and frequently used abbreviations medical terminology

And Frequently Used Abbreviations Medical Terminology

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Page 1: And Frequently Used Abbreviations Medical Terminology

AndFrequently Used Abbreviations

Medical Terminology

Page 2: And Frequently Used Abbreviations Medical Terminology

ObjectivesThe student will be able to analyze medical

terminology to determine the meaning of medical terms describing patients’ conditions, symptoms, diagnostic tests and surgical procedures

The student will be able to understand commonly used medical abbreviations

The student will be able to list certain abbreviations which are to be avoided.

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Medical Terms You Probably KnowAppendectomyTonsillitisInflammationUmbilicalMammogram

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Medical Terms You Will Be Able to analyze and understand after this classEGD or EsophagogastroduodenoscopyERCP or Endoscopic Retrograde

CholangiopancreatographyNephrolithiasisHip Arthroplasty and Hip ArthroscopyHemoptysisThoracentesisHyperplasiaTachycardiaPneumonectomyBSO or Bilateral Salpingoophorectomy

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Categories of Medical Terms1. Descriptive: describes the shape, color, size,

function Example: Erythrocyte (Erythr means red,

cyte means cell)2. Eponyms: terms named after a person

(usually the first person to discovered or described a disease or organ)

Example: Eustachian tubes are named after Bartolommeo Eustachii; Alzheimer’s disease is named after Alois Alzheimer, MD.

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Categories of Medical Terms3. Acronyms: An abbreviation that forms a pronouncible word Examples: CAT or computerized axial tomography SOAP: subjective, objective, analysis, plan CABG: coronary artery bypass graft PERRLA: pupils equally round, reactive to light and accommodation

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TestHow did we get the name “Foley Catheter”

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TestHow did we get the name “Salmonella”?

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AnswersDr. Frederick Foley (1891-1966)Dr. Daniel Salmon (1850-1914)

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Test: Acronyms

What do you think the initials PICU stand for?

How about GERD?

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Basic Parts of Medical Words1. Roots: usually the middle of the word

and its central meaning2. Prefix: a syllable at the beginning of the

word which usually identifies some subdivision or part of the central meaning

3. Suffix: comes at the end of the central meaning and refers to what or who is interacting or what is happening regarding it.

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Root: card (referring to the heart)Prefix: myo (referring to the muscle)Suffix: itis (inflammation)

Meaning: inflammation of the muscle layer of the heart

Read the meaning of medical terms from the suffix, back to the beginning of the term, and then across.

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ChangesPrefix change: Pericarditis (inflammation of the outer layer

of the heart) Endocartitis (inflammation of the inner lining

of the heart)Suffix change: Cardiologist ( a physician specializing in the

heart) Cardiomyopathy (damage to heart muscle

layer) Cardiomegaly (enlargement of the heart)

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Also: Combining vowelsUsually is the letter “O” but may be A, E, I,

U or YUsually has no meaning of its own but is

used to connect the root and the suffix or two roots and two suffixes


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Plurals1. Words ending in a, retain the a add ae : vertebra - vertebrae1. Words ending in is, drop the is and add es: Diagnosis - diagnoses2. Words ending in ex or ix, drop the ex or ix

and add ices: apex - apices3. Words ending in on, drop the on and add a: ganglion - ganglia5. Words ending in um, drop the um and add a: bacterium - bacteria2. Words ending in us, drip the us and add i: bronchus - bronchi

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Terms for Body Systems: Cardiovascularangi/o vesselaorto/o aortaarteri/o arterycardi/o heartcoron/o heartphleb/o veinven/o vein

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Terms for Body Systems: Digestivean/o anusappend/o appendixcholecyst/o gallbladdercol/o colonduoden/o duodenumesophag/o esophagusgastr/o stomachhepat/o liverile/o ileum

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Terms for Body Systems: Digestivejejun/o jejunumor/o mouthpancreat/opancreaspharyng/o pharynxproct/o anus and rectumrect/o rectumsigmoid/o sigmoidstomat/o mouth

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Terms for Body Systems: Endocrineadren/o adrenalhypophys/o pituitaryoophor/o ovaryovari/o ovarianorchi/o testispancreat/opancreasparathyroid/o parathyroidpituitar/o pituitarythym/o thymusthyroid/o thyroid

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Terms for Body Systems: Reproductivecervic/o cervixvagin/o vaginahyster/o uterusmamm/o breastuter/o uterineoophor/o ovarysalping/o fallopian tubebalan/o penisorch/o testisprostat/o prostatescrot/o scrotum

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Terms for Body Systems: Musculoskeletalarthr/o jointchondr/o cartilagecost/o ribcrani/o skullligament/o ligamentmy/o musclemuscul/o musclemyel/o bone marrowoste/o bonepelv/o pelvisvertebr/o vertebra

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Terms for Body Systems: Nervous Systemcerebell/o cerebellumcerebr/o cerebrumencephal/o brainmedull/o medullamyel/o spinal cordneur/o nerve

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Terms for Body Systems: Respiratoryalveol/o alveolarbronch/o bronchial tubecyan/o bluelaryng/o larynxnas/o noserhin/o nosepharyng/o pharynxphren/o diaphragmpneumon/o lungtonsill/o tonsilstrache/o trachea

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Terms for Body Systems: Eye, Ear, Nails, Skinaur/o earot/o earcutane/o skinderm/o skinmyring/o eardrumocul/o eyeonych/o nailophthalm/o eyepil/o hairretin/o retinatrich/o hairungu/o nail

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Terms for Body Systems: Urinarycyst/o urinary bladdernephr/o kidneyren/o renalpyl/o renal pelvisureter/o ureterurethr/o urethra

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Test: Identify the type of specialistNeurolgistOrthopedistPathologistUrologistPulmonologist

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Prefixes: At the beginning of a word

Prefix Meaning ExampleA, an no, not, without ApneaAb away from abductionAd toward adductionAna up, apart analysisAnte before, forward antepartumAnti against antibodyBi two, both bilateral

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PrefixesBrady slow

bradycardiaCircum around circumoralCon with, together congenitalContra against

contraindicatedDia complete diarrheaDys bad, painful, difficult dysuria abnormal dyspnea

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PrefixesIn in, into incisionInter between intervertebralIntra within intravenousMal bad malignantMega big megakaryocyteMeta change, beyond metastasisMicro small microscopicNeo new neonatal

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PrefixesPara beside, near,

alongside of parathyroidPeri surrounding

periosteumPoly many, much polyuriaPost after, behind postpartumPre before precancerousPro before, forward prolapsePros before, forward prosthesis

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PrefixesQuadri four quadriplegiaRe back, behind relapseRetro back, behind

retroperitonealSub under, less than subcutaneousSyn with, together syndromeTachy Fast tachycardiaTrans across, through transabdominalTri three tricuspid valve

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Suffixes: at the end of a word SUFFIX MEANING EXAMPLE

al pertaining to neuralalgia pain arthralgiacyte cell leukocyteectomy removal, excision

gastrectomyemia blood condition leukemiaglobin protein hemoglobingram record (xray) arthrogramia condition hyperglycemiaic pertaining to gastric

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Suffixesism condition, process

hypothyroidismitis inflammation appendicitislogistspecialist in the neurologist

study oflogy study of neurologyoma tumor, mass hepatomaopsy to view biopsyosis abnormal condition nephrosisplasty surgical repair arthroplasty (with hardware)

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Suffixesscope visual exam with

gastroscopean instrument

scopy visual examarthroscopy

o (with an instrument)

sis state of prognosistomy cutting into, appendectomy incisionuni one unilateral

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What do you think is the name of the surgical procedure pictured in the next slide?

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Common abbreviationsAbd abdomenAc before mealsAd lib freely as desiredAKA above the knee amputationA & O alert and orientedAssist assistanceBKA below the knee amputationBid twice a day

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Common abbreviationsBm bowel movementBP blood pressureBS bowel sounds, breath sounds, blood

sugarBSC bedside commode bx biopsyˉc withCBC complete blood countCath catheterCm centimeterc/o complains of

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Common abbreviationsCO2 carbon dioxideC&S culture and sensitivityCXR chest x-rayD/C discontinue, dischargeDNR do not resuscitateDOB date of birthDOE dyspnea on exertionDx diagnosis

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Common abbreviationsF/U follow-upFx fractureG gramGI gastrointestinalHr hourHbg hemoglobinHct hematocritHx history

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Common abbreviationsI & D incision and drainageI & O intake and outputIM intramuscularIV intravenousK potassiumL leftLat lateralLOC level of consciousnessLQ lower quadrant (of


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Common abbreviationsm meter; milli (one

thousandth)mg milligramml milliletermm millimeterNa sodiumNKA no known allergiesN & V nausea and vomitingO2 oxygenOOB out of be

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Common abbreviationsp afterP pulsepc after mealsPer bypo by mouthPOD # post-op day #Prep prepare forPrn as neededPt patientPx prognosis

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Common abbreviationsq everyQid 4 times a dayR rightRx treatment, prescriptionSig directions or medical

instructionsSOB shortness of breathStat immediatelySub-q subcutaneousSx surgery

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Common abbreviationsT temperatureTab tabletTid 3 times a dayT,P,R temp, pulse, respirationsTx treatmentUA urinalysisUQ upper quadrant (of

abdomen)VS vital signs

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Common abbreviationsVSWNL vital signs within normal

limitsWBC white blood cell (count)WNL within normal limitsWt weightw/u workupY, yr yeary/o year(s) old

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Common Symbols< less than> more than= equals≈ approximately↑ increase↓ decrease∆ change♀ female♂ male

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Abbreviations to be avoidedMS4 write “Morphine”OD write “right eye”OS write “left eye”OU write “ both eyes”Qd write “daily”QOD write “every other day”.1 write “0.1”1.0 write “1” Gtt. write “drop”HS write “at bedtime”