and general advertiser - university of · ing...

tf - mi 1 H vu JLI AND GENERAL ADVERTISER VFflirjvmtmiMrr ClUfaH !' ' VOL. XIX. Np 1005. BY DANIEL BRADFORD, LEXINGTON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 1805. "1 ' ' TF.HMS OF THE GAZETTE.LrLen. M. Rihh alable tratt of LAND for sale Aiky This paper is publilhed weekly, at iier annum. 6a. in cu- - mnnrt- - Those who write to the Editor, muff pay the pottage of their letters. oiUiNfc. HOUSE NEAR ThE MARKET. GEORGE ANDERSON, NT FOR MS his friends and the pu Wick, that he has just returned fVoni Philadelphia, where ne leietieu, An Elegant and'vtry extensive of J Merchandise, flinch he is now opening) confining of Groceries, ury ooous, ohhu 41m Earthen Ware, Cabinet-make- rs and Carpenters' Tools Of all defcnpiions, and larger and more general afTortment of HARD WARE, than has ever been brought this place. A great proportion of his goods hav- ing been purchased for Ca(h at Vendue, he is enabled and determined to difpofc-o-f them on low terms (for Cadi) any other (lore in this town or in the state. VIZ. nftrrVi Feathers .for Ladie teaddreues, SuperbSilverOrna-men- f illbbons, with an' afTortinent of other "trimmings Also, Luteftrngs, fhws, Persians, Pee lings and S3trins. Elegant Cam-uri- c and Jaconet Muf lins, pliin andfigured. Printed Calicoes, Chintzes, Moreens, Durants, Bomba-zette- s, &c. Silk and other shawls. Ladies' extra long silk Gloves Fans every size- - 645:75 Superfine and other Do'tble mill'd Drab, Cmrii, tilled, napp.'d and plain. Infh Linens and Muftin SVirting. Patent Ruval Cord. Velvet:., ''hicUets, Corilurtuys Lonltt tutionCo-d- s ilk Velvets- - for Col'irs. I'mlenets Mar leillcqu Itiile DutHsldsand Rote Blmkets, Han nels. Baize Checks good jftbrtment of Dam ilk Diaper Table Linen. Cotton and Wool Cards. Knive-- . Forks, Tea Kettles, Deflc above goods Mounting, allotted Saddlery, some ele gant plated Bridle Bits and Bndoons. Brirania and Teu tania Tea Pots, Ta ble 8Tea vpoons. Stock P.lains, Chif-fel- s Gouges, Augers, rawing K.iives, Vi- ces. Mill, Pit, Crors Cot, Venering and hand laws. Turkey Oil stones 'ron Scieves. Elegant plated and other Caudlefticks Tea Boards, Looking Glafles, Mathematical Instruments H. pocket JOSEPH has commenced J,.rnpnHPr & fchnnl other supply stills Greek ulemanded. ni;lilli, STILLS size Geo Can had by with Copper Boilers brewers giving Hatters' Pepper, Ketues, Allpice, Cloves nger, Coperas, Mulder, Indigo, Tur- key Ked Cotton, Bran- dy, Rum, Red .Port Madeira and Sherry Also, Barks, Glauber Silts, & TOBACCO, Delivered any ware houses the Kentucky river, will be received payment forthc MADNESS. AN effectual remedy the hu-'ina- n body, for that dreadful malady the of mad animals sit being the remedy that Dr. Stoy or Leb anon, of has effected so mahv cures with A number of nerfon have been cured by-DR- . Stoy and mvfelf, tha.t violent sym-tom- s 'of jhe ,hydi ophobia, from one 'til two days raging. The cure can beeffejcled long as the condiment part o'f the blood is not separated; which, will happen or later, according the (late of body, or the effect of bite. would advise every person to make the perlon ine infection. No trufl can bz expect- ed for the above. Michael Scbaag. Lexington, March 18th, 1805. N. The various Printers in the Western Jitales are requeued give the above place sew times their refpectlve papers. Sen wishes instruct Pupil Uvo practice Medicine and Ail person indebted to M bcHA'.Ghf lneclicat lervices, requefte to settle and discharge their ript-.tiv- balances, as noiong cr in ueice c.fYi be It to be l.i;nd that compalfivc niea-fur- il,l, conunuc exercile Ms profeflion counsel and attorney law, those ciicuit courts which heretofore practifed, and the court appeals, and court United States, theKentuck) utt, entc-ftupsycfcl- wiuoai oecuwles Lexington, N0V.24..1804 l'WO TO the Tobacconist's business, wanted imrnediatplv. lw 4r Godfrey Bender, Lp Street, Lexington. Who has for sale quantity of Manujactured driving TOUACCO, and SEGARS Also Rappee, French Rappee, ScotchSNUFF, of superior quality. tf March 6, 1805. RED, GREEN, YELLOW Un BROWN-DYIN- color cotton and linen with hot dye, which will warrant (land, return the money, and reasonable terms any dyer Lexington. will dye wool deep oiue Od. per pound. HUGH CRAWFORD, At the sign of Dr. Franklin in the old court-hous- e, corner of Main Crofs-ftrcet- s, Lexington. September 13th, 1803. N. you want have vour cotton coloured free from spots, tye your cuts loose. C. SALT WORKS. rWILL rent two Furnaces Salt Works, in Madison County, with convenient houses, for the accommodation of workmen &c. The water good, the wood convenient, and the terms will be very reasonable. John Patrick. Madison, ift Sept.' 1805. tf piftois. HARBESON, Ule sSn the STL.'just from Pliiladel- - plua. the Cobber sin Manufactures collertion IaJKttsburpi, and has now sale, and shall Books,! jtntinue keep sizes Ltin, and every and l'inkcrton's description, graph com- - for seasonable plete Atlas. Kettles, notice. Sugar Tea, Coflee, Soap Boilers' ditto Chocolite, Tea Wines. and other HEMP bite Pennfylvan,ia, had. sooner the application's toon as. li. Dr. Surgery.' are given. b; necs.Tan BLUE, w APPRENTICES Brass Copper Wash Kettles, every article copper Pewter, assorted, description. intention pursue business extensively, hopes patronage publick, orders punctually tulhllcu,anu reasonable prices. 1'jttsburgli, Three Apprentices wanted. THE SUBSCRIBER TAKES method informing public, hand, Handsome Assortment BOOTS SHOES; intends keeping Constant Assortment Best Imported EATHER, From Philadelphia; prosecute extensive, fliall, enable better State. Hugh Crawford, Main Street, oopofite Logan's Biin's Brick Houses. HFMP, WHISKEY, vriety COUNTRY PRODUCE, taken payment. BLUE DYING continued ALL PERSONS indebted Subscriber SEASON MARES STIRLING, requeued make payment Ranr. Hall, hereby authoriftd collect same. Wm. Banton. Nov. 1805. JAMES HAWTHORN, Tairffb? Ladies' Riding-Hab- it Maker, BEGS leave infsrm Ladies Gentlemen Lexington, vicin- ity, commenced bulinefs brick house opposite Mr.Chailefs' Printing Office, Main Street, Lexing where poles carrying above bulinefs, vaiious branches. Those may please sa- vour with their euflom, may depend having work done, mod manner, with neatnels dispatch. fniart Boys, between taken apprentices above buli- nefs. Lcxintor, Nov. ISO;. imvj.iw i lHi,V.'v.tir.r'n71n. -- - rf jlt jb. v r w r ... .,r. r,t t n; , a to as as rl 5 '" n 6 4 Sc ol i: S: & A & & V " -- v in nii . x w AUikj to in he has the lor ire no tf ; & & to or on as as in at is. 8c li It to at is At of r... o.,t rnrm . , , J -- -, of lor to a of all of j of " be , a I I G ' at of he on in on as to , to a a ag to a or to 1 is no I' . y vv of at in in of ot d It H a a I I a ..... r. A &: J I a and and other in the line. Tin V are of e ery It beintr his to the he for the of the and any lest, shall be at the most om Sept 28, 180J. N. B. or Four this of the that he has now on of &? And A of 7 he L and will his bu Onefs in a way so as him to sell on terms than has been ufu-- al in this A. and P. New W. B and a ot will be in will be as usual to the for the of put to are to to Mr. R, who is to the A 1 T. 6, tf J to the and of and its that he has in the to ton ; he pui on the in all its - who to him 011 tneir in the and and One or two the age of 10 and 15, will be as to the tf 12, vw. , ns CONSISTING of 600 acres in the V- -' Mate of Ohio, situated on the Mia- mi River ; the land is of the fuft quali ty, well timbered, a large bottom, on a finall water course called Wolf creek, that makes through the whole of it : the land is dire&ly opposite the town of Dayton ; the molt remote corner not more than a mile and a half from the town ; it will belaid offin trafts of 200 acres to suit thepurchafers. For terms apply to DoA. Taine:, Wellh, of the town of Dayton, or John Bradford of Lexington, who are legally suthorifcd to difpofc of the said land- - the title is indifputablc. JOHN DOWNING; RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the publick in general, tMJJie continues to keep a house of J,Z&n 1LHTAINMENT, in tKat commodious frame house, on Main Street, opofite the Court house, at the sign of THE BUFFALOE; where he is prepcred to accommo- date Travellers, andothers who may pieaie to call on him, in the belt man ner. He is well provided with ; variety of the best liquors his Bed ding and other accommodations will be furniflied equal to any in the vveitern Country. His Stable is well supplied with Hay, Oats, and Corn, and his Ofller particularly at tentive, and careful. Those who are so obliging as to call on him, may rest allured that they fliall receive the greatest attention, and every ex ertion will be made to make their iituation agreeable. Private par- ties may be accommodated with a room undisturbed by the bustle of a tavern. Lexington, April 29. A GREAT BARGAIN. THE subscriber intends the Oate, and offers for Tale rhP following property, with an indifoutable title. andSafleflion given immediately 4 LAND, MILLS, &c. "That valuable and well known traft nr nirrl situated at the mouth of Tate's creek, 1 5 miles from Lexington, on tl'e main road lead-ia- g to Madison court house, containing looo rc5, or inereaoouti, 250 ot which is excel.l lent Dottom land, the remainde well timbered; 80 or ico acres ..:. ot wnich is well set with red clover and timn. thy. On the upperpart of this tract is erected a Merchant and Grist Mill, bothover-lho- t and double geered, with a pair of French Burrs ana a pair ot Laurel Hill (iones. The houle is large and beinp 50 by 40, with sour floors, rolling screen, boulting cloths, hopper boy, hoisting and packing works, by water and in c.ood older; the dam is new built entiiely of white oak, I.ewed and filled not inferior in any refpefl- to the best in the state the fifuation is oerfertlv se. cu e, either from back water or frefiie? in the creek distance from tlie.river, 1 1.2 miles, and no hill On the lower part of this traft, and ''about a half mile from the river is filiated the faW mill, in complete or. der, and capable of doing as much business as any in the Hate A good framed dwell; kitchen and lore house, with a numher of and a large and never sailing ji ujiuiivciiient. A DISTILLERY. JACOB convenient, withftone, interfering. uieiuicabbins, within 40 yaids of the mill, with over-hea- waters, two lflls containing 250 gallons. That celebrated fall blooded Stu I Horse YOUNG BARONET. Riling six years old. full it hand? 2 inrh. high, was got by the impoi ted Baronet, who was equal to any norle ever imported; o'd Baionet was bred by sir John Webb, bart.fp' by Vertumnus.fon ofEcliofp. hi Him ., Penultima, by Snap, grand dam by Cade, great (ii.iu nam ny e.rao, great great grand dam bv FlyingChilders.ont ofaconfcderati- - fllUv; (he was got by Grey Grantham, her dam bv the uuKeoi uutianu's Black Barb out of Bright' s Itoan. Young Baronet's dam was trot bv the imported Othello, grand dam by the imported Figure, gieat grand dam by the imported Wild Dair, her dam was imported with Wild Dair. bv gov. Delancy Wild Dairbecame so famous he was returned to England. Several brood mares with Baronet colts, and now with foal by the same horse. cattle; A small stock, among wluchare two valuable Yoke of Oxen ; a large (lock of Hogs, 40 or 50 of which are sit to kill this fall. As I intend positively leave this stare the enuring spring.'and notjf idling to leave any property behind me, it$vill be well worthy the attention of any person' inclining to pur. chase this kind of property : it will be sold at an under value, the whole together, or fepa. rate., ' In point of 1'itu.ition, there is rio prop, ertyof the kind in ihe state, that furpail'esit. Thereisa thick settled, fertile countryaround it, where the gieateft.ibund.irceoi'pio'Juceniay be coliecled; the land abouilds with good timber J"ur boat bmiinnj, and a very conve- nient spot for that piirpoft on the bank of tl-- river Kentucky; boats for the MiffilUppi trade can be built, and lo3dedatthemonthoFTate's creec with more convenience, less exneHcr, and greater dispatch than at any other landing on the rier. " There is on hand a stock of well feaCmed fiour baircls and. ftuffdreffed for. 3 number '..; ""iher particulars enqunc of the iujier.jru:i rue prenuier, Ellsha I. T- - ji;.. n-- . .... saSSB!m2UiSaaft NOTICE, .L those indebted to RinRF.I.Y , FISHBACK.FISHBACK.'.STF.F.T.w or J. FISHBACK, are requested to pav then respective accounts to col. Dedman, who is au- thorised to collect and rcccip'i for the same. f FDR SALE, 5,000 Acres of Land, TYING in the county of Henderfon" on the waters of Highland and Trade Water. I will fcll'the above land ery low for cadi, horses. beefv pork: whill:ey or flour. Any person wifliingtoptirchafe, will please apply to me, living near Robertlbn's Lick, in the aforelaid county. John Hopkins. Sept. 3rd, 1805. tf THIRTY DOLLARS REWARD. RUN off from the fubfenber, living in Frederick county, Virginia, about eleven months ago, a Mulatto fellow nameda JZD BOB, aged about forty-eig- ht years, five feet, ignt or nine inches high, blackfmitb and the Eait ,d r A hy trade, has a sear on his head the size of a dollar or rather larger ...wi ,0 i.ul euvcrrii wnn nair: ne is extremely fond of liquor, and insolent wnen drunk ; was purchased of Mr James Ware, near Lexington, Ken tucky, about twelve years ac-o- and ta ken to Virginia He has no doubt ob tained a pass from some woithlefs per-soi- l, as he could not have go: to Ken- tucky without one. Any person taking 111 iuiu. imow anu lecuring him in any jail, or delivering him to mr. Wilson in pvlnrrtn fl, , 1 I. .M.l ...u.i, iiiu uc cjumeu to the above reward, and all reasonable charges paid by JAMES HEARD. May Iff, 180S. S'l HAYED from thu ftibfcriber in the nthinft. aBrinhh y BAT HORSE, Moout lourteen hamls 3 inches high, with a black mane and tail, thiee years old last fprinjr, no brand or mark that remUFt . cept long bobb'd tail, shod before', a natural trotter. Any person taking up the laid horse and delivering him to me, (hall be generously rewarded and all expences paid. Jbng'd. 1'ciser. Lexington, September 16, 1S05. TOBACCO MANIIFAH-nn- v ? LAUDEMAN, ci.ared.partL TMcrwrc: , ana ty """""" "" iricnus aim tne in general, that he continues his Tobacco Manufactory, in Lexington on Main Street, nearlv opposite Wilson's Inn, where he ha- - forndhed himself with all neceffan tools, and slaves of his own, so that lit can manufacture about twenty or thirty thousand weight of Tobacco a year. by ivhich means he is enabled to sell on the lowcft thrms for cash, or he will give from three to nine months credit, on giving bond with approved security ; he will also take orders in some good (tore in Lexington, for goods. Persons applying, may be furniflied with thefol-lowin- g kinds of Tobacco viz. Cbewing, in twists, pigtail of differ ent kinds, smoking tobacco of dif- ferent kinds, cut and in papers, scotch and rappee snuff of utjjKiicin Kinus. 1 ne wnole of winch he will warrant equal is not lu penor tc any manufaaured in the state. Lexington, OcL 17, 1805. N. B. A good price will be given foi one or two hogsheads of good Kitefoot tobacco. Any person wifliing to pur-chaf- e, can be supplied with tobacco of the different kinds- - at the (lore of h Hudson opposite the Court House in Lexington. STATE OF KENTUCKY, ' Malon circuit court, Sep. terrnj 1805 JoUaJackson, Complainant, "I AGAINST rvilliam Smitli & Daniel Vcrtncr, defd'ts. IN CHANCERY. Defendant "William XI. THE havingfailed to cntei. h'13 appearance herein agreeably to lavy ana the rales ot this Cocrt it appearing to the fitisfacUon o! the Court, that the said Wiliiam IV Smith 13 not an lnhbitnt of this.! Commonwealth On the motion of the Complainant, by bis counsel. ordered, that the-sai- Defend- ant William W, Smith, do appear here on the third day of our next December Term, and snfwer the Complainant's bill, or thj't.the same lhall be taken as confefled and thai copy of thia order be inserted in some suthorifed paper, two months iucceiiively. A Copt. i"e3t, encis Taver c. M. Dr!,. NfrllCP 1 wjH.iiuc lo nract m Jf u 1 u j N E In partnerfliip, in Lexington and wu.uuy; Lir. a. JJHUWN will contuiue residence in the brick houle adjoining .Mr. William Lea v s Store--D- r. K. WAR FIELD has removed to the large brick house Formerly, the property of Dr. F. johSt:Hiille,yoccuF5cdtyMr- - April 4th iScr. MACCOUN. & TILFORD Have receiv and are now openilia,t;!le;r bl KE, on Main street, A LfarSeanJ Elegant affortment, LX ofwellchofen, CHEAP Merchandize,- - AND STATIONERY Carefully feeclcd in Philadelphia outofth.syear's Importation fro,; a linntldip": rK.T ir.. '. . ci-i- n v uiii, k'fTi n i.nn 1 j n A. . uuitani lun nl.. flT-M- Y' UV " ,C SALT, heft Pennsylvania BAKR IR'0K ' ".. .every "nportcd ma- - tenal hi.iM;.,. ...1.:'. .. t::rrT?scnwj;z Lesineton. h,li,,,ft .o o ' j-- v - 1005. Eagle M SffS-m- i- lUblcrihoi- - rr.n-r.- n . forms ' lU' publick thathe h, O " tt,,!'.con.n building on Mai' ...i, occupied bv lyoppofitetheCourthoufe.inthetaw ington where " , bZ travellers, o,hJT P.?ccmmoMr toca.lonHm.intheleftr"? conftantlv funnliH .u. nn,.nr4!-:",,".'- " " genuine li. five, atterded to with of his stable. from iti nnnn asconimmtio,,. .,"".'' lu " ""7 m me ...:m Kate : an,! . - J , . "ill 1......1 1. oats, toZhV" -a- ccommodate his ,,-,- , n," ! tf na the the and ,:.i. molt and size and r.tar- - care and the rene aiVaVS UPPnnn hay, and corn, f LiMuna) iuit their convenience WILLIAM SATTER WHITE Lexington, April 20, 1805. RICHARD TAYroR IA the ;, that he ht.s ope tela Mouse ot Etitrt,'ii . :ii...i . '".. i. , f his for & .alcJy as he ".u,aLirgeaiKlcommod"o sbdu occupied by John tS where he 13 supplied ,lh the " and pronsionj ns m u:...i Qt . ' V'l"0, FtarikfoTt, October 24, 1805. FULLING MILL. .R- - Mr. 1 HE Subscriber .takes il,i, method ot; the public, that he has ately built a Fulli,,.; Mill on Sooner between HutchcrafiS ,nd Smith's mills', and is now' ready to do any kind of ful ling his cuRomers may vk to fdv0,.r him with, in thefpeaieft and belf ma' and upon very reasonable terms. '"'rJ dye any colors that are uf.,aJiv , ?. this country. Toaccomrooda ,, mer, he , will receive clot "s.c"fto-Sterlin- g at the house of ,nV "ount on the first Monday B- '- , P,.:. .,.. '." month, andl month at the hr,use - ,r ,1 7 '" ""?" chant ; and will W,ra- - Sf0tt mer- - fedatthefo'.lo netUrnthe L,oth court. n,r. 1 ,,, .. JJun wMiue, ,,r,J4- - ISJin STA.TE OF KENTUCKY. Fayette Circuit, SLt. September Term 1805. ho,n3s Lewis, Compu AQA.1NST. .rimpc TVf'n,,.! n.':n- - j... uuti,, riiiiam itp it3 it 1 r. . ana baraii his wise, Adrr' tors of Joseph M'Clair r?''niftra: JofephxV'Clain.JanVs'Clat and VC.W,n t i ... . r urn .... . 1 culture li antL hr the fai-- j r0renh dec. 1Cla,n fn Chancery. On the motir , nr ordered that; ' lu ton,P,'"'MMt Guardian fa d& t. 7e" l fl&nd art ar-- , ,V uZ ' ' fad?"t! Win. SteS -. I . i . AnnMClain aiP ,Z ' X J P"' J ame a"4 "jy lerm, and answer n rl ;..L-- "r'SaatU"?r according A Qopv Test; riit.nlfy.C. I: CQ f Xk

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" 1 ' '

TF.HMS OF THE GAZETTE.LrLen. M. Rihh alable tratt of LAND for saleAiky

This paper is publilhed weekly, at

iier annum. 6a. in cu- -

mnnrt- -

Those who write to the Editor, muff

pay the pottage of their letters.



NT FOR MS his friends and the pu

Wick, that he has just returned fVoni

Philadelphia, where ne leietieu,An Elegant and'vtry extensive


J Merchandise,flinch he is now opening) confining ofGroceries, ury ooous, ohhu 41m

Earthen Ware, Cabinet-make- rs

and Carpenters' ToolsOfall defcnpiions, and larger and more

general afTortment of HARD WARE,than has ever been brought this place.

A great proportion of his goods hav-

ing been purchased for Ca(h at Vendue,

he is enabled and determined to difpofc-o-f

them on low terms (for Cadi)

any other (lore in this town or in the


nftrrViFeathers .for Ladieteaddreues,

SuperbSilverOrna-men- f

illbbons, withan' afTortinent of other"trimmings


fhws, Persians, Peelings and S3trins.

Elegant Cam-uri- c

and Jaconet Muflins, pliin andfigured.

Printed Calicoes,Chintzes, Moreens,Durants, Bomba-zette- s,

&c.Silk and other

shawls.Ladies' extra long

silk Gloves Fansevery size- -

645:75 Superfineand other

Do'tble mill'd Drab,Cmrii, tilled,napp.'d and plain.

Infh Linens andMuftin SVirting.Patent Ruval Cord.

Velvet:., ''hicUets,Corilurtuys LonltttutionCo-d- s

ilk Velvets- - forCol'irs.

I'mlenets Marleillcqu Itiile

DutHsldsandRote Blmkets, Hannels. Baize Checks

good jftbrtmentof Dam ilk DiaperTable Linen.

Cotton and WoolCards.

Knive-- . Forks,Tea Kettles, Deflc

above goods

Mounting, allottedSaddlery, some elegant plated Bridle Bitsand Bndoons.

Brirania and Teutania Tea Pots, Table 8Tea vpoons.

Stock P.lains, Chif-fel- s

Gouges, Augers,rawing K.iives, Vi-

ces.Mill, Pit, Crors Cot,

Venering and hand

laws.Turkey Oil stones'ron Scieves.Elegant plated and

other CaudlefticksTea Boards,

Looking Glafles,Mathematical



pocket JOSEPH

has commencedJ,.rnpnHPr &

fchnnl other supply stillsGreek ulemanded.

ni;lilli, STILLS sizeGeo Can had by

with Copper Boilers brewers givingHatters'

Pepper, Ketues,Allpice, Cloves

nger, Coperas,Mulder, Indigo, Tur-key Ked Cotton, Bran-

dy, Rum, Red .PortMadeira and Sherry

Also,Barks, Glauber



Delivered any ware houses theKentucky river, will be received paymentforthc

MADNESS.AN effectual remedy the hu-'ina- n

body, for that dreadful maladythe of mad animals sit beingthe remedy that Dr. Stoy or Lebanon, of has effectedso mahv cures with A number of

nerfon have been cured by-DR-. Stoy

and mvfelf, tha.t violent sym-tom- s

'of jhe ,hydi ophobia, from one'til two days raging. The cure canbeeffejcled long as the condimentpart o'f the blood is not separated;which, will happen or later,according the (late of body, or theeffect of bite. would adviseevery person to make

the perlon ineinfection. No trufl can bz expect-ed for the above.

Michael Scbaag.Lexington, March 18th, 1805.

N. The various Printers in

the Western Jitales are requeuedgive the above place sew timestheir refpectlve papers.

Sen wishes instructPupil Uvo practice Medicine and

Ail person indebted to M

bcHA'.Ghf lneclicat lervices,requefte to settle and dischargetheir ript-.tiv- balances, as noiongcr in ueice c.fYi be Itto be l.i;nd that compalfivc niea-fur-

il,l, conunuc exercile Msprofeflion counsel and attorney law,those ciicuit courts which heretoforepractifed, and the court appeals, andcourt United States, theKentuck)


wiuoai oecuwlesLexington, N0V.24..1804


TO the Tobacconist's business,wanted imrnediatplv. lw

4r Godfrey Bender,Lp Street, Lexington.

Who has for sale quantity ofManujactured driving TOUACCO,

and SEGARSAlso Rappee, French Rappee,

ScotchSNUFF, of superior March 6, 1805.



color cotton and linenwith hot dye, which will warrant

(land, return the money, andreasonable terms any dyer

Lexington. will dye wool deepoiue Od. per pound.

HUGH CRAWFORD,At the sign of Dr. Franklin

in the old court-hous- e,

corner of Main Crofs-ftrcet- s,

Lexington.September 13th, 1803.

N. you want have vourcotton coloured free from spots, tyeyour cuts loose. C.


rWILL rent two FurnacesSalt Works, in

Madison County, with convenienthouses, for the accommodation ofworkmen &c. The water good,the wood convenient, and the termswill be very reasonable.

John Patrick.Madison, ift Sept.' 1805. tf

piftois. HARBESON,Ule sSn the STL.'just from Pliiladel- -

plua. theCobber sin Manufactures

collertion IaJKttsburpi, and has now sale, and shallBooks,! jtntinue keep sizes

Ltin, andevery and

l'inkcrton's description,graph com- - for seasonableplete Atlas. Kettles, notice.

Sugar Tea, Coflee, Soap Boilers' dittoChocolite, Tea


and other







toon as.






b; necs.Tan




Brass Copper Wash Kettles, everyarticle copper

Pewter, assorted,description.

intention pursue businessextensively, hopes patronagepublick, orders punctuallytulhllcu,anu reasonable prices.

1'jttsburgli,Three Apprentices wanted.

THE SUBSCRIBERTAKES method informing

public, hand,Handsome Assortment

BOOTS SHOES;intends keeping

Constant AssortmentBest Imported EATHER,

From Philadelphia; prosecuteextensive, fliall, enable


Hugh Crawford,Main Street, oopofite Logan's

Biin's Brick Houses.HFMP, WHISKEY, vriety

COUNTRY PRODUCE, takenpayment.

BLUE DYING continued


STIRLING, requeuedmake payment Ranr. Hall,

hereby authoriftd collectsame.

Wm. Banton.Nov. 1805.

JAMES HAWTHORN,Tairffb? Ladies' Riding-Hab- it

Maker,BEGS leave infsrm Ladies

Gentlemen Lexington, vicin-

ity, commenced bulinefsbrick house opposite Mr.Chailefs'

Printing Office, Main Street, Lexingwhere poles carrying

above bulinefs, vaiiousbranches. Those may please sa-

vour with their euflom, may dependhaving work done, mod

manner, with neatnelsdispatch. fniart Boys,

betweentaken apprentices above buli-

nefs.Lcxintor, Nov. ISO;.

imvj.iw i lHi,V.'v.tir.r'n71n.

-- - r f jlt jb. v r w r ...

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CONSISTING of 600 acres in theV- -' Mate of Ohio, situated on the Mia-mi River ; the land is of the fuft quality, well timbered, a large bottom, on afinall water course called Wolf creek,that makes through the whole of it : theland is dire&ly opposite the town ofDayton ; the molt remote corner notmore than a mile and a half from thetown ; it will belaid offin trafts of 200acres to suit thepurchafers. For termsapply to DoA. Taine:, Wellh, of thetown of Dayton, or John Bradford ofLexington, who are legally suthorifcdto difpofc of the said land- - the title isindifputablc.


friends and the publick in general,tMJJie continues to keep a house of

J,Z&n 1LHTAINMENT,in tKat commodious frame house, onMain Street, opofite the Courthouse, at the sign of

THE BUFFALOE;where he is prepcred to accommo-date Travellers, andothers who maypieaie to call on him, in the belt manner. He is well provided with ;

variety of the best liquors his Bedding and other accommodations willbe furniflied equal to any in thevveitern Country. His Stable iswell supplied with Hay, Oats, andCorn, and his Ofller particularly attentive, and careful. Those whoare so obliging as to call on him, mayrest allured that they fliall receivethe greatest attention, and every exertion will be made to make theiriituation agreeable. Private par-ties may be accommodated with aroom undisturbed by the bustle of atavern.

Lexington, April 29.A GREAT BARGAIN.

THE subscriber intendsthe Oate, and offers for Tale rhP

following property, with an indifoutable title.andSafleflion given immediately4 LAND, MILLS, &c.

"That valuable and well known traft nr nirrlsituated at the mouth of Tate's creek, 1 5

miles from Lexington, on tl'e main road lead-ia- g

to Madison court house, containing looorc5, or inereaoouti, 250 ot which is excel.l

lent Dottom land, the remaindewell timbered; 80 or ico acres ..:.ot wnich is well set with red clover and timn.thy. On the upperpart of this tract is erecteda Merchant and Grist Mill, bothover-lho- t anddouble geered, with a pair of French Burrsana a pair ot Laurel Hill (iones. The houleis large and beinp 50 by 40, withsour floors, rolling screen, boulting cloths,hopper boy, hoisting and packing works, bywater and in c.ood older; the dam is newbuilt entiiely of white oak, I.ewed and filled

not inferior in any refpefl- to thebest in the state the fifuation is oerfertlv e, either from back water or frefiie? in thecreek distance from tlie.river, 1 1.2 miles,and no hill On the lower partof this traft, and ''about a half mile from theriver is filiated the faW mill, in complete or.der, and capable of doing as much business asany in the Hate A good framed dwell;kitchen and lore house, with a numher of

and a large and never sailingji ujiuiivciiient.A DISTILLERY.






within 40 yaids of the mill, with over-hea-

waters, two lflls containing 250 gallons.That celebrated fall blooded Stu I Horse

YOUNG BARONET.Riling six years old. full it hand? 2 inrh.high, was got by the impoi ted Baronet, whowas equal to any norle ever imported; o'dBaionet was bred by sir John Webb, bart.fp'by Vertumnus.fon ofEcliofp. hi Him .,Penultima, by Snap, grand dam by Cade, great(ii.iu nam ny e.rao, great great grand dambv FlyingChilders.ont ofaconfcderati- - fllUv;(he was got by Grey Grantham, her dam bv theuuKeoi uutianu's Black Barb out of Bright' sItoan. Young Baronet's dam was trot bv theimported Othello, grand dam by the importedFigure, gieat grand dam by the imported WildDair, her dam was imported with Wild Dair. bvgov. Delancy Wild Dairbecame so famoushe was returned to England. Several broodmares with Baronet colts, and now with foalby the same horse.

cattle;A small stock, among wluchare two valuableYoke of Oxen ; a large (lock of Hogs, 40 or50 of which are sit to kill this fall.

As I intend positively leave this stare theenuring spring.'and notjf idling to leave anyproperty behind me, it$vill be well worthythe attention of any person' inclining to this kind of property : it will be sold atan under value, the whole together, or fepa.rate., ' In point of 1'itu.ition, there is rio prop,ertyof the kind in ihe state, that furpail'esit.Thereisa thick settled, fertile countryaroundit, where the gieateft.ibund.irceoi'pio'Juceniaybe coliecled; the land abouilds with goodtimber J"ur boat bmiinnj, and a very conve-nient spot for that piirpoft on the bank of tl--

river Kentucky; boats for the MiffilUppi tradecan be built, and lo3dedatthemonthoFTate'screec with more convenience, less exneHcr,and greater dispatch than at any other landingon the rier." There is on hand a stock of well feaCmedfiour baircls and. ftuffdreffed for. 3 number

'..; ""iher particulars enqunc of theiujier.jru:i rue prenuier,

Ellsha I. T--

ji;.. n-- . .... saSSB!m2UiSaaftNOTICE,

.L those indebted to RinRF.I.Y ,

FISHBACK.FISHBACK.'.STF.F.T.wor J. FISHBACK, are requested to pav thenrespective accounts to col. Dedman, who is au-thorised to collect and rcccip'i for the same.

f FDR SALE,5,000 Acres of Land,

TYING in the county of Henderfon"on the waters of Highland

and Trade Water. I will fcll'the aboveland ery low for cadi, horses. beefvpork: whill:ey or flour. Any personwifliingtoptirchafe, will please apply tome, living near Robertlbn's Lick, in theaforelaid county.

John Hopkins.Sept. 3rd, 1805. tfTHIRTY DOLLARS REWARD.

RUN off from the fubfenber, livingin Frederick county, Virginia, abouteleven months ago, a Mulatto fellownameda

JZD BOB,aged about forty-eig- ht years, five feet,ignt or nine inches high, blackfmitb and the Eait ,d r A

hy trade, has a sear on his headthe size of a dollar or rather larger

...wi ,0 i.ul euvcrrii wnn nair: ne isextremely fond of liquor, and insolentwnen drunk ; was purchased of MrJames Ware, near Lexington, Kentucky, about twelve years ac-o- and taken to Virginia He has no doubt obtained a pass from some woithlefs per-soi- l,

as he could not have go: to Ken-tucky without one. Any person taking111 iuiu. imow anu lecuring him in anyjail, or delivering him to mr. Wilson inpvlnrrtn fl, , 1 I. .M.l...u.i, iiiu uc cjumeu to the abovereward, and all reasonable charges paidby

JAMES HEARD.May Iff, 180S.

S'l HAYED from thu ftibfcriber inthe nthinft. aBrinhhy BAT HORSE,

Moout lourteen hamls 3 inches high, with ablack mane and tail, thiee years old lastfprinjr, no brand or mark that remUFt .cept long bobb'd tail, shod before', a naturaltrotter. Any person taking up the laid horseand delivering him to me, (hall be generouslyrewarded and all expences paid.

Jbng'd. 1'ciser.Lexington, September 16, 1S05.


?LAUDEMAN,ci.ared.partL TMcrwrc: ,



"""""" "" iricnus aim tnein general, that he continues his

Tobacco Manufactory,in Lexington on Main Street, nearlvopposite Wilson's Inn, where he ha- -

forndhed himself with all neceffantools, and slaves of his own, so that litcan manufacture about twenty or thirtythousand weight of Tobacco a ivhich means he is enabled to sell onthe lowcft thrms for cash, or he willgive from three to nine months credit,on giving bond with approved security ;he will also take orders in some good(tore in Lexington, for goods. Personsapplying, may be furniflied with thefol-lowin- g

kinds of Tobacco viz.Cbewing, in twists, pigtail of differ

ent kinds, smoking tobacco of dif-ferent kinds, cut and in papers,

scotch and rappee snuff ofutjjKiicin Kinus. 1 ne wnole

of winch he will warrant equal is not lupenor tc any manufaaured in the state.

Lexington, OcL 17, 1805.N. B. A good price will be given foi

one or two hogsheads of good Kitefoottobacco. Any person wifliing to pur-chaf- e,

can be supplied with tobacco ofthe different kinds- - at the (lore of h

Hudson opposite the Court Housein Lexington.


Malon circuit court, Sep. terrnj 1805JoUaJackson, Complainant,"I AGAINSTrvilliam Smitli & Daniel Vcrtncr, defd'ts.

IN CHANCERY.Defendant "William XI.THE havingfailed to cntei.

h'13 appearance herein agreeably tolavy ana the rales ot this Cocrtit appearing to the fitisfacUon o!the Court, that the said Wiliiam IVSmith 13 not an lnhbitnt of this.!Commonwealth On the motion ofthe Complainant, by bis ordered, that the-sai- Defend-ant William W, Smith, do appearhere on the third day of our nextDecember Term, and snfwer theComplainant's bill, or thj't.the samelhall be taken as confefled and thaicopy of thia order be inserted insome suthorifed paper, two monthsiucceiiively.

A Copt. i"e3t,

encis Taver c. M.


1 wjH.iiuc lo nractm Jf u 1 u j N EIn partnerfliip, in Lexington and

wu.uuy; Lir. a. JJHUWN willcontuiue residence in the brickhoule adjoining .Mr. William Leav s Store--D- r. K. WAR FIELDhas removed to the large brick houseFormerly, the property of Dr. F.johSt:Hiille,yoccuF5cdtyMr- -

April 4th iScr.

MACCOUN. & TILFORDHave receiv and are now openilia,t;!le;rbl KE, on Main street,

A LfarSeanJ Elegant affortment,LX ofwellchofen, CHEAP

Merchandize,- -

AND STATIONERYCarefully feeclcd in Philadelphiaoutofth.syear's Importation fro,;

alinntldip": rK.T ir.. '. . ci-i- n

v uiii, k'fTi n i.nn 1 j nA. . uuitani lunnl.. flT-M-

Y' UV " ,C SALT, heftPennsylvania BAKR IR'0K

' ".. .every "nportcd ma- -tenal hi.iM;.,. ...1.:'. ..

t::rrT?scnwj;zLesineton. h,li,,,ft .oo ' j-- v - 1005.

Eagle M SffS-m-

i- lUblcrihoi-- rr.n-r.- n .forms ' lU'publick thathe h, O

" tt,,!'.con.n building on Mai'...i, occupied bvlyoppofitetheCourthoufe.inthetawington where ", bZtravellers, o,hJT P.?ccmmoMr

toca.lonHm.intheleftr"?conftantlv funnliH .u.nn,.nr4!-:",,".'- " " genuine li.five, atterded to with

of his stable. fromiti nnnn

asconimmtio,,. .,"".'' lu" ""7 m me...:m Kate : an,!.

- J

, ."ill 1......1 1.

oats, toZhV"-a- ccommodate his ,,-,-

,n," !





,:.i. moltand


and r.tar--

care and therene

aiVaVS UPPnnnhay, and corn, fLiMuna) iuit their convenience

WILLIAM SATTER WHITELexington, April 20, 1805.

RICHARD TAYroRIA the ;, that he ht.s ope tela

Mouse ot Etitrt,'ii .:ii...i . '".. i.






as he

".u,aLirgeaiKlcommod"o sbduoccupied by John tSwhere he 13 supplied ,lh the "

and pronsionj ns m u:...iQt

. ' V'l"0,

FtarikfoTt, October 24, 1805.


.R- -


1 HE Subscriber .takes il,i, methodot; the public, that he hasately built a Fulli,,.; Mill on Soonerbetween HutchcrafiS ,nd Smith's mills',and is now' ready to do any kind of fulling his cuRomers may vk to fdv0,.rhim with, in thefpeaieft and belf ma'and upon very reasonable terms. '"'rJdye any colors that are uf.,aJiv , ?.this country. Toaccomrooda ,,mer, he , will receive clot

"s.c"fto-Sterlin- g

at the house of ,nV "ounton the first Monday B- '-, P,.:. .,.. '." month, andl

month at the hr,use - ,r ,1 7 '" ""?"chant ; and will W,ra- - Sf0tt mer- -

fedatthefo'.lo netUrnthe L,othcourt.

n,r. 1 ,,, .. JJun wMiue,,,r,J4- - ISJin

STA.TE OF KENTUCKY.Fayette Circuit, SLt.

September Term 1805.ho,n3s Lewis, Compu

AQA.1NST..rimpc TVf'n,,.! n.':n- -j... uuti,, riiiiam itp





ana baraii his wise, Adrr'tors of Joseph M'Clair r?''niftra:JofephxV'Clain.JanVs'Clatand VC.W,n

t i ... .



..... 1 culture li antLhr the fai-- j r0renh

dec. 1Cla,n

fn Chancery.On the motir , nr

ordered that; ' lu ton,P,'"'MMtGuardian fa d& t. 7e" l fl&nd

art ar--, ,V uZ ' ' fad?"t! Win. SteS-. I . i .

AnnMClain aiP ,Z ' X J P"' J ame a"4

"jy lerm, and answer n rl;..L-- "r'SaatU"?r according

A Qopv Test;riit.nlfy.C. I: CQ

