anti-nazi flyer


Upload: daniboy003

Post on 16-Sep-2015




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Anti-Nazi Flyer


  • [email protected] NEWS FOR RACISTS

    The American Freedom Party (AFP), a white supremacist group, has recently established a youth wing, the National Youth Front (NYF).

    NYF, which officially launched in February and has already created a website, a Facebook page, and a recruitment video to appeal to young people between the ages of 18 and 40.

    In an introduction on its website, NYF claims that it is an elite an elite youth organization dedicated to the preservation of

    America our Western culture [sic]. In addition to creating a flyer about the group, NYF has created a

    polished recruitment video aimed at young people. It decries their parents acceptance

    of diversity and claims that young whites are the victims of [their] parents childish liberation movements ffrom the 1960s. The video is called a Declaration of War

    and is similar to videos circulated by far-right youth groups in Europe, which chide previous generations acceptance of multiculturalism.

    No tolerance for intolerance. Do not give them an inch in our community.