another year comes to an end... december 2007 is running away. looking back, we have to admit that...

Another year comes to an end... December 2007 is running away. Looking back, we have to admit that we never ever worked so hard in such a little period of time: a) performed a Project in association with Sweden; b) found out new techniques; c) were granted with improvements – all thanks to the hard work done by our dedicated volunteers. Everything is fully Sonia Rinaldi Multiple Multiple planes planes watch us... watch us...

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Page 1: Another year comes to an end... December 2007 is running away. Looking back, we have to admit that we never ever worked so hard in such a little period

Another year comes to an end...

December 2007 is running away. Looking back, we have to admit that we never ever worked so hard in such a little period of time: a) performed a Project in association with Sweden; b) found out new techniques; c) were granted with improvements – all thanks to the hard work done by our dedicated volunteers. Everything is fully detailed in this e-book of almost 550 pages – as the result of “one” year of hard work!The triumph of a team-work.

Sonia Rinaldi

Multiple Multiple planesplanes

watch us...

Multiple Multiple planesplanes

watch us...

Page 2: Another year comes to an end... December 2007 is running away. Looking back, we have to admit that we never ever worked so hard in such a little period


We gathered the volunteers from IPATI – Advanced Research in Instrumental Transcommunication Institute – last December 2nd – in order to celebrate and express our gratitude – for people from this side and from the other dimension -- for all the progress achieved, for all the great friends we made, just to mention a couple of our conquests. The celebration was held at the “Universe Space”, managed by our dear friend Maria Ignez, who coordinates our Community at Orkut along with Nilza and is also responsible for our agenda of workshops. We decided to run an open recording, under the testimony of the whole room, as this was a celebration between our volunteers and our friends from the other dimension, thus allowing both sides to interact.Our objective was successfully achieved. Both teams, those from this and from the other side, came together during the recordings. Careful analysis indicated the location of the paranormal voices shown herewith. We suggested people to act in an ordinary way and to feel comfortable as, for sure, a similar meeting was happening at the Other Side. As the “transaudios” mainly happened over our jokes, we are going to explain each case so that the reader clearly understands them. We remind you that, exceptionally, recordings were not made within the ideal conditions which, of course, hurts the quality of the audios (phrases of the original voices, that is, in Portuguese, will be in green):

AUDIO 1: I made a joke and wrote some notes in a blue paper and made people believe they were sent by Mr. German. The objective was to make people laugh. The first “note” was addressed to Claudia Moretto, our great friend who strongly supports us. Claudinha is very funny and keeps laughing.Audio:Sonia: - “There is a note from Mr. German to her…”Claudia: - “Do not place Mr. German in this mass as he would not write…”Sonia: - “But he did write, ok?”Vera: - “ He dictated… and she wrote…”Sonia: - “Thanks… now, please, open and read it…!”Claudinha laughing: - “I ‘m not gonna read!!!”A woman’s Paranormal voice announces what was written at the note: - “Gone!” (-”Fui!”)Claudia laughing loudly: - “I am sure he did not say that…!”Man’s paranormal Voice: - “It Depends!” (-”Depende!”)

By the side, Claudinha shows the

“note” Mr. German sent

to her…

Page 3: Another year comes to an end... December 2007 is running away. Looking back, we have to admit that we never ever worked so hard in such a little period

AUDIO 2:During a recording a couple of days ago, Claudinha was late to send a certain message and Mr. German playing with her, said: - “Ah! She is always lost!” and we did laugh a lot.I did remind this fact to agitate even more”Woman’s paranormal Voice: - “I know!” (-”Eu sei!”)Sonia: - “He said you are lost…”Stand up, stand up Claudinha…”

AUDIO 3: The only one that did not get a “Blue Note” from Mr. German was Silvia, our specialist in Biometry who is performing relevant image analysis for IPATI. Actually, I had a different inspiration: in the morning, when I was thinking what could I give her during the meeting to be held that afternoon, I strongly felt the presence of a young boy and identified him as her dead son Guilherme. He dictated a brief message and I cried. Thus, I delivered her son’s message without any jokes. Recording:Sonia: - “When I was writing the little funny notes, I felt that she would have a conversation with her lovely son from the Other Side, as we show herewith!”Woman’s paranormal Voice: - “Gonna get it!”Sonia: - “I am sure!”

AUDIO 4:Following, I called Silvio, another great collaborator who, of course, would get a funny note.Sonia: - “Silvio? Please come here, stand up!”Woman’s paranormal voice: - “I’m here!”AUDIO 5:As I was close to Silvio, I mentioned:“You’re not going to get a magazine as you had already got it…”Silvio: - “Yes, I already get it, thank you.. and I have to say that is a great pleasure working with you!” Woman’s paranormal voice: - “How lovely!”AUDIO 6:The joke with Silvio was related to a “sausage” that Claudio would deliver:The audio has started with laughter:Sonia: - “You have to show it… Claudio! Claudio come here to talk to the guy!”…Claudio joking: “Silvio, sorry I forgot!”Man’s Paranormal Voice: “I want to see him!!!”

Silvia, responsible

for the Biometry

Investigation area.

Silvio and Sonia

Page 4: Another year comes to an end... December 2007 is running away. Looking back, we have to admit that we never ever worked so hard in such a little period

AUDIO 7:At this moment, a beginner mentioned he did not know who was Mr. Narisha and I asked Claudinha to explain him:Sonia: - “Claudia! Who is Mr. Narisha?”Claudinha: - “Mr. Narisha is a coordinator, isn’t it?Woman’s Paranormal Voice corrects her: - “No!!!”Man’s Paranormal Voice: - “Too much love…”Claudinha: - “who takes care of the image piece…”We think it is interesting to define our ET friend as being “Too much Love”.Following I asked her to complete the information – I asked her to say that he is an ET.Sonia: - “and he is…”Paranormal Voice: - “He is here!” (-”Ele está aqui!”)Sonia: - …extraterrestrial!”

AUDIO 8:Then, we slipped the joke to Cláudio Brasil who support us for the last 7 years. “Mr. German’s” note (a nonsense I invented) was regarding his little son, Brian, recently adopted. I got the required authorization, and started telling an amazing story about the confirmation that our Spiritual Friends do follow us and know everything about us.The following happened a couple of weeks before: I made a routine recording and suddenly Mr. Narisha said:“I can see a beautiful boy who goes to those who love him!”I did not understand the phrase and did not know what it would mean. As the recording had a good quality, I sent it to several friends, and also to Claudio. I did not know that it would have any link with any one of them and I even did not know about the couple’s adoption plans.

In response, Cláudio wrote us an e-mail, saying he was really surprised to read the note and that it was clearly addressed to him, as the expected little boy has just arrived. Beautiful. And he was just preparing a picture to send to IPATI’s directors when Mr. Narisha anticipated and told us the news.Getting back to the meeting:I started trying to remember Mr. Narisha’s sentence: - “ I see a boy…”A Child’s Paranormal Voice said: - “He came to pick me up!”I keep saying that the message was addressed “To Claudio!”And the child’s voice corrects me saying that it was not only addressed to Claudio (the father) but also to the mother – which means, he came to defend her:Child’s voice: - “And mommy!”Claudio repeats Mr. Narisha’s phrase: - “A beautiful boy…”Child’s Voice: “Run After!”Mr. German’s Voice: - “He answered!”

Claudio Brasil,

Physicist and

specialist in

voice analysis.

Page 5: Another year comes to an end... December 2007 is running away. Looking back, we have to admit that we never ever worked so hard in such a little period

Surprisingly, there were no children close to us and Brian, who was hold in one’s arms was far-off from the microphone. And most importantly, he is one year and 6 months old and does not speak!So… whose voice was that? Would it be contact between living creatures? We know, through Mr. Gyorge Magiary’s studies, a pioneer in TCI at the seventies, that it could be possible. Would that be the case? It doesn’t matter, the child’s voice was registered and we will certainly learn more about it in the future.Following, Claudio told us how he literally “run after” to “come across” his little boy. As the boy was mentioned by Mr. Narisha, we think he is a special child.

AUDIO 9:It looks like this was an unusual day. In a certain moment when Claudinha was laughing, we could listen to a barking – but there were no dogs next to us. We could then listen to a voice modulation and a hoarse voice said – “He is at home!”

AUDIO 10:We noticed that there was lot of interference from those who were communicating from the other side as if they were with us for the whole period. Following an extract with huge interference from them: Right at the beginning of this audio, a child’s voice says: woman’s voice asks: “-Hi, I belong to this place!” But, while she was saying “Hi, I am…” another feminine voice comes over and asks: - “Who is this?” (-”Quem tá falando?”)Another feminine voice says, as if she was trying to follow everything that was happening without loosing a single point of our meeting: “I will not lose anything!” Another feminine voice asks: “Any news?!”It can be noticed that this conversation happens between “them”, from the Other side.And another feminine voice shows-off: - “I do record a lot!” (-”Gravo a bessa!”)

AUDIO 11:By the end of this recording, I say farewell, quite touched, as if a we became close friends with strong links, and said:Sonia: - “(I thank for your kindness, my friends…) and whatever it is possible for us…”A feminine paranormal voice says: - “Also smiling!” (-”Tambem sorrindo…”)Sonia: “…you can count on us!”

AUDIO 12:Again the child’s voice takes part, but in a very singular way she starts talking. I say goodbye and she ends up with the word (“recorded!”)Child’s voice: - “Recor…” -”Gra- um beijo- Sonia: “A kiss!”Child’s voice: “…ded!”

Brian,who was mentioned by the spirits before being


-”Alguma novidade?”


Page 6: Another year comes to an end... December 2007 is running away. Looking back, we have to admit that we never ever worked so hard in such a little period

AUDIO 13:We were going to end up the recordings when I ask if someone would like to make another question to the Communicators, that one should take advantage or even to say something.I said:Sonia: - “If someone wants to ask anything, just take advantage…” (É a lindinha!”)Paranormal Voice: - “She is the little pretty girl!”Mines: - “I want to make a question”!A crystal clear voice of a baby says: - “Ai!!!”

At this point, our great friend and fellow-worker Maria Ignez thank me… what really made me feel deeply affected. The meeting went forward with people taking a snack and with a strong friendship link among the volunteers, who actually make it possible to turn the our Masters’ objectives possible.


In this e-book we already talked in detail regarding the access of different creatures through the Transcommunication. The research regarding Speed still in the beginning, but what we know is that by speeding up over regular audios one can access platforms of other Spiritual Friends. But, who are them? From where they get in touch? Why do they speak slowly? Do they observe us together with our regular spiritual friends? Why? For what purpose? And why do they talk to us?These are some of the doubts we are adding to our list while we deeply study the Transcommunication phenomenon.Answers? No answers.Reflections? Some.Facts that do evidence? Several.


The speed of the following recordings were four times the regular speed. That would mean that in a hyper accelerated recording like this the logical would be that we did not understand a single word. Actually, the previous content disappears but it gives place to regular phrases which means, whoever is making these contacts are creatures who live in a four times less speed than ours.Why less? Because we had to accelerate in four times the speed in order to allow them to communicate with us” Following some recordings:

Maria Ignez is one of our former co-

workers: she books our

workshops, manages our

Orkut Community and offers her place

for our meetings...

Page 7: Another year comes to an end... December 2007 is running away. Looking back, we have to admit that we never ever worked so hard in such a little period

1 - Paranormal Voice: “Call me.”

2 – Paranormal Voice: “I am close to you!”It is clear that the voice calculated that we would have several questions regarding his geographical location. But when he says that he is “close”, what should it mean? We think that we were one, integrated though not physically. (-”Ela é simpática!”)3 – Paranormal Voice: “And she is charming.”It is important to mention that they do not see or listen to us as our spiritual friends that produce Zero Speed (which means, similar to ours).

4 – Paranormal voice: “Being there... she is at the sky.”Curiously, they seem to know a lot about our lives. At this point, they do mean that being among friends makes me happy.

5 – Paranormal voice: “He is waiting ... for Sonia.” (-”Por Sonia, ele está esperando!”)Nitidamente nos conhecem, sabem nossos nomes e estão nos vendo. De onde? Seria uma outra Estação Transmissora de alguma diferente dimensão?For sure they know us, know our names and can see us. But where are them? Would they be in a Transmitter Station from other dimension?

6 – Paranormal Voice: “Come and see. Hello, hello…” (-”Vem ver, alô!”)Alguns trechos sugerem que estão nos vendo, e conversando entre eles.At some moments they do suggest they can see us and keep talking among them.

7 – Paranormal Voice: “She is my daughter.”

8 – Paranormal Voice: “She was late. She came here.”This feminine voice has such a knowledge that we are accelerated in comparison to their world that she confirms I was able to encounter them as I delayed the audio.

9 – Paranormal Voice: “May get in touch.”Aqui demonstram clareza de saber que podem ser contactados.They clearly know they can be contacted. (-”Acabou e me ligou!”)10 – Paranormal Voice: “It finished and called me!”They look to be happy to be contacted. Actually, we seldom look for other dimensions based on the speed.

11- Paranormal Voice: “He left early” . (-”Saíu cedo!”)Não temos noção do ponto do tempo aqui na Terra quando tal frase acima foi dita, mas possivelmente, refere-se ao Cláudio que por estar com o filhinho bebê, teve que se retirar mais cedo.We do not have a clue at what time the subject phrase was mentioned, but possibly it refers to Cláudio. As he was with his little baby, he had to leave earlier.

12 – Paranormal Voice: “In peace... Isabel.”We do not have any Idea who is Isabel – maybe a relative of someone from the meeting.

13 – Paranormal Voice: “Look here.”

14 – Paranormal Voice: “They are listening. Move quickly, here is there.”Maybe this contact discloses a subject that Physics may find out in the future. When the creature says: “here is there”, maybe it is much more real than we could imagine and we are all in levels that interact, interpose and intercalate.

Page 8: Another year comes to an end... December 2007 is running away. Looking back, we have to admit that we never ever worked so hard in such a little period

15 – Paranormal Voice: “Ours to you.” (-”Nosso pra você!”)Possibly it means contacts they do make with us.

16 – Paranormal Voice: “To you my friend Sonia, go ahead.” (-”À você minha amiga, siga em frente Sonia”)Surprisingly, the final contact from their side occurred at the same time of the hand clappings from our side and one can listen how they were accelerated.

IN HYPER-MEGA SPEED:Although we do not have too much available time to listen to the recordings in regular speed, I decided to use a mega speed, sixteen times the regular speed. Every single word recorded during the meeting seems a mosquito buzz. Even so, to our surprise, creatures who do live in that speed, or know how to communicate in that speed, contacted us.

A feminine voice said:Paranormal Voice: “This is a contact. Do not doubt it!”


Page 9: Another year comes to an end... December 2007 is running away. Looking back, we have to admit that we never ever worked so hard in such a little period

Nilza coordinates

our Orkut Community

and also the

marketing efforts.

Some friends from IPATI’s volunteers team.

Several friends from the group coordinated by Claudia. At the center, Bete, doctor and


And thus our meeting... andthis bulletin came to the end... and also 2007!!!