annual car & bike show. - the marlpit...valeting 07786 915198 westover veterinary centre 40...

" , Annual Car & Bike Show. 1 st Hoveton & Wroxham Sea Scouts will be at St John’s School in Hoveton on Sunday 22 nd July, more details on Page 19

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Page 1: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,


Annual Car & Bike Show.

1st Hoveton & Wroxham SeaScouts will be at St John’s School

in Hoveton on Sunday 22nd July,more details on Page 19

Page 2: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

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07786 915198

Westover Veterinary Centre40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT

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Page 3: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

Community Magaz ine for Coltishall,

Horstead with Stanninghall, Great

Hautbo is, Scottow & Badersfield

containing news and views from the

surrounding area

Volunteer Editorial Team

Cha irman: Paul Thomas 738 582

[email protected]

Secretary: Philippa Weightman 737 962

[email protected]

Treasurer: Sue Dye 738 003



Compilation: David Pye 738 599

[email protected]

Sub Editor: Gemma Kent 736 976

Emma Garwood 738 015

[email protected]

Comp Assist: Mike Gander 738 788


Youth News: Br idget ‘Biddy’ Holmes

07935 169671

[email protected]


Copy: Derek Allday 738 032

[email protected]

Sales: Trevor Goddard 736 731

advertisingsa [email protected]

Renewals: Tina Goddard 736 731


Distribution: Bernard Mann 738 892

[email protected]

Facebook Page: Gemma Kent

736 976 arlpit



Delighted you like thenew colourful Marlpit

… and can you help us?What a wonderful reception to our first ALL COLOUR edition of TheMarlpit. The new, colour printing and higher quality paper has beenapplauded by many of you – including as a “real magazine.”

It has of course been a real magazine for many years now but we aredelighted its colour and slightly better quality paper has been so pleasing toyou. Full marks, as ever, to our compilation editor David Pye and all theteam who produce the editorial, advertising, delivery and administer thewhole production, totally charitably for all you readers – our markets acrossour increasing circulation area. But while David is stepping down ascompilation editor (we hope he’ll still be involved in content) we DONEED MORE HELP!

The first edition was 48 pages, this issue is 40 – and next month’s editionwhich covers both August and September as usual, will be a bumper 48pages too, all being well.

We hope you will enjoy this and that edition too – and here are somethoughts on how you may help us back, and produce an even greater Marlpitfuture for us all.

Your views? Your newsDo you have an opinion on The Marlpit? Something extra we can offer?When we talk to readers in our neighbourhood, you often tell us – “Yes, welike The Marlpit lots. But why don’t you do something about…” Well, weurge you to give us more of your news, local issues, people and their goodwork for the district, local progress, even problems that an airing in themagazine may help. Please communicate more with us. By E-mail orphone to anyone on our team you know - or to me.

We’re getting youngerYoung people enjoy TMP too. And we are going to use more news aboutyouth groups – and schools, featuring pupilsachievements, and also to interest you, their parents.We will be welcoming more content next issue fromColtishall Primary School, with pupils’ material,organized by teacher Helen Muchlinski. TMP also has anew volunteer, Bridget Holmes, aged 20 who will behelping us with young content.

Paul Thomas, Chairman.

Our Front Page ‘flash’ is up for rent. Why not promote an event, advertise yourbusiness or simply sponsor the page for £30.00

Actual size 100mm x 50mm.

Multiple months are available for £20 but advertisers must be prepared to alternate with otheradvertisers who pay for specific months. Contact Editors for details…

The current edition may include latenews and articles too long to print.

sign up for our news letter at

[email protected] for Future Editions:

Mail Box editorial copy is required by the 11th and Email edito rials by the 13th

of the preceding month. Our mail boxes are situated at the High StreetPharmacy in Co ltishall, Farm to Fork and Fish in Horstead and a behind thecounter folder in The Post Office Email address [email protected]

NB: 10 copies per year, Ju ly and November submissions should inc ludearticles for August and September and December and January respective ly. Alledito rial articles are subject to space availability and may be edited or omittedaccordingly [need for editing and omissions will be advised] Mail box entriesmust include a name and contac t address or telephone number

“Commercial Advertisers must agree dates with our Sales Team”

July 2018

Front Page Photo

Car & Bike show 2017

Photos by Nige l Pope

If you have an interesting photo orone to accompany an article please

send for consideration to

[email protected]

Page 4: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

What’s on the Marlpit Calendar

TB A = To Be Announced,[ or no date given ] TFI + Telephone For Inf ormation

Peter Neave T.D.C. Coordinator - 01603 897 193 - 0788 7391 733

Tues 24th July: Coltishall: Football Ground c/park 52 Rectory Road. NR12 7HP

Coltishall village & Horstead Lock walk - 3.4 miles – 70 mins gradients

July 2018

Tue 3rd 10am - 12 Noo n "Pop up Cafe" - Horstead T ithe Barn [See Page 6]

TFI “Pre Season Training” North Walsham RFC, North Walsham Road, Scotto w, [see page 17]

Thu 5th TFI “”Ann ual General Meeting” Wroxham FC, Trafford Park, Skinners Lane, Wroxham [See Page 8]

Fri 6th TFI “North Norfo lk Chorale Concert” Blakeney Church, Tel: 01692 405591 [See page 9]

7-30pm Film - Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (15) Atrium Cinema - Nth Walsham [p21]

Sat 7th TFI “North Norfo lk Chorale Concert” North Elmham Chu rch, Tel: 01692 405591 [See page 9]

TFI “Wroxham Hoveton L ions - Broadland High and Lord Mayors Sho w [see page 15]

6p.m. “Reverie Jazz by the river” Museum of the Broads, Stalham [see page 20]

'Sun' 8th 8-30am - 2pm “Garage Sale” Stalham - Wroxham & Hoveton Lions Club [See Page 13 & 15]

12-5pm “Hainford Village Fete” Village Hall, Hall Road, Hainford [see page 27]

Mon 9th 2 - 5pm "Create & Share", Chu rch Roo ms, Rectory Road Coltishall [see page 20]

Tue 10th 10am "Horning Bridge Club" , Horning VH [An nexe at rear] [see page 19]

7-30pm " Coltishall Parish Cou ncil Meetin g”, Chu rch Rooms, Rectory Road,. Coltishall [see page 6]

Wed 11th 10:30am "Coffee Morning" Hoveton St Joh n Church, Horning Road , Hoveton [See Page 6]

6pm “Horstead with Stanninghall Parish Council Meeting” Tithe Barn Rectory Rd Horstead. [See p5]

Thu 12th Battle of the Boyne July 1690

Sat 14th 7-pm “The Aylsham Party” In aid o f Hospice Ethiopia, Aylsham Town Hall [see page 15]

Sat 21st TFI “ Theatre group Crude Apache” Museum of th e Broads [evening event] [see page 20]

'Sun' 22nd All Day “15 th Annual Car & Bike Shiw” H & W Scouts, St Joh n’s School, Hoveton [see page 19]

2-45pm “Victo ry Super Sprint Triath lon” sponsor Amy on

Mon 23rd 9-30 - 12 noon “Summer Fayre” The Salvation Army, Hungate Street, Aylsham [see page 12]

Tue 24th 3-5pm “Summer BBQ and Open Afterno on” Horstead & Coltishall Pre Scho ol, Coltishall SC [see p11]

Wed 25th Various Times Mobile Library visits Horstead and Coltishall

Thu 26th am “Aug ust/September Marlpit bulk copies col lected from our printers”

2-4pm “Good Neighbours “T” Party”. Church Rooms, Rectory Rd, Coltishall. [See page

Fri 27th TFI “Norfolk Day - F ree Entry” Museum of the Broads, [see page 20]

Fri 27th 3-30PM “Film - The Post (12A)” Atrium Cinema - Nth Wa lsham High School Spencer Av.

Sat 28th 2pm “ Village Fete” Ashmanhaugh, con tact Sue W atts, or Anne Mulhall if you can help [see page 18]

'Sun' 29th TBA “Charities Day” Granary Staithe, Hoveton.

Mon 30th 10-30 - 12 noon “Horning Regatta - book sign ing” Horning Post O ffice [see page 13]

Tue 31st 1970c “Black Tot Day” last rum issued in RN [see page 13]

Page 5: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

Notes from Horstead with StanninghallParish Council – June


As the June Par ish Council meeting is on the cut off day for theMarlpit, we are writing this in advance of the meeting takingplace.

If you wish to speak to us we can be contacted via the ParishCouncil website, email us at [email protected] orte lephone: 07476 952824. If you do leave a message, pleaseremember to leave your name and contact number so we canget back to you.

Horstead Mill

The canoeist's new slipway is looking good, why not go andtake a look.

The Broads Authority Maintenance Team are planning to carryout some necessary work to the pathways at the Mill in thenext few weeks. They will be refurbishing the wooden edging

boards which are rotting, and then filling in areas where thesurface is low. Access between the Mill Bridge and Lock willremain available at all times.

The Bure Navigation Conservation Trust have obtained planning

approval for an info rmation board to be placed at HorsteadLock. From what we have seen it contains historical photos anddeta ils of the river area around the Lock, including the Lock-Keepers cottage. We look forward to it being insta lled over thesum mer.


We would like to remind people tha t dogs are not allowed onthe playground. According to ROSPA - Dogs on children's

playgrounds represent a major health and injury hazard:Children and young adults can contract Toxocariasis, a rareinfection caused by roundworm parasites, most commonlyfound in cats , dogs and foxes faeces . This is often due tocontac t with contaminated soil or sand within play areas byswallowing the in fected egg.


The Highway Rangers will be visiting again in the next threemonths – we have jus t submitted another report deta iling the

various potholes and other concerns we are aware of aroundthe vil lage. We do see action being taken as a result of thesereports , but as you are well aware, new potholes appear andtrees /hedges continue to grow – and Highways have a budgetto work within. While we are aware work has been ca rried outin Patr icia Avenue in the last couple of weeks, we will be asking

Highways if further improvements can be made. If you do spotany new issues concerning the state of the roads and footpa thsaround the village, please let us know.

Tarm ac

Mrs Gurney attended the May lia ison meeting with Tarmac.They are planning a no rthe rn extension to the quarry. Deta ils

will be available from mid-June, and there wil l be a 6 weekwindow in which any comments can be submitted. This will bediscussed at the July Parish Council meeting. If you would likefurther details please let us know.

In other news, Tarmac reported the road outside the Quarry isbeing kept clean as a new machine is improving the quality ofwork.

Road Safety

The SAM2 is back in the Parish after its two month ho lidayacross the Bure! It has spent four weeks collecting the data ofvehic les leaving the village and has now moved to its brandnew home the other side of Norwich Road (B1150) and is

spending four weeks collecting data of traffic coming into thevillage. An initial like for like com par ison of the data before andafter the opening of the Broadland Northway (NDR) indicatesan increase in traffic and a very slight increase in the 85%percentile speed to 35.8 mph. The morning peak traffic flowhas changed from 8am to 9am to 6am to 7am. As we gathermore data over the year we will be able to carry out further

ana lysis to gain a better ins ight into traffic volumes and speedsand working in collaboration with Coltishall we aim to presentthe in formation the Local Authority and Norfolk Constabulary.

Afte r the Norfolk wide ‘Impact Day ’ in May our Speed watch

team has been in action again and a number of offenders havebeen re corded. It is worth noting they can only record thedeta ils of vehicles travelling at 35 mph and over. However, theyalso record the details of motorists who are abusive to thevolunteers, those motorists then get their own personal visit bythe police , so please spread the word, don’t give the volunteers

the ‘bird ’ and shout abuse at them!

Finally, if anyone fee ls like contributing something to thecommunity please consider becoming a Speed watch volunteer;it’s not an onerous task and only takes up just over an hour amonth. Please get in touch with us if you are in teres ted.

Date and time of next meeting:

Wednesday 11th July at 6pm in the T ithe Barn.

Suzanne Hall, Parish Clerk

Horstead Poors Land Trust

Pensioners Coach OutingSaturday 22nd September 2018

Pensioners of Horstead and Stanninghall may

travel free for a day out to:


All guests and non residents £10 each.

Leaves Tithe Barn Horstead at 9.30 am

Returns from Cambridge at 4.00pm.

Contact Barbara Gidney or Tony Nichollsfor full details and to book your place asap.


Barbara [737900]

Tony [737728]

Page 6: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

Tuesday July 3rd

10am – 12 noon.

Horstead Tithe Barn

The next monthly

COFFEE MORNINGfor Hoveton St John Church

is on

Wednesday 11th July

10:30amThere will be a Bring & Buy table, Cake for

sale & a raffle.

Summary of Coltishall Parish Council’sJune Meeting Minutes

Public Participation Concern was expressed by residentsabout the removal of Article 4 protection from the meadowadjacent to Anchor Street.

District Co uncillor report Councilo r Andrew Proctor has beenappointed as leader of Norfolk County Council, and has resignedas Leader of Broadland District Council. The Norwich WesternLink is open for consultation until 3rd July. Comments can besubmitted at www.norfolk There is a £49 millionpublic sector investment between now and March 2020 which isaiming to achieve 95% Broadband coverage in Norfolk.

Police report Three crimes were reported in Coltishall in Apr il2018 (the latest available data), all in the Ling Way area : 2offences of violence and 1 of criminal damage.

Highways Severa l potholes on Frogge Lane and Grea t Hautbo isRoad have been reported to Norfolk Highways. Highways hasconfirmed clea rance of mud from Seven Acre s Lane andclearance of drains at various points around the village. Anyfurther issues with potholes , road signs, standing wa ter etc. onroads should be reported to [email protected] or via theNorfolk Highways webs ite at

Speedwa tch/SAM2 The Speedwatch team continues tooperate on a weekly basis across Co ltishall and Horstead.Between 5 and 15 vehicles are regular ly recorded as travelling6-15mph above the speed limits. Police enforcement continueson a regular bas is.

Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) New opening and c losingtimes are in force for the MUGA (Summer 9am to 8pm/Dusk(whichever earlier); Winter 9am to Dusk). Additional measuresto reduce the risk of balls going over neighbouring propertiesand to reduce noise levels are under investigation.

Finance The Council considered a report from its InternalAudito r, noting a requirement to update its Standing Orders and

Financial Regulations to take account of new online bankingprocedures and recent updates to legis lation. The Council alsoapproved its financia l risk assessment.

Planning The Council considered a number of planningapplications. There is particular concern about the BroadsAuthority's proposal to lift Ar ticle 4 protection from the meadowby Anchor Street. The Council find it difficult to see the logic tothis - which would remove the requirement to seek planningpermiss ion for use as a caravan site. This proposal is open forconsultation until 20 June. The Council has been informed thatthe Broads Authority have received objections to this proposal,on the grounds that Article 4 is not being l ifted from similarsites, and that they may be misinformed about access routes tothe site. The council has been advised that it is high unlikely th isproposal will go ahead.

Correspondenc e The Council was pleased to support BureNavigation Conservation Trust in its des ire to place informationboards along the Bure River Path . The Council has providedinformation to the Highways Ranger (as above) with regard tocurrent issues. Councillo rs have proposed a meeting with BowlsClub committee members to discuss their recent letter.

Grass and Hedge Cutting The Council has two contracts inrelation to grass and hedge cutting. At this meeting, it agreed tocontinue delegation from Norfolk County Council to its localcontractor to cut verges in Coltishall. The Council alsoestablished a small group to begin to consider the process forre-tendering its main grass and hedge cutting service as the 4-year contrac t expires at the end of the year. This is a legalrequirement and no reflec tion on its current supplier.

School gateway onto Playing Fields The Council hadrece ived a request from the Primary School for a vehicularaccess gateway onto the playing fields for emergency vehicleuse and to provide easier movement of people for school eventson the field. The Council agreed to this request with the provisothat non-emergency vehicle access would be on a permiss iononly basis and must be notified to CAST and the Par ish Councilin advance.

Policies for Privacy (General Data Protection Regulations),Grievance and Disciplinary procedures were reviewed andadopted . Futher routine reports were received on playgroundinspection, tree works and training.

The nex t meeting will be on Tuesday July 10th in TheChurch Rooms at 7.30pm.

Page 7: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

April Edition Re: WW1

remembrance.I see in the Apr il edition of the Marlpit

that you are going for colour, and attimes extra pages hopeful these mayinclude more about the villages from thepast we hear a lot about the bigcompany’s like Roys, not so much about

the smaller company ’s but you can onlyget better as time goes on. i also saw inthe Co ltishall parish council info sti ll inApril about the remembrance when theysay that th is yea r will be the centenary of

the end o f the first world war [the greatwar ] but they should know that is notthe case . what in fact it is the start of theend it is the centenary of the armisticewhich is a truce, cease fire, a suspension

of hostilities and the end of the war didnot happen for a few months later after anumber of peace treaty’s were signed thelas t one on 28 June 1919 thus ending thefirst world war i look forward to read ing

the council, or the Royal Br itish Legionreply. Keep up with the good work of theMarlpit

Terence JarvisA Reply

I think there are at least four or five

schools of thought on this one:

1) (Mine , and p robably most people'sincluding the Royal Br itish Legion and UK

gove rnment ) The war ended on11/11/1918 because (de facto) peoplestopped fighting each other that day.

2) The war ended on 28th June 1919because (de juris) the Treaty of Versailleswas signed that day.

3) The war ended on 10th January 1920

because (de juris) the Treaty of Versaillescame into force that day. Incidentally, itwas (probably) first breached by Franceand Belgium on 8th March 1921 whenthey occupied Duisburg and Duesseldorf

(where I used to live and where tha t dateis stil l part of local histor y).

4) The war ended on 8th May 1945 b I

think there are at least four o r fiveschools of thought on this one:

1) (Mine , and p robably most people's

including the Royal Br itish Legion and UKgove rnment ) The war ended on11/11/1918 because (de facto) peoplestopped fighting each other that day.

2) The war ended on 28th June 1919because (de juris) the Treaty of Versailleswas signed that day.

3) The war ended on 10th January 1920b I think there are at least four or fiveschools of thought on this one:

1) (Mine , and p robably most people'sincluding the Royal Br itish Legion and UKgove rnment ) The war ended on11/11/1918 because (de facto) peoplestopped fighting each other that day.

2) The war ended on 28th June 1919because (de juris) the Treaty of Versailleswas signed that day.

3) The war ended on 10th January 1920because (de juris) the Treaty of Versaillescame into force that day. Incidentally, itwas (probably) first breached by France

and Belgium on 8th March 1921 whenthey occupied Duisburg and Duesseldorf

(where I used to live and where tha t dateis stil l part of local histor y).

4) The war ended on 8th May 1945

because (de facto ) the Treaty of Versailleswas never really accepted orimplemented by all parties and this wasthe day Germany finally surrendered.

5) The war ended on 2nd September1945 because (de facto) that is when theJapanese also surrendered bringing the30+ years of global destruction to atemporary halt.

In this instance the Par ish Council wasfollowing the lea d of the Royal Br itishLegion nationally, which ( I quote) "is

marking the centenary of the First WorldWar (2014 to 2018) withcommemorations in the UK and Republicof Ireland with a focus on Remembrance,

education and legacy" and "Theprogramme wil l run over the four year s ofthe commemorations and establish alegacy by November 2018, the Centenary

of the end o f the First World War". Asthe uniting community focus of theCentenary event is the lighting of beaconsacross the country, it is important tha t wego with the consensus view. We lawyers

and historians may wish to light thebeacon again on 28/6/19 or 10/1/20 but Isuspect the turnout wil l be somewhathigher on 11/11/2018! Ultimately, thesentiment is what matters: remember

those who died, why they died andensure we don't do it again. Sadly, it is alltoo timely to repeat those sentiments inthe hope people may actually listenbecause (de juris) the Treaty of Versailles

came into force that day. Incidentally, itwas (probably) first breached by Franceand Belgium on 8th March 1921 whenthey occupied Duisburg and Duesseldorf(where I used to live and where tha t date

is stil l part of local histor y).

4) The war ended on 8th May 1945because (de facto ) the Treaty of Versailles

was never really accepted orimplemented by all parties and this wasthe day Germany finally surrendered.

5) The war ended on 2nd September

1945 because (de facto) that is when theJapanese also surrendered bringing the30+ years of global destruction to atemporary halt.

In this instance the Par ish Council wasfollowing the lea d of the Royal Br itishLegion nationally, which ( I quote) "ismarking the centenary of the First World

War (2014 to 2018) withcommemorations in the UK and Republicof Ireland with a focus on Remembrance,education and legacy" and "Theprogramme wil l run over the four year s of

the commemorations and establish alegacy by November 2018,

the Centenary of the end of the FirstWorld War ". As the uniting communityfocus of the Centenary event is thelighting of beacons across the country, itis important that we go with the

consensus view. We lawyers andhistorians may wish to light the beaconaga in on 28/6/19 or 10/1/20

Bob Grindrod

Re NFTBT June Marlpit .

It seems far too long since I put pen to

paper for the Marlpit, but having just readthe NFTBT from the ringing team I felt Imust say a very big heart felt thank youfor such kind words.

We retired to Coltishall 1998 and Iremember Margaret Riley saying "Jus ttake your time deciding what you wouldlike to do and Hey Presto Harvey

Meadows put a note in The Marlpit askingfor beginners to lea rn to ring for themillennium. We both wanted to beinvolved with a community project andthis seemed just right, having social

activities , exercise, as well as keeping theold g rey cells working learn ing newmethods to ring.

Over the las t 20yrs of ringing for so manygreat events , too many to mention, wehave thoroughly enjoyed be ing invo lvedin such a worthwhile activity which servesthe whole community, and as the yea rs

went by we thought how great it wouldbe to become a happy relaxed learn ingtower, where ringers could come alongand feel there was a team of experiencedringers only too pleased to guide them

along the way. So we were delighted tobe able to bow out gracefully and handover the reins to such a fanta stic team,thank you so very much.

So, as we approach our 83rd Birthday,along with a Diamond Weddingcelebration, (we were married at St.John's way back in 1958) and believe it or

not Ma rgaret Riley and her uncle Billy weused to call him, rang the bells as wewalked back down the aisle, little did wethink we would be back living in Coltishallin 60 yrs . time!!

I have so many memories from mychildhood, being sent with my sister Joan,to spend a few weeks with my

grandmother Gertrude Rout, every sooften to avoid the Blitz dur ing the 2ndWorld War, in London, I could write abook! but back to 2018 and we wouldboth like to say how very satisfying it has

been over the past years to have felt verymuch pa rt of the community in Coltishall,and hopefully we will continue to be ableto lend a hand where ever possible in thefuture whatever may come along. So

carry on R inging those Be lls at St. John'sas we wil l certainly be listening for themwith such happy memories as we retirefor the second time.

Audrey & Tony xxx

Page 8: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

Since last season finished,instead of being a relaxingperiod, it has been allchange! Our 1st team management

team of last season were poached byLowestoft Town and we have promotedJordan Southgate who was previouslymanaging the reserves to be assisted byNorwich City legend Adam Drury whowants to get into management. Both areUEFA B coaching licence holders . There

was certainly a lot of interest in theappointments on our Twitte r feed. We wishthem both well and hopefully they will getoff to a good start. With Jordan Southgatestepping up, Mark Roe who successfully led the U18’s to the East Divisionchampionship will now take on the Reserves . Inevitably the re will be changes in the

playing personnel and we already know of 4 players who have been enticed away byformer managers but tha t seems to be the way things are these days. Southgate &Drury have been busy signing young players from within the club already and addedIsaac Burrage who played success fully with Gorleston las t season and was a memberof the Norfolk County Youth squad who won the Na tional County Youth Cup. He willjoin Arch ie Galley & Ryan Miles who also played for the County last season.

Cha irman Lee Robson has worked wonders to set up a youth structure which we havenever had before. We now have junio r teams from –7’s to –12’s under the Wroxhamname who tra in at Rackheath on Saturday mornings. They have been entered into theNorfolk Combined Youth League. We sti ll need a manager for the –7’s and a sponsor

for the –9’s. Any offers please contac t Lee on 07967 479484

We also have –15 and –16 teams who will play in the Eastern Junior All iance youthleague which is a very good s tandard.

The club AGM takes place on Thursday 5th July in the clubhouse. We urgently needmore Committee members and match day helpers. P lease attend if you can help inany way. Also we sti ll need sponsors and invite anyone who may be interested insupporting the club to contact Commercial Manager Liam Brydon on 07827 998103 orCynthia Feltham on 783869.

We have been approached by mobile phone infras tructure provider, Shared Accesswho are applying to Broadland Council for a mast to be used by EE princ ipally toprovide service in a black spot on the Bittern line but also for wider improved servicein the area. They intend to swap out one of our floodlight columns.

Chris Green [Secretary]

Cottage, Horstead.

I imagine Dick’s des cendants would beanywhere by now, [I think Louise never


However, there might be some of yourpar ishioners – of my age, 80, or older,

who can remember them. Cou ld youpossibly put in plea in your newsletter? Ishould be so grateful.

Thank you, for even read ing this. Ienclose a SAE for any reply. Though I canbe reached by Email.

Flick[Mrs Felic ity Titley nee Ayton]

Please send any memories [email protected] we will forwardthem to Flick, Any photos or documents,

will be scanned and returned to you.

Re June edition TMP

i just received my copy of the JuneMarlpit and was sad to read that youare going to step down hope its notdown to my las t email like Paul

Thomas i would like to thank you alsofor your hard work you have done i sti llremember you out in the rain oneafternoon. i am quite impressed by thenew look Marlpit as for what i would

like to see back in the Marlpit would bethe quiz with possible a number on thevillages you cover i liked the part aboutKate Lawrence and also on the 18thCentury road diversion may be we could

have more on the smallershops,business of the villages not everytime on the one big sto re of HovetonRoy's its a pity tha t the pic ture of thepeople on the don't have names but its

a long time ago 1914 i th ink perhapssome one could do a bit on Thixtonsthe basket /thatchers of Coltishall andboth halls am i r ight in thinking one hallwas full of P O W just leaves me to

thank the kind person who replied tomy 1914/19 question and wish youwell thank you

Terence JarvisThank you Terence for your kind

thoughts but I w ill be around of awhile longer, your letter has in no waycontributed to my decis ion. Theopposite in fact as letters from readersare the best part of my job . It shows

that people care enough to put pen topaper and are interested in TMP andthe community.

I am sure the team will take on boardyour requests for various subjects I toowould enjoy a quiz in my retirement.

Ed dpRe June Blast From the Past

I have a few names for you. No 3

Hazel. No 4 Helen No 17 Alan MilburnNo 28 Alistair or Jeremy Sinclair. No29 Colin Milburn I remember the daywe'll and the photo being taken. Fondmemories .

Colin Milburn

More names we gleaned from those atthe Pop up Cafe in June to be foundelsewhere in this edition

Re The AYTON Family

Letter to Horstead Churchwardens ReAYTON family

This may be a wild goose chase!, but,

in the mid ‘60’s, there were AYTON’sliving in Horstead. They were cousinsof my father, Edward Cyril AYTON andthe only Ayton re lations of whom I haveany knowledge, post WW1.

DICK AYTON ~ PAULINE lived at 19Patricia Avenue, Horstead in 1965, asthey wrote a letter to my mother on my

father ’s death that September.

LOUISE AYTON lived in Orchard

(Continued from page 7 )














~ ROBIN TITLEY div 1987





Page 9: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

Concerts feature premiere of new work

On the 6th and 7th of July North Norfolk Chorale will present itssummer concert programme at venues in north and mid Norfolk.The concerts will take place as follows:

���Friday 6th July 2018 at 7.00 pm in St Nicholas ’

Church, Blakeney, NR25 7UE

���Saturday 7th July 2018 at 7.00 pm in St Mary’sChurch, North Elmham, NR20 5JU.

A highlight will be the premiere of a new work – “The Fox That

Walked On Water” by Nick Morris, with l ibretto by Merr ily Harpur.

The programme will also feature a programme of lighter choral

and solo works by composers working in ear ly 20th CenturyEngland, including pieces by Percy Grainger, John Ireland andIvor Gurney. All were relative ly prolific song composers with

contrasting styles, ranging from Grainger’s meticu lousreproduction of folk idiom to Gurney’s intensely interpretativeapproach.

Tickets can be purchased (including early booking discount) at£10.00 each on line at , or by calling01692 405591. There is a small fee for online bookings. Ticketsmay also be purchased on the door.

Jonathan Dodd, the Musical Director of the North NorfolkChora le, said “we are tremendously excited to be able to bringnew music to North Norfolk, and it is doubly exc iting to sing in

areas where the Chorale either not performed before, or hasn’tsung at for a long time.

North Norfolk Chorale is a Registered Cha rity (No 1128746). The

charity’s object is to advance the education of the public in thePerforming Arts and Chora l Music in all its aspects by thepresentation of pub lic concerts and rec itals.

The Chorale is widening the areas in which it performs to inc ludevenues in most parts of Norfolk. Its traditional catchments inNorth Norfolk and Broadland includes a number of areas ofparticu lar social deprivation.

North Norfolk Chorale is a mixed-ability, non-auditioned choir,open to anyone who wishes to sing. At present the Chorale isparticu larly interesting in recruiting more members in all parts,

but tenors and ba sses would be particularly welcome. Itrehearses weekly on Wednesday evenings, usually starting at7.30 p.m. in North Walsham Methodist Church.

Over the last couple of months the Parish Council have beenapproached by several concerned Par ishioners about apparentlydangerous and/or intrusive trees and hedges. With this in

mind it was deemed prudent to public ise some signposts toguidance concerning Trees and the law alongside someadditional gu idance from Broadland District Council and theBroads Authority.

The Arboricultural Association haveproduced an excellent leaflet on this topicand it can be found at:

ia/ /Gu ideToTreesAndTheLaw-Web.pdf

Remember our Parish is unique as it not

only contains a conservation area but is also subject toplanning regulations by two different organisations; the BroadsAuthority and Broadland Distr ict Council depending on whereyour property and/or trees are located, this has to be takeninto consideration and requirements checked at the ir respectivewebsite s: and

If you are concerned about trees and/or hedges on your own

property or elsewhere in the Par ish you will find the above ofuse.

Coltishall Parish Council

Smishing – the term used for SMS phish ing – yet another verbin the fraudster ’s vocabulary - is an activity which enablescriminals to stea l victims’ money or identity, or both, as a resultof a response to a text message. Smishing uses your mobilephone (eithe r a smartphone or traditional non-in ternet

connected handset) to manipulate innocent people in to takingvarious actions which can lead to being defrauded.

The National Fraud Intell igence Bureau has rece ivedinformation that fraudsters are targeting victims via text

message, purporting to be from the ir credit card p rovider, stating a transaction has been approved on their credit card.

The text message further states to confirm if the transaction is genuine by replying ‘Y’ for Yes or ‘N’ for No.

Through this method the fraudster would receive confirmation o f the victim’s active telephone number and would be able to engagefurther by asking for the victim’s credit card details, CVV number (the three digits on the back of your bank card) and/or otherpersonal information.

Be aware, too that if you were unfortunate enough to have been caught up in the TSB computer fiasco and were locked of your

account, the fraudste rs have been exploiting that too. Since the start of May, 321 reports of TSB related phish ing were made toAction Fraud. This is an increase of 970% on the previous month. In the same reporting period, there we re 51 reports ofcybercrime to Action Fraud which mention TSB – an increase of 112% on the previous month.

Protect yourself: Always check the valid ity of the text message by contacting your credit card provide r through the numberprovided at the back of the card or on the credit card/bank statement.

Beware of cold calls purporting to be from banks and/or credit card providers .

If the phone call from the bank seems suspicious, hang up the phone and wait fo r 10 minutes before call ing thebank back. Again, refer to the number at the back of the card or on the bank statement in order to contactyour bank.

If you have been a victim of fraud or cyber crime, please report it to Action Fraud at or alternatively by calling 0300 123 2040


Page 10: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

Their Finest Hour and a Half


Lissa Evans

Some books are written that are blatantly screaming to bemade into a film, and this is one of them ! Anyone who likesread ing books for the love of their ‘purely bookish essence’

would be wasting their time with th is one. Mind you, it has itsstrengths and was enjoyable to read to an extent, but I fe ltlike I was driving down the wrong side of the road the wholetime.

One of the things that I rea lly enjoyed about the book wasthat there were no ‘leading character s’. All the charac tersplayed an equal role in the book. Their Finest Hour and a Halfhas been made into a film - Their Finest. The film focuses onthe femin ine side of the story.

The sto ry takes place during World War II and is quiterefreshing as it comes from an entirely different angle - that ofthe propaganda industry churned out by the government. Ittakes a while for the plo t to get going, but after it does, onecan see why all of what came before was inc luded. Imagine afull length propaganda film about the evacuation o f the Allied

troops from Dunkirk, Fr ance. In today’s eyes we see dramaticscenes, deep music and tension.

Now imagine the same film, funded on a shoestring, using non

acto rs and a mediocre hasbeen, a dog that doesn’t coopera teon the set, the government having its nose in every step and atight schedule. Somehow it manages to be completed and theresponse to it wil l make you smile. There is drama andcomedy in the book and at the most unlikely times. Thecharac ters grow and absolutely becom e their finest - whateverthat may be. So if you don’t mind that the book is written in a

quirky manner, why not have a go?

Susie Bunn

OUR BOOK REVIEW Valerie Stevens

Here at The Marlpit we were saddened to hear of therecent passing of Valerie Stevens, of Frettenham Road,Horstead. As well as being a Marlpit deliverer in her localarea, Valerie was a Short Mat Bowls player and activemember of the village community.

She was also a carer for her husband, Peter, who sadlysuffers from Alzheimer’s and has since moved to a carehome in North Walsham.

Valerie passed away on Monday 21st May at the age of82, after a short battle with cancer. A funeral was held at

Cromer Crematorium on Friday 15th June.

Our thoughts and best wishes go out to Valerie’sdaughter, Anita, her husband and the rest of her friendsand family.

The Summer months bring summer menus, our Chef, DiSmith, has created some lovely meals and that along with the

fun and fellowship it is hard to get everyone moving homeaga in. We have also been blessed with several birthdays andone very specia l Golden Wedding Anniversary in the las tmonth.

Sheila Murie l

Sue & Mike

Jil l

So if you feel like join ing us for some good food,fun and flowers on your birthday, chocs for themen give Joan a ring. We are all a happy friendly

inviting group, just what is needed to split upthose lonely weeks. See you soon!


Page 11: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,



JUMBLE SALE was a huge success. Sorryfor all the changes in dates. Thank you toeveryone who helped and it was lovely tosee lots of our regular customers again. Weraised £470 for the club.

QUIZ & CHIPS NIGHT was verysuccessful too. Thank you to LINDA whowas our ‘quizzical mistress’ on the night.Thank you to everyone who participatedtoo.

Future events:-

June 30th Race Night….

July 7 th Bingo…..

July 14th Bar Quiz with Takeaway

July 21st Talk/DVD by Ray Costessey“The Blitz 1940-1944“…….

July 28th Celebrating Norfolk…..August 4th Tamworth Day…..

August 11 th Bingo.

August 4th Tamworth visit. We need asmany members as possible to challenge themto Bowls, Snooker, Darts and Crib. We needto retain all the trophies won last year!

Sunday 19th August Memorial Day.Remembering past members, With funmatches of Snooker, Bowls etc. andAfternoon Tea.

Non members welcome to our Quiz n Chips,Bingo, Cards, and most Saturday nightfunctions..Bingo starts 2000hrs. All other events1930hrs. Quiz nights 1900hrs for 1930start. Friday night is Darts night. 1930hrs.& Snooker. 1900hrs. (Snooker is availablemost nights.) Darts can also be played mostnights. Phone me for more information.

New Members over 16yrs. Membership is£30 for a year due in December, joining asa new member, later in the year, the fee is

pro rata. .

Snooker, Table Tennis, Lawn Bowls, Darts.Social Events etc. Club members are entitledto use all club facilities.

For more information please contact

Rosemary Burdett (Chairman) 419811

Jean Barnett (Bowls Secretary) 720810

Or any other member or committeemember. Follow us on our Web page oron Face book - Wroxham Social


Coltishall and HorsteadGood Neighbours

Coltishall & Horstead Good Ne ighbour volunteers are here to ass istyou. We can help w ith transport, shopping, appointments, small DIY jobs or justa chat. Please come along to our regular tea party’s which are held in the

church rooms Co ltishall. The next tea party wil l be held on Thursday 26th Julyform 2 – 4pm; we have a guest speaker who will be giving a ta lk on theHistory of the Norfolk Broads. If you re quire transport then please call 07799277 455.

Good neighbours are available to help:- call 07799 277 455 7 days a

week betwe en 9am – 5pm.

Please recycle your glass at the Red Lion recycling bin asgood neighbours benefit from this.


Coltishall & Horstead Preschool

The Preschool has embraced‘Flaming June’ by offering a‘Pop-Up Refreshments’ stall atColtishall Village Hall. So if you’revisiting Coltishall Park feel free togive us a look-in and quench yourthirst with a Tea or a Coffee, orperhaps satisfy your sweet toothwith an ice cream or refreshingice pop. Up to the end of thisSummer Term the stall isavailable directly after schoolpick up...until 3:45pm. Lookout for our posters which signifythat the ‘Pop-Up refreshments’are OPEN!!

Coming up in July...

��We will be preparing a variety of healthy choiceswith the children during our Cookery Week, usingsome of the fruit and vegetables carefully nurturedand tendered to by the children in our very ownPreschool Allotment.

��We’ll undertake activities using natural andbeach resources to develop our understanding ofthe natural world: Under the Sea.

��Our Preschool children and their families willcome together at our annual Family Beach Trip

��From 3-5pm on Tuesday 24th July we will beholding an end of term Summer BBQ and OpenAfternoon. The preschool will be open to ALL tocelebrate those children transitioning to school andto welcome new children and their families offeringan opportunity to meet the Preschool Team and toenjoy some social time with local families.

��And of course, after all that training DeputyManager Amy will embark on her first SprintTriathlon, from which all proceeds will go straight toPreschool to help fund the Preschool move. GOAMY GO!!

Every donation really does count!!

To get in touch or for information please contact:[email protected]

Alison Haynes

Page 12: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

Several members visitedSheringham Little Theatre on26th May to enjoy a matineeperformance of “Allo Allo” and on6th June members undertook a

walk around Spixworth to raisefunds for the AssociatedCountrywomen of the Worldwhich is the in ternational charitysupported by the WI movement.

On a national level WI delegatesoverwhelming ly voted for thefollowing reso lution at the Annual

WI Na tional Conference which was held in Cardiff on 6 th June:“Menta l health matters as much as physica l health - the NFWI urgesall WI members to recognise the importance of parity between menta l

hea lth and phys ical health, and take action to make it as acceptable tota lk about mental health issues as much as physical health issues, andto lobby government for better support for mental illness .” Themandate was therefore adopted.

Our speaker in June was Margaret Brooker with the top ic, “FromFleece to Fibre” and in Ju ly Juyna Lewis is going to enlighten us about“A Korean Wedding”.

Our branch meets in The Church Room, Rectory Road, Coltishall, on

the th ird Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm.

If you would like to join us as a guest at this or any other meetingplease come along, you'll be assured of a warm welcome. You don'thave to join there and then and this is a great opportunity to see if theWI is for you.

I look forward to meeting you there in the future. Please fee l free tocontac t eithe r myself or our

President, Rosemary Pye (738599)

Secretary, Rosie Howell (737762}

Our committee have almost everything ready forthe visit of our Twinning friends here this yearfrom La Pommeraye and Montjean-sur-Loire,

16th-21st August, visits to Blickling, Aylsham,Lowestoft and the Transport Museum at CarltonColville now booked, our Saturday dinner andceilidh also, at the Wroxham Masonic Hall andafternoon games; just Thursday evening’sreception venue to sort out, which we hope tohave at Broadland School, and a venue for ourafternoon games. Accommodation also allarranged with many members welcoming oldfriends and some new faces too.Our Twinning polo shirts, royal blue with a logoof two boats, a wherry and a gabarre, a traditionalLoire boat, and the caption” Bure & Loire” hadtheir first outing in May for our Twinning

flotilla on the 26th, a lovely day on Black HorseBroad, five boats with owners and memberguests, having a delicious lunch and catching upsocially.French Conversation was at Jane’s in Wroxhamon the first Wednesday in June to discuss “lesréunions” and in July we will have our end ofterm buffet supper to celebrate another successfulyear. Do contact Jane on 01603 782496 [email protected], if you would like to join in.Book Club was at Gill’s in SouthWalsham on 20th June to discuss“All the Light we cannot see” byAnthony Doerr, set in France, andwill be at Joyce’s in Wroxham inJuly. Sue will supply moreinformation here on 01603 738555or [email protected] pre-visit briefing buffet supper and social

evening is now on Friday 3 rd August at Robertand Margaret’s in Wroxham, changed from theend of July. Members have been informed andwe’ll have more details out soon. All members arealso welcome to attend our dinner and ceilidhwhen our French Twinning guests are here,

whether they are hosting or not, on Saturday 18th

August , but do need to let us know and to payRobert, our treasurer, £18.

If you would like any more information pleasecontact our chairman on 01603 782733 or

[email protected]

Walkers and Waiters

The Salvation ArmyHungate Street


Monday 23rd July 20189.30am – 12 noon




Reg istered Charity No: 214779 & in Sco tland SC009359

Page 13: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

Another chance to see Chris Crowther, author of

the successful Jack Fellowsbooks in Horning duringHorning Regatta week . He willbe at Horning Post Office onMon, 30th July from 10.30am - 12 noon to sign copiesof his latest book "Time

Cruiser", a fanta sy adventureset on the Norfolk Broads. Alsoon sale, will be a selection ofhis other books.

More information, please contact Horning Post OfficeTel: 01692 630833.

Adrienne Seddon

Horning Regatta Week 2018

Chris Crowther


Georgie Starkings of North Norfolk Speakers Club recently

celebrated g iving her first speech in public.

“ I was thrilled to rece ive a certifica te for my first speech - itwas a huge milestone for me as I was terr ified of speaking infront of an audience. With the guidance and support of club

members my confidence has really grown. There is so much tolearn about public speaking and I’m looking forward todeveloping my speaking skil ls further”, said Georgie.

North Norfolk Speakers Club meets on alternate Wednesdays,

6.45pm at North Walsham High School, Spenser Avenue.

For further information please vis it ,

email [email protected] or contact Stuart

07775 793999

New members and guests are always welcome.

Karen Battrick ( North Norfolk Speakers Club)

President of North Norfolk Speakers Club, Stuart Richards, presents

Georgie Starkings with her Certificate of Achievement



SUNDAY 8th JULY.8.30am - 2pm

Maps showing the location of stalls can be obtained fora £1 donation from the LIONS CLUB V AN PARKED IN

THE TESCO STORE CAR PARK from 8.30am on the day.

For further information or to book a stall

(£5.00 charge applies)

Telephone Lion Brian Russe ll on 07766872004

All proce eds to our Chari ty Fund to support loca l de serving caus es

Registered Charity N o 280331

18th CENTURY BRITISH NAVY DRINKSImagine downing half a pint of overproof rum and then

going back to work. Now, let's imagine work happened to

be on the decks of a vast 18th-century Royal Navy ship.

We're talking old-school sea stuff here: complex knots,gunpowder kegs, canon balls, climbing up rigging, etc.

Until July 31st 1970 ,[Black Tot day] brac ingly strong overproof rumwas a vita l part of the fabric of the British Navy

[ Full history in next edition of TMP if space is available]

Volunteer? WE NEED YOU!!To help your local museum, have a great time, make newfriends. We are currently recruiting new volunteers. We needpeople of all ages to help as room guides, help in the reception &shop, the cafe, as well as admin.


Please call 01692 631 485 or [email protected] or visit our website

Page 14: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

The smile says it all!On Saturday, May 5th theNorfolk Megafina l of the UKChess Challenge tookplace. Young DannyDawson (pictured) fromBCC became the Under 7boys Supremo which

means tha t he alsoqualifies for the Gigafinal tobe held later in the yea r!There is no need to sayanymore on how Dannyfeels about his award and

his cup -I think tha t theexpression on h is face

sum s it up. This has to be one of the photos of the year !Other club successes in the competition were BenjiePerry, U-10 boys -s ilver medal and qualifier for thegiga final, Darcy Pashley, U-11 gir ls -silver and qualif ier,

Jack Hall, U-11 boys -silver and qualif ier, Joshua Dawson,U-11 boys, bronze and qualif ier, Benedict Ward U-12 boys– silver and qualif ier, Ewan Pa shley U-13 boys bronzemeda l. Many congratulations to all of our youngmembers; lovely to see siblings in the group as well! Justto show what an achie vement this is the re were in itially40,000+ entrants for the competition from all over the


The BCC team have safely won the Norfolk section of theNorfolk and Suffolk Cup and now await to see who theiropponents will be from the Suffolk side as their matches

are sti ll to completed. They have also retained the NorfolkChess League Divis ion 1 title after defea ting the Norfolkand Norwich B team 4-0. A couple of good wins there forthe club! C lub player Stephen Pullinger dese rves specia lmention for topping the individual leader board forDivision 1 with an impress ive record of 80%.

As reported las t month the Broadland Mallards (Ca llumFruish, Sophia Needham, David Elsey and Matthew Watts )won the newly formed Friendly League 2018 and thesecond p icture shows the team with their trophy

interestingly titled the Stitchbury Shield ! I am sure thatthere must be a sto ry behind that, perhaps I shall put onmy detective’s hat and get to the bottom of it before theend of the summer. The response to this new competitionhas been extremely positive and we look forward torunning it again next season.

In the ind ividual club competitions, al l matches are nowcompleted for the Club Championship title – apart fromone. Ken McEwan and Roy Hughes are currently level onpoints and still to play each other. This match is alwaysinteresting as it often takes place in my dining room, this

means tha t both the dog and I have to remain qu iet at alltimes and hope tha t the phone does not ring! (Yes th isdid happen last yea r!) Paul Coppard is currently leadingthe BCC Challengers title but as there are sti ll severalgames outstanding this title is too close to call.

Broadland Chess Club meets at the K ings Head,Coltishall Monday and Wednesday evenings a t19.30. Although we will be taking our summer

break from the end of June.

We always welcome new members and visito rs, howeverit is often best to contact us first so that we can meet andgreet you, if you would like further in formation thenplease see our Facebook and Twitter pages, or contact usvia email at [email protected].

Sandra,Publicity Officer

5 local che ss players (Bruce Carman, Bob Gr indrod, David Owen,Matt Rausch & Jonathan Reeve) have decided to re-es tablish AylshamChess Club in time for the 2018-19 season.

The plan is to enter teams in the NCCA (Norfolk County ChessAssociation) league which starts in October, as well as having internalgraded competitions and playing friendly chess games.

The club will be based at Aylsham & Distr ict Ex-Service & Social Club,64 Hungate Street, Aylsham, NR11 6AA.

Over the summer months mem bers will be running events to raisefunds and genera te interest in the new club.

If you would like to find out more about events, become a memberor sponsor Aylsham Chess Club p lease contact David Owen (AylshamChess Club Secretary) via his e-mail: davidowen364@btinte rnet.comor Mob: 07796 292318


Bob Grindrod (Aylsham Chess Club - Chair)

“We are thrilled to be starting up the first new chess club in Norfolkfor many yea rs, right here in the heart of Aylsham. We are gratefuland proud to be based at such an esteemed venue as Aylsham &District Ex-Service & Socia l Club and look forward to many happyyears working together. We will launch officia lly when the new seasonstarts in September with a series of exciting chess events. Watch this


Linda Lutkin (Aylsham & District Ex-Service & Social Club -Stewardess)

“We are pleased to welcome Aylsham Chess Club and hope all theirplayers have an enjoyable and successful 2018-19 season.”

Jonathon Reeve

Callum Fruish, Sophia Needham, David Elsey and Matthew Watts

Page 15: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

News from Broadland DistrictCouncilJuly 2018

As you are probably aware

Council lor Andrew Proctor has

been appointed as Leader of

Norfolk County Council, and has

subsequently resigned as Leader

of Broadland Distr ict Council.

Andrew has been a popular

Leader with both Members &

Staff, and has served an eight

year term at Broadland, which

has been ra ted as one of the best per forming councils in the

country, and I’m sure Andrew will continue his success at


I mentioned in las t month’s report, that Norfolk County Council

is holding a public consultation between 8th May to 3rd July

2018, in respect of the proposed Norwich Western Link Road.

Broadland Distr ict Council strongly supports the Norwich

Western Link and r ecognises the important benefits it could

bring. Namely, better access to employment areas, shortening

journey times, reducing congestion as well as encouraging

investm ent, and boosting the local economy. I believe without

this ‘m issing link’, the rural areas to the no rth and west of

Norwich could be disadvantaged. If you wish to make a

representation, there is a short survey which can be completed

online at

The Economic Success Panel had a presentation from the

Manager for ‘Better Broadband for Norfolk’. There is £49 mill ion

of public sector investment up to March 2020, when coverage

of 95% will be achieved. Several factors affect Broadband

speeds to customers, and this is mainly related to Internet

Service Providers and individual contracts. The main

infras tructure provider, BT Openreach, is now moving to ensure

that all new housing developments benefit from fibre

insta llation, as retrofitting homes is very costly. The proposals

for the remaining final 5% of area no t covered by the current

programme, inc lude funding from DEFRA or utilis ing rebates

based on h igher than expected levels of take up.

Please do not hes ita te to contact me with any concerns you

may have, I am only too happy to help.

Kind regards, Jo Copplestone01603 860840 [email protected]

Cllr Jo Copplestone

The Aylsham Party

in Aid of

Hospice EthiopiaAylsham Town Hall, July 14, 7.00pm


Another great chance to let your hair down in aid o f a bril liantcause!

All to ra ise much-needed funds for Hospice Ethiopia. On July

14th Aylsham Town Hall wil l be tripping the light fantasticwith a fab feast and some divertingly delicious ente rtainments

including l ive music - both classical and rock. So you get toeat like a culture vulture then dance like a dervish.

And all for £20

(or £15 if you get your ticket pronto, before June 1).

Tickets: [email protected], call Clare Glenn on01263 734853 or go bag yourself a few from Barnwells, in

Aylsham market Square .


Classy Classical from the North Norfolk ensemble

Rock ‘n Roll ‘n Suchlike from the Gits

As the new incoming p res ident for

the Wroxham and Hoveton LionsClub, I would like this opportunity to

give you a brief introduction to who

I am. I am a retired warehousesupervisor who worked in Tilbury dock Essex until I retired

2013 and moved to Norfolk to live with my daughte r andgrandchildren. I was a lion in Essex and transferred to

Wroxham and Hoveton Lions soon after moving here. As a Lion

I be lieve in help ing others less fortunate than myse lf. To thisend the Lions are a caring organisation. To help us achieve this

we raise monies in var ious ways: -

We run a char ity shop in the precinct in Hoveton, which isopen all year round, Monday's to Saturday, and Sunday's

during the Summer months. We also have a Tombola stall inthe prec inct where you have a chance to win a cuddly toy; th is

is open from May to September. We also have a mobile

Tombola tha t visits var ious fetes as well as the monthlyFarmers Market at Hoveton Village Hall.

During the year we also attend and run various events . Garage

sales, Hoveton Village Fete. (On 5th August this year ) Craft

Fairs in the Broadland Community Centre, and not forgettingour Santa Sleigh tha t visits var ious villages and supermarkets

during December. All these will be notified in your

magazine throughout year.

Last year around £20,000 was donated to various char itable andlocal organisa tions. Each yea r the Incoming P res ident chooses a

charity to which 50% of the proceeds from the Prec inct Tombolaare donated. The remainder goes into our genera l Char ity Fund.

My charity is a new dementia fr iendly cafe which opened at the

Hub, Wroxham on the 7th June.

Our shop is always on the look out for clean, good quality Bric a

Brac or clo thing, so if you have any surplus items, bring them

along to our shop. If you have a large am ount to donate,collection can be arranged by ringing Lion Terry on 01603


The winner of our May char ity shop £100 draw is Joyce Bell,who nominated the Wroxham and Hoveton Doctors Surgery.

In the past month volunteers have manned bo th the shop and

the Tombola and several of our members attended theTaverham Lions Club Charter Anniversary Lunch at the Wensum

Valley Golf Club.

We have a number of events coming up: -

On 7th July we are attending the Broadland School 60th

anniversary and the Lord Mayors procession in Norwich.

8th July we are holding a garage sale in Stalham.

29th July we are attending the Hoveton Staithe Fa ir.

5th August we will be holding the Hoveton Vil lage Fete (10am

to 4pm) with fun and food for all the family and including classic

cars, Honda motorcycle club, dog agil ity displays, Sta r Warscharac ters, live music, games, Craft Stalls, Trade Stalls and

much more. Admission will be £2.50 for adults, Child ren under16 and Parking Free.

Wroxham and Hoveton Lions meet at the Broadland Community

Hall every 2nd and 4th Tuesday for meetings and the 1st and4th Tuesday's for a small social gathering. If you are interested

in attending o r finding out more about becoming a Lion, please

contac t me on 07753 382410 or E-Mail me onron.hill@ to find out more.

You can follow us on Face book or our webs ite and I look

forward to keep ing you up to date with our activities.

Lion Ron Hill President

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Wroxham Library“Not just books”

JulySocial Activities and events at the Library

Open Library Induction Co ffee Morning

Monday 2nd July

‘Open Library’ g ives you to access to your library for

longer , when the library is un staffed. If you would

like to find out more and sign up for Open Library access , come along

to our coffee morning. Open Library wil l bring changes to our sta ffed

opening hours – Monday for example, will be un staffed from the 25th

June. Details of our opening hours can be found on the website – rar ies

Norfolk D ay at Wrox ham Library – A display of local memories

and history by the ‘Time Traveller’s

Friday 27th July – Fr iday 3rd August.

For the past two year s the ‘Time Travellers’ group have me t once a

month in the library to revisit times gone by and talk about different

aspects of local history. To celebrate Norfolk day, the group have

collected some of their recollections about their school days at the old

Wroxham primary school, Caen Meadow, boating on the broads, and


Bounce and Rhyme T ime is every We dnesday 10.30 – 11.00

am. Term time only -Please contact the library or check our Facebook

page for update s. Songs and rhymes for babies, toddlers, parents and

carers. FREE

Norfolk and Norw ich Association for the Blind advice afternoon

Thursday 19th July, 2-4 pm. Drop in sess ion offering advice to the

blind and partially sighted and anyone else seeking information.

RVS Home delivery

Once a month the RVS provide a home delivery service of library books

in the Wroxham area to those phys ically unable to visit the lib rary. To

supply the right type of books we take details of the readers ’ favourite

authors or subjects of interes t. Items can be supplied in large print,

normal print, or spoken word audio CDs. We would like to hear about

anyone in the Wroxham and Hoveton area who might benefit. Please

contac t the library for further information.

Wrox ham Parish Co uncil Surgery

If you are a Wroxham parishioner and have an issue or a parish query,

pop along to the library to speak to Councillo rs from Wroxham Parish

Council. The next surgery is on Saturday 1st Septe mber 10-11.30

am. This is a drop in surgery and so no appointment is necessary.

Family Histo ry. Use our free access to Find My Past and get advice

from Diane, our family and local histo ry expert. Drop in on Fr iday

evenings. Contac t the library to confirm the session is running

Knit and Natter – come along to our informal gathering. Thursday

5th and 19th July 2- 4 pm, please bring your own project.

Scrabb le Club meets on the last Thursday of ea ch month from

2-4.30pm. (26th July) All welcome.

Contact us by phone on 01603 782560, Drop-in, 10-5 Monday –

Saturday and late opening till 8pm on Fridays. Look for up to

date information regarding all our events and activities on our

Facebook page. Email us at [email protected]

Residents urged to be alert to HMRC phone scam

Police are warning residents to be vigilant to cold callersclaiming to be from HMRC following incidents in the

North Norfolk area.

It comes after two separate incidents reported onThursday 17 May in Southrepps and Mundesley.

The scam involves suspects making co ld telephone callsto vulnerab le res idents, claiming to be from HMRCstating the person owes money and that they will befined further unless the debt is paid through thepurchase of a gift card.

In one incident, suspects ins tructed the resident topurchase gift vouchers from a supermarket andarranged to call back at a later time to obtain the detailsof the gift voucher.

In both cases , res idents have handed over no cash butpolice are keen to urge res idents to be vigilant to suchscams.

Norfolk Police are remind ing residents tha t HM RC will

never make phone calls, use text messages or email tote ll you about a tax rebate or penalty and will never askfor a cash payment in this way.

Anyone with concerns about such calls should contact

Norfolk Police on the non-emergency number 101 or 999if a crime is in progress . Alternatively, contact ActionFraud on 0300 123 2040.

Community Engagement Officer North Norfolk


1. Carol Dye 16

2. Rosemary Wilson 17. Alan Milburn

3. Hazel Bean 18

4. Helen Stubley 19

5. Maureen Buck 20. Michael Sinclair

6 21

7. Nancy Feltham 22

8. Gillian Watts 23

9. Christine Pye 24. Alistair Sinclar

10 25

11. Jennifer Sexton 26

12 Caroline Buck 27

13 28. Jeremy Sinclair

14 Pamela Cushion 29. Colin Milburn


We have been able to name some of the 1957 Sunday

School Party goers, if this part list helps - check again inlast months TMP to see if we can name the res t. Nextmonth we will have another group from the same date ofday trippers. If you have any group photos from School,sports teams etc we would like to hear from you.

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Victory Hall, Neatishead Clare Costello

"Summer time and the living is easy" …and so is getting a bit fitter, hea lthier and thinner! Especially with a friendly, helpful communitygym on your doorstep. You won't be confronted with beautiful bodies and honed hunks, justordina ry people, mostly in the older age groups, trying to do something to help themselves get alittle healthier. Why no t give us a try? You can wear whate ver you feel comfortable in, and our

friendly, knowledgeable ins tructor will ensure you know what to do, and how much to do, in a safeand welcoming environment. You are we lcome to come along for a free trial on Sunday, Mondayand Wednesday mornings from 8 30am until 12 30pm in the New Victory Ha ll, Neatishead, andbeing a not for profit organisa tion our fees are as low as possible.

Give us a try, it might just change your life! Ring Carol on 01692 535342 to book your free trialnow, or email [email protected]   for other enquiries .

Snakes and AddersWe are fortunate in Norfolk to havea great divers ity of wildlife on ourdoorstep. As Spring warms up theanimal activity increases and we

see abundance of animals andinsects that have been dormantover the winter. This is also thetime of yea r tha t snakes, such asadders, come out of hibernation

and start to bask in the

sun, whilst these animalsare very beautiful they canpose a dead ly threa t toyour pet.

Adders are not aggress ive

animals but wil l bite if theyhave no other option; thisis often the case whenthey are trodden on asthey have no means ofescape and therefore will

bite their assailant. This isnot good news for yourfurry friend, and o ften happens completely by accident, asa dog can be unaware tha t they have trodden on an adderuntil it is too late.

So… what should you do if your dog is unfo rtunate enoughto be bitten? Phone your local vet immediate ly as earlytreatment will reduce the risk of serious infection, organfailure and sometimes death. With our proximity toheathlands and sand dunes we carry a stock of anti-

venom at our practice. We have already needed this 3times in the las t month and it has helped to save all of thepatients we have treated this year.

The symptoms of an adder bite are two puncture woundswhere the teeth have penetrated the skin, a ma rked

swelling, typically on the face or legs which can be dark incolour. Dogs may also seem letha rgic , drool excessivelyand have vomiting or diarrhoea.

There are ways to protect your dogs, try to avoid walking in

open heathlands/sand dunes in the spring months as thesnakes are emerging from hibernation and more likely tobite. Whilst you are walking scan the surrounding area forany sign o f a snakes and consider keeping dogs on a lead ifyou do walk in these areas. We see a marked increase insnake bite inc idents during the months of April/ May and

aga in in September /October when they become lethargicaga in.

Remember, if you are concernedand think your dog may have beenbitten by an adder, ac t fast and ca ll

your vet immediately.

Toby MorrellMRCVS Westover Vets

The curtain fina lly fell on North Walsham's season on the finalSunday in May, around 2,000 piling into Scottow for the DardanSecurity Rugby Sevens and Beer Fes tival to be treated to a feastof exciting rugby and excellent refreshments. Wymondham Waspsbeat last year's winners Harwich Hooters in the fina l of the Ladiescompetition to win the George Campbell Shield, with Norwich

winning the Men's Plate fina l defeating North Walsham Raiders. Aswinners of the Men's Cup The Dardanite s were awarded the Jil lHambling Cup and now go forward to the regional play offs of theEngland Rugby Secure Trading 24/Seven series in Birmingham.This is a qualifying event for the national finals being held on 29July at the Recreation Ground, the home of Premiership s ide Bath.

"Pleas ing at times, frustrating at others" was departing Head ofRugby James Brooks' verd ict on the Vikings' season. They showedthey could compete with the League's best, but struggledsometimes to overcome weaker sides. They rare ly looked likeachieving 2016 -17's top four finish, dropping to sixth with five

fewer wins. Injuries to a small squad we re a much bigger problemthan last season and the quality of the League had risen.Brentwood and Chingford were outs tanding, and mid table teamslike Fullerians and P riorians had improved significantly.Throughout the season the commitment and p ride of the playerswas a constant and they put in some outs tanding performances

often against bigger sides. "They are a tight but welcoming g roupthat easily assimilates newcomers and works hard to improve,"saidBrooks."It's ayoungsquad

which willblos som inthe yea rsahead."

Fifty Girlsfrom fourHighSchoolsrecentlyenjoyed a

day ofcoachingand games.Most werenew torugby, with many looking to join when training restarts inSeptember. Broadland's Ruby Mortimer (p ictured) won the

"outs tanding p layer " award. A further opportunity for youngste rsto get involved comes with the Summer Camp at Scottow from 30July - 3 August; details from [email protected]

Pre season training for the Senior sides starts on 3rd July, with

the Vikings' first League fixture on 1st September

Club President

Dave Horne Ruby Mortimer James Brooks

Head of Rugby

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GP Dr. David Willits talkedabout the NHS70 yea rs after the formation of the Na tionalHealth Service it is difficu lt to remem ber thedram atic changes that have taken p lace in the

service none more so than in General Practice.

These changes were highlighted by retired GP Dr.David Will its in his excellent ta lk to the Maymeeting of the Probus Club o f Broadland when hedescribed his ea rly career in Ilkes ton and

Silesden,Yorkshire . With several humorousanecdote s, he described that in the sixties GPsurgeries had no support staff , that he heldthree surgeries per day and was on call even atnight. Further doctors were not allowed to takeleave unless a locum could be provided.

GPs had to refer all X-rays and b lood tests to thelocal hospital and there were no repeatprescr iptions. At first in the cramped conditions ofa divided single room split into waiting and

consulting rooms with little privacy, the patientshad to sit on the examina tion bed until a chairwas later provided. All records were hand writtenand sto red in box files.

It is to the credit of Dr Will its that he introduced

many improvements in his surgery before in 1974taking up a position in Norfolk, but that as hestated was another story.

The Probus Club of Broadland is a fellowship of

retired or semi-retired businessmen andprofessionals. We meet for lunch in Coltishall onthe last Wednesday of the month and are alwayspleased to welcom e new members. For furtherinformation contact our secretary;


Clive Lockyer 01603 737431

The next date for your diaries is the

Village Fete on July 28 th, 2pm atBlacksmith’s Farm. I’m sure by now youknow that we have decided on a Caribbeantheme. If we are as lucky with theweather as we usually are, it will be

perfect! Please come along and supportthe fete, it is an awful lot of hard work toset up and it is always lovely to see you allon the day.

Following the Vil lage Fete we have Potato

Night on August 9th at 7pm. Once aga in we will besearching for potatoes in buckets! They are certain ly growing

well, but as we all know that doesn’t necessarily mean there isa crop o f pota toes at the bottom. It is always a fun eveningand we all look forward to the various dishes contr ibuted to thebuffet which contain po tatoe s in some form or another.

Afte r growing all those potatoes we will then be looking

forward to see ing you a ll at the Village Show on Septem ber

1st. Hopefully some of you will have found a Schedule of Entryincluded in this issue. Please come and take part, the event is

held in the spirit of good fun and people join ing in, so even ifyou only have a couple of things to exhibit, come along andente r them!

Sue Watts Secretary

The Preston Rooms – The Village Hall

Sisters here – revivingtheir family history

Take a walk round our parish and you wil l meet people, sayhello, get chatting. And often who you talk to will be

interesting, delighted to be here, keen to know more of ourpar ish and its people. And with their own h istory here.

Classic case: Three daughters, from Hants , Warwicks andScotland here catching up on the past, setting and work of their

great grand-father Walter Fiddy who used to bu ild wherr ies at

Allen’s boatyard on Anchor Street late in the 19th century andearly in the 1900s. Its believed he was marr ied to a Sarah Pye .

The daughters were given The Marlpit magaz ine for some localinformation and colour – we met near Anchor Street where theyhad been catching up on h istory including about members of theWicks fam ily – the females well known as “some of the mostbeautiful of ladies.”

Pictured here are le ft to right Elizabeth, Jeanette and Yvonne.They had enjoyed a day on a boat on the Broads, then moretime visiting Co ltishall – and vowed to be back for more of theirfamily’s histo ry.

If you are a Fiddy or Wicks, part of the ladies ’ history, relationswith them , have inform ation that can help their quest as above,please Email or phone me (details on P3 and inside back cover)with information and once again, The Mar lpit will tr y to help its

readers , and in this case visitors to the area with knowledge andheart for the region, trying to find out more.

And, even if Elizabeth, Jeanette and Yvonne are not re lated toyou – remember we Ed ito rs of The Mar lpit are always trying tohelp you readers – so if you have a question about this area,

whatever it may be, do ask!

And we’ll try to help… You’re always welcome!

Paul Thomas , Chairman, The Marlpit.

We would love to see more “Selfies”, why dont you take the

latest copy of TMP on holiday and have it and you snapped in

front of your favourite holiday location. If there and TMP is

soon to be printed send it by email and it may well be on your

doormat on your arrival home.


Coltishall Commons Managem ent Trust Annual General Meeting

is on Thursday 16th August 7.00pm to 8.00pm in the

Church Rooms, Rectory Road, Coltishall. All welcome. To

leave questions for discussion contact the clerk email

[email protected]

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Ron Hunt Chairman, on 781416

Then & Now The editors are creating a gallery of pictures of the Marlpit area.

Here we have two photographs sent to us by Malcolm Harvey

We would be pleased to receive your pictures of “Then and Now” of your own homes or local area - Not just views but people around the area too. Itwould be helpful if you could include a date and a little detail of were the picture was taken. Please send your photographs to [email protected].

Alternatively post (with return address) in the Marlpit boxes at the Post Office, Chemist or Farm to Fork and Fish.

Two early colour postcards showing Belaugh and Coltishall on the River Bure.


22ND JULY1st Hoveton & WroxhamScouts will be ho lding the irAnnual Car & Bike Show on

SUNDAY JULY 22nd at StJohn`s School, Horning Road,

Hoveton NR12 8NX

11 am – 4 pm. Adult adm ission only £2.50,childre n under 16 FREE.

A lovely day out for all the family with 200 plus carsand bikes on display – you can vote for your favourite“The Peoples Choice”. Bar, BBQ, Teas & Cakes, IceCream s, Auto Jumble, Car Boot & Charity stalls (

“Soak a Scout”, Children`s ActivityCentre, e tc

Other attractions include “Fatal 4” Porsche 945,Happ isburgh Owls, Wrox ham Fire Brigade,

Institute of Advanced Motorists.

This is our main fundraising e vent of the year, soplease come and support us !

*to book a Car Boot sta ll please phone Francis 01603782703

Further deta ils, and pictures of last year`s showcan be found on our we bsite

www.hovetonandwro .uk

Please note – NO DOGS are allowed on school site

The Marlpit is looking fora Content Administrator

We need someone to handle incoming editorial materia lvia email, and filter it through to the relevant sectioneditors. All you will need is ability to receive, checkcontent and send it via email to the end users, via yourown computer.

As with all our roles here at the Marlpit, this is a part-time, voluntary position. As such, there is no financialremuneration, but benefits include:

● Working from the comfort of your own homefor a low number of hours that suit you.

● Your very own Marlpit mug.

● Working and enjoying meetings with a greatbunchof people.

● Making a very worthwhile contribution to thelocal community, by helping to keep our littleboat afloat!

If you would like to hear more, please contact PaulThomas at [email protected] or by phone to

01603 738582.

Page 20: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

For those who have not yet seen our First WorldWar exhibition plenty of opportunity exists

as it is on until Armistice Day, 11

Novem ber.

Saturday 7th July is our big socia l event bythe river. Come and listen to the popularRever ie Jazz Trio with their relaxed Gypsy

style jaz z music. Doors open at 6pm and thisis a must for your diary! Bring a picnic and a

folding table and chair would not come amiss.The cost is £10 for adults and £3 for child ren to 18

years . This includes the opportunity to look round theMuseum. There will be a bar, and our ste am boat, Fa lcon, will be running

30 minute river trips for adults £4, and child ren £2.50. Under fives arefree. Book ea rly!

On the evening of Saturday 21st we welcome the theatre group, Crude

Apache, and Friday 27th , being Norfolk Day, the museum will be open forfree plus Falcon will be running too. See our webs ite for full details.

Many more events are planned for the rest of the season so keep in touchby vis iting .

The Museum is ope n Sunday to Friday 10am to 4.30pm withFalcon running Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday hourly from

10.30am. Phone 01692 581681 to book seats.

We meet on the second Monday of themonth in Coltishall Church Room from 2

till 5pm.

For more information please contact

Sylvia Coward 737915

or just come along on July 9th . We lookforward to welcoming you.

Coltishall and Horstead

Good NeighboursWould like to invite you to the church rooms on

Thursday 26th July from 2 – 4pm

For a T party and talk on the history of the

Norfolk Broads

There will be a raffle on the day

Tea and cakes providedPlease come and join us and meet new friends

If you require transport please call

07799 277 455

Museum of the Broads, The Poo’s Sta ithe, Sta lham, NR129DA …........ and all that Jazz [2017]

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Hoveton, Wroxham and District Gardening Club

Gardening Tips for JULY

In my garden there is sti ll plenty of colour. Foxgloves , day lil ies, perennial geraniums, hebes, weigelas ,

philodelphus, as well as roses .

● Whether you have planted trees, shrubs, perennia ls or summer bedding they should all be doing qu ite nicely.

● But with your baskets, tubs or any other containers they need feeding and wa tering regularly.

● Keep hoeing through your borders and dig out any remaining deep rooted weeds.

● I don’t know about you, but my hedges have rea lly grown, especially at the beginning of June. If you have not already

tr immed your hedges, now is the time to do beech, lonicera nitida, privet and ho rnbeam. Just check that there are no birds

sti ll nesting.

● Keep dead head ing roses, bedding and perennia ls. Divide old clumps of bearded irises . Replant the young rhizomes and

reduce the foliage by half.

● Keep mowing your lawns. If they are s lowing up through drought, raise the height of the cutting blade slightly.

● In the veg plot keep p icking peas & broad beans and lift potatoes. Keep sowing sa lads in small rows as we ll as carro ts.

Water squashes and courgettes well, also runner and French beans.

● In the greenhouse shade plants, provide ventila tion and take out side shoots on your tomatoes, if they are not bush

varieties, and feed weekly.

● Keep your pond topped up, clean filters and feed fish re gularly.

Visit gardens, get new ideas, ta lk to fellow gardeners and enjoy your garden.

Michael Ottaway, Cha irman

The activity days we organised for pupils from Mile Cross School inNorwich once aga in were extremely success ful. The sailing quite a thr ill

for all as it was ratherwindy that morning…againmany thanks to all a t

Wroxham NBYC who sogenerously give up the irtime and the ir boats tohelp. The farm vis it andbarbecue was enjoyed byall and included a visit to

the production unit aswell…again a big thankyou to Tim Place and hisstaff who helped with thevis it. The second day wasspent at Bar ton Turf

activity centre and asusual the highlight was theraft build ing, the raft raceand the raftdisintegration….grea t funfor all.

July marks the start of thenew Rotary year. At thehandover meeting at theend of June outgoingpresident Joyce Plant

formally handed over theclub presidency to PhilipPlant who is pres ident for2018/9. The summer is aquieter time of year foractivities, but we are already working on plans for the autumn…and

would you believe, our Christmas activity! One ma jor event in July is our

charter night on 16 th July when we celebrate the founding of the club in2005.

We are always pleased to we lcome more new members into the club -you can pop along and meet us any Monday evening if you fancy finding

out a bit more about us and what we get up to, butplease contact our secretary Anne Kittle in advanceon 07887523071 to check the meeting details and so

we can ensure we have food for you. Visit our web-site on for moreinformation and deta ils of our exciting programme for2018, or our Facebook page orcontac t our president, Philip Plant on 01692 630152.

There is no better way to give something back to thelocal community...and no better time than now.

Report by Peter Milsted

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Since last month’s News things have been very quiet in thetower, except, of course , for the sound of our bells at practiceand for services! But we do have the good news tha t our threenew learners, Maureen, Linda and Neil, have now reached the

stage of being able to r ing their bells at both hand andbackstrokes without their teacher helping them - just like realringers said one! All three have now joined the Lea rning theRopes Scheme (LtR) of the Association of Ringing Teachers – a'first' for Coltishall lea rners in this new way of assisting newrecruits with their skil ls and in helping them to track the ir

learning progress against best practice guide lines. LtRmembership is a structured progression so new re cruits knowthat they are being taught in the way that considerable researchhas shown to be most effective. Mike Gander, the tower ’sRinging Master is a member of the Association o f R ingingTeachers and believes tha t the clear guidelines will enable any

new entrants to this challenging and beneficial hobby to learnquickly and safely, joining a centur ies-old tradition and enjoyingthemselves at the same time!


Can we tempt you to join us in our hobby? The only hobby that

pays YOU to join in? (We’ll explain if you com e and see us onthe 27th!

If you are at all intrigued make a note in your diary or yourcalendar of August Ba nk Holiday Monday (27th) when we

shall be holding a joint OPEN AND TOWER TOUR DAY andTABLE SALE with tea and cakes and an opportunity to have apersonal (and private) ‘TASTER SESSION’ when anyone can‘have a go’ at ringing one of our church bells for real. There ’llbe demonstrations of ringing and what happens in the towerand an opportunity to climb to the tower’s roof with yourcamera with plenty of chances to ask us what it’s all about.

Who knows, you might get hooked!

And if you can’t wait till the 27th come and see us any Mondayevening at our Practice Night from 7.30 pm onwards.

This Juvenile House Sparrow is

sunning itself in this cut back leylandii hedge. Hopefullyhe has one eye open to spot the Sparrow Hawk who isoften in the hedge too.

Can you spot the sparrow?

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Rev Deb xxx

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Broadgrace dates for

July are:

Tiddlers: Wednesdays

4th and 18th July

IT with Friends:

Thursday 5th July

at The River Rooms

UNITED REFORMED CHURCHMinister : Rev Bruno Boldrini, 94Welsford Road , NR4 6QH , [email protected]

Secretary: Lynne Howard, [email protected]

Services and Events in July(all at the Hub unless stated otherwise)

Sunday 1 st July 11am Holy communion Service led by Rev Malcolm Wright

Sunday 8th July 11am Service led by church members.

Sunday 15 th July 11am Family service led by Mrs Nico la Grieve

Sunday 22 nd July 11am Service led by Rev Carole Pearl

Sunday 29 th July 11am Service led by Rev Bruno

Boldrini, preceded by church meeting at 10.30

Coffee is served after each service. Please do join us!

Our weekly Community Café on a Thursday 10.30-12.00, is a

great opportunity to meet up with friends over a coffee and slice of

homemade cake. It’s free – all we ask for is a small donation towards

the costs. All are welcome! Any surplus money is given to charity and

so far we have been able to support several local and national charities

with our donations

JAM (our Sunday Kids Club) is always open to new children for

fun, cooking, games, crafts and Bible sto ries . Please contact

Chr is Bill ing at [email protected] or phone 01603

783992 for more details.


Every Tuesday in the Hub there is a meeting of the Prayer

Group. Anyone is we lcome to come and pray or be prayed for.

Work in Progress

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Sunday 1st July The Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Readings: 2 Corinthians 8:7-15, Mark 5:21-43

8.00am Holy Communion at All Saint’s, Horstead

9.30am Morning Prayer at All Saint’s, Ha inford

10.00am Family Service at St John the Baptist, Coltishall

11.00am Holy Communion at St Swith ins ’, Frettenham

Wednesday 4th July

Readings; Am os 5:14-15,21-24; Matthew 8:28-end

10.00am Holy Communion at St John the Baptist, Coltishall

Sunday 8th July The Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Readings; Ezekiel 2:1-5; 2 Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13

10.00am Joint Holy Communion at St Swithin’s, Fre ttenham for Co ltishall Group of Parishes

Sunday 15th July The Seventh Sunday after Trinity

Readings; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29

8.00am Holy Communion at St John the Baptist, Coltishall

9.30am Holy Communion at All Saints’, Horstead

9.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints ’, Ha inford

11.00am Holy Communion at St Swith in’s, Frettenham

11.00am Holy Communion at St Margaret’s, Stratton Strawless

Sunday 22nd July The Eighth Sunday after Trinity – St Mary Magdalene

Readings; 2 Corinthians 5:14-17; John 20:1-2,11-18

09.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints ’, Horstead

09.30am Holy Communion at All Saints’, Hainford

11.00am Holy Communion at St John the Baptist, Coltishall

11.00am Morning Prayer at St Swithin’s, Fr ettenham

4.00pm Pet’s Service at St Margaret’s, Stratton Strawless

Sunday 29th July The Ninth Sunday after Trinity

Readings; 2 Kings 4:42-44; Ephesians 3:14-21; John 6:1-21

10.00am Joint Benefice Holy Communion at All Saint’s, Hainford for Co ltishall Group of Parishes

Sunday 5th August The Tenth Sunday after Trinity

Readings: Ephesians 4:1-16; John 6:24-35

8.00am Holy Communion at All Saint’s, Horstead

9.30am Morning Prayer at All Saint’s, Ha inford

10.00am Family Service at St John the Baptist, Coltishall

11.00am Holy Communion at St Swith in’s, Frettenham

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All of us have journeys that are memorable or special to us-it might have been to a faraway place onholiday, or a few days on our love ly Norfolk coast. Some will have memories of journeys serving in theforces, or long d rives connected with work. Some might have taken time to trave l and meet new people

and new places on a student gap yea r, or done volunteering abroad to help others .

Everyone is on a journey through life- as we discover more about ourselves, those around us, and about our

soul…about faith…and even about God. This journey of life is just as real as any other journey- it is a pilgrimage.

Some of you may have seen the BBC TV program tracking the pilgrimage across northern Spain, the Camino de

Santiago (the Way of St James) with actor Neil Morrisey, The Rev Kate Bottley (she of Goggle Box fame), Debbie

MaGee (widow of Paul Daniels,) and other.

They travelled the ancient pilgrim path to Compostela, and on this long and challenging road, they explored what

really mattered to them in life and in what they believed. The members of the group ranged from an atheist (Ed

Byrne) through to those still working out what their faith was, to the Rev Kate-who also said she was still discovering

what faith in God meant to her. All of them were caught up in this pilgrimage.

I invite all who are interested- whether you have a definite faith or still

working it out – to join together as fellow pilgrims. We will meet as a

group to explore the Christian faith, to enjoy one another’s company,

and to make some actual pilgrimages to local holy places, such as the

Cathedral or Walsingham. We will follow a course called PILGRIM -

but also give time talk and go on pilgrimage. There will be am

introductory meeting to find out more on Wednesday 18th July

7.30pm at The Rectory, Coltishall. Just come along, or if you wish

contact me for further details. This is open to all-non church goers- church goers- just bring an open mind and a heart hungry for more.


Great to have again taken part in the Open the Book collective worship at Coltishall Primary School, with some new members to our team, as we told

the story of St Paul. At Hainford and Frettenham we continue to explore our values of Responsibility, Hope and Compassion. And we are looking

forward to Hainford School’s play about Ancient Egypt on 17th July at Hainford Church.


There will be a Church Stall at the Hainford Fete to raise funds and to welcome and give info about the Church. Do come along. Please also support

the Hainford Pre School, and local organizations. The Fete is on Sunday 8th

July 12-5 at the Village Hall, Hall Road, Hainford.


All welcome to Coltishall Church to join in a Holy Communion service celebrating Rev Peter Howard’s 40 years as a priest. Peter is one of our retired

clergy – and we value very much his ministry among us in the benefice. Do come and join us.


Good to have Bishop Jonathan with us last month at Horstead as we sang favourite hymns and celebrated four years of Pop Up Café This meets every

month on a Tuesday in Horstead Tithe Barn 10am -12pm. All welcome.

GARDEN PARTY All welcome at the Garden Party and Grand Draw at Coltishall Rectory on Saturday 1st September at 2pm to 5pm for Church


Please do contact me or my colleague Revd Keith Dignum for more info –or if you would like a visit.

The Reverend Christopher Engelsen 01603 737255 [email protected]

The Reverend Keith Dignum 01603 710397

Visit our Facebook Page for details of events Coltishall Group of Parishes


All good wishes and prayers for summer

Rev Christopher


Parish Priest:        Father James Walsh, 4 Norwich Road, North Walsham        Tel:    01692 403258

Parish Website:

Sacred Heart Church, Kings Arms Street, North Walsham        Sunday Mass    11.00 a.m.

St John of the Cross, White Hart Street, Aylsham                     Sunday Mass     9.00 a.m.

St Helen's Church, Horning Road West, Hoveton                     Saturday            5.30 p.m. (Anticipatory Mass)

Page 27: Annual Car & Bike Show. - The Marlpit...VALETING 07786 915198 Westover Veterinary Centre 40 Yarmouth Rd, North Walsham, Norfolk, NR28 9AT 01692 403202 Community Magazine for Coltishall,

Nigel's Stripes

are very please with the response

from advertising in the Marlpit.

Many Thanks Marlpit

Money Matters…A regular report for our readers written byM ar t in Sm i th F i na n c ia l A dv i s e r

Burgh Road, Aylsham 01263 734859 Station Road, Hoveton 01603 273590

“I live here but my property is in Trust” (how clever am I!)

There have been many promi nent adverts appearing in newspapers and m agaz ines of late encouraging people to place the ownership of the irhom e into a “Propert y Protect ion Trust” so that i t fal ls out of the reach of the Loca l Council for ca re costs funding assessment. D oing this m eansthat you no longer are the le gal owner of the home. Instead a Trust is crea ted and the ownership is passed to i t.

I have read these adverts wi th care, searching for 3 key words “Del ibera te Asset Deprivation.” If I were being encouraged to spend rather a lot ofmoney placing m y home into Trust, I’d invest a little bit of time first and understand how Norfolk County Council (NCC) would view thedisposal . In fact , why not call them on 0344 800 8020.

If you, or some one cl ose to you, are in a position of having a Fina ncia l Assessment wi th a m ember of staff from NCC, be prepared to have

answers to their questions. Perhaps one of the obvious questions that m ay be raised is “D o you own your hom e?” If you reply “No” then the nextquestion is likely to be “w ho does own i t?” NCC and a ll other Local Councils are perfectly wi thin their rights to look back in time to establishwhether or not you have given away assets (including your home) and to then ask the million dollar question “why did you do i t?” It follows thatyou will need to com e up wi th a plausible reason that holds wa ter.

Those firms that promote the gifting of property into Trust should always supply you with a written report which, amongst othe r things, should

spel l out exact ly what your motive(s) were for taking the act ion in the first place. In the vast majority of cases that I have c ome ac ross, the onlymotive wa s to “stop the c ouncil from being able to cla im m y home” but sure enough, the typed report states a variety of other spurious reasons.

Council employees aren’t stupid. They know what to look for and wi ll be very fam iliar with the sales patter of most firms that prom ote this kindof planning. They wi ll challenge you if they fee l that any disposal of wea lth was done del ibera tely with the intent to deprive them of their right to

include the a sset in means tested a ssessments. Plenty of case law can be found in this area .

So the simple message is BE CAREFUL. Don’t get sucked into slick sales ta lk or expensive glossy brochures handed out at sem inars in hotelconference room s. Go along and li sten by all means. But do take t ime to unders tand the meaning behind those 3 key words. And if your motivefor placing your home into a Trust is (or was) to prevent NCC from cla iming it, then make sure that you have the evidence to back up another,more credible reason.

It’s al l down to your position at the t ime of making the disposal. Some people think that as long a s 7 years has pa ssed then NCC can’t challenge apast act ion. Not so. The 7 year rule rela tes to Inheri tance Tax planning, not Care Cost planning.

I very much hope that this article is of som e interest (and value) to you. Do cal l me if you would like to discuss your own situa tion. This shortarticle in no way should be taken by readers as advice.

Martin Smith can be contacted on e ither of the above landline numbers or 07584 030071

Martin Smith Financial Adviser is a trading name of ClearView F inancial Consultants Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the

Financial Conduct Authority under number 672601

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01603 738553

MartinSmith Probate, Attorney & Wills

ClearView Financial Consultants

1 B u r g h R o a d, Ay lsh am , N o r f ol k , N R 1 1 6 A J T e le p h o n e 0 1 2 6 3 7 3 2 7 2 0S t a t i o n R o a d , H o v e t o n , N o r f o l k , N R 1 2 8 U R Te l ep h o n e 0 1 6 0 3 2 7 3 5 9 0

ISA’s ~ The interest ra te on m y ISA is so low these days. I want to keep the tax free benefits, but are there better ISAs out there?

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Alterations and repairs

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Email: [email protected]

Donna & Kayley

at FGH Hairdressers are delighted

with the response since advertising

in the Marlpit

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Please tell our advertisers you saw them in The Marlpit

01692 403231

At the Beechwood Hotel’s 2 AA Rosette Restaurant we offer a

British fine dining menu with an emphasis on fresh local produce.

We are open every evening for Dinner from 6.30pm until 9.00pm.

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Afternoon teas can be taken in the garden on fine days.

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We have a delicious Sunday lunch menu available, served every

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