answers to multiple choice questions test 2

Answers to multiple choice questions Test 2: BASIC MICROBIAL MOLECULAR BIOLOG !" A #en e $lw$%s en co&es $ pro tein pro&uc t" '$ (True ')(*$l se 2" +urin # tr$ns cript ion: '$( n ucleot i&es $re po l%me ri,e& )% +-A pol%mer$se ')( initi$tion occurs $t $ site reco#ni,e& )% the si#m$ .$ctor 'c( onl% sin#le #ene/ si,e& mR-A molecules $re s%nthesi,e& '&( )oth +-A str$n&s o. $ sin#le #ene $re use& $s templ$tes simult$neousl% 'e( th%mine in R-A p$irs with $&enine in +-A 0" The proo. re$&i n# o. newl% s%nthesi,e& +-A1 to eci se incor rect nucl eoti& es which h$3e )een inserte&1 is &one )%: '$( $ restriction en&onucle$ses ')( +-A #%r$se 'c( +-A li#$se '&( +-A pol%mer$se III 'e( $ll o. the $)o3e m$%  p$rticip$te 4" 5romo ter re#i ons $re nuc leoti &e sequenc es th$t : '$( $re in 3ol3e& i n the init i$tio n o. tr$nscription ')( $re in3ol3e& in tr$nscription termin$tion 'c( cont$in the co&e .or !mR-A molecule '&( $re import$nt to the tr$nsl$tion process 'e( $ll o. the $)o3e 6" The co&o n is .o un& in : ' $(+-A ')(rR-A 'c( tR-A '& (mR-A 'e(pr otein 7" Th e s i,e o. the  E.coli #enome is '$(4748 )p ')(4"74 9)p 'c(4"74 M)p '&(not nown with cert$int% ;" <h$t i s the $n tico& on th$t r eco#ni, es CGA: '$(UGC ')( CGA 'c( GCU '& (GCT =" The $nt ico&on is in: '$(+-A ')(mR-A 'c(t R-A '&( rR-A ' e(pro tein CO-TROL O* GE-E E>5RESSIO- ?" <hich o. the .ollowin# i n3ol3e ne# $ti3e con trol o. t r$nsc ription throu#h $ repressor protein: '$(en,%me repression ')(en,%me in&uction 'c(tr$nscription$l $cti3$tor '&( $ltern$ti3e si#m$ .$ctor 'e($ $n& ) !8" Control o. epression o. he$t shoc #enes in3ol3es : '$($n $l tern$ti3e si#m$ .$ctor ')( $ heli/turn/heli +-A )in&in# protein 'c(the response re#ul$tor o. $ two component re#ul$tor s%stem !!" In which me&ium woul& the l e3el o. $n en,%me o. $r#inine )ios% nthesis )e the lowest: '$(#lucose@s$lts ')(l$ctose @s$lts 'c(#lucose @s$lts @tr%ptoph$n '&($r#inine@s$lts MICROBIAL GE-ETICS !2" Chromosom$l tr$ occurs &urin# conu#$tion onl% i.: '$(t he * .$ctor is inte#r$te& into the chromosome ')()oth cells $re &onors 'c(pili $re $)sent '&(mut$tions occur simult$neousl% 'e($ll o. the $)o3e !0" <hen )$cteri$ $re culti3$te& in the presence o. $n $nti)iotic $n& $ resist$nt clone $rises: '$(the $nti)iotic c$use& the mut$tion con.errin# resist$nce to occur ')(the $nti)iotic selecte& .or $ cell c$rr%in# $ mut$tion co n.errin# $nti)iotic resist$nce !4" Althou#h the $3er$#e spont$neous mut$tion .requenc% is !!8 /=  per #ene replic$tion 'i"e"1 ! in !8 =  #ene replic$tions(1 in&i3i&u$l #enes m$% show hi#her or lower .requencies" A #ene showin# $ spont$neous mut$tion .requenc% o. ! !8 /!8  h$s $ .requenc% o. mut$tion '$(hi#her ')(lower !6" Gene tr$ in )$cteri $ )% tr$ns.orm$tion h$s t he .ollowin# ch$r$cteristics: '$($ m$orit% o. the &onor #enes $re tr$ns.erre& ')(it in3ol3es $ pl$smi& 'c(it &epen&s

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8/13/2019 Answers to Multiple Choice Questions Test 2 1/3

Answers to multiple choice questions Test 2:

BASIC MICROBIAL MOLECULAR BIOLOG!" A #ene $lw$%s enco&es $ protein pro&uct" '$(True ')(*$lse

2" +urin# tr$nscription: '$( nucleoti&es $re pol%meri,e& )% +-A pol%mer$se

')( initi$tion occurs $t $ site reco#ni,e& )% the si#m$ .$ctor 'c( onl% sin#le #ene/si,e& mR-A molecules $re s%nthesi,e& '&( )oth +-A str$n&s o. $ sin#le #ene $re

use& $s templ$tes simult$neousl% 'e( th%mine in R-A p$irs with $&enine in +-A

0" The$&in# o. newl% s%nthesi,e& +-A1 to ecise incorrect nucleoti&eswhich h$3e )een inserte&1 is &one )%: '$( $ restriction en&onucle$ses ')( +-A

#%r$se 'c( +-A li#$se '&( +-A pol%mer$se III 'e( $ll o. the $)o3e m$%

 p$rticip$te4" 5romoter re#ions $re nucleoti&e sequences th$t: '$( $re in3ol3e& in the initi$tion

o. tr$nscription ')( $re in3ol3e& in tr$nscription termin$tion 'c( cont$in the co&e

.or !mR-A molecule '&( $re import$nt to the tr$nsl$tion process 'e( $ll o. the


6" The co&on is .oun& in : '$(+-A ')(rR-A 'c(tR-A '&(mR-A 'e(protein7" The si,e o. the E.coli #enome is '$(4748 )p ')(4"74 9)p 'c(4"74 M)p '&(not

nown with cert$int%;" <h$t is the $ntico&on th$t reco#ni,es CGA: '$(UGC ')(CGA 'c(GCU '&(GCT

=" The $ntico&on is in: '$(+-A ')(mR-A 'c(tR-A '&(rR-A 'e(protein


?" <hich o. the .ollowin# in3ol3e ne#$ti3e control o. tr$nscription throu#h $

repressor protein: '$(en,%me repression ')(en,%me in&uction 'c(tr$nscription$l

$cti3$tor '&( $ltern$ti3e si#m$ .$ctor 'e($ $n& )!8" Control o. epression o. he$t shoc #enes in3ol3es : '$($n $ltern$ti3e si#m$ .$ctor

')( $ heli/turn/heli +-A )in&in# protein 'c(the response re#ul$tor o. $ twocomponent re#ul$tor s%stem!!" In which me&ium woul& the le3el o. $n en,%me o. $r#inine )ios%nthesis )e the

lowest: '$(#lucose@s$lts ')(l$ctose @s$lts 'c(#lucose @s$lts @tr%ptoph$n



!2" Chromosom$l tr$ occurs &urin# conu#$tion onl% i.: '$(the * .$ctor isinte#r$te& into the chromosome ')()oth cells $re &onors 'c(pili $re $)sent

'&(mut$tions occur simult$neousl% 'e($ll o. the $)o3e

!0" <hen )$cteri$ $re culti3$te& in the presence o. $n $nti)iotic $n& $ resist$nt clone

$rises: '$(the $nti)iotic c$use& the mut$tion con.errin# resist$nce to occur ')(the$nti)iotic selecte& .or $ cell c$rr%in# $ mut$tion con.errin# $nti)iotic resist$nce

!4" Althou#h the $3er$#e spont$neous mut$tion .requenc% is !!8/= per #ene

replic$tion 'i"e"1 ! in !8= #ene replic$tions(1 in&i3i&u$l #enes m$% show hi#her orlower .requencies" A #ene showin# $ spont$neous mut$tion .requenc% o. ! !8/!8 

h$s $ .requenc% o. mut$tion '$(hi#her ')(lower 

!6" Gene tr$ in )$cteri$ )% tr$ns.orm$tion h$s the .ollowin# ch$r$cteristics: '$($m$orit% o. the &onor #enes $re tr$ns.erre& ')(it in3ol3es $ pl$smi& 'c(it &epen&s

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on ph$#e in.ection o. the recipient cell '&(it c$n )e c$rrie& out usin# .ree +-A

etr$cte& .rom the &onor 

!7" A tr$ns&ucin# ph$#e: '$(cont$ins onl% 3ir$l +A ')(m$% cont$in 3ir$l $n& )$cteri$l+-A 'c(is sensiti3e to +-$se '&(c$n ne3er tr$ etr$chromosom$l #enes

'e(cont$ins one or more tr$nsposons

!;" <hich o. the .ollowin# st$tements is .$lse concernin# $ m$tin# )etween *@ $n&*/ cell '$(the */cell is con3erte& to $n *@ cell ')(the *@cell is con3erte& to $n */

cell 'c(chromosom$l #enes $re r$rel% tr$ns.erre& '&(cell/to/cell cont$ct is $lw$%s

necess$r% 'e(the #enes in3ol3e& in pilus .orm$tion $re tr$ns.erre& $t hi#h.requenc%

!=" An% process th$t results in the inte#r$tion o. new com)in$tions o. #enes to#ether

in $ sin#le cell is : '$(#enetic recom)in$tion ')(.usion 'c(#enetic .ission

'&($llelot%pin#!?" <hich o. the .ollowin# mut$tions woul& )e e$siest to re3ert: '$($n insertion o.

!8)$se p$irs ')($ &eletion o. more th$n !8 )$se p$irs 'c($ )$se p$ir su)stitution

'&(insertion o. $ tr$nsposon


28" An en,%me th$t reco#ni,es $ speci.ic 'p$lin&romic( sequence $n& cuts within $+-A molecule is c$lle& $'n(: '$(eonucle$se ')(meth%l$se 'c(mo&i.ic$tion

en,%me '&(restriction en&onucle$se

2!" The necess$r% in#re&ients .or +-A s%nthesis c$n )e mie& to#ether in $ test tu)e"The +-A pol%mer$se is .rom Thermus aquaticus $n& the templ$te is .rom $

hum$n cell" The +-A s%nthesi,e& woul& )e most simil$r to: '$(hum$n +-A

')( T. aquaticus +-A 'c($ miture o. T. aquaticus $n& hum$n +-A '&(hum$n

R-A 'e(T. aquaticus R-A22" The $mount o. $ speci.ic +-A sequence c$n )e incre$se& more th$n !87 .ol& )%

usin# which o. the .ollowin# chemic$l re$ctions '$(restriction en&onucle$se

re$ction ')(li#$tion re$ction 'c(pol%mer$se ch$in re$ction '&(re3erse tr$nsl$tion'e(re3erse tr$nscript$se re$ction

20" <hich pol%mer$se m$&e wi&espre$& use o. 5CR possi)le: '$(+-A pol%mer$se I

')(Thermus aquaticus 'T$q( pol%mer$se 'c(+-A pol%mer$se III '&(none o. the$)o3e 'e($ll o. the $)o3e

24" <hich is the correct or&er1 .rom sm$llest to l$r#est num)er o. )$se p$irs

'$(pl$smi&1 tr$nsposon1 chromosom$l +-A ')(chromosom$l +-A1 tr$nsposon1

 pl$smi& 'c(tr$nsposon1 pl$smi&1 chromosom$l +-A '&(pl$smi&1 chromosom$l+-A tr$nsposon

Use the .i#ure to $nswer questions 26 $n& 27"

26" Dow m$n% pieces will ECoR! pro&uce .rom this pl$smi&: '$(! ')(2 'c(0 '&(4 'e(6

27" A.ter &i#estion with the $ppropri$te restriction en,%me wh$t is the sm$llest piececont$inin# the int$ct $mpicillin/resist$nce #ene: '$(8"!; ) ')(8"26 ) 'c(!"8== )

'&(!"6 ) 'e(0"8 )


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2;" <hich o. the .ollowin# is )est to sterili,e& he$t l$)ile 'he$t unst$)le( solution"

'$(&r% he$t ')($utocl$3e 'c(mem)r$ne .iltr$tion '&(p$steuri,$tion 'e(none o. the

$)o3e2=" <hich o. the .ollowin# is )$cterici&$l 'leth$l to )$cteri$(" '$(mem)r$ne .iltr$tion

')(ioni,in# r$&i$tion 'c(&eep .ree,in# '&($ll o. the $)o3e

2?" A culture me&ium on which onl% #r$m positi3e or#$nisms #row $n& $ %ellow h$losurroun&s Staphylococcus aureus colonies is c$lle& $: '$(selecti3e me&ium

')(&i..erenti$l me&ium 'c(enrichment culture '&($ $n& ) 'e() $n& c

08" A culture st$rte& with 4 cells $n& en&e& with !2= cells" Dow m$n% #ener$tions&i& the cells #o throu#h: '$(74 ')(02 'c(7 '&(6 'e(4

0!" Assume %ou inocul$te& !88 cells into !88ml o. nutrient )roth $n& !88 cells in

288ml o. nutrient )roth" A.ter incu)$tion .or 24hrs the cultures h$3e entere&

st$tion$r% ph$se" ou shoul& h$3e: '$(more cells per ml in the !88ml ')(morecells per ml in the 288ml 'c(the s$me num)er o. cells per ml in e$ch

02" The t%pic$l termper$ture .or $n $utocl$3e 'oper$tin# $t !6poun&s per squ$re inch

o. pressure( is '$(!2!oC ')(!88oC 'c(70oC '&(;0oC 'e(288oC

00" <hich o. the .oo&s liste& woul& )e most liel% to spoil $s $ result o. )$cteri$l#rowth" '$($ me$t pro&uct with ne$r neutr$l pD ')(.ruit in $ hi#h su#$r s%rup 'c($

3e#et$)le in $ hi#h s$lt1 $ci& )rine 'liqui&( '&($ll o. the $)o3e 'e(there is no )$sison which to m$e this u&#ment"