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Published by the Victorian Coastal Council 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne, 3002, Victoria September 2014

© The State of Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries Melbourne 2014

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. You are free to re-use the work under that licence, on the condition that you credit the State of Victoria as author. The licence does not apply to any images, photographs or branding, including the Victorian Coat of Arms, the Victorian Government logo and the Victorian Coastal Council logo. To view a copy of this licence, visit

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ISSN 1327-659X ISSN 2203-9414 (Online)

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Photo AcknowledgementsImages included in this report were sourced from VCC and Tourism Victoria image libraries. Contact VCC office for further information.

The Victorian Coastal Council respectfully acknowledges the original custodians of what is now known as Victoria; their rich culture, deep affinity with the land and spiritual connection to it.





2. HIGHLIGHTS 42.1 Release of Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy 2013 for public comment 42.2 Delivery of revised Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy for Ministerial consideration 42.3 Regional Coastal Boards and Regional Coastal Plans 42.4 Victorian Coastal Awards for Excellence 2013 42.5 New Coastal Research 4

3. GOVERNANCE AND FUNCTIONS 53.1 Council Membership 63.2 Committees 83.3 VCC Operational Chart 83.4 General Business Activities 8

4. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COASTAL MANAGEMENT ACT 1995 104.1 Victorian Coastal Strategy 104.2 Development of the 4th Victorian Coastal Strategy 114.3 Working with Regional Coastal Boards 114.4 Minister’s Direction on Regional Coastal Plans 114.5 Existing Coastal Action Plans (CAPs) 114.6 Coastal Management Act consents 12

5. REGIONAL COASTAL BOARDS 135.1 Western Coastal Board (WCB) 135.2 Central Coastal Board (CCB) 155.3 Gippsland Coastal Board (GCB) 16

6. OPERATIONS 176.1 Contact 176.2 Workforce Data 176.3 Statement of Pecuniary Interests 176.4 Consultancies over $10,000 176.5 Consultancies under $10,000 176.6 Major Contracts 176.7 Government Advertising Expenditure 176.8 Publications 176.9 National Competition Policy 176.10 Freedom of Information (FOI) 176.11 Employment and Conduct Principles 176.12 Women, Youth and Indigenous Affairs 176.13 Protected Disclosures Act 2012 176.14 Overseas Travel 186.15 Building Act 1993 186.16 Occupational Health and Safety Policy 186.17 Risk Management Compliance 186.18 Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Attestation 18

7. COUNCIL EXPENDITURE 197.1 Expenditure 197.2 Operating Position 19





This Annual Report is prepared for the Minister for Environment and Climate Change, the Hon Ryan Smith MP, in accordance with section 8 (4) of the Coastal Management Act 1995 (the Act). The Report provides details on the operation of the Act and the carrying out of its functions, including a progress report on implementing the objectives of the Act and the Victorian Coastal Strategy.

Areas of focus in 2013–14The Victorian Coastal Council (VCC) focused primarily on development of the fourth iteration of the Victorian Coastal Strategy over this reporting period. This included the release of a draft Strategy for public consultation in September 2013, review and analysis of over 100 submissions, extensive stakeholder consultation and the preparation of a final draft Strategy. A final Draft Strategy was delivered to Minister Smith for consideration in accordance with Section 17 of the Act in April 2014.

In developing a final Draft Strategy for the Minister’s consideration, the VCC worked closely with members of Regional Coastal Boards, government departments and key coastal stakeholders. The public consultation period provided a great opportunity to test initial thinking and further improve the document to reflect the aspirations and views of the Victorian community.

Other highlights of 2013–2014 included:• Working with the three Regional Coastal

Boards• Completing new coastal research to

inform the Draft Strategy • Celebrating the 14th Victorian Coastal

Awards for Excellence, and• Welcoming new members and staff to


These achievements were made possible through the hard work, commitment and professionalism of my fellow VCC members and the VCC support staff. Their knowledge and experience – combined with community links and a passion for the coast – helps us to continue to achieve our objectives under the Act. I would particularly like to acknowledge the collaborative relationship the VCC has with the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) and the Regional Coastal Board members. These relationships were especially important when delivering the Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy 2013 and submitting a final Draft Strategy to the Minister for consideration.

Looking ahead to 2014–15We have another busy year ahead. It will include the launch of the new Victorian Coastal Strategy and establishment of an interdepartmental co-ordinating committee to oversee its implementation over the next five years. The VCC will also prepare a new Business Plan and assist the Regional Coastal Boards in their development of draft Regional Coastal Plans for public consultation. We will also celebrate a very important event, with 2015 marking the 20th anniversary of the Coastal Management Act 1995.

Jon Hickman Chair, Victorian Coastal Council




The 2013/2014 Annual Report of the Victoria Coastal Council (VCC) is set out in eight sections covering:

• this year’s highlights

• Council functions and governance structure

• Council business and activities throughout the year

• a report on implementation of the Coastal Management Act 1995

• highlights and activities of Regional Coastal Boards

• administrative and statutory obligations

• a disclosure index, and

• appendices.



2.1 Release of Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy 2013 for public commentRelease of the Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy for public comment in September 2013 was a significant achievement of the VCC in this reporting period. The Victorian Coastal Strategy (the Strategy) sets the framework for how we plan and manage the coast. The Coastal Management Act 1995 (the Act) requires the VCC to review the Strategy every five years.

The Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy 2013 was the primary mechanism for consultation and community engagement. It was released for public comment at the Victorian Coastal Awards for Excellence ceremony on 11 September 2013, with a 12 week public consultation period. It was widely circulated in hard-copy (1,000 print copies) and available electronically through the VCC website. Over a thousand emails were sent to coastal stakeholders to announce the release of the Draft Strategy and invite participation. Information sessions were also offered at nine coastal locations across the State.

2.2 Delivery of revised Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy for Ministerial considerationFollowing the public consultation period, Council worked to review and analyse the 113 submissions made on the Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy 2013. Careful

consideration was given to all submissions at an intensive 3-day workshop held in January 2014. Subsequently, a revised document was prepared and refined before its final submission to the Minister for Environment and Climate Change for consideration in accordance with Section 17 of the Act in April 2014.

2.3 Regional Coastal Boards and Regional Coastal PlansAt the request of the Minister for Environment and Climate Change, the Western Coastal Board, Central Coastal Board and Gippsland Coastal Board are each developing a Regional Coastal Plan to support and improve coastal planning and management, at a regional level, in Victoria. The first round of consultation on Regional Coastal Plans was completed in the reporting period, with more than 70 submissions received. A single overarching plan for each of the three Coastal Board regions is intended to replace the current system of Coastal Action Plans.

2.4 Victorian Coastal Awards for Excellence 2013Council celebrated a diverse and inspiring range of projects at the presentation ceremony for the Victorian Coastal Awards for Excellence held at the Melbourne Museum on Wednesday 11 September 2013. Over 250 individuals from volunteer groups, committees of management, government and non-government

organisations attended the evening. An encouraging response to the call for nominations resulted in 15 finalists across five award categories including building and design, education, community action and partnerships, natural environment and planning and management.

2.5 New Coastal Research In preparing the Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy 2013, the VCC commissioned several reports, including the Derivation of Victorian Sea Level Planning Allowance, 2013. This report was prepared by John Hunter in 2013 to provide sea level rise projections for the coast of Victoria and to propose sea level planning allowances over the next 100 years. The proposed planning benchmarks were incorporated into the Draft Strategy that was released for public comment.

Following release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report, Council commissioned John Hunter to revise the sea level rise model for Victoria based on the newly released climate science information. The resulting report Derivation of Victorian Sea Level Planning Allowance: 2014 Update is available on the VCC website. The recommended planning benchmarks were reflected in the revised Draft Strategy submitted to the Minister in April 2014.


The VCC is established under the Coastal Management Act 1995. It is accountable to the Minister for Environment and Climate Change. The responsible Minister for the period from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014 was the Hon Ryan Smith MP.

The role of the VCC is to provide strategic direction and improve the coordination of coastal planning and management in Victoria.

The VCC is provided with a budget and secretariat support through the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI).

The functions of the VCC under the Coastal Management Act 1995 are:• to undertake state-wide strategic coastal

planning• to prepare and submit to the Minister a

draft Victorian Coastal Strategy• to provide advice to the Minister • to facilitate the operation of Regional

Coastal Boards• to monitor the development of Coastal

Action Plans (from herein forward

referred to as Regional Coastal Plans)• to coordinate the implementation of the

Victorian Coastal Strategy and Regional Coastal Plans

• to prepare and publish guidelines• to liaise with and encourage the

cooperation of government departments, public authorities, municipal councils, industry, community groups and persons and bodies involved in the planning, management and use of the coast in furthering the objectives of the Act

• to provide opportunities for the public and interested groups to be informed of and involved in the work of the VCC

• to encourage the work of volunteers in using and conserving coastal resources

• to give consideration to the needs of Traditional Owners and other interested groups in relation to the coast.


Minister for Environmentand Climate Change

Regional Coastal Boards• Western Coastal Board• Central Coastal Board

• Gippsland Coastal Board

Committees• Planning, Science and Environment

• Strategy, Implementation and Governance

• Communications and StrategicRelationships

Department ofEnvironment and Primary Industries

Science Panel


Figure 1: Coastal governance structure showing relationships between the responsible Minister and entities

Science Panel


3.1 Council MembershipMembers of the VCC are appointed under the provisions of the Coastal Management Act 1995. The VCC consists of not more than 11 members who are appointed by the Governor In Council on the recommendation of the Minister. Brief biographies of current VCC members follow.

3.1.1 Members

Jon Hickman (Chair)Jon Hickman was appointed as Chair of the Victorian Coastal Council in April 2012. Before taking this role, Jon held senior executive positions in the education sector including Deputy Vice Chancellor at Victoria University and Chief Operating Officer at Wesley College in Melbourne. From the mid-1980’s Jon worked at CEO or Deputy CEO level in a range of public sector bodies including the Australian Crime Commission, the Departments of Infrastructure and Housing in Victoria, the City of Melbourne, the City of Port Phillip and the Tasmanian State Treasury. He has also worked in the private sector, in property and communications. Currently, Jon has his own consultancy (Jon Hickman Strategy and Implementation) and in addition to chairing the Victorian Coastal Council, is Deputy Chair of the Zoological Parks and Gardens Board in Victoria and is a member of the Victorian Heritage Council.

Peter BettessPeter Bettess was appointed to the Victorian Coastal Council on 1 July 2013. Peter has a background in coastal planning at state, regional and local government levels. He is currently the General Manager of Planning and Tourism with the City of Greater Geelong. He was previously Director, Commercial Roads with VicRoads, Deputy Director-General, Queensland Department of Local Government Planning Sport and Recreation, Director, Strategic and

Commercial Services, Pine Rivers Council, and Executive Director, Planning and Development with the Department of Infrastructure. Mr Bettess has Diplomas of Engineering (Civil) and Applied Science (Planning), Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws and a Master of Business Administration. He was Chair of G21 Regional Growth Plan Steering Committee and was previously a member of the Victorian Coastal Council and the Victorian Coastal Management and Coordination Committee.

Stacey DanielStacey Daniel was appointed to the Victorian Coastal Council in February 2014. Stacey is an engineering and business professional who has worked in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors including local government, industry and consulting. Her experience spans environmental management, urban and township planning, property, infrastructure and mining. Stacey is a Chartered Professional Engineer and Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She is currently a Director of the Falls Creek Alpine Resorts Management Board and also a former Board Member of Local Government Professionals Victoria. Stacey and her family enjoy many of activities offered by the coast including boating, sailing and the beach.

Cr Richard EllisCr Richard Ellis is a former three term Mayor of the East Gippsland Shire Council and is current Chair of the Gippsland Coastal Board. He has a diverse background in public and business administration and management and is currently a member of several Gippsland based boards and committees including the Gippsland Ports Committee of Management and the Gippsland Lakes Ministerial Advisory Committee. A long term resident of East Gippsland Cr Ellis was appointed to the Victorian Coastal Council in February 2014.

Rob Gell AMRob Gell is a coastal geomorphologist by training; he began his career as an academic teaching Environmental Science and Physical Geography at Melbourne State College and Melbourne University, then for more than thirty years presented television weather.

In his professional life he now works as an environmental and communications consultant and is a director of the mobile media business bhive Group Pty Ltd, and of World Wind Pty Ltd. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor, Collaborative Research Network, Federation University Australia, Chairman of the UNESCO Western Port Biosphere and of Wildlife Victoria. He was a director of Greening Australia for thirteen years, seven years as Victorian President and three years as national President concluding in 2011. Rob is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and an Inaugural Fellow of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand. He was the Environment Ambassador to the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games. He has been a local government councillor and was a councillor of the ACF. He is also the Patron of the Geography Teachers Association of Victoria, Life Education Victoria, and has been made a Life Ambassador for Australia Day. He is also a published author and photographer.

On Australia Day 2014 Rob was made a Member of the Order of Australia in recognition of his service to conservation, to the protection of coastal and marine environments, and to the community.

Ross KilbornRoss Kilborn has a broad business background and involvement with community affairs. He is a qualified accountant with extensive experience in governance, business strategy and marketing. Ross has an extensive interest in the recreational use of


the coast, having grown up on the beach, worked in the sport of sailing and been on the board of the Bicycle Network. Ross Kilborn took the role of Acting Chair, Central Coastal Board in August 2013. He was officially appointed to the Victorian Coastal Council in February 2014.

Cr Jill ParkerCr Jill Parker was appointed Chair of the Western Coastal Board and member of the Victorian Coastal Council on 1 July 2012.  Jill holds degrees in Agricultural Science and Education from the University of Melbourne and was a teacher for over 20 years, specialising in biology, chemistry and agricultural science at senior secondary level. Jill is currently a Councillor at Moyne Shire. As well as involvement in other committees and boards, Jill chairs the Moyne Shire Conservation and Environment Committee, and is a member of the National Sea Change Taskforce.

Leigh PhillipsLeigh Phillips has over 30 years’ experience with the Victorian Planning system. He has held a number of senior planning positions in various State Government departments with a particular focus on regional land use, project facilitation and management of the planning system.

His contribution to planning in Victoria has been recognised by the Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association (VPELA) when he was presented with the ‘Paul Jerome’ award in 2008. He is a former member of the Central Coastal Board, a current member of the Alpine Resorts Co-ordinating Council and now runs his own planning consultancy business.

Dr Geoffrey WescottDr Geoffrey Wescott has a background in academic research in the area of environmental policy and implementation, in particular marine and coastal policy, national parks and marine protected areas. Dr Wescott is an Associate Professor at the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at Deakin University. He is a current member on the Zoological Parks and Gardens Board and a past member of the Parks Victoria board. He also served extensively on advisory bodies including the National Oceans Advisory Group, National Reference Group of the Marine and Coastal Community Network, Ministerial Planning Advisory Council and Ministerial Coastal Reference Group.

Geoff was appointed to the Victorian Coastal Council on 1 July 2013.

Cathy Whelan (1 July 2013–18 August 2013)Cath Whelan was appointed Chair of the Central Coastal Board and member of the Victorian Coastal Council between 1 July 2012 and 18 August 2013.

3.1.2 VCC Meetings

Eleven VCC business meetings were held during the 2013/14 financial year:• 22 July 2013• 12 August 2013• 14 October 2013• 11 November 2013• 9 December 2013• 19 – 21 January 2014 • 10 February 2014• 24 February 2014 • 28 March 2014• 14 April 2014• 12 May 2014.

Member attendance at the VCC’s eleven business meetings throughout 2013/14 is as follows:Jon Hickman 10Peter Bettess 10Cr Dick Ellis 10Stacey Daniel 4Rob Gell 10Ross Kilborn 9Cr Jill Parker 10Leigh Phillips 10Geoffrey Wescott 11Cath Whelan 1


3.2 CommitteesThe VCC established a new committee structure during the reporting period. Three operational committees met for the first time in June 2014. Table 1 outlines the committee membership and focus.

Table 1: Committees for 2013–14

Committee Overview of Committee Focus and Membership Planning, Science and Environment

• long term planning for land use, adaptation and inundation on Victoria’s coast

• current and emerging scientific and coastal hazard issues in the longer term

• facilitate operation of the VCC Science Panel• review of Regional Coastal Plans.

Members: Rob Gell (Chair), Geoff Wescott (Deputy), Peter Bettess, Stacey Daniel, Jill Parker

Communications and Strategic Relationships

• oversee VCC communication with stakeholders, coordinate and monitor delivery of the VCC Communications Plan

• improve public awareness and understanding in relation to the Victorian coast

• oversee delivery of the Victorian Coastal Awards for Excellence.

Members: Ross Kilborn (Chair), Stacey Daniel (Deputy), Rob Gell, Jon Hickman, Leigh Phillips

Strategy Implementation and Governance

• monitor delivery of the objectives of the Coastal Management Act 1995

• oversee implementation of the Victorian Coastal Strategy

• oversee the statutory responsibilities and reporting obligations of the VCC including the VCC Annual Report and Business Plan.

Members: Jon Hickman (Chair), Geoff Wescott (Deputy), Richard Ellis, Ross Kilborn, Leigh Phillips

3.3 VCC Operational Chart Figure 2: VCC Operational Chart

Senior PolicyOfficer

Project ManagerEvents(Jun 14)


EXECUTIVE OFFICERElizabeth Patterson – July 2013 to Oct 2013

Nicola Waldron – Oct 2013 to June 2014

COUNCILJon Hickman, Chair

3.4 General Business ActivitiesCouncil business activities involve undertaking specific projects; engaging with stakeholders and partners through forums, working groups, meetings; providing submissions on key policy documents and guidelines; presenting at conferences and workshops; advising and meeting with the Minister; and staging award events. In addition to the highlights in Section 2, a snapshot of the activities undertaken by the VCC is set out below.

3.4.1 Council Business Plan

The Council began scoping its 2014 – 2017 Business Plan in the reporting period. Given the close alignment of the VCC Business Plan with the Victorian Coastal Strategy, the Plan will be finalised following release of the 4th iteration of the Victorian Coastal Strategy.

3.4.2 Submissions

• Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, Plan Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Strategy, 5 December 2013

• Planning Panels Victoria, Draft State Planning Policy Review, State Planning Policy Review Advisory Committee, 16 May 2014

• Australian Government, Productivity Commission Inquiry into Natural Disaster Funding Arrangements, 13 June 2014.


3.4.3 Presentations

Presentations received at VCC meetings

Presenter Topic DateJoan Phillips, Executive Officer Victorian Environmental Assessment Council

VEAC Marine Investigation 12 August 2013

Peter Beaumont, Executive Director Land Management Policy DEPI

DEPI comments on the Draft VCS 2013

9 December 2013

Jane Ryan, Project Manager Regional Coastal Plans DEPI

Update on the Regional Coastal Plans

9 December 2013

Chris Smyth, Environmental Consultant Overview of the VNPA report ‘The Coast is Unclear’

10 February 2014

Jane Ryan, Project Manager Regional Coastal Plans DEPI

Update on the Regional Coastal Plans

12 May 2014

Jo Klemke, Victorian Environmental Assessment Council

Final outcome of the VEAC Marine Investigation

12 May, 2014

Presentations given by VCC members and staff on VCC business

Presenter Presented to Topic DateJill Parker (Chair WCB) and Elizabeth Patterson (EO)

Coastal stakeholders (Torquay)

Draft VCS 2013 15 October 2013

Jill Parker (Chair WCB) and Elizabeth Patterson (EO)

Coastal stakeholders (Warrnambool)

Draft VCS 2013 16 October 2013

Jeff Wier (CCB), Paul Smith (GCB) and Elizabeth Patterson (EO)

Coastal stakeholders (San Remo)

Draft VCS 2013 21 October 2013

Ross Kilborn (Chair CCB) and Elizabeth Patterson (EO)

Coastal stakeholders (Elwood)

Draft VCS 2013 22 October 2013

Ross Kilborn (Chair CCB) and Elizabeth Patterson (EO)

Coastal stakeholders (Geelong)

Draft VCS 2013 24 October 2013

Richard Ellis (Chair GCB) and Nicola Waldron (A/EO)

Coastal stakeholders (Paynesville)

Draft VCS 2013 29 October 2013

Elizabeth Patterson 22nd NSW Coastal Conference, Port Macquarie

The 4th Victorian Coastal Strategy

13 November 2013

Nicola Waldron (A/EO) 22nd NSW Coastal Conference, Port Macquarie

Assessing the value of Coastal Resources in Victoria

13 November 2013

Jon Hickman (Chair VCC) Australian Davos Connection (ADC) National Infrastructure and Cities Summit, Sydney

Funding of Public infrastructure and coastal infrastructure

13 – 14 March, 2014

Nicola Waldron (A/EO) Melbourne University 2nd year students

Coastal planning and climate change

19 March 2014

Jon Hickman (Chair VCC) National Sea Change Taskforce Conference 2014, Ballina NSW

Coastal Planning in Victoria – Draft VCS 2013

24 March 2014

3.4.4 Media Releases

• Celebrating Victoria’s Commitment to the Coast, 12 September 2013.

3.4.5 Conference and Seminar Attendances

• Landcare Awards, 28 August 2013, Melbourne

• Municipal Association of Victoria Dinner, 29 August 2013, Melbourne

• 22nd NSW Coastal Conference, 12–15 November 2013, Port Macquarie

• Victoria University Seminar Demography and Climate Change, 20 November, 2014, Melbourne

• Science, Policy, People: State of the Environment Report 2013, Inter-jurisdictional Environmental Reporting Symposium, 28 November, 2013, Melbourne

• Australian Davos Connection (ADC) National Infrastructure and Cities Forum, 13–14 March, 2014, Sydney

• National Sea Change Taskforce – 2014 Australian Coastal Council Conference, 24–26 April 2014, Ballina

• Metropolitan Planning Authority Seminar – Regional Cities, 2 May, 2014, Melbourne

• Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Seminar, 24 June 2014, Melbourne.



The following section outlines the activities undertaken through the Victorian Coastal Council, Regional Coastal Boards and the Department of Environment and Primary Industries, to implement the objectives of the Coastal Management Act 1995.

Objectives of the Coastal Management Act 1995

(a) To plan for and manage the use of Victoria’s coastal resources on a sustainable basis for recreation, conservation, tourism, commerce and similar uses in appropriate areas;

(b) To protect and maintain areas of environmental significance on the coast including its ecological, geomorphological, geological, cultural and landscape features;

(c) To facilitate the development of a range of facilities for improved recreation and tourism;

(d) To maintain and improve coastal water quality; (e) To improve public awareness and understanding of the coast and to involve the

public in coastal planning and management.

4.1 Victorian Coastal StrategyThe Victorian Coastal Strategy (VCS) is established under the Coastal Management Act 1995, and contains the State Government’s policy commitment for coastal, estuarine and marine environments in Victoria. It provides a long-term vision for the planning, management and sustainable use of our coast, and the policies and actions Victorians will need to implement over the next five years to help achieve that vision.

It also provides a framework to assist in the development and implementation of other locally and regionally specific strategies and plans such as management plans, Regional Coastal Plans, and planning schemes.

The Act provides clear guidance on how the Strategy should be developed, including what it must contain, how consultation should occur and how often it needs to be updated. Under the Act, the Strategy must be reviewed every five years, unless the Minister directs the VCC to review it earlier.

The Coastal Management Act 1995 states that the contents of the Strategy must:

(1) Provide for the long term planning of the Victorian coast – (a) to ensure the protection of significant environmental features of the coast; (b) to provide clear direction for the future use of the coast including the marine

environment; (c) to identify suitable development areas and development opportunities on the

coast; and(d) to ensure the sustainable use of natural coastal resources.

(2) Be consistent with – (a) the National Parks Act 1975; and(b) the purpose for which land was reserved under the Crown Land (Reserves)

Act 1978.


The first Strategy endorsed by the Victorian Government in 1997, set up a policy framework for managing the Victorian coast following the requirements outlined in Section 15 of the Act. It did this after consulting with planners, coastal land managers and users to create a single coordinated policy document with real statutory authority.

The second Strategy released in 2002 supported the introduction of Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries in Victoria. The third Strategy in 2008 introduced a new planning benchmark for sea level rise under climate change, which became embedded in the State Planning Policy Framework. It also identified 3 significant issues requiring specific attention (climate change, population and growth, marine ecological integrity).

The Victorian Coastal Council commenced work on the 4th iteration of the Strategy at the request of the Minister following a review of the 2008 Strategy.

4.2 Development of the 4th Victorian Coastal StrategyIn this reporting period, the VCC has primarily focused on development of the 4th iteration of the Victorian Coastal Strategy. Release of a draft Strategy (Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy 2013) for public comment occurred in September 2013 for a period of 12 weeks.

It was widely circulated in hard-copy (1,000 print copies) and available electronically through the VCC website. Over a thousand emails were sent to coastal stakeholders to announce the release of the Draft Strategy and invite participation. Information sessions were also offered at nine coastal locations across the State.

The draft Strategy contained:• A new formulation of the ‘Vision’ for the

Victorian Coast• Discussion of six, long-term and

interrelated key issues facing the coast• A strengthened hierarchy of principles to

guide decision making on the coast• Revised sets of policies and actions to

ensure implementation of the principles, and

• A section on implementation, monitoring and reporting.

The public consultation process provided a great opportunity to test initial thinking and

to further improve the document to reflect the aspirations and views of the broader community. It was successful in generating feedback from 113 respondents including: • State Government departments and

agencies• Local Government and its representative

bodies• Representatives of the Traditional

Owners of Victoria• Peak bodies and Non-Government

Organisations• Business, and• Community groups and individuals.

In developing a final Draft Strategy for the Minister, the VCC worked to review and consider a diverse range of issues raised across the submissions. A revised document was submitted to the Minister for Environment and Climate Change for consideration in accordance with Section 17 of the Act in April 2014.

4.3 Working with Regional Coastal BoardsWhilst the VCC works with many partners, our partnerships with Regional Coastal Boards are paramount. There are three Regional Coastal Boards that operate across Victoria and the Chair of each Board is also a member of the VCC.• Western Coastal Board (WCB) chaired

by Cr Jill Parker• Central Coastal Board (CCB) chaired by

Ross Kilborn• Gippsland Coastal Board (GCB) chaired

by Cr Richard Ellis.

Effective collaboration between the VCC and RCBs is essential to the implementation of the Coastal Management Act 1995. Activities between the VCC and RCBs over the 2013–14 reporting period included:• Regular meetings of Chairs to progress

a range of issues, particularly related to resourcing

• Provision of regional reports to VCC to promote understanding of regional coastal issues and Board activities

• Provision of regular updates on the development of Regional Coastal Plans.

Regional Coastal Boards have a critical role in implementing the Victorian Coastal Strategy. While the Victorian Coastal Strategy establishes principles and policies to guide coastal planning and management at a state-wide level, these

need to be applied regionally and locally with the benefit of regional and local knowledge and context.

4.4 Minister’s Direction on Regional Coastal PlansAt the request of the Minister for Environment and Climate Change, the Western Coastal Board, Central Coastal Board and Gippsland Coastal Board are each developing a Regional Coastal Plan to support and improve coastal planning and management in Victoria. The Regional Coastal Plans, which sit under the Victorian Coastal Strategy, will:• Identify and articulate key regional

values, issues and priorities• Set the regional vision, guiding principles

and strategic directions to guide local management

• Build on existing regional and local plans and strategies, make links, and identify and address gaps

• Clarify and confirm the roles and responsibilities of agencies and stakeholders

• Include effective regional coordination and implementation arrangements including monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

The boards received more than 70 submissions in the first round of consultation, in March and April 2014. Submissions were mainly received from local government, state government departments, catchment management authorities, public land managers, environmental groups, recreation groups, Indigenous groups, and individuals.

In the reporting period, the three Boards commenced preparation of draft Regional Coastal Plans. It is expected these will be available for release in late 2014 for a further round of public consultation, with the final plans ready for release in 2015.

4.5 Existing Coastal Action Plans (CAPs)Until such time as the Regional Coastal Plans are developed and adopted, the existing Coastal Action Plans (CAPs) are a key mechanism for the translation and implementation of the Victorian Coastal Strategy within and across Victoria’s three coastal planning regions. Significant stakeholder consultation and interagency planning is involved in developing each CAP.


There were 18 CAPs that were in operation during the 2013–14 reporting period (Table 2).

Further details on the implementation of CAPs in each coastal region over the reporting period can be found in Section 5 – Regional Coastal Boards.

4.6 Coastal Management Act consents Pursuant to Section 37 of the Coastal Management Act 1995, any use or development of coastal Crown land must be approved in writing by the Minister. DEPI has undertaken a number of efforts in

2013–14 to enhance its administration of Coastal Management Act consents.

In particular, it has sought to streamline administration of lower risk use and development in order to increase focus on higher risk issues. For instance, the Minister for Environment and Climate Change issued general consent for a range of routine uses and development, which means that land managers no longer need to make separate consent applications to carry out these works.

These include works such as routine pest plant and animal eradication, maintenance of existing structures and fences, and

emergency works. A number of consents are also being issued for low risk works when Coastal Management Plans are approved, to reduce the need for coastal managers to make separate consent applications for these works.

Consequently, data on the number of consents issued in 2013–14 is not directly comparable to previous years. In the 2013–14 reporting year, 181 applications for the use and/or development of coastal Crown land were approved by delegates of the Minister for Environment and Climate Change. The total value of applications approved was $73,854,695.

Table 2: Coastal Action Plans current during 2013–14

Region CAP titleGippsland Coastal Board Gippsland Lakes CAP (1999)

Gippsland Boating CAP (2012)Integrated Coastal Planning for Gippsland CAP (2002)Gippsland Estuaries CAP (2006)

Central Coastal Board Boating CAP (2007)Mount Eliza to Point Nepean CAP (2005)Corio Bay CAP (2005)

Western Coastal Board South West Victoria Regional CAP (2002)Central West Victoria Regional CAP (2002)South West Victoria Estuaries CAP (2002)Central West Victoria Estuaries CAP (2005)Lorne CAP (1998)Anglesea CAP (1999)Warrnambool CAP (1999)Moyne CAP (2001)Skenes Creek to Marengo CAP (2002)Glenelg CAP (2004)Western Victoria Boating CAP (2010)










DredgingOtherCommercial uses

Water management

On water constructions

e.g. jetties, ports

Facilities e.g. toilets, car parks, access etc.

Lifesaving club

Foreshore maintenance

Maintenance and










Nature of works or use

Central Gippsland Western

Figure 3: Number and type of Coastal Management Act consents issued for each region



There are three Regional Coastal Boards (RCB) established under the Coastal Management Act 1995:

• Western Coastal Board (WCB)

• Central Coastal Board (CCB)

• Gippsland Coastal Board (GCB).

The roles and responsibilities of each RCB are outlined in the Act and include to advocate for coastal issues, facilitate the application of the Victorian Coastal Strategy at a regional level and provide advice on coastal planning and management issues. A key function of each RCB is to develop an integrated Regional Coastal Plan.

Under the Act, the Boards must report to the Victorian Coastal Council (VCC) by 30 June in each year on:a) The status of coastal planning in the

region, andb) The implementation in its region in the

preceding year of the Victorian Coastal Strategy, Coastal Action Plans and approved coastal guidelines.

The reports received by the VCC from each RCB are summarised below.

5.1 Western Coastal Board (WCB)Victoria’s western coastal region covers some 476km of open coastline and includes a variety of locations, land uses and landscape types. It extends from near Breamlea in the east to the South Australian border and includes the six municipalities of Surf Coast Shire, Colac Otway Shire, Corangamite Shire, Moyne Shire, Warrnambool City and the Glenelg Shire. It also includes the entire Glenelg Hopkins catchment region and the majority of the Corangamite catchment region.

Board membership

Members of the WCB appointed for the period from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2015 are:• Cr Jill Parker – Chair • Mr Mark Edmonds• Mr Matt Gorman• Mr Oliver Moles• Mr Ray Page• Ms Carole Reid• Assoc. Prof. John Sherwood• Mr Glenn Wallace.


Western Victoria Regional Coastal Plan (WVRCP)The WVRCP was the Board’s major focus for the year. District events were held at Portland in February and Anglesea in April to gather community feedback. Invitees included regional representatives from:• State government• Local government• Catchment Management Authorities• Industry e.g. professional associations• Ports• Tourism• Committees of Management• Traditional Owner groups• Emergency services• Conservation groups• Heritage groups• Recreation groups.

The roundtable/workshops were preceded by guided coach tours of the surrounding coastline, highlighting local issues. The Board also invited members of local and regional government bodies and heavy industry to continue discussions with them. Feedback from the roundtable and workshop was collated and summarised for use by the Regional Coastal Plan (RCP) team.

The three coastal boards also circulated invitational brochures state-wide to these groups, seeking input to the plans through a dedicated e-mail address. At the time of writing, a draft WVRCP is in preparation as a result of this input.


Victorian Coastal Strategy (VCS) 2013The Board reviewed the draft VCS at its October meeting. Facilitated by Martin Butcher of DEPI, each Board Member systematically reviewed, in fine detail, a section of the Strategy. Comments were compiled, rewritten in page order under themes and presented to the Victorian Coastal Council for consideration.

Value and Equity for Climate Adaptation: Coastal Caravan and Camping Parks Case StudyThe National Sea Change Task Force awarded the Board an Australian Coastal Award in the ‘Research’ category for this study. The announcement was made at the Australian Coastal Councils annual conference at Ballina, NSW, in March 2014.

Recreational BoatingThe Board continued to advocate for the implementation of the Western Victoria Boating Coastal Action Plan (WVBCAP). It reviewed the interim draft at the August meeting and recommended to the Minister for Environment and Climate Change and Minister for Ports the adoption of the plan. The Chair requested DEPI Regional Coastal Plan Program Manager, Steve Blackley, to attend the Minister for Port’s roundtable on recreational boating facilities on the board’s behalf. A safe harbour between Queenscliff and Apollo Bay was mentioned as a priority action from the WVBCAP.

Climate Resilient Communities ProjectThis project was designed to assist south-western Victorian municipalities (and partners) manage the risks of extreme climate events and build community resilience while embracing any opportunities presented by future climate variability. The Board helped fund this project which has now identified priority projects for delivery in phase 2.

Coastcare Victoria Community GrantsThe Board contributed a Member to the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority’s panel reviewing Coastcare grant applications. Several days were needed to evaluate the many entries for the $200,000 funding pool. Coastcare grants are provided to support projects that protect and enhance the coast.

Victorian Environmental Assessment Council’s (VEAC) Marine InvestigationThe Board made a submission to VEAC in February regarding the outcomes of the establishment of Marine Protected Areas in Victoria. The Board supported the effective long-term management of MPAs and recommended: • identifying action deadlines• identifying lead agents and key partners• supplying adequate resourcing• supporting community groups (e.g.

Friends groups) with training and resources

• focussing effort on the education and involvement of adjacent, permanent residents

• ensuring sufficient ownership of the co-management process by Traditional Owner groups.

Implementation of the Victorian Coastal Strategy 2008:Key activities of the WCB included those outlined in Table 3.

Table 3: Implementation of the Victorian Coastal Strategy 2008 by the Western Coastal Board as lead agent

No. Action Status1.5a Review Coastal Action Plans

and management plans in consultation with Traditional Owners, Registered Aboriginal Parties and applicants, to respond to the implications of native title claims and the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 along the coast

• Aboriginal stakeholders have been invited to contribute to all community events and to the Western Victoria Regional Coastal Plan (WVRCP). The Federation of Aboriginal Traditional Owner Corporations has advised the Board to make more explicit reference to the unique position of Corporations contra other interest groups in recognition of their status as co-owners and co-managers of all Crown land and waters in the public estate

• The Board has supported a multi-agency Aboriginal Stakeholder Liaison sub-committee by the nomination of a Member to join

• Board Members and staff attended Aboriginal cultural training, hosted by Corangamite CMA, in June.

2.1e Develop appropriate adaptation strategies to support local and regional level decision-making in relation to the impact and risk of climate change to the coastline

• Board Members are also members of the Port Fairy Working Group, a pilot climate change adaptation project. The group assessed coastal risks and implications to the town, one of four in the state to be examined.

3.1.1a Facilitate regional approaches to improve and rationalise access to and on the coast through the application of a coastal access decision-making tool

• Not specifically addressed but will be a part of the WVRCP.

3.1.1c Establish priority areas for all mobility needs

• Not specifically addressed but will be a part of the WVRCP.

3.1.2a Develop and implement (and/or review as required) boating Coastal Action Plans across [western] Victoria

• Reviewed the Western Victoria Boating Coastal Action Plan 2010

• Advocated for its implementation by the responsible Ministers

• Attended Minister for Ports roundtable concerning improved facilities for recreational boating

• A Board Member has been appointed to the Minister for Ports’ Working Group for recreational boating.


5.2 Central Coastal Board (CCB)The central coastal region spans some 500km from Breamlea to Inverloch and includes 13 local government municipalities. It is highly urbanised, with Melbourne and Geelong having a combined population of over 4.3 million. The two large bays of Port Phillip and Western Port are key features of the coast.

Board membership

Members of the CCB appointed for the period from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2015 are:• Mr Ross Kilborn – Chair (as of August

2013)• Dr Rosalind Jessop• Ms Angela Reidy• Mr Andrew Rodda• Ms Anne-Marie Tenni• Mr Jeff Weir • Mr Doug Miller• Ms Cath Wheelan (Chair from 1 July –

August 2013).


Central Regional Coastal PlanThe CCB has been developing a Regional Coastal Plan for the central coastal region, in line with their responsibilities under the Coastal Management Act 1995.

Specifically, the new Regional Coastal Plans will:• identify and articulate key regional

values, issues and priorities • set the regional vision, guiding principles

and strategic directions to guide local management

• build on existing regional and local plans

and strategies, make linkages, and identify and address gaps

• clarify and confirm the roles and responsibilities of agencies and stakeholders

• include effective regional coordination and implementation arrangements including monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

Recreational Boating Facilities Framework (RBFF)The RBFF consolidated information on the current state and preferred future of recreational boating facilities for the central coastal region. Recreational boating is a significant activity for the region with over 211 facilities focusing on Port Phillip and Western Port Bays. In addition, boating delivers economic benefit to coastal communities through visitation and tourism.

Draft Victorian Coastal StrategyThe CCB chaired three community information sessions in partnership with the VCC at Geelong, Elwood and San Remo. The sessions introduced the document to the community and key stakeholders and encouraged stakeholders to prepare submissions for the Draft VCS. In December 2013, the CCB prepared a submission to the VCC regarding the Draft VCS, which was informed by the community information sessions held in October.

Coastal Resources ReviewIn 2013 and in partnership with the three Regional Coastal Boards (RCB) and the VCC, DEPI reviewed the resourcing arrangements that were in place to support coastal entities. A key focus was ensuring

that the RCBs had the appropriate support to prepare the new Regional Coastal Plans.

Launching the New Board WebsiteIn June 2014 the CCB relaunched their new website. In line with changes to the service provider, the CCB took the opportunity to create a more user friendly, informative site with regular updates on key CCB projects, including the Regional Coastal Plan. The website will enable key stakeholders and the general public to stay up to date and engaged with strategic coastal planning within the central coastal region of Victoria.

Implementation of the Victorian Coastal Strategy:Key activities of the CCB included:• Participation in the Victorian Coastal

Council’s (VCC) submission process for comments on the the Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy 2013

• Chairing three public information workshops in partnership with the VCC to support community and stakeholder preparation of submissions to the Draft VCS 2013

• Progressing the Regional Coastal Plans, consulting with key stakeholders, developing a scope and preparing a Draft Plan

• Ensuring the development of the Regional Coastal Plans are in line with VCS 2008 and the Draft VCS 2013.

In response to actions from the VCS 2008, the CCB has completed the following:• Reviewed the Boating CAP (2007)• Developed the RBFF as a transitional

document to act as a resource to assist stakeholders.


5.3 Gippsland Coastal Board (GCB)The Gippsland coastal region extends approximately 700km, from the eastern side of Anderson Inlet in the West to the New South Wales border in the east of the state. The coast includes those landward areas with a coastal influence, and seaward to a distance of 3 nautical miles from the coast.

The Gippsland coastal fringe consists of a series of dune-capped sandy barriers backed by lagoons, swamps and bluffs with East Gippsland backed by the iconic Gippsland Lakes. Gippsland’s landscape includes three National Parks, five Marine National Parks, three Marine and Coastal Parks and a Marine Sanctuary. The national parks include iconic tourism and recreation destinations such as Wilsons Promontory National Park, Corner Inlet and the Ninety Mile Beach.

Board membership

Members of the CGB appointed for the period from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2015 are:• Cr. Richard Ellis (Chair)• Mr Paul Smith• Mr Rod Thomas• Mr Ian Needham• Mr Peter Jennings• Mr (Michael) Des Sinnott OAM.


Gippsland State of the Coast Report, 2013A report was prepared by consultants, Water Technology, in order to understand the baseline condition of coastal planning and management in the region. The document provides a concise synopsis to the GCB on the state of knowledge and management in coastal and marine areas of Gippsland, and the critical issues and opportunities in the future. Key gaps in the current state of knowledge and management arrangements around coastal values and threats have been identified, and key opportunities for improvement have been outlined.

Launching the New Board WebsiteIn June 2014 the GCB relaunched their website in line with changes to the service provider. The GCB undertook the opportunity to relaunch the site creating a more user friendly and informative site using updated software. The new site will be used by both key stakeholders and the general public to understand and stay engaged with strategic coastal planning within the GCB.

Gippsland Regional Coastal PlanThe preparation of the Gippsland Regional Coastal Plan has been a key focus of the GCB. The GCB has undertaken five primary stakeholder meetings with key stakeholders including four Local Government Councils, Gippsland Ports, Parks Victoria, two Catchment Management Authorities, Traditional Owners and State Government mangers.

Initial submissions have been received in response to the Invitation to be Involved brochure that was distributed. Scoping papers are currently being prepared that identify some key issues along the coastline including natural values, health of the coast, coastal infrastructure and management.

University of Melbourne – Incorporating Community Values into Climate Planning – A Guide for GovernmentThe three year research project led by the University Of Melbourne’s Professor Jon Barnett provides a guide to help local and state governments consider social impacts when planning for climate change. The Guide will assist to identify values, relationships and activities that may be affected by climate change and adaptation, and gives advice on how to implement a more equitable and inclusive adaptation process.

Implementation of the Victorian Coastal Strategy 2008Key activities of the GCB included:• Participation in the VCC’s mid-term

review of the VCS• Participation in the VCC workshops for

responses to the draft VCS• Convened discussions with coastal

councils across the region to support preparation of the regional coastal plan

• Representation on a range of projects including the Gippsland Lakes Sustainable Development Plan and Gippsland Lakes Environmental Strategy (GLMAC) that support implementation of the VCS.



6.1 ContactCouncil’s office is located on Level 6, 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne 3002.

The postal address for the Council is PO Box 500, East Melbourne 8002.

Telephone 9637 8893Fax 9637 8024 Email: [email protected] Website:

6.2 Workforce Data Staff: Number by employment status for the majority of the year (full time equivalent)*

Employment 2013–2014 2012–2013Type Female Male Total Female Male TotalOngoing * 0.8 0 0.8 0.8 0 0.8Fixed Term** 1 0 1 2 0 2Temporary Employees 0.5 0 0.5 0.6 0 0.6Total 2.3 0 2.3 3.4 0 3.4

* VCC’s ongoing staff are also included in employment statistics for DEPI.

** Fixed term staff were seconded from DEPI for the 2013–14 year.

6.3 Statement of Pecuniary InterestsAll members of the VCC and the Executive Officer have completed declarations of pecuniary interests for the current reporting period including details of shares held by members.

Declarations of pecuniary interest in relation to agenda items are sought at the commencement of any business meeting and noted in the minutes of the meeting.

6.4 Consultancies over $10,000• There were no consultancies over

$10,000 engaged by the VCC in this period.

6.5 Consultancies under $10,000• In 2013–14 the VCC engaged seven

consultancies to deliver work under $10,000. Total cost expended $14,042.

6.6 Major ContractsDuring 2013–14 VCC did not enter into any contracts valued at over $10 million.

6.7 Government Advertising ExpenditureGovernment Policy requires disclosure of all Government Advertising Expenditure with a total media buy of $150,000 or greater (exclusive of GST). No Government Advertising Expenditure was incurred by the Council during the reporting period.

6.8 PublicationsDuring the 2013–14 period, the VCC published the following document:• Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy 2013,

draft for public comment by VCC.

During the 2013–14 period, the VCC commissioned the following reports:• Derivation of Sea Level Planning

Benchmarks for Victoria: Update 2014, report to Council by Dr John Hunter

In 2013–14 Council released the Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy and conducted stakeholder engagement sessions at coastal locations across the State.

6.9 National Competition PolicyThe VCC adheres to the principles of the National Competition Policy (NCP) to ensure that any business competition with private entities takes place in an environment where the Council has no competitive advantages.

6.10 Freedom of Information (FOI) The Freedom of Information Act 1982 allows the public a right of access to documents held by the VCC. The VCC operates in accordance with FOI procedures established through the Department of Environment and Primary Industries. Requests must be in writing and a fee of $25.70 is payable for applications. There was one FOI request made to the VCC and one FOI decision in 2013–14.

The VCC has determined that its authorised officer is the Department of Environment and Primary Industries Freedom of Information Unit, 03 9637 9730.

6.11 Employment and Conduct PrinciplesVictorian Public Service merit and equity principles are applied in the appointment and management of staff. The VCC follows the employment and conduct principles set out in the Public Administration Act 2004.

6.12 Women, Youth and Indigenous AffairsThe VCC is committed to involving Victoria’s community, including women, youth and indigenous Victorians in the management and enjoyment of the coast. The Victorian Coastal Strategy identifies actions to implement indigenous cultural outcomes and to improve communications with Aboriginal communities in coastal areas, while VCC’s business plan includes actions to strengthen community involvement in coastal planning and management. In addition, the VCC operates in an environment ensuring equity in VCC’s processes and participation with stakeholders.

6.13 Protected Disclosures Act 2012 The Protected Disclosure Act 2012 (‘PD Act’) enables people to make disclosures about improper conduct by public officers and public bodies. The Act aims to ensure openness and accountability by encouraging people to make disclosures and protecting them when they do.

What is a ‘protected disclosure’? A protected disclosure is a complaint of corrupt or improper conduct by a public officer or a public body.

Victorian Coastal Council is a “public body” for the purposes of the Act.

What is ‘improper or corrupt conduct’? Improper or corrupt conduct involves substantial:• mismanagement of public resources; or • risk to public health or safety or the

environment; or • corruption.

The conduct must be criminal in nature or a matter for which an officer could be dismissed.


How do I make a ‘Protected Disclosure’? You can make a protected disclosure about the VCC or its Council members, officers or employees by contacting DEPI or Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) on the contact details provided below.

Please note that the VCC is not able to receive protected disclosures.

How can I access the VCC’s procedures for the protection of persons from detrimental action?The VCC has established procedures for the protection of persons from detrimental action in reprisal for making a protected disclosure about VCC or its employees.


Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI)Jennifer Berensen, Senior Advisor, Privacy and OmbudsmanDepartment of Environment and Primary IndustriesAddress: PO Box 500, East Melbourne Vic 3002Ph: 03 9637 8697Website:

Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) VictoriaAddress: Level 1, North Tower, 459 Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3001.Mail: IBAC, GPO Box 24234, Melbourne Victoria 3000Internet: Phone: 1300 735 135Email: see the website above for the secure email disclosure process, which also provides for anonymous disclosures.

6.14 Overseas TravelNo overseas travel was conducted in 2012–13.

6.15 Building Act 1993The VCC makes use of buildings and facilities controlled by the DEPI to perform its functions and does not own or control any buildings.

6.16 Occupational Health and Safety PolicyRefer to the DEPI Annual Report. Operations are managed in accordance

with DEPI procedures and guidelines for occupational health and safety and industrial relations and related issues.

6.17 Risk Management Compliance While the VCC examines the risks of delivery of its particular work functions and objectives on an ongoing basis, it relies on the DEPI’s risk management framework and internal audit of financial and other administrative systems which are used by the VCC’s Secretariat. Please refer to the DEPI annual report for further information.

6.18 Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Attestation

Attestation by public entities in Department of Environment and Primary Industries’ portfolioI, Jon Hickman, Chair of Victorian Coastal Council

Certify that:

• my public entity has policies and procedures in place that are consistent with the minimum requirements and accountabilities outlined in the Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy Framework issued by the Public Sector Standards Commissioner;

• staff are informed about these gifts, benefits and hospitality policies and procedures; and

• Council reviews the operation of the policies and procedures at least once a year to ensure transparent reporting of accepted gifts, benefits and hospitality.


Date: 1 August 2014



7.1 ExpenditureThe operating budget of the VCC is provided within the budget of the DEPI. Financial operations of the VCC have not been separately audited. Audited statements are incorporated into the overall financial statements of the DEPI Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2014 and it is considered unnecessary for VCC to have a separate audit committee. The following table shows the operating expenditure (excludes salaries and agency staff costs) of the VCC for the 2013–14 financial year compared with the 2012–13 financial year.

7.2 Operating PositionOperations are managed in accordance with DEPI procedures and guidelines for expenditure, purchasing and reporting.

7.2.1 Summary of Financial Results of the Year

Expenditure 2012–2013 2013–2014Council operations *

$197,390 $199,202

* Includes all members sitting fees, reimbursements, payroll tax, super contribution, WorkCover levy, secretariat expenses, training and items such as annual report, consultants and events.

7.2.2 Statement of Availability of Other Information

Information relevant to the headings listed in Financial Reporting Direction 22C of the Financial Management Act 1994 is held at the VCC’s office and is available on request, subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

7.2.3 Significant Changes in Financial Position During the Year

There were no significant changes in financial position during the reporting period.

7.2.4 Major Changes or Factors Affecting Performance

There were no major changes or factors affecting performance.

7.2.5 Subsequent Events

There were no events subsequent to the balance date that will affect performance in future years.

7.2.6 Victorian Industry Participation Policy

Departments and public bodies are required to apply VIPP in all tenders over $3 million in metropolitan Melbourne and $1 million in regional Victoria. The VCC has not commenced or completed any contract during 2013–14 which VIPP applied.


The 2013–14 Annual Report of the Victorian Coastal Council is prepared in accordance with all relevant Victorian legislation. This index has been prepared to facilitate identification of the VCC compliance with statutory disclosure requirements.

Legislation Requirement Page no.Accountable Officer’s declaration

SD 4.2(j) Sign off requirements 2

Charter and purpose

FRD 22E Objectives, functions, powers and duties 5, 10

FRD 22E Manner of establishment and responsible Minister 5

FRD 22E Nature and range of services provided 5

Financial information

FRD 22E Operational and budgetary objectives 17

FRD 22E Summary of the financial results 19

FRD 22E Major changes or factors affecting performance 19

FRD 22E Subsequent events 19

FRD 22E Significant changes in financial position during the year 19

Governance and organisational structure  

FRD 22E & SD2.2(f) Organisational structure 5–8

FRD 22E Occupational health and safety policy 18

FRD 22E Employment and conduct principles 17

FRD 29 & 22E Workforce Data disclosures 17

FRD 15E Executive officer disclosures (NOTE: Only applies to departments) N/A

Other information

FRD 10 Disclosure index 20

FRD 25 Victorian Industry Participation Policy disclosures 19

FRD 22E Details of consultancies in excess of $10 000 17

FRD 22E Details of consultancies under $10 000 17

FRD 22E Disclosure of government advertising expenditure 17

FRD 12A Disclosure of major contracts 17

FRD 22E Application and operation of Freedom of Information Act 1982 17

FRD 22E Compliance with Building Act 1993 18

FRD 22E Statement on National Competition Policy 17

FRD 22E Application and operation of Protected Disclosures Act 2012 17–18

FRD 22E Summary of environmental performance N/A

FRD 22E Statement of availability of other information 19

SD 4.5.5 Risk management compliance attestation 18

SD Insurance attestation N/A

PC 2012/02 Gifts, benefits and hospitality attestation 18

SD 4.2(g) General information requirements Entire document


Coastal Management Act 1995

Building Act 1993

Financial Management Act 1994

Freedom of Information Act 1982

Protected Disclosures Act 2012

Victorian Industry Participation Policy Act 2003

Print and design

FRD 30 Standard requirements for the design and print of annual reports




Table 1: Coastal Management Plans Approved in 2013–14

Title of Coastal Management Plan Responsible Agent


Walkerville Foreshore Coastal Management Plan DEPI


Cannons Creek Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan Cannons Creek Foreshore Reserve CoM

Bonnie Watson Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan Cannons Creek Foreshore Reserve CoM


Warrnambool City Council Coastal Management Plan Warrnambool City Council

Table 2: Other Coastal Plans

Title of Plan Status Responsible Agent


Andersons Inlet Fisheries Reserve Management Plan Implementation DEPI Fisheries Victoria

Bemm River Foreshore Management Plan In process DEPI/EGSC

Beware Reef Marine Sanctuary Management Plan Implementation Parks Victoria

Cape Howe Marine National Park Management Plan Implementation Parks Victoria

Corner Inlet Marine National Park Management Plan Implementation Parks Victoria

East Gippsland Regional Catchment Strategy Implementation East Gippsland CMA

Lakes Entrance Integrated Planning Project Nearing completion DEPI/EGSC

Lake Wellington Wetlands Management Plan Implementation Parks Victoria

Loch Sport Crown Reserves Management Plan Implementation DEPI/CoM

Mallacoota Inlet Foreshore Management Plan Implementation, review in progress. Due for review


Marlay Point Foreshore Reserve Management Plan Implementation DEPI

Marlo Foreshore Management Plan In process DEPI/EGSC

Metung Foreshore Management Plan Implementation, review in progress DEPI/EGSC

Newlands Arm Foreshore Management Plan Implementation DSE/EGSC

Ninety Mile Beach Marine National Park Management Plan Implementation Parks Victoria

Point Hicks Marine National Park Management Plan Implementation Parks Victoria

Port Franklin Reserves Management Plan Draft circulating for comment DEPI/CoM

Sandy Point Foreshore Management Plan Implementation DEPI/CoM

Shallow Inlet Foreshore Management Plan Suspended – DSE liaising with Parks Vic to transfer management


Tamboon Inlet Foreshore Management Plan Cancelled DEPI/EGSC

West Gippsland Regional Catchment Strategy Exhibition Draft West Gippsland CMA

Wilsons Promontory Marine National Park Management Plan Implementation Parks Victoria

Woodside Beach Foreshore Management Plan Implementation. DEPI/CoM

CENTRAL COASTAL BOARD REGIONAnderson Inlet Fisheries Reserve Management Plan 2006 Implementation DPI Fisheries Victoria

Avalon Beach Management Plan (Draft) 2001 Implementation DSE

Balnarring Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan 2012 In preparation Balnarring CoM

Barwon Bluff Marine Sanctuary Management Plan 2007 Implementation Parks Victoria

Barwon Coast Coastal Management Plan 2013/14 to 2015/16 Implementation Barwon Coast Committee of Management

Bayside Coastal Management Plan 2012/13 In preparation Bayside City Council

Black Rock – Beaumaris Foreshore Master Plan 2000 Implementation Bayside City Council

Breamlea Foreshore Masterplan and Management Plan Update 2010 Implementation City of Greater Geelong

Brighton Foreshore Master Plan 1999 Implementation Bayside City Council

Buckley Park Coastal Management Plan Vegetation Strategy 2005 Implementation City of Greater Geelong


Title of Plan Status Responsible AgentBunurong Marine National Park Management Plan 2006 Implementation Parks Victoria

Cannons Creek Foreshore Reserve Draft Management Plan 2012 Draft Cannons Creek Foreshores Reserve CoM

Capel Sound Foreshore Reserve Management Plan 2008 Implementation Capel Sound Foreshores Reserve CoM

Cape Paterson Foreshore Reserve Management Plan 1998 Implementation Bass Coast Shire Council

Clifton Springs Coastal Management Plan 2008 Implementation City of Greater Geelong

Collins Settlement Future Directions Management Plan 2002 Implementation Parks Victoria and Mornington Peninsula Shire

Corangamite Fishery Management Plan 2008 Implementation DPI Fisheries Victoria

Corinella Foreshore Reserve Management Plan 2003 Implementation DSE

Dromana Foreshore Coastal Management Plan 2010 Review Dromana Foreshore CoM and DSE

Eastern Port Phillip Bay Aquaculture Fisheries Management Plan 2005 Implementation DPI Fisheries Victoria

Flinders Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan 2005 Implementation DPI Fisheries Victoria

Flinders Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan 2010 Implementation Parks Victoria

Flinders Pier Master Plan 2008 Implementation Parks Victoria

Foreshore Management Plan 2011 (City of Port Phillip) 2011 Implementation City of Port Phillip

Frankston Foreshore Coastal Management Plan 2012 In preparation Frankston City Council

French Island National Park Management Plan 1998 Implementation Parks Victoria

Geelong Arm Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan 2005 Implementation DPI Fisheries Victoria

Draft Green Point Precinct Landscape Conservation Management Plan 2012

Draft Bayside City Council

Halfmoon Bay Master Plan 2008 Implementation Bayside City Council

Hampton Foreshore Master Plan 1997 Implementation Bayside City Council

Hastings South Coastal Management Plan and Recreational Boating Precinct 2008

Draft Mornington Peninsula Shire

Hastings Structure Plan and Coastal Management Plan 2010 Draft Mornington Peninsula Shire

Jawbone Marine Sanctuary Management Plan 2007 Implementation Parks Victoria

Kingston Coastal Management Plan 2009 Implementation Kingston City Council

Lang Lang Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan 2012 Draft DSE

Limeburners Bay Management Plan Stage 2 Review 2008 Implementation City of Greater Geelong

Merricks Beach Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan 2012 Draft Merricks Beach Foreshore CoM and DSE

Mills Beach Landscape Masterplan 2012 Implementation Mornington Peninsula Shire

Mordialloc Creek Masterplan 2012 Implementation Kingston City Council

Mornington Coastal Management Plan Draft Mornington Peninsula Shire

Mordialloc: Pride of the Bay Structure Plan 2004 Implementation Kingston City Council

Mornington Harbour Precinct Plan 2013 In preparation Mornington Peninsula Shire

Mornington Peninsula National Park and Arthurs Seat State Park Management Plan 1998

Implementation Parks Victoria

Mount Eliza Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan 2004 Implementation Mornington Peninsula Shire

Mount Martha Coastal Management Plan 2008 Implementation Mornington Peninsula Shire

Mushroom Reef Marine Sanctuary Management Plan 2007 Implementation Parks Victoria

The Northern Bellarine Foreshore Plan 2012 Implementation Bellarine Bayside Foreshore Committee of Management

Phillip Island Nature Parks Strategic Plan 2012–17 Implementation Phillip Island Nature Parks Board of Management

Pinnace Channel Aquaculture Fisheries Reserve Management Plan 2005 Implementation DPI Fisheries Victoria

Point Cook Coastal Park and Cheetham Wetlands Future Directions Plan 2005

Implementation Parks Victoria

Point Cooke Marine Sanctuary Management Plan 2007 Implementation Parks Victoria

Point Henry Foreshore Management Plan 2006 Implementation City of Greater Geelong

Point Leo Coastal Management Plan 2012 Draft Point Leo Foreshore CoM and DSE


Title of Plan Status Responsible AgentPoint Lonsdale Foreshore Master Plan 2009 Implementation Borough of Queenscliffe and

Greater GeelongPoint Nepean National Park and Point Nepean Quarantine Station Management Plan 2009

Implementation Parks Victoria

Point Nepean National Park Master Plan 2013 Implementation Parks Victoria

Portarlington Safe Harbour Master Plan 2009 Implementation Parks Victoria

Port Phillip and Western Port Fisheries Management Plan 2009 Implementation DPI Fisheries Victoria

Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park Management Plan 2006 Implementation Parks Victoria

Port Phillip (Western Shoreline) and Bellarine Peninsula Ramsar Site Strategic Management Plan 2003

Implementation Parks Victoria and DSE

Portsea Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan 2004 Implementation Mornington Peninsula Shire

Quarantine Station Conservation Management Plan Non-Indigenous Cultural Heritage – Volume 1 and 2 2008

Implementation Point Nepean Community Trust

Queenscliffe Coastal Management Plan 2006 Implementation Borough of Queenscliffe

Draft Ricketts Point and Ricketts Point Landside Management Plan 2013 In preparation Bayside City Council

Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary Management Plan 2005 Implementation Parks Victoria

Rosebud Activity Centre Structure Plan 2012 Implementation Mornington Peninsula Shire

Rosebud Activity Centre Urban Design Framework 2012 2012 Implementation Mornington Peninsula Shire

Rosebud Coastal Management Plan 2012 Implementation Mornington Peninsula Shire

Rosebud Foreshore Reserve Landscape Master Plan 2000 Implementation Parks Victoria

Rye Foreshore Reserve Landscape Master Plan 2008 Implementation Mornington Peninsula Shire

Draft Rye Recreational Boating Precinct Master Plan 2013 In preparation Mornington Peninsula Shire

Safety and Environment Management Plan for the local port of Western Port 2005

Implementation Parks Victoria

Sandringham Foreshore Coastal Management Plan 2010 Implementation Bayside City Council, DSE, Parks Victoria

Sandringham Foreshore Master Plan and Management Plan 1998 Implementation Bayside City Council

San Remo Foreshore Reserve Management Plan 2010 Implementation DSE

Seaford Life Saving Club Precinct Master Plan 2004 Implementation Frankston City Council

Shoreham Foreshore Reserve Management Plan 2008 Implementation Shoreham Foreshore CoM and DSE

Somers Foreshore Reserve Management Plan 2011 Implementation Somers Foreshore CoM

Sorrento Recreational Boating Precinct Plan 2011 Implementation Mornington Peninsula Shire


Title of Plan Status Responsible AgentSouth Channel Fort Conservation Management Plan – Part 1 & 2 2006 Implementation Parks Victoria

St Kilda Harbour Concept Plan 2010 Implementation Parks Victoria

St Kilda Pier Conservation Management Plan 2004 Implementation Parks Victoria

Stony Point and Hastings Foreshore Management Plan 2001 Implementation Foreshore CoM

Tooradin Foreshore and Boating Infrastructure Master Plan 2009 Implementation Tooradin Foreshore CoM and DSE

Truganina Explosives Reserve Coastal Management Plan 2003 Implementation City of Hobsons Bay

Victorian Abalone Fishery Management Plan 2007 Review DPI Fisheries Victoria

Victorian Eel Fishery Management Plan 2002 Implementation DPI Fisheries Victoria

Victorian Giant Crab Fishery Management Plan 2003 Implementation DPI Fisheries Victoria

Victorian Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan 2009 Implementation DPI Fisheries Victoria

Warneet Foreshore Coastal Management Plan 2012 In preparation Warneet Foreshore Reserve CoM

Western Port Marine National Parks Management Plan (Yaringa, French Island and Churchill Island) 2007

Implementation Parks Victoria

Western Port Ramsar Site Strategic Management Plan 2003 Implementation Parks Victoria

Whitecliffs to Camerons Bight Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan 2012

Implementation Whitecliffs to Camerons Bight Foreshore CoM

Williamstown Foreshore Strategic Plan 2010 Implementation Parks Victoria

WESTERN COASTAL BOARD REGIONApollo Bay Harbour Master Plan Completed. Now commencing process

to amend the Planning SchemeColac Otway Shire Council

Apollo Bay Structure Plan – (GORRS Funded) Completed Colac Otway Shire Council

Apollo Bay Structure Plan – PSA Implementation C55 (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV)

Completed Colac Otway Shire Council

Barwon South West Regional Trails Master Plan implementation Colac Otway Shire Council on behalf of the Barwon South West Region

Bells Beach Surfing Reserve Coastal Management Plan and Master Plan 2012

Implementation Surf Coast Shire Council

Coastal Management Plan 2013 Implementation Great Ocean Road Coast Committee of Management

Colac Otway Shire Public Open Space Plan Implementation Colac Otway Shire Council

Colac Otway Shire Rural Living Study Completed. Have exhibited Planning Scheme Amendment C69 to implement outcomes.

Colac Otway Shire Council

Colac Structure Plan – PSA Implementation C55 (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV)

Completed Colac Otway Shire Council

GOR Region Landscape Assessment Study – PSA Implementation C55 (Coastal Spaces Funded via ESAS)

Completed Colac Otway Shire Council

Otway Coast Committee Coastal Management Plan 2013 Implementation Otway Coast Committee of Management

Warrnambool City Council Coastal Management Plan Developing Warrnambool City Council

Water Supply Demand Strategy 2012–2062 Draft (final in preparation) Barwon Water

Wye River/Sep Creek/Kennett River Structure Plan Complete Colac Otway Shire Council

Wye River/Sep Creek/Kennett River Structure Plan – PSA Implementation C58 (Coastal Spaces Funded via ESAS)

Complete Colac Otway Shire Council

Apollo Bay Settlement Boundary and Urban Design Review Completed Colac Otway Shire Council

Corangamite Region Wetland Strategy Complete Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CMA)

Corangamite Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Strategy Complete Corangamite CMA

Corangamite Native Vegetation Plan Complete Corangamite CMA

Corangamite Regional River Health Strategy (2006–2011) and Addendum Complete Corangamite CMA

New regional Waterway Strategy for the health of rivers, estuaries and wetlands

Commenced – due for completion by December 2013

Corangamite CMA

New Corangamite Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) Underway with draft out for public comment in June/July 2012.

Corangamite CMA


Title of Plan Status Responsible AgentA Guide to the Management of Native Fish: Victorian Coastal Rivers and Wetlands

Complete Corangamite CMA on behalf of five coastal CMAs and Melbourne Water

Corangamite Salinity Action Plan Complete Corangamite CMA

Corangamite Soil Health Strategy Complete Corangamite CMA

Painkalac Creek Environmental Flow Determination Complete Corangamite CMA

Revised Anglesea River Estuary Management Plan Underway to be completed in 2012 Corangamite CMA

Coastal Spaces Landscape Assessment Study – PSA Implementation (Coastal Spaces Funded via ESAS)

Commenced implementation of the Great Ocean Road Region Landscape Assessment Study 2003 – Corangamite Planning Scheme Amendment C29

Corangamite Shire Council

Curdies River Estuary Management Plan Completed – October 2008 Corangamite and Moyne Shire Councils

Princetown Urban Design Framework (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV) Completed 2004

Princetown Urban Design Framework – Urban Futures Consulting Corangamite Shire Council

Sturgess Point/Beacon Point Geotechnical Investigation, Port Campbell To be completed end of July 2011 Department of Primary Industries

Port Fairy Night Soil Site Management Plan Completed Department of Primary Industries

Sturgess Point/Beacon Point Geotechnical Investigation, Port Campbell Completed Department of Primary Industries

Corangamite Fishery Management Plan Approved – reference group established and implementation commenced.

Department of Primary Industries

Glenelg Hopkins Fishery Management Plan Completed/Final reference group meeting and actions completed.

Department of Primary Industries

Portland Aquaculture Fisheries Reserves Management Plan Plan Approved/No sites allocated to date.

Department of Primary Industries

Port of Portland Marine Services Precinct Development Plan Draft consultancy brief prepared by DOT for PoPL

Department of Transport – Port of Portland Pty Ltd

Kooyang Sea Country Complete Framlingham Aboriginal Trust and Winda Mara Aboriginal Corporation

Flood Study for Port Fairy Complete Glenelg Hopkins CMA and Moyne Shire Council

Fitzroy Estuary Management Plan Complete Glenelg Hopkins CMA

Glenelg Hopkins River Health Strategy 2004–2009 (Plus an addendum in 2009.)

Complete Note: new strategy to be called the ‘Regional Waterway Management Strategy’ with guidelines currently being drafted

Glenelg Hopkins CMA

Glenelg River Estuary Management Plan Complete Glenelg Hopkins CMA

Hopkins River Estuary Management Plan Complete Glenelg Hopkins CMA

Merri Estuary Management Plan Complete Glenelg Hopkins CMA

South Warrnambool Flood Study PSA Implementation C44 Did not proceed as flood study was shown to be flawed.

Glenelg Hopkins CMA and Warrnambool City Council

Surry Estuary Management Plan Complete Glenelg Hopkins CMA

Surry River Flood Study Complete Glenelg Hopkins CMA

Yambuk Lake Estuary Management Plan Complete Glenelg Hopkins CMA

Coastal Hazards and Engineering Study (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV)

Completed 2010 Glenelg Shire Council

Coastal Spaces Landscape Assessment Study – PSA Implementation C52 (Coastal Spaces Funded via ESAS)

Commenced – Part 1 was adopted by Council 24 January 2012. Part 2 to be presented to Council August 2012

Glenelg Shire Council

Glenelg Environment Strategy Complete Glenelg Shire Council

Glenelg Strategic Futures Plan Complete. Amendments relating to Plan are ongoing.

Glenelg Shire Council

Portland Bay Coastal Infrastructure Plan Complete Glenelg Shire Council

Futurescapes – Climate Change Demonstrator Project Complete Glenelg Shire Council and Department of Primary Industries

Ngootyoong Gunditj Ngootyoong Mara Draft consultation complete Gunditjmara Traditional Owners, Parks Victoria and DEPI


Title of Plan Status Responsible AgentCultural Heritage Management Plan Draft report complete Great Ocean Road Coast

Committee of ManagementEnvironment and Land Management Plan Complete Great Ocean Road Coast

Committee of ManagementPoint Grey and Slaughterhouse Master Plan Master Plan funding approved to

re-commence precinct planning works for Point Grey component in 2011/2012. Slaughterhouse precinct not included

Great Ocean Road Coast Committee of Management

Torquay Foreshore Master Plan Complete Great Ocean Road Coast Committee of Management

Weed Control and Native Vegetation Action Plan Complete Great Ocean Road Coast Committee of Management

Belfast Lough Environmental Management Plan 2006 On hold due to flood and coastal climate change impacts.

Moyne Shire Council

Coastal Spaces Landscape Assessment Study and GOR Region Landscape Assessment Study – PSA Implementation C21 (Coastal Spaces Funded via ESAS)

Completed – PSA C21 gazetted December 2009.

Moyne Shire Council

Environmental Sustainability Strategy Draft completed, awaiting approval to be exhibited for pubic comment

Moyne Shire Council

Peterborough UDG Amendment – PSA Implementation C29 Completed Moyne Shire Council

The Crags Management Plan Complete Moyne Shire Council

Tower Hill Design Guidelines (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV) Underway Moyne Shire Council

Port Fairy East Beach Coastal Erosion Engineering and Feasibility Study Peer review completed. Final report rec’d by Council and endorsed implementations of Tier 1 actions.

Moyne Shire Council and Department of Environment and Primary Industries

Local Coastal Hazard Assessment Port Fairy 12 month project commenced in March 2011 and to be completed Nov 2012

Moyne Shire Council and Department of Environment and Primary Industries

Apollo Bay Recreation Reserve Master Plan Completion expected by June 2012 Otway Coast Committee

Discovery Bay Marine National Park Management Plan Complete Parks Victoria

Great Otway National Park and Otway Forest Park Management Plan Completed – December 2009 Parks Victoria

Indigenous Partnership Strategy Complete Parks Victoria

Marengo Reefs Marine Sanctuary Management Plan Complete Parks Victoria

Merri Marine Sanctuary Management Plan Complete Parks Victoria

Point Addis Marine National Park, Point Danger Marine Sanctuary and Eagle Rock Marine Sanctuary Management Plan

Complete Parks Victoria

Twelve Apostles Marine National Park and The Arches Marine Sanctuary Management Plan

Complete Parks Victoria

Anglesea River and Estuary Management Plan Being reviewed in 2012 and led by CCMA

Surf Coast Shire Council

Anglesea Riverbank Master Plan Stage 4 detailed master planning completed and implementation occurring now

Surf Coast Shire Council

Coastal Spaces Landscape Assessment Study – PSA Implementation (Coastal Spaces Funded via ESAS)

Complete Surf Coast Shire Council

Deep Creek Master Plan Implementation underway Surf Coast Shire Council

Painkalac Creek Estuary Management Plan Planning and implementation complete. No further planning proposed.

Surf Coast Shire Council

Pathway strategy 2006 This strategy has been reviewed in 2012 and will be presented for adoption in June 2012.

Surf Coast Shire Council

Pollution Source Investigation for Lorne Underway Surf Coast Shire Council

Torquay/Jan Juc Structure Plan – PSA Implementation C37 (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV)

Completed – PSA C37 gazetted June 2010

Surf Coast Shire Council

Torquay North Outline Development Plan Completed – March 2009 Surf Coast Shire Council


Title of Plan Status Responsible AgentTorquay West Growth Area – Torquay Jan Juc 2040 (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV)

Council decision July 2011 to adopt 2040 without Spring Creek urban growth area. Planning Scheme amendment C66 adopted by Council and seeking authorisation by Minister for Planning.

Surf Coast Shire Council

Planning Scheme amendment C66 – implements:

2040 including removing Spring Creek urban growth area, character controls, parking precinct plan and retail strategy

Council support and seeking authorisation from Minister for Planning.

Surf Coast Shire

Waste Water Management Plan Implementation underway Surf Coast Shire Council

Wastewater Management Plan – Moggs Creek Implementation underway Surf Coast Shire Council

White’s Beach Master Plan – Stage 1 Implementation underway Surf Coast Shire Council

White’s Beach Master Plan – Stage 2 Implementation underway Surf Coast Shire Council

Water Supply Demand Strategy 2012 – 2060 Completed March 2012 Wannon Water

50 year Biodiversity and Land Management Strategy Completed May 2009 Wannon Water

Sustainability Strategy Updated February 2011 Wannon Water

Sewerage System Management Plan Developing Wannon Water

Allansford Structure Plan (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV) Underway Warrnambool City Council

Beach Cleaning Management Plan Completed Warrnambool City Council

Coastal Design and Logans Beach Review Developing Warrnambool City Council

Environmental Sustainability Strategy Completed 2008 Warrnambool City Council

Levy’s Point Coastal Reserve Management Plan Completed Warrnambool City Council

Hopkins Point Road Structure Plan (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV) Completed Warrnambool City Council

Land Suitability Decision Framework Hopkins Point Road South and North

Developing – Expected completion May 2012Seeking rezoning amendment

Warrnambool City Council and Corangamite Shire Council

Land Suitability Decision Framework Developing – expect completion Dec 2012

Warrnambool City Council and Corangamite Shire Council

Land-use Audit Review of Residential Land (Coastal Spaces Funded via RDV)

Completed Warrnambool City Council

Merri Street Design Guidelines and Raglan Parade Design Guidelines – PSA Implementation C67

Completed – Referenced in the PS and adopted by Council

Warrnambool City Council

Rural Housing and Settlement Strategy Developing Warrnambool City Council and Moyne Shire Council

Vegetation Management Plan for the Coast Developing Warrnambool City Council

South Warrnambool Wetlands Management Plan Completed Warrnambool City Council

Port of Warrnambool Safer Boating and Harbour Facility Study Developing (out for comment, comments close 1st June 2012)

Warrnambool City Council

South Warrnambool Crown Land Precinct Plan Developing Warrnambool City Council

Warrnambool Coastal Landscape Review Developing Warrnambool City Council

Warrnambool Foreshore Management Plan Completed Warrnambool City Council

Environmental Assessment of a decommissioned East Beach landfill site Port Fairy (site 1)Port Fairy – Warrnambool Rail Trail Warrnambool Climate Change Action Plan

Tender process Commenced Developing – Expected completion 2011

DEPI, Warrnambool City Council and Moyne Shire Council

Environmental Assessment of a decommissioned East Beach landfill site Port Fairy (site 2)Port Fairy – Warrnambool Rail Trail

Tender process commenced Completed and open

Warrnambool City Council and Moyne Shire Council

Development of management plans for both East Beach former landfill sites.

To commence August 2012 Moyne Shire Council and DEPI

Port Fairy – Warrnambool Rail Trail Developing – Expected completion 2011

Warrnambool City Council and Moyne Shire Council



CAP Coastal Action Plan

CCB Central Coastal Board

CMA Catchment Management Authority

CoM Committee of Management

DTPLI Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure

DEPI Department of Environment and Primary Industries

EPA Environment Protection Authority

FRD Financial Reporting Direction

GCB Gippsland Coastal Board

MAV Municipal Association of Victoria

PC Premier’s Circulation

RCB Regional Coastal Board

RCP Regional Coastal Plan

SD Standing Direction

VCC Victorian Coastal Council

VCS Victorian Coastal Strategy

WCB Western Coastal Board

List of photo creditsFront and back cover Hooded Plover on nest at Rye ocean beach Glenn EhmkePage 1 Coastal vegetation Nicola Waldron Page 2 Coastal fescue (Poa billardierei) Bev Wood Page 3 Port Fairy Robert BlackburnPage 4 Beach along the Great Ocean Walk Mark WatsonPage 10 Male weedy sea dragon (Phyllopteryx taeniolatus) Richard WyliePage 13 Twelve Apostles Mark CuthellPage 15 Australasian Gannets (Morus serrator) Port Phillip Bay Matthew KazsPage 16 Lakes Entrance Ken StepnellPage 19 White mangrove Hobsons Bay City CouncilPage 23 Fishing at Werribee Jon HickmanPage 28 Keast Park Community Pavilion Frankston City Council

Victorian Coastal CouncilPO Box 500East Melbourne Vic 8002 Telephone: (03) 9637 8893Email: [email protected]: