ansys® customization and automation with apdl

ANSYS® Customization and Automation with APDL Presented By Computer Aided Engineering Associates, Inc. Copyright © 2002 Computer Aided Engineering Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Use, reproduction, distribution, etc. without the express written consent of Computer Aided Engineering Associates, Inc. is prohibited.

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ANSYS® Customization and Automation with APDL

Presented ByComputer Aided Engineering

Associates, Inc.

Copyright © 2002 Computer Aided Engineering Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Use, reproduction, distribution, etc. without the express written consent of Computer Aided Engineering Associates, Inc. is prohibited.

Presentation Topics

Introduction— What is APDL?— What can you do with APDL?— Features of APDL— Advantages and Disadvantages of APDL

APDL B iAPDL BasicsParametric ModelingImporting/Exporting data in/out of ANSYSC t i d d t lbCustomized menus and toolbarsStoring macrosEncrypting macrosM lMacro exampleConsulting examples:

— Pin insertion macroStent automation macro

Computer Aided Engineering Associates, Inc. 2Computer Aided Engineering Associates, Inc. 2Copyright© 2002Computer Aided Engineering Associates, Inc.

— Stent automation macro

Introduction: What is APDL?

APDL = ANSYS Parametric Design Language— APDL is a scripting language used to automate and customize tasks in ANSYSp g g g— APDL combines ANSYS commands with FORTRAN-like functions— APDL is used to do many of the operations done by user-subroutines in other

FE codes

What can you do with APDL?— Create parametric models to quickly evaluate design changes— Create macros to automate complex or often-repeated tasks— Import and export data to external files— Perform scalar, vector, and matrix operations— Create simple customized menus and toolbar items

Features of APDL— Macros, if-then-else branching, do-loops, and scalar, vector, and matrix

operations.Macros are APDL routines

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— Macros are APDL routines— Virtually all ANSYS commands can be used in APDL

Introduction: APDL Examples

Automation— Create geometry with a new set of dimensions (Parametric Modeling)g y ( g)— Calculate the volume of all selected elements— Convert structural temperatures to heat transfer temperatures— Write all of the max. and min. stress/strain components for the selected p

element set to a file— Calculate the maximum difference in stress over a range of load steps— Move the selected nodes and elements by offset values— Import shell elements, nodes, and thickness values from an external file— Create component sets from node or element lists in an external file

Customization— Create simple input and output menus (*ASK, *MSG, Multipro)— Create customized toolbar items to perform common tasks

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— Create customized toolbar items to perform common tasks

Introduction: Advantages of APDL

Price: No extra cost: Included with all ANSYS products

Rapid Learning Curve:Rapid Learning Curve:— Rapid learning curve, primarily devoted to learning ANSYS commands.— Can use the jobname.log file to get the ANSYS command equivalent to your

menu picksmenu picks.— Interpreted (not compiled) so effects of modifications are immediately


G d D t tiGood Documentation:— APDL Programmer’s Guide— ANSYS Commands Reference

CAEA S i “ANSYS C i i d P i (APDL)”— CAEA Seminar: “ANSYS Customization and Programming (APDL)”

Other:— Specially compiled version of ANSYS is not required

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p y p q

Introduction: Disadvantages of APDL

Limited Customization: — Only simple input and message menus can be generatedOnly simple input and message menus can be generated.

Speed: — Can be slow for complex operations on large models. User subroutines are

generally much fastergenerally much faster.

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Introduction: APDL Basics

Scalar Parameters — Defining scalar parameters:— Defining scalar parameters:

• parameter = value— (example 1: A1 = 12.98)— (example 2: B1 = ‘Turbine Blade Analysis’)

• OR *SET,parameter,value— (example: *SET,A1,12.98)

— Listing scalar parameters:*STAT d• *STAT command

— (example: *STAT,A1)

— Deleting scalar parameters:• parameter =• parameter =• OR *SET,parameter

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Introduction: APDL Basics

Scalar Parameters cont… — Forced parameter substitution:p

• Enclose the parameter name in % signs for substitution in character expressions

E l R lti l i t fil d l th i dExample: Run multiple input files and solve them in order



/input %job%%I% inp ! input = ‘fname1 inp’ ‘fname2 inp’ /input,%job%%I%,inp ! input = fname1.inp , fname2.inp , …





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Introduction: APDL Basics

Array Parameters — Defining array parameters:— Defining array parameters:

• *DIM command— (example 1: *DIM,A1,array,10,2,1)— (example 2: *DIM,B1,character,6,2)

• OR Parameters > Array Parameters > Define/Edit

— Listing array parameters:• *STAT command

— (example: *STAT,A1)

— Deleting array parameters:• parameter =• OR *SET,parameter

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Introduction: APDL Basics

Scalar Functions — Many standard programming functions are available:— Many standard programming functions are available:

• A = 4*2, B = 16/4, C = A – B, D = A+B, E = A**B

• SIN(x), COS(x), TAN(x), ASIN(x), ACOS(x), ATAN(x), ATAN2(y,x)

• SINH(x) COSH(x) TANH(x)• SINH(x), COSH(x), TANH(x)

• SQRT(x), ABS(x), SIGN(x,y)

• NINT(x), MOD(x,y)

• EXP(x), LOG(x), LOG10(x)

• RAND(x,y), GDIS(x,y)

• LWCASE(cparm), UPCASE(cparm), VALCHR(cparm)

• CHRVAL(parm) (where cparm is a character parameter)

Help on *SET will list all of the functionsHelp on SET will list all of the functions

— These functions can be inserted into any numeric field of a command• Example: Apply a sinusoidal force to node i

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pi = acos(-1)

F, i, FY, fmax*SIN(2*pi*time/tmax)

Introduction: APDL Basics

Array Functions — Many Array and Matrix operations are available:— Many Array and Matrix operations are available:


• *VFUN – performs a function on one array parameter

• copy to another array, square root of each entry, etc.copy to another array, square root of each entry, etc.

• *VOPER – operates on two array parameters

• add, multiply, divide, etc. entries in two arrays

• *VSCFUN – determine the properties of an array parameter

• max., mean, standard deviation, etc. of all entries

• *MOPER – performs matrix operations on two arrays

• matrix multiplication, sorting, etc.

— Array values can be inserted into any field of a command• Example: Define keypoint #4 with an x coordinate equal to the value in

i i 2 5 f h XVAL

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position 2,5 of the array XVALK,4,XVAL(2,5),0.,0.

Introduction: APDL Basics

*IF statements — Same functionality as IF statements in FORTRAN— *IF, *ENDIF,*ELSEIF, and *ELSE commands can be used to perform logical branching

operations— Syntax: *IF, VAL1, Oper1, VAL2, AND / OR, VAL3, Oper2, VAL4, THEN

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Introduction: APDL Basics

*DO loops — Same functionality as *DO loops in FORTRANy p— *DO, parameter, ival, fval, inc

Sample Format:

*DO, i, 1, 7, 2

*DO, j, 1, 20

n, (i-1)*20 +j, 0.1*j, i-1



*DOWHILE loops — *DOWHILE, parameter

Loops repeatedl thro gh the ne t *ENDDO command as long as parameter is

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— Loops repeatedly through the next *ENDDO command as long as parameter is true (greater than zero)

Introduction: APDL Basics

Getting information from the database — *GET commands and functions:— GET commands and functions:

• Can retrieve almost any scalar information needed from the database:

S l f i f ti t i ith th *GET dSample of information you can retrieve with the *GET command:

UX, UY, UZ structural displacement at node N

SX, SY, SZ stresses at node N

maximum node number in the selected set

coordinates of a keypoint

stress at a node

jobname and title

t i l t l t ifi d t tmaterial property value at a specified temperature

time step size in solution

Help, *GET to get a full list of retrievable data

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Introduction: APDL Basics

Getting information from the database — *VGET functions:— VGET functions:

• Can read a large amount of database information into vectors:

Sample of information you can retrieve with the *VGET command:Sample of information you can retrieve with the VGET command:

X, Y, Z coordinates of all selected nodes

UX, UY, UZ displacements of all selected nodes

SX, SY, SZ stresses of all selected nodes

Keypoint numbers on all of the selected lines

Surface areas of all of the selected areas

Help, *VGET to get a full list of retrievable dataHelp, VGET to get a full list of retrievable data

Note: *VGET is much faster than looping with *DO

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Note: VGET is much faster than looping with DO

Introduction: APDL Basics

Executing Macros and Input Files— File > Read input from (input file name)— Command Line: /input,filename,ext— Utility Menu > Macro > Execute Macro— Use a macro command format: filename.mac

Up to 19 arguments can be passed to a macro

Example: Macro to create a block with a hole:

File: mkblk macFile: mkblk.mac

Sample Call to the macro: mkblk, 2., 3., 2.,1.4


block,,arg1,,arg2,,arg3 ! (block,,2,,3,,2)g g g ( )

sphere,arg4 ! (sphere,1.4)



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Parametric Modeling

Parametric models can be generated to rapidly determine the effect of a design modification g

— Recommended procedure:• Create a first pass at a model using parameters for design variables

• Copy the jobname log file to another file name to be used as your parametric input• Copy the jobname.log file to another file name to be used as your parametric input file.

• Modify the design parameters in the input file

• Read the input file into ANSYS to solve the new analysis with the design changesRead the input file into ANSYS to solve the new analysis with the design changes

Example: Parametric Plate Model

length = 20

width = 5width 5

thick = 0.25



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Importing/Exporting Data in/out of ANSYS

Allows data exchange between ANSYS and other codes — Import data into ANSYS from an external file using *VREAD, *TREAD p g ,

— Export data to an external file from ANSYS using *VWRITE, *MWRITE

Example: Importing data with *VREAD

idim = 5

jdim = 2


*vread aa(1 1) read2 txt KJI 1 jdim idimvread,aa(1,1),read2,txt,,KJI,1,jdim,idim


File: ‘read2.txt’11 1221 2231 3241 4251 52

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51 52

Customized Menus and Toolbars

Allows for simple customized messages and input menus— *ASK command: Pop up a simple input menu— ASK command: Pop up a simple input menu

Example: *ask, jtitle, ’job title’

— *MSG command: Pop up a simple messageExample: *msg, ui, ’inner’, 25, 1.2, 148

Radius ( %C) = %I, Thick = %G, Length = %G

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Customized Menus and Toolbars – cont…

You can create a multiple-prompt menu using the *MULTIPRO Utility— This can include a limited amount of text and input fieldsp

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Customized Menus and Toolbars – cont…

Toolbar items can be used to execute macros or commonly used commands

*ABBR, MKPART, ptcreate

PTCREATE.MAC: Macro to create and mesh a bracket

w1 = 3

w2 = 1


rect 0 w1 0 1rect,0,w1,0,1



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Storing macros

Macros can be stored in a “macro” directory and accessed with either the ANSYS_MACROLIB environment variable or the /PSEARCH _command.Macro files are searched in the following order:1 ANSYS ‘docu’ directory1. ANSYS docu directory

2. ANSYS_MACROLIB environment variable (if defined)

3. User’s home directory or the directory specified with the /PSEARCH command (if d fi d Utilit M > M > M S h P th)defined: Utility Menu > Macro > Macro Search Path)

4. Local working directory

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Encrypting macros

Macros can be encrypted and run with an encryption password— Use the /ENCRYPT command to assign the password and the encrypted macro— Use the /ENCRYPT command to assign the password and the encrypted macro


— Use the /DECRYPT command to enter the password and run the macro

Example: Encrypt Macro PTCREATE.MAC



Encrypted Macro EPTCREATE.MAC


01 dvg0/PREP7













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Sample Macro

Macro SXYZ.mac: Calculates any stress component at any coordinate in the model

Macro Call: SXYZ, 0.19, 0.14, 0 , ‘x’

(Calculate the SX Stress at X = 0.19, Y = 0.14, and Z = 0 using averaged nodal stresses)stresses)

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Sample Macro cont …

! Usage: sxyz,X,Y,Z,’comp’! where: X= x coord. (undef. geom.)! Y d


! Y= y coord.! Z= z coord.! comp= stress component! (‘x’,’y’,’z’,’1’,etc. Use ‘eqv’ as default) /nopr

! Get the result from the first point on the path*get,ar21,path,,item,s%arg4%,pathpt,1!! Print the result

*msg ui arg4 arg1 arg2 arg3 ar21*get,ar20,active,,rout! If user is in /POST1 proceed*if,ar20,eq,31,then! Turn off warning messages/uis,msgpop,3

msg,ui,arg4,arg1,arg2,arg3,ar21The averaged stress S%C at X= %g, Y= %g, Z= %g &%/ is %g

!! Turn warning messages back on/uis msgpop 2

!! Set up the pathpath,path1,2,,! Define two path pointsppath,1,,arg1,arg2,arg3

/uis,msgpop,2!*else!! Print warning message if user is not in /post1

*msg uipp , ,, g , g , gppath,2,,arg1+.0001,arg2+.0001,arg3!! Map the result onto the path*get,artype,parm,arg4,type*if,artype,eq,0,then

*msg,ui*** You need to be in /POST1 to run SXYZ ***


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,a type,eq,0,t earg4= ‘eqv’


APDL Example 1: Pin insertion macroAPDL Example 1: Pin insertion macro

PC Board Pin Insertion MacroPC Board Pin Insertion MacroGoal: Optimize pin insertion forcesGoal: Optimize pin insertion forces

Solderless pin illustration from

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Input ParametersInput Parameters

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Geometric VariationsGeometric Variations

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Pin Model GenerationPin Model Generation

Pin Model Generation

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Insertion Force OptimizationInsertion Force Optimization

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APDL Example 2: Stent automation macroAPDL Example 2: Stent automation macro

Stent Automated Stent Automated Analysis SystemAnalysis Systemy yy y

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What is a Stent ?

A balloon expanded stent is a small, latticed, metal scaffold that is introduced into your blood vessel on a balloon catheter. yThe doctor maneuvers the catheter into the blocked artery and inflates the balloon.Inflation causes the stent to expand and press against the vessel wall.Inflation causes the stent to expand and press against the vessel wall. Once the balloon has been deflated and withdrawn, the stent stays in place permanently, holding the blood vessel open and improving blood flow.flow.

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Stent Finite Element Analysis

FEA starting point could be a 2-D CAD drawing or model parameters.

Example Parameters:soptp(1,1) = 'outer bend radius'soptp(1 3) = ‘width’soptp(1,3) = widthsoptp(1,4) = 'axial c-to-c length'soptp(1,5) = 'cir. c-to-c length'!!rro = .00897width = .00378lst = 03577lst = .03577lcirc = .01479

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Stent Finite Element Analysis

Sample parameters, including the option for the analysis to email results back to the user!results back to the user!

nrep = 6 ! no. of circum. repeating sectionsarep = 0.25 ! no. of repeating sections modeledisymm = 2 ! 1=no symmetry, 2=symmetrytwall = 0.0055 ! wall thickness (inch)crpid = 0. ! crimped inner diameter of stent (mm)desid = 3.0 ! design expanded inner diameter of stent (mm)g p ( )cdivs = 6 ! line divisions on circum .boundary linesldivs = 4 ! line divisions on long. boundary linesissiz = 6 ! smart sizing parametergsfac = 1 ! global element sizing factorgsfac = 1. ! global element sizing factornumsub = 30 ! starting number of substeps in each LSores = 5 ! frequency of writing resultsmailit = 1 ! e-mail results files: 0=no, 1=yes

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Automated Geometry Generation

3-D ANSYS model developed through extrusion and coordinate transformation automatically in APDL

2D Geometry From Parametric Model

Cylindrical 3D Mesh with target surface

transformation automatically in APDL.

a a et c ode

Flat 3D Mesh


Flat 3D Mesh

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3-D Stent Expansion

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3D Expansion Analysis Results

Automated Postprocessing

! Animation Generation & Automated Postprocessing!i2dan = 1 ! 0=no 2d animation, 1=create 2d animationi3dan = 0 ! 0=no 3d animation, 1=create 3d animation!flstep = 1 ! first load step to animatep pllstep = 3 ! last load step to animatemrep = 1 ! no. of rows of stent to animatenskip = 1 ! results step increment to animatesmin = 0. ! min. plastic strain on contoursmin 0. ! min. plastic strain on contoursmax = 0.35 ! max. plastic strain on contourcontfact = 1.0 ! contour multiplication factorcdist = 0.75 ! contour viewing distanceforl = 1 ! 0=fit to initial state 1=fit to final stateforl = 1 ! 0=fit to initial state, 1=fit to final stateilgd = 1 ! 0=legend off, 1=legend oniball = 1 ! 0=balloon off, 1=balloon onijpg = 3 ! 0=none, 1=geom jpeg, 2=final jpeg, 3=bothidb3 0 ! 0 db 1 db 2 fi l db 3 b th

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idb3 = 0 ! 0=no db, 1=geom db, 2=final db, 3=both

Results for a Simple Stent Geometry

Deployed Device

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Deployed Device

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