answers test 2

s 1. H 2. B 3. G 4. L 5. E 6. C 7. K 8. B 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. Survival 14. Ferry Reading Test 2 Answers Here you can see an example answer to question 1. When you have read the essay, look at the exam notes afterward This week at the cinema, you will certainly find a film to enjoy. The film I was really looking forward to, “Dangerous Ransom”, is a disappointment. Josh Chandler, the big star, only appears at the start of the film. Perhaps he was too embarrassed to stay for the ending, which is not at all believable. Also the other actors are not very good and the story is so complicated that it's hard to understand what is happening. If you like action films, this one is silly but enjoyable; but if you like good acting or serious films, stay away! I really liked the next film – “One day in June”. I expected a love story, but it's not just a love story. I don't want to give away the story, but let me tell the boys that they and their girlfriends will both enjoy this film. The girls will like the romance and the wonderful costumes, and the boys will like the exciting story. And both will enjoy the humour – some parts of this film are surprisingly funny. If you know director Craig Carstairs, you know what to expect when you go to “Nightschild”. Terror! Don't go to this film if you are a nervous person, or if you want to sleep well afterwards. This film starts slowly, but by the end it is really, really scary. Sally Maercs and the other actors are good, and the special effects are horrific. I loved this movie, but it's really for horror fans.

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sTop of Form1. H 2. B 3. G 4. L 5. E 6. C7. K8. B 9. B10. B11. C12. A13. Survival14. Ferry

Reading Test 2 Answers

Here you can see an example answer to question 1. When you have read the essay, look at the exam notes afterward

This week at the cinema, you will certainly find a film to enjoy. The film I was really looking forward to, Dangerous Ransom, is a disappointment. Josh Chandler, the big star, only appears at the start of the film. Perhaps he was too embarrassed to stay for the ending, which is not at all believable. Also the other actors are not very good and the story is so complicated that it's hard to understand what is happening. If you like action films, this one is silly but enjoyable; but if you like good acting or serious films, stay away!I really liked the next film One day in June. I expected a love story, but it's not just a love story. I don't want to give away the story, but let me tell the boys that they and their girlfriends will both enjoy this film. The girls will like the romance and the wonderful costumes, and the boys will like the exciting story. And both will enjoy the humour some parts of this film are surprisingly funny.If you know director Craig Carstairs, you know what to expect when you go to Nightschild. Terror! Don't go to this film if you are a nervous person, or if you want to sleep well afterwards. This film starts slowly, but by the end it is really, really scary. Sally Maercs and the other actors are good, and the special effects are horrific. I loved this movie, but it's really for horror fans.

Exam notesIt's important to note that you are not asked to describe each film, but you will lose marks if you do not fully answer the question by giving your impression, and saying who this film is for and why.Here, the impression of the films is given as 'a disappointment', one that the writer 'really liked' and one that is 'really, really scary'. It says that the first film is suited for people who like action films, but for no-one else because the plot and acting are too bad.The second film is good for boys and girls, because it has a good story, romance, and humour.The third film is suited for horror fans, but other people might not like the terror or horrific special effects.This essay is exactly 250 words, but you can go slightly over or under this amount. But you must make sure the register is correct - here it has to be chatty, and slightly informal. Organization of the essay is easier than it will be for some other questions, but it is important to use the notes as a guide to your impression rather than just repeating what was written. The essay will also be judged on whether the person whom it is intended for will get the information required. Here this is whether a particular film will be a good one to go and see.The grammar does not try to do too much, but the sentences use contrast and comparison appropriately, and have some range of vocabulary and grammar ('horrific' , 'you know what to expect' 'both will enjoy')Bottom of Form

Writing Test 2 Example

Answers Use of English Test 21. unhealthiest 2. fanatical 3. unhappily 4. daily 5. discussion 6. systematically7. instructions 8. Doubtless/Undoubtedly9. terrified 10. psychologists 11. irrational12. combination13. insecticide14. infestations15. preferable

AnswTop of Form1. Tuesday2. Not hear the presentation today3. a4. The rules of the presentation5. They can come if the Principal agrees6. 6 minutes7. informative8-10. a, b, h

Test 2 Listening Answers Bottom of Form