animation lv2 wk8

Animation Pixilation Animation

Upload: hwells2101

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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AnimationPixilation Animation

What are the difficulties with stop motion animation?

How will you show you have learnt one of the following by the end of the lesson?

• be able to come up with an idea for pixilation animation

• be able to create a pixilation animation

• create a unique pixilation animation




Use key animation terms(Aim to fit at least one in your plan today)

English Target

What is pixilation in stop motion?Using real people and locations to create motion

How might you make people appear:

• To be jumping• Running• Sliding around• Exaggerated

facial expressions

What difficulties do you think you might have creating a stop motion animation using pixilation?

What sort of things do you think you would have to think about when creating a stop

motion in pixilation style?

How can you make sure that everyone in your group is treated fairly and has a role

when working on your animation?

How can you show professionalism today?

In teams of three or four come up with an idea that uses some of the following actions:

• jumping• Running• Sliding around• Exaggerated

facial expressions

Have you achieved or exceeded your target?

• be able to come up with an idea for pixilation animation

• be able to create a pixilation animation

• create a unique pixilation animation




Use adjectives to describe the animation techniques you have used in your review

(Aim to fit at least one in your report today)

English Target