animal cancer


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CVS: Murrieta Location 39809 Avenida Acacias, Suite E Murrieta, CA 92563 Phone: (951) 600-9803 947-3600 California Veterinary Specialists is emergency facility and a 24 hour specialty dedicated to excellence in surgery, internal medicine and critical patient care. Our family of specialists, dedicated emergency clinicians, and seasoned staff, provide referral medicine with a unique team approach. We work to supply the best in continued attention of your pet.


Page 1: Animal Cancer

Are Canine Mast Cell Tumors Beginning of Cancer?

Pets are loved by most of the people. They soon become a part of the family. One becomes

habituated with their company. If you have a dog as your pet, you can literally feel their

love and care. It is better to get the pets examined once in 6 months to avoid tumors and

other diseases. Canine tumors are common and might affect your pet. The most common

form of canine tumors is the canine mast cell tumors.

Canine tumors usually occur in the skin and the tissues of the intestines and the respiratory

tracts. Mast cell consists of histamine, heparin, and enzymes which affects the normal

functioning of the body. When these components are more in the body, they have a direct

impact on the blood pressure and heart beat of the pets. The veterinary doctors’ removes

these cells, but it takes a lot of time to heal and sometimes it becomes difficult to manage.

Symptoms of Such Tumors

These cells vary in sizes and appearance. They may be malignant or benign. Canine tumors

can occur in anywhere in the body, but are mostly seen limbs, genital area and the trunk.

They can also be seen under the ski. Hence, when you are showering your pet, d have a

check beneath the skin. If there is any lump, it can be a sign of tumor which can be benign

or cancerous. The other symptoms includes blood clotting, blood in the feces, vomiting and

duodenal ulcers are very common among the dogs.There are grades in mast cell tumors,

based on which the treatment takes place.

Grade I: Canine tumors attack the skin and are non-cancerous. They multiply fast and

spread to the other parts of bodies. Most of the canine tumors are graded I.

Grade II: They also attack the skin, but are below the subcutaneous tissues. One cannot

be sure about the treatment as they response very slow to the medications.

Grade III: The tumors have deep dived into the skin. They are more strong and

aggressive. They are difficult to treat and the treatment takes a longer time to work upon

these tumors.


Most of the canine tumors are removed via surgery. It is a one-time option and can cure

grade I and grade II tumors easily. When the tumors are located to a single body part,

radiation can be used to treat them. Chemotherapy is given when the cells have spread to

multiple parts of the body. Thus, the Canine Mast cell tumors need an immediate attention

and the mass must be removed completely if required.

However, cancer can multiply at a rapid pace. Multiplication of tumors occurs at an

uncontrollable pace but will not metastasize or travel throughout the body. Such elements

will not invade or damage surrounding tissues present underneath skin layers of canines.

Page 2: Animal Cancer

Recognize The Signs Of Cancer In Dogs

If you have a pet, you got to be very careful while dealing with them. You might have

noticed some changes in them, but would have ignored it. In such cases, professionals state

that prompt evacuation and thorough diagnosis of pets is essential.This carelessness might

cost you, your dog. Here are few warning signs of dog cancer:

Foul Odor: Every animal has an odor, so does your dog. You must be aware of the dog

odor, however, if there is any change in the odor, chances of animal cancer is higher. If

there is any foul odor coming from the nasal area or from the mouth of the dog, pay

immediate attention to it.

Lump:The skin of your dog reveals a lot. Do not forget to check the skin behind the ears

and around the face of your dog. If you happen to witness any lump, chances of cancer is

high. In case of bleeding lumps, take your doctor to the vet immediately. it could be a

minor tumor or a cancerous tumor.

Weight Loss: Is your dog healthy? Have you ever paid attention to the weight of your dog?

If your dog is losing weight drastically, it is an indication of dog cancer. If you have put the

dog on diet, it is normal to have weight loss. However, if you haven’t, this weight loss might

be dangerous.

Change In Appetite: The dog becomes a part of the family and one is aware of the diet of

the dog. The pet owner knows about the food likes and dislikes of the pet. Hence, if your

dog refuses to eat or has lost appetite, it is a sign of cancer. Get your pet examined.

Increase In Sleep Time: Yes, sleeping is a good habit, but an overdose of it is a warning.

Dogs are meant to be active and sharp. If you happen to witness that your dog sleeps most

of the time and has become lethargic, it is time for a veterinary check-up. It is a symptom

of dog-cancer. The dog tends to become lazy and avoids playing. It becomes restless as


Thus, animal cancer is as common as human cancer. One tends to ignore the signs that the

dog is indication. Dog cancer is on rise and if it is not treated on time, the cancer might

spread to other parts of the body. There could be behavioral change in your dog, the eating

pattern, the walking pattern, the emotional change and so on. These changes mustn’t be

ignored. If you love your pet, do consult a veterinary doctor immediately. This can prevent

dog cancer. Do share your opinion about symptoms of dog cancer with the vet and he or

she will be able to help you get the right diagnosis done.

Page 3: Animal Cancer

What Is Fatty Skin Dog Tumors?

Dogs are said to be highly emotional as well as faithful. If you have a dog as your pet, you

would connect with love and affection that it showers on you. However, human being fails to

give the same attention to these animals. Ever heard of dog tumors? Yes, dogs are equally

prone to tumors. The tumors might be cancerous or the benign ones. However, only your

vet will be able to get the tests done and diagnose the disease accordingly.

Lipomas are said to be the most common dog tumors. These tumors are generally soft and

are beneath the skin. They are painless in the initial stage. The lipomas start growing after

certain time and will cause trouble in the movement. If the tumor is in between the legs r

on the chest, the dogs will find it difficult to walk. Their movement will be restricted. The

lipomas tend to multiply if not attended on time. They also spread to the other body parts

such as bones, lungs, brain and so on. That is why it is important to get the diagnosis done


Symptoms of Lipomas:

They occur under the skin and aren’t visible. They are harmless until and unless located at

odd position which will interfere with the normal routine of the pets. They can be found

under the trunk, belly and other parts of the body. The pet owner must have a check

underneath the skin to g\find out dog tumors. If there is one dog tumor, it will multiply to


Diagnosis of Dog Tumors:

It is not easy to diagnose dog tumors. Once you have found the symptoms, it is better to

get it checked by the veterinary doctor. The doctor will go for a complete physical

examination. An aspirate which is a fine needle will be used to check whether the tumor is

cancerous or not. The doctor will opt for a computed tomography or magnetic resonance

imaging scan to understand the problem completely. The surgeon will decide the treatment

method and the amount of mass to be removed.


It is not mandatory to remove the lipoma in all dog tumor cases. If the tumor is questioning

the comfort of the dog, it has to be removed. The mass can be removed if it is an

aggressive tumor. This is done under the presence of anesthesia, which will relieve the dog

from the pain. Thus, lipoma treatment procedure is very simple and can be easily handled.

Dog tumors are common and one must read the symptoms provided by the dogs. If the

tumor is diagnosed well in advance, one must get it treated immediately. A cancerous

tumor can be highly dangerous for your pet. Thus, let not your pet suffer more. Get it

treated immediately by your vet as they are knowledgeable about various aspects of the

tumors and other diseases.

Page 4: Animal Cancer

Do Changes In Environment Lead To Pet Cancer?

There is a change in the lifestyle which leads to ample diseases. Be it animals or human

beings, occurrences of diseases are on higher side. Heard of pet cancer? Yes, pets are also

prone to cancer.However, these diseases are not a cause of any specific or single factor.

Prime reasons for this ailment are environmental factors and genetics. Other variables entail

tumor viruses, radiations, toxins, and hormones that cause different types of cancer. The

following are the warning pet cancer signs:

Decreased Activity: Once the pet comes in contact with tumors which are cancerous, their

activity slows down. They no longer remain active and are no longer playful. They tend to

get tired easily and tend to sleep more often. If you pet is going through all theses, chances

of pet cancer is on higher side. Get your pet checked!

Bad Breath or Oral Bleeding: There is a change in the odor of the pets if they have come

in contact with cancerous tumor. When the tumor starts growing in the mouth, it is difficult

to chew the food. The lead to plaque formation and also the tumor traps the food, leading to

bad odor. Secondly, the pets might bleed orally after chewing food or during the chewing


Bleeding From Genitals: There are chancethe pet might bleed from nose or genitals and

that is an indication of pet cancer. An immediate check-up can diagnose whether the tumor

is cancerous or not.

Sudden Collapse: There are times when your pet will collapse suddenly and will leave you

pondering. It might be a case of weakness sometimes, but not all the times. if your pet has

contacted tumors, weakness will lead to sudden collapse. Get the check-up to diagnose the


Limping: There could be temporary injuries which might lead to limping. However, if your

pet is limping for more than a week, it could be a case of bone cancer,arthritis, infections

and so on.

Trouble While Urinating: The pet will posture to urinate, but the quantity of urine will be

too low or there could be chances of only few drops. The pet will feel like urinating often,

but will not urinate. It will urinate in small amounts. If it is a case of pet cancer, the bladder

tumor interferes with the urination process. Thus, a veterinary doctor must be consulted.

Anorexia:The pet owner is aware of the diet of their pets. If the pet stops eating or refuses

to eat complete food, cancer can be of the cause. The pet refuses to eat and slowly loses


Thus, pet cancers are very common these days. Board-certified veterinarians specializing in

oncology perform these tasks with utmost efficiency. If you can notice these changes in

your pet, it is better to consult to the doctor. Your timely action can save your pet.