annual music festival - … · choral/choirs page 20 choral speaking page 21 ... adjudication is...

1 Pembroke Kiwanis 70 th Annual Music Festival 1949 – 2018 KIWANIS MUSIC FESTIVAL COMMITTEE Co-Chairs Doug Fee & Raghavan Vijay Treasurer Sue Seto Secretary Su Fisher Robert Lauder Mac Plaunt Ron Lloyd Rhodina Turner Paula Lundrigan Dennis Ryan Dave Metzger Jr Lou Schull Joyce Moore Dance: Feb. 12 16 Piano: Feb. 20 23 Adjudicator: Annie Chen Adjudicator: Susanne Hughes Strings & Instrumental: Feb. 26 Mar. 2 Vocal: Mar. 5 9 Adjudicator: Martha Gregory Adjudicator: Brent Thiessen Festival of Stars March 22, 2018 DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES NOVEMBER 3, 2017 ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE @ More copies available at Pembroke Public Library & Bob's Music online:

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Pembroke Kiwanis 70 th

Annual Music Festival

1949 – 2018


Co-Chairs Doug Fee & Raghavan Vijay

Treasurer Sue Seto

Secretary Su Fisher Robert Lauder Mac Plaunt

Ron Lloyd Rhodina Turner

Paula Lundrigan Dennis Ryan

Dave Metzger Jr Lou Schull

Joyce Moore

Dance: Feb. 12 – 16 Piano: Feb. 20 – 23

Adjudicator: Annie Chen Adjudicator: Susanne Hughes

Strings & Instrumental: Feb. 26 – Mar. 2 Vocal: Mar. 5 – 9

Adjudicator: Martha Gregory Adjudicator: Brent Thiessen

Festival of Stars – March 22, 2018



More copies available at Pembroke Public Library & Bob's Music




Rules Page 2

Awards Page 6

Piano Page 12

Vocal Page 16

Choral/Choirs Page 20

Choral Speaking Page 21

Individual Speaking Page 21

Strings Page 22

String Ensemble Page 25

Orchestra Page 26

Woodwind Page 27

Brass Page 27

Instrumental Concert Group Page 28

Instrumental Ensemble Page 28

Recorder Solo Page 28

Recorder Ensemble Page 29

Jazz-Rock, Dixieland Page 29

Bands Page 30

Classical Guitar Page 30

Modern Guitar Page 31

Dance Page 33


Failure to comply with any of the provisions of the following rules shall render the competitor liable to

disqualification. Disqualification shall be interpreted as follows: The competitor shall be permitted to

perform and will receive an adjudication, but no mark or ranking will be given.


a) To help the competitor learn how to prepare for a performance at a finished level

b) To help the competitor acquire self-confidence by playing before an audience

c) To give the competitor the benefit of expert criticism from an unbiased adjudicator

d) To broaden the musical horizon and sporting instinct of the competitor in competition

e) To provide an opportunity for the maximum number of students to participate

f) To raise the standard of music in the community


The competition shall be under the working management of the members of the Pembroke Kiwanis Music

Festival Committee. Any questions not dealt with in these rules shall be referred to the Music Festival

Committee, whose decisions on such matters shall be final and binding. The Music Festival Committee

shall be guided in its decisions by the objectives of the Festival.



1. All competitions shall be open to amateurs. For the purpose of these competitions, an amateur shall

be defined as either (a) someone whose principle means of livelihood is not obtained from the

profession or practice of music, even if he or she from time to time accepts remuneration for musical

services rendered, or (b) a full-time or part-time university student.

2. In all classes in which an age level is specified, a contestant must not be over the prescribed age as of

the first day of January of the year in which the festival takes place.

3. In all classes in which a grade level is specified, a contestant may not compete at a grade level lower

than the grade level which the student was studying as of the first day of January of the year in which

the festival takes place.

4. In all classes in which a year of study is specified, a contestant must NOT have studied longer than

the year(s) specified in the class as of the first day of January of the year in which the festival takes


5. Contestants in Choral Societies, Choirs, Orchestras and Bands must be bona fide members of their

respective organizations.

6. Conductors may be professional or amateur. Professionals may conduct any number of organizations

in the same class or otherwise, but must not sing with their Choirs, Choral Societies, nor play with the

Orchestras or Bands. Duets, Trios, Quartets and Small Ensembles (up to and including 7 persons) are

NOT to be conducted at performance.

7. A competitor may compete only once in each class and only at one age or grade level in each category,

except in the Vocal Ensemble Categories and Instrumental Section.

8. The designation “OPEN” class is intended as a competition among senior amateurs, at the grade 10

level or above.

9. At the Grades 8, 9, 10 and ARCT levels, students may compete more than one year in the same grade

level. However, they must perform new selections.

10. All competitors must reside in Renfrew or Pontiac County.


11. In adjudication of “OWN CHOICE” classes, the standard, difficulty, and suitability of selection(s)

will be judged as well as the performance. An “OWN CHOICE” selection that goes with a set piece

should be contrasting and of equal or greater difficulty.

12. Competitors entering classes for which the test piece is designated “OWN CHOICE" are encouraged

to perform a selection they have not performed previously and to announce the title and composer of

their selection(s) prior to performance.

13. Time limits unless otherwise stated in the syllabus must be observed in all classes where competitors

may perform test pieces of their “OWN CHOICE” as follows:

Chorus ……………….............………………………… 10 minutes maximum

Instrumental Solos, Duets, Ensembles ……............…... 10 minutes maximum

Dance, Vocal, Piano Solos, Duets, Trios (Gr. 1-7) …... 5 minutes maximum

Piano Solos, Duets, Trios (Gr. 8-ARCT) …............…... 10 minutes maximum

14. In all cases repeats are to be omitted unless otherwise stated. Da Capo and Dal Segno passages are

not considered to be repeats and shall be observed.

15. Soloists are encouraged to perform from memory. At the adjudicator’s discretion, up to a maximum

of 5 marks may be deducted for the use of music in a piano, vocal or string solo. No marks will be

deducted for use of music in Quick Study.

16. Each contestant MUST be prepared to hand an ORIGINAL of his or her music to the

adjudicator’s secretary. This means bringing TWO copies to the festival if the contestant uses

one himself or herself. No photocopies will be accepted in any class. Copyright rules do not

permit reproduction of music without the copyright holder’s permission.

..... cont'd p4


Music downloaded from the internet will be accepted only with receipt for proof of purchase

from internet provider. If no receipt is available, the adjudicator has the right to refuse to

listen to or give a mark to the piece.

17. The chord may be given on the piano at the commencement of each piece of unaccompanied music.

18. In the String Classes for juniors, competitors may have their instruments tuned by a teacher or other


19. In Vocal Classes any selection may be transposed as stated in the Royal Conservatory of Music

Syllabus. A copy of the transposed music must be given to the adjudicator.


20. This class is designed to test a pupil’s ability to learn a piece in a short period of time. Memorization

is not required.

21. Music for Quick Study Classes may be obtained from the Music Festival Secretary at a time to be



22. The committee will consider creating additional classes not listed in the syllabus. Requests are to be

made to the secretary before the closing date for entries in the festival. Any additional classes so

created will be given a full adjudication and mark but may not be eligible for any award.

23. The Music Festival Committee may withdraw any competition or combine classes if it considers the

numbers of entries insufficient.

24. The Music Festival Committee shall decide the order in which classes shall appear in the program.

25. All competitors are forbidden to rehearse in the auditorium prior to competitions.

26. A competitor’s admission sheet will be forwarded for each individual for each class in which an entry

has been made. This sheet will duly set forth the order, time and place of the competition and should

be presented at the start of the class.

27. No performance shall begin until the adjudicator signals.

28. The audience is requested not to enter or leave the auditorium while a performance is in progress or

adjudication is being given.

29. No FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY will be allowed in the auditorium.

30. In any class offered for competition, a competitor who chooses to receive adjudication only may do

so by making the request to the festival secretary any time before the class begins.

31. Competitors who find they cannot attend competitions MUST notify the secretary well in advance.

No substitution in Solo Classes will be allowed for any contestant who does not attend.


32. All competitors must provide their own accompanist. In the Entertainment Classes, the accompanist

must be an amateur. Recorded accompaniment is permitted ONLY IN DANCE CLASSES


33. All complaints and protests must be made directly to the secretary in writing during the festival and

must be accompanied by a fee equivalent to the entry fee of the class protested. If the Music Festival

Committee sustains the protest, the fee will be refunded. A fee may be assessed if Program Changes

are requested.


34. A separate entry form must be used for each class entered. Duets, Trios, Quartets and Ensembles

must use ONE ENTRY FORM ONLY and list the names of the participants on the back of the

entry form. There is a separate form for dance entries.


35. Entry forms are to be fully completed. Incomplete or incorrect forms WILL NOT BE


All entries must be signed by a responsible person. This signature declares that the entrant has complied

with the rules of the Kiwanis Music Festival and gives permission for the information collected on this

form, possible audio/video recordings and any photos taken during the Festival to be used for the following

specific purposes without any monetary gain, Pembroke Festival website, newsletters, press releases, and

to create a database of alumni for historical records. All information collected otherwise is kept private and


36. More entry forms can be obtained from the secretary. If making more forms yourself, please do not

alter the size of the form.

N.B. All correspondence for the Music Festival should be addressed as follows:


P.O. BOX 1093


e-mail: [email protected]

REGISTRATION: Each entry must be accompanied by the requisite fee.

37. Please note: Entry fees CANNOT BE REFUNDED due to fixed expenses.

38. All entries must reach the Music Festival Committee no later than November 3, 2017


The adjudicator’s reports will be distributed at the close of each class.


1. Provided a mark of 80 or over has been attained, first place will be awarded a gold ribbon, certificate

and seal; second place will be awarded a red ribbon, certificate and seal; third place will be awarded

a blue ribbon, certificate and seal.

2. For a mark of less than 80, only a certificate will be awarded.

3. Each member of an elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 8) school choir or group will receive a

placement ribbon.


Medals of excellence will be awarded to Grades 1 to ARCT solo performers obtaining a mark of 90 or over.

One medal from each session only per performer. Medals will not be given for Quick Study, Sight Reading

or Pre-Grade One piano.

Solo Classes, Sight Reading, Quick Study Classes ………….. $14.00

Duets, Duos …………………………………………………... $16.00

Trios ………………………………………………………….. $18.00

Small Ensemble Classes (4 to 8 persons inclusive) ………...... $25.00

Large Ensemble Classes (9 persons or over) ………………… $35.00

Choirs, Bands ………………………………………………… $35.00



The following awards are offered for competition.


1. The Committee’s decision in selection of award winners is final.

2. In the event of a tie, the award winner will be declared by the Committee, after consideration of all

factors including: senior student, average marks and adjudicator’s recommendations.


AWARDS: Pre-Grade 1 Pat Bergsma Memorial Trophies – highest mark in each class

AWARD: Grade 1 Bob and Helen Carmichael Trophy

Grade 2 Blok Pools Trophy

Grade 3 Melton and Fraser Flowers Trophy

Grade 4 Gene & Lorraine Murphy Trophy

Grade 5 Dr. Ron & Kate Lloyd Trophy

Grade 6 Primerica Trophy (donated by Gayle Seegmiller)

Grade 7 Dora Metzger Memorial Trophy

Grade 8 Algonquin College Trophy

Grade 9 Brum’s Dairy Trophy

Grade 10 Royal LePage, Edmonds & Associates Trophy

ARCT Kiwanis Trophy

CLASS: Piano Solo – including General Solo, Contemporary Composers, Baroque, Sonatina, Concert

Group and Pop Classes The above awards are offered, one per grade, to the participant showing special musicality and achievement,

not necessarily mark related, in solo classes listed above at his/her grade level. To be eligible a student must

have entered at least 3 of the solos listed above.

AWARD: Physicians’ Piano Performance Trophy and $25 Scholarship

CLASS: Primary Piano – Grades 1 and 2

Junior Piano – Grades 3 and 4

Intermediate Piano – Grades 5 and 6

Senior Piano – Grades 7 and 8

Senior Piano – Grades 9 to ARCT To be eligible a pupil must have entered any 4 Solo Classes at the pupil’s grade level. Winner will be chosen on the basis of musicality, not necessarily mark related. At the Grade 10 and ARCT level,

AWARD: Pembroke Music Teachers’ Association Certificate and $50 Scholarship

CLASS: Grades 1 to 4

Grades 5 to 8

Grades 9 to ARCT To be eligible a pupil must have entered any 3 Solo Classes, plus either duet, trio, sight reading or quick study at the pupil’s grade level, and whose teacher is a member of the Association. Winner will have attained the 2nd highest average mark.


AWARD: Petawawa Legion Trophy & $50.00 Kiwanis Scholarship

CLASS: Primary Piano – Grades 1 and 2

AWARD: Drew Scott/ReMax Trophy & $100.00 Kiwanis Scholarship

CLASS: Junior Piano – Grades 3 and 4

AWARD: Phil Schooley Memorial Trophy (donated by Welch LLP)

& Kiwanis - Dr. Bill Hugli Memorial $150.00 Scholarship

CLASS: Intermediate Piano – Grades 5 to 8 inclusive

AWARD: Pembroke Legion Trophy & Kiwanis - Marjorie Ford Memorial $200.00 Scholarship

CLASS: Senior Piano – Grades 9 to ARCT To be eligible for one of the four awards above, a pupil must have entered 3 of the following Piano Solo

Classes at the pupil’s grade level: General Solo, Contemporary Composer, Baroque, Sonatina, Pop and

Concert Group as well as either Quick Study or Sight Reading. Winner will be decided by the highest

average mark of the above 3 solos. If a pupil enters more than three solo classes, the 3 highest marks will

be used to determine the average mark. AWARD: Scotiabank Trophy

CLASS: Piano – Pop Category – Highest Mark AWARD: Petawawa Presbyterian Church Choir Trophy

CLASS: Piano Solo To be eligible a pupil must demonstrate above-average musicianship skills, not necessarily mark related,

with broad participation in at least 4 piano classes and be a resident of Petawawa. AWARD: Grades 1 – 4 Cassidy’s Transfer & Storage Trophy

Grades 5 – ARCT Harvey & Myrtle Forrest Trophy

CLASS: Quick Study – Highest Mark

AWARD: Grades 1 – 4 Frank Carroll Financial Trophy

Grades 5 – ARCT Price Law Office Trophy

CLASS: Sight Reading – Highest Mark

AWARD: Grades 1 – 4 McCann Family & Chartwell Homes Trophies

Grades 5 – ARCT Mid-Town Cleaners & Buske Office Equipment Trophies

CLASS: Duets – Highest Mark

AWARD: Lakshmi Srinivasan Memorial Trophies

CLASS: Trios – Highest Mark WARD: Ted & Wynne Woolley Memorial Trophy & $50.00 Scholarship

CLASS: Musicianship - Piano Grades 1 to ARCT inclusive To be eligible a pupil must demonstrate above-average musicianship skills, not necessarily mark related,

with broad participation in at least 4 of piano classes.



AWARD: City of Pembroke Sesquicentennial Trophy

CLASS: Elementary or Secondary School Choir – Highest Mark

AWARD: Pembroke Community Choir Trophy

CLASS: Youth Choir (school choirs excluded) – Highest Mark

AWARD: Kiwanis Music Festival 50th Anniversary Trophy (donated by Hugo G. TerMarsch &


CLASS: Choral Speaking – Elementary School – Highest Mark

AWARD: tba

CLASS: Individual Speaking – Highest Mark

AWARD: Pembroke Music Teachers’ Association Certificate & $50 Scholarship

CLASS: Junior

Intermediate and Senior To be eligible a pupil whose teacher is a member of the Association must have entered 3 Solo Classes, and have attained the 2nd highest average mark. AWARD: Jennie & Tanya Holroyd Memorial Trophy & $50.00 Scholarship

CLASS: Junior Vocal Solo (14 years and under)

AWARD: Sydney T. Scanes Memorial Trophy & Murphy Funeral Home $100.00 Scholarship

CLASS: Intermediate Vocal Solo (15 - 20 years)

AWARD: Knights of Columbus Pembroke Council 1531 Trophy & $100.00 Scholarship

CLASS: Adult Vocal Solo (21 years and over) To be eligible for the three awards above a performer must have entered at least 3 Vocal Solo classes

other than Musical Theatre at the performer’s age level. Winner will be decided by the highest average

mark. If the performer enters more than 3 solo classes, the 3 highest marks will be used to determine the

average mark.

AWARD: LaBine Printers Trophy & $50 Scholarship sponsored by Alice & Fraser Minor

Sports Association

CLASS: Musical Theatre Solo (14 years and under)

AWARD: LaBine Printers Trophy & $50 Scholarship sponsored by Alice & Fraser Minor

Sports Association

CLASS: Musical Theatre Solo (15 and 16 years)

AWARD: LaBine Printers Trophy & $100 Scholarship sponsored by Doug Leach

CLASS: Musical Theatre Solo (17 to 20 years) To be eligible for the three awards above a performer must have received the highest mark in the Musical Theatre category at the age level indicated.


AWARD: Doreen Binhammer Memorial Trophy & $50 Scholarship

CLASS: Sacred Vocal Solo – Highest Mark

AWARD: Gulliver Family Trophy

CLASS: Folk Vocal Solo – Highest Mark

AWARD: Valley Harmonizers Senior Barbershop Chorus Trophy & $100 Scholarship

CLASS: A Capella – Highest Mark

AWARD: Allan Levoy Memorial Trophy

CLASS: Vocal Duet or Trio – non-family members – Highest Mark

AWARD: Neville Funeral Home Trophy

CLASS: Vocal Duet or Trio – family members only (including accompanist) – Highest Mark


AWARD: The Sun Life Financial – Robert McLaughlin Trophy & $100.00 Award

CLASS: Junior Strings (Grades 1 to 4) To be eligible a pupil must have entered a minimum of 2 of the following String Solo classes at the pupil’s

grade level: General Solo, Concert Group and Concerto or Concertino. Sight Reading and Quick Study are

excluded. Winner will be decided by the highest average mark of the above 2 solos. If a pupil enters more

than 2 solo classes, the 2 highest marks will be used to determine the average mark.

AWARD: Deep River Symphony Orchestra Trophy & $150.00 Scholarship

CLASS: Intermediate Strings (Grades 5 to 8) To be eligible a pupil must have entered any 3 of the following String Solo classes at the pupil’s grade level: General Solo, Sonata and Sonatina, Concerto and Concertino, Unaccompanied Bach and Concert Group classes. Sight Reading and Quick Study are excluded. Winner will be decided by the highest average mark of the above 3 solos. If a pupil enters more than 3 solo classes, the 3 highest marks will be used to determine the average mark.

AWARD: Alice & Fraser Minor Sports Association Trophy & Kiwanis – Orford String Quartet

$200.00 Scholarship

CLASS: Senior - Open Strings (Grades 9, 10 and advanced) To be eligible a pupil must have entered 2 of the following String Solo classes at the pupil’s grade level: General Solo, Sonata and Sonatina, Concerto and Concertino, Unaccompanied Bach and Concert Group. One of these classes must be Sonata and Sonatina or Concerto and Concertino. Winner will be decided by the highest average mark of the above 2 solos. If the pupil enters more than 2 solo classes, the 2 highest marks will be used to determine the average mark.

AWARD: Deep River Symphony Orchestra Trophies

CLASS: Small String Ensemble To be eligible performers must achieve the highest average mark in Duets, Duos, Trios, Quartets and Small Ensembles.



AWARD: Welch LLP Trophy

CLASS: Woodwind Solo – Junior (Grades 1 to 4) - Highest Mark AWARD: Pembroke Symphony Orchestra $50 Scholarship

CLASS: Woodwind Solo – Intermediate (Grades 5 to 8) - Highest Mark AWARD: Karen McLeod Trophy

CLASS: Woodwind Solo – Senior (Grades 9 to ARCT) - Highest Mark AWARD: Pembroke Symphony Orchestra $50 Scholarship

CLASS: Woodwind Solo – Sonata or Concerto (Grades 6 to ARCT) - Highest Mark AWARD: Melton and Fraser Flowers Trophy

CLASS: Recorder Solo - Highest Mark AWARD: Bayne Logan Memorial Trophy

CLASS: Trumpet Solo - Highest Mark

AWARD: Sunset Nursery Trophy

CLASS: Brass Solo – Junior (Grades 1 to 4) - Highest Mark AWARD: Frank Hopkins Trophy

CLASS: Brass Solo – Intermediate and Senior (Grades 5 to ARCT) - Highest Mark

AWARD: Glen Andrews Trophy sponsored by Pembroke Legion Community Band

CLASS: Elementary School Band (provided there are two or more bands entered)

AWARD: Bob’s Music Musicianship Certificates

and Recording Sessions at Westworld Recording Studio

CLASS: Guitar – Highest Mark

AWARD: Family Chiropractic Centre Trophy

CLASS: Mixed Piano, String and Instrumental Ensemble To be eligible performers must achieve the highest mark in Duets, Trios, Small or Large Ensembles.

AWARD: Clarke-Appleby Trophy & $100 Scholarship

CLASS: Jazz-Rock-Dixieland - Highest Mark

AWARD: Star-Set Jewellers Trophy & Kiwanis $100.00 Scholarship

CLASS: Best Band Performance – Highest Mark


AWARD: Danute Fidleris Memorial Trophy and $75 Scholarship

CLASS: Musicianship – one instrument This award will be presented to a competitor showing above-average musicianship skills, not necessarily

mark related, with broad participation in one instrument (piano, violin, voice etc.) AWARD: Danute Fidleris Memorial Trophy and $75 Scholarship

CLASS: Musicianship – two instruments This award will be presented to a competitor showing versatility and musicianship skills, not necessarily

mark related, with broad participation in two or more instruments (piano, violin, voice etc.)

PCI REUNION AWARD - award to a participant who has not received any other award but is deserving of recognition for outstanding effort

DANCE AWARDS AWARD: Michelle’s School of Performing Arts CLASS: Dance Solo - Highest Mark AWARD: Starz in Motion & Atyeo’s Dance Studio CLASS: Dance Duet or Trio - Highest Mark AWARD: Custom Draperies & Home Decor CLASS: Dance Ensemble - Highest Mark

Provincial Scholarships

Our sincere gratitude to Mr. Ted Beal for providing scholarship funds

in memory of his wife Mrs. Ruth Beal.



NOTE: all selections are from the current Royal Conservatory syllabus (2015).


Class No.

100 Pre-Grade 1 – 5 years and under

Own Choice

101 Pre-Grade 1 – 6 years and under

Own Choice

102 Pre-Grade 1 – 7 and 8 years

Own Choice

103 Pre-Grade 1 – 9 and 10 years

Jazz Blast – Nancy and Randall Faber, p.13 Prep A

104 Pre-Grade 1 – 11 and 12 years

To Fly Like an Eagle – Anne Crosby Gaudet, p. 16 Prep B

105 Adult Beginners – a non-competitive class – adjudication only

Own Choice

111 Grade 1

Allegro in B flat Major – Mozart, p. 7

112 Grade 2

Allegretto in C Major – Neefe, p. 4

113 Grade 3

Musette in D Major – Bach, p. 5

114 Grade 4

Rigadoon in A Minor – Babell, p. 5

115 Grade 5

Menuet in E Major – Bach, p.11

116 Grade 6

Burlesca in D Major – Krebs, p.12

117 Grade 7

Own Choice – Any List A / Baroque RCM Repertoire

118 Grade 8

Own Choice – Any List A / Baroque RCM Repertoire

119 Grade 9

Own Choice – Any List A / Baroque RCM Repertoire

120 Grade 10

Own Choice – Any List A / Bach RCM Repertoire

121 ARCT

Own Choice – Any List A / Bach RCM Repertoire


Class No.

131 Grade 1

Burlesque – Anon, p 8

132 Grade 2

Menueto in C Major – Mozart, p. 8

133 Grade 3

Sonatina – Attwood, p. 18


134 Grade 4

Sonatina – Clementi, p. 12

135 Grade 5

Sonatina – Clementi, p. 17

136 Grade 6

Sonatina – Diabelli, p. 24

137 Grade 7

Own Choice – Any List B / Classical & Classical-style RCM Repertoire

138 Grade 8

Own Choice – Any List B / Classical Century RCM Repertoire

139 Grade 9

Own Choice – Any List B / Classical RCM Repertoire

140 Grade 10

Own Choice – Any List B / Classical RCM Repertoire

141 ARCT

Own Choice – Any List B / Classical RCM Repertoire


Class No.

151 Grade 1

Early One Morning – Silvester, p. 16

152 Grade 2

Prelude – Pinto, p. 20

153 Grade 3

Clowns – Kabalevsky, p. 29

154 Grade 4

Reflections – Alexander, p. 24

155 Grade 5

A Slow Waltz – Kabalevsky, p. 43

156 Grade 6

On the Lake – Hofmann, p. 36

157 Grade 7

Own Choice – Any List C / Romantic RCM Repertoire

158 Grade 8

Own Choice – Any List C / Romantic RCM Repertoire

159 Grade 9

Own Choice – Any List C / Romantic RCM Repertoire

160 Grade 10

Own Choice – Any List C / Romantic RCM Repertoire

161 ARCT

Own Choice – Any List C / Romantic RCM Repertoire


Class No.

171 Grade 1

Red Satin Jazz - Mier

172 Grade 2

Turkish Bazaar – Mrozinski, p. 30

173 Grade 3

Picnic – Schoenmehl, p. 35


174 Grade 4

Positively Swinging – Norton, p. 26

175 Grade 5

Scamp – Norton, p. 42

176 Grade 6

Happy Time Jazz – Mier, p. 42

177 Grade 7

Own Choice – Any List C / Romantic, 20th & 21st Century RCM Repertoire

178 Grade 8

Own Choice – Any List D / Post-Romantic, 20th & 21st Century RCM Repertoire

179 Grade 9

Own Choice – Any List D / Post-Romantic, 20th & 21st Century RCM Repertoire

180 Grade 10

Own Choice – Any List D / Post-Romantic, Early 20th Century RCM Repertoire

181 ARCT

Own Choice – Any List D / Post-Romantic, Early 20th Century RCM Repertoire


182 Grade 10

Own Choice – Any List E / 20th & 21st Century RCM Repertoire

183 ARCT

Own Choice – Any List E / 20th & 21st Century RCM Repertoire


No Studies or Etudes to be played

NOTE: Own choice of two contrasting selections from different categories

SELECTED FROM LIST A, B, C, D or E in RCM Syllabus

Class No.

190 Grades 5 and 6

Own Choice – 2 contrasting selections – time limit of 10 minutes

191 Grades 7 and 8

Own Choice – 2 contrasting selections – time limit of 10 minutes

192 Grades 9 and 10

Own Choice – 2 contrasting selections – time limit of 15 minutes

193 ARCT

Own Choice – 2 contrasting selections – time limit of 20 minutes


NOTE: Orchestral part may be played on second piano by teacher or other student. Marking is based

entirely on the soloist’s performance.

Class No.

195 Grades 5 and under

Own Choice – first or second movement

196 Grades 6 to 8 inclusive

Own Choice – first or second movement

197 Grades 9 to ARCT inclusive

Own Choice – first movement



Class No.

198 Students must be studying piano at grades 4 to 6 level. A non-competitive class – adjudication

only. Time limit – 2 minutes

199 Students must be studying piano at grades 7 or 8 level. A non-competitive class – adjudication

only. Time limit – 3 minutes

200 Students must be studying piano at grades 9, 10 or ARCT level. A non-competitive class –

adjudication only. Time limit – 5 minutes


Class No.

201 Grade 1

Rain - Edna Mae Burnam, p. 10 (Book 1)

202 Grade 2

Race Car Boogie – Melody Bober (Irina Petoukhov has book if needed)

203 Grade 3

A Graceful Gavotte - Edna Mae Burnam, p. 8 (Book 3)

204 Grade 4

Tarantelle - Edna Mae Burnam, p. 32 (Book 3)

205 Grade 5

Dancing the Jig - Edna Mae Burnam, p. 29 (Book 3)

206 Grade 6

Own Choice

207 Grade 7

Own Choice

208 Grade 8

Own Choice

209 Grade 9

Own Choice

210 Grade 10

Own Choice

211 ARCT

Own Choice

212 Teacher-Pupil – Grades 7 to ARCT – a non competitive class – adjudication only

Own Choice


Own Choice

Class No.

231 Grade 1

232 Grade 2

233 Grade 3

234 Grade 4

235 Grade 5

236 Grade 6

237 Grade 7

238 Grade 8

239 Grade 9

240 Grades 10 and ARCT



All selections are to be from Popular Selections Syllabus either 2015 – Own Choice

Class No.

241 Grade 1

242 Grade 2

243 Grade 3

244 Grade 4

245 Grade 5

246 Grade 6

247 Grade 7

248 Grade 8

249 Grade 9

250 Grades 10 & ARCT


Class No. Class No.

261 Grade 1 281 Grade 1

262 Grade 2 282 Grade 2

263 Grade 3 283 Grade 3

264 Grade 4 284 Grade 4

265 Grade 5 285 Grade 5

266 Grade 6 286 Grade 6

267 Grade 7 287 Grade 7

268 Grade 8 288 Grade 8

269 Grade 9 289 Grade 9

270 Grade 10 290 Grade 10

271 ARCT 291 ARCT


NOTE: In all Vocal Classes, selections are Own Choice.

In all Vocal Solo Classes, competitors may enter ONE CLASS ONLY in each


JUNIOR DIVISION (14 years and under)

SACRED CATEGORY (including gospel and hymns)

Class No.

300 Solo – 6 years and under – girls and boys

301G Solo – 7 & 8 years – girls

301B Solo – 7 & 8 years – boys

302G Solo – 9 & 10 years – girls

302B Solo – 9 & 10 years – boys

303 Solo – 11 & 12 years – girls and boys – unchanged voice

304 Solo – 13 & 14 years – girls and boys – unchanged voice

305 Solo – 14 years and under – boys – changed voice

306 Duet – 14 years and under

307 Trio – 14 years and under


SECULAR CATEGORY (excluding Musical Theatre and Folk Song)

Class No.

308 Solo – 6 years and under – girls and boys

309G Solo – 7 & 8 years – girls

309B Solo – 7 & 8 years – boys

310G Solo – 9 & 10 years – girls

310B Solo – 9 & 10 years – boys

311 Solo – 11 & 12 years – girls and boys – unchanged voice

312 Solo – 13 & 14 years – girls and boys – unchanged voice

313 Solo – 14 years and under – boys – changed voice 314 Duet – 14 years and under 315 Trio – 14 years and under


(Traditional, must be of valid folk song nature, not pop)

Class No.

316 Solo – 6 years and under – girls and boys

317 Solo – 7 & 8 years – girls and boys

318 Solo – 9 & 10 years – girls and boys

319 Solo – 11 & 12 years – girls and boys – unchanged voice

320 Solo – 13 & 14 years – girls and boys – unchanged voice

321 Solo – 14 years and under – boys – changed voice

322 Duet – 14 years and under

323 Trio – 14 years and under


(MUST INDICATE which category as indicated on Music presented to adjudicator

STAGE = S, DISNEY = D, FILM = F. eg. 324 S, 327 D, 328 F)

Class No.

324 Solo – 10 years and under – girls and boys

325 Solo – 11 & 12 years – girls and boys

326 Solo – 13 & 14 years – girls and boys

327 Duet – 14 years and under

328 Trio – 14 years and under


A competitor may enter more than one class in this category

Class No.

329 Small Ensemble (4 to 8 persons) – 14 years and under

One selection in two or more parts

330 Large Ensemble (9 or more persons) – 14 years and under

One selection in two or more parts



(15 to 20 years)


(including gospel and hymns, excluding Oratorios and Cantatas)

Class No.

331 Solo – 15 & 16 years

332 Solo – 17 to 20 years

333 Duet – 15 to 20 years

334 Trio – 15 to 20 years


(One selection only. Use of original language is strongly recommended)

Class No.

335 Solo – 15 & 16 years

336 Solo – 17 to 20 years

337 Duet – 15 to 20 years

338 Trio – 15 to 20 years


Class No.

339 Solo – 15 & 16 years

340 Solo – 17 to 20 years

341 Duet – 15 to 20 years

342 Trio – 15 to 20 years


(Traditional – must be of a valid folk song nature, not pop)

Class No.

343 Solo – 15 & 16 years

344 Solo – 17 to 20 years

345 Duet – 15 to 20 years

346 Trio – 15 to 20 years


(MUST INDICATE which category as indicated on Music presented to adjudicator

STAGE = S, DISNEY = D, FILM = F. eg. 347 S, 348 D, 350 F)

Class No.

347 Solo – 15 & 16 years

348 Solo – 17 to 20 years

349 Duet – 15 to 20 years

350 Trio – 15 to 20 years


Class No.

351 Solo – 15 & 16 years

352 Solo – 17 to 20 years

353 Duet – 15 to 20 years

354 Trio – 15 to 20 years



A competitor may enter more than one class at his/her age level in this category (see rule 7)

Any combination of voices

Class No.

355 Small Ensemble (4 to 8 persons) – 15 & 16 years

356 Small Ensemble (4 to 8 persons) – 17 to 20 years

357 Large Ensemble (9 or more persons) – 15 & 16 years

358 Large Ensemble (9 or more persons) – 17 to 20 years


Class numbers will be assigned after entries are received.

Harmony is required by duet, trio or larger group. Selections are Own Choice.

There will be a trophy and $100 scholarship offered


(21 years and over)

NOTE: Separate classes are offered for university students 21 years and over in each of the 7

categories listed offered. For university students, please add the letter U to the class

number (e.g. 363U would be opera class for university students 21 years and over).

Class No.

360 Solo – Sacred

361 Solo – Oratorio

362 Solo – Lieder, Melodies and Art Songs – one selection only – Use of original language

is strongly recommended.

363 Solo – Opera

364 Solo – Operetta

365 Solo – Folk Song – traditional

366 Solo – Musical Theatre (STAGE ONLY) – NO AWARD AVAILABLE

367 Solo Concert Class – open (see rule 8)

Varied program of 3 or more selections – time limit of 15 minutes


A Competitor may enter more than one class in this category (see rule 7)

Class No.

370 Duet – Sacred

Any combination of voices

371 Duet – Secular (excluding Musical Theatre)

Any combination of voices

372 Duet – Musical Theatre

Any combination of voices

373 Trio – Sacred

374 Trio – Secular

375 Small Ensemble (4 to 8 persons)

376 Large Ensemble (9 or more persons)



Class No.

379 Family Ensemble

At least two voices. All participants must be family members (including accompanist)


This category has been cancelled


Class No.

400 Church Choir – SATB – 30 voices or less

Own Choice – 2 contrasting selections

401 Church Choir – SAB – any number

Own Choice – 2 contrasting selections

402 Youth Choir – community, etc. NO individual school choirs

Own Choice – 2 contrasting selections

403 Junior Church Choir

Own Choice – 2 contrasting selections

404 Ladies’ Choir

Own Choice – 2 contrasting selections

405 Male Choir

Own Choice – 2 contrasting selections

406 Community Choir

Own Choice – 2 contrasting selections

407 Musical Theatre Choir

Own Choice – 2 or 3 contrasting selections


NOTE: All selections are Own Choice. It is suggested that selections be chosen from the school texts

at the appropriate grade level.

Class No.

410 Kindergarten (Junior and/or Senior) – 1 selection

411 Grade 1 – 1 selection

412 Grade 2 – 1 selection

413 Grade 3 – 1 selection

414 Grade 4 – 1 selection

415 Grade 5 – 1 selection

416 Grade 6 – 1 selection in two-part harmony

417 Grade 7 – 1 selection in three-part harmony

418 Grade 8 – 1 selection in three-part harmony

419 Grades 1 & 2 – French – 1 selection

420 Grades 3 & 4 – French – 1 selection

421 Grades 5 & 6 – French – 1 selection


422 Grades 7 & 8 – French – 1 selection

423 Elementary School Chorus – Any combination of Grades

2 contrasting selections in UNISON

424 Elementary School Chorus – Junior (Grades 1 to 5)

2 contrasting selections, one of which should be in two parts

425 Elementary School Chorus – Senior (Grades 4 to 8)

2 contrasting selections, one of which should be in two or more parts

426 Secondary School Choir

2 contrasting selections, one of which should be in three or more parts

427 Jazz – 2 selections


GESTURES ARE NOT ALLOWED in Choral Speaking Classes


Original texts must be presented to the adjudicator at the time of performance.

Class No.

450 Kindergarten (Junior and/or Senior)

451 Grade 1

452 Grade 2

453 Grade 3

454 Grade 4

455 Grade 5

456 Grade 6

457 Grade 7

458 Grade 8


NOTE: Gestures are not allowed in Individual Speaking classes.

All selections are Own Choice. Each competitor is requested to send a copy of his/her Own Choice selection to the Music Festival with the entry form.


Class No.

470 9 years and under

471 10 to 12 years

472 13 years and over


Class No.

480 9 years and under

481 10 to 12 years

482 13 years and over




Unless otherwise indicated, Own Choice selections (including number and choice of

movements) should be taken from the current (2013) Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM)

Syllabus for your instrument and grade.

ACCOMPANIMENTS – Solo pieces written with accompaniment must be performed with

the accompaniment.

LEVELS - Junior – RCM Grades 1 to 4

Intermediate – RCM Grades 5 to 8

Senior – RCM Grades 9 and 10

Open – ARCT and advanced


Class No.

501 Grade 1

Chorus from Judas Maccabaeus - Handel - Suzuki Book 2

502 Grade 2

Mélodie – Halvorsen – RCM Grade 2

503 Grade 3

Wallaby’s Lullaby, op. 5 – Fiala – RCM Grade 3

504 Grade 4

Danse napolitaine from Swan Lake, op. 20 – Tchaikovsky – RCM Grade 4

505 Grade 5

Russian Fantasia No. 1 in A Minor – Portnoff, BOS

506 Grade 6

Romance – Reger, BRH

507 Grade 7

Serenade, op. 6 (arr. Fredric Fradkin BMC)

508 Grade 8

Die Biene (No. 9) – François Schubert – EMB

509 Grade 9

Hejre Kati, op. 32 – Hubay SCH, FIS

510 Grade 10

Romance in G Major, Op. 40 – Beethoven – SCH, BAR, HEN

511 Open

Own Choice – RCM Performers ARTC List C


Own Choice selections from current grade, List B

(need not be memorized)

Class No.

512 Grades 5 & 6

513 Grades 7 & 8

514 Grades 9 & 10

515 Open



Own Choice selections from current grade, List A.

Selections should be Concerti or Concertinos.

Class No.

516 Grades 3 & 4

517 Grades 5 & 6

518 Grades 7 & 8

519 Grades 9 & 10

520 Open


Own Choice selections from current grade

Class No.

521 Grades 7 & 8

522 Grades 9 & 10

523 Open


Class No.

531 Grades 1 & 2

Chorus from “Judas Maccabaeus” – Handel – Suzuki Book 2

532 Grades 3 & 4

The Two Grenadiers – Schumann – Suzuki Book 2

533 Grades 5 & 6

L’agreable (from Five Old French Dances) – Marais – Suzuki Book 5

534 Grade 7

Five Old French Dances – Marin Marias (any TWO of the last four)

535 Grade 8

Meditation and Processional – Ernest Bloch

536 Grade 9

Quatre Visages – Darius Milhaud (any TWO)

537 Grade 10

Adagio – Zoltan Kodaly

538 Open

Own Choice – Performer’s ARCT – List C


(need not be memorized)

Class No.

541 Grades 5 & 6

Sonata in G (first two movements) – Benedetto Marcello

542 Grade 7 & 8

Own Choice from current grade – List B

543 Grades 9 & 10

Own Choice from current grade – List B

544 Open

Own Choice from current grade – List B



Class No.

545 Grades 5 & 6

Concerto No. 5 (first movement) – Fritz Seitz OR

Concerto No. 2 (third movement) – Fritz Seitz

546 Grades 7 & 8

Own Choice from current grade – List A

547 Grades 9 & 10

Own Choice from current grade – List A

548 Open

Own Choice from current grade – List A


Class No.

551 Grade 1 & 2

Own Choice from current grade

552 Grades 3 & 4

Own Choice from current grade

553 Grades 5 & 6

Own Choice from current grade

554 Grade 7

Sicilienne – Gabrielle Fauré

555 Grade 8

The Swan – Camille Saint-Saens

556 Grade 9

Pièce en Forme de Habanera – Maurice Ravel

557 Grade 10

Silent Woods, Op. 68, No. 5 – Antonin Dvořák

558 Open

Own Choice – Performer’s ARCT – List D


Own Choice selection from current grade B Sonata or Sonatina (Need not be memorized)

Class No. 561 Grade 6 562 Grades 7 & 8 563 Grades 9 & 10 564 Open


Class No. 571 Grades 5 & 6 Own Choice Concertino as listed for current grade 572 Grades 7 & 8 Own Choice Concerto or Concertino as listed for current grade 573 Grades 9 & 10 Own Choice – List B for current level 574 Open Own Choice – List B for current level


CELLO/VIOLA SOLO – UNACCOMPANIED BACH CATEGORY Class No. 582 Grades 7 & 8 Suite No. 3 Bourées I and II OR Suite No. 1 Prelude OR Minuets I and II OR Gigue 583 Grades 9 & 10 Two movements including the Prelude from one of Suite No. 2 OR Suite No. 3

OR Suite No. 4 584 Open Two Movements from Suite No. 4, 5 or 6 (both movements from same Suite)


NOTE: For performers on violin, viola, cello or double bass, selections for Concert

Group classes need not be from the RCM syllabus and need not be from current grade. Sonata and Concerto movements should not be performed unless they have been transcribed as concert pieces. Contestants will be judged on performance and choice of program rather than difficulty.

Class No. 591 Grades 1 & 2 Two contrasting selections – time limit 5 minutes 592 Grades 3 & 4 Two contrasting selections – time limit 6 minutes 593 Grades 5 & 6 Two contrasting selections – time limit 8 minutes 594 Grades 7 & 8 Two contrasting selections – time limit 10 minutes 595 Grades 9 & 10 Two or more selections – time limit 15 minutes

596 Open

Two or more selections – time limit 20 minutes


Classes will be created for Double Bass – General Solos, Sonatas, Concertos as requested.

Please state grade, selection titles and composers. All selections are “Own Choice” from the current

RCM syllabus. Class numbers will be assigned by the Festival Office.



Duets: Any combination of string instruments

3 – 6 Players: Any combination of string instruments

Piano Ensembles: Trio, Quartet, or Quintet

Piano Trio: Violin, Cello and Piano

Piano Quartet: Violin, Viola, Cello and Piano

Piano Quintet: String Quartet plus Piano

Pianist may be one level higher than string players (Intermediate in Junior class)

String Quartet: Must consist of 2 Violins, 1 Viola, 1 Cello



Class No.

600 Junior

601 Intermediate

602 Senior


Class No.

603 Junior

604 Intermediate

605 Senior


Class No.

606 Junior

607 Intermediate

608 Senior


Class No.

609 Junior

610 Intermediate

611 Senior


Please list instrument on entry form. Please list instrument on entry form.

NOTE: accompanist will be required

Class No. Class No.

620 RCM Grades 1-2 630 RCM Grades 1-2

621 RCM Grades 3-4 631 RCM Grades 3-4

622 RCM Grades 5-6 632 RCM Grades 5-6

623 RCM Grades 7-8 633 RCM Grades 7-8

624 RCM Grades 9-10 634 RCM Grades 9-10

625 Open 635 Open


Classes will be created for string, symphony, youth, community and school orchestras as requested. Please state

on entry form: a) type, b) level (junior, intermediate, senior or mixed), c) selection titles and composers. “Own

Choice” – two contrasting selections.

Class numbers will be assigned by the Festival office.


NOTES: A competitor may enter a class more than once if playing more than 1 instrument. Please state

instrument on entry form.


Own Choice selections (including number and choice of movements) should be taken from the current Royal

Conservatory of Music (RCM) Syllabus for your instrument and grade.

LEVELS - Junior – RCM Grades 1 to 4

Intermediate – RCM Grades 5 to 8

Senior – RCM Grades 9 and 10

Open – advanced

ACCOMPANIMENTS – Solo pieces written with accompaniment must be performed with the




NOTE: Classes 700 – 713 inclusive: Each class includes flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, alto saxophone and

tenor saxophone. Please state instrument on entry form.

Own Choice – 1 selection chosen from the current RCM syllabus

Class No.

700 Woodwind Solo – 1st year of playing

Own Choice – 1 selection chosen with assistance of a music teacher

701 Woodwind Solo – Grade 1 (Junior) - state instrument

702 Woodwind Solo – Grade 2 (Junior) - state instrument

703 Woodwind Solo – Grades 3 and 4 (Junior) - state instrument

704 Woodwind Solo – Grades 5 and 6 (Intermediate)

705 Woodwind Solo – Grades 7 and 8 (Intermediate)

706 Woodwind Solo – Grades 9 and 10 (Senior)

707 Woodwind Solo – ARCT and Open (Senior)


Own Choice of any 2 contrasting movements from a sonata or concerto

selected from the current RCM syllabus (Please state instrument)

Class No.

710 Woodwind Solo – Grades 5 and 6 (Intermediate)

711 Woodwind Solo – Grades 7 and 8 (Intermediate)

712 Woodwind Solo – Grades 9 and 10 (Senior)

713 Woodwind Solo – ARCT and Open


Own Choice – 1 selection chosen from current RCM syllabus

Please state instrument on entry form.

Class No.

714 Brass Solo – 1st year of playing

Own Choice – 1 selection chosen with the assistance of a music teacher

715 Brass Solo – Grade 1 (Junior)

716 Brass Solo – Grade 2 (Junior)

717 Brass Solo – Grades 3 and 4 (Junior)

718 Brass Solo – Grades 5 and 6 (Intermediate)

719 Brass Solo – Grades 7 and 8 (Intermediate)

720 Brass Solo – Grades 9 and 10 (Senior)

721 Brass Solo – ARCT & Open


Own Choice – any 2 contrasting movements from a sonata or concerto

selected from the current RCM syllabus

Class No.

722 Brass Solo – Grades 5 and 6 (Intermediate)

723 Brass Solo – Grades 7 and 8 (Intermediate)

724 Brass Solo – Grades 9 and 10 (Senior)

725 Brass Solo – ARCT and Open




Concert Group classes are for wind instruments, including flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet,

horn, cornet, tuba, trombone and euphonium. Please state instrument on entry form

Own Choice: any 2 contrasting selections chosen from RCM syllabus

Class No.

726 Grades 3 and 4 (Junior)

727 Grades 5 and 6 (Intermediate)

728 Grades 7 and 8 (Intermediate)

729 Grades 9 and 10 (Senior)

730 ARCT and Open (Senior)


Ensembles are offered for Woodwind and Brass (Non-family and non-professional).

Please list instruments on entry form

Class No.

734 Duet – Junior (Grades 1 to 4)

735 Duet – Intermediate (Grades 5 to 8

736 Duet – Senior (Grades 9 to ARCT)

737 Trio – Junior (Grades 1 to 4)

738 Trio – Intermediate (Grades 5 to 8)

739 Trio – Senior (Grades 9 to ARCT)

740 Small Ensemble (4 to 8 persons) – Junior (Grades 1 to 4)

741 Small Ensemble (4 to 8 persons) – Intermediate (Grades 5 to 8)

742 Small Ensemble (4 to 8 persons) – Senior (Grades 9 to ARCT)

743 Large Ensemble (9 or more persons) – Junior (Grades 1 to 4)

744 Large Ensemble (9 or more persons) – Intermediate (Grades 5 to 8)

745 Large Ensemble (9 or more persons) – Senior (Grades 9 to ARCT)


Soprano and Alto Recorders will be treated as two separate instruments; therefore competitors may enter a

different class level for each instrument.

Class No.

750 Soprano Recorder Solo – RCM Grades 1 to 4 (Junior)

Own Choice

751 Alto Recorder – RCM Grades 1 to 4 (Junior)

Own Choice

752 Soprano Recorder – RCM Grades 5 to 8 (Intermediate)

Own Choice

753 Alto Recorder – RCM Grades 5 to 8 (Intermediate)

Own Choice

754 Soprano Recorder – RCM Grades 9 to 10 (Senior)

Own Choice

755 Alto Recorder – RCM Grades 9 to 10 (Senior)

Own Choice

756 Soprano Recorder – RCM ARCT and Open (Senior)

Own Choice

757 Alto Recorder – RCM ARCT and Open (Senior)

Own Choice



Own Choice – any 2 contrasting works selected from different musical periods of authentic recorder repertoire

(Renaissance, Baroque, Modern). Any size of recorder may be played.

Class No.

758 Grades 5 to 8 (Intermediate)

759 Grades 9 & 10 (Senior)

760 ARCT and Open (Senior)


(may use piano accompaniment if desired)

Class No.

761 Duet – Junior (Grades 1 to 4)

762 Duet – Intermediate (Grades 5 to 8)

763 Duet – Senior & Open (Grades 9 to ARCT)

764 Trio – Junior (Grades 1 to 4)

765 Trio – Intermediate (Grades 5 to 8)

766 Trio – Senior & Open (Grades 9 to ARCT)

767 School Group Ensemble (any number of persons) – 1st year of playing

768 School Group Ensemble (any number of persons) – 2nd year of playing

769 School Group Ensemble (any number of persons) – 3rd year of playing

770 Small Ensemble (4 to 8 persons) – Junior (Grades 1 to 4)

771 Small Ensemble (4 to 8 persons) – Intermediate (Grades 5 to 8)

772 Small Ensemble (4 to 8 persons) – Senior & Open (Grades 9 to ARCT

773 Large Ensemble (9 or more persons) – Junior (Grades 1 to 4)

774 Large Ensemble (9 or more persons) – Intermediate (Grades 5 to 8)

775 Large Ensemble (9 or more persons) – Senior & Open (Grades 9 to ARCT)


Students Only

Time Limit – 10 minutes

Instrumentation – Open

Amplification permitted

Own Choice – 2 or 3 contrasting selections

Class No.

790 Junior – 4 to 8 performers

791 Senior – 4 to 8 performers

792 Junior – 9 or more performers

793 Senior – 9 or more performers


Students Only

Time Limit – 10 minutes

Instrumentation – Open

Own Choice – 2 or 3 contrasting selections

Class No.

794 Junior

795 Senior



Students Only (except Community Band) Scores for all selections are to be available for the adjudicator. Tuning is to be completed in warm-up room. A very short scale, chorale etc. may be used before beginning selections for competition. Maximum time limit of 15 minutes. Class No.

800 Level 100

Mandatory piece: Land of the Silver Birch - Coakley (Eighth Note Pub.) + 2 selections including one contrasting selection – Own Choice, and one March – Own Choice 801 Level 200

Mandatory piece: Where Mountains Touch the Sky – Buckley (Hal Leonard/Musicworks) + 2 selections including one contrasting selection – Own Choice, and one March – Own Choice 802 Level 300

Mandatory piece: Cascadia – They Came Sailing – Jutras (Barnhouse) +2 selections including one contrasting selection – Own Choice, and one March – Own Choice 803 Level 400

Mandatory piece: Land of the Midnight Sun - Buckley (Hal Leonard/Musicworks) +2 selections including one contrasting selection – Own Choice, and one March – Own Choice 804 Community Band

Own Choice – a mini-concert of 2 or 3 contrasting selections

805 Elementary School

Own Choice - a mini-concert of 2 or 3 contrasting selections

CLASSICAL GUITAR SECTION All selections are OWN CHOICE to be chosen from current RCM Syllabus.


1000 Introductory 1001 Grade 1 1002 Grade 2 1003 Grade 3 1004 Grade 4 1005 Grade 5 1006 Grade 6 1007 Grade 7 1008 Grade 8 1009 Grade 9 1010 Grade 10 1011 Duet


1012 Introductory 1013 Grade 1 1014 Grade 2 1015 Grade 3 1016 Grade 4 1017 Grade 5 1018 Grade 6 1019 Grade 7 1020 Grade 8 1021 Grade 9 1022 Grade 10 1023 Duet


1024 Introductory 1025 Grade 1 1026 Grade 2 1027 Grade 3 1028 Grade 4 1029 Grade 5 1030 Grade 6 1031 Grade 7 1032 Grade 8 1033 Grade 9 1034 Grade 10 1035 Duet

CONTEMPORARY CATEGORY Class No. 1036 Introductory 1037 Grade 1

1038 Grade 2 1039 Grade 3 1040 Grade 4 1041 Grade 5 1042 Grade 6 1043 Grade 7 1044 Grade 8 1045 Grade 9 1046 Grade 10 1047 Duet


MODERN GUITAR (Guitar Only – no Amplification)

All selections are OWN CHOICE - melody must be played


Class No.

1050 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 9 years & under

1051 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 10 – 15 years

1052 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 16 years & over

1053 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 9 years & under

1054 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 10 – 15 years

1055 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 16 years & over

1056 Duet


Class No.

1060 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 9 years & under

1061 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 10 – 15 years

1062 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 16 years & over

1063 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 9 years & under

1064 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 10 – 15 years

1065 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 16 years & over

1066 Duet


Class No. 1070 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 9 years & under 1071 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 10 – 15 years 1072 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 16 years & over 1073 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 9 years & under 1074 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 10 – 15 years 1075 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 16 years & over 1076 Duet


Class No. 1080 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 9 years & under 1081 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 10 – 15 years 1082 1st & 2nd year of Study (as of January 1st) – 16 years & over 1083 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 9 years & under 1084 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 10 – 15 years 1085 3rd year of Study & Open (as of January 1st) – 16 years & over 1086 Duet





1200 1st yr of study

1201 2nd yr of study

1202 Duet/Trio

1203 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1204 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1210 1st yr of study

1211 2nd yr of study

1212 Duet/Trio

1213 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1214 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1220 1st yr of study

1221 2nd yr of study

1222 Duet/Trio

1223 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1224 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1230 1st yr of study

1231 2nd yr of study

1232 Duet/Trio

1233 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1234 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1240 1st yr of study

1241 2nd yr of study

1242 Duet/Trio

1243 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1244 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1250 1st yr of study

1251 2nd yr of study

1252 Duet/Trio

1253 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1254 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)

NEW Category




NOTE: if dancing Pointe please specify by adding a "P" to the class number (eg. 1300P)

Class No.

1300 1st & 2nd yr of study

1301 3rd & 4th yr of study

1302 5th yr of study & over

1303 Duet/Trio

1304 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1305 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1310 1st & 2nd yr of study

1311 3rd & 4th yr of study

1312 5th yr of study & over

1313 Duet/Trio

1314 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1315 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1320 1st & 2nd yr of study

1321 3rd & 4th yr of study

1322 5th yr of study & over

1323 Duet/Trio

1324 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1325 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1330 1st & 2nd yr of study

1331 3rd & 4th yr of study

1332 5th yr of study & over

1333 Duet/Trio

1334 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1335 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1340 1st & 2nd yr of study

1341 3rd & 4th yr of study

1342 5th yr of study & over

1343 Duet/Trio

1344 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1345 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)



Class No.

1350 1st & 2nd yr of study

1351 3rd & 4th yr of study

1352 5th yr of study & over

1353 Duet/Trio

1354 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1355 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)



NOTE: if dancing Pointe please specify by adding a "P" to the class number (eg. 1400P)

Class No.

1400 1st & 2nd yr of study

1401 3rd & 4th yr of study

1402 5th yr of study & over

1403 Duet/Trio

1404 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1405 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1410 1st & 2nd yr of study

1411 3rd & 4th yr of study

1412 5th yr of study & over

1413 Duet/Trio

1414 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1415 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1420 1st & 2nd yr of study

1421 3rd & 4th yr of study

1422 5th yr of study & over

1423 Duet/Trio

1424 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1425 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1430 1st & 2nd yr of study

1431 3rd & 4th yr of study

1432 5th yr of study & over

1433 Duet/Trio

1434 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1435 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)

NEW category



Class No.

1440 1st & 2nd yr of study

1441 3rd & 4th yr of study

1442 5th yr of study & over

1443 Duet/Trio

1444 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1445 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)


Class No.

1450 1st & 2nd yr of study

1451 3rd & 4th yr of study

1452 5th yr of study & over

1453 Duet/Trio

1454 Small Ensemble (4 – 8 dancers – average age)

1455 Large Ensemble (9+ dancers – average age)

NEW Category