android open source libraries€¦ · • rxjava, rxandroid by reactivex • agera by google •...

Android Open Source Libraries Anirudh S Engineer, Hasura HASURA

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Post on 08-Sep-2020




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Page 1: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Android Open Source Libraries

Anirudh SEngineer, Hasura


Page 2: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


• My definition of Open source

• UI libraries won’t be covered

• Not including some obvious libraries

• This list is not exhaustive

Page 3: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Some questions that need answers

• How do I choose the right library?

• What are the popular libraries?

• How do I get involved in the community?

Page 4: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


Page 5: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


• Dependency

• Patches

• Support

Page 6: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Criteria for trust

• Blog post recommendations

• GitHub stars

• Last date of update

• Organization that backs it

Page 7: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


Page 8: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Why companies work on open source libraries

• Give back to the community

• Wider adoption

• More eyeballs into the internals of the library

• Showcase of commitment & investment into the community

Page 9: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


Page 10: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

HTTP Networking

• Retrofit by Square

• Volley by Google

• OkHttp by Square

Page 11: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Image downloading

• Picasso by Square

• Glide by Bump Tech (acq by Google)

• Fresco by Facebook

• ion by Koushik Dutta (Koush)

• Universal Image Loader by nostra13 (Sergey Tarasevich)

Page 12: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

JSON Handling

• Gson by Google

• Moshi by Square

• Jackson by FasterXML

• LoganSquare by BlueLine Labs

Page 13: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

JSON Alternatives

• Protocol buffers - Wire by Square

• Apache Thrift - Thrifty by Microsoft

Page 14: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


• OrmLite by j256 (Gray Watson)

• Sugar ORM by satyan (Satya N)

• greenDAO by greenrobot

• DBFlow by Raizlabs

• ActiveAndroid by pardom (Michael Pardo) (not actively updated)

Page 15: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Dependency Injection

• Dagger by Square

• Butterknife by Square (View Injection)

• Dagger 2 by Google

• Roboguice (retired)

Page 16: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Event Bus

• EventBus by green robot

• Otto by Square

Page 17: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


• Tape by Square

• Android Priority Job Queue by Path (>1 year since last commit)

Page 18: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


• Rebound by Facebook

Page 19: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


• Stetho by Facebook • Chrome DevTools • Network Inspection • Database Inspection • View Hierarchy • dumpapp • Javascript Console

Page 20: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


• LeakCanary by Square

• Infer by Facebook

Page 21: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Reactive Programming

• RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX

• Agera by Google

• RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton

• RxLifecycle by Trello

• rxlint by Little Robots

• SQLBrite by Square

Page 22: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Build systems

• Buck by Facebook

Page 23: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Unit testing

• JUnit

• Mockito

• Robolectric

Page 24: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

UI Testing

• Espresso

• Robotium

• Appium

• Spoon

Page 25: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


• Fastlane

• bintray-release by Novoda

Page 26: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


• FlexboxLayout by Google

• Bolts by Facebook

• Timber by Jake Wharton

• DiskLRUCache by Jake Wharton (2 years ago)

• Essentials by GreenRobot


Page 27: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Overall picture





2. Image

3. JSON Handling

4. ORM

5. Dependency injection

6. Event Bus

7. Queues

8. Animations9. Debugging

10. Analysis

11. Rx

12. Build system

13. Unit testing

14. UI Testing

15. Deployment

16. Miscellaneous

Page 28: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


Page 29: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Google I/O 2015 Wikipedia Wikimedia Commons

WordPress DuckDuckGo Firefox

Page 30: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Plaid Telegram Signal

PocketHub for GitHub ownCloud OwnTracks

Page 31: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


Page 32: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little

Ways to participate

Library App


Very valuableEasy



Hard to determineModerate

Somewhat valuable

Page 33: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little


Where can you find me?

Page 34: Android Open Source libraries€¦ · • RxJava, RxAndroid by ReactiveX • Agera by Google • RxBinding, RxRelay by Jake Wharton • RxLifecycle by Trello • rxlint by Little