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De La Salle University-Manila Ramon V. del Rosario-College of Business AY 2012-2013 Term 2 A Usage, Attitude, and Image (UAI) study on Granny Goose Submitted to: Mr. Bienvenido Encarnacion In partial fulfilment of the academic requirements of MARKRES Submitted by: Ang, Jan Daniel M. Flores, John Derick E. Gollaba, Janelle P. Libunao, Jielene Arriana L. To, Joyce Feny L. Yong, Jam Nicole C. 1

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De La Salle University-Manila

Ramon V. del Rosario-College of Business

AY 2012-2013 Term 2

A Usage, Attitude, and Image (UAI) study on Granny Goose

Submitted to: Mr. Bienvenido Encarnacion

In partial fulfilment of the academic requirements of MARKRES

Submitted by:

Ang, Jan Daniel M.

Flores, John Derick E.

Gollaba, Janelle P.

Libunao, Jielene Arriana L.

To, Joyce Feny L.

Yong, Jam Nicole C.

December 7, 2012


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This paper is all about the UAI study on Granny Goose. This study aims to find out the

different attributes that influence the public utility bus conductors’ snack food preferences;

particularly that of the Granny Goose brand. The main objective of the group is to come up with

recommended strategies that will help Granny Goose boost their sales and to raise market share

for the next five years. The group used a descriptive research type of study, and used a non-

probability sampling method particularly convenience sampling. Throughout the course of the

data gathering and analysis, the group observed that Granny Goose has a relatively high reach

ratio but low on both the conversion and retention ratio. It can be implied that consumers are

getting the wrong message from the advertisements, and they need to develop product testing to

further improve their retention ratio. The respondents who have tried their product are maybe not

satisfied enough for them to retain their usage. Granny Goose also has a low relative share of the


The group’s recommendation for Granny Goose are the following: come up with

promotional campaigns to make people try Granny Goose products, have promotions that have

the right message to encourage consumers to try their product, develop product testing to

improve the product to increase their retention ratio, and offer more product variants that use

health-enhancing ingredients to capture other segments of the market and to entice the

consumers to try their product


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A. Background of the study

The snack foods industry has been moving to a healthier direction caused by the current

social trend of consumers living a healthier lifestyle. Many businesses in the food industry today,

especially fast-food chains, are developing their menus to a ‘healthier’ one for the growing

population of healthy-minded consumers. Categorically, since the brand Granny Goose, which

offers snack foods such as corn chips, is considered to be a ‘junk food’; it is seen as ‘unhealthy’

by many. Some consumers even push for the banning of such food in school canteens. As a

result, there is a decline in demand of ‘junk foods’ or snack foods. In line with this, there are new

technological advancements that can help change the perception of people towards snack foods.

There are innovative ways to lessen the oil content in potato chips, and vegetable chips are also

being introduced to the market. With these new means to promote the healthy appeal of snack

foods to consumers, companies can gradually diminish the bad reputation of snack foods and

encourage the consumers to try new products that are not only tasty, but healthy as well.

Despite the economic difficulties that being experienced by food and beverage companies in

major markets, the snack foods industry has managed to take hold of their consumers.  In

addition, it is stated that the meltdown in the global economy had a milder effect on the snack

foods market. There have been a number of new products and brands in the recent years; this is

because the manufacturers sought to entice consumers using new flavors that they provided. Low

prices continue to greatly affect the decision-making of consumers especially during difficult

times. Other factors also affect the decisions of consumers, such as preservatives content, salt

content, and other nutritional facts. Moreover, the changes in lifestyle combined with a lithesome

approach towards career have fueled the consumption of snack foods over the years. An example


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of this is the women that are becoming more focused on their careers. These women no longer

have ample time to prepare food so they consume more of the convenient snack foods.

Consumers in the developed world subsequently seek factors such as health, taste and

convenience in snack foods.

Due to the inflation in commodity prices, companies are shifting to technological

advancements and the improvement in their supply chain management to maintain operating

margin and profits. Product innovations are one way to be able to attract new consumers.

The usership, attitude of consumers and the image of Granny Goose will be the subejct that

the researchers will consider in the study of snack foods market environment. Questionnaires

were formulated to fit the objectives of the research. The respondents were exclusively directed

to a certain group, which is the group of bus conductors. The specific problem and objectives,

research framework, scope and limitation, and research hypothesis will be further explained in

this paper and at the end of the study, a further analysis, interpretation and conclusion of the

findings will be discussed.

Accordingly, this study is a crucial management tool for helping the brand manager of

Granny Goose to discover whether or not the product or service that they are providing is

actually desired by their customer base. Its purpose is to gather data on customers and potential

customers. The collected data will then aid business decision-making. This research will provide

input regarding consumer preference and satisfaction that is vital information for the business. It

would help strengthen the brand and boost its sales.



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SWOT Analysis for Granny Goose

After identifying the factors affecting the competitiveness of the industry, an analysis of the

organizational strength and weaknesses is also necessary in order to determine the aspects it needs to

improve and alter. The identification of opportunities and threats is also important to aid the

organization in drafting a marketing plan and identify the areas it needs to put focus on. A summary of

the SWOT analysis is shown in table below.


-Affordable Prices

-It caters to the masses

-It has developed a good reputation in the early 2000s

-The brand, formerly owned by the General Milling

Corporation, is now managed by URC which will

mean more resources for its promotions and



-Lesser appeal to the other segments of the market,

especially young adults

-Lack of marketing for the brand

-Has little market presence or reputation today

- Has only four brands under the mother brand Granny

Goose (Kornets, Tortillos, Brew Bud and Chillos)

- Not much information about their brand to the



-They may consider looking for other potential target


-  They could promote their brand better to attract

more buyers

- Add more variations to their mother brand which will

target a specific market

- Potential of expansion in nearby Asian markets


-  Shift in consumer choice from traditional snacks to

health-enhancing snack food

-   The majority share of the market is mostly with the

leading brands (Jack & Jill and Oishi)

-  Granny Goose is having a hard time to compete with

the leading brands, especially with the mother brand,

Jack ‘n Jill which is also managed by the same company

- Main competitors have more diversified brands

- Emergence of new products


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The company's primary strength is its affordable price. (e.g a 160g of Tortillos only costs about

P28 pesos while a 100g pack costs around P12-P15). With that, its affordable price appeals to the

masses.  Also, the Granny Goose brand has a well-built awareness in the early 2000s and the

consumers who have been patrons of their products before could be an asset to the planned

marketing plan for 2013.  Another strong point of the Granny Goose brand today is its being a

part of the snack foods line of the Universal Robina Corporation. The company has great access

to raw materials and wide resources to develop the brand today.


A weakness of the Granny Goose brand is its lesser appeal to the other segment of the market,

most especially young adults in the range of 15-25 years old. This segment comprises a

significant portion of the population and can increase the revenue substantially. The brand also

has insufficient marketing efforts to increase the awareness of the brand. There are no television

advertisements or sales promos seen right now for Granny Goose. In addition, there are only

about four sub-brands under the Granny Goose mother brand, namely: Kornets, Tortillos, Brew

Bud and Chillos, wherein the last two are very rarely seen in grocery shelves. Lastly, there is not

much access to information about Granny Goose’s history and product descriptions over the

Internet and other sources of data.


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A large portion of the domestic market in the Philippines is not yet fully saturated, thus

providing opportunities for Granny Goose to grow. URC can still expand the distribution of

Granny Goose products inside the country to reach more consumers. The advancement in

technology such as the importance of the Internet also provides opportunity for the company to

have greater access to consumers, especially the young adults. Technological progress also offer

improvements in the manufacturing processes of the company and in research and development

area to improve its products. Since they currently have four names under Granny Goose, they

could add two to three more sub-brands which will cater to niche markets and rival those of the

other companies. There is also a potential to expand in the international market especially within

the nearby countries in Asia. URC currently operates in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, China,

Hong Kong, Singapore and Vietnam, and they could penetrate Granny Goose into these markets.


The biggest challenge that company faces is the changing consumer taste in snack food.

Consumers are now more health-conscious, most especially parents of children that eat or

consume the products. With this changing consumer perception is the emergence of new snack

food products that are enriched with healthier ingredients. These serve as threat to URC’s

traditional snack food products, including Granny Goose. Another threat to Granny Goose is the

fact that URC also holds one of the leading brands in the country, Jack ‘n Jill. Granny Goose is

not considered as a brand under Jack and Jill, so this could lead into difficulties in competing

with the diversified brands under Jack ‘n Jill. The emergence of small firms with new products is

also a threat in Granny Goose’s development as these firms also operate where URC operates.


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Decision to be made

Results of the study will be used for the marketing planning for Granny Goose products for


B.    Conceptual Framework  

The theoretical framework of this study explains snack foods’ characteristics relationship

with the purchasing decision of service workers, which is also influenced by service worker’s

perception of the overall brand image.

The framework states that how a service worker perceives the usership, attitude and

image’s importance in building Granny Goose’s brand has a relationship with their purchasing

response. Good perceptions then affects purchasing behavior of a service worker leading to a

decision to buy and eat a snack food while a bad perception otherwise. This theoretical

framework will be further proven by a thorough analysis of the research survey. The independent

variables are the service worker’s perception, awareness and usage of the snack food brand and

the dependent variable is their purchasing decision.


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C.   Statement of the Problem

This research study aims to answer the following issues:


What is the product positioning of Granny Goose today regarding consumers’ usage, attitude,

and perceived image of the brand?


What are the brands of snack foods currently competing with Granny Goose today?

How aware are the consumers of the Granny Goose brand?

Have consumers seen recent advertisements of the brand?

What are the reach,conversion and retention ratios of Granny Goose compared to its


What is the brand’s market share and size?

D. Objectives of the Study

Creating strategic objectives for the marketing plan is necessary for it will serve as the

company's guide in achieving its goals. The firm's objectives will help it gain competitive

advantage over leading brands and obtain larger market share.

The general objectives of this research are to:

To learn about the product usage of the market

To acquire data on the market's attitude (e.g. expectations in product category)


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To gain insight on the market’s awareness regarding the brand’s product and advertising

To serve as a basis for the creation of the 2013 marketing plan for Granny Goose

Specific Objectives:

Raise market share to 15% for the next five years

Increase advertising and promotional activities by utilizing various forms of media

communications to increase greater awareness of the Granny Goose brand and its

products in 2013

Increase production and offer at least one healthy product variant of Granny Goose

Improve worker productivity in the firm

D. Scope and Limitation of the Study

        The scope of the study is about the current brand positioning of the Granny Goose brand in

the snack foods market and the usership, awareness and perception of the people towards the

brand. The research study will be focusing mainly on bus conductors within Metro Manila and

their awareness, usage and perception of the brand. The study will comprise of the different

atttributes such as awareness data (advertising recall), product usage data (brands ever used and

length of time duration of pack size), purchase data (frequency of category buying), and attitude

data (flavors preferred).  Meanwhile, the limitations of the study are the interviewing time

pressures for the researchers and the interviewees considering that an average of only five bus

conductors are interviewed per hour during the five to six-hour immersions per week of the

interviewees in the bus terminals in Metro Manila. Another restraint of the study is the lack of

secondary data sources available for the topic of the research. There is only a fair amount of

sources that readily offers information regarding the industry of Philippine snack foods market,


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may it be in books, journals, articles and in the Internet. Also, measurement errors surfaced

during the analysis of the interviewees’ responses and has at least affected the results of the


E. Significance of the Study

        This study will be a significant exertion to come up with the different attributes that

influence the bus conductor’s preference in snack foods and buying behavior, particularly that of

the Granny Goose. By understanding why consumers prefer a certain brand of snack foods, the

researchers can analyze the reason behind a small market share. Moreover, the researchers can

think of ways on how to increase their sales and achieve customer satisfaction. This research will

provide recommendations on how to the brand will achieve larger market share.

Through this study, the head of the marketing department of the brand Granny Goose will

be able to determine the problem or the things they need to improve on in order to increase the

sale or consumption of their brand, identifying the problem will aid in identifying the correct

solution or improvements for their brand.


The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations posited that snack

foods are commonly foods that are eaten between main meals or in the words of Webster’s

definition provided in the year 1757: ‘a light meal eaten between regular meals (2011). Snack

foods have a tendency to have a lower nutritional value and they are commonly viewed by many

in this way. However snacks come in a variety of types, ranging from raw to cooked foods, and


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some for example beans and nuts, provide significant amounts of protein and fat. Those snack

foods prepared from fruits and vegetables also provide important vitamins and minerals.

Moreover, studies in developing countries have shown that 20 to 25 percent of household food

expenditure is incurred outside the home, and some segments of the population depend on snack

foods. There are millions of single workers without families and a large floating population who

move in and out of main rural and urban areas for work, and these people largely depend upon

snack foods for their everyday needs. Because of its low cost and convenience, snack foods are

consumed each day by an estimated 2.5 billion people worldwide. In Latin America, snack food

purchases account for up to 30 percent of urban household spending (Fellows & Hilmi, 2011).

      On the contrary, Dr. David Ludwig, a pediatrician and coauthor of a commentary

published in 2008 in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA),  argues that

makers of junk foods have an obligation to stockholders to maximize profits, which means

encouraging consumers to eat more—not less—of a company's products. According to the

American Federal Trade Commission, food makers spend some $1.6 billion annually to reach

children through the traditional media as well the Internet, in-store advertising, and sweepstakes.

Most of these ads are for unhealthy products high in calories, sugar, fat, and sodium. Promotions

often use cartoon characters or free giveaways to entice kids into ‘junk’ food.

      Concurrently, in the Asian scene, Oishi, a leading brand in the Philippines of which

products are manufactured by the Liwayway Marketing Corporation, is also found to be one of

the biggest food brands in China, where it is known as Shanghaojia (which means “up and

good”. In China, on top of these products, Oishi has candies and fruit juices. Its soft candies (in


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vanilla and other fruity flavors) beat the White Rabbit, which also has been well-received by

Filipinos. Oishi is also in Vietnam, where it is the market leader, in Myanmar, Thailand, and

Indonesia—the latter two since 2006—in India since 2011, and Cambodia in 2012 (San Juan,

2012). China is an attractive market due to its large population and strong economic potential. In

almost any industry, many firms vye position to become a leading market player, and the snack

market is not an exception to this competition. China's snack food industry is highly competitive

with various companies seeking competitive advantage. The Chinese snack market is a $3-

billion-a-year industry (Terhune, 2005), therefore, foreign and domestic companies are

competing to gain a sizeable percentage of the market share from this industry.

On the other hand, in the recent earnings released by the Philippines three biggest food

and beverage companies in 2008, the Filipinos bought more snack foods, liquor, and healthy

drinks as the general economy slowed in 2008. The Universal Robina Corporation (URC),

another leading player in the Philippine snack food market, reported to the stock exchange that

its snack foods business grew 26.7 percent in 2008 compared to 2007. The snack foods boosted

URC’s operations in the last quarter of 2008 when sales reached P6.94 billion, a 17-percent

increase from the same period in 2007.The brisk sales of these branded products allowed the

Gokongwei-led company to post a double-digit growth in operating profit from October to

December 2008 at P1.02 billion (Flores, 2009).  Also, a study was conducted in 2004 by the

Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) of the Philippines regarding the consumption of

fortified foods by Filipino households. The study revealed that the most commonly consumed

fortified foods in the market by households are Tang, Eight 'o clock (fruit juices); Magic Flakes

(other cereal products); Lucky Me (chicken/beef); Lucky Me Pancit Canton; Payless; Maggi


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Rich Mami Noodles (instant mami); 555 Sardines in Tomato Sauce (meat & fish products);

Minola Premium Edible Oil (fats) ;Papa Banana Catsup (condiments) and Oishi & Jack & Jill

(snack foods).



The group will conduct a descriptive research type of study. The raw data that will be

collected from the respondents will be used to create data structures that discuss awareness,

usage, trial, and other important data regarding the UAI study. This type of research is ideal for

this UAI study because it provides information that will help the brand manager take a course of

action. Furthermore, the group will mainly use primary data since we conducted one-on-one

interviews with the aid of a survey-questionnaire. The questionnaire that will be used by the

interviewer focuses on the market share of the different brands of snack foods, their conversion

and retention ratios, RSOM, and other related questions that is essential for a UAI study. The

group agreed to use one-on-one interviews as a method of data collection, and took into

consideration the much needed formality in the study and the concern of the seriousness and

cooperation of the respondents. The questionnaire forms will aid the researchers to a comparative

advantage regarding the results. Studying the different answers of the respondents will guide the

researchers to a thorough analysis, and will give way to an accurate and comprehensive

conclusion regarding the problem. Secondary data will also aid the group in having background

information about the study.


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The bus conductors’ population was chosen for this UAI study because the researchers

believe that because of the hectic schedules of the bus conductors, they need to hasten their

meals during their breaks so they can start their byahe early. Hence, they choose to purchase

snack foods instead of full meals. The geographic proximity of the different bus terminals,

limited time and resources are the other reasons why the researchers decided to conduct the study

about bus conductors.

The sampling method used by the group was non-probability sampling method since the

resources of the researchers are limited. Non-probability sampling method is relatively simpler

and less time-consuming. The group selected the bus conductors based on convenience,

knowledge and intuition. To be able to select sampling units or respondents, the researchers

gathered information about the activities or schedules of the conductors in the different bus

terminals. The information they gathered about the schedules in the bus terminals aided the

researchers to determine when they can interview the conductors.

Since the researchers’ sampling method was non-probability sampling method, the type

of sampling design used was convenience sampling. The researchers chose to study the

responses of bus conductors because most of them regularly ride the buses to and from the

university. Furthermore, the group studied the schedules of the buses during certain days, they

picked the day wherein most of the bus conductors are on their breaks. The group assumed that

the target population is homogeneous, and the bus conductors that were interviewed at certain

bus terminals are similar to the overall bus conductors’ population.


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The group will use descriptive statistics since the group will only summarize and describe

the data, and from that data, we will be able to analyze and make recommendations. The group

believes that using descriptive statistics will help the group give accurate decisions from the

results of the UAI study. To be more specific, we will be conducting a descriptive research as

mentioned above since it is the most appropriate research for a UAI study.


A. Brand Awareness, Trial, and Usership

What brands come to your mind when you hear the word snack food?

What brands come to your mind when you hear the word snack food?


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Based on the data above, most of the respondents are aware of Granny Goose only if it

was mentioned or reminded to them. On the other hand, Jack n Jill is the most remembered by

the respondents. This shows that Jack n Jill is the market leader of the snack foods industry, and

the next one is the Oishi brand. The closest competitor of Granny Goose is Leslie’s because their

figures are similar. They are only remembered when it is mentioned to them. The group infers

that the promotions used by Granny Goose are able to reach the market but their brand is easily

forgotten. They don’t have an impact to the market that much compared to other leading brands.

What brands of snack foods have you seen, read, or heard for the past six months?

Oishi and Jack n Jill brands are the top brands when it comes to advertising while the

brands Granny Goose and Leslie’s are only remembered when they are mentioned to them. The

advertisements of Granny Goose are only remembered when it has been mentioned to them.


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What brands of snack food did you ever eat?

As seen on this table, more than 50 percent of the respondents has consumed Oishi brand

snack foods followed by Jack n Jilll. On the other hand, Frito-Lay is consumed by 0% of the

respondents and Granny Goose by around 10%. This shows that Granny Goose has a low trial

among the respondents.

What brand of snack food do you eat most often?


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Among all the snack food brands, Jack n Jill is the most often consumed snack food

brand, followed by Oishi. Frito-Lay is least often consumed with 0% and Granny Goose with

less than 5%. This implies that Granny Goose is one of the brands who has low market share in

the snack foods industry.

B. Ratios: Reach, Conversion, Retention

Brands Reach Ratio Conversion Ratio Retention Ratio

Oishi 100% 52% 37%

Granny Goose 86% 14% 5%

Leslie’s 80% 13% 9%

Frito-Lay 38% 0% 0%

Jack n Jill 97% 45% 48%

Others 11% 27% 18%

As seen on the table, Oishi has the highest reach ratio and conversion ratio while Jack n

Jill has the highest retention ratio. Granny Goose has 86% Reach ratio, 14% Conversion Ratio,

and 5% Retention Ratio. Granny Goose has a very low conversion ratio and an even more lower

retention ratio. This implies that although the promotion can reach the consumers, the consumers

are not that convinced to try the product. We can infer that the consumers are getting the wrong 20

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message from the advertisements. Granny Goose has even more problems with their product

since their retention ratio is very low with only 5%. Their products are not preferable enough

compared to other brands. The respondents who have tried their product are maybe not satisfied

enough for them to retain their usage.

Based on the data above, Oishi has a reach ratio of 100% while Jack n Jill reached 97% followed by Granny Goose with 86% and Leslie’s with 80%. For the conversion ratio, Oishi has 52% while Jack n Jill has 45% followed by other brands of snack food with 27%. For the retention ratio, Jack n Jill has the largest share with 48% while Oishi only reached 37% and Granny Goose with only 5%.


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C. Market Size/ Market Share

Brands Market Share Market Size

Oishi 38.14 192400

Granny Goose 4.12 6020

Leslie’s 7.22 9360

Frito-Lay 0 0

Jack n Jill 48.45 209520

Others 2.06 5346

Jack n Jill is revealed to have the highest market share with 48.45% while Oishi got

38.14%. On the other hand, Frito-Lay has the lowest market share with 0% while the other

brands of snack foods have 2.06%. Granny Goose with 4.12% market share would consider

Leslie’s as its closest competitor with 7.22% market share.

D. Relative Share of Market (RSOM)

RSOM = Market Share of Follower Brand/ Market Share of Leader Brand

RSOM = Market Share of Granny Goose/ Market Share of Jack n Jill


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RSOM = 4.12 / 48.45 = 0.08507

Leading - Jack n Jill 1.27032 - Champion Status/Market Leader

Oishi 0.78720 - Challenger Status: Serious

Leslie’s 0.14902 - Contender Status: Minor

Granny Goose 0.08507 - Contender Status: Minor

Frito-Lay 0


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E. Consumption/Purchase

How often do you eat snack food?

The table above shows that most of the respondents eat snack foods once a week, followed by every 2 days.


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Where do you usually buy snack foods?

Majority of the respondents purchase their snacks at sari-sari store.

F. Attitude About Category

May you define what a snack food is?

Based on the data above, a majority of the respondents define snack foods as “masarap”, “merienda”, “pantawid gutom”, and “pampalipas oras”.


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G. Attitude About Brand

What characteristics do you look for in a snack food?

Based on the data above, crispiness is the characteristic that most respondents look for in

a snack food followed by the richness in flavour. The least preferred characteristic of snack foods

that the respondents consider is less MSG (vetsin) used.


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H. Positioning Tree

Based on the figure above, both Oishi and Jack n Jill have high conversion ratio and

retention ratio. However, Granny Goose and Leslie’s have low conversion ratio and retention

ratio while Frito-Lay is positioned at the origin (0,0). It can be implied that consumers are not

convinced to try eating Granny Goose and some of them are not satisfied for them to retain the



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Through this research the researchers are able to gather information

In the course of entire research and data gathering process, the researchers have achieved

a number of recommendations with an unbiased basis of judgment. Given the findings in this

paper, the researchers recommend the brand to: (1) come up with sales campaigns to make

people more aware of Granny Goose since the awareness ratio has not yet reached 100%, (2)

offer more promotions to boost sales and have the right message and ads to improve their

conversion ratio, (3) develop product testing to improve the product to increase their retention

ratio (4) Establish long-term relationships with customers to be able to serve them better and

gain loyal customers, (5) offer more product variants that use health-enhancing ingredients to

capture other segments of the market and to entice the consumers to try their product.


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Hair, Bush, Ortinau. (2006). (3rd E.d.). Marketing Research. Mcgraw-Hill: New York

San Juan, T.S. (2012). The Pinoy chips that conquered China. In Retrieved

December 4, 2012, from


Glorioso, M.G. (2004). FNRI Study Reports Filipino Households Consume Fortified Foods. In

fnri. Retrieved December 5, 2012, from


Flores, K. (2009). Economic slowdown boosts sales of snack foods, health drinks, liquor. In

ABS-CBN Retrieved December 4, 2012, from


Voiland, A. & Haupt, A. (2012). 10 Things the Food Industry Doesn't Want You to Know. In

Health.US Retrieved December 5, 2012, from

health-news/ articles/2012/03/30/things-the-food-industry-doesnt-want-you-to-know

Fellows, P. & Hilmi, M. (2011). Selling street and snack foods. Retrieved from


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Appendix: Questionnaire


Maligayang bati! Kami po ay mga mag-aaral ng Pamantasang De La Salle-Maynila, at kami ay gumagawa ng isang pagsisiyasat sa inyong pook.

(Greetings! We are students from De La Salle University-Manila, and we are conducting a survey in your area today. )


1. Maari ko po bang malaman kung sinu-sino sa inyong pamilya, kasama kayo, ang nagtratrabaho? Saan sila nagtatrabaho?

(May I please know who among your family, including yourself, are working? Where are they working?)

HH Head Respondent




2. Mayroon po bang kahit sino sa inyong pamilya ang nagtatrabaho o may koneksyon sa mga sumusunod na kumpanya o klase ng kumpanya?

(Are there anyone in your family that works or has connections with this following companies or kinds of companies?)

Yes No

a. Ahensiya ng gobyerno na konektado sa pagkain

(Government Agency connected with food)

b. Kumpanya ng mga pagkain

(Food companies)


Nais po naming hingin ang inyong kooperasyon sa pagsagot ng ilang mga katanungan. Humihingi po kami ng 10 hanggang 15 minuto ng inyong oras

(We would like to ask you for your cooperation in answering a number of questions. We are asking 10 to 15 minutes of your time.)

Personal Data

3. Ano ang pinakamataas na antas na pag-aaral ang naabot niyo?


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(What is your highest educational attainment?)

No Schooling 1

Some Elementary 2

Completed Elementary 3

Some High School 4

Completed High School 5

Vocational 6

Some College 7

Has a degree 8

Completed/some Master’s degree 9

4. Ano ang inyong relihiyon?

(What is your religion?)

Protestant 1

Roman Catholic 2

Islam 3

Iglesia ni Kristo 4

Born Again Christian 5

Other 6

None 0

5. Anu-ano po ang mga kinakain niyo? FM

(What do you usually eat?)

Snack Food (chichirya) 1

Rice and Viand (kanin at ulam) 2

Pastries(matatamis na pagkain) 3

Candy 4

Others 5

None 0

6. Ngayon po na nabanggit ninyo ang chichirya, anu-ano po ang mga tatak na unang naiisip niyo tuwing naririnig ang salitang chichirya?

(Now that you have mentioned “snack food”, what brands come to your mind when you hear the word snack food?)

7. Ano pa? (what else?) OM

8. Alam niyo po ba ang mga tatak na ito? Aided

(Do you know these brands?)

FM OM Aided

Oishi 1 1 1

Granny Goose 2 2 2

Leslie’s 3 3 3

Frito-Lay’s 4 4 4

Jack n Jill 5 5 5

Others 6 6 6

None 0 0 0

9. Para sa unang mention na tatak, saan niyo po nalaman ang tatak na ito? Saan pa?

(For the first mention brand, where did you learn about this brand? Where else?)

Television 1

Radio 2


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Newspaper 3

Magazines 4

Friends/relatives/neighbour 5

Stores 6

Internet 7

Others 0

10. Paano naman ang mga ibang tatak ng chichirya? Ano-anong mga tatak ng chichirya ang inyong nakita, narinig, o nabasa sa nakaraang anim na buwan (FM)? Ano pa (OM)? Paano naman ang mga tatak na ito (Aided)?

FM OM Aided

Oishi 1 1 1

Granny Goose 2 2 2

Leslie’s 3 3 3

Frito-Lay’s 4 4 4

Jack n Jill 5 5 5

Others 6 6 6

None 0 0 0

11. Maari niyo ba ipaliwanag kung ano ang chichirya?

(May you define what a snack food is?)

12. Anu-ano ang mga tatak ng chichirya ang kinakain mo ngayon?

(What brands of snack foods do you now eat?)

Oishi 1

Granny Goose 2

Leslie’s 3

Frito-Lay’s 4

Jack n Jill 5

Others 6

None 0

13. Gaano kalaki ang iyong madalas na binibili? (What size do you usually buy?)

Small-size(maliit) 1

Large-sized(malaki) 2

In bulk(maramihan) 3

14. Ilang minuto o oras tumatagal sa inyo ang ganoong laki?

(How long (in minutes or hours) does this size last with you?)

15.Sa huling kain ninyo ng chichirya, saan po kayo kumain?

(During the last time you ate a snack food, where did you eat it?

House(bahay) 1

Workplace(sa trabahao) 2

Street(kalye) 3

Parks(parke) 4

Others 5

16. Gaano kadalas kayong kumain ng chichirya? Every days

(How often do you eat snack food?)

17. Saan kayo madalas bumili ng chichirya?


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(Where do you usually buy snack foods?)

Sari-sari stores 1

Convenience stores 2

Supermarkets 3

Others 4

18. Anong tatak ng chichirya ang mga nakain niyo? Ano pa?

(What brands of snack food did you ever eat? What else?)

19. Anong tatak ng chichirya ang huling kinain mo?

(What brand did you last use?)

20. Anong tatak ng chichirya ang kinain mo bago yung sagot sa 19?(What brand did you use previous to the answer in 19?)

21. Anong tatak ang lagi mong kinakain?

(What brand do you eat most often?)

Q18 Q19 Q20 Q21

Oishi 1 1 1 1

Granny Goose 2 2 2 2

Leslie’s 3 3 3 3

Frito-Lay’s 4 4 4 4

Jack n Jill 5 5 5 5

Others 6 6 6 6

22. Anong presyo ng tatak ng chichirya ang huli mong binili?

(What price did you pay in that last purchase?)

23. Nahanap mo ba ang tatak ng chichirya sa pinagbilhan mo?

(Did you find that brand on the store you went to?)

Yes 1 (go to Q25)

No 2 (go to 24)

24. Anong ginawa mo?

(What did you do then?)

25. Maari niyo bang i-rate ang mga katangian na ito batay sa pinakamahalagang hinahanap niyo sa isang chichirya. Ang 1 ang pinakamataas. (Can you please rate these characteristics, 1 being the highest, based on the most important aspect that you look for in a snack food)

Crispiness(lutong) Richness in flavour(lasa) Less MSG used

26. Anong lasa ang madalas niyong bilhin?

(What flavour do you usually buy?)

Cheese 1

Sour Cream 2

Barbecue 3

Spicy 4

Garlic 5

Others 6


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Marami pong salamat sa pakikilahok sa aming pagsisiyasat! Pagpalain kayo nawa!

(Thank you very much for participating in our survey! May you be blessed!)