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Page 1: ANNUAL REPORT 2003...3 ANNUAL REPORT 2003 CONTENTS 1. Organisational Chart page 4 2. Concise up-to-date Activity Report/Perspective page 5 3. Laboratories page 11ORGANISATIONAL CHART




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1. Organisational Chart

page 4

2. Concise up-to-date Activity Report/Perspective

page 5

3. Laboratories

page 11

4. Personnel

page 24

5. Funding

page 25

6. Expenditure of the Institute

page 27

7. Publications

page 29

8. Research Projects

page 40

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S. Botta



I. Xintavelonis






C. Housiadas


M. Antonopoulos-Domis



I. Stamatelatos

Exposure of the Population to Ionizing

Radiations of the Enironment

P. Kritidis


E. Florou

Physicochemical Properties

of Atmospheric Aerosol

K. Eleftheriadis



P. Kritidis

Biodosimetry of Ionizing Radiations

G. Terzoudi

Radioactive Wastes Management

A. Savvidou

Natural Radionuclides

A. Savvidou

Cytogenetics of Ematological Neoplasms

K. Sampani

Radiation Protection of the Center

S. Tsialas**



G. Pantelias

Operation & Maintenance

of Research Reactor

M. Stakakis

Nuclear Analytical Techniques

J. Anousis

Reactor Safety

C. Housiadas

Neutron Scattering

K. Mergia

Aerosol Flows

C. Housiadas

Neutronic Computations

M. Varvagianni

Fusion Technology

S. Mesoloras



N. Catsaros

Dynamic reliability of Complex System

& decision Analysis

I. Papazoglou

Occupational Risk Assessment

I. Papazoglou

Human Reliability

Z. Nivolianitou

Diagnostics of Industrial Systems

T. Tambouratzis

Comparative Consequence Assessment

of Electrical Generation Systems

I. Kollas



I. Papazoglou

Energy Technologies & Environmental


A. Stubos

Transport Phenomena in Porous Media

A. Stubos

Computer Simulation of

Atmospheric Pollution

S. Andronopoulos

Analyses & Assessment of

Environmental Pollutants

S. Andronopoulos



A. Stubos

Diagnostics of Boundary Plasma

in Tokamak Machines

N. Tsois



N. Tsois

Thermal Solar Collectors & Systems

V. Belesiotis

Thermal Storage

V. Belesiotis

Solar Distillation - Desalination

M. Mathioulakis

Solar Air-Conditioning Systems

M. Mathioulakis

Agricaltural Energy Systems

V. Belesiotis

Heat Flow & Transport in

Energy Systems

E. Papanicolaou



V. Belesiotis



Prof. M. Antonopoulos-Domis

Deputy Director: P. Kritidis




N. Catsaros, P. Kritidis, I. Papazoglou, S. Mesoloras, A. Stubos

*Laboratory: Research, Development and Services

**reports to the Director of the Centre

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The activities of the Institute of Nuclear Technology – Radiation Protection (INT-RP) cover the following fields: I. Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection (NT&RP)

Despite the existence of a number of Greek University Laboratories with expertise and focused research on selected sub-fields of NT&RP, the INT-RP constitutes the sole centre of integrated know-how in the country on Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection. Among the activities of the INT-RP, described in detail in other parts of this report, the following are worth mentioning. The INT-RP • operates the sole Experimental Nuclear Reactor in Greece (5MW). This allows not only the

accumulation of expertise in the field of nuclear reactor technology, but also the provision of services and applications such as radio-isotope and radio-medicine production, biological tissue disinfection/sterilization, trace element analysis via neutron activation and the irradiation of various materials for the European Fusion program. Within the objective of reactor exploitation

(a) by researchers from Greece, the wider Balkan area, and Europe, as well as (b) for industrial and other applications,

the installation of the neutron diffractometer began in 1998 and was completed in the end of 2001. The design, installation and operation of the neutron diffractometer were carried out exclusively by the personnel of INT-RP; only the necessary apparatus was purchased. The neutron diffractometer constitutes a large-scale technological achievement which is expected to become a centre of intense research activity in Greece and the Balkans; since its installation, it has been utilised for the solution of both research and technological problems by a significant number of users from other institutes of NCSR ‘Demokritos’ as well as from universities in Greece and the Balkans. The contribution of the neutron diffractometer has already been used for the study of the properties of materials in the framework of the European Fusion Programme and is expected to become significant in material science, especially concerning new materials.

• is the only integrated radiation protection sector in Greece, a fact that is of significance, considering the existence of a wide range of ionising radiation applications in industry and medicine in the country. The importance of the NT&RP expertise became obvious following the Chernobyl accident, whereby the contribution of the INT-RP for tackling the after-effects of the accident proved decisive. The INT-RP supports – both technically and scientifically - a large number of the activities of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC). It is also worth mentioning that the national radiological emergency plan XENOKRATES as well as the greater part of Greek radiation protection safety regulations were developed by the personnel of the INT-RP. The majority of the scientific committee members of the XENOKRATES plan come from the personnel of INT-RP.

• is the sole centre in Greece with expertise and equipment for handling radioactive waste, whereby it constitutes the only unit in the country capable of providing and implementing solutions to the waste handling problem.

• encompasses the only integrated Laboratory of Environmental Radioactivity in Greece, with an extensive network of sampling/measuring/monitoring stations covering the entire country.

• is active in the field on nuclear fusion. Funded mainly by the European Union, INT-RP is the co-ordinator of the Greek Association of Fusion (GAF). The emphasis has been upon fusion technology, rather than on basic research, since a wide range of the existing research potential and equipment that is not directly involved in

nuclear technology can be utilized; for instance, the INT-RP – in collaboration with the Institute of Material Science, NCSR ‘Demokritos’ - performs tests on the strength of advanced materials following neutron irradiation at the Experimental Nuclear Reactor,

the European Union favours funding for the development of technology rather than for basic research.

• the laboratory of Health Physics and Environmental Health constitutes the sole Greek Laboratory with expertise in the field of overexposure to ionising radiation . It constitutes one of the Laboratories

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selected by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for prototyping the methodology of biological dosimetry.

Owing to the fact that no nuclear power plants have been constructed – or are planned to be constructed - in Greece, the INT-RP has long focused its attention on transferring know-how from nuclear technology to other fields which are of direct interest to the country. These activities fall in the areas of Environmental Technology, Energy Technology and Health Technology. II. Environmental Technology

A significant number of activities have already been developed in this area, involving a large

(larger than the critical mass) number of researchers and specialised operators of the INT-RP. More specifically, the INT-RP is the sole research institute in the country with an integrated R&D approach to environmental matters combining the fields of diagnosis, prognosis, impact and pollution technology. • The ensemble of activities of the Laboratory of Environmental Radioactivity concerns environmental

technology in terms of both pure research and environmental quality evaluation studies. Furthermore, research on aerosols has become a subject of increased interest for the laboratory.

• The same is true of the largest part of activities of the Laboratory of Environmental Research, with its personnel specialising in (conventional and radioactive) pollutant dispersion.

• The Laboratory of System Reliability and Industrial Safety is mainly concerned with R&D in matters of risk analysis, including environmental pollution from large-scale industrial accidents. A number of case studies related to environmental pollution scenarios from chemical industries in Greece have been realised in the framework of the “Sevezo directive” of the European Union.

• The Laboratory of the Experimental Nuclear Reactor has the potential of detecting/identifying environmental contaminants (with a resolution capability of ppm) employing environmental sample neutron activation.

• It becomes clear, thus, that the INT-RP constitutes - by far - the most experienced and reliable consultant of the Greek public and private Greek sector in matters of environmental protection. This is demonstrated by: Its contribution in guiding the environmental crises during the Chernobyl accident and the war at

Yugoslavia (fear of depleted of uranium). The increase in incoming funds – during the last five years - from the provision of services to the

public and private sector in matters of environmental protection III. Energy Technology

• It is apparent that the areas related to (both fission and fusion) reactor technology fall into the more

general area of energy technology. • The Laboratory of Thermal Energy Systems receives considerable external funding and provides

specialised services R&D in the related productive sectors. The reliability of the provided services is certified by the recently awarded EN45001 accreditation.

• The personnel of the laboratory of System Reliability and Industrial Safety investigates the environmental impact of conventional electricity production plants as well as matters concerning the programming of electrical energy production.

• The laboratory of Environmental Research has developed significant research activity in the areas of enhanced hydrocarbon recovery from underground reservoirs (the emphasis being on the simulation of fluid flow and dispersion processes), hydrogen technology for energy generation (the emphasis being on issues of safety and storage), and energy efficient separations (the emphasis being on membrane technology).

IV. Health Technology

• Biological tissue disinfection/sterilisation (bones, skin, tendons) is performed in the Experimental Nuclear Reactor; these tissues are, subsequently, used in transplant operations.

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• The Health Physics & Environmental Hygiene Laboratory gives proper and continuous recognition to problems related to all potential radiation induced health hazards. Specifically, the Laboratory provides operational health physics services related to the Radiation Protection Program in NCSR “Demokritos” and the evaluation of radiation overexposures and radiation accidents in general, by means of biological dosimetry methods. Its research activities involve the use of radiation cytogenetics, molecular genetics and radioisotope methodologies to study questions of basic and applied research in radiation protection, radiobiology and radioactive waste management. In addition, the Laboratory based on its expertise in radiation protection, radiation biology and cancer cytogenetics, offers specialized services for the calibration of radiation survey meters, for the development of individualized protocols for radiotherapy treatment, as well as for the diagnosis of preleukemic and leukemic diseases.

• Nuclear analysis techniques are under development for the in vivo and in vitro study of the structure/constitution of the human body.


• The number of publications in international scientific peer-reviewed journals has stabilized in the last

years and, as shown in Chart IV; it is roughly three times that of the publications before 1994. This three-fold increase has been accomplished without any reduction in the amount of external funding (Table II, Chart III). Table III illustrates the financial report for 2003, while Table II tabulates the external funding for 2003.

• The neutron diffractometer has been operating for the solution of research and technological problems; it has also been utilised for testing materials in the framework of the European Programme on Fusion.

• A significant part of the radiation protection equipment of the reactor was replaced by new equipment.

• The electronics of the stack-monitor were moved from the stack to the interior of the reactor building. This provides a permanent solution to the problems caused by lightning.

• The buildings and the infrastructure of the Institutes offices and laboratories was substantially upgraded, or upgrading is nearing completion. Funding is provided over the years 2003, 2004, by the Institutes income. Namely:

o Following, the erection of an ISOBAU-ISOBOX building of 10 offices next to the reactor (1999) and completion of the new building (2001) the offices of the reactor building were renovated and equipped with contemporary furniture and equipment.

o An ISOBAU-ISOBOX building of 5 offices was erected next to, and for the use of, the Environmental Research Laboratory (ERL). The renovation and equipment of the old offices of ERL will be completed by July 2004.

o A road leading to the offices-labs of the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory was constructed, in order to minimize the dust entering the lab. For the same reason the space outside the lab is being put into appropriate shape. The office and laboratories equipment is being renovated. New office and laboratory space is being erected.

• The physical protection system of the reactor is being replaced by a modern one (funding by USA through IAEA).

• A new contemporary building, for handling and temporary storage of radioactive sources, was erected to international standards (funding by the ministry of Environment and Public Works and the Greek Atomic Energy Commission).

Taking into account that the nuclear fuel of the Experimental Nuclear Reactor suffices for a considerable number of years, the continuing operation as well as the further development of the reactor is considered advantageous. Further to the present applications (radio-isotope and radio-medicine production, biological tissue disinfection/sterilization, multi-element analysis via neutron activation):

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• The exploitation of the neutron diffraction layout of the reactor was continued, with an extensive range of applications in research and industry. The suggestion of the international scientific jury of the “Centre of Excellence Programme” (which is in agreement with the policy of the INT-RP) of giving priority to the operation of the neutron diffractometer was applied.

• The design and development of an experimental large-scale neutron-scattering layout has begun in the Experimental Nuclear Reactor, with applications in chemistry, biology and material science. Partial funding for the layout has been obtained from the “Centre of Excellence Programme”.

• For the purposes of the European Programme on Fusion, a high-temperature radiation rig is under development at the Experimental Nuclear Reactor.

• A neutron activation layout for the analysis of large samples is under development in the thermal column of the Experimental Nuclear Reactor. The γ-ray detection system is operational. The design of the layout is supported computationally by Monte Carlo neutron transport codes. This novel layout will be used for industrial, environmental and medical applications.

• A novel layout for in-situ analysis of large samples with prompt-γ neutron activation employing isotope neutron sources has been developed. The system is now applied for body composition (cooperation with Univ. of Ioannina) and material test studies (cooperation with Tech. Univ. of Athens). This layout will be used in environmental and bio-medical applications.

• The development of a methodology for the evaluation of environmental quality, as related to conventional and radioactive pollution, is in progress at the Laboratory of Environmental Radioactivity. This methodology is based on the analysis of cytogenetic mutations in natural aquatic populations.

• The Laboratory of Health Physics and Environmental Health has been selected by the Greek Haematological Association for the joint recording and study of cases of myelodysplastic syndromes and pre-leukaemia, the aim being a prognostic as well as diagnostic evaluation and treatment of these diseases. The same Laboratory is planning to develop and standardize methodologies for: the identification of persons with increased radiosensitivity and the individualization of radiation

therapy treatments, the evaluation of mutagenic potential of genotoxic chemicals, detection of genetic predisposition

to cancer, the elucidation of the mechanisms underlying the health effects caused by exposure to physical

and chemical genotoxic agents. • The fields of primary interest of the Laboratory of Thermal Energy Systems involve solar air-

conditioning systems, solar desalination, the optimal storage of heat in Renewable Energy Systems, and the development of integrated tools for the design of solar installations.

• The areas of principal interest of the Laboratory of Environmental Research include the provision of specialised services in environmental research and the study of environmental issues related to energy production and use. The latter encompass R&D in hydrogen technology (safety and storage), atmospheric dispersion simulation in support of the GAEC and the European Emergency System RODOS, R&D in hydrocarbon recovery from the soil and underground reservoirs (in collaboration with the pertroleum industry), R&D in issues of porous material - and especially nano-material – structure characterisation, environmental (filters and gas separation membranes) and biomedical (controlled release systems) applications, as well as R&D in matters of climatic change and urban pollution.

To conclude: the importance – for the country, the protection of the environment and the

health of the population - of maintaining a critical mass of researchers working in the area of

NT&RP is self evident. Consequently, special emphasis has been given, and will continue to be

given, in this direction.

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New building (2001)

Reactor’s building main entrance and part

of the new physical protection system (2004) Physical protection system: control room (2004)

Interior of old building of reactor offices (2003)

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The new road and outdoor arrangement New offices of EREL (2004)

of ERL (2004)

Typical furniture (2003) New offices (1999)

New building: handling and temporary storage of radioactive sources (2003)

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3. Laboratories

• Research field

• Achievements

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Head: N. Catsaros


Scientists: 9 Post-graduate students: 4 Technicians: 13 Subject:

The Research Reactor (GRR-1) operates at a nominal power of 5 MWth. Its neutron flux and its γ-radiation field are used in the frame of R&D Projects of the Institute of Nuclear Technology – Radiation Protection, other Institutes of the NCSR “Demokritos”, other Research Centres, Organizations, Universities and Technological Institutions. The NRRC is active in the fields of Neutron Activation Analysis, Material Studies using neutron scattering, Reactor Physics, Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis, Analysis and Modeling of Airborne Particle Dynamics, Atmospheric Dispersion of Pollutants, Radiation Protection, Analytical Techniques for studying the human body composition, Radioisotope production, Bone sterilization and Training of University students. GRR-1 operates actually with a mixed core, containing both high (HEU) and low (LEU) enrichment fuel assemblies. The reactor core evolutes towards a pure LEU configuration.

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Research Reactor

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Head: P. Kritidis Personnel

Researchers: 4 Technicians: 5 Post-doc fellows: 2 Graduate students (diploma): 3 Subject

The scientific subject of ERL is the environmental radioactivity (soil radioactivity, indoor radon, marine radioactivity, aerosol radioactivity). ERL operates also a network of 40 sampling and measuring stations across the country, which is a key part of the National routine network. ERL is also engaged with radiological certification of imported and exported foods and materials.


1. Research projects in collaboration with other scientific teams from research centers and

universities, local authorities and international organizations. 2. Applied research projects related to the radiological and conventional impact of human activities. 3. Control of radioactivity in various environmental media and food radioactivity control, in

accordance with the frame program REM of DG XI / EU and the national obligations related to it. The routine monitoring network includes 40 stations for sampling of air, radioactive deposition, surface and drinking water, soil and food. The routine monitoring is performed according to assignment of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission.

4. Technical studies and measurements on demand of third parts. ERL is a part of the REM network of DG XI / EU (Environmental Radioactivity of the

European Community). The services provided are of approximately 75 000 Euro per year and include: • Analysis of radionuclides in food and other samples and issuing of related certificates to Greek

and foreign enterprises and persons. • Radiological studies in regions of enhanced natural radioactivity, after the request of private

enterprises or governmental organizations. • Analysis of heavy metals in environmental and other samples.

The scientific staff of ERL provides expert services in national and/or international committees (EU, IAEA, Greek ministries). They are also engaged in educational activities (supervising of PhD fellowships, diploma works, participation in university post-graduate studies and seminars, EU and IAEA seminars e.a.).

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The sampling network:

The red circles represent areas where marine radioactivity studies have been performed occasionally.

Total beta activity in air Radioactive deposition Total beta activity of surface and drinking water Gamma-ray intensity Specific radionuclides in milk and mixed diet

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Head: G. Pantelias


Researchers and Functional Scientific Personnel 4 Other Scientists: 1 Co-operating Researchers: 1 Scholarships: 2 Technicians: 5


Since the early days of its foundation in 1960 the Health Physics & Environmental Hygiene Laboratory of the Institute of Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection, gives proper and continuous recognition to problems related to all potential radiation induced health hazards. Specifically, the Laboratory provides operational health physics services related to the Radiation Protection Program in NCSR “Demokritos” and the evaluation of radiation overexposures and radiation accidents in general, by means of biological dosimetry methods. Its research activities involve the use of radiation and cancer cytogenetics, molecular genetics and radioisotope methodologies to study questions of basic and applied research in radiation protection, radiobiology, cancer genetics and radioactive waste management. In addition, the Laboratory, based on its expertise in radiation protection, radiation biology and cancer cytogenetics, offers specialized services for the calibration of radiation survey meters, for the development of individualized protocols for radiotherapy treatment, and for the diagnostic and follow-up cytogenetic evaluation of patients with hematological neoplasms. Achievements

The Health Physics & Environmental Hygiene Laboratory has been the reference laboratory of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for biological dosimetry studies and the evaluation of absorbed doses in cases of radiation accident, as well as for standardization of state of the art methodologies applied for biodosimetry purposes. The Laboratory belongs to the “European Network of Excellence for Leukemia” (supported from the FP6 Program of the European Community) and it is the National Reference Laboratory for the cytogenetic characterization of myelodysplastic syndromes (nominated by the Hellenic Society of Hematology). Specifically, the research activities of the Laboratory contributed essentially to the:

• Elucidation of the mechanisms underlying the biological effects of ionizing radiation at the molecular, chromosomal and cellular level.

• Development of cytogenetic methodologies in combination with molecular DNA-probes for biomonitoring purposes and the development of reliable and sensitive biological dosimeters for the estimation of absorbed radiation doses and cancer risk.

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• Development of cytogenetic methodologies for the identification of persons with increased radiosensitivity and genetic predisposition to cancer, and the individualization of radiation therapy treatments.

• Study of the role of stable reciprocal translocations and chromosomal rearrangements in the mechanism of radiation induced carcinogenesis.

• Development of cytogenetic methods for the evaluation of mutagenic and carcinogenic potential of genotoxic chemicals.

• Molecular cytogenetic analysis of hematological neoplasms: characterization of genomic rearrangements, amplification of specific genes, exploration of genetic recombinations for the identification of critical mechanisms involved in leukemogenesis.

• Interindividual differences in susceptibility to leukemia: polymorphisms of genes involved in the detoxification of xenobiotic compounds after genotoxic exposures.

Specialized scientific services offered to major hospitals and private clinics for the improvement of diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of leukemic diseases. During the year 2003, bone marrow biopsies obtained from 2002 patients were analyzed and characterized using cytogenetic methodologies.

Cytogenetics of hematological neoplasms

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Head: Ioannis A. Papazoglou


Researchers and ELE: 5 Dr. Ioannis A. Papazoglou (Director of Research) Dr. Ioannis Kollas (Director of Research) Dr. Tatiana Tambouratzis ( Researcher) Dr. Zoe Nivolianitou (Researcher) Ms. Vana Synodynou (ELE C) Professional Engineers: 1 Dr. Olga Aneziris (Chemical Engineer) Objectives

Development of methodology and associate software tools in the areas of:

• Reliability of large systems with complex stochastic behavior • Quantitative Risk Assessment of complex technological systems • State Identification of Complex Systems • Health and Environmental Consequence Assessment of alternative Electrical Power generating

systems Recently research and development has been focused in the:

• Methodology development for the calculation of the dynamic reliability of systems incorporating the interaction of the stochastic behavior of control and safety systems and the dynamic physical phenomena characterizing the processes that these systems control and/or protect.

• Quantification of uncertainties about the models simulating technological systems, physical phenomena and processes.

• Optimization Algorithm development in discrete decision spaces with multiple criteria • Decision Support System development for risk management as well as emergency response

policy selection in major hazard accidents in nuclear and chemical installations. • System-state diagnostics using soft computing (artificial neural networks, genetic

algorithms, fuzzy expert systems) and novel signal processing techniques (e.g. wavelets). • The effect of meteorological parameters on energy system design/validation.


The laboratory for System Reliability and Industrial Safety (SRISL) was founded in 1988, with initial objective the development of an integrated capability for the quantitative risk assessment of large nuclear and non-nuclear systems. During the last fifteen years the laboratory has contributed to the state-of-the art of system reliability, quantified risk assessment, the development of Decision support systems with multiple criteria and under uncertainty and system diagnostics. Furthermore, the laboratory has developed an integrated methodology and the associated computer tools for the safety analysis and the quantification of uncertainty in installations handling hazardous material.

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Decision Support System (DSS) for land use planning around major hazard facilities. This DSS allows the user

to partition the area into smaller cells of arbitrary shape, on a Geographic Information System, and to

determine various Land Development Types for each cell. The DSS evaluates the efficient policies, by taking

into consideration various criteria. Finally the DSS allows the user to simultaneously examine various efficient

alternatives both in terms of the consequences and in terms of the corresponding actions. These achievements were accomplished through the active participation in the framework programmes of the European Commission in the area of Major Industrial Hazards and Risk Assessment (1 project in Framework Programme II, 1 project in Framework Programme III, 3 projects in the Framework Programme IV, 2 projects in Framework Programme V). In these projects SRISL has collaborated with leading European organizations paving the way to the introduction of new risk based approaches to the regulatory framework for installations handling hazardous materials and subject to the SEVESO directive. Such organizations are: the Health and Safety Executive of the UK, The Ministry of Environment and the ministry of Labor of the Netherlands (VROM, SZW), and the Joint Research Center at Ispra of the EC. Based on the developed methodology and the associated tools the SRISL in collaboration with the above and other European research organizations focused its research efforts in problems addressing the support of decisions concerning the management of risk, the land use planning around dangerous sites, and the evaluation of the role of the organizational and management system of a company on the safety of the installations. These two elements constitute the fundamental changes incorporated in the second updated version of the SEVESO directive (SEVESO II). The SRISL is one of the main consultants of the Greek ministries of Environment and Development in issues concerning the regulation of Greek chemical installations subject to the SEVESO directive and it has reviewed and reassessed the safety cases of half the Greek industry with respect to the external risk, and almost the totality of the Greek industry with respect to the frequency assessment of the major accidents. In the area of reliability analysis SRISL’s work has resulted in a number of methodological developments in the assessment of the reliability of dynamic systems, the mathematical foundation of the Event Tree approach and other results published in international scientific journals.









0 1 2 3 4 5 6








Solution #200



Solution #182


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Head: Dr. A. Stubos Personnel:

Researchers: 2

Specialised Scientific Personnel: 7

Post-graduate students: 2

Technical Personnel: 1 Objectives: EREL with its 20-years experience and its highly specialised scientific staff is one of the leading environmental research laboratories in the country with strong scientific links with many Research and Academic Organizations worldwide. The general aim of EREL is the production of scientific know-how and innovative tools for research and provision of services in the fields of environment and energy. The Laboratory is equipped with modern facilities for the measurement of air pollution and powerful computing equipment and provides high-level services in the areas of air quality and environmental impact assessment as well as in a wide range of issues related to environment and energy. In line with current international trends, EREL places emphasis in R&D activities relevant to hydrogen technology, simulation of atmospheric pollutant dispersion in realistic conditions, diagnostic and prognostic meteorological modelling, contribution of anthropogenic and biogenic pollutants to global warming and urban pollution, simulation of underground hydrocarbon and water reservoirs and characterization of nanoporous materials for environmental (gas separations, storage of CO2 and H2) and bio-medical applications (controlled release systems, drug transport through the skin). Achievements: The Laboratory has been accredited according to ISO 9001 for software development and use in atmospheric applications. EREL carries out several research projects with substantial external funding (mainly from EC), in several of which (five) acts currently as coordinator of European consortia of research institutions and industries. In the frame of these activities, EREL has developed a broad range of cooperation with Public and Private Organisations both within and outside Greece, while actively participating in international scientific networks. In parallel, EREL continues to produce and publish original methods and results in the wider area of computational fluid mechanics, with applications in pollutant dispersion, influence of meteorology and pollutant sources distribution in urban pollution, tropospheric ozone concentrations due to anthropogenic and biogenic pollutants in the Mediterranean area, turbulence simulation, transport phenomena in porous media, and flow and mass transport in multiphase systems. In brief, the main achievements of the Laboratory include the following: − Development of state-of-the-art software for diagnostic and prognostic meteorological

simulations, atmospheric dispersion of pollutants (toxic, radioactive, flammable, photochemical, heavier or lighter than air) in complex terrains

− Development of software for the simulation of sorption, flow and diffusion in porous materials − Development of computational and experimental methods for the characterization of porous

materials − Fully equipped laboratory for organic pollutant measurements with high sensitivity analytical

chemistry devices (GC/FID/FPD, GC/MS with Thermal Desorption Unit, HPLC) − Highly specialised unit for field measurements of atmospheric pollutants

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− Development and use of RODOS (Real-time On-line DecisiOn Support for nuclear emergencies in Europe) system

− Participation in the “Nuclear Technology” Group of the Emergency Plan of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission

− Active collaboration with a large number of Greek and European Laboratories and Industries − National representation in COST Senior Official Committee and in Advisory Committee for

Radioactive Waste Management (ACPM) of EU. − Participation in the following scientific networks:

◊ EREL represents NCSR Demokritos in ENERO (European Network of Environmental Research Organizations).

◊ Founding member of the network “Harmonisation of dispersion models in Europe”. ◊ Member of ERCOFTAC (European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and

Combustion). ◊ Member of the Board of “Mediterranean Scientific Association for Environmental Protection”






Sum dose mSv












1cm = 8455m

Individual doses for adults

without actions, normal living

sum of cloudshine, groundshine and inhalation

effective dose

RunID: emersim−2

Operation Mode :

Running state :

Time of accident : 19.02.02 11:07

Release time : 19.02.02 15:07

Prognosis period : 19.2.02 15:07 − 20.2.02 15:07

Thu Feb 28 12:09:49 2002, rodos RODOS Real−Time On−Line Decision Support System






















Prediction of

maximum ozone

concentrations in

Athens area for the

years 1990 (left) and

2004 (right)

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Head: V. Belessiotiς


Researchers: 3 (1 Researcher C, 2 Functional Scientific Personnel Β) Engineers: 1 Phd: 2 Technicians: 1

Τhe Laboratory started its activities in 1980 and has ever since been pursuing applied

research and technology development in the fields of solar collectors and systems, thermal storage, solar desalination, drying of agricultural products and solar cooling. It is equipped with excellent measurement facilities and along with experimental investigations it uses as basic analytical tools the Metrology of Energy Quantities and Numerical Simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics in particular. The aforementioned activities, financed to a great extent by third means have had as a result a wide field of technical accomplishments. The Laboratory is organized and has been accredited according to the EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard, having developed a Quality Assurance System for performing testings based on ISO and EN standards


ν Solar Collectors and Systems

Improved collector designs, new materials, heat pipe collectors , development-valuation of testing methods, mathematical simulation, integrated design tools ν Thermal Storage

Underground storage tanks with non-metallic walls, phase-change materials (PCM), analytical and experimental study of transient flow and thermal fields, determination of heat losses ν Solar Distillation – Desalination

Determination of yield, numerical simulation and experimental verification, design of new types of stills, hybrid systems ν Solar Cooling

Absorption and desiccant systems, Energetic optimization of relevant installations-pilot units ν Agricultural energy systems

Design and development of industrial drying chambers, optimization of drying processes. Experimental and analytical methods

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ν Efficiency and qualification tests for solar collector and systems according to European and International Standards (ΕΝ 12975-2, ΕΝ 12976-2, ISO 9806-1, ISO 9806-2, ISO 9459-2) and certification of prediction of annual collector energy output ν Measurements of optical properties of materials (ASTM E 424, ASTM E 408) ν Rating and performance tests for non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps according to international standards (ISO 5151) ν Characterization tests for lead-acid starter batteries (EN 60095-1 standard) ν Determination of the thermal resistance of thermal insulation and construction materials (ISO 8302, DIN 52615) and of the density of cellular plastics and rubbers (EN ISO, ISO 2896845) ν Specialized studies and consulting in the areas of optimal energy design, manufacturing processes for solar collectors and systems, design and development of new products, energy savings, development and organization of specialized laboratories, metrology ν Modelling of energy systems and processes

General view of the outdoor measurement

and testing facilities

View of the special specifications building of

the laboratory

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4. Personnel over the last seven years









Researchers and

Functional Scientific





























Under contract


















Other Scientists





































1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Researchers and Functional Scientific Personnel Co-operating Researchers

Technicians Under contract

Administrative Other scientists



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Laboratories Funding (in Euro)

Competitive Programs

Structural Programs

Provision of Services

I.A.E.A Matching Funds


Nuclear Research Reactor Centre

149.191 0 55.892 8.196 229.158 442.437

Plasma Physics 21.000 0 0 0 92.000 113.000

Environmental Radioactivity

21.560 0 176.500 0 33.000 231.060

Health Physics 52.217 170.000 0 0 222.217

System Reliability & Industrial Safety

105.950 0 0 0 5.050 111.000

Environmental Research 698.829 0 38.523 0 404.462 1.141.814

Solar & other Energy Systems

224.035 0 29.669 0 0 253.704

Total 1.272.782 470.584 8.196 763.670 2.515.232




50,6%Provision of





Matching Funds





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FUNDING 1996-2003












93 82





349 357

















1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003


Competitive Programs Structural Programs Provision of Services Matching Funds

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6. Institute Account – Expenditure 2003

Category Amount Total of Category %

Consumable 37.242,44 14,2

General Expenses 11.219,32 4,3

Work Overtime 13.001,14 5,0

Employment on contract 18.223,96 7,0

Travel 547,60

Invitations, Committees, etc. 1.208,06

Category total 1.755,66 0,6


Electrical and other works 18.665,24

New building 32.189,68

Upgrading of old buildings 54.998,09

Category total 105.853,01 40,3


Furniture 28.202,03

Instruments 23.796,41

Computers and software 23.263,36

Category total 75.261,80 28,6

General total 262.557,33 100 %


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(in refereed Scientific Journals)

Papers (in Conference Proceedings)

Nuclear Research Reactor 11 12 3,469

Environmental Radioactivity




Health Physics

5 3 7,11

System Reliability & Industrial


11 6 3,322

Environmental Research

19 10 30,236

Solar & Other Energy Systems 5 4 4,118









32 31



23 24























1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003



Papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals

Publications in international conference proceedings

Sum of papers published and accepted for publication in international peer-reviewed scientific journals


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Nuclear Research Reactor Centre


1. Jones, A.V., Dickinson, S., Brayer, C., Herranz, L., Housiadas, C., De Rosa, F., Henneges, G.,

Langhans, J., Hanniet, N., Wichers, V., Guntay, S., Paci, S., Martin-Fuertes, F., Validating of

severe accident codes against Phebus FP for plant applications, Nucl. Eng. Des., 221, 225-240, 2003.

2. Mitsakou, C., Housiadas, C., Eleftheriadis K., Lazaridis, M., Modelling of the dispersion of

Depleted Uranium aerosol, Health Physics, 84, 538-544, 2003.

3. Prelack K, Sheridan R, Yu YM, Stamatelatos IE, Dwyer J, Dallal GE, Lydon M, Petras L, Kehayias JJ (2003) Sodium bromide by instrumental neutron activation analysis quantifies

change in extra-cellular water space with wound closure in severely burned children SURGERY 133 (4): 396-403

4. K. Mergia and S. Messoloras, Optimisation of a Focusing Monochromator, Rev. Scient. Instrum. 74, 931 (2003)

Papers accepted for publication in Refereed Scientific Journals

1. Housiadas, C., Drossinos, Y., Lazaridis, M., Effect of small-scale turbulent fluctuations on

rates of particle formation, J. Aerosol Sci.

2. M. Lazaridis, A. Spiridaki, S. Solberg, G. Kallos, T. Svendby, F. Flatøy, I. Drossinos, C. Housiadas, J. Smolik, I. Colbeck, M. Varinou, F. Gofa, K. Eleftheriadis, V. Zdimal and P.G. Georgopoulos, Modeling of combined aerosol and photooxidant dynamics in the

Mediterranean area, Water Air Soil Poll.

3. Aneziris, O.N., Housiadas, C., Stakakis, M., Papazoglou, I.A., Probabilistic safety analysis of

a Greek research reactor, Ann. Nucl. Energy.

4. K. Mergia, A. Salevris, S. Messoloras, The new neutron powder diffractometer at Demokritos research reactor, Physica B.

5. P. Pankowski, L. T. Baczewski, T. Story A., Wawro K. Mergia, S. Messoloras, Magnetic properties of V atoms in ultra-thin epitaxial V/Gd bilayers, Physica Status Solidi

6. I.E. Stamatelatos, K. Mergia, G. Lefkopoulos and R. Forrest, Impurities and Evaluation of induced activity of SiCf/SiC composites, Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. Phys. Res. B

7. Lontos C.A., Postidi M.S., Stakakis E. Carbon-related complexes in neutron-irradiated

silicon, Physica B,


1. Housiadas, C., Lazaridis, M, Drossinos, Y, Inhalation dosimetry modelling and dose

assessment, International Conference on EURO V and Future Worldwide Emission

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Requirements for Passenger Cars and Light Duty Vehicles, Museum of Science and Technology, Milan, Italy, December 10-11, (2003).

2. Muller, K., Dickinson, S., de Pascale, C., Girault, N.,, Herranz, L., de Rosa, F., Henneges, G., Langhans, J., Housiadas, C., Wichers, V., Birchley, J., Paci, S., Martin-Fuertes, F., Sartmadjiev, A., Turcu, I., Ivanov, I., Horvath, G., Validation of severe accident codes against

Phebus FP for plant application (Pheben2), Proceedings of FISA-2003, Luxembourg, November 10-13, (2003).

3. Housiadas, C., Drossinos, Y., Analysis of Thermophoresis in Phebus Tests, 5th Technical Seminar on the Phebus FP Programme, Centre de Congrès, Aix-en-Provence, France, June 24-26, (2003).

4. Housiadas, C., Drossinos, Y., Thermophoretic deposition of low-inertia particles, J. Aerosol Sci., 34, Suppl. 1, 113-114, 2004. European Aerosol Conference, Madrid, Spain, August 31 - September 5, (2003).

5. G. Coulson, A. Bartonova, T. Bholer, D.M. Broday, I. Colbeck, I. Fløisand, J. Fudala, W. Hollander, C. Housiadas, M. Lazaridis, J. Smolik, Health Risks From Pollutants in Domestic

Environments: The Urban Exposure Project, J. Aerosol Sci., Suppl. 1, 377-378, 2004. European Aerosol Conference, Madrid, Spain, August 31 - September 5, (2003).

6. Mitsakou, C., Housiadas, C., Modelling of aerosol dynamics in the human respiratory tract, J. Aerosol Sci., Suppl 1, 399-400, 2004. European Aerosol Conference, Madrid, Spain, August 31 - September 5, (2003).

7. Housiadas, C., Drossinos, Y., Lazaridis, M., Effect of turbulent fluctuations on binary

nucleation, J. Aerosol Sci., Suppl. 2, 1395-1396, 2004. European Aerosol Conference, Madrid, Spain, August 31 - September 5, (2003).

8. K. Mergia, A. Salevris, S. Messoloras, The new neutron powder diffractometer at Demokritos

research reactor, European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Montpellier, 2003

9. F. Tzika, I. E. Stamatelatos, J. Kalef-Ezra, P. Bode (2003) Large Sample NAA Facility at GRR-1 Research Reactor: Design and Applications. Proceedings International Conference on

Isotopic and Nuclear Analytical Techniques for Health and Environment, IAEA-CN-103, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 June 2003

10.J.J Kehayias, I.E. Stamatelatos, C. Sheahan, M. O;Neill (2003) A field method for assessing

body composition by portable XRF Bromine analysis: Validation against instrumental neutron

activation. Proceedings International Conference on Isotopic and Nuclear Analytical Techniques for Health and Environment, IAEA-CN-103, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 June 2003

11.I.E. Stamatelatos, K. Kasviki, S. Green, M. Gainey, J. Kalef-Ezra, A. Beddoe (2003) Prompt-

gamma neutron activation analysis facility for in vivo body composition studies in small

animals. Proceedings International Conference on Isotopic and Nuclear Analytical Techniques

for Health and Environment, IAEA-CN-103, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 June 2003

12.Χ. Α. Λόντος, Γ.∆. Αντωνάρας, Χ. Πανδής, Μ. Ποτσίδη, Ε. Στακάκης, A. Misiuk, V.V.Emtsev, Μελέτη της επίδρασης θερµικών δοτών στην γενική συµπεριφορά ατελειών σε

ακτινοβολήµένο πυρίτιο. ΧΙΧ Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης, Θεσσαλονίκη 21-24 Σεπτεµβρίου 2003

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1. Varvagianni M. Three dimensional computation of neutron flux in the Greek Research

Reactor, 2003

2. Varvagianni M. The transport-diffusion neutronics code system of the Greek Research Reactor

– Description & Criticality Calculations (2003)


1. Stamatelatos I.E., Calibration of neutron detection monitors,Workshop on Dosimetry Standards and Calibration of Ionizing Radiation Detectors. Organizer Greek Atomic Energy Commission, NCSR “Demokritos”, October 20th , 2003.


1. Stamatelatos I.E., IAEA Regional Post-Graduate Educational Course on Radiation Protection

and Safety of Radiation Sources, Greek Atomic Energy Commission, Athens, Greece.

2. Stamatelatos I.E., Inter-University Post-graduate course on Medical Radiation Physics.

Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory


1. Florou H., Kritidis P., Vosniakos F., Triantafyllis J., Delfanti R., Papucci C., Cigna A., Polikarpov G. G., Egorov V. N., Bologa A. S., Patrasku V., 2003. Dispersion of caesium-137

in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Bblack Sea - the time evolution in relation to the

sources and pathways. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol. 12, No 1 (2003): 3-9 (EN).

2. J. Smolík, V. Ždímal, J. Schwarz, M. Lazaridis, V. Havránek, K. Eleftheriadis, I. Colbeck, C. Bryant, N. Mihalopoulos (2003) “Size resolved mass concentration and elemental composition of atmospheric aerosols over the Eastern Mediterranean area”, J. Atmos. Chem

and Physics , 3, pp 2207-2216 3. Mitsakou, C., Eleftheriadis K., Housiadas, C. and Lazaridis M. (2003) “Modelling of the

dispersion of Depleted Uranium aerosol” Health Physics.84 (4), pp 538-544 Papers accepted for publication in Refereed Scientific Journals

1. Tsytsugina V., Florou H., Polikarpov G. G., Chaloulou Ch., Gorbenko V., 2003. Cytogenetic

studies of marine organisms in areas of elevated natural radionuclide contents. Dopovidi Akademii Nank Ukrainy V No 1, January 2004 (Accepted on 21 April 2003 – RUS (& EN -abstract).

2. Trabidou G., Florou H., Kritidis P., Chaloulou Ch., Lykomitrou Ch., 2003. Distribution

coefficients and concentration factors of 226Ra and 228Th in Greek marine environment. Radioactivity in the Environment, Elsevier’s Book Series (in press - accepted on 8 September 2003 - EN).

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3. Florou H., Tsytsugina V., Polikarpov G. G., Trabidou G, Gorbenko V. V., Chaloulou Ch., 2003. Field observations of the effects of protracted low levels of ionizing radiation on

natural aquatic population by using a cytogenetic tool. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity (in press - accepted on 23 August 2003 - Sent to the publisher on 25 November 2003 - Refs JER 03 32 - EN).

4. Florou H., Kehagia K., Chaloulou Ch., Koukouliou V.,Lykomitrou Ch., 2003. Determination

of radionuclides in Mytilus galloprovicialis by alpha and gamma-spectroscopy

.Mediterranean . Marine Science (in press - accepted on 2 May 2003 - EN). Β. PEER-REVIEWED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS

1. Coulson, G., Nyeki, S., Eleftheriadis, K., Beine, H., Colbeck, I., Ianniello, A., Sparapani, R,

(2003), Aerosol measurements at Ny-Ålesund 1998 to 2001, Proceedings of the European

Aerosol Conference, Madrid 31st Aug.-5th Sept.,J. Aerosol Sci., Pages S17-S18. 2. Halios, C. H., Helmis, C. G., Flocas, H. A., Assimakopoulos, V. D., Eleftheriadis, K., (2003),

A statistical analysis of aerosol precursors and black carbon in indoor and outdoor environments at a typical residential apartment. Proceedings of the European Aerosol

Conference, Madrid 31st Aug.-5th Sept.,J. Aerosol Sci., Pages S385-S386. 3. Eleftheriadis, K., Halios, C. H., Petrakis, M, (2003) Evaluation of indoor/outdoor aerosol and

trace gas concentrations measured in the urban environment Proceedings of the European

Aerosol Conference, Madrid 31st Aug.-5th Sept.,J. Aerosol Sci., Pages S1361-S1362.

4. Florou H., 2003. Proc.: Radioecological Research in NCSR«Demokritos», Greece. Coordination Meeting on Radioecology. European Commission. Brussels, 10-11 April 2003.

5. Florou H., Kehagia C., Chaloulou Ch., Koukouliou V., 2003. Determination of radionuclides in

Mytilus galloprovincialis by alpha- and gamma spectroscopy. Proc.: 7th Panhellenic Conference on Oceanography and Fisheries. Union of Employees of the NCMR. Peninsula of Creta (Greece), 6-9 May, 2003 (GR).

Laboratory of Health Physics & Environmental Hygiene Α. PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS

1. Terzoudi G.I., S.I. Malik, K. Margaritis, K. Manola, W. Makropoulos and G.E. Pantelias (2003). A new cytogenetic approach for the evaluation of mutagenic potential of chemicals that induce cell cycle arrest in the G2 phase. Mutagenesis, 18(6), 539-543.

2. Manola K.N., G.I. Terzoudi, C.E. Dardoufas, S.I. Malik and G.E. Pantelias (2003). Radioprotective effect of amifostine on cells from cancer prone patients and healthy individuals studied by the G2 and PCC assays. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 79(10), 831-838.

3. Papadakis V., J.P. Panagiotou, S. Polychronopoulou-Androulakaki, V. Mikraki, A. Parcharidou, C. Tsitsikas, E. Vrachnou, G. Paterakis, A. Mavrou, C. Sambani, M. Soutis and S. Haidas (2003). Results of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia treatment in Greek patients using a BFM-based protocol. Haema, 6, 208-216.

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Papers accepted for publication in Refereed Scientific Journals

1. Sambani C, La Starza R, Roumier C, Crescenzi B, Stavropoulou C, Katsarou O, Karafoulidou A, Dhalle JH, Lai JL, Preudhomme C, Martelli MF, Mecucci C. Partial duplication of the MLL oncogene in patients with aggressive acute myeloid leukemia. (2004). Haematologica, 89(4), 403-407.

2. Malik S.I., G.I. Terzoudi, and G.E. Pantelias (2003). SCE analysis in G2 lymphocyte prematurely condensed chromosomes after exposure to atrazine: The non-dose-depentent increase in homologous recombinational events does not support its genotoxic mode of action. In press, Cytogenetic and Genome Research.


1. Malik S.I., G.I. Terzoudi, K. Margaritis, G.E. Pantelias, C.E. Vorgias, and W. Makropoulos (2003). Genotoxicity of Atrazine as determined using the analysis of sister chromatid exchanges directly in the G2-phase of peripheral blood lymphocytes. 8th Ιnternational Symposium of the ISSA Research Section “Tools for the application of European Directives on health at the workplace. The example of chemical risk” Athens, Greece, 19-21 May 2003.

2. Terzoudi G.I., S.I. Malik, K. Manola, G.E. Pantelias, W. Makropoulos (2003). A new cytogenetic method for the evaluation of mutagenic potential of chemicals that induce cell-cycle arrest in G2-phase. 8th Ιnternational Symposium of the ISSA Research Section “Tools for the application of European Directives on health at the workplace. The example of chemical risk” Athens, Greece, 19-21 May 2003.

3. La Starza R., C. Sambani, S. Ciolli, A. Aventin, M. Lafage-Pochitaloff, N. Testoni, D. Beacci, M.F. Martelli and C. Mecucci (2003).Duplication at chromosome 6p21: A new molecular abnormality in secondary myelodysplastic syndromes/acute myeloid leukemia. 7th International Symposium on Myelodysplastic Syndromes, May 15-18, 2003, Paris - France. Leukemia Res Vol. 27.


1. I. Papazoglou I. A., and Aneziris O.N. (2003), Master Logic Diagram. Method for hazard and

Initiating event identification in process plants, Journal of hazardous materials, A97, 11-30.

2. I. Papazoglou, L. J. Bellamy, A. R. Hale, O. N. Aneziris, B. J. M. Ale, J. G. Post and J. I. H. Oh (2003), I-Risk: development of an integrated technical and management risk methodology for chemical installations, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Volume 16, Issue 6, 575-591.

3. Tambouratzis, G., Tambouratzis, T., Tambouratzis, D., (2003). Clustering with artificial neural networks and traditional techniques, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol 18, No. 4, pp. 405-428.

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4. A.Clouvas, S. Xanthos, M.Antonopoulos-Domis, J. Silva (2003) Measurements with a Ge detector and Monte Carlo computations of dose rate yields due to cosmic muons., Health Physics Vol . 84,No 2, pp 212-221

5. A. Clouvas, S. Xanthos and M. Antonopoulos-Domis (2003) Long term measurements of radon equilibrium factor in Greek dwellings, Radiat. Prot. Dosim. Vol. 103, No 3, pp 269-271

6. Clouvas, A., Xanthos, S., Antonopoulos-Domis. M. (2003): "A combination study of indoor radon and in situ gamma spectrometry measurements in Greek dwellings", Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 103, pp.363-366.

Papers accepted for publication in Refereed Scientific Journals

1. O. N. Aneziris and I. A. Papazoglou (2004), Fast Markovian method for dynamic safety

analysis of process plants, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 17, 1, 1-8.

2. O. N. Aneziris, C. Housiadas, M. Stakakis and I. A. Papazoglou, (2004), Probabilistic safety analysis of a Greek Research Reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 31, 5, 481-516.

3. Tambouratzis T., Xanthos, S., Antonopoulos-Domis M., (2004) On-line channel instability localisation with fuzzy rule-based systems, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 31, No. 7, pp 773-788.

4. Tambouratzis T., Antonopoulos-Domis M., On-line signal trend identification, Annals of Nuclear Energy (accepted for publication).

5. Clouvas, A., Xanthos, S., Antonopoulos-Domis. M. "Radiological maps of outdoor and indoor gamma dose rates in Greek Urban areas obtained by in situ gamma spectrometry", Radiation Protection Dosimetry (accepted for publication).


1. Papazoglou I. A., Aneziris 0., Bonanos G.S. (2003), Effect of a concrete wall in the limitation

of thermal radiation resulting from large industrial fires Proceedings of ESREL 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 1205- I2 10.

2. Z. Nivolianitou, M. Konstantinidou, Accident analysis techniques for hazardous process systems, ESREL 2003 Safety & Reliability, Book of Procedings (eds. Bedford, van Gelden) pp. 1167-1 177, June 2003, Maastricht, the Netherlands.

3. Μυρτώ Κωνσταντινίδου, Ζωή Νιβολιανίτου, Παρουσίαση αποτελεσµάτων από την στατιστική επεξεργασία ατυχηµάτων διυλιστηρίων για την χρονική περίοδο 1997-2003, 23, 23η Συνάντηση σε θέµατα Υγιεινής , Ασφάλειας και Περιβάλλοντος, Νοέµβριος 2003, Αθήνα.

4. Μυρτώ Κωνσταντινίδου, Ζωή Νιβολιανίτου, Στατιστική ανάλυση ατυχηµάτων πετροχηµικής βιοµηχανίας της ευρωπαϊκής βάσης δεδοµένων MARS για την χρονική περίοδο 1985-2000, 4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Χηµικών Μηχανικών, Πάτρα, Μάιος 2003.

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5. Tambouratzis T., Gazela M., (2003). The accurate estimation of meteorological profiles employing ANNs, in Proceedings of the "International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms 2003", Roanne, France, April 23rd-25th, 2003, pp.131-137, D.W.P-earson,N.C.Steele, R.F.A1brecht (eds)"Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algontluns". Springer, Wien.

6. Tambouratzis T., Tambouratzis G., (2003). Meteorological dαtα mining employing Self-Organising Maps, in Proceedings of the "International Conference on Artificial Neural NetWorks and Genetic AlgoArithms 2003", Roanne, France, April 23rd-25th, 2003, pp.149-153, D.W.Pearson, N.C.Steele, R.F.Albrecht (eds) "Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms". Springer, Wien.

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1. Yiotis AG, Boudouvis AG, Stubos AK, Tsimpanogiannis IN, Yortsos YC, Effect of liquid

films on the isothermal drying of porous media, PHYS REV E 68 (3): art. no. 037303 Part 2 SEP 2003 (Impact factor 2.397)

2. Coutelieris FA, Kainourgiakis ME, Stubos AK Low Peclet mass transport in assemblages of spherical particles for two different adsorption mechanisms J COLLOID INTERF SCI 264 (1): 20-29 AUG 1 2003 (Impact factor 1.466)

3. Huseby O, Haugan A, Sagen J, Muller J, Bennett B, Larter S, Kikkinides ES, Stubos AK, Yousefian F, Thovert JF, Adler PM Transport of organic components from immobile and bypassed oil in porous media AICHE J 49 (5): 1085-1094 MAY 2003 (Impact factor 1.626)

4. Kainourgiakis ME, Kikkinides ES, Charalambopoulou GC, Stubos AK. Simulated annealing as a method for the determination of the spatial distribution of a condensable adsorbate in mesoporous materials LANGMUIR 19 (8): 3333-3337 APR 15 2003 (Impact factor 3.248)

5. Kikkinides ES, Kainourgiakis ME, Stubos AK Origin of hysteresis of gas adsorption in disordered porous media: Lattice gas model versus percolation theory LANGMUIR 19 (8): 3338-3344 APR 15 2003 (Impact factor 3.248)

6. Grigoriadis DGE, Bartzis JG, Goulas A LES of the flow past a rectangular cylinder using the immersed boundary concept INT J NUMER METH FL 41 (6): 615-632 FEB 28 2003 (Impact factor 0.723)

7. Venetsanos AG, Huld T, Adams P, Bartzis JG Source, dispersion and combustion modelling of an accidental release of hydrogen in an urban environment J HAZARD MATER 105 (1-3): 1-25 DEC 12 2003 (Impact factor 0.823)

8. Venetsanos AG, Bartzis JG, Wurtz J, Papailiou DD DISPLAY-2: a two-dimensional shallow layer model for dense gas dispersion including complex features J HAZARD MATER 99 (2): 111-144 APR 25 2003 (Impact factor 0.823)

9. Pieper J, Charalambopoulou G, Steriotis T, Vasenkov S, Desmedt A, Lechner RE Water diffusion in fully hydrated porcine stratum corneum CHEM PHYS 292 (2-3): 465-476 AUG 1 2003 (Impact factor 2.203)

10. Sfetsos A Short-term load forecasting with a hybrid clustering algorithm IEE P-GENER TRANSM D 150 (3): 257-262 MAY 2003 (Impact factor 0.282)

11. Neofytou P, Drikakis D Effects of blood models on flows through a stenosis INT J NUMER METH FL 43 (6-7): 597-635 OCT 30 2003 (Impact factor 0.723)

12. Neofytou P, Drikakis D Non-Newtonian flow instability in a channel with a sudden expansion J NON-NEWTON FLUID 111 (2-3): 127-150 APR 11 2003 (Impact factor 1.765)

13. Winiwarter W, Dore C, Hayman G, Vlachogiannis D, Gounaris N, Bartzis J, Ekstrand S, Tamponi M, Maffeis G Methods for comparing gridded inventories of atmospheric emissions-

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application for Milan province, Italy and the Greater Athens Area, Greece SCI TOTAL ENVIRON 303 (3): 231-243 MAR 1 2003 (Impact factor 1.537)

14. Thunis P, Galmarini S, Martilli A, Clappier A, Andronopoulos S, Bartzis J, Vlachogiannis D, De Ridder K, Moussiopoulos N, Sahm P, Almbauer R, Sturm P, Oettl D, Dierer S, Schlunzen KH An inter-comparison exercise of mesoscale flow models applied to an ideal case simulation ATMOS ENVIRON 37 (3): 363-382 JAN 2003 (Impact factor 2.352)

Papers accepted for publication in Refereed Scientific Journals

1. Grigoriadis DGE, Bartzis JG, Goulas A Efficient treatment of complex geometries for large eddy simulations of turbulent flows COMPUT FLUIDS 33 (2): 201-222 FEB 2004 (Impact factor 1.344)

2. Galani, A.N.; Kainourgiakis, M.E.; Kikkinides, E.S.; Steriotis, Th.A.; Stubos, A.K. & Papaioannou, A.: Diffusion in reconstructed porous domains filled by two fluid phases. COLLOID SURFACE A, accepted 2003. (Impact factor: 1.350)

3. Yiotis, A.G.; Boudouvis A.; Stubos, A.K.; Tsimpanogiannis, I.N. & Yortsos Y.C.: The Effect of Liquid Films on the Drying of Porous Media. AICHE J, accepted 2003 (Impact factor 1.626) .

4. Steriotis, Th.A.; Kikkinides, E.S.; Kainourgiakis, M.E.; Stubos, A.K. & Ramsay, J.D.F.: Monitoring Adsorption by Small Angle Neutron Scattering in Tandem with Digital Reconstruction-Simulation Techniques. COLLOID SURFACE A, accepted 2003. (Impact factor: 1.350).

5. Pantatosaki, E.; Steriotis, Th.A.; Stubos, A.K.; Papaioannou, A. & Papadopoulos, G.K.: GCMC micropore size distributions from CO2 sorption at ambient temperatures: Cylindrical versus slit-like geometries. COLLOID SURFACE A, accepted 2003. (Impact factor: 1.350).


1. Kainourgiakis, M.E.; Kikkinides, E.S.; Steriotis, Th.A. & Stubos, A.K.: Transport properties

of reconstructed Vycor and Alumina Membranes. Materials Research Society 2002 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, 2-6 December 2002. Also in Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. P 752, 155-160, 2003.

2. Yiotis, A.G.; Boudouvis, A.G.; Stubos, A.K.; Tsimpanogiannis, I.N. & Yortsos, Y.C.: Modeling Viscous Flow Through Liquid Films In Isothermal Drying of Porous Media. AIChE 2003 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 16-21 November 2003.

3. Yiotis, A.G.; Stubos, A.K.; Tsimpanogiannis, I.N. & Yortsos Y.C.: Pore Network Modelling of Isothermal Drying in Porous Media. ESF Exploratory Workshop on Recent Advances in Multiphase Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Delft, the Netherlands, June 23-25, 2003.

4. Kainourgiakis, M.E.; Kikkinides, E.S.; Charalambopoulou, G.Ch.; Steriotis, Th.A. & Stubos, A.K.: Nanoporous Media: Reconstruction and Prediction of Transport and Sorption Properties. ESF Exploratory Workshop on Recent Advances in Multiphase Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Delft, the Netherlands, June 23-25, 2003.

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5. Charalambopoulou, G.Ch.; Steriotis, Th.A. & Stubos, A.K.: Water diffusion studies on porcine stratum corneum. Gordon’s Research Conference on Barrier Function of Mammalian Skin, Roger Williams University, Bristol-Rhode Island, USA, August 3-8, 2003.

6. Charalambopoulou, G.Ch.; Steriotis, Th.A.; Hauss, Th.; Stubos, A.K. & Kanellopoulos, N.K.: Structural alterations of fully hydrated human stratum corneum. 3rd European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Montpellier, France, September 3-6, 2003.

7. Galani, Α.Ν., Kainourgiakis, M.E., Stubos, Α.Κ., Kikkinides, E.S. & Papaioannou, A Determination of diffusion coefficients in partially saturated porous materials based on stochastically reconstructed porous domains, 4th Panhellenic Conference on Chemical Engineering, Patra, May 29-31 2003 (in greek).

8. Psichogios, J., Kainourgiakis, M.E Charalambopoulou, G.Ch.; Steriotis, Th. & Stubos, A.K.: Study of structure and diffusion properties of the stratum cornem layer of the hyman skin, 4th Panhellenic Conference on Chemical Engineering, Patra, May 29-31, 2003(in greek). .

9. Stamatakis, E.; Haugan, A.; Stubos, A.K.; Palyvos, I.; Dugstad, O.; Muller, J. & Bjornstad, T.: Theoretical and experimental study of scale formation in porous media, 4th Panhellenic Conference on Chemical Engineering, Patra, May 29-31 2003.

10. Kainourgiakis, M.E, Kikkinides, E.S., Charalambopoulou, G.Ch.;. & Stubos, A.K.: Determination of the spatial distribution of an adsorbate in mesoporous materials based on the simulated annealing method, 4th Panhellenic Conference on Chemical Engineering, Patra, May 29-31 2003 (in greek). .

Chapter in books

1. Yiotis, A.G.; Stubos, A.K.; Boudouvis, A.; Tsimpanogiannis, I.N. & Yortsos Y.C.: Pore Network Modelling of Isothermal Drying in Porous Media, in Recent Advances in Multiphase

Flow and Transport in Porous Media, M. Hassanizadeh & D. Das (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, to appear.

2. Kainourgiakis, M.E.; Kikkinides, E.S.; Charalambopoulou, G.Ch.; Steriotis, Th.A. & Stubos, A.K.: Nanoporous Media: Reconstruction and Prediction of Transport and Sorption Properties, in Recent Advances in Multiphase Flow and Transport in Porous Media, M. Hassanizadeh & D. Das (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, to appear.

Solar and Other Energy Systems Laboratory


1. Voropoulos K., Mathioulakis E. and Belessiotis V., Experimental investigation of the behavior of a solar still coupled with hot water storage tank, Desalination, Vol. 156, pp 315-322, 2003

2. Voropoulos K., Mathioulakis E. and Belessiotis V., Solar stills coupled with solar collectors and storage tank – analytical simulation and experimental validation of energy behavior, Solar Energy, Vol 75, pp 199 -205, 2003

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3. Mathioulakis E. and Belessiotis V., Integration of solar still in a multi-source, multi-use environment, Solar Energy, Vol. 75(5), pp. 355-437, 2003

Papers accepted for publication in Refereed Scientific Journals

1. Babalis S.J. and V. Belessiotis, Influence of the drying conditions on the drying constants and moisture diffusivity during the thin – layer drying of figs, Journal of Food Eng., 2004 (in press)

2. Papanicolaou E. and V. Belessiotis, Transient hydrodynamic phenomena and conjugate heat transfer during cooling of water in an underground thermal storage tank , ASME J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 126(1), pp. 84-96, 2004


1. Mathioulakis E.,,,, Voropoulos K. and Belessiotis V.,,,, "Solar energy and energy saving in hotels: The case of Candia Maris Hotel", International Conference for RES for island Tourism & Water, EREC, Crete, 26-28 May 2003

2. Voropoulos K., Mathioulakis E. and Belessiotis V., "Experimental investigation of the behavior of a solar still coupled with hot water storage tank", EDS, European Conference on Desalination and Environment -Fresh Water for All, Malta, 4-8 May 2003


1. Mathioulakis E.,,,, Voropoulos K. and Belessiotis V.,,,, "Solar energy and energy saving in hotels: The case of Candia Maris Hotel", International Conference for RES for island Tourism & Water, EREC, Crete, 26-28 May 2003

2. Voropoulos K., Mathioulakis E. and Belessiotis V., "Experimental investigation of the behavior of a solar still coupled with hot water storage tank", EDS, European Conference on Desalination and Environment -Fresh Water for All, Malta, 4-8 May 2003

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Nuclear Research Reactor Laboratory

Project FIKS-CT-1999-00009: Validating severe accident codes against Phebus fission products for plant applications (PHEBEN2). Duration: 1-3-2000 to 31-8-2004. NCSR “D” Budget: 43.807 EURO. Project EVK2-CT-1999-00052 (in collaboration with the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory): Subgrid scale investigation of factors determining the occurrence of ozone and fine aerosol particles (SUB-AERO). Duration: 1-2-2000 to 31-1-2003. NCSR “D” Budget: 250.900 EURO. Project EVK4-CT-2000-00018 (in collaboration with the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory): Characterization of urban air quality indoor/outdoor particulate matter chemical characteristics and source-to-inhaled dose relationships (URBAN-AEROSOL). Duration: 1-2-2001 to 31-1-2004. NCSR “D” Budget: 197.946 EURO. Project EVK4-CT-2001-00234 (in collaboration with the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory and the Environmental Research Laboratory): Integrated exposure management tool characterizing air pollution-relevant human exposure in urban environment (URBAN-EXPOSURE). Duration: 1-10-2002 to 30-9-2005. NCSR “D” Budget: 396.451 EURO. Co-operatives for Research and Technological Development in Sectors of National Priority (in collaboration with the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory): Technology Development for Optimising Air Quality in Industrial Buildings: Characterisation of Air Quality in Industrial Buildings – Mechanisms Controlling the Indoor/Outdoor Particulate Matter Chemical Characteristics and their Effects to Human Exposure and Inhaled Dose. Duration: 1-12-2003 to 30-11-2006. NCSR “D” Budget: 184.000 EURO. Bilateral (Hellenic Rep., Czech Rep.) S&T cooperation project (in collaboration with the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory): Aerosol Nucleation Studies by Means of Diffusion Chambers and Atmospheric Measurements of Nucleation Events. Duration: 1-8-2003 to 31-7-2005. NCSR “D” Budget: 12.327 EURO. Project EU-20312-2002-12 F1ED ISP GR: Dynamics of the Aerosol Particle Distribution. Duration: 21-12-2002 to 21-9-2004. NCSR “D” Budget: 22.870 EURO. IAEA Technical Co-operation Programme GRE/1/040 (2003-2005): “Development of a regional neutron scattering centre”. Total funding: 160,210 $ IAEA Research Contract No: 11359/Regular Budget Fund, Project Title: “Investigations for the Development of Small Angle Neutron Scattering Apparatus at a Low Power Reactor”. Total funding: $5,000 Fusion Technology Workprogramme 2003: TW3_TTMS_006-deliverable 2

Detailed metallurgical characterisation (including ageing effects) of the EU ODS steel TW3_TTMA_001- deliverable 1

Morphological characterisation of SiC/SiC composite: fibres, interface, matrix and porosities TW3_TTMA_001_ deliverable 7a

Development of Joining techniques for SiC/SiC

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TW3_TTMN_002_ deliverable 4

Validation experiments for selected EFF/EAF data evaluations (E<20 MeV): Measurements and analysis of gamma activation in EUROFER irradiated in low energy (fission) neutron spectrum TW2_TTMS_001b_ deliverable 7

Neutron irradiation up to 0.8 dpa at 200-2500C of EUROFER plates TW2_TTMA_002_ deliverable 8

Tungsten: preliminary experiment TW2_TTMS_002_ deliverable 23

Thermal, electrical and ferro-magnetic properties of standard Eurofer plate TW2_TTMS_002_ deliverable 3

Complete Eurofer characterisation of the typical microstructures and modelling of the phase transformation behaviour Fusion Underlying Technology Workprogramme 2003. “Structure evolution of SiCSiC composites under neutron irradiation” Human Capital and Mobility Programme - Use of Large Scale Facilities in collaboration with Hahn-Meitner Institute, Germany, Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, U.K, Laboratoire Leon-Brillouin, France, EFDA Technology Work Program 2003, Materials Development, Task TW2-TTMN-002/D04, Association Hellenic. Measurement and analysis of EUROFER irradiated in fission neutron spectrum.

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Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory

Services 1. Control of radioactivity in consumer products, materials and other samples. SELF-FINANCED

Incomes: 2000 – 2001 50 000 EURO 2001 – 2002 50 000 EURO 2. Contract with the AGET cement industry (in collaboration with the SRL of INT-RP) on the subject: “Evaluation of the environmental impact on the atmosphere due to the operation of the AGET installations in Volos”. Duration: 2002-2003 Total funding: 53000 € 3. Contract with the National Technical University of Athens, on the radiological control of new buildings of the Ethniki Asphalistiki. Duration: 2001-2003 Total funding: 11300 €

E.U. - 5th Framework

1. Contract EVK2-CT-1999-00052.

Project: Subgrid scale investigation of factors determining the occurrence of ozone and fine aerosol

particles (SUB-AERO)

(in collaboration with the SRL of INT-RP). Duration: 2000-2003 Total funding: 125400 € 2. Contract EVK2-CT-1999-00029: Project: Properties of tropospheric aerosols - A case study: the NItrogen Cycle and Effects on the oxidation of atmospheric trace species at high latitudes Duration: 2000-2002 Total funding: 40000 € 3. Contract EVK4-CT-2000-00018: Project: Indoor/Outdoor Particulate Matter Chemical Characteristics and Source-to-Inhaled Dose Relationships (in collaboration with the SRL of INT-RP) Duration: 2001-2004 Total funding: 98973 € 4. Contract EVK4-CT-2002-00090, Project: “Integrated Exposure Managementment Tool Characterizing Air Pollution-relevant Human Exposure in Urban Environment” (URBAN-EXPOSURE) (in collaboration with the SRL of INT-RP) Duration: 2002-2005 Total funding: ERL - 53300 €

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Inter-governmental 1. Comparison of the impact of radioactive and chemical pollution in natural aquatic populations. A distinction parameter based on analysis of chromosome aberrations. General Secretary of Science and Technology – Republic of Ukraina Duration: 2000 – 2002 Total funding: 12 800 EURO

IAEA Projects

1. Dispersion of 137Cs in the Eastrern Mediterranean: The time evolution in relation to the sources and marine pathways. IAEA

Duration: 1999 – 2000 Total funding: 5 800 US $ Continuation: 2000 – 2002 total funding: 6 800 US $ 2. The assessment of soil erosion through the use of 137Cs and related techniques as a basis for environmental protection studies. IAEA. Duration Total funding 1999 – 2000 4 000 US $ 2000 – 2001 3 500 US $ 2001 – 2002 2 300 US $

Contract with the Greek Ministry of Environment

Subject: Study of the contribution of various natural and artificial radionuclides to the exposure of the population of the Eastern Aegean islands. Dispersion of long-lived radionuclides in the marine water of the region. (Project Leader – Prof. Antonopoulos - Domis) Duration Total finding 2000 – 2001 14 800 EURO 2001 – 2002 19 000 EURO


“Radiological control of molluscs produced in regions of the Thermaikos Gulf”. Contract with the Prefecture of Thessaloniki. Duration Total funding. 2000 – 2001 5 500 EURO 2001 – 2002 2 500 EURO

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Laboratory of Health Physics & Environmental Hygiene


Projects funded by the European Union (EU), General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT), and Specialized Services offered by the Laboratory.

1. Contract E1056 Project: The role of Intercellular communication and DNA double strand breaks in the induction of bystander effects. Duration: 2003-2006 Total funding: 261.100 € 2. Contract E894 Project: Electromagnetic radiation: Measurements of physical parameters and health effects in biological systems. Duration: 2002-2004 Total funding: 176,082 € 3. Contract E675 Project: Biodosimetry of ionizing radiation and cytogenetic studies in preleukemic diseases. Duration: 1999-2005 Total funding: 396,185 €

System Reliability and Industrial Safety Laboratory


1. Comparative Risk Assessment of Energy Sources for Electricity Production (4.250€)

2. Concerted Action on Brownfield and Economic Regeneration Network:

“CΑΒΕRΝΕΤ”, contract No EVK4-CT-2001-20004 (17.000 €).

3. PRISM: development of a network of industries and research centers for dissemination of

information concerning human factors and practical safety rules for the industry. GRT-CT-

2001-05029 (8.000€)

4. Reliability assessment of large technological systems, N.C.S.R. “DEMOKRITOS”.

5. S2S A Gateway to process safety G1RT-CT-2002-05094 (84.000€)

6. WORM “Occupational Risk Model”, (RIVM, Netherlands) (€272.000)

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Environmental Research Laboratory


1. QUOWADIS Tool for quantifying toxic organic solutes in discharge waters from

petroleum platforms using integrated approach (EC NNE5-1999-359) (1/6/2000-31/5/2003) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 353,566 EURO, EC Funding: 123,748 EURO)

2. ARISSTON Development and validation of an integrated numerical tool for scaling control and squeeze treatment optimization (EC ENK6-2000-00052) (1/12/2000- 30/11/2003) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 314,500 EURO, EC Funding: 157,250 EURO).

3. AEOLOS Assessment of Impact of SF6 And PFCs Reservoir Tracers On Global Warming (EC ENK6-CT-2001-00501) (1/11/2001-31/10/2004) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 354,722 EURO, EC Funding: 177,361 EURO)

4. REVEAL - Remote Measurement of vehicle emissions at low cost (EC GRD1-1999-10657) (1/4/2000- 31/3/2003) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 199,700.58 EURO, EC Funding: 99,850 EURO)

5. QNET - CFD A thematic network for quality and trust in the industrial application of computational fluid dynamics (EC G1RT-CT-2000-5003) (1/5/2000-30/4/2004) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 68,133 EURO, EC Funding: 68,133 EURO)

6. RODOS MIGRATION - Migration of RODOS to practical applicability for supporting decisions in operational emergency response to nuclear accidents (EC FIKR-CT-2000-00077) (1/10/2000-30/9/2003) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 150,400 EURO, EC Funding : 75,200 EURO)

7. DSSNET - Improvement, extension and integration of operational decision support systems for nuclear emergency management (EC FIR1-CT-2000-40076) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 6,500 EURO, EC Funding : 6,075 EURO)

8. EIHP2 European Integrated Hydrogen Project - Phase II (EC ENK6-CT-2000-00442) (1/2/2001-31/1/2004) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 150,000 EURO, EC Funding: 74,998 EURO)

9. ROSE Remote optical sensing evaluation (EC GRD1-2000-25009) (1/7/2001-30/6/2004) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 203,596 EURO, EC Funding: 101,798 EURO)

10. ENSEMBLE Methods to Reconcile Disparate National Forecasts of Medium and Long Range Dispersion (EC FIKR–CT–2000-00038) (1/10/2000-30/9/2003) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 18,000 EURO, EC Funding: 18,000 EURO)

11. BOND Biogenic Aerosols and Air Quality in the Mediterranean Area (EC EVK2-CT-2001-00107) (1/11/2001-31/10/2004) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 453,004 EURO, EC Funding: 226,502 EURO)

12. PICADA-Photocatalytic innovative coverings applications for depollution assessment (G1RD-CT-2001-00669) (1/1/2002-31/12/2005) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 381,651 EURO, EC Funding: 50% EURO)

13. OSCAR-Optimised Expert System for Conducting Environmental Assessment of Urban Road Traffic (EVK4-CT2002-00083) (1/9/02-31/08/05) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 216,000 EURO, EC Funding: 50% EURO)

14. MOREOIL-Εvaluation of the miscible gas injection in Oil Reservoirs by Monitoring the Asphaltenes Consentration (NNE5-2001-250) (1/3/2002-31/8/2005) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 435,000 EURO, EC Funding: 35% EURO)

15. METROPOLIS- Metrology in Support to Precautionary Sciences and Sustainable Development Policies (No: G6RT-CT-2002-05095) (1/7/02-30/6/05) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 5,400 EURO, EC Funding: 100% 5,400 EURO)

16. CEN/TC 264-“Air Quality Reference gravimetric measurements method for the determination of the PM2.5 µm mass fraction of suspended particulate matter in ambient air” (CEN/TC 264/WG 15) (1/11/02-15/7/03) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 37,500 EURO, EC Funding: 100% ΕURO)

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17. EESD Innovative and sustainable sub-surface exploitation of natural resources (ENK6-CT2002-20694) (1/12/02-30/11/05) (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 11,400 EURO, EC Funding: 100% ΕURO)

18. ENVITRACER - Development of Environmentally Friendly Tracer Technology for Improved Reservoir Description (ENK6-CT-2002-00602) (starting date 1-11/02, duration 42 months); (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 498,574 EURO, EC Funding: 50% ΕURO).

19. HYSTORY - Hydrogen Storage in Hydrides for Safe Energy Systems, (ENK6-CT-2002-00600), (starting date 1-11/02, duration 36 months); (Total NCSR “D” Budget: 262,688 EURO, EC Funding: 50% ΕURO

20. 01 PRAXE 37 Tracer technology for the advanced characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs (17/9/02-16/3/04) (Funding from GSRT 44,000 EURO)

21. 02 PRAXE 42 Commercialization of the 3-D environmental fluid mechanics software package ADREA-HF, DELTA-B (16/9/03-15/3/05) (Funding from GSRT 44,000EURO)

Solar and Other Energy Systems Laboratory

On-going Research Projects


Laboratory Budget

(ΕUΡΩ) Duration


(New Vacuum-tube Solar Collector )


1/10/2001 – 31/9/2003

ENERGY (Demonstrating the

efficiency of Solar Space Heating and Cooling in Buildings)


1/1/2000 – 31/12/2002

ALTENER (Key Issues in Solar Thermal)

33.300 1/1/2003 – 31/10/2003

FP5RTD (PROTEAS PV SYSTEM - Triple hybride concetrating PV system for the cogeneration of electricity, heat and cooling power)


1/1/2003 – 31/12/2005

EPAN / Specific Program 4.5

(Integration of solar thermals in buildings – New high efficiency solar collectors, solar air-conditioning, seasonal thermal storage, optimal energy design and integrated energy management)


1/5/2003 – 30/4/ 2006