annual report 2009 april 2010. | chance for children1 thank you for your support! chance for...

Annual Report 2009 April 2010

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Page 1: Annual Report 2009 April 2010. | Chance for Children1 Thank you for your support! Chance for Children (CFC) celebrated its ten-year anniversary in 2009

Annual Report 2009

April 2010

Page 2: Annual Report 2009 April 2010. | Chance for Children1 Thank you for your support! Chance for Children (CFC) celebrated its ten-year anniversary in 2009

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Thank you for your support!

Chance for Children (CFC) celebrated its ten-year anniversary in 2009. Built on a foundation of hope and love, CFC has given former street children in Accra a pathway to lives of self-reliance and dignity. So far, CFC has cared for, accompanied, or counseled 75 children and teens. Nineteen teens have completed job training programs and are now living independently.  2009 was also a year of reflection. We took the time to survey the youths who had been helped by CFC about their current lives, to consider their responses, and to revisit and further develop our strategies accordingly.  We are very pleased that in addition to the residential facility in Hebron and our Drop-In Center, we were able to open a new residence for girls, in Jamestown on November 23, 2009 - thereby providing five more girls with a home and a new perspective on life.

Daniela Rüdisüli Sodjah Amon Kotey

Our Vision:Street children in Accra should have the opportunity to take control of their lives through experiencing love and safety, and receiving an education and professional training.

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CFC founder Daniela Rüdisüli Sodjah was awarded this year’s Education Prize by the Pädagogische Hochschule (PH) Zürich and the Pestalozzianum Foundation. Walter Bircher, rector of PH Zürich, said: “Through caring and affection, respect for local culture, and engagement with each individual child’s life history, Daniela Rüdisüli Sodjah and her colleagues, who are predominantly Ghanaian, succeed in guiding street children to rejoin their families, schools, and thereby society - one small step at a time.”

Chance for Children: A Snapshot Drop-In Center in Jamestown

Opened in November 2008, Drop-In Center provides up to 30 street children with relief from the struggle of surviving in the streets. The children receive a hot meal, medical and psychological care, and the opportunity to participate in lessons as well as various handcraft workshops. In this way, CFC is able support street children in their current situations and work with them to develop short- and long-term perspectives.

Girls’ Group Home in JamestownSince November 2009, CFC has been able to offer housing for up to ten formerly homeless girls in a supportive cooperative living situation. The girls attend public school or complete a job training program.

Hebron-Home for boysFirst opened in 2002, the CFC dormitory in the outskirts of Accra is home to up to 30 boys and teens. As members of a community, they learn to take responsibility for their behavior. The boys attend school in the neighboring town of Nsawam.

Youth in professional training Youths who have finished their required primary schooling are enrolled in job training programs or further academic study. They receive regular visits, both in their cooperative living quarters and at the boarding school, from CFC’s youth workers, who accompany and guide them on their journey to independence.

Workshops The children and teens take part in a variety of regular tasks and educational workshops. Through the process of manufacturing batik fabric, greeting cards, and jewelry, they discover and further develop their talents for handwork.

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Thanks to generous support, we were able to open our Girls’ Group Home Jamestown in 2009

In 2009, the Girls Group Home provided a home for the first time to five girls. Finally, these girls have a roof over their heads, a safe and protected place in which they can feel loved and accepted. Finally they can be children again, can go to school, play, and take part in workshops. The girls are supervised and cared for by social workers and a house mother.

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In recent months, various national and regional media have reported on Chance for Children’s extraordinary work:

On November 20, 2009, Swiss Television aired a report on CFC on its program “10 vor 10.”

On November 16, 2009, an article in the Tages Anzeiger reported on the village bazaar held in Oberreiden, in greater Zurich, to benefit CFC .

On April 29, 2009, the Südostschweiz published an article about Daniela Rüdisüli Sodjah’s motivation for her work with CFC.

On October 29, 2009, The Pädagogische Hochschule (PH) Zürich circulated a press release to announce the awarding of its Education Prize to Daniela Rüdisüli Sodjah.

On March 20, 2009, the Rhiiblatt reported on the “Soup-day” for CFC.

On April 29, 2009, Linth aired a report on the ten-year anniversary of CFC.

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The street-children project “Chance for Children” was founded in 1999 as an International Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), with its headquarters in Switzerland and work in Accra, Ghana.

Founders Daniela Rüdisüli Sodjah, of Gommiswald, and Amon Kotev, of Accra, lead the project today with a staff of 20 Ghanaian men and women.

A five-member board is responsible for Chance for Children. In addition to Amon Kotev and Daniela Rüdisüli Sodjah, the board consists of:

- Martin Jud, Protestant Reformed Minister, Rietwiesstrasse 34, 8737 Gommiswald,

Switzerland, email: [email protected]– Daniela Duff, Social Worker FH, Regensbergstrasse 209, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland,

email: [email protected]– Roger Rüdisüli, Management Consultant, Kehr, 8737 Gommiswald, Switzerland

email: [email protected]

Since its founding, Chance for Children has received support and financing from over 1500 private individuals, churches, schools, clubs, associations, and corporations - the majority from Switzerland and Lichtenstein, but also from Austria, Germany, and the USA.

To ensure long-term financing, the volunteer group “Friends of CFC” in Switzerland organizes a variety of events to raise funds for CFC.


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Eight Reasons to Support Chance for Children:

1) Real Need: There are more than 30,000 homeless children living on the streets of Accra, and the situation worsens each year.

2) Long-Term Effectiveness through an emphasis on education.

3) Funds directly assist those in need (Administrative costs are minimal, thanks to the manageable size of the project and pro bono help from the family of Daniela Rüdisüli Sodjah).

4) Complete Transparency: CFC is visited regularly by supporters from Switzerland.

5) Because Amon Kotev himself grew up in a poor family and had to assume responsibility for his own support at a very young age, he has experienced the life of street children first hand.

6) Amon Kotey and the Ghanaian staff understand the mentality and the environment of their fellow countrymen.

7) All staff members live in simple conditions and hence know the troubles of living in Accra first-handily. That is why the children can trust the staff very much and why the have less inhibitions.

8) The Board, and the Advisory Board in Ghana, are made up of people with varying backgrounds who can provide integrated and comprehensive advice and support.

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Our Finances: An Overview

Income: Chance for Chidlren is supported by over 1500 private individuals, churches, schools, clubs,

associations, and corporations - the majority from Switzerland and Lichtenstein, but also from Austria, Germany, and the USA.

Total income for 2009 was 450,000 Swiss francs. The participating children and teenagers were able to take an active part in helping to finance CFC

through the manufacture of jewelry, greeting cards, batik fabric, and recycled paper. The sale of cards, statues, batik fabric, fruit preserves, etc., as well as workshops and lectures, generated more than 18,000 Swiss francs.

Expenses Expenses in 2009 remained constant: total expenditures amounted to 300,000 Swiss francs. Nearly 90% of funds spent go directly to benefit the children - for school fees, food, clothing,

childcare, transportation, and lodging. 33,194 Swiss francs were spent on expansion of the second floor and the workshops in the Drop-In

Center in Jamestown. Running expenses for the 60 children totaled 257,840 Swiss francs, or approximately 4,300 Swiss

francs per child.

Reserves The directors and staff of Chance for Children are conscious of the organization’s great and long-term

responsibility for the children. It was therefore an important goal in recent years to build a solid reserve. In 2009, Chance for Children was able to increase its reserves by nearly 150,000 Swiss francs. This is particularly noteworthy, since donations in the early part of the year were lower than expected and it was feared at the time that we might have to reach into reserves built up in previous years.

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Chance for Children Expenditures in 2009: (In Swiss Francs, January 1 – December 31, 2009)

Source: Chance for Children accounts

Total Expenditures: 300‘010▪ Construction Drop-In Center:

33‘194▪ Running Expenses: 257‘840▪ Cost of Sales/Workshops/ Cards


▪ CHF 33,194 was spent on expansion of the second floor (Girls Group Home) and on workshops for the Drop-In Center.

▪ Running expenses for the 60 children in the program were CHF 257,840, or approximately 4,300 francs per child.

▪ Nearly 90% of funds are spent on children’s direct needs - for school fees, food, clothing, childcare, transportation, and housing.

Transportation to & from Switzerland: 2‘893 (1.1%)

Insurance/Visas/Permits 6,945 (2.7%)

Administration/Publicity 21,793 (8.5%)

Vulnerable Adults: 898 (0.3%)

Direct spending for children: 225,309 (87.4%) • School, food, clothing, transportation: 36.2% • Childcare: 41.6% • Accommodations: 9.5%

Running Expenses: : CHF 257‘840 (86%)

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Drums, Craft Sales, and Workshops 2009

CFC Trommeln

The sale of drums generated a profit of more than 3,000 Swiss francs in 2009.

(In Swiss Francs, January 1 – December 31, 2009)

Source: Chance for Children accounts

CFC Verkäufe und Workshops

Sales of greeting cards, fabric, jewelry etc., as well as lectures and workshops offered, netted more than 18,000 Swiss francs which can be used for the children.


Expenditures Income










CFC Drums CFC Craft Sales and Workshops

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Overview of Participating Children at CFC:

As of the end of 2009 As of the end of 2009







Boys in the Hebron- Home

Total children

Supervised children on the streets


Direct supported children

Girls in the Girls Group Home

Youth in professional training

Children in families (reunited)

Children in the Drop-In Center










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|Chance for Children

Goals for 2010

Professionalize our work on the streets - i.e., work according to a new Street concept

Accept another five girls to the Girls Group Home (for a total of 10)

Accept more boys to the Hebron- Home (up to a total of 30)

Offer and carry out a variety of workshops

Welcome 30 children per day to the Drop-In Center to shelter from the stress of street life

Reduce the costs per child

With the children’s help, manufacture new products to be sold

Work collaboratively with other NGOs on many levels

Apply our Educational Concept throughout the organization

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Many Thanks for Your Support!

Konto in Schweizer Franken:Raiffeisenbank Benken(Clearing: 81256, PC-Konto der Bank: 90-5115-5) Spendenkonto Chance for ChildrenKonto-Nr.: 9434.57 IBAN: CH15 8125 6000 0009 4345 7 SWIFT/BIC: RAIFCH22XXX Für Zahlungen in EuroEuro-Konto in Deutschland:Postbank Stuttgart (Bankleitzahl 600 100 70) Spendenkonto Chance for ChildrenKonto-Nr. 158 395 708 IBAN: DE43 6001 0070 0158 3957 08SWIFT/BIC: PBNKDEFF

For more information, please visit our website at:

In GhanaAmon Kotey / Daniela Rüdisüli SodjahP.O. Box 251La - AccraTel.: ++233 (0)244 602006 (Amon)Tel.: ++233 (0)244 202881 (Daniela)[email protected]

In der SchweizPublic Relations: Isabel Lohri-LukunicRiegenenstrasse 5CH-3552 BärauTel.: ++41 (0)34 402 46 [email protected]

AdministrationMargrith RüdisüliKehrCH-8737 GommiswaldTel.: ++41 (0)55 280 19 [email protected]

Swiss Account (in Swiss francs):Raiffeisenbank Benken(Clearing: 81256, Bank PC-Account: 90-5115-5) Account Name: Chance for ChildrenAccount Number.: 9434.57 IBAN: CH15 8125 6000 0009 4345 7 SWIFT/BIC: RAIFCH22XXX For Donations in Euros:Account in Deutschland:Postbank Stuttgart (Bank Code Number: 600 100 70) Account Name: Chance for Children, Account Number: 158 395 708 IBAN: DE43 6001 0070 0158 3957 08SWIFT/BIC: PBNKDEFF

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Finanzen von Chance for Children: Detaillierte AusgabenAusgaben 2009 2008

Ausgaben Trommeln 0.00 1,117.34Ausgaben Bus 0.00 6,206.16Ausgaben Verkäufe/Workshops/Karten 8,976.97 5,194.47Kinder: Schule, Essen und Kleider 72,661.63 74,419.61Kinder: Allg. (Essen, Kleider, Transport) 48,940.30 57,263.40Kinder: Schule (Gebühren, Bücher, Uniform,...) 12,415.36 13,653.30Streetchildren 1,429.55Drop in center running 9,581.56 3,502.90Emergency at work 294.86Kinder: Betreuung 107,364.68 87,982.03Löhne 100,660.00 76,446.19Altersvorsorge 3,424.00 7,433.35Temporäre Mitarbeiter 681.15Ausgaben Praktikantinnen 810.28 2,175.73Helferinnen in der Schweiz 2,470.40 562.80Ausgaben HelferInnen Ghana 682.81Kinder: Transport Ghana (Auto, Trotro, Taxi,...) 20,755.52 7,447.71Kinder: Wohnen (Unterhalt) 24,527.74 32,260.14Depreciaton 4,916.33 6,446.99Unterhalt Labadi 46.88 6,435.45Unterhalt Hebron/Running Hebron 16,358.67 16,292.96Wohngemeinschaften 3,205.86 3,084.74Transport in der Schweiz/Flüge 2,893.27 3,791.67Transport CH (Benzin für Auto in der Schweiz, Container nach Ghana) 1,267.45 426.10Flüge 1,625.82 3,365.57Bedürftige Personen 898.44 1,451.12Versicherungen/Visa/Bewilligungen 6,945.67 8,615.02Versicherungen (CSS, AHV) 5,591.00 7,161.30Visa, Bewilligungen, NGO 429.01 825.98Accounting/Auditing Fee 925.67 627.74Administraton/Werbung 21,793.49 18,238.75Administration Ghana (E-Mail, Telefon, Briefe, Office Miete) 9,375.98 9,181.33Administration CH (Telefon, Briefe, Bankspesen) 6,934.35 8,658.75Werbung (Photos, Prospekte, Zeitung) in CH 4,014.80 0.00Werbung in Ghana 118.75 398.6710 Jahres-Jubilaeum 1,349.61 0.00Drop in Center 33,194.72 54,879.54Rent-Drop-in-Centre 34,889.18Dropping Centre - Arbeit 33,194.72 19,990.36Total excl. Nebengeschafte 291,035.16 289,085.58Investitionen 33,194.72 0.00Laufende Ausgaben 257,840.43 289,085.58Total inkl. Nebengeschäfte 300,012.13 301,603.55

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Finanzen von Chance for Children: Detaillierte Einnahmen

Einnahmen 2009 2008Trommeln 3,230.00 17,973.55Spenden 419,353.29 455,074.32 - Ghana 9,301.64 2,111.74 - Schweiz 410,051.65 452,962.58Verkaufe in der Schweiz, Workshops 27,497.87 20,618.68Zinsen minus Spesen 267.31 -3,348.22

Total 450,348.46 490,318.33

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Finanzen von Chance for Children: Bilanz

Bilanz 2009 2008Bilanz in der SchweizAktivaKasse 0.00 0.00Bank Raiffeisen CHF Konto 518,366.20 364,553.70Bank Raiffeisen Euro Konto 2,165.58 2,165.58Postkonto in Deutschland 14,292.23 16,923.12Total Aktiva 534,824.01 383,642.40

PassivenKreditoren 0.00 0.00

Rueckstellungen 0.00 0.00Erarbeitetes Eigenkapital (Reserven) 534,824.01 383,642.40Total Passiven 534,824.01 383,642.40

Bilanz in GhanaAktivaBank and Kasse 13,193.08 15,861.49Andere laufende Aktiva 3,635.13 7,596.78

Fixe Aktiva 183,271.51 165,337.07Total Aktiva 200,099.72 188,795.35


Kurzfristige Passiven 362.32 3,538.54

Erarbeitetes Eigenkapital (Reserven) 199,737.40 185,256.81Total Passiven 200,099.72 188,795.35