answers with explanation teo122

QUESTION NO: 1 A company wants a sequential ranking of all employee salaries. They do not want employees with the same salary to be given the same rank number. Which ordered analytical function should be used? A. RANK B. QUANTILE C. ROW_NUMBER D. PERCENT_RANK Answer: C Explanation: Rank() will assign same number to row if there is value tie. Quantile and Percent_rank are used to displays each row as a percentage of all the other rows up to 100%. So A,B and D are wrong choices. QUESTION NO: 2 Which two will happen during a transaction when no rows are available in a queue table? (Choose two.) A. The transaction aborts automatically. B. The SELECT AND CONSUME statement will generate new rows in the table. C. The transaction enters a delay state until a row is inserted into the queue table. D. The transaction aborts either by an ABORT statement, or a DROP TABLE statement on the queue table. Answer: C,D Explanation: Refer Tables-eb4310/ QUESTION NO: 3 Which DCL statement is written correctly? A. GRANT SELECT, EXECUTE, DELETE TO User1 ON User1; B. GRANT SELECT, EXECUTE, DELETE ON Database1 TO Database1; C. GRANT SELECT, EXECUTE, DELETE TO User1 ON DATABASE Database1; D. GRANT SELECT, EXECUTE, DELETE ON DATABASE Database1 TO User1; Answer: B Explanation: Correct syntax of Grant is: GRANT SELECT ON Database.Table TO Jim; QUESTION NO: 4 Given the following: (? = NULL) Column1 Column2 JA LZ JA ? MX TX MX LZ ? ?

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QUESTION NO: 1A company wants a sequential ranking of all employee salaries. They do not want employees with thesame salary to be given the same rank number. Which ordered analytical function should be used?A. RAN!. "#ANT$%&'. R(W)N#*!&R+. ,&R'&NT)RANAnswer: CExplanation: Rank-. will assign same number to row if there is value tie. "uantile and ,ercent)rank are used to displays each row as a percentage of all the other rows up to 100%. So A,B and D are wrong choices.QUESTION NO: 2Which two will happen during a transaction when no rows are available in a queue table? -'hoose two..A. The transaction aborts automatically.!. The /&%&'T AN+ '(N/#*& statement will generate new rows in the table.'. The transaction enters a delay state until a row is inserted into the queue table.+. The transaction aborts either by an A!(RT statement0 or a +R(, TA!%& statement on the queue table.Answer: C,DExplanation: Referhttp122www.teradata.com2resources2white3papers2Teradata3+atabase3"ueue3Tables3eb45672QUESTION NO: 3Which +'% statement is written correctly?A. 8RANT /&%&'T0 &9&'#T&0 +&%&T& T( #ser6 (N #ser6:!. 8RANT /&%&'T0 &9&'#T&0 +&%&T& (N +atabase6 T( +atabase6:'. 8RANT /&%&'T0 &9&'#T&0 +&%&T& T( #ser6 (N +ATA!A/& +atabase6:+. 8RANT /&%&'T0 &9&'#T&0 +&%&T& (N +ATA!A/& +atabase6 T( #ser6:Answer: BExplanation: 'orrect synta; of 8rant is1 8RANT /&%&'T (N +atabase.Table T( >HI5G *artin>>7C5> CC.5G>>7HJ4 *iko>>HI5G >6.H5>>G5>I Nelly>>7HJ4 54.64>>4HC5?>>G5>I 4>.GG>6IGJ5 >5JI6 >7.H4>>7HJ4 6C.4H>>HI5G >C.I4>>G5>I 4H.>6The values in the amount column need to be presented in a report so that the column values look likethe following1amount4H.>64>.GG54.64>C.I4>6.H56C.4H??Which query provides the desired result?A. /&%&'T amountBR(* 'ustomer a %&BT values is N#%%0 what is the impact on the Tbl)6 rows returned?A. Tbl)6 will return all rows not in Tbl)>.!. Tbl)6 will return all of the non3N#%% rows.'. No Tbl)6 rows are returned for the entire query.+. The Tbl)6 rows that contain a N#%% in 'ol)6 are returned.Answer: CQUESTION NO: %8iven the following1'R&AT& TA!%& table6)ppi -column6 $NT&8&R N(T N#%%0column> $NT&8&R0column5 +AT& B(R*AT Ayyyy3mm3ddA.,R$*ARK $N+&9 -column6.,ART$T$(N !K RAN8&)N -column5!&TW&&N +AT& A>77>376376A AN+ +AT& A>76>36>356A &A'@ $NT&RFA% A6A K&AR0N( RAN8&.:A%T&R TA!%& table6)ppi*(+$BK ,R$*ARK $N+&9+R(, RAN8& !&TW&&N +AT& A>77>376376A AN+ +AT& A>77>36>356A&A'@ $NT&RFA% A6A K&AR:What is an effect of the A%T&R TA!%& statement?A. Rows of the dropped partition are deleted.!. Rows of the N( RAN8& partition are deleted.'. Rows are moved from the dropped partition to the save table.+. Rows are moved from the dropped partition to the N( RAN8& partition.Explanation: +rop does not means delete. /o option A0! are false. (ption ' is correct only if N( RAN8& is not specified in definition with DWith insert into D clause.Answer: DQUESTION NO: &An aggregation query produces the following result1/toried prodidsales/um/ales33333333333 333333333 3333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333336776 A677777.7754C777.776776 'I7777.77 54C777.776776+5C777.77 54C777.776776B6C7777.7754C777.77677> A47777.77 677777.77677>'5C777.77 677777.77677>+>C777.77 677777.776775A57777.776IC777.776775!IC777.77 6IC777.776775'>7777.77 6IC777.776775+C7777.776IC777.77Which three queries will produce this result? -'hoose three..A. /&%&'Tstoreid0 prodid0 sales0 /#*-sales. (F&R -,ART$T$(N !K storeidR(W/ !&TW&&N #N!(#N+&+ ,R&'&+$N8 AN+ #N!(#N+&+ B(%%(W$N8. A/ /um/alesBR(* salestbl (R+&R !K 60>:!. /&%&'Tstoreid0 prodid0 sales0 /#*-sales. (F&R -,ART$T$(N !K storeid. A/ /um/alesBR(* salestbl (R+&R !K 60>:'. /&%&'Tstoreid0 prodid0 sales0 /#*-sales. (F&R -,ART$T$(N !K storeid. A/ /um/alesBR(* salestbl8R(#, !K 60>05 (R+&R !K 60>:+. /&%&'Tstoreid0 prodid0 sales0 /#*-sales. (F&R -,ART$T$(N !K storeid. A/ /um/alesBR(* salestbl8R(#, !K 60>05 (R+&R !K 60>:Answer: A,B,CQUESTION NO: 'Which three types of user3defined functions does Teradata support? -'hoose three..A. Table!. %ocal'. /calar+. 8lobal&. AggregateAnswer: A,C,EQUESTION NO: 1(A /&%&'T query uses the RAN-. (F&R -(R+&R !K batting)avg +&/'. synta; to produce a ranking of baseball players. The top ten baseball players are being ranked based on their batting averages. $n the resulting output of the query there will be ten rows. There is a two3way tie for the second position and a three3way tie for the last three positions. What will be the ranking number of the player in the final row?A. H!. G'. J+. 67Answer: BExplanation: This is because Rank-. function allocate same rank number even if there is a tie and then ne;t row will get ne;t value.QUESTION NO: 11A requirement e;ists to perform upsert processing against a partitioned table. Kou choose to e;ecute a *&R8& $NT( instead of a #,+AT& &%/& $N/&RT statement.Which three restrictions on the #,+AT& &%/& $N/&RT statement make the *&R8& $NT( statementa better choice? -'hoose three..A. The target table may be defined with multilevel partitioning.!. #,+AT& portion may not modify any of the partitioning columns.'. All partitioning columns need to be in the #,+AT&As W@&R& clause.+. $N/&RT portion must specify the same partition as the #,+AT& portion.Answer: B,C,DQUESTION NO: 12What is a restriction on a macro?A. A ++% statement in a macro must be the first statement in the macro.!. A ++% statement in a macro must be the only statement in the macro.'. A ++% statement in a *ulti3statement macro must be the last statement in the macro.+. A ++% statement in a macro must be followed by an &N+ TRAN/A'T$(N or '(**$Tstatement.Answer: CExplanation: )eason: ++% statements like 'reate0Alter0+rop0Rename generally locks the ++ for their processing0 since macros transaction is an internal process it is highly dependent on ++. Therefore ++% can be last statement in a macro. 3 This is what provided as theoretical e;planation.QUESTION NO: 13Which statement is written correctly?A. +&%&Tserlist BR(* A%%:!. +&%&T& W@&Rser+ate M +AT& A>777376376A:'. +&%&Tser%ist W@&R& #ser+ate M +AT& A>777376376A A%%:+. +&%&T& BR(*#serlist W@&R& #ser+ate M +AT& A>777376376A:Answer: DQUESTION NO: 148iven the following query1/&%&'T $tem0 'A/T-'ost A/ $NT&8&R.BR(* /tore$nv(R+&R !K $tem:The statement returns the following rows1$tem 'ost6776 67677> 666774J6767 678iven the following additional query1/&%&'T $tem0 'ostBR(* Warehouse$nv(R+&R !K $tem:The statement returns the following rows1$tem'ost6776J.H677>66.7677C6>.7677I65.C8iven the union of the following two queries1/&%&'T $tem0 'A/T-'ost A/ $NT&8&R.BR(* /tore$nv#N$(N/&%&'T $tem0 'ostBR(* Warehouse$nv:@ow many rows will the query return?A. 6 !. C '. H +. G &. An error is returnedAnswer: CExplanation: After #nion0 float is converted to integer and duplicate value -66. is considered only once* $n case we do #nionA%%0 G rows will be outputted.QUESTION NO: 1A company wants to e;tract statistical salary information from a sample employee population. $t wouldlike to create 67 salary partitions0 with N7 as the lower bound and N607770777 as the upperbound. Which ordered analytical function should be used?A. RAN!. "#ANT$%&'. /A*,%&)$++. W$+T@)!#'&TAnswer: CQUESTION NO: 1$8iven the following177J374367A is represented by /tart+ate and the date A>77G37537HA is represented by &nd+ate. Which calculation produces the number of days between the two dates?A. &nd+ate 3 /tart+ate!. +$BB-&nd+ate0 /tart+ate.'. +AK/-/tart+ate0 &nd+ate.+. &9TRA'T-+AK BR(*&nd+ate. 3 &9TRA'T-+AK BR(* /tart+ate.Answer: AExplanation: No functions like diff or days in TeradataQ..QUESTION NO: 2(A mobile provider wants to increase the price on a specific feature included in several of their service offers. The feature name contains the string RwalkaboutR.Which query modifies the correct rows from the ,hone),ackages table?A. #,+AT&,hone),ackages/&T price = price L 6.>CW@&R& Beatures.feature)name %$& AOwalkaboutOA:!. #,+AT&,hone),ackages/&T price = price L 6.>CW@&R& feature)code $N -/&%&'T feature)codeBR(* BeaturesW@&R& feature)name %$& AOwalkaboutOA.:'. #,+AT&,hone),ackages BR(* Beatures/&T price = price L 6.>CW@&R& Beatures.feature)name %$& AOwalkaboutOA:+. #,+AT&,hone),ackages BR(* Beatures/&T price = price L 6.>CW@&R& feature)code $N -/&%&'T feature)codeBR(* BeaturesW@&R& feature)name %$& AOwalkaboutOA.:Answer: BQUESTION NO: 21Which e;pression will return what hour it will be in 5 hours 57 minutes?A. &9TRA'T-@(#R BR(* '#RR&NT)T$*& S A75157A.!. &9TRA'T-@(#R BR(* '#RR&NT)T$*& S A5157A @(#R T( /&'(N+ $NT&RFA%.'. &9TRA'T-@(#R BR(* '#RR&NT)T$*& S $NT&RFA% A5157A @(#R T( *$N#T&.+. &9TRA'T-@(#R BR(* '#RR&NT)T$*& S $NT&RFA% -A5A @(#R S A57A *$N#T&..&. &9TRA'T-@(#R BR(* '#RR&NT)T$*& S -A5A @(#R S A57A *$N#T&. $NT&RFA%.Answer: CQUESTION NO: 22A table contains the following column1$nv)T/ T$*&/TA*,-I. W$T@ T$*& ?(N&Which e;pression returns the normaliTed hour -for the current session time Tone. of column $nv)T/?A. &9TRA'T-@(#R BR(* $nv)T/.!. @(#R-$nv)T/ A/ T$*&/TA*,-I..'. @(#R-'A/T-$nv)T/ A/ T$*&/TA*,-I...+. &9TRA'T-@(#R BR(* 'A/T-$nv)T/ A/ T$*&/TA*,-I...Answer: DQUESTION NO: 23Which statement is written correctly?A. /&%&'T L0 table>.logdate0 table>.logtimeBR(* +!'.Res#sage/,*A db6W@&R& db6.thedate = table>.logdateAN+ db6.thetime = table>.logtime:!. /&%&'T table>.logdate0 table>.logtime0 -L.BR(* +!'.Res#sage/,*A db6W@&R& db6.thedate = table>.logdateAN+ db6.thetime = table>.logtime:'. /&%&'T table>.logdate0 table>.logtime0 LBR(* +!'.Res#sage/,*A db6W@&R& db6.thedate = table>.logdateAN+ db6.thetime = table>.logtime:+. /&%&'T table>.logdate0 table>.logtime0 db6.LBR(* +!'.Res#sage/,*A db6W@&R& db6.thedate = table>.logdateAN+ db6.thetime = table>.logtime:Answer: DQUESTION NO: 248iven the following ,,$ table1'R&AT& TA!%& /ales@istory)/tore6-,roduct)'ode'@AR-G.0/tore)Number $NT&8&R0Transaction)+ate +AT&0"uantity)/old $NT&8&R0Notes '@AR-C7..,R$*ARK $N+&9 -,roduct)'ode0 /tore)Number0 Transaction)+ate.,ART$T$(N !K RAN8&)N -Transaction)+ate !&TW&&N+AT& A>77J376376A AN+ +AT& A>76636>356A &A'@ $NT&RFA% A6A +AK.:Which table0 when Poined with the given table0 may result in a rowkey3based merge Poin?A. 'R&AT& TA!%& /ales@istory)/tore>-,roduct)'ode'@AR-G.0/tore)Number $NT&8&R0Transaction)+ate +AT&0"uantity)/old $NT&8&R.,R$*ARK $N+&9 -,roduct)'ode0 /tore)Number0 Transaction)+ate.,ART$T$(N !K RAN8&)N -Transaction)+ate !&TW&&N+AT& A>77J376376A AN+ +AT& A>76636>356A &A'@ $NT&RFA% A6A +AK.:!. 'R&AT& TA!%& /ales@istory)/tore>-,roduct)'ode'@AR-G.0/tore)Number $NT&8&R0Transaction)+ate +AT&0"uantity)/old $NT&8&R0Notes '@AR-C7..,R$*ARK $N+&9 -,roduct)'ode0 /tore)Number.,ART$T$(N !K RAN8&)N -Transaction)+ate !&TW&&N+AT& A>77J376376A AN+ +AT& A>76636>356A &A'@ $NT&RFA% A6A +AK.:'. 'R&AT& TA!%& /ales@istory)/tore>-,roduct)'ode'@AR-G.0/tore)Number $NT&8&R0Transaction)+ate +AT&0"uantity)/old $NT&8&R0Notes '@AR-C7..,R$*ARK $N+&9 -,roduct)'ode0 /tore)Number0 Transaction)+ate.,ART$T$(N !K RAN8&)N -Transaction)+ate !&TW&&N+AT& A>77J376376A AN+ +AT& A>76636>356A &A'@ $NT&RFA% A6A *(NT@.:+. 'R&AT& TA!%& /ales@istory)/tore>-,roduct)'ode'@AR-G.0/tore)Number $NT&8&R0Transaction)+ate +AT&0"uantity)/old $NT&8&R0Notes '@AR-C7..,R$*ARK $N+&9 -,roduct)'ode0 /tore)Number0 Transaction)+ate.Answer: AExplanation:a rowkey-based Indicates an equality join on the rowkey. In this case, there are equality constraints on the partitioning columns and primary index columns. This allows or a aster join since each non-eliminated partition needs to be joined with at most only one other partition. $f the phrase is not given0 the Poin is hash based. That is0 there are equality constraints on the primary inde; columns from which the hash is derived. Bor a partitioned table0 there is some additional overhead in processing the table in hash order. QUESTION NO: 28iven the following reporting requirements1L salary totals of each departmentL a grand total of all departmentsWhich grouping function is designed to handle these requirements?A. '#!& !. R(%%#,'. ,ART$T$(N !K +. 8R(#, !K 8R(#,$N8 /&T/Answer: AQUESTION NO: 2$Which two are reasons to use a view? -'hoose two..A. $t enables renaming and formatting of columns.!. $t simplifies updates to tables that make up the view.'. $t enables building of large and comple; applications.+. $t simplifies selects from tables that make up the view.Answer: A, DQUESTION NO: 2% +i,en the following table definition1'R&AT& TA!%& employee -employee)id $NT&8&R N(T N#%%0employee)name FAR'@AR-C7.0employee)Pob FAR'@AR-C7..,R$*ARK $N+&9 -employee)id.:Which statement is a correct use of a comparison operator?A. /&%&'T L BR(* employee W@&R& employee)Pob $/ N#%%:!. /&%&'T L BR(* employee W@&R& employee)Pob !&TW&&N ,(/$T$(N/:'. /&%&'T L BR(* employee W@&R& employee)Pob $/ AgovernanceA (R AqualityA:+. /&%&'T L BR(* employee W@&R& employee)Pob $N ANK -maintenance0 management0engineer.:Answer: AQUESTION NO: 2&Which two are compatible with +$/T$N'T in a /&%&'T statement? -'hoose two..A. W$T@ clause !. T(, N operator'. recursive queries +. '%(! cast as FAR'@AR&. !%(! cast as FAR!KT&Answer: D,EQUESTION NO: 2'Which +'% statement is written correctly?A. 8RANT A%% (N +atabase6 T( #ser6 W$T@ 8RANT:!. 8RANT A%% (N +atabase6 T( #ser6 W$T@ A+*$N:'. 8RANT A%% (N +atabase6 T( #ser6 W$T@ A+*$N (,T$(N:+. 8RANT A%% (N +atabase6 T( #ser6 W$T@ 8RANT (,T$(N:Answer: DQUESTION NO: 3(Which attribute function will return information about how a named e;pression will display?A. TK,& !. B(R*AT'. +$/,%AK +. +&BA#%TAnswer: BExplanation: FORA! "# $ery useful function in case of display%reporting needs. &t returns the declared for'at for the na'ed e(pression. For e(a'ple S)*)+! for'at ,date- would gi.e the following result/ For'at ,Date-00%%DDQUESTION NO: 31An /"% developer is asked to develop a set of performance monitoring reports. The development team has decided to code the reports using derived tables to aggregate the system performance reports.Which three are benefits of using a derived table in the report coding process? -'hoose three..A. +ata distribution will be controlled by defining the primary inde;.!. The derived tables will be defined in the +ata +ictionary for reuse.'. /"% coding will take fewer steps than using temporary table solutions.+. The temporary data will be available after the /"% request has completed.&. 'olumn data types will be automatically defined e;cept for casting requirements.B. The derived tables will not require the use of temporary space for materialiTation.Answer: C,E,-QUESTION NO: 32Which statement is true regarding session transaction mode in Teradata?A. AN/$ mode can be set after logon.!. The same query might return different results in each mode.'. All AN/$ features work inTeradata mode but not all Teradata features work in AN/$ mode.+. AllTeradata features work in AN/$ mode but not all AN/$ features work in Teradata mode.Answer: BQUESTION NO: 33Assume columns c6 and c> have +AT& data type. What is the resulting data type whensubtracting c6 from c>?A. +AT& !. $NT&8&R '. /*A%%$NT +. $NT&RFA% +AKAnswer: BQUESTION NO: 34Which two are primary benefits to using views? -'hoose two..A. $t simplifies end3user access.!. $t requires less space to store the data.'. $t simplifies updates to the tables that make up the view.+. $t provides an easily maintained level of security and authoriTation.Answer: A,DQUESTION NO: 3 -$n the &mployee +ata above0 ? indicates null..8iven the following query1/&%&'TA. The query completes with no rows found.!. This query will fail because an alias name is used incorrectly.'. %ast)name +ept)name 6Answer: DQUESTION NO: 4(The stores table contains the following data1store)idcity state33333333333 3333333333333333333333333 333336 !ig /ur 'A> *onterey 'A5 Napa 'A4 (ceanside 'AC Rancho !ernardo 'AI /onoma 'AH Algiers ,oint %AG New (rleans %AJ 'harlotte N'67 North Wilkesboro N'66 *idway #T6> *oab #T65 ,ark 'ity #T64 /pringdale #T6C 'harleston WF6I White /ulfur /prings WF8iven the following /"% statement1/&%&'T city0state0/A*,%&$+BR(* stores/A*,%& W$T@ R&,%A'&*&NT RAN+(*$?&+ A%%('AT$(NW@&N state = A%AA T@&N CW@&N state = A'AA T@&N C&%/& H&N+(R+&R !K 5:@ow many rows are returned?A. > !. I '. G +. 64 &. 6HAnswer: EQUESTION NO: 41What will occur when a row level lock is requested in a macro and the (ptimiTer determines a table level lock is required?A. $t will automatically upgrade the lock without warning.!. $t will automatically upgrade the lock and provide a warning.'. $t will provide a warning and put the query in the delay queue.+. $t will send back an error message for the lock to be corrected.Answer: AExplanation: $nsert2#pdate2delete need row level lock while select need table level lockQUESTION NO: 428iven the following table1'ustomer Name/eason ,urchased4 &. 5>Answer: DQUESTION NO: 4%Which three requirements result in choosing stored procedures for implementing an application?-'hoose three.A. recursive processing !. #/$N8 request modifiers'. warning condition handlers +. re3scrolling of answer setsAnswer: A,C,DQUESTION NO: 4&Which three statements are true about the functionality of queue tables? -'hoose three..A. A queue table may or may not contain data.!. The first column must be a timestamp data type.'. A normal /&%&'T may not be used to read rows in the table.+. The definition of a queue table is not stored in the data dictionary.&. A /&%&'T AN+ '(N/#*& reads a row and deletes it from the table and queue.Answer: A, B, EExplanation: http122www.teradata.com2resources2white3papers2Teradata3+atabase3"ueue3Tables3eb45672QUESTION NO: 4''ompany ? wants to identify the highest salaried employee in each department for a possible mentoring program. Which query will generate the desired results?A. /&%&'T last)name0department)number A/ deptno0salary)amountBR(* employee eeW@&R& salary)amount =-/&%&'T *A9 -salary)amount.BR(* employee em.:!. /&%&'T last)name0department)number A/ deptno0salary)amountBR(* employee eeW@&R& salary)amount =-/&%&'T *A9 -salary)amount.BR(* employee emW@&R& ee.department)number = em.department)number.:'. /&%&'T last)name0department)number A/ deptno0salary)amountBR(* employee eeW@&R& salary)amount =-/&%&'T *A9 -salary)amount.BR(* employee emW@&R& ee.employee = salary)amount.:+. /&%&'T last)name0department)number A/ deptno0salary)amountBR(* employee eeW@&R& salary)amount =-/&%&'T *A9 -salary)amount.BR(* employee emW@&R& ee.salary)amount = em.salary)amount.:Answer: BQUESTION NO: (Why would adding a debug variable be useful when writing a stored procedure?A. $t reduces the number of /&T statements.!. $t provides information on the compiler.'. $t decreases the frequency of recompilation.+. $t simplifies usage of various levels of tracing.Answer: DQUESTION NO: 1A user wants to create two copies of the following table1'R&AT& TA!%& table)6-column6 $NT&8&R N(T N#%%0column> $NT&8&R N(T N#%%0column5 +AT& B(R*AT AKKKK3**3++A0column4 $NT&8&R +&BA#%T 67770B(R&$8N &K -column>. R&B&R&N'&/ W$T@ N( '@&' (,T$(N ,arent)table6-column6..,R$*ARK $N+&9 -column6.,ART$T$(N !K RAN8&)N-column5!&TW&&N +AT& A>77J376376A AN+ +AT& A>76636>356A &A'@ $NT&RFA% A6A +AK.:'(%%&'T /TAT$/T$'/ (N table)6 $N+&9 -column6.:'(%%&'T /TAT$/T$'/ (N table)6 '(%#*N ,ART$T$(N:'R&AT& TA!%& table)> A/ table)6 W$T@ +ATA AN+ /TAT$/T$'/:'R&AT& TA!%& table)5 A/ -/&%&'T L BR(* table)6. W$T@ +ATA AN+ /TAT$/T$'/:Which two statements are true about these two 'R&AT& TA!%& A/ statements? -'hoose two..A. table)5 will not be partitioned.!. table)5 will have the +&BA#%T column attribute from table)6.'. table)> will have the referential integrity column from table)6.+. table)> will have statistics on the system3derived ,ART$T$(N column from table)6.Answer: A, DQUESTION NO: 2The stores table contains the following data1store)id city state33333333333 3333333333333333333333333 333336 !ig /ur 'A> *onterey 'A5 Napa 'A4 (ceanside 'AC Rancho !ernardo 'AI /onoma 'AH Algiers ,oint %AG New (rleans %AJ 'harlotte N'67 North Wilkesboro N'66 *idway #T6> *oab #T65 ,ark 'ity #T64 /pringdale #T6C 'harleston WF6I White /ulfur /prings WF8iven the following /"% statement1/&%&'T store)id0city0state0/A*,%&$+BR(* stores/A*,%& 7.C70 7.>C0 7.>C(R+&R !K 4:@ow many rows are returned?A. 6 !. 4 '. C +. 6C &. 6IAnswer: EQUESTION NO: 38iven the following e;pressions1/#*-'A/& W@&N ma;AWT &" 7 T@&N 6 &%/& 7 &N+. A/ AWT)7/#*-'A/& W@&N ma;AWT !&TW&&N 6 AN+ 67 T@&N 6 &%/& 7 &N+. A/ AWT6)67/#*-'A/& W@&N ma;AWT !&TW&&N 66 AN+ >7 T@&N 6 &%/& 7 &N+. A/ AWT66)>7/#*-'A/& W@&N ma;AWT !&TW&&N >6 AN+ 57 T@&N 6 &%/& 7 &N+. A/ AWT>6)57/#*-'A/& W@&N ma;AWT !&TW&&N 56 AN+ 47 T@&N 6 &%/& 7 &N+. A/ AWT56)47/#*-'A/& W@&N ma;AWT 8& 46 T@&N 6 &%/& 7 &N+. A/ AWT)46,lusWhat is the common purpose of these e;pressions?A. /#* thema;AWT value that are $N the !&TW&&N range.!. /#* thema;AWT value that are N(T $N the !&TW&&N range.'. 'ount the total occurrences of the !&TW&&N range being TR#&.+. 'ount the total occurrences of the !&TW&&N range being BA%/&.Answer: CQUESTION NO: 4Which is an e;ample of a properly coded correlated subquery?A. /&%&'T L BR(* employee empW@&R& &9$/T/-/&%&'T LBR(* +epartment deptW@&R& deptnum = deptnum.:!. /&%&'T L BR(* &mployee empW@&R& deptnum $N-/&%&'T deptnumBR(* department dept.:'. /&%&'T L BR(* &mployee empW@&R& &9$/T//&%&'T LBR(* +epartment deptW@&R& emp.deptnum = dept.deptnum:+. /&%&'T L BR(* &mployee empW@&R& &9$/T/-/&%&'T LBR(* +epartment deptW@&R& emp.deptnum = dept.deptnum.:Answer: DQUESTION NO: Which statement is true regarding the use of the +&BA#%T attribute function?A. $t cannot be used as a predicate.!. $t can be used in an insert statement.'. $t can return a null value if the argument is 7.+. $t can be used in the partitioning e;pression for defining partitioned primary inde;es.Answer: BQUESTION NO: $ 8iven the following table1&mployee/alaryAmount/[email protected]>HH?-IHJ.IHG3>5C6>C-4C6.IHG375I4When run against the given data0 which '(A%&/'& function will produce an error message?A. '(A%&/'&-Ba;%ine.!. '(A%&/'&-N#%%0N#%%.'. '(A%&/'&-N#%%0'ellphone0Work,hone.+. '(A%&/'&-Ba;%ine0'ell,hone0Work,hone.Answer: AQUESTION NO: $1Which AN/$ /"%3>775 compliant function should be used when determining the length of a string?A. '(#NT !. '@AR)'(#NT'. '@ARA'T&R/ +. '@ARA'T&R)%&N8T@Answer: CQUESTION NO: $28iven the following definition of a table1'R&AT& TA!%& trans- trans)id $NT&8&R N(T N#%%0unit)price +&'$*A%-670>.0qnty $NT&8&R0t)time T$*&/TA*,-I. N(T N#%%.,R$*ARK $N+&9 -trans)id.:The table has a row that was inserted as follows1$N/&RT trans FA%#&/-4CJ6>0 6>.JJ0 N#%%0 '#RR&NT)T$*&/TA*,.:The following statement is submitted1/&%&'T '(A%&/'&-unit)price07.LqntyBR(* trans W@&R& trans)id=4CJ6> AN+ unit)price $/ N(T N#%%:What is the result?A. N#%% !. 7.77 '. 6>.JJ +. no rows returnedAnswer: AQUESTION NO: $38iven the following command1@&%, /TAT$/T$'/ sales.ordersWhat is a valid output and what information is provided?A. +ate Time #nique values 'olumn names3333333 3333333 33333333333333 3333333333336726C27J >>15J17G 6CIHJG (rder $d+isplays summary attributes for statistics that have been collected in the +ata +ictionary for the specified data table.!. ,rimaryor+ate Time /econdary #nique Falues33333333 33333333 3333333333 333333333333336726C27J >>15J17G , 6IHG7+isplays the attributes for an inde; column including whether it is a primary or secondary inde;and the number of unique values within the column.'. +ate Time Table2Fiew216J1>> ,roduct T >C776726C27J 7>1>71CI Active (rders F >J7776726C27J 7>1>514H ,roduct)$d 16J1>> (rder)$d @$ 6647J+isplays attributes for statistics collected for all tables0 views0 +. modify the W@&R& clause to include&mployee)NoAnswer: AQUESTION NO: $Assume that all formatting symbols are set to default and that the column salary)amount is defined as +&'$*A% -670>..8iven the following statement1/&%&'T salary)amount L -36. -B(R*AT A3?-$.!NA. BR(* ........What is a valid result of this statement?A. 3677777#/+!. 3677777#/ +ollars'. 3677777 #/++. 3677777 #/ +ollarsAnswer: DQUESTION NO: $$The transtime column in the trans table is defined as the following1transtimeT$*&/TA*,-I. W$T@ T$*& ?(N& N(T N#%%$n the trans table0 the column values are the following1transtime )))))))))))))))))))))>77J37536I 6614G15>.6>7777S7G177>77G37J3>5 6G16414I.HG7777S7>177>77J37I37J 7J1>5176.54777737I177>77J376357 7>15H166.IH7777S66177>77J37436J >61>C1CC.>>777737J177The values in the transtime column need to be presented in a report so that the column values look like this1transdate)>77G37J3>4>77J3763>J>77J37536I>77J3743>7>77J37I37JWhich /"% statement would provide the desired result when the current session time Tone is $NT&RFA% A7G177A @(#R T( *$N#T&?A. /&%&'Ttranstime A/ +AT& BR(* trans (R+&R !K 6:!. /&%&'Ttranstime A/ transdate BR(* trans (R+&R !K 6:'. /&%&'T 'A/T-transtime A/ transdate. BR(* trans (R+&R !K 6:+. /&%&'T 'A/T-transtime A/ +AT&. transdate BR(* trans (R+&R !K 6:Answer: DQUESTION NO: $%8iven the following1. An &T statement is submitted that succeeds.5. The user then sees0 using a /&%&'T statement0 that the #,+AT& statement in step 6 isreflected in the table.!. 6. An #,+AT& statement is submitted that succeeds.>. An #,+AT& statement is submitted that violates a '@&' constraint.5. The user then sees0 using a /&%&'T statement0 that the #,+AT& statement in step 6 isreflected in the table.'. 6. An #,+AT& statement is submitted that violates a '@&' constraint.>. An #,+AT& statement is submitted that succeeds.5. A R(%%!A' statement is submitted.4. The user then sees0 using a /&%&'T statement0 that the #,+AT& statement in step > isreflected in the table.+. 6. An #,+AT& statement is submitted that succeeds.>. An #,+AT& statement is submitted that violates a '@&' constraint.5. An #,+AT& statement is submitted that succeeds4. A R(%%!A' statement is submitted.C. The user then sees0 using a /&%&'T statement0 that the #,+AT& statements in step 6 and 5 are not reflected in the table.Answer: A,BQUESTION NO: %'Which e;pression will return the month it will be 577 days from todayAs date?A. *(NT@-'#RR&NT)+AT& S 577.!. -'#RR&NT)+AT& S 577. *(+ 6> S 6'. &9TRA'T-*(NT@ BR(* -'#RR&NT)+AT& S 577..+. 'A/T--'#RR&NT)+AT& S 577. A/ $NT&RFA% *([email protected]: CQUESTION NO: &(What is the evaluation order when using a @AF$N80 W@&R&0 and 8R(#, !K clause together in the same /&%&'T statement?A. W@&R&0 8R(#, !K0 @AF$N8!. 8R(#, !K0 @AF$N80 W@&R&'. W@&R&0 @AF$N80 8R(#, !K+. 8R(#, !K0 W@&R&0 @AF$N8Answer: AQUESTION NO: &1What information can be reviewed to indicate ',# skewed processing for a query?A. the response time from+!'.+!"%ogTbl!. the number of active A*,s in+!'.Acc%ogTbl'. the results of the e;ecution of the /@(W',#/&W command before the query+. the ratio of ma;imum A*, ',# to the average A*, ',# from+!'.+!"%ogTblAnswer: DQUESTION NO: &2What information could be e;amined in +!'.+!"%ogTbl to identify report queries submitted by a business intelligence tool to identify potential performance issues?A. number of active ,&s!. number of active A*,s'. number of rows returned+. number of query bands usedAnswer: BQUESTION NO: &3What are two reasons to use the /A*,%& clause in an /"% statement? -'hoose two..A. to obtain a portion of data from an ordered set!. to obtain a specific number of data rows in the result set'. to obtain a percentage of data rows from the /&%&'T query+. to obtain identical sample sets from multiple e;ecutions of a single /"% statementAnswer: B,CQUESTION NO: &4Which three statements are true regarding stored procedure input and output parameters?-'hoose three..A. 'A%% arguments cannot be specified if a called procedure has no parameters.!. N#%% can be assigned to corresponding $N0 $N(#T and (#T parameters in the called procedure.'. The number of arguments in a 'A%% request must equal the number of parameters in thecalled procedure.+. $N0 $N(#T and (#T arguments in a 'A%% request must correspond to an $N0 $N(#T or (#T parameter in the called procedure.Answer: A,C,DQUESTION NO: &The columns in a 'ustomer table are defined as1acctid $NT&8&R N(T N#%%acctnm FAR'@AR-C7. N(T N#%%and the columns in a Trans table are defined as1acctid $NT&8&R N(T N#%%amount +&'$*A%-G0>. N(T N#%%The values for these columns are the following1'ustomer table Trans tableacctid acctnm)) acctid amount>>HI5G *artin>>7HJ4 CC.5G>>7HJ4 Kuko >>HI5G >6.H5>>G5>4 /ally >>7HJ4 54.64>>G5>4 4>.GG>>5JI> >7.H4>>7HJ4 6C.4H >>HI5G >C.I4>>G5>4 5J.JJ>>G5>4 4H.>6The values in the amount column need to be presented in a report so that the column values look likethe following1amountCC.5G54.646C.4HWhich query would provide the desired result?A. /&%&'T amountBR(* 'ustomer a0Trans b(N a.acctid = b.acctidW@&R& a.acctnm = AKukoA(R+&R !K 6 +&/':!. /&%&'T amountBR(* 'ustomer a0 Trans bW@&R& a.acctid = b.acctidAN+ a.acctnm = AKukoA(R+&R !K 6 +&/':'. /&%&'T amountBR(* 'ustomer a0 Trans bW@&R& a.acctid = b.acctidAN+ a.acctnm = AKukoA(R+&R !K 6 +&/':+. /&%&'T amountBR(* 'ustomer a $NN&R CC!ill @ammer noticed that on his Kear3To3&nd statement earnings0 his salary was always listed in whole dollars -without rounding. even though his pay stub always showed his salary with cents.Which 'A/T caused his Kear3To3&nd earnings to be displayed in this manner?A. 'A/T-/alary)Amount A/ $NT&8&R.!. 'A/T-/alary)Amount A/ '@AR-G..'. 'A/T-/alary)Amount A/ +&'-I0>..+. 'A/T-/alary)Amount A/ +&'-I07..Answer: AQUESTION NO: &'A development team has decided that recursive queries are required to create a set of inventory reports. Which two facts must be considered when using derived tables for this proPect? -'hoose two..A. The derived tables can act like a viewed table.!. +ata distribution will be controlled by defining the primary inde;.'. The derived tables will be defined in the +ata +ictionary for reuse.+. +erived tables are valid when coded as part of a seed statement of a recursive query.&. The temporary data will be available for other reports after the /"% request completes.Answer: A,DQUESTION NO: '(A company needs to determine which employees have invalid Pob codes assigned to them. $n order towrite the query to determine this0 a correlated subquery will be e;ecuted using the &mployee and 77J37436G >>14H157.777777S75177>77J37436G 671571>>.777777S6>177Which dates will be returned if 'A/T-$nv)T/ A/ +AT&. is used on the table0 given that the %ocal Time ?one for the session is defined as 3A77177A?A. 7426G2>77J7426H2>77J!. 7426G2>77J7426G2>77J'. 7426G2>77J7426J2>77J+. 7426J2>77J7426J2>77JAnswer: AQUESTION NO: 1(4The account balance column in the 'ustomer table is defined as the following1Acctbal +&'$*A%-G0>. N(T N#%%$n the 'ustomer table0 the column values are the following1acctbal>>HI5G.CH>>7HJ4.4H>>G5>4.7H>>H4JG.6>>>JCI6.JCThe following /"% statement is submitted1/&%&'T 'A/T-acctbal A/ $NT&8&R. balance BR(* 'ustomerW@&R& 'A/T-acctbal A/ +&'$*A%-I07.. U acctbal:What is the result?A. balance>>7HJ4>>G5>4>>H4JG!. balance>>HI5J>>7HJC>>G5>C>>H4JJ>>JCI>'. balance>>HI5G>>JCI6+. balance>>HI5J>>JCI>Answer: CQUESTION NO: 1(When creating a new macro0 the name of the macro must be different from which obPects?A. all other macros within the system!. the name of the database containing the macro'. all other obPects within the same database as the new macro+. only other macros within the same database as the new macroAnswer: CQUESTION NO: 1($What information would be reviewed to indicate $2( skewed processing for a query?A. the amount of temporary space consumed by the query!. the ratio of ma;imum $2( to average $2( from+!'.+!"%ogTbl'. the results of the e;ecution of the &9,%A$N command before the query+. the results of the e;e cution of the /@(W$(/&W command before the queryAnswer: BQUESTION NO: 1(%Which two pieces of information can be reviewed in the trace output to assist in debugging a stored procedure?-'hoose two..A. isolate the failure point!. identify compilation parameters'. removal of database error handling+. set severity warnings in &RR(R%&F&%&. determine if the procedure is logically correctAnswer: C,EQUESTION NO: 1(&A company thinks there are some employees who earn more than their managers. They have asked for a report showing the employee number0 department number0 and salary of all department managers who have the highest salary in their department. Which query will produce the desired report?A. /&%&' d.department)num0 e.salary)amountBR(* department d $NN&R 77JWhich approach would produce a list of customers with purchase dates0 as well as those who do not have purchase dates?A. N#%%$B 'A/& !. Falued 'A/&'. No N#%% 'A/& +. /earched 'A/&Answer: AQUESTION NO: 111What are two uses of the 8R(#, !K clause? -'hoose two..A. ranking !. qualifying'. aggregating data groups +. setting the sort order of data groups&. alternative method to /&%&'T +$/T$N'TAnswer: C,EQUESTION NO: 112Which e;pression adds 67 hours >7 minutes 6C seconds to '#RR&NT)T$*&?A. '#RR&NT)T$*& S A671>716CA!. '#RR&NT)T$*& S $NT&RFA% A671>716CA @(#R T( /&'(N+'. '#RR&NT)T$*& S -A671>716CA @(#R T( /&'(N+. $NT&RFA%+. '#RR&NT)T$*& S -A67A @(#R S A>7A *$N#T& S A6CA /&'(N+. $NT&RFA%&. '#RR&NT)T$*& S $NT&RFA% -A67A @(#R S A>7A *$N#T& S A6CA /&'(N+.Answer: BQUESTION NO: 113The columns in a 'ustomer table are defined as1acctid $NT&8&R N(T N#%%acctnm FAR'@AR-C7.and the columns in a Trans table are defined as1acctid $NT&8&R N(T N#%%amount +&'$*A%-G0>. N(T N#%%The values -where ? indicates N#%%. for these columns are the following1'ustomer table Trans tableacctid acctnm)) acctid amount>>HI5G *artin >>7C5> CC.5G>>7HJ4 *iko >>HI5G >6.H5>>G5>I Nelly >>7HJ4 54.64>>4HC5 ? >>G5>I 4>.GG>>5JI6 >7.H4>>7HJ4 6C.4H>>HI5G >C.I4>>G5>I 4H.>6The values in the amount column need to be presented in a report so that the column values looklike the following1amount4H.>64>.GG54.64>C.I4>6.H56C.4HWhich query provides the desired result?A. /&%&'T amountBR(* 'ustomer a0 Trans b(N a.acctid = b.acctid(R+&R !K 6 +&/':!. /&%&'T amountBR(* 'ustomer a C.0'ellphone)number $NT&8&R0!usiness)phone)number $NT&8&R.A/ -$N/&RT $NT( 'ustomer -BName0 %Name0 'ell0 !iT.:FA%#&/ -1fname0 1lname0 1cell0 1biT..:'. +&B$N& *A'R( 'ustomer -Birst name '@AR->7.0%ast name '@AR->C.0'ellphone)number $NT&8&R0!usiness)phone)number $NT&8&R.A/ -$N/&RT $NT( 'ustomer -BName0 %Name0 'ell0 !iT.:FA%#&/ -1fname0 1lname0 1cell0 1biT..:+. +R(, *A'R( 'ustomer -Birst name '@AR->7.0%ast name '@AR->C.0'ellphone)number $NT&8&R0!usiness)phone)number $NT&8&R.A/ -$N/&RT $NT( 'ustomer -BName0 %Name0 'ell0 !iT.:FA%#&/ -1fname0 1lname0 1cell0 1biT..:Answer: AQUESTION NO: 124A user is writing a comple; query that needs to aggregate values from multiple tables and Poin those results.Which construct can be used in the query to allow the writing of the query as a single /&%&'T statement?A. Firtual Table !. +erived Table'. Folatile Table +. Temporary TableAnswer: BQUESTION NO: 128iven the following two ,,$ tables1'R&AT& TA!%& orders-o)orderkey $NT&8&R N(T N#%%0o)orderdate +AT& B(R*AT Ayyyy3mm3ddA N(T N#%%0o)shipdate +AT& B(R*AT Ayyyy3mm3ddA N(T N#%%0o)shippriority$NT&8&R0o)commentFAR'@AR-G7..,R$*ARK $N+&9 -o)orderkey.,ART$T$(N !K -RAN8&)N -o)orderdate !&TW&&N +AT& A>77J376376A AN+ +AT& A>76636>356A&A'@ $NT&RFA% A6A *([email protected]&)N -o)shipdate !&TW&&N +AT& A>77J376376A AN+ +AT& A>76636>356A&A'@ $NT&RFA% A6A *(NT@..:'R&AT& TA!%& lineitem-l)orderkey $NT&8&R N(T N#%%0l)partkey $NT&8&R N(T N#%%0l)suppkey $NT&8&R0l)linenumber$NT&8&R0l)quantity $NT&8&R N(T N#%%.,R$*ARK $N+&9 -l)orderkey.,ART$T$(N !KRAN8&)N -l)suppkey !&TW&&N 7 and 4JJJ &A'@ 67..:8iven the query1/&%&'T LBR(* orders0 lineitemW@&R& o)orderkey=l)orderkeyAN+ ....Which three additional conditions will perform partition elimination when added after AN+?-'hoose three..A. l)suppkey M 5777 !. l)suppkey in -57770 4777.'. o)orderdateM o)shipdate V 57 +. o)orderdate M '#RR&NT)+AT& 3 57Answer: A,B,DQUESTION NO: 12$A manager for 'ompany A has asked the $T +epartment to generate a report that shows the relative ranking of all products that are sold in the company stores. The following report was generated1storeid prodid sales ,ct Rank /ales6776 B 6C7777.77 7.7777776776 A 677777.77 7.6777776775 ! IC777.77 7.>777776776 ' I7777.77 7.5777776775 + C7777.77 7.477777677> A 47777.77 7.C777776776 + 5C777.77 7.I77777677> ' 5C777.77 7.I777776775 A 57777.77 7.G77777677> + >C777.77 7.J777776775 ' >7777.77 6.777777Which query will generate the report as it appears above?A. /&%&'Tstoreid0 prodid0 sales0,&R'&NT)RAN-. (F&R -(R+&R !K sales +&/'. A/ ,ct)Rank)/alesBR(* salestbl:!. /&%&'Tstoreid0 prodid0 sales0,&R'&NT)RAN -. (F&R -(R+&R !K storeid +&/'. A/ ,ct)Rank)/alesBR(* salestbl:'. /&%&'Tstoreid0 prodid0 sales0RAN-W$T@ R&%RAN. (F&R -(R+&R !K sales +&/'. A/ ,ct)Rank)/alesBR(* salestbl:+. /&%&'Tstoreid0 prodid0 sales0R&%RAN-. (F&R -(R+&R !K sales +&/'. A/ ,ct)Rank)/alesBR(* salestbl:Answer: AQUESTION NO: 12%Which three statements are true about the functionality of queue tables? -'hoose three..A. A queue table may or may not contain data.!. The first column must be a timestamp data type.'. A normal /&%&'T may not be used to read rows in the table.+. The definition of a queue table is not stored in the data dictionary.&. A /&%&'T AN+ '(N/#*& reads a row and deletes it from the table and queue.Answer: A,B,EQUESTION NO: 12&8iven the following columns and their data types1$nv)+ate+AT&$nv)TimeT$*&-7.$ntBld $NT&8&RWhich e;pression will e;ecute without an error?A. /&%&'T $ntBld 3 $nv)Time!. /&%&'T $ntBld 3 $nv)date'. /&%&'T $nv)+ate 3 $ntBld+. /&%&'T $nv)Time 3 $ntBldAnswer: CQUESTION NO: 12''onsider the following data in the !illing table1+escription!illingRate@ourly /alary&ducationAnalyst 677.77 47.77/ystem Analyst 6>C.77 .77+atabase Administrator 6C7.77 I7.77This is the desired answer set1+escription !illing to 'ost Ratio&ducation Analyst >.C/ystem Analyst ?+atabase Administrator >.CWhich query will produce this answer set?A. /&%&'T +escription0!illing)Rate 2 -N#%%$B?&R(-@ourly)/alary07..BR(* !illing:!. /&%&'T +escription0!illing)Rate 2 -N#%%$B-@ourly)/alary07..BR(* !illing:'. /&%&'T +escription0!illing)Rate 2 -'(A%&/'&-@ourly)/alary07..BR(* !illing:+. /&%&'T +escription0!illing)Rate 2 -?&R($BN#%%-@ourly)/alary07..BR(* !illing:Answer: BQUESTION NO: 13(A database administrator has initiated charge3back accounting for an entire session and wants to determine whether the current account string is correct. Which built3in function should be issued?A. #/&R!. ,R(B$%&'. A''(#NT+. /&//$(NAnswer: CQUESTION NO: 1318iven the following query1/&%&'T LBR(* trans t %&BT 7C5> 6>>HI5G 5? >>>G5>I ?>>5JI6 5>>7HJ4 6>>HI5G ?>>G5>I 48iven the following /"% statement1/&%&'T '(#NT-acctid.0*A9-qnty.BR(* Trans:What is the result?A. G 4 !. C 4 '. H ? +. H 4Answer: DQUESTION NO: 13%8iven that the ,art table is defined as the following1partid $NT&8&R N(T N#%% '@&'-partidU7.partnm FAR'@AR-C7.asmblyid $NT&8&R N(T N#%% '@&'-asmblyidU=7.moddate +AT& N(T N#%%$f asmblyid for partid is 70 the part is not a subpart of an assembly of parts. $f asmblyid is greaterthan 70 the part is a subpart of an assembly of parts.Which query lists each partnm whose moddate is greater than moddate for its asmblyid?A. /&%&'T partnmBR(* part p 0part pa(N pa.asmblyid = p.partidAN+ p.moddate U pa.moddate:!. /&%&'T partnmBR(* part p0 part paW@&R& p.asmblyid = pa.partidAN+ p.moddate U pa.moddate:'. /&%&'T partnmBR(* part p ..8iven the following statement1/&%&'T salary)amount-B(R*AT A83J-$.!NA. BR(* ........What is a valid result of this statement?A. 6770777 #/ +ollars !. 677777 #/ +ollars'. 77677777 #/ +ollars +. 7706770777 #/ +ollarsAnswer: AQUESTION NO: 13'Which three statements are true about the functionality of stored procedures? -'hoose three..A. They provide control and condition handling statements.!. They provide security for automatically driven database events.'. They allow e;tensions to be written toTeradata for functions that donAt e;ist.+. They provide better application maintenance because business rules are encapsulated and enforced on the server.&. They allow better application security by restricting user access to procedures rather thanaccessing data tables directly.Answer: A,C,EQUESTION NO: 14(Which statement correctly removes the +&%&T& privilege from all users who inherit rights from database @uman)Resources?A. R&F(& +&%&T& (N A%% +atabase6 BR(*@uman)Resources:!. R&F(& +&%&T& BR(* A%%@uman)Resources (N +atabase6:'. R&F(& +&%&T& (N +atabase6 BR(* A%%@uman)Resources:+. R&F(& +&%&T& BR(* A%%@uman)Resources (N A%% +atabase6:Answer: AQUESTION NO: 141The stores table contains the following data1store)id city state33333333333 3333333333333333333333333 333336 !ig /ur 'A> *onterey 'A5 Napa 'A4 (ceanside 'AC Rancho !ernardo 'AI /onoma 'AH Algiers ,oint %AG New (rleans %AJ 'harlotte N'67 North Wilkesboro N'66 *idway #T6> *oab #T65 ,ark 'ity #T64 /pringdale #T6C 'harleston WF6I White /ulfur /prings WF8iven the following /"% statement1/&%&'T city0state0/A*,%&$+BR(* stores/A*,%& W@&N state = A#TA T@&N 7.C0 7.>CW@&N state = A%AA T@&N 7.CW@&N state = A'AA T@&N 7.C&N+(R+&R !K 5:@ow many rows are returned?A. 6 !. 5 '. C +. H &. 67Answer: AQUESTION NO: 1428iven the following /"% statement modifier1%('$N8 TA!%& table6 B(R A''&//Which statement is true when this statement is used?A. (ther users cannot access the table.!. The query has less concern for data consistency.'. The lock will be delayed for an obPect being held for write.+. $t is the most efficient approach to achieve precise results.Answer: BQUESTION NO: 143A user is submitting additional requests via a !T&" session as part of a multi3request transactionthat is still open.Which session is in AN/$ mode based on the additional requests being submitted?A. 6. A row $N/&RT statement is submitted that violates a '@&' constraint.>. A second row $N/&RT statement is submitted that succeeds.5. A Teradata system restart occurs.4. After regaining access0 the user sees0 using a /&%&'T statement0 that the row inserted in step > isin the table.!. 6. A row $N/&RT statement is submitted that succeeds.>. A second row $N/&RT statement is submitted that violates a '@&' constraint.5. The user then sees0 using a /&%&'T statement0 that the row inserted in step 6 is in the table.'. 6. A row $N/&RT statement is submitted that succeeds.>. An &T statement is submitted that succeeds.5. The user then sees0 using a /&%&'T statement0 that the row in step 6 is in the table.+. 6. A row $N/&RT statement is submitted that succeeds.>. A row $N/&RT statement is submitted that violates a '@&' constraint.5. A row $N/&RT statement is submitted that succeeds4. A row $N/&RT statement is submitted that violates a '@&' constraint.C. The user then sees0 using a /&%&'T statement0 that the row inserted in step 6 is not in the table and the row inserted in step 5 is in the table.Answer: BQUESTION NO: 144A requirement e;ists to perform upsert processing against a partitioned table. Kou choose to e;ecute a *&R8& $NT( instead of a #,+AT& &%/& $N/&RT statement. Which three restrictions on the #,+AT& &%/& $N/&RT statement make the *&R8& $NT( statement a better choice?-'hoose three..A. The target table may be defined with multilevel partitioning.!. #,+AT& portion may not modify any of the partitioning columns.'. All partitioning columns need to be in the #,+AT&As W@&R& clause.+. $N/&RT portion must specify the same partition as the #,+AT& portion.Answer: B,C,DQUESTION NO: 14Which statement is true regarding the use of the TK,& attribute function?A. $t cannot be used as a predicate.!. $t returns the name of the data type.'. $t returns the default value for the e;pression.+. $t can be used in the partition e;pression for a partitioned primary inde;.Answer: BQUESTION NO: 14$Which +'% statement is written correctly0 if *acro6 is a macro?A. 8RANT &9&'#T&0 +R(, (N *acro6 T( #ser60 #ser>:!. 8RANT &9&'#T&0 +R(, (N *acro6 T( #ser6 AN+ #ser>:'. 8RANT &9&'#T&0 +R(, *A'R( (N *acro6 T( #ser60 #ser>:+. 8RANT &9&'#T&0 +R(, *A'R( (N *acro6 T( #ser6 AN+ #ser>:Answer: AQUESTION NO: 14%8iven the following query1/&%&'T Name0 /tateBR(* 'ustomers(R+&R !K Name:The statement returns the following rows1Name/tate+illon !'ANewman RT9(sborne 8AR8iven the following additional query1/&%&'T Name0 /tate)'+BR(* &mployees(R+&R !K Name:The statement returns the following rows1Name/tate)'++illon !'ABreeman ATN(scar B%Newman RT98iven the union of the following two queries1/&%&'T Name0 /tateBR(* 'ustomers#N$(N/&%&'T Name0 /tate)'+BR(* &mployees:@ow many rows will the union return?A. > !. C '. H +. 6>Answer: BQUESTION NO: 14&Which key words in an &9,%A$N plan might indicate a missing Poin condition?A. all3A*, Poin !. all3row scan'. missing Poin condition +. Poin condition of -R6=6R.Answer: BQUESTION NO: 14'Which two are reasons to use a view? -'hoose two..A. $t enables renaming and formatting of columns.!. $t simplifies updates to tables that make up the view.'. $t enables building of large and comple; applications.+. $t simplifies selects from tables that make up the view.Answer: A,D