angelo's pizza - 5 specific errors

Page | 1 Acknowledgement We wish to express our gratitude to our course instructor M. Nazmul Amin Majumdar, PhD (Australia) for giving us the opportunity to prepare the presentation case, Angelo’s pizza.

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Angelo's Pizza


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We wish to express our gratitude to our course instructor M. Nazmul Amin Majumdar, PhD (Australia) for giving us the opportunity to prepare the presentation case, Angelo’s pizza.


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Angelo’s Pizza was named after by Angelo Camero who was brought up in the Bronx, New York. As a youngster, Angelo always wanted to be in pizza store business and would sometimes spend hours at the local pizza store, watching how pizzas were actually made. And the whole process got him interested. While in college, Angelo learned the differences between being an entrepreneur and being a manager. After graduating from college as Marketing major, He immediately started his pizza business in Bronx, where he opened his first Angelo’s pizza store. Angelo decorated his pizza store with attractive interior design and provided all natural, fresh ingredients for making pizza. All of his efforts regarding newly opened business appealed the customers and within 5 years Angelo’s business was success. With Just one store and a handful of employees, he could make every decision and watch the cash register, check in the new supplies, oversee the takeout, and personally supervise the service. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.735)

Five Specific Human Resource errors:

After the success of Angelo’s first store, Angelo expanded three more store. But since then things started getting challenging. Angelo had experienced human resource management error after expanding three stores and as he realized that he knew there was no way he could expand the number of stores he owned, or contemplate franchising his idea, unless he had a system in place that he could provide the manager with the necessary management knowledge and expertise to run their store. So there are 5 specific Human Resource errors which have been overlooked by Angelo are discussed below: (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.735)

1.1 No training Program

Angelo had no training program in place for teaching his store manager how to run their stores. He simply assumed that by working with him they would learn how to do things on the job. Since Angelo really had no training system in place, the managers’ performances were below average when it comes to how to manage a store. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.735)

1.2 Logical error

It was really hard for Angelo to find service oriented courteous people. For example, he had hired one employee who used profanity several times, including once in front of a customer. Based on that event, Angelo fired that employee by saying her that she is not suitable for Pizza store. This indication falls in logical error because Angelo drew an unwanted conclusion from the facts. Which is a very isolated weakness and it would be improved by providing personality training. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.737)

1.3 Failure to recognize employees’ hidden motive

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Employee theft is not the only concern to a small business. Sometimes they can steal the whole business idea, something Angelo learned from painful experience. Angelo was planning to open a new store in what he thought would be a particular good location and was thinking of having one of his current employees manage the store. Instead, it turned out that this employee was stealing Angelo’s business idea – what Angelo knew about customers, suppliers, where to buy pizza’s raw material, how much everything should cost, how to furnish the store, where to buy ovens, store layout-everything. This employee soon quit and opened up his own pizza store, not far from where Angelo had planned to open his new store. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.736)

1.4 Trouble in hiring right person

Angelo created some drawbacks by rushing and making assumptions about people while recruiting them. One example is, when Angelo placed help wanted ads in two local newspapers, many of the applicants left voice mail messages but Angelo and other workers were too busy to answer, So Angelo just neglected with the assumption that people without good telephone manners would not have good manners in the store either.

People who work in the restaurant play a great role in its life. Restaurant’s success and its running rely on those people. Thus managers have to be knowledgeable to hire the right people for the job. This is because only the manager explains the company’s rules and regulations to all staff members and to provide the training necessary. So that staff members adhere company’s rule and regulations. Moreover, employee work schedules are also under his control. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.737)

1.5 Employee turnover

The restaurant business is particularly brutal when it comes to the turnover. Many restaurants turn over their employees at a rate of 200% to 300% per year. Angelo was losing two or three employees per month. His employees had to work for a long hour shift and some of his managers have to handle three jobs himself. Angelo’s Pizza was high volume store and it requires six employees per store, whereas they only had three or four to run the store. And as he had not any specific training session all things frustrated the employees as a result turnover rate increased. As a consequence, good employee leaves in frustration and bad ones stay behind. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.736)

2.0 Recommendation & Suggestion

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It is very important for all restaurant owners to know the technique involved in interviewing

potential employees. Recruiting the wrong employee can be very costly for any restaurant. So, be

attentive when hiring an employee.

Successful Developments for Angelo’s Pizza As we can learn from Angelo’s early attempts to

repeat his first successful operation, there are drawbacks to rushing and making assumptions.

Luckily, for Angelo, he has seen the result of a lack of planning, and he can change his errors

before trying to branch out into more stores and possibly franchising.

Angelo first needs to start a business strategy. A business plan will outline his strategic goals and

help Angelo to determine the employees he needs to develop. Certain businesses want to attract

and maintain certain people. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.736)

Angelo has seen from his previous attempts at rushed hiring. Angelo has to develop a plan that

identifies the characteristics and skills that successful applicants need to possess before he can

begin developing his staff. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.737)

Once Angelo knows the person he hopes to recruit for his business, he needs a comprehensive

plan for hiring them. Angelo needs to develop a screening process for applicants that include

hiring guidelines, reference checking, extensive interviews and future skills assessments for the

skills the job requires. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.736)

Training is required to improve the candidate in the way that you want them to operate within

your business. Never accept an employee knows how to perform, or what you want them to do.

Develop training and a plan to assess its effectiveness. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human

Resource Management, p.737)

Angelo made staffing miscalculations, which lead to high absenteeism and turnover. Results of

poor staffing will lead to burnout of skilled employees. It may be required to examine the

staffing to ensure adequate treatment to prevent poor service and employee burnout. (Dessler,

Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.736)

3.0 Conclusion

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Angelo needs to develop a set compensation packages for both wages and benefits. You should

take into consideration many factors when beginning to recruit your restaurant. All these include

human resource development and the requirement of employees. Logistics plays an important

role as well as effectual management. The number of employees required by a restaurant relies

upon the scale of its operation, the level of mechanization, and the system of work.

Before Angelo moves on to build more stores, he must identify and avoid some of the pitfalls

that have ruin lots of businesses. Failure to recognize the traits necessary for the position, and

using extensive advertising with no right candidate or skill set in mind. Angelo could produce

better applicants if he were more specific as to the requirements of the position. By doing so,

Angelo will recognize his needs and skills required to fulfill the job.

4.0 Reference

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1. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.736)

2. (Dessler, Gary (2013-2014), Human Resource Management, p.737)