anna rosenberg 1935 - 1945thia will rerer to your preyiou• corre•pondence in regard to tbe...

' / ANNA ROSENBERG 1 935 - 1945

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1935 - 1945

October 10, 1935

De~r Hr s . nosonberg1

Then« you very •nuch for

your note LU\d ror your iateru~ t 1n the

Works Progress proj ects. I do 1ndeod

hope ~ they Cion be s;~eeded up ..,,,J ,.u t into oper:•tion.

Very sincerely yours•

~~ • .Anna 11.fRoaenberg lll Eighth henue lew York




1U atOif'l'lt AV&NVll, N8W YOJUC, N, Y.

ALVlN IIAOW'N P,pwf)' ,.y...,.c. .....

Dear )lro, Roooe'f8U:

V Arter tbe iotomew wbiob :rou oo graoiouoQ- accord-.1

JD8 yeater4a)-• I aaw 14'•· Woodward; aDd we are wot1dng out plana tor a opoobl ' driYO to put .., •• to wort durioe; tbe ont teo 4a;ro. It tbo propo .. d project• tor wo.on are approYed toae41atol:r by Waobine;ton, I will bo able to e;et tb• otart-.1 botore I oonr 'lfJi/ connootiono with tho Work• Progreae A.dminietratton. Onoe they are in operation we will eatabliab e adY1110l'1 oo•lttee tor nperrtaion &Dd aa a guarantee that tho projecto tor .., ... will not be ooe;loctod 1D New York Cit;r. I 4o bope that n will bo able to oooure approftl. ot thooe propoood projeoto '11'1 tbout dela:r, in order that we may oal'r:r out our plano,

In reterenoe to your reQ.ueat tor tntonu.tton. I am adYiood that the L. P. Hollander Co. tormorl:r operated a otero in Booton, wbioh it wee torood to dioeootioue early thlo ;roar; and it now m1Dtaioo oDly the one eotablio~t in New York City, omplo;ring approxtoatoly titteen people. Intervte .. with a .. jortty ot the amploJ••• indicate tbo:r aro oatiotied witb prooont working ooD4it1ooo, that thoir ooapenoatioo ia tn exceaa ot the ~~UDder the cod•• and tbat tbeJ are required to work tort7-two houra a week, ftiob 1a two ho..ira o••r tbe axillua epecitied b;r tho oodo, It you deoiro additional into .... uoo concerning tbio o011.pao;r, p].oue let - ltnow and I will be e;lad to e;et 1 t tor you.

I WilDt to thallll: :you apin tor your kindoeoo and tbo e;reat oourtoo:r wbioh you oxtoodod •, I will alwa;ro ..-!>or w1 th appreoiation :rour o:r.pathy and intereot in the oolution or tho problou which we dbouooe4.

I do hope tbat your trip will bo thoroue;hl:r

llroo huklia D. Rooon.l t lll!to ·Bou• IIUlaUctOil, D. O,

I I ., J f o ,J

( , .. ( I'

I' .r·· . '

Siooorol.y youro

•• .J, ( . I

l -

( (

octot>or 17, 19~5

Do~r llr a . R0$8Dbor£1

Th • .uk you very cuch f.~r your no t e or October lO t h rtold f or !fOUl' erfot·h on belu;J.J' ot ~'r~uk Brous"y . r lil.l 1:1"" y.>u wo o 1- bl o to hel , hin ;.s I = pt.r t1c10l urly 1nt ·•r e ., t cod i n n ..:lly Wid thllllc thoy .re ><ortb •l. lle.

Vory air..·et•ely yours,

»rs. Anna u. }nosenberg WPA 111 Eighth Ave nue New York




ALVIN allltOWN CIG'V!'Y AOMI"If'"'-"~


111 &10-HTH AYD«.JC


October 10, 19~~ '\.._,

Wi•• Mal YiD& T. Scheider SeoNI.arJ ~o J(ra. IIA:>oaeult 'I'll• 'fbi to Houae Washington, D. C.

My dear Wi•• Scheider:

Thia will rerer to your preYiou• corre•pondence in regard to tbe poaaibilit;r or aeouring employment tor ono Frank Brodaky Wbooe address ia 241 Powell Streat, Brooklyn, New York.

We are pleaaed to adTiae you tbat we han been aucceaatul in plaoing . hia •• o. J'unior Clerk.


Sincerely youra ,

.lllna w. Roaanberg Special A4•iaar

~ I"-'?


Octobor ~J, 193!5

Dear J.!ra . Rosenberg&

Thank you 'lOry r.ucl• f'or

your letter w:d th"' repor t. I wr.s

\ dePply 1ntPrc~tcd t o soc 1t.

::1 t•· e .l t:ood wtslles, I aa

Ver:1 s1ncet·ely yours,

Mrs . Anna M. Rosenberg 45 Broadway New York

s 0

Report on NYC White Collar Projects, WPA, Oct. 14 Sent to the President


NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRfATI01NJ~..,~~It) ." •• • b ~rl' WASHINGTON, D. C. \ ~ ~"v Wi

45 llroad•O¥ II"" York City 1 ~ /


, ... -y WT dear Wro. Roooevolt1

AI you know, the efforto of the Works Progroao .Ad•lnhtration in behalf of the •wblto collar• une10ployed have boon tbo target of oevere critlclo=, and to offaet tbio General Johneon p&n>ittod •a to for. a plannln1 and advioory caa:dttee of outotanding aen and woaen in »ow York City to review theoe oorvlce proJecto . 'l"ao report oub11Hted by tho Co~ttoe boo brouc~>t forth tbe aoat faTorable Qewapeper and editorial co~ota. I conoider it exceptionally conotructive and unpreJudiced, and I believe you wil l be interested in reading the onclooed copy. · •

liT off! oio.l connection with t he liP A ended Tu.UdO¥, and I ban returned to the lllU. I ocarcely need aooure you t bat I will deea it a diotinct privilege to han you. call on •• 'Whenever you fool I can be of oorvico 1n an unoff1olal capacity with tho l orko Progreoo ~1Dtetrat1on or to AD¥ otber ·~·

l i tb ldndeot regardo and bOlt wilhoo. Iu


llro. 7r.akl1a D. llooonolt Tba lhUa Bouao fubia~oa. D. c.

Sincerely 70uro

llay 2.3 , 1936

Dear lir a. Rosanber&l

Convatulat1ona on your ap. o1Dtluntl I aa so glad, because I feel you oan do soocS work on tl.e Soc1hl Sec~r1tT Board, and t n ey Sbould be cona~atula ted us well as you.

\'11th ever y aood wish, I aa

Cordially yJura,

llrs. Anna K.Roaenbera 3S •••• WaMMs••• A•· rpa Wew York


.IONM . . .. ......,.,.,.~­

.un'H\ol"' J.IOI.~In'-­VINc.HTM. MJI..U


45 Broadwq lin York City

Door Mlao Schal4er:

lla;r 27th, 19::18

Wra. aoo••••lt •e t;olot; to be 110ot

!haDk J'OU 10

concratulaUon.o. 1nter .. t1ot;.

IIUch for ,-our own an.4 I aa aure the work 1o

IN 111'0'\.Y IIUiii"UUIl'O


It -. 100re than k1n4 of ,-ou to forward tq lot\er to Mr. Mort;aa, and I ..., nr,- crateful.

Looldng forward to •••111& you roal 10011, I aa. w1 th e'ft%7 good wish ,

Slncerel7 youre

(\:"'"' "- ·~~-Q,, .. \ Anna M. Roeonbert; Director

Mia 1 Mal Ylna 'l'holtpaOil Scha14er Secreta.,- to Mra. AoooeYelt !be .,t to &owo• 'faahtn,to11, D.o.

June 31 1936

Dear Kra. l!ostlllbercs

I u;1 inter .. ted in aXu •• !!!hoeth~ochie whoa I ~tor

r a loac •• 1111 had chars• ot the rest r ooa llhich I .. tabliahed at the Glrla Serrtce Leasue and lho tells ae there h no longer the aue need ll.Dd we .. re closing tbh reat rooa. I wonder lt yoq would be wlillA& to seo her wl th the idea ot t1nd1Jl& soaethins tor her 1t you tilt you could use an;rone ot her experi111101. She 1s a splencUd penon and ubsolutely dependable in e•ery way.

Yery 1incerely your••

lfrs • .&nna\ Ro~tberc Social Secur 7 Board 45 Broadway NYC

( r

) \;




45 Broadwe,y

Jwte 0,1936


I// \ . ' J

Wy dear Wra. Rooae•el t:

I aball be delighted to ••• Wlaa !lapetb Connoch1• at any time it ia conveni ent for her to call at thia office, I will telephone her t o llllllco an appoin t~~~en t.

.U thoU&!> I ""' doubtful that I can do anything for her with regard to a poaiti on in tbia organtca tion, aa all ou.r peroonnel, with the exception ot a fa• experta end attorneya, .uat be eelected from thoae on the qualified l iata of the United stateo Civil service , it io a1together poeaible that her particular training aQT fit her for a poaltion on one of the white collar proJecta of the lorka Progreaa AAmlniatratlon.

YOU Bey be that I will do what I can for her.

Sincerely youra

s::~~~~~ Regional Directo r

Wra. JraDklin D. ROOIOTolt !ho lbl to Hou.oo Waohlqton, D. c.


Juno ~rd. 1936

liT dear ILro. I!Dooonlt:

I aa deepl7 gratotul for your kind lottor of congratulatlono. I do not know how you C4Q find tho time 1n your buoy l ifo t or theoe thou&nttul thlnao, which 10ean oo I!Uch to one.

I Cladly accepted the appotnt .. nt "' Rocton&l Director or !low York tor tbe Social Security Board, bocawoe I dooc 1 t a 41othlct prtveleae to be able, ••en In a amall ._,, to aoolot In carrying out tho poltoleo ot tho Prootdont.

'l'h&nklng you again tor tho oncour..,.eaent you ba" Chon .,., I Ul, wi th nery Cood wlab,

Sincerely ycuro

~"' ~. <~er.....L-'\" Anna 11. I!Do~berc Becional Director

llro. rraaklln D. Roooe•elt

l uhtnctOD, D. C.

I n the abt•II>Ce ot lire. lloos..,.lt AD4 lira, Sobalde r I aa \aldD& tile lll>nrty ot aolalovlodailll! your l~Ltor or J\lne lDth 1n oll'ller ~ba\ you ay bu o ~he lnro .... u on tor whloh :rou oalc.

'I110 hooo ud1rooo o~U1•: r-:lop!!ib Coqpnrh'~la 446 rut G8t b ._, roo , Bow ozk Clt y.

J.lnl, .AliDa 11.\ A>•onbol'll " 810&4-:r ----... Toll< Hew Tori<

j,l,• :_{t,v'




411 Broadway

Juno 15th, 1936

~ dear ~ra. Scheider:

Jtre. Rooaevelt wrote to ae ori' .Tune 3r4 in regard to a ~iu J:lopoth Connocblo, who had cbar61 of tho root room at tho Girle Sorrlce League. rn ny reply to ~ro. Rooao•olt on Juno 5th r &dvloed her that r would telephone ~111 Connoch!o and aak bor to come In to ••• me. '

However , Inquiry at tho Girlo Service L•acue bao boon fru.ltlo10, ao nobo<IJ' thoro ooeae to know hor. If yoa wi ll be good ono~ to gin ,., her &ddreee, I oball be gla4 t o ask• another effort to got In touch w1 tb 11111 Connocllle.

With kind ro&or~o. I am

Sl nco rely your o

~~-- "\q~~ ~na Y. Rotenberg

Regional Director

Wra . ~l•ina Scheider Sooretary to Wro. loooe•olt

laobtncton , D. c.

l~~ra. ADM Roaant>.rc , / Soafal S.OW'Uy Board 4S Broadwar · Maw Iork, Raw Iork

/Uu Ncwembar 7 , 1940

Would you ~ w1ll1ns to eoma to my apart.mClt twenty Eaat ehventh Street l ew '!ork Cit.y at tour thlrty tomorrow Frld<~7 at1.ernooo to cliaou .. ait~t.ion whiob I thinl< h&rllltlll to labor and -hlcb diatur~ .. , IUu Tbo~~~paona name 1n t>.U .


Dear Mra. Roaan~r<l

I haYa Juat wlrad JOU that I ho~ JOU w1ll be rr•• to co•• to ., apar\8ant toaorrcw, rrld~y. artarnaon at rour-tblrt7.

!here 11 a 70ung .. n who aapl071 electrical worker• who baa brought ae a ator7 wblch I tblnk lt wldel7 told would dt lnt1n1te hara to the whole cauae or labor. lie 1a so dlecourand he 1a about to co out or buelneaa and I oan not help taellnc that JOU, who are 1ntereated ln labor ln .. neral •• I aa, a1gbt be able to help not cal7 1n thla particular problea, but the whole problaa wh1cb 1• what lntereeta ae ln ltl rundaaental aapaot.

I bate to aak JOu t o g1Ya tb1a tlae beoauae I know how bua7 you are, but lt 70U oan coaa to 81 apartaent, I aball be YerJ cratetul.

YerJ cordlallJ 7oura,

~~latnl:o~!t~~~rd 4& lroaclwa7 law 'fork, l.t.

. lo...-ber 18, l MO lire . -.U.ra• V 1 t .. l . 1!11ot Prat.t. is

a~~~~h too capeble to lie all-.! to NUlD

1.U. aDcl I t .. l eune abe • Ill be looklnt.

l or ..... w nc really oCMt.ruoUw to do.

Can :rou thlnlr ot ~1111 ahe

ooal4 be uii..S t.o -1.der 4alalf Yos

m•, ol couree, ehft ~· a 1'11118'1-r.

llr• . Anna :!osenberc Social Security Hoard 45 Broodwq IIYO



Annd JV\.,.ie nooenberg

Deeet~ber 3, '1940

Hy denr l·irs . Roosavel t. :


llo doubt you JvLve a lready heard from :~ajor Hooker of the prot.Tess we: aro makintt i n Hr . Leigh 1s case . I have ha.d cl earance f rom Local 3 of the El ectr ical Worker£l, only t o d iscover tha t the sheet. metal workers nro invol vod. Last Friday , I lvld a meet! no; with both gr oups . 'l'hey al l seemed anxious to eoo~erate , but thor o arc aou1e probl ema that still have to be worked out. I emect an anewer fro•• then this Friday and will let you know i mmediatel y. ·

I have heer d. "' great det.l about Hrs . Prat t , but haven ' t had the pleasure of meeting her . JeM Poletti htla al so spoken to mo about he.r and tau~ ta t'le t o mee t her at luncheon ooon, after which I shall be gl ad to let you know uhether I b, any Ideas.

II! thin to forward t9

the ne:xt f ew daya l hopo t o 'be nble ·1 _,fo4 you the inforretion 'Which \tO discussed. •!/'


Mr a . lranklin D. Roosevel t , 'i'ha Whit.e Houaa , Waoh1ngton , D. C.

I I /I . / ,'Y ~·

< .

I . '

. .I / . ,


June 17, 19U

IIJ d ear Anna I

I •• partloularlJ anxloue to eee

Ire . Crretal 871'4 ' •ueet get •o•• kind ot

a Job beoaune abe hae a l wa,e worked in tbe

oaapalgne and dl~ a prettJ good Job.

I wonder lt t he MaJor oould not

put ber on •• the llerro •••be r who would

ac tuallJ do the orsa nl&lng ot Megro women

under tba Yolunteer eeotlon. She would

han to baee a ealai'J.



Dear AU&;

lbe au an - U• l'otOnaUoo o•ter tor

•PF .. ta••• ,.,.. l..,n•U• "'' llu •• ..,

appola\Mate 1a ... T•l< our ~• 4ar , .. ,

1\ 11 lJipooalblo fer ber \o ao.

lira. Anna ll. Roeonborg Reglonal Director ot Oeteoae Hoal til & Sorrto oe Vodoral Soour1ty Agancy H 11. 42d St . , Now Yorlc CUy

. ....

J . ,,., I




QI'"P' IC£ 0" TMI! lti&GION.,\l. COOA01N AT()M

11 1/ost 42 titreet New York, New York



. ... ., . ..


r'ebruary 11, 1942

~;rs . Frankl in D. Roosevelt The ~/hi te Rouse Wo.shin~;ton, D. c.

My dear ltrs . Roosevel t r

The first ~derally built recreation center for the uee of eervioe rnon will be officially opened in Ylatertown , Uew Yorlc on Tuesday, l''ebruary 24.

7he committee in Ch arge hAs asked MO to extend to you thoir invitation: both they and the Camp Commander would deepl:,r appreoiato 1 t if you could open this fi rot Federally bui lt center in Now York ~tate.

I don • t need to t e ll you how happy I would be if you coul d seo your way clear to ~antin& t his f~vor . Yle will bo l ooking fol"Ward to hoar in& f rom you.


±:se~~- r( ~~~./ J<o&ional Direot or of Defense Heal th and V/elfare Services


. ' "!.l-'"' . .. r. - ~ ...... ·. ~ : ---;"~L:. ......



Jlule 17, 1M2

DNr lire . Raewt>.ra•

X llr. larl Uea~z.. 11110 baa beea Stete lllreo\or t or ui;or}'O.. 1moor, tel~ • tba\ lw la •PI>lltac tor tile pea1 \!A>a ot •11-t Direo\or tor ... '-r War !laud, 'lhldl lw tell• • ,.,., Will dJreo\ .

I .,..,. ..._ Ill'. llael4' u liD. llu.nor tor eo• ''- Md t.lllJik .,. 1e oapellla ot doi.Jic • .- jail, ao I • M11111111 ,.,., We ~tter tw TO!# o-ldaNUoD.

l llrs. Ama Rml<nberg ll 'lfeet 42<1 St. IIYC

Je17 alDOenl:r 7"'1",




Dllar lin. _.,..rc, IIIII)' tbanb tor '1WZ l etter. 1 •JIIIl'Wcla te

J <>u.r WilllJ~a~Mea to ••• llr. BellaJ an! to (1'N

wr.. AMI Roaanbers 11 Weat 42d St. , NYC


0 20 , l .;.tl..2

l>oa.r J"ra . UooGe·:elt:': :•ou ror !'OUI' l&ltur or J\1:\0 17 . 1 ha.vo ju•t h41d a telephone Cb.ll fro:1. r . J:oa le:• · Md "ill oeo h in on Tues(lay.

I hca.vo 'lu.n told t.~ut our Ofl'ico ~-~\ 11 ~nndle thu lte..npcner Hort, ai nco tJ.o f>l,lo~rv:ent Sorv1co o.nd nnny OJ the other f\mt:ttors ,~,100 \/Oulcl con~ \lntler nmpower alronrty in t.hrt or~n.nh u.tion .

I t 1a rn:J unrter ot.undin!: thnt !.>oc\1\l Security !!card Hot;lonnl Jlr octoJ•s Hill conti nuo tc h~·h.llu t!'.uir usual jobs nnd 'llhatevo r o.drl1t1onn l );CLl\('OHer vro)·Y. wil l hnvn to be dono . I don •l; l:noH ''ha.t ufld!t1onul t'lei' 80M8} VI O \/ill be tdkint; on, hut OJ' courRo 1 \til l ~ive J .. r . Ho:Jley co.r el'ul oon:; ~ do l·ut.ion . I kn<rol thnt ho llts.3 done tl coo:t jolJ .

It was uonc!o r f\al to soc you tho other dtt!' _, and the bo!'S ~ore tilri lled . Jt YfU I tO,ld Of :rou to ho.v" t.hel:l .


Ur a . l 'ranklin 1) . 11oos nvol t '!'he vn, 1 to ll ouoo lftulo!n&ton , o. c.


I thlllk tile l.eUar 10• aacloaed 1e a ..,Qdertul ooo.

1 .... ao clad \o .... .~ o>t )'0 111'

appoi-... ~ \be 11M P-r loaN aa4 1 oalld 701J rq C<Mitiii'&~..UUuoa IIW coocl .n••. lt a'-14 be ia&anoUnc aa4 1 a ball W&l'& ~ hear olloo&' it, b.&~ 1 llbllll ncK be arolllld tbeaa puta '"1'7 ..,b duriac Oc~bar.


lira • Mna II. <loa onba 1'8 11 ~:eat 42, NYC

I I 'I)


I '




.,.,.,....Y..,..,.'TO ,.n.a,..,ll:Jt0--IJ

Sopto~bnr 2~, 1942

SEP2 'i "'1 Hra. El eanor Roor~nvel t Tho llhi t• Rouoo WAahtngton, D. o. lty d.eRr Kro. RococvPlt:

I &;toke to you IO!De tlee a.eo 1'\boUt Onft or the :wn

fro~ o~ nff1ce b~c~lnr Aasla~snt Proj~ct ~pervl~r of

tbe Mlnldo:CC liar Relocatton Projec t In Uon , ld.oho, I

thoU~tht hi • rt>cont lt ttor ond oot<O '>f th• ott•ch•d cl1fJ)>1n;:c

>~Ould lntereo t you, I " "" thrilled by it,

It 11 a >'OndorM t that enn in tl•ee• <Mtl,

byater lc.U day a there are people wo are a..:C Ina ouch a

aeriouc effort to ca..rr out tbe !'rlnclrle• or !air ;>lay nr.d.

decen~ tn ~hlcb vA bell~ve.

Affeot1cnatel7 ,

~.......,_,~ ~. Anna M. R?eenbert. Reclooal Di rector . Ver llanpo""r

t ,£; II. 6dt-, r' ~ .1, t(f ((t(t£.lc

~~ ~ '~(' G ' ( ~~ '·'"P' ~~, ....... ..,...---~

N v)(J- (}("t.(~"' fa<, l:l"cc f I 1'~1' ·(rl tv! ·/. f.\ ( f. "i" .(lt.k



RETII!U! TC' ! :h5 , h(;(,5::Vl':! T


llinidoko War Relocation Proj ectj,' d 'l q ( Eden, Idab.o , ~~~

Augutt Sl, 1942

Dear Wre . Roaenbergt

I was aorry that I had tc hurry out or the a. o. on tuch a ehort notice, but &ubsequont nento have 1ndioat od how badly people wore needed on the job out here. Tha mornin& I arrhod in San FTODciooo I ewore in with tho w. ll. A. and took the ret\lr'n train out or SNl Pre.noiaeo for Eden •• tho people 'Y.'Ore to begin orrhinr; tho l'ollow1"1! day.

llo pen of mine oan tell th1o otory, but it ia history in the uking ODd 1o oxoitin;; as anythinc that can be ima.sinod i n t he 1110ot tantaatio no•ol.

Tho project 1a located out oo tho deaert. The duot h ankle deep whore the aa;;e brush h to put up tho quarters for the Jopan .. e. The build­ings for thh o1 ty ot 10,000 people are going up with 1norodibh opeod but not noe..rly •• r,at •• we are receiving people. It• a or1sina1 t h t. t they ue aent to ue before we om oare tor thu, but the A_rmy has 1 t a own reaaon for mova:leut which we cannot queotion .

I deep on t ho project in one of tho unfinished. ll\11ld1lll! t whore tho oarpentera move r>y oot in the zooming to work in r>y room o.nd in all tho root ot tho room.e. Thoro no lichto in tho building, ..,d "" have only a tow ohowora now ovailoblo about a block away. The••o 1a no hot water o.o yet ond over all th oro is duet such aa I have Dever aeen. At times it blows e.:od •·e cannot aoe • hundred toot. I have lived ri;;ht hero on tl,. project 10 •• to be nailo.blo ot all hour o 1\'hon tho water &o~• ott or tho t rwae rorm.era broalc or &CDoo.oe needs aOCDe torm or help on an:-y one ot the J:d.llion t.hinge that em h•ppeu and usually doe:. . Another r••eoo tbat I b.,. liTOd hero h oa boon ay tooling that tho pooplo would tool bettor it they knew that wo wore takinc oou ot t~ ho.rdohipo that they han to otmd, althou&}a ww can.DOt quite appreciate their e1tuot1on booauae •• can 1•••• it • n.ed to.

!ha boura ot work literally from 7•00 a .... to attar aidni&)lt nerydo.y including Sund~ with frequent inoidonto lUkin& it necoaao.ry to otay at it later than that. Juot one aMlplo ot tho kind of th1J11 which oan only happe here. Tho otbor I attOIIdod a Buddhist 1\uooral or one of tho ooloniota who hod a oti'Oko whllo be ill& oont 'haro . Tho tunorol wu at oundown out on a opot on the dotort whloh wu ecraped troa ot oaco bruob. T~ Buddhiot prioot and all t he people chanted their aenicoa juet u tho aun eanl< bohlnd a tar away butte. One ot tho • ., apoko or tho day whm thit wo.,ld bo a ~;roon •now baoo" and how thio wae tho t'ir ot of lliiiJl¥ would likely die on tho pilcriaoge.

Well alone 'about aidnipt al tho Direct or and ~~~¥••11' wore drhilli alonil to ••• it oTOrybod¥ ••• oal'oly tuoud in bod, we audclantly thouc~>t to look and ••• it tho cr•n bad bean ccrn ... cl (ro-bor "''I Uot of qualU'lcationo cUd not 1noludo up to thio - ooncllloUJI& tuDerale) but we dron out to '" ancl auro mouC)l thoro hod bo.., a 111p alllcl tb .. '""' •• otill ope. So tbo - ot uo without a word 1crt

out lll4 thoro Oil tbo odp of tho clooort in tbo ll&Jlt ot tho 1\lU -~~ tlllocl 1n

- 2-

the grave. We lhoYeled about an hoW' e.nd our job wu done. Tho Catholice aay that one of the oorporal works of meroy ia to 'bury tho dead, t.nd I surely did my work of mercy for that d~ , but I would not have he.d the grave left open for oll that io r;ood. We ~ not boon tho best grove di ggoro in tho world, bot I'll bot~ wore tho two highest paid. Well, the job io exoiting antl a real experiment in deooor e.oy and I lovo it. There are none of the established patterns oor acbiniatretive procedures t o c ope with or oven to liOrk wi t h , o.nd oaoh new incident oatobliobe• e pracedont.

The courage of the people is oarvoloua . They t oke all tho hardohi po o.nd pu shing around w-1 th t. reel belief in tho futuro that I hope we all . They believe 1D t he day when this place will be green and a new homo, o.nd wo will e.ll .., ric deoperotely hard for that eocon>plishment .so the.t thi s domoc rooy oen hold up its hee.d end proudly u.y that we were just to oome of the "11 ttlo people ...

The administrative job pe.lea int o ino16'11fioanee when we think <>f those basic need a.

1 nove enoloaed a oouple of tho olippinga f rom tho loce.l papers and a souvenir that we oought nearby on the project.

Sq "b.ello" from me , ploeao, to U.l o!' the gang. They were grand iu sending Ill&

orr. I wiob I had of them hero to gi"' o. bend aa each could help in the million thin.,;• that need doing i n on -rgonoy town that ia oporated without even a telephone on the proj oct. They have all or the phoement problems , soehl service needs, adsiniatrat ive probl ema, feedin&, housing con•t~otion, reoroetion, social proteoticm , aooi&l end economic ple.nning, e.nd el l the rest th•t • •oh could m*e hi£ contribution to . 1 won't be able to write often for awhile, but I ho.,.,n' t forgotten the many nioe thinse that both you end Joe did for me, and tho infrequency of "'Y letters should be no moo.aur .. ent or my gratitude for tho tliO ye ere' experience of working with you in Region II . l wish you would expl•in to tho othero on the oto.ft why I have been oo ol"" in writing.


/o/ Philip Soho.far

Enoloauro o \3)

ok Ld.c 0.1,. l~Al!.. ~~ ~-. \o.4~10 .. 10.. 1\IIJ ---------,---------

IMiniJnlJJD of Lu ·m·y Dom inalc P lan

If oust' . l•cltl'rs !lix Fumilies

AL Minidoka Camp J\ulhori"'" l'n•,.. .. Tvut u.,ruiCio n IIIUOrl' or ·~,..:~e .. h e Wo .. ll'; H).(ltlfl jap .. Will llrn e Few ... rill "

Oct ober lJ , 1942.

Dear Annat

Tile yel.laf ro ... are lovel,y

and ae they are ~ t&vorlte ro••• I am

Olljoy~ t h•.


lira . Anna ll. Rosenberg 11 \'l•st 42nd Street !lew York, llew York •





ll&rch 18, 1943.

~dear Anna a

I bAYe 10ur letter obout

the t ax on ticket. eben Ule lolercbant

s-. I epoke to Seeret~ry Uorgen­

t.hau eoae U:o. •co Wid I "" enclos ing

a copy ot b1e ane-.r. 1bere doean 1t

eeca to be &11fthinl ODI'e I c:&~ do.


Crs . """" U. Roaenberg Reeionel Director 4V(l. r Llhnpower ~or.vuaion 11 .lest 1,2nd St reet t:ew York, t;ew York,

I ()r J ·


. .

lfr 1, Fronlclin D, RoooeVlOlt Th8 White Hou1e Wo.1h1D&toD, D, C.

Dear llr1. Rooltftltt

AI I alny1 do when nerythlD& ehe hao tailed, I o.a

ooming to you tor help 1n oolY1ng a probloa,

You -.y re-b•r that at the opening ot tha 14orohant Se&Mn'o Club whiob io operated by tho AMrican Theatre Wine tor tho U.rchant So.- bore 1n lin York, w opokl to you about tho -tter ot tax m the troo tioltete that tho thoatz-o and ..,tion pioturo people oo generouoly clhtribute to the .,.n ot the Merchant Marine. The preoont t.x law proYideo tor an IXIIIption or taxol on all o ....... roial ontertai.nment tiolcoto dhtributed rroo ot obargo to 11111 or the anoed. torooo, Thil, bow...,r, dooo not apply to tho oi-rilian -boro ot tho U.robant llarino . Conuquontly, any tioltoto that d.iotributed by tho

theatre """oro and producoro hero 1n llow Yo!;)< City oubjoct to tho regular Podoral tax. It ooeu \D\juot that tbooo gonorouo don oro obould ban to pay a tax on their own oo-od1 ty wbioh they are diotributing tree ot oborgo .

llr, llark lloClooby bat tz-iod 1n onry way to oolYo tbio probl• with no ouocou. I ban hac! it oallod to -r att-tion acatn rooontly by John Ooldou and llr. Harry

Brandt. You know bow JOUOh both ot thaoo ,..., aro doing tor our rooroati011 and .orale procro.a, aDd I am nry anxioue to balp tbaa it thoro h any pouible way or doing it.


. . - 2 -

Kro . Fr&nlclin D. Rooo6Yel t - ll&rch 17, 194S

It doeo oeem a oaall matter and I ""' aure that llr. llorgenthau would be glad to halp on 1 t .

Anything you can do to hal p ool vo tho problem will be greatly appreciated.


~<{~ .~ Anna 11. Roaonberg Regional Direetar I

April 28, liKS

Dtar .lN\At

I •• n ry auob 1nter .. t.ed to OM 1M ne• pubU co tlon, •!Jon-or Loe t•, whi ch >""' .. nt -· a i a • apl•nd ld ol.ucly and u. intor..Uco con~ained t.b•rnn should pnmo - t bdptul .

1bank you t or ••n41nc a _ to -.


~rs . -nne ~. Rosenbftrs W11r !!anpowtJr CCliiiAJS sion 11 i'lest 42d Street, HYC

/ (




lUe . F.lonnor Roosevelt Tho Whl to House Waohinr,t on , D. c .

NY dear Urt. Roosevelt~

ll Ylo•t 42 Stroot New York, Now Yorlc: April 24, 1943

I a.a awaro or the great dea.ode upon your tlu by wart lr:o ~•••t•• and &nnounoe~nte, but am nevertheless takln& the liberty of sending you one or tho first copie3 of "U~powor Loet", a report on abaonteoiaQ in w.r industry.

Thh etudy , prepared undor tho dirootion of tho Rorlon&l Monat;o­ment .. L&bor War l.!a.npowor Committee . contains matoril\1 or vital importance to the aucceeaful proeooution of th~ war ~rrort on the home front , and I beliove well mori ts your careful peru~al.

Abaontoohra., t.s you know, hae become a trave and ur;ent problem tn war industry. Its reduction on the hoao front 1e taporattvc. If wo are to do our full ohr e In oupplylfll'; tho ""'" at tho bottle rronta w\th the thinr.• they auet have for victory.



~~·Q..,d Anna M. Roaonberr Re~ional D1re~tor

Ocl.ober ll, l <x.) .

Our AnD..\ 1

Tb&nk you eo r.Aich !or )'Our

leLter. I apprecinte :our writing and

I do want to • • • you before lonr.

lilu Arw~ Rosenbere 11 .'lest 42nd Street !lew York, !!eN York .



My de.r..r Hr ft . Rooa"ve t t:

A ooo> 1\\M;C Roscabcrg Octo~ or 4 , l<j\1}

OCT 5 - 1<tn

1 hfJV~" h Pe1 ut ,.d 1.0 wr1 t,,. to you , knO\ol ~nt '!\t)W 'bu"!f you \f~r~ . but 1 c 11n J\0 lonrt r r e l'itt \}: .- t f'mptet1 on to t t ll yn\l ~.o ~,o~ happy 1 Ae t~~ t you er~ nnr t 5f~1n e~f ely back .

~ere &r~ • fr l"lt ~ny Of U5 who hTe k f' Pnly '"• r~ ,( t~e -ytr~ot.f-1 s" e r \flce you l"okve r.pd e 1n tek \rur Alch e. lor .. r 11nd a>rd"Uo~Je t r \p ~~ond of t r.e pa ln you ! r lt ln t ~ t> l:lf vcuudf'O !..t'ft ,

5 tlJ"ht which thl t c:o\\nt.ry l••'- tt.ns !Pr b tl"n &V'rrd.

h e '-r ,. Ill to h\II T t of ~'~ t tt ID"'kn t to t.l .r boys " "0 ll,.Ve

s een you ~nd t o t h t ny >Wollen \ u t h\ e country wl-.o knnv ,,} 1 t

you "-T~ do\nt for the t r ton[! a nd l.~ut!b&.nct A.

I knov the t the thank& o r oo one 1nc\ 1.v1c.htal con n..r-nn very ~eh , but t h\1 \ " J UK\ ' not ~ to t t> l l you how wond erfu l you vr e .. nd ''0\'t' much 1 l ove you. \

Mro. 7rankl1n ». Roooovelt 'l'h~ Wb l t e 'loull! ~t

w. ohl ngton, ». c.

/"r7o . • '


'lhia 1s J,.. t • note to tell you th8t I have ,.inn a note ot int.rocluot1on to

'1. Ill'!, Pat,.lgl• )\In! 540 ,von 2:1d Street, He• York (O&elaoe 2-8e09) , who 11 earneot i n her dee ire to eeo ,YO\l, becaustt 3he wtahes to work •1 tt• the returnln,t Teterone. She has had exPf'.rlence in cantelln ~ork lind aa , ... to be a bood peuon •h011 you ·~ t be solo t o u•e.

AtteoUo"" tel.T,

/llr8, An!!& !Wunbera ) 1IIIC 11 Ilea t 42 NYC

.. 0

Janwory 16, 1945

Dear ••ra, Rcaenberao

Ill-e. Patriot. 'lard , 340 .~eat. !llkl str .... t, ~•• York, 111<11 ""ry wuoh to aee you, beea""" aha 1a sure alit< oen do a cood job with the return­in& Yaterana, She Ilea had aper1.enoo i n canteen work and bueineu training, bu t above all ~he 1a a lnoeraly 1ntereftt . ..S 1n working w1 th the boya re tumina !rca tho war,

1 hope that you will be able to • .., ilno. ol"ard, and I will be e:ra tetul to you,

Since•·aly yours ,

!Ira, Anna Roeenberc WIIC 11 Weot 42, NTC sent tc ilno. Ward


PATRECIA WAIID 340 West 2Jrd Str~at

New York 11, N. Y. Tall Chelsea 2-86o9

I've boen t rying all the Wlglas to set intu the vataran'o Bureau, thru my work at tho Cant.eon. I see the picture chant;oog so rapidly and the great need for people of some training in handling the boys return­ing frol:l war. They're going to be given a terlffic run around, I'm very much afraid . Wy interest is sincere and I seem to handl" the boys wall--salary is not the important factor but I don't want to do it on a volunteer basic becuus~ you are l imited in that way .

The Bureau is undar organi~ation n~ and as far bs I can find out, it is .something of a pol1ticbl football but t hat doesn't bother me, if I wore root hampered in my 'Oork. I'm mainLy interasted in 'the placement and of it.

Anna Rosenberg heads it and I •ve been~old that I'll only got a run around and the brush oft unless I can gat to Anna Rosenberg personally, and as far as I can find out only the Rabbi and ~rs. Roosevel t can got thru to her.

Would it be possi ble for you to ask ltrs. lloosevelt for a note t.elling hor of ~ interest and cante~n ~ork, also that I •vo had business experidnce and ask for a letter for me to Anna? I know i t i s asking a lot and i f it is too much skip it. If you feel you can I 'll be foreve r grateful . I'd drop it ~ll but I really feol I would oe of v~lue and I•~ so intensely 1nte~sted .

When I eerv..ct the first hospital train, I knew then that I sottehow had to work ~th those boys . Tr~velers Aid will of course give rne · axcellont re­ferc:nces, bucause I 1va bean so darned fatth!'ul.

( • <c { .

Dear Annal

I aa rotW"nina thA reaional

program report on the Southe40t under

aeparat.a oarer.

1 •• ••'7 £lad to aaa tho

rec-ndationa and I t.hinlc • • ahould

do all we oan Lo han th• U.,.d Qp to.

Atreotionatel,y 1

Wre. Anna Roeenberg War Y~npowor Commission ll iloet 42nd <>treet New York, New York .


I - ,

r) t_}




April 1.1 1945

lo!y deor Mrs. Roosevelt:

I thoucht you should see thh r~cl or ... l prO(trtuc report on t he Southeast . It t•GS doue UDder the d1rect1oo of 1\1111••• c .. vlin , El<ec ... t1ve Secl'etllry of our Advisory Board in the Uffice of liar Uob111zat1on and Reeonvert.lon , •nd it. ecn:.e out kt the U11:e the llatiow;.l Resources Pla.Ming Boerd • eo dying ., H 1o little la>ovn.

It 1s not j ust onothel' •·eel U:l of the l'TOblemo. The Recomend.ct1ons ln Port II Sit forth practical 1'thingt~ to do" by govorn­r.lent and people .

Ura . Roosevelt


\'lith Love,

.· •


