameinvolved in the convulsions of the Swedish Reform-ation and in consequence spent many years in Italy,where he probably compiled his very famous large-scale map of Scandinavia, the Carta Marina, publishedin Venice in 1539, of which only one copy is known.Fortunately, reduced versions were printed in his later

Historia which went through many editions.1539 Carta Marina (9 sheets): Venice

1572 Reduced version in Lafreri (Rome)atlases

1 5 5 5 Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus - ATreatise concerning the Northern People:Rome (small folio)Contained woodcut map of Scandinavia -a simplified version of the 1539 maP20 re-issues over the next century

ANDREAS BURE (BURAEUS) 1 5 7 1 - 1 6 6 1A surveyor and mathematician who compiled animportant map of the northern part of Sweden and the

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O c E A N v s ^ S I P - ;


WILLEM BLAEU/ANDREAS SURE Suecia, Dania et Norvegia Amsterdam (1654) 1642. Map of Scandinavia based on Bure's map of1626. Bure was an important figure in the history of Swedish cartography and set up a land surveying office which continued forover 200 years.

first separately printed map of the country, both ofwhich were used extensively by Dutch and otherpublishers. Original copies are now extremely rare.Bure wrote a historical geography of Sweden and setup a land surveying office which continued in being forover 200 years.1611 Northern Provinces of Sweden1626 Orbis Arctoi Nova (Scandinavia) (6 sheets)


Swedish hydrographer who compiled some of theearliest sea charts of the Baltic.1644 First printed chart of the Gulf of Finland1645 Sea Atlas


A Swedish field marshal, military engineer and cart-ographer, Count Dahlberg was the author of a numberof topographical works including the maps and plansin a famous account of the military exploits ofGustavus Adolphus by Samuel Pufendorf1660 Kingdom of Denmark1667 Suecia Antiqua

Nearly 500 topographical views re-published over a long period

1696-99 History of the reign of Gustavus Adolphus bySamuel Pufendorf: NurembergMaps and plans by Dahlberg

1698 Atlas of Sweden

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FETTER GEDDA f. 1661-97

Gedda published the first Swedish sea charts, whichwere widely copied by Hendrick Doncker, van Keulenand others.1694-95 Chart Book of the Baltic: published in

Swedish and Dutch1695 Charts of the Skager Rack


A cartographer at Uppsala University, Djurberg com-piled a notable map of the Pacific showing Cook'svoyages. He used the name 'Ulimaroa', the Maori namefor Australia, which appeared on a number of maps forthirty or forty years.1780 Map of Polynesia (Australia, New Zealand

and the Pacific Ocean): Stockholm


1788-90 Charts of the Baltic1795 Sea Atlas


1796-1812 Geografiske Kartor offer Siverige - Atlas ofSweden and part of Finland (large folio)

GUSTAV KLINT 1771-1840

i8}2 Swedish Sea Atlas

Specialist References (Scandinavia)

BRAMSEN, BO, Gamle DanmarkskortA history of Danish cartography with biographies ofprominent map makers

NORDENSKIOLD, A. E., Facsimile Atlas to the EarlyHistory of Cartography

TOOLEY, R. v., Maps and Map-MakersContains much useful information, not readilyavailable elsewhere, on Scandinavian cartographers


By comparison with her larger neighbours, Germanyand Italy, it may not be considered that Switzerland hasmade a major contribution to the history of cart-ography, but in the sixteenth century especially Swissinfluence was by no means negligible. Certainly the

first printed map of Switzerland was published inMartin Waldseemuller's edition of Ptolemy at Strass-burg in 1513 , but the manuscript map by Konrad Tu'rst(1497) drawn to scale was a splendid achievement forits time and the researches of Vadianus at St GallenUniversity produced notable work; the Germanicinfluence in Basle, which became part of the SwissConfederation in 1501, and the highly developed woodengraving skills there were important factors in Euro-pean map publishing. The almost endless editions ofMiinster were published there from 1540 onwards fornearly a century and Zurich can claim to havepublished the first national atlas produced anywhere -that of Johann Stumpf in 1548-52.

In the second half of the sixteenth century manymaps of the cantons in manuscript or woodcut ap-peared but the mountainous nature of the countryproduced its own mapping problems and imposed aneed for large-scale surveys as well as practical andeffective methods of showing land surfaces in relief.Early in the seventeenth century Hans Gyger perfectednew ways of doing this but although he published awide range of very large-scale maps of the cantons andof Switzerland as a whole his techniques did not receivethe acceptance they deserved. On the other hand hiscountrymen followed his precedent of compilinglarge-scale maps for which they have always beennoted until the present day.



A mathematician and scholar, active in St Gallen inEastern Switzerland, Vadianus wrote a treatise FLpitometrium terrae partium, published in Zurich, which in-cluded a noted woodcut world map.15 34 Epitome trium terrae partium

Included a world map, Typus Cosmo-graphicus Unirersa/is, on oval projectionprobably based on Bordone1546 Re-issued: 13 woodcut maps by Joh.Honter

1540 De situ Orbis (Pomponius Mela): Paris:included double heart-shaped world mapby Orance Fine (small folio)


A Swiss cartographer who compiled a number ofmanuscript maps, the most important being a map of

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M A R T I N WALDSEEMiJLLER Tabula Helvetia Strassburg 1 5 2 5 . This map is a later edition of the first printed map of Switzerlandwhich appeared in 1 5 1 5 .

Switzerland which was subsequently printed and usedby Miinster, Forlani, Ortelius and others.1 5 5 8 Map of Switzerland: Basle

1 5 5 5 Re-issued in Rome


Swiss historian who published in 1548 a Swiss Chron-icle, a history and geographical description of Swit-zerland which included 23 woodcut maps. The maps,re-issued as an Atlas in 15 5 2, can be claimed to form thefirst national Atlas, pre-dating Lazius's maps of Austria( 1 5 6 1 ) and Saxton's P-ngland & Wales (1579). Townplans by Stumpf were used by Braun and Hogenberg inthe Ciritatts Orbis Terrarum.

1544 Map of Canton Valais1 5 4 5 Mapof Canton Zurich

1 5 4 8 Chronicle: ZurichHistory of Switzerland with 23 woodcutmaps including maps of Germany andFrance - some maps by Johannes Honter1 5 5 2 Re-issued as Landtaffetn: Zurich, Ch.Froschauer


Gyger was a mathematician who devised new and veryeffective means of showing land surface in relief, buthis methods were never generally accepted.c. 1634-85 Swiss Cantons: large-scale maps

MATTHAUS MERIAN (father) 1 5 9 3 - 1 6 5 0

MATTHAUS MERIAN (son) 1621-87

See entry in Chapter 12

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JAN JANSSON Nova Helvetiae Tabula Amsterdam 1630. This is a rare map, engraved by Jodocus Hondius II, from an'experimental' Atlas issued by Jansson to test the market for a proposed new work.


Mathematician, physician and geographer who pro-duced one of the first large-scale maps of Switzerland.

Nowelle Carte de la Suifse (4 sheets)1716 Re-issued by Pieter SchenkJ730-}5 do Covens and Mortier1765 Further re-issue(His map was also used by R. and J.Ottens.)


A Swiss naturalist who is known for his compilation ofa series of i z maps of the provinces and main cities ofJapan based on the work of a German physician and

naturalist, Engelbert Kaempfer, who spent some yearsin Nagasaki in the service of the Dutch East India Co.1727-29 Maps, plans and itineraries of Japan

1740 Re-issued by R. and J. Ottens


Bruckner was a cartographer, engraver and instrumentand globe maker who was appointed a Geographer toLouis XV of France.1749 Nouvel Atlas de Marine: Berlin

1759 Re-issued in The Hague


Physician and cartographer, born in Basle, Euler spent

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many years in Germany and Russia where he wasassociated with the preparation of the Atlas of Russia(J. N. Delisle) published in St Petersburg in 1745

1753 Atlas Geographicus: Berlin1756, 1760 Re-issued



Weiss and Meyer published the first Atlas of engravedmaps of Switzerland as well as a large-scale relief map.

c. 1786- Atlas Suisse1802c. 1788-96 Carte de la Suisse: 16-sheet map


c. 1832-64 Switzerland: 25-sheet map -- the firstcomplete topographical survey of thecountry

Specialist References (Switzerland)

BAGROW, L., History of Cartography

CRONE, G. R., Maps and their Makers


It is scarcely necessary to look at a map of Russia - withwhich we must include Siberia - to visualize thedaunting task facing Russian map makers. Indeed,considering the vastness of their territory and the lackof skilled cartographers, it is surprising that relativelygood maps were available for engraving and printingin most of the well known sixteenth and seventeenthcentury atlases. Generally, maps of that time werebased on material brought back from Moscow byvisitors from the West. Notable among these were thefollowing:

PAOLO GIOVIO (1483-1552)

Map of European Russia ( 1 5 2 5 ) based on detailprovided by a Muscovite ambassador to Rome,Demetrius Gerasimov (c. 1465-*-. 1 5 2 5 ) . It appeared inmanuscript form and was subsequently used byGiacomo Gastaldi in his 1548 edition of Ptolemy'sGeographia and also by later publishers.


Map of Muscovia (1549) compiled by Herberstein,who was ambassador from the Habsburg Emperor,Maximilian I to Moscow. The map, based on materialby a Lithuanian, Ivan Lyatsky (fl. c. 1 5 2 6 - 1 5 5 5 ) wasused by Sebastian Miinster and others. Lyatsky himselfalso produced a map of Russia dated 1 5 5 5 .

ANTHONY JENKINSON (fl. 1545-1577

The first English ambassador to Russia, Jenkinsonmade a remarkable journey as far as Bokhara in AsiaticRussia and subsequently compiled a famous map of histravels. Unfortunately, no actual copy of the map hassurvived but it was used by Ortelius in 15 70 andGerard de Jode in 1578 as the basis for maps in theiratlases.

ISAAC MASSA (1587-1635)A Dutch traveller, Massa compiled a map of Russia(c. 1612) which was used in the Blaeu/Jansson atlases.

CORNELIS CRL'YS (1657-1727)

A Dutch Admiral, in the service of Peter the Great,compiled and published an atlas of the River Don andthe Sea of Asov ((. i704).

The first map of any real importance known to havebeen produced in Russia was the manuscript 'GreatMap' compiled in the time of Tsar Boris Godunov(1598-1605), followed by later versions covering theexpansion of the Empire southwards and eastwards. Inthe second half of the seventeenth century a start wasmade on the mapping of Siberia (1667) by PeterGodunov (ft. 1667-69) and an atlas of Siberia waspublished (c. 1698-1701) by Semyon L'lanovitchRemezov (1642-1720). Evidently the printing of mapsin Russia presented difficulties which Peter the Great(1689-1725) attempted to overcome by licensing aDutch publisher in Amsterdam specifically to printRussian maps. This was about 1699 but soon after-wards a private printing house was established inMoscow by the cartographer, Vasily Kiprianov (fl.1706-17) who published maps of Russia and theWorld.

During this same period, Peter the Great ordered acomprehensive survey of his country and the trainingof a corps of professional surveyors. In charge of thisimmense undertaking was an employee of the StateChancellry, Ivan Kyrilov (1689-1737). He planned a 3

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R. and j. OTTENS/JOH. CASPAR SCHEUCHZER H«/ Konitikryk japan Amsterdam (1728) c. 1740. Based on a work by the Swissscholar Scheuchzer, this map is one of the few to use Japanese names as well as their westernized forms.

volume atlas of Imperial Russia to consist of somethinglike 300 to 400 maps, but it soon became evident thatadvice and assistance by foreign cartographers wasrequired if the project was to be completed in areasonable time. In consequence, following a visit toFrance by the Tsar and the subsequent founding of theImperial Academy of Sciences in 1724, the Frenchcartographers Joseph Nicolas and Louis Delisle (bro-thers of Guillaume Delisle) were invited to StPetersburg to set up a School of Astronomy and totrain teams of surveyors. Unfortunately, Kyrilov andthe Delisles totally disagreed on the methods ofsurveying needed to map the country' and, in the event,

Kyrilov pursued his own course and, in 1734, pub-lished the first part of his planned atlas consisting of ageneral map of Russia and 14 regional maps. Mean-while, the Delisles travelled throughout Russia andSiberia gathering geographical data, compiling mapswith the assistance of Swiss mathematician LeonhardEuler (1707-83) and the Danish explorer Vitus Job.Bering (1680-1741) who traversed Siberia on at leasttwo occasions and explored the Northern Pacific. Nodoubt the Delisles also used much of Kyrilov'smaterial for, after Kyrilov's death in 1737, his atlas wassuppressed, possibly because of inaccuracies but morelikely as a result of jealousies and intrigue; only two

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copies of the atlas are known to exist. Eventually, in1745, following further disagreements between JosephNicolas Delisle (who felt the work was still incomplete)and the Academy of Sciences the Atlas Russicus waspublished containing a general map and 19 regionalmaps. Thereafter, further work and revision of theatlas was in the hands of Michael Lomonosov(1711-65), director of the Geographical Department ofthe Academy. In due course, as in so many countries,official mapping was taken over by the military and, in1816, a new survey by triangulation was undertaken,which eventually included Poland, most of whichcountry was then occupied by Russia.

Specialist References (Russia)

BAGROW, L., History of Cartography

BROWN, LLOYD A., The Story of Maps


World Encompassed


In a turbulent history it was Poland's fate in the secondhalf of the eighteenth century to be the victim ofpowerful and aggressive neighbours. Frederick theGreat's ambition to extend the boundaries of Prussiaalong the Baltic coast led to the first partition of thecountry in 1772; at the same time Maria Teresa ofAustria and Catherine II of Russia needed littlepersuasion to join in the destruction of an ancientenemy so that, in 1795, after the second and thirdpartitions, Poland ceased to exist as a separate countryuntil its sovereignty was restored at the end of the firstWorld War in 1918. In consequence, Poland's carto-graphic history is fragmented, but, at least in thefifteenth and sixteenth centuries knowledge of thesubject was far more firmly based there than in Russia.It was in Poland that scientific knowledge was given itsgreatest stimulus of the time by the writings ofastronomer and mathematician, Nicolaus Copernicus(1475-1543), born in Cracow. After a lifetime's study,his work, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, pub-lished in Nuremburg in the last year of his life,confirmed and extended the Pythagorean theory thatthe sun is the centre of the planetary system. In the field

of practical cartography he produced maps of Polandand Lithuania, neither of which has survived.

Manuscript maps are known to have been drawn inthe fifteenth century and there were printed maps ofEastern Europe in the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493) andin the early editions of Ptolemy's Geographia but thefirst 'modern' map, used by Miinster and Mercator,was a woodcut compiled about 15 26 by BernardWapowski (147 5 -15 3 5) in Cracow. This may well havebeen based on the work of Copernicus. Other nameswhich appear later in the century were WenceslausGodreccius (d. 1591) and Andreas Pograbius (d. 1602)whose maps of Poland were used by Ortelius. Follow-ing the Treaty of Lublin in 15 69 with Lithuania (then avast country covering great areas of present dayRussia), a number of maps of the whole area werecompiled by Polish cartographers, amongst themMaciej Strubicz (c. 1520-89) and Tomasz Makowski(1575-*-. 1620). Makowski's map was published by W.J. Bleau from 1613 onwards.

Over the next 150 years the whole of Poland wasgradually mapped in considerable detail, often with theaid of foreign surveyors such as Guillaume Le Vasseurde Beauplan (1595-1685) whose maps were used byNicolas Sanson. Finally, in the year of the firstpartition, 1772, a 24 sheet map was published in Parisby G. A. Rizzi Zannoni, the noted Italian cartographer,who spent many years assembling earlier manuscriptand printed maps on which his work was based. Thiswas a high point in the history of Polish cartography;the publication of Rizzi Zannoni's map inspired thepreparation of new maps, atlases and town plans butthis activity was shortlived and for about 1 2 5 yearsafter 1795 mapping was in the control of the occupyingpowers, whose authority, rarely given, was required iforiginal cartographic work of any kind was con-templated. In spite of that, the spirit of independencewas kept alive by emigres such as Joachim Lelewel(1786-1861) who spent much of his life in Francepublishing atlases and cartographic work.

Specialist References (Poland)

BAGROW, L., History of Cartography

TOOLEY, R. v., Map Collectors' CirclePapers No. 25, 31, 43, 56 and 57.

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Chapter 20



In the various chapters in which we have outlined thehistory of map production in Western Europeancountries, we have set out in some detail the work ofthe better known national cartographers and pub-lishers. It is true to say that practically all the generalatlases listed included maps of the world, the conti-nents and their principal regions and it would betedious now to repeat that detail; this chapter thereforeonly seeks to draw attention to the more interestingmaps of this kind. Many of the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century maps in these categories are, of course, uniquecopies or at best are only available in the great librariesor collections but nevertheless early maps may still befound by the assiduous collector.


Elsewhere we have touched upon the historicalchanges wrought by Henry the Navigator and thePortuguese and Spanish adventurers who eventuallyfound their way to the Orient and the New World. Wehave noted that few of the charts and maps madeduring, or even after, their voyages have survived for,apart from being working documents, vulnerable today-to-day wear, their manuscripts were reproducedonly on a very limited scale, closely controlled byPortuguese and Spanish officialdom. In consequence itfell to the Italians, Germans, Dutch and other Euro-pean cartographers to prepare and produce printedmaps in any quantity.

By the beginning of the seventeenth century theworld was assuming a more recognizable shape. True,until 1605-06, firm knowledge of Australia was lack-ing and the voyages of the later explorers, Tasman,Dampier, Cook, Flinders and others, were still farahead but, during the century, enthusiasm for thesearch for a North East or North West passage waned,the Indies and the Spice Islands became reality rather

than myth and fleets of trading vessels took over the searoutes opened up by the early explorers. In theAmericas, colonists were making a new life but werestill dependent on regular sea traffic for their lifelinewith Europe. Around the year 1700 aids to navigation,such as Halley's magnetic and meteorological charts,Cassini's methods of determining longitude and, later,Harrison's chronometer permitted ever more detailedand accurate surveys. World maps naturally reflectedthese changes and there is endless scope for thecollector with special interests to make his ownselection from the material available.

World maps of the sixteenth century are not com-mon but the following are available from time to time:Waldseemuller (1515-41), Peter Apian (1520 on-wards), Bordone (1528-^. 1565), Grynaeus (1532 on-wards) Miinster (1540-44 and many later editions),Ortelius (1570-1612), Plancius (1590—96 and latereditions), de Jode (1593), Mercator (1595) and the laterHondius/Jansson editions well into the next century.

From the first part of the seventeenth century thereare magnificent maps by the Blaeu family (1606onwards), van den Keere (1608), Jansson (1626), Speed(1627), N. Visscher (1639) ar>d, 'n tne second half, thestill rare maps by Sanson (1651), Duval (1660), Jaillot(1668), de Wit (1680), Morden (1680), Dankerts(1680-90), van Keulen (1682), Coronelli (1695),Delisle (1700), Wells (1700); all these and others wereusually issued in a number of editions and with manyvariants.

As we have already seen the first half of theeighteenth century was dominated by the Frenchcartographers, Delisle, de Vaugondy, d'Anville, leRouge, but at the same time the Dutch publishers vander Aa, R. and J. Ottens, the Mortier family, andCovens and Mortier published very large atlases madeup of maps either by their predecessors or by notedcartographers of the day. To these the German maptrade, revitalized by Homann, added its quota with

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MARTIN WALDSEEMULLER World Map. This version of the Ptolemaic World Map was published in VX'aldseemiiller's Ceographiain the 1 5 2 5 , 1 5 3 5 and 114' editions.

maps by Homann himself and his successors and bySeutter, Weigel and Letter; and finally the English mappublishers, Kitchin, Faden, Sayer and Bennett, Laurieand Whittle, Gary, Arrowsmith and the Wylds tookover with atlases of every type, most of them contain-ing the latest world maps.

For those collectors who have a special interest inWorld Maps we can do no better than refer them to TheMapping of the World by Rodney W. Shirley.


No account of cartography on a world scale would becomplete without considering in some detail not onlymaps of the New World as a whole but also the manysplendid regional maps, especially of the NorthAmerican continent, which illustrate its history; in any

case, the links between the Old and New Worlds are soclose that it is hardly possible to consider one withoutthe other.

For fifty years or so after the first voyage byColumbus the Spaniards concentrated on CentralAmerica, Peru and the Caribbean, the emphasis beingon conquest and plunder rather than settlement in anypeaceful sense. But that phase passed; after a number ofabortive colonizing expeditions in the middle of the15 oos and in the face of intense rivalry from the Frenchand British, the Spanish succeeded, in 1565, in es-tablishing a permanent colony at St Augustine inFlorida where they retained their hold until 1819 whenFlorida was ceded to the United States. Otherwise theirmain sphere of interest, inspired originally by theirsearch for the mythical Seven Cities of Cibola but inlater years based more solidly on Jesuit, Dominicanand Franciscan missions, continued to lie around theGulf of Mexico and in the American South West.

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MARTIN WALDSEEMULLER Oceani Occidtntatts sen Teire Nove Strassburg (1522) 1 5 2 5 . This map of the Atlantic and the NewWorld was based on a similar map in the 1 5 1 3 edition of Waldseemiiller's Gtographia but included additional information givingcredit to Columbus for discovering America. Sometimes known as the 'Admiral's Map'.

Lower California and parts of Arizona were colonizedin the seventeenth century but, in the face of Indiantribal resistance, their efforts were sporadic and neverwholly successful, even under the inspiration of FatherKino who, as an explorer, finally disposed of the ideathat California was an island. As late as 1766-68 the lastSpanish exploratory expedition through New Mexicowas beset with difficulties and achieved no lastingbenefits.

Within a few years of Columbus's first landfall,England had staked a claim directly on the Americanmainland by virtue of John Cabot's voyage to New-foundland in 1497. At the time there was no successfulfollow-up to Cabot's voyage but, in later years, Englishinterest in the Caribbean was, of course, very muchalive; Hawkins, Drake, Raleigh and Hakluyt saw tothat and after Drake's world voyage the urge to set upcolonies in the New World was not be to denied. As iswell known, the first English attempt at settlement,

directed by Raleigh in 1585-86 on the coast ofCarolina, failed, but an account of the expeditionpublished soon afterwards by Thomas Hariot, illus-trated by John White, included a map of Virginia. Thiswas said to be the inspiration for Theodore de Bry'smajor work, the Grands Voyages (1590) in which themap of Virginia and many others appeared. That wasfollowed soon afterwards by Wytfliet's DescriptionsPtolemaicae augmentum, the first printed atlas to consistentirely of maps of America. The next century saw thesecond English attempt at colonization, organizedmore successfully this time by the Virginia Company(1606) under the governorship of Captain John Smith,whose famous map of Virginia, published at Oxford in1612, was the precursor of a whole series of beautifulmaps of the Eastern States. Even though the settle-ment was successful, English exploration inland wason a limited scale. The colonists needed time to breakin their new lands and attune themselves to the

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ABRAHAM ORTELIUS Amcricai sive NoviOrbis Nova Descriptio. This Ortelius map is regarded by many as the most beautiful mapof the Western Hemisphere produced in the sixteenth century. First published in 15 70, the above example is from an editiondated 1587 (or later) printed from a re-engraved plate which corrects the coastal outline of South America and includes theSolomon Islands.

unaccustomed climate and conditions but by the end ofthe century the realization of the vastness and resourcesof the Continent on which they had establishedthemselves had become clearer as pioneer traders andexplorers penetrated the interior.

The French in the north were more adventurous;their interest in a North West Passage had been rousedin the first decades of the sixteenth century by Bretonfishermen who crossed the Atlantic regularly to thefishing banks off Nova Scotia, and by Giovanni daVerrazano (1523) with his hints of a passage in theregion of Pamlico Sound or Chesapeake Bay, for longknown as the Sea of Verrazano. A few years laterJacques Cartier, in his three voyages between 15 34 and1541, explored the St Lawrence and staked France'sclaim to Quebec and New France. After the long

interval of some sixty years caused by the internecinetroubles in France itself, Samuel de Champlain wasdispatched in 1603 to survey the areas already reachedby Cartier with a view to future colonization. Aftercompleting his first surveys, he devoted thirty years tofostering good relations with the Indians, developingthe fur trade and exploring the complex river systemsand the Great Lakes. His map of 1632 was the first toshow all the lakes except Michigan. While the Englishremained in the coastal belt, de Champlain's suc-cessors, Louis Joliet and La Salle, penetrated stillfurther into the interior and in 1682 Rene La Salle, aftermany false starts, sailed the length of the Mississippi,naming its watershed 'Louisiana' and claiming it forFrance. The British and French, of course, were notalone in their ventures across the Atlantic; the Dutch

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set up a trading base at New Amsterdam around1624-26 backed by the small hinterland of NewNetherlands and there were shortlived Swedish settle-ments, all of which eventually merged by conquest intothe coastal states.

While these events were taking place in the East,map makers had to contend with a bewildering mixtureof fact and fiction when attempting to draw remoterparts of the continent; the question whether Californiawas an island or a peninsula, did the Strait of Anianreally exist and, of course, the ever present problemspresented by the concept of a North West Passage. Thefirst maps of the Pacific coast, including those ofOrtelius, Mercator, Wytfliet and Tatton, were not onlybeautifully drawn but were also remarkably accurate inshowing California as a peninsula although, even atthat time, legends cast doubt in some minds. It can beunderstood that map makers were sceptical but notentirely surprised when a captured Spanish chartdrawn about 1602 indicated that it had been proved tobe an island and within a very few years maps werebeing redrawn. Those published by Henry Briggs in1625 and Speed in 1627 set the pace and Nicolas Sansonseems to have accepted the new outline withoutquestion. Not until about 1700, following explorationby Father Kino, an Austrian Jesuit priest, was the storydisproved and cartographers could settle again for theoriginal coastline although, even then, not withoutsome hesitation. Herman Moll, in particular, wasreluctant to accept the new version, claiming that heknew of seamen who had actually sailed round the'island'.

Speculation about the shape of the continent far tothe north of California and the stretch of waterdividing it from Asia led Gastaldi, the Italian geo-grapher, to declare that the continents were divided bythe Strait of Anian, a name he took from the Kingdomof Anian which Marco Polo had placed more or lesswhere Alaska lies. From about 1566 the name appearedon maps well into the next century and for many yearsit was thought that the strait could be reached from theAtlantic through the North West Passage and wastherefore a vital link in the route to India. We need notdwell here on the valiant attempts to find that passage;apart from those already mentioned, the voyages ofFrobisher, Davis, Baffin and Hudson were inevitablyto end in failure but each added his quota to knowledgeof the far north.

Questions such as these time would answer butmore important were the changing relations between

the colonial powers in the eastern part of the continent.The expansion of the British colonies over the Appala-chians towards Ohio, the consolidation of the Frenchhold on the Mississippi and the Seven Years War inEurope inevitably led to conflict between the Britishand French colonists and eventually to the fall ofQuebec and the French loss of the St Lawrence andCanada (1763). Another twenty years brought the Warof Independence and the end of colonial ambitions inthe East and North, but it was not until 1846 that theMexican War ended the influence of the Spanishmissions in the South West.

The final stages of exploration across the NorthAmerican continent turned out to be rather moreprolonged and hazardous than John Farrer's blitheestimate in 1651 of a lo-day i5o-mile journey wouldhave suggested. In Canada, rivalry between the NorthWest Company and the Hudson's Bay Company led toremarkable journeys by Samuel Hearne (1769-72) tothe Arctic, by Alexander Mackenzie down the riverbearing his name (1780-90) and a year or two later overthe Rockies to the Pacific making him the first man tocomplete the overland journey north of Mexico. In1805-08 Simon Fraser also reached the Pacific, havingfollowed the Fraser river to its mouth near present-dayVancouver in an area of coastline which had alreadybeen surveyed and charted by Capt. Vancouver duringa world voyage in 1791-94.

In the United States, President Jefferson's purchaseof Louisiana from the French in 1803 more thandoubled the area of the country, adding vast newunknown territories, and almost immediately thePresident set about organizing exploration of the newlands. Expeditions led by Meriwether Lewis andWilliam Clark (1803-06) to the Pacific coast, by Lieut.Pike (1805-07) to the Upper Mississippi and the SouthWest and by others too numerous to mention hereprovided sufficient new geographical knowledge tokeep such publishers as Arrowsmith and Wyld inLondon, and Carey and Lea, and Tanner in New Yorkand Philadelphia, occupied for years to come.

In South America, as in the Gulf of Mexico, thesearch for gold and silver was the prime objective of thefirst Spanish and Portuguese adventurers. The Spanishwere lucky in finding Peru and the silver mines ofPotosi on their side of the demarcation line laid downin the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494; the Portuguese lessso in their allotted country, Brazil, which for centuriesyielded them only the red dyewood (from which thename 'Brazil' derives) and sugar, although there was a

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THEODORE DE BRY Central and South America. One of the most splendid maps by de Bry, first published in 1592 in Frankfurt-am-Main. Although this highly decorative map was published in 1592, the west coast of South America still retains theprojecting outline which Ortelius had corrected in 1587.

shortlived 'gold rush" during the early years of theeighteenth century. On the other hand, of course, theTreaty also gave the Portuguese exclusive rights to thesea route to the Spice Islands via Africa and the IndianOcean, thereby limiting Spanish ambitions to CentralAmerica and the Pacific Ocean. The ocean crossing toAsia proved to be too great a barrier for commercialpurposes and eventually Spain sold its rights in thespice trade to the Portuguese.

Within very few years of the first landing ofColumbus, Spanish colonists settled successfully inPeru (c. 15 3 5), in Paraguay (c. 1537) and later in BuenosAires (c. 1580). The conquest of Peru made way for an

astonishing journey down the River Amazon in1541-42 which was recorded on Sebastian Cabot's mapof 1544 and for journeys across the continent to theRiver Plate, already discovered in 1516 and furtherexplored by Cabot in 15 26-30 when he sought a 'SouthWest' passage to the Pacific. Before this, in 1519,Magellan, a Portuguese in the service of Spain, hadsailed south-westwards and eventually through theStraits bearing his name in the hope of forestallingPortuguese claims to the Spice Islands, and althoughhis ship, the Victoria, completed the three-year circum-navigation of the world, Magellan with many of hiscrew perished en route. For a century his discoveries,

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CORNELIS WYTFLIET Utriusqut Hfmispherii Delineatio Louvain 1597- 1615. The World Map (copied fromMercator's map of 1584) included in the earliest Atlas devoted entirely to America.

mapped by the cartographer Diogo Ribeiro in 15 27,were accepted by the world until the voyage of theDutchmen Cornells Schouten and Jacob Le Maire in1615-17 pioneered the passage round Cape Horn intothe Pacific, a change very quickly reflected in maps byBlaeu, Jansson and others.

After the first spectacular journeys across the Conti-nent, development and exploration in the southernpart of the New World lost momentum; the Spanishcolonies in particular were closed to all but officials andRoman Catholic missions and it was over 200 yearsbefore Alexander von Humboldt made his epicjourneys in the rain forests of Venezuela following thecourse of the Orinoco and tributaries of the Amazon, ajourney which was recorded in his Voyage de Humboldtet Bonpland published in 1805.

The secrecy surrounding the Spanish colonies ap-plied also to mapping, especially of the coastline andharbours, and only on rare occasions did informationbecome available to navigators of other nations. Of

great value to English navigators was a book of rutters- sea charts and sailing directions - captured byBartholomew Sharpe about 1680, subsequently copiedin manuscript form by William Hack and entitledWaggoner of the Great South Seas (c. 1682-83).

Leaving aside the very earliest manuscript mapsshowing America by Juan de la Cosa (1500) andNicolay Caneiro and Cantitio (c. 1502) and the uniquecopy in the British Library of the Contarini/Rosselliprinted map (1506), the earliest maps bearing rep-resentations of America, or the name itself, which arelikely to come the way of a collector are those ofWaldseemuller, Peter Apian, Grynaeus and Miinster.These and other maps are listed below but it must besaid that although the maps detailed have been chosenin a very general sense to illustrate the development ofcartography of the New World, the volume of materialavailable is so great that any choice must be arbitrary.Examples of the work of numerous cartographers areincluded but the authors are only too well aware that a

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number of interesting maps are not even mentioned,especially those in the period 1650-1750, e.g. byDuval, Jaillot, de Wit, Ogilby, Homann, the Visschersand many others. To a great extent the choice has beenpersonal but perhaps more important is the fact that,with one or two exceptions, the maps noted are stillavailable to a collector.

For the Third Edition of this book, the listing ofAmerican cartographers has been greatly expanded,and in addition to those listed below on pp. 253-62, anew section on the most important indigenous mapmakers of the period i6i2-f. 1800 is to be found in thesupplement (pp. 293-300).

A selection of Maps of the Americas


1513-41 Ptolemy's GeographiaThe 'Admiral's Map' showing theAmerican seaboard and islands1 5 2 2 and later: World Map: the earliestmap showing the name 'America' which isl ikely to be available to collectors


1524 Cosmograpbia: containing World Map onand later heart-shaped projection showing America


1528- Isolario containing world map on ovalc. 1565 projection showing America


1532 World Map showing America: an extreme-and later ly elegant map


15 40- 5 2 Geographia

15 44-16 2 8 Cosmograpbia

Miinster was the first to introduce separatemaps of the Continents; that of the NewWorld is particularly fanciful


c. 1 5 5 6 Bird's-eye view of Nuova Francia(Canada)Brazil: highly decorative, showing the Riode la Plata in the far south


1562 Americae sive quartae or bis partis nova et

exactissima descriptioMap of the Spanish possessions in NorthAmerica


c. 1566 North America with emphasis on Canadaand showing the Strait of Anian (very rare)


15 70-1612 Theatrum Orbis Terrarum

North and South America: part icularly-splendid map engraved by FransHogenberg. Up to 1584 South America isshown with a projecting 'hump' on thewestern seaboard and Tierra del Fuego ispart of the imagined southern continent:California is shown as a peninsula

1589 Maris Pacifico: the Pacific Ocean showingthe western seaboard with the 'hump' inSouth America straightened out


15 90 Grands Voyages and Petits Voyages

and later Virginia, based on a manuscript map byJohn White who accompanied Raleigh'sunsuccessful attempt at colonization in1 5 8 5Florida, based on a map made about 1564by a French artist, Jacques le Moyne, whoaccompanied a French colonizingexpeditionAmerica sive Nevus OrbisA rare and decorative map of the WesternHemisphere showing 'Terra Australis 'named 'Magellanica'Central and South AmericaOne of the most splendid maps by de Bry,first published in 1592


1593 Polar projection showing a short route toCathay with numerous large islands in theArcticAmericae Pars Borealis, Florida, Bacfa/a,CanadaOne of the earliest detailed maps

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HENRICUS HONDIUS Mappa Aestivarum Insularum alias Barmudas Amsterdam 1630. An elegant map of Bermuda, very similar toone published by Willem Blaeu in the same year but with different decoration.


1595 Western Hemisphere with inset maps ofand later Gulf of Mexico, Cuba and Haiti1606 Hondius/Jansson seriesand later Western Hemisphere with a profusion of

ships, sea monsters and illustrations ofnativesVirginia and Florida: one of the mostbeautiful of all regional mapsAmerica Meridionalis (South America)

1630 Western Hemisphere with decorativeborders


1596 Itinerarioand later South America: extremely decorative and

fanciful mapPolar Regions: showing Scandinavia,Greenland and the Strait of Anian


1597 Description!* Ptolemaicae augmentumand later The first atlas devoted to maps of America:

maps of California, as a peninsula, the StLawrence, Virginia and Quivira andAnian are especially interesting


1600-16 Beautifully engraved maps of'New Spain',California and the Pacific coast, still show-ing California as a peninsula

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JAN JANSSON Fre ti Magellanici. A decorative but not very accurate map of the Straits of Magellan, first published in Amsterdamin 1630. It describes the Patagonians as 'giants of vast magnitude'.


1612 Virginia: famous map by the Governor ofthe colony, with Indian tribal names andinset figure of Powhatan - this beautifulmap was widely copied for the followinghalf centuryCapt. Smith also drew a map of NewEngland, published in 1616

the Great Lakes (except Michigan)


1612 Nouvelle France: map of the St Lawrenceembellished with drawings of Indians andthe flora and fauna of the area

1652 Nouvelle France: showing the extent ofChamplain's explorations and including


161 2 Chart of Henry Hudson's ill-fated voyageinto Hudson's Bay

1625 New maps of America in Nieuive Wereldtand later by de Laet


1614 Americae Nova Descriptioand later One of the finest maps of North and South

America, the first to be decorated withborders showing costumed figures andtown views, an idea much copied by laterpublishers

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JOAN BLAEU Virginiae partis australis et Floridae . . . Amsterdam 1640-72. One of the many elegantly engraved maps of theEastern seaboard of North America published by Blaeu or Jansson which influenced other cartographers for most of theseventeenth century.


1617 Americae nova Tabula: a beautiful map withand later decorative borders - the first issue still

shows only the Straits of Magellan butfrom 1618 Tierra del Fuego is shown as anisland with Cape Horn, the result of thediscoveries of Cornelis Schouten andJacob La Maire

1635 Nova Be/gica and Anglia Nova: one of theand later most beautiful and decorative maps of the

time and one of the earliest to chart thecoastline accurately - widely copied bylater publishers. The later atlases of theBlaeu family contained a very large num-ber of maps of the Western Hemisphere


1625 The North part of America: the map,engraved by R. Elstracke, based on Span-ish charts which popularized the idea ofCalifornia as an island, was published inPurchas his Pilgrimes by Samuel Purchas


1627 A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of theand later World included a fine decorative map of the

Western Hemisphere; a much later editionin 1676 included extra maps of Carolina,Jamaica and Barbados, New England andNew York, Virginia and Maryland

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JAN JANSSON America noviter delineata. Published about 1647, this close copy of an earlier Hondius map has interesting insets ofthe polar regions.


1633 From about this time, Jansson producedand later numerous maps of the Americas, often

very similar to those of Blaeu: of particularnote is his map Nova Anglia Novum Belgiumet Virginia (1636) which was much copied


1646-61 Dell' Arcano del MareThe first printed sea charts of the Virginiacoastline and of the western coasts andCalifornia


1651 A Mapp of VirginiaA map of great interest combining newdetails about Virginia and Maryland with

the fanciful idea, even then still widelyheld, that the South Sea was only 'ten daysmarch over the hills'


1650 Amerique Septenrionale1656 Le Canada OH Nowelle France

The first maps to show all the Great Lakes1656 Le Nout'eau Mexique et La Floride

An important map showing California asan island

PIETER coosc. 1666 Nova Granada and the Island of California

Magnificent chart showing the Strait ofAnian to the north

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1)8 MAP MAK.l-.RS

JANSSON-HONDIUS America Septentrionalis Amsterdam (1656) c. 1666. Decorative map with many interesting notes. Californiaclearly shown as an island, following the lead given by Henry Briggs in 1625.


1675 New and Exact Map of All Neu> Nether/andVery decorative map with inset of NewAmsterdam issued to celebrate the re-capture of the town from the English


1677 A Map of New-EnglandThe first map, a woodcut, to be printed inAmerica it was included in an edition of abook by William Hubbard Narrative of thetroubles with the Indians in New England


1683 Carte de la Nouvelle France et de la Louisiane1697-98 Map of the Great Lakes and the

MississippiFather Hennepin, a Dutch missionary, wasassociated with the explorer, La Salle, whowas the first to follow the course of theMississippi


1690 America Settentrionale (1688)Splendid representation of the GreatLakes and California as an island

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c. 1703 Carte du Mexique et de la Floride . . . et desEnvirons de la Riviere de MiisissipiThe first printed map to show in detail thecourse of the Mississippi and the routes ofits explorers

1718 Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du MississipiThe most influential map of its time,widely copied by Senex, Covens and Mort-ier, Bellin, Homann and others


1705-20 Atlas Historique

and later Containing one of the finest maps ofAmerica (4 sheets) surrounded by vig-nettes and decorative insets

1719 Carte de la Nouvelle France

With inset plan and view of Quebec


1715 A New and Exact Map of the Dominions ofthe King of Great Britain on je Continent ofNorth America - the 'Beaver' mapA beautifully designed and very popularmap

1720 A Map of North AmericaVery decorative map still showing Califor-nia as an island


1735 A Map of the British Empire in America withthe French and Spanish Settlements adjacenttheretoThe finest and most detailed map of itstime consisting of a key map and 20individual sheetsRe-issued on one sheet by Covens andMortier, le Rouge and others

JOHN MITCHELL1 7 5 5 ~9 ' A Map of the British and French Dominions in

North America (8 sheets)A most important map re-issued manytimes, which was used in fixing boundarysettlements in the 1782-8} treaty betweenGreat Britain and the United States

LEWIS EVANS C. 1700-5617 5 5 A general Map of the Middle British Colonies

in America

One of the most influential maps of thetime with many derivatives: published inLondon and Philadelphia


c. 1770 Carte de la CalifornieComposite map setting out the variousstages in the mapping of California from1604 to 1767


1775-76 American Atlas (published by Saver andBennett)The best-known atlas of its time contain-ing large-scale maps, town plans andJames Cook's charts of the St Lawrence,Newfoundland etc.

1775 West India Atlas (published by Saver andBennett)Maps of the Caribbean


c. 1777 North American Atlas

ABEL BUELL 1742-1822

1783-84 A Neiv and correct Map of the United States ofNorth AmericaFirst map of the United States compiled,engraved and printed by an American:published in New Haven


1784 The A t Ian tic Neptuneand later Magnificent collection of charts of the East

coasts of America with coloured plates


179 5 New Discoveries in the Interior Parts of NorthAmerica

1796 Map of the United States of A mericaBoth these maps and others were re-issuedmany times, being constantly revised asnew information became available


1798 Survey of the Pacific coastCharts included in A Voyage of Discovery tothe North Pacific Ocean and round the World

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CHRISTOPH WEIGEL Noi'issima Tabula Regionis Ludovidanae Nuremberg c. 1734. Derived from the famous map of Louisiana byDelisle which was the first printed map to show Texas.


1805-14 Maps in Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland1 8 1 1 - 1 2 Atlas Geographique et Physique du Rqyaume de

la Nouvelle Espagne


c. 1824 Map of North America (6 sheets)An important detailed map, re-issuedmany times to about 1856 with constantrevision


1849- 5 3 Illustrated Atlas of the WorldContained many maps of the AmericanContinent: published in London and sub-sequently in New York

Important Atlases and Maps produced byAmerican cartographers and publishers in theperiod


1 79 5 - 1 809 The American AtlasThe first Atlas published in America

1 796- General Atlasc. 18181796-1814 American Pocket Atlas (8vo)

1817 Scripture A tlasAll published in Philadelphia


1795 American Geography: London

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further editions in 1825-271832-56 Family Cabinet Atlas

JOHN REioy?. 17961796 The American Atlas

Published in New York to accompanyWm Winterbotham's An Historical, Geo-graphical, Commercial and Philosophical Viewof ti>e United States

ABRAHAM BRADLEY (ja) fl . 1796-1817

1796 Map of the United States exhibiting the PostRoads etc.

1797-1804 Separate maps of the Northern and South-ern Parts of the United States



1796 The American Coast Pilotc. 18671830 Charts of the North and South Atlantic


JOHN MELISH 1771-1822

1813-15 A Military and Topographical Atlas of theUnited States

1816 Map of the United States with the contiguousBritish and Spanish Possessions (wall map)

1822-32 Map of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia

FIELDING LUCAS (jR) I 7 8 I -C. I 8 5 2

1814 A New Elegant General Atlas containing mapsof each of the United States (Samuel Lewis)Baltimore:

1823 A General Atlas: Baltimore


1818-23 A New American Atlas1823-28 A New Pocket A tlas of the United States1828-46 New Universal Atlas18)4 The American Traveller

These and other atlases published inPhiladelphia under the names Tanner andMarshall, and Tanner, Vallance, Kearnyand Co.


ISAAC LEA 1792-1886

1812 A Complete historical, chronological, and geo-graphical American Atlas: PhiladelphiaA London edition published in 1823 -

1822-28 (with S. E. Morse) Modern Atlas: Bostonand New York


1823 A tlas of the United States1825 A New Universal Atlas of the World1842-45 (with Samuel Breese) Cerographic Atlas of

the United States - maps produced by meansof new wax engraving technique: NewHaven

ANTHONY FINLEYJ?. 1824-^. 1840

1824-33 A new General Atlas: Philadelphia1826 A New American Atlas: Philadelphia

ROBERT MILLS 1 7 8 1 - 1 8 5 5

1825-38 Atla.s of the State of South Carolina: Balti-more, the first state atlas produced in theUnited States

DAVID H. BURR 1803-75

1829-38 An Atlas of the State of New York1835 Universal Atlas: New York1839 The American Atlas, exhibiting the Post

Roads (etc.) of the United StatesPublished by J. Arrowsmith, London, themaps bearing Arrowsmith's name


1835 Travellers Guide through the United States(}. H. Young): Philadelphia

18)9 Atlas of Outline Maps: Philadelphia1846- New Universal Atlas: Philadelphiac. 1890


18) 5 A Comprehensive Atlas: Boston and NewYork

1838 An illustrated atlas of the United States and the

Adjacent Countries: Philadelphia1842 A Universal illustrated Atlas: Boston



1855 (J. H. Colton) World Atlas1855 (G. W. Colton) Atlas of America: J. H.

Colton and Co., New YorkThe Colton family produced a large num-ber of maps and atlases until the end of thenineteenth century

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Specialist References

GUMMING, w. p., The South East in Early MapsAlthough covering a particular area of America, theinformation given here is of the greatest interest inconsidering all early American maps

PHILLIPS, p. L., A List of Geographical Atlases in theLibrary of CongressAs nearly a complete list of maps of America (amongothers) that it is possible to compile

SCHWARTZ, s. i., and EHRENBERG, R. E., The MappingofAmerica


Wyfliet: Descriptionis Ptolemaicae Augmentum, 1597Jefferys: The American Atlas, 1775—76Reproductions of complete atlases

TOOLEY, R. v., The Mapping of AmericaThis volume and Landmarks of Map Making (below)give an immense amount of detailed information onmaps of America

TOOLEY, R. v., BRICKER, c. and CRONE, G. R., Landmarksof Map MakingApart from the general historical portion of the book,the chapters on the Continents are particularly interest-ing and informative


Being part of the Mediterranean world, the northerncoasts of the African continent as far as the Straits ofGibraltar and even round to the area of the FortunateIsles (the Canaries) were reasonably well known andquite accurately mapped from ancient times. In parti-cular, Egypt and the Nile Valley were well defined andthe Nile itself was, of course, one of the riversseparating the continents in medieval T-O maps.Through Arab traders the shape of the east coast, downthe Red Sea as far as the equator, was also known butdetail shown in the interior faded into deserts withoccasional mountain ranges and mythical rivers. Thesouthern part of the continent, in the Ptolemaictradition, was assumed to curve to the east to form aland-locked Indian Ocean. The voyages of thePortuguese, organized by Henry the Navigator in the


fifteenth century, completely changed the picture andby the end of the century Vasco da Gama had roundedthe Cape enabling cartographers to draw a quitepresentable coastal outline of the whole continent,even if the interior was to remain largely unknown forthe next two or three centuries.

The first separately printed map of Africa (as withthe other known continents) appeared in Miinster'sGeographia from 1540 onwards and the first atlasdevoted to Africa only was published in 15 88 in Veniceby Livio Sanuto, but the finest individual map of thecentury was that engraved on 8 sheets by Gastaldi,published in Venice in 1564. Apart from maps insixteenth-century atlases generally there were alsomagnificent marine maps of 1596 by Jan van Lin-schoten (engraved by van Langrens) of the southernhalf of the continent with highly imaginative anddecorative detail in the interior. In the next centurythere were many attractive maps including those ofMercator/Hondius (1606), Speed (1627), Blaeu (1630),Visscher (1636), de Wit (c. 1670), all embellished withvignettes of harbours and principal towns and bor-dered with elaborate and colourful figures of theirinhabitants, but the interior remained uncharted withthe exception of that part of the continent known asEthiopia, the name which was applied to a wide areaincluding present-day Abyssinia. Here the legends ofPrester John lingered on and, as so often happened inother remote parts of the world, the only certainknowledge of the region was provided by Jesuitmissionaries. Among these was Father GeronimoLobo (i 595-1678), whose work A Voyage to Abyssiniawas used as the basis for a remarkably accurate mappublished by a German scholar, Hiob Ludolf in 1683.Despite the formidable problems which faced them,the French cartographers G. Delisle (c. 1700-22), J. B.B. d'Anville (1727-49) and N. Bellin (1754) greatlyimproved the standards of mapping of the continent,improvements which were usually, although notalways, maintained by Homann, Seutter, de laRochette, Bowen, Faden and many others in the lateryears of the century.

Thereafter, in broad terms, the story of cartographyin Africa in the nineteenth century is the story of thesearch for the sources of the great rivers, the Nile - andthe lakes associated with it -, the Niger, the Congo andthe Zambesi, to which may be added the quota ofknowledge provided by missionaries of many nation-alities and by the Voortrekkers in South Africa.

The results of these explorations, the naming of

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MARTIN WALDSEEMULLER Tabula Moderna Aphrice Strassburg (1522) 1 5 2 5 . This map, included in a new edition ofWaldseemiiller's Ptolemaic atlas, first issued in 1 5 1 3 , was revised by Laurent Fries with the inclusion of decorative butgeographically inaccurate detail from earlier maps. In spite of its inaccuracies in the interior, it was an important map, whichinfluenced cartographers for a century or more.

newly discovered lakes, rivers and mountain ranges,the establishment of new settlements, were soonrecorded on maps which appeared in constantlyrevised editions by such publishers as Gary, Arrow-smith, the Wylds, and Tallis and Co. in London,Thomson and Co. in Edinburgh, Levasseur, P. and A.Lapie, Brue in France, and Vandermaelen in Brussels.

Specialist References


Sanuto: Geografia dell'Africa, 1588

Reproduction of complete atlas

TOOLEY, R. v., Collector's Guide to Maps of the AfricanContinent and Southern AfricaInvaluable reference book to maps of the Continent

— Maps and Map Makers

TOOLEY, R. v., BRICK.ER, c. and CRONE, G. R., Landmarksof Map MakingThe chapters in this book on the Continents areparticularly interesting and informative

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JOAN BLAEU Atthiopia Inferior vel Exterior Amsterdam 1635. Considered to be the finest map of Southern Africa of its time;much copied by other publishers until the end of the seventeenth century. Continued use of Portuguese names on the coastlinebetrays the map's origins from the old nautical charts used by the early explorers.


Although Arabia, Persia, the Silk Road to China andthose parts of Northern India conquered by Alexanderthe Great were known to the classical world, it was notuntil the year AD 1375 that a map giving some idea ofthe real shape and size of the Continent was compiled.This was the famous Catalan Map, based on reports ofFranciscan missionaries and the writings of MarcoPolo. A century or so later, in the first Ptolemaicatlases, there were altogether i z maps of Asia which, ofcourse, revealed no more or less than Ptolemy's view ofthe ancient world, but in the expanded Waldseemullereditions of 1 5 1 3 and 15 22 there were 'modern' regional

maps including much information from Marco Polo'stravels. Later sixteenth-century maps continued toshow many of the distorted outlines copied fromPtolemy although by this time India, Ceylon and theIndies were gaining a more recognizable shape. Miin-ster was again the first publisher to print a separate mapof the Continent and later Ortelius issued the firstseparately printed maps of China (1584) and Japan(1595). In the next century highly decorative maps ofthe Continent were published by van den Keere (1614),Speed (1627), Blaeu (1630), de Wit (1660), Visscher(c. 1680) and others too numerous to list.

Perhaps because the vast areas of the continent madeit difficult to include interesting detail on general maps,

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GUILLAUME DELISLE Car/f <& fEgypte de la Nubie de f Abissinie Amsterdam 1735. This edition of a very elegant map of theMiddle East by the noted French cartographer, G. Delisle, was issued by the Dutch publishers, Covens and Mortier.

it is usually found that maps of the major regions, e.g.Muscovy, Tartary, China, Japan, India and the HolyLand make a greater appeal to most collectors. TheOrtelius and Mercator maps, especially, of thesecountries are all fascinating examples of the beliefs ofthe time, not only in their geographical content butalso in their decoration, recording the customs andhabits of little-known lands.

A brief outline of the history of map making in themore important countries of Asia is given in thefollowing paragraphs.


In contrast to the history of the mapping of America,Africa and India where European influence was all-important, the story in China is a different matteraltogether and the first maps appeared there longbefore those in Europe. It seems that the whole ofChina and its regions had been mapped in some form asfar back as uoo BC but, as in Europe, cartographicdevelopment had an uneven growth. Almost 100 yearsafter Ptolemy produced his Geographia in Alexandria,

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MARTIN WALDSEEMULLER Tabula Moderno Terra Sanctae Strassburg (1522) M 2 5 - Derived from a map by Pietro Vesconte, aGenoan cartographer working in Venice in the early fourteenth century, this map has East at the top as is often the case withmaps of the Holy Land.

and about the same time as the invention of paper inChina, an i8-sheet map of that country was made byP'ei Hsui (AD 224-71) who was the first recordedChinese map maker of note. This map has notsurvived, nor have others which followed it, but twoengraved on stone in the twelfth century are still inexistence.

In the following century the remarkable journeys ofMarco Polo between the years 1271 and 1295 and hispredecessors, Carpini (1245), Rubruquis (1252) andother Franciscan missionaries renewed the contactsbetween Europe and China which had existed innebulous form long before Ptolemy's day. AlthoughMarco Polo was not in the usual sense a cartographer,the account of his travels enabled scholars to revisetheir ideas of the shape of Cathay and the myriadislands of the Indies. Later still, in the sixteenth andseventeenth centuries new generations of missionaries,

especially the Jesuits, following in the wake ofPortuguese explorers and traders, exerted a consi-derable influence on Chinese map making. Certainnames have already been mentioned elsewhere: FatherMatteo Ricci who compiled the first European map ofthe world printed and circulated in China (15 84-1602);Ludovico Georgio (Jorge de Barbuda), whose map ofChina was used by Ortelius (15 84) and subsequently byother Dutch publishers; Father Martino Martini, anItalian Jesuit who compiled the first European atlas ofChina, the Atlas Sinensis (1655) , which was used byBlaeu and others, J. B. du Halde's Description Ge'ograph-iquede la Chine (1735) used in 1737 by J. B. d'Anville inhis Nouvel Atlas de la Chine. Other maps, usually basedon those mentioned above, were issued by all thecartographers and publishers we have named so often,Mercator, Speed, Blaeu, Jansson, Sanson and so on.

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A B R A H A M ORTELius Tartariae sive Magni Cham: Regni Antwerp (1570) 1598. Map of the 'Kingdom of the Great Khan'. Animportant map, much copied by other cartographers, still showing California as a peninsula.


In Japan the history of map-making covers a shorter,though still considerable, span of time. As early as theseventh century AD the Japanese acquired knowledgeof surveying and map engraving through their culturallinks with Korea and China; their earliest survivingmap dates from the fourteenth century. The firstuncertain attempts to show Japan on European mapswere not made until the mid fifteenth century (FraMauro, 1459) and even in 1540 Munster's map of theNew World still shows 'Zipangu' and the 7,448 SpiceIslands of Marco Polo, but as in China, Jesuit influencewas responsible for providing the first reasonablyaccurate map of the country which was compiled byLudovico Teixeira (1592). This was used by Ortelius

and later by Hondius, Jansson and others as the basisfor their maps of the country.

From 1640 Japan closed its frontiers (except the Portof Nagasaki) to the 'barbarians' from the West andconsequently there was little opportunity for compil-ing more accurate maps but over the years there was anoticeable improvement on maps generally in theorientation of the country in relation to mainlandChina and Korea. Maps by a French Jesuit, Pere Briet(1650), Schenk and Valck (c. 1700) and Robert deVaugondy (c. 1750) all showed a better outline thantheir predecessors. Interesting maps of the countryusing names in Japanese characters as well as theirwesternized forms and a plan of Nagasaki werepublished by Johann Scheuchzer, a Swiss scholar, in1727. These were based on the work of a German,

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ABRAHAM ORTELius Terra Sancta Antwerp (i 5 84) 1606. A beautifully engraved map of the Holy Land, again with East at thetop. Jonah and the Whale are depicted in the lower left corner. The scale is shown in 'Hours of travel'.

Engelbert Kaempfer, who spent some time in the'open' port of Nagasaki in the service of the DutchEast India Co. In the isolationist period, maps of Japanby the Japanese themselves were numerous, accurateand highly artistic but it was not until the end of theeighteenth century, and indeed well into thenineteenth, that European maps could be compiledwith complete accuracy.


Maps of India, much distorted in shape, appear in mostworld atlases from the time of Ptolemy, the earliestusually showing India as a relatively small extension ofSouthern Asia, dominated by the very large island ofTaprobana (Ceylon). In later sixteenth-century mapsde Jode, Ortelius and Mercator gave a much improved

outline of both lands but India was still shown toosmall in relation to the whole continent. Most pub-lishers in the seventeenth century continued to issuemaps but with little improvement in detail until about1719 when a French Jesuit priest, Father Jean Bouchet,compiled an accurate map of South India, subsequentlyused by G. Delisle (1723), Homann Heirs (173 5) and byJ. B. B. d'Anville, then the French East IndiaCompany's cartographer, as the basis for his greatlyimproved maps in 1737 and 1752.

In the next decade Alexander Dalrymple published acollection of newly surveyed coastal charts and plans ofports and, about the same time, in 1764, James Rennell,a young British Army officer who showed a remarkableaptitude for surveying, was appointed - at the age of 21- Surveyor General of Bengal; he immediately set inmotion a comprehensive survey of the Company'slands, subsequently publishing maps of Bengal and

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ABRAHAM ORTELius Abraham: Patriarchae Peregrinatio, etvita Antwerp (i 590) 1595. The last of three Ortelius maps of the Holy-Land, showing the wanderings of the Tribes of Israel.

other provinces which eventually formed The BengalAtlas (1779). His other works included a Map ofHindoustan (1782-85) and The Provinces of Delhi, Agra etcand the Indian Peninsula (1788-94). These maps byRennell provided the basis for a TrigonometricalSurvey of India which was initiated in 1802 and forsplendid maps published in London by Gary, theArrowsmiths (1804-22) and the Wylds.

The Holy Land

Although the Holy Land may be regarded geographi-cally as part of Asia, its proximity to Europe provided aquite different background where map making was

concerned. It was very much part of Ptolemy's worldand there is no shortage of maps in the editions of his'atlases' from 1477 onwards. From the earliest days ofChristianity religious pilgrimages to Jerusalem werefrequent, culminating in the mass movements of theCrusades, but records are scanty; such maps as havesurvived are predominantly religious in conceptionwith Jerusalem at the centre of the world as in theHereford World Map (c. 1300) or in the form of'itineraries' such as Bernhard von Breydenbach'sSanctorum Peregrinationum (1486). In Palestine itself, atMadaba, there exist the remains of the famous multi-coloured tesserae 'map', laid down in the sixth century,which depicts a plan view of Jerusalem and othergeographical features of the Eastern Mediterranean.

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JOHN SPEED A New Map of East India. One of the seven additional maps included in the final edition of Speed's Prospect of theMost Famous Parts of the World published by Bassett and Chiswell in 1676

In the sixteenth century, apart from the Ptolemaicmaps and the world maps with Jerusalem at the centresuch as Heinrich Bunting's 'clover-leaf map it was notunusual to find printed editions of the Bible containingmaps of the Holy Land. A famous example known asthe Polyglot Bible by a Spanish theologian, BenedictusArias Montanus, was published in Antwerp by Plantinin 1571-72 and, in the following year, another pub-lished in London contained a map by Humphrey Colewhich is claimed to be the first map engraved by anEnglishman. From then onwards maps by Orteliusappeared in their various versions in 1570, 1584 and1590, by de Jode (1578), C. van Adrichom (c. 1584),Speed (Canaan, 1611-76, in a number of versions),Blaeu (1629), Jansson (c. 1658), Visscher (c. 1659),Dapper (c. 1677), de Wit (1680) and many others.

Specialist References

BAGROW, L., History of Cartography

CRONE, G. R., Maps and their Makers

GOLE, s., Early Maps of India

NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM, Catalogue of the Library:Volume 3

TOOLEY, R. v., Maps and Map Makers

TOOLEY, R. V., BRICKER, c. and CRONE, G. R., Landmarksof Map Making

Contains details of many early maps of the Continent

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In the history of cartography nothing underlines moreprofoundly the influence of Ptolemy and the Greekmathematicians and geographers before him than theplain fact that the existence of a New World across theAtlantic was never even contemplated by their suc-cessors, whereas the possible existence of a SouthernContinent was a source of constant speculation for1,500 years or more. Admittedly, in medieval times,enthusiasm for the idea of a populated world below theequator waned in the face of religious scepticism andridicule but by the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries thesuccessful voyages of the Portuguese into the SouthernHemisphere brought about a revival of interest in theancient theories.

Late in the sixteenth century the Portuguese, Span-ish and Dutch explorers, looking for guidance at theirworld maps and charts, must often have suspected theexistence of a land mass lying in the Pacific somewhereto the south of the Dutch Indies, and it is more thanlikely that the northern shores of Australia had beensighted a number of times even though no record of alanding has come down to us. Indeed, some maps,especially those by members of the Dieppe School,among whom were Jean Rotz (later chart maker toHenry VIII) and Pierre Descelier, give a clear indic-ation as early as 1542-46 of such a land area. Othermaps by Ortelius (1570), Arias Montanus (1571) andCornells de Jode (1593) add their support, albeituncertainly, to the notion of an undiscovered conti-nent. By the end of the century the Portuguese andSpanish had exhausted their efforts and it was finally apinnace of the Dutch East India Company from Java,the Duyfken, which in 1605-06 sailed into the Gulf ofCarpentaria to make the first recorded landfall in TerraAustralis, later to become known as the Land ofEendracht after another Dutch ship which made alanding in 1616, and later still to be called NewHolland. These discoveries were recorded by HesselGerritsz on charts dated 1627-28, by Philipp Ecke-brecht on a world map of 1650, by Henricus Hondiusin 1630-33, by Jan Jansson in 1633 on a map whichshows 'Duyfken's Eyland' to the south of NewGuinea, and by Willem Blaeu in 1636. The first chart byan Englishman showing the northern coastline is thatof Robert Dudley from Dell'Arcano del Mare (1646-61).

Until the results of Tasman's discoveries in hisvoyages of 1642-44 became available most map pub-lishers continued to issue maps such as those men-tioned above showing vague outlines of the northernshores of the Continent, with perhaps a dozen names orso. Even after Tasman it could not be claimed that anyof the maps of the time were very informative, butJoan Blaeu's map of 1648 was an improvement on thatof 1636. There was not much to show, of course,except an extension of the coastal outlines and Frenchgeographers, particularly, were adept at supplyingimaginary detail, although Thevenot published inParis in 1663 a sparse and elegant map showing all thewestern half of the Continent with a hint of NewZealand. A close copy of that map was engraved byEmanuel Bowen for publication in 1744 in Harris'sCollection of Voyages. New Guinea, Tasmania and New-Zealand were not infrequently shown as part of themain continental land mass but gradually knowledgeand accuracy improved; the voyages of Dampier in1686-91 and 1699, of Cook between 1768 and 1778,Flinders in 1801-03 and the French explorers Comte dela Perouse and Louis de Freycinet and others ensuredthat the coastal outline at least was acceptably mapped,but still the interior remained a void well into thenineteenth century. In consequence, even up to aboutthe year 1800 there were few separate maps of Australiaand the continent was usually included as part of, or anextension of, the East Indies.

After that date the most interesting and the mostsought after maps are those showing the early develop-ment of the separate states usually published inLondon. Apart from those by the major publishers,Gary, Arrowsmith, Wyld and Tallis, there were othersby less well-known names:

JOHN BOOTH (C. l 8 o i ~ l o )

A New and accurate map of New South WalesPlan of the Settlements in New South Wales


A new and accurate map of New South Wales:Philadelphia

JOHN OXLEY(1818-25)Charts of the Interior of New South Wales


Description of Van Diemen's Land

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SDUK (1833-59)

Maps of New South Wales and the other states when theybecame independent

T. L. MITCHELL (1834)

Map of New South Wales

T. HAM (1856)

Map of QueenslandThese in turn were gradually superseded by officialsurveys and by the work of local publishers.

Specialist References

SCHILDER, G., Australia UnveiledA most detailed account of the early Dutch maps ofAustralia

TOOLEY, R. v., The Mapping of AustraliaDetailed descriptions of a very large number of mapsof Australia

TOOLEY, R. v., BRICKER, c. and CRANE, G. R., Landmarksof Map Making

New Zealand EUROPE

Although New Zealand was certainly populated byPolynesian peoples many centuries ago, the firstEuropeans known to have seen the islands were theseamen of Tasman's expedition in 1642 during whichTasmania was also discovered. From about 1646 whenBlaeu showed the new discoveries on a world map forthe first time, there was controversy about the separateexistence of the islands and another century passedbefore James Cook surveyed the coastline and dis-posed of any argument that New Zealand might bepart of the Australian continent. Cook's charts pub-lished in the period 1773-80 naturally had a widecirculation and were extensively copied by French,German and Italian cartographers and publishersamong whom were Rigobert Bonne/Nicolas Desmaret(1787), Antonio Zatta (1775-85) and G. M. Cassini(1792-1801). For many years after Cook's voyages theBritish Government took only a passing interest in theislands and the main contribution to improved knowl-edge of the coastline was made by French expeditions,notably in 1822, 1827 and 1840 under command ofDumont d'Urville whose later accounts of his voyagesincluded many fine maps.

After 1840, when organized settlement began, thedemand for better maps was met first by the privatepublications of firms such as the Arrowsmiths, theWylds, and Tallis and Co., eventually augmented andthen gradually replaced by official surveys of theinterior and detailed charting of the coastline by surveyships of the Royal Navy.

It might be thought that building up a more or lesscomplete collection of maps of New Zealand would berelatively easy but this is far from being the case andeven maps issued after 1850 are difficult to find.

All the atlases by the well-known sixteenth-centurycartographers, such as Miinster, Mercator andOrtelius, contained maps of Europe in one form oranother. There were, of course, many others by, forexample, Bordone, Gastaldi, de Jode, Waghenaer andHondius, to name only a few, which are now becomingvery rare and which a collector would count himselflucky to find. The greater output of publishers in thenext century presents the collector with wider oppor-tunities; more atlases by Dutch, French and Englishcartographers, often in numerous editions, mean thatfar more copies have survived and although it cannotbe said that they are readily available, most dealers willhave a good selection from time to time. Moreover,maps of the seventeenth century such as those bySpeed, Blaeu, Jansson, Sanson and Jaillot, frequentlyembellished with decorative borders and vignettes, areoften more attractive than issues of earlier years.

By the eighteenth century the range becomes widerstill and, apart from the tremendous output by Frenchand English publishers, includes issues by the GermansHomann, Seutter and Lotter and the Italians Rizzi-Zannoni, Zatta and G. M. Cassini, so that a collectorhas an extremely wide base on which to build acollection.

Specialist References

BAGROW, L., History of Cartography

TOOLEY, R. v., Maps and Map Makers

TOOLEY, R. v., BRICKER, c. and CRONE, G. R., Landmarksof Map Making

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JOANNES VAN KEULEN Oost Indien (Detail) Amsterdam (1680) c. 1689. Chart of the East Indies giving a splendid representationof the Australian Continent - Hollandia Nova, as it was then known - with New Guinea still attached to the mainland, andAnthoni van Diemens Landt, later to be known as Tasmania.

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Part III


Chapter 21


'How do I know I am buying an original map?''How can the map you are selling me be an "original"when you have another one exactly the same in stock?''How do I know it isn't a reproduction?'

In the nature of things many map purchasers are first-time buyers to whom antique maps simply make avisual and perhaps local appeal and these questions,among many which dealers are asked, are indeedunderstandable, especially when we think of currentprices; none of us likes to be 'taken for a ride'. In fact,the more we probe into the subject the more questions,many of them affecting the value of a map, arise, so letus set some of them out and suggest some answers.

What is an original map?

In Chapter 2 we have given a brief outline of earlymethods used for printing maps but, having done that,we have still to decide when a map is 'original'. Onewould be tempted to say that only the manuscript mapfrom which the engraver made the block or plate couldbe considered an original. In the case of a paintingthere would be no doubt about it but, in the map trade,from the earliest times, a print made from a particularwoodblock or copper plate has been regarded as an'original' and until that block or plate was destroyed'originals' could be printed from it.

Different editions — alterations to blocks or plates.How can you date maps?

Having agreed the definition of an 'original' map weare immediately led to subsidiary but much moredifficult questions. A printing block or plate might wellbe in use for a century or more and detail could

obviously be added or deleted; the plates themselvesmight pass from the original publisher to others whomade their own alterations and issues; some copiesmight be issued coloured and others left plain blackand white. It will be readily understood that as today, itwas necessary for map publishers to keep their pro-ducts up to date as new discoveries were made or newgeographical information became available. Generallypublishers were not noted for their initiative in thisdirection, but even so, reference to a few of thebiographies in Part II will show that most atlases andmaps were re-issued, some once or twice, others often adozen times or more. Dating an atlas from a title page isusually straightforward (although even here dates ofsuccessive editions were not always altered) but ourproblems begin when individual maps are sold sep-arately. Essentially the purchaser has to rely on his ownknowledge and on the reputation of the seller,although certain details can be checked without toomuch difficulty. If the impression is strong and clear,the map could be from an early edition; a weakimpression would probably indicate the opposite.Geographical evidence can be a useful guide to dating,i.e. new discoveries being shown. Watermarks offersome help but batches of paper were often in use for along time, sometimes forty or fifty years! Alterations totext, publisher's names, heraldic devices or cartouchescan all have an important bearing on dating. Inconsidering some or all of the above points it should beremembered that most dealers have available specialistworks in which may be found details of maps invarious editions with their distinguishing character-istics, and although the process of tracking downprecise detail is often laborious, no one can be blamedfor wishing to know exactly what he is buying. Forexamples of long-running series of maps illustratingthese points the reader need only refer to those ofChristopher Saxton and John Speed.

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As with all antiques, whether furniture, china, paint-ings or maps, condition is important and obviously acollector having decided on a purchase should buy amap in the best obtainable condition. The ideal map,coloured or uncoloured, should have a strong, clearimpression with wide margins, be printed on goodquality watermarked handmade paper of the right size,free from foxing, water stains, worm holes or repair(except perhaps to the centre fold or outside theprinted surface), with an undoubted date and proven-ance. Plenty of such maps exist of course, but ouradvice here implies that the buyer is offered a choice; itwould be a fortunate occurrence indeed to be offered achoice of two Miinster maps of America, two Blaeuworld maps or two van Keulen charts, and so, moreoften than not, the decision depends on the collector'surge (and pocket) to possess a particular map, perhapsirrespective of condition. After all, if a map is one ofonly three or four known copies, who is going to rejectit, even if it has damage to the centre fold - especially ifit happens to be the very last map to complete acollection! Paper is a comparatively fragile mediumand obviously maps printed three or more centuriesago will generally have suffered some damage, so thecollector should expect to be asked to pay a premiumfor flawless maps.


At this point our collector may well ask in whatquantities maps were printed; if there were so many re-issues it is hard to understand the rarity on which somuch emphasis seems to be placed.

As to the numbers of maps printed it is generallyaccepted that an edition consisted of a few hundredexamples. Compared to the number of postage stampsprinted the production was miniscule; it is known thatsome 68 million Penny Blacks (the first stamp) wereprinted during 1840 - using the same method ofprinting as had been first used for maps some fourcenturies earlier! In the case of maps by Mercator orOrtelius and those of such publishers as Bleau orJansson, who issued numerous editions, even 500maps per edition would imply a quite large number ofindividual maps. This is true, of course, but as soon aswe begin to look at the hazards to which maps weresubjected, their survival in any quantity over the

centuries comes almost as a surprise.Leaving aside maps drawn on vellum (which is

exceptionally durable) and other manuscripts (whichwere probably preserved with special care) mapsprinted on paper could scarcely be on a material lesslikely to endure. We need look no further than our ownpresent-day treatment of current maps to realize thathard usage and obsolescence are their main enemies.Even in atlases we tend to use maps roughly and ourcanvas-backed sheet maps survive only a few years ofconstant use - but obsolescence is the really destructiveelement. There is nothing more irritating than an out-of-date map which no longer reflects accurate detail; onreplacement, the old map is almost certainly thrownaway to avoid unintentional use. How true this musthave been of sea charts for example, or of maps ofAmerica or Australia as new information becameavailable. Wall maps, especially, must have been proneto rough handling and rarely survived long unlessbound as atlases in sheet form for library use.

Apart from these mundane reasons for the short lifeof maps, other more unpredictable hazards existed.Obviously fire, and probably simultaneous waterdamage, was likely to be the most destructive; wars andlooting played a part in the destruction of greatlibraries. A number of unique maps were lost in thewars of the present century. Portuguese charts of thefifteenth and sixteenth centuries preserved in the Casada India were lost in the Lisbon earthquake in 175 5, afact which accounts for their extreme rarity. Today,survivors are to be found in museums, libraries andnational collections and not least, of course, in thehands of the present generation of private collectors,which alone must amount to a formidable total.

Should maps be coloured or uncoloured and how canoriginal colour be recognised?

Whether a collector 'prefers' maps coloured or un-coloured is entirely a personal matter, although it canbe said immediately that it is generally accepted thatwoodcuts are really best left in their original state, i.e.uncoloured. Exceptionally, the maps in the Ptolemyedition issued at L'lm in 1482 were usually coloured.Maps from copper-engraved plates are a differentmatter and here personal preference does play a largepart. What proportions of engraved maps were soldoriginally plain or coloured it is not possible to say butno doubt price and usage entered into the matter. Plain

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maps were probably bought for practical purposes atperhaps half or even a quarter of the price of a colouredexample which may have been wanted only forornament or as a 'good buy ' even in those days.

The practice of colouring varied greatly. In the caseof Saxton's maps, for example, there is a uniformity ofcolour which strongly suggests that they were workedby the same hands, or at least in the same workshops,and it is very rare to see an uncoloured copy. A largenumber of Blaeu's maps are also beautifully coloured,which we would expect from their highly organizedworkshops in Amsterdam. On the other hand, manyby Blaeu, Jansson, Speed and innumerable others wereissued uncoloured or have been coloured in recentyears which brings us to what may well be the mostdifficult question of all to answer: how do we distin-guish between original and recent colour? The shortanswer, which is no help at all to the new collector, isexperience and famil iar i ty with the subject. Thosehandling maps frequently will ask themselves if thecolours are appropriate to the time and subject anddoes the appearance of the map generally accord withothers from the same source; have the colours beencarefully and artistically applied; do the elusivebrowns, greens and orange reds strike an authenticnote; in fact, does it all look 'right?

Having said that, it has to be admitted that somemodern colouring applied by experts is exceedingly-difficult to dist inguish from 'old' colouring; indeed, itmay well be more sk i l fu l l y applied, for nobody canclaim that all sixteenth- and seventeenth-centurycolourists were uniformly expert. In these circum-stances it is tempting to suggest that where skill andexpertise of a high order have been exercised thefinished product should be accepted for what it is - abeautifully coloured map - but perhaps this faces uswith an ethical dilemma too controversial to pursuehere.

What to collect

As in other spheres of collecting the range of subsidiarythemes to which a map collector may be drawn issufficiently diverse to meet every possible interest. Fora start the chapter headings in Part I of this workimmediately give an idea of possible specialization:road maps, sea charts, town plans, early editions ofOrdnance Survey maps and so on. In addition to these

broad headings, collectors may be interested perhaps inone particular cartographer or the cartographers of onecountry or period as an adjunct to historical study; theymay specialize in woodcut maps or, more commonly,there are those who hope to make as complete acollection as possible of one geographical area,whether it be an English county, early maps of the westcoast of the United States, or Australia as a Continent.Obviously in this field the possibilities are endless, and,of course, there are those who think in investmentterms.

Maps as an Investment

It would be naive to ignore the fact that collections arebeing assembled as investments and it is possible toargue both for and against this development. In 1979,£374,000 was paid at auction for an atlas containing theonly known manuscript maps by Mercator: it waspurchased by a pension fund and obviously the trusteesfelt that it was a safe resting place for such a substantialsum of money. It must be reassuring for collectors toknow that, by implication, professional financial ad-visers feel that this is a safe field for investment.

Although it would be possible to quote actualpercentage rises in the market value of individual mapsover any given period it could be very misleading to doso. The condition, colouring, edition and many otherfactors, besides financial considerations (such as infla-tion) have a bearing on the value, which makes itdifficult, if not impossible, to be precise. It is, however,possible to give some pointers based on the collectingfashions of the last twenty years. These are, ofnecessity, generalizations and must be read with thatproviso in mind.

Experience has shown that the price of cheaper mapshas not increased as rapidly as the more expensive ones.A possible explanation for this is that the cheaper mapsare, in the main, more common and that the cost to adealer - preparing for sale, framing, etc. - is a fixedamount regardless of the scarcity of the item. Bydefinition, therefore, the percentage return will have tobe proportionally larger on the cheaper items. Toconfuse issues even further it should be rememberedthat most dealers frame items in their own 'house-style'and will not usually make any allowance for frameswhen buying.

Certain areas of the world have been neglected bycollectors for some time and it is possible to hazard a

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guess that maps of South America (especially Brazil),Africa, and China will increase in value more thanother areas which have already shown spectacular priceincreases. Surprisingly, perhaps, maps of the BritishIsles have only recently become of interest and Ameri-cana was considerably underpriced for many years.Maps of France are virtually uncollected due to a totallack of interest in France itself and it would be possibleto form a fine collection of French maps at a verymoderate cost indeed.

Reproductions, fakes and forgeries

Reproductions of many early maps are readily ob-tainable and, indeed, it would often be impossible topurchase the original, e.g. the Hereford Map. Thesereproductions are invaluable for research and studyand the potential student is recommended to obtain thecatalogue of the fine reproduction atlases published byTheatrum Orbis Terrarum NV, Keizersgracht 526,Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The British Libraryalso have a number of publications of interest includ-ing reproductions of Saxton's county maps, many-others being obtainable from specialist map dealers.

Above all things the collector will not want topurchase a 'fake', but it is difficult, if not impossible, togive any hard and fast rules to prevent this occurrence.In recent years the writers have noticed reproductionmaps which have been 'doctored' with the intention ofdeceiving potential purchasers - often included inauction sales these fakes would deceive all but theexpert. Generally the line of the printing does not havethe 'bite' of the original engraving and often areas ofthe map where lines are very close together have'blocked' up and present a solid appearance rather thanbeing composed of single fine lines in very closeproximity. Old frames are readily obtainable and theauthors have seen frames which have been cut downfrom larger sizes with back boards showing clean edges- showing the cutting down - which are then fastenedinto the frame with old nails.

If in any doubt at all the aspiring collector is welladvised to ask expert advice. When purchasing ahouse, a boat, a car or even a horse, it is not usual torush out and buy without an independent opinion andthat is what should be done when buying maps.Established collectors and dealers have usually spentmany years studying the subject and will generally giveadvice freely. The media seem to delight in exposing all


the worst traits of dealers and rarely - if ever - suggestthat purchasers should draw on the trade's expertiserather than constantly suspecting it of chicanery.

In the late 19705 two maps by Ortelius of North andSouth America and the 1587 World Map purporting tobe original were drawn to the attention of the PublicArchives of Canada, the National Map Collection.Upon examination they proved to be forgeries,specifically made to deceive, bearing the closest pos-sible resemblance to the originals. Apart from scientifictests on the paper, ink and printed image, whichshowed that the maps were not old, the false platemarkwas 11 mm larger than the originals. It must beassumed, unfortunately, that forgeries of this type wil lcontinue and that their 'quality' wi l l improve.

Displaying and caring for maps

Many antiques, including maps, are made from organicmaterials (which decay) and should ideally, therefore,be kept in an air conditioned environment. This isobviously impossible for the majority of collectors anda compromise must be sought.

Paper was initially made in the Orient from veg-etable fibres and the first record of European paper-making is in the twelfth century by the Moors in Spainand, independently, in Southern Italy. White paper wasfirst made in England in 1495, by which time it hadalready been manufactured on the European mainlandfor at least 100 years. Until about 1800 all fineEuropean paper was made entirely of rags pulped inwater by simple water-driven machinery. After manu-facture the individual dried sheets of paper were 'sized'by immersion in vats of 'size' - or animal glue - andthen left to dry. This process prevented the paperremaining absorbent - like blotting paper - andenabled the colourists to apply large areas of evencolour comparatively easily. The size on many oldmaps has decayed and it is reassuring to know thatduring the last twenty or thirty years there has been aremarkable increase in the range of conservationtechniques and it is now possible to treat virtuallyevery type of blemish and deterioration found onpaper-

Considerable differences of opinion exist concerningthe roles of restorer and conservator and it may be ofuse to give a brief definition of their functions beforeexpanding further. Conservation is essentially the useof various techniques (physical and chemical) both in

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storage and treatment to preserve a given item in itsexisting state, whilst restoration is the use of availablemethods to bring back a damaged article to its originalcondition. Difficulties can arise when owners ofdamaged material require work to be done whichconflicts with the ethics of conservation or restoration.

When items of great historic interest are beingtreated it is obvious that nothing should be added tothem - or taken away! It is, however, difficult todetermine when missing material should be replaced -that is, of course, when the original state is known. Itcan be argued that it is acceptable to replace missingportions of a common map and it is also possible tocontend, quite reasonably, that it is wrong to do so andthat the spaces should be left blank. Curators, archi-vists, restorers, dealers and collectors have beendiscussing these problems for many years withoutreaching any firm conclusions and with so manyconflicting requirements obviously a compromisemust be reached; this has to be left to individualjudgement.

Framing is a more easily solved problem althougheven here difficulties may be encountered by theunsuspecting. Traditionally, framers stuck downeverything on paper or strawboard to ensure that whenframed it would be completely flat; luckily a moreenlightened attitude is prevalent today, although self-adhesive tape, acidic mounts and backing boards andeven dry mounting are still to be found on framedmaps; all these methods of handling can damage oldpaper. Most specialist map dealers can provide a skilledframing service and will willingly advise customers.Acid-free mounting boards may be obtained, althoughchemically neutralized boards should be avoided asthey tend to revert to their original state by absorptionfrom the atmosphere. At the first sign of decay theowner must take professional advice.

No one would deny for a moment that every caremust be taken to preserve old maps but we should notbe carried away by the urge to conserve; after all, greatnumbers of very early maps have survived without anyspecial care at all. Amateur restoration or conservationcan create more problems than they solve, very oftenpresenting professionals with the task of trying torepair the irreparable.

Sources of information

We should not leave this chapter without a word onsources of information available to the new map

collector. The bibliography at the end of this book(and in others of a similar nature) obviously providesthe first step, but this is a specialized subject andunfortunately many of these works are not readilyavailable although dealers will probably have copies ofsome of them. The larger public libraries can usuallyobtain copies even if they are not actually on theshelves. In addition there is the Map Collector magazinepublished quarterly by Map Collector PublicationsLimited, PO Box 53, Tring, Herts HP*3 jBH, and thecatalogues issued by most of the principal map dealersprovide an absolutely invaluable, indeed indispen-sable, source of information on details of maps andcartographers and, of course, on selling prices. Thecatalogues issued by Robert Douma (Prints and Maps)Ltd (formerly Weinreb and Douma Ltd), serve as oneof the best examples of this source of information.

Where old maps may be seen

Many collectors will probably be content to look atmaps and catalogues in dealers' showrooms; those whowish to extend their interest will find that most of theolder University libraries and the larger public ref-erence libraries have collections of maps to display tothe serious student. It will be understood that beforeasking to see valuable original maps, it is onlyreasonable to make an appointment with librarians andto declare one's interest. As a further very generalguide, some of the major map collections, world-wide,are listed below but, it need scarcely be emphasized, thelist is by no means complete and the serious researcherwill soon be able to add his own sources ofinformation.

London British Library; Royal GeographicalSociety; Guildhall Library; NationalMaritime Museum

Oxford Bodleian LibraryCambridge University Library; Fitzwilliam

MuseumEdinburgh University LibraryAberystwyth National Library of WalesAlnwick Castle CollectionHereford Cathedral Mappa Mundi

Paris Bibliotheque NationaleStrassburg UniversitatsbibliothekThe Hague RijksarchiefAmsterdam Nederlandsh Historisch Sheepvaart

Museum; Universiteits Bibliotheek

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Rotterdam Maritiem MuseumUtrecht Geografisch Instituut der

RijksuniversiteitBrussels Archives Generates du Royaume;

Bibliotheque RoyaleAntwerp Museum Plantin-Moretus; National

Sheep vaartmuseumBerlin (West) Staatsbibliothek Preussischer

Kulturbesitz(East) Deutsche Staatsbibliothek

Hamburg Deutsche Hydrographische InstitutMunich Bayerische StaatsbibliothekNuremberg Germanische NationalmuseumWiirttemberg Schloss WolfeggVienna Oesterreichische NationalbibliothekRome Bibliotheca Nazionale

Bibliotheca Apostolica VaticanaFlorence Bibliotheca Medicea LaurenzianaVenice Bibliotheca Nazionale MarcianaBasle UniversitatsbibliothekSt Gallen StiftsbibliothekZurich Zentralbibliothek and StaatsarchivMadrid Biblioteca NationalLisbon Museum National de Arte AntigaCopenhagen Det Kongelige Bibliothek

Stockholm Kungliga BiblioteketHelsinki University Library (Nordenskiold

Collection)Warsaw Bibliotheka Narodowa

Washington Library of CongressNew York American Geographical Society

(now at University of Wisconsin,Milwaukee); Pierpoint MorganLibrary; Public Library

Ann Arbor University of Michigan, William L.Clements Library

Baltimore Peabody Institute LibraryJohns Hopkins University Library

Chicago Newberry LibraryHarvard University LibraryLos Angeles University of California, William

Andrew Clark Memorial LibraryPrinceton University LibraryProvidence, RI John Carter Brown Librajy

San Marino, Cal. Huntington LibraryYale University Library

Montreal La Societe Historique du Lac Saint-Louis

Ottawa National Map Collection

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ITALY (Chapter 11) GERMANY & AUSTRIA (Chapter 12)

LI VIO SANUTO 1520-1576

Sanuto, a Venetian accomplished in the arts and music,turned his abilities to the study of mathematics andcosmography, becoming an avid collector of works onthose subjects by earlier historians and seafarers. Apartfrom inventing instruments for use in astronomy, heplanned a massive work to cover a description of theknown world with maps which he believed would bemore accurate than any previously published. In theevent he died in 1576 having completed only thegeneral part of his Geografia together with the descrip-tion and mapping of Africa. The maps - the first Atlasof Africa - were finished and published 12 years afterhis death by his brother, Giulio Sanuto.1588 Geografia di M. Livio Sanuto: 12 maps of


PAOLO PETRINiy?. 1670-1722

Very little is known about Petrini except that for manyyears he was a publisher and map seller in Naplesproducing large and small maps often slavishly basedon those by Guillaume Sanson and Nicholas de Per(whose errors he usually copied). About 1718 hepublished a large-scale plan of Naples. All his work isvery rare.1700 Atlante Partenopea

Included maps of the Continents and 26other maps.

1700 Mappa Mondo Vero Carta ... (fol.)c. 1700 Maps of the World and the Continents

(wall maps).1722 Maps of the World and the Continents



Etzlaub was one of the many remarkable figures whowere prominent in mathematics, astronomy and mapand globe making in Nuremberg at the end of thefifteenth century. As well as being a compass andinstrument maker, he was a cartographer noted notonly for large scale maps of Nuremberg and other citiesand their surroundings but especially for his road mapof Central Europe, the first printed road map of a widearea (see also Chapters 4 and 5). Etzlaub is alsoconsidered to be the originator of the form of mapprojection, later refined by Mercator and known to theworld as Mercator's Projection. Etzlaub first used it inan engraving on the cover of a sundial c. 1511-13 .1492 Environs of Nurembergc. 1492- Dasistder Row-lt^(The Rome Way)15001501 Road map of Germany centred on Nurem-



In the history of cartography Martin Waldseemiillerhas a unique place for his part in naming the new-found Continent of America. It has long been assumedthat he came from Radolfzell am Boden See but recentresearch by German archivists reveals that he was bornbetween the years 1470 and 1475 almost certainly inthe village of Wolfenweiler near Freiburg im Breisgau(or possibly in Freiburg itself), but in any case he grewup in Freiburg and entered the university there in1490. His fellow students included Johannes Schott (/?.c. 1500-1521), later a noted printer, and MatthiasRingman, a poet who wrote Waldseemiiller's texts. The

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students' interest in cosmography was undoubtedlyaroused by their tutor, Gregor Reisch, confessor to theEmperor Maximilian, noted for his philosophical work,Margarita Philosophies ( i 503), a widely read book, manyeditions of which included a World Map in Ptolemaicform. After learning the printing trade in BasleWaldseemiiller moved to St. Didal (now St. Die desVosges) where he became professor of cosmographyunder the patronage of Rene II, Duke of Lorraine. Itwas at this time that Waltzemuller (as his name wasprobably spelled then) adopted as his nom-de-plumethe name 'Ilacomylus', a Greek/Latin form of his nameby which he became commonly known. It is believedthat the Duke himself had acquired a copy of theMundus Novus ( 1 5 02), an account of the voyages of theFlorentine seafarer Amerigo Vespucci which evidentlyso impressed Waldseemiiller and Ringman that theynot only disregarded the earlier discoveries of Columbusbut set aside a planned new edition of Ptolemy toconcentrate on their Cosmographtae Introductio with itsWorld Map and set of globe gores (i 507) in order toshow the 'new' continent and 'those parts of the Worldunknown to Ptolemy'. The book was printed at St. Dieon the Duke's presses in three editions in 1507 and alater printing in 1 5 09 at Strassburg. Of the i ooo copiesof the map said to have been produced only one whichcame to light in 1901 (together with the only copy ofthe 1 5 1 6 Carta Marina) has survived. Exhaustiveanalysis of the paper, printing blocks and types indicatesthat these surviving maps were printed about the sametime, probably in Strassburg by Johannes Griininger.

The text of the Cosmographiae Introductio in which thename 'America' is used was written by Ringman, andthere are those who consider that Ringman's influencewas dominant in the choice of the name. He died in1 5 1 1 and by then Waldseemuller was having doubtsabout the name they had coined, but already so manycopies had been distributed that it was too late forsecond thoughts. After Ringman's death Waldseemullerconcentrated on the new version of Ptolemy's Geogra-phia, now regarded as the most important edition andwhich was the most authoritative work of its time untilthe issue of Munster's Geographia in 1540.

In 1 5 1 3 Waldseemuller was honoured for his workby being appointed a 'life' Canon at St. Die, and he diedthere at about the age of 45 in the 'Canon's House' on16 March 1 5 1 9 ( 1 5 2 0 new style).1507 Universalis Cosmographia Secundum Ptholomaei

Traditionem et Amend Vespudi AliorumqueLustrationes: World Map on 12 sheets


1 5 1 1 Central Europe: road map15 20 Re-issued (one copy known).

1 5 1 3 Ptolemy's Geographia: published in Strass-burg by Jacobus Eszler and GeorgiusUbelin (large folio): 47 woodcut maps1520 Strassburg: Re-issued.

1516 Carta Marina Navigatoria. World chart on12 sheets (one copy known) Later editionsare noted under Laurent Fries (q.v.)


Sgrooten, a German cartographer who became 'RoyalGeographer to Philip II of Spain' is best known for abeautiful large map on 9 sheets of the Holy Land. Themap, which was divided into two portions, the largercovering most of Palestine, the smaller extending toSinai and the Nile Delta, was compiled from notesprepared by Peter Laicksteen (ft. c. 1544-70) who haddrawn a map of Jerusalem in 1544 and subsequentlyhad travelled widely throughout the country. At thetime, the map was highly regarded and was used byOrtelius, Speed, William Blaeu and many others.1565 Germany: 9 sheets1 5 70 Nova Descriptio Amplissimae Sanctae Terrae:

published in Antwerp at 'the Sign of theFour Winds' by Hieronymous Cock (Cocq)


Metellus is an obscure figure about whom little isknown except that he was born in Louvain, later beingheard of in Cologne where he was probably a publisheras well as a cartographer. He compiled a set of maps ofAmerica (with a World Map) very similar to those ofCornells van Wytfliet with which they are oftenconfused. The maps by Metellus are much rarer thanthose of Wytfliet.1598 Geographische und Historische Beschreibung der

iiberauss grossen Landsckafft America by JoseD'Acosta: published byjohann Christoffel,Cologne: 20 maps1600 Re-issued


Athanasius Kircher, a German Jesuit educated at Fulda,was one of the most remarkable men of his time,seemingly interested in every aspect of life. He was anexpert on China and its languages; Egypt and Ethiopiaand the source of the Nile; he translated oriental scriptsand hieroglyphics; made a scientific study of theevolution of the earth and its physical features; he

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wrote a treatise on the reasons for magnetic compassvariations; and, in the midst of all that, found time toinvent the magic lantern, for which he is probably bestremembered! He travelled extensively and eventuallysettled in Rome (where he founded a museum namedafter him) and died there in 1680.

Maps in his book Mundus Subterraneus were the firstto describe tides and ocean currents besides showingthe sites of all the volcanoes known at that time. Alsoincluded was a map of'Atlantis' as he perceived it.1652 Chorographta originis Nili: Amsterdam

3 maps on one sheet showing differentaspects of the source of the Nile — 'thefountains of the Nile'

1665 Mundus Subterraneus: Amsterdam (includ-ing World Map, Tabula Geographica-Hydro-graphica motus ocean!. . .)

1675 Area Noe(including World Map, GeographiaConjecturalis De Orbis Terrestris Post Dilu-vium)This map shows Kircher's ideas of how theFlood affected the ancient world


1687 Mundi Mirabilis Tripartus (included worldchart of ocean currents, dated 1675)

Homann Heirs (Homannische Erben)JOHANN MATTHIAS HASE (HASIUS) 1684-^. 1742JOHANN HtJBNER 1668-17 } 1JOHANN GEORG EBERSPERGER 1695-1760JOHANN MICHAEL FRANZ I 7OO- 1761


Over a very long period the firm published an immensenumber of maps in various forms - as standard atlasesin many editions (the titles of which sometimeschanged), composite atlases made up to order andindividual maps. In consequence it is often very difficultto be precise in dating their work but the following isa useful guide to their publications.c. 1724 Atlas Novus

Re-issues to c. 17551732 Atlas Minor

Re-issues to c. 17501 7 3 5 Atlas Germaniae (specialis)

Re-issues to c. 17771736 Atlas Silesiae

Re-issues to c. 17501737 Grosser Atlas

Re-issues to c. 17531740 Atlas Historicus

1747 Homannischer AtlasRe-issues to c. 1780

1747 Atlas Novus Terrarum (Orbis)

Re-issues to 1 7 5 3c. 1752 Atlas Compendiarus

Re-issues to (".17901753 Atlas Geograpbicus Maior

Re-issues to c. 17841754 Bequemer Hand-atlas

1762 Stadt Atlasc. 1762 Atlas Homannianus

Collection of maps dated 1723 onwards1769 Atlas Novus Repub/icae Helveticae: Nurem-

berg1770 Re-issued in Zurich

c. 1770 Atlas Mapparum geographicarum

Re-issues to c. 17931776 Ebhmische Atlas1777 Atlas Methodtcus1788 Niederldndiscbe Atlas1797 Welt at lasc. 1804 Spanische Atlasc. 1804 Atlas der Osterreichische Monarchic

ELIAS BAECK 1679-1747

1710 Atlas geographicus1720-38 Various town plans


1749 Nouvel Atlas de Marine



Born at Dordrecht in Holland, Merula studied at anumber of universities before settling at Leiden wherehe was appointed Professor of History. He also practisedthere as a solicitor and wrote numerous works on lawand history, as well as a treatise on geography whichincluded about 20 maps and views. The most importantof these was a World Map engraved by Jan vanDoetecum (Jr) based on the World Map by PetrusPlancius ( 1 5 90): also included were a small World Mapby Jodocus Hondius and other small maps taken fromthe Tabularum Geographicarum by Petrus Bertius.1605 Cosmographtae generalis libri tres.

Item Geographiaeparticularis libri IV ...1621 Re-issued without the large World

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Map but including a smaller one and otherscorrected by Jodocus Hondius (Jr)1636 Re-issued with fewer maps


In spite of his Spanish sounding name, de Afferden wasa Belgian cartographer who published in Antwerp in1696 an atlas which appeared in several editions.1696 El Atlas Abbreviado

1697, 1709, 1711, 1721 Re-issued

FRANCE (Chapter 14)


Laurent Fries, born in Mulhouse in Burgundy, travelledwidely, studying as a physician and mathematician inVienne, Padua, Montpellier and Colmar before settlingin Strassburg. There he is first heard of working as adraughtsman on Peter Apian's highly decorativecordiform World Map, published in 15 20. Apian's mapwas based on Waldseemtiller's map of 1507 which nodoubt inspired Fries's interest in the Ptolemy 'atlases'of 151 3 and 15 20 and brought him into contact withthe publisher, Johannes Gruninger. It is thought thatGriininger had acquired the woodcuts of the 15 20edition with the intention of producing a new versionto be edited by Fries. Under his direction the maps wereredrawn and although many of them were unchanged,except for size, others were embellished with historicalnotes and figures, legends and the occasional seamonster. Three new maps were added. Of the twoWorld Maps included, one, dated 1 5 2 2 and initialled'LF' in the title border, is of very special interest tocollectors, being the earliest World Map bearing thename 'America' which is likely to come on the market.1 5 2 2 Ptolemy's Geographia: Strassburg: 5 o wood-

cut maps1 5 2 5 Strassburg: Re-issuedi} 3 5 Lyon: Re-issued, edited by MichaelServetus1541 Vienne (Dauphine): Re-issue

1 5 2 5 Carta Marina: reduced version on 12 sheetsof Waldseemiiller's map of 1 5 1 61527, 1530 Re-issued - only one copy ofthis map, dated 1 5 30, is known


one of the most important members of the DieppeSchool of Cartography. He travelled widely throughoutmany parts of the known world and between the years1542 and 1547 lived in London where he was'Hydrographer' to Henry VIII, to whom his 'Boke' isdedicated with the resounding words 'This Boke ofIdrography is made by me Johne Rotz sarvant to theKing's Mooste Excellent Majeste. Code save hisMajeste'. With the approach of the King's death Rotzoffered his services and, no doubt, knowledge ofEngland's defences to Henry II of France whowelcomed him back to Dieppe where he resettled as amerchant and shipbuilder for the French navy. Manyauthorities believe that the existence of Australia wasprobably known to Rotz and other members of theDieppe School.

1542 Bake of Idrograpky. \ World Map and 11regional maps in portulan style on vellum


Poirson was a talented geographer and engraver knownfor the production of magnificent, very large globes,claimed to be the best since those of Coronelli. He alsocompiled a large number of maps, examples of whichare listed below, published in various geographical andhistorical works.1799 Carolina1803 Mississippi1808 North America1821 Nouvelle geographic elementaire1827 Mexique


Herisson was an engraver, geographer and hydrogra-pher active in Paris over many years. His work includeda geographical dictionary and small maps of every kind.1806-23 Ameriquei 806 Atlas ou Dictionnaire de Geographie Universelle18 06-11 Atlas Portatif18 11 Nouvel Atlas Portatif1818 World Atlas


JEAN ROTZ (ROZE) c. 1505-^. 1560Jean Rotz, born in Dieppe where his father, a Scotsman,had settled as a trader to the Far East, is regarded as


During the first half of the nineteenth century BritishAdmiralty charts became the accepted standard for useby seamen of practically all nations. No one made a

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greater contribution to their reputation than JamesHorsburgh.

He was born in Fifeshire, went to sea at the age of16, and after an adventurous ten years mainly in theFar East was shipwrecked in the Indian Ocean throughthe use of an inaccurate chart. From then onwards heturned to the study of navigation and allied subjects,determined to improve methods of charting the seas.He was soon producing new charts which came to theattention of Alexander Dalrymple, the Hydrographerto the East India Co., through whom they werepublished. Over the next 20 years spent in the Far Easthe kept meticulous notes and observations, producingnew charts and compiling his greatest work, TheDirections for sailing to and from the East Indies, China . . .This has gone through a great many editions and is thebasis of the present East India Directory.

In 1806 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Societyand in 1810 became Hydrographer to the East IndiaCo.c. 1794 Charts of the Straits of Macassar, Dampier's

Strait and areas of the Philippine Islands.1805-12 Charts of the East Indies.1817 East India Pilot.

SCOTLAND (Chapter 16)


William Roy was born in Carluke in Lanarkshire andit is recorded that, by the time he was 21, he was servingas an assistant to Colonel David Watson, the Army'sDeputy Quarter Master General during the 1745Jacobite rising. In that campaign the need for adequatemaps of Scotland became apparent and in 1747 it wasdecided to undertake a major survey of the country,starting in the Highlands. Although at that stage Royheld no military rank, he was responsible for the

supervision of the Army survey teams and his hand canbe seen in the final beautifully drawn maps of theHighlands. The mapping of southern Scotland, hur-riedly finished in 1758, was less satisfactory. Theexperience gained in those years left Roy dedicated tothe idea of a survey by triangulation of the whole ofthe British Isles on the lines of that being undertakenby the Cassini family in France. Unfortunately he wasfrustrated in that ambition until the very end of hislife, but he spent the intervening years activelyproducing maps and plans of many different parts of

the country, including Roman military sites, andselecting suitable observation posts for the laterNational Survey. In Chapter 8 we have followed theevents leading up to the foundation of the OrdnanceSurvey Office in 17 91, the year after Roy died.

William Roy was commissioned in the Army in 1 7 5 5and served in Germany during the Seven Years War,later becoming Deputy Quarter Master General andSurveyor of Coastal Defences. He was elected a Fellowof the Royal Society in i 767 and of the Society ofAntiquaries in 1776 in recognition of his archaeologicalwork. Although details of his life are covered inspecialist works on the Ordnance Survey, many generalhistories of cartography scarcely mention his name andyet, in view of his unremitting perseverance over alifetime in preparing the way for large scale mappingof the country, he must surely be classed with the mostdistinguished British cartographers.

SPAIN (Chapter i9)

JOAO TEIXEIRA C. 1602-1666

His 'chart' of Africa, published in Lisbon in 1649, wasused for a century or more by other cartographers.1649 Cosmographo de sua Magestade (East Indies

Navigational Chart)Map of Africa with inset plans of Mombasaand other ports - issued also in Thevenot'sRelations de Divers Voyages Curteux

DENMARK (Chapter 19)


Pontanus came from Helsinki and settled for a time inHolland as a professor of mathematics, geography andhistory at Harderwyk where he compiled a two-volumework Rerum et Urbis Amstelodensium Historia whichcontained a decorative map of Europe, Africa and Asiawith inset figures in national dress. The map appears inboth volumes in different states.

In 1618 he was appointed by Christian IV ofDenmark as 'royal historian' and in that capacity wrotea history of Denmark (Rerum Danicarum Historia) whichincluded maps of Denmark and Holstein.1611 Tabula Geographica in qua Europa, Africa,

Asia... Amsterdam

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1631 Daniae Regnt Typus (Denmark)Ducatus Hotsatiae Nova Tabu/a (Holstein)published by Jodocus Hondius and JanJansson in Amsterdam



1769-7 3 Chart of the Kattegat and the Baltic1790 Chart of the North Sea

NORWAY (Chapter 19)


Heitman, a sea captain and hydrographer, was one ofthe first to survey the coasts of Norway in any detail.Although his charts were not published separately, theywere used by Dutch publishers including the vanKeulen family.172 5 Charts of the North Sea and Oslofjord

ANDERS HOEG 1727-1796

Anders Hoeg, a lecturer in the art of navigation and asea captain, spent many years in company with theDanes, A. and C. C. Lous (qq.v.), revising Dutch seacharts of the North Sea and the Baltic.1769 Chart of the North Sea

CARL FREDERIK GROVE 1758-1829NIELS ANDREAS WIBE 1759-1814BONONI D'AUBERT (Danish) 1768-1832In 1786 the Danish hydrographer Paul de Lovenorninitiated a survey by triangulation of the coasts ofNorway, a task which was undertaken and eventuallycompleted by the above team.1793-1817 Charts of the Norwegian coast: published

by the Depot de la Marine, Paris

SWEDEN (Chapter 19)

FETTER GEDDA 1661-1697

Gedda was a pilot and hydrographer in Governmentservice who published the first Swedish chart bookwhich was based on earlier work of Admiral Wernervon Rosenfeldt (1639-1710). The charts were widelycopied by Hendrick Doncker, van Keulen and others.1694- 5 Chart Book of the Baltic and Kattegat: i o

charts: Amsterdam: Swedish, Dutch andEnglish versions


1699 Re-issued: 12 charts1739 Revised and re-issued as Sea Atlas ofthe Baltic by Gedda's successor Nils Strom-crona (1664-1740)


Akerman, a cartographer, globe maker, and engraverin Uppsala, compiled a series of new charts of the Balticwhich were soon replaced by the official surveysundertaken by Admiral Nordenankar.1768 Chart of the Gulf of Finland1768 Atlas Hydrografica


In 1772, in accordance with a Government decree,Admiral Nordenankar was appointed to the task ofresurveying the coasts of Sweden. The new charts,compiled in conjunction with Eric af Klint (1732-1812), a hydrographer, and Fredrik Akrel (1748-1 804),an engineer, were first published in 1797 in Stockholmand later were reproduced by Dutch publishers and byWilliam Faden in London.178 8-90 Maps of Sweden and Finland and Charts of

the Baltic1797 Sea Atlas

c. 1832 Revised and re-issued in 2 volumesby Gustav af Klint (1771-1840)1849 Re-issued

SWITZERLAND (Chapter 19)

AEGIDIUS (GILG) TSCHUDI 1 5 0 5 - 1 5 7 2Tschudi was a man of some distinction who representedhis country as ambassador at the Court of Augsburg.Following his student days in Paris and Basle hetravelled widely throughout Switzerland preparingdetailed topographical notes and sketches evidentlywith the mapping of the country much in mind. In duecourse, in 1 5 3 8 he produced a large woodcut map intwo versions, one with text in German, one in Latin.The map, oriented to the south, was much acclaimedand became the standard work until that of HansKonrad Gyger in the next century. Although no copieshave survived, it is known from later versions issued inreduced form. Tschudi's later revised map printed inBasle in 1560, of which one copy is known, was alsowidely copied, by Mercator, among others.1538 Nova Rhaetiae-Hebetiae Descriptio

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1 5 5 5 Re-issued in Rome (Antonio Sala-manca)1567 Re-issued in Venice (Paolo Forlani)1570 Re-issued in Antwerp (AbrahamOrtelius and many others)

15 60 Helvetia et Khaetia1 5 8 5 Used by Gerard Mercator

jos MURER 1 5 3 0 — 1 5 8 0Little is known of Jos Murer except that he was a poetand that he belonged to a notable circle of glass paintersin Zurich.

His fairly large woodcut map ( 8 4 X 1 0 2 cm) ofCanton Zurich is a handsome production combiningthe elements of a picture map of the landscape of thecanton with bird's-eye views of the towns, evidentlymuch influenced by Italian and German maps of theprevious century.

His son, Christoph (1558-1614) engraved a map ofSwitzerland in 1582.1566 Ziircher Staatsgebiet: engraved on 6 sheets1576 Map of the Black Sea used by Braun and


THOMAS SCHOEPF C. 1 5 2 7 - 1 5 7 7

Thomas Schoepf came from the south of Germany butstudied in Basle, eventually practising as a doctor inBern where he remained until his death of the plaguein 1577.

His very large map of Canton Bern (128 x 187 cm) -in his day the canton covered most of westernSwitzerland - was the first map to be engraved oncopper in Switzerland where the long tradition ofwoodblock printing, especially in Basle, was slow togive way to new methods. The map, printed the yearafter his death, was remarkably accurate and was usedby Mercator and other cartographers/publishers forsomething like the next 200 years.1578 Bernishes Staatsgebiet: engraved on 18 sheets


Gyger was born into a gifted Zurich family noted fortheir work as glass painters: other members weredoctors, astronomers, mathematicians, some of whomwere local map makers. After studying for a time withMatthaus Merian he returned to Zurich to become amilitary engineer and, even by 1620 at the age of 21, hewas working on the preparation of military maps whichled to the detailed mapping of Canton Zurich and othercantons. He made full use of existing methods oftriangulation and devised new and very effective means

of showing land surface in relief but his methods,perhaps not properly understood, were never generally

accepted.For most of his life Gyger maintained contact with

his mentor, Matthaus Merian, for whose Topographia heprepared a number of maps and town plans including asplendid bird's-eye view of Baden (1658).1634, 1635,1637/8,1657 Maps of Switzerland1629-67 Maps of various cantons

HEINRICH LUDWIG MUOSS 1 6 5 7 - 1 7 2 1

Muoss, a printer of topographical books, compiled ahighly decorative and very popular map of Switzerland,based on Gyger's map of 1657. The second edition of1710 was issued as a wall map with a most elaborateborder showing views of all the principal towns withhistorical notes.1698 Helvetia, Rhaetia, Vallesia

1710 Re-issued


Johann Scheuchzer was one of the outstanding men ofhis time. Distinguished as a doctor, mathematician,astronomer, cartographer and artist, he was a memberof German, Prussian and Italian Academies and theRoyal Society in London ; his services were sought afterby Peter the Great.

With such wide-ranging interests it is remarkablethat he was able to devote time and energy over i 8years to the physical task of re-mapping Switzerland.His new survey was based on Gyger's last map of 1657which was very much enlarged, revised and corrected,Scheuchzer claiming that he had added 2,000 new placenames to it, but in spite of his artistry it lacked theclarity of Gyger's map. Nevertheless, it was very popularand was used in reduced form in various atlases byPieter Schenk, Gerard Valck and Covens and Mortierin Amsterdam and by publishers in other centres.1712-13 Nova Helvetiae Tabula Geographica: 4 sheets

1765 Re-issued in Zurich


Walser was a churchman, turned historian and cartog-rapher, who developed a special interest in drawingand mapping the mountains and glaciers of Switzerland.In the years 1763-68 the firm of Homann Heirs inNuremberg published 15 of his cantonal maps and thenused them as the basis for a Swiss atlas published in1769. Surprisingly, this was only the second atlas of

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Swiss maps printed in over 200 years, the first being byJohann Stumpf in 1548/52 . The Nuremberg issue waspopular and was reproduced in two editions in Zurich.1769 Atlas Novus Republtcae Helveticae

1770 Schiveizerische Geographic: two editions


In the last quarter of the eighteenth century whennational surveys were being undertaken in mostEuropean countries, Johann Meyer, a wealthy merchantof Aarau, decided to organise - at his own expense - anew scientific survey of his country. In 1786, he enlistedthe help of Johann Weiss, an engineer and topographerserving in the French army at Strassburg. Weiss waswell versed in French methods of surveying and hadalready completed a map of Alsace (1781).

Working from two principal base lines Meyer andWeiss completed their survey in a comparatively shorttime, producing 16 maps which were published as anatlas in 1802. These were to remain the standard large-scale maps unt i l the Dufour survey later in the century.1802 Schweizer-Atlas (Atlas Suisse): i6 sheets

The atlas included a Carte generate de la Suissecompiled between c. 1788 and 1796 andfirst published in 1800.


The trigonometrical survey supervised by GeneralDufour was designed primarily for military purposesbut it also bridged the period of transition between thelast of the privately financed surveys (the Meyer/Weissmaps of 1802) and the new official survey started byHermann Siegfried in 1868.18 3 2-64 Topographische Karte der Schweiz: 2 5 sheets


The first sheets of the official 'Ordnance' survey map ofSwitzerland, commonly known as the Siegfried map,were issued in 1868 and, as in all European countries,are constantly revised and extended.1868-1908 Topographischer Atlas der Schiveiz '• 593 sheets

RUSSIA (Chapter i9)


1750 Chart of the Gulf of Finland1777 Re-issued

1757 Atlas of the Whole Baltic Sea1789, 1792, 1794 Re-issued


1813 Atlas de /'Ocean Pacifiqtte1824 (and later) Re-issued


1821-23 Atlas of the Gulf of Finland


1823 Atlas of the Three Voyages of LieutenantKotzebue round the World

AMERICA (Chapter 20)

JOHN SMITH 1580-1631

Experienced collectors will know that John Smith'smaps of Virginia and New England, and the numerousderivatives, have been described and analysed at greatlength by many carto-bibliographers. To new collectorsit must be said that any versions of the maps are nowvery rare and here we give only a brief descriptive noteto set them in their historical context.

John Smith was one of the few survivors of that firstsmall party of English settlers who sailed intoChesapeake Bay and the James River in April 1607.Their first years were dire in the extreme and eventualsurvival was due to the providential arrival of morecolonists and to the efforts of their self-appointedleader, John Smith. It was all the more remarkable thatSmith, in the short space of about two years (includingsome time in Indian captivity), was able to makeaccurate drawings of Chesapeake Bay and to explore,or at least to record, details of the immediate hinterland- always in the belief that a direct passage to the 'IndianSea' lay within his grasp. He returned to England in1609 and his map, engraved by William Hole andpublished in Oxford in 1612 by Joseph Barnes, remainedthe prototype for later maps of the region until theprinting of Augustine Herrman's map in 167 3.

Smith's later exploration of the coastline andmainland of New England and his description of thecountry with a map issued in 1616 were importantinfluences in promoting colonisation from Europe.1612 Virginia

Numerous re-issues in Smith's Genera//Historic of Virginia &nd in PurchashisPilgrtmesby Samuel Purchas (1624-6)

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1616 New England: issued in Smith's A Descrip-tion of New England and later in his Genera//Histone


Soon after the foundation of the State of Maryland, thefirst map of the region was published in London byLord Baltimore in A Re/atton of Maryland written toattract settlers to the colony. Known as 'Lord Balti-more's Map' it became increasingly important in lateryears for its delineations of the state boundaries whichwere in constant dispute until the Mason/Dixonsettlement in 1768. Although Lord Baltimore evidently-engraved the map, it is not known who compiled it butit has been attributed to the Dutch cartographer, PetrusMontanus (Pieter van den Berg).1 6 3 5 Noua Terrae-Manae tabula

J O H N F A R R E R ( F E R R E R ) / / . 1 6 5 1John Farrer's Mapp of Virginia is one of the moreintriguing examples of early map making. As Farrerwas in the service of the Virginia Company it must beassumed that the map represented an official view ofthe colony but it is hard to believe that even in 1651credence could be given to Indian reports that over themountains 'there were great rivers that run into a greatsea' and that, in consequence 'The Sea of China and theIndies' could be reached 'in 10 days march with 50foote and 30 hors-men from the head of Jeames River'.(One is tempted to ask why such a short journey hadn'tbeen made).

Although some features of the map are fanciful, itdoes provide important geographical information andshows the Swedish and Dutch plantations and, for thefirst time, the name 'Carolana' appears. Sir FrancisDrake's portrait is set against the Pacific coast and hisclaim to 'New Albion' (in 1577), is noted.

Copies of the map exist in several states, some ofwhich contained additions made by Farrer's daughterVirginia and were issued under her name.1 6 5 1 A Mapp of Virginia: engraved by John

Goddard and sold by John Stephenson inLondonc .1667-8 Re-issued by John Overton


Herrman was a Bohemian immigrant whose map, thefinest of its time, was compiled with Thomas Within-brook and published in London by John Seller. Itsuperseded John Smith's map of Virginia (1612),

replacing Indian names with English and was muchused by later surveyors and in the settlement ofboundary disputes: only four copies are known to havesurvived.1673 Virginia and Maryland

THOMAS HOLME 1624-1695

In 1682 William Penn and Thomas Holme, theSurveyor General for Pennsylvania, laid out a plan forthe future city of Philadelphia which was printed inLondon in the following year and is claimed to be thefirst printed plan of a 'United States' city.1683 A Portraiture of the City of Philadelphia

1687 Re-issued in London by P. Leac. 1715 Re-issued in London by G. Willdey

1687 A Mapp of ye Improved part of Pensylva nia inAmerica, Divided into Counties, Townships andLotfs (with an inset plan of Philadelphia):Published in London by P. Lea


Southack, a Boston sea captain, pioneered the mappingof the north-eastern seaboard, compiling numerouscharts made from his own observations during alifetime at sea. His New England Coasting Pilot was thefirst marine 'atlas' published in America - only threecopies are known to have survived - and the 'chart' of1717 was the earliest map printed in America showingall the English colonies. Although later surveys showthe inadequacies of his work his charts were verypopular in their day.1694 Chart of Boston Harbour (Boston)1711 Chart of the St Lawrence River (Boston)1717 A New Chart of [the British Empire in] North

America (Boston)c. 1729-34 The New England Coasting Pilot: 8 Maps

(Boston)c. 1744, c. 1758, 1775 Re-issued in Londonon a single sheet by various publishers


Francisco Kino, a Spanish Jesuit priest, spent manyyears in missionary work and exploration at the headof the Gulf of California. His early journeys seemed toconfirm the belief that California was an island butlater exploration between 1698 and 1701 finally provedthat, in fact, it was a peninsula. Although Kino'smanuscript map (drawn in 1701) has disappeared,copies of it were published twice in Paris in 1705.1705 Passage par terre a la Californie

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JOHN BONNER 1643-1726

John Bonner's plan of Boston was the earliest and mostimportant one of the city. Although only one copy ofthe original printing is known, it was reproduced inBoston and London many times in various states untilthe end of the century.1722 The Town of'Boston in New England (Boston)


The plan of New York 'made by James Lyne', which isbelieved to be the earliest published in the city, iscommonly known as the 'Bradford' map, its dedicationbeing signed by William Bradford, the first establishedprinter there. It was re-engraved and reprinted manytimes in later years.c. 17 3 i A Plan of the City of New York from an actual


H E N R Y POPPLE/?. 1727-1743

Henry Popple is a shadowy figure about whom little isknown except that he was a member of Queen Anne'shousehold in 1713 and acted as 'Agent' for many yearsfor British regiments serving in the American Colonies.

His map, the first on a large scale of North America,consisting of a key map and 20 individual sheets, notsurprisingly contained many inaccuracies magnified byits scale. Some of its features ran counter to Englishclaims in the frontier areas and, therefore, it was neverofficially recognised. But, in spite of its shortcomings,it was a splendid achievement for its time and showedan immense amount of detail in the interior. It wasmuch used by later map makers. The maps wereengraved in London by W. H. Toms and were sold byS. Harding 'on the Pavement in St Martin's Lane', price2/- for the key map and £1.11.6 for the loose sheets.1733 A Map of the British Empire in America with

the French and Spanish Settlements adjacentthereto1737 Re-issued by Covens and Mortier,Amsterdam1742 Re-issued by G. L. Le Rouge, Paris1747 Re-issued by Thomas Bowen, London

LEWIS EVANS C. 1700-1756

Lewis Evans's map of 17 5 5 was the most ambitious andsplendid map compiled by an American cartographerbefore Independence. Four years' travelling and survey-ing resulted in a work of great accuracy rivalling themap by John Mitchell (although covering a smallerarea) issued in the same year. It was first printed in

Philadelphia by Benjamin Franklin and David Hall butit was soon pirated in London by Thomas Kitchin andJohn Bowles and there were numerous copies by manyother publishers up to about 1814. Evans's andMitchell's maps were used over many years in thesettlement of boundary disputes.1749 A Map of Pensilvama, New-jersey, New York,

And the Three Delaware Counties (Philadel-phia)1752 Re-issued

1 7 5 5 A general Map of the Middle British Colonies inAmerica17 5 6-c. 1814 Numerous re-issues


In 1750 Colonel Fry, a surveyor and mathematician,and Peter Jefferson (father of Thomas Jefferson), also asurveyor, who had worked together on many mappingprojects, were appointed by the Governor of Virginiato prepare a new survey of the region. Their map,published by Thomas Jefferys in London, made anotable contribution to knowledge of the interior andwas later used by John Mitchell: in its 1 7 5 5 revision itbecame very popular and was re-issued many times.1751-54 A Map of the [Most] Inhabited part of

Virginia, containing the whole province of Mary-land with Part of Pensilvania, New Jersey andNorth Carolina1 7 5 5 , 1768, 1775 Re-issued by ThomasJefferys1777 Re-issued by Wm. Faden1 7 5 5 (and later) Various French editions


The detailed plan of Philadelphia (with an insetshowing the State House), drawn by George Heap, asurveyor working in conjunction with Nicholas Scull,the Surveyor General, was the first plan of the citypublished in America. It became extremely popular inits day and was reproduced many times by Europeanpublishers, but copies of the original print areexceedingly rare.1 7 5 2 A Map of Philadelphia, and Parts Adjacent

1768 Re-issued (without inset) by ThomasJefferys1777 Re-issued (without inset) by Wm.Faden1777 Re-issued (without inset) by M. A.Letter

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NICHOLAS SCULL/. 1748-1761

As Surveyor General of Pennsylvania, Nicholas Scullworked with George Heap on a plan of Philadelphiawhich became a very popular work: details are givenabove in the notes on George Heap. Scull's map ofPennsylvania was the first one of the province publishedin America and was subsequently republished inLondon and revised by his son, William Scull, in 1770.1 7 5 2 A Map of Philadelphia, and Parts Adjacent1759 Map of the improved Part of the Province of

Pennsylvania1768 Re-issued by Thomas Jefferys


Many years' experience piloting shipping on theDelaware River enabled Fisher to compile the firstreliable chart of the Bay and River, but for securityreasons the engravings of certain channels of the riverwere suppressed on the first issue, of which only onecopy has survived. Later re-issues of the complete chartare detailed below.1756 Delaware Bay: chart on 3 sheets

c. 1775 Re-issued in Philadelphia1776 Re-issued in London by a number ofpublishers1778 Re-issued in Paris by G. L. Le Rouge


De Brahm, a Dutch military engineer experienced inthe latest European surveying techniques, emigrated toGeorgia in 1 7 5 1 and soon received the King'sappointment as a state surveyor. His map of SouthCarolina and Georgia, completed by 17 5 7 and publishedin London by Thomas Jefferys, was by far the mostprofessional and accurate map of the region made upto that time and served as a model for other map makersfor many years ahead. In the next 20 years he completeda detailed history and survey of the 'Southern District'which included many manuscript maps and town plans.In 1764 he was appointed 'Surveyor General of theSouthern District of North America'.1757 A Map of South Carolina And a Part of

Georgia...1768, 1776 Re-issued by Thos. Jefferys'777.1778 Re-issued by G. L. Le Rouge'777-1780 Re-issued by Wm. Faden


Captain Hutchins was a talented surveyor, engineerand guide whose reputation earned him the title'Geographer to the United States of America', the only

time such an appointment was ever made. AfterIndependence he carried out important surveys of WestFlorida and Carolina and he was associated withsurveying the extension of the Mason/Dixon line andother inter-state boundaries.1764/65 Map consisting of two parts: A General

Map of the Country on the Ohio and Muskinghamf Rivers] shewing the Situation of the IndianTowns . . . and ... the Indian Country throughwhich the Army under the Command of Colonel

Bouquet marched in the year 1764 (Philadel-phia)1765 Redesigned and republished in AnHistorical Account of the Expedition against theOhio Indians by Wm. Smith (Philadelphia)


The famous map showing the new boundary linesbetween Maryland and Pennsylvania was the outcomeof a survey carried out by the 'King's Surveyors' toresolve an eighty-year old dispute between the Balti-more and Penn families, arising originally frominaccuracies on earlier maps. Although the immediateaim of the survey in settling the inter-state claims wasachieved - after much compromise - the longer termimplications of their boundary line could scarcely havebeen foreseen by the surveyors. In the next century itbecame far more than a simple line on a map: it dividedthe Northern and Southern cultures over the abolitionof slavery to the extent that the Southern Statescontemplated secession from the Union, whilst in theeyes of southern slaves it became the symbol of freedom.

Mason and Dixon, who were astronomers as well assurveyors, incorporated in their map the first accuratemeasurement of a degree of latitude made in America.1768 A Plan of the Boundary Lines between the

Province of Maryland and the Three LowerCounties on Delaware with Part of the Parallelof Latitude which is the Boundary between theProvinces of Maryland and Pennsylvania: pub-lished in Philadelphia


Born in Gibraltar, Major Montresor had a distinguishedcareer as an engineer with the British forces in America:he served in the French and Indian wars and later atBunker Hill and in the subsequent campaigns of theWar of Independence. In 1775 he was appointed 'HisMajesty's Chief Engineer in America'.

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His official plan of New York (the 'Montresor Plan'),surveyed in 1766, was published in London in 1768 bySayer and Jefferys. Copies are now very rare.1768 A Plan of the City of New-York and its

Environs to Greenwich1775 Re-issued in London by A. Dury

1775 A Map of the Province of New York, with Partof Pennsylvania, and New England: 3 editionspublished in London by A. Dury1777 Revised edition

BERNARD RATZER/7. 1756-1777

Ratzer was an army surveyor whose maps and planswere noted for their fine draughtsmanship as well astheir accuracy. His collaborator in drawing the map ofthe Province of New York, Claude Joseph Sauthier, isbest known for a series of manuscript plans of towns inNorth Carolina (1768-70).1769-70 Plan of the City of New York, in North America

(with an inset view of the city)1776 Re-issued by Thos. Jefferys and Wm.Faden

1776 A Map of the Province of New York whichincluded New Jersey (with C. J. Sauthier)

1777 The Province of New Jersey, Divided into Eastand West commonly called The Jerseys: pub-lished in London by Wm. Faden


John Collet, an engineer and surveyor of Swiss origin,compiled a number of manuscript maps and plans ofhigh quality. His map of North Carolina was consideredthe best of its time and was used by Henry Mouzon andothers until the end of the century.1770 A Compleat Map of North Carolina from an

actual survey: published in London by S.Hooper

1776 Southern British Colonies in America (withHenry Mouzon and others)


William Scull, employed in his family mappingbusiness, produced a much enlarged and improvedversion of a map of Pennsylvania originally drawn byhis father, Nicholas Scull, in 17 5 9. Apart from includingnew detail, his map also showed the newly surveyedMason/Dixon line. The map itself indicates that it wasprinted 'for the author' in Philadelphia but it was soonre-issued in London and Paris.

1770 Map of the Province of Pennsylvania1775 Re-issued in London by Sayer andBennett1 778 Re-issued in Paris by G. L. Le Rouge

HENRY MOUZON 1741-1807

The map of North and South Carolina by 'HenryMouzon and others' has an important place in thehistory of American cartography in being the earliestmap to show the Carolinas as separate entities. It waslargely based on earlier surveys by Gerard de Brahm(1757) and John Collett (1770) and was sufficientlydetailed and accurate to be used by the opposing forcesin the War of Independence.1775 An Accurate Map of North and South Carolina

With Their Indian Frontiers...: published inLondon by Sayer and Bennett1778 Re-issued in Paris by G. L. Le Rouge1794 Re-issued in London by Laurie andWhittle

1776 Southern British Colonies in America (withJohn Collett and others)


Major Holland, the first 'Surveyor General for BritishNorth America' was a cartographer of great experiencewhose work covered land surveys, town plans and seacharts. In 1760 he completed a new survey of animportant stretch of the River St Lawrence in companywith James Cook who was evidently much influencedby Holland's surveying methods. His best known workcovering New York and New Jersey was printed severaltimes in 1775-6.1760 A New Chart of the River St Lawrence ...:

published in London by Thos. Jefferys

'775. 1777. 1779. '799> '806 Re-issued inThe North American Pilot

1775 The Provinces of New York and New Jersey:published in London by Sayer and Jefferys1776 Re-issued in revised form

1776 A Map of the Northern Co/c«;«(with ThomasPownall): published in London in TheAmerican Military Atlas (the 'Holster Atlas')by Sayer and Bennett

1802 A New Map of the Province of Lower Canada(London: Wm. Faden)1813-43 Various re-issues by Wm. Fadenand James Wyld

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Thomas Pownall, always known as Governor Pownall,was a controversial figure in political life in the yearsleading up to the War of Independence. He first wentto America in 1753 and between 1757 and 1760 serveda short term as Governor of Massachusetts and evenshorter terms in New Jersey and South Carolina.Frequently at loggerheads with his Government overits policy towards the colonists of 'taxation withoutrepresentation', he resigned his governorships andreturned to England where he continued his efforts toavert the political upheavals he saw ahead. Apart fromthese interests, he was an antiquarian, mathematician,surveyor and an artist of some ability.

As a result of his travels in America, he published in1776 A Topographical Description of such parts of NorthAmerica as are contained in the annexed Map of the MiddleBritish Colonies in North America. The map referred towas a re-issue of the Lewis Evans map of 17 5 5 originallydedicated to Pownall. His other works included:1776 A Map of the Northern Colonies (compiled

with Samuel Holland): published in Lon-don by Sayer and Bennett in The AmericanMilitary Atlas (the 'Holster Atlas')

1794 A New Map of North America: 4 sheets(London: Laurie and Whittle)


Sauthier was a cartographer and surveyor who isprobably best known for a series of plans (in manuscript)of towns in North Carolina compiled in the years1768-70. Later, in 1776, in conjunction with BernardRatzer, he drew a map of the Province of New Yorkand in 17793 further one, in his own name, which wasone of the finest large-scale, detailed maps of the period.On this map he used a prime meridian running throughNew York, the first occasion this had been done.1776 A Map of the Province of New York which

included New Jersey (with Bernard Ratzer)1779 A Chorographical Map of the Province of New

York in North America: published in Lon-don by Wm. Faden


According to an advertisement in the Pennsylvaniajournal in 1777, John Norman, printer and map sellerin Boston, published a map of The Theatre of War inNorth America which bore the words 'United States'. Ifthis was so, it was the first use of the term on a printedmap but unfortunately no copy has survived. It is

suggested that the map may have been based on onebearing the same title published in London in 1776 by

Sayer and Bennett.c. 1777 The Theatre of War in North America1791 The United States of America laid down from

the best Authorities Agreeable to the Peace of

ij8) (J. Norman)1791 The American Pilot

Re-issued 1794 (J. Norman), 1798, 1803(with W. Norman)

j. B. ELIOTEliot, an engineer who served as an aide-de-camp toGeneral Washington, compiled a war map which waspublished in Paris and was the first map to name theUnited States in its French translation 'Etats Unis'.1778-81 Carte du Theatre de la Guerre Actuel...


Jedidiah Morse was a Congregational minister born inWoodstock, Connecticut, who published his firstgeographical work at the age of 23. Although not acartographer in his own right, his books on Americangeography were the first to meet the educational needsof the rising generations of Americans at the end of theeighteenth century and his reputation was such that, inhis lifetime, he became known as 'the father of Americangeography'. One son, S. E. Morse, was also a mappublisher and another, Samuel Morse, the inventor ofthe Morse code.1784 Geography Made Easy: published in 25

editions1789 The American Geography; or, A View of the

Present Situation of the United States ofAmerica: published in Elizabeth Town,NJ: 2 maps1792 Republished in London and Dublinby John Stockdale1793 Republished in Boston as The Ameri-can Universal Geography: \ i maps1796 Republished: 28 maps

1797 The American Gazeteeri 802 A New Gazeteer of the Eastern Continent; or,

A Geographical Dictionary

JOHN FILSON C. 1747-1788

In 1784, eight years before Kentucky became a fullstate of the Union, John Filson, a historian and surveyorfrom Pennsylvania, published a history of the statewhich included an important map, the accuracy ofwhich was vouched for by Daniel Boone. The map,

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now very rare, was printed in Philadelphia but thebook, The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucke,was published in Wilmington.1784 A Map of Kentucke, Drawn from actual

Observations1785 Map re-engraved and published inHistoire de Kentucke, Chez Buisson, Paris1793 Re-issued in London by John Stock-dale


Purcell was a British cartographer who became anAmerican citizen after the War of Independence andcompleted a notable map of the Southern states.1788 A Map of the States of Virginia, North

Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia1789 Re-issued in The American Geographyby Jedidiah Morse (Elizabeth Town, NJ)1792 Re-issued by John Stockdale (Londonand Dublin)

CHRISTOPHER COLLES 1 7 3 8 - 1 8 1 6

An engineer and cartographer of Irish descent, Collescarried out a number of surveys of which the mostimportant was his Survey of the Roads of the Untied Statesof America, the first American road book (published inNew York). He used the accepted method of the timein presenting his maps in strip form, 2 or 3 strips to apage with a wealth of accurate topographical informa-tion on all the main highways. Although at the time ofissue there seems to have been little demand for such aguide, it now provides a mine of information for thehistorian but, unhappily for the ordinary collector, it isextremely rare.1789 A Survey of the Roads of the United States of


SAMUEL LEWIS/?. 1774-1816

In the years spanning the end of the eighteenth centuryand the beginning of the nineteenth, Samuel Lewis wasone of the most prolific cartographers in the UnitedStates. Although he never published an atlas in his ownname, he provided numerous maps for some of thebest-known publishers of the time including thefollowing:1795-1809 Matthew Carey: American Atlas1804 Aaron Arrowsmith: A New and elegant

general atlas (Philadelphia)1814 Fielding Lucas (Jr): A New Elegant General

Atlas1814 Matthew Carey: American Pocket Atlas

Other maps by Samuel Lewis included :1814 A Map of Lewis and Clark 's Track Across the

Western Portion of North America From theMississippi to the Pacific Ocean (Philadelphia)

1 8 1 6 Wall Map of the United States - 6 ft square(Philadelphia)

ZADOK CRAMER 1 7 7 3 - 1 8 1 3

1806-24 The NavigatorCharts of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers: thefirst navigational charts of inland water-ways in America


1824 A new general atlas of the West India Islands:Baltimore

WILLIAM DARBY 1 7 7 5 - 1 8 5 4

William Darby was a gifted surveyor who made a majorcontribution to the mapping of America at thebeginning of the nineteenth century. Apart from townplans and a map of Florida (1821), his major work wasa large map of Louisiana and also a book entitled AGeneral Description of the State of Louisiana (1817), whichalso contained a map of the state. The large map wasused by John Melish in compiling his notable wall mapof the USA (i 816).1816 A Map of the State of Louisiana, With Part Of

The Mississippi Territory: published by JohnMelish, Philadelphia1817 Re-issued by John Arrowsmith, Lon-don


1822-54 The Western Pilot: charts of the Ohio andMississippi Rivers issued in 10 editionssupplanted the earlier charts published byZadok Cramer


JOSEPH N. NICOLLET d. 1843CHARLES (GEORG CARL) PREUSS 1803-18 54Fremont was a member of the elite Corps of Topograph-ical Engineers who in the mid-nineteenth century wereresponsible for mapping the Middle and Far West ofthe United States. He worked first under the instructionof Joseph Nicollet, an immigrant French scientist, andthen with Charles Preuss whose maps incorporated theresults of their joint exploration and surveys. Thesecame to be recognised as the most important maps ofthe time and no less than 50,000 copies of the 1848map were published.

Page 318: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


1843 (Nicollet) Hydrographical Basin of the Upper

Mississippi1845 (Preuss/Fremont) Map of an Exploratory

Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842and to Oregon and North California in 1843-

441846 (Preuss) Road from Missouri to Oregon1848 (Preuss/Fremont) Map of Oregon and Upper

California From the Surveys of John CharlesFremont And other Authorities

AUSTRALIA (Chapter 20)

Looking back to that time it seems extraordinary thateven by the year 1800 (a dozen years after the first

settlers arrived) the 'new' continent still had nogenerally accepted name. Indeed, in 1780, on a map ofthe Pacific published in Stockholm by the Swedishcartographer Daniel Djurberg, yet another, the Maoriword, 'Ulimuroa' was added to the list and was oftencopied at the time. Eventually it was the London mappublisher, William Faden who, in 1803, issued A Chartof the Indian Ocean ... with the Addition of a Part of thePacific Ocean by L. S. de la Rochette which introduced anew version 'Australia Incognita' although, for goodmeasure, all the fanciful names from the past, 'Beach','Lucach', 'Maletur' as well as 'New Holland' wereincluded. Almost at the same time, Matthew Flinders,on his manuscript and printed charts dated from 1804onwards, used 'Terra Australis or Australia' andthereafter the single name Australia came into commonuse.

Page 319: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)

Appendix A

EDITIONS OF PTOLEMY'SGEOGRAPHIA 1477-17)0Note: = copper plate engraving; w'cut = woodcut












1490 Rome1507 Rome

1508 Rome



1486 UlmVenice


15*0 do1521 do



J. AngelusPh. BeroaldusA. VadiusJ. AngelusD. CalderinusdoM. BcncventanusJ. Cota


Fr. Berlinghieri


MartinWaldseemiillerJ. Eszlcr &G. UbelinG. UbelinLaurcntiusFrisius (Fries)



Dominicus deLapis

C. SchweynheymA. BuckinckPetrus de TurreB. Venetus deVitalibus


N. Todescho

Leonard Holm

Johan RegcrJ. Pentius deLeucho

Johannes Schott



Latin 26 Folio

do 27 cp. pi. Folio

do 27 Foliodo j j Folio

do 34 Folio

Italian 31 Folio

Latin 32 w'cut Folio

do 32 w'cut Foliodo 28 w'cut Folio

Latin 47 w'cut Folio

do dodo 50 w'cut Folio

(size reduced)


Addition of6 'modern'mapsAddition ofWorld Map byJohann Ruysch:the first Ptolemymap to refer todiscoveries in theNew WorldContained 4 newmaps: Italy,Spain, France,PalestineContained 5'modern' mapsdoIncluding WorldMap on heart-shaped projectionby Sylvanus:some mapsprinted in twocolours - blackand redIncluding 20'modern' maps

doIncluding znew maps and the'Fries' Map of theWorld

Page 320: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)






I j 6 l




' 5*5

M 5 5i ?4 '


I f f l




























UtrechtFranekerAmsterdam& UtrechtAmsterdam










W. PirckheimerRegiomontanusMichael Servetusdo

Sebastian Miinster



Andrea MattioliGiacomo Gastaldi

G. Ruscelli

G. Ruscelli &G. MoletododoG. Ruscelli &G. MalombraG. Ruscelli &G. RosaccioG. MercatorG. Mercator &A. MyliusPetrus Montanus

Petrus Bertius

G. A. MaginiG. Porrodo

Leonardo Cernotti



Gaspar Ens



J. GriiningerJ. KobcrgerM. & G. TreschelG. Treschel

H. Petri



Nicolo Bascarini


G. Zilettidodo

Heirs ofMelchior SessaG. Kempendo

C. NicolasJ. HondiusJ. Hondius

Francois Halmadodo

R. & J. WesteniosW. SmithHeirs ofSimon GalignaniPetrus Keschedt

G. B. & G.GalignaniP. Keschedt &A. Becker

J. Janssonthe ElderPaolo & Fr.Galignani













Latin &Greekdo











48 w'cut Folio

dodo54 w'cut Folio


60 8vo

64 410


dodo65 410

69 410

28 Foliodo


47 Folio

28 Foliododo

28 Folio

64 410


64 Folio

64 410

64 Folio

64 410

64 Folio




Including 6'modern' mapsLast woodcuteditionThe firstprinted 'pocket'atlasBased on1548 editionBased on1561 editiondododo, plus mapof RomeMaps revisedand 5 added

Addition of 19maps by OrteliusNo textdodo

No text

Maps fromdifferent platesMaps from i ; 96platesMaps from1 5 97 platesMaps from 1 5 96platesrMaps from1597 platesMaps from1 5 96 plates

Page 321: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)

Appendix B


JAN JANSSON 1588-1664

Biographical details and publications of the abovecartographers, including dates of their atlases of theEnglish and Welsh counties, are given in Chapter 13,but in view of the importance of these maps tocollectors more detailed information is provided in thisAppendix.


Blaeu's county maps were included in two atlases, theAtlas Novus and the Atlas Maior issued between theyears 1645 ar>d 1672. There were 4 general maps and 5 5of the counties, 5 3 based on various states of Speed'smaps and 6 on Jansson's. With very minor alterationsthe maps remained unchanged throughout all issuesand after the destruction by fire of Blaeu's printingbusiness in 1672 no further atlases were produced butsome individual maps, the plates of which survived thefire, were issued by other publishers.

Theatrum Orbis Terrarum sive Atlas NovusVol. IV England and Wales

Latin text 1645-46, 1648French text 1645-46, 1648German text 1645-46, 1647, 1648Dutch text 1646-47, 1648Spanish text 1659

Atlas MaiorVol. V England and Wales

Latin text 1662French text 1663, 1667Dutch text 1664German text 1667Spanish text 1672No English text issues


Although Joan Blaeu issued his atlas of the English andWelsh counties in 1645, a year before Jansson's AtlasNovus, Vol. IV, the latter had in fact published anumber of newly engraved maps in a German text issueof the Mercator/Hondius atlas in 1636. Further, in anAppendix to an edition of the Atlas Novus in 1644,Jansson included 11 more county maps. All these mapsare now rarely seen and were revised and re-engravedbefore publication in 1646.

MercatorjHondiusjJansson Atlas1636 German text, including the following 14

new engravings:British Isles (Ortelius's Parergori)England and WalesCheshire, Essex, Lancashire, Norfolk,Somerset, YorkshireScotlandIreland and the four provinces1638 Re-issued only in the Atlas Novuswith German and Dutch text

(Atlas Novus) Des Nieuwen Atlantis Aenhang1644 Dutch text, includes the following 11

county maps:Cambridge, Derbyshire, Devon, Kent,Northumberland, Nottingham, Oxford,Suffolk, Cardigan, Pembroke/Carmarthen,Montgomery

Atlas Novus1646 Vol. IV Great Britain

6 general maps of England, Wales, Scot-land, Ireland5 6 maps of the counties and provinces6 additional maps of Scotland in the 1659Dutch and German editions

Page 322: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


Latin text 1646, 1659French text 1646, 1647, 1652, 1656German text 1647-49, 1652(58), 1659Dutch text 1647-48, 1649, 1652, 1653,

1659After Jansson's death further issues of these mapsappeared in made-up atlases under various names ofwhich the principal were:

1666 Jansson's Heirs: Atlas Contractusf. 1685-94 Schenk and Valck: separate maps1705 C. Allard: Atlas Major1715-28 D. Mortier: Atlas Anglois

Collectors will know that in practice it is not alwayseasy to distinguish between Blaeu and Jansson loosemaps unless examples of the same area are availableside by side for comparison. As this is rarely the case,the following points of difference (based on details in

R. A. Skelton's County Atlases of the British Isles) will

serve as a useful guide.

Compass Roses Blaeu: rarely used; Jansson: used on

nearly all 'sea' countiesLettering Blaeu: bold, clear lettering without elabor-ation; Jansson: more discursive with elaborateflourishesCoats of Arms Blaeu: plainer and more regularlyarranged; Jansson: far more flamboyant, placed inirregular patterns with numerous cherubs attached tothe shields by ribbonsImprint Blaeu: 5 maps with imprint - British Isles,Wales, Oxford, Northumberland, Isle of Wight;Jansson: 38 maps with imprints, includingNorthumberland

The following 15 maps have no imprint and thereforeother distinguishing features are noted:


Britannia:Saxton HeptarchySurrey








West Riding

East Riding

North Riding

No rhumb lines(i) 7 coats of arms/} blanks in 2. single

columns(ii) royal coat of arms lacks supportersGloucestershire only

(i) right-hand figure in cartouche holdingfirearm

(ii) scale imprint in two lines of type8 coats of arms/} blanks10 coats of arms/2 blanks(i) 6 coats of arms/z blanks(ii) cherubs in cartouche bottom right(iii) arms in single, broken line4 coats of arms/2 blanksShropshire only

(i) 7 coats of arms with names4 coats of arms without namesi blank

(i) title: Montgomeria comitatus etcomitatus Mervinia

(ii) i coat of arms(i) title bottom right(ii) scale: miliar(iii) 2 coats of arms(i) size: approx. 38} x 500 mm

No other appreciable(i) 6 coats of arms/2 blank(ii) title bottom left5 figures in title cartouche (fishing)

Rhumb lines(i) 7 coats of arms/3 blank in 2 double

columns(ii) royal coat of arms with supportersGloucestershire and Monmouth

(i) left-hand figure in cartouche holdingfirearm

(ii) scale imprint in single line of type8 coats of arms/no blanks10 coats of arms/1 blank(i) 6 coats of arms/1 blank(ii) 'rustic folk' in cartouche bottom right(iii) arms in double line4 coats of arms/1 blankShropshire and Staffordshire

(i) 7 coats of arms(ii) compass rose

(i) Mervinia et Montgomeria comitatus(ii) no coats of arms

(i) title bottom left(ii) scale: Militaria(iii) no coats of arms(i) size: approx 416 x 500 mm

differences(i) 6 coats of arms/1 blank(ii) title top righti figure in title cartouche (huntsman)

Note: In quoting numbers of coats of arms, the Royal Arms have been excluded.

Page 323: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


Blaeu/Jansson maps cont'd.


Composition of maps:Isle of ManIsle of Man ^Isle of Wight >Anglesey JHoly Island ~>Fame Island JGuernsey \Jersey JHoly Island ~)Fame Island IGuernseyJerseyCaernarvon \Anglesey JDenbigh 1Flint /BreconGlamorgan

One map

One map

One map

One map

One map

One maP 1 North Wales1 One map

One map

One map \ Title: Principatus Walliat pars Australis: VttlgoOne map / South Wales

Page 324: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)







555 *}5"

27 BC-AD 14


410 55

c. 800

109; 1291

i 200 501271 95

c. 1400139; 14601450'45)1486

'49*1493 94

'497'49714981 500

600 BC

The Spread of Hellenism

400 BCThe Conquests of Alexander the GreatLibrary at Alexandria founded


Augustus Caesar BC

Roman invasion of Britain AD

AD 200

Decline of Rome

The Fall of Rome AD 400

AD 600

Translations of Ptolemy available to AD 800the Arabs


The Crusades

Invention of Compass AD 1200Travels of Marco Polo

Greek Manuscripts of Ptolemy reach Italy ADi4ooHenry the NavigatorInvention of movable-type printingFall of ConstantinopleBart. Diaz to the CapeColumbus to the New WorldTreaty of Tordesillas: line of demarcationbetween Spanish and Portuguese claims/possessionsJohn Cabot to LabradorAmerigo Vespucci to the New WorldVasco da Gama to IndiaCabral to Brazil AD 1500

610 546520500

484 28384 22

276 195

180 25IOO

2O BC AD25




87 i ; i

250250 350







1 1 5 4





1457 591464 (1491)




Page 325: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)



Anaximander of MiletusPythagorasHectaeus of Miletus


Reputed 'World' map: belief in 'flat' earth theoryMathematician: propounded theory of a spherical worldFirst known book on geography

Historian and travellerSupported the ideas of Pythagoras

Eratosthenes of AlexandriaHipparchusPosidoniusStrabo

Vipsanius AgrippaPomponius MelaMarinus of TyreClaudius Ptolemy of Alexandria

Gaius Ju l ius SolinusPeutinger Table

Calculation of circumference of the worldFirst attempt to map the starsCalculation of circumference of the world (inaccurate, but accepted by Ptolemy)Published Geography of the World

The 'Agrippa' map of the Roman worldCosmograpbia: return to flat earth theoryAccording to Ptolemy, drew sea charts of the Medterraneanc. 150 60 Compilation of the Ceographia

Collection of Memorable Things (Poly hi star

Road map of the Roman Empire, reputedly based on the Agrippa map:known from thirteenth century copy

Theodosius Macrobius

Madaba MosaicCosmas of Alexandria

Isidorus of Seville

The Venerable BedeThe Albi Map

The Beatus Map

Anglo-Saxon Map

El-Edrisi of Palermo

Matthew Paris of St AlbansHereford Mappa MundiSacrobosco (John of Hollywood)Cough MapCatalan Atlas

Oldest surviving woodblockprints in EuropeClaudius ClavusFra MauroNicolas CusanusFirst printed mapFirst printed edition of Ptolemymaps BolognaB. dalli SonettiMartin Behaim of NurembergNuremberg Chronicle

Commentaries included a world map: first printed edition in 1483

First Christian topographical workChristian Topography, based on flat earth theory

World Map

Ecclesiastical History of the English People

World Map

Chronicler and map maker

Treatise of the Sphere: return to the theory of theEarth as a Globe

c. 900 1300T-O maps in use

Map of ScandinaviaWorld MapMap of Germany(Isidorus of Seville's map)Further editions of Ptolemy:1487 (Rome), 1482 (Florence), 148* 86 (Ulm), 1490 (Rome)First printed sea charts (Venice)World Globe

C. 1200Portulan Charts

Page 326: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)






1519 5 6 Charles V of Spaini j i 9 Cortez conquest of Mexico1519 22 Magellan's circumnavigation1526 Pizarro conquest of Peru1534 41 Voyages of Cartier to Canada15 j6 40 Dissolution of the

monasteries in England1543 Copernicus died1546 1601 Tycho Brahe, Danish

astronomer1 5 5 6 9 8 Philip II of Spain1567 Netherlands revolt1572 Sack of Antwerp by the


1577 80 Drake's circumnavigation

Raleigh's expedition toVirginiaThe Armada

1598 Edict of Nantes

1600 British East India Companyfounded

1602 Dutch East India Companyfounded

1604 Gunpowder Plot1605 Discovery of Australia1606 Virginia Company founded1620 Sailing of the Mayflower

1641 Galileo died Newton born

1506 First printed map of America1509 47 1507 Ptolemy (Rome) editionHenry VIII 1 5 1 1 Ptolemy (Venice) edition

1513 Ptolemy (Strassburg) edition Waldseemiiller15 20 Peter Apian World Map1 5 3 3 Gemma Frisius A Method of Delineating

Places1535 Leland's Itinerary1559 Glaus Magnus Carta Marina1540 Miinster's Geographia1546 Lily Map of British Isles (Rome)

1547 53 1 5 5 9 Cunningham CosmographicallGlasseEdward VI 1569 Mercator World Map on new projection1 5 5 3 5 8 15 70 Ortelius Theatrum Orbis TerrarumMary 1571 Leonard Digges Pantometria1 5 5 8 1603 1571 Braun and Hogenberg Civitates OrbisElizabeth I Terrarum

1573 Lhuyd first printed map of Wales15 77 Holinshed's Chronicles1579 Saxton Atlas of England and Wales15 84 Waghenaer Sea Atlas1 5 8 5 Mercator World Atlas: ist part1594 Bouguereau Atlas of France1597 Wytfliet first Atlas of America1599 Boazio Map of Ireland1599 Wright - Certaine Errors of Navigation

1603 25James I 1606 Mercator/Hondius Atlas: ist issue

1607 Camden Britannia1611 Speed Empire of Great Britaine1620 Magini Atlas of Italy1627 Speed Prospect of the Most Famous

Parts of the World1625 49 1632 Tavernier Post Roads of FranceCharles 1 1635 Blaeu Theatrum Orbis Terrarum

1645 Blaeu England and Wales

Page 327: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)



1642-48164} 171516481660166616671675




New Zealand and TasmaniadiscoveredCivil Wars in EnglandLouis XIV of FranceTreaty of WestphaliaRoyal Society foundedGreat Fire of LondonParis Observatory foundedGreenwich Observatoryfounded

Foundation of FrenchHydrographic Service

1649 60Commonwealth1660-85Charles II

1685-88James II1689-1702William IIIand Mary

1702-14Anne1714-27George I

1727-60George II









Jansson Great BritainDudley - DelC Arcano del MareBlaeu Scotland and IrelandBlaeu Atlas MaiorCassini/Picard calculation of ParismeridianSeller - English Pilot: i st partOgilby Britannia Road AtlasFoster - First map printed in America

Van Keulen - De Zee-FakkelPetty - Hiberaiae Delineatio

Collins Great Britain's Coasting PilotJaillot - Neptune Franfois

Halley - Thematic Charts of the Oceans

Henry Beighton Warwickshirei in- 1 mile map

1744-89 Triangulation Surveyof France

1765 Harrison's marinechronometer

1770-79 Cook's voyages1787 Ramsden - design of

new theodolite1791 Foundation of Ordnance

Survey Office1795 Foundation of Hydrographic

Office1799 Humboldt's first expedition

:747~5 i Roy - large-scale survey of Scotland

1 760- 1 8 2.0George III

1 7 5 9 1 800 Thos Jefferys and othersi in-i mile maps

1784 Wm Roy - start of triangulation surveyof British Isles

1789-1818 Cassini Atlas National

1795 Carey - The American Atlas

(1801 First County Ordnance Map)

Page 328: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


















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Page 330: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


















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Page 331: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


GIUSEPPE ROSACCIO Inghilterra 1595. This woodcut was first published in Florence;a number of other editions were published between 1595 and 1724.

Page 332: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)

BIBLIOGRAPHYMany of the works noted below are also quoted in thechapter or chapters to which they are especially applicable.They are in English unless otherwise stated.

ANDREWS, Dr. J. H., Irish maps. Eason and Son Ltd. Dublin1978.

BAGROW, Leo, History of Cartography (edited by R. A.Skelton). London 1964, Watts.Originally issued in German in 1951, this translation of 1960is an essential work for those wishing to study earlycartography and its history.

BAYNTON WILLIAMS, R., Investing in Maps. London 1969 (alsoin paperback), Barrie and Rockliff, The Cresset Press.For those who wish to be given a general picture of thesubject there is no better book - beautifully illustrated withmore than 130 maps. The prices given are now rather out ofdate.

BOOTH, John, Antique Maps of Wales. Somerset 1966,Montacute Bookshop.A brief but useful introduction to the subject.

— Looking at Old Maps. Westbury (Wilts) 1979. CambridgeHouse Books.

BRAMSEN, Bo, Gamlt Danmarkskort. Copenhagen 1975,Rosenkilde og Bagger.A history of Danish cartography (in Danish) with bio-graphies of prominent map makers.

BRITISH LIBRARY, Catalogue of Printed Maps, Charts and Plans.

BROWN, Lloyd A., The Story of Maps. London 1951, Constableand Co. (New York 1979, Dover Publications Inc.)A splendid wide-ranging account of the subject from theearliest times to the latest surveys. It contains 3* pages ofbibliography.

Cartes et figures de la Terre, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris1980.Information on many early world and French maps.

CHUBB, Thomas, The Printed Maps in the Atlases of GreatBritain and Ireland. London 1927, Burrow (Ed. J.) & Co. Ltd.(London 1966, reprinted, Dawson of Pall Mall).Although now out-dated, for many years this was thestandard work on County maps and is still a very usefulreference book.

CRONE, G. R., Maps and their Makers. London 1953, 1962,Hutchinson University Library.This comparatively short study remains an essential work forthe student of cartography.

GUMMING, Wm. P., The South East in Early Maps. 1958-73,University of North Carolina Press.An essential book for those wishing to make a detailed studyof early American maps.

DARLINGTON, Ida and HOWGEGO, James, Printed Maps ofLondon Circa ij}}-iijo. London 1964, Philip. (London 1978(2nd edn), Dawson - James Howgego).An exhaustive analysis of plans of London which it will bealmost impossible to improve on.

EVANS, Ifor M. and LAWRENCE, Heather, Christopher Saxton:Elizabethan Mapmaker. London 1979, Holland Press.The definitive work on the life of Christopher Saxton.

EVANS, O. Caradoc, Maps of Wales and Welsh Cartographers.Map Collectors' Circle No. 13, 1965-66.Contains much useful information on Welsh County Maps.

FORDHAM, Sir George, Studies in Carto-bibliography. Oxford1914, Clarendon Press. (Reprinted London 1969, Dawson ofPall Mall).A book which is now 'getting on in years' but is still avaluable reference book, especially for maps of France.

GOLE, Susan, Early Maps of India. Edinburgh 1978, CharlesSkilton Ltd.A very useful summary of available information on maps ofIndia.

HARVEY, P. D. A., Topographical Maps. London 1980,Dawson.

HARVEY, P. D. A. and THORPE, H., The Printed Maps ofWarwickshire i;^6~ifoa. Warwick CountyCouncil/University of Birmingham 1959.

HIND, Arthur M., Engraving in England in the Sixteenth andSeventeenth Centuries: Vol. I The Tudor Period. Cambridge 1952,Cambridge University Press.

HOWSE, Derek and SANDERSON, Michael, The Sea Chart.Newton Abbot 1973, David and Charles.A short history of sea charts with a large number ofillustrations of charts held in the National Maritime Museum.

IMAGO MUNDI, The Journal of the International Society for theHistory of Cartography, published annually.Authoritative annual periodical devoted to articles oncartographical history by the most noted writers of the day.

KOEMAN, C, At/antes Neerlandici (5 vols). Amsterdam1967-71, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum NV.Virtually complete analysis of the maps in all Dutch atlasesand Pilot Books published in the Netherlands up to 1880.

LIBAULT, Andre, Histoire de la Cartographic. Paris, Chaix.Concise history (in French) of cartography with specialemphasis on French mapping.

LISTER, R., How to Identify Old Maps and Globes. London 1965,1970, G. Bell and Sons. (Re-issued as Old Maps and Globes..London 1979, Bell and Hyman Ltd.)Apart from interesting text, contains a splendid alphabeticallist of cartographers, publishers, etc. which rarely fails toprovide the information required even if only briefly.

Page 333: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)

LYNAM, Edward, British Maps and Map Makers. London 1947,Collins.A short but extremely attractive account of mapping of theBritish Isles.—The Mapmaker's Art. London 1953, The BatchworthPress.A series of essays on the wider aspects of mapmaking.

MOIR, D. G. and others, The Early Maps of Scotland to lira witha history of Scottish Maps. 3rd edn, Edinburgh 1973, RoyalScottish Geographical Society.Indispensable record of early maps of Scotland.

NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM, Catalogue of the Library:Volume 3, Atlases and Cartography. London 1971, HMSO.A select listing of atlases and Pilot Books in the Museumlibrary with collations of the maps in them. An invaluableprimary reference book for the researcher.

NORDENSKIOLD, A. E., Facsimile Atlas to the Early History ofCartography. Stockholm 1889 (paperback edn, New York1973, Dover Publications Ltd.)One of the first reference books about maps; new inform-ation has made it rather dated.

PHILLIPS, Philip Lee, A list of Geographical Atlases in theLibrary of Congress: Vols I-IV 1902-20 (reprinted 1971); Vol.V 1958; Vol. VI 1963.

SCHILDER, Giinter, Australia Unveiled. Amsterdam, 1976,Theatrum Orbis Terrarum NV.A most scholarly, detailed and exhaustive study of the earlyDutch maps of Australia.

SCHWARTZ, Seymour I. and EHRENBERG, Ralph E., TheMapping of America. New York 1980, Harry N. Abrams Inc.A magnificently produced ai.d illustrated volume containingmuch information on maps of America from the sixteenth tothe twentieth century.

SHIRLEY, Rodney W., Early Printed Maps of the British Isles1477-16)0. London 1980, Holland Press.The definitive work on maps of the British Isles.

The Mapping of the World. London 1983, Holland Press.A monumental work, beautifully produced, on World Maps,which is likely to remain the standard reference book on thesubject for many years to come.

SKELTON, R. A., Decorative Printed Maps of the rrth to iSthCenturies. London 1952 and 1965, Spring Books.Based on an earlier work by A. L. Humphreys (1926), this is awidely used and quoted book showing by means of numer-ous illustrations the development of map design anddecoration.-County Atlases of the British Isles /;/y-/7<y. London 1970,

Carta Press.The best work available on County Maps in the periodcovered.

THEATRUM ORBIS TERRARUM NV, Amsterdam.Reproductions of many rare atlases and Pilot Books withintroductory essays by the best authorities. Atlas details arequoted in the appropriate chapters in Part II of this work.


TIBBETTS, G. R., Arabia in Early Maps. New York andLondon (Eng.) 1978, The Oleander Press.A useful bibliography of early maps of Arabia.

TOOLEY, R. V., Maps and Map-Makers. London 1949-78 (6editions), Batsford.For thirty years Maps and Map-Makers has been the book towhich those interested in cartography make their firstapproach; it remains a basic source of information.

—Collector's Guide to Maps of the African Continent and SouthernAfrica. London 1969, Carta Press.The primary reference book for maps of Africa based onpapers first published in the Map Collector's Circle series.

- The Mapping of Australia. London 1979, Holland Press.Reprint of a specialized series of articles on maps of Australiawhich first appeared in the Map Collector's Circle series.

- The Mapping of America. London 1980, Holland Press.A similar series of articles on maps of America from the MapCollector's Circle series (with additional information). Bothare essential reading for a study of maps of Australia andAmerica.

— Maps in Italian Atlases of the i6th Century, Imago Mundi,

'939-Detailed analysis of early Italian maps.

— Dictionary of Map Makers. Tring 1979, Map CollectorPublications Ltd.A massive reference work, the result of a lifetime's study ofthe subject covering something like 20,000 entries.

— Map Collectors' Circle. 1963-73.A series of specialized articles, edited by Tooley on everyaspect of the subject, some of which have been reprinted inbook form.

TOOLEY, R. V., BRICKER, C. and CRONE, G. R., Landmarks ofMap Making (sometimes known as 'A History of Car-tography'). Amsterdam, Brussels 1968, Elsevier Sequoia(London 1969, Thames & Hudson; New York 1976,Thomas Crowell; Oxford 1976, Phaidon Press).A comprehensive survey of the development of cartographyfrom the earliest times, splendidly illustrated with many mapsin full size.


An Exhibition of the History of Maps. Baltimore 1952.Although many of the maps and atlases quoted are extremelyrare, the accompanying text is always of the greatest interestto the researcher.

TYACKE, Sarah, London Mapsellers 1660-1720 (a collection ofadvertisements for maps placed in the London Gazette1668-1719 with biographical notes on the map-sellers).

Tring 1978, Map Collector Publications Ltd.Invaluable biographical and mapping detail in the periodcovered.

WOODWARD, David, Fife Centuries of Map Printing. Chicago1975, University of Chicago Press.A series of scholarly essays based on lectures given at theNewberry Library in 1972 covering the whole history of mapprinting

Page 334: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


Throughout this index bold numeralsrefer to primary references, italicnumerals refer to black and whiteillustrations and roman numerals referto colour illustrations in the platesection between 182 and 183.

Aa, Pieter van der, 46, 83, 121, 312Abyssinia, 263Academia Cosmografka degli

Argonauti, 72Acosta, Jose, 10;Adair, John, 39, 184

Mapp ofStraithern, Stormount and Canoj Gourie, i S6

Adams, John, 26, 28, 48, 160Adams, Robert, 32, 147, 311Adricom, Christiaan van, 100, 273Aeolus, 59Afferden (Aefferden), Francisco de, 289Africa, 263-5Age of Discovery, 6, 5 3, 307Agrippa map, 3, 20, 308Agrippa, Vipsamus, 3, 308Ainsliejohn, 188Aitzinger (Eitzing), Michael, 94Akerman, Anders, 291Akrel, Fredrik, 291Alberts, R. C, 108Albi Map, 308Alexander the Great, 56, 307Alexandria, 3, 63

library of, 307Algoet, Lieven, 2 3 1Alken, Henry, 12Allard, Abraham, 116-17Allard, Carel, 116-17Allard,Hugo(Huych),116-17, 2 5 8 , 3 1 2Allezard, Jean-Joseph, 138Alphen, Pieter van, 38, 116, 3 1 2Alvarez, Fernando, 224, 3 1 1Amain, 64Amazon, river, 225 , 249American cartographers, maps by,

261-2, 293-300

American Continent, 242-63, 293-300Americus Vesputius, see Vespucci, AAmsterdam, 7, 41, 92, 302Anatolia, 3Anaximander of Miletus, 3, 308Ancona, 18Andrews, John, 46, 172Angelus, J., 301Anglo Saxon map, 308Anian, Strait of, 57, 248Anich, Peter, 88Antarctic, 59Anthonisz(oon), Cornelis, 94Antillia (The Antilles), 54Antwerp, 7, 92Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon see

D'AnvilleJ. B. B.Apian, Peter (Apianus, Petrus), 78,

241, 2 5 1 , 2 5 3 , 3 1 1War Id Map, So

Apian, Philipp, 47, 82, 311Arabia, 266Aragon, 64Arias Montanus, Benedictus, 227, 273,

275 , 5uSacrae Geographiae Tabulam (World

Map), 229Aristotle, 3, 308Armada, 32Armstrong, Andrew, 188Armstrong, Marcus, 188Armstrong, Mostyn John, 30, 188Arnhem, 302Arnoldi, Arnoldo di, 72, 311Arrowsmith, Aaron (Junior), 176Arrowsmith, Aaron (Senior), 30, 38-9,

144,176, 188, 242, 260, 264, 272,275, 278, 299, 313

Arrowsmith, John, 176, 299Arrowsmith, Samuel, 176Arsenius Brothers, 100Arundel, Earl of, 144Ashley, Sir Anthony, 32, 100Asia, 266-73Assyrians, 3Athens, Tower of the Winds, 60

Atlantic Ocean, 246Atlas, first use of term, 92Aubert, Bononi d', 291Augsburg, 11, 77Australia, 7, 59, 275-8, 300Austria, 10, 47, 48,77-91, 286—8,

311-13Azores, 63

Baalde, S. J., 123Babylonians, 3Badeslade, Thomas, 143, 169, 5 1 2

Cumberland, 168Baeck, Elias, 288Baffin, William, 1 3 1Bailleul, Caspar, 136Baker, Benjamin, 176Bakewell, Thomas, 1 5 8Baldwin and Cradock, see S.D.U.K.Baltimore, 262Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, 2nd Baron,

1 I 4, 294Barbuda, Luiz Jorge de, 226, 268, 3 1 1

Chmae(Georgio, Ludovico), 226Barentsz (Barentzoon), Will iam, 38,

104-5,311Barlaeus, Caspar, 1 1 2Barnes, Joseph, 293Barres, Joseph Frederick Wallet des,

38-9, 143, 174,260, 3 1 3Bascanni, Nicolo, 302Basle, i i , 77, 235, 302Bass, George, 178Bassett, Thomas, 150Bavaria, 47, 82Beatus map, 308Beaufort, Daniel Augustus, 190Beauplan, Guillaume Le Vasseur de,

240Beaurain, Jean de, 136, 3 1 3Beautemps-Beaupre, Charles Francois,

38 ,139 .313Becker, A., 302Bede, Venerable, 308Behaim, Martin, 22, 54, 308Beighton, Henry, 143,167

Page 335: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)

Belgium, 92, 123,288-9Belleforest, Francois de, 42, 126, 3 1 1

Des Isles de Bretagne, 127Bellere, Jean, 102Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 38, 125, 136,

263, 312IslandofGuernsey, 1)7

Beneventanus, M., 301Bennett, John, see Sayer and BennettBerey, Nicolas, 129Berg, Pieter van den, see Montanus,

PetrusBerghaus, Heinrich, 91Bering, Vitus Joh., 232, 239, 312Berlin Academy of Sciences, 77Berhnghieri, Fr., 301Bernard,|ean, 26Beroaldus, Ph., 301Berry, William, 26, 28, 160, 312

A New Mapp of the Kingdome ofEngland and Principality of Wales, 27

Bertius (Bert), Petrus, 106, 288, 302,3' i

Bertelli, Donate, 67-8Bertelli, Ferando, 67-8

L'Isola di Corfu, 69Bickham, George (Junior), 169Bickham, George (Senior), 143,169,312Bigges, Walter, 71Bill, John, 142, 152—3, 3 1 1

The Bishopnck of Durham, i; ;Black Forest, 47Black Sea, 4Blaeu, Cornells, 106-8Blaeu,Joan,io6-8,183, 2 2 1 , 275 , 303-5

Aethiopia Inferior vel Exterior, 266Britannia . . Anglo Saxonum ,.

Heptarchia, 221Dorset, ii)Ext re ma Amertcae—Terra Nova—

Nova francia, 2t?Nova et Accuratissima totius Terrarum

Orbis Tabula, 171 irginiae partis austrails et Horidae,

2,6Blaeu, J./Jansson, J. (County Maps),

3°3-5Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 7, 10, 34, 38,

92, 106-8, 142-3, 217, 241, 263,266, 273, 275 , 287, 3 i i

Americae Nova Tabula, VIIIndia quae orientalis dicitur et msulae

adiacentes, 274Magnae Britanntae et Hiberniae Tabula,

i'7Nova totius Terrarum orbis Geographica,

101Suecta, Dania et Norvtgia (Bure, A.),


Blome, Richard, 10, 143, 158, 3 i 2Blunt, Edmund March, 262Blunt, George William, 262Boazio, Baptista, 65, 71, 189, 311Bodenehr, Gabriel, 86, 31 2Bodenehr, Hans Georg, 84, 3 i 2Bodleian Library, 141Bodley, Sir Thomas, 1 5 2Boisseau, Jean, 127, 3 11Bologna, 64, 288, 308Bonne, Rigobert, 38, 138, 278, 3 1 3Bonner,John, 295Boone, Daniel, 298Booth, John, 275Bordone, Benedetto, 38, 64, 65, 195,

241, 2 5 3 , 31 iInghiletrra Secodo Moderni, ratIsland of Kaldyeros, 66War Id Map, 14

Boston, 262, 29;Boswell, Henry, 174Botero, Giovanni, 71, 3 11Bouchet,Jean, 271Bougard, Rene, 130, 3 i 2Bouguereau, Maurice, 124,126, 3 1 1Bowen, Emanuel, 10, 27, 41, 141, 143,

166, 184, 263, 2 7 5 , 3 1 2Rutlandshire, 167

Bowen, Thomas, 143,166Bowes, William, ;oBowles and Carver, 165-6Bowles, Carrington, 30, 165-6, 188,

190Bowles, John, 30, 143, 165-6, 190, 295Bowles, Thomas, 165-6, 190, 312Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel, 262Bradford, William, 295Bradley, Abraham (Junior), 262Brahe, Tycho, 106, 231, 309Brahm, William Gerard de, 296, 297Braun, Georg and Hogenberg, Frans, 6,

40-1, 77, 82-3, i i i , 309London (i 172), IIILuxembourg (i; 88), 41

Brazil, 248-9, 307Brazil (island of), ; 3Breese, Samuel, 262Bremond, Laurent and Michelot, 38,

132, 3 1 2Breydenbach, Bernhard von 40, 272Briet, Pere, 269Briggs, Henry, 151-2, 248, 256Brion de la Tour, Louis, 138, 3 13British Admiralty charts, 63British Isles, 193-223, 311-13Browne, Christopher, 184Browne, J., 160Bruckner, Isaac, 237Brue, Adrien Hubert, 139, 264


Bry, Theodore de, 83, 100 ,246 ,253 ,

America live Novas Orbis, 2 toCentral and South America, 249

Bryant, A., 181Buache, Phillipe, 134, 312Buckinck, A., 301Buell, Abel, 260Buenos Aires, 249Bugge, Thomas, 232, 3 1 3Bunting, Hemrich, 83, 273, 311Bunyan, John, 53Bure (Buraeus), Andreas, 233-4, 3 11Burghers, M., 160Burghley, Lord, 47, 141, 146Burr, David H., 262Burston.John, 34, 39Bussemacher, Johannes, 83Byzantium, 63

Cabot, John, 246Cabot, Sebastian, 6, 249, 307Cabral, Pedro, 6, 307Caesar Augustus, Emperor, 3, 20, 307Caldermus, D., 301California, 57, 248, 294Calligraphy, 106Calvert, Cecil, see Baltimore, 2nd BaronCamden, William, 7, 26, 98, 142, 148,

212, 311Englalond Anglia Anglosaxonum

Heptarchia (Hole, Wm.), 212Hertfordiae comttatus, 149

Camocio, Giovanni Francesco, 64, 67,68, 3 1 1

Canada, 247-8Canali, Giovanni-Battista, 72, 3 12Canaries, see Fortunate IslesCaneiro, Nicolay, 2; iCantino, Alberto, 224, 2 51Cape Verde Islands, 63Care of maps, 284Carey, Henry Charles, 262Carey, Matthew, 261, 275, 299, 310Caribbean Islands, 246Carneiro, Antonio de Mariz, 227, 3 1 1Carolina, 247, 296, 297, 298Carpini, Giovanni, 268Cartier, Jacques, 124, 247, 309Cartouches, 17-18Carver, see Bowles and CarverGary, John, 10, 27, 30, 141, 144, 174,

188, 242, 264,272, 275 , 313Cambridgeshire, 17;Staffordshire, ) i

Casa da India, 224, 281Casa de la Contratacion de las Indias,

224Cases, Emanuel, Comte de las, i 39

Page 336: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


Cassini de Thury, Cesar Francois, 10,

125. "34Departement de Calais, 9

Cassini de Thury, Jacques, 125, 134,

M*Cassini, Giovanni Maria, 64, 73, 278,

3 ' 3L'Isola O-Taiti, //

Cassini, Jean Dominique, 10, 38,124-5,130-1- 3 '2

Cassini,ComteJean Dominique, 1 2 5 ,134

Cassini, Maurice, 132, 312Catal Hoyiik, 3Catalan Atlas, 4, 32, 53, 56, 231, 266,

308Catalan map-makers, 64Catherine II of Russia, 240Cavendish, Thomas, 154Cernotti, Leonardo, 302Cesar, Francisco, j 6Ceylon, 271Chancellor, Richard, 142Chanlaire, Pierre Gregoire, 139Champlain, Samuel de, 126, 247, 2 5 5,

J"Chapman and Hall, see S.D.U.K.Charlemagne, 60Charles V (of France), 32Charles V (of Spain), 96, 124, 309Charts, general history, 32-9Chassereau, Pierre, 46Chatelain, Henri Abraham, 132, 260,

3 1 2Chaucer, Geoffrey, 5 3Chesapeake Bay, 56, 247China, 11, 266, 267-8Chiquet, Jacques, 132, 312Chiswell, Richard, 150Christian IV (of Denmark), 290ChristoffelJ., 105, 287Chronometer (John Harrison), 38, 3 10Cibola (Seven Cities of), 54, 56, 242Claesz, Cornelis, 100,102, 105Clark, William, 248Clavus, Claudius, 231, 308Clerc, Jean le, 126, 3 1 1Climatic zones (climata), 3Cloppenburgh,Johannis, 98Clouet, Jean Baptiste Louis, 138Cliiver, Philipp, 83, 311Cocchini, Giuseppe, 154Cock (Cocq), Hieronymous, 287Coignet, Michel, 100Colby, Major (General) Thomas, 48Cole, G. and Roper, J., 46,177Cole, Humphrey, 142, 144, 273, 3 1 1Collection, forming a map, 280-5Colles, Christopher, 299

Collett.John, 297Collins, Captain Greenvile, 10, 34,

38-9, 141, 143, 163, 3 1 2Foivey to Mounts Bay—Chart, )$

Cologne, 40, 302Colom, Arnold, 38, 112Colom, Jacob Aertsz, 38, 92, 112, 311Colophon, 18Colouring of maps, 13, 17, 281-2Coltman, Nathaniel, 176Colton, George Woolworth, 262Colton, Joseph Hutchins, 262Columbus, Christopher, 6, 22, 53-4, 56,

242, 246, 307Comberford, Nicholas, 34, 3 8Comocio, Giovanni Francesco, 68, 3 1 1Compass, invention of, 32, 60Compass roses, 3 2, 60Conder, Thomas, 174Condition of maps, 2 81Congo, river, ; 6, 263Conservation of maps, 284Constantinople, 6, 64, 307Contarini, Giovanni Matteo, 64, 65,

2 5 1 , 3 1 1Contours, 49Conventional signs, 13,17,18Cook, Captain James, 38-9, 59, 141,

'43> 173. 275 ,278 , 297, 310, 3 1 3Copernicus, Nicolaus, 240, 309Copper plate engraving, 11-12, 280Coppo, Pietro, 6 5Copyright, 143Coronelli, Vincenzo Maria, 38, 43, 64,

72, 241, 258, 31 2Mare del Sud, Mare Pacifico, 276Terre Artiche, j$

Cortez, Hernando, 309Cosa.Juan de la, 224, 2 5 1 , 3 1 1Cosmas of Alexandria, 308Costanso, Miguel, 229, 3 1 3Cota.J., 301Cotes, Thomas, 98Covens, Cornells, 122Covens, Johannes, 122Covens, Johannes II, 122Covens and Mortier, 38, 122, 241, 312

Carte de I'Egypte de la Nubie deI'Abissmie (Delisle G.), 267

Covens, J. and Son, i 22Cowley.John, 169Cracow, 240Cramer, Zadok, 299Cruchley, George Frederick, 174Crusades, 272, 307Cruys, Cornelis, 116, 238Cumings, Samuel, 299Cunningham, William, 41, 47, 142, 309Cusanus, Nicolas, 77 ,231,308

D'Acosta, Jose, see Acosta, JoseDahlberg, Count Erik, 234, 312Dalrymple, Alexander, 38-9, 143,

172-3, 271, 290, 3 1 3Dampier, William, 275Daniell, John, 34, 38Dankerts, Cornelis, 118, 312Dankerts, Cornelis II, 118Dankerts, Justus, 118, 241Dankerts, Theodorus, 118, 241D'Anville.Jean Baptiste Bourguignon,

10, 1 2 5 , 132-3, 263, 268, 271, 3 1 2Dapper, Dr. O., 116, 273Darby, William, 299Darton, William, 179Dating of maps, 63, 280Davis, John, 142, 154Dawson, R. K., 46Dealing in Maps, 283Delamarche, Charles Francois, 139, 3 1 3Delaware, River, 296Delisle, Claude, 131Delisle,Guillaume, 10, 59, 124-5,

131-2, 241, 260, 263, 271, 3 12Carte de I'Egypte de la Nubie de

I'Abissmie, 267Carte de I'Isle de Cejilan, i))

Delisle, Joseph Nicolas, 48, 131-2,239-40

Delisle, Louis, 48, 131-2, 239Delisle, Simon Claude, 131-2Delphi, 3Denis, Louis, 28, 138Denmark, 26, 47, 48, 231-2, 290-1,

311-13Desceliers, Pierre, i 24, 126, 2 7 5 , 3 1 1Des Granges, 130, 3 1 2DeSituOrbis(Pomponius Mela), 82 ,308Desmaret, Nicolas, 138, 278Desnos, Louis Charles, 28, 232, 5 1 3Deventer, Jacobus van, 47, 94, 3 1 1Diaz, Bartholomeu, 56, 307Dicey, C. and Co., 17 3Diderot, Denis, 260Dieppe School of Cartographers, 124,

2 7 5 , 289Digges, Leonard, 309Display of maps, 283Dix, Thomas, 179Dixon, Jeremiah, 296Djurberg, Daniel, 235, 300, 3 1 2Dnieper, river, 63Dodswell, Robert, 169Doetecum, Baptist van, 100Doetecum, Jan van, 94, 100Doetecum, Jan van (Jr), 288Don, river, 4Doncker, Hendrick, 34, 38, 92, 115-16,

291, 312

Page 337: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


Donne, Benjamin, 172Dorret, James, 184Dourado, Fernao vaz, 226'Down'survey, 189Drake, Sir Francis, 142, 246, 309Drayton, Michael, 10, 142,151, 311

Yorkshire, i J2Drovers roads, 2 5Dublin, 189-90Duchetti, Claudio, 67-8Dudley, Robert, 34, 39, 65, 72, 141,

143, 1 5 4 , 2 5 7 , 2 7 5 , 312Chart of the East Coast of England, }jChart of the English Channel, 16

Dufour, General Guillaume Henri,238,293

Dugdale, James, 30Dugdale, Thomas, 181Dugdale, Sir William, 15 3Duisburg, 92, 302Dumont d'Urville, Jules Sebastien

Cesar, 38, 125, 140, 278Duncan, James, 181Dunn, Samuel, 173Diirer, Albrecht, 22, 194D'Urville, Jules Sebastien Cesar

Dumont, see Dumont d'UrvilleDuval, Pierre, 52, 128, 241, 25 3, 31 2Duyfken (ship), 275Duyfken's Eyland, 275

Earliest printed sea charts, 32, 64, 308Earth, shape of, 3, 308Earth, size of, 3, 308East India Co. (British), 309East India Co. (Dutch), 7, 103, 106,

109, 117, 2 7 1 , 2 7 5 , 309East Indies, 27;Ebersperger, Johann Georg, 86, 288Eckebrecht, Philipp, 83, 2 7 5 , 311Edict of Nantes, 124, 309Edinburgh, 184Edition (definition), 18Eendracht's Land, see AustraliaEgypt, 263Eitzing, Michael, see Aitzinger, M.El Dorado, 56El Edrisi (Palermo), 308Electrotype, 49Eliot, J. B., 298Elizabeth, Queen, 141Ellis, G., 178Ellis, John, 172Elphmstonejohn, 184Elstracke, Renold, 152Elwe, Jan Barend, 123, 3 1 3

L'Afnque divisee en ses Empires (Jaillot,A.M.), 26;

Emperor Augustus, see CaesarAugustus, Emperor

Ende, Josua van den, 102England and Wales, 47-9, 141-82, 192,

223,289-90Engraving processes, 1 1 , 1 3Enkhuizen, 32, 100Ens, Caspar, 302Eratosthenes of Alexandria, 3,63Espinosa, Jose de, 38, 230, 3 1 5Eszler.J., 301Ethiopia, 84, 263Etzlaub, Ehrhard, 22, 25—6, 47, 2 3 1 ,

286, 3 i iEuler, Leonhard, 237-8, 2 3 9, 313Europe, 278Evans, George, 275Evans, Lewis, 260, 295, 298

Faden, William, 27, 30, 38-9,48, 144,173, 242, 260, 263, 291, 300

Fake maps, 283Farrer, John, 5 6, 15 5, 248, 2 5 7, 294Farrer, Virginia, 294Per, Antoine de, 127Per, Nicholas de, 28, 130, 286, 312

La Californie ou Nouvelle Caroline, / SFester, Christian, 230Feuille, Daniel de la, 132, 3 1 2Feuille, Jacob de la, 132Feuille, Paul de la, 132Filson, John, 298-9Fine, Oronce, 124,125, 311Finley, Anthony, 262Fisher, Joshua, 296Fisher, William, 157Flat earth theory, 4, 308Flinders, Captain Matthew, 39, 178,

275, 300Florence, 11,47,64, 301Florida, 242, 2 5 3Forgeries, 283Forlani, Paolo, 67-8, 292Fortunate Isles (Canaries), 5 3, 63, 263Foster, John, 258, 310Fra Mauro, 64, 269, 308France, 10, 26,48, 125-40, 311-13France, triangulation survey, 38, 125,

289, 310Francis I (of France), 124Franciscan missionaries, 266, 268Franeker, 302Frankfurt-am-Main, 302Franklin, Benjamin, 295Franz, Johann Michael, 86, 288Fraser, river, 248Fraser, Simon, 248Frederick the Great, 240Freiburg im Breisgau, 286

Fremont, John Charles, 299-300Freycinet, Louis Claude Desaules de,

125 , 139, 275Fricx, Eugene Henri, 121, 312Fries, Laurent (Laurentius Frisius), 60,

78, 289, 301Frisius, Gemma (Reiner), see Gemma

FrisiusFrisius, Laurentius, see Fries LaurentFrobisher, Martin, 142Froschauer, Ch., 236Fry, Colonel Joshua, 2 9 5Fullarton, A. & Co., 182

Galaup, jean Francois, see Perouse,Comte de la

Galignani, G. B. and G., 302Galignani, Paolo and Fr., 302Galignani, Simon (Heirs of), 302Galileo, Galilei, 310Galle, Philip, 100Gardner, Thomas, 30, 167Garrett, John, 1 54Gaspan, Adam Christian, 88Gastaldi, Giacomo (Jacopo), 6, 57, 64,

66-7, 248, 263, 302, 3 1 1Gedda, Fetter, 23 5, 291, 312Geelkercken, Nicholas van, 108-9Geiger, Hans Konrad, see Gyger, Hans

KonradGemma Frisius (Reiner), 92, 94, 96,

3 1 1

Genoa, 32, 64Georgia, 296Georgio, Ludovico, see Barbuda, L. J. de

Chinae, 226Gerasimov, Demetrius, 238Germany, 10, 26, 47, 77—91, 286—8,

3' i . }13Gerritsz, Hessel, 38, 109, 2 5 ;, 275, 31 1Gibson, Dr. Edmund, 1 59Gibson, John, 171Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 56Giovio, Paolo, 238Girava, Jeronimo, 227Globes, 72Gloucester, William Duke of, 163Goddard, John, 1 1 5, 294Godreccius, Wenceslaus, 240Godunov, Peter, 238Godunov, Tsar Boris, 238Gog and Magog, 5 6Goos, Abraham, 98, 114Goos, Pieter, 34, 38, 92, 115, 257, 312

West Indische Paskaert (Keulen, J.van), )?

Gordon, James, 183Gordon, P., 1 60Gordon, Robert, 183

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Gough map, 6, 25-6, 40Gourne, Pierre Mathias, 1 56Gray, George, 30Great Britain, see British IslesGreenwood, Christopher and John, 49,

144, 178Greenwich Meridian, 48Greenwich Observatory, 10, 48, 63,

i2! ,297Greville, Sir Fulke, 149Grierson, George, 189, 190Grose, Francis, 1 58Grove, Carl Frederik, 291Griininger, Johannes, 194, 287, 289,

301-2Grynaeus, Simon, 82, 241, 2 5 1, 2 5 3 ,

3 ' iTypus Cosmographicus LJniversa/is, i ]

Gueudeville, Nicholas, 132, 3 1 2Gulf of Carpentaria, 275Gusefeld, Franz Ludwig, 288Gutenberg, Johann, 6Gutierrez, Diego, 227, 2 5 3 , 3 1 1Gyger, Hans Konrad, 235-6, 291, 292,

Hack, William, 34, 39, 162, 25 1Hakluyt, Richard, 147, 1 5 1, 246Halde, Jean Baptistedu, 134, 268, 3 12Hall, David, 295Hall, Sydney, 181Halley, Edmund, 34, 39, 141, 162, 3 10Halma, Frangois, 121, 302, 3 1 2Ham, T., 278Happel, Eberhard Werner, 288Harding, S., 295Hariot, Thomas, 83, 246Harris, John, 165Harrison, John (cartographer), 174Harrison, John (chronometer), 34, 38,

143, 310Hase (Hasius), Johann Matthias, 86, 88,

288, 3 1 2Hawkins, John, 142Heap, George, 295, 296Hearne, Samuel, 248Heather, William, 39, 177Hecataeus of Miletus, 3, 308Heitman, Johann Hansson, 291Hennepin, Louis de, 1 20, 2 5 8Henry the Navigator, 6, 32, 56, 263,

5°7Henry II (of France), 289Henry VIII (of England), 289Herberstein, Sigismund, 238Herbert, William, 39, 170Hereford World Map, 6, 20-1, 5 3, 308

World map (detail), 21Herisson, Eustache, 289

Hermann, Augustine (AugustusHeermans), 293, 294

Hermannides, Rutger, 43Dover, 4}

Hermelin, Count Samuel Gustaf, 235,

5 ' 3Herodotus, 3, 508Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, 112,

227, 3 11South America, 250

Heylin, Peter, 152 ,311Heyns, Pieter, 100Heyns, Zacharias, 108Hipparchus, 308Hippotes, 59Hoefnagel, Georg, 40Hoeg, Anders, 291Hoeye, Rombout van den, 94Hogenberg, Abraham, 8 3Hogenberg, Frans, see also Braun, G. and

Hogenberg, F., 94, 98, 311Hogg, Alexander, 174Holbein, Hans (the Younger), 82Hole, William, 26, 142, 212, 293

Englalond Anglia Anglo SaxonumHeptarchia (Camden Wm.,), 212

Holinshed, Raphael (Chronicles), 26,309

Holland, 6, 26, 47, 92-123, 288-9,311-13

Holland, Major Samuel, 297Hollandia Nova, see AustraliaHollar, Wenceslaus, 26, 28, 42-3, 153,

3 '2London, 1666, 44

Holm, Leonard, 301Holme, Thomas, 294Holy Land (Palestine), 267, 272-3, 287Holywood, John of, see Sacrobosco, J. deHomann Heirs, 77, 86, 271, 288, 292Homann, Johann Baptist, 28,77, 84,

241, 2 5 3 , 263, 312Mississipi Seu Provincial Lttdovicianae,

86Homann, Johann Christoph, 77, 84Homen, Diogo, 38, 226, 311

Navigationedell'Europa, 225Homen, Lopo, 224, 3 1 1Homer, 59Hondius, Henricus, 92, 97, 102-3, 27 5

Mappa Aestivarum Insularum aliasBarmudas, 2;4

Hondius (The Elder), Jodocus, 7, 92,97, 100,102-3, '42, 3°2, 311

Hondius (II), Jodocus, 97, 102-3,288-9

Hondt, Pieter de, 111Honter, Johannes, 82, 311Hooghe, Remain de, 121

Horn, Georg, 115, 222Horsburgh, Captain James, 289-90Hounslow Heath (survey base line), 48,

1 2 5Hiibner, Johann, 288Hudson, Henry, 109, 2 5 5Hudson's Bay Co., 248Hueber, Blasius, 88Humble, George, 1 5 0Humble, William, 150Humboldt, Alexander von, 77-8, 88,

2 5 1 , 261, 310Hungary, 47, 48Hurd, Captain Thomas, 177Hutchms, Captain Thomas, 296Huttich.John, 82Hy Brazil, see Brazil, island ofHydrographers, 38Hydrographic Office (Denmark), 230Hydrographic Office (England), 10, 38,

310Hydrographic Service (France), 38, 3 1 0Hydrographical Survey Office (Spain),


Ilacomylus, Martmus, seeWaldseemuller, Martin

Imperial Academy of Sciences (Russia),239-40

Impression (definition), 18India, 56, 267, 271-2, 307Incunabulum/a (incunables), 18Investment in maps, 282-3Ireland, 48, 49, 189-91Isidorus ot Seville, 308Island books (isolano), 32, 64Isla del Fuego, 63Isle de Per (Ferro), 63Italy, 4, 10,47, 64-76, 286, 3 1 1 - 1 3Itineraries, see road maps

Jacobsz, Anthonie (Theunis), 34, 38,92, 114, 3 1 2

Jacobsz, Caspar (Lootsman), 38, 114Jacobsz, Jacob (Lootsman), 38, 114Jaeger, Johann, G. A., 88, 3 1 3Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 28, 38, i 24, 128,

130, 241, 2 5 3 , 3 1 2UAfrique divisee en ses Empires (Elwe,

J.B.), 26,Jaillot, Bernard Antoine, i 28, 130Jaillot, Bernard Jean, 128, 130Jaillot, Jean Baptiste, 128, 130James V (of Scotland), 18 3Jansson, Cornelius, 94Jansson, J/Blaeu, J. (County Maps),

3°3-5Jansson - Hondius

America Septentrionalis, 2;8

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Jansson, Jan, 7, 10, 38,41, 92, 97, 106,I I O - I I , 142-3, 2 1 8, 222, 241, 2 5 7 ,

273,275,303-5. 3"America novittrdtlintata, 2 j jAnglia Regnum, 218Britannia . . Anglo-Saxonum . .

Heptarchia, 222Freti Magellanici, 2; jNorfolk, 110Nova Helvetiae Tabula, 2)7

Jansson's Heirs, Jan, see Waesbergen, J.J. van

lanszoon (Jansson), Jan, the Elder, 97,108, 302, 3 1 1

Janvier, Robert, 136, 3 1 3Japan, 5 3-4, 266-7, 269-271Jefferson, Peter, 295Jefferson, President, 248Jefferys, Thomas, 10, 30, 38-9,41, 144,

169-70, 2 9 5 , 296, 3 1 2II- estmorland (detail), 8

Jenkinson, Anthony, 238Jenner, Thomas, 26,153—4, 31 2

Huntingdonshire, i ;$Jerusalem, 4, 6, 20, 40, 272, 287Jesuit Missionaries, 263, 268, 269, 271Jobson, Francis, 189Jode, Cornells de, 98, 241, 2 5 3, 271,

275Novae Guineae, 2Totius Orbis Cogniti Vniversalis

Descnptio, <>;Jode, Gerard de, 92, 98, 2 7 3 , 3 1 1Joliet, Louis, 247Jollain, Claude, 128]orden, Mark (Jordan, Marcus), 47,

231, 311Danorum marca . . . ., ijj

Julien, Roch-Joseph, 136, 3 13Jung, Georg Konrad, 26, 84Jung.Johann Georg, 26, 84

Kaempfer, Engelbert, 234, 271Kaerius, Petrus, see Keere, Pieter van

denKeere, Pieter van den, 50, 94, 98, 104,

142, 241, 25 5, 266, 31 iLancaster, i ;6Pembrokeshire, i ;6

Kempen, G., 302Kendal, Abraham, i 54Kentucky, 298-9Kepler, Johannes, 83, 231Keschedt, Petrus, 302Keulen, Cornelis Buys van, 118-19Keulen, Gerard Hulst van, 118-19Keulen, Gerard van, 118-19Keulen, Johannes van, 34, 38, 92, i 15 ,

118-19, 241, 291, 3 11

Oost Indien (detail), 279West Indische Paskaert (Goos, P.), )j

Keulen, Johannes Gerard Hulst van,i18-19

King Solomon Islands, see SolomonIslands

Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 57, 246, 248,

294Kip, John, 46Kip, William, 26, 50,142Kiprianov, Vasily, 238Kircher, Athanasius, 84, 287-8, 3 i 2Kircher, I. V., 30Kitchin, Thomas, 10, 30, 41, 141, 143,

170, 184, 242, 295, 3 1 2Klint, Eric af, 291Klint, Gustav af, 235, 291Koberger, Anton, 22Koberger, J., 302Koehler, Johann David, 87, 312Kotzebue, Admiral Otto von, 293Kremer, Gerard, see Mercator, GerardKrusenstern, Admiral Adam Fedorovic

(Johan) von, 293Kyrilov, Ivan, 238-9

Laet, Johannes de, 112, 2 5 5, 311Lafreri, Antonio, 64, 67—8, 204, 3 i i

La Francia & la Spagna &" la Fiandra,67 -^

Laicksteen, Peter, 287Lamb, Francis, 161-2, 189, 190, 31 2Langenes, Barent, 38, 105—6, 311Langeren, Jacob van, 26Langeveld, D. M., i 2 3Langley, Edward, 178Langlois, Nicolas (1'Anglois), 128Lapie, Alexander Emile, 139, 264Lapie, Pierre, 139, 264Lapis, Dominicus de, 301La Salle, Rene, 247Lattre, Jean, 136Laurie, Richard Holmes, 176Laurie, Robert and Whittle, James, 30,

38-9, 144, 176, 190, 242, 31 3Lazius, Wolfgang, 47, 82, 31 iLea, Isaac, 262Lea, Philip, 28, 43, 162, 190, 312Legends, cartographic, 53-59Leigh, Samuel, 179Leland, John, 26, 309Lelewel, Joachim, 240Lenthall, John, 52Leo Belgicus, 94

Lea Belgicus (Ciaesjansz. Visscher),top

Leslie,John, i8jLeth, Hendrick de, 122-3, 3 12.Leucho, J. Pentiusde, 301

Levanto, Francesco Maria, 72, 3 i 2Levasseur, Victor, 139, 264Lewis, Meriwether, 248Lewis, Samuel, 262, 299Lewis, William, 179Leyden, 100, 502Lhuyd, Humphrey, 142, 144, 146, 205,

3 ' iAngliae Kegni, Florentissimi nova

descriptio (Ortelius, A.), 20 /Cambrtae Tjpus - Wales, 14;

Liber Chronicarum, see NurembergChronicle

Libraries/museums: map collections,2 8 5

Lily, George, 65-6, 141, 144, 183, 189,

3'iBritish Isles, I

Lindsay, Alexander, 183Line engraving, 11-13Linschoten.Jan Huygen van, 38, 104,

105, 254, 265, 3 1 1Lisbon, 224, 281Lithography, 11,13Lithuania, 240Lobo, Geronimo, 263Lochac, 59Lodge, John, 177Lomonosov, Michael, 240London, meridian, 63London, 40, 42, 63Longchamps, S. G., i 36Lons, D. E., 111Loon, Jan van, 38, n6, 3 12Loots, Johannes, 38, 121, 312Lootsman, see Jacobsz familyLopez, Tomas (de Vargas Machuca),

229, 31 3Lorrain, A., 139Lorraine, Rene II, Duke of, 287Lotter, Georg Friedrich, 88Letter, Mathias Albrecht, 88Lotter, Tobias Conrad, 77, 88, 242, 3 i 2

Nouvelle France ou de Canada, 9 oLouis XIV (of France), 10, 34, 124-5,

310Louis XV (of France), 12 5Louisiana, 247-8, 2; 8, 260, 299Lous, Admiral Andreas, 291Lous, Professor Christian Carl, 291Louvain, 92, 96Lovendrn, Paul de, 232, 291, 3 13Low Countries, see HollandLucini, Antonio, 34,154Lucas, Fielding, 262, 299Ludolf, Christian, 84Ludolf, Hiob, 84, 263, 312Luffman, John, 177Lyatsky, Ivan, 238

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Lyne, James, 295Lyne, Richard, 41, 142Lyon, 302Lythe, Robert, 189

Mackenzie, Alexander, 248Mackenzie, Murdoch, 39, 184, 188

Pomona or Mainland (The Orkneys),!87Macrobius, Theodosius, 308Madaba mosaic, 272, 308Magellan, Ferdinand, 6, 249, 309Magini, Giovanni Antonio, 64, 72,

211, 302, 3 1 1Britanicae Insulae, 211

Magnus Johannes, 232, 311Magnus, Olaus, 47, 228, 233, 311Maire, Christopher, 16 5Maire, Jacob le, 111-12,251,312Majorca, 4, 32, 64Makowski, Tomasz, 240Mallet, Alain Manesson, 43, 130, 312Malombra, G., 302Make Brun, Conrad, 232, 3 1 3Make Brun, Victor, 232, 3 1 3Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas

Denis d'Apresde, 38, 125,134,136,312

Mansson, Johan, 234, 3 i 2Mantua, 47Manuscript maps, 34, 62, 224Map collections in museums/libraries,

2 8 5Map sizes, 62Marco Polo, 5 3, 56-7, 266, 268, 307Maria Teresa of Austria, 240Marinus of Tyre, 3, 32, 59, 308Martin, Benjamin, 166Martini, Martino, 72, 268, 3 1 2Maryland, 114, 294, 296Mason, Charles, 296Mason/Dixon line, 294, 296, 297Massa, Isaac, 238Matthews, John, 158Mattioli, Andrea, 302Mauritius (Myritus), Johannes, 83 ,311Maximilian I, Emperor, 238, 287Maxwell, James, 165Medina, Pedro de, 227, 3 11Mediterranean Sea, 4, 32Meissner, D., 42Mejer, Johannes, 232, 3 1 2Mela, Pomponius, 59, 82, 308Melish,John, 262, 299Mentelle, Edme, 139, 3 1 3Mercator, Arnold, 94, 96-8Mercator, Bartolomeus, 94, 96-8Mercator, Gerard, 6, 34, 57, 60, 92, 94,

96-8, 102-3, IO<>, 209-10, 241,248, 254 , 263, 271, 286, 302, 311

America sive India Nova, VIAnglia Regnum, 210Anglia, Scotia it Hibernia, 209Septentrionalmm Terrarum Descriptio,

96Mercator, Gerard (grandson), 94, 96-8Mercator, Gerard/Hondius, Jodocus

Virginiae item et Floridae, 2;2Mercator./Hondius/Jansson

Nova Virginiae tabula, VIIIMercator, Joannes, 94, 96-8Mercator, Michael, 94, 96-8Mercator, Rumold, 94, 96-8

Orbis Terrae Compendiosa Descriptio,

*4)Mercator's Projection, 92, 97, 286, 309Merian, Matthaus, 42, 83, 84, 219, 292,

3"Magnae Bntanniae et Hiberniae Tabulae,

219Meridians, 63Meroe, 63Merula, Paulus, 288-9Metellus (Matal), Johann Natalius, 287Meurs, Jacob van, 116Meyer, Johann Rudolf, 238, 293, 3 1 5Michelot, see Bremond, Laurent and

MichelotMilan, 64Miles, differing lengths, 26Miletus, School of Philosophy, 3, 308Miller, Robert, 177Mills, Robert, 262"Miniature Speed" maps, 104, 150Mississippi, river, 120, 248, 2 5 8 , 260Missy, Jean Rousset de, i 34Mitchell, Samuel Augustus, 262Mitchell,John, 171-2, 260, 2 9 5 , 3 1 3Mitchell, T. L., 278Moetjeus, A., 108Mogg, Edward, 30, 177Moleto, G., 302Molmeux, Emerie, 147Moll, Herman, 10, 143, 163, 165, 184,

190, 248, 260, 312Montanus, Arnold, 116, 312Montanus, Benedictus Arias, see Arias

Montanus, B.Montanus, Petrus, 114, 294, 302, 3 1 1Montresor, Major John, 296-7Morden, Robert, to, 27, 51-2, 143,

159-60, 241, 3 1 2Monmouth, 161Playing Cards, ; /

Moretus, Balthasar, 100Morgan, William, 28, 42, 158Mornas, Claude Buy de, 138Morris, Lewis, 170

Pembrokeshire Coast, 171

Morse, Jedidiah, 261, 298Morse, Samuel, 298Morse, Sidney Edwards, 262, 298Mortality of maps, 281Mortier, Cornelis, 120-2Mortier, David, 120-1Mortier, Pieter, 120-1, 3 1 2Mortier, Covens and Son, 122, 292Moule, Thomas, 46, 144, 181

Oxfordshire, ifOxfordshire - title page, i So

Mount and Page, 39, 163Mount, Richard, 163, 3 1 2Mount, William, 163Mountains of the Moon, 56Mouzon, Henry, 297Moxon, James (The Elder), 154Moxon, James (The Younger), 154Moxon, Joseph, 154Moyne, Jacques le, 2 5 3Mudge, Major (General) William, 48Miiller, Gerhard Friednch, 88, 3 1 3Miiller, Johann (Regiomontanus), 22,

302Muller, Johann Ulrich, 26Munster, Sebastian, 6, 40-1, 77, 78,

81-2, 141, 183, 196, 199, 206, 231,2 4 1 , 2 5 1 , 2 5 3 , 2 6 3 , 269, 287, 302,3"

Anglia I I : Nova tabula, 197Anglie Triquetra Descriptio, 106Beschretbung Engellandts und

Schottlandts, 207Kegiones Septentnonales Scandanavia, SiTjpus Orbis Universalis, 7Von den Britannischen Inseln Albwne,

198Muoss, Hemrich Ludwig, 292Murer, Christoph, 292Murer, Jos, 47, 292Muscovy, 267Museums/libraries: map collections,

285Mylius, A., 302Myritus, Johannes, see Mauritius, J.Myths,cartographic, 53-59

Nagajev, Captain Alexei, 293Nagasaki, 234, 269Nantes, Edict of, 124, 309Narborough, Sir John, 163Neele.Josiah, 177Neele, Samuel John, 177Nell, Johann Peter, 26Netherlands, see HollandNew Amsterdam, 248New France, see CanadaNew Guinea, 275New Haven, 262

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New Holland, see AustraliaNew South Wales, 275, 278Newton, Isaac, 310New York, 261-2, 295, 297New Zealand, 278, 310Nicholls, Sutton, i 84Nicolas, C. (Claesz, Cornelis), 302NicolausGermanus, 301Nicolay, Nicolas de, 38, 124, 125, 183,

3"Nicollet, Joseph N., 299—300Niger, river, 56, 263Nile, river, 4, 56, 263Nolin, Jean Baptiste (Father and son),

130, 3 1 2Norden, John, 26, 41, 141-2, 147, 31 iNordenankar, Admiral Johan, 2 3 5 ,

291' 3 1 3Norie, John William, 39, 178Norman, John, 298Norman, William, 298Norris, Admiral Sir John, 167North East Passage, 6, 7, 93, 104North West Co. (Canada), 248North West Passage, 6, 5 7, 124, 248Norton, John, 100Norway, 48, 231-2, 291, 3 1 1 , 3 1 3Novia Scotia, 174Nowell, Laurence, 47, 141Nuremberg, 1 1 , 2 2 , 24-5, 47, 77Nuremberg Chronicle, 22, 24, 40, 47,

240, 308Anglie Provmcta, 2;

Oddy.S. A., 177Odysseus, 59Ogilby, |ohn, i o, 26, 27-8, 42 ,48 , 5 2 ,

141, M3. I57-8. 2 '3 . 3 ' 2Britannia, 48Road from Crew kerne to Exeter and

Plymouth, 28Okeanus, river, 3Onofri, Francesco, 1 5 4Ordnance Survey, 10, 30,48-9,63, 1 2 5 ,

290, 310Isk of Wight and part of Hampshire, 179

Ortelius (Ortel), Abraham, 6, 40, 57,59, 60, 92, 98-100, 200, 205, 241,248, 2 5 3 , 266, 271, 273, 275, 287,3"

Abraham Patriarchae Peregrmatio, etvita, 272

Americae sive Novi Orbis NovaDescriptio, 247

Anghae Regni, ¥ lorentissimi novadescriptio(Humphrey Lhuyd), 20;

Angliae, Scotiae et Hiberniae, 2 o i-jDescriptio Germamae Inferwns, 99

Empire of Prester John, or of theAbyssinians, 77

Eryn: Hiberniae, Bntannitae Insulae,Nova Descriptio, 191

Islandia, 9 )Palaestinae sive totius Terrae

Promissionis, 270Scotiae Tabula, i <?/Septentrionalium Regionum Descrip, / /Tartariaf sive Magni Chami Regni, 2 69Terra Sancta, 271Typus orbis Terrarum, II

Osborne, T., 170Ottens, Joachim, 122Ottens, Reiner and Joshua, 38, 122,

241, 312Het Konmkryk japan (Scheuchzer, J.

G.), 2)9Overton, Henry, 157Overton.John, 157, 294, 312Owen, George, 148Owen, John, 27Owen, John and Bowen, Emanuel, 30

Road map: High Barnet to Bigg/eswade,^9

Oxley.John, 2 7 5

Pacific Ocean, 57, 59, 249Padua, 47, 302Page, Thomas, 158, 163Palairet, Jean, 137, 31 3Palestine, see Holy LandPalmer, Richard, 158Pamlico Sound, 56, 247Paper, 18, 281, 283Paraquay, 249Paris, 26Paris, Matthew, 6, 25, 40, 308Paris Observatory, 10, 34,48, 125, 310Paterson, Daniel, 27, 30, 173, 188P'ei Hsiu, 268Penn, William, 294Pennsylvania, 296Pepys, Samuel, 34Perouse, Comte de la (Galaup, Jean

Francois), i 25, 139, 275, 3 i 3Persia, 266Perthes, J., 91Peru, 249Peter the Great, Tsar, 48, 238, 292Petri, Henri (Henncus), 302Petri, Sebastian, 82Petrmi, Paulo, 286Petrucci, Pietro, 104Petty, Sir William, 48, 189-90, 3 1 2Peutinger Table, 4, 25, 100, 308Philadelphia, 262, 294, 295, 296Philip II (of Spain), 6-7, 92, 287, 309Picard.Jean, 48, 125, 310

Pigafetta, Filippo, 71, 311Pigot, James and Co., 181Pike, Lieut., 248Pillars of Hercules, 54Pilot books, 3 2Pine, John, 34Pirckheimer, W., 302Piscator, see Visscher FamilyPitt, Moses, 111, 116,161, 312Pizarro, Francisco, 309Plancius, Petrus, 103-4, 241, 288, 3 11Plantin, Christopher, 100, 124Plate mark, 12Plate, river, 249Plato, 3Playing cards, 50-2Plessis, D. Martmeau du, 134, 3 12Pleydenwurff, Wilhelm, 22Plot, Robert, 160, 3 1 2Pograbius, Andreas, 240Poirson, Jean Baptiste, 289Poland, 26, 240Polo, Marco, see Marco PoloPolyglot Bible, 227Polyhistor (Solinus), 82, 308Pont, Timothy, 183Pontanus, Johannes Isaksen, 2 3 1 , 290,

3"Pontoppidan, Christian Jochum, 232,

3 1 3Pontoppidan, Erik, 232, 31 2Popple, Henry, 167, 169, 260, 295, 3 12Porcacchi da Castilione, Tomaso, 38,

64, 68, 204, 3 1 1Inghilterra, 204Jamaica, ji

Porro, Girolamo, 68, 302Porter, Thomas, 26, 15 7Portolani (portulan) charts, see also

Charts, general history, 4, 32, 47,60, 308

Portugal, 6, 224-7, 3 1 '"'3Posidonius, 3, 308Postal system (British Isles), 26-7Post roads, see Road mapsPotosi, silver mines, 248Pownall, Thomas, 298Prester, John, (Kingdom of), 5 3, 56,

263Pretot, Etienne Andre de, 138, 3 13Preuss, Charles (Georg Carl), 299-300Price Charles, 165Price, Owen, 173Printing, invention of, 6, 22, 307Printing of maps, 11-19Printing Studio

Illustration by Jan van der Strait, 12Projection (Mercator's), 92, 97, 286,


Page 342: Antique Maps (History Maps eBook)


Proof (definition), 18Ptolemy, Claudius, 3,4, 6, 3 2, 54, 47,

56, 59, 60, 63, 64-5, 77-8, 94, 97,287,308

Ptolemy's Geographia (editions), 301-2,308-9

Pufendorf, Samuel, 2 3 3Purcell, Joseph Southern, 299Purchas, Samuel, 98, 151-2Pythagoras (Pythagorean theory), 3,

240, 308

Quad, Matthew, 83, 3 1 1World Map, S J

Quebec, 247Queensland, 278

Radolfzell, 78, 286Raleigh, Walter, 56, 83, 142, 246, 309Ram, Johannes de, 121, 3 i 2Ramble, Reuben, 182Ramsden, Jesse (theodolite), 310Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 66, 2 5 3Rapin-Thoyras, Paul de, 174Rarity of maps, 2 81Ratelband, Johannes, 122, 312Ratzer, Bernard, 297, 298Raynal, Guillaume Thomas Francois,

138,315Rea, Roger, 150Red Sea, 263Redmayne, William, 52

Playing card, / oReger, Johann, 301Regiomontanus, see Miiller, J.Regnier, see Gemma FrisiusReid, John, 262Reid, W.H., 179Reilly, Franz Johann Joseph von, 88,

}i3Reinel, Jorge, 224,311Remel, Pedro, 224, 3 1 1Reiner, see Gemma FrisiusReisch, Gregor, 60, 287Re-issue (definition), 18Remezov, Semyon Ulanovitch, 238Renard, Louis, 38, 1 2 5 , 132, 312Rennell, James, 173, 271, 313Reproduction maps, 284Resen, Peder, 232, 31 2.Rhodes, 63Rhumb lines, 32Ribeiro, Diogo, 224, 2 5 1 , 3 1 1Ricci, Matteo, 68, 268, 311Richard of Haldingham, 20-1Richmond, Duke of, Master General of

Ordnance, 48Rider, W., 172Ringman, Matthias, 286-7

Rizzi-Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio, 64,72-3, 240, 313

Italy, 74

Road books, 26Road maps/atlases, 25 , 31, 48Roads, Roman, 2 5Robert, see Vaugondy, G. R. deRobijn, Jacobus, 38,119, 312Robins, James, 178Rochette, Louis Stanislas D'Arcy de la,

139, 263, 300Rocque, John, 10, 30,42,46, 169,

189-90, 312Rocque, Mary A., 169Rogers, William, 212Roggeveen, Arent, 38, 117-18, 3 1 2Rollos, G., 172Rome, 3, 11, 20, 26, 64, 301, 307-9Roman Empire, 4, 64, 307'Rome Way' (Rom Weg), 2 5Roper, J., see Cole, E. and Roper, J.Rosaccio, Giuseppi, 38, 71, 302, 3 1 1Rosenfeldt, Admiral Werner von, 291Rosselli, Francesco, 64, 6 5 , 2 5 1 , 3 1 1Rossi, GiacomoGiovanni de, 28, 64,

72, 3 •*Rotz (Roze), Jean, 275 , 289Rouge, George Louis le, 38, 46, 134,

241, 312L'Ecosse, /_;/

Rouen, 183Routiers, see Charts, general historyRoux,Joseph, 38, 138Rowe, Robert, 178Roy, General William, i o, 48, 290, 31 oRoyal Geographical Society, 178, 285Royal Society, 310Rubruquis, Guillaume, 268Rudd.John, 146Rudolophine Tables, 83Ruscelli, Girolamo, 68, 199, 302

Ang/ia et Hibernia Nova, 199Orbis Desmptio, 70

Russell, P., 173Russia, 48, 132, 238-40, 293Rutlinger, Johann, 100Rutters, see Charts, general historyRuysch, Johann, 301Ryther, Augustine, 100

Sacrobosco, J. de (John of Holy-wood),308

Sage, A. le, see Cases, Emanuel, Comtede las

Sailing directions/portolani, see Charts,general history-

Salamanca, Antonio, 67-8, 292Saltonstall, W., 98Salt Ways, 2 5

Sandrart, Jacob von, 84, 31 zSan Miguel, Vicente To(r)fino de, see

To(r)fino de San Miguel, V.Sanson, Adrien, 128Sanson, Guillaume, 128, 286Sanson, Nicolas, 10, 26, 124, 128, 220,

2 4 1 , 2 5 7 , 3 1 2Carte Generate des Rojaume

d'Angleterre, Esfosse et Irlande, 220Principaute de Galles, 129

Sanson, Pierre Moulard, 128Santani, P., 73, 3 i 3Sanuto, Giulio, 68, 286Sanuto, Livio, 68, 263, 286, 3 1 1Sauthier, Claude Joseph, 297, 298Sauzet, Henri du, 134, 31 2Savonarola, Raffaelo, 72, 31 2Saxany, 47Saxton, Christopher, 6, 7, 2 5, 43, 47, 49,

50, 141-2, 146-7, 208, 31 iAnglia, 20SLancashire, IV

Sayer, Robert and Bennett, John, 10,38-9, 144, 172, 242, 3 1 3

Scale, Bernard, 189, 190Scandinavia, 10, 47, 48, 231-5, 290-1,

3 1 1 - 1 3Schedel, Hartmann, 22Schenk, Pieter, 106, 11 o, 112,119—20,

269, 292, 31 2Schenk, Pieter (son), i i 9-20Schenk, Pieter (grandson), i 19-20Scherer, Heinrich, 84, 31 2Scheuchzer, Johann Caspar, 237, 269

Het Konmkryk japan (Ottens, R. & ).),240

Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob, 237, 292,3 > 2

Schlieben, Wilhelm Ernst August von,88

Schmettaus, Samuel von, 288Schoepf, Thomas, 47, 292Schoner, Johann, 22Schotanus van Sterringa, Bernardus,

121Schott, Johannes, 286, 301Schouten, Willem Cornells, 111-12,

2 5 1Schrambl, Franz Anton, 88, 3 1 3Schreiber, Johann Georg, 88, 3 1 2Schweynheym, C, 301Scotland, 48, 49, 183-8, 192 223,290,

310Scull, Nicholas, 295 , 296, 297Scull, William, 296, 297Sea Charts, see Charts, general historyScale, Richard William, 169, 3 1 2Sea of Darkness, 5 3Seckford, Thomas, 146

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Seller, Jeremiah, 165Seller, John, 10, 34, 39, 63, 143, 158,

294, J i zSenex,John, 10, z j , 30, 143, 165, 3 1 2Servetus, Michael, 78, 302Sessa, Melchoir (Heirs of), 302Seutter, Albrecht Carl, 87-8Seutter, Georg Mattha'us, 77,87-8,

242, 263, 312World Map, 89

Seutter, Georg Mattha'us (TheYounger), 87-8

Seven Cities, island of, see AntilliaSeven Cities of Cibola, 54Seville, 224Sgrooten (Schrot, Schrotenus),

Christian, 287Sharpe, Bartholomew, 162, 251Siberia, 238-9Siegfried, Hermann, 293Silk Road, 266Simmons, Matthew, 26, 51 , 153, 3 1 1Simpson, Samuel, 169Size of maps, 63Skinner, Andrew, see Taylor, G. and

Skinner, A.Slater, Isaac, 182Smith, Charles (and Son), 30, 177Smith, Capt. John, 150, 246, 25 5, 293-

4. 3 i iSmith, William (c. i ; 50-1618), 41,

142, 148, 311Smith, William (fl. c. 1730), 302Smith, William (1769-1839), 178Society for the Diffusion of Useful

Knowledge (S.D.U.K.), 181, 278Plan of Philadelphia (1840), 4;

Society for the encouragement of Arts,Manufactures and Commerce(now Royal Society of Arts), i o,M3

Solinus, Gaius Julius, 82, 308Solomon Islands, 59Sonetti (Zamberti), Bartolommeo dalli,

32, 38, 64,65, 308Sorenson, Jens, 232, 312Southack, Cyprian, 294South America, 56, 248-9, 251Southern Africa, 263-6Southern Hemisphere, 59, 275South Georgia, 59Spaferen, Leonti Vasilevich, 293Spain, 6, 224-30, 290, 311-13Spanish Hydrographical Survey office,

2*7Speed, John, 10, 12, 25, 26,41,48, 57,

142, 148—50, 21 3-16, 241, 256,263,266,273,287-311

Gloucestershire, V

Gloucester (Town Plan), 42The Kmgdome of England, 214The Kingdome of Great Britaine and

Ireland, 21)The Invasions of England, 216A New and Accurate Map of the World,

244A New Map of East India, 2/jSaxon Heptarchy, 21;Westmorland, i; i

Speer, Captain Joseph, 39, 172Spherical earth theory, 3, 308Spice Islands, 53, 249, 269Spice trade, 249St. Brendan, 5 3St. Brendan's Island, 5 3St. Die des Vosges (St. Didal), 77, 287St. Gallen, 2 3 5St. Lawrence, river, 124, 247St. Mary and St. Michael, islands of, 63,

i !3St. Petersburg, 256Stansby, William, 98Steel engraving, 12Stent, Peter, 155, 3 1 2Stephenson, John, 1 5 5 , 294Sterringa, Schotanus van, 121Stieler, Adolf, 88Stockdale, John, 177Strabo of Amasia, 3, 308Strada, Famiano, 94Strassburg, 11, 77, 301, 309Stromcrona, Nils, 291Strozzi, Palla, 64Strubicz, Maciej, 240Strumpf, Johann, 235-6, 293, 311Sudbury, John, i 50Surveys, i o, 47-9Sweden, 48, 231-5, 291, 311-13Switzerland, 10, 26,47,48, 235-8,

291-3,311-13Syene, 63Sylvanus, Bernardus, 301Symonson, Philip, 26, 147, 311

Tallis.John (and Co.), 46, 144,182,261, 264, 275, 278

Tanner, Henry Schenk, 262Taprobana, see CeylonTarot (Tarrochi) playing cards, 50Tartary, 267Tasman, Abel, 275, 278Tasmania, 278, 310Tassin, Nicholas, 127, 311Tatton, Gabriel, 34, 38,147-8, 248,

254. 3"Tavernier, Melchior, 26, 28, 126, 3 1 1Taylor, George and Skinner, Andrew,

30, 188, 190

Taylor, Isaac, 171, 3 1 2Taylor, Thomas, 166—7, ' 84, 312Teesdale, Henry (and Co.), 144, 181Teixeira, Joao, 227, 290, 3 1 1Teixeira, Ludovico, 226—7, 269, 3' '

Japonia Insulae Descnptio (Ortelius,\,\22t

Terminology, 18, 63Terra Australis, see AustraliaTerra incognita, see AustraliaTerra Nova, see AmericaThames School of Chart Makers, 34Theodolite (Jesse Ramsden), 310Theunis, Jacob, see Jacobsz, AnthonieThevet, Andre, 124, 126, 31 iThevenot, Melchisedech, 128, 275, 312

Northern India, 1)1Thomson, John (and Co.), 177, 188,

264Thorlaksson, Gudbrandur, 93Thornton, John, 34, 39,157, 312Thornton, Samuel, 157Tibianus, Johann Georg, 47Tillemon, Sieur de (Nicholas de

Tralage), 130Timosthenes of Rhodes, 59,60Tirion, Isaac, 122, 312Todescho, Nicolo, 301T-O Maps, 4, 20, 263, 308Toms, William Henry, 169, 29;Topographical maps, 47-9Tordesillas, Antonio de Herrera y, see

Herrera, A. deTo(r)fino de San Miguel, Vicente, 38,

229. 3' 3Toscanelli, Paolo, 53Town plans, 40-6Tramezini, Michele, 67-8Treaty of Lublin, 240Treaty of Tordesillas, 248, 307Treaty of Westphalia, 310Treschel, Caspar and Melchior, 302,

311Trigonometrical Survey, 48Tschudi, Aegidius, 47, 235-6, 291-2,

3 ' iTurnpike Trusts, 27Turre, Petrus de, 301Turst, Konrad, 2 3 5

Ubelin, G., 301Ulimaroa (Australia), 235 , 300Ulm, 77, 301, 308United States, 242-62United States, atlases of the (1795-

c. 1855), 261-2Uppsala, 2 3 2Uraniborg, 229Utrecht, 302

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Vadius, A., 301Vadianus, Joachim (Watt, Joachim

von), 235, 31 iValck, Gerard, 1 06, 1 1 o, 1 1 9, 1 20, 269,

292, 312Valck, Leonard, 1 20Valegio, Francesco, 41-2Valeso, Francesco, see Valegio, F.Valgrisi, Vincenzo, 302Vancouver, 248Vancouver, Captain George, 39, 177,

248, 260Vandermaelan, Philippe M. G., 123,

264Van Diemens Land, see TasmaniaVaren, Bernhard, 1 19, 1 5 8Vasco da Gama, 56, 263, 307Vaugondy, Didier Robert de, 1 36Vaugondy, Gilles Robert de, 1 2 5 , 136,

241, 269, 3 1 3Vavassore, Giovanni Andrea di, 38,

65-6, 3 1 3Venice, 1 1 , 3 2 , 40, 47, 64, 301-2, 308Verbist, Pieter, 1 1 2Verona, 47Verrazano, Giovanni da, 56, 1 24, 247Verrazano, Sea of, 56, 247Vespucci, Amerigo, 287, 307Vienne (Dauphine), 302Virginia, 246, 254-7, 294> 295Vipsanius Agrippa, see Agrippa, V.Visscher, Claes Jansz., 94, 112-13, 2 5 3>

2 6 3 , 3 1 1Daniae Kegni Typum, 107Leo Eelgicus, 109

Visscher, Elizabeth, 1 1 2 — 1 3Visscher, Nicolaes 1, 112-13, 24'> 2^6,

273Visscher, Nicolaes II, 112-13Vitalibus, B. Venetus de, 301Vooght, Claes Jansz., 119, 3 1 2Vopell, Caspar, 82, 3 1 1Voyages of discovery, 307Vrients, Jan Baptist, 98, 100, 105, 31 1Vries, Claes de, 1 2 1

Waesbergen, Johannes Janssonius van,98, 116, 161

Wagonners, see also Charts, generalhistory, 32, 100

Waghenhaer, Lucas Janszoon, 6, 32, 34,38, 92, 100,102, 311

Chart of Europe, Frontispiece (n)Entrance to Zuyder Zee, ))

Waldseemiiller, Martin (llacomylus), 6,53,77,78, 193-4, 241, 2 5 1 , 2 5 3 ,266, 286-7, 3 0 1 , 3 1 1

British Isles (i; i)), 19)British Isles (i;22), 4, 194British Isles (I tji) : detail, 14'Modern' World (i;2;), /Occam Occident a Its seu Terre Nave, 246Orbis Typus Universalis (i j 21), 24;'Ptolemaic' World (1121-41), 242Tabula Helvetia, 2)6Tabula Moderna Aphrice, 264Tabula Moderna Germanic, 79Tabula Moderna Terra Sanctae, 268Tabula Nova Norbegtae & Gottiae, i j

Wales, 141-82, 192-223, 307-10Walker, Alexander, 181Walker, Charles, 181Walker, John, 144, 181Wallis, James, 177Walpoole, George Augustus, 30, 174Walschaert, Johann, 102Walser, Gabriel, 292-3Walton, Robert, 26, 28,155, 312Wapowski, Bernard, 240Watermarks, 18, 280Watson, Colonel David, 48, 290Watt, Joachim von, see Vadianus J.Web, William, 4 3Weigel, Christoph, 28, 87, 242, 3 1 2

Insulae Malta, 87Novissima Tabula Regionis Ludovicianae,

261Weigel, Johann, 87Weiland, Carl Ferdinand, 88Weiss, Johann Heinrich, 238, 293, 3 1 5Wells, Edward, 163, 241, 5 1 2

A Neu> Map of the Terraqueous Globe,164

Westenios, R. and J., 302West India Company (Dutch), 109, 117West Indies, 54, 114, 117-18, 254White, John, 83, 246Whittle, James, see Laurie, R. and

Whittle, J.Wibe, Niels Andreas, 291

Wilkinson, Robert, i 74Willdey, George, 165, 3 1 2Windrose, 59-60Winds, classical names, 59-60Winter, A. de, i 21Wit, Frederick de, 7, 34, 38, 106, 115,

241, 2 5 3 , 263, 266, 273, 3 1 2Insula Malta, 117Mare del Zur cum Insula California, 276Septemtrionaltora Aratricae, j 6

Withmbrook, Thomas, 294Wohlgemut (Wolgemut), Michael, 22Wolfenweiler, 286Wolff, Jerimias, 84Woodcuts-Woodcut engraving, 11-12,

280World circumference, calculation of, 6 3World, disc shaped theory, 3World, flat earth theory, 3, 308World maps, 241-2World, spherical earth theory, 3, 308Wright, Benjamin, 72, 102, 147Wright, Edward, 34, 38, 141-2, 147,

3i iWurttemberg, 47Wyld, James (The Elder), 39, 144,

178-9, 242, 261, 264, 272, 2 7 5 ,278

Wyld, James (The Younger), 144,178-9

W ;ytfliet,Cornelis, 105, 246, 248, 254 ,287, 31 i

Utnusque Hemisphern Delmeatio, 2 j i

Young, J. H., 262

Zaltieri, Bolognino, 68, 2 5 3Zamberti, Bartolommeo dalli, see

Sonetti, B. dalliZambesi, river, 263Zatta, Antonio, 64, 73, 278, 3 1 3Zeiller, Martin, 84Zeno, Nicolo, 68Ziegler, Jacob, 82Ziletti, G., 302Zimmermann, Michael, 82Zipangu, see JapanZurich, 23 5Ziirner, Adam Friedrich, 86, 31 2Zuyder Zee, 3 2