and i write book

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  • 8/7/2019 And i Write Book


    andandandandiiii writewritewritewrite............andi write...


    ust a few things forust a few things forust a few things forust a few things for2009


    William S. Peters, Sr.

  • 8/7/2019 And i Write Book


    2009 William S. Peters, Sr.All materials contained herein except where noted are the intellectual property of the Author(s) andAll materials contained herein except where noted are the intellectual property of the Author(s) andAll materials contained herein except where noted are the intellectual property of the Author(s) andAll materials contained herein except where noted are the intellectual property of the Author(s) and/ or Artist.. They may not be reproduced for distribution except by permission in writin/ or Artist.. They may not be reproduced for distribution except by permission in writin/ or Artist.. They may not be reproduced for distribution except by permission in writin/ or Artist.. They may not be reproduced for distribution except by permission in writing from theg from theg from theg from thePublisher.Publisher.Publisher.Publisher.

    All Written Expressions are Copyright Protect by :All Written Expressions are Copyright Protect by :All Written Expressions are Copyright Protect by :All Written Expressions are Copyright Protect by :

    William S. Peters, Sr.William S. Peters, Sr.William S. Peters, Sr.William S. Peters, Sr.ISBN #

    Library of Congress Catalog #

    Published by :Published by :Published by :Published by :

    Inner Child PressInner Child PressInner Child PressInner Child PressPost Office Box 420Post Office Box 420Post Office Box 420Post Office Box 420

    Waterford Works, New Jersey 08089Waterford Works, New Jersey 08089Waterford Works, New Jersey 08089Waterford Works, New Jersey 08089

  • 8/7/2019 And i Write Book


    I dedicate

    this book of expressions


    Loving with PurposeLoving with PurposeLoving with PurposeLoving with Purpose

    Purpose just happens to bePurpose just happens to bePurpose just happens to bePurpose just happens to be the strongest motivating force for all of Mans / Womansthe strongest motivating force for all of Mans / Womansthe strongest motivating force for all of Mans / Womansthe strongest motivating force for all of Mans / WomansActionActionActionActionssss. Intent is a clo. Intent is a clo. Intent is a clo. Intent is a close second. I Dunno . . . . well perhaps that is another book. Anyse second. I Dunno . . . . well perhaps that is another book. Anyse second. I Dunno . . . . well perhaps that is another book. Anyse second. I Dunno . . . . well perhaps that is another book. Anyway, i present this offering with Purpose and Intent to you. My Purpose is to bear myway, i present this offering with Purpose and Intent to you. My Purpose is to bear myway, i present this offering with Purpose and Intent to you. My Purpose is to bear myway, i present this offering with Purpose and Intent to you. My Purpose is to bear myHeart, and myHeart, and myHeart, and myHeart, and my IIIInner Thinknner Thinknner Thinknner Think ttt that i have achieved. Howeverhat i have achieved. Howeverhat i have achieved. Howeverhat i have achieved. However,,,, i must confess myi must confess myi must confess myi must confess myUlterior Motives . . . and tUlterior Motives . . . and tUlterior Motives . . . and tUlterior Motives . . . and that would be that i hope i can strike a Resonant Chord inhat would be that i hope i can strike a Resonant Chord inhat would be that i hope i can strike a Resonant Chord inhat would be that i hope i can strike a Resonant Chord inyouyouyouyou,,,, the Reader. In doing so, perhaps we can collectively collect . . . and thus make anthe Reader. In doing so, perhaps we can collectively collect . . . and thus make anthe Reader. In doing so, perhaps we can collectively collect . . . and thus make anthe Reader. In doing so, perhaps we can collectively collect . . . and thus make animpact on our condition as Loving Human Beings. I have no doubt whatsoever thatimpact on our condition as Loving Human Beings. I have no doubt whatsoever thatimpact on our condition as Loving Human Beings. I have no doubt whatsoever thatimpact on our condition as Loving Human Beings. I have no doubt whatsoever thatyou are, but as you, i too amyou are, but as you, i too amyou are, but as you, i too amyou are, but as you, i too am seeking the Key that unlocks the mysteries of to ourseeking the Key that unlocks the mysteries of to ourseeking the Key that unlocks the mysteries of to ourseeking the Key that unlocks the mysteries of to ourDivinity. Wont you join me in this quest. I do know this . . .Divinity. Wont you join me in this quest. I do know this . . .Divinity. Wont you join me in this quest. I do know this . . .Divinity. Wont you join me in this quest. I do know this . . .

    All Things Are Possible !All Things Are Possible !All Things Are Possible !All Things Are Possible !let us discover just how much we can BE !let us discover just how much we can BE !let us discover just how much we can BE !let us discover just how much we can BE !


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    I first must give all Gratitude to The One . . .. . . from where ALL things Come and thus Return.

    Secondly I must acknowledge my wonderful Children and Grand Children of whom

    i am so Proud of and Love so much. That would be . . .

    Children :

    DeLisa, Tamika, Joy, Micole, Billy, Melody, Marian, Monii, Myiya,

    Wesley, Wynston

    Grand Children :

    Jaron, Ajah, Maya, Adaiah, Penelope, Mekhi and Imiri

    And Last but never Least . . . my Beautiful and Colorful Landscape of Friends and

    Family and ALL Humanity. Let me also return the reverence to that which sustains

    us all . . . The Mother Spirit of Life . . . Earth.

    My Journey has taken me through many Delusions, Illusions and Collusions, but yeti still stay on this path seeking Truth and the WHY. So at this time i wish to

    acknowledge all those wonderful forces of life found in all forms of life that have

    assisted me in Seeing and Feeling the Song that Life sings !


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    Writing is my form of Song . . . it is my SongWriting is my form of Song . . . it is my SongWriting is my form of Song . . . it is my SongWriting is my form of Song . . . it is my Song of Celebrance from my Heart.of Celebrance from my Heart.of Celebrance from my Heart.of Celebrance from my Heart.

    I hope you can hear myI hope you can hear myI hope you can hear myI hope you can hear my HeartsHeartsHeartsHearts Song.Song.Song.Song.

    As most of you know, that i reckon myself as a Gardner in this Life ! I am consistently and As most of you know, that i reckon myself as a Gardner in this Life ! I am consistently and As most of you know, that i reckon myself as a Gardner in this Life ! I am consistently and As most of you know, that i reckon myself as a Gardner in this Life ! I am consistently andconstantly attempting to learn the Craft of that of a Seed Sower. I hope that my humble effortsconstantly attempting to learn the Craft of that of a Seed Sower. I hope that my humble effortsconstantly attempting to learn the Craft of that of a Seed Sower. I hope that my humble effortsconstantly attempting to learn the Craft of that of a Seed Sower. I hope that my humble effortsand offerings may prove to be fruitful in someones life. More iand offerings may prove to be fruitful in someones life. More iand offerings may prove to be fruitful in someones life. More iand offerings may prove to be fruitful in someones life. More importantly that what i hope for ismportantly that what i hope for ismportantly that what i hope for ismportantly that what i hope for iswhat you do. I beseech us all to at least look at the aspects of becoming one who also Seeds Hope towhat you do. I beseech us all to at least look at the aspects of becoming one who also Seeds Hope towhat you do. I beseech us all to at least look at the aspects of becoming one who also Seeds Hope towhat you do. I beseech us all to at least look at the aspects of becoming one who also Seeds Hope to

    that of our Brothers and Sisters of the World. We can never have too much.that of our Brothers and Sisters of the World. We can never have too much.that of our Brothers and Sisters of the World. We can never have too much.that of our Brothers and Sisters of the World. We can never have too much.

    May we all find this day a reason to plant mMay we all find this day a reason to plant mMay we all find this day a reason to plant mMay we all find this day a reason to plant more Seeds of Goodness in the Gardens of Life.ore Seeds of Goodness in the Gardens of Life.ore Seeds of Goodness in the Gardens of Life.ore Seeds of Goodness in the Gardens of Life.

    Blessed BeBlessed BeBlessed BeBlessed Be


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    i write for understandingi write for understandingi write for understandingi write for understanding

    i write for lovei write for lovei write for lovei write for love

    i write for all the goodness in lifei write for all the goodness in lifei write for all the goodness in lifei write for all the goodness in life

    i could ever think ofi could ever think ofi could ever think ofi could ever think of

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    This Day

    the sun was shining brightly

    and the trees were clapping their handsfor this Father i am thankful

    and i now understand

    that joy comes with the morningand weeping lasts not long

    the tears just seem to wipe the slate

    that i may sing this song

    i worship in this moment

    for this is a new day

    i am here again to do my bestand walk a worthy way

    yes, i embrace this life

    and i hear the sacred call

    to live my best at all times

    through each stormy Seas squall

    so again i must say i thank you

    for holding me all so dearlet us march forth with courage

    where love replaces our fear

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    My Friend Greg . . . Father of My Son In Law . . .

    for Greg

    Son, i am resting now

    but i want you to know

    that it can never be measuredhow much i love you so

    if you ever need me

    know that i am still herethroughout all the days of my life

    i have always held you dear

    i commend your manhood

    remember life is but a test

    cry not for this loss of me

    just live your life your best.

    i love you Son


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    life . . .

    a hungry man become a glutton

    a thirsty man may choose to drownas the weary become unencouraged

    the Self knowing remains the Clown

    as the light must know the dark

    the wise remains the fool

    the happy suffered many trials

    thats the lesson in lifes school

    for joy comes by way of sadness

    hope is transmuted despair

    he who flies was once groundedand courage was born of fear

    through ones death life is found

    one will harvest if you sow the seedhe who gives shall surely receive

    not by word but by deed

    for in stillness there is movement

    one must be quiet to hear the voice

    for all you are came from nothing

    he whos blinded has no choice

    such may be a paradox

    as witnessed in this life

    the urge to be liberated

    comes from a soul of strife

    so be ye all encouraged

    there is no reason for fear

    other than to spur one on

    to celebrate whats dear

    . . . life

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    the process

    the man of thought and reason

    arrives at conclusion

    to be at peace with Self

    and the known illusionwhen he stumbles once more

    he confronts his delusionand recedes yet again

    to a place of seclusion

    the process

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    my heart is for my belovedmy heart is for my belovedmy heart is for my belovedmy heart is for my belovedof whom i do love soof whom i do love soof whom i do love soof whom i do love so

    my wish is to be with youmy wish is to be with youmy wish is to be with youmy wish is to be with youand i never wish to goand i never wish to goand i never wish to goand i never wish to go

    but in my daily travelsbut in my daily travelsbut in my daily travelsbut in my daily travelsthere is no dark nor nightthere is no dark nor nightthere is no dark nor nightthere is no dark nor night

    i hold you in my heart my lovei hold you in my heart my lovei hold you in my heart my lovei hold you in my heart my lovefor your love is my lifes lightfor your love is my lifes lightfor your love is my lifes lightfor your love is my lifes light

    I Love youI Love youI Love youI Love you

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    me, myself & i

    before me lies lifes way by two

    one so common

    one i not knew

    the common smooth

    and quite well knowthe other twisted

    and quite overgrown

    for both i had

    a burning desire

    for within my breastthere burned this fire

    to know each roads end

    to peek perchance

    around the bendbut i chose the path


    for its been so long

    since it was known

    and i travel not

    all alone

    for . . .

    there was me, myself & i !

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    i C color

    i took off my shades

    and now iseecolor

    before the light camesurfin was quite duller

    from Site to Site

    a collection of friends

    with One Hundred Thousand

    there is no end

    to the people i meetand what they may saylike a beautiful painting

    to enjoy as you may

    artists, writers, musicians

    all types of business too

    im so glad to be here

    for thats how i met you

    i C color

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    choose well

    when you think your life is over

    know that it has just begun

    just as the darkest of nights

    must yield to the rising sun

    for all life is but a cycle

    as its tides does ebb and flowif we embrace the essence of its journey

    then well come to know

    that joy cometh with each morning

    and the dawn of each new day

    for once again renewed we push

    to continue on our way

    but should you get stuck my friend

    and immersed in this lifes pain

    just lay life down one more time

    that you may pick it up again

    to renew or start all over is your choice

    but live all choices well

    for if you dont, the consequences

    becomes your private Hell

    . . .choose well

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    following my drum . . .

    i examined my inadequaciesit was quite a long list

    i had to acknowledge my truths

    but boy was i pissed

    i had let my self down

    over and over again

    i thought i was supposed to bemy own best friend

    so i had to gather my wit

    and learn to forgivemyself as i do othersand re learn to live

    life is never enjoyedwhen on yourself you are down

    theres no respect given

    to the wise ass clown

    so i made a promise

    in life i would be true

    id listen and follow my drum beatthats what id do

    for all my inadequacies

    can easily be measured

    they show up when i seekanother ones treasure

    now as i said before

    ill march to my own drum

    my pathway to my gifts

    and realize my sum

    following my drum . . .

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    and my soul marches on

    i was reaching for my pain

    but it would not come

    from the top of the rainbownor the beating drum

    we just marched on

    to gather the flowersand the fruits of spirit

    beyond the powers

    and my soul marches on

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    it is by way of our beliefs

    that we garner our passions

    it is by way of our passions

    that we garner our achievements

    it is by way of our achievements

    that we garner our beliefs

    and the cycle is endless . . .

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    forgive me . . .

    forgive me for my fertile mind

    . . . never mindi offer no apologies

    for what i may find

    in my mind

    but forgive me anywayfor whatever i may say

    sometimes the times too slow

    in my minds eye of my day

    forgive me . . .

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    if we but look . . .

    there is a beauty that comes to me

    and i see it in your eyesthe wonder and the lust of life

    and a soul full of surprise

    as i open up to receive youto embrace you with my heart

    there is a joy that comes about

    from which ill never part

    so . . .

    i thank you for the giftthe sacred treasure you give

    that through your eyes i see myselfa credo we should live

    to look for beauty in each soul

    we encounter along lifes way

    if we but believe this collectively

    we will have found the endless day

    if we but look . . .

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    i have an angel

    i have an angelshe watches over mewhen i am in her arm

    i know bliss and ecstasy

    i have an angel

    who gives me divine love

    yes my angel brings me fruits

    grown in the gardens above

    i have an angel

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    i am thankful

    i am thankful for this moment

    i am thankful for this year

    i am thankful for every joy ive had

    i am thankful for every tear

    i am thankful for my familyi am thankful for you my friend

    i am thankful for the path we share

    i am thankful until the end

    for each end is a new beginning

    as we come to this years end

    as i said a few lines ago

    i am thankful to call you friend

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    my melanin is callingfor my soul to aspire

    to lay down my beliefs

    and embrace the fire

    for there is a power

    within my core

    in the genetic matrix

    and i am the spore

    i am the magic

    it has been decreed

    and i am the keeper

    of the holiest of seed

    in the garden of life

    i can blossom at willmy purpose in life

    is to give and fulfill

    so we now must awaken

    may we no longer slumber

    claim your true essence

    found in the number


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  • 8/7/2019 And i Write Book


    for i am

    the fire consumed me

    and transmuted my soul

    to that which i was

    in my days of old

    it has burned the veil

    which cloaked my eyesmy folly dispersed

    in the etherless skies

    my heart has bee baredto embrace my new dawnand my intent is centered

    in the love that i spawn

    i have now discovered

    the who of i am

    and now i go forth

    with the heart of a lamb

    i have laid down my life

    that i may claim it againfor the source of my allis my joy from within

    for i am . . .

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    i am exactly where

    i am supposed to be

    i see exactly whati was meant to see

    for i strive not

    for i live my life

    without decree

    that is my verity

    for i have long tiredof those that restrict

    by way of a life

    based upon edict

    for i have never beenable to depict

    nor will the poisonever inflict

    i urge for a feeling

    where i do not urge

    i chase a dream

    where i no longer chase

    and i speak in silence

    the colors of nothingness

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    Open any door

    there is a stillness

    deep within my soul

    for now i do remember

    what i once was told

    all in life i need to know

    is imprinted upon my heart

    now that i am here i pray that ithis path i never part

    for there is a blissful joy in life

    when love is all you see

    for tis the absolute of being

    and the divine decree

    so, i wish you all you can handle

    and then i wish you more

    for with love in life one can not fail

    to open and door

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    so worry not . . .

    i worry not for tomorrow

    i worry not for today

    for condemnation and confusionis worrys only way

    the fruits of worry is bitter

    sowing seeds of despairin the world of the living

    it steals your joyful air

    worrys future is dismal

    it suffocates your dreams

    when one submits to worry

    life comes apart at every seam

    so worry not my friend

    breath hope upon your sail

    and your ship will come soon to dockfor hope in life wont fail

    so worry not . . .

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    the known

    it is not about what you have

    and all the things you owncan you remember your gifts

    and all that was once known

    for deep within your heart

    there lies the dormant seed

    awaiting you to nurtureas life becomes your deed

    for living in the shadows

    and illusions of the day

    gives credence to delusions

    as we walk an errant way

    but be encouraged my brother

    for i know you know the knownfor we are the Sacred Garden

    in which the Sacred Seeds were sown

    so drink the water my friend

    and let thy spirit be fulfilled

    and blossom with all verityand live as thou hath willed

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    that they call Jazz

    i wanted to feel the vibe

    and i wanted to feel youso i let myself go

    and got into the flow

    and i became the scribe

    my magic flows from my pen

    and i share this word with you

    let us purge all self doubtlet our voices flow out

    like a river from our well within

    for our music must be heardthe world needs the poetry of you

    we can no longer be coy

    for we must teach them our joy

    as we let our souls speak the word

    bring us my brother to bliss

    let us have the best of you

    to thyself be thee true

    in all that you do

    and give life the gift of your soulful kiss

    that they call jazz

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  • 8/7/2019 And i Write Book


    why . . .

    why are we doing his to each other

    why must it be Brother against Brother

    why do we focus the pain and hurtas anger against another

    put down the gun, put down the knife

    change your mind and change our strifewe each can be what we wish to be

    embrace the magic of your life....

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    we all fall

    i fall short too often

    i fall short too fast

    ill fall short tomorrowas i did in my past

    but that is just with me

    that i have failed your test

    for each failure has a lessonas i strive to be my best

    so when i fall tomorrow

    ill get back up again

    and should you stumble also

    i offer you my hand my friend

    for . . .

    we all fall

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    shes gone . . .

    she packed no bags

    and spoke no good byesall she left behind

    were tear laden eyes

    her visit was over

    her angelic pass expired

    and we all came to know

    that her soul was tired

    many a battle

    some won, some lost

    her legacy impartedwe must all pay the cost

    that hope, effort and love

    is our duty each dayto give life our best

    and take time to play

    life may not be all joy

    nor be it full of despair

    and some amongst us would say

    that life is not fair

    but know ye this truth

    that through all time long

    no matter our bounty or not

    we all sing lifes song

    so awake ye my child

    each day do embrace

    and the time will soon come

    again . . .

    well be face to face

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    the Light of Love

    there are no words that can express

    the boundless depths of my love

    the seas of all the worlds

    can not contain it

    for it is beyond the all of things

    it is rooted in that which was

    before all things

    all the Suns

    all the Stars

    all the Moonsof all the Cosmosare but shadows

    in its presence

    for it, my loveis the source of

    all the Light

    and my source

    is centered in thee . . .

    the light of love.

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    all trials end in triumph

    if you can just see it

    for triumph is a state of mind

    and you can choose to be it

    triumph can be found in failure

    if the lesson is learnedthrough falls and toils and trials

    experience you have earned


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    let go . . .

    holding on to shadows

    of me within my mind

    searching all the paths of me

    that me one day ill find

    trying to compose a symphony

    in a noteless songnow i come to realizei had all me all along

    we call it self improvement

    we practice and we wait

    know that the best of self

    is but a paradox in state

    so be OK with who you arefor the who of you is fine

    accept, embrace your divine selfand never mind the line

    so . . .

    let go of Selfs shadowsof the Self seen in your mindcome to know the me of me

    and im sure that you will be fine

    let go . . .

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    my name

    i love when you speak to mewhen you call my name

    whatever you would ask of me

    may i never complain

    i mean . . .

    after all my life is yours

    and all things belong to youthe dark, the light and in between

    and this i always knew

    for you knew me before i was

    that is what you saidwith the birth of this new dawn

    i have risen from the dead

    for the breath of life is yoursand i humbly give you praise

    please keep my name upon your lips

    through each night and all my days

    call . . . my name !

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    the seed of Hope

    faith is like a seed

    in the Garden called Hope

    it grows into such fruitful dreams

    so that this life we may cope

    now that i am happy

    to watch my dreams come trueill sow my loving seeds of hope

    enough for all of you

    so trust me when i say to youthat dreams do come about

    that your heart may know naught but joy

    that stills the seeds of doubt

    so . . .

    i pray that you may always believe

    in what your heart desires

    for dreams are what we live for

    just ask the Holy Fire

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    taking time

    i should have took the time to tell youhow much i love you so

    set aside some time from me

    before you had to go

    but as my life goes forward

    i let go of my regret

    for within each beat of my heartthere you still live yet

    so ill take the time to remember

    all that you mean to meand give this divine love to others

    that they to may one day see

    to take the time Today and Nowfor tomorrow may never come

    for every time we give our love

    we increase our sum

    so i thank you for the yesterdays

    and this beauty i feel inside

    for your loving light still shines brightlythrough all the tears i cried

    so take the time Today and Now my friend

    and share your loving heart with all

    for that is where your magic iswhen you answer this lifes call

    so take the time Today and Now my friend

    and share your loving heart with all

    for that is where your magic is

    when you answer this lifes call

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    a place

    there is a place

    i wish to go

    a place where not

    even the heavens know

    beyond the bleak

    landscapes of life

    with my colors of joyi will purge all strife

    a place

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    the Father is singing

    the true word of God

    has yet to be spoken

    what we have been given

    is but a mere token

    there will come a day

    when clearly we will hear

    the voice of the Onewe have come to fear

    but fear is not congruous

    with the love of our heart

    for fear has torment

    that keeps us apart

    so let go of your anguish

    give up and give infor Father truly loves you

    cast your cares to the wind

    just follow your heart

    and youll never go wrong

    for the path to true joy

    is found in the song

    that the Father is singing

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    on being Human

    i do not need a Human Being

    to tell me what i need to be . . .

    what i need to be . . .is more of a Human Being !

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    open up . . .

    we must open up

    the windows of our soullet the life of sunshine in

    to warm up what is cold

    all too often we separate

    our self from the souls task

    if we need some help my friend

    all we must do is ask

    ask self to be merciful

    to let us feel the joy

    that life has set before usa new tactic to deploy

    tears are meant for washing

    our souls from all lifes dirtmisunderstanding and confusion

    as we emancipate our hurt

    at times life is blissful

    at times full of pain

    the balance is understanding

    that focused we remain

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    enjoin me my friend

    memories and pictures

    is all i have leftand my heart now resides

    in this abysmal cleft

    where shadows and past dreams

    can embrace missed bliss

    where the dark and the light

    now coexist

    i no longer tread lightly

    on this road we call life

    i am one with loves ethernow free from lifes strife

    for loving is all

    that was ever meant to be

    i no longer have boundariesand my soul now loves free

    a beautiful realm

    filled with color and song

    for i am the creator

    of all that i long

    the manna of joy

    from the heavens aboverains without ceasing

    showering its love

    for now all is one

    without and within

    love is the sole purpose

    enjoin me my friend

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    i shall tithe it

    today i have awaken

    tis like the sleeping seed that buddedth forth

    to meet the harvest season . . .

    so do i that i may meet and kiss the new dawn

    i am the fruit of my day

    i shall tithe my bounty

    of praise and thanksgiving to the heavensand thus

    to my Father

    where i may have Joy . . . i shall tithe itwhere i have Sadness . . . i shall tithe it

    where i may have Despair . . . i shall tithe it

    where i may have Learning . . . i shall tithe itwhere i may have Peace . . i shall tithe it

    where i may have Love . . . i shall tithe it

    where i may have Self . . . i shall tithe it

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    i took life for granted

    and granted took me

    to a place in life

    of false reality

    and i meander on

    and illusion i came to know

    when i looked back upon my Self

    i had long ceased to grow

    shame that we must travel

    the road that bears no lightfor not till we reflect our own

    can we see our own blight

    time may be the illusion

    time in and out again

    but time has a way of healing

    all you wounds my friend

    so i say . . .

    take life not for granted

    for we have been granted lifes gift

    lay life down once morethat true life you may lift

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    i sow this seed . . .

    let me sow this seed

    of the life which is yet to come

    though be the memory fadedof where i do come from

    for i am the fruit

    of the fruit of the harvest

    i have endured thus far

    and my urgings say yes

    plant me my son

    in the nurturing soils

    i will yield the new harvest

    for which each soul toils

    for a seed is the future

    of what comes about

    sow it with hopeleave behind the doubt

    look not towards the future

    from Here is your lot

    tis not about yesterday

    just sow what you got

    for inside your soultheres a light deep my friend

    awaiting your harvest

    to without from within

    so . . .

    i sow hopes seed

    for the gardens of the morrow

    where the fruit is but joy

    and no need for sorrow

    i sow this seed . . .

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    it was cold outside

    it was cold outside

    it was cold inside

    a lonely heart coldwhich can not hide

    the leaves of my trees

    have fell to the ground

    and i with no laughter

    am the lonely clown

    the sky is still

    yet the birds still sing

    a song of unbridled joy

    for the coming of spring

    where once again in life

    we have yet another chance

    to plant yet more seedand our gardens enhance

    so in time a coming

    ill declare my deed

    to add to lifes joyous warmth

    with the planting of my seed

    and come next winterwhen harvest is done

    ill be singing and dancing

    with my winters sun

    it may be cold outside

    but ill be OK

    for this revelation has brought me

    to joy this day

    it was cold outside . . .

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    in life . . .

    if you want Light . . . show it !

    if you want Joy . . . be it !

    if you want Hope . . . give it !

    if you want Love . . . share it !

    if you want Happiness . . .feel it !

    if you want Success . . . think it !

    if you want Music . . . play it !

    if you want Color . . . create it !

    if you want Life . . . live it !

    if you want Dreams . . . believe it !

    if you want Passion . . . spark it !

    if you want Fruit . . . bear it !

    if you want Flowers . . . grow it !

    if you want Help . . . lend it !

    if you want Abundance . . . tithe it !

    if you want Peace . . . speak it !

    if you want Divinity . . . know it !

    Actualize that which you desire . . .

    . . . in life !

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    in seeking self

    the constant seek of self

    trying to understand

    soaring the heavens of my mind

    looking for a place to land

    to but plant my feet once again

    upon some solid groundthat i may plot my path to truth

    and claim self justices crown

    the whirlwinds of spirit

    continue to swirl about

    let me hold on just until

    i subside my storms of doubt

    the inner battle continues on

    could life be but a test

    many road traveled i seeking solace

    North, South, East and West

    but some how some way yes

    i will resolve this rending

    twixt the being of who i am

    for balance is in blending

    in seeking self . . .

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    the Mother will take care for the Childrenfor that is Her Holly lot

    to nurture, love and encourage

    the Gift that Her Children got

    Her hopes and dreams are centered

    in we Her Children becoming our best

    from the greatest unto the least of usas we venture from Her nest

    She has diligently prepared us

    to learn to use our wingsas we soar our new found skies

    we can hear as our Mother sings

    She sings songs of worshipShe sings songs of praise

    She sings songs of love for us

    as we journey through our days

    the Mother Spirit is with us

    in all life leads us to do

    i embrace the Glory of the Motherfound in each of you

    Mother . . .

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    my demons

    i excise my demons

    each day i go through

    do not get too close my friendfor i might excise them to you

    so forgive me for my faults

    for i falter as we all do

    i dont mean to be mean

    but what i speak is true

    we humans are too callous

    we caution not our wordour intent is not to harm you

    but we speak to be heard

    so again please forgive me

    in all my vanity

    perhaps will come the day

    where i too will see

    my demons . . .

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    My Commitment

    i shall plant Joy and Love in my Lifes Garden

    for that is what we need

    for one can only harvest the fruit

    of that which we all do seed

    so i come to you my Brother and my Sister

    with this humble plead

    let us abandon our differenceslet us abandon our greed

    i shall do my best in life

    to polish and brighten my lighti pray that you do the same my friend

    that others may navigate this night

    perhaps when we arrive at our new day

    we will no longer an errant sightand together we will work for the good of all

    and remove all of lifes blight

    from this quest for goodness my friend

    i promise to never part

    i shall strive in life in all i do

    to live my best from my heartat times all that is requiredis that we live this life as art

    we will create a new beginning together

    and create a new start

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    i am the fruit

    i am the fruit of the spirit of my ancestors

    from the seed they plantedin the gardens of their dreams

    their hopes . . .

    as they suffered

    and toiled


    and bled

    and cried

    to nourish their prayers

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    for the day

    their tomorrowsand our Here and Nows

    my soul has yearned to taste this fruitthis offering

    for which so many

    sacrificed and died

    in the hot balmy day of the fields

    in the cold dark nights

    of some one elses wilderness

    we still made it through

    with the hungry babies crying

    and no time for sighing

    and our unwilling complyingfor the Lorde He was trying

    testing our mettle

    testing our character

    of our visionsand

    of our pains

    and i . . .

    i am the spirit of my ancestors

    and that spirit is sweet

    for i was planted and nurturedin the spirit of forgiveness

    i am the Spirit of love !

    May i honor this spirit with

    my charactermy works


    my dreams

    for my childrens tomorrows

    with love . . .

    for in the fruit resides the seed

    and . . .

    i am the fruit!

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    i have the power . . .

    i have the power

    to change the world of meall the things we see and feel

    what we deem reality

    if we but try our best

    each and every day

    i know that we can change

    the worlds present way

    all it takes is a vision

    that we embrace and believe

    i have no doubt aboutwhat together we can achieve

    so let us put forth the effort

    there is so much we needhow can we ever harvest the fruit

    if we never plant the seed

    so let us practice unrequited love

    in all the things we do

    the beauty of this offering

    is love comes back to you

    so gather up your fortitude

    against the worlds tide we stand

    let us no longer be passive

    tis time that in truth we demand

    and yes, we have the power

    tis our Divine gift within

    let us remove illusions veils

    and let us ascend again

    . . . to our true power !

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    if i could

    if i could write one thing of beauty

    that all could see

    may it be a verse or two

    about the beauty within thee

    just a humble few words

    to lift up your beautiful soul

    or a kind warm word to readwhen life seems so cold

    to weave a poem of dreams

    to give your heart wings

    that we may enjoy your love too

    and the song that your heart sings

    for in our dark days

    you would be our bright lightfor with your effervescent joy

    you would vanquish our night

    if i could just write on thing of beauty

    i guess thats what id say

    for the acknowledgment of you beauty

    brightens all of our way

    if i could . . .

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    in the light of thy moon . . .

    the soft moon light

    hid behind the cloudsas we in souls truth

    behind darks shrouds

    questing for filling

    to give ones light

    the gift of gifts

    in the darkest night

    yet illusions abound

    to cloak us in

    telling us lifeis naught but sin

    but i rebuke that

    which hides my grace

    to be found when ilook upon thy face

    for the face of love

    is thy seeded treasure

    created my souls

    ultimate of pleasure

    so fill me my love

    kiss me my dearthat the clouds doth fade

    and i see thee clear

    hide not thy moon

    in my needful night

    grace me with

    thy loving light

    find me not wanting

    find me fulfilled

    for have i not

    my garden tilled

    in the light of thy moon . . .

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    my lust for love . . .

    i love loveand i lust for lust

    for my love of lust

    breaches not my trust.

    for passion be not consumed

    in the love of my lustfor my lust sustains

    my love as i must

    in my lust for love . . .

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    regret not

    regret ye notthe foibles of past

    for regret serves but

    to make regrets pains last

    for each errant stephas a lesson to be learned

    by regret discloses not the treasurefor which you yearned

    so this i must say

    that life in reviewvoid of my regret

    gives me vision of new

    regret not . . .

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    pour evelyn v.

    you get what you deserve

    perhaps this is true

    but what did we doto deserve the beauty of you

    you give all you have

    to all that you meet

    the Student the Family

    and all whom you meet

    your smile is carved in

    the deep of your cheek

    which you share with all

    the strong and the meek

    worry not my dear

    for you day soon come

    just continue to marchto the beat of your drum

    for prayers go not unanswered

    to one who hold long strong

    to the Faith of their heart

    and its musical song

    yes, we hear it toofor its beauty can not hide

    we all hold you love dearly

    though may be deep inside

    so keep on doing well

    that thing that you do

    i just wanted to stop by and say

    how much we love you

    2009 : William S. Peters, Sr.

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    in the heart

    let me help someone today

    doing so i help my self

    what good is a working heart

    kept upon an empty shelf

    the heart is but a musclewith spirit and love in kind

    exercise it as much as you can

    and new un-limits you will find

    in the heart

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    Pieces of a Man

    when faith is all you have left

    cling on to it tight

    trust in a better tomorrow

    for dawn always follows the night

    through many troubles we all anguish

    many times we will wish to quit

    but when lifes storms surround youthat is when stillness calls upon us to sit

    and listen to the Fathers voice speaking

    we must endure, we must cope

    we must be here to celebrate tomorrow

    so dont ever let go of your hope

    so gather your wit about youand the courage and fortitude if you can

    if not we are here for you

    to pick up the Pieces of a Man

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    ill sow loves seeds

    i come to remind you

    what you already know

    in the Gardens of Life

    you reap what you sow

    so many times

    we forget this simple truth

    that we all have been taughtfrom the days of our youth

    so . . .

    if you live with kindness

    hope, laughter and smilesitll lift and carry you

    through all lifes trials

    a little bit of love

    goes a long long way

    a kind word spoken

    brightens everyones day

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    be ever compassionateand reach out you hand

    let loose your impatience

    listen and understand

    many a time in life

    in the midst of our night

    all we all but need

    is a warm soft glowing light

    in the stormy seas of lifewe all need a dry dock

    and there are times

    we just need a rock

    so in this road we call lifeencourage each other

    for we are all one family

    all sisters and brothers

    so please make love

    your purposeful deed

    and in lifes soil

    sow loves seed

    ill sow loves seeds

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    The Breath of Life

    why you spend every waking moment attempting to justify your existence

    you come to realize that your very meaning can be found

    within the core of who i am

    for i am your reflection of souli am the love you have yet to understand

    i am the forgiveness of the cosmos

    i am the tolerance of the injustices

    suffered and to come

    yet . . .

    you acknowledge me notfor in your darkness you can not understand my light

    you would rather seek to circumvent my truth

    but you can not

    for it is my gene that resides in you still

    but . . .

    you are in denial

    you are the embodiment of a false truth

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    The Breath of Life : continued

    many eons ago when i came about

    that i may assist your evolution

    you rejected mefor i was not you

    to this day you still embrace this miscreant truth

    that of your ancestors

    who are yet still crying out with their fear

    of my unknown

    be not wearyfor i have taken the sacred oath

    that of the Tree of Life

    my Soul Purpose is to teach

    teach youall the things you yearn for

    the love you have yet to understand

    yet i shall give it any way

    yes . . .

    i do rebuke you

    in your errant ways

    those of you who have fornicated with my dark brother

    know that it is i who can cleanse you

    but yet you still reject that which your soul know is good

    at times i am puzzledby you abject rejection of conformity

    yet you seek to compromise the evangelical divinity of all you encounter

    yet i still cling to that which i know

    i cling to that which was and will always be

    i have spewed my seed for many eons

    upon the blighted gardens of your lifetimes

    and you will not even till the soil

    how do you ever expect to harvest the fruits of life

    if you continually turn your backon the sunshine of love

    you cling to the night when there is an everlasting dawn

    how blind you are to your gifts

    you think everything that begins must end

    but there i was before the beginning

    as were you

    as you cling to that which is finiteyou too become so

    i, i am here for your evers and mine

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    The Breath of Life : continued

    long after you have passed away

    there i shall still BE

    throughout the ages of all that you knowall that you may ever discover

    when you lift the veil of your perception

    there i still am

    for I AM

    i would say that you are confused

    but it is much more than thatyou are dying

    a putrefying death of endless decay

    yet you drink not of my water

    my milkregenerate thy holy self

    to that which you were created to be

    there is no cost

    for it is freecome my child


    drink that which will satisfy your thirst

    eat the manna i offer you

    let your soul delight itself

    in fatness i say . . .

    come my child comemany lifetimes have i endured

    and i shall endure many more

    while you . . .

    you shall pass awayfor you feel that all you are

    is all you see

    and you see me not

    open the eyes of your soul

    and you shall see my lightcast aside thy fear of what you perceive is not known

    for you know me

    i am you and you are i

    but i shall cast you in my well

    that your may drown in your own self deceit

    it you will not lay down your life for me as i did youthen you must surely die

    that i may breath a new breath into thee . . .

    . . . the breath of life

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    the dream slave

    i am enslaved to my desires for freedom

    so how can i ever be free

    for as long as my dreams are objective

    they can never come to be

    so i choose not to objectify my dreams

    for as a butterfly i now am free

    my metamorphosis is now completefor here is where i choose to be

    and he who chooses to live in dreams

    and actualize not this way

    are stuck in what shall never be

    if their dreams touch not this day

    so let you dream be of Here and Nowand no effort be over spent

    let us taste the Harvest Fruit

    in my dreams of this one moment

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    the art of life

    in the art of class of life

    ive painted out side the lines

    i forsook all the rules before me

    exploring the limits of my mind

    for boundaries are for the testing

    as i am seeking to expand

    for if i explore not beyond the limits

    what do i truly understand

    for what is in the box is understood

    all of its tomorrows are knowbut me, im searching for that sacred seed

    the one thats not yet sown

    they say theres nothing new under the sun

    i can not believe this to be true

    for only one whos seen it all

    can speak this truth to you

    and my quest is but to know Him

    He who knows all things

    that i may learn the song of life

    for which my longing heart sings

    the art of life . . .

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    the faces

    the faces of the humanity

    seem some what inane

    as we seek the dismal lightthat with the moon does wane

    oh if we could but see ourselves

    as we truly do appear

    in the eye of He who made us

    we would relinquish our fear

    yet we cling to the farce

    weaved by way of illusions

    and as we accept this new truth

    we create the necessary delusions

    that we may march on

    with out much Self bother

    and thus have disconnectedour consciousness from the Father

    and the Mother too in fact

    she never gets Her due

    for it is She who nourishes

    the Souls of me and you

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    faces : continued

    our true innards are exposedand the unwholesomeness we share

    to Hades with one and another

    for our own selves we dont care

    yet we cling to the faces

    of what we choose to be

    with voluntary blindnessyet we think and call that free

    for we serve now the illusion

    in the faces of the lightturn back and look heavenwardand perhaps well see the light

    or more faces . . .

    2009 : William S. Peters, Sr.

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    my Father

    my Father of all creation

    today i pray for peace

    i pray for all Your hungering children

    who suffer without cease

    i ask that You acknowledge me

    please hear my pleading voice

    explain why we anguish so

    it can not be by choice

    some say we need salvation

    i know this be trueall i ask is but reprieve

    and i humbly submit to You

    that we are Yours regardless

    and free will matters not

    for when the end of all comes about

    You are all we got

    so please hear my prayer this dayi plead with all my love of heart

    and i know that You live us all dearlyfor Father I AM . . . Thou Art . . .

    my Father !

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    the right

    again here comes the rightforcing their right on me

    just because they cant see

    they want me to be as they be

    they are the social blight

    they tell me that i am free

    but i can not express

    my concept of what i wish to be

    all of their sphincters are tight

    as they excrete a new decreein a box they forcibly put me

    they hear not my painful plea

    but i will be not dismayed

    from the right ill no longer hide

    i will stand and be countedand perhaps assuage the tide

    from the right . . .

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    drum beat

    i hear the drum, beat

    just for me

    marking the cadence

    of my destiny

    it has been a long night

    to arrive to this day

    ive been lost many times

    but ive now found my way

    there is also times

    that i just gave up

    and i earnestly tried

    to fill my own cup

    but the paradox of life

    that i have found true

    my drum beat is mine

    but still i need you

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    end time

    when the end time comes

    im moving out of hereill discover my own dimension

    where there is no fear

    ill leave behind all belongings

    except that in my heart

    for all i need will be my love

    ill make a brand new start

    ill have no need for dreams

    not of the thoughts of me

    for all i am will be I AMill live as i wish to BE

    hey, i just had a novel thought

    perhaps ill practice nowto let my life be naught but love

    and be my best somehow

    yes, this is my soulful intent

    i must remove all doubt

    that i too may become all light

    as i let all darkness out

    so, ill not wait for the end of time

    i think ill hang out here

    let love become our dimension

    and work to quell my fear

    for fear hath torment

    and where fear resides . . . love is diminished

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    how long

    how long must one mourn

    that which was lostho long must one continue

    to pay that dreadful cost

    how long must one hold

    on to the shadows of the past

    how long will we make

    the pains of past last

    how long will i taketill i come back around

    to live here once again

    with my feet on solid ground

    how long will i be blinded

    with the lack of reason

    how long must i await

    for my harvest season

    how long . . . how long ?

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    the seeds

    i have an abundance of seeds

    that i cast to the windto find homes where they may

    that they may grow again

    there are seeds of love

    that golden threaded rope

    the seeds of the Sower

    the seeds of hope

    they feed the birds

    that take to the air

    they sprout creationa divine primal affair

    there are seeds of darkness

    the mystery of nightand seeds of understanding

    that give us the light

    seeds of our wisdoms

    the uncertain sanity

    seeds of our visions

    for all of humanity

    now where are the Gardeners

    to tend to the seeds

    to nurture the soils

    of lifes beckoning needs

    for we all have seeds

    to plant in Lifes soil

    but to gather the harvest

    one must toil

    so let us gather the best

    of our fortitude

    and call work play

    change our attitude

    then the Harvest will bear

    as its season does comeand together we all

    will have increased our sum

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    the shadows of winter

    the shadows of winter

    are still hanging on

    how i wish for my springthat my winter be gone

    so is it as

    in this journey we call life

    we hope for the morrow

    removed from our strife

    but let us not tarry

    this winters daylet us gather our seeds

    to welcome our spring coming way

    but forget not this truth

    winter shall come again

    for tis lifes cycle

    so plant well my friend

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    the Spirit of Joy

    the Spirit of Joy came to visither sister in my heart named Love

    with dance and song and butterflies

    the fruit from the heavens above

    where all the children are singing

    a ballad to each moments bliss

    embracing lifes utter abundance

    with a deep and soulful kiss

    where days are never ending

    and twinkling stars but yet no nightwhere all is seen as all is

    for each heart bears its own light

    oh the gift imparted me

    a remembrance of my way

    that as a child of the Magnificent One

    be bright and bonny and gay

    and let the Spirit of Joy reside

    and paint her rainbows in your heart

    and loves promise will be fulfilledand never let her part

    . . . the Spirit of Joy . . .

    2009 : William S. Peters, Sr.

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    the spirit of love is upon me

    the spirit of love is upon me

    as i move 1 degree to my leftis but all that it takes

    the pathway from the abysmal cleft

    that embodies all dark things

    for which my soul be annoyed

    let me embrace the sunshine

    that exists beyond the void

    let me also be the mirror

    let joy and hope through me reflect

    all that is good in lifenaught which may be suspect

    let me be the color

    of all that exudes thy peacewithhold not thy love my love

    as i depart this crease

    that has held me in darkness

    may we dance forever

    let not the music ever dim

    from now until the morning never

    for . . .

    the spirit of love is upon me

    and i moved 1 degree to my leftthat was all that was required

    and i am now free of darks cleft

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    the spirit of love

    the spirit of love has overtaken me

    and put aside that for which i mournfor through the tears of non-understanding

    one cannot see the flowers as they adorn

    the beauty of love and colour graced

    upon the landscapes of ones own heart

    the joys of love once shared

    does not ever part

    if we but stop and listen in stillness

    to the faint memories of loves past song

    it draws closer to this precious momentand will stay with you all life long

    so . . .

    release and let loves spirit overtake you

    her footsteps tread lightly, can you hear it

    feel her Rainbowic beauty with you

    and be consumed by Loves divine spirit.

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    thought speed

    the speed of thought

    is thoughtless speed

    some are flowers

    and some are weeds

    tis not the words

    but ones deedsthat comes to harvest

    from ones seeds

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    can i

    can i hold you

    like i told youmy arms enfold you

    all night long

    until the day break

    for all loves sake

    let me not awake

    from Dreams song . . .

    . . . can i ?

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    the ghosts of my life were dancing

    in the corners of my eyes

    the fleeting visions of my dreamsyielded yet no surprise

    for somehow i just knew

    that all dreams will come to be

    if we but stay the course

    found in expectancy

    No, i will not yield

    to the quick sands of desire

    that undermines the hopes

    that fuel my souls fire

    for i feel its rage a coming

    that will consume my lifes waste

    that which i collected on my questin my journey of haste

    i shall employ my new found virtues

    found in the tormented stillness of night

    for in time will come a dawn

    that will yield to me clear sight

    that ghosts one sees dancingin the corner of ones eyes

    are not visions nor dreams

    just let go and they die

    if i . . .

    believe !

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    believe it . . .

    i shall never give up

    for i do believe

    i believe in you

    and all i conceive

    and soon come the daywhere i will retrieve

    it exists somewhere

    that i may achieve

    the dreams i embodybefore i must leave

    so i embrace these dreams

    for my soul has incurred

    so i shall march oni shall not be deterred

    and i will not be put off

    nor be i deferred

    by what stands before me

    for i have heard

    the faint whisperings

    of the promised word

    believe it . . .

    Faith is not giving up on God . . .

    when you think God has given up on you !

    2009 : William S. Peters, Sr.

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    we do rob our children

    when we promulgate war

    it seems . . .

    that is which all adultever pine for

    whether the war within

    or that which is withoutwe seem never satisfied

    unless there is a bout

    for what do we fight

    doth we hope to find

    with everlasting battle

    of heart, soul and mind

    to conquer our own darkness

    to put an end to our night

    perhaps one day we

    will see the light

    so lay down your arms

    open arms and embrace

    look upon the mirror

    upon your loves true face

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    and forever more

    i am not a broken man

    im just worn a bitwe all will tire in this life

    if we rely on wit

    to overcome we need more

    that what our mind can see

    such as hopes and dreams and stuff

    and a bit of spirituality

    for spirit is that which bindscreation to worldly word

    such a beauty can not be described

    once the heart is heard

    for it is beyond conception

    as it evolves beyond

    it emanates cocentricallylike the ripples on a pond

    we can perceive the urge

    that theres something more

    the purpose of this life i live

    and the journey i live for

    the journey i adore

    as i learn to soar

    as i did before . . .

    and forever more !

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    a hellava ride

    what i do not love

    i can not say

    for love of all

    is the order of the day

    i put heart first

    in all i do do

    and i am assuredwhen i look upon you

    that love is the arrow

    that pierces all souls

    that love molds angels

    in the bodies of trolls

    if we could but seethe beauty inside

    life could be

    one hellava ride

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  • 8/7/2019 And i Write Book


    why not love

    why not love

    what do we have to loose

    the character of a true lovewill never force one to choose

    so why not love

    what can love do to harm

    its spirit is composed of grace

    i can see that it is in youwhen i look upon your face

    so why not love

    so let your love be loosedroam the filed of lifes wonder

    take a hand full of seeds from your heart

    and scatter them asunder

    so why not love

    wherever you go or leave

    please life your footprint

    for in the flower gardens

    tis a most wondrous scent

    so why not love

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    your true self

    the things we do fear

    we relegate to our darkwe no longer have trust

    in our innate divine spark

    we abandon our cause

    to recluse and cower

    we spiritually forsake

    the basis of our power

    for behind delusions veil

    theres a now extinguishable light

    that illuminates the souls pathin the darkest of the night

    so keep your faith steady

    till your journeys end

    for at he end of your roadawaits your best friend . ..

    your true self !

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    1 again

    come into my parlorand bring me thy love

    bring me thy promise

    be thou my dove

    the storm has receded

    a new day has beguna new quest embraced

    where we become 1

    . . . again

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    where there . . .

    where there are sparks

    there is a fire

    where there is lifethere is desire

    where there is steam

    there is the water

    where there is mother

    there is a daughter

    where there is wilderness

    there is a creature

    where there is thoughts

    there is a teacher

    where there is reflection

    there is the self

    where there is povertythere is much wealth

    where there is abstinence

    there is much lust

    where there is deceit

    there is abundant trust

    where there is rejectionthere is acceptance

    where there is curses

    there is a blessance

    where there is evil

    there is much good

    where there is cant

    there resides the could

    where there is differenceexists congruity

    where there is fixedness

    there flows the fluidly

    where there is silence

    there is much noise

    where there is stillnessexist the choice

    where there

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    Wake up . . .

    wake up wake up

    your castle is falling

    wake up wake upcan not you hear your Souls Conscious calling

    wake up wake up

    the babies are balling

    for the food of tomorrow is gone

    wake up wake up

    the thief is now gonewake up wake up

    we need your new dawn

    wake up wake up

    tis time for the spawnof a new day

    wake up wake up

    we are in dismaywake up wake up

    to the end of the day

    wake up wake up

    they rape and they play

    they feel this is their right

    wake up wake upwe need you this night

    wake up wake up

    to the garden of blight

    wake up wake up

    give us your lightcan not you hear lifes cosmic calling

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