anti smoking for print

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  • 8/12/2019 Anti Smoking for Print




    To make a meaningful and beneficial difference makes one's life

    worthwhile. Our sincerest appreciation and gratitude goes to the people for

    helping and supporting us in our seminar that makes our experience


    We extend our thanks to our clinical instructor, Lavinia Malabuyoc,

    RN MANfor her expertise that was shared to us during the N107 class. Her

    knowledge and valuable advices motivated each and everyone to do their

    assigned tasks and value teamwork and cooperation. In addition, she was

    always accessible and willing to help her students in the implementation of

    our every seminar. As a result, the program became successful and

    rewarding one. The associated experience broadened our skills as nurse


    We owe our parents for their invaluable support on our studies and

    unflagging love and care every day, everything is impossible without them.

    We were all indebted for their guidance and financial support given.

    To, Ms. Diana Sandoval, adviser of St. Elizabeth and Ms. Rosalinda

    Mercado, High School Principal for the warm welcome on us and helpful

    instructions to their students to be active and participative.

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    Furthermore, Mr. Ponciano L. Malabanan, RN MAN have always

    been an inspiration for giving our best as a student. He exposed nursing

    students and give importance in a related learning experience like this. He

    was like our supporting person who drew us close to the Lord.

    The cooperation of the entire class is greatly appreciated. In addition,

    we were flattered by the warmness and friendliness showed by the students

    that made the discussion conducive for learning. We were also in great

    pleasure in their willingness to participate in the discussion. Without them, the

    success of our activities can hardly be realized.

    Last but not least, thanks be to God for our everyday existence, for his

    guidance and love. For touching everyone of us to exert our best effort and

    share our blessings given by him.

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    To beloved Lord Jesus Christ, we dedicate you this work of charity as

    we share the blessings we had received from you.

    This project of ours would not be possible without our beloved family

    and friends for their invaluable support. For being there at all times, on

    happiness and tears, without them this work will be incomplete.

    To the active students of Third year, St. Elizabeth whom made us

    inspired to be a good health care provider in the near future as nurse


    This exposure is especially dedicated to the students, faculty, and staff

    of the College of Nursing of Lipa City Colleges. We aim not only for the

    completion of our RLE grade but also to be ready for the new knowledge we

    will learn. It is also to show that Nursing Students do not only learn on the

    four corners of the room for academic purposes but also as to practice the

    acquired knowledge thought by competent instructors of Lipa City Colleges as

    they are the instrument for enhancing LEADERSHIP,COMPETENCE AND


    Finally, this documentation is dedicated to all who value helthy living

    for all.

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    Smokingis a practice in which a substance, most commonlytobacco, is

    burned and the smoke is tasted or inhaled. This is primarily practiced as a route of

    administration forrecreational drug use, ascombustion releases theactive

    substances in drugs such asnicotine and makes them available for absorption

    through the lungs. It can also be done as a part of rituals, to

    inducetrances andspiritual enlightenment.

    The most common method of smoking today is throughcigarettes, primarily

    industrially manufactured but also hand-rolled from loose tobacco androlling paper.

    Other smoking implements includepipes,cigars,bidis,hookahs,vaporizers,

    andbongs. It has been suggested that smoking-related disease kills one half of all

    long term smokers but these diseases may also be contracted by non-smokers. A

    2010 report states that, each year, about 4.9 million people worldwide die as a result

    of smoking.

    Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use.Tobacco

    smoking is today by far the most popular form of smoking and is practiced by over

    one billion people in the majority of all human societies. Less common drugs for

    smoking includecannabis andopium. Some of the substances are classified as

    hardnarcotics,likeheroin,but the use of these is very limited as they are often not

    commercially available.

    The history of smoking can be dated to as early as 5000 BC, and has been

    recorded in many different cultures across the world. Early smoking evolved in
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    association with religious ceremonies; as offerings to deities, in cleansing rituals or

    to allowshamans and priests to alter their minds for purposes of divination or

    spiritual enlightenment. After the European exploration and conquest of the

    Americas, the practice of smoking tobacco quickly spread to the rest of the world. In

    regions like India andSubsaharan Africa, it merged with existing practices of

    smoking (mostly of cannabis). In Europe, it introduced a new type of social activity

    and a form of drug intake which previously had been unknown.

    Smoking in the Body runs by this, Inhaling the vaporized gas form of

    substances into the lungs is a quick and very effective way of delivering drugs into

    the bloodstream (as the gas diffuses directly into the pulmonary vein, then into the

    heart and from there to the brain) and affects the user within less than a second of

    the first inhalation. The lungs consist of several million tiny bulbs called alveoli that

    altogether have an area of over 70 m (about the area of a tennis court). This can be

    used to administer useful medical as well as recreational drugs such as aerosols,

    consisting of tiny droplets of a medication, or as gas produced by burning plant

    material with a psychoactive substance or pure forms of the substance itself. Not all

    drugs can be smoked, for example the sulphate derivative that is most commonly

    inhaled through the nose, though purer free base forms of substances can, but often

    require considerable skill in administering the drug properly. The method is also

    somewhat inefficient since not all of the smoke will be inhaled.[53]The inhaled

    substances trigger chemical reactions in nerve endings in the brain due to being

    similar to naturally occurring substances such asendorphins anddopamine,which

    are associated with sensations of pleasure. The result is what is usually referred to
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    as a "high" that ranges between the mild stimulus caused bynicotine to the intense

    euphoria caused by heroin,cocaine andmethamphetamines.

    Inhaling smoke into the lungs, no matter the substance, has adverse effects

    on one's health. The incomplete combustion produced by burning plant material, like

    tobacco or cannabis, producescarbon monoxide,which impairs the ability of blood

    to carry oxygen when inhaled into the lungs. There are several other toxic

    compounds in tobacco that constitute serious health hazards to long-term smokers

    from a whole range of causes; vascular abnormalities such asstenosis,lung cancer,

    heart attacks, strokes,impotence, low birth weight of infants born bysmoking

    mothers.8% of long-term smokers develop the characteristic set of facial changes

    known to doctors assmoker's face

    Smoking is one of the leading causes ofpreventable death globally. In the

    United States about 500,000 deaths per year are attributed to smoking-related

    diseases and a recent study estimated that as much as 1/3 of China's male

    population will have significantly shortened life-spans due to smoking. Male and

    female smokers lose an average of 13.2 and 14.5 years of life, respectively. At least

    half of all lifelong smokers die earlier as a result of smoking. The risk of dying from

    lung cancer before age 85 is 22.1% for a male smoker and 11.9% for a female

    current smoker, in the absence of competing causes of death. The corresponding

    estimates for lifelong nonsmokers are a 1.1% probability of dying from lung cancer

    before age 85 for a man of European descent, and a 0.8% probability for a woman.

    Smoking one cigarette a day results in a risk of heart disease that is halfway
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    between that of a smoker and a non-smoker. Thenon-linear dose response

    relationship is explained by smoking's effect onplatelet aggregation.

    Among the diseases that can be caused by smoking are vascularstenosis,

    lung cancer, heart attacks andchronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smoking

    during pregnancy may cause ADHD to a fetus.

    Many governments are trying to deter people from smoking with anti-smoking

    campaigns in mass media stressing the harmful long-term effects of

    smoking.Passive smoking, or secondhand smoking, which affects people in the

    immediate vicinity of smokers, is a major reason for the enforcement ofsmoking

    bans.This is a law enforced to stop individuals smoking in indoor public places, such

    as bars, pubs and restaurants. The idea behind this is to discourage smoking by

    making it more inconvenient, and to stop harmful smoke being present in enclosed

    public spaces. A common concern among legislators is to discourage smoking

    among minors and many states have passed laws against selling tobacco products

    to underage customers (establishing asmoking age). Many developing countries

    have not adopted anti-smoking policies, leading some to call for anti-smoking

    campaigns and further education to explain the negative effects of ETS

    (Environmental Tobacco Smoke) in developing countries. Tobacco advertising is

    also sometimes regulated to make smoking less appealing.

    Despite the many bans, European countries still hold 18 of the top 20 spots, and

    according to the ERC, a market research company, the heaviest smokers are from

    Greece, averaging 3,000 cigarettes per person in 2007. Rates of smoking have

    leveled off or declined in the developed world but continue to rise in developing
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    countries. Smoking rates in the United States have dropped by half from 1965 to

    2006, falling from 42% to 20.8% in adults.

    The effects of addiction on society vary considerably between different

    substances that can be smoked and the indirect social problems that they cause, in

    great part because of the differences in legislation and the enforcement of narcotics

    legislation around the world. Though nicotine is a highly addictive drug, its effects on

    cognition are not as intense or noticeable as other drugs such as, cocaine,

    amphetamines or any of theopiates (including heroin andmorphine).

    According to a 2009 survey conducted under the auspices of

    thePhilippines' Department of Health, National Statistics Office, theWorld Health

    Organization, and theUnited StatesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention,

    28.3 percent of the population are "current tobacco smokers". This figure represents

    17.3 million of 61.3 million adultFilipinos.

    The Philippines was the 15th largest consumer of cigarettes in the world in 2002 and

    currently has one of the highest smoking rates inAsia,as well as some of the lowest

    cigarette prices. Because of these different effects occurs.

    On Effects on Style, For starters, smoking can take a toll on your lungs.

    Carcinogens are what makes up cigarettes. This chemical causes filmy build up on

    the inside of your lungs. This is also called tar. Tar buildup can eventually break

    down the cells of the lungs and lead to cancer. Emphysema is a condition that often

    happens when the smoke is released into the air sacs. Thus, the air sacs are

    destroyed and lose elasticity. People who suffer from emphysema experience

    shortness of breath and have a hard time with the slightest bit of exertion. Imagine
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    getting up out of your chair and walking into the kitchen and by the time you reach

    the kitchen you are winded.

    Furthermore, smoking can cause your teeth to rot. Smoking decreases the

    calcium incorporation which means your bones arent as dense and more fragile. It

    also causes tobacco stains on your teeth. The Journal of the American Medical

    Association examined a group of 3,531 children aged from 4 to 11. They found that

    53% of those with fillings of dental decay also had high levels of cotinine, a nicotine

    derivative, in their blood. As a result, passive smoking is responsible for up to 27%

    of tooth decay in children.

    Finally, smoking can cause you to age quicker. The moment you take a drag

    on a cigarette you are beginning to shave years off your life. When you smoke, you

    increase your risk of dying from heart disease, stroke, lung disease, eye disease,

    bone disease, and cancer of almost every organ. Tobacco smoke compromises the

    production of collagen, elastin, and skin proteins that make skin strong and elastic.

    Without the support of these skin components, the skin degrades faster and more


    It affects even more on health, Smoking is a risk factor inAlzheimer's disease.While

    smoking more than 15 cigarettes per day has been shown to worsen the symptoms

    ofCrohn's disease,smoking has been shown to actually lower the prevalence

    ofulcerative colitis.Cigarette smoking harms the body by raisingcholesterol levels

    and blood pressure, as well as increasing the risk ofcancer andcataracts.Smoking

    destroys certainvitamins and creates the need for other specific nutrients.
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    {"Addictive substances: Nicotine," Lets Live Magazine, Oct. 1996}

    Smokers are 4 times more likely to have gray hair and increasedhair

    loss (British Medical Journal, Science News, Jan. 11, 1997}

    No amount of smoking is free of risk. The exact amount of risk depends on how long

    you've smoked and how deeply the you inhale, as well as genetic factors.

    (UCBerkeley Wellness Letter, June 1998}

    Smoking is associated with a decline in physical function that makes a smoker act

    several years older than he/she really is. Tobacco smoking reduces the

    effectiveness of medications, such as pain relievers,antidepressants, tranquilizers,

    sedatives, ulcer medication and insulin. With estrogen and oral contraceptives,

    smoking may increase the risk of heart and blood-vessel disease. Currently,

    smoking kills 1 in 10 adults worldwide.

    Effects on your wealth, the price of a packet of cigarettes that is burns a hole

    in smokers pockets. For almost 10 years, you could buy a car then.

    Effects on the people you love, Since invisible to the naked eye, these toxins

    can harm the health of families and in particular very young children with their

    developing immune systems and respiratory organs, as they swallow twice as much

    household dust as adults. Because these poisonous chemicals are smaller than

    dust particles, just opening a window or standing in the kitchen by an open door isnt

    enough. Passive smoking really affects the people you love
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    Assessment is the first stage of the nursing process in which the nurse

    carries out a complete and holistic nursing assessment of every situation.

    Usually, an assessment framework, based on a nursing model is used.

    The purpose of this stage is to identify the problems. These problems

    are expressed as either actual or potential.

    As we had our courtesy call with the principal, they are so happy for

    the seminar because there are noted cases of smoking within the students.

    Based on the assessment, we considered with regards the following



    Smoking with in the vicinity of school

    Going to class even with stinky clothes

    Caught in the act smoking

    Suspended students because of the said above

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    Planning is the process of translating goals or objectives into specific

    activities to solve the problem.

    It involves holistic situational analysis of the client towards identifying

    needs/problems, resources, responses and solutions.

    It involves the following process

    1. Identification of perceived problems or needs.

    2. Identification of available resources

    3. Study on the utilization of resources

    4. Formulations of solutions

    Moreover the principle of SMART is greatly considered in the

    planning stage.






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    Anti Smoking Campaign Seminar


    The activity endeavours the nursing students to impart the knowledge

    of Smoking Kills: your style, your health, your wealth and the people you

    love, the seminars theme, among high school students.


    The following were the materials and facilities used in the said


    - Venue

    - Powerpoint presentation

    - Self- direct Video


    Program proper:

    It was September 27, 2013, Friday, Group 4 was assigned to have a

    seminar among High Scholl students. With the preparations and reservations

    done, the chosen audience are Third Year Students, St- Elizabeth advised by

    Ms. Diana Sandoval.

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    First, the Group were very anxious but learn to handle it and started

    the program smoothly. The registration start at exactly 9:00 in the morning. At

    exactly 9: 15 am, the program begun.

    The Facilitator, Ms. Henna Reblando asked the audience if they have

    all their passports that will serve as their guide in their whole journey of anti-

    Smoking World. As they raised and counted complete, theyre now ready to


    The guidance of the lord was asked for the success of the program led

    by Ms. Rita Mae Reyes. It was seconded by Singing the National Anthem. An

    Opening Remarks was delivered by Ms. Lavinia Malabuyoc, instructor and

    impart to the students the topic that will be discussed by her students as well.

    The instructor begged for the whole cooperation of the class and promised that

    they will get something on it. She reminded that this will not merely for the

    Grade Sake but for the welfare of everybody that boost the confidence of the


    As the Programme Proper commends, An Interpretative Dance tuned

    by the Song ANAK By Freddie Aguilar. They understand the story of a son

    who engaged in vices like smoking and drinking alcohol that leads to lung

    cancer and cause of Illness. A mother was hurt even more for her son. This

    inspired the students and open their mind for empathy. After that a

    documentary special, self composed and directed by the facilitators was

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    presented to the students that discussed the theme Smoking Kills: Your

    STYLE, Your HEALTH, Your WEALTH and The people you LOVE. The video

    clearly explained the concept of the facilitators wished to be impart. To

    entertain the students, The Group Icon, SUPER BAGA, was introduced. He

    is a symbol of men saying NO SMOKING! The entertainment continued by a

    self composed songs tuned by Blue Jeans and Pamela sung by Ms. Princess

    G. Rosita and Mr. Marthon Silva and swayed and danced primarily by SUPER

    BAGA and the entire team. The Fun started. To evaluate the learning of the

    students, a Summarization was done by the group leader, Ms. Rosita.

    Questions and clarifications wAere promptly answered by the group and

    guided by Ms. Malabuyoc. Active participants received simple awards that

    brought more enjoyment and firing happiness. As a simple Thank You for the

    active participation, the group gave refreshments. The hour spent with them

    were very fruitful. The facilitators appreciated the energy of the students

    specially when they say THE BEST KAYO GROUP FOUR, STOP

    SMOKING. Picture Taking was conducted for documentation and as a simple

    souvenir for the moments shared.

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    Anti-Smoking Campaign

    Smoking Kills: Your Health, Your Wealth and the

    People You Love.

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    It was Monday, September 27 year 2013 at 9AM, in Lipa City Colleges, AVR /

    Audio Visual Room Main, held a very important campaign for the Third Year High

    School Students which is in titled Smoking Kills: Your Health, Your Wealth and Your

    Love Ones prepared by BSN IV-A, Group 4. Smoking is the cause that has led

    many people to serious diseases and even death. According to our research more

    than a million people in the world die from these diseases each year. Cigarette

    consumption causes: hypertension, loss of appetite, breathing difficulties, stomach

    ulcers, heart attack, impotence, different kinds of cancers etc. We all know that the

    effects of cigarettes are not the same in every person. It depends on how the body

    reacts to it and how much it consumes daily. For these reasons its very important

    that different organizations or like this campaign take the appropriate measures and

    help smokers quit. This will help them have a longer and healthier life.

    It is very easy for people (especially teens) to get addicted to cigarette. Its

    clear that the warning labels (cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health) we see

    in the packs dont have a strong effect. Most of teenagers thing that smoking is cool,

    just because of their friends, or this is their one way to decrease their anxiety or

    depression, some do it to stay skinny (girls) and others just because of the society

    pressure. Quitting is never easy, because the body is used to nicotine which makes

    a person feel pleasure and relaxation.

    Anti-smoking campaigns are really important at this point like what we did for

    high school students; at their young age we can help them in earlier stage to reduce

    their consumption of cigarettes and to totally quit smoking because of its effects not

    only in their health but also the health of other person. If they quit they help to keep

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    the society healthy, clan and try to eliminate this bad habit. These measures should

    include all the possible categories in order to have the best result.

    As a nursing student(s), our obligation is to open others knowledge and give

    proper health teachings about the effects of smoking cigarettes on health, wealth,

    love ones and also to our mother earth or environment. We have to create actions

    than words if we care to others and for our nature. I can say that our group

    presentation was successful, because we saw our audience become active in terms

    of question and answer, we saw their faces when they saw our video regarding to

    the effects of smoking on health, and all of us are aware about smoking and its

    effect, specially for the second and third hand smokers. May they always remember

    our health teachings for them, may they always care themselves as we care for their

    health, and may they always remember the creations of our God for us specially our


    People always come up to me and say that my smoking is bothering them...

    Well, it's killing me! - Wendy Liebman

    - Rita Mae L. Reyes
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    Our Health Teaching which held on LCC Main AVR enlightens us and our

    chosen high school students from St. Elizabeth on the effects of cigarette on our

    lives and the people you love. And first we realized that the first cigarette tasted

    stimulates the desire to smoke other ones. Consequently, smoking turns into a habit

    and therefore it becomes very difficult to quit! In which all cigarette smokers are

    having a hard time to quit smoking and leads ultimately to what is known as a kind of

    slavery or addiction. In other words, the smoker becomes gradually addicted to

    cigarette until he reaches the higher stage of addiction, when it is too late to go

    backwards. And in addition to our topics we reveal the secret behind the every stick

    of cigarettes which can compute 4000 chemical products, including thirty ones that

    are very harmful and dangerous for health! They affect gradually the lungs and attain

    the other organs. Then we also include the effects of cigarette on pregnant women.

    According to different studies made about smoking, it has been scientifically proved

    that nicotine is a mortal substance transmitted to the fetus. Last but not least,

    smoking could damage the immune system. Indeed, when the immune system starts

    getting weaker, the risks of stimulating tumors become higher! To conclude,

    cigarette is detrimental for health! Smoking may harm many organs and kill!

    Therefore, as stated in the lecture: Even though tobacco kills the half of its loyal

    consumers, it could be a warning so as to keep away from death! In other words,

    people shall stay away from smoking! As part of our program, we had a pledge of

    commitment as a responsible citizen of country and to Say No to Smoking for a

    healthy living and for our love ones.

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    And as a part of healthcare team we should be a agent of change to our

    community and to others through providing them a knowledge like the objective of

    our activity on High school students of our institution. After our program we impart

    our knowledge to them and thanks to God in providing us the knowledge and

    wisdom, and we are very much happy to see that someone is learning to us and let

    them accept on what we are trying to impart to them. We thank our Instructor Mrs.

    Lavinia Malabuyoc in guiding us and letting us to do this activity with the help of our


    - Michael Angelo J. Magbuhat

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    Being part of the anti-smoking campaign presented to the High school

    students of the Lipa City Colleges, is a privileged, because I know that smoking is

    one of the most common problem in our country which can cause different diseases

    that can harm our health.

    People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks

    cool, others start because their family members or friends smoke. Most of the

    smokers started before they reach 18, thats why since theyre still in high school, its

    a great help for them to be exposed in some anti-smoking campaign, for they will be

    aware for the consequences in their health if they start.

    Even in a simplest way, I know that we, 4 thyear Nursing students from Lipa

    City Colleges made a contribution on our country to reduce the morbidity that was

    caused by smoking.

    -Henna R. Reblando

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    Smoking has become very common and fashionable, especially among young boys.

    This habit usually begins at school when boys try to experiment with every new thing

    that they can lay their hands on.

    Despite the warnings given by doctors about the ill-effects of smoking, people

    continue to smoke. Smokers are addicted to it, and even if they want to, they cannot

    refrain from picking up a cigar or cigarette and puffing away. Some youngsters

    smoke for the sake of society and some feel that would make them appear liberated

    and broadminded.

    In the beginning, a teenager may take a few puffs from his friend's cigarette; then

    comes a time when it becomes an indispensable part of his life. Several puffs lead to

    the formation of a habit. Soon smoking begins to affect the health of the smoker. He

    becomes a chain-smoker. This smoke is toxic and the nicotine in the cigarette is

    known to cause cancer. It is ironic that despite the fact that every smoker is aware of

    the ill effects of smoking, he does not give it up.

    Tobacco companies are doing very well all over the world. Every packet of cigars or

    cigarettes has a warning inscribed in it: cigarette smoking is injurious to health." Yet

    the smoker never reads this warning and even if he reads it he never pays heed to it.

    The government raises the price of tobacco every year. This is usually done to

    discourage people from smoking. Yet smokers continue to be slaves of this habit

    and often spend a substantial part of their earnings on cigarettes. Cigarette

    advertisements lure people into smoking and most active smokers cause a great

    deal of harm to passive smokers as well. Smokers force the members of their family

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    to bear the ill effects of the smoke that they exhale. Smoking can be stopped by a

    strong will power and every person has the capacity to give it up once he sets his

    mind at doing so.

    As a nurse, it is indeed a call to act and educate people to change the behavior they

    are at. As a compliance in the School Related Learning Experience in Oncology

    Nursing, We are tasked to have an intensive anti smoking campaign among High

    School Students.

    This experience is really a blast, that gives us the opportunity to exert extra effort

    how we could gave an extraordinary health teachings among the Hope of our Land.

    This experience affects greatly on my self, For I grew up in an environment whom

    my loved ones smokes, it reminds me to educate as well the people I love seems

    forgetting and taking for granted the risks on acquiring multiple chronic illness once

    engaged in smoking.

    When we are planning, the group agreed to have the theme, Smoking Kills: Your

    style, your health, your wealth, and the people you love. This will be our concept in

    our campaign.

    On the seminar day, I am so grateful and blessed to speak in front of the students, I

    am so happy that I could share my knowledge among these teaanagers and remind

    them that Hey, Think on your Style! Love Your Health! Theres better plans for your

    wealth, And Think Twice for your Love Ones!.

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    I See onto their eyes their initiative and their eagerness to stop and never start

    smoking. This experience will be treasured. That a hour of my life, We became

    productive and saved and reminded atleast 50 people in the future whereas could

    be dessiminated to others. Activities likes this will be cherished and be an advocacy

    to me. It is really nice to hear that the efforts done were much appreciated. The Da

    best Kayo Group 4, Stop smoking, Chorused by the students rewinded into my

    ears. It is also a positivity that we gain friendships, and even in the corridor they say,

    Hi ate, Hi super baga. I hope that we are really effective, that THEYLL STOP

    SMOKING and START THINKING! Thank You Lord God.

    - Princess G. Rosita

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    September 27, 2013 we the group 4 presented our health teaching regarding on

    Anti-smoking campaign. We presented it in the AVR at the main building and our

    guest are the 3rd

    year high-school St-Elizabeth. Im very for the outcome of our group

    because after we have presented it we saw to the eyes of the students that they

    learned something, they became happy seeing us perform. For me im very happy

    too. Our sweat and our strength that we came up to use are worth it. We made there

    day a complete one, not because of the food we gave but because of the

    information we shared about smoking. Im very glad that the students are very

    participative and they are always answering our question and at that moment I know

    that they are listening in every words that we say for them to realize that smoking is

    bad. I saw our adviser Mrs. Malabuyoc sitting in the side of the audience with a smile

    in her face. I think shes happy in our performance. I think im not wrong because

    after we successfully finished the presentation she immediately post in her social

    networking site that she was happy in our performance. That words of our adviser

    complete my day. That day was very happy, very fun and very unforgettable. Thank

    you for that day Lord. :D

    -Marthon Silva

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    There are things that touches me after our campaign that made me realize to

    be an agent of change.

    Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly

    addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so

    used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal.

    People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool.

    Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that

    about 9 out of 10 tobacco users start before they're 18 years old. Most adults who

    started smoking in their teens never expected to become addicted. That's why

    people say it's just so much easier to not start smoking at all.Moreover, There are no

    physical reasons to start smoking. The body doesn't need tobacco the way it needs

    food, water, sleep, and exercise. And many of the chemicals in cigarettes, like

    nicotine and cyanide, are actually poisons that can kill in high enough doses.

    The body is smart. It goes on the defense when it's being poisoned. First-time

    smokers often feel pain or burning in the throat and lungs, and some people feel sick

    or even throw up the first few times they try tobacco. So why to start? The

    consequences of this poisoning happen gradually. Over the long term, smoking

    leads people to develop health problems like heart disease, stroke, emphysema

    (breakdown of lung tissue), and many types of cancer including lung, throat,

    stomach, and bladder cancer. People who smoke also have an increased risk of

    infections like bronchitis and pneumonia. These diseases limit a person's ability to

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    be normally active, and they can be fatal. In the United States, smoking is

    responsible for about 1 out of 5 deaths.

    Smokers not only develop wrinkles and yellow teeth, they also lose bone density,

    which increases their risk of osteoporosis, a condition that causes older people to

    become bent over and their bones to break more easily. Smokers also tend to be

    less active than nonsmokers because smoking affects lung power. Smoking can

    also cause fertility problems and can impact sexual health in both men and women.

    Girls who are on the pill or other hormone-based methods of birth control (like the

    patch or the ring) increase their risk of serious health problems, such as heart

    attacks, if they smoke. Style and health is affected.

    Staying smoke free will give you a whole lot more of everything more energy,

    better performance, better looks, more money in your pocket, and in the long run,

    more life to live!

    - Rusiel Mendoza

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    Our program was designed to warn the dangers of smoking. The imergy

    used for this program deficts a beautiful, sensual woman and men smoking and the

    danger they will get. The reality of the damage that smoking cause is shown. The

    attitude toward the program and the messages it targeted had positve effects on

    beliefs of banning smoking in students , adults, and adolescents. Simply trying to

    encourage smokers to quit smoking by exposing them to combined threatening and

    discusting visual images. I think in our program the example of disgusting images is

    a good idea to think what smoking can do to your body.our program was effective

    because we deliver it good as we can to encourage them to stop smoking . We

    conducted our program in high school student in Lipa City Colleges. They should

    think twice that if they smoke they wont be able to breathe fresh air and expel

    whatever foreign body enters. Its not only the lungs that can be damaged by

    smoking. One thing if you buy one stick u can waste your money because now one

    can cost about 5 to 4 pesos php in that kind of money you can buy egg for breakfast

    like what we did in our program we show them what they can buy if they dont buy

    cigarette. In my way of doing this is they can save there self not only there self but

    others too. This anti smoking program we just want to promote the danger of

    smoking to young ages and teenagers not just in our school but outside too. We are

    not just inform, but we want to make an ifective action to them. We are doing this

    because young age and teen are becoming addicted to cigarette. It begins in early

    age thats why we did our best to make this program mo effective. This students

    some of them are smokers, smokers feel it is their rightto smoke where and when

    they want. This is another examples of effect of cigarette in our body it can cause

    lung cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses. And one thing it seems quite

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    clear that smoking in public place should be banned because second hand smoke

    will endanger non-smokers health and it danger our nature or environment. Smoking

    may seem cool or feel good, but aside from that, it can bring you a lot of trouble.

    Smoking is an awful habit that is bad for you and those around you.

    - John Rouke Cruz

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    Harmful Effects of Smoking Every year thousands of people die because of

    lung cancer or other tobacco related illnesses. Everyone in the world comes in

    contact with smoke from a cigarette at least once in their lifetime, whether it is at a

    restaurant or at work. Millions of people are addicted to smoking, and thousands

    more become addicted every year. Cigarettes and other tobacco products are

    everywhere. Most of the addicted smokers started when they were young. The

    reason why people get addicted to any type of tobacco product is because all

    tobacco products have nicotine in them, which is the addictive ingredient (American

    Thoracic Society). Every time a person smokes a cigarette or chews tobacco, that

    person ingests nicotine. I believe that the tobacco companies should be liable for

    every tobacco-related death each year. On the other hand, some people believe that

    everyone has a right to make their own judgment about their life.

    Anti-smoking campaign that we present in High School student last month

    was nice, many of the high school student was shock about the effect of cigarette in

    our body, they learn a lot of things about the anti- smoking.

    The flow of the presentation was good and the high school student is focus on

    what we are discussing about anti-smoking and all the high school student was

    active and alert in our topic. After the program we are very happy because we know

    that we present wonderful and the student got a knowledge about how to quit

    smoking and the bad effect of the cigarette, and I know that we did our best to make

    our teacher proud of our group.

    - Jose Enrico Gonzales

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    Sample Passport

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    Documentary Special

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    Lyrics of the Song

    Tune of Blue Jeans

    Nandito kame ngayon,

    Piit na nagpapaalala

    Yosi ay iwassan wag ng simulan

    Bagay protektahan

    Magisip isip tayo, Upang pangarap wag maglaho

    Ipagpatuloy lang ang ganyan Gawain

    Tayoy may mararating

    Yosi6x Balang araw makikita mo!

    Yosi6x wawasakin ang future mo!

    Tune of Pamela

    Pamela 1, bagay maapektuhan

    Pamela 2, may ubo na ganito

    Pamela 3, Parang nagsuicide narin

    Pamela 4, Kukunin ka na ni lord!

    Quit smoking, Tumigil, wag mu ng sisimulan 2x.

    Nang Sumarap ang buhay nio!

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    Communication Letters

    Ms. Diana Sandoval

    Adviser, St. Elizabeth


    We, Fourth Year Nursing Students will conduct our Related Learning Experiencethrough Health Teaching Programs about Anti- Smoking Campaign on September27, 2013, 9 am to 10 am at Audio Visual RoomMain Building.

    In lieu with this, we are inviting Third Year Students of St. Elizabeth to be the

    participants in the said seminar.

    Your positive response is much appreciated.

    Thank You and Godbless.


    Princess G. Rosita

    Group 4 Leader

    Approved by:

    Lavinia T. Malabuyoc RN MAN

    Clinical Instructor

    Noted by:

    Ponciano L. Malabanan RN MAN

    Dean, College of Nursing

    Mrs. Rosalinda Mercado

    Principal, High School Department

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    Financial Report

    Food Expense

    Juice P42.00 x 5 P210.00

    Sandwich P49.00 x 5 P245.00

    Prizes P15.00 x 10 P150.00

    Miscellaneous expense

    Props P150.00

    Printing Expense

    Passports P100.00

    Documentation P100.00

    Hard Bound P150.00

    Total : Php 1105 .00

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    Group 4

    Cruz, John Rouke L.

    Gonzales, Jose Enrico

    Magbuhat, Michael Angelo J.

    Mendoza, Rusiel M.

    Reblando,Henna R.

    Reyes, Rita Mae L.

    Rosita, Princess G.

    Silva, Marthon O.

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