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1 Shabbos is synonymous with Hashem. When we speak about Shabbos like this we are speaking about the Shechina.

2 When Shabbos comes or goes what we really mean is that God is coming or going.

3 Understand the majesty of this holy day.

4 The reason why we don’t speak about greeting other mitzvos, is because other mitzvos you perform. Whereas Shabbos is an encounter with God.


6 We are busy doing last minute things and therefore not physically ready to greet Hashem. We are not in the right state of mind to greet Hashem.

7 King.

8 So they could spend the whole latter part of the day ready to greet the Shechina.

9 The more we prepare for Shabbos and yearn for it to come the more we will be raised in our sanctity of Shabbos.

10 Start earlier and organize your day so that everything will be ready on time.

11 Answers will vary.

12 It is a time of great pressure and Hillel did not get upset.

Receive ShabbosReceive Hashem’s Presence At

Har Sinai

Changing Clothes Wash their clothes

Being in the right frame of mind

Not being occupied with other matters

Going out to greet the Sabbath Go out to greet the Shechina

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1 To prepare for Shabbos, all the rooms of the house should be cleaned as if for visiting royalty.

2 The Jewish people which are prepared for their final redemption.

3 It adorns the Shabbos table and honors Shabbos. It honors the wife.

4 It lends to the aura of the day.

5 It is preferred that a person does the mitzvah themselves.

6 To make the day something that the whole family looks forward to spending together.

7 At least wash your hands and face in warm water.

8 Freshly cleaned and better than weekday

9 Shabbos and Yom Tov, and expenses for teaching your children Torah.

10 Hashem will reimburse you and give you enough for other mitzvos.


1 It is a token of appreciation for the effort the woman of the house expended to make the unique Shabbos atmosphere of the house.

2 In the merit of tzedakah our prayers are more readily accepted.

3 When she lights her candles she accepts Shabbos upon herself.

4 It is better to light the candles in weekday clothes rather than run the risk of possibly violating Shabbos.

5 The woman will be blessed with sons and sons-in-law that are talmidei chachamim.

6 At the time of candlelighting there is great out-pouring of mercy from Above and there is nothing a woman cannot obtain from God.

7 Once a woman recites the bracha she has accepted Shabbos restrictions upon herself and will no longer be able to light them.

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8 The human soul.

9 Just as candles light up the darkness, so too, our role as Jews is to bring light into the darkness of the world and shine Godliness into every corner of the world.


1 The Shabbos candles add flavor and dignity to the day by creating a festive atmosphere.

2 A meal eaten in a well lit room is far more enjoyable than one eaten in the dark.

3 The Shabbos candles add peace to a home because it prevents a person from bumping in objects and hurting themselves.

4 They should be lit in the place where we are eating.

5 They should be lit in the place where we are eating.

6 Each room should have enough light so the people will not trip or bump into things in the dark. The light can come from indirect sources such as a street light shining through the window.

7 They do not require any light.


1 Shabbos is a time of peace and freedom from worldly distractions and it is a time when parents have the peace of mind to bless their children with a whole heart and concentration.

2 blessed they are to have children in the first place.

3 ...of the love their parents feel for them.

4 Friday night is a time when a surge of blessing descends on the world.

5 The blessing that kohanim use to bless the Jewish people.

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7 Ephraim and Menashe got along well together and we pray that our children get along peacefully with one another.

8 We mention them in the hope our daughters will emulate the characteristics of the these great women.


1 There is a positive commandment to sanctify the day with words of praise and to elevate it above the other days of the week.

2 A bris milah, a wedding, a pidyon haben, kiddush and havdalah.

3 Spiritual things get better over time. Physical things do not. Wine is unique as it is physical, but has spiritual properties in that it gets better over time.

4 Right hand for righties and left hand for lefties.

5 The fingers should extend upward and envelope the cup.

6 The kiddush is valid bedieved.

7 Malei lugmov, a cheekful.

8 It is the minimum amount that will provide the drinker with a feeling of satisfaction.

9 A meal.






According to Kabbalistic sources, why does this blessing take place on Friday night?According to Kabbalistic sources, why does this

What are origins of the brachos recited?

Match each pasuk with its meaning:

May Hashem grace you with wisdom and understanding of His Torah.

May Hashem bless you with material wealth and protect you from misfortunes that would not allow you to enjoy it.

May Hashem shine his face to you when you pray to Him and give you peace.

יברכך ה‘ מרך: ויש

ניו יאר ה‘ פ: ך אליך ויחנ

ניו א ה‘ פ ישלום: ם לך ש אליך ויש

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1 The double portion of manna that fell on Friday in the desert.

2 It teaches us that we will not lose out or suffer for keeping Shabbos.

3 It fell daily, it was warm and fresh, it did not produce waste, it sharpened their minds and enabled them to learn Torah, a light rain cleaned the area where the manna would fall, a layer of dew covered it from below and above to keep out bugs, it landed in huge piles, everyone had the same amount, it tasted like whatever you wanted, when it came down the wind blew in a beautiful fragrance, expensive stones fell with it, it was a spiritual barometer, it was used to resolve monetary cases.

4 We declare to ourselves and our families that our sustenance comes solely from above.


1 The miracle of the manna which was protected by two layers of manna one from above and one from below.

2 When making a blessing on both bread and wine, the order of brachos should really be that the bread should come first, however when making kiddush it is not possible, so we cover the challah in order not to embarrass it.

3 They were brought to the table for Shabbos and are not leftovers from a Friday night meal.

4 If one lifts the challah by the weaker section the loaf does not break into two.

5 In order to minimize the delay between the blessing and finding the best place to cut the challah a slight cut is made before making the beracha.

6 The 10 mitzvos involved in making the challah

7 When announcing Hashem’s name.

8 On Friday night we cut the bottom challah. In order not to pass over the mitzvah of the top challah we hold the bottom one closer.

9 The salt that was brought along with each sacrifice that was brought in the Beis Hamikdash.

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1 39

2 The Melachos that were done to build the mishkan are the same Melachos that are forbidden on Shabbos.

3 A. The exact melacha

4 C. Similar in purpose as the one done in the mishkan, but not done the same way.

5 Answers will vary. Clear the surface, add water to soften the ground, make a hole to put the seed into.

6 B. A tolda is the same strictness as the av.

7 Torah

8 Rabbis


1 A. Melacha she’tzricha legufo

2 B. Melacha sheina tzricha legufo

3 It is a rabbinic prohibition.


1 The intention of the action was to move the chair not plow the earth.

2 If the soil is hard and there is not 100% chance that one is going to make a groove it is permissible.

If the soil is soft and it is going to make a groove it is prohibited.

3 No, it will definitely make a groove and perform the melacha.

4 Psik reisha or psik reisha v’lo yamos

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1 Doing a melacha in a destructive manner.

2 sew the material and make it better.

3 It is a rabbinic prohibition.


1 Doing a melacha in an unusual manner.

2 Answers may vary. To cut paper with your teeth, carry something between your elbows, or write a letter with your toe.

3 B. It is a prohibition from the Rabbis


1 Doing a melacha indirectly.

2 Answers may vary. Putting out a fire by placing water next to it.

3 B. It is a prohibition from the Rabbis


1 Sidura d’pas, the order of making bread.

2 Plowing the ground

3 Baking the bread

4 Turning over the upper layer of the soil and bringing fresh nutrients to the surface.

5 Answers may vary. Fertilizing the soil, raking a lawn and removing stones or garbage.

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6 Dry sand is permissible as the walls of the furrows just crumple closed. Wet sand is prohibited as the walls keep their shape.

7 The chair digs up the earth which is the melacha of choresh. The baby stroller just pushes down the earth.

8 When sweeping you are straightening out the earth.

9 It is allowed, because there is no concern that you will sweep an earthen floor.

10 It is not permitted unless it is a great necessity such as for hygiene in a hospital.

11 You can pour some water on that area and wash it with a non-absorbent squeegee stick. A mop or rag is forbidden as that will be sechita.


1 All forms of planting and gardening that cause plants to grow.

2 By straightening the pot you are helping the plant grow better.

3 If one is opening the curtains for the plant’s sake it is forbidden. If one is doing it for the view or sunlight then it is permitted.

4 It is a psik reisha to water the grass.

5 Psik reisha

6 It is permissible as it a psik reisha and a grama together.

7 The student should draw a picture of a piece of plastic placed on the ground under the place where the water will fall.

8 It is rabbinically forbidden as it looks like planting.

9 It is forbidden because it is a tircha yesira a non-necessary exertion on Shabbos.

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1 Answers may vary. Student may draw:

a. Cutting flowers from the garden

b. Plucking a fruit from a tree.

c. Mowing the lawn

d. Tearing grass

2 You could be taking away some of the nutrients that it was able to reap in its previous place.

3 He is not allowed in case accidently he comes to break a branch or leaf.

4 She is not allowed in case accidently she comes to break a branch or leaf.

5 The student will draw a strong tree.

6 The student will draw a not sturdy or small tree.

7 The hammock should be hung from a hook or nail that is in the tree. Not directly from the tree.

8 The treehouse is tzidei hailan or the sides of the tree and therefore forbidden to go into on Shabbos.

9 You might come to pick the fruit on Shabbos.

10 You will not come to pick the flower on Shabbos.


1 It would stop the individual stalks from blowing away or getting trampled on.

2 No, it will be the melacha of ma’amer.

3 No, it will be the melacha of ma’amer.

4 The toys do not grow from the ground.

5 Yes, as these oranges did not grow here.

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1 The melacha was done with a flail.

2 On a large machine in the field called a combine.

3 Extracting any natural growing substance from that which encases it.

4 In the Mishkan the wheat was removed from its inedible husk which was a significant achievement. Removing peas from an edible pod is not a significant act.

5 It is permissible to remove the outer part as it is not threshing.

6 Because the peel or the shells are typically only removed just before eating it is an act of eating and is permissible.

7 Answers may vary. Student may draw:

a. Apples

b. Oranges

c. Grapefruit

d. Lemons

8 You can use ready squeezed lemon juice or squeeze the lemon onto sugar.

9 Any liquid that becomes absorbed in a solid is considered like a solid therefore it is permissible.


Item Reason

HairYou are squeezing the water

from the hair.

Wet your flannel or washclothYou are squeezing the water

from the cloth.

Use a wet toothbrushYou are extracting the water from between the bristles.

Use a cotton ball to apply lotion.

You are extracting the lotion from the cotton.

Use a damp cloth to wipe the table.

You are squeezing the water from the cloth.

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11 Dosh, tzaar baalei chaim

12 A cow can be milked on Shabbos by:

a. Employing a non-Jewish worker to milk the cow.

b. Milk to waste which will be a melacha shaeina tzricha legufa.

c. Putting some food in the bottom of the bucket where the milk will go into.

d. The cows are milked in grama fashion.


1 A mixture of grain kernels, husks, chaff, underdeveloped grain and small pebbles.

2 He would throw it up in the air.

3 Any time you use any source of air to separate an item into good and bad.

4 Answers will vary. Student may draw:

a. Blowing light shells from peanuts.

b. Blowing a fly from a drink.

5 It is forbidden to spit into the wind.

6 It would be forbidden.

7 It is a stringency.

8 Aerosol cans don’t use the wind to disperse the contents, rather the inner pressure of the contents of the can.

9 When you spray it on clothing.

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1 Grain, some stones and some chaff.

2 It removes the impurities from the grain in order be able to make flour.

3 Selecting an item from a mixture.

4 Answers may vary. Students may write:

a. Cutlery

b. Laundry

c. Toys

d. Books


1 1. Good from “bad” 2. Selecting with your hand 3. Immediate use

2 Using an instrument


1 Case #1 Good from Bad

Case #2 Good for now from Good for later

Case #3 Good from Good but want both items later.

2 In regard to borer, the item that we don’t want now we label bad.


1 Mixture

2 Mess


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3 No, because he is removing the “good” from the mixture of clothes for later.

4 Yes, the hanging dresses are not a mixture and therefore borer does not apply.

5 In the mixture, the item was not functional. When you have removed them you have improved them by taking them out.

6 When a room is light, there are objects such as books that are clearly distinguishable from one another and therefore the books are not considered a mixture. When the room is dark, the books can not be distinguished from one another and therefore they are a mixture.

7 Cleaning toys:

a. It is not permissible as putting each toy in its place will be borer.

b. It is permissible as you are putting all the toys together and not separating out any particular one.

8 Label whether the items are a mixture or not and explain why:

a. Grapes--a mixture as they are all intertwined.

b. Cookies--not a mixture they are just lying next to each other.

c. Shoes--a mixture as they are all piled on top of each other.

d. Salad--a mixture as they are all mixed together.


1 Borer only applies if you have two or more types of items, but if you only have one, then the item is not subject to borer because it is not a mixture.

2 Some of the items are spoiled or rotten. and some of the items are prepared in different ways; such as cooked and fried.

3 True.

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UNDERSTANDING MIXTURES: LARGE AND SMALL1 They serve a different function.

2 Label whether the items are a mixture or not and explain why:

a. Apples--no as they are the same size

b. Knives---Each knife has a different purpose. As they are now they are not a mixture, but if they were mixed then they would be.

c. Plums--no as they all serve the same purpose.

d. Glasses--Yes each has a different purpose.


1 In the Mishkan wheat kernels were ground.

2 An act that breaks down an object into very small particles.

3 Answers may vary. Students may write:

a. Grinding peppercorns into powder.

b. Grinding coffee beans into powder.

c. Crumble a clod of earth into loose soil.

d. Pulverize wood into sawdust.

4 Answers may vary. Students may write:

a. Mashing avocado.

b. Dicing a carrot.

c. Cutting a cucumber into very small pieces.

5 Dicing, meaning cutting in two directions is tochain, while slicing or cutting in one direction is not and permitted.

6 ...refrain from cutting up anything smaller than what people consider small.

7 a. It is permissible as long as you are careful to cut them a bit larger than you would do during the week.

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8 Answers may vary. Students may write:

a. Meat

b. Eggs

c. Liver

d. Fish

e. Chicken

f. Cheese

9 When the food is not edible, such as raw meat.

10 It looks like you are grinding and it could lead to using these utensils on foods that are forbidden to grind.

11 Because they are only used on eggs and cheese you will not come to use them on foods that are forbidden to grind.

12 Answers may vary. Students may write:

a. Using the handle of the knife.

b. Using the handle of the fork.

c. The front of the spoon.

d. The underside of a plate.

e. The underside of a cup.

13 Once a food has been ground up there is no prohibition to grind it again.

14 When it has been cooked extensively and has become soft and begun to disintegrate.


1 ...water is added to flour or flour is added to the water.

2 No, the act of kneading the mixture is the melacha.

3 A thick paste like mixture.

4 A pourable mixture.

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5 Check if the mixture will pour.

6 You are dissolving the crystals and the water remains totally water.

7 A pourable mixture which is only a rabbinic prohibition.

8 The manner of pouring and the way of mixing such as using a “criss-cross” fashion.

9 Add the substance in the opposite way than you do during the week and mix in a deviation type of way.

10 When adding dressing you are not binding the pieces of salad together.

11 You will have to make it in a loose pourable consistency by pouring a lot of liquid at once, opposite of the way you do it during the week and mix it with a shinui.



2 A person is allowed to set a mealcha in motion before Shabbos that will continue on Shabbos.

3 A person might stoke the coals to make the fire higher.

4 The food is cooked enough already that you won’t be tempted to stoke the flame.

Placing a reminder on the fire to demonstrate that you are not going to stoke the flames.

Leaving the food on the flame from before Shabbos so that it cooks on Shabbos.

הייה ש

Returning a pot to the stove on Shabbos. חזרה

Wrapping the food in various materials to keep it hot. הטמנה

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1 Chananyah: ma’achal ben Drousai

Chachamim: Fully cooked and mitztamek v’ra lo

2 It is cooked enough to be eaten under pressing circumstances.

3 The food is fully cooked

4 The food is cooked so much that any further cooking is bad for it.

5 The food would need to be mitztamek v’ra lo.

6 Ma’achal ben Drousai

7 The water should be boiling.

8 Yad soledes bo.


1 The walls of the vessel cool down the liquid.

2 Only a small portion a the solid touches the vessel, so it does not have the opportunity to cool down.

3 We treat it like a kli rishon

4 c. Whatever may be placed in a kli rishon, may be placed on it. Whatever may not be placed on a kli rishon, may not be placed in it.

5 They disagree about whether butter is just solid milk or a whole new creation. Rav Moshe Feinstein considers butter as solid milk, therefore since milk is cooked (pasteurized) butter is also considered cooked. Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach says it is a new creation and therefore not considered cooked.

6 A person may place a cooked item in a kli rishon as it will not cook again. Therefore, butter which he considers cooked will not cook again.

7 He considers the butter as uncooked and the potato will cook it.

8 Whether the ketchup was cooked its manufacturing process.

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9 Call the kashrus agency that ceritfies the product.

10 She can serve the two together as long as the pie is not hot enough to make the ice cream yad soledes bo.

11 The chulent might not be hot enough to make the salad dressing yad soledes bo and in addition, it is something that he would not want to happen.

12 Salt in Israel is cooked and therefore may be added to a davar gush. Some salt in the US is cooked and some it not. Therefore you will need to know if it has been cooked before adding it to a davar gush.


1 The baked item, which had been only baked will now cook. This new cooking is prohibited on Shabbos.

2 Thirty minutes is not enough time for the boiled chicken to acquire a grilled taste, therefore it is permissible.

3 The chicken will acquire a grilled taste and that will be cooking.

4 When we say that you are allowed to reheat a cooked food, it means reheating the food in the same manner it was cooked the first time.

5 The pickle was never cooked and placing it on the crock pot will cook it.

6 The tea leaves were never cooked and the hot water will now cook them.


1 Once a solid food has been cooked, you are not violating any melacha by reheating it.

2 The rabbis were concerned that this is mechzi k’mevashel, it looks like cooking and someone will think that you are cooking.

3 The wetness in the matzah ball will be heated to yad soledes bo and it will be bishul on Shabbos.

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4 When a liquid is reheated to yad soledes bo you have cooked it again as a cold liquid is uncooked.

5 She may warm them next to a heat source as long as the liquid cannot be come yad soledes bo.

She may not warm them on a flame, or on a pot on a flame or anywhere the liquid will become yad soledes bo.

6 Placing a solid food in a pot is mechzi k’mevashel, it looks like cooking. However, placing it on top of pot is permissible as no one cooks that way.

7 Placing a solid food in a pot is mechzi k’mevashel, it looks like cooking. However, placing them in a pot that is off the flame is permissible, as no one cooks that way.

8 The challos may be placed on top of a pot that is on the flame to warm.

9 The cold chicken may be placed on top of a pot that is on the flame to warm provided there is no gravy.

10 It may be placed next to a heat source as long as the congealed gravy cannot become yad soledes bo.

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1 Animals were trapped so that their hides could be used in the Mishkan.

2 The process of tanning the hides.



במינו ניצודCommonly Trapped

אין במינו ניצודNot Commonly


Deer X

Butterflies X

Cats X

Lions X

Earthworms X

Blue Jays X

Snakes X

Spiders X

Wolves X

Bears X

Dogs X

Frogs X

Alligators X

Turtles X

Dolphins X

2 For use of their skin, for their meat or for pets

3 c. From the Torah.

4 b. Rabbinically.

5 The animals are a nuisance and need to be kept out of the way.


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6 Just because some people trap an animal that does not place the entire species in the category of במינו ניצוד.

7 Bees are not really trapped therefore they are in the category of אין במינו ניצוד.


1 The type of ENCLOSURE depends on the animal being TRAPPED. A LARGE, strong animal will need a STRONG enclosure. A SMALLER animal can be trapped with a FLIMSY enclosure.

2 A flying creature

3 c. From the Torah.

4 b. Rabbinically.

5 A large animal can be trapped in one chase and a smaller animal will not.


1 d. A rabbinic violation because a fly is חיה אחת ש פסה ב .אינו יכול לת

2 d. A rabbinic violation because a fly is אין במינו ניצוד.

3 When you close the window it is a psik reisha that the fly will be trapped.

4 When the psik reisha is two steps removed from Torah prohibition it is permissible. That is what is happening here where there are two rabbanan prohibitions.

5 No, a bird is מינו ניצוד and therefor only has only one rabbanan prohibition.

6 A psik reisha for one rabbanan prohibition is permitted in the place of pain or severe cold.

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1 c. This is not considered the melacha of trapping as the area is so large that the animal cannot be considered trapped.

2 The fly is so small compared to the size of the room that the fly cannot be considered trapped.


1 When placing a trap you are beginning the melacha.

2 A melacha may be begun before Shabbos to continue on Shabbos.


1 and not domesticated.

2 When the animal answers to its owner’s call and subjects itself to its owner.

3 When the animal comes home to eat or sleep, but will not be subjugated to any owner.

4 You may trap it, such as placing a pet dog in a kennel.

5 It is subject to trapping on a rabbinic level.

6 Answers may vary. Students may write: Cows, sheep, horses, chickens and goats.

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