anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers hans-peter hafner htw saar –...

Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences [email protected] Rainer Lenz HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences Technical University of Dortmund Work Session on Statistical Data Confidentiality Helsinki, 6 October 2015 1

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Page 1: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences

Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers

Hans-Peter HafnerHTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences [email protected]

Rainer LenzHTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences Technical University of Dortmund

Work Session on Statistical Data ConfidentialityHelsinki, 6 October 2015


Page 2: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences




Anonymization longitudinal surveys

High demand for micro data of business surveys

NSI cannot respond to requests in adequate time(confidentiality requirements, staff shortage)

Synthetic data generated by CART models►Not satisfactory for data containing outliers

Other anonymization methods are needed!

Page 3: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences



• Linear Mixed Models and Extensions

• Data: German Cost Structure Survey

• Tested models

• Results analytical potential

• Results disclosure risk

• Conclusion and future work


Anonymization longitudinal surveys

Page 4: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences


Linear Mixed Models and Extensions Linear Mixed Model (LMM)

(1) Yi = Xiβ + Zibi

+ εi

(2) bi ~ N(0, D)(3) εi ~ N(0, Σi)(4) b1,…,bN, ε1,…, εN independent

β fixed effects (constant across units)bi random effects (varying across units)

Robust Linear Mixed Model (Koller 2014)Lower weights for outliers

Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM)Exponential family instead of normal distribution

Linear Mixed Models and Extensions

Anonymization longitudinal surveys

Page 5: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences


German Cost Structure Survey

Information on enterprises of the manufacturing sector

► Branch of economic activity, location of headquarter, number of employees, turnover, raw material consumption …

Sample at most 18.000 enterprises per year, 20+ employees

500+ employees: Complete survey

Panel 1999 to 2002: 13.227 enterprises

German Cost Structure Survey

Anonymization longitudinal surveys

Page 6: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences


Tested models – 2 approachesApproach 1

Same units for model building and estimation of anonymized values.

Approach 2

Two subsamples: Estimate model with sample 1 and compute synthetic values using values of sample 2 and model coefficients from „nearest“ record of sample 1 (and the other way around)

„Nearest“ record:Divide dataset in layers of 17 economic groups and old / new federal states.Sort each layer by squaresum of the 4 values of the attribute to be anonymizedUnit with highest value -> Sample 1, unit with second highest -> sample 2 …Assignment between samples: Units with same rank in layer

Tested Models 1

Anonymization longitudinal surveys

Page 7: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences


Tested models – 5 variations

For each approach 5 variations:

Variation 1Common LMM for whole dataset respective whole sample.

Variation 2Separate LMM for „normal“ data and outlier (Hampel rule).

Variation 3Separate LMM for each of the 17 economic groups.

Variation 4GLMM with Poisson distribution (for 17 economic groups).

Variation 5Robust LMM (for 17 economic groups)

Tested Models 2

Anonymization longitudinal surveys

Page 8: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences


Analytical Potential: Criteria

Analytical Potential: Criteria

Anonymization longitudinal surveys


I) Deviations of single values

II) Deviations of means, standard deviations above 10% and deviations of correlations above 0,1 between waves for 17 economic groups

III) Deviations of means, standard deviations above 10% and correlations of change rates between waves above 0,1 for 17 economic groups

IV) Deviations of trends (increase / decrease) for 17 economic groups

Page 9: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences


Results: Analytical Potential 1

Results: Analytical Potential 1

Anonymization longitudinal surveys

Approach 1

Variation 5 aborted because of memory problems

I) About 80% deviation less than 5 percentII) 0 – 2%III) 80 – 90%IV) 12 – 18% single trends, 25 – 34% trends for combination of

turnover and employees

I) – III) No significant differences between variationsIV) Variation 1 best results

Page 10: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences


Results: Analytical Potential 2

Results: Analytical Potential 2

Anonymization longitudinal surveys

Approach 2

I) 12,5 – 22% deviation less than 5 percent (best results: variation 5)II) About 13 – 50% (best results: variation 5)III) About 50 – 85% (Variation 5 than all variations of approach 1)IV) 18 – 26% single trends, 31 – 41% trends for combination of

turnover and employees (best results: variation 5)

Variation 5 (robust LMM) has best analytical potential, but for criteria I) and II) higher deviations than for all variations of approach 1.

Page 11: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences


Disclosure Risk: Methodology

Disclosure Risk: Methodology

Anonymization longitudinal surveys

Scenario: Database Crossmatch

Anonymized dataset against original dataMinimization of distance measure between recordsBlocks: 17 economic groups, old / new federal states, 6 employment size classes

Hit rate: Proportion of correct matched units in block

Useful value: Deviation from original value at most 10%

Disclosure risk in block = (Hit rate * #useful values) / #values in block

Page 12: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences


Disclosure Risk: Results

Disclosure Risk: Results

Anonymization longitudinal surveys

Approach 1

For all blocks disclosure risk above 20 percent.

Number of correct matched enterprises in these blocks between 62 (variation 1) and 67 percent (variation 4) of all enterprises.

Approach 2

Disclosure risk above 20 percent for 3.5 to 4.6 percent of the blocks.

Number of correct matched enterprises in these blocks between 0.1 (variations 1 and 4) and 0.4 percent (variation 5) of all enterprises.

Page 13: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences




Anonymization longitudinal surveys

Approach 1: High analytical potential, high disclosure risk.

Approach 2: Low analytical potential, low disclosure risk

Most promising model: Approach 1, robust LMM

Possible modifications:

1) Assignment of units between the two samples.2) Include correlation structure between waves into model.

Page 14: Anonymization of longitudinal surveys in the presence of outliers Hans-Peter Hafner HTW Saar – Saarland University of Applied Sciences


Anonymization longitudinal surveys