answer sheet

Reading Book - Exercises 1 English Reading - Exercises Name:___________________________________________________Class:________________ Three Bears 1. List two reasons from that article that explain why polar bears can live in such a cold climate.____________________________________________________________________ 2- Is a grizzly bear a fast animal? _________________________________________________ 3- Is a Giant Panda easy to protect? _______________________________________________ 4- Is a polar bear a carnivore, an herbivore, or an omnivore? ____________________________ 5- Why has the Giant Panda become an endangered animal? ______________________________ 6- Which fact was not mentioned in the article? a. Polar bears are excellent swimmers. b. Grizzly bear cubs weight less than a pound. c. Polar bears eat mostly fish. d. Giant Pandas eat bamboo. Sam the Cat 1. What color is Jill's cat?_______________________________ 2. What does Sam play with? a. a ball b. a bell c. a box d. a bed 3. Where are Jill and Sam? a. in the yard b. in the car c. in the park d. in the bedroom Tiger 1. What color is Tiger?______________________________________________ 2. When does Holly feed Tiger?______________________________________________ 3. When Tiger went on the desk, what fell off?______________________________________ 4. What did Tiger sit on?______________________________________________ My Friend Peter 1. Where is Peter from? a. Germany b. Holland c. Spain d. Canada 2. Where is his wife from? a. New York b. Switzerland c. Boston d. Italy 3. Where are they now? a. Madrid b. Boston c. Milan d. Sweden 4. Where is her family? a. American b. England c. Holland d. Italy 5. What are the children's names? a. Greta and Peter b. Anna and Frank c. Susan and John d. Flora and Hans 6. The school is: a. international b. big c. small d. difficult

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Page 1: Answer sheet

Reading Book - Exercises


EEnngglliisshh RReeaaddiinngg -- EExxeerrcciisseess


Three Bears

1. List two reasons from that article that explain why polar bears can live in such a cold climate.____________________________________________________________________

2- Is a grizzly bear a fast animal? _________________________________________________

3- Is a Giant Panda easy to protect? _______________________________________________

4- Is a polar bear a carnivore, an herbivore, or an omnivore? ____________________________

5- Why has the Giant Panda become an endangered animal? ______________________________

6- Which fact was not mentioned in the article?

a. Polar bears are excellent swimmers.

b. Grizzly bear cubs weight less than a pound.

c. Polar bears eat mostly fish.

d. Giant Pandas eat bamboo.

Sam the Cat

1. What color is Jill's cat?_______________________________

2. What does Sam play with? a. a ball b. a bell c. a box d. a bed

3. Where are Jill and Sam? a. in the yard b. in the car c. in the park d. in the bedroom


1. What color is Tiger?______________________________________________

2. When does Holly feed Tiger?______________________________________________

3. When Tiger went on the desk, what fell off?______________________________________

4. What did Tiger sit on?______________________________________________

My Friend Peter

1. Where is Peter from? a. Germany b. Holland c. Spain d. Canada 2. Where is his wife from? a. New York b. Switzerland c. Boston d. Italy 3. Where are they now? a. Madrid b. Boston c. Milan d. Sweden 4. Where is her family? a. American b. England c. Holland d. Italy 5. What are the children's names? a. Greta and Peter b. Anna and Frank c. Susan and John d. Flora and Hans 6. The school is: a. international b. big c. small d. difficult

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True or false

1. Jane is Canadian.______

2. Peter is Dutch._______

3. There are many children from different countries at the school.______

4. There are children from Australia at the school.________

George Washington

1. Where and when was George Washington born? _________________________________

2. Which sentence about George Washington is true?

a. Washington always loved to read books.

b. Washington fought in the Civil War.

c. Washington didn't like the way England was ruling the colonies.

d. Washington was elected president three times.

3. What happened at the Constitutional Convention in 1787?


4. Which two wars did George Washington fight in?


5. Tell whether each sentence is a fact or opinion. Write F or O next to each sentence.

____ George Washington was the greatest leader in American history.

____ George Washington was a soldier.

____ George Washington is known as the “Father of our Country.”

Barack Obama

1. When and where was Barack Obama born?______________________________________

2. When Barack Obama was young, where did he live?______________________________

3. What did Mr. Obama like to be called when he was young?_________________________

4. After finishing high school, where did Barack Obama go?___________________________

5. List the colleges that Barack Obama attended:______________________________________


6. Where did Barack Obama receive his law degree?___________________________________

7. Where did Barack Obama meet his wife, Michelle? _________________________________

8. How many children do Barack and Michelle Obama have?__________________________

What are their names? __________________________________________________________

9. When did Barack Obama become a Senator? ______________________________________

10. Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States.

When was he elected? _________________________________________________________

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1. How long do iguanas live?

a. up to 3 years

b. up to 5 years

c. up to 10 years

d. up to 20 years

2. What probably happen if a predator caught an iguana by the tail? ____________________________________________________________________________

3- Write down the main idea of each paragraph








Abraham Lincoln

1. What did Abraham Lincoln like to do at night?__________________________________

2. In the third paragraph, the author writes “Eleven southern states decided to secede from the United States”. What does this mean?

a. Eleven states did not want to fight in the Civil War.

b. Eleven states do not celebrate Presidents' Day

c. Eleven states wanted to start their own country.

d. Eleven people voted for Abraham Lincoln.

3. Where was Abraham Lincoln born?

a. February 12, 1809

b. Illinois

c. During the Civil War

d. Kentucky

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Reading Book - Exercises


Spitting to Survive

1. List the three ways spit helps humans. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Which animal creates a forceful stream of water to capture insects?

a. humans b. archer fish c. spitting cobras d. llamas

3. Name two reasons a llama might choose to spit. ____________________________________________________________________________

4. How does a spitting cobra use its spit to protect itself?

______________________________________________________ ________________

5. What is the author's purpose for writing this passage?

a. to tell funny stories about animals

b. to teach the reader how animals survive

c. to express opinions about animals

d. to show how animals are different

Killer Whales

1. What is another name for the Killer Whale? _______________________________________

2. Where do Killer Whales live?

a. near the equator

b. in hot climates

c. in large lakes

d. near the North and South Poles

3. Which is longer in size: a male or female killer whale? ________________________________

4. Which lives longer: a male or female killer whale? __________________________________

Great White Sharks

1. Which fact about a great white shark's size is not true?

a. Megalodon sharks grew much bigger than great white sharks.

b. Great white sharks are not the largest sharks in the world today.

c. Great white sharks grow as large as Megalodon sharks.

d. Whale sharks grow bigger than great white sharks.

2. Explain how a great white's snout and skin help it find prey.


3. Match the vocabulary words on the left to the correct definitions on the right.

_____ carnivore a. sensor for feeling things

_____ vibrations b. a confined place out of the wild

_____ serrated c. notched and jagged like a saw

_____ captivity d. animal that eats other animals

_____ receptor e. slight movements

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Reading Book - Exercises


Baby Brother

1. How old is Tommy?________________________________________________________

2. What does Cara do when Mom feeds Tommy?

a. holds the spoon b. gets the food c. holds the food d. eats the food

3. What song did Cara sing to Tommy? ________________________________________________

A Ball For My Dog

1. How many balls did the dog find?_________________________________________________

2. What color was the ball that the dog played with?___________________________________

3. What did the dog do with the yellow ball?____________________________________________

4. What did the dog do with the blue ball? _____________________________________________


1. What is a holiday? ______________________________________________________________

2. What types of things are celebrated on holidays?___________________________________


3. In which month are there no major holidays?______________________________________

4. Name a holiday when people do not have to go to work or school.


5. Which people still have to work on holidays?__________________________________________

6. Name a holiday when people go to work or to school._______________________________

7. How do people celebrate holidays?__________________________________________________

8. When is the Macy's Parade?_______________________________________________________

9. What is your favorite holiday and why?______________________________________________

Hurricanes: Nature's Wildest Storms

1. Complete the chart by listing the correct category for each hurricane.

Hurricane Name -Top Wind Speed - Category

Hanna 102 mph______________________________________

Arthur 160 mph______________________________________

Fey 80 mph_________________________________________

Cristobal 129 mph_____________________________________

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2. Explain the difference between a hurricane watch and a hurricane warning.


3. Billy tells his teacher that his grandfather lived in the state of Florida in 1969 and survived Hurricane Michael. His teacher does not believe him. Why not? Use information from the hurricane packet to support your answer.

1. Which of these hurricanes had the strongest winds?

a. Sea Islands Hurricane, in 1893

b. Hurricane Katrina, in 2005

c. Lake Okeechobee Hurricane, in 1928

2. What does a hurricane hunter do?

a. use computers with satellite images to predict the paths of hurricanes

b. issue official watches and warnings to notify people of danger

c. fly airplanes through hurricanes

3. Which sequence of storm stages is in the correct order?

a. tropical depression, tropical disturbance, tropical storm, hurricane

b. tropical disturbance, tropical depression, tropical storm, hurricane

c. tropical storm, tropical depression, tropical disturbance, hurricane

4. What would you observe if you were in the eye of a hurricane?

a. strong, spinning winds

b. calm or very little wind

c. heavy rain, thunder, and lightning

5. What caused the most destruction during Hurricane Katrina in 2005?

a. floods due to breaking levees

b. houses being blown away

c. people going outdoors during the storm

6. In 2011, the first tropical storm will be named Arlene, then Brett, then Cindy, then Don. Which storm name might come next?

a. Eric b. Emily c. Olivia

7. What happens when a hurricane crosses over land?

a. it breaks apart and forms tornadoes

b. it moves more quickly

c. it loses strength

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Tell whether each statement is true or false.

____1. When a hurricane warning is issued, a hurricane will definitely hit landfall within 24 hours.

____2. From 1953 through 1978, all tropical storms were given male names.

____3. The Great Galveston Hurricane hit Florida in 1903.

____4. Hurricanes form over warm, ocean water.

____5. Hurricanes begin to lose strength when they hit land.

____6. More people were killed by Hurricane Katrina than by the Great Galveston Hurricane.

____7. Hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere rotate counterclockwise.

____8. The center of a hurricane is called the eye.

____9. Hurricanes are given names and tropical storms are not.

____10. Category 4 hurricane has winds over 155 miles per hour

____11. Mobile homes are a safe place to stay during a hurricane.

____12. Hurricanes were not given official names before 1953.

____13. Hurricane Katrina flooded the city of New Orleans in 2005.

____14. Scientists can make hurricanes change direction.

____15. A levee keeps ocean water away from cities.

Complete each statement with a word from the reading.

1. In the Atlantic Ocean, hurricane season runs from _________________________ 1st through November 30th.

2. A tropical _________________________ has winds between 29 and 39 miles per hour.

3. A tropical _________________________ has winds between 40 and 73 miles per hour.

4. In the Southern Hemisphere, hurricanes rotate ______________________________________.

5. Hurricane names are reused every _________________________ years.

6. Hurricane Katrina flooded the city of _________________________.

7. During a hurricane _________________________, there is a possibility that a hurricane will reach landfall.

8. During a hurricane _________________________, a hurricane will definitely reach landfall.

9. The National Hurricane Center is located in the city of _________________________

10. If a hurricane is strong enough, citizens might be required to _________________________, or leave their homes.

The Birthday Party

1. How old will Jennifer be?__________________________________________________

2. What kind of cake was at the party?________________________________________________

3. List three things the girls did together. _______________________________________________


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4. How many friends came to the party? ______________________________________________

5. What did Jennifer’s grandparents get her?____________________________________________

My Office

1. What do I need to do in my office?

A) relax B) concentrate C) study D) read magazines

2. Which piece of equipment do I NOT have on my desk?

A) fax B) computer C) lamp D) photocopier

3. Where are the pictures of my family located?

A) on the wall B) next to the lamp

C) between the computer and the telephone D) near the fax

4. I use the lamp to read:

A) all day B) never C) in the morning D) in the evening

5. Where do I keep the paperclips?

A) on the desk B) next to the lamp C) in a cabinet drawer D) next to the telephone

6. What do I keep on the table in front of the sofa?

A) company reports B) fashion magazines C) books D) industry magazines

True or false

1. I work late every night. _______

2. I use highlighters to help me remember important information. ______

3. I keep reading materials that are not related to my job in the office.______

4. It is important to me to feel comfortable at work. ______

A Secretary's Desk

True or false

1. Secretaries are usually tidier than their bosses. _______

2. Secretaries often have pictures of their families on their desks. ______

3. Secretaries usually have a new computer. _______

4. Secretaries make appointments for their bosses. _______

5. Secretaries are always women. _______

Who Elects the President? 1. phoning Asking wishing Electing

2. president Someone candidates Representatives

3. mother Election memory Opponent

4. force See remind Popcorn

5. voters Winners people Guys

6. possible Impossible good Bad

7. food Election car Candidate

8. diner Victory dog President

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How Television Has Changed

1. forget Remember compare miss 2. today's yesterday's tomorrow's poor 3. great Huge setbacks remarkable 4. gone Replaced expensive popular 5. old Good bad best 6. Films Movies billboards televisions 7. movie Video watch telephone 8. loss Increased decreased played 9. books Shows authors awards 10. movies Food cars television

Your Brain

1. What does your brain look like and how much does it weigh? ____________________________

2. Which part of your brain controls your memory? ______________________________________

3. Which part of your brain automatically controls parts of your body without you having to think about them?________________________________________________________________

4. Which part of your brain controls feelings, like happiness, sadness, frustration, and anger? ________________________________________________________________________________

5. Why does the author say that your cerebrum seems “mixed up”?


6. Your brain is made of nerve cells. What do nerve cells do?


7. Which statement from the article is an opinion?

a. Even your feelings come from your brain.

b. Sometimes, your brain controls your body without you even thinking about it.

c. You should be glad you have a human brain.

Your Bones

1. True or false.

a. ______ Your bones are hollow.

b. ______Blood cells are made inside your bones.

c. ______Adults have more bones than babies do.

2. Why are dairy products good for your bones?_________________________________________

Your Heart

1. Where is your heart located? _____________________________________________________

2. What does your heart do for your body?____________________________________________

3. How is the left side of your heart different from the right side?

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4. What are some things you can do to keep your heart healthy?____________________________


The Bat

1. What did the storyteller do when she saw the bat?

a. She hid from it. b. She ran away. c. She yelled for help. d. She followed it.

2. What was on the floor of the shed? _________________________________________________

3. How did the storyteller feel when she saw the bat?

a. scared b. Wondering c. angry d. tired

4. Where did she find the bat? ______________________________________________________

5. What did the storyteller do after she found the bat? ___________________________________

The Twins

1. Which twin is shy and quiet? ______________________________________________________

2. Whose favorite class is reading? ____________________________________________________

3. What is Sarah’s pet cat’s name? ____________________________________________________

4. What kind of pet does Ruth have? _________________________________________________

5. Which twin’s favorite color is blue? ________________________________________________


1. List three facts you learned about skunks.




2. What does the word nocturnal mean? ________________________________________

3. According to the article, how can skunks be helpful to people? ___________________________


4. What is the genre of this article? a. science fiction b. non-fiction c. fiction d. fantasy

Stink Blob to the Rescue

1. Why did the author write this article?

a. to explain how wasps hunt for prey b. to give information about stink blobs

c. to tell you how nymphs protect themselves d. to give information about stink bugs

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2. Why do stink bugs release their terrible smell only as a last resort?

a. releasing the odour could kill nymphs

b. releasing the odour will help predators find them

c. releasing the odour takes lots of energy

d. releasing the odour kills plants

3. Why are stink bugs called the “parent bug”?________________________________________

4. Explain how the writer's style changes in the last two paragraphs.



5. Why do you think the author begins this passage with an exciting story?

Roly-Poly Pill Bugs

1. Why are pill bugs nicknamed “roly-poly”?___________________________________________


2. Where would you be least likely to find a pill bug?

a. under a large rock near a pond b. under a log near a downspout

c. in a vegetable garden d. hiding in the roots of a cactus

3. How is a pill bug like a kangaroo? ________________________________________________

4. What does the word “molting” mean?

a. active at night b. shedding its skin

c. crawling in a damp place d. crawling like a snake

5. How are pill bugs and earthworms alike? ____________________________________________


6. Which statement from the article is an opinion?

a. This bug is scared of you, not the other way around.

b. A pill bug molts about five times until it is full-grown.

c. Pill bugs aren't just nice bugs; they are interesting ones.

d. One of their favorite hang-outs is under damp flower pots.

Folk Tale from India: The Hidden Treasure

1. What was the hidden treasure that the peasant found? _________________________________

2. What did the peasant do right after he found the treasure? ______________________________

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3. Why didn't the previous owner of the land want to take the treasure from the peasant?


4. What lesson does this story teach?

5. Do you think that people today are more greedy or less greedy than the characters in this story? Explain your answer.


Desert Cottontails

1. Where do desert cottontails live? __________________________________________________

2. Why don't desert cottontails need to drink a lot of water? ________________________________________________________________________________

3. Would you be most likely to see a desert cottontail at 7am, noon,2pm, or midnight? Why?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. List three ways a desert cottontail escapes predators.


5. According to the information in passage, how many babies can a female cottontail have in one year? ______________________________________________________________________

Surprise Party_

1. Where is Dad while Molly, Sam, and Mom are getting ready for the party? _______________________________________________________________________________

2. Who put up the decorations? ___________________________________________________

3. What kind of cake did mom make? _________________________________________________

4. Why did Molly go to the store? ____________________________________________________

5. How many guests came to the party? ______________________________________________

6. What do Molly and Sam do while they are waiting for Dad to come home?


7. What mistake did the family make? _________________________________________________

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Jennifer and Karen Have a Birthday Party

1. What are Jennifer and Karen going to eat at their birthday party?


2. What does the clown do when she comes to the party?


3. What did Jennifer and Karen’s mom and dad put in their piñata?


4. What games did the girls play at their party? __________________________________________

5. What flavour of ice cream did Jennifer get? __________________________________________

6. What was the big present that Jennifer and Karen’s mom and dad surprised them with? ________________________________________________________________________________

Mitchell Family Christmas

1. In what month did the Mitchell family go on vacation? __________________________________

2. What kinds of jobs do the Mitchell parents have? ______________________________________

3. Where did the family drive to in this story? ___________________________________________

4. Who did the Mitchell family go to see? ______________________________________________

5. Whose parents are Grandma and Grandpa Locke? ___________________________________

6. What are some activities the family did during their vacation? ___________________________

7. Who chose the Christmas tree, and what did it look like? ________________________________

8. Which gift do you think was the best, and why? _______________________________________

9. What did the family do on Christmas night? __________________________________________

10. What did the family love, most of all? _____________________________________________


1. What are the winter months in North America? _______________________________________

2. Is there more daylight time during the summer months or winter months?________________

3. What causes the seasons to change? ________________________________________________

4. During the winter months, is the Northern Hemisphere tilted towards the sun or away from the sun?____________________________________________________________________________

5. What does the word hibernate mean? List two animals that hibernate.


6. What do squirrels and raccoons do to prepare for the winter?


7. What does the word migrate mean? ________________________________________________

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8. Name three activities mentioned in the article that require a frozen pond or lake.


9. Which sentence in the first paragraph is an opinion? ________________________________________________________________________________

10. Write a short paragraph describing some things you like to do in the winter.




Attack of the Killer Algae

1. Why is killer algae dangerous?

a. it smothers other species of algae

b. it smothers other species of sea grass

c. it is poisonous to fish and sea life

d. all of the above

2. True or false.

_____ All algae is harmful to sea life.

_____ Killer algae can grow over 2 meters in height.

_____ Killer algae grows only in warm, tropical waters.

_____ Some types of algae provide food for fish and sea creatures.

3. What is one way that killer algae is spread? ________________________________________________________________________________

4. Read the sentence and translate.

It’s hard enough to grow in any conditions from cold to warm water, on rock, sand, mud, and from depths of 3-100 meters.



The sensitive plant

1. What makes a sensitive plant a very unusual type of plant? ___________________________________________________________________________

2. How long does it take the leaves of a sensitive plant to fold up after they've been touched?

a. about ten minutes

b. about two minutes

c. about ten seconds

d. they fold instantly

3. If you have a sensitive plant inside your house, why shouldn't you touch it too often?


4. How long does it take a sensitive plant's leaves to reopen after they've folded up?


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5. What two other names is the sensitive plant commonly known by?


It's Dinner Time

1. What did Mom cook for dinner? __________________________________________

2. Who helped make the mashed potatoes?-__________________________________________

3. Who put the tomatoes in the salad?________________________________________________

4. Who called Dad to dinner?_______________________________________________________

5. Why does Mom want Joey to eat his salad?___________________________________________

6. What did Mom and Joey do after dinner?_____________________________________________

The Big Egg

1. What two things did Sam have to do each morning? ____________________________________

2. How many eggs did Sam collect before he found the “strange egg”? _______________________

3. What funny thing happened in this story? ________________________________________________________________________________

First Place Katy

1. Who is David?

a. Katy's big brother

b. Katy's little brother

c. Katy's friend

d. Katy's dad

2. What happens to Katy when she ties her shoes too fast?

a. She trips.

b. The strings come apart.

c. She makes David mad.

d. She can't untie them.

3. How does David help Katy?

a. He ties her shoes.

b. He unties her knots.

c. He helps her with homework.

d. He gives her a hug.

4. What kind of big brother is David? a. helpful b. Fast c. quiet d. Tired

5. What lesson does this story teach you?

a. Hurry up and get things done fast.

b. Do a good job on your homework.

c. Tie your shoes before you walk.

d. Slow down and take your time.


1. Does Jim like to read or solve math problems? _______________________________________

2. How does Jim help Meg?

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a. He checks her math. b. He does her homework. c. He helps her read big words.

3. What do Meg and Jim do when they are done with their homework? ________________________________________________________________________________

4. How many math problems does Jim have to do? ______________________________________

How many math problems does Meg have to do? ________________________________________

How many math problems do they have in all? __________________________________________

Lunch Box Surprise

1. What was in Kate's lunch box? ____________________________________________________

2. Who had tomato soup and a banana for lunch? _______________________________________

3. Where does this story take place? __________________________________________________

4. What surprise did Will find in his lunch box? a. a skunk b. Perfume c. a joke d. cookies

Cody's Rock

1. Where did Cody find the rock?_____________________________________________________

2. What colour were the rock's eyes? a. black b. Yellow c. red d. orange

3. The rock was not really a rock. What was it? __________________________________________

4. Why did Mommy want to move it?__________________________________________________


1. How does milk get to stores?_______________________________________________________

2. What farm animal lays eggs?_______________________________________________________

3. What colors can eggs be?_________________________________________________________

4. If you were a farmer, what kind of farm would you want to have?


Cat and Mouse

1. What does Mel get when he runs under the table?_____________________________________

2. What does Mel get when he runs under the chair?_____________________________________

3. What does Mel get when he runs across the floor?_____________________________________

4. Why didn't the cat catch the mouse?

a. The mouse hid in the box.

b. The dog chased the cat back in the house.

c. The cat was eating cheese.

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Robot Fun

1. What is this story mostly about?

a. Jake cleans his sister's room.

b. Jake pretends he's a robot.

c. Jake and Jen make cleaning a bedroom into a game.

d. Jen tells Jake how to clean his room.

2. Where does this story take place?_________________________________________________

3. Place these sentences in order. Number them 1 - 4.

_____ Jake tells Jen to pick up her clothes.

_____ Jake tells Jen to pretend she's a robot.

_____ Jen stacks her books on the shelf.

_____ Jen thanks Jake for helping her.

4. How did Jen feel about cleaning her room in the beginning of the story?

a. She thought it was fun.

b. It made her very tired.

c. It made her feel angry.

d. She thought it was boring.

Dan Does Tricks

1. What is the first trick Dan does?

a. He sits. b. He jumps in the pool. c. He gives Luke five d. He rolls over.

2. Why won't Luke jump in the pool?


3. Put these things in order. Write 1, 2, and 3 on the lines.

_______ Dan jumps in the pool.

_______ Luke throws the ball in the pool.

_______ Dan shakes the water off of his fur.

4. How does Luke get wet?

a. He jumps in the pool.

b. Dan gets him wet.

c. He drinks water.

d. He gets the ball.

Max the Dog

1. What does Max like to play with?

a. a stick b. a slipper c. a bone d. a ball

2. Who does not like Max on the bed?_________________________________________________

3. Who got lost? __________________________________________________________________

4. Where was he?__________________________________________________________________

Ken's Messy Room

1. What was by the door?__________________________________________________________

2. What did Ken's dad say when he saw the mess?_______________________________________

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3. Where did Ken put his trucks?

a. under the bed b. on a shelf c. by the door d. in the toy box

4. What did Ken do to the pants?

The early bird catches the worm

1. Why is Will afraid of Bud?

a. Will thinks Bud is going to eat his food.

b. Will thinks Bud is going to eat him.

c. Will and Bud like to play.

2. Put these sentences in order. Write 1, 2, and 3 on the lines.

_____ Will hides in the grass.

_____ Will hides in an apple.

_____ Bud wakes up early.

3. What does Will eat in this story? ________________________________

4. Which sentence is true?

a. Will can fly.

b. Will is hungry.

c. Bud does not eat Will.

Zac and Sam At the Store

1. Where did Zac and Sam go? __________________________________________________

2. Who wanted chips and dip? __________________________________________________

3. Who wanted ham? _________________________________________________________

4. Who does not like pie? _______________________________________________________

5. What did Zac and Sam buy? ___________________________________________________

101 new pets for Aunt Lee

1. How does Cindy help Aunt Lee? ___________________________________________________

2. What did Aunt Lee keep her new pets in? ____________________________________________

3. What do Aunt Lee's new pets eat? __________________________________________________

4. What were Aunt Lee's new pets? ___________________________________________________

5. Did Cindy like Aunt Lee's new pets? Why or why not?


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6. Aunt Lee had 101 new pets in the box. She found 5 more and put them in the box. How many did she have in all? Use your math skills._____________________________________________

Aunt Lee's Chickens Take a Bath

1. What are girl chickens called? ______________________________________________________

2. What are the names of Aunt Lee's two chickens?___________________and________________

3. Explain how Aunt Lee's chickens take a bath? ___________________________________________________________________________

4. How is a dust bath helpful to chickens?

a. It helps them to lay more eggs.

b. It helps them get rid of old feathers.

c. It helps them get rid of bugs in their feathers.

d. It cleans their beaks.

5. How was Aunt Lee trying to be funny at the end of the story?


Bananas and Pineapples

1. According to the paragraphs above, how are bananas and pineapples alike?

a. They are both dirty.

b. They are both warm.

c. They are both easy to carry.

d. They both taste good with ice cream.

2. How are bananas and pineapples different?

a. Pineapples are easy to carry and bananas are not.

b. Bananas are easy to carry and pineapples are not.

c. Pineapples have ice cream in them and bananas do not.

d. Bananas and pineapples grow in hot climates.

3. Why don't you have to wash a pineapple before you eat it?


4. Which statement is an opinion?

a. Pineapples taste wonderful when they are added to other foods.

b. Bananas are a yellow fruit that grows in hot climates.

c. Pineapples have prickly skin.

d. Bananas are sometimes called the “perfect fruit.”

Two Great Vacation Ideas

1. According to these two paragraphs, how are the mountains and the beach the same?

a. Both places are great for flying kites.

b. Both places are great for swimming.

c. Both places are great for hiking.

d. Both places are great for eating outdoors.

2. According to these two paragraphs, how are the mountains and the beach different?

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a. There is plenty of room to play at both places.

b. The beach has different animals than the mountains.

c. The beach is hot and the mountains are very cold.

d. The beach is a safer place to visit than the mountains.

3. According to the first paragraph, why should you be careful if you run on a sandy beach?


Winters Without Snow

1. Name two animals mentioned in the article that kids in California might see during the winter months. ____________________________________________________________________

2. Name three activities mentioned in the article that kids who live warm climates cannot do during the winter months.


3. How are the winter months different from the summer months in Hawaii?


4. Would you rather spend winter in a cold climate or a warm climate? Explain your answer._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Caroline and the Castle

1. What kind of a house did Caroline live in? ____________________________________________

2. List three adjectives to describe the queen. ___________________________________________

3. The last paragraph says that Caroline and her family “bid their farewells.” What does this mean?___________________________________________________________________________

4. Name two things from the story that could not happen in real life.


5. Name two things from the story that could happen in real life.


Dr. Seuss: Helping Kids Learn to Read

1. When and where was Dr. Seuss born?_______________________________________________

2. Where was Dr. Seuss when he wrote his first book?____________________________________

3. Name three Dr. Seuss books that have been made into movies.


4. What other pen names did Theodore Geisel use to write books?

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5. Dr. Seuss was not a real doctor. Why did he add the title “Dr.” to his pen name?


6. What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book and why?________________________________________

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

1. What did Martin Luther King believe?

a. All Americans should be treated fairly.

b. Black children should be able to go to the same schools as white children.

c. People should not be judged by their skin color.

d. All of the above

2. When do we celebrate Martin Luther King Day?______________________________________

3. In the third paragraph, the author writes “He helped lead peaceful protests to change those unfair laws”.

What is a protest?

a. a special type of speech

b. a way of showing you disagree

c. a dream about people

d. a law that is not fair

4. Where and when was Martin Luther King born?____________________________________

5. What type of article is this? a. fiction b. Fantasy c. Biography d. fable

Jimmy's Treasure

1. Why did Jimmy think there was real treasure in his backyard?__________________________

2. What did Jimmy find in the dirt?____________________________________________________

3. How did Jimmy's mother feel when she found out that Jimmy dug a hole in the backyard? Why did she feel this way?



4. What did Jimmy's mom give him at the end of the story?________________________________

Making Peace with Dandelions

1. Does the author have a positive or negative view of dandelions? Explain your answer.


2. Which fact is not mentioned in the article?

a. Dandelions help keep soil healthy.

b. Dandelions can make a delicious snack.

c. Dandelions can make a lawn look more colorful.

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d. Dandelions might be used to make rubber someday.

3. According to the article, how might dandelion rubber be better than rubber from rubber trees?


4. Tell whether each statement is a fact or an opinion. Write F or O on the line next to each sentence.

_____ Some people pluck dandelions from their lawns.

_____ Dandelions make a great addition to any lawn.

_____ Dandelions are tasty.

_____ Ladybugs eats small garden pests.

Dave's Beans

1. What was Dave' mother doing when she gave him the beans?

a. planting a garden

b. buying beans at the store

c. eating bean soup

d. making bean soup

2. What did Dave's mother say the beans needed to grow?


3. Why is the jar important?

a. it can hold lots of water

b. it keeps air out

c. it warms up the beans

d. beans grow better in jars than pots

4. How long were the beans in the jar when Dave first saw the shoots?


5. What did Dave put in the jar?

a. soil, water, and beans

b. soil, plant food, and beans

c. a jar, water, and a napkin

d. water, beans, and a napkin

Earning Money

1. Why did Alex, Nicole, and Vickie want to earn money?


2. How did Alex's dad help?

a. He bought the shovels.

b. He helped them work.

c. He printed fliers.

d. He put the fliers in mailboxes.

3. Alex, Nicole, and Vickie are...

a. funny b. hard-working c. greedy d. sleepy

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4. Why did Mr. Lee hire the kids to shovel snow?_________________________________________

5. Whose driveway are the kids shoveling in this picture?

a. Mrs. Jones' b. Mrs. Smith's c. Mr. Lee's d. Alex's dad's

6. Whose idea was it to earn money by shoveling snow?___________________________________

Emily's Harvest

1. Complete the sentences.

a. Rabbit ate the __________________________________.

b. Molly ate the __________________________________.

c. __________________________________ ate the tomatoes.

d. Emily picked the __________________________________.

2. Who are the two main characters in this story? ________________________________________

3. What is the setting of this story? ___________________________________________________

4. What is the problem in this story? ________________________________________________________________________________

5. What did Emily and her dad do with the peppers?

Making Cookies

1. Who is baking cookies?

a. Max's brother

b. Max's mother

c. Libby's father

d. Libby's brother

2. Where does this story take place?___________________________________________________

3. When Libby wanted to help, what did Max say?

Tall Mary and Short Harry

1. In these stories, how were Mary and Harry alike?

a. They are both tall.

b. They are both short.

c. They both like fishing.

d. They both like to paint.

2. How are Mary and Harry different?

a. Harry likes to fish and Mary doesn’t.

b. Harry lives near the water and Mary doesn't.

c. Harry is shy and Mary is outgoing.

d. Harry has a store and Mary doesn't.

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3. When they are in Harry’s paint store, what is funny?

a. Mary eats the paint

b. Mary comes by every day.

c. Harry is too short to reach the counter.

d. Mary is too tall to fit through the door.

4. What does Mary do when she goes home from work?

a. She calls Harry on the phone.

b. She paints houses.

c. She watches dolphins.

d. She books about the sea.

First Airplane Trip

1. How does Jane and her mom travel to the airport?

a. in a plane b. in their car c. in a taxi d. in a bus

2. What does a pilot do?____________________________________________________________

3. What does the pilot say to Jane?____________________________________________________

4. Who is Panda? a. Jane's brother b. a large animal c. Jane's pet d. a stuffed animal

5. What does Jane whisper to Panda? _________________________________________________

6. Read this sentence from the story: “On the ground, the cars and houses look like toys”. What does this mean?

a. The cars and houses did not look real.

b. The cars and houses looked very small.

c. The cars and houses did not move.

d. Jane could not see the cars and houses.

Rock Collecting

1. Why does Jill like to collect rocks?

2. Who is Ben? a. Jill's friend b. Jill's big brother c. Jill's bug d. Jill's little brother

3. Put these things in order. Write 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th on the lines.

_______ Jill finds a spider.

_______ Jill sees a grasshopper

_______ Jill spots a worm under a rock.

_______ Jill sees ants on a rock.

4. What does Ben think of the bugs?

a. He is afraid of them.

b. He likes them.

c. He thinks they are funny.

d. He does not notice them.


1. Which parts of your body work together when you sneeze?_____________________________

2. What does the German word Gesundheit mean?

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a. I wish you good health.

b. I wish you God's blessings.

c. I wish you a good day.

d. I wish you would stop sneezing.

3. Why do people sneeze when they walk into bright sunlight?_____________________________

Different Cultures

1. What did the teacher name Amy’s idea for the fundraiser?_______________________________

2. Where is Amina from?____________________________________________________________

3. What did Ibrahim bring?__________________________________________________________

4. What is raita?__________________________________________________________________________

5. Why did Amy's school need to raise money?__________________________________________

6. Why did August choose to bring lentil soup, dinner rolls, and salad?_______________________

Your Digestive System

1. What is the purpose of your body's digestive system?

a. to help your blood move through the body

b. to help you breathe

c. to help your body make food

d. to help your body break down food

2. After you swallow your food, what does it travel through to get to your stomach?



3. Which organ takes nutrients from your food and puts it in your bloodstream?

a. stomach b. Esophagus c. small intestine d. large intestine

4. Place these events in the correct order. Number each sentence 1 - 5.

_____ Food ends up in the small intestine.

_____ Food is chewed up.

_____ Food is in the large intestine.

_____ Food travels through the esophagus.

_____ Food waste leaves the body.

5. What is fiber?
