annual report etp materials technology 2013 · tno report annual report etp materials technology...

Technical Sciences De Rondom 1 5612 AP Eindhoven P.O. Box 6235 5600 HE Eindhoven The Netherlands T +31 88 866 50 00 F +31 88 866 88 19 [email protected] TNO report Annual report ETP Materials Technology 2013 Date 13 March 2014 Author(s) Ardi Dortmans Copy no No. of copies Number of pages 22 (incl. appendices) Number of appendices 4 Sponsor Peter Werkhoven Project name ETP Materials Technology 2013 Project number 060.08014 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or published by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means without the previous written consent of TNO. In case this report was drafted on instructions, the rights and obligations of contracting parties are subject to either the General Terms and Conditions for commissions to TNO, or the relevant agreement concluded between the contracting parties. Submitting the report for inspection to parties who have a direct interest is permitted. © 2014 TNO

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Page 1: Annual report ETP Materials Technology 2013 · TNO report Annual report ETP Materials Technology 2013 Date 13 March 2014 ... The final proposal was submitted to the Topsector HTSM

Technical Sciences De Rondom 1 5612 AP Eindhoven P.O. Box 6235 5600 HE Eindhoven The Netherlands

T +31 88 866 50 00 F +31 88 866 88 19 [email protected]

TNO report

Annual report ETP Materials Technology 2013

Date 13 March 2014

Author(s) Ardi Dortmans

Copy no

No. of copies

Number of pages 22 (incl. appendices)

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Sponsor Peter Werkhoven

Project name ETP Materials Technology 2013

Project number 060.08014

All rights reserved.

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microfilm or any other means without the previous written consent of TNO.

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© 2014 TNO

Page 2: Annual report ETP Materials Technology 2013 · TNO report Annual report ETP Materials Technology 2013 Date 13 March 2014 ... The final proposal was submitted to the Topsector HTSM

Management summary

Title : ETP Materials Technology 2013 Author : Ardi Dortmans Date : 3 februari 2014 Project nr. : 060.08014 As part of the Strategic plan 2011-2014, TNO initiated an Enabling Technology Program (ETP) Materials Technology that should result in development of generic knowledge, supporting the longer term technology needs (3-5 years) of the demand driven programmes (VP) in various TNO themes. The activities in this ETP are the result of needs expressed in the Steering Committee for this ETP with representatives of 6 TNO themes. In retrospect the activities in 2013 in this ETP have to a large degree been carried out according to the project plan developed and approved end 2012. New activities were initiated in areas like conversion of light to energy, flow composition measurement and metamaterials. Several new PhD projects were initiated with external partners such as TUe, UT, UU and NWO. The development of the TNO contribution to the Qutech (Quantum Computing) initiative was supported from this ETP, leading to a joint research activity with TUD and STW in which thin film deposition and modelling will play an important role. Also succesful initial round tables were organised together with M2i and NanoNextNl to identify industrial needs for the proposal prepared together with NLR for a joint TO2 materials program (“Transitie Plan Materialen”). The support of this ETP for future activities in TNO’s demand driven programmes (VP) can be illustrated by considering the quantitative output data for 2013: • patent applications: 10 • publications and presentations: approx. 30 publications and approx. 40 conference

contributions • various follow-up projects at the national and international level. These numbers are comparable to those for previous years. For 2014 research topics initiated in 2012 and 2013 will be continued and brought to an as mature as possible stage, because this ETP will end by 31-12-2014 (end of the current TNO Strategic Plan 2011-2014). At the moment of writing it is unclear whether and how this ETP will be continued in 2015.

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List of abbreviations AFM = Atomic Force Microscope ALD = Atomic Layer Deposition (deposition process) ETP = Enabling Technology Program MLD = Molecular Layer Deposition SMO = Samenwerkingsmiddelen Onderzoek TKI NCI = Topconsortium voor Kennis en Innovatie Nieuwe Chemische Industrie (Topsector Chemie) TMA = Trimethyl Aluminum (precursor for ALD) VP = Vraaggestuurd Programma

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Management summary ................................ ........................................................................ 2

1 Introduction ...................................... .......................................................................... 5

2 Excecution 2013 ................................... ...................................................................... 6

2.1 Activities 2013 .............................................................................................................. 6

2.2 Interaction (Kennisarena’s, stakeholders etc.) ............................................................ 6

2.3 Participation in other research programs and networks .............................................. 6

2.4 Initiation of research activities with industry, universities, institutes and government . 7

2.5 Relevance to Topsector policy ..................................................................................... 7

3 Results 2013 ...................................... ......................................................................... 8

3.1 Complex architectured nanoenabled materials ........................................................... 8

3.2 Complex architectured nanoenabled thin films .......................................................... 10

3.3 Production equipment ................................................................................................ 12

4 Signature ......................................... ......................................................................... 14

Appendices A Patents

B Books

C Journal publications

D Conference contributions

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1 Introduction

The TNO law 2005 earmarks TNO as an independent organisation to carry out applied research for the general benefit (article 4). Means to achieve this are a) research carried out by TNO, b) transfer of results, c) cooperation with other knowledge institutions, d) participation in coordination of research and international co-operation and e) execution of assigned tasks (article 5). The TNO law requires TNO to prepare a Strategic Plan every four years, in agreement with relevant governmental policy (article 19). One of the means to carry out this Strategic Plan is to carry out a Multi Annual Research Plan. Within this framework TNO has prepared Multi Annual Enabling Technology Programs (ETP) for the period 2011-2014 as well as an annual plan 2013. The set of Enabling Technology Programs (ETP) should result in development of generic knowledge, supporting the longer term technology needs (3-5 years) of the demand driven programmes (VP) in TNO. ETP Materials Technology tries to realise 3 basic goals • Incubator: the formulation of new strategic research areas for TNO as identified in

discussion with TNO Themes, industry and universities, fitting in the Topsector policy developed by Dutch government.

• Excellent research: new materials and processes with demonstrated behaviour in applications. The focus is on added value functional materials at surfaces and in interfaces and production processes for this.

• Expansion of collaboration with academia and other partners. The purpose of this report 2013 is to present interested readers at government level • An overview of the activities in ETP Materials Technology • An overview of the development of relations with industry and knowledge partners

outside TNO • Highlights in technology development This report primarily presents the progress of the ETP in broad outline. In accordance with the request of EZ TNO will publish titles of the involved projects and results obtained so far on its website in due course.

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2 Excecution 2013

2.1 Activities 2013

The activities outlined in project plan 2013 have been realised, both from a content and financial perspective. In 2012 these activities have been formulated in the annual plan 2013 (TNO report TNO 2012 R1064) and contain 3 main activity areas • Complex architectured nano-enabled materials, including e.g. safe design of

nanomaterials, smart building materials, protective material and 3D printable multi-materials.

• Complex architectured nano-enabled thin films including light management for solar cells, atomic layer deposition and chemical sensors

• Production equipment including miniaturisation, improving dynamic behaviour and compact optical instruments

These activities are the result of needs expressed by various VPs in 6 TNO themes: Industrial Innovation, Built Environment, Healthy Living, Energy, Defense, Safety & Security and Information Society represented in the steering committee for this ETP. The activities mentioned are supplemented by fundamental knowledge development in coooperation with universities through part-time professorships and PhD projects. The initiative introduced in 2011 to generate new ideas for ETP projects (TNO IDEA) was discontinued for reasons of budget reductions and effectivity, following a joint evaluation by the different TNO ETPs.

2.2 Interaction (Kennisarena’s, stakeholders etc.)

The contents of the research program have been topic of discussion with various stakeholders: • Roadmap High Tech Materials in HTS&M (incl M2i) • European initiatives (E2B, Factories of the Future, EMIRI, KET etc) • Universities (e.g. 3TU, UU, RWTH Aachen) • NWO, STW, FOM, NLR • Dutch government (Min EZ, Min Defense, Min I&M) • Industrial stakeholders In oktober 2013 a first proposal was prepared together with NLR, M2i and NanoNextNL to come a joint materials program in the Topsector HTSM (“Transitie Plan Materialen”). This was centered on 3 research lines (Materials for Thin Film Manufacturing, Materials for Additive Manufacturing and Materials for Constructions in Extreme Enviuronments). Further input for these ideas were gathered in first round tables with industry in December 2013, organised together with NLR, M2i, and NanoNextNl. The final proposal was submitted to the Topsector HTSM end January 2014.

2.3 Participation in other research programs and ne tworks

Several projects being part of this ETP are carried out in collaboration with other initiatives and partners: • Directly sponsored PhD positions at universities (TU/e, UT, TUD) • Part-time TNO professors at universities (TU/e, UT, TUD, RWTH Aachen)

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• NWO TKI NCI, STW Perspectief programmes • M2i, BMM, NanoNextNL, EC (NMP) This participation involves about 35 PhD positions at universities and 6 parttime professorships at universities, all part of this ETP.

2.4 Initiation of research activities with industry , universities, institutes and government

In 2013 activities in this ETP have been undertaken to define new collaborations/projects in: • Horizon 2020 • TNO SMO/SRP • NanoNextNL, M2i • The roadmap High Tech Materials in Topsector HTSM • NWO, STW • The QuTech initiative in Topsector HTSM • The “Transitie Plan Materialen” in Topsector HTSM

2.5 Relevance to Topsector policy

The contents of this ETP have been discussed in 2013 with Dutch government (EL&I “soft” demand driven approach) to clarify the relevance to the Dutch Topsector policy being developed in 2013. The activities in this ETP primarily are of relevance to the Topsectors High Tech Systems & Materials, Energy, Chemistry and Life Sciences & Health. Input has been given to development of several roadmaps in these topsectors.

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3 Results 2013

In this chapter some results of activities in different projects are given as an illustration. A full report of all project activities is available in TNO.

3.1 Complex architectured nanoenabled materials

Metamaterials by Additive Manufacturing For ceramic and metal printing the relevant expertise in TNO is currently limited. The goal of the project is to assess technology developments outside TNO in the field of additive manufacturing (e.g. 3d printing) of multimaterials, i.e. ceramic and metal parts, and identify promising routes for material and technology development in this field. This is of generic importance for different activities within TNO, but to provide some focus special attention will be paid to possibilities to produce new dielectric materials for advanced radar applications (metamaterials) including a PhD study at TU/e on this topic. Metamaterials are materials exhibiting physical characteristics that are not normally found in nature, but can be achieved by careful deliberate engineering of the material structure. Currently, the selection of commercial composites is very limited such that proposed 3D metamaterials can’t be used for the most optimal electromagnetic materials. Better advanced composites with broad properties range have to be developed for additive manufacturing such that e.g.

- The relation between electromagnetic properties and the deviations from the optimal metamaterial 3D configuration and composition is better understood - It will be possible to effectively connect different components in one uniform layered composite to form the 3D metamaterial, e.g. combinations of complex polymer-based or ceramic-based dielectrics with metal

Thus the challenges to meet expectations for a metamaterial that can be used for antenna applications are directly related to a development of more advanced multifunctional composites capable to form any complex 3D structures. So far in the state-of-the-art metamaterials were prepared using relatively “simple” methodologies which have several bottlenecks (problems with the precision, the aspect ratio of mechanically drilled holes vs. material thickness is an issue, etc.). The geometry below was taken as an initial example to work with:

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An alternative geometry and fabrication method was designed using various materials in 3D calculations. E.g. an optional fabrication method includes a fully 3D printed metallic base that could be embedded in the dielectric as shown below:

This project in 2013 has resulted in a strategy to produce the first radar metamaterial by additive manufacturing in 2014, followed by successive improvement steps in 2015-2016. This development is supported by a PhD at TU/e focussing on modelling. Direct spin-off of this activity could be in the development of optical metamaterials, which has raised direct industrial interest in the Netherlands, but also at the European level. Nanostructured protective materials Continuing the work of 2011 and 2012, in 2013 a series of experimental techniques was investigated to analyse the behaviour of ceramic materials under high velocity damage generation by impact, as a tool to better model damage formation and modelling of improved microstructures. As an example, to complete information on the damage sequence and timing, the possibilities to measure time resolved deformation at the rear face of an impacted tile. Initial deflections have been observed within the timeframe of 5 – 10 µs. The potentials to measure deflections of a few µm within a few µs of optical and electro/magnetic measurement techniques were reviewed. Deflectometry was selected to apply and study the pro’s and cons in more detail for impact conditions. A basic test set-up was built studying the effect of the grid size combined with the high speed recording on the resolution for the deflection measurements. The resolution for the applied (homemade) grids was limited to 0.2 mm and have to be improved. It was concluded that deflectometry is a promising technique and provides complementary information on deformation, but also on the timing of crack initiation and the size of the dent radius at the rear face of the tile:

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3.2 Complex architectured nanoenabled thin films

Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition As part of the ongoing development of the spatial ALD toolbox, spatial molecular layer deposition (MLD) of organic-inorganic layers of alucones was shown for the first time. The deposition process is about two orders of magnitude faster than conventional MLD. The optical, chemical and mechanical properties of the layers were comparable to those obtained for conventional MLD. During the process development temperature, concentrations and exposure time have been varied to gain understanding of the reaction mechanism and process window. TMA half reaction appears not to be a self-limiting process because TMA is diffusing into the porous MLD layer during growth, leading to an exposure time dependency. Such mechanisms not only complicate the MLD reaction, but also provide more dimensions to control and steer the nano porosity and mechanical properties of the MLD layer. An integrated cooled plasma source enabled for the first time ever deposition of a closed silver layer in atmospheric pressure spatial ALD. Knowledge about the dependence and sensitivity of the deposition process on process parameters such as exposure time,

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cooling flow, reactor temperature, plasma flows, process flows and plasma distance was gathered.

Silver layer by spatial ALD of 50 nm thick with a resistivity of 18µΩ.cm These experimental studies are supported by developing relevant Molecular Dynamics modelling knowledge. Thus MD has shown great potential for future small-scale related processes making use of both chemical and diffusion related mechanisms as well as the prediction of mechanical properties of materials which (due to size) are extremely difficult to characterize. It is expected that the ALD / MD toolbox developed in this ETP can be of much benefit for the QuTech initiative to produce high quality thin layers with improved adhesion and connection. Plasmonic structures for light management of solar cells Continuing the activities in 2012, we focused on manufacturing plasmonic structures in OPV cells (CIGS will be topic of research in 2014). An extensive literature study revealed that the required silver or gold particle size, when positioned in front of the active absorber layer (on the side where sunlight enters the cell), is different for OPV and CIGS: 12-40 nm is the ideal particle size for OPV versus approximately 100 nm for CIGS, with a surface coverage of about 30%. Plasmonic structures were made by vapor deposition and subsequent annealing. Gold deposition (8-20 nm) and anneal (300-500°C) on ITO has resulted in particles between 30 and 800 nm. These were used to produce first OPV solar cells for testing, but no hard conclusions could be drawn yet. This activity will be continued in 2014, in collaboration with TUD and TU/e (prof. Zeeman, Prof. Kessels) in the framework of an approved STW HTSM project.

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Gold particles on ITO (HIM); left: ≤ 10 nm, right: 30-100 nm

3.3 Production equipment

In 2013 significant progress has been made to realise a miniaturised scanhead for Atomic Force Microscopy. Purpose is to build an AFM with very much improved accuracy and speed to allow for better characterisation of nanostructures. The first AFM scanhead prototype was assembled and tested, showing the predicted behaviour (sensitivity, dynamic range, noise levels). E.g. for vertical positioning of the scan-head use has been made of multiple actuators (figure below). For the geometry of the scan-head dynamic analysis showed that this structure exhibits so-called stationary points, i.e. points that are not excited by a certain mode (designated by the red circles in the figure below). This theoretical work was validated successfully and is part of the successful design of the scanhead. In 2014 we will reinforce our efforts to turn this finding in a general design principle (stationary points, stationary lines), not only for mechanical but also for other dynamic problems such as thermal and/or acoustical. Collaboration in this area of research exists with TUD, TU/e and UL and will be expanded. The work on miniaturised optomechatronics meanwhile has led to spin-off projects at the national and international level.

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4 Signature

Eindhoven, 13 March 2014 Peter Werkhoven Ardi Dortmans Managing Director Program Manager

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A Patents

During 2013 9 inventions as a result of activities in this ETP were submitted as a European patent. Information on these patent applications is available upon request.

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B Books

J.Weerheijm, “Understanding the tensile properties of concrete”, Woodhead Publishing, 2013, 350 pages, ISBN 978 0 85709 045.

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C Journal publications

In 2013 the following publications appeared or were submitted to refereed journals

1. Illiberi, R. Scherpenborg, F. Roozeboom, P. Poodt, ‘Atmospheric Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition of In- doped Zn’, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, submitted Oct. 24, 2013, #JSS-13-3249

2. Illiberi, R. Scherpenborg, P. Poodt, F. Roozeboom ‘Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition of Transparent Conductive Oxides’, ECS Transactions, 58 (10) 105-110 (2013)

3. P. Buskens, M. Wouters, C. Rentrop, Z. Vroon, A brief review of environmentally benign antifouling and foul-release coatings for marine applications, Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 2013, 10, 29-36.

4. J. Langanke, N. Arfsten, P. Buskens, R. Habets, J. Klankermayer, W. Leitner, Improving the scratch resistance of sol-gel metal oxide coatings cured at 250C through use of thermogenerated amines, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 2013, 67, 282-287.

5. M. Burghoorn, D. Roosen-Melsen, J. de Riet, S. Sabik, Z. Vroon, I. Yakimets, P. Buskens, Single layer broadband anti-reflective coatings for plastic substrates produced by full wafer and roll-to-roll step-and-flash nano-imprint lithography, Materials 2013, 6, 3710-3726.

6. Man Xu, Arthur J.H. Wachters, Joop van Deelen, Maurice C.D. Mourad, Pascal J.P. Buskens, A study on the optics of copper indium gallium (di)selenide (CIGS) solar cells with ultra-thin absorber layers, Optics Express 2013, submitted.

7. M. Segers, N. Arfsten, P. Buskens, M. Möller, On the Scope and Limitations of the Synthesis of Sub-Micron Sized Hollow Organosilica Spheres using Oil-in-Water Emulsions Stabilized by In-Situ Generated Reactive Surfactants, Advanced Functional Materials 2013, submitted

8. H. Zhu, H.P. Huinink, P.C.M.M. Magusin, O.C.G. Adan and K.Kopinga (2013) Continuum Fitting of T2 Spectra Using a Mixed Gaussian and Exponential Kernel Function, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 235, p. 109-114

9. H. Zhu, H.P. Huinink, O.C.G. Adan and K.Kopinga (2013) NMR Study of the Micro-Structures and Water-Polymer Interactions in Cross-Linked Polyurethane Coatings, Marcomolecules, 46 (15), p. 6124–6131

10. N.J.W. Reuvers, H.P. Huinink, H.R. Fischer and O.C.G. Adan (2013)The influence of ions on water transport in nylon 6 films, Polymer, Volume 54, Issue 20, 6 September 2013, p. 5419–5428

11. N.J.W. Reuvers, H.P. Huinink and O.C.G. Adan (2013) Water plasticizes only a small part of the amorphous phase in Nylon-6, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Volume 34, Issue 11, p. 949–953, June 13

12. V. Baukh, H.P. Huinink, O.C.G. Adan, S.J.F. Erich and L.G.J. van der Ven (2013) Natural versus accelerated weathering: Understanding water kinetics in multilayer coatings, Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 76, Issue 9, September 2013, p. 1197–1202

13. N.J.W. Reuvers, H.P. Huinink, O.C.G. Adan, J.M.C. Mol and S.G. Garcia (2013) Water uptake in thin nylon 6 films as measured by EIS and MRI, Electrochimica Acta 94, p.219-228

14. M. van Soestbergen, S.J.F. Erich, H.P. Huinink and O.C.G. Adan (2013) Inhibition of pH fronts in corrosion cells due to the formation of cerium hydroxide, Electrochimica Acta 110, p. 491–500

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15. P.A.J. Donkers, H.P. Huinink, S.J.F. Erich, N.J.W. Reuvers and O.C.G. Adan (2013) Water permeability of pigmented waterborne coatings, Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 76, Issue 1, p. 60-69

16. M. van Soestbergen, S.J.F.Erich, H.P.Huinink and O.C.G.Adan (2012) Dissolution properties of cerium dibutylphosphate corrosion inhibitors, (2013) Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology, 48 (3), p. 234-240

17. Theelen, M. , Boumans, T., Stegeman, F., Colberts, F., Illiberi, A., van Berkum, J., Barreau, N., Vroon, Z., Zeman, M.- Physical and chemical degradation behavior of sputtered aluminum doped zinc oxide layers, for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells, accepted Thin Solid Films 2013

18. A. Karamnejad, V. P. Nguyen, L. J. Sluys A multi-scale rate dependent crack model for quasi-brittle heterogeneous materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. In press, 2013 .

19. B. Šavija, J. Pacheco, E. Schlangen, Lattice Modeling of Chloride Diffusion in Sound and Cracked Concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2013, 42: 30-40

20. B. Šavija, M.Luković, J. Pacheco, E. Schlangen, Cracking of the concrete cover due to reinforcement corrosion: a two-dimensional lattice model study, Construction and Building Materials, 2013, 44: 626-638

21. Abbas, Y. and Olthuis, W. and van den Berg, A.(2013) A chronopotentiometric approach for measuring chloride ion concentration. Sensors and actuators B (Chemical), 188. pp. 433-439. ISSN 0925-4005

22. V. Longo, N. Leick, F. Roozeboom and W. M. M. Kessels, ‘Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition of SrTiO3: Stoichiometry and Crystallinity Studied by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry’, ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 2 (2013) N15-N22.

23. V. Longo, M.A. Verheijen, F. Roozeboom, and W.M.M. Kessels, ‘Crystallization study by Transmission Electron Microscopy of SrTiO3 thin films prepared by plasma-assisted ALD’, ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol., 2 (5) N120-N124 (2013).

24. N. Aslam, V. Longo, W. Keuning, F. Roozeboom, W.M.M. Kessels, R. Waser, and S. Hoffmann-Eifert, ‘Influence of the stoichiometry on the performance of MIM capacitors from plasma-assisted ALD SrxTiyOz films’, Physica Status Solidi A - Applications and Materials Science, 1–8 (2013) / doi: 10.1002/pssa.201330101.

25. Y. Wu, P.M. Hermkens, B.W.H. van de Loo, H.C.M. Knoops, S.E. Potts, M.A. Verheijen, F. Roozeboom and W.M.M. Kessels, ‘Electrical transport and Al doping efficiency in nanoscale ZnO films prepared by atomic layer deposition’, J. Appl. Phys., 114 024308 (2013).

26. Y. Wu, S.E. Potts, P.M. Hermkens, H.C.M. Knoops, F. Roozeboom, W.M.M. Kessels, ‘Enhanced doping efficiency of Al-doped ZnO by atomic layer deposition using dimethylaluminum isopropoxide as an alternative aluminum precursor’, Chem. Mater. 25 (2013) 4619.

27. F. Roozeboom, V. Narayan, K. Kakushima, H. Iwai, D.-L. Kwong, P.J. Timans, and E.P. Gusev, eds., ‘Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 3’, ECS Transactions, Vol. 53, Issue 3, The Electrochemical Society, Pennington (NJ), USA, 2013.

28. F. Roozeboom, S. DeGendt, A. Delabie, J.W. Elam, A. Londergan, and O. van der Straten, eds., ‘Atomic Layer Deposition Applications 9, ECS Transactions, Vol. 58, Issue 10, The Electrochemical Society, Pennington (NJ), USA, 2013.

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Non-refereed publications: 1. Nederlands MKB en TNO werken aan levensduuronderzoek zonnepanelen’,

Solar Magazine juni 2013 2. Ando D. Kuypers, Raymond J.W. Knaapen & Mirjam Theelen, Marc Meuris,

Maarten van der Vleuten & Wiro Zijlmans, ‘Cost-efficient equipment for CIGS production’, Photovoltaic International 20 2013 p 63-71

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D Conference contributions

In 2013 the next contributions were made to (inter)national conferences and symposia

1. Smets, M.M.H., Spatial Molecular Layer Deposition of alucones, AVS 2013, Long Beach, USA.

2. Poodt, P. Atmospheric pressure plasma enhanced spatial ALD, presentation 13th international conference on atomic layer deposition (ALD 2013) San Diego

3. Illiberi, A., Poodt, P., Scherpenborg, R. and Roozeboom, F., ‘Spatial-ALD of Transparent and Conductive Oxides’, E-MRS 2013 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, May 27-31, 2013.

4. F. Silvestri, V. Lancellotti, L. Cifola, G. Gerini, Homogenization of Finite Metamaterial Structures with Linear Embedding via Green’s Operators, submitted to the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014), Den Haag, 6-11 April 2014

5. H Sadeghian, Pushing the Boundaries in Throughput of Scanning Probe Microscopes, Invited Talk, COMS 2013.

6. H. Sadeghian, Automatic Alignment of Optical Beam Deflection Systems, Nanomechanical Sensing Workshop 2013, Stanford.

7. R Bijster, J de Vreugd, H Sadeghian, Dynamic Characterization of Bi-material Cantilevers, The 4th International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications, August 2013.

8. H. Sadeghian; N. B. Koster; T. C. van den Dool, Introduction of a high throughput SPM for defect inspection and process control, Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXVII, 2013.

9. H. Sadeghian, T. C. van den Dool, W. E. Crowcombe, R. W. Herfst, J. Winters, G. F. I. J. Kramer, N. B. Koster, Parallel, Miniaturized Scanning Probe Microscope for Defect Inspection and Review, SPIE Advance Litho. 2014, soral presentation accepted.

10. Elke J. van Nieuwenhuijzen, Michael F. Sailer, Robert A. Samson, Olaf C.G. Adan - Detection of Aureobasidium as the dominant fungus on coated wood - Proceedings 44th IRG on Wood Protection Annual Meeting, 2013

11. H.P. Huinink, N.J.W. Reuvers, H.R. Fischer and O.C.G. Adan Plasticization of nylon-6 by water: a NMR imaging study, EUROMECH Colloquium 550 Multiphysics of Solid Polymers: Experiments and Modeling, July 1-5, 2013, Poitiers, France

12. V.Baukh, H.P. Huinink, O.C.G. Adan and L.G.J. van der Ven (2013) Understanding water uptake in multilayer coatings: The roles of composition and temperature, Proceedings of the 10th COSI Coatings Science International Conference, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

13. Ö. Gezici, P.A. van Meel, P.A.J. Donkers, S.J.F. Erich, H.P. Huinink and O.C.G. Adan, Progress in understanding water transport through coatings into wood, Proceedings of the 10th COSI Coatings Science International Conference, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

14. A. Karamnejad, V. P. Nguyen, L. J. Sluys A rate-dependent multi-scale crack model for concrete, FraMCos-8 2013, Toledo.

15. A. Karamnejad, V. P. Nguyen and L. J. Sluys, "Modeling concrete under high frequency loading using multi-scale method", Euro-C 2014, St. Anton am Alberg, Austria-abstract accepted.

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16. Mirjam Theelen, Mathieu Tomassini , Henk Steijvers, Zeger Vroon, Nicolas Barreau, Miro Zeman, In-situ Analysis of the Degradation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells, Proceedings of the 39th IEEE PVSC 2013

17. Enrico Burello, NanoSafety Conference, Saarbrucken (Germany), 20-22 November 2013, ‘Computational Nanotoxicology and Rules for Designing Safer Nanomaterials’.

18. Microencapsulation of Salts for Enhanced Thermochemical Storage Materials” R. Cuypers, A.J. de Jong, J. Eversdijk, H. van ‘t Spijker, H. Oversloot, B.L.J. Ingenhut, R.K.H. Cremers, and N.E. Papen-Botterhuis, 40th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, 21-24 July 2013, Honolulu, Hawaii (+ oral)

19. B. Šavija, M.Luković, E. Schlangen, Lattice modeling of cover cracking due to reinforcement corrosion. Consec13, Nanjing, China

20. J. Pacheco, O. Çopuroğlu, R.B. Polder, Optimization of chloride quantification in cementitious mortar using Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis, 35th International Conference on Cement Microscopy, Chicago, Ill., USA, April 30th to May 2nd 2013.

21. B. Šavija, J. Pacheco, E. Schlangen, Lattice based simulation of chloride ingress in uncracked and cracked concrete: model validation, FraMCoS-8 – Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, March 2013, Toledo, Spain

22. Miao, S., Vespier, U., Vanschoren, J., Knobbe, A. Modeling Sensor Dependencies between Multiple Sensor Types. Paper in Proceedings Benelearn 2013.

23. Baggio, A., Vespier, U., Knobbe, A. Automated Selection of Data-Adaptive Approximations for Large Time-Series Visualization. Poster in Proceedings Benelearn 2013.

24. J.Ozbolt, J.Weerheijm, A.Sharma, Dynamic tensile resistance of concrete, Split Hopkinson bar tests. VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS-8, Toledo, Spain, 11-14 March 2013.

25. Y.Lu, J.Xu and J.Weerheijm, A Mesoscale Modelling Perspective of Cracking Process and Fracture Energy under High Strain Rate Tension, VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS-8, Toledo, Spain, 11-14 March 2013.

26. A.S. Agar Ozbek, J. Weerheijm, E. Schlangen and K. van Breugel, Drop Weight Impact Strengths of Porous Concretes Investigated with a Measurement Technique Using Laser Doppler Velocimetry. VIII International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS-8, Toledo, Spain, 11-14 March 2013.

27. L.Pereira, J.Weerheijm, L.J. Sluys. Dynamic tensile response of concrete- LS Dyna concrete material models review. The Third International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures. Prague, June 2013.

28. L.Pereira, J.Weerheijm, L.J. Sluys. Damage prediction in a concrete bar due to a compression and tension pulse. 15th International Symposium on Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures. Potsdam, Germany, September 2013.

29. Y.S.Khoe. M.Tylerstreet and J.Weerheijm. Towards reliable simulations of ballistic impact on concrete structures, 15th International Symposium on Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures. Potsdam, Germany, September 2013.

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30. J.Weerheijm , I.Vegt. Understanding the dynamic response of concrete. Concrete Structures under Impact and Blast Loads, April, 2013, Les Houches, France. (Submission updated version to International Journal of Protective Structures, December 2013)

31. V. Mortet, M. Brunet, E. Scheid, V. Longo, W.M.M. Kessels and F. Roozeboom, ‘2D and 3D characterization of high-k thin films deposited by ALD for high-density 3D capacitors’, Workshop ‘Functional oxides for integration in Micro- and Nanoelectronics’, P-37, Autrans, France, April 7-¬10, 2013.

32. N. Aslam, V. Longo, M. Reiners, W.M.M. Kessels, F. Roozeboom, R. Waser, and S. Hoffmann-Eifert, ‘Stoichiometry effect on the performance of MIM capacitors from plasma-assisted ALD SrxTiyOz films’, E-MRS 2013 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, May 27-31, 2013.

33. V. Longo, M.A. Verheijen, F. Roozeboom, W.M.M. Kessels, ‘Crystallization study of SrTiO3Thin Films Prepared on Si3N4, Al2O3 and Pt surfaces by Plasma-Assisted ALD’, AVS 60th Int. Symp. , Long Beach, Oct. 27 -Nov. 1, 2013.

34. V. Longo, M.A. Verheijen, F. Roozeboom, and W.M.M. Kessels, ‘Plasma-assisted ALD of SrTiO3 for Pt/SrTiO3/Pt MIM structures: Growth and Crystallization study’, 224th ECS Meeting, San Francisco, Oct. 27-Nov. 1, 2013.

35. I.J.M. Erkens, M.A. Blauw, M.A. Verheijen, F. Roozeboom and W.M.M. Kessels, ‘Room Temperature Sensing of O2 and CO by ALD Prepared ZnO Films coated with Pt Nanoparticles’, 224th ECS Meeting, San Francisco, Oct. 27-Nov. 1, 2013.

36. F. Roozeboom, ‘Spatial ALD for flexible electronics’, ProFlex 2013, Dresden, September 23-24, 2013 (Invited).

37. F. Roozeboom, ‘Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition; a novel disruptive technology’, TechArena, Semicon Europa, Dresden, Oct. 8-10, 2013 (Invited).

38. F. Roozeboom and G.N. Parsons, ‘Status and Perspective of High-Throughput and Large-Area Spatial Atmospheric Atomic Layer Deposition Technology’, 60th American Vacuum Society Meeting, Long Beach (USA), Oct. 27-Nov. 1, 2013 (Invited).