ansi z89-1 1997 head protection

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    ANSI Z89.1-1997Revision of ANSI Z89.1-1986

    for Industria l H ead P rotection

    ~~..~!'------------~I V ' " Americ an Na tional S tanda rds In s tit ute11 West 42nd StreetNew York. New York


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    ()SecretariatIn du stria l S afe ty Equ ipmen t A ssoc ia tio n

    A pproved S eptem ber 5, 1997Ame ric an N atio na l S ta nd ard s In stitu te , In c.

    ANSI Z 89 .1 -1997R ev ision ofANS II ISEA Z89 .1 -1 98 6

    Americ an Natio na l S tandardfor Industrial Head Protection

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    Published by

    An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantiallyconcerned with its scope and provisions. An American National Standard isintended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public.The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect precludeanyone, whether they have approved the standard or not, from manufacturing,purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not conforming to thestandard. American National Standards are subject to periodic review and usersare cautioned to obtain the latest editions.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will inno circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard.Moreover, no persons shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation ofan American National Standard in the name of the American National StandardsInstitute.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw thisstandard no later than five years from the date of publication. Purchasers ofAmerican National Standards may receive current Information on allstandards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute .

    Industrial Safety Equipment Association1901 North Moore Street, Suite 808, Arlington, Virginia 22209

    Copyright 1997 by Industrial Safety EquipmentAssociationAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, withoutthe prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of America

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    4 Dynamic test line (DTL)(impact and penetration tests} 20


    Foreword iii1 Scope and purpose 12 Compliance 13 Definitions 14 Types and Classes 25 Materials 36 Physical requirements 37 Performance requirements 48 Selection. preparation. and mounting of test samples 49 Test methods 7

    TABLES1 Sizing guide 132 Polar coordinates of horizontal half-sections 143 Scheduling of tests 154 Recommended impact energy attenuation test locations 165 Recommended penetration test locations 16FIGURES1 Typical headform 172 Headform elevation 183 Horizontal half-section at datum levels 19

    5 Force transmission headform 216 Typical impact energy attenuation headform fixture 227 Typical penetration headform fixture 23

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    Page8 Chin strap retention test apparatus 249 Typical impact test apparatus

    (force transmission and penetration) 2510 Typical penetrator 2611 Typical impact test apparatus(impact energy attenuation) 2712 Static test line (STL)(electrical insulation and flammability test) 2813 Flammability test apparatus 29APPENDICESA Recommendations, cautions, use, and care 30B Electrical insulation testing 32C Force transmission testing 33D Impact energy attenuation testing 35E Normative references 37

    Sources 38


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    Foreword (This Foreword is not part of ANSI ZS9.1-1 997.)This fourth revision of the American National Standard for Industrial HeadProtection, ANSI Z89.1-1997, contains for the first time since the 1981 revision,new classifications of protective helmets. Industrial head protective helmetsmeeting the requirements of this standard are classified by both Type and Classdifferently than in the past. The old designations Type 1(hats) and Type 2 (caps)are no longer used.Performance requirements for the new Type I Helmet are equivalent to thosespecified in the 1986 revision. Thus, any helmets meeting the requirements ofANSI Z89.1-1986 should meet the requirements for Type I in this revision. Inaddition, Type " Helmet performance requirements include (1) impact energyattenuation from impacts from the front, back and sides as well as the top, (2)off-center penetration resistance, and (3) chin strap retention.The electrical insulation classifications of Class G (General), Class E (Electrical);and Class C (Conductive - no electrical protection) replace the former ClassesA, Band C respectively, to make the designations more user friendly.It is intended that a safety professional conduct a hazard assessment of the workenvironment to determine the appropriate Type and Class of Helmet required toprotect workers within that environment.The following organizations were recognized as having an interest in thedevelopment of this standard for protective helmets and were contacted prior tothe approval of this standard for input. Their inclusion in this list does notnecessarily imply that the organization concurred with the submittal of theproposed standard to ANSI.3M CompanyAmerican Gas AssociationAmerican Insurance Service GroupAmerican Petroleum InstituteAmerican Society of Safety EngineersAmerican Welding SocietyCity of San DiegoBret M. ClausenDuke University Biomechanics LaboratoryEdison Electric InstituteEG&G Florida Inc.Entergy ServicesETL Testing LaboratoriesFibre-Metal Products Company

    Industrial Safety Equipment AssociationInst itute for Product SafetyInternational Association of FirefightersInternational Brotherhood of Electr ical WorkersKlein and AssociatesNational Electrical Contractors AssociationNational Safety CouncilNavy Public Works CentersNYNEXOccupational Safety and Health AdministrationSafety Equipment InstituteThe Southern CompanySnell Memorial Foundation

    Suggestions for improvement of this standard are welcome. Contact:Industrial Safety EquipmentAssociation1901 North Moore Street, Suite 808Arlington, VA 22209


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  • 8/3/2019 ANSI Z89-1 1997 Head Protection


    AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ANSI Z89.1199x American National Standardfor Industrial Head Protection

    1 Scope and purpose1.1 ScopeThis standard describes Types and Classes,materials, physical and performancerequirements, and tests for protective helmets.These include recommended safety requirementsfor authorities considering the establishment ofregulations or codes concerning the use ofprotective helmets.1.2 PurposeThis standard establishes minimum performancerequirements for protective helmets to reduce theforces of impact and penetration and may includeprotection from high voltage electric shock.1.3 LimitationsProtective helmets only reduce the amount offorce from an impact blow and cannot providecomplete head protection from severe impact andpenetration. Helmets that meet this standardprovide limited protection but should be effectiveagainst small tools, small pieces of wood, bolts,nuts, rivets, sparks from overhead work andsimilar hazards. However, the use of protectivehelmets should never be viewed as substitute forgood safety practices and engineering controlswhen working in areas that present these types ofhazards. Alterations, attachments, or additions ofaccessories may affect the performance of thehelmet. Helmets are designed to provideprotection above the test lines, which are clearlydefined in the Standard. Helmets may extendbelow the test lines for styling or practicalpurposes but no protection is to be implied belowthe test lines.

    2 ComplianceAny statement{s} of compliance with this standardshall mean that the product meets all itsrequirements in their entirety. It is specificallyintended that partial utilization of this standard isprohibited.

    Variations from the requirements of this standardmay be granted by the authority havingjurisdiction only when it is demonstrated to thesatisfaction of the administrative agency thatequivalent protection is afforded.

    3 Definitionsaccessory: A device intended to be mounted onand used with protective helmets.apex: The point on the outer surface of the shellcoincident with the vertical axis of the headformwhen mounted in the as-worn position accordingto the manufacturer's instructions.basic plane: A plane at the level of the externalauditory meatus (external ear opening) and theinferior margin of the orbit (lower edge of the eyesocket).brim: An integral part of a helmet shell extendingoutward around the entire circumference of thelower shell.cap: A helmet without a full brim which mayinclude a peak.chin strap: An adjustable strap that fits underthe chin and is attached to the straps: The part of the suspension thatpasses over the head.dynamic test line (OTL): A test line used as aboundary for conducting impact energyattenuation and off-center penetration tests.flammability: The ability of a helmet shell tosupport combustion upon removal of the testflame.harness: The complete assembly used tomaintain a helmet in correct wearing position onthe wearer's head, exclusive of a chin strap orother retention device.hat: A helmet with a full brim.


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    ANSI Z89.11997headband: The part of the harness thatencircles the head.helmet: A device worn to provide limitedprotection for the head, or portions thereof,against impact, flying particles, electric shock, orany combination thereof.midsagittal plane: A longitudinal plane,perpendicular to the basic plane, which passesthrough the vertex and geometrically bisects thehead.nape strap: A strap that fits behind the headbelow the reference plane; it may be an integralpart of the headband.peak: A part of the shell extending forward overthe wearer's forehead.positioning index: A perpendicular distance, asspecified by the manufacturer, from some pointon the helmet to the basic plane when the helmetis properly seated on a reference headform.projection: Rigid features or portions thereofwhich extend or protrude beyond the normalinternal or external surface or contour of thehelmet.protective padding: Any material used toabsorb the kinetic energy of impact.reference plane: A plane at a given distanceabove and parallel to the basic plane.reference headform: A measuring devicecontoured to specified dimensions with surfacemarkings indicating the locations of the basic,midsagittal and reference planes, as well as anyrequired test lines.shall: In this standard, use of the word "shall"indicates a mandatory That part of a helmet which includes theoutermost surface.should: In this standard, use of the word"should" indicates a recommendation.suspension: The portion of the harness that isdesigned to act as an energy-absorbingmechanism. It may consist of crown straps,protective padding, or a similar mechanism.static test line (STL): A test line used as aboundary for conducting electrical insulation andflammability tests.


    sweatband: The part of the headband, whetherintegral or replaceable, that comes in contact withat least the wearer's forehead.test line: A line or combination of lines markedon a reference headform used to provide limits ora boundary beyond which protection is notconsidered.winter liner: A snug-fitting cover worn inconjunction with a helmet to protect the head,ears, and neck from cold temperature.

    4 Types and ClassesProtective helmets are classified according to thespecific impact and electrical performancerequirements they are designed to meet. Allprotective helmets in accordance with thisstandard shall meet either Type I or Type IIimpact requirements. In addition, all helmets arefurther classified as meeting Class G, Class E, orClass C electrical requirements. For example:Type I, Class G or Type II, Class E.4.1 Impact Types4.1.1 Type IHelmets intended to reduce the force of impactresulting from a blow only to the top of the head.4.1.2 Type IIHelmets intended to reduce the force of impactresulting from a blow which may be received offcenter or to the top of the head.4.2 Electrical Classes4.2.1 Class G (General)Class G helmets are intended to reduce thedanger of contact exposure to low voltageconductors. Test samples are proof-tested at2200 volts (phase to ground). However, thisvoltage is not intended as an indication of thevoltage at which the helmet protects the wearer.4.2.2 Class E (Electrical)Class E helmets are intended to reduce thedanger of exposure to high voltage conductors.Test samples are proof-tested at 20,000 volts(phase to ground). However, this voltage is notintended as an indication of the voltage at whichthe helmet protects the wearer.

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    4.2.3 Class C (Conductive)Class C helmets are not intended to provideprotection against contact with electricalconductors.

    5 MaterialsAll materials used in the construction of protectivehelmets shall conform to the requirements of thisstandard. All materials that come in contact withthe wearer's head shall be those generally knownto be non-irritating to normal skin.

    6 Physical requirements

    6.1 ConstructionEach helmet shall consist of a shell and a meansof absorbing energy within the shell. Provisionsshall be made for ventilation.6.2 Interior components6.2.1 HeadbandHeadbands shall be adjustable in at least 1/8 hatsize increments (see Table 1). When theheadband is adjusted to the maximum designatedsize, there shall be sufficient clearance to provideventilation.6.2.2 SweatbandSweatbands may be of theremovable/replaceable type or may be integralwith the headband. The sweatband shall cover atleast the forehead portion of the headband.6.2.3 Crown strapsCrown straps, when assembled, shall form acradle for supporting the helmet on the wearer'shead so that the distance between the top of thehead and the underside of the shell cannot beadjusted to less than the manufacturer'srequirements for that particular helmet.6.2.4 Protective paddingProtective padding may be used in conjunctionwith or in place of crown straps.6.3 AccessoriesAccessories installed by the manufacturer shallnot cause the helmet to fail the requirements ofthis standard.

    6.3.1ANSI Z89.11997

    Chin strap and nape strapThe chin strap and nape strap shall be made ofsuitable material not less than 12.7 mm (0.50 in.)in width.6.3.2 Winter linersWinter liners shall be made of suitable materialsand shall not affect the protective capabilities ofthe helmet. There shall be no metal parts inwinter liners intended for use with helmets labeledas meeting Class E requirements.6.3.3 Mounting bracketsIf lamp brackets, welding helmet brackets,faceshield brackets, etc., are supplied bymanufacturer, they shall be of a material suitableto hold said devices properly in place.6.3.4 Mounting of accessories6.3.4.1 Accessory slotsAccessory slots, when provided, shall contain awall which extends low enough so as to fall belowthe static test line (STL) specified in Section8. Mounting holesWhere practical, accessories should be mountedwithout the use of holes through the shell. Nomounting holes shall be used above the STL inshells meeting Class E requirements. If mountingholes are used above the STL in shells meetingClass G requirements, then they shall beadequately filled or gasketed so that the helmetwill meet or exceed the Class G electricalinsulation requirements as specified in Section9. InstructionsEach helmet shall be accompanied bymanufacturers' instructions explaining the propermethod of size adjustment, use, care and usefulservice lifeguidelines.6.5 MarkingEach helmet shall bear permanent markings in atleast 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) high letters stating thefollowing information:- name or identification mark of themanufacturer;- the date of manufacture;- the American National StandardDesignation;


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    ANSI Z89.1-1997- the applicable Type and ClassDesignations;- the approximate headband size range (seeSection 6.2.1 and Table 1).

    7 Performance requirements7.1 Requirementsfor Type I and Type IIhelmets7.1.1 FlammabilityHelmets shall be tested in accordance withSection 9.1 anywhere above the STL. No flameshall be visible 5 seconds after removal of the testflame.7.1.2 ForcetransmissionHelmets shall be tested in accordance withSection 9.2 and shall not transmit a force to thetest headform in excess of 4450 N (1000 Ibf).Additionally, for each test condition specified, themaximum transmitted force of individual testsamples shall be averaged. The averaged valuesshall not exceed 3780 N (850 Ibf).7.1.3 ApexpenetrationHelmets shall be tested in accordance withSection 9.3. The penetrator shall not makecontact with the top of the test headform underany of the test conditions specified.7.1.4 ElectricalinsulationrequirementsClass G and Class E helmets shall meet theirappropriate performance requirement as listedbelow. Class C helmets are not tested forelectrical insulation. ClassGrequirementsHelmets meeting Class G requirements shall betested in accordance with Section 9.7 and shallwithstand 2200 volts (root mean square), AC, 60Hertz, for 1 minute. Leakage shall not exceed 3milliamperes. ClassErequirementsEach helmet meeting Class E requirements forelectrical insulation shall first pass the forcetransmission test specified in Section 7.1.2.Helmets meeting Class E requirements shall betested in accordance with Section 9.7 and shallwithstand 20,000 volts (root mean square), AC,


    60 Hertz, for 3 minutes. Leakage shall notexceed 9 milliamperes.At 30,000 volts, the test sample shall not burnthrough.7.2 Additional requirementsfor Type IIhelmets7.2.1 ImpactenergyattenuationHelmets meeting Type II requirements shall betested in accordance with Section 9.4 anywhereabove the DTL.Acceleration shall be recorded. Maximum G'sshall not exceed Off-centerpenetrationHelmets meeting Type II requirements shall betested in accordance with Section 9.5 anywhereabove the DTL.For each condition specified, the penetrator shallnot make contact with the test headform whenstruck anywhere above the DTL.7.2.3 Chinstrap retentionHelmets meeting Type II requirements which areprovided with chin straps shall be tested inaccordance with Section 9.6.For each condition specified, the chin strap shallremain intact such that the loading device doesnot become detached during the test and theresidual elongation of the chin strap does notexceed 25 mm (1.0 in.).8 Selection, preparation,mounting of test samples and

    8.1 Headforms8.1.1 GeneralOnly that part of the headform above thereference plane is intended to represent thehuman head. Damaged or deformed headformsshall not be used. Sources of headforms arelisted in Appendix F.8.1.2 HeadformsizesThree sizes of headforms corresponding to thesmall, medium, and large sizes in Figure 1, shallbe made available for testing. Detailed headformdimensions are illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure3, and are tabulated in Table 2.

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    ( Headforms for force transmissionHeadforms used for the force transmission test,Section 7.1.2, shall be either the "ISEA standardheadform," size 7 (approximate dimensions arecontained in Figure 5 for reference only), or theheadform specified in the Department ofTransportation, Federal Motor Vehicle SafetyStandard (FMVSS 218) 49 CFR 571 .218. Theheadform shall be made of low-resonancemagnesium K -l A, wood, or aluminum. Forprotection against damage, wooden headformsmay be provided with a steel insert in the crown.The mass of the headform shall be 3.64 kg 0.45kg (8 Ib lib). Headforms for penetration testsHeadforms used for the apex penetration test,Section 7.1.3, and the off-center penetration test,Section 7.2.2, shall be mounted on a ball joint sothey can be pivoted into various positions andshall be electrically conductive. Typicalheadforms are specified in the Department ofTransportation, Federal Motor Vehicle SafetyStandard (FMVSS 218), 49 CFR 571. Headforms for impact energyattenuation testsHeadforms used for the impact energyattenuation test, Section 7.2.1, shall be asspecified in ISO Standard ISO/DIS 6220, shall bemade of a low resonance material such as castsilica urethane, and have a Shore "0" durometerof 60 6. These headforms together with theirsupporting assemblies, shall have a mass of 5.0kg 0.05 kg (11 Ib 0.1 Ib), with the center ofgravity roughly corresponding to the center of themounting ball.8.1.3 Reference headformThe static test line (STL) is established accordingto the dimensions shown in Figure 12. Thedynamic test line (DTL) is established accordingto the dimensions shown in Figure Headform mountingsHeadforms used in conducting the forcetransmission tests shall be mounted as shown inFigure 5. Headforms used for impact energyattenuation tests are mounted as shown in Figure6. Headforms used for penetration tests aremounted as shown in Figure 7. Headforms usedfor chin strap retention tests are mounted asshown in Figure 8.

    ANSI Z89.119978.2 Test samples8.2.1 Compliance testingA minimum of 42 test samples are required forcompliance testing in accordance with theperformance requirements of Section 7. Testsamples shall not be offered for sale. It is notintended that the testing protocol established inTable 3 be used for a manufacturer's qualityassuranceprogram. FailureFailure of compliance testing to theperformancerequirementsof Section 7 shall be determined asfollows:- any visible flame remaining 5 seconds afterremoval of the test flame as required bySection 7.1.1 when tested in accordance withSection 9.1;- any single force value exceeding 4450 N.(1000 Ibf) as required by Section 7.1.2 whentested in accordance with Section 9.2;- an average force value exceeding 3780 N(850 Ibf) as required by Section 7.1.2 whentested in accordance with Section 9.2;- any failure of a penetration as required bySections 7.1.3 and 7.2.2 when tested inaccordance with Sections 9.3 and 9.5;- (Type II) any single maximum G valueexceeding 150 as required by Section 7.2.1when tested in accordance with Section 9.4;- (Type II) any single failure of the chin strapas required by Section 7.2.3 when tested inaccordance with Section 9.6;- (Class G & E) any failure of an electricalinsulation test as required by Section 7.1.4when tested in accordance with Section 9.7.

    8.2.2 Sequence of testingTesting shall be conducted in accordance with theschedule outlined in Table 3. Some test samplesmay be used for performing more than one test.Helmets meeting the requirements of thisstandard are intended to provide protectionagainst only one blow (impact and/or penetration).Therefore, if a test sample fails to meet therequirementsof a given test (with the exception ofClass E electrical insulation test) and the samplehas previously been subjected to an impact orpenetration test, then a fresh helmet shall betested to verify the "failing" result of that particular


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    ANSI Z89.1-1997test. Should the fresh helmet meet the testrequirements, then the "failing" result shall bediscounted.8.2.3 Testing conditionsAll testing shall be performed at roomtemperature 23C 2C (73.4F 3.6F). Ifthere is a disagreement in the test results amongdifferent laboratories, the helmets shall be re-tested at a controlled relative humidity of 50% 5%.8.3 Protocol8.3.1 Type I, Class G helmetsSample numbers 1, 2,13, and 14 should be usedfor the electrical insulation test. Next, samplenumbers 1 - 24 should be subjected to the forcetransmission test. Sample numbers 25 - 36should be subjected to the apex penetration test.The flammability test should be performed usingsample numbers 37 - Type I, Class E helmetsSample numbers 1 - 24 should be subjected tothe force transmission test. Sample numbers 1,2, 13, and 14 shall then be used for the electricalinsulation test. Sample numbers 25 - 36 shouldbe subjected to the apex penetration test. Theflammability test should be performed usingsample numbers 37 - Type I, Class C helmetsType I, Class C helmets should be tested similarlyto Type I, Class G and Type I, Class E helmetsexcept the electrical insulation tests are notperformed.8.3.4 Type II, Class G helmetsSample numbers 1, 2, 13, and 14 should then beused for the electrical insulation test. Next,sample numbers 1 - 24 should be subjected tothe force transmission test. Sample numbers 25- 36 should be subjected to the apex penetrationtest. Next, sample numbers 1 - 24 should besubjected to the impact energy attenuation test.Test samples shall be impacted anywhere abovethe DTL. Recommended impact locations areindicated in Table 4.If there are projections on the helmet's outersurface above the DTL or internal projectionsinside the helmet above the DTL, samplenumbers 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 shall be used toimpact the helmet directly on said projections.

    Sample numbers 25 - 36 shall then be subjectedto the off-center penetration test. Test samplesshall be struck anywhere above the DTL.However, striking directly on external projectionsis not recommended due to the possibility ofglancing blows. Recommended test locations areindicated inTable 5.If the helmet is provided with a chin strap, thensample numbers 37 - 42 shall be used to performthe chin strap retention test. If chin strapretention testing is performed, then the samplesshall be tested for flammability subsequent to thechin strap retention test.8.3.5 Type II, Class E helmetsType II, Class E helmets shall be tested Similarlyto Type II, Class G helmets except test samples1, 2, 13, and 14 shall be subjected to the forcetransmission test before conducting the electricalinsulation test instead of after the electricalinsulation test.8.3.6 Type II, Class C helmetsType II, Class C helmets shall be tested similarlyto Type II, Class G and Type II, Class E helmetsexcept the electrical insulation tests are notperformed.8.4 Test sample markingsTest samples shall be marked to indicate thelocation of STL and DTL. An appropriatereference headform shall be used whosecircumference is not greater than either theinternal circumference of the helmet headbandwhen adjusted to its largest setting or, if noheadband is provided, the corresponding interiorsurface of the helmet. Once the appropriatereference headform is chosen, the test samplesshall be adjusted to provide a snug, but not tight,fit on the headform. The largest of th e three sizesof headforms which fits into the test samples shallbe used. All samples shall be maintained at roomtemperature during marking.8.4.1 Dynamic test line (DTL) markingprocedureThe headform shall be firmly seated with thebasic plane being horizontal. The test sampleshall be placed on the headform, centeredlaterally, and seated firmly according to itspositioning index. A 50 N (11 Ibf) static forceshall be applied normal to the helmet's apex.Maintaining the force and position described

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    above, draw a Irne on the outer surface of thehelmet coinciding with the intersections of thehelmet surface and the following planes, asdefined in Figure4:(1) A plane "k" mm above and parallel to thereference plane in the anterior portion of thereference headform.(2) A vertical transverse plane "b" mm behind thecenter of the central vertical axis in a side view.(3) A plane "j" mm above and parallel to thereference plane in the posterior portion of thereference headform.8.4.2 Static test line (STL) markingprocedureThe headform shall be firmly seated with thebasic plane being horizontal. The test sampleshall be placed on the headform, centeredlaterally, and seated firmly according to itspositioning index. A 50 N (11 Ibf) static forceshall be applied normal to the helmet's apex.Maintaining the force and position describedabove, draw a line on the outer surface of thehelmet coinciding with the dimensions shown inFigure 12.8.5 Helmet preconditioning andmounting8.5.1 Preconditioning environmentsTest samples shall be preconditioned prior toperforming the impact, penetration and chin strapretention tests. HotTest samples shall be placed in a forced aircirculating oven maintained at 49C 2C (120F 3.6F) for at least two hours. No sample shallbe placed closer than 5 cm (2.0 in.) to an internaloven wall. All specimens shall be placedhorizontal and in a such manner as to not blockthe flow of circulating air. ColdTest samples shall be placed in an environmentalchamber maintained at -18C 2C (OF 3.6F)for at least two hours. WetTest samples shall be submerged in fresh tapwater maintained at 23C 2C (73.4F 3.6F)for at least two hours.(-.'~J

    ANSIZ89.1-19978.5.2 Testing timeHot- and cold-conditioned samples shall be testedfor impact and penetration within 30 seconds aftertheir removal from the conditioning environment.Hot- and cold-conditioned samples shall be testedfor chin strap retention within 60 seconds aftertheir removal from the conditioning environment.Wet samples shall be withdrawn from the waterbath and positioned upright and horizontal for amaximum of 30 seconds to allow excess water todrain. The wet samples shall then be mounted onthe applicable test apparatus and tested within 90seconds from their removal of the water bath.8.5.3 Helmet mountingTest samples shall be securely mounted on theheadform during impact and penetration testing.This can be accomplished in a variety of waysdepending on the headform used.~nd the helm~tretention mechanism. If an additional means ISrequired to secure a test sample on the headform,various securing methods, such as "duct" taping,may be employed. The securing method shall notbias the test results in any way.

    9 Test methods9.1 Flammability9.1.1 Preparation of test samplesTest samples shall be marked in accordance withSection ApparatusThe test apparatus shall consist of the followingcomponents:- laboratory test stand;- fume hood;- Bunsen burner (10 mm (0.4 in.) bore);- sourceof gas;- gas regulator;- timing device;- temperature measurement device.

    The laboratory test stand shall be of sufficientsize and strength to holdthe test sample in an as-worn, upright position (see Figure 13). The stand,including the attached test sample, shall beplaced inside a draft free fume hood.


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    ANSI Z89.1-19979.1.3 CalibrationA temperature measurement device shall be usedto verify the temperature of the Bunsen burnerflame. With the Bunsen burner in a verticalposition, adjust it to produce a 50 mm (2.0 in.)blue flame with an inner cone of 25 mm (1.0 in.).Using the temperature probe, measure thetemperature of the flame at the tip of the innercone. It shall be 800 - 900C (1472 - 1652F).The use of natural methane (laboratory grade)gas with a heat content of 1000 BTUs 100BTUs per cubic foot is recommended.9.1.4 Test proceduresAttach the test sample to the laboratory test standso that it is held in an as-worn, upright position(see Figure 13). Choose any point on the outersurface of the helmet above the STL and applythe flame of the Bunsen burner such that the tipof the inner cone is within 2 mm (0.08 in.) fromthe helmet surface. The Bunsen burner shall beheld with its barrel horizontal. Apply the flame tothe chosen test point for 5 seconds +1 second, -0seconds then remove the flame. Inspect the testsample for any visible flame 5 seconds afterremoval of the test flame.9.1.5 RecordingData recording is "pass" or "faiL"9.2 Force transmission9.2.1 Preparationof test samplesTest samples shall be conditioned according toSections and 8.5.1 . ApparatusThe test apparatus shall consists of the followingcomponents:- test headform;- headform mounting fixture;- electronic loadcell and velocity indicator;- impactor;- vertical drop guide mechanism;- vertical guide rail;- electronic signal conditioning and recordingequipment.

    A typical test setup is shown in Figure 9. Theheadform mounting fixture is shown in Figure 5.


    Sources of equipment may be found in AppendixF.The largest size headform (as specified in Section8.1) appropriate for the helmet being tested shallbe used. The test sample shall be mounted withthe basic plane horizontal. The impactor shall bealigned along the central vertical axis of theheadform. The impactor shall have a mass of3.60 kg 0.05 kg (8 lb. 0.1 Ib). The strikingface of the impactor shall be spherical with aradius of 4.8 cm 0.8 cm (1.9 in. 0.3 in.) and aminimum chord length of 7.6 cm. (3.0 in.). Theimpactor shall be constructed in such a mannerthat it will remain rigid upon impact (single degreeof freedom system). The load cell system shallconform to the following requirements:

    Accuracy = 2.5% Full ScaleRigidity> 4.5 x 10 9 N/m (2.6 x 107 Ibf/ft)

    Resonant Frequency = 5 kHz Min.A system known to work is detailed in AppendixC.The correctly mounted load cell assembly shall bemounted between the headform and a steel plateat least 25 mm (1.0 in.) thick and at least 0.3 m (1ft) square. The plate shall be bolted down to, andin intimate contact with, a concrete (or material ofsimilar density) block which measuresapproximately 1 x 1 x 0.3 m (3 x 3 x 1 ft). Theplate shall be leveled with a precision level to 1of horizontal. The center of the impactor, thecenter of the headform, and the center of the loadcell shall be co-linear as measured by a plumbbob. The alignment tolerance shall be 3 mm(0.12 in.).9.2.3 CalibrationThe instrumentation shall be allowed to warm upuntil it stabilizes. No simple means exists tocalibrate the impact system required by thisstandard. Nevertheless, calibration is necessary.Suggested method(s) are included in Appendix C.The equipment shall be checked for repeatabilitybefore and after each series of tests by impactinga standardized elastomeric shock pad asspecified in the Appendix. A minimum of threesuch impacts shall be recorded before and aftertesting. If the post-test average readings of thethree impacts differs from the pre-test average bymore than 5%, the entire test series shall bediscarded.

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    /.i..' ';'

    9.2.4 Test proceduresTest samples 1 - 24 shall be removed from theconditioning environment (one at a time) andplaced on the test headform according to Section8.5.3. The electronic recording device shall bezeroed after a test sample is placed on theheadform but before the impact. The impactorshall be dropped from a height which yields animpact velocity of 5.50 m/s 0.05 m/s (18 ft/s 0.16ft/s).9.2.5 RecordingThe individual maximum force readings for all 24test samples shall be recorded along with theimpact velocities. The values for test samples 1-12 (hot conditioned) shall be averaged and thisresult recorded. Likewise, the values for testsamples 13 - 24 (cold conditioned) shall beaveraged and recorded.9.3 Apex penetration9.3.1 Preparation of test samplesThe test samples shall be conditioned accordingto Section and Section 8.5.1 . ApparatusThe test apparatus consists of the followingcomponents:- test headform;- headform mounting fixture;- electronic contact indicator and velocityindicator;- penetrator;

    vertical drop guide mechanism;- vertical guide rail;- electronic recording equipment.

    A typical test setup is shown in Figure 9. Theheadform mounting fixture is shown in Figure 7.The largest size headform (as specified in Section8.1) appropriate for helmet being tested shall beused. The headform shall be mounted with thebasic plane approximately horizontal and with theaxis of the penetrator aligned with the center ofthe mounting ball of the headform. The headformmay be swiveled about the ball to any positionwhich would allow the penetrator to strike thehelmet perpendicularly anywhere within a 75 mm(3.0 in.) diameter circle about the apex of the

    ANSI Z89.1-1997helmet. The penetrator shall have a mass of 1.0kg 0.05 kg (2.2 lb. 0.1 lb.) with a steel tip, a600 10 included angle and a spherical tip radiusof 0.25 mm 0.10 mm (0.010 in. 0.004 in.). Atypical penetrator configuration is shown in Figure10.The penetrator shall be constructed in such amanner that it will remain rigid upon impact(single degree of freedom system). Thepenetrator shall be guided and electricallyinsulated from the metal headform. The massand size of the base shall be as specified inSection 9.2.2. Wires shall be attached to theimpactor and headform such that if the impactormakes contact with the headform a low voltageelectric circuit is completed. A suitable means ofverifying said completed circuit can be obtainedby use of an oscillographic recording.9.3.3 CalibrationBefore testing, contact of the penetrator with theheadform should be made to assure that theelectric circuit, when completed, is properlyrecorded by the recording device.9.3.4 Test proceduresTest samples 25 - 36 shall be removed from theconditioning environment (one at a time) andplaced on the test headform according to Section8.5.3. The impactor shall be dropped from aheightwhich yields an impact velocity of 7.0 rnIs 0.1 m/s (23 ft/s 0.3 ft/s).9.3.5 RecordingThe impact velocity associated with each drop isto be recorded. Data recording for penetration is"pass" or "fail" based on any indicated electricalcontact.9.4 Impact energy attenuation9.4.1 Preparation of test samplesTest samples shall be marked according toSection 8.4.1 and conditioned according toSection ApparatusThe test apparatus consists of the followingcomponents:- test headform;- vertical drop guide mechanism;- uniaxial or triaxial accelerometer;


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    ANSIZ89.11997- vertical guide rail;- hemispherical impact anvil;- flat impact anvil;- electronic signal conditioning and recordinginstrumentation;- velocity indicator.

    A typical test setup is shown in Figure 11 and theheadform/vertical drop guide mechanism isshown in Figure 6. Sources of equipment may befound in Appendix F. MountingThe largest size test headform (as specified in8.1) appropriate to the helmet being tested shallbe used. The headform shall be mounted asrequired for the anvil to strike the test sampleanywhere above the DTL. For the hemisphericalanvil, the center of the accelerometer mountinghole, which will typically be the center of theheadform mounting ball, shall be in verticalalignment with the center of the anvil within 10mm (0.38 in.). For the flat anvil, the center of theaccelerometer mounting hole shall be alignedwithin the vertical cylinder described by the anvil.In both cases, the impact shall be as normal tothe surface as the contour of the shell will permit. Impact anvilsThe impact anvils shall be constructed of steel.The flat anvil shall be a 12.5 cm (5.0 in.) diameterdisc having a flat impact face; the hemisphericalanvil shall be a spherical segment having a radiusof 4.8 cm 0.8 cm (1.9 in 0.3 in.) and a chordlength of 7.6 cm (3.0 in.). The test anvil shall berigidly mounted to a solid mass of at least 135 kg(300 lb.) consisting of a steel plate at least 25 mm(1.0 in.) thick and at least 0.3 m (1 ft) square,bolted to and in intimate contact with a concreteblock (or equivalent). Test headformThe headform along with its associated verticaldrop guide mechanism shall have a mass of 5.00kg 0.05 kg (11 lb. 0.1 lb.) and be constructedin such a manner that it will remain rigid uponimpact (single degree of freedom system). Theheadform supporting assembly (vertical dropguide mechanism) shall not exceed 25% of themass of the total drop assembly. The center ofgravity of the total drop assembly shall l ie within acone with its axis vertical, a 10 included angle,and with the vertex as the point of impact.

    10 AccelerometerThe accelerometer is mounted at the approximatecenter of gravity of the combined test headformand vertical drop guide mechanism inside theheadform mounting ball. The axis of the uniaxialaccelerometer, or the vertical axes of a triaxialaccelerometer, shall be aligned within 2.5degrees of vertical. The accelerometer isconnected to the signal conditioning/recordinginstrumentation. The acceleration data channelsmust comply with the Society of AutomotiveEngineers (SAE) Recommended Practice J211requirements for channel class 1000. Theaccelerometer/recording system shall conform tothe following requirements:

    Accuracy = 2.5% Full ScaleTransverse Sensitivity = 3% max.Resonant Frequency = 5 kHz min.

    A system known to work is detailed in AppendixD.9.4.3 CalibrationThe instrumentation shall be allowed to warm upuntil it stabilizes. No simple means exists tocalibrate the impact system required by thisstandard. Nevertheless, calibration is necessary.Suggested method(s) are included inAppendix D.The equipment shall be checked for repeatabilitybefore and after each series of tests by impactinga standardized elastomeric shock pad asspecified in the Appendix D. A minimum of three. such impacts shall be recorded before and aftertesting. If the post-test average readings of thethree impacts differs from the pre-test average.bymore than 5%, the entire test series shall bediscarded.9.4.4 Test proceduresTest samples 1 - 24 shall be removed from theconditioning environment (one at a time) andmounted on the test headform according toSection 8.5.3. The electronic recording deviceshall be zeroed after a helmet is placed on theheadform but before the impact. The helmetedheadform shall be dropped from a height whichyields an impact velocity of 3.5 m/s 0.1 m/s(11.5 ft/s 0.3 ft/s) as measured by the velocityindicator. Headform positioning and helmetimpact sites are indicated in Section 8.3.4.

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    9.4.5 RecordingThe maximum G value for each test shall berecorded along with its associated impactvelocity.9.5 Off center penetration9.5.1 Preparation of test samplesTest samples shall be marked according toSection 8.4.1 and conditioned according toSection ApparatusThe test apparatus shall be identical to thatspecified in Section 9.3 except that the headformmay be rotated to facilitate striking the testsamples anywhere above the DTL.9.5.3 CalibrationUse the procedures specified in Section Test procedures .Test samples 25 - 36 shall be removed from theconditioning environment (one at a time) andplaced on the test headform according to Section8.5.3. The impactor shall be dropped from aheight which yields an impact velocity of 5.0 m/s 0.1 m/s (16.4 ft/s 0.3 ft/s).9.5.5 RecordingThe impact velocity associated with each dropshall be recorded. Data recording for penetrationis "pass" or "fail" based on any indicated electricalcontact.9.6 Chin strap retention (Type" only)9.6.1 Preparation of test samplesIf the helmet is provided with a chin strap, testsamples shall be conditioned according to Section8.5 including the attached chin straps.9.6.2 ApparatusThe test apparatus is shown in Figure 8 andconsists of the following components:- test headform;- headform mounting fixture;- test stand;- chin strap stirrup/pre-load assembly;- displacement scale;

    ,() - release mechanism;

    ANSI ZS9.11997- drop mass.

    The chin strap stirrup approximately conforms tothe shape of the bone structure of the lower jawand consists of two metal rollers, each 12.5 mm 0.5 mm (0.5 in. 0.02 in.) in diameter and at acenter separation of 76.0 mm 0.5 mm (3.0 in. 0.02 in.). The stirrup shall be attached to a pre-load assembly such that the total mass of thestirrup and pre-load assembly shall be 1.50 kg 0.05 kg (3.31b 0.1 Ib). The assembly shall slidefreely in the vertical direction within the test stand.The drop mass (impactor) shall also slide freelyupon the pre-load assembly and shall have amass of 10.00kg 0.05 kg (22.2 Ib 0.1 Ib).9.6.3 CalibrationThe pre-load assembly and drop mass shall bechecked for freedom of movement before eachuse.9.6.4 Test proceduresThe test samples 37 - 42 shall be mounted onthe headform and the chin strap threaded aroundthe stirrup while the drop mass shall be held suchthat it does not interfere with the pre-loadassembly. The chin strap shall be adjusted sothat the stirrup rollers are approximately in linewith the pre-load adjustment point specified inFigure 8. The deflection scale shall be zeroedwith the 1.5 kg (3.3 Ib) pre-load assembly inplace. The drop mass shall be dropped onto thepre-load assembly from 10.0 cm 0.5 cm (4.0 in. 0.2 in.). A deflection reading shall be taken notless than 15 nor more than 30 seconds afterimpact.9.6.5 RecordingThe deflection (elongation) value shall berecorded for each test sample.9.7 Electrical insulation9.7.1 Preparation of test samplesTest samples tested for Class E requirementsshall first be subjected to the force transmissiontest, two conditioned hot and two conditionedcold.9.7.2 ApparatusThe test apparatus consists of the followingcomponents:


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    ANSI Z89.1-1997- a vessel containing fresh tap water, ofsufficient size to immerse the inverted helmetto the water line;- a frame for suspending the test sample inthe water;- a source of 60-Hertz alternating currentvariable from 0 to 30,000 volts (root meansquare voltage) with at least a 20-milliamperecapability at 20,000 volts;- wiring and terminals for application ofvoltage across the crown of the test sample;- a voltmeter of sufficient capacity to measurethe specified voltages;- a suitable milliammeter of sufficient capacityand accuracy to measure the specifiedcurrents.

    9.7.3 CalibrationVoltmeters and milliammeters shall be incalibration.9.7.4 Test procedures(See Section 8.4.2) Permanently attached helmetaccessories shall be retained on the test samplesduring testing (welding helmet brackets, lampbrackets, chin straps, etc.). Non-removable chinstraps shall be positioned such that they do notcomplete the electrical circuit or otherwiseinterfere with the test. ClassG testingWhile holding the test sample in the invertedposition, it shall be filled with fresh tap water up tothe STL; unless the helmet contains holes in thecrown for mounting the suspension, in which caseit shall be filled to 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) of thoseholes. No special provisions shall be made for


    any accessory mounting holes above the plane ofthe suspension mounting holes. The test sampleshall then be submerged in the same type ofwater and to the same level as the water on theinside of the helmet. The vojtmetsr and themilliammeter shall be attached to the circuit.Care shall be taken to keep the unsubmergedportion of the test sample dry so that flash overwill not occur when voltage is applied.The voltage shall be applied, increased to 2200volts, and held for one minute. The currentleakage shall be recorded. Class E testingAs with Class G testing, the inside of the testsample shall be filled with fresh tap water up tothe STL, or to a lower level but no lower than isrequiredto prevent flash over at the test Voltage.The test sample shall then be immersed in thesame type of water and to the same level as thewater on the inside of the test sample. Thevoltmeter and milliammeter shall be attached tothe circuit.Care shall be taken to keep the unsubmergedportion of the test sample dry so that flash overwill not occur when voltage is applied. Thevoltage shall be applied, increased to 20,000volts, and held for three minutes. The currentleakage shall be recorded.The test sample shall then be tested for burn-through by further increasing the voltage to30,000 at the rate of 1000 volts per second andthen immediately reducing the voltage to zero.9.7.5 RecordingFor each test sample, the leakage current and/orany evidence of burn-through shall be recorded.

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    ANSI Z89.1-1997

    Table 1 - Sizing guide


    Hat size CircumferenceCentimeters Inches

    6-1/2 52 20-1/26-5/8 53 20-7/86-3/4 54 21-1/46-7/8 55 21-5/87 56 22

    7-1/8 57 22-3/87-1/4 58 22-3/47-3/8 59 23-1/87-1/2 60 23-1/27-5/8 61 23-7/87-3/4 62 24-1/47-7/8 63 24-5/88 64 25

    Note: This table is intended for sizing guidance of round head bands onlyand should not be construed as prohibiting larger or smaller headbands.


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    ANSI Z89.11997

    Table 2 - P olar coordinates of horizontal half sectionsHeadform Size E: Dimensiony = 96 mm SMALLHeight above 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180reference Front Backplane

    0 94.5 93.0 90.0 82.0 76.5 73.5 73.0 76.0 80.0 85.0 91.0 94.0 94.520 92.5 91.5 89.0 82.0 76.5 73.5 73.0 76.0 80.0 85.0 90.5 93.5 94.040 87.0 87.5 85.0 79.5 74.5 71.0 71.5 74.0 77.5 82.5 88.0 89.0 89.050 82.5 83.0 81.0 76.0 71.0 68.0 68.0 70.5 74.0 79.5 83.5 84.5 84.560 76.5 76.5 75.5 71.0 66.5 63.5 63.5 66.0 69.5 74.0 78.5 79.0 79.070 66.5 66.5 66.5 63.0 59.0 56.5 56.5 58.5 62.0 66.5 70.5 71.0 71.080 52.0 52.0 52.0 50.0 47.5 46.0 46.5 48.0 51.0 56.0 58.5 60.0 60.085 41.5 41.5 41.5 40.5 39.5 39.0 39.5 41.0 44.0 48.0 51.5 52.0 52.090 28.0 28.0 28.5 28.5 28.5 29.0 30.0 31.0 34.0 37.5 41.5 42.0 42.095 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.5 11.0 12.0 13.5 15.0 16.0 16.0 16.0

    Headform Size J: Dimension y = 103 mm MEDIUMHeight above 0 15 .30 45 60 75 90 105 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800reference Front Back[plans ,.

    0 101.0 99.5 95.5 87.5 82.5 79.5 79.5 82.0 86.0 92.0 97.0 100.5 101.020 99.0 97.0 93.5 87.5 82.0 79.5 79.5 82.0 86.0 92.0 96.5 99.5 100.040 93.0 92.5 90.0 85.5 80.0 77.5 77.5 80.5 84.0 89.0 93.0 95.5 95.550 90.0 89.0 87.0 83.0 77.0 74.5 75.0 77.5 81.0 86.0 90.0 91.5 91.560 84.0 83.0 81.5 77.0 73.0 70.0 71.0 73.0 77.0 81.0 85.5 87.0 87.070 76.0 75.5 74.0 71.0 67.0 65.0 65.5 67.0 71.5 75.0 79.0 80.0 80.080 65.0 65.0 64.0 61.0 58.5 56.0 57.0 59.0 62.5 66.5 69.5 71.0 71.085 58.0 58.0 56.5 54.5 52.0 50.0 51.0 52.5 56.5 60.5 64.5 65.0 65.090 48.5 48.0 47.0 45.5 43.5 43.0 44.0 46.0 49.5 54.0 57.0 58.5 58.595 37.0 36.5 35.0 34.0 33.0 33.5 34.5 36.0 39.0 43.0 46.5 47.0 47.0100 20.0 20.0 19.5 19.0 18.5 18.5 19.0 20.5 23.5 27.5 31.0 31.5 31.0

    Headform Size M: Dimension y = 107 mm LARGEHeight above 00 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800reference Front Backplane

    0 106.0 104.0 101.0 93.5 87.0 84.5 84.0 86.5 91.0 96.0 102.0 106.0 106.020 103.5 102.5 99.5 93.0 87.0 84.5 84.0 86.5 91.0 96.0 101.5 105.5 105.540 99.0 98.5 96.5 90.5 85.0 82.5 82.0 84.0 88.5 93.5 96.0 100.5 100.550 95.5 94.5 93.0 87.5 82.0 79.5 79.0 81.5 88.5 90.0 93.0 97.0 97.060 89.5 89.5 88.0 83.0 77.5 75.0 75.0 77.0 81.5 86.5 91.0 92.0 92.070 82.0 82.0 81.0 77.0 72.0 69.5 69.5 71.5 75.5 81.0 84.0 85.5 85.580 71.5 71.5 71.0 68.0 64.0 61.5 61.5 64.0 67.0 72.0 76.0 77.0 77.085 64.5 64.5 64.0 61.5 59.0 57.0 57.0 58.5 61.5 66.5 71.0 72.0 72.090 56.5 56.5 56.5 55.0 53.0 51.5 51.5 53.0 56.0 60.5 64.5 66.0 66.095 46.5 46.5 47.0 46.5 45.5 44.0 44.0 45.5 48.5 53.0 57.5 59.0 58.5100 32.0 32.0 32.5 33.0 34.0 34.0 34.5 35.5 38.5 43.0 46.5 48.5 48.0105 12.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.5 19.5 21.0 25.0 29.5 30.0 30.0

    (All dimensions are in millimeters and apply to the diagrams depicted in Figures 2 &3).


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    tn-nCI )-0.!!!::l'CCI ).cos nIMCI )j5~

    ( ] ) ! ! ?iiiQ.~~EEr -r - c o :J(/)z

    "0c:C\ I


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    C \ I C \ I C \ I

    ANSI Z89,'1997


  • 8/3/2019 ANSI Z89-1 1997 Head Protection


    ANSI Z89.1-1997

    Table 4 - Recommended impact energy attenuation test locationsSample number Impact anvil type Preconditioning Impact test location

    environment1 flat hot front - close toDTL2 flat hot side - close to DTL3 flat hot rear - close to DTL4 flat hot side - 50 mm (2.0 in) above DTL5 flat cold front - close to DTL6 flat cold side - close to DTL7 flat cold rear - close to DTL8 flat cold side - 50 mm (2.0 in) above DTL9 flat wet front - close to DTL10 flat wet side - close to DTL11 flat wet rear - close to DTL12 flat wet side - 50 mm (2.0 in) above DTL13 hemispherical hot front - close to DTL14 hemispherical hot side - close to DTL15 hemispherical hot rear - close to DTL16 hemispherical hot side - 50 mm (2.0 in) above DTL17 hemispherical cold front - close to DTL18 hemispherical cold side - close to DTL19 hemispherical cold rear - close to DTL20 hemispherical cold side - 50 mm (2.0 in) above DTL21 hemispherical wet front - close to DTL22 hemispherical wet side - close to DTL23 hemispherical wet rear - close to DTL24 hemispherical wet side - 50 mm (2.0 in) aboveDTL

    Table 5 - Recommended penetration test locationsSample number Conditioning Penetration test location

    environment25 hot front - close to DTL26 hot side - close to DTL27 hot rear - close to DTL28 hot side - 50 mm (2.0 in) above DTL29 cold front - close to DTL30 cold side - close to DTL31 cold rear - close to DTL32 cold side - 50 mm (2.0 in) above DTL33 wet front - close to DTL34 wet side - close to DTL35 wet rear - close to DTL36 wet side - 50 mm (2.0 in) above DTL


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    ANSI ZB9.11997


    fyt----~_l x -t

    '------r-- HEADFO~"IR EF ER EN C E PL AN E

    B A SIC PL A N E

    N O TE : A ll d im ensions are in millimeters.

    Headform NominalSize x y H at S izeE S M A L L 26 96 6 . 5J MEDIUM 27 10 3 7 . 0M URGE 29 10 7 7 . 5

    Figure 1 - Typical headform


  • 8/3/2019 ANSI Z89-1 1997 Head Protection



    90 9S

    f--~~~~~g~?8S~~80~/ +- ~ ~70~ - - - - - - - + - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - 6 0Y ~L -...0 .......,__-+----of- - - . .. . ._ ." 20

    ANSI Z89.11997


    REFERENCE IPLANE \\: /( \:I '_'_ 'L... _~ ___jJ



    A l l d im en sio ns a re in m il li me te rs .Fo r d imens io n 'Y see T able 2.

    Figure 2 - Headform elevation


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    ANSI Z89.11997


    75' 90' 105'


    o -.J.W.Ll_L.LJLL_i'::::::~~=-_l._.L.Ll..LJ..llllL;"'180'FRONT I I l L . 1OO REAR

    I L . : 9 ~ 5Las~--80'---70'----60


    N OTES(1)(2)

    A l l d imen si on s ar e in millimeters .F or p olar coordinates of horizontal s ec tio ns s ee T a bl e 2 ,

    Figure 3 - Horizontal half-sectlons at datum levels


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    ANSI Z89.11997

    C EN TR A L V ER T IC AL ~ ~IS


    R E F E R E NC E~ -- - -~ __~==~~== PL&' f f ij



    (ISO) (DOl)E AJ CM D

    R EF ER EN C E M A R K IN G D IM E N SIO N SP IMENS IONS (mm)b k .. J31.5 30 533.7 33 835.3 35 10


    Figure 4 - Dynamic test line (DTl)(Impact and penetration tests)


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    r- - 148 -.tI ( . - - . : = " ' \ - - = - - - I ---r-I SO HE AD F OR M

    o 19 6




    ISE A HE AD FO RM (A LT ER NA TE )N OT E: A ll dim ensions are in m illim eters.

    Figure 5 - Force transmission headform

    ANSI Z89.11997

    2 2 8


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    ANSI Z89.1-1997

    A PPR OX . 210 mm-....



    GU ID E R An..




    Figure 6 - Typical Impact energy attenuation headfonn fixture(all dimensions for reference only)


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    ANSI Z89.1-1997



    o 30'-35

    Figure 7 - Typical penetration headform fixture


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    ANSI Z89.11997





    0 emPRELOAD FLmJRE 1. 5 kg

    ~ .. ..._ STEEL STOP


    EJM10 0 m m11 0 m m120 m m

    Figure 8 - Chin strap retention test apparatus

    2 4

  • 8/3/2019 ANSI Z89-1 1997 Head Protection





    L IFT A SSE .\ffiL Y



    Figure 9 - Typical impact test apparatus(force transmission and penetration)

    ANSI Z89.1-1997


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    ,65.001a. - - lNSI Z89.1-1997

    A L U M I N U M(2 .70GJCC)

    32 .0D ia. - -

    6 . 0,t

    236.0 ref. to yield1.0 kg total weight

    60.0012.3 .~ ~ __. +/-1 0 - ...b__.~~~,.CARBON SlEEL ...:>(7.865G~C)

    "-1hreaded stud

    51.0 C ia _.0 .25 + 1-0 .1 SPHERICAL RAD IUS

    NOTE :TOTA l. . MASS = 1 .0 kg +1- .0 5 ~ gA ll D im en sio ns in Millimeters

    F ig ure 1 0 - T yp ic al p en etra to r


  • 8/3/2019 ANSI Z89-1 1997 Head Protection





    A N V I L



    Figure 11- Typical impact test apparatus(impact energy attenuation)

    ANSI Z89.1-1997


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    ANSI Z89.11997






    27mm34mm3 8 mm

    Figure 12 - Static test line {STL}(electrical Insulation and flammability tests)

    2 8

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    ANSI Z89.11997


    S O mm .25mm

    t tBU NS EN BU RN ER

    C ON TR OL V )J. V E

    Figure 13- Flammability test apparatus

    2 9

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    ANSI Z89.11997Appendix ARecommendations, Cautions, Use, and CareA1. Instructions and WarningsAll instructions, warnings, precautions and limitations given by the manufacturer should always betransmitted to the wearer and care should be taken to see that such precautions and limitations arestrictly observed. Helmets whose markings (as defined in 6.5 of this standard) are missing or obliteratedshould not be used.A2. FittingSome helmets are designed to fit one size while others are adjustable. Follow the manufacturer'sinstructions for proper fitting procedures.A3. LacesLaces, if any, should always be tied according to the manufacturers' instructions.A4. CleaningShells should be cleaned with a mild detergent and rinsed in clear water approximately 60C (1400F).After rinsing, the shell should be carefully inspected for any signs of damage.Removal of tars, paints, oils, and other materials may require the use of a solvent. Since many solventsmay attack and damage the shell, the helmet manufacturer should be consulted with regard to anacceptable solvent.S. PaintingCaution should be exercised if shells are to be painted, since some paints and thinners may attack anddamage the shell and reduce protection. The helmet manufacturer should be consulted with regard topaints or cleaning materials.AS. Periodic InspectionAll components, shells, suspensions, headbands, sweatbands, and accessories, if any, should be visuallyinspected daily for signs of dents, cracks, penetration, and any damage due to impact, rough treatment,or wear that might reduce the degree of protection originally provided. A helmet with worn, damaged,defective parts, or which has received a severe impact, should be removed from service.A7. Limitation of ProtectionIndustrial protective helmets meeting the requirements of this standard are designed to provide optimumprotection under average conditions. Users are cautioned that if unusual conditions prevail (for example,higher or lower extremes of temperature than those described), or if there are signs of abuse or mutilationof the helmet or of any component, the degree of protection may be reduced. Any helmet that hasreceived a severe impact should be removed from service, since the impact may have substantiallyreduced the protection offered.NOTE: All items constructed of polymeric materials are susceptible to damage from ultraviolet light andchemical degradation, and helmets are no exception. Periodic examinations should be made of allprotective helmets and, in particular, those worn or stored in areas exposed to sunlight for long periods.


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    ANSI Z89.1-1997

    Ultraviolet degradation may first manifest itself in a loss of surface gloss, called chalking or discoloration.Upon further degradation, the surface will craze or flake away, or both. At the first appearance of any ofthese phenomena, the shell should be replaced.AB. PrecautionsBecause helmets can be damaged, they should not be abused. They should be kept free fromabrasions, scrapes, and nicks and should not be dropped, thrown, or used as supports. This appliesespecially to helmets that are intended to afford protection against electrical hazards.Industrial protective helmets should not be stored or carried on the rear window shelf of an automobile,since sunlight and extreme heat may cause degradation that will adversely affect the degree of protectionthey provide. Also, in the case of an emergency stop or accident, the helmet might become a hazardousimpactor.The addition of accessories to the helmet may adversely affect the original degree of protection. Neveralter or modify the helmet to accept accessories unless instructed to do so by the helmet manufacturer.Identification markers used on shells for helmets meeting Class E requirements shall be affixed withoutmaking holes through the shell and without the use of any metal parts.Caution should be taken when marking or decorating Class G or E helmets. Any markers shall be affixedwithout making holes through the shell. Metallic based markers such as some reflective tapes, metal foillabels or metal foil hot stamps should be applied only with the helmet manufacturer's authorization.A9. Safe Condition

    () Neither the impact/penetration requirements nor the electrical insulation requirements should beconstrued to indicate the safe impact level or safe voltage to which the industrial worker may besubjected. The maximum voltage against which helmets will protect the wearer depends on a number ofvariable factors, such as the characteristics of the electrical circuit and the equipment involved, the careexercised in maintenance of equipment, and weather conditions. Therefore, the safe and proper use ofhelmets is beyond the scope of this standard.


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    ANSI Z89.11997

    Appendix 8Electrical Insulation Testing81. Equipment GuidelinesCommercially available high-voltage test equipment can provide self-contained voltage and current-sensing circuits with adjustable current limiting from 3 to 30 milliamperes. With these units, all that isrequired is a test stand for the helmet and appropriate safety interlocks. The transformer should have arating of at least 400 volt-amperes and have one side of the high-voltage supply grounded.If a multi-station test stand is to be used to test more than one helmet at a time, an additional currentmeter should be added for each helmet being tested. The volt-ampere rating of the transformer shouldbe increased about 350 volt-amperes for each additional station.A multi-station test stand can also be built so that the external tank is charged and the inside of eachhelmet can be alternately grounded through a suitable current meter. With this arrangement, only onemeter is required. It does not have to be protected from high voltage, and no increase in the transformerrating is necessary.82. PrecautionsHigh-voltage test equipment is inherently dangerous because of the relatively high volt-ampere rating ofthe transformer and its stored energy capacity that can produce a current in excess of the current limitthat has been set for a fraction of a second. People familiar with the relatively harmless automotiveignition and other small (although high-voltage) coils may have developed a false sense of security. Thefollowing checklist is submitted to supplement those of the equipment manufacturers and the testers, andshould not be considered a complete list of safety precautions.(1) Prepare and review the test procedure during an operator's training. Post the procedure on the

    test stand. Only well-trained and competent personnel should operate this equipment.(2) Post "High Voltage" signs in the area and equip the system with vivid pilot lights to indicate that it

    is operating.(3) Ground the system.(4) Contain the helmet under test in an insulated chamber of Plexiglas or a similar material, with safety

    interlocks on the door. The interlocks should be fail-safe and operated with low voltage, such as 24 volts.All joints and openings in the chamber should have grounded screen or wires over or adjacent to them onthe inside of the chamber. Maintenance of this ground and the ground mentioned in item (3) should bepart of the safety interlock system.

    (5) Provide dual hand contacts to occupy both hands of the operator.(6) Do not allow other people in the area during testing.(7) Do not allow moisture or water to accumulate during or after testing. Ozone is generated during

    the testing, and may be dangerous. Ozone may be radioactive and may induce or worsen respiratorytract diseases of viral or microbial origin. A small cage-type fan can be used to extract ozone from thetest chamber, with an airflow from vents at the end of the chamber furthest from the point of extraction.The ozone should be vented to the outside or absorbed in a bromide or iodide solution.


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    Appendix CForce Transmission TestingC1. Equipment Guidelines ANSI Z89.1-1997The impact tester should have a guide rail at least three meters in height and capable of producingimpact velocities required by this standard. Test anvils, headforms, transducers, etc., mounted to thebase should be attached so that no energy is absorbed through deflections and the base should be atleast 25 mm (1.0 in.) thick steel. Guide mechanisms which slide on the rail should have re-circulating ballbearings to minimize friction. The impactor guide mechanism should contain an automatic brake toprevent second impacts (bouncing). A velocity detector is required to assure proper drop heights. Theposition of said detector should be adjustable so that the speed of impact is measured no more than twocentimeters from the point of impact. A detector flag attached to the guide mechanism which passesthrough or by the detector should not be greater than 26 mm (1.02 in.) height. The detector should becapable of resolving velocities of 0.01 millisecond increments. Magnetic detector systems may also beused if equivalency is established. An electronic timer is used to determine the speed at which the flagtraverses the detector. The load cell should conform to the following characteristics:

    SizeMeasuring RangeResolutionAccuracy, LinearityRigidityTransverse Sensitivity

    75 mm diameter. (3.0 in.) Min.0-5000 N (1124 Ibf) Min.45 N (10.1 Ibf) Max. 2.5% Full-scale Max.4.5 x 109 N/m (2.6 x 10 7 Ibf/in) Min.3.0% Max.

    () The load cell/headform mounting system should not have a resonant frequency less than 5 kHz, and thefrequency response of the system should be in compliance with SEA Recommended Practice J211 b,Channel Class 1000.It is recommended that the load cell output be recorded with a storage oscilloscope, transient recorder orsimilar device designed to store maximum readings. However, maximum force readings may be obtainedusing a peak indicating meter designed to store only a maximum reading. The frequency response ofpeak indicating meters should at least meet the requirements of SEA Recommended Practice J211 b,Channel Class 1000. Resolution should be 45 N (10.1 Ibf) Max. with rise time capability less than 0.01milliseconds.C2. CalibrationStrain gauge type load cells can generally be calibrated staticly by applying a known dead. weight to thetop of the load cell and checking the output signal. This works well with an oscilloscope or voltmeter.However, transient vibrations tend to create a problem when using peak indicating meters, and thus theload must be applied and/or removed with extreme care. Furthermore, static calibration does not takeinto account the dynamic response of the measuring system. Dynamic calibration is recommended butrequires a calibrated reference accelerometer and a calibrating medium (shock pad). The referenceaccelerometer should have the following characteristics:

    Measuring RangeResolutionAccuracy, LinearityTransverse SensitivityResonant FrequencyFrequency ResponseRepeatability/Stability

    0-400 G's Min.1.0 G Max.1.0% Full-scale Max.3.0% Max.20 kHz Min. 0.5 db @ 0.1 HZ-2 kHz1.0% Full-scale Max.


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    The calibrating medium should have the following characteristics:MaterialDurometerThicknessSize

    Elastomer (High Resilience and Low Hysteresis)50-60 Shore A25 mm (1.0 in.) Minimum100 mm (4.0 in.) Diameter. MinimumThe accelerometer is mounted on top of the 3.6 kg (8.0 Ib) impactor along its vertical axis ( 2.50 of truevertical) according to the manufacturer's instructions. A dual channel storage oscilloscope isrecommended for making simultaneous recordings of both accelerometer and load cell outputs. Bothaccelerometer and oscilloscope should be in recent calibration.Fo rc e M ea su rin g S ys tem Calib ra tio n P ro ced ure:Remove headform from load cell and mount the calibrating medium to the top of the load cell. Allelectronic systems should be turned on and allowed to stabilize. The impactor, with accelerometerattached, should be dropped onto the calibrating medium from a height which yields a maximumacceleration reading of 100 10 G's. Outputs of both accelerometer and load cell should be recorded.The two maximum values should read within 2.5% of each other according to F=ma (Force = Mass xAcceleration). This degree of accuracy must be repeatable through at least five impacts.V elo city M ea su rin g S ys tem Calib ratio n P ro ce du re:If a simulated detector flag (ball) cannot be dropped in "free fall" from a known height through or by thedetector, the velocity measuring system should be returned to the manufacturer at least every six monthsfor re-calibration. Otherwise, a ball of known diameter can be dropped from a known height to trigger thevelocity detector. The ball must be large enough to properly trigger the detector and have enough massto negate the effects of aerodynamic friction. The ball should be dropped from at least one meter. Theactual velocity is then calculated from:

    Where g = Gravitational Constant and h = Drop Height. This value is then compared to the measuredvelocity. Both values should agree within 1.0%.

    C3. Sys tem Repea ta bility P ro ce du re :With the calibrating medium (shock pad) described in C2 mounted to the top of the load cell, threeconsecutive drops of the impactor onto the medium should be made. The velocity of impact should bemaintained at 4.0 m/s. 0.03 mls (13.1 ft/s 0.1 ft/s). The repeatability value should be the average ofthe three maximum transmitted force readings. However, the total range for the three values should notexceed 3.0% of the average value.


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    ANSI Z89.1-1997 Appendix 0Impact Energy Attenuation Testing01. Equipment GuidelinesThe impact tester should have a guide rail at least 2.0 m (6.6 ft) in height to produce impact velocitiesrequired for this standard. The test anvils (flat and hemispherical) should be made to be interchangeableon the base and be attached so that no energy is absorbed through deflections and the base should be atleast 25 mm (1.0 in.) thick steel. Guide mechanisms which slide on the rail should have re-circulating ballbearings to minimize friction. A velocity detector is required to assure proper drop heights. The positionof said detector should be adjustable so that the speed of impact is measured no more than 2.0 cm (0.79in.) from the point of impact. A detector flag attached to the guide mechanism which passes through orby the detector should not be greater than 26 mm (1.02 in.) in height. the detector should be capable ofhaving a resolution no greater than 0.01 milliseconds. The photo beam, visible, infrared, etc., shouldhave emitter/receiver slots no greater than 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) running normal to the path of travel of theflag. Magnetic detector systems may also be used if equivalency is established. An electronic timer isused to determine the speed at which the flag traverses the detector. Attached to the guide mechanism,in such a way as to prevent rotation, should be a mounting ball. Test headforms are mounted on saidball with a clamping ring such that the headforms may be swiveled about the ball. An accelerometershould be mounted inside the ball, having its axis (or the vertical axes, in the case of a triaxialaccelerometer) within 2.5 degrees of vertical alignment.The accelerometer should conform to the following characteristics:

    ShapeSizeMeasuring RangeResolutionAccuracy, LinearityTransverse SensitivityResonant FrequencyFrequency ResponseRepeatability/Stability

    Cubic, with Flat Sides25 mm (1.0 in.) Max. Dimensions0-500 G'S Min.1.0 G Max.1.0% Full-scale Max.5.0% Max.20 kHz Min. 5 db@ 0.1 HZ - 2 kHz1.0% Full-scale Max.

    The frequency response of the system should be in compliance with SEA Recommended Practice J211 b,Channel Class 1000. Each channel resolution should be 1.0 G Max. with rise time capability less than0.01 milliseconds.

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    02. Calibrationhile there are several acceptable methods of accelerometer calibration, one method may be performed

    using the fixture specified in Appendix C2 for dynamic calibration. In this case, however, the calibratedreference accelerometer and the test accelerometer should be fixed in "piggyback" fashion, one on top ofthe other. The cubic shaped test accelerometer lends itself well to this procedure. The axis should be invertical alignment with the axis of the reference accelerometer and the vertical axis of the impactor.Practice has demonstrated that thin, "double stick" tape can be used to fixture the accelerometers, oneon top of the other. This assumes that the flat surface of the accelerometers in contact with the tape is atleast 50 square mm (2.0 square in.) and that the cables are properly tied down and held in place.Acceleration Measuring ProcedureRemove the test accelerometer from the mounting ball. Mount this unit on the impactor then mount thecalibrated reference accelerometer on top of the test accelerometer. Mount the calibrating medium as inAppendix C2. All electronic systems should be turned on and allowed to stabilize. The impactor, withaccelerometers attached, should be dropped onto the calibrating medium from a height which yields amaximum acceleration, as indicated by the reference accelerometer of 200 20 G's. The vertical axisoutputs of both accelerometers should be recorded. The two maximum values should read within 2.0%of each other. This degree of accuracy should be repeatable through at least five impactsVelocity Measuring System Calibration ProcedureFor checking the calibration of velocity detectors, see Appendix C2.03. System Repeatability ProcedureMount the calibrating medium (shock pad) described in Appendix C2 onto the test base in place of thetest anvil(s). Position the headform inverted, with the basic plane horizontal. With the accelerometerconnected to the recordinglcomputing instrumentation, three consecutive drops of the headform onto themedium should be made. The velocity of the impact should be maintained at 3.0 rn/s 0.03 mls (9.8 ft/s 0.1 ft/s). For each drop a Maximum G value should be recorded. The repeatability value should be theaverage of the three measurements. However, the total range for all three values should not exceed 8.0% of the average value.


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    ANSI Z89.1 1997Appendix ENo rma tive r efe rencesThe following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text constitute provisions ofthis American National Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. Allstandards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this American National Standardare encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standardsindicated below:FMVSS 218, 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 571.218, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard-Motorcycle Helmets.ISO/DIS 6220-1983, International Standard - Headforms for Use in the Testing of Protective HelmetsSAE J 211-1988, Instrumentation for Impact Test, Recommended Practice


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    ANSI Z89.11997Appendix FSources

    Impact/Penetration Monorail Test StandsMany source s ca n p rovid e suita ble test e quip ment. B elo w is a pa rtia l listing:

    M ode l T espac 8 00 U niversal H elm et Test S ystemU .S . T esting C om pa ny, Inc.2 91 F airfie ld A ve nu eF airfie ld , N J 0 7 00 4- 3 8 8 5ISO HeadformsB io kin etic s a nd A ss oc ia te s L td .1 48 1 C yrv ille R oa dO ttaw a, O nta rio K 1 B 3L 7CANADAC AD EX Inc.8 8 5 R ou ssillo n S tre etS t. J e an -S ur R ic he lie uQuebec, CANAD A J3 B 8N7ISEA Aluminum HeadformI ndus tr ia l Sa fe ty E quipment Asso c ia tio n1 90 1 N orth M oo re S tre et, #8 0 8A rling to n, V A 2 22 09DOT HeadformsS ize A and D ava ilable from :Contr ol C as tin g Co rpo ra tio n3 2 C omm ercia l C ourtP la inv ie w, N Y 1 18 0 3S ize C a va ila ble from:U .S . T esting C om pa ny, Inc.2 91 F airfie ld A ve nu eF airfie ld , N J 0 7 00 4- 3 8 8 5Load CellsU .S . T esting C om pany, Inc.2 91 F airfie ld A ve nu eF airfie ld , N J 0 7 00 4- 3 8 8 5K is tl er I ns tr umen t Co rpo ra ti on

    AccelerometersPCB P ie zo tro nic s, In c.3 42 5 Wa ld en A ve nueD e pew, N Y 1 40 43 - 24 95K is tl er I ns tr umen t Co rpo r at ion75 J ohn Glenn D riveAm he rs t, N Y 1 41 20 -5 09 1E nd ev co D iv is io n o f A llie d S ign al, In c.3 070 0 R ancho V ieto R oadS an J uan C ap istra no , C A 9 28 75E ntra n D e vice s, Inc .1 20 Wa shing to n A ve nueF airfie ld , N J 0 7 00 4Velocity DetectorsG HI S yste ms, Inc.91 6 N . W este rn A ve nueS an P edro, C A 90 73 2.S . T esting C om pa ny, Inc.2 91 F airfie ld A ve nu eF airfie ld , N J 0 7 00 4Calibrating MediumMTS Sys tem s C o rp ora tio nP .O . B ox 240 12M inn ea po lis , MN 5 54 24U .S . T esting C om pany, Inc.2 91 F airfie ld A v en ueF airfie ld , N J 0 7 00 4

    Data Acquisition/Computer SystemsG H I S ystem s, Inc.9 16 N . W este rn A ve nueS an Pedro , C A 90 73 2K .M . E. C ompa ny