anti- inflammatory diet, gout and arthritis

THE ANTI-INFLAMATORY DIET Inflammation is caused by excessive prostaglandin PGE2 formation due to incorrect fatty acid metabolism caused by eating the wrong foods. All your supplements and medicines will have a better effect if you avoid these foods during treatment of your condition. At a later stage, a few of these may be enjoyed again, but in very small quantities. CUT THESES FOODS OUT: peanuts, coconut, fatty meat, fried foods, especially wheat batter, dairy fat, sugar, chocolate, wheat and gluten, alcohol and stimulants. You may also be reacting to: sugar, honey, mealies, gluten in wheat, rye & oats, kidney beans, chick peas & lentils and raw foods eg.: cabbage, cauliflower, citrus fruit, bananas, tomatoes & wheat germ. (Check with your list for details) Arachidonic acid found in peanuts and coconut (including coffee creamer and related products) is a major culprit for PGE2 formation. They may be considered as "health " products but if you are having inflammatory problems with associated swelling and pain and you consume these products: stop. Often you flare up after peanuts and coconut.Trans-fatty acids found in heated oils ( hard margarine ) and fat from milk, red meat, pork & lamb are trouble makers. Drastically reduce intake of: Fatty red meat and dairy fat. No more boozey indigestible braais, pig-outs and banquets!Too much alcohol or "hard tack" can trigger off a stress response in the body and aggravate inflammation.Sugar and chocolate must go. Blood sugar becomes unstable and insulin gets out of control, so cut them out. Wheat is not tolerated by most people and is a major pro-inflammatory agent in the O blood type. Avoid especially: white flour, pasta, cakes and biscuits:they are poison to you and create unwanted antigens in your body. Caffeine found in painkillers, tea and coffee is out. Other amphetamines are lurking in slimming pills, 'herbal" stimulants, uppers and, of course, substances like Ritalin. If you suffer from allergies, pain, swelling and other forms of inflammation then beware of these stimulants! Is a buzz in the brain worth the pain? EAT THESE FOODS DAILY: Omega 3 & 6 oils, soy products, fresh fruit, salads & vegetables, fish & eggs cooked in olive oil, whole grain foods & pulses, sesame & flax seeds, brown rice, oat & barley products, herb teas. Drink a lot of water. Inflammation is reduced by prostaglandins PGE1 and PGE3. They are activated by the following substances that should be consumed daily in adequate amounts.Try to add them to meals, snacks, sandwiches, drinks, etc.

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Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Gout and Arthritis


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Inflammation is caused by excessive  prostaglandin PGE2  formation due to incorrect fatty acid metabolism caused by eating the wrong foods. All your supplements and medicines will have a better effect if you avoid these foods during treatment of your condition. At a later stage, a few of these may be enjoyed again, but in very small quantities.

CUT THESES FOODS OUT: peanuts, coconut, fatty meat, fried foods, especially wheat batter, dairy fat, sugar, chocolate, wheat and gluten, alcohol and stimulants. You may also be reacting to: sugar, honey, mealies, gluten in wheat, rye & oats, kidney beans, chick peas & lentils and raw foods eg.: cabbage, cauliflower, citrus fruit, bananas, tomatoes & wheat germ. (Check with your list for details)

Arachidonic acid found in peanuts and coconut (including coffee creamer and related products) is a major culprit for PGE2 formation. They may be considered as "health " products but if you are having inflammatory problems with associated swelling and pain and you consume these products: stop. Often you flare up after peanuts and coconut.Trans-fatty acids found in heated oils ( hard margarine ) and fat from milk, red meat, pork & lamb are trouble makers.

Drastically reduce intake of: Fatty red meat and dairy fat. No more boozey indigestible braais, pig-outs and banquets!Too much alcohol or "hard tack" can trigger off a stress response in the body and aggravate inflammation.Sugar and chocolate must go. Blood sugar becomes unstable and insulin gets out of control, so cut them out.

Wheat is not tolerated by most people and is a major pro-inflammatory agent in the O blood type. Avoid especially: white flour, pasta, cakes and biscuits:they are poison to you and create unwanted antigens in your body.

Caffeine found in painkillers, tea and coffee is out. Other amphetamines are lurking in slimming pills, 'herbal" stimulants, uppers and, of course, substances like Ritalin. If you suffer from allergies, pain, swelling and other forms of inflammation then beware of these stimulants! Is a buzz in the brain worth the pain?

EAT THESE FOODS DAILY: Omega 3 & 6 oils, soy products, fresh fruit, salads & vegetables, fish & eggs cooked in olive oil, whole grain foods & pulses, sesame & flax seeds, brown rice, oat & barley products, herb teas. Drink a lot of water.

Inflammation is reduced by prostaglandins PGE1 and PGE3. They are activated by the following substances that should be consumed daily in adequate amounts.Try to add them to meals, snacks, sandwiches, drinks, etc.

Omega 3 oils come from flax and salmon or oily fish (also rich in Vitamins A and D) Take 2 or 3 teaspoons of Flax oil.Omega 6 oils are in olive, canola, evening primrose, starflower, grapeseed, etc. Avocado pears contain omega 3&6.

Include them in your daily meals and take adequate supplements in capsules. They make a big difference.Use olive oil for cooking.It does not convert  to trans-fatty acids. Heated butter or ghee is also a stable fat.Go for leaner cuts of beef, chicken and lamb. Try more turkey, ostrich or game. (Only if they suit your blood type)

Use skimmed milk, rice milk or soy milk. Have tofu, yogurt, cottage cheese, and lots of fish whenever you can.

Find substitutes for sugar, chocolates, stimulants, tea, coffee, amphetamines and strong booze. Good brain stimulants are foods rich in protein and omega 3 & 6 oils. Keep the blood sugar stable with a good meal or snack every 2 hours. Finally have a substantial breakfast and you will be so full of energy you will no longer need stimulants

Stick to one or two glasses of natural red or white wine or a little good quality beer, if you are allowed to drink alcohol. There is medical evidence that a little wine & beer have a positive effect your constitution and mental wellbeing.

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Have less salt, so avoid salty snacks and junk foods. Use potassium chloride as a salt substitute called (no salt). Too much sodium results in a potassium deficiency. Take 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar(potassium citrate) daily in water

Ground up flax seeds (whole seeds do not release the essential fatty acids) and sesame seeds eaten with a little cereal, sprinkled onto sandwich fillings or mixed with water and swallowed quickly, a few times a day. This helps to break down saturated fats that aggravate inflammation and clog blood vessels. It also relieves constipation, promotes healthy bowel movement & helps for slimming as it aids in controlling low blood sugar and hunger pangs.

Eat whole grained foods and wholesome organic health-nutty products. Barley helps all inflammatory conditions. If you cannot get barley flakes or flour, try grinding up whole, or pearl barley from the supermarket. It makes a lovely porridge and keeps hunger at bay for hours as it is very low on the glycaemic index at 28.Good news for slimmers and diabetics. You can add barley flour to soups, stews, baking and even pancakes & flapjacks. It is high in fibre, especially the kind that flushes out cholesterol. Monks in Tibet used to live almost exclusively on barley.

Soya scores 20 on the glycaemic index and has just about every health benefit you can think of. Have it every day.


Take 2 or 3 teaspoons of Flax oil daily on porridge, in salads or on vegetables. Even this alone, makes a difference.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 Essenrial Fatty Acids in adequate daily amounts (above RDA) to control inflammation.

Calcium and magnesium; full correct acidity and supply adequate calcium to prevent damage to bone.

A multivitamin and mineral supplement  with extra Vitamin C plus MSM : 500mg – 1g once or twice daily.

Zinc  5 -15 mg daily ( taken with the multivitamin or extra B complex )

Vitamin E (200 – 400 iu) plus one  Vitamin A+D (cod liver oil )  capsule once a day or take Beta Carotene.

COOKED FOODS ARE MORE SOOTHING: Raw fruit and salads contain insoluble cellulose, lignins and fibres that may swirl around your gut without being digested. This makes them ferment, causing gas, bloating and a lot of pain. Eat stewed fruit: apples, apricots & peaches. Dates make a tasty nibble or can be soaked in herb tea and pureed for sauces and dips. If you do eat a little salad or raw fruit remember: they are best eaten and digested on their own, without starches, fats or proteins. Eat fruit in the morning, it will digest immediately and stimulate your appetite.

COMFORTING EATING HABITS:Eat little and often, especially if you have low blood sugar. Have your three normal meals and another three light snacks. Rather eat fruit as a single meal or snack. Go for warm drinks, hot bland foods and NEVER drink with meals.Take digestive enzymes, Swedish bitters and Herbal Drops before all the meals. Have a glass of wine before dinner (you are allowed to enjoy yourself!) Wine has many health benefits but only a glass or two per day. Chew food well so saliva can mix with the starches before they reach the stomach. Make sure meals are pleasant and relaxed. Nibble a piece of raw sweet potato if you suffer from colic. It has a profound anti-spasmodic effect.: also good for menstrual and menopausal complaints. Soak some grated root in brandy for a tincture. Pick flowers, play nice music, light candles and keep the conversation light. Don't talk about your health (or lack or it) at the table. Smile, tell jokes and laugh, it's very good for digestion and will relax and soothe the gut. After the meal, sit and chat or be peaceful whilst you inwardly bless the food to your body. Enjoy your tea or coffee with a little after dinner treat: dates, cheese and biscuits or the occasional sweet or chocolate as you begin to improve. Don't go to bed for at least 2 hours after a meal. Take a stroll, wash dishes or prepare tomorrow's food to take to work. Don't immediately slump in front of TV. BEDTIME: At night, your body has to process and assimilate a lot of food. Toxins are excreted and you lose calcium and other minerals in the process. Always take calcium with magnesium at bedtime, especially if you don't sleep well as it helps to relax you and prevents muscle spasms. A hot bath at bedtime is a good habit. If you suffer from a colicky tummy, rub the soles of your feet with lavender oil mixed with any natural oil. Work on the middle section, this relieves tummy ache and sore kidneys. Rub the sore spots, these correspond to the problem areas of your body.

Emergency anti-inflammatory agents: Anti-histamines: It is important to drink water. Histamine is released in the body if there is a water shortage and it causes redness, swelling and ironically, water retention. Water balance is corrected with the tissue salt: NAT MUR. Vitamin C also

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has an anti-histamine effect .The herbal remedy: cantharis by Weleda is an excellent anti-histamine and does not leave you drowsy. It also helps with burning urine. Genital itching and inflammation is often due to a lack of vitamin: A, E and B complex. Itching and burning skin or genitals: apply fresh Aloe juice or Bulbinella jelly. Or bathe with calendula & rooibos tea with a little salt. Try herbal creams with Vitamin E. Add a few drops of rescue remedy or Vitamin B6 to a cream or lubricating gel for inflamed genital areas or very sensitive skin.

The tissue salt FERRUM PHOS has an anti inflammatory action and MAG PHOS has a profound anti-spasmodic effect. This combination is good for a tender gut and works better than clutching a hot water bottle all day. Suck 4 little pills under your tongue every half hour till the colicky pain subsides. Also keep handy for period pains. Calcium and magnesium help to prevent severe period painsKIDNEY STONES AND INFLAMMATION: Stones form in the kidneys when urine is too acid or too alkaline. Test your urine. If too alkaline, acidify it by drinking cranberry juice or orange juice. Add 1/4 teaspoon citric acid or a pinch of cream of tartar to your drinks and take more magnesium and Vitamin B6.If the urine is too acidic, take more calcium and magnesium at night as well as the tissue salt: NAT PHOSand regular doses of sodium citrate in water. The crystals can be bought at the chemist or take Citro Soda.

8 GOUT:THE ULTIMATE PAINThe pain of gout has to be experienced to be believed! I am not prepared to fall for this type of agony in my lifetime, as gout is 100% preventable. They say that gout is a rich man's disease, a result of overindulgence of meat and drink and that in the old days, the poor and lowly never got gout. Wrong; gout is no respecter of persons and even on a skin-flint budget, gout can get the better of you. There is a single vitamin supplement that is able to cure this affliction within a few weeks. This is because gout will only strike when your cortisone levels are not adequate. With out sufficient Vitamin B5, you will become cortisone deficient. It's as simple as that, and so is the cure. Of course, if you wish to make life miserable and complicated, you can go on an anti-purine diet or you can munch on fruit and veggies exclusively for six months, hoping for a sign of improvement. I burst out laughing at a friend of mine who did this. Two weeks after a course of Vitamin B 5, he bounced into my house, proclaiming: "It's gone, it's gone!" Then there are the painful allupurinol injections. They cost a fortune and the gout will come back. Try cortisone, and the gout will come back, as you know. Professor Harry Seftel said that taking vitamins made very expensive urine, but a few cent's worth of Vitamin B5 is a lot cheaper than injections, painkillers and all the doctor's bills! People who suffer chronically from gout or who are candidates for gout have strange little bumpy formations on the outer rims of their ears. These are called "tophi". If the rim of your outer ear has these little white bumps under the skin, you know why. If gout hasn't struck in the night, be a step ahead. Take more mineral supplements to alkalize your blood, take more vitamin B5 and eat plenty of olives- they are nature's antidote to gout and help to break up uric acid crystals.

HOW TO ELIMINATE GOUT, AND SAY GOODBYE TO EXPENSIVE AND DANGEROUS MEDICATIONS!1)Take: Vitamin B5, known as: Calcium D Pantethonate, by the company Vita Force at R23 per bottle of 100.2)To keep the pH under control: the tissue salts Calc Phos D6 and Nat Sulph D6. Check your tongue: if it has a creamy white, to yellow, brownish green coating then suck four of these tablets alternately every 4 or 8 hours.3) A blood groups need to cut down on lamb and beef and then try eliminating it. Search for: diets / type A / type B. Type B groups have a problem with chicken. Take more calcium & magnesium4) Eat olives often, especially with rich meats. Rosemary is a good fat emulsifying herb.

WARNING: THIS IS HOW TO GIVE YOURSELF ARTHRITIS:I do not intend to hobble around with a walking stick or be crippled with arthritis. It is a degenerative disease that is 100% preventable. There are many kinds and causes of arthritis and learned people dedicate their lives to trying to find these causes and cures. It is a lot easier to prevent this from happening to you and your loved ones. Once you know how, you will be able to enjoy life with a big smile on you face. You will know something that so-called experts do not know. Here are a few ways to give yourself arthritis: firstly we begin with our food. Load your body with toxic and useless foods and they are going to form acidic residues, especially around the joints, where they get trapped. Then don't take calcium and magnesium supplements, especially not with boron, trace elements and tissue salts to help eliminate these toxins and balance pH. It is the best way to prevent osteoarthritis as well as osteoporosis. Next, ignore the need to take omega 3 and omega 6 oils like: cod liver oil, salmon oil and ground up flax seeds. With a shortage of these essential fatty acids your blood vessels become porous and weak. Now the waste matter and food large foreign particles in the blood can escape through the walls of these vessels and become trapped in the joints. The body will raise the alarm and an inflammatory response will follow. The joints begin to swell up, become painful and with the acidic residue already trapped there, some calcium will seep up from the bone and form little spurs in an effort to neutralize the pH. Then injure yourself, especially your ligaments and batter the cartliage. Strain the joints and never warm up before sport. Sound familiar? Now you go to

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the doctor, spend a lot of money and tut-tut, what a discovery: YOU HAVE ARTHRITIS! You then live on pain killers, cortisone, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. You blame it on stress, the scapegoat of the millennium and have to "learn to live with arthritis." Do they tell you to: clean up your act, take food supplements, lose weight and do some regular, disciplined exercise? This is because most of our learned doctors still believe that vitamins make very expensive urine!

for more information: We wish you well on your journey to abundant health!