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Saturday 23&

Sunday 24September

2017 BembridgeHarbour

Food Festival

Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 September 2018to be opened by Robin Courage (founder of IW Day) at 12.00 noon Saturday

01983 872225

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Best Kept Extra Large Village 2016

2016 – 2017PARISH COUNCILLORSNorth Ward – Cllr Mike Tarrant, Cllr Sally Pigot, Cllr Shelia Weedall, Cllr Richard Weaver, Cllr Martine Humphray, Cllr Mark Champken

South Ward – Cllr Denise Grannum, Cllr Gordon Kendall, Cllr Anthony Freeman, Cllr Alanah Woodford, Cllr Bill Bristow, Cllr Penny Watts

BEST KEPT VILLAGE AWARDSCongratulations to the Lengthsmen, Bembridge Weeders and Greens Town Steering Group for all their efforts in contributing to winning the Best Kept Extra-Large Village Award.

FINANCE/PRECEPTBembridge Parish Council set their precept at £140,000 for 2016/17. Taking on extra services from Isle of Wight Council, contributions to village organisations, village events and general maintenance of assets were all budgeted for. From the 1st April 2016 the Parish Council took over the running of the toilets at Lane End Road, installing new doors, re-painting and arranging a deep clean.

5 Foreland Road, Bembridge, PO35 5XN TEL: 01983 874160 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB:

HAMPSHIRE AND ISLE OF WIGHT VILLAGE OF THE YEAR COMPETITIONThe Village of the Year award was won by Lyndhurst with Bembridge runners up. Bembridge also won ‘Champion of Champions’ award, ‘Best Environmental Improvement’ award and ‘Excellence in Localism’ award

QUALITY STATUSBembridge Parish Council has been awarded Quality Status under the Local Council Award Scheme, one of only 21 Town/Parish Councils to be accredited out of 10,000 nationally. The panel was particularly impressed by the high standard of our website and the range of information available to visitors.

Covering the period from 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017

COMMUNITY HUB PROJECTFollowing public consultations, village hall user group meetings, a petition received from 1317 Bembridge residents, the Library group’s decision to seek a lease on the library building and numerous individual feedback from members of the public it has been made clear that the majority of the public wish to see the 5/7 High Street building retained. At an Extraordinary Council Meeting of the 7th March 2017, Councillors agreed to rescind the previous decision made on 18th October 2016 to dispose of the 5/7 High Street premises. The decision to withdraw the planning application was taken at the Extraordinary Council Meeting of the 23rd May 2017. Seven meetings took place in camera from the press and public before meetings were then opened to the public between May and December 2016.

The total cost of the project officer was £2,833.32 Christopher Scott/Planning Development Hub £8,160.00Other Community Hub expenditure £1,233.55Community Hub income £160.00

Total spend £12,066.87

NEWLY ELECTED CHAIRAs the newly elected Chair of Bembridge Parish Council, I felt it was my duty to take a long hard look at what was happening and should be happening as a matter of course. I am delighted to say that despite Councillor divisions the day to day functions continue seamlessly, thanks to the dedicated staff who, have worked tirelessly, behind the scenes, to deliver a service for Bembridge.

Looking forward, there are some difficult decisions facing the Council and I am certain that when making decisions, myself and my fellow Councillor’s will always consider the benefits to community as a whole, not just for today but for generations to come.

We as Councillors are just custodians for a short period of time and we should always consider the legacy baton we will pass on. As we settle down and start working together (I don’t suggest we are all going to agree all of the time) we will be challenging ourselves, engaging with local businesses and the community, to look at new and sustainable revenue streams to support this wonderful village of ours.

Whether this is achievable or not all Councillors should consider a legacy target of a precept free Bembridge.

Cllr Keith Fagan, Chairman of Bembridge Parish Council

PARISH PRECEPT 2017/18The precept for 2017/18 was set at £160,000 to cover parish services, maintenance of assets and contributions to village events and organisations detailed in the budget. The precept for 2018/19 has been reduced to £159,000.

PARISH OFFICE OPENING TIMESThe Parish Office opening times are 9.30-12.30 where you are welcome to pop in at any time.

Appointments can be made with the Clerk after these times.

HAMPSHIRE & IOW VILLAGE OF THE YEAR AWARDSBembridge had an amazing evening winning 5 awards:Winner – Inspirational Individual to Emma Goldring – This is the first time anyone has won the award for a second time, and Emma was highly praised by Stephen for her professionalismWinner – Highways & Footpaths for BB21 Footpath Bembridge to Brading – Footpath project in conjunction with East Wight Landscape Partnership, IWC Rights of Way, Aaron Rogers Gardening Services and Bembridge Green Town GroupWinner – Excellence in Localism Award for the Bembridge Neighbourhood Development Plan3rd – Overall Village of the Year 2.5 points separated the top 3 villagesHighly Commended – Community Engagement for the Affordable HomesWell done and thank you to all those that have helped Bembridge in winning all these awards.

5 Foreland Road, Bembridge, PO35 5XNTel: 01983 874160 Email: [email protected] Web:

BEMBRIDGE PARISH COUNCILANNUAL REPORT 2017/18Covering the period from 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018

Best Kept Extra Large Village 2017

Cover photography by Oana Berintan

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COMMITTEE / GROUP UPDATESFinance & Assets CommitteeBy the time you read this and after much analysis stemming from consultation with the community, a report will have been presented to the council and it seeks to evaluate and address the possible ways forward for the numerous assets that belong to the Parish Council. The council will by then be in a position to finalise the future of these assets.

Many local authorities including Parish Councils nationwide are experiencing great difficulties in administering the services they provide to the community. From the perspective of Bembridge Parish Council with its buoyant finances and dedicated members of staff, the delivery and financing of these activities is largely unaffected and it is 'business as usual' for our award winning council and clerk. Finances are in good shape, demonstrated by a cut in the precept for 2018/19 and our reserves remain within recommended parameters, all of which bodes well for the future.

There are several key decisions to be tabled later this year which will shape the future of the village and ensure that the present services remain and ever present threats to further vulnerable services and those that may be handed over to us from the Isle of Wight Council are catered for with a sound forward plan. Indeed, it is my hope that the decisions democratically reached by this council will ensure that the important assets that serve the community are retained and enhanced for future generations to enjoy.

Cllr Richard Weaver

BEST KEPT EXTRA LARGE VILLAGECongratulations to all involved as Bembridge has won the ‘Extra Large Village Awards’.

Thank you to Mrs Barbara Clough & Cllr Sheila Weedall for attending the presentation of the awards on 14th September.

£150 prize money has been received and will assist continued improvements to our village.

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Green Towns Steering GroupThe first Beach Clean of 2018 – A fantastic turn out of over 40 volunteers helped to make our beautiful beach a nicer place for all to enjoy. A great team effort, we collected 20 plus bags of assorted rubbish and dragged assorted rope, large plastic items and all sorts of metal object from the beach. Refreshments were provided again by The Tollgate Café a big thank you to them for a well needed cuppa.

The War Memorial – The War Memorial Restoration Project is under way and work to replace the paving that surrounds the memorial should start in April and all should be complete for the commemorations in November.Men in Sheds – This is now up and running and weekly meetings 2pm on Tuesday at The Scout Hut are taking place. All are welcome to go along and find out what it’s all about. A permanent site for a shed is being discussed.Village Trees – We are looking at ways of greening up Bembridge and one way would be to plant more trees. A scheme has been brought forward to allow residents to have a tree planted in certain areas of the Village for a fee. A questionnaire/application form will be circulated.Best Kept Village Awards – Bembridge was lucky enough to win The best kept large Village award 2017. Judging for 2018 takes place in May and we are already hard at work planning planting and ways of keeping our village look its best. Fingers crossed, if we all work together Bembridge will shine.

Cllr Sheila Weedall

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Village Partnership GroupThe Village Partnership goes from strength to strength. This year is the centenary year for the end of the First World War. There will be a Church service in November at Holy Trinity and refreshments afterwards in the Village Hall. The commemorations in the village include the restoration of the War memorial with an exciting new commemorative piece for the garden. The celebration of one hundred years since the RAF was founded will have two plaques to commentate the airfields in Bembridge at Forelands and the harbour.Bembridge in Bloom – There has been another successful competition and this will take place again this year. Entry form from the BPC office. Christmas Star – The Christmas Star competition was a wonderful success and all of the entries were fantastic, it will be bigger and better this coming December. Entry forms from the BPC office. Community Walks – The Spring and Autumn community walks are a new venture and the dates are detailed on BPC website latest news. Wave Sculpture – A declaration of interest has been forwarded to the East Wight landscape partnership for funding for an exciting new project, namely a Wave Sculpture to be placed at Lane end. Village Map –The new village map is being completed. Village Entry Signs - two new entry signs to the village are planned. All of the latest news is on the BPC website and events are on The BPC Facebook, and twitter pages.

Cllr Margaret Donlon

Spring Community Walk 

The first Community Walk took place on Saturday 7th April with over 30 people enjoying a planned walk along our lovely beach and lanes.  Refreshments, medals, stickers and sweets were provided by The Village Partnership on return to the Point and hot drinks were provided at The Tollgate. Well done to all who took part, especially the children who joined us and walked over 2 miles. Watch out for the next planned walk which will be advertised on the Bembridge Green Towns facebook page, the Parish Council website and facebook and local noticeboards. 





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Spring Community Walk 

The first Community Walk took place on Saturday 7th April with over 30 people enjoying a planned walk along our lovely beach and lanes.  Refreshments, medals, stickers and sweets were provided by The Village Partnership on return to the Point and hot drinks were provided at The Tollgate. Well done to all who took part, especially the children who joined us and walked over 2 miles. Watch out for the next planned walk which will be advertised on the Bembridge Green Towns facebook page, the Parish Council website and facebook and local noticeboards. 





Spring Community Walk 

The first Community Walk took place on Saturday 7th April with over 30 people enjoying a planned walk along our lovely beach and lanes.  Refreshments, medals, stickers and sweets were provided by The Village Partnership on return to the Point and hot drinks were provided at The Tollgate. Well done to all who took part, especially the children who joined us and walked over 2 miles. Watch out for the next planned walk which will be advertised on the Bembridge Green Towns facebook page, the Parish Council website and facebook and local noticeboards. 





Flag Raising at the War Memorial Gardens, Church RoadFor Commonwealth Day took place on Monday 12th March.

Bembridge celebrated its local historic link with the Royal Ariforce on its 100th Anniversary, Sunday the 1st April. All serving, Ex RAF were invited to attend the Flag Raising at 6pm in the War Memorial Gardens.

(Left) To commenorate St Georges Day the George Cross was raised in the War Memorial Gardens on Monday 23rd April

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Road Safety & Security Group (RSSG)In June 2017, the RSSG was created to provide a central portal for all matters connected with road infrastructure, aspects of safety for road users & pedestrians together with personal, cyber & property security.

Road Infrastructure – First Ward Walk: Sept ’17 – BPC submitted Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) for consideration: Resurfacing programme commenced: Oct ‘17 (2 years ahead of schedule) To date, nearly all of the TRO’s have been agreed and should be implemented by May 2018, this includes the completion of the resurfacing works at Church Rd/High Street.

CCTV – Steyne Park – A review has been carried out & a new modern system is required to take us into the next 5/10 years. Quotes received and decision expected at FC meeting

Community Speedwatch – This has been discussed and the RSSG are looking to carry out its first session in the Spring 2018.

Security Information Day –A public SID was held in December 2017 – a follow up will be held in 2018.

More information can be found on the BPC Website and the RSSG has its own Facebook Group. Thanks to all members of the RSSG & the Office Staff.

Cllr Grant Stillman

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In line with the WW1 commemorations in November 2018 we have been talking to the Director General of Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust (ABCT).The Trust would like to supply us with 2 Memorial Plaques to mark the support that Bembridge gave during 1916 to 1918 by way of 2 airfields.

RFC Bembridge PointRunway, water. Established in 1916 by the RFC (later to become the Royal Air Force) at Bembridge Point as part of the Solent defence scheme. Initially with 4 short 184 floatplanes operated by 412 and 413 flights. These planes had to taxi out of the harbour so they could take off and land again to the north-west of St Helens fort. These aircraft patrols were designed to keep enemy submarines submerged and not allow them to surface.Temporary hangers were built on the slipway.Flight Commander of this base was Major Maclaurin who is buried in St Lukes Cemetery, Lane End Road.

WW1 Airfields of Bembridge

RFC ForelandsRunway, flat grassland. Established in June 1918, the RFC opened an airfield on 51 acres at Lane End to be later known as Foreland, in order to provide air cover for the Island.Temporary Bessoneaux hangers were erected and a dozen DH6 aircraft were based there.Their patrols were also anti-submarine and to be used as ‘scare’ patrols.

This station was closed at the end of WW1 in 1919 and the land sold in 1920.Sadly no trace of its former use remains today.

Map of Bembridge (right)in 1916 which shows both the Harbour and Foreland sites.

The Memorial Plaques will be sited in the Memorial Gardens, Church Road.

Cllr Sheila Weedall with information from Peter Frankland

who together with John Woodford has produced a new booklet for the Bembridge Heritage Centre

‘RFC Forelands available at their annual exhibition.

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In May 2017 I was voted in to serve as one of the two Ward Councillors for Brading, St Helens and Bembridge – at the same time securing the largest personal vote on the Island!

Having previously been a District Councillor for Aylesbury Vale District Council to 2014, moving to County was similar, but different. Supporting local residents in their requests has been paramount, as has been working with the Parish/Town Councils within the Ward.

The role as County Councillor, and with the responsibility of looking at matters in an Island Wide way, has been and will continue you to be challenging - it is to make the Island the place where islanders can work, live and enjoy its natural beauty.

My focus has been on Planning, Regeneration and Scrutiny – and here it is the behind the scenes work that is important - detailed, and time consuming – and attending many meetings to discuss these matters. Not always in the front of people’s minds when they think about their councillors’ role, but vital to ensure the multi-million pound business the IOW Council is – operates in an effective and efficient manner.

The role of County Councillor was best described to me when I as discussing this with David Lidington MP, and asked how he was enjoying his Cabinet appointment – “intellectually challenging” was his phrase – it certainly is, and will continue to be so.

I look forward to continuing to support the local ward residents, and the residents of the Island.

Well, it has been an eventful year so far; within the Cabinet we had some difficult decisions to make to ensure a balanced budget. The Full Council set the Council Tax increase at 5.99% (despite inflation set at 3% and a ring fenced 3% contribution towards Adult Social Care).

Continuing to attend the parish council meetings gives me the opportunity to review local level issues.

Since being elected in 2017 I have maintained a log of all resident contacts. A total of 40 out of 180 Island residents who raised issues were from Bembridge (88% of 180 received initial contact within 24 hours).

On a lighter note, despite the late snowfalls, I have been proud to promote the ‘Great British Spring Clean’ across the Island. The Green Towns group have continued to undertake the regular beach cleans and I enjoy attending whenever my diary permits.

I continue to support the Bembridge Youth and Community Centre in my capacity as Trustee. I arranged funding for the football team from Warner Leisure and will be promoting this soon.

Should anyone wish to contact me either for County Councillor issues or in my Cabinet capacity, please get in touch or attend the surgery prior to the parish council meetings.

I look forward to meeting as many people as possible at the ‘Councillor, Chat and Cake’ event on Saturday 28th April at the Village Hall.

Isle of Wight Councillor

Brian Tyndall [email protected]

Isle of WightCouncillor

Michael [email protected]

Mobile: 07754 463040

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BEMBRIDGE BOWLING CLUBBembridge Bowling Club enjoyed mixed fortune on the green during the 2017 season. Although the A teams, both men and ladies, performed creditably in the top divisions and the men’s B team achieved promotion, the ladies B team were relegated. In the less competitive arena, the men’s afternoon team and the tourist matches were, as always, a great success and allowed a large number of club members to enjoy bowls in a relaxed setting. Individual members achieved recognition in representing the Island and four Bembridge ladies competed in the National Finals at Leamington Spa. At the end of August the club again hosted the prestigious Bembridge Week where bowlers from all over the Island take part in a full programme of competitive bowls. Club members featured prominently in the finals at the end of this week. Social events featured regularly throughout the year with the aims of raising money for charity and providing entertainment and interest for members. Associate members shared in these events as well as being active in the groups, whose meetings took place in the clubhouse outside the playing season. The season due to start in April 2018 will be a significant one for the club which has been playing on its Mitten Road green since 1922. The day after the last game of the season in September will see the start of work to remove and replace the green bringing it up to date with modern requirements.

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Volunteers are needed to help with the:

Friendship Circle Coffee Mornings in the Village Hall -


Drivers – for rota

Luncheon Club in the Cloisters – Tuesday and Thursday

For more information contact the Parish Office or visit the Coffee Morning and Luncheon Club

To hire the Community Bus please contact Mark Batin on 07780 523884

Volunteers are needed to supplement our existing, happy Lunch Club team. You would help to provide this valued service to independent, older people of the village who meet at around midday for an hour or two on Tuesday and Thursday at the Cloisters for a delicious, cooked lunch. Minibus transport is available for the less mobile from/to their homes.

Helpers are needed to do any of the following:-

Help passengers on/off the minibus. Lay/clear tables and serve meals. Assist in the kitchen including washing up (there is a dishwasher!).

We are an independent group, which has been established in the village for many years. So if you have time (on either a regular or simply an occasional basis) to spare for a good cause, we would love to hear from you. The commitment is normally between two and a half hours and three hours per session. Most helpers do a couple of sessions per month.

If you are interested or would like to chat about helping or just want to try before committing please contact Tina Wooding on 873001 or by e-mail at [email protected] . We look forward to hearing from you.

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Bembridge Community LibraryIt is now more than six years since Bembridge Library was saved from closure and became Bembridge Community Library managed and staffed solely by volunteers with support from the Council Library Service and Community Action, Isle of Wight. Since that day in October 2011 the Library has grown into a much loved and valued asset of the Village and we are always grateful for the generous donations and support we receive from local businesses, organisations and the Village as a whole. This support is invaluable to help keep the Library open.

The Library is run by the community, for the community, and we are delighted to have been awarded two Community Champions Awards by the Parish Council. Whilst we operate as the Village Library, providing normal library services, including computers for public use, during the six years we have been open we have expanded the services and facilities we offer. In 2015 we became an official Tourist Information Point - the only Tourist Information Point in the Village, and we work with the adjacent Bembridge Heritage Centre to provide a valuable information source for the Village and its visitors.

There is a Rhyme Time Group for toddlers on Monday mornings in the main Library. In our Community Room, the Bembridge Library Stitchers meet every Monday afternoon, the Village Band hold their practice sessions and there is a colouring session on Friday afternoons. Our Community Room is also used for many purposes including art exhibitions, a photographic exhibition, craft fair, displays of work from the local Primary Schools, various information surgeries, and it has also been used as an alternative Polling Station. We have a permanent sale of donated books and jigsaws in the Library (sold at bargain prices) in addition to our big sale at the May Street Fair and hold fundraising coffee mornings at Easter and Christmas as well as a Grand Christmas Draw.

We strive to give the Library a happy and welcoming feel, we like to greet everyone with a smile and to be a friendly face. We encourage people to sit, have a rest, meet friends and chat, and parents to sit and read a story to their children. We are always aware that we are not just a Library but a COMMUNITY Library helping and supporting the community in any way we can.

Do come in and see us - you can be assured of a warm welcome.

Saturday 16th June 2018




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Charity event in support of the Sophie Rolf Trust - KissyPuppy

Toca Bonito

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UPDATE FROM FINANCE & ASSETS COMMITTEE MEETING 1. The Finance & Assets Committee meeting on 1st May 2018 recommends to the Full

Council meeting on 22nd May 2018 the disposal/sale of 5/7 High Street, Bembridge to generate a possible capital receipt of £180,000. Full Committee Report available here

2. Capital from the sale can only be used for capital purposes which will benefit other Parish

Council amenities in need of repair and upgrading including the Village Hall, St Luke’s Churchyard, Steyne Park MUGA and War Memorial restoration.

3. The tenants of 5 and 7 High Street were offered renewal of leases on 15th March 2017.

On 28th March 2017 the tenants were offered first rights to additional space, garages, workshop and parking, that would be subject to availability. Terence Willey & Co has been appointed to draft the new leases of 5 and 7 High Street. Christopher Scott’s has conducted landlord’s inspections on 18th April 2018 to assist the lease renewal process. Meetings between the Tenants, Parish Council and Surveyors are being arranged to progress the renewal process, prior to disposal.

4. The land and public right of way to the left of the building could be retained to ensure

covenants placed on the facade being retained, the ground floor always being used for A, B1 and D1 use classes and excluding national/multi-national retailers from purchasing or leasing the building to minimise the impact upon existing High Street Businesses. The covenants will impact the potential capital receipt which, must be accepted to deliver the protection the required as it has been demonstrated that the community want to see the façade kept as the property is thought to be an Iconic building.

5. No future maintenance costs will be borne by the Parish for 5/7 High Street. Loss of

rental income £13,510 per annum would be mitigated by loss of maintenance requirements. The Parish Council would retain ownership of the K1 telephone box to the front of the building.

6. Bembridge Parish Council Lengthsmen occupy the Nissan hut in the rear yard as a

workshop/store. Decisions have been taken by Bembridge Parish Council to relocate the Lengthsmen with a purpose built workshop and to relocate the public toilet to the Village Hall to enable disabled access.

7. There are numerous iconic buildings and businesses within Bembridge such as the

Woodfords butchers, Crab & Lobster, Spinnaker and more that are not owned or run by the Parish Council however are important to the community.

Emma Goldring Clerk Bembridge Parish Council 3rd May 2018

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The Bembridge Neighbourhood Development Plan (BNDP) came into force on 28th July 2014 and forms an integral part of the Isle of Wight Council’s Development Plan for the purposes of guiding and determining planning applications in the Bembridge Parish. The Bembridge Village Partnership has commissioned the third Annual Report as part of the monitoring process of the BNDP.

In the 12 months since the last review, Bembridge Parish Council (BPC) has considered 52 planning applications and cited BNDP policies in 94% of its recommendations compared to 95% last year. The Isle of Wight Council (IWC) has determined 48 of these applications and cited BNDP policies in 81% of cases compared to 91% last year. These figures indicate that whilst the BPC is maintaining high usage of the policies, the IWC’s use has fallen by 10% over the year.

The BNDP contains 30 policies of which 20 have been actively used over the past year. A small core of policies (four in total) have seen most use and these relate to design and the environment. There is still an under-use of certain policies.

Over the current review period, 46 (96%) of the determined planning applications have been granted approval by IWC, two of which were contrary to the recommendation of BPC. Only two (4%) of the applications have been refused planning permission, both contrary to the recommendation of the BPC. The review reveals that 27 (52%) of the planning applications in Bembridge relate to householder schemes. Only four planning permissions for housing developments have been granted, resulting in a net increase of 3 new houses.

A copy of the full annual report is available for inspection at the Bembridge Parish Council office or may be viewed on the Parish Council website.


The Parish Council is a statutory consultee on all Bembridge planning applications. The planning committee meets twice a month to meet the consultation deadline of three weeks from the press notice. During the year, the planning committee met on 20 occasions to consider and comment on 69 planning applications. Of these recommendations 5 applications disagreed with the Isle of Wight Council’s final decision.

Bembridge Neighbourhood Development Plan Annual Report 2017 Summary

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The newly refurbished Crab & Lobster Inn is located in one ofthe Island’s most prestigious coastal towns of Bembridge.

With amazing views, accommodation, CAMRA real ales and locallysourced menus specialising in locally caught seafood, you will not bedisappointed. Table service is offered and booking is recommended.

*Valid until 31st December 2018. Not available in conjunction with any other promotion or discount.


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BREAKFAST: 8am until 11amMAIN MENU: 12 noon until 9pm

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Page 19: ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 - Bembridge Parish Council...BEMBRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT 2016/17 Best Kept Extra Large Village 2016 2016 – 2017 PARISH COUNCILLORS North Ward –

BEMBRIDGE PARISH COUNCILBalance Sheet for 2017/18

Current Assets Debtors £660.50 VAT recoverable £1,102.67 Cash in hand £154,438.16

TOTAL ASSETS £156,201.33

Current LiabilitiesCreditors - £9,033.14

NET ASSETS £147,168.19

Respresented by General Fund Balance £78,812.86 Earmarked Reserves £68,355.33


End of Year Internal Audit Report can be found on our

Paid Out ReceivedFriendship Community Bus £ 2,000.00 Precept Grant 2017/18 £ 2,756.00Fireworks £ 500.00 IoW Grant Lane End toilets £ 1,000.00Community Library £ 1,000.00 Hamp & IoW Village of Year Awards £ 100.00Parish Asset Grant BYCC £ 381.05 3rd Place Community Action IOW £ 100.00Parish Asset Grant Village Hall £ 200.00 Best Kept Village Award £ 150.00Small Grant Age UK IW £ 150.00Small Grant IW CAB £ 150.00Small Grant Victim Support £ 150.00Small Grant Laylas Trust £ 50.00Small Grant Bembridge Primary £ 150.00Small Grant Royal British Legion £ 50.00Small Grant Optio Voluntary Car £ 125.00Small Grant Armed Forces Day £ 50.00Sponsorship Bembridge FC £ 400.00Sponsorship Bembridge Youth FC £ 400.00

£ 5,756.05 £ 4,106.00

Grants and Sponsorship 2017/18

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produced by Bembridge Parish Council and printers desktop studio Bembridge Isle of Wightproduced by Bembridge Parish Council and printed by desktop studio Bembridge Isle of Wight


Community Events

28th May Bembridge Street Fair16th June Beach Clean16th June Jazz on the Quay, Harbour22nd June Community Awards, BYCC30th June Summer Festival, Steyne Park21st July Beach Clean26th July Police Beat Surgery, Parish Office29th July Festival of Sport, Steyne Park11th August Beach Clean5th August Football Tournament, Steyne Park23rd August Police Beat Surgery, Parish Office

Parish Meetings in the Village Hall unless otherwise shown

22nd May Planning Committee, 6.30pm22nd May Annual Parish Council Meeting, 7.00pm at BYCC29th May Annual Parish Meeting, 7.00pm with Guest Speakers5th June Planning Committee, 6.30pm5th June Finance & Assets Committee, 7.00pm 13th June Green Town Steering Group Meeting, 4.00pm in Parish Office13th June Village Partnership Group Meeting, 5.00pm in Parish Office19th June Planning Committee, 6.30pm19th June Full Council, 7.00pm3rd July Planning Committee, 6.30pm3rd July Finance & Assets Committee, 7.00pm17th July Planning Committee, 6.30pm17th July Full Council, 7.00pm15th August Planning Committee, 6.30pm

For dates for other Committees please check the parish website

Dates for your diary

Parish Office: open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 12.30pmTele: 01983 874160 Email: [email protected] Website:

Handy Telephone NumbersParish Office 01983 874160Isle of Wight Council 01983 821000IW Councillor Brian Tyndall 07922 565940IW Councillor Michael Murwill 07754 463040Isle of Wight Trading Standards 01983 823371Holy Trinity Church 01983 717053St Michael’s Catholic Church 01983 812127Methodist Church 01983 404804Local Area Co-Ordinator, Toby Eaglen 07814 290351Island Roads 01983 822440Island Waste 01983 823777Bembridge Youth & Community Centre 07756 296249Village Hall, bookings 01983 872781Bembridge Community Library 01983 719868Optio Voluntary Car Service 01983 522226Age UK Isle of Wight 01983 525282The Limes, Dementia Safe Haven 01983 873655Action on Hearing Loss 01983 529533

Bembridge Parish CouncillorsSouth Ward

Cllr S WeedallCllr M SullivanCllr M Donlon

Cllr K FaganCllr G StillmanCllr R WidgerNorth Ward

Cllr R WeaverCllr M Curtis

Cllr M ReederCllr A Steane

Cllr T MillingtonVacancy